
(完整版)船舶专业英语(课文+翻译)Chapter 1 Ship Design(船舶设计)Lesson 2 Ships Categorized(船舶分类)2.1 Introduction(介绍)The forms a ship can take are innumerable. 一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile launchers; 。
or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. 一艘船可以看做是将乘客一直运送到外国目的地的优美的远航宾馆。
竖立有导弹发射架的水面堡垒及甲板上铺盖有复杂管系的加长罐装原油运输轮None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit所有这些外部特点的描述都不能说明船舶系统是一个总的集合体self-sufficient,seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. ——船员和货物的安全性功能:自给自足,适航,足够稳定。
This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in this chapter but throughout the entire book.这是一个造船工程师设计船舶使必须记住的、能为以后讨论提供根据的观念,不仅涉及本章也贯穿全书。

Chapter 1 Ship Design(船舶设计)Lesson 2 Ships Categorized(船舶分类)2.1 Introduction(介绍)The forms a ship can take are innumerable. 一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile launchers; 。
or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. 一艘船可以看做是将乘客一直运送到外国目的地的优美的远航宾馆。
竖立有导弹发射架的水面堡垒及甲板上铺盖有复杂管系的加长罐装原油运输轮None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit所有这些外部特点的描述都不能说明船舶系统是一个总的集合体self-sufficient,seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. ——船员和货物的安全性功能:自给自足,适航,足够稳定。
This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in this chapter but throughout the entire book.这是一个造船工程师设计船舶使必须记住的、能为以后讨论提供根据的观念,不仅涉及本章也贯穿全书。

Chapter 1 Ship Design(船舶设计)Lesson 2 Ships Categorized(船舶分类)Introduction(介绍)The forms a ship can take are innumerable. 一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile launchers; 。
or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. 一艘船可以看做是将乘客一直运送到外国目的地的优美的远航宾馆。
竖立有导弹发射架的水面堡垒及甲板上铺盖有复杂管系的加长罐装原油运输轮None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit所有这些外部特点的描述都不能说明船舶系统是一个总的集合体—self-sufficient,seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. ——船员和货物的安全性功能:自给自足,适航,足够稳定。
This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in this chapter but throughout the entire book.这是一个造船工程师设计船舶使必须记住的、能为以后讨论提供根据的观念,不仅涉及本章也贯穿全书。

目录一、造船部分1、船体部分2、机舱部分3、电气部分4、船装部分二、造机部分三、修造部分一、造船部分1、HULL PART 船体部分1、1 结构Structure船厂dockyard/shipyard 船坞dock/boatyard船东ship-owner 船舷Ship's side船码头quay/dock 船的栏杆Ship's rail船舱hold 甲板Deck船籍Ship's registry 住舱甲板accommodation deck船首bow 梁拱甲板arch deck船梯ladder 载货甲板cargo deck船尾stern 首楼甲板Forecastle deck上甲板Upper deck下甲板Lower deck主甲板Main deck货舱甲板Hold deck桥楼甲板Bridge deck水密甲板Watertight deck驾驶甲板Navigation deck 铜-钢复合板Copper sheathing steel plate 艇甲板Boat deck 甲板边板Deck stringer plate罗经甲板Compass deck 斜板Sloping plate板Plate 加强板Reinforcement plate舭板Bilge plate 舵板Rudder plate船底板Bottom plate 舷侧外板Side plate船外板Shell plate 裙板Skirt plate船首外板Bow plate 首柱板Stem plate肘板Bracket plate 首柱板Stern plate舱壁板Bulkhead plate 平台platform槽形舱壁板Corrugated bulkhead plate 机舱平台Engine-room platform 舷墙板Bulwark plate 分段Block围板Coaming plate 首段Bow block连续板Connection plate 中段Midship block尾段Stern block 甲板下纵桁Underdeck girder左舷port 舭纵桁Wing girder右舷Starboard 支柱Pillar纵桁Girder 肋骨Frame型材桁Bar girder 基础台架Base frame中底桁Bottom center girder 支架Bear frame中内龙骨Bottom center line girder 舭肋骨Bilge frame底桁材Bottom girder 船底肋骨Bottom frame旁桁材Bottom side girder 首肋骨Bow frame甲板纵桁Deck girder 肘板框架肋骨Bracket frame横桁Cross girder 球鼻首肋骨Bulbous bow frame水平桁Horizontal girder 球曲型肋骨Bulbous frame舱口边梁Hatch coaming girder 主肋骨Chief frame机座纵桁Engine girder 首肋骨Fore frame桁架梁Girder frame 舭纵桁舭纵骨Bilge longitudinal舯部肋骨Middle frame 船底纵骨/纵桁bottom longitudinal尖舱肋骨Peak frame 船底腹板纵桁bottom web longitudinal加强筋Stiffened frame 甲板纵桁Deck longitudinal横框架肋骨Transverse frame 内底纵桁/纵骨Inner bottom longitudinal肋距 F.S.(frame space) 舷侧纵桁/纵骨Shell side longitudinal纵桁/纵骨/纵向构件longitudinal双层底顶纵骨Top longitudinal of double bottom斜舱壁纵骨Slopping-bulkhead longitudinal舱舷边舱Tank Wing tank结构structure 尾尖舱after peak tank附属结构Accessory structure 尾部水舱after water tank全焊结构All-welded structure 辅助水柜Auxiliary water tank中部结构Amidships structure 辅助压载水舱Auxiliary water ballast tank 泊位结构Berthing structure 污水舱Bilge tank底部龙骨结构Bottom keel structure 底舱Bottom tank船首部结构Bow structure 底边舱Bottom side tank支撑结构Braced structure 货油压载舱Cargo and ballast tank桥楼结构Bridge structure 循环水槽Circulating flow water tank首楼结构Forecastle structure 循环滑油舱压载水舱Circulating lubricating oil tank Ballast water tank构架结构Framed structure 清洁压载舱Clean ballast tank纵桁结构Girder structure 冷凝水柜Condensate catch tank人孔manhole 干舱Dry tank饮用水舱Drinking water tank 密封圈Sealing ring污水舱Bilge tank 铰链Hinge应急淡水柜Emergency fresh water tank 把手Handle首舱Fore tank 平衡块Balance block首尖舱Fore peak tank斜边舱Hopper side tank 1、2 welding 焊接液舱Liquid tank 坡口groove龙骨舱Keel tank 单面坡口Single groove右舷舱Starboard tank 双面坡口Double groove顶边水舱Topside tank Ⅰ形坡口Square groove顶边翼舱Topside wing tank V 型坡口Single v groove小舱口盖Small hatch cover U 型坡口Single u groove水密舱口盖Water-tight small hatch coverX 形坡口Single v groove风雨密舱口盖Weather-tight small hatch coverK 形坡口Single bevel grooveY 形坡口Single v groove with broad rood face填充金属Filler metal坡口面Groove face 热影响区Heat-affected zone(HAZ)坡口角度Groove angle 过热区Overheated zone焊缝倾角Weld slope 焊合线Bond line(fusion line)接头根部Root of joint 焊接区Weld zone根部间隙Root gap 焊缝区Weld metal area钝边Root face 焊缝weld焊接接头Welding joint 连续焊缝Continuous weld对接接头Butt joint 断续焊缝Intermittent weld角接接头Corner joint 纵向焊缝Longitudinal weldT 形接头T-joint 横向焊缝Transverse weld搭接接头Lap joint 对接焊缝隙Butt weld十字接头Cross shaped joint 角焊缝Filled weld母材Base metal(parent metal) 并列断续角焊缝Chain intermittent fillet交错断续角焊缝Staggered intermittent fillet弧焊整流器Arc welding rectifier焊缝正面Face of weld 自动焊Automatic welding焊缝背面Back of weld 埋弧自动焊Submerged arc welding焊缝宽度Weld width 半自动焊Semi- automatic welding焊缝长度Weld length 氩弧焊Argon-arc welding焊缝余高Reinforcement 二氧化碳气体保护焊CO2 gas shielded arc welding 焊脚Leg(of a fillet weld) 氧乙炔焊Oxy-acetylene welding焊脚长度Leg length 气割Gas cutting套管接头Muff joint 碳弧气刨Carbon arc air gouging手工电弧焊Manual arc welding(shielded metal arc welding)水下切割Underwater cutting直流电弧焊Direct current arc welding 等离子弧切割Plasma arc cutting 交流电弧焊alternating current arc welding连续焊Continuous welding弧焊变压器Arc welding transformer 断续焊Intermittent welding点焊Sport welding对接焊Butt welding 分段退焊Back step welding角焊Fillet welding 分段多层焊Block welding搭接焊Lap welding 深溶焊Deep penetrating welding返修焊Re-welding 跳焊Skip welding补焊Repair welding 陶质衬垫焊Ceramic backing welding定位焊Tack welding 引弧Striking the arc封底焊Back sealing welding 焊接工艺参数Welding condition打底焊Backing welding 焊接电流Welding current堆焊Surfacing(overlaying) 焊接电压Welding voltage塞焊Plug welding 焊接速度Welding speed槽焊Slot welding 电弧电压Arc voltage盖面焊Consmetic welding 焊丝间距Wire spacing前倾焊Forward welding 空载电压Open circuit voltage后倾焊Backward welding 熔化速度Melting rate送丝速度Wire feed rate 层间温度Inter-pass temperature气体流量Gas flow rate 焊后热处理Post-weld heat treatment焊丝伸出长度Wire extension 锤击Peening极性Polarity 全焊透Full penetration welding正极/阳极Positive electrode 熔池Weld-pool负极/阴极Navigate electrode 熔深Penetration左焊法Leftward welding 弧长Arc length右焊法Rightward welding 喷射过渡Spray transfer电流密度Current density 短路过渡Short circuiting transfer线能量Heat input 熔滴过渡Metal transfer预热Preheat 焊缝成形Appearance of weld后热Post-heat 焊缝成形系数Form factor of weld预热温度Preheat temperature 熔敷系数Deposition coeffcient后热温度Post-heat temperature 熔敷效率Deposition efficiency熔合比Penetration ratio 立焊Vertical position welding等速送丝Constant wire-feed system 仰焊Overhead position welding 变速送丝alternate wire-feed system 立向上焊Vertical up welding 电弧静特性Static characteristic of arc立向下焊Vertical down welding电弧动特性dynamic characteristic of arc单面焊Welding by one side焊接性试验Weldability test 双面焊Welding by both side焊接结构Welded construction 单道焊Single-pass welding焊道Bead 多道焊Multi-pass welding焊层Layer 多层焊Multi-layer welding正接(正极性)Straight polarity 焊接材料Consumables反接(反极性)Reversed polarity 焊条Electrode焊接位置Position of welding 焊条药皮Coating平焊Flat position welding 酸性焊条Acid electrode横焊Horizontal position welding 碱性焊条Basic electrode低氢型焊条Low hydrogen type electrode 焊丝盘Wire reel铁粉性焊条Iron power type electrode 铜冷却板Cu-cooling plate重力焊条Gravity electrode 铜滑块Copper shoe焊剂Flux 切割Cutting熔炼焊剂Fused flux 焊接工作台Welding bench烧结焊剂Sintered flux 焊接变位机Positioner焊丝Wire 送丝机构Wire feeder药芯焊剂Flux-cored wire 行走机构Traveler保护气体Shielded gas 焊接车间Welding shop焊剂垫Flux backing 引弧板Run-on tab(end tab)重力焊条Gravity electrode 引出板Run-off tab(end tab)焊剂漏斗Flux-hopper 定位板Strong-back流量计Flow meter 焊接衬垫Welding backing干燥箱Dryer 敲渣锤Chipping hammer面罩Helmet 条虫状气孔Wormhole焊工手套Welding glove 密集气孔Porosity焊钳Electrode holder 针尖状气孔Pinhole焊枪Welding gun 白点Fish eye (flake)导电嘴Tip 切口Kerf喷嘴Nozzle 咬边Undercut焊矩Torch 焊瘤overlap焊接缺陷Welding defect 凹坑Pit未焊透Incomplete penetration 烧穿Burn through未熔合Incomplete fusion 未满焊Incomplete filled groove渣Slag 清根Back chipping夹渣Slag (slag inclusion) 清渣Slag removal夹杂物Inclusion 焊接烟尘Weld fume气孔Blow hole 电光性眼炎Eye-flash焊接性Weldability 横裂纹Transverse crack碳当量Carbon equivalent 纵裂纹Longitudinal crack未焊满Incomplete filled groove 焊趾裂纹Toe crack焊接裂纹Weld crack 机械性能试验Mechanical property test 热裂纹Hot crack 试板Test piece冷裂纹Cold crack 试样Specimen氢致裂纹Hydrogen –induced crack 侧弯Side bend延迟裂纹Delayed crack 弯曲Bending层状撕裂Lemellar tearing 横向拉伸Transverse tensile弧坑裂纹Crater crack 宏观试样Macro-etching specimen根部裂纹Root crack 微观试样Micro-examination specimen再热裂纹Reheat crack 破断试验Fracture test热影响区裂纹Heat-effected zone crack 抗裂试验Cracking test晶间裂纹Intercystalline crack 脆性断裂Brittle fracture塑性断裂Plastic fracture 焊接方法Welding process焊接残余裂纹Welding residual stress 焊接工艺Welding technology消除应力Stress relieving 焊接操作Welding operation焊接变形Welding deformation 焊接顺序Welding sequence角变形Angular distortion 焊接方向Direction of welding外观检查Visual examination 常用缩语无损探伤Non-destruction testing(N.D.T.)气电立焊EGW超声波探伤Ultrasonic inspection 药芯电弧焊FCAW射线探伤(X 光)Radiographic inspection(X-rayinspection)实心电弧焊GMAW磁粉探险伤Magnetic particle inspection焊剂铜衬垫单面埋弧自动焊FCB渗透探伤Penetrate inspection 手工电弧焊SMAW熔池Weld-pool 埋弧自动焊SAW焊机(焊接电源)Weld source钨极惰性气体保护电弧焊TIG 机舱部分ENGINE ROOM PART熔化极惰性气体保护焊MIG 一、机舱设备Machines and equipment in engine room 活性气体保护焊MAG 1、主机Main engine手工电弧切割SMAC 1)主机油底壳The sump tank of M.E.2)主机飞轮Fly wheel of M.E3)活塞Piston2、发电机Generator engine1)应急发电机Emergency generator engine2)辅机Auxiliary3、锅炉Boiler1)组合锅炉The composite boiler2)锅炉安全阀The safety valve of boiler3)燃烧器Oil burner unit 3)主空气瓶Main air reservoir4)水位表Water level gauge 4)应急空气瓶Emergency air reservoir5)水位控制器Water level controller 5、控制空气瓶Control air reservoir 6)过量蒸气调节阀Excess steam pressure control valve6、空气干燥器Air dryer4、舵机7、分油机Oil purifier1)舵机间Steering room 1)燃油分油机Fuel oil purifier2)舵机装置Steering-gear 2)柴油分油机Diesel oil purifier3)手操舵装置Trick wheel plant 3)滑油分油机Lubricate oil purifier 4)油缸Oil cylinder 4)排渣Sludge discharge5)反馈装置Feedback device 8、制淡装置Fresh water generator6)舵Rudder9、焚烧炉Incinerator舵叶Rudder blade10、油水分离器Oil water separator舵杆Rudder stock11、生活污水处理器Sewage treat plant上舵承Rudder carrier12、大气冷凝器Atmosphere condenser热水井Cascade and inspection(hotwell)5)主机燃油供给泵Main engine fuel oil supply pump滑油自清滤器The automatic back-flashlubricating oil filter6)主机燃油增压泵Main engine fuel oil booster pump燃油单元Fuel oil unit 7)主机十字头泵Main engine cross head pump1)主机燃油单元Fuel oil unit of M.E 8)付机海水泵Generator engine sea water pump2)付机燃油单元Fuel oil unit of A.E 9)付机缸套水泵Generator engine cylinder cooling water pump 3)粘度计Viscosity controller 10)锅炉给水泵Feed water pump of boiler泵Pump 11)锅炉燃油泵Fuel oil pump of boiler1)主机滑油泵Main engine lubricating oil pump12)分油机供给泵Fuel oil supply