


(5)买方的威胁: 当今消费者面对多元化的的饮品的消费越来 越理性,人们对饮料的要求也是越来越高。
碳酸饮料可能 导致健康问题;
全球最大的软性饮料巨人;品牌效应; 创新及研发能力;强大的营销策略; 拥有强大的市场占有率;保密的核心产品配方
与百事可乐相 比,主要消费 群的产品认同
组织庞大,不 易控制
的成功;公司用特许经营方式;公司在中国运 用了本土化战略,进行多品牌生产,挖掘中国 特色。
2.业务层战略: 可口可乐通过巨额的广告支出和高超的营销
技能进行差异化产品的营销,力保在全球竞争中 的优势,其产品代言人著名的有詹姆斯和科比等, 在中国有周杰伦,刘翔,姚明等等。
3.品牌战略: 提高品牌影响的深度与广度,品牌要与当地
(五) SWOT
碳酸饮料比较 符合年轻人的 需求,因此带 来的商机很高;
威胁: 其产品的替代品比较多;
活动以及体育 赞助等塑造企
消费者对饮品的要求越来越高,减少对碳 酸饮料的引用;饮料业之间的竞争异常激 烈,尤其是百事发展迅速;经济的波动对
美国速食文化 与碳酸饮料的 结合非常切合。
经济社会环境:中国具有广阔的市 场;居民生活水平的提高使得可口
宏观 环境
政治法律因素:政府支持外资;产 业政策与税收政策相对稳定
技术因素:可口可乐的配料至今也 是个秘密;瓶装与罐装技术的发展 为饮料行业的发展提供了便利条件。

1.百事可乐 优势:





二、公司战略概述1. 定位:可口可乐的定位是成为全球最受消费者喜爱的饮料公司。

2. 目标市场:可口可乐的目标市场是全球范围内的消费者,尤其是年轻人和家庭。

3. 产品策略:可口可乐提供种类丰富的饮料产品,包括碳酸饮料、果汁、茶和咖啡等。


4. 渠道策略:可口可乐通过各种渠道销售其产品,包括超市、便利店、餐厅、自动贩卖机和电子商务等。

5. 品牌推广:可口可乐通过全球范围的广告和营销活动来提升品牌知名度和消费者认知度,并与体育、音乐和娱乐等领域的合作伙伴合作推广。

三、竞争优势分析1. 品牌价值:可口可乐是全球最有价值的品牌之一,拥有广泛的市场认可度和品牌忠诚度。

2. 全球化战略:可口可乐在全球范围内拥有庞大的销售和分销网络,能够迅速响应不同地区和消费者需求。

3. 产品多样化:可口可乐提供多种类型的饮料产品,满足不同消费群体的口味偏好,并且不断创新推出新产品。

4. 广告和营销:可口可乐投入巨资进行全球范围的广告和营销活动,有效地提升品牌知名度和消费者认知度。

四、战略建议1. 拓展新市场:可口可乐应继续拓展新兴市场的销售和分销网络,特别是亚洲和非洲地区,以提升全球市场份额。

2. 增加产品创新:可口可乐应不断推出新的饮料产品,满足不同消费者群体的需求,并关注健康饮料和有机饮料的趋势。

3. 数字化转型:可口可乐应加强数字化能力建设,发展电子商务和移动支付等新的销售渠道,提升顾客体验和效益。

4. 增强品牌认知度:可口可乐应继续进行大规模的广告和营销活动,与体育、音乐和娱乐等领域的合作伙伴合作推广,提升品牌知名度。




可口可乐公司使命与战略目标(Mission and strategic objectivesof Coca Cola Co)In its first 100 years, Coca Cola Co has been focusing on two things: protecting the company's patented syrup formula, secrets, and intensive marketing. Confidentiality of the recipe led the company to take a confidentiality attitude towards other businesses. By 1978, the company had operations in 135 countries, with nearly 40000 employees and 80000 shareholders, but the company's statements on corporate mission and long-term goals are still very brief and direct. In 1978 the company documents, the business made a brief note on a document later, add some very general goals, which constitute the company's mission: "Coca Cola Co is the world's largest production and sales of soft drinks concentrate and syrup enterprises. The company's Coca-Cola has been sold in more than 135 countries since it was sold in the United States in 1886 and has become a leader in soft drink products in these countries. The company is responsible for food production and sale of Minute Maid card and Snow Crop brand frozen concentrated lemon juice, the company also used Taylor trademark production and marketing of wine and sparkling wine. One subsidiary designs and manufactures water treatment systems, as well as a subsidiary company that manufactures and markets plastic film products. The company's objective is to continue to strengthen financial trends." InAlthough the Coca Cola Co began to enter the Studio Entertainment industry in mid 1980s, but its 1986 mission still keeps the characteristics of brief and Confidential: "soft Coca Cola Co is a global leader in the beverage industry,manufacturing and distribution is one of the world's Studio Entertainment industry leader in the United States, orange juice and juice products. The basic objective of the company's management is to increase the value of its shareholders. In order to achieve this goal, the company and its subsidiaries to develop a comprehensive business strategy, including: increasing the yield and profit; a high return on investment, to achieve long-term cash flow; withdrawal of low return assets; maintain appropriate financial policy. The company operates in three markets: soft drinks, entertainment, and food. These three areas are customer oriented and offer attractive margins. In every business area, companies focus on maximum sales, effective asset management, and improved utilization of distribution systems. The main goal of the company is to make the soft drinks business department of the company sales growth faster than the growth in the industry level; the key target entertainment business department is a distribution system using film and television, increase the amount of Studio Entertainment products; food business is the implementation of the product packaging segmentation and segmentation strategy, the goal is to increase new products to existing the distribution channel, thereby increasing sales." InBy the end of the 1980s, the Coca Cola Co had undergone some difficult tests. The company also achieved many successes in the last 10 years of twentieth Century. "New coke" has been an unprecedented boycott of consumers, the entertainment department sold to SONY, made a large amount. A major reflection of the new leadership style of the Roberto Goizueta is that the company's mission and direction are more open. In early 1990s, Goizueta published the company's mission in brochures, titled"towards the 2000 business system: Coca-Cola's mission in 90s."". The main contents are as follows: inOur opportunity: a unique opportunity for the company to bring fresh coolness to the thirsty world and all our friends and to create value for our shareholders. Our business system is the only production and distribution system that can take advantage of this opportunity globally. We must make this opportunity come true. InOur goal: to Coca-Cola as the core, companies, boutiques, and other partners will use the world's most outstanding brands and service systems to provide customers and consumers with satisfaction and value. Our brand equity will therefore be promoted globally and shareholder wealth will increase. The company's goal in 90s is to expand the global business system and increase the number of consumers who appreciate our brands and products. InWe meet the challenge: 90s is a period full of contradictions of our business: the existing distribution system to further unify, while also establishing a new distribution system; customers have more choices, but also for personalized service and personalized in the lowest cost at the same time promotions; consumers in developed countries at the age of growth, their impact on the performance of enterprises will no longer be in number, the number of consumers in less developed countries are growing rapidly, these young people the vitality of the market will depend on local employment and economic development situation. To this end, we need to use our brand, system, capital and personnel more effectively. Among them, the staffis the most important. One might think that these resources already exist, so long as they are put into use to achieve their goals. That's a big mistake.The challenge in 90s is not to use these resources, but to expand these resources, adapt to them, and use them in an innovative way, creating a new relationship between the Coca-Cola system and global consumers. InOur resources in:1 brand. The increasing globalization of the information industry means that we can form advertising effects and various public images through global brands. This will help maintain our position as chief brand advertising. However, we must always keep in mind that our network of franchised stores throughout the world is promoting and promoting our brand. In order to make better use of our brand, we must realize that we and our franchised stores are in the service business of customers to meet their realistic and expected needs. Operational decisions about product marketing should be as close as possible to consumers and customers in line with global strategy and flexibility, which is global implementation and localization. For this purpose, it is necessary to master every customer, every channel, or the knowledge of each consumer group in order to work out a plan that meets their specific requirements and values. Coca Cola Co does not sell popular goods, nor do we sell popular goods. We do not belittle our relationship with our customers and consumers. No matter what kind of Coca-Cola, the traditional, sugar free, decaffeinated, fruity, bland, etc. are all recognized and respected brandsaround the world. That's the way it is. It's always like this! Brand is the core of our cool system. Sprite and Fanta is a global brand, they must play a role in our brand strategy. We will also continue to develop new brands. In2. System. Proximity to consumers in