pump of purifier2)主机缸套水泵Main engine cylinder cooling water pump13)制淡海水泵Sea water pump of fresh water generator3)主机缸套水预热泵Main engine cylinder cooling water preheating pump14)压载泵Ballast pump4)主机海水泵Main engine sea water pump 15)舱底消防泵Bilge and fire pump17)油渣泵Sludge oil pump 2、柴油澄清舱Diesel oil setting tank18)柴油输送泵Diesel oil transport pump 3、燃油日用柜Fuel oil daily tank19)燃油油输送泵Fuel oil transport pump 4、燃油澄清舱Fuel oil setting tank20)汽缸油输送泵Cylinder oil transport pump 5、滑油澄清舱Lubricating oil setting tank21)淡水输送泵Fresh water transport pump 6、滑油储藏舱Lubricating oil store tank22)热水循环泵Hot water circulating pump 7、滑油循环舱Lubricating oil circulating tank23)饮水日用泵Drinking water pump 8、燃油溢油舱Fuel oil overflow tank舱底消防总用泵Bilge, fire and G.S pump 9、燃油油渣舱Fuel oil sludge tank喷淋泵Sprinkling pump 10 燃油深舱Fuel oil deep tank停泊海水泵Harbor sea water pump 11 滑油污油舱Lubricating dirty oil tank12 滑油溢油舱Lubricating oil overflow tank二、各种舱(箱)柜All kinds of tank 13 滑油油渣打舱Lubricating oil sludge tank1、柴油日用柜Diesel oil daily tank 14 主机淡水膨胀水箱M.E fresh water expansion tank15 付机淡水膨胀水箱A.E fresh water expansion tank16、淡水压力柜Fresh water pressure tank 1、滑油系统Lubricating oil piping system17、热水压力柜Hot water pressure tank 2、燃油系统Fuel oil piping system18、饮水压力柜Drinking water pressure tank3、海水系统Sea water piping system19、淡水舱Fresh water tank 4、缸套水系统Cylinder cooling water piping system20、饮水舱Drinking water tank 5、启动空气系统Start air piping system21、锅炉水舱Boiler water tank 6、控制空气系统Control air piping system22、分油机工作水箱Purify operating water tank 7、排气系统Exhaust piping system23、汽缸油日用柜Cylinder oil daily tank 8、日用供水系统Daily water piping system24、尾管滑油重力柜Gravity tank of tube oil 9、蒸汽系统Steam piping system25、排气水封箱Exhaust seal water tank 10 、锅炉给水和凝水系统Feed water and condensate of boiler piping system26、蒸馏水水舱Distilling water tank 11、燃油净油系统Fuel oil purified piping system27、污水井Bilge well 12、燃油输送系统Fuel oil transport piping system三、各种管系系统All kinds of pipes舵销Rudder pintle 13、滑油净油系统Lubricating oil purified piping system舵杆衬套rudder stock liner 14、滑油输送系统Lubricating oil transport piping system舵杆轴套Sleeve for rudder stock 15、舱底压载系统Ballast and bilge water piping system 舵销承衬套Bush for rudder pintle 四、仪表类Instructions舵销轴套Sleeve for rudder pintle 1、压力表Pressure gauge上舵承底座Rudder carrier seat 2、真空表Vacuum gauge舵销承座Pintle bearing 3、温度计Thermometer舵杆承座Rudder stock bearing 4、吨位表DWT gauge挡圈Retaining ring 5、遥测表Distant survey gauge舵柄Tiller 6、液全器Level switch7)舵角The angle of rudder5、空压机Air compressor1)主空压机Emergency air compressor2)应急空压机7、传感器Sensor 12、机控室Engine control room五、其它Others 13、台虎钳Vise (=vice)1、风机Fan 14、表铜截止阀Bronze close valve2、防海生物装置Anti-foul STM plant 15、表铜截止止回阀Bronze check valve3、泡沫柜Air foam tank 16、铸铁截止阀Cast iron stop valve4、中间轴Middle shaft 17、铸铁截止止回阀Cast iron check and stop valve5、尾轴Propeller shaft 18、调节阀Adjustable valve6、螺旋桨Propeller 19、溢流阀、安全阀Relief valve7、中间轴承Line shaft bearing 20、减压阀Reducing valve8、泡沫灭火机Foam fire extinguisher 六、材料Material9、饮水消毒装置Sterilizer plant 1、管子Pipe10、主配电板Main switch board 2、无缝钢管Seamless steel pipe (tube)11、机舱集控台Engine room control console 3、紫铜管Purple copper pipe4、铁法兰Iron flange 18、支架(马脚)Clamp5、铜法兰Copper flange 19、油漆Paint6、盲板法兰Blind-flange 20、备件Spare parts7、螺丝(螺栓)Bolt8、双头螺丝Stud 七、生产工具Produce tool9、螺帽(螺母)Nut 1、图纸Drawing10、不锈钢螺丝Stainless steel bolt 2、活络钣Adjustable spanner11、垫片(床)Gasket 3、令司板(梅花钣)Ring spanner12、橡皮床Gum gasket 4、开口钣Open –ender spanner13、纸箔床Paper copper gasket 5、管子钳Pipe wrench14、紫铜床Purple copper gasket 6、凿子Chisel15、石墨床Black lead gasket 7、锒头Hammer16、青铅床Black lead gasket 8、锉刀File17、佛纳Feeler gauge 9、螺丝刀Screwdriver10、油漆滚筒Paint roller 4、首先请检查安装说明和电气绝缘11、油漆刷子Paint brush Please check the condition of installation and insulationfirst12、钢锯Hacksaw 5、我们准备将油水分离器动转13、套筒扳手Socket spanner Now we will run the oily-water separator14、手电筒Torch 6、请检查动转情况15、钻头driller Please check the running condition八、英语会话7、接着我们一个一个地做报警/安全保护装置的功能试验1、早上好good morning Now we will do the function test about alarm and safetydevice2、今天我们准备交验油水分离器8、设备交接基本结束Today we will test the oily-water separator. Now the test is over3、请跟我来9、请部有何修改意见?Please fellow me. Do you have any question ?10、非常感谢17、这里增加一只落水斗Thanks Add a drain plug here11、再见18、请用空气压缩空气吹干Good bye Please dry it by the compressed air12、请把这对法兰撬紧松开19、我将回车间支拿肥皂水Please tighten/release the flange I will com to my works hop to take some soap water13、这路管子是从发电机单元来的20、这个系统非常重要的,一定要认真检查The piping is from to the G/E unit This system is very important ,please check it carefully14、这对法兰/接头在漏21、请交验收整改意见This flange /connection is linking Please check your remarks15、这路系统的试验压力是7 公斤22、天太热了,请休息一会The test pressure of the piping system is 7 bar It’s too hot ,please take a rest16、这里请加强please make a clamp here 23、我负责这项工作I am in charge of this job电气部分ELECTRIC PART一、常用词汇Words and expression 模拟Analog(ue)2182 千赫值班接收机2182KHz watch receiver 锚灯Anchor lightA 异常Abnormal 风速风向仪Anemorumbometer应答Acknowledge 阳极Anode有功功率Active power 天线Antenna执行器Actuator 天线馈线连接器Antenna feeder connector调整Adjust 天线引入绝缘端子Antenna leading –in insulator空气断路器Air circuit breaker 天线共用器Antenna multicoupler 报警系统Alarm system 天线调谐器Antenna tuner交流电Alternating current 电焊机Arc welder电流表ammeter 声音的Audible放大器Amplifier 自动海图标绘仪Auto chart plotter自动舵Auto pilot自动的Automatic自动雷达标绘仪Automatic radar plotting aid球鼻首警告灯Bulbous bow warning light自动电话Automatic telephone 汇流排Bus(-)bar电压自动调节器Automatic voltage regulator 汇流排Bus –tie –in 自动化系统Automation system 蜂鸣器Buzzer压载控制台Ballast control console C、电缆Cable镇流器Ballast 电缆填料函Cable gland底座Base 敷设电缆Cable laying电池Battery 电缆管Cable pipe (conduit)铃Bell 电缆扎带Cable strap弯曲Bend 电缆托架Cable tray床头灯Berth light 校准器Calibrator失电Black out 电容capacitor刹车Brake 阴板Cathode电刷Brush 警告牌Caution plate顶灯Ceiling light 通讯Communication中央处理器Central processing unit 计算机Computer通道Channel 接头Connector充电器Charger 恒电流Constant current充放电板Charging&discharging board 消耗Consumption海图灯Chart table light 触头Contact检查Check 接触器Contactor芯片Chip 控制箱Control box清洁Clean 控制箱Controller雨雪清除器Clear view screen 芯线Core二氧化碳释放报警CO2 release alarm 角灯Corner light同轴电缆Coaxial cable 计算器Counter线圈Coil 电流Current冷库呼叫Cold store calling D、损坏Damage危险气体报警箱Dangerous gas detecting&alarm box双极单刀开关Double pole single way switch白昼信号灯Daylight signal light 双极双刀开关Double pole two way switch 去耦Decoupling set 天线收发转换开关Duplexer台灯Desk light 值班水手呼叫Duty sailor calling控测器Detector 接地Earth拨号Dial 接地排Earth bar数字选择呼叫收信机Digital select –call receiver测深仪Echo sounder调光器dimmer 电工试验板Electric test panel直流电Direct current 电机员Electrical engineer直接起动Direct –on –line starting 电极Electrode磁盘Disk 应急照明分电箱Emergence lighting distribution box显示Display 应急示位标Emergence position indicating radiobeacon遇险信息控制器Distress message controller 应急停Emergence stop 多普勒记程仪Doppler speed log应急配电板Emergency switch board 馈电品Feeder panel机舱报警Engine alarm 滤波器Filter集控台Engine control console 火警复显器Fire alarm repeater机舱监测报警Engine room monitoring&alarm system防火风闸控制单元Fire damper control unit轮机员呼叫Engineer calling panel 火警检测箱Fire detecting box轮机员安全Engineer safety system 火焰探头Flame detector增强群呼叫收讯机Enhance group call receiver 闪光灯Flash light 交换机Exchanger 浮充电Float charge防爆灯Explosion proof light 强光灯Flood light延伸报警板Extension alarm panel 流程图Flow chart故障Failure 流量开关Flow switch故障Fault 荧光灯Fluorescent light反馈Feed back 雾笛Fog horn频率Frequency熔丝Fuse 感温探头Heat detector填料Gasket 底座Holder通用报警General alarm 电笛、喇叭Horn发电机Generator 病房呼叫Hospital calling发电机屏Generator panel 照明Illumination(铜)锣、钟Gong 白炽灯Incandescent light全球卫星定位导航GPS navigator 指示器Indicator组合灯板Group alarm light pillar 卫星 B 站INMARSAT B station 组合起动屏Group starter panel 卫星 C 站INMARSAT C station 电罗经Gyro compass 输入输出Input /output卤素灯Halogen light 安装Install听筒Handset 仪表Instrument硬件Hardware 绝缘胶带Insulating tape航向Heading 绝缘Insulation接口、界面Interface 限位开关Limit switch连锁Interlock 连接Link中断Interrupt 负载Load逆变器Inverter 劳莱收信机Loran receiver接线盒Junction box 磁罗经Magnetic compass键盘Keyboard 主机电子调速器Main engine electronic governor灯泡Lamp 主机功率、纽力仪Main engine power& torque unit液位开关Level switch 主机遥控系统Main engine remote control system液位传感器Level transmitter 主机转速表Main engine revolution meter灯Light 主机安全系统Main engine safety system灯柱Light column 主机增压器转速表Main engine turbo-charger speed meter 照明分电箱Light distribution box 主配电板Main switchboard避雷针Lighting arrester 手动手册Manual标记Mark 移动Move桅杆Mast light 万用表Multimeter母子钟Master& slave clock 铭牌Name plate匹配箱Matching box 窄频直接打印机Narrow-band direct printer测量Measure 航行灯Navigation light兆欧表Megohmmeter 导航系统Navigation system仪表Meter 航行监控台Navigation watch console话筒Microphone 航行警告收信机NAVTEX receiver镜向灯Mirror light 负极Negative监视器Monitor 网络Network莫斯键Morse key 标称值Nominal value电动机Motor 常闭Normally closed塑壳断路器Moulded case circuitbreaker常开Normally open鼠标Mouse 失控灯Not under-command light欧姆表Ohm gauge 正极Positive欧姆收信机Omega receiver 功率、电源Power车钟记录仪Order printer 电力分电箱Power distribution box示波器Oscilloscope 功率因素Power factor过电流Over current 优先卸载Preferential trip过载Overload 压力开关Pressure switch巴拿马动河操舵灯Panama canal steering light 压力传感器Pressure switch 并联、并车Parallel 一次系统Primary system相Phase 打印机Printer光敏电阻Photo resister 程序Program测速传感器Pick up 螺旋桨警告灯Propeller warning light插头Plug 广播Public addressor左舷灯Port light 脉冲Pulse便携电话Portable telephone 按钮Push button雷达Radar 电阻Resistance雷达应答器Radar transponder 逆功率Reverse power收音机Radio 旋转灯Rotating light无线电测向仪Radio direction finder 舵角指示器Rudder angle indicator随机存取存储器Radio system 运转灯Running lamp额定Random access memory 屏幕、屏蔽Screen无功电流Rated power 螺丝刀Screwdriver插座Receptacle 搜索灯Search light录音机、记录仪Recorder 二次系统Secondary system整流器Rectifier 串联Series继电器Relay 屏蔽Shield复位Reset 船名灯Ship name light岸电箱Shore connection box短路Short circuit展示、给-----看Show 电磁阀Solenoid valve分励脱扣Shunt trip 消音Sound off停车Shut down 声力电话Sound power telephone签字Sign 空间加热器Space heater信号集合箱Signal acquisition unit 扳手Spanner信号灯Signal light 喇叭Speaker单边带收发机Single side band transceiver分配器Distributor电笛Siren 右舷灯Starboard light慢车Slow down 起动Start烟气探测报警箱Smoke detecting &alarm box 起动带Start 感烟探头Smoke detector 尾灯Stern light插座Socket 停止Stop软件Software 苏伊士运河尾灯Suez canal stern light电烙铁Soldering iron 支撑物supporter开关Switch 验电笔Test pen打开Switch on 试验程序Test procedure关闭Switch off 热敏电阻Thermistor同步屏Synchronizing panel 热电偶Thermocouple同步表Synchronoscope 温度计Thermometer转速表Tachometer 恒温计Thermostat录音机Tape recorder 触摸屏Touch panel车钟Telegraph 轨迹球Trackball电视Television 收发机Transceiver温度开关Temperature switch 传感器Transmitter温度传感器Temperature transmitter 变压器Transformer接线柱Terminal 脱扣Trip接线排Terminal board 欠电压Under voltage试验Test 不中断电源Uninterrupted power source卸载Unload 二、会话Dialog and conversation超高频VHF telephone 船东o- owner视觉的Visual 验船师s-survey电压Voltage 检验员q-quality inspector电压表Voltmeter 电工e-electrician壁灯Wall light 1、检验电缆敷设瓦特Watt Inspection cable laying波道Waveguide 你能带我去看机舱电缆敷设气象传真收信机Weather fax receiver Q: could you show me cable laying of engine room?驾控台Wheel speed &directionindicator好,走吧。
船舶专业英语(课文+翻译)(可打印修改) (2)

Chapter 1 Ship Design(船舶设计)Lesson 2 Ships Categorized(船舶分类)2.1 Introduction(介绍)The forms a ship can take are innumerable. 一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile launchers; 。
or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. 一艘船可以看做是将乘客一直运送到外国目的地的优美的远航宾馆。
竖立有导弹发射架的水面堡垒及甲板上铺盖有复杂管系的加长罐装原油运输轮None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit所有这些外部特点的描述都不能说明船舶系统是一个总的集合体θself-sufficient,seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. ——船员和货物的安全性功能:自给自足,适航,足够稳定。