organizational structure and decision-making is a requirement for globalization and decentralized markets in the 90s. Structurally, organizations must be made more flat. Functional activities must be built around the business units that focus on market opportunities, while the corporate level should be an actor rather than a critic or a gas generator. Our specialty stores should also understand this new task. Only when necessary and can achieve the goal of the case, we will improve the Coca-Cola production and sales network assets on the level of participation, participation in the improvement of monopoly system may require greater investment in production and sales ability, so at the lowest cost to meet customer service requirements. This will guarantee the competitive advantage of the whole system. To capture new sales opportunities and new markets, especially markets outside the United States, a new distribution system is required. The establishment of various forms of joint ventures with our franchised stores or suppliers will help our capital to directly establish new businesses, thus approaching consumers. Whether we can successfully manage these flat, market oriented structures will depend heavily on our information systems. In order to achieve goals, information systems including processes, reports, purchases and communications that connect organizations must lead market development rather than just track market development. Effective and timely information is vital to the efficient andtimely allocation of resources. Our business is multi regional business, from the soft drinks market in Asia to mature markets in North America, business development has changed a lot. We've been through business evolution and business cycles for 103 years of business history. In the past, the business cycle is generally 10 years, and in the future, this cycle will be greatly shortened. By 2000, the functions of our business systems in developing countries will be the same as those in today's mature markets. In places where there is a shortage of hard currency and political barriers, we will encounter barriers to approaching customers, so new strategic alliances must be established to strengthen the capacity to overcome them. In3. Capital. Strengthening the business approach to clients requires not only new asset investment, but also improved management of existing assets. Existing assets are potential resources for achieving goals. These assets include both physical assets and non physical assets, including property rights, all status, financial capacity, information systems and the ability to creatively manage business relationships. Capital management is not only a process that returns higher than the cost of capital, it is more of a creative process of finding new uses for more effective use and assets of the capital, is the use and integration of existing assets, achieve the company's goals and create a new strategic alliance. Our organization has accumulated a wealth of experience in the effective allocation of resources and the use of financial resources to build value, and will continue. With the accumulation of experience in managing greater financial leverage, we will regularly assess higher leverage caps, firstof all, investments in business systems or strategic alliances, and then our shares. In4 personnel. For a long time, Coca Cola Co has a global backbone of management.In order to seize the opportunity of the global soft drinks market in 90s, we need not only strong brands, systems and infrastructure, but also need to be able to face the powerful personnel of twenty-first Century. We need to find people who can make use of facts and knowledge to create value for their clients' business. At an age when each person can have the same information, the advantage will come from those who can use information quickly, effectively and profitably. These are people with "strategist brains". They can make use of general knowledge to create a competitive advantage. Few people have the ability to do so, but this ability can be developed and rewarded. We must recruit and train more people to meet the needs of the business. In 90s, multi language and intercultural competence will become the standard of "international talent". We should continue to improve the remuneration system to reflect corporate culture and reward value-added performance. The responsibility for personnel development cannot be delegated to those trainers, academic directors, or experts in the human resource field. These people work, but not all of them. The best person in the development company is the responsibility of the executives. This requires each supervisor to take education and development as his primary responsibility. We require the best executives to recruit and train the best people. With the growth of these best people, they will be the next generation of executives with the abilityand responsibility to develop new people. Our advantages will last forever. This process will make us aware of the shortcomings of today's success. We must continue to acquire wisdom in taking risks and making flexible decisions. The company will never tolerate complacency and stagnation. InOur reward: to meet these challenges, the achievement of development in a rapidly changing environment is enormous. It appears as:1. Customer satisfaction. They will accept our brand again and again and get the cool they need. In2. The customer can make a profit. They rely on our global brands and services for profit. In3. Our business location has made economic contribution, becomea welcome guest. In4. Business partner success. In5. The shareholders through the Coca-Cola system to establish power values. InShared vision: the Coca-Cola system is indeed a special business. After millions of years of struggle, 103 people have created the best trademarks, achievements and economic value of their own business history. Any advantage that has been achieved, however, is fragile. The process towards the 2000 requires that our trademarks, systems, capital and personnel continue to evolve and adapt to meet our goals and achieve ouropportunities. Towards 2000, this is an attractive goal for us to contribute to, and a goal for us to gather together and work together." InThe above is from 1970s to 90s, the Coca Cola Co in the mission to describe the changes of the reflects the company's focus on Coca-Cola's business, but also reflects from a brief and mysterious to pay more attention to the value, priority activities, "Coca-Cola system" on the change. The mission statement for 1990s is very long. But Goizueta believes that the mission of the company and the relevant content of the detailed and complete description, will be conducive to such a global Coca Cola Co like employees and partners, engaged in a variety of operating companies focus on first Century to get some key factors of global success. Give a clear and detailed account of what the Coca-Cola system is and what it will be, providing a framework for future decisions and actions, opportunities for success. X xQuestion: in1, the Coca Cola Co in 1990s the mission is obviously not in conformity with the dapper requirements, and it is difficult to be remembered. Try how long it took you to basically recap the description. What do you think is the starting point for such a description of the Goizueta design? In2, re design a more easily remembered mission for the Coca Cola Co in 1990s. In3, combining cases to illustrate the differences andconnections between mission and vision.。



















公司拥有一位经验丰富的CEO 来主导公司的发展,并设有董事会来监督并理念公司高管团队的决策,以确保公司目标的实现。















⟦∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗∗⟧1.公司简介可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Company)成立于1892年,总部设在美国乔亚州亚特兰大,是全球最大的饮料公司,拥有全球48%市场占有率以及全球前三大饮料的二项(可口可乐排名第一,百事可乐第二,低热量可口可乐第三),可口可乐在200个国家拥有160种饮料品牌,包括汽水、运动饮料、乳类饮品、果汁、茶和咖啡,亦是全球最大的果汁饮料经销商(包括Minute Maid品牌),在美国排名第一的可口可乐为其取得超过40%的市场占有率,而雪碧 (Sprite)则是成长最快的饮料,其它品牌包括伯克(Barq)的root beer(沙士),水果国度(Fruitopia)以及大浪(Surge)。


这属于可口可乐的特有基础资源,也是可口可乐存在和发展的前提,可口可乐公司核心能力的形成离不开他的神秘配方,自1886 年在美国亚特兰大诞生以来保密达120 年之久。

截止到2000 年,知道可口可乐秘方的不到10人,而在合作伙伴的贸易中,可口可乐一直向合作伙伴提供半成品。




可口可乐里的占总量不到1 %的“神秘物质”。

维系了可口可乐100 多年之久。

2.2核心文化能力可口可乐公司的核心企业文化能力大致可以概括为以下三项: 2.2.1可口可乐的大众文化底蕴。





因此在20 世纪30 年代经济大萧条和来经济不景气的时候,可口可乐的制造商们仍旧能够才赚很多钱。



可口可乐公司使命与战略目标(Mission and strategic objectivesof Coca Cola Co)In its first 100 years, Coca Cola Co has been focusing on two things: protecting the company's patented syrup formula, secrets, and intensive marketing. Confidentiality of the recipe led the company to take a confidentiality attitude towards other businesses. By 1978, the company had operations in 135 countries, with nearly 40000 employees and 80000 shareholders, but the company's statements on corporate mission and long-term goals are still very brief and direct. In 1978 the company documents, the business made a brief note on a document later, add some very general goals, which constitute the company's mission: "Coca Cola Co is the world's largest production and sales of soft drinks concentrate and syrup enterprises. The company's Coca-Cola has been sold in more than 135 countries since it was sold in the United States in 1886 and has become a leader in soft drink products in these countries. The company is responsible for food production and sale of Minute Maid card and Snow Crop brand frozen concentrated lemon juice, the company also used Taylor trademark production and marketing of wine and sparkling wine. One subsidiary designs and manufactures water treatment systems, as well as a subsidiary company that manufactures and markets plastic film products. The company's objective is to continue to strengthen financial trends." InAlthough the Coca Cola Co began to enter the Studio Entertainment industry in mid 1980s, but its 1986 mission still keeps the characteristics of brief and Confidential: "soft Coca Cola Co is a global leader in the beverage industry, manufacturing and distribution is one of the world's StudioEntertainment industry leader in the United States, orange juice and juice products. The basic objective of the company's management is to increase the value of its shareholders. In order to achieve this goal, the company and its subsidiaries to develop a comprehensive business strategy, including: increasing the yield and profit; a high return on investment, to achieve long-term cash flow; withdrawal of low return assets; maintain appropriate financial policy. The company operates in three markets: soft drinks, entertainment, and food. These three areas are customer oriented and offer attractive margins. In every business area, companies focus on maximum sales, effective asset management, and improved utilization of distribution systems. The main goal of the company is to make the soft drinks business department of the company sales growth faster than the growth in the industry level; the key target entertainment business department is a distribution system using film and television, increase the amount of Studio Entertainment products; food business is the implementation of the product packaging segmentation and segmentation strategy, the goal is to increase new products to existing the distribution channel, thereby increasing sales." InBy the end of the 1980s, the Coca Cola Co had undergone some difficult tests. The company also achieved many successes in the last 10 years of twentieth Century. "New coke" has been an unprecedented boycott of consumers, the entertainment department sold to SONY, made a large amount. A major reflection of the new leadership style of the Roberto Goizueta is that the company's mission and direction are more open. In early 1990s, Goizueta published the company's mission in brochures, titled "towards the 2000 business system: Coca-Cola's mission in90s."". The main contents are as follows: inOur opportunity: a unique opportunity for the company to bring fresh coolness to the thirsty world and all our friends and to create value for our shareholders. Our business system is the only production and distribution system that can take advantage of this opportunity globally. We must make this opportunity come true. InOur goal: to Coca-Cola as the core, companies, boutiques, and other partners will use the world's most outstanding brands and service systems to provide customers and consumers with satisfaction and value. Our brand equity will therefore be promoted globally and shareholder wealth will increase. The company's goal in 90s is to expand the global business system and increase the number of consumers who appreciate our brands and products. InWe meet the challenge: 90s is a period full of contradictions of our business: the existing distribution system to further unify, while also establishing a new distribution system; customers have more choices, but also for personalized service and personalized in the lowest cost at the same time promotions; consumers in developed countries at the age of growth, their impact on the performance of enterprises will no longer be in number, the number of consumers in less developed countries are growing rapidly, these young people the vitality of the market will depend on local employment and economic development situation. To this end, we need to use our brand, system, capital and personnel more effectively. Among them, the staff is the most important. One might think that these resources already exist, so long as they are put into use to achieve their goals. That's a big mistake.The challenge in 90s is not to use these resources, but to expand these resources, adapt to them, and use them in an innovativeway, creating a new relationship between the Coca-Cola system and global consumers. InOur resources in:1 brand. The increasing globalization of the information industry means that we can form advertising effects and various public images through global brands. This will help maintain our position as chief brand advertising. However, we must always keep in mind that our network of franchised stores throughout the world is promoting and promoting our brand. In order to make better use of our brand, we must realize that we and our franchised stores are in the service business of customers to meet their realistic and expected needs. Operational decisions about product marketing should be as close as possible to consumers and customers in line with global strategy and flexibility, which is global implementation and localization. For this purpose, it is necessary to master every customer, every channel, or the knowledge of each consumer group in order to work out a plan that meets their specific requirements and values. Coca Cola Co does not sell popular goods, nor do we sell popular goods. We do not belittle our relationship with our customers and consumers. No matter what kind of Coca-Cola, the traditional, sugar free, decaffeinated, fruity, bland, etc. are all recognized and respected brands around the world. That's the way it is. It's always like this! Brand is the core of our cool system. Sprite and Fanta is a global brand, they must play a role in our brand strategy. We will also continue to develop new