This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in this chapter but throughout the entire book.这是一个造船工程师设计船舶使必须记住的、能为以后讨论提供根据的观念,不仅涉及本章也贯穿全书。

lesson3Marine Diesel船用柴油机intermal combustion engine内燃机combustion chambe r燃烧室principle of its operation工作原理cylinder气缸piston活塞fine spray of fuel细多状燃油crankshaft曲轴propeller推进器cycle循环four-stroke diesel engine四冲程柴油机suction进气compression压缩expansion膨胀exhaust排气t ow-stroke one二冲程柴油机bottom dead下止点exhaus排气residual exhaus gases残留废气top dead centre上止点fuel inject燃油喷射inlet ports进气口working stroke工作冲程reduction gerar box减速齿轮箱alternator交流发电机connecting rod连杆s cavenge por t扫气口lesson5Fixed parts固定件moving parts运动件crank case曲柄箱liner缸套和衬套cylinder cover气缸盖cylinder block气缸体crown活塞体piston rod活塞杆corss head十字头main bearin g主轴承axial thrust轴向推力end-chock bolts端塞螺栓driven shaft从动轴thrust block推力块scavenging air box扫气箱bedplate机座frame机架cooling jacket冷却水套exhaust valve排气阀fuel valve燃油阀starting valve气动阀satety valve安全阀indicator cock示功器旋塞piston skirt活塞裙piston ring活塞环gasket垫圈reciprocating movement往复运动l esson6fuel oil system燃油系统operation and maintenance运行和维护carbon residues残碳fuel oil’s viscosity燃油粘度heavy oil重油residual oil渣油settling tank沉淀柜fuel oil tank燃油柜service tank日用柜fine filter细滤器pressure regulating valve压力调节阀needle valve针阀low tanklevel低油位报警transfer pump输送泵three-way valve三通阀injector pump喷射泵filter过滤器lesson7lubricating oil film润滑油膜moving part运动件mverment condition运动条件oil cooled pistons油冷式活塞resist oxidation抗氧化total loss system总量损耗系统circulating system循环式系统gearing传动装置piston head活塞顶piston ring活塞环liner wall衬套壁reversal of direction of motion运动方向的改变mechanical quill机械注油器crank case曲轴箱bearing轴承piston rod活塞杆auxiliavy equipment辅助设备p ump泵centrifvge离心分离机lesson8fuel jetector valve燃油喷射阀staring air valve起动空气阀mechanical strength机械强度internal passages内部管道heat exchanger热交换器jacket water circulating pump气缸套冷却水循环泵turbo-blower涡轮增压器closed system闭式系统open sysem开式系统head tank压力水柜sea water airculating cooler海水循环式冷却器cavitation effect气蚀效应air bell气囊vent port放气口ventilation pipe透气管branch支路visual flow indicator可视式流量计nozzle carbon喷嘴积碳lubricating oil covler滑油冷却器blind-flange盲板法兰Lesson 9舱底水:bilge 压载水:ballast相互连接:interconnect涨水,进水:inflow在船上,到舷外:overboard水密舱室:watertight compartment 应急舱底水泵:emergency bilge suction 替换物,选择对象:alternative 饮水装置:priming device到某种程度:in some extemt 调节船舶吃水差:turn the vessel切换阀箱:change-over chestLesson 11容积式泵:displatement pump离心泵:centrifugal pump往复泵:reciprocating pump叶片泵:vane pump齿轮泵:gear pump旋转泵:rotary pump离心力:centrifugal fore轴向的:axial涡轮,涡轮机:turbine自吸式:self-priming 啮合齿轮:meshing gears蒸汽喷射器:steam ejector 舵机液压系统:steering gear hydraulic system 人字齿:double helical teech大气压:atmospheric pressure 立式泵:vertical pumpLesson 13甲板机械:deck machinery克令吊:crane 日常检验:rountine checking锚泊设备:anchor arrangement集装箱吊装设备厂:锚链管:chain pipe原动机:generator装卸能力:cargo handling productivity多旋转吊杆系统:multiwinch slewing derrick system 绞车卷筒:winch end 吊杆式起货装置:derrick cargo rig安全负载:safe working loadLesson31.The diesel engine is type of internal combustion engine which ignites the fuel by injecting it into hot ,high pressure air in a combustion chamber柴油机是一种内燃机,它是通过将燃油喷射到具有高温高压气体的燃烧室从而点燃燃油。

Chapter 1 Ship Design第一章船舶设计Lesson 1 Introduction第一课引言1.1Definition1.1 定义The term basic design refers to determination of major ship characteristics affecting cost and performance. Thus basic design includes the selection of ship dimensions, hull form, power (amount and type), preliminary arrangement of hull and machinery, and major structure. Proper selections assure the attainment of the mission requirements such as good seakeeping, performance, maneuverability, the desired speed, endurance, cargo capacity, and deadweight. Furthermore, it includes checks and modifications for achievement of required cargo handling capability, quarters, hotel services, subdivision and stability standards, freeboard and tonnage measurement; all while considering the ship as part of a profitable transportation, industrial, or service system.术语“基本设计”是指对影响造价和性能的船舶主要参数的确定。

contract plan and specification 合同计划和规范general basic design基本设计in one way or another 总的来看,从各方面看crew boat 交通船specialized craft 专业工艺deck profile 甲板剖面图plan view 平面图sections 横剖面图heat balance 热平衡steam flow 汽流additional reading 课外阅读general consideration总则common denominator of共同标准supporting force支承力comparative factor比较因子physical nature物理性质naval vessel海军舰艇bulbous forefoot球鼻首a multitude of大量total system综合系统without regard to不考虑optimum performance最佳性能in an orderly manner井井有条commercial craftachieve objective实现目标display instrument显示仪表simultaneous execution同时执行protective systems防护系统navigation bridge驾驶室selfsufficient自给自足的flexible seal 弹性密封圈directionally stable航向稳定forward motion 前进运动dynamic support 动力支持structural stress 结构应力a variation of 变化an adaptation of 改变configuration of ship designrequired freight rate 必要运费率salvage value残值,一项固定资产经过一定时期使用而磨损和老化后,所剩余的价值cashflow analysis现金流量分析acquisiton costthe economics of 经济oceanographic research ship海洋调查船power plant发电站;发电厂;电动装置;发电机motor power 电机功率sail power 帆动力shell plating 船壳板,外板draw (船)吃(水)in feet 用英尺表示take mean of采取float on an even keel 平浮height of platformif anyrudder stockthe after cut up 船艉间断处ordinates 船体分站a table of一个表geometric particulars几何细节be of interest有兴趣的frame sectionround down甲板降低profile纵剖面section横剖面angular disturbance角扰动the areas of A up to Bcircumscribing rectangle外切矩形rectangular block长方体bulkhead舱壁line plan型线图body section船体横截面,船体分段船体横剖面body plan正视图,横剖面线图aft of amidships 自船舯向后sheer profile船体侧面图buttock纵剖图as the case may be根据具体情况而定framecross section横剖面moulded dimensions型尺度in like manner同理give particulars of描述consider假如each foot of depth of holdthe last quarter of the nineteenth century permanent means of closurefore and aft纵向地in regard togiven in a paper by Wilsonthe ability of a ship to floatoverall stability整体稳性unless other wisespoken of asinitial heelinitial inclineinitially unstableupright verticaltend tocross section 横剖面tangential force 次要的力wall-sided直舷的list 侧倾a limited extent有限的程度,某种程度give rise to引起,导致,造成elevation and depression of the free surface自由面上升或下降as it would bewhat it would becompeting influencerectangular box矩形盒dynamic interaction动态交互作用build into使成为……一部分planning code设计建造规范distinct shouldermore often and earlier往往早于hold as举行project from从……突出来,伸出来in the simplest formtake advantage of the variationright angle直角absolute pressure绝对压力advanced cavitationfully developed cavitation noiseunderwater profile水下部分侧视图a set course一条设定的路线in a rough sense粗略地讲near-universal gear准万向舵机be turned to变成located along位于,沿flanking rudder侧翼舵,倒车舵more generallynatural frequency固有频率mass term质量项coupling耦合proceeding furtherOperation Management and Maintenance 运行管理与维护in an limited sensepartial to nearly 偏近no further than 比什么不远 ... 远远不如什么go no further than thatthe bulk of大部分operational attitude作战高度in common usestated as表示为overall stability整体稳性unless other wisespoken of asdispatch vesselvariation变化a range of propeller r.p.m.一系列螺旋桨转速self-propulsion point自航点the correct speed修正速度follow as等于on a consistent basis一致的基础上in particular尤其,特别in practice实际上,实践中propeller revolutions螺旋桨转数as regards关于,在……方面measured mile测标间距,标柱浬距,船速校验线nautical mile海里on a course依次normal to垂直于wake-adapted propellers适应伴流螺旋桨model basins模型试验池prescribed programs规定的程序in accordance with 与…一致,依照;禀承;秉承;因or otherwise或相反EHP 有效马力more recently最近以来screw sloop螺杆单桅帆船3 displacements三种排量jet engine喷气发动机jet efflux喷流,射流imping入射immediate vicinity紧邻hydraulic load measuring capsules液压负荷测量舱measured mile distancesbituminous aluminiuma range of一系列;一些;一套plasitc composition塑料混合物twin screw双推进器shaft bossing 轴包套scaling up 按比例增加;增大比例lower flange底部凸缘be subject to 易受…的;惯患…的work as充当secondary bending 二次弯曲loadings 载荷stores贮存品shaft strut艉轴架stern tube 尾轴管panel平板,面板shell,plating,floor,platefloor 地板;肋板;平甲板;海底;台面;箱底inplane shear 面内剪切racking loadkingpost主柱,主梁rigidity 刚性progressive flooding 连续浸水applicable load所施加的载荷frame构架stringer 纵梁section modulus剖面模数moment of inertia转动惯量edge restraint边缘约束comprehensive finite-element综合有限元in addition to除……之外in conjunction with 与协力thermal effect 热效应mathematical techniques数学方法matrix method矩阵法in effect 实际上、实质上numerical methods计算方法optimum design最佳设计,最优设计,优化设计objective function目标函数constraint condition约束条件web frame 强肋骨numbered panel编号板fully stressed design 全应力設計allowable stress 容许应力,许用应力shear buckling 剪切性屈曲scantling船体构件尺寸mechanical fitnesswith a view to为了,为的是;目的在于closing appliances关闭装置rounded gunwale 修圆的舷边as of截止,自……起,在……时associate member附属会员to date至今,直到今天,到目前为止;迄今pump room 泵房range from to 在……中变化steam temperature蒸汽温度,汽温调节correspondence group信函往来组governing body主管团体,主管部门,监管组织control over 控制,操控……能力scantling rules 船材尺度法则good practice 良好的做法preservative coating 防腐涂料full thickness全厚度panel size 拼板尺寸lay down安装、建造、铺设forming operation成形操作spatial disposition 空间排列plate keel平板龙骨sloping margin plate倾斜边板set with用……修饰……molded dimension 船舶型尺度be set to被定在;被设为stringer纵桁stringer strake 甲板边板inner edge 内缘midships section 舯横剖面rudder tile舵瓦frame line肋骨型线more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状复杂bulb plate 球扁钢butt weld对接焊接fillet weld填角焊接at one level在某种程度上rackingalignment clockback-up支持,倒退visual measurement 目测abrupt change 突然变化flat bar扁钢compensating for a cutintervening deck中间甲板watertight envelope水密外壳conform to遵守,依照,符合,顺应design practice设计,设计原则land borne cargo 陆运货物geometries几何体in a statistical sense统计意义上deck wetness 甲板浸湿性wave-induced load 波浪感生载荷repeated bending反复弯曲seagoing vessel 海船,远洋船in a seaway 在海浪中away from 远离a quartering sea尾斜浪torsional load扭转载荷compressive stress压应力tensile stress拉应力girder梁cross section横截面;横断面;横剖面;横切面regardless of不管,不顾fastening连接;连接物;固定solid mechanics固体力学essential element要素,(生命)必需元素,主要元素standard configuration 标准设备配备,标准参数,标准配备point load 集中荷载thermal load 热负荷inertial load 惯性载荷with respect to关于,至于,相对于flexural load 弯曲载荷strain 应变shearing load 剪切载荷combined load复合载荷,组合载荷,合成载荷applied load外加负载,外施载荷dead load静载荷,固定负载repeated load交变载荷cyclic loading周期荷载,交变载荷resonant vibration 共振energy load 能量荷载ballast压载set forth阐明,陈述,说明at intervals不时,时时,相隔一定距离expansion joint 伸缩接头,伸缩缝,伸缩接口essential similarity基本相似under body 船体水下部分buffeting action抖振作用rest at集中foundation support 基座electric plant电站电气设备furnishings 室内陈设,家具a class ship 甲类船in component formmoment arms 力臂deflection挠度long-favouredquasi-steady wave 准定长波detailed plan 详图dynamic wave load动态波载荷ample design margin足够的设计余量quasi-static treatment准静态处理wave bendingat sea measurementat sea 茫然,不知所措;在海上computing resource计算资源whipping振荡two noded vibration 双节点振动wave encounter period 波浪遭遇周期design pratice设计原则floating plant水上机械设备offshore structures离岸工程结构物private owner私营业主be customized to根据要求shipping line航运公司transportation agency运输代理30 trips 30次on short notice突然,急忙,忽然an unspecified nature and amount notable exception特例,除外cargo capacity and handling equipment cargo capacity载货量,载货能力contract design packages合同设计包planning and scheduling(生产)计划安排sheet metal金属薄板,金属片section分段,部分,单元part部件,零件component组件,部件,零件handling搬运hull blocks definition船体分段划分hull blocks船体分段building site建筑工地,landing起降subassemblies组件whether of不论launching way下水方式contractual requirement合同要求prior to在……之前craft oriented技术导向的as such同样地production technique生产工艺assembly line装配线,流水线as late as直到current practice现行方法general labor普工definite commitments明确的承诺management prerogative管理特权key dates重要的日子shipway船台in depth彻底地,深入地in this connection在这个方面building yard建筑场地plan,specification,machinery installation机械装置erection unit分段,建造分段weldment焊接件,焊接结构ultrasonic testing超声测试,超声波探伤法working plans工作计划erection procedure安装程序desired预期的,the same may be said(发生)同样的情况at best 充其量,至多standard items标准件,一般物品rigging fittings 索具配件off-the-shelf 现成产品the more standard itemsthe more complex itemsloading instruments 装载检查仪hydrodynamic rudder torque水动力转舵扭矩rudder rate舵角速度ram pressure速度压头rudder stock舵杆joiner work 细木工程floor covering地板覆层insulation work绝热工作owner furnished equipment 船东提供的设备radio equipment 无线电设备navigational equipment 航行设备washing machines and dryer洗衣机和烘干机mattresses and linens床垫和床单galley equipment and dishes厨房设备和餐具spare parts备件call upon邀请semi-submersible drilling rigs半潜式钻井平台rigid temperature严格的温度humidity control湿度控制intensive training强化训练develop working plans制定工作图纸purchasing department 采购部proceed with 继续进行ordering component parts订购零件drafting department 绘图室yard issue 船厂开工任务发布书the lead time交货时间cubic体积be reviewed to审核prior agreement 事前同意essential changes本质变化schematic diagram原理图scheduling method进度安排法overall schedule总进度polaris submarine project北极星潜艇项目inertial guidance惯性制导have no time significance没有时间意义a portion of 一部分spare time空暇时间,业余时间branching effect分叉效应work force劳动力gantt chart 甘特图multiple bar chart多条形图表accompanying key datesa time basea flow of表示“某事物的持续或连续供应”。