brands. In2. System. Proximity to consumers in organizational structure and decision-making is a requirement for globalization and decentralized markets in the 90s. Structurally, organizations must be made more flat. Functional activities must be builtaround the business units that focus on market opportunities, while the corporate level should be an actor rather than a critic or a gas generator. Our specialty stores should also understand this new task. Only when necessary and can achieve the goal of the case, we will improve the Coca-Cola production and sales network assets on the level of participation, participation in the improvement of monopoly system may require greater investment in production and sales ability, so at the lowest cost to meet customer service requirements. This will guarantee the competitive advantage of the whole system. To capture new sales opportunities and new markets, especially markets outside the United States, a new distribution system is required. The establishment of various forms of joint ventures with our franchised stores or suppliers will help our capital to directly establish new businesses, thus approaching consumers. Whether we can successfully manage these flat, market oriented structures will depend heavily on our information systems. In order to achieve goals, information systems including processes, reports, purchases and communications that connect organizations must lead market development rather than just track market development. Effective and timely information is vital to the efficient and timely allocation of resources. Our business is multi regional business, from the soft drinks market in Asia to mature markets in North America, business development has changed a lot. We've been through business evolution and business cycles for 103 years of business history. In the past, the business cycle is generally 10 years, and in the future, this cycle will be greatly shortened. By 2000, the functions of our business systems in developing countries will be the same as those in today's mature markets. In places where there is a shortage ofhard currency and political barriers, we will encounter barriers to approaching customers, so new strategic alliances must be established to strengthen the capacity to overcome them. In3. Capital. Strengthening the business approach to clients requires not only new asset investment, but also improved management of existing assets. Existing assets are potential resources for achieving goals. These assets include both physical assets and non physical assets, including property rights, all status, financial capacity, information systems and the ability to creatively manage business relationships. Capital management is not only a process that returns higher than the cost of capital, it is more of a creative process of finding new uses for more effective use and assets of the capital, is the use and integration of existing assets, achieve the company's goals and create a new strategic alliance. Our organization has accumulated a wealth of experience in the effective allocation of resources and the use of financial resources to build value, and will continue. With the accumulation of experience in managing greater financial leverage, we will regularly assess higher leverage caps, first of all, investments in business systems or strategic alliances, and then our shares. In4 personnel. For a long time, Coca Cola Co has a global backbone of management.In order to seize the opportunity of the global soft drinks market in 90s, we need not only strong brands, systems and infrastructure, but also need to be able to face the powerful personnel of twenty-first Century. We need to find people who can make use of facts and knowledge to create value for their clients' business. At an age when each person can have the sameinformation, the advantage will come from those who can use information quickly, effectively and profitably. These are people with "strategist brains". They can make use of general knowledge to create a competitive advantage. Few people have the ability to do so, but this ability can be developed and rewarded. We must recruit and train more people to meet the needs of the business. In 90s, multi language and intercultural competence will become the standard of "international talent". We should continue to improve the remuneration system to reflect corporate culture and reward value-added performance. The responsibility for personnel development cannot be delegated to those trainers, academic directors, or experts in the human resource field. These people work, but not all of them. The best person in the development company is the responsibility of the executives. This requires each supervisor to take education and development as his primary responsibility. We require the best executives to recruit and train the best people. With the growth of these best people, they will be the next generation of executives with the ability and responsibility to develop new people. Our advantages will last forever. This process will make us aware of the shortcomings of today's success. We must continue to acquire wisdom in taking risks and making flexible decisions. The company will never tolerate complacency and stagnation. In Our reward: to meet these challenges, the achievement of development in a rapidly changing environment is enormous. It appears as:1. Customer satisfaction. They will accept our brand again and again and get the cool they need. In2. The customer can make a profit. They rely on our global brands and services for profit. In3. Our business location has made economic contribution, becomea welcome guest. In4. Business partner success. In5. The shareholders through the Coca-Cola system to establish power values. InShared vision: the Coca-Cola system is indeed a special business. After millions of years of struggle, 103 people have created the best trademarks, achievements and economic value of their own business history. Any advantage that has been achieved, however, is fragile. The process towards the 2000 requires that our trademarks, systems, capital and personnel continue to evolve and adapt to meet our goals and achieve our opportunities. Towards 2000, this is an attractive goal for us to contribute to, and a goal for us to gather together and work together." InThe above is from 1970s to 90s, the Coca Cola Co in the mission to describe the changes of the reflects the company's focus on Coca-Cola's business, but also reflects from a brief and mysterious to pay more attention to the value, priority activities, "Coca-Cola system" on the change. The mission statement for 1990s is very long. But Goizueta believes that the mission of the company and the relevant content of the detailed and complete description, will be conducive to such a global Coca Cola Co like employees and partners, engaged in a variety of operating companies focus on first Century to get some key factors of global success. Give a clear and detailed account of what the Coca-Cola system is and what it will be, providing a framework for future decisions and actions, opportunities for success. X xQuestion: in1, the Coca Cola Co in 1990s the mission is obviously not inconformity with the dapper requirements, and it is difficult to be remembered. Try how long it took you to basically recap the description. What do you think is the starting point for such a description of the Goizueta design? In2, re design a more easily remembered mission for the Coca Cola Co in 1990s. In3, combining cases to illustrate the differences and connections between mission and vision.。






二、品牌定位的目标1. 提高品牌知名度:通过巩固可口可乐在全球范围内的知名度,进一步提升品牌形象。

2. 满足消费者需求:了解消费者的偏好和需求,开辟适应不同市场的产品和服务,以满足消费者的期望。

3. 建立品牌价值观:通过传递积极的品牌价值观,如快乐、激情和社交互动,与消费者建立情感连接。

三、品牌定位策略1. 强调可口可乐的历史和传统:通过强调可口可乐的悠久历史和传统,打造品牌的信任和可靠性。

2. 传递快乐和激情:将可口可乐与快乐和激情联系在一起,强调品牌带来的积极情绪和享受生活的乐趣。

3. 强调社交互动:将可口可乐与社交互动联系在一起,通过活动和广告宣传,鼓励消费者在社交场合中分享可口可乐的乐趣。

4. 多元化产品线:根据不同市场的需求,开辟多种口味和包装的产品,以满足消费者的多样化需求。

5. 创新营销策略:通过创新的营销策略,如社交媒体营销和合作火伴关系,扩大品牌的影响力和市场份额。

四、品牌定位的执行计划1. 品牌形象宣传:通过电视、广播、户外广告等媒体,展示可口可乐的品牌形象和价值观。

2. 社交媒体营销:利用社交媒体平台,与消费者互动,分享可口可乐的乐趣和活动。

3. 活动策划:组织各种活动,如音乐节、体育赛事等,与消费者建立情感连接。

4. 渠道拓展:与零售商和餐饮企业建立合作关系,扩大可口可乐产品的销售渠道。

5. 市场调研:定期进行市场调研,了解消费者的需求和竞争对手的动态,及时调整品牌定位策略。































可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Company)成立于1892年~目前总部设在美国乔亚州亚特兰大~是全球最大的饮料公司~拥有全球48%市场占有率以及全球前三大饮料的二项(可口可乐排名第一~百事可乐第二~低热量可口可乐第三)~其2001年营收达20,092百万美元~普通股股东权益则为11,351百万美元。

可口可乐在200个国家拥有160种饮料品牌~包括汽水、运动饮料、乳类饮品、果汁、茶和咖啡~亦是全球最大的果汁饮料经销商(包括Minute Maid品牌)~在美国排名第一的可口可乐为其取得超过40%的市场占有率~而雪碧(Sprite)则是成长最快的饮料~其它品牌包括伯克(Barp)的root beer(沙士)~水果国度(Fruitopia)以及大浪(Surge)。