【关键字】设计Chapter 1 Ship Design(船舶设计)Lesson 2 Ships Categorized(船舶分类)2.1 Introduction(介绍)The forms a ship can take are innumerable. 一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的A vessel might appear to be a sleek seagoing hotel carrying passengers along to some exotic destination; a floating fortress bristling with missile launchers; 。
or an elongated box transporting tanks of crude oil and topped with complex pipe connections. 一艘船可以看做是将乘客一直运送到外国目的地的优美的远航宾馆。
竖立有导弹发射架的水面堡垒及甲板上铺盖有复杂管系的加长罐装原油运输轮None of these descriptions of external appearance, however, does justice to the ship system as a whole and integrated unit所有这些外部特点的描述都不能说明船舶系统是一个总的集合体self-sufficient,seaworthy, and adequately stable in its function as a secure habitat for crew and cargo. ——船员和货物的安全性功能:自给自足,适航,足够稳定。
This is the concept that the naval architect keeps in mind when designing the ship and that provides the basis for subsequent discussions, not only in this chapter but throughout the entire book.这是一个造船工程师设计船舶使必须记住的、能为以后讨论提供根据的观念,不仅涉及本章也贯穿全书。

船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(一)a faired set of line 经过光顺处理的一套型线a pair of stereo photographs 一对立体投影相片abaft 朝向船体abandonment cost 船舶废置成本费用accommodation 居住(舱室)accommodation ladder 舷梯adjust valve 调节阀adjustable-pitch 可调螺距式admiralty 海军部,海事法,制海权,海军上将advance coefficient 进速系数,前进系数aerostatic 空气静力学的aft peak bulkhead 艉尖舱壁aft peak tank 艉尖舱aileron 副鳍air cushion vehicle 气垫船air diffuser 空气扩散器air intake 进气口aircraft carrier 航空母舰air-driven water pump 气动水泵airfoil 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵alignment chock 组装校准用垫楔aluminum alloy structure 铝合金结构American Bureau of Shipping 美国船级社amidships 舯amphibious 两栖的anchor arm 锚臂anchor chain 锚链anchor crown 锚冠anchor fluke 锚爪anchor mouth 锚唇anchor recess 锚穴anchor shackle 锚卸扣anchor stock 锚杆angle bar 角钢angle of attack 攻角angle plate 角钢angled deck 斜角甲板anticipated loads encountered at sea 在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷anti-pitching fins 减纵摇鳍antiroll fins 减摇鳍anti-rolling tank 减摇水舱appendage 附体artisan 技工assembly line 装配流水线at-sea replenishment 海上补给augment of resistance 阻力增额auxiliary systems 辅机系统auxiliary tank 调节水舱axial advance 轴向进速backing structure 垫衬结构back-up member 焊接垫板balance weight 平衡锤ball bearing 滚珠轴承ball valve 球阀ballast tank 压载水舱bar 型材bar keel 棒龙骨,方龙骨,矩形龙骨barge 驳船baseline 基线basic design 基本设计batten 压条,板条beam 船宽,梁beam bracket 横梁肘板beam knee 横梁肘板bed-plate girder 基座纵桁bending-moment curves 弯矩曲线Benoulli’s law 伯努利定律berth term 停泊期bevel 折角bidder 投标人bilge 舭,舱底bilge bracket 舭肘板bilge radius 舭半径bilge sounding pipe 舭部边舱水深探管bitt 单柱系缆桩blade root 叶跟blade section 叶元剖面blast 喷丸block coefficient 方形系数blue peter 出航旗boarding deck 登艇甲板boat davit 吊艇架boat fall 吊艇索boat guy 稳艇索bobstay 首斜尾拉索body plan 横剖面图bolt 螺栓,上螺栓固定Bonjean curve 邦戎曲线boom 吊杆boss 螺旋桨轴榖bottom side girder 旁底桁bottom side tank 底边舱bottom transverse 底列板boundary layer 边界层bow line 前体纵剖线bow wave 艏波bowsprit 艏斜桅bow-thruster 艏侧推器box girder 箱桁bracket floor 框架肋板brake 制动装置brake band 制动带brake crank arm 制动曲柄brake drum 刹车卷筒brake hydraulic cylinder 制动液压缸brake hydraulic pipe 刹车液压管breadth extreme 最大宽,计算宽度breadth moulded 型宽breakbulk 件杂货breasthook 艏肘板bridge 桥楼,驾驶台bridge console stand 驾驶室集中操作台BSRA 英国船舶研究协会buckle 屈曲buffer spring 缓冲弹簧built-up plate section 组合型材bulb plate 球头扁钢bulbous bow 球状船艏,球鼻首bulk carrier 散货船bulk oil carrier 散装油轮bulkhead 舱壁bulwark 舷墙bulwark plate 舷墙板bulwark stay 舷墙支撑buoy tender 航标船buoyant 浮力的buoyant box 浮箱Bureau Veritas 法国船级社butt weld 对缝焊接butterfly screw cap 蝶形螺帽buttock 后体纵剖线by convention 按照惯例,按约定船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(二)cable ship 布缆船cable winch 钢索绞车CAD(computer-aided design) 计算机辅助设计CAE(computer-aided manufacturing) 计算机辅助制造CAM(computer-aided engineering) 计算机辅助工程camber 梁拱cant beam 斜横梁cant frame 斜肋骨cantilever beam 悬臂梁capacity plan 舱容图CAPP(computer –aided process planning) 计算机辅助施工计划制定capsize 倾覆capsizing moment 倾覆力臂captain 船长captured-air-bubble vehicle 束缚气泡减阻船cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积cargo handling 货物装卸carriage 拖车,拖架cast steel stem post 铸钢艏柱catamaran 高速双体船catamaran 双体的cavitation 空泡cavitation number 空泡数cavitation tunnel 空泡水筒center keelson 中内龙骨centerline bulkhead 中纵舱壁centroid 型心,重心,质心,矩心chain cable stopper 制链器chart 海图charterer 租船人chief engineer 轮机长chine 舭,舷,脊chock 导览钳CIM(computer integrated manufacturing) 计算机集成组合制造circulation theory 环流理论classification society 船级社cleat 系缆扣clipper bow 飞剪型船首clutch 离合器coastal cargo 沿海客货轮cofferdam 防撞舱壁combined cast and rolled stem 混合型艏柱commercial ship 营利用船commissary spaces 补给库舱室,粮食库common carrier 通用运输船commuter 交通船compartment 舱室compass 罗经concept design 概念设计connecting tank 连接水柜constant-pitch propeller 定螺距螺旋桨constraint condition 约束条件container 集装箱containerized 集装箱化contract design 合同设计contra-rotating propellers 对转桨controllable-pitch 可控螺距式corrosion 锈蚀,腐蚀couple 力矩,力偶crane 克令吊,起重机crank 曲柄crest (of wave) 波峰crew quarters 船员居住舱criterion 判据,准则Critical Path Method 关键路径法cross-channel automobile ferries 横越海峡车客渡轮cross-sectional area 横剖面面积c row’s nest 桅杆瞭望台cruiser stern 巡洋舰尾crussing range 航程cup and ball joint 球窝关节curvature 曲率curves of form 各船形曲线cushion of air 气垫damage stability 破损稳性damper 缓冲器damping 阻尼davit arm 吊臂deadweight 总载重量de-ballast 卸除压载deck line at side 甲板边线deck longitudinal 甲板纵骨deck stringer 甲板边板deck transverse 强横梁deckhouse 舱面室,甲板室deep v hull 深v型船体delivery 交船depth 船深derrick 起重机,吊杆design margin 设计余量design spiral 设计螺旋循环方式destroyer 驱逐舰detachable shackle 散合式连接卸扣detail design 详细设计diagonal stiffener 斜置加强筋diagram 图,原理图,设计图diesel engine 柴油机dimensionless ratio 无量纲比值displacement 排水量displacement type vessel 排水型船distributed load 分布载荷division 站,划分,分隔do work 做功dock 泊靠double hook 山字钩double iteration procedure 双重迭代法double roller chock 双滚轮式导览钳double-acting steam cylinder 双向作用的蒸汽气缸down halyard 降帆索draft 吃水drag 阻力,拖拽力drainage 排水draught 吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力dredge 挖泥船drift 漂移,偏航drilling rig 钻架drillship 钻井船drive shaft 驱动器轴driving gear box 传动齿轮箱driving shaft system 传动轴系dry dock 干船坞ducted propeller 导管螺旋桨dynamic supported craft 动力支撑型船舶dynamometer 测力计,功率计船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(三)e.h.p 有效马力eccentric wheel 偏心轮echo-sounder 回声探深仪eddy 漩涡eddy-making resistance 漩涡阻力efficiency 供给能力,供给量electrohydraulic 电动液压的electroplater 电镀工elevations 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图,立视图,纵剖线图,海拔empirical formula 经验公式enclosed fabrication shop 封闭式装配车间enclosed lifeboat 封闭式救生艇end open link 末端链环end shackle 末端卸扣endurance 续航力endurance 续航力,全功率工作时间engine room frame 机舱肋骨engine room hatch end beam 机舱口端梁ensign staff 船尾旗杆entrance 进流段erection 装配,安装exhaust valve 排气阀expanded bracket 延伸肘板expansion joint 伸缩接头extrapolate 外插fair 光顺faised floor 升高肋板fan 鼓风机fatigue 疲劳feasibility study 可行性研究feathering blade 顺流变距桨叶fender 护舷ferry 渡轮,渡运航线fillet weld connection 贴角焊连接fin angle feedback set 鳍角反馈装置fine fast ship 纤细高速船fine form 瘦长船型finite element 有限元fire tube boiler 水火管锅炉fixed-pitch 固定螺距式flange 突边,法兰盘flanking rudders 侧翼舵flap-type rudder 襟翼舵flare 外飘,外张flat of keel 平板龙骨fleets of vessels 船队flexural 挠曲的floating crane 起重船floodable length curve 可进长度曲线flow of materials 物流flow pattern 流型,流线谱flush deck vessel 平甲板型船flying bridge 游艇驾驶台flying jib 艏三角帆folding batch cover 折叠式舱口盖folding retractable fin stabilizer 折叠收放式减摇鳍following edge 随边following ship 后续船foot brake 脚踏刹车fore peak 艏尖舱forged steel stem 锻钢艏柱forging 锻件,锻造forward draft mark 船首水尺forward/afer perpendicular 艏艉柱forward/after shoulder 前/后肩foundry casting 翻砂铸造frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架freeboard 干舷freeboard deck 干舷甲板freight rate 运费率fresh water loadline 淡水载重线frictional resistance 摩擦阻力Froude number 傅汝德数fuel/water supply vessel 油水供给船full form丰满船型full scale 全尺度fullness 丰满度funnel 烟囱furnishings 内装修gaff 纵帆斜桁gaff foresail 前桅主帆gangway 舷梯gantt chart 甘特图gasketed openings 装以密封垫的开口general arrangement 总布置general cargo ship 杂货船generatrix 母线geometrically similar form 外形相似船型girder 桁梁,桁架girder of foundation 基座纵桁governmental authorities 政府当局,管理机构gradient 梯度graving dock 槽式船坞Green Book 绿皮书,19世纪英国另一船级社的船名录,现合并与劳埃德船级社,用于登录快速远洋船gross ton 长吨(1.016公吨)group technology 成祖建造技术GT 成组建造技术guided-missile cruiser 导弹巡洋舰gunwale 船舷上缘gunwale angle 舷边角钢gunwale rounded thick strake 舷边圆弧厚板guyline 定位索gypsy 链轮gyro-pilot steering indicator 自动操舵操纵台gyroscope 回转仪船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(四)half breadth plan 半宽图half depth girder 半深纵骨half rounded flat plate 半圆扁钢hard chine 尖舭hatch beam sockets 舱口梁座hatch coaming 舱口围板hatch cover 舱口盖hatch cover 舱口盖板hatch cover rack 舱口盖板隔架hatch side cantilever 舱口悬臂梁hawse pipe 锚链桶hawsehole 锚链孔heave 垂荡heel 横倾heel piece 艉柱根helicoidal 螺旋面的,螺旋状的hinge 铰链hinged stern door 艉部吊门HMS 英国皇家海军舰艇hog 中拱hold 船舱homogeneous cylinder 均质柱状体hopper barge 倾卸驳horizontal stiffener 水平扶强材hub 桨毂,轴毂,套筒hull form 船型,船体外形hull girder stress 船体桁应力HVAC(heating ventilating and cooling) 取暖,通风与冷却hydraulic mechanism 液压机构hydrodynamic 水动力学的hydrofoil 水翼hydrostatic 水静力的IAGG(interactive computer graphics) 交互式计算机图像技术icebreaker 破冰船icebreaker 破冰船IMCO(Intergovernmental Maritime Consultativ e Organization) 国际海事质询组织immerse 浸水,浸没impact load 冲击载荷imperial unit 英制单位in strake 内列板inboard profile 纵剖面图incremental plasticity 增量塑性independent tank 独立舱柜initial stability at small angle of inclination 小倾角初稳性inland waterways vessel 内河船inner bottom 内底in-plane load 面内载荷intact stability 完整稳性intercostals 肋间的,加强的International Association of Classification Soci ety (IACS) 国际船级社联合会International Towing T ank Conference (ITTC) 国际船模试验水池会议intersection 交点,交叉,横断(切)inventory control 存货管理iterative process 迭代过程jack 船首旗jack 千斤顶joinery 细木工keel 龙骨keel laying 开始船舶建造kenter shackle 双半式连接链环Kristen-Boeing propeller 正摆线推进器landing craft 登陆艇launch 发射,下水launch 汽艇launching equipmeng (向水中)投放设备LCC 大型原油轮leading edge 导缘,导边ledge 副梁材length overall 总长leveler 调平器,矫平机life saving appliance 救生设备lifebuoy 救生圈lifejacket 救生衣lift fan 升力风扇lift offsets 量取型值light load draft 空载吃水lightening hole 减轻孔light-ship 空船limbers board 舭部污水道顶板liner trade 定期班轮营运业lines 型线lines plan 型线图Linnean hierarchical taxonomy 林式等级式分类学liquefied gas carrier 液化气运输船liquefied natural gas carrier 液化天然气船liquefied petroleum gas carrier 液化石油气船liquid bulk cargo carrier 液体散货船liquid chemical tanker 液体化学品船list 倾斜living and utility spaces 居住与公用舱室Lloyd’s Register of shipping 劳埃德船级社Lloyd’s Rules 劳埃德规范Load Line Convention 载重线公约load line regulations 载重线公约,规范load waterplane 载重水线面loft floor 放样台longitudinal (transverse) 纵(横)稳心高longitudinal bending 纵总弯曲longitudinal prismatic coefficient 纵向菱形系数longitudinal strength 纵总强度longitudinally framed system 纵骨架式结构luffing winch 变幅绞车machinery vendor 机械(主机)卖方magnet gantry 磁力式龙门吊maiden voyage 处女航main impeller 主推叶轮main shafting 主轴系major ship 大型船舶maneuverability 操纵性manhole 人孔margin plate 边板maritime 海事的,海运的,靠海的mark disk of speed adjusting 速度调整标度盘mast 桅杆mast clutch 桅座matrix 矩阵merchant ship 商船Merchant Shipbuilding Return 商船建造统计表metacenter 稳心metacentric height 稳心高metal plate path 金属板电镀槽metal worker 金属工metric unit 公制单位middle line plane 中线面midship section 舯横剖面midship section coefficient 中横剖面系数ML 物资清单,物料表model tank 船模试验水池monitoring desk of main engine operation 主机操作监视台monitoring screen of screw working condition 螺旋桨运转监视屏more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状复杂mould loft 放样间multihull vessel 多体船multi-purpose carrier 多用途船multi-ship program 多种船型建造规划mushroom ventilator 蘑菇形通风桶mutually exclusive attribute 相互排它性的属性船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(五)N/C 数值控制nautical mile 海里naval architecture 造船学navigation area 航区navigation deck 航海甲板near-universal gear 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮net-load curve 静载荷曲线neutral axis 中性轴,中和轴neutral equilibrium 中性平衡non-retractable fin stabilizer 不可收放式减摇鳍normal 法向的,正交的normal operating condition 常规运作状况nose cone 螺旋桨整流帽notch 开槽,开凹口oar 橹,桨oblique bitts 斜式双柱系缆桩ocean going ship 远洋船off-center loading 偏离中心的装载offsets 型值offshore drilling 离岸钻井offshore structure 离岸工程结构物oil filler 加油点oil skimmer 浮油回收船oil-rig 钻油架on-deck girder 甲板上桁架open water 敞水optimality criterion 最优性准则ore carrier 矿砂船orthogonal 矩形的orthogonal 正交的out strake 外列板outboard motor 舷外机outboard profile 侧视图outer jib 外首帆outfit 舾装outfitter 舾装工outrigger 舷外吊杆叉头overall stability 总体稳性overhang 外悬paddle 桨paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的Panama Canal 巴拿马运河panting arrangement 强胸结构,抗拍击结构panting beam 强胸横梁panting stringer 抗拍击纵材parallel middle body 平行中体partial bulkhead 局部舱壁payload 有效载荷perpendicular 柱,垂直的,正交的photogrammetry 投影照相测量法pile driving barge 打桩船pillar 支柱pin jig 限位胎架pintle 销,枢轴pipe fitter 管装工pipe laying barge 铺管驳船piston 活塞pitch 螺距pitch 纵摇plan views 设计图planning hull 滑行船体Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线polar-exploration craft 极地考察船poop 尾楼port 左舷port call 沿途到港停靠positive righting moment 正扶正力矩power and lighting system 动力与照明系统precept 技术规则preliminary design 初步设计pressure coaming 阻力式舱口防水挡板principal dimensions 主尺度Program Evaluation and Review Technique 规划评估与复核法progressive flooding 累进进水project 探照灯propeller shaft bracket 尾轴架propeller type log 螺旋桨推进器测程仪PVC foamed plastic PVC泡沫塑料quadrant 舵柄quality assurance 质量保证quarter 居住区quarter pillar 舱内侧梁柱quartering sea 尾斜浪quasi-steady wave 准定长波quay 码头,停泊所quotation 报价单船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(六)racking 倾斜,变形,船体扭转变形radiography X射线探伤rake 倾斜raked bow 前倾式船首raster 光栅refrigerated cargo ship 冷藏货物运输船Register (船舶)登录簿,船名录Registo Italiano Navade 意大利船级社regulating knob of fuel pressure 燃油压力调节钮reserve buoyancy 储备浮力residuary resistance 剩余阻力resultant 合力reverse frame 内底横骨Reynolds number 雷诺数right-handed propeller 右旋进桨righting arm 扶正力臂,恢复力臂rigid side walls 刚性侧壁rise of floor 底升riverine warfare vessel 内河舰艇rivet 铆接,铆钉roll 横摇roll-on/roll-off (Ro/Ro) 滚装rotary screw propeller 回转式螺旋推进器rounded gunwale 修圆的舷边rounded sheer strake 圆弧舷板rubber tile 橡皮瓦rudder 舵rudder bearing 舵承rudder blade 舵叶rudder control rod 操舵杆rudder gudgeon 舵钮rudder pintle 舵销rudder post 舵柱rudder spindle 舵轴rudder stock 舵杆rudder trunk 舵杆围井run 去流段sag 中垂salvage lifting vessel 救捞船scale 缩尺,尺度schedule coordination 生产规程协调schedule reviews 施工生产进度审核screen bulkhead 轻型舱壁Sea keeping performance 耐波性能sea spectra 海浪谱sea state 海况seakeeping 适航性seasickness 晕船seaworthness 适航性seaworthness 适航性section moulus 剖面模数sectiongs 剖面,横剖面self-induced 自身诱导的self-propulsion 自航semi-balanced rudder 半平衡舵semi-submersible drilling rig 半潜式钻井架shaft bossing 轴榖shaft bracket 轴支架shear 剪切,剪力shear buckling 剪切性屈曲shear curve 剪力曲线sheer 舷弧sheer aft 艉舷弧sheer drawing 剖面图sheer forward 艏舷弧sheer plane 纵剖面sheer profile 总剖线sheer profile 纵剖图shell plating 船壳板ship fitter 船舶装配工ship hydrodynamics 船舶水动力学shipway 船台shipyard 船厂shrouded screw 有套罩螺旋桨,导管螺旋桨side frame 舷边肋骨side keelson 旁内龙骨side plate 舷侧外板side stringer 甲板边板single-cylinder engine 单缸引擎sinkage 升沉six degrees of freedom 六自由度skin friction 表面摩擦力skirt (气垫船)围裙slamming 砰击sleeve 套管,套筒,套环slewing hydraulic motor 回转液压马达slice 一部分,薄片sloping shipway 有坡度船台sloping top plate of bottom side tank 底边舱斜顶板slopint bottom plate of topside tank 定边舱斜底板soft chine 圆舭sonar 声纳spade rudder 悬挂舵spectacle frame 眼睛型骨架speed-to-length ratio 速长比sponson deck 舷伸甲板springing 颤振stability 稳性stable equilibrium 稳定平衡starboard 右舷static equilibrium 静平衡steamer 汽轮船steering gear 操纵装置,舵机stem 船艏stem contour 艏柱型线stern 船艉stern barrel 尾拖网滚筒stern counter 尾突体stern ramp 尾滑道,尾跳板stern transom plate 尾封板stern wave 艉波stiffen 加劲,加强stiffener 扶强材,加劲杆straddle 跨立,外包式叶片strain 应变strake 船体列板streamline 流线streamlined casing 流线型套管strength curves 强度曲线strength deck 强力甲板stress concentration 应力集中structural instability 结构不稳定性strut 支柱,支撑构型subassembly 分部装配subdivision 分舱submerged nozzle 浸没式喷口submersible 潜期suction back of a blade 桨叶片抽吸叶背Suez Canal tonnage 苏伊士运河吨位限制summer load water line 夏季载重水线superintendent 监督管理人,总段长,车间主任superstructure 上层建筑Supervision of the Society’s surveyor 船级社验船师的监造书supper cavitating propeller 超空泡螺旋桨surface nozzle 水面式喷口surface piercing 穿透水面的surface preparation and coating 表面加工处理与喷涂surge 纵荡surmount 顶上覆盖,越过swage plate 压筋板swash bulkhead 止荡舱壁SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) 小水线面双体船sway 横荡船舶专业英语词汇(按照字母顺序排列)(七)tail-stabilizer anchor 尾翼式锚talking paper 讨论文件tangential 切向的,正切的tangential viscous force 切向粘性力tanker 油船tee T型构件,三通管tender 交通小艇tensile stress 拉(张)应力thermal effect 热效应throttle valve 节流阀throughput 物料流量thrust 推力thruster 推力器,助推器timber carrier 木材运输船tip of a blade 桨叶叶梢tip vortex 梢涡toed towards amidships 趾部朝向船舯tonnage 吨位torpedo 鱼雷torque 扭矩torque 扭矩trailing edge 随边transom stern 方尾transverse bulkhead plating 横隔舱壁板transverse section 横剖面transverse stability 横稳性trawling 拖网trial 实船试验trim 纵倾trim by the stern/bow 艉艏倾trimaran 三体的tripping bracket 防倾肘板trough 波谷tugboat 拖船tumble home (船侧)内倾tunnel wall effect 水桶壁面效应turnable blade 可转动式桨叶turnable shrouded screw 转动导管螺旋桨tweendeck cargo space 甲板间舱tweendedk frame 甲板间肋骨two nodded frequency 双节点频率ULCC 超级大型原油轮ultrasonic 超声波的underwriter (海运)保险商unsymmetrical 非对称的upright position 正浮位置vapor pocket 气化阱ventilation and air conditioning diagram 通风与空调铺设设计图Venturi section 文丘里试验段vertical prismatic coefficient 横剖面系数vertical-axis(cycloidal)propeller 直叶(摆线)推进器vessel component vender 造船部件销售商viscosity 粘性VLCC 巨型原油轮Voith-Schneider propeller 外摆线直翼式推进器v-section v型剖面wake current 伴流,尾流water jet 喷水(推进)管water plane 水线面watertight integrity 水密完整性wave pattern 波形wave suppressor 消波器,消波板wave-making resistance 兴波阻力weather deck 露天甲板web 腹板web beam 强横梁web frame 腹肋板weler 焊工wetted surface 湿表面积winch 绞车windlass 起锚机wing shaft 侧轴wing-keel 翅龙骨(游艇)working allowance 有效使用修正量worm gear 蜗轮,蜗杆yacht 快艇yard issue 船厂开工任务发布书yards 帆桁yaw 首摇。

a faired set of lines 经过光顺的一组型线abaft 朝向船尾abaft 朝船尾absence 不存在accommodation 居住(舱室)acquisition cost 购置(获取)成本activate 作动adopt 采用aegis 保护,庇护aerostatic 空气静力学的after perpendicular (a. p. ) 艉柱ahead and astern 正车和倒车air cushion vehicle 气垫船aircraft carrier 航空母舰airfoil 气翼,翼剖面,机面,方向舵airfoil 气翼,机翼alignment chock 组装校准用垫楔(或填料)allowance 公差,余(裕)量,加工裕量,补贴 American Bureau of Shipping (美国)船级社amidships 舯amidships 在舯部amphibious 两栖的angle of attack 攻角angle plate 角钢anticipated loads encountered at sea在海上遭遇到的预期载荷antiroll fins 减摇鳍appendage 附体appendage 附件,附体appendage 附体artisan 技工assembly line 装配(流水)线athwart ships 朝 (船)横向at-sea replenishment 海上补给axiomatic 理所当然的,公理化的back up member 焊接垫板backing structure 垫衬结构Bar 型材,材bar keel 棒龙骨,方龙骨,矩形龙骨barge 驳船base line 基线base, base line 基线basic design 基本设计batten 压条,板条be in short supply 供应短缺、俏销 beam 船身最大宽,横梁beam 船宽,梁bench work 钳工bevel 折角bid 投标bidder 投标人(者)bilge 舭,舱底bilge 舭bilge keel 舭龙骨bilge radius 舭半径bills of material 材料(细目)单 blast 喷丸(除锈)block coefficient 方形系数block coefficient 方形系数Board of Trade (英国)贸易厅 body plan 横剖面图body section 横剖图Bonjean curve 邦戎曲线boom 吊杆boundary layer 边界层bow line 前体纵剖线bow thruster 艏侧推器bow wave 艏波boyant 浮力的bracket 轴支架,支架breadth extreme 最大宽,计算宽breadth moulded 型宽breakbulk 件杂货buckle 屈曲budget 预算,作预算buffer area 缓冲区building basin 船台bulb plate 球头扁钢bulbous bow 球状船艏bulbous bow 球鼻艏bulk oil carrier 散装油轮bulk carrier 散装货船bulk carrier 散装货船buoyancy 浮力buoyancy 浮力Bureau Veritas (法国)船级社burning machine 烧割机butt weld 对缝焊接buttock 后体纵剖线by convention 按照惯例,按约定camber 梁拱capacity plan 舱容图capsize 倾覆capsizing moment 倾覆力矩captured-air-bubble vehicle 束缚气泡减阻船cargo capacity 载货量,货舱容量,舱容cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积cargo handling 货物装卸cargo owner 货主carpenter 木匠carriage of grain cargoes 谷类货物输运机cascading of waves upon… 海浪跌落于 …casualty 事故,死伤,灾难catamaran 双体船categorize 分类centroid 形心,重心,质心,矩心chine 舭,舷,脊chock 木楔circumscribe 外接,外切circumsection 外切Coast Guard cuttle(美国)海岸警备队快艇commercial ship 营利用船commissary spaces 补给库舱室,粮食库common carrier 通用运输船compartment 舱室concave 凹,凹的,拱conceive 设想,想象concept design 概念设计configuration 构形,配置configuration安排,构型,配置conspicuous 显著的,值得注意的containerized 集装箱化contract design 合同设计contract design 合同设计contracted scale 缩尺core box 型芯corrosion 锈蚀,腐蚀couple 力矩,力偶crest (of wave) 波峰crew quarters 船员居住舱Critical Path Method (CPM) 关键路径法cross section 横剖面cross sectional area 横剖面面积cross-channel automobile ferries 横越海峡客车渡轮crucial element 重要因素cruiser stern 巡洋舰尾cruissing range 航程curvature 曲率curves of form 各船型曲线cushion of air 气垫damage stability 破损稳性damp out 阻息,逐渐降低dead load 恒(静)载荷deadweight 总载重量(吨)deballast 卸除压载(压舱)deck line at side 甲板边线deck camber 甲板梁拱deck wetness 甲板淹湿deckhouse 舱面室,甲板室declivity 坡度,斜度deep V hull 深V型船体deformation 变形delivery 交船Department of Trade (英国)贸易部deposit metallic plating 镀上金属镀层depth moulded 型深depth 船深depth 船深design spiral 螺旋式设计destroyer 驱逐舰detail design 详细设计deviation 偏离,偏差devious 曲折的diagram 图,原理图,设计图,流程图dimension 尺度,元,维displacement 排水量distributed load 分布载荷division 站,划分,分隔do work 做功dock 泊靠draft 吃水draftsman 绘图员drag 阻力Drainage 排(泄)水draught(=draft) 吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力drawing office 绘图室dredge 挖泥船drift 飘移,偏航drilling rig 钻架dry dock 干船坞eddy 旋涡electrohydraulic 电动液压的electroplater 电镀工elevations 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图、立视图,纵剖线图 enclosed fabrication shop 封闭式装配车间end on 端对准endurance 续航力endurance 续航性entrance 进流段erection (船体)组装erection 装配,安装expedient 权宜之计extrapolate 外插f. p. = forward perpendicular 艏柱fair 光顺fair 光顺fastening 坚固件,紧固法fatigue 疲劳feasibility study 可行性研究fender 护舷ferry 渡轮,渡口,渡运航线ferry 轮渡(载运)fillet weld connection 贴角焊连接fine fast ship 纤细(细长)高速船fine form 瘦长(细长)船形Flank 侧面, 侧翼, 侧攻flanking rudders 侧翼舵flare 外飘,外张flat of keel 平板龙骨fleets of vessels 船队flexural 挠曲的float 浮动时间floating drydock 浮船坞flood 进水,泛滥floodable length curve 可浸长度曲线flow pattern 流型,流线谱flow of materials 物流flush 平贴,磨光forging 锻件,锻造form coefficient 船形系数forming operation 成型加工forward/after perpendicular 艏/艉柱forward/after shoulder 前/后肩foundry casting 翻砂铸造foundryman 铸造翻砂工frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架frame 框架freeboard 干舷freeboard 干舷freeboard 干舷freeboard deck 干舷甲板freight rate 运费率fresh water 淡水frictional resistance 摩擦阻力Froude number 傅汝德数full form 丰满船形full form ship 丰满船型fullness 丰满度funnel 烟囱galley (船舰,飞机的)厨房Gantt Chart 施工进度表general arrangement 总布置general arrangement 总布置Germanischer Lloyd (德国)劳埃德船级社girder 桁,梁gradient 梯度grating 格栅Green Book (船级社)绿皮书 (登录快速远洋船) ground level building site 平地建造场group technology 成组建造技术grouting 填缝、灌浆guided-missile cruiser 导弹巡洋舰habitability 适居性half breadth plan 半宽图handling equipment 装卸设备hard chine 尖舭headroom 净空高度heave 垂荡heel 横倾heel 柱脚,踵材,底基,倾斜hog 中拱hogging 中拱hold 船舱hole 水流深凹处homogeneous cylinder 均质柱状体hopper barge (自动)倾卸驳hostile sea 凶险的波浪hostile sea 汹涌波浪hull block 船体垫块,船体支座hull form 船形hull form 船形HVAC (=heating, ventilating and cooling) 取暖,通风与冷却hydraulic mechanism 液压机构hydrodynamic 水动力学的hydrofoil 水翼hydrostatic 水静力的icebreaker 破冰船icebreaker 破冰船identified as Essential Changes 标记作“必备变更项”immerse 浸入immerse 浸没impact load 冲击载荷imperial unit 英制单位impression 模槽,型腔,印痕,印象in strake 内列板in way of… 在…处inboard profile 纵剖面图In-depth analysis 深入研究initial stability at small angle of inclination 小倾角初稳性insulation 绝缘,隔离Intact stability 完整稳性Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization 国际海事质询组织Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization (IMCO) 国际政府间海事质询组织International Association of Classification Society (IACS) 国际船级社联合会 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (ICSOLAS) 海上生命安全性国际公约International Towing Tank Conference 国际船模试验水池会议intersection 交点,交叉,横断(切)intervening deck 居中甲板introduces a bill 提出一项议案issue periodically 定期发布(公布)iterative process 选代过程jack 千斤顶janitorial 勤杂工,房屋照管者joggle 折曲,榫接,弯合joiner 安装工joiner 细木工(匠)joinery 细木工keel 龙骨keel laying 开始船舶建造(原意为“铺设龙骨架”)Kips (= kilo-pounds) 千磅laborer 力工Land borne 陆基的,装在陆地的landing craft 登陆艇large tank and sphere 大型油罐和球罐launch 发射,下水launching equipment(向水中)投放设备launching way (船舶)下水滑道LCC(Large Crude Carrier)大型原油轮(载重10~20万吨)lead time 设计至投产、定货至交货的时间legislation 立法length between perpendicular 两柱间长Length overall 总长leveler 调平器,矫平机,矫直机life saving appliance 救生设备life-cycle cost 生命周期成本lift fan 升力风扇lift offsets 量取型值Light ship weight 空船重量lighter 港驳船likely 多半,可能line 型线liner 定期航班船liner trade 定期班轮营运业lines plan 型线图liquefied gas carrier 液化气运输船list 倾斜, 表living and utility spaces 居住与公用舱室Lloyd’s Machinery Certificate (LMC) 劳埃德(船舶)机械证书Lloyd’s Register of Shipping (英国)劳埃德船级社Lloyds Rules 劳埃德(船级社)规范LNG containment 液化天然气容器Load Line Regulation 载重线公约、规范load waterline 载重水线load waterplane 载重水线面loft floor 放样台full scale 全尺度loftman 放样工loftman 放样工longitudinal 纵向的longitudinal 纵向的,纵梁longitudinal prismatic coefficient 纵向棱形系数machinery vendor 机械(主机)卖方magnet gantry 磁力式龙门吊maiden voyage 处女航main shafting 主轴系major ship 大型船舶maneuverability 操纵性maritime 海事的,海运的,靠海的,沿海的mark out 划线,划记号marshal 调度mast 桅杆maximum beam amidships 舯最大宽member 部件merchant ship 商船metacenter 稳心metacentric height 稳心高metal plate bath 金属板电镀槽metal worker 金属工metric unit 公制单位midbody (船)中体middle line plane 中线面midship area coefficient 舯横剖面系数midship section 舯横剖面midship section coefficient 舯横剖面系数mill shape 轧钢厂型材module assembly 模块式组装mold loft floor (型线)放样间地板molded lines 型线molder 造型工mould loft 放样间moulded line 型线multihull vessel 多体船Multi-ship program 多种船型建造规划nautical mile 海里naval architect 造船师naval architecture 造船工程naval ship 军船naval architecture 造船学nearuniversal gear 准万向齿轮network flow 网络流程neutral equilibrium 中性平衡normal 法向,法向的 ,正交的normal force 法向力normal operating condition 常规(正常)运作工况notch 开槽,开凹口Off the shelf 成品的,畅销的,流行的off-center loading 偏移中心的装载offsets 型值offshore drilling 离岸钻井oil-rig 钻油架operational requirement 军事行动需求,运作要求 orient 取向,定方位,调整orthogonal 正交的,矩形的out strake 外列板outboard profile 侧视图outfit 舾装outfitter 舾装工outfitting 舾装overall stability 总体稳性overhang 外悬overstocking 存货过剩owner’s staff 船东的雇(职)员paint priming 涂底漆Panama Canal 巴拿马运河panel line system 板材生产线系统parallel middle body 平行中体patternmaker 木模工payload 有效载荷permanent body 永久性组织机构perpendicular(船艏、艉)柱,垂直的,正交的pillar 支柱pin 钉,销pin jig 限位胎架pintle 销,枢轴pipe fitter 管装工pipe laying barge (海底) 铺管驳船piping 管路pitch 纵摇plan views 设计图planing hull 滑行船体pleasure ship 游乐用船Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线polar-exploration craft 极地考察船Polaris (submarine) 北极星级(潜艇)port 左舷portable gate 移动式(可移动)闸门positive righting arm 扶正力臂power and lighting system 动力与照明系统preliminary design 初步设计preliminary/concept design 初步/概念设计pressure vessel 压力容器principal dimensions 主尺度prism 棱柱体prismatic coefficient 棱形系数procurement 采购,获得Program Evaluation and Review Technique 规划评估与复核法quartering sea 尾斜浪, 从船斜后方来的浪quay(横)码头,停泊所racking 倾斜,变形,船体扭转变形radiography X射线照相术,X射线探伤rake 倾角,倾斜ram pressure 速压头,冲压,全压力rectangle 矩形reenlistment 重征服役Registo Italiano Navale (意大利)船级社remedial action 补救措施reserve buoyancy 储备浮力reserve buoyancy 储备浮力residuary resistance 剩余阻力resultant 合力resultant 合力retract 收进revolving crane 旋转式(鹤)吊,转臂吊(车)Reynolds number 雷诺数rigger 索具装配工rigid side walls 刚性侧壁rise of floor 底升risk 保险对象,保险金额rivering warfare vessel 内河舰艇rivet 铆接,铆钉roll 横摇rolled angle butt (轧制)角钢焊接头roll-on/roll-off(RO-RO) 滚装rough sea 汹涌的波浪round of beam 梁拱rounded gunwale 修园的舷边rubber tile 橡皮瓦rudder post 舵柱rudder 舵rudder rate 舵率rudder stock 舵杆run 去流段Sag 中垂sagging 中垂scale 缩尺,尺度,尺scale model 缩尺船模scantling 材积sea keeping performance 耐波性能 seasickness 晕船seaworthiness 适航性section 剖面,横剖面sections (铁、钢)型材,轧材self-induced 自身诱导的semi finished item 半精加工件 semisubmersible drilling rig 半潜式钻井架set course 设定的航线set course 设定航线shaft bossing 轴包套shaft bracket 轴支架shear 剪切,剪力sheer aft 艉舷弧sheer forward 艏舷弧sheer drawing 剖面图 sheer plane 纵剖面sheer profile 纵剖线sheer profile 纵剖图sheer(甲板)舷弧sheet metal work 钣金工,冷作工shell plating 船壳板shell 船壳板ship fitter 船舶装配工ship fitter 船体安装工ship fitter 舰船装配工ship form 船型ship Hydrodynamics 水动力学ship owner 船东shipping line 船运航线shipway (造)船台shipwright 船体装配工,造船工人 shipyard 船厂shipyard 船厂shipyard schedule chart 船厂施工进度图 shoring 支撑,支柱shoulder 船肩sideways 朝侧向six degrees of freedom 六自由度sizable 相当大的skirt(气垫船)围裙slamming 砰击,拍击slice 一部分,薄片sloping shipway 有坡度船台,滑道soft chine 圆舭spare part 备件specially prepared form 专门(特殊)加工的模板 spectrum 谱speed-to-length ratio 速长比stability 稳性stable equilibrium 稳定平衡standard 规章starboard 右舷static equilibrium 静平衡statically determinant 静定的statistical 统计学(上)的steel marking 钢板划线steering gear 操纵装置steering gear 操纵装置,舵机stem 船艏stem contour 艏柱型线stern 艉stern frame 艉构架,艉框架stern wave 艉波stiffen 加劲,加强stiffener 肋骨strain 应变strake 船体列板stringent safety regulations 严格的安全规章structural alignment 结构校准,组合,组装strut 支柱,支撑构形subassembly (局部)分部装配subdivision 分舱sublet 转包,分包,转租submersible 潜器suction cup 吸盘Suez Canal Tonnage 苏伊士运河吨位限制summer load water line 夏季载重水线super cavitating propeller超空泡螺旋桨superintendent 监督管理人,总段长,车间主任superstructure 上层建筑supertanker 超级油轮supervision of the Society’s surveyor 船级社验船师的监造surface piercing 穿透水面的surface preparation and coating 表面加工处理与喷涂surge 纵荡surmount 顶上覆盖,越过survivability 生存力SWATCH(Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) 小水线面双体船sway 横荡switchboard 控制台,开关板tabular freeboard 列成表格的干舷值tacker 定位搭焊工talking paper 讨论文件tangential viscous force 切向粘性力tanker 油轮tanker 油轮tantamount 等值的,相当的taper 弄细,变尖tee T形构件,三通管template 样板tensile stress 拉(张)应力The Register of Shipping of the People’s Republic of China 中国船舶检验局The Titanic 泰克尼克号(巨型邮轮)there is more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状较复杂titanic 巨大的to be craft oriented 与行业有关的,适应于行业性的to run the waterlines 绘制水线toed towards amidships 趾部朝向船舯ton gross=gross ton 长吨=1. 016公吨tonnage 吨位torque 扭矩torsio 扭转的trade 工种, 贸易trailer type transporter 拖车式载运车transfer sideways 横向移动transom (stern) 方尾transverse 横向的transverse bulkhead plating 横隔舱壁板transverse section 横剖面transverse stability 横稳性trawling 拖网trial 实船试验trim 纵倾trim 纵倾trim by the stern/bow 艉/艏倾trimaran 三体船trough 波谷tugboat 拖船tumble home(船侧)内倾Type A ship A类船U form U型U. S. Coast Guard 美国海岸警卫队ULCC(Ultra Large Crude Carrier)超级大型原油轮(载重量>40万吨)ultrasonic 超声波的\underwriter (海运)保险商undock 使船出坞upright position 正浮位置V shaped V型的ventilation and air conditioning diagram 通风与空调敷设设计图vertical prismatic coefficient 垂向棱形系数vertical prismatic coefficient 垂向棱形系数vicinity 邻近,附近villain 坏人,罪魁viscosity 粘性VLCC(Very Large Crude Carrier)巨型(原)油轮(载重量>20万吨)V-sectionV型剖面wash 下洗 ,艉流water line 水线waterborne 浮于水上的,水基的waterplane 水线面waterplane area coefficient 水线面积系数watertight integrity 水密完整性wave pattern 波型wavemaking resistance 兴波阻力weather deck 露天甲板weld inspection 焊缝检测welder 焊工weldment 焊件,焊接装配wetted surface 湿面积wing shaft 侧轴yacht 快艇yard issue 船厂开工任务发布书yaw 艏摇yaw 艏摇,摇艏。

船舶工程专业英语生词表Aa committed cell 一个指定组织,完成特定使命的组织a faired set of lines 经过光顺处理的一套型线a stereo pair of photographs 一对立体投影相片abaft 朝向船尾abandonment cost 船舶废置成本费用accepted practice 公认的做法accommodation 居住(舱室)accountant 会计acquisition cost 购置(获取)成本activate 作动acumen 才智adjustable-pitch 可调螺距式admiralty 海军部,海军上将adopt 采用advance coefficient 进速系数aegis 保护,庇护aerostatic 空气静力学的AEW(Admiralty Experiment Works)海军部试验场ahead and astern 正车和倒车air cushion vehicle 气垫船aircraft carrier 航空母舰airfoil水翼,气翼,机翼,翼(剖)面,机面,方向舵alignment chock 组装校准用垫楔(或填料)allowance 公差,余(裕)量,加工裕量,补贴alphanumeric 字母数字(混合编制)的amalgamate 合并,联合ambiguity 二义性,多义性,含混性,模糊ameliorating the effect 改善(修正)该影响American Bureau of Shipping (美国)船级社amicable 友好的,友善的amidships 在舯部,舯amphibious 两栖的ample design margin 足够(充分)的设计裕量anatomy 组织构造angle of attack 攻角angle plate 角钢anticipated loads encountered at sea 在波浪中遭遇到的预期载荷anti-pitching fins 减纵摇鳍antiroll fins 减摇鳍appendage 附件,附体arbitration association 仲裁联合会(协会,公司)arbitration clause 仲裁条款arbitration panel 仲裁小组(委员会)arbitration 仲裁arbitrator 仲裁人Archimedes′s screw propeller 阿基米德的螺旋推进器architect of contract 合同设计人(或实体)armament 武备arrest her sternway 终止她(指军舰Rattler)的倒映artisan 技工assembly line 装配(流水)线astern 朝船尾(的),倒车(的)at the shipyard′s risk 传唱自己负责(风险损失)athwart ships (船)横向at-sea replenishment 海上补给augment of resistance 阻力增额auxiliary systems 辅机系统award of contract 签订合同axial advance 轴向进速axiomatic 理所当然的,公理化的Bbabitability 适居性backing structure 垫衬结构back-up member 焊接垫板banking community 银行业团体bankruptcy 破产,经营失败bar keel 棒龙骨,放龙骨,矩形龙骨bar 型材,材barge 驳船base,base line 基线basic design 基本设计batten 压条,板条be built to order 按订单建造,按定货单制作be in short supply 供应短缺、俏销beam船宽,横梁,梁,船身最大宽behoove 应该bench work 钳工bending-moment curves 弯矩曲线Benoulli′s law 伯努利定律berth term 停泊期bevel 折角bid 投标bidder or proposers 投标人bidder 投标人(者)bilge keel 舭龙骨bilge radius 舭半径bilge 舭,舱底billing 记账,编制账单bills of material 材料(细目)单blade section 叶缘剖面blast 喷丸(除锈)block coefficient 方形系数board of directors 董事会Board of Trade (英国)贸易厅body plan 横剖面图body section 横剖图bolt 螺栓,上螺栓固定bona fide 真诚,善意(的)Bonjean curve 邦戎曲线boom 吊杆boundary layer 边界层bow line 前体纵剖线bow thruster 艏侧推器bow wave 艏波box girder 箱桁bracket 轴支架,支架branching effect 分流效应breadth extreme 最大宽,计算宽度breadth moulded 型宽breakbulk 件杂货Bridge crane 行车,桥式起重机BSRA(=British Ship Research Association) 英国船舶研究协会buckle 屈曲budget 预算,做预算buffer area 缓冲区buffet 冲击,打击,振颤building basin 船台built-up plane section 组合型材bulb plate 球头扁钢bulb 球鼻艏bulbous bow 球状船艏,球鼻艏bulk carrier 散装货船bulk oil carrier 散装油轮bullishness 牛(市)气,股市看涨buoyancy 浮力buoyant 浮力的Bureau Veritas (法国)船级社burner 气焊(割)工burning machine 烧割机burr 毛刺,毛口butt weld 对缝焊接buttock 后体纵剖线by convention 按照惯例,按约定Ccache memory 缓冲存储,(超)高速缓冲存储器calm water 静水camber 梁拱capacity plan 舱容图capsize 倾覆capsizing moment 倾覆力矩captured–air-bubble vehicle 束缚气泡减阻船cargo capacity 载货量,货舱容量,舱容cargo cubic 货舱舱容,载货容积cargo handing 货物装载cargo owner 货主carpenter 木匠carriage of grain cargoes 谷类货物运输机carriage 拖车,拖架cascading of waves upon…海浪跌落于…casualty 事故,死伤,灾难catamaran 双体船categorize 分类cavitation number 空泡数cavitation tunnel 空泡水筒cavitation 空泡、控化、空浊cavity 空腔CDS(=construction differential subsidy)(美)建造差异性补贴cease and determine 中止及结束,中止与终结centroid 形心,重心,质心,矩心changing course 改变航线(航向)charterer 租船人chine 舭,舷,脊chipper 风铲工,缺陷修整工christen 命名circulation theory 环流理论circumscribe 外接,外切circumspection 外切claim 索赔,要求,损失,赔付classification and coding 分类与编码classification society 船级社clause 条款climate 观念,一般趋势,环境,风气,气候Coast Guard cutte (美国)海岸警备队快艇codify 编成法典collateral 间接的,副的,第二位的command and surveillance 控制操作与监视commercial ship 盈利用船commissary spaces 补给库舱室,粮食库common carrier 通用运输船compartment 舱室complement 全体定员computer-aided design(CAD)计算机辅助设计computer-aided drafting 计算机辅助绘图computer-aided engineering(CAE)计算机辅助工程computer-aided manufacturing(CAM)计算机辅助工程computer-aided process planning (CAPP)计算机辅助施工计划制定computer-integrated manufacturing(CIM)计算机(集成)组合制造concave 凹,凹的,拱形(的)conceive 设想,想像concept design 概念设计conclude a contract 缔结(订立)合同conduit 管路,导管confer 比较,参照configuration 安排,构型,配置connotation 含义,内涵conspicuous 显著的,值得注意的constant-pitch propeller 定螺距螺旋桨constraint condition 约束条件construction differential subsidy(CDS)(美)建造差异性补贴containerized 集装箱化contingency 偶发(意外)事故contract design 合同设计contract plans 合同图纸contracted scale 缩尺contra-rotating propellers 对转桨controllable--pitch 可控螺距式controversial 有争议的core box 型芯corollary 推论,必然结果corrosion 锈蚀,腐蚀corrugated 波纹形的,瓦垅形的,有槽的,有加强肋的corrugation 波纹,槽纹,瓦垅couple 力矩,力偶crane operator 起重工credit 信用,信誉,信贷,债权,贷方crest(of wave)波峰crew quarters 船员居住舱criterion 判据,准则Critical Path Method(CPM)关键路径法cross section 横剖面cross-channel automobile ferries 横越海峡车渡轮cross-sectional area 横剖面面积crucial element 重要因素cruise liner 定期游船,定期航班,定期邮轮cruiser stern 巡洋舰尾crush 挤(碾)压、压扁、压碎crussing range 航程cull 选出,择出curvature 曲率curves of form 各船型曲线cushion of air 气垫customize 定制(造)Ddamage stability 破顺稳性damp out 阻息,逐渐降低damping 阻尼data bank 数据库(栈)data base 数据库dead load 恒(静载荷)deadweight 总载重量(吨)de-ballast 卸除压载(压舱)debt structuring 债务构成deck camber 甲板梁拱deck line at side 甲板边线deck wetness 甲板淹湿deckhouse 舱面室,甲板室declivity 坡度,斜度decomposition 分解deep V hull 深V型船体default 违约deference 服从,听从,尊重deflection 挠曲,弯曲deformation 变形deliberation 慎重斟酌,反复思考delivery 交船,交货Department of Trade (英国)贸易部deposit metallic plating 镀上金属镀层depreciation of the yen 日元的贬值depth 船深design agent 设计代理人(商)design spiral 设计螺旋循环方式destroyer 驱逐舰detail design 详细设计deviation 偏离,偏差diagram 图,原理图,设计图,流程图diesel-electric propulsion 柴油发电机推进differing times 不一致的时序digitizer 数字化仪diligence 偿债,查封,勤勉dimension 尺度,元,维dimensionless ratio 无量纲比值discontinue 中止,停止,停付disguise 隐藏,不被识别displacement 排水量dispute settlement 纠纷处理distributed load 分布载荷division 站,划分,分隔do work 做功dock 泊靠document 以文件资料证明double iteration procedure 双重迭代法double-acting steam cylinder 双向作用的蒸汽气缸drafsman 绘图员draft 吃水drag 阻力,拖曳力drainage 排(泄)水draught(=draft)吃水,草图,设计图,牵引力drawing office 绘图室dredge 挖泥船drift 飘移,偏航drilling rig 钻架drive shaft 驱动器轴dry dock 干船坞dryer (衣物)烘干机ducted propeller 导管螺旋桨due diligence 到期偿债dynamometer 测力计,功率计Ee﹒h﹒p(=effective horse power)有效马力eddy 漩涡eddy-making resistance 漩涡阻力efficiency 供给能力,供给量electrohydraulic 电动液压的electroplater 电镀工electrostatics 静电学elevations 高度,高程,船型线图的侧面图、立视图、纵剖线图,海拔elusive 难以捉摸的empirical formula 经验公式enclosed fabrication shop 封闭式装配车间end-on 端对准endurance 续航力,全功率工作时间entitle 给以权力entity 实体entrance 进流段entrepreneur 企业家,承包者,中间商equity financing 提供财政资本,融资equity 投资资本erection装配,安装(船体),组装escalating type(of contract)(价格)伸缩式(合同)escalation 涨价European Commission 欧洲委员会expertise 评论,鉴定,专长,专门知识,专家extrapolate 外插extremity 末端,尽头extruded 压(挤)成的extrusion and casting 挤压成形与铸造Ffacility 设备,实验室,装置fair 光顺fastening 坚固件fatigue 疲劳feasibility study 可行性研究feathering blade 顺流变距桨叶,顺桨桨叶fee 费(用),税fender 护舷ferry 渡轮,渡口,渡运航线,轮渡(载运)fillet weld connection 贴角焊连接fine fast ship 纤细(细长)高速船fine form 瘦长(细长)船型finite element 有限元fire main system 主干灭火系统fire protection,detection and extinction 防火,探火与灭火fire tube boiler 火水管锅炉fixed-pitch 固定螺距式flag of operation (船舶)营运所挂国旗flag of registry (船舶)登记所挂国旗flange 突边(缘),法兰(盘)flanged 起折边的,作法兰边的,作凸缘的flanking rudders 侧翼舵flare 外飘,外张flat of keel 平板龙骨fleets of vessels 船队flexural 挠曲的float 浮动时间floating drydock 浮船坞floating plant 水上机械设备flood 进水,泛滥floodable length curve 可浸长度曲线floor 地肋,底板flow of materials 物流flow pattern 流型,流线谱flush 平贴,磨光following edge 随边,尾缘following ship 后续船force couple 力偶fore/aft perpendicular 艏/艉柱forging 锻件,锻造forklift (truck)叉车form coefficient 船形系数forming operation 成型加工forsake 放弃forward/after perpendicular 两柱间长forward/after shoulder 前/后肩foundry casting 翻砂铸造foundryman 铸造翻砂工frame 船肋骨,框架,桁架,肋骨freeboard deck 干舷甲板freeboard 干舷freight rate 运费率frequency of wave encounter 波浪遭遇频率fresh water 淡水frictional 摩擦阻力Froude law 傅汝德定律Froude number 傅汝德数full form 丰满船型full scale 全尺度fullness 丰满度full-scale 全尺度的funnel 烟囱futures in currency 流通期货Ggalley (船舰,飞机的)厨房Gantt Chart 施工进度表gasketed openings 装以密封垫的开口general arrangement 总布置general provision 一般规律,总则generatrix 母线,产生线genesis 成因,来历geometrically similar form (几何)外形相似船型Germanischer Lloyd (德国)劳埃德船级社germinate 萌发,发芽girder 桁梁,桁架governmental authorities 政府当局,管理机构gradient 梯度grants 许可,拨款graphic terminal 图象终端grating 格栅grave risks attendant 严肃认真的(保险公司)保险业务员graving dock 槽式船坞Green Book (船级社)绿皮书,(19世纪英国另一船级社的船名录,现合并于劳埃德船级社,用于登陆快速远洋船)grid 格栅,网格gross ton 长吨(1.016公吨)ground level building site 平地建造场group technology 成组建造技术grouting 填缝、灌浆GT(=group technology)成组建造技术,成组加工法guided-missile cruiser 导弹巡洋舰guotation 报价,报价单Hhalf breadth plan 半宽图handling equipment 装卸设备hard chine 尖舭hatch cover 舱口盖headroom 净空高度heave 垂荡heel 柱脚,踵材,底基,倾斜,横倾helicoidal 螺旋面(的),螺旋状(的)HMS Greyhound 英国皇家海军舰艇高速船灵缇号HMS=Her〔HIS〕Majesty′s Ships 英国皇家海军舰艇hog 中拱hogging 中拱hold 船舱hole 水(流)深凹处homogeneous cylinder 均质柱状体hopper (自动)倾卸驳hostile sea 凶险的波浪,汹涌波浪hub 桨毂,轴毂,轮毂,毂,套筒hull block 船体垫块,船体支座hull form 船形,船体外形hull girder stress 船体桁应力HV AC(=heating,ventilating and cooling) 取暖,通风与冷却hybrid 混合的,杂交的hydraulic mechanism 液压机构hydrodynamic 水动力学的hydrodynamicist 水动力学家hydrofoil水翼hydrostatic 水静力的Iicebreaker 破冰船identified as Essential Changes 标记作“必备变更项”immerse 浸入,浸没,浸水impact load 冲击载荷imperial unit 英制单位impression 模槽,型腔,印痕,印象in strake 内列板in tandem 串列的,一前一后地,协作in the ~of MarAd contracts 按MarAd合同的说法in the same light 同样in way of… 在…处inboard profile 纵剖面图incremental plasticity 增量步进塑性in-depth analysis 深入研究indictment 起诉书indoctrinate 灌输,教育inflation 通货膨胀ingenuity 独创性,创造性in-house 自身的,国有的initial stability at small angle of inclination 小倾角初稳性inner bottom 内底innovation 革新innovative shipbuilder 有创新性的造船厂家in-plane load 面内载荷(沿板面的载荷)inspection 检验inspector 验船师,监工,检验员Insulation 绝缘,隔离intact stability 完整稳性intact 完好的,完整的interactive computer graphics(IAGG)交互式计算机图像(技术)intercostal 肋间的,加强肋interested friends 利益相关的赞助商interface 接口,交面Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative Organization 国际海事质询组织Inter-governmental Maritime Consultive Organization (UMCO)国际政府间海事质询组织International Association of Classification Society (IACS)国际船级社联合会Inter-national Convention for the Safey of Life at Sea (ICSOLAS)海上生命安全性国际公约International Towing Tank Conference 国际船模试验水池会议(ITTC)intersection 交点,交叉,横断(切)intervening deck 居中甲板introduces a bill 提出一项议案inventory control 存货管理,库存管理inventory 存货盘存,存储,清点invitation to bid 招标(邀请书)invitation 招标Iris correction Iris修正issue periodically 定期发布(公布)it behooves both to 双方均应(该)…iterative process 迭代过程Jjack 千斤顶janitorial 勤杂工,房屋照管者jet propeller 喷水推进器joggle 折曲,榫接,弯合joiner 安装工joiner 细木工(匠)joinery 细木工joystick 游戏杆jurisdiction of the law of the land 所在地(国)法律裁判权(司法权)Kkeel laying 开始船舶建造(原意为“铺设龙骨架”)keel 龙骨king-post 主桅杆kips(=kilo-pounds)千磅Kristen-Boeing propeller 正摆线推进器,克斯坦-波音推进器Llaborer 力工land-borne 陆基的,装在陆地的landing craft 登陆艇large tank and sphere 大型油罐和球罐launch 发射,下水launching equipment (向水中)投放设备launching way (船舶)下水滑道LCC(Large Crude Carrier) 大型原油轮(载重10-20万吨)lead ship 首船(批量建造船舶的第一艘船)lead time 设计至投产、定货至交货的时间leading edge 导缘,导边ledge 副梁材left-handed propeller 左旋进桨legal cost 法律费用legal redress 法律赔偿(付)legislation 立法length between perpendiculars 垂线间长length overall 总长Leonardo da Vinci 莱昂纳多·达·芬奇leveler 调平器,矫平机,矫直机Leveraged Lease 杠杆利率life saving appliance 救生设备life-cycle cost 生命周期成本lift fan 升力风扇lift offsets 量取型值light pen 光笔lighter 港驳船light-ship 空船line/matrix/electrostatic printer 行式/矩阵式/静电打印机linen 各种布(或亚麻布)制品liner trade 定期班轮营运业liner 定期航班船lines plan 型线图lines 型线Linnean hierarchical taxonomy 林氏等级式分类学liquefied gas carrier 液化气运输船liquidate damage clause 违约罚金条款liquidate 偿还,清算list 倾斜,倾侧Litigation 诉讼living and utility spaces 居住与公用舱室Lloyd′s machinery certificate (LMG)劳埃德(船舶)机械证书Lloyd′s Register of shipping (英国)劳埃德船级社Lloyd′s Rules 劳埃德(船级社)规范LNG containment 液化天然气容器Load Line Convention 载重线公约Load Line Regulations 载重线公约、规定load waterline 载重水线load waterplane 载重水线面loan 贷款(额)local flag source 当地特征的资源local stress 局部应力local water head 局部水头lock out 解雇,闭厂lock 船闸lock-in 同步锁定,进入同步loft floor 放样台loftman 放样工longitudinal prismatic coefficient 纵向棱形系数longitudinal 纵向的,纵梁longitudinal(transverse)纵(横)稳心高Mmachinery space 机舱machinery vendor 机械(主机)卖方magnet gantry 磁力式龙门吊maiden voyage 首航,初航,处女航main impeller 主推叶轮main propulsion machinery 主推机械main shafting 主轴系mainframe 主机major ship 大型船舶maneuverability 操纵性manual scaling 手工缩放manufacturer′s specifications 生产厂家的说明书Mar Ad Subsidy Board (美)海事管理局补贴事务局MarAd= Marine Administration (美)海事管理局marine engineer 造船工程师maritime 海事的,海运的,靠海的,沿海的mark out 划线,划记号marshal 调度mass production 大规模生产mast 桅杆matrix method 矩阵法mattress 褥,垫maximum beam amidships 舯最大宽member 部件merchant ship 商船Merchant Shipbuilding Return 商船建造统计表Merchant Shipping Acts 商业运输法metacenter 稳心metacentric height 稳心高metal plate bath 金属板电镀槽metal worker 金属工metric unit公制单位microprocessor 微处理器mid-body (船)中体middle line plane 中线面midship area coefficient船中剖面(面积)系数midship section coefficient 舯横剖面系数midship section 舯横剖面mile post 里程标,测速标注mill shape 轧钢厂型材mine 水雷minicomputer 小型计算机mismatch 不匹配mitigate 缓和,减轻ML(=material lists)物质清单,物料表mnemonic 助记忆的mobile crane 移动式吊车,汽车吊mode shape 模式形状model tank 船模(试验)水池module assembly 模块式组装mold loft floor (型线)放样间地板molded lines 型线molder 造型工monetary 金融的,财政(上)的mortgage 抵押,保证motor ship 汽船mould loft 放样间moulded line 型线multi-bar chart 多重(统计)柱状图(条线图)multihull vessel 多体船multi-propeller 多桨船multi-ship program 多种船型建造规划mutually exclusive attribute 相互排它性的属性NN/C programming=numerical programming 数值规划N/C=numerical control 数值控制nautical mile 海里nautical 海里naval architect 造船师naval architecture 造船工程naval architecture 造船学naval ships 海军军舰,军船navel ship 军船near-universal gear 准万向舵机,准万向齿轮negotiate 谈判,商议net-load curve 静载荷曲线network flow 网络流程neutral axis 中性轴,中和轴线neutral equilibrium 中性平衡nominal holdback 少量章制费,象征性的暂扣款non-conforming items 非相符性条件non-performance of contract 不履行合同non-responsive legally 法律上非应答性的normal force 法向力normal operating condition 常规(正常)运作状况normal 法向的,正交的,法线notch 开槽,开凹口Ooar 橹,桨off-center loading 偏离中心的装载offsets 型值offshore drilling 离岸钻井offshore structure 离岸工程结构物off-the-balance-sheet 非资产附表上的off-the-shelf 成品(方式),成品的,畅销的,流行的oil-rig 钻油架Open water 敞水operating engineer 起重工,操作技师operating inception 开始营运,运作开端operational requirement 军事行动需求,运作要求optimality criterion 最优性准则(判据)optional termination 选择性中止ordnance equipment mechanic 军械设备机修工(机械师)orient 取向,定方位,调整,标定origin and effect 因与果,来源与效果orthogonal 正交的,矩形的out strake 外列板outboard profile 侧视图outfit and furnishings 舾装与内装修outfit 舾装outfitter 舾装工outfitting 舾装out-of-pocket cost 实际费用(成本)outside procurement 外(采)购overall stability 总体稳性overhang 外悬overhead 经常开支overstocking 存货过剩overtime 加班加点(费)owner′s staff 船东的雇(职)员Ppaddle 桨paddle-wheel-propelled 明轮推进的paint priming 涂底漆Panama Canal 巴拿马运河panel line system 板材生产线系统parallel middle body 平行中体parlance 说法patent 专利patternmaker 木模工payload 有效载荷pen/electrostatic/Lasar plotter 笔式/静电/激光绘图仪penalty 罚款,惩罚per diem 每日permanent body 永久性组织机构perpendicular (船艏、艉)柱,垂直的,正交的pertinent factor 相关因素photogrammetry 投影照相测量法phylum 门(类)pier 码头(与岸边垂直的码头)pillar 支柱pin jig 限位胎架pin 钉,销pintle 销,枢轴pipe fitter 管装工pipe laying barge (海底)铺管驳船piping 管路pitch 纵摇plan approval 图纸(方案)审批plan views 设计图planning hull 滑行船体plate and shape 板材与型材player 参与者,局中人pleasure ship 游乐用船Plimsoll line 普林索尔载重线plotter 绘图仪polar-exploration craft 极地考察船Polaris(submarine)北极星级(潜艇)port call 沿途到港停靠(寄航)port 左舷portable gate 移动式(可移动)闸门positive righting moment 正扶正力矩power and lighting system 动力与照明系统precedent 先例precept 技术规则precipitate adversity 陷于逆境precipitating countersuit 导致反诉讼preliminary design 初步设计preliminary/concept design 初步/概念设计premium time 加班premium 额外费用prerequisite 先决条件prerogative 显著特点,特性Pressure coaming 阻力式舱口防水挡板pressure vessel 压力容器price net 实(净)价principal dimensions 主尺度principal dimensions 主尺度principal 委托人,负责人printer 打印机prism 棱柱体prismatic coefficient 棱形系数problem area 同类生产问题区procurement 采购,获得producibility 可生产性,可延长性product oriented 适于生产的proforma 形式上的Program Evaluation and Review Technique 规划评估与复核法progress payment schedule (施工)进度付款时间表progressive flooding 累进进水Propeller type log 螺旋桨推进器型测程仪proposal 投标,申请,计划,建议propulsion plant 推进装置prospective builders 有希望的厂家provision 规定,条款,措施purchase lists 采购清单Qquality assurance 质量保证quartering sea 尾斜浪,从船斜后方来的浪quasi-static 准(拟)静态(定)的quasi-steady wave 准定常波(相对于船水静止的波)quay (横)码头,停泊所quay 码头(与岸边平行的码头)quotation 询价R(to)run the waterlines 绘制水线racking 倾斜,变形,船体扭转变形radiography X射线照相术,X射线探伤rake 倾斜rake 倾斜,倾斜度,倾斜角ram pressure 速压头,冲压,全压力raster 光栅raw material 原材料recourse 追索rectangle 矩形reduction in congestion and idleness curve 减少建造中的劳动力拥塞与闲散生产进度曲线reenlistment 重征服役refresh 刷新,更新register (船舶)登录簿,船名录Registo Italiano Navade (意大利)船级社regulatory body 管理机构remand 还,退回remedial action 补救措施rep 代表(缩写)replacement department 替换人员部repossesses his bond 取回其抵押金request for proposal(RFP)邀标reserve buoyancy 储备浮力reserve buoyancy 储备浮力residuary resistance 剩余阻力resizing 尺寸再生,回复到原来尺寸resultant 合力resultant 合力retrieval 〔计〕检索,回收retrieve 检索revolving crane 旋转式(鹤)吊,转臂吊(车)rework 返工,二次加工Reynolds number 雷诺数Reynolds number 雷诺数rigger 索具装配工rigging fittings 索具装配部件right-handed propeller 右旋进桨righting arm 扶正力臂,恢复力臂rigid side walls 刚性侧壁rise of floor 底升risk 保险对象,保险金额riverine warfare vessel 内河舰艇rivet 铆接,铆钉robotics 自动化技术,机器人技术roil-on/ro-off(Ro/Ro)滚装roll 横摇rolled angle butt (轧制)角钢焊接头rolled 滚轧制的rolling 横摇rough sea 汹涌的海浪rough water 汹涛海面rounded gunwale 修圆的舷边rubber tile 橡皮瓦rudder post 舵柱rudder rate 舵率rudder stock 舵杆rudder 舵rule of thumb 经验法则run (船模试验中拖车)走车run 去流段runnel wall effect 水筒(或风洞)壁面效应rupture 断裂,破损Ssag 中垂sagging 中垂sales agreement 销售协议scale model 缩尺船模(模型)scale ratio 缩尺比scale 缩尺,尺度,尺scanning laser 扫描激光仪scantling 材积schedule coordination 生产规程(进度)协调schedule reviews 施工(生产)进度审核scheme 方案,计划sea keeping performance 耐波性sea spectra 海浪谱sea state 海况seakeeping 适航性seasickness 晕船seaworthness 适航性seaworthness 适航性section modulus 剖面模数section moulus 剖面模数sections (铁、钢)型材,轧材sections 剖面,横剖面secure quotations 获取市场行情,得到报价单self-induced 自身诱导的self-propulsion 自航semi-finished item 半精加工件semi-submersible drilling 半潜式钻井架sequential numbering system 顺序编号系统set course 设定航线shaft bossing 轴包套shaft bracket 轴支架shear buckling 剪切性屈曲shear curve 剪力曲线shear 剪切,剪力sheer (甲板)航弧sheer aft 艉舷弧sheer drawing 剖面图sheer forward 艏舷弧sheer metal work 钣金工,冷作工sheer plane纵剖面sheer profile 纵剖面sheer profile 纵剖线shell plating 船壳板shell 船壳板ship fitter 船舶装配工ship fitter 舰船装配工ship form 船型ship hydrodynamics 船舶水动力学ship owner 船东ship trial 实船试验Ship Work Breakdown Structure 船舶工艺分类结构(手册)shipfitter 船体安装工shipping line 船运航线shipway (造)船台shipwright 船体装配工,造船工人shipyard schedule chart 船厂施工进度图shipyard 船厂shoring 支撑,支柱shoulder 船肩shrouded screw 有套罩螺旋桨,导管螺旋桨sick bay 船上诊所single-cylinder engine 单缸引擎sinkage 升沉six degrees of freedom 六自由度skin friction 表面摩擦(力)skirt (气垫船)围裙slag 渣slamming 砰击,拍击sleeve 套管,套筒,套环slice 一部分,薄片sloping shipway 有坡度船台,滑道sloshing (液体)晃动soft chine 圆舭solid interface 不间断的交面spanner wrench 开脚扳手spare part 备件spatter 溅出物specially prepared form 专门(特殊)加工的模板specifications 说明书specified objective function 指定的目标函数speculative 投资性的,思考、推测的speed of advance 进速speed-to-length ratio 速长比springing 颤振stability 稳性stable equilibrium 稳定平衡Standard Contract Code 标准合同法standard item 标准(部)件,标准产品standard 标准法典standard 规章starboard右舷static equilibrium 静平衡statically determinant 静定的statistical 统计学(上)的statute 法令Statutes of Limitations 限制法令(规)statutory 法定的,制定的steam ship 轮船steamer 汽轮船,汽船,轮船steamlined casing 流线形套管(罩)steel marking 钢板划线steering gear 操纵装置,舵机stem contour 艏柱型线stem 船艏stern frame 艉构架,艉框架stern wave 艉波stern 艉stiffen 加劲,加强stiffener 扶墙材,加劲杆(条)stockpile 储存,堆放,积累Storm correction 水池“风暴”修正(试验水池中测试数据异常的修正)Storm 扰动,风暴straddle truck 龙门式吊运车straddle 跨立,外包式叶片strain 应变strake 船体列板streamline 流线strength curves 强度曲线strength deck 强力甲板stress concentration 应力集中Stringent safety regulations 严格的安全规章stringer 纵梁(桁,栈),桁条structural alignment 结构校准,组合,组装structural instability 结构不稳定性strut 支柱、支撑构形subassembly (局部)分部装配subdivision 分舱sublet 转包,分包submerged nozzle 浸没式喷口submersible 潜器subsidy (政府)补贴substantive documentation 真实的文档资料suction back of a blade 桨叶片抽吸叶背suction cup 吸盘Suez Canal tonnage 苏伊士运河吨位限制summer load water line 夏季载重水线superintendent 监督管理人,总段长,车间主任Superstructure 上层建筑supertanker 超级油轮supervision of the Society′s surveyor 船级社验船师的监造书supper cavitating propeller 超空泡螺旋桨surcharge 附加费surface nozzle 水面式喷口surface piercing 穿透水面的surface preparation and coating 表面加工处理与喷涂surge 纵荡surmount 顶上覆盖,越过survivability 生存力SW ATH(Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull)小水线面双体船sway 横荡switchboard 控制台,开关板Ttabular freeboard 列成表格的干舷船tabulate 表列出,做成表tacker 定位搭焊工take down 取下talking paper 讨论文件tangential viscous force 切向粘性力tangential 切向的,正切的,相切的tanker 油轮tantamount 等值的,相当的taper 弄细,变尖tax shelter 可减免税之处,躲避征税的场所tee T形构件,三通管template 样板tensile stress 拉(张)应力termination 终结(文中指终结合同)t he article′s specifications 该产品的说明书the consuming process 很耗时的过程(工序,工艺过程,工程作业)The Register of Shipoing of the People′s Republic of China 中国船舶检验局the Titanic 泰坦尼克号(巨型油轮)there is more shape to the shell 船壳板的形状较复杂thermal effect 热效应thread(of a machine screw)(机螺丝的)螺纹threshold 分界点,门限,阈值throughput 物料流量,生产量(率)thrust 推力thruster 推力器,助推器thumb-wheel 指拨轮tip of a blade 桨叶叶梢tip vortex 梢涡titanic 巨大的to avert a new round of subsidy 避免新一轮的贴补拨款to be craft oriented 与行业有关的,适应于行业性的to be structurcally sound 在结构上是坚固(合理、安全可靠)的to cast pall on 止住,刹住to vet proposals 审查新建议toed towards amidships 趾部朝向船舯toll 收费ton gross=gross ton 长吨=1.016公吨tonnage 吨位torpedo 鱼雷torque 扭矩torsional 扭转的trade 工种,贸易trailer type transporter 拖车式载运车transaction 交易,处理transfer sideways 横向移动transient response 过渡响应transom(stern)方尾transverse bulkhead plating 横隔舱壁板transverse section 横剖面transverse stability 横稳性trawling 拖网trial 实船试验trim by the stern/bow 艉/艏倾trim 纵倾trimaran 三体船trough 波谷tugboat 拖船tug-of-war 拔河比赛tumble home (船侧)内倾tumble home 内倾tunnel 隧道turnover 工程维持费,周转营业额turret lathe 六角(转搭)车床two nodded frequency 双节点频率Type A ship A类船typical block plans 典型分块图UU﹒S﹒Coast Guard 美国海岸警卫队U-form U型ULCC(Ultra Large Crude Carrier) 超级大型(原)油轮(载重量>40万吨)ultrasonic 超声波的uncertainty 不确定性underwrite 同意负担费用underwriter (海运)保险商undock 使船出坞uniformly apply 均匀施加(力或载荷等)unsymmetrical 非对称的upright position 正浮位置Vvapor pocket 汽化阱ventilation and air conditioning diagram 通风与空调敷设设计图venture 投机,冒险,(具有风险的)商业运作Venturi section 文丘里试验段vertical prismatic coefficient 垂向棱形系数vertical-axis(cycloidal)propeller 直叶(摆线)推进器vessel component bender 造船不见销售部viable 可生存的,可实行的vicinity 邻近,附近viscosity 粘性VLCC(Very Large Crude Carrier) 巨型(原)油轮(载重量>20万吨)Voith-Schneider propeller 外摆线直翼式推进器,沃伊斯-施奈德直翼推进器voyage returns 船舶航行的利润率V-section V型剖面V-shaped V型的Wwake current 伴流,尾流wake 伴流warranty period 保证(质)期wash 下洗water jet 喷水(推进)管water line 水线water plane 水线面waterborne 浮于水上的,水基的waterinht integrity 水密完整性waterplane area coefficient 水线面积系数watertight 水密wave pattern 波型wave suppressor 消波器,消波板wave-making resistance 兴波阻力weather deck 露天甲板web 腹板web beam 强横梁web frame 腹肋板web 腹板weight check 重量校核weighted point 加权点weld inspection 焊缝检测welder 焊工weldment 焊件,焊接装配wetted surface 湿表面积whipping 击振,骤动,抖动,甩动winch 绞车windlass 起锚机wing shaft 侧轴work station 工作站working allowance 优先使用修正量World order book 订单表(此处指造船订单)worm gear 涡轮,蜗杆(传动装置)Yyacht 快艇yard issue 船厂开工任务发布书yards 帆桁yaw 艏摇,摇艏。

精心整理Chapter1ShipDesign(船舶设计)Lesson2ShipsCategorized(船舶分类)2.1Introduction(介绍)Theformsashipcantakeareinnumerable.一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的Avesselmightappeartobeasleekseagoinghotelcarryingpassengersalongtosomeexoticdestination;afloatingfortres sbristlingwithmissilelaunchers;。
AerostaticSupport(空气静力支撑)Therearetwocategoriesofvesselsthataresupportedabovethesurfaceoftheseaonaself-inducedcushionofair.Theser elativelylightweightvehiclesarecapableofhighspeeds,sinceairresistanceisconsiderablylessthanwaterresistance,andthe absenceofcontactwithsmallwavescombinedwithflexiblesealsreducestheeffectsofwaveimpactathighspeed.有两种靠自身诱导的气垫浮于海面上的船。

设计的4个阶段用设计螺线图表示,如图1所示,是从任务书要求到详细设计的循环工作过程,这4个阶段在下面作详细叙述a 概念设计概念设计作为整个设计的第一阶段,是将任务书要求转换为船舶建造工程参数。
b 初步设计船舶的初步设计将进一步优化那些影响造价和性能的传播主要参数。
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第一章船舶设计第一课介绍翻译人员:1.1 定义‘基本设计’是专业术语,它决定船舶主要性能,影响船舶造价和功能。
这中的四个步骤用 Ecans 的 1959 年的设计螺旋循环方式图说明了,设计螺旋循环方式是一种含盖从目标需求到详细设计的迭代过程,如图 1.1。
下面将进一步详述这些步骤: a.概念设计。
这一阶段更加精确地描述了船舶的一些特征,例如,基于一组光滑型线绘制而成的船型,基于模型测试得到的动力,操纵性和耐波性参数 FF0C 螺旋桨数对船型的影响,结构构造,不同型号钢的使用,结构间距和类型。
表 1.1 展示了大型船舶合同设计中制定出的一系列典型的计划。
1.2 一般方面十九世纪六十年代末至七十年代见证了很大的发展,总的来看影响了基本设计问题。
人类正逐渐转向海洋来寻求所有的主要能源;近海石油天然气钻探已从主要坐落于墨西哥湾的浅海区的小型工业迅速发展到世界范围内严峻的深海海况下的巨型工业(Durfee er al,1976)。
表 1.1——合同设计中制作的典型计划侧视图,总布置纵剖面图,总布置全部甲板和舱室的总布置船员居住舱布置补给舱布置型线舯横剖面钢材尺寸图机械装置布置——平面图机械装置布置——侧视图机械装置布置——横剖面图主轴系的布置动力照明系统——直线设计图甲板剖面消防设计图通风与空调敷设设计图所有管系布置简图热平衡和汽流设计图——常规动力正常运行状态下电力载荷分析舱容图各船型曲线可浸长度曲线初倾和稳定性手册破损稳定性初步计算课外阅读课外阅读 1总则反过来用现实角度进行总的比较和编目分类是必要的。
课外阅读 2系统方法然而,新船结构方面最大的变化不是非常明显。
第二课船舶分类翻译人员:2.1 介绍一艘船能采用的外形是不可胜数的。
2.2 根据物理支撑方式来分类船舶按物理支撑的分类方式假设,船舶是在设计工况的条件下航行。