可口可乐校园营销策划方案目录一、可口可乐公司简介(一)企业使命(二)企业愿景(三)可口可乐公司的竞争分析(swot分析)(1)优势分析(2)劣势分析(3)机会分析(4)威胁分析(5)可口可乐发展建议二、策划目的三、分析当前的营销环境状况(一)当前市场状况及市场前景分析(二)对产品市场影响因素进行分析四、市场机会与问题分析(一)、针对产品目前营销现状进行问题分析(二)、针对产品特点分析优、劣势五、营销战略(具体行销方案)(一) 营销宗旨(二)、产品策略(三)价格策略(四)销售渠道(五)广告宣传六、方案调整七、营销目标八、费用预算九、售后调研一、可口可乐公司简介永远的可口可乐可口可乐图标可口可乐公司(Coca-Cola Company)成立于1892年,总部设在美国乔亚州亚特兰大,是全球最大的饮料公司,拥有全球48%市场占有率以及全球前三大饮料的二项(可口可乐排名第一,百事可乐第二,低热量可口可乐第三),可口可乐在200个国家拥有160种饮料品牌,包括汽水、运动饮料、乳类饮品、果汁、茶和咖啡,亦是全球最大的果汁饮料经销商(包括Minute Maid品牌),在美国排名第一的可口可乐为其取得超过40%的市场占有率,而雪碧(Sprite)则是成长最快的饮料,其它品牌包括伯克(Barq)的root beer(沙士),水果国度(Fruitopia)以及大浪(Surge)。













目前中国每年人均饮用可口可乐公司产品数量为20瓶 (每瓶8盎司或237毫升)。






2007 年至 2011年,整个食品行业面临着较好的发展际遇:a.国民经济持续快速发展和城市化水平的提高,给食品工业发展创造了巨大的需求空间;b.农业结构调整和产业化进程加快,为食品工业提供更加丰富的优质原料;c.西部大开发、振兴东北地区等老工业基地、促进中部崛起和建设社会主义新农村等重大发展战略,为食品工业创造了新的发展机遇;d.国家重视发展循环经济,为食品工业发展营造了良好的宏观环境;e.全球经济和区域经济一体化进程的加快,为我国食品工业在更大范围内配置资源、开拓市场创造了条件3,技术环境:由于国内饮料行业竞争激烈,不少知名饮料企业都采用了最新的生产工艺和设备,这使我国的制盖机械和塑料盖生产技术都达到了世界先进水平。



可口可乐公司战略分析姓名:黄小威学号:2007093227 班级:市场营销二班一、公司简介可口可乐公司诞生于1886年,总部在美国的亚特兰大,是世界软饮料销售的领袖和先锋,拥有近400种饮料品牌,畅销世界200多个国家和地区,每日销量超过15亿杯,占全世界软饮料市场的48%,并拥有全球最畅销软饮料品牌前五名的四个,包括可口可乐、健怡可口可乐、雪碧和芬达.可口可乐是全球最有价值的品牌。









所以醒目的相对市场份额和发展率都是还可以的.芬达:[芬达]是世界上最畅销的果味汽水,其名字源于“Fantasy” 一字,取其”开怀,有趣”的含义。



















七、战略重点可口可乐公司的战略重点主要包括以下几个方面:1. 扩大产品线:公司将继续扩大产品线,满足不同消费者群体的需求。


2. 加强市场营销:公司将加大市场营销力度,通过广告、促销和赞助活动提升品牌知名度和影响力。








在日本是I feel cola在意大利是Unique sensation而在智利则是the feeling of life.可口可乐使命在中国的体现:01年春节推出了阿福的形象,并提出“春节带我回家”的口号。







可口可乐公司的经营理念1. 持续提高产品质量如目前可口可乐公司在全球装瓶厂推广的TCCQS (The Coca-Cola Quality System)系统,就是充分体现了可口可乐的这种理念。

2. 重视提升工作效率。


3. 不断完善销售网络。


4. 重视培训专业人才。








到1978年,公司已经在135个国家开展业务,拥有近40 000名员工和80 000名股东,但公司对企业使命和长期目标的陈述仍旧是非常简短和直接的。



公司的食品分部负责生产和销售Minute Maid牌和 Snow Crop牌冰冻浓缩柠檬汁,公司还用Taylor的商标生产和销售无泡酒和汽酒。











浅析可口可乐公司10工商管理三班第五组组长:陈彬小组成员:马选浩陈万香王露霞张雪娇朱坤巧目录一、企业情况简介 (4)(一)企业简介 (4)(二)经营理念 (4)(三)基本策略 (5)(四)可口可乐公司使命与愿景 (5)二、内部环境分析 (6)(一)企业产品结构与销售情况 (6)1、企业产品结构 (6)2、销售情况分析 (7)(二)企业战略规划 (9)1、公司层战略 (9)2、业务层策略——差别化战略 (10)3、产品战略——开发新产品战略 (10)4、人力资源战略——人力资源本土化 (11)5、竞争战略——抓住关键要素 (11)三、外部环境分析 (13)(一)人口结构 (13)(二)经济状况 (13)(三)社会环境 (13)(四)法律政治 (14)(五)竞争者 (14)(六)技术 (14)四、企业的资源与能力 (14)(一)企业的有形资源 (14)(二)企业的无形资源 (15)(三)企业的个人能力 (15)(四)企业的组织能力 (15)五、企业价值链分析 (15)(一)基本活动 (16)1、生产作业 (16)2、市场和销售(人员销售) (16)3、市场和销售(广告策略 ) (16)4、服务 (16)(二)辅助活动 (17)1、人力资源管理 (17)2、基础设施 (18)(三)通过价值链制发展战略 (18)(二)可口可乐的22种渠道销售 (18)六、企业核心竞争力分析 (20)(一)品牌 (20)(二)产品 (20)(三)公司运作及人才 (21)(四)本土化的销售战略 (21)(五)营销策略 (22)(六)高效的物流 (22)七、(IFE)矩阵 (22)八、总结 (23)一、企业情况简介(一)企业简介可口可乐公司诞生于1886年,总部在美国的亚特兰大,是世界软饮料销售的领袖和先锋,拥有近400种饮料品牌,畅销世界200多个国家和地区,每日销量超过15亿杯,占全世界软饮料市场的48%,并拥有全球最畅销软饮料品牌前五名的四个,包括可口可乐、健怡可口可乐、雪碧和芬达。
















世界著名企业宗旨紧跟柯达(富士)为顾客创造价值(TCL)争当世界冰箱第一(科龙)要做世界非碳酸饮料第一(今日集团)替天行道(梁山好汉)打倒蒋介石,推翻三座大山,解放全中国Procter & Gamble (宝洁)公司的宗旨:我们提供世界一流的产品和服务,以美化消费者的生活。













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可口可乐公司在创建的头100年中,始终全力关注两件事:保护公司获得专利的糖浆配方秘密,密集营销。对秘方保密使公司连带着对其他经营方面也采取了保密的态度。到1978年,公司已经在135个国家开展业务,拥有近40 000名员工和80 000名股东,但公司对企业使命和长期目标的陈述仍旧是非常简短和直接的。在1978年的公司文件中,对业务作了一个简短的说明,在其后的一份文件中,增加了一些非常笼统的目标,由此构成了当时的公司使命:“可口可乐公司是全球最大的生产和销售软饮料浓缩液和糖浆的企业。公司生产的可口可乐自1886年起在美国销售以来,至今已在135个以上的国家销售,并成为这些国家中软饮料产品的领先者。公司的食品分部负责生产和销售Minute Maid牌和 Snow Crop牌冰冻浓缩柠檬汁,公司还用Taylor的商标生产和销售无泡酒和汽酒。有一个子公司设计和制造水处理系统,还有一个子公司制造和销售塑料薄膜产品。公司的目标是继续加强财务上的发展趋势。”
我们遇到的挑战:90年代对我们的业务来说是一个充满矛盾的时期:现有的分销系统要进一步统一,同时还要建立新的分销系统;客户要求有更多的选择,但又要求在最低成本的同时获得个性化的服务和个性化的促销方式;发达国家的消费者年龄在增长,它们对企业的影响将不再表现在人数上,不那么发达国家的消费者人数则增长很快,这些年轻人市场的活力将取决于当地的就业和经济发展形势。为此,我们需要更有效地使用我们的品牌、系统、资本及人员等基本资源。其中,人员是最重要的。人们可能会认为,这些资源已经存在,只要将它们投入使用来实现目标就可以了。这就大错特错了。90年代的挑战不在于使用这些资源,而在于扩展这些资源, 适应它们,用创新的方式使用它们,创造出可口可乐系统和全球消费者之间的崭新的关系。
1、可口可乐公司20世纪90年代的使命显然不符合短小精悍的要求,而且很难被记住。试试看你用了多长时间才基本上能重述这一描述。你认为Goizueta 设计这样一个描述的出发点是什么?
以上是20世纪70年代到90年代之间,可口可乐公司在使命描述上的变化,反映了公司对可口可乐业务的专注,也反映了从简短和神秘向更加重视价值、优先活动、“可口可乐系统”上的转变。关于20世纪90年代的使命陈述很长。但Goizueta 认为,对公司使命及有关内涵的详细和完整的描述,将有利于像可口可乐公司这样一个拥有全球职工和“合作伙伴”,从事多种经营的企业集中关注于下一世纪获得全球成功的一些关键因素。明确和详细地陈述有关可口可乐系统是什么和将成为什么,能为未来决策和行动,为掌握成功的机会提供框架。
到20世纪80年代末,可口可乐公司经受了一些困难的考验。公司在20世纪最后10年中也取得了不少成功。“新可乐”受到消费者空前未有的抵制,娱乐业务部卖给了索尼,挣了一大笔。新领导Roberto Goizueta领导风格的一大反映是公司的使命和努力方向更加公开。20世纪90年代初,Goizueta 以小册子方式公开了公司使命,这一小册子的标题是“迈向2000年的业务系统:可口可乐在90年代的使命”。主要内容如下: