总载重吨= 满载排水量- 空船排水量2)净载重吨是指船舶所能装运货物的量大限度重量,又称载货重吨,即从船舶的总载重量中减去船舶航行期间需要储备的燃料、淡水及其他储备物品的重量所得的差数。
1 运河概况苏伊士运河是世界上最著名和最重要的人工运河,1859年由英法等国承办开凿,费时十年,1869年凿成通航。
1988年在塞得港17km处.又开僻一条长为19.5km的支路(By Pass),现已专供北上船舶出口,和南下船舶吃水超过11.58m(38英尺)的船只使用。
编号:复核日期:一、基本数据二、复核记录编号: _____________________检查人员检查地点检查时间一、基本情况二、检查项目记录项目记录情况注:计算实际总容积是用于判断吨位丈量是否有误,其中型容积VI所要求记录的参数误差较大可初步判断吨位丈量有误,V2(V3、V4)测量的数据可大致判断船图一致性。
督查人员直督查时间:填写说明:应依据《船舶国籍证书》、《检验证书簿》中的相关项目,填写《检查表》第1 项“船舶基本信息”和第2项“船舶吨位证书信息”;应按照《检查表》第3项“现场勘验记录”的内容,完成船舶现场勘测;依据“船舶吨位丈量计算参考指南”(见附件3)的办法,对船舶总吨、净吨进行简单计算,并将适用方法及计算过程填写在《检查表》第4项“吨位核准评估” 一栏中;对发现计算结果与证书标注吨位明显不符(误差超过10%),应在第5 项“是” 一栏标注否则在“否” 一栏标注“/”;在第5项“是”中标注的船舶,在第6项中标注“V”。
附件5专项检查缺陷船舶汇总表__________ 海事局附件6船舶吨位丈量计算参考指南“大船小证”问题的出现一般有两种方式:一是船检证书上的船舶尺度与实船不一致,本身就偏小,从而计算的吨位偏小,这是主要现象;另一种情况是船舶尺度没有太大的误差,但计算误差较大,结果偏小造成“大船小证”问题。
免除处所 :不计入围蔽处所容积之内。
总容积V按位置可分为:上甲板以下围蔽处所 容积V1和上甲板以上围蔽处所容积V2。
V2 V1
总布置图、型线图、静水力曲线图(或计算 书)、邦氏曲线图(或计算书)、基本结构 图、横剖面图、上层建筑及甲板室结构图。 V1、 V2的计算均根据图纸资料进行计算,所 有数据均取自图纸资料。
1.无舱盖的货舱口的容积 舱口围板的平均长度、平均宽度、平均高度相乘。 2.集装箱高出甲板或平台或舱口围板以上的容积 载货面积乘以最大装箱数时集装箱高出甲板或平台或舱口
围板以上的平均高度。只装运空集装箱的船舶,平均高度 大于5.2m时,取5.2m。 3.半舱船货舱口的容积 舱口围板的平均长度、平均宽度、0.1倍船宽相乘,舱口 围板平均高度大于0.1倍船宽时,取平均高度。
净吨位符号为NT,是Net Tonnage的缩写, NT =K2 GT,系数K2根据船舶种类选取。同 样NT是一个数值,不以m3作为单位。
(1)1959年船舶吨位丈量规范(适用于海船, 河船参照)
(2) 1977年船舶吨位丈量规范(适用于国 际航行船舶)
(3) 《海船吨位丈量规范》(1985)
满载排水量从重量方面表示船舶大小。满载排水量 主要用于军舰的分类。同类型军舰中满载排水量越 大,表示船舶越大,武器的攻击力越强。
吨位从容积方面表示船舶大小。船舶吨位越大,表 示船舶越大。
总吨位是表示丈量确定的船舶总容积。总吨位数值 根据丈量计算所得的船舶总容积(V)数值确定, 但不直接等于船舶总容积(V)数值。
六、⾼架灯(甲板灯)⾼架灯(OVERHEAD LIGHTS)应⾜够照亮本船周围所有⽅向,构成的照明区在⽔平⽅向最⼩距离为200⽶(约650英尺)。
如图1-l-1所示,船的前端叫做船首,后端叫做船 尾。而船首两侧船壳弯曲处叫做首舷,船尾两侧 船壳弯曲处叫做尾舷。船的两边叫做船舷。船舷 侧板与船底板交接的弯曲部分叫做舭部。
船舶的首尾连线称为首尾线(或纵中线、中央 线),它将船体分成左右两半,从尾向首看,在 首尾线右边的部分叫做右舷,在左边的部分叫做 左舷。
净载重量是指船舶具体航次所能装载货物的最大 重量,等于总载重量减去航次总储备量(包括航 次所需的燃润料、淡水、粮食、供应品、船员、 行李等重量)及船舶常数,即:
净载重量=总载重量一航次总储备量一船舶常数 其中,船舶常数是指船舶经过一段时间营运后
船舶最前端与最后端之间包括外板和两端永久性 固定突出物(如顶推装置等)在内的水平距离。 最大长度就是船舶的实际长度。
包括外板和永久性固定突出物(如护舷材、水翼 等)在内的垂直于中线面的船舶最大水平距离。 最大宽度就是船舶的实际宽度。
在船体的最宽处,由一舷的肋骨外缘量至另一舷 的肋骨外缘之间的水平距离,如图1-l-5所示。
在船长中点处,由平板龙骨上缘量至干舷甲板横 梁上缘的垂直距离;对甲板转角为圆弧型的船舶, 则由平板龙骨上缘量至横梁上缘延伸线与肋骨外 缘延伸线的交点,如图1-1-5所示。
Suez Canal RegulationsRules of Navigation ABBREVATIONSA.E.E. Atomic Energy Establishment, Cairo, ARE.ARE Arab Republic of Egypt.Aft. Afterward.B.O.A. Beam overall.B.P. Between perpendicularCA Canal Authority.D.W.T. Deadweight tons.E.E.A.A. Egyptian Environmental Affairs AgencyE.E.P.A. Egyptian Environmental Protection Act, No. 4,1994.E.T.A. Estimated time of arrival.F.Gr Fixed Green.F.R. Fixed Red.FL.GR Flash Green.FL.R. Flash Red.FL.W. Flash White.Fwd. Forward.G.B.L Great Bitter Lake.G.F. Gas Free.G.R.T. Gross Registered Tons.H.W. High water.I.A.C.S. The International Associations ofClassification Societies. See Art. 15-DI.A.E.A. The International Atomic Energy Agency.I.M.D.G The International Maritime Dangerous GoodCode, as amended, published by I.M.O.I.M.F. International Monetary Fund.I.M.O. International Maritime Organization.I.O.P.P. International Oil Pollution PreventionCertificateLASH Lighter-Aboard-Ship.Lat. Latitude.Long. Longitude.L.O.A. Length Overall.L.NG. Liquefied Natural Gas.L.P.G. Liquefied Petroleum Gas.L.W. Low water.MARPOL International Convention for Prevention ofPollution from ships, 73/78, as amended fromtime to time published by IMON.G.F. Non Gas Free.N.R.T. Net Registered Tonnage.SCA Suez Canal Authority.SC Suez Canal.SC.G.T. Suez Canal Gross Tonnage.SC.N.T. Suez Canal net Tonnage.SC.T. Suez Canal Tonnage.S.D.R. Special Drawing Rights.S.E.S. Ship Earth StationS.T.S. Ship to Ship (Trans-shipment operation). SOLAS International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea,. 74/78, as amended from time to timepublished by I.M.O.SC.R. Suez Canal RegulationsU.L.C.C. Ultra Large Crude Carrier Ship.V.L.C.C. Very Large Crude Carrier Ship.Part I: NAVIGATIONGENERALITIESArt. 1 - Transit through the Suez CanalTransit through the SC is open to vessels of all nations subject to their complying with the conditions stated in the present Rules of Navigation. All references and circulars which shall be issued by the SCA will constitute an integral part of these rules. Vessels also have to comply with the provisions of the International Regulations for SOLAS and its amendments. MARPOL 73/78, as well as the provisions of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea and all laws, orders, and regulations issued by the Egyptian Government.The SCA reserves the right to refuse access to Canal waters, or order the towage or conveying of vessels considered dangerous or troublesome to navigation in the Canal. (Non or erroneous declaration of dangerous cargo see art. 47 bis). By the sole fact of using the Canal waters, masters and owners of vessels bind themselves to accept all the conditions of the present Rules of Navigation, with which they acknowledge being acquainted, to conform with these conditions in every respect, to comply with any requisition made with a view to their being duly carried out, and to adhere to CA private Code of Signals as shown in Part III of these Rules.Art. 2 - Agents:Every vessel (other than navy ships) intending to transit the Suez Canal or staying at Port Said or Port at the Suez, or at the Suez Canal basins or docks must have a shipping agent. SCA confirms that it has no agents or representatives abroad. The Egyptian Authorities are to be notified of intended transit of navy ships in SC viz., Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defence as well as Ports and Lights Administration.Art. 3 - Canal Waters :Canal Waters mean the Canal proper, and the the waters within the Canal Authority concession adjacent to the Canal proper, Port Said Harbor and Port of Suez.The Canal proper : As to its length, is reckoned to run from Km 3.710 West Branch for vessels entering from Port Said Harbor and from Km 1.333 East Branch for vessels entering through the East Approach Channel to Hm. 3 at Suez, including the two channels of the G.B.L and all Canal by-passes.As to its width, the Canal is bounded by two banks when they are immersed in water. If the banks are submerged, the width of the Canal is limited to the perpendiculars at the point of intersection of the submarine bank with the horizontal plane corresponding to the maximum draught authorized including squat access channels there to Port Said Eastern and Western entrance channels, Suez Entrance channel which includes the Port of Suez Eastern channel leading to the Canal entrance.Art. 4 - Responsibilities:See also: Art. 16 para. A, Art. 55 para. 5, Art. 59 para. 3, Art. 60 para. 4,5, Art. 62 para. 4.When on Canal Waters or at its ports or roads, any vessel or floating structure of any description are responsible for any damage and consequential loss she may cause either directly or indirectly to herself or to CA properties or personnel or to third party.The vessels' or floating structures' owners and /or operators are responsible without option to release themselves from responsibility by limited liability. The words (owners and/or operators) for the purpose of the present article, shall be considered to mean person/persons or corporate body responsible for the vessel at the time of navigational accident or incident. Moreover, the vessel guarantees to indemnify the CA in respect of any claim against the latter by reason of any damage, whatever, she may cause either directly or indirectly to third party.The vessel waives the right to claim the SCA for any damages caused by third party that she may sustain while on Canal Waters.Art. 5 - Temporary delaying of vessels:The Canal Authority may delay a vessel for the purpose of investigating any claim or dispute that may arise, or any formal or informal complaint, or allegation of violation of the laws of the Canal or for security reasons.A vessel may be delayed until, in the opinion of CA, its tenderness, trim, list, cargo, hull, machinery have been put into such condition as will make the vessel reasonably safe for her passage through the Canal.No claim for damages is accepted or considered because of any such temporary delaying of vessels. Art. 6 - Pilotage:Pilotage is compulsory for all vessels, whatever be their tonnage, when entering, leaving, moving, changing berth or shifting on Canal Waters or Port Said and Suez harbors. Any exemption must be explicitly authorized by the Suez Canal Authority (See Art. 11, Item D).Except ed is Egyptian vessels under 300 tons SC.G.T. authorized to work in Canal Ports and Accesses, also Egyptian fishing vessels under 300 tons SC.G.T. (At Port of Suez : 300 tons SC.G.T.) However, if transiting Canal, the above is not applied.Art. 7 - Changing Berth in Roads Anchorage:Vessels at Port Said Anchorage Areas (Northern and Southern) Suez Roads, the Bitter Lakes and Timsah Lake are not authorized to change berth, anchorage or make fast alongside other vessel or carry out any cargo operations without explicit authorizationCHAPTER I: SUEZ CANAL NA VIGATION FEATURESSECTION I – APPROACHESArt. 8 - Port Said:GENERAL :Fifteen miles before arrival to FAIRWAY Buoy("All buoys in the Canal and Access Channels may be replaced by other smaller size". ), all vessels arriving from sea should contact the Harbor Office by V.H.F. (channel 16), if not able to R/T (2182 KH2) or by W/T, or by R. Telex and Inmarsat Via SC Marine Communication Center SUQ for instructions (See part III Art. 86 and 87).FAIRWAY BUOY :Position :Lat. : 31° 21'.32 NLong. : 32° 20'.81 ECharacteristics : V. Q.A - Anchorage Areas :All vessels arriving from sea have to anchor in the berth allocated to them, by the Suez Canal Port Authority.The incoming vessels have two anchorage areas :(1) Northern Area: comprises two zones :a) Zone One : For vessels with draught over 42 feet.This zone is limited as follows :North Limit: Lat. 31° 28'.50 NSouth Limit: Lat. 31° 27'.00 NEast Limit: Long. 31° 20'.00 EWest Limit: Long. 32° 18'.00 EVessels at anchor in this area, when entering the Eastern Channel, will proceed between the East and West buoys at Hm. 195 (course 194°) "All buoys in the Suez Canal and its approaches are fitted with Radar reflectors".Hm. 195:East WestLat 31° 25'.06 N Lat 31° 25'.16 NLong 32° 24'.30 E Long 32° 23'.85 EIsophase (4 sec.) (See Plan No. 2 Part II).b) Zone Two : For VLCC'S, 4th generation containerships,,3rd generation containerships and vessels over 39 feet draught up to 42 feet.This zone is limited as followsNorth Limit: Lat. 31° 25'.00 NSouth Limit: Lat. 31° 23'.20 NEast Limit : Long. 32° 20'.00 EWest Limit: Long. 32° 16'.00 EVessels at anchor in this area, When entering the Eastern Channel, will proceed between the East and West Light buoys at Hm. 135.Hm. 135 :Lat. 31° 21'.95 NLong. 32° 23'.10 EThe berths of this zone are called (V) berths and comprise the following :Center of circle (Radius 750 meters)Berth V1 Lat. 31° 23'.70 NLong. 32° 19'.50 EBerth V2 Lat. 31° 24.50 NLong. 32° 19'.50 EBerth V3 Lat. 32° 19'.50 ELong. 32° 18'.50 EBerth V4 Lat. 31° 24'.50 NLong. 32° 18'.50 EBerth V5 Lat. 31° 23'.70 NLong. 32° 17'.50 EBerth V6 Lat. 31° 24'.50 NLong. 32° 17'.50 EBerth V7 Lat. 31° 23'.70 NLong. 32° 16’.50 EBerth V8 Lat. 31° 24'.50 NLong. 32° 16'.50 E(2) Southern Area :For all other vessels, area is limited as follows:North Limit Lat. 31° 23'.05 NSouth Limit Lat. 31° 21'.25 NEast Limit Long. 32° 20'.50 EWest Limit Long. 32° 16'.70 EVessels at anchor in this area, when entering the Port of Port Said through the West Approach Channel proceed :Take on their starboard " Fairway Buoy" (No. 8) (No. 7) and (No. 6) Buoys.On the port there are 3 yellow buoys showing yellow lights,On reaching No. 5 pair of buoys at Hm. 80 showing F. Gr. & R. they will proceed through the old channel to Port (Course 217.5°).Berths in Southern area called (C):Center of Circle (Radius 500 meters).Berth ClLat. 31° 21’.50 NLong. 32° 20'.00 EBerth C2Lat. 31° 22'.10 NLong. 32° 20'.10 EBerth C3Lat. 31° 22'.70 NLong. 32° 20'.10 EBerth C4Lat. 31° 21'.50 NLong. 32° 19'.40 EBerth C5Lat. 31° 22'.10 NLong. 32° 19'.40 EBerth C6Lat. 31° 22'.70 NLong. 32° 19'.40 EBerth C7Lat. 31° 21'.50 NLong. 32° 18'.70 EBerth C8Lat. 31° 22’.10 NLong. 32° 18'.70 EBerth C9Lat. 31° 22'.70 NLong. 32° 18'.70 EBerth C10Lat. 31° 21'.50 NLong. 32° 18'.00 EBerth C11Lat. 31° 22'.10" NLong. 32° 1 8'.00 EBerth C 12Lat. 31° 22'.70 NLong. 32° 18'.00 EBerth C13Lat. 31° 21'.50 NLong. 32° 17'.30 EBerth C14Lat. 31° 22'.10 NLong. 32° 17'.30 EBerth C15Lat. 31° 22'.70 NLong. 32° 17'.30 E(3) Prohibited area for anchorage :The area between the East Limit of the two anchorage areas and the approach channels is prohibited for anchorage to all vessels and floating units.(4) Anchorage area for transshipment operationsa) Vessels up to 60 feet draught :North Limit: Lat. 31° 25' .00 NSouth Limit: Lat. 31° 24' .00 NEast Limit: Long. 32° 27' .00 EWest Limit: Long. 32° 26'. 00 Eb) Vessels over 60 feet draught :North Limit: Lat. 31° 27' .00 NSouth Limit: Lat. 31°' 26' .00 NEast Limit Long. 32° 28'. 00 EWest Limit Long. 32° 27' .00 E(5) Dangerous Areasa) Wreck :A wreck buoy is situated on the western side of a sunken ship at Hm. 195 west of the approach channels:Lat. 31° 25'.24 NLong. 32° 22'.98 EHeight 5 meters, painted black and red horizontal bands, with daymark 2 black balls, showing group FL,.W. (2) every 10 sec.b) Dumping areas :The hopper dredgers dredge underway for several months every year the entrance channels and dumpin the following areas:- 3140 meters east of the axis of the East Channel at Hm. 140.Lat. 31° 20'.80 NLong. 32° 25'.80 E- 4000 meters East of the axis of the East Channel at Hm. 80. approximately.Lat. 31° 18'.70 NLong. 32° 24'.70 EB - Port Said approach channels(1) Buoyage :The Port Said West approach channel extends from the port of Port Said till Hm. 80 where it joins the east approach channel Height of the buoy at Hm. 80 Green is 10 meters. The Port Said East Approach Channel extends front the land boundary, east of Port Said, till Hm. 195.The two channels are marked, on each side, by light buoys of 5 meters height (except from Hm. 195 till Hm. 135 east channel, the height of the buoys is 10 meters). The light is Red on the eastern side and Green on the western side.The buoys are as follows :a) East approach channel :The East Approach channel is buoyed as follows :- In the West: Green Daymark: Cone point up. FL. Gr. Lights.- In the east: Red, Daymark : Can F L. R. Lights.The 2 buoys indicating the northern end of the channel, at Hrn. 195, are Isophase (2 sec. ON, 2 sec. OFF). The distance between them is 745 meters.b) Junction of east and west approach channelsThree Yellow buoys, mark the junction of the East and West approach channels. They are placed at Hm, 83, Hm. 95 and Hm. 105.Buoy at Hm. 83: Yellow and Black in color, is fitted with N-Cardinal 2 Cones point up daymark and shows by night Q. FL. W (5) every 20 sec.Buoy at Hm. 95: Yellow in color, shows a F.Y. light.Buoy at Hm. 105: Yellow in color is fitted with a yellow St. Andrews Cross daymark and shows bynight Group FL.Y (4) every 15 sec.c) West approach channelThe buoyage of the west approach channel of Port Said harbor, is as follows:i - Port Said " Fairway Buoy"Off Port Said, a fairway light buoy, height 10 meters, painted Black with Yellow Horizontal stripes, surmounted by a daymark 2 cones point up, and showing V. Q.Lat. : 31° 21'.32 NLong.: 32° 20'.81 EBuoy No.8 Green Daymark: Cone point up. F.Gr.Light.Lat. : 31° 21'.13 NLong.: 32° 21',04 EBuoy No.7 Green Daymark: Cone point up. F.Gr.Light.Lat. : 31° 20'.52 NLong.: 32° 21'.31 EBuoy No. 6 Green Daymark : Cone point, up. F. Gr. Light.Lat. : 31° 19'.09 NLong.: 32° 21'.58 Eii-The west approach channel : is buoyed as follows-In the west: Green Daymark: Cone point up .F.Gr.Light.-In the east : Red, Daymark: Can F.R.Light.-Buoy No.5 of Hm. 80 East Red: Daymark: Can F.R.Lat. 31° 19'. 13 NLong. 32° 22'. 11 E-Buoy No. 5 of Hm. 80 West Green: Daymark: Cone. F. Gr.Lat. 31° 19'.30 NLong. 32° 21'.85 Ed) El Bahar TowerA guidance tower in position between the East and West approach channels:Lat. : 31° 18'.16 NLong,.: 32° 21'.58 EHeight 42 meters, painted white with red horizontal stripes.Characteristics :Beacon Call sign Q "_ _ . _ " Range 15 miles.Beacon light Iso. W (2)s Range 15 miles.Automatic fog horn.(2) Navigationa) Northbound VesselsAll northbound vessels use the east approach channel. The end of the Navigable channel is marked by 2 pair of Buoys at Hm. 195, Course : 014°. From Hm. 195, vessels are to steer North (000°) for 5 miles before altering to destination.Vessels leaving Port Said harbor to sea, use the west approach Channel. Course : 037.50 till Hm. 80 (Buoys No. 5) then steer (000°) to 5 miles north of tire buoy of Hm. 195 westLat. 31° 25'.16 NLong. 32° 23'.85 EBefore altering to destination.Vessels of the northbound convoys wishing to enter Port Said Harbor may proceed through the west channel (direct to their allocated berth in Port Said Harbor, only If the situation of traffic permits. Otherwise they have to proceed through the east approach channel till Hm. 195, then steer north (000') for 5 miles and head for the anchorage berth allocated by the Harbor office. This is to avoid crossing incoming vessels to the northern anchorage area.b) Southbound vesselsThe maximum draught authorized for southbound vessels is limited to 42 feet Southbound vessels rnay be authorized to transit with a draught from 42 feet up to 56 feet with special arrangement. on condition to comply with the tables of Art. 52, Table II giving the maximum draught according to the vessel's beam.VLCC's, in ballast or partially loaded. 4th Generation Containerships and 3rd Generation Containerships, LASH over 35.000 SC.G.T, L.P.G & L.N.G. (Loaded or N.G.F) and vessels having a draught of more than 42 feet and up to 56 feet maximum, have to use the east approach channel, Course : 194°. The said vessels enter the channel between FL.GR. buoys of Hm. 165 and Hm. 135.All other vessels, transiting the canal or berthing at Port Said, have to enter through the west approach channel. Course: 180° from the entrance, passing between the west green buoys and the east yellow buoys till Hm. 80, then alter course to 217.5' passing between green and red buoys, till Port Said HarborA fixed red light on a pylon on the North Quay of Abbas Basin in line with an occulting red Light on a pylon West of the Fuel Oil Tanks at Raswa, indicates the axis of the entrance channel to the harborC - Breakwaters :(1) The West approach channel is protected by two breakwatersa) The Western breakwater protecting the west approach channel is situated to the west of the channel and extends from land boundary till Hm.73 with a submerged part from Hm. 50. This part is marked by cigar shaped unlit buoys.b) The eastern breakwater extends from land boundary till Hm. 21.2, and has an occulting red light at its northern end.(2) Two breakwaters protect the east approach channel. The eastern extends for 2 Km from the land boundary, and the Western extends. for 0.53 Km from the land boundary. Each breakwater has a small fixed white light on its end.Art. 9 - Suez:Five miles before arrival to the first separation Zone Buoy, all vessels coming from sea should contact the Suez Canal Harbor Office by VHF (channel 16), if not able to, by R/T (2181 KHZ) or by W/T, or by R, Telex and Inmarsat via SC Marine Communication Center SUQ for instruction (See Part III, art.86 and Art. 87).A - Separation Zone :A separation zone has been established, extending 0.3 mile on each of the line connecting the two separation buoys mentioned hereafter. All vessels arriving or leaving have to pass the separation zone Buoys(l) on their Port Side.The separation zone buoys are:Separation zone buoy No. 1 (southern buoy):Lat. 29° 39'.49 NLong. 32° 32'.12 EHeight 6 meters, R. W. color with top mark Red ball and a fog horn. Showing LFI 10s and fitted with 5 miles Beacon (0). (3.10 cm)Separation zone buoy No. 2 (northern buoy):Lat. 29° 48'.55 NLong. 32° 32'.12 Eheight 6 meters, R. W. Top mark Red ball, showing Iso 6s with 5 miles Beacon horn (D) (3.10 cm)B - Anchorage areas :The incoming, vessels have two anchorage areas(1) "V" Area :For VLCC'S. 4th Generation Containerships, 3rd Generation Containerships, Lash Ships over 35000 SC.G.T., vessels over 38 feet draught, L.P.G and LNG vessels (loaded or N.G.F.) this area is indicated by :a) The Conry Rock Buoy :Lat. 29° 48'. 11 NLong. 32° 34'.22 EHeight 5 meters, Y.B.Y. West Mark showing Q (9) 15sb) South Shoal Buoy :Lat. 29° 38'.87 NLong. 32° 35'.98 EBlack, cone point up, showing Gr, Isophase (2 sec. ON - 2 sec. OFF).Berths of this area are called "V". Center of circle (Radius 833 meters).Berth V1Lat. 29° 46'.50 NLong. 32° 35'.00 EBerth V2Lat. 29° 45'.50 NLong. 32° 35'.00 EBerth V3Lat. 29° 45'.50 NLong. 32° 36'.00 EBerth V4:Lat. 29° 45'.00 NLong. 32° 37'.00 EBerth V5Lat. 29° 4'.50 NLong. 32° 36'.00 EBerth V6:Lat. 29° 44'.50 NLong. 32° 35'.00 EBerth V7Lat. 29° 44'.00 NLong. 32° 37'.00 EBerth V8Lat. 29° 43'.50 NLong. 32° 36'.00 EBerth V9:Lat. 29° 43'.50 NLong. 32° 35'.00 E(2) Waiting area :For other vessels:This Area is limited by the following buoys:a) Conry Rock :Lat. 29° 48'.11 NLong. 32° 34'.22 EHeight 5 meters, Y.B.Y - West Mark showing Q (9) 15s b) Buoy "M" :Lat. 29° 50'.00 NLong. 32° 35'.29 EHeight 5 meters, yellow cross and showing, F. Y.c) Buoy "N":Lat. 29° 50'.63 NLong. 32° 351.29 EHeight 5 meters, yellow cross and showing Qk. F. Y. d) Buoy "D":Lat. 29° 51.28 NLong. 32° 35.29 EHeight 5 meters, yellow cross and showing F. Y.e) Buoy "C":Lat. 29° 51’.93 NLong. 32° 35’.29 EHeight 5 meters, yellow cross and showing FL. Y.f) Buoy "B" :Lat. 29° 52'.06 NLong, 32° 34'.54 EHeight 5 meters, yellow cross and showing F. Y.g) Buoy "A" :Lat. 29° 52'. 17 NLong. 33° 33'.86 EHeight 5 meters, Yellow Cross and showing F. Y.h)Buoy Hm. 60.00 East HM. 60.00 West:Lat. 29° 52'.27 N Lat. 29° 52'.26 NLong 32° 33'. 16 E Long 32° 32',96 EHeight 5 meters, GreenCone point up and showing FL. Gr. Height 5 meters, RedCan and showing FL. R.i)Buoy Hm. 70.50 East HM. 70.50 West:Lat. 29° 51'.70 N Lat. 29° 51'.69 NLong 32° 33'.26 E Long 32° 33'.05 EHeight 5 meters, GreenCone point up, and showing FL. Gr. Height 5 meters, Red Can and showing FL. R.j)Buoy Hm. 80.50 East Hm. 80.50 West:Lat. 29° 51'.16 N Lat. 29° 51'.15 NLong 32° 33'.33 E Long 32° 33'.13 EHeight 5 meters, Green Cone pointup,and showing Occ. Gr. (1) 4 sec, Height 5 meters, Red Can and showing Occ. R. 4 sec.k) Position "R" :Lat. 29° 48'.52 NLong. 32° 33'.18 EC - Anchorage area for trans-shipment operations "S.T.S"(1) "A" area :Lat 29° 43'.00 NLong 32° 37'.00 ELat. 29° 43'.00 NLong. 32° 38'.00 ELat. 29° 42'.00 NLong. 32° 37'.00 ELat. 29° 42'.00 NLong. 32° 38'.00 E(2) "B" area :Lat. 29° 37'.00 NLong. 32° 37’:00 ELat. 29° 37'.00 NLong. 32° 38'.00 ELat. 29° 36'.00 NLong. 32° 37’.00 ELat. 29° 36’.00 NLong. 32° 38'.00 ED - Arrival to Suez for northbound vessels :Vessels coming front sea to transit the Suez canal or enter the Port of Suez, have to pass east of the separation zone. VLCC'S, 4th Generation Containerships, 3rd Generation Containerships and vessels over 38 feet draught have to anchor in the anchorage area specified for these vessels ("V" berths) in the berth allocated to each vessel by the SCA. Other vessels have to pass east of the separation zone and anchor in the waiting area as previously indicated.E - Prohibited area for anchorage :It is strictly forbidden for all Northbound vessels to anchor in the area limited as follows(1) In the norlh :Two buoys marking the dredged channel positionWestern Buoy:Lat. 29° 51'.15 NLong. 32° 33'.13 EEastern Buoy:Lat. 29° 5 1'. 16 NLong. 32° 33'.33 E(2) In the West :By the line joining the West buoy and position "P""P":Lat. 29° 48'.52 NLong. 32° 30'.90 E(3) In the East :By the line joining the East buoy and position "R" :"R":Lat. 29° 48’.52 NLong 32° 33’.18 E(4) In the South :By the line joining position "P" and position "R".F - Suez Entrance Channel(Including the Eastern Channel leading to the Canal Entrance).This channel is used for vessels entering or leaving Suez Canal and also by those entering Port of Suez and using its anchorage.This Channel is buoyed as follows:(1) A pair of light buoys at Hm. 80.5 "entrance buoys"The eastern buoy : Height 5 meters, Green, cone point up and showing oc. G 4 sec.The western buoy : Height 5 meters, Red. can daymark and showing oc. Red 4 sec. The distance between the eastern and western buoys is 340 meters(2) Proceeding Northward the channel is marked on both sides by light buoys, of 5 meters height .On The eastern side of the channel : the buoys are Green, cone point up and showing FL. Gr.They are placed in the following locationsHm. 70.50Hm. 60.00Hm. 44.40Hm. 24.00Hm. 14.00Hm. 7.00Km. 162.150 (Occ. Gr.)b) On the western side : the buoys are red, Can daymark, and showing Fl. red.They are placed in the following locations:Hm . 70.50Hm 60.00Hm. 44.40Hm. 21.00Hm. 17.20Hm. 1.00 (Occ. Red.)Course : From the Entrance Buoys (Hm. 80.50),(New Port Rock Channel), till the Green light buoy of Hm 24.00Northbound course is 352.5'Southbound course is 172.5'G - Canal south entrance :The Canal south entrance is marked by two light buoys of 7 meters height :The Eastern Buoy at Km. 162.150 : is Green, cone point Up and showing occ Green light (1) every 4 sec.The western buoy at Hm. 1.00 : Red, Can daymark and showing occ. Red light (1) every 4 sec.H - Port of Suez(1) Navigation :Port of Suez is delimited by the imaginary line which extends from Ras Adabeya to Eyoun Moussa and comprises the coastal zone north of this up to SC entrance.a) General rulesAll vessels shall conform to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea. Navigation in the port is limited to approved channels only.Crossing or overtaking at the channels is strictly forbidden.Vessels must proceed in the port with caution and at a reduced speed.Vessels must not let go their anchors except in the anchorage areas.b) Traffic RegulationsVessels entering or leaving the port:- For vessels entering the port from sea and vessels leaving the port for sea, all movement shall be effected through the western channel, except for vessels anchored in 1C, 2C, 3C, 4C, 5C, which should use the eastern channel.Vessels entering the Canal :- From the Port and from Zone North West. of Green Island, they must comply to the following : Anchorages 8C to 16C and anchorage groups A and B.Vessels shall pass through the western channel, then south of Green Island to join the eastern channel and then proceed to the entrance of the Canal.- From zone north east of green island :Anchorage IC to 7C :Vessels shall proceed directly from their anchorages to the entrance of the Canal. If the number of vessels exceeds number of anchorages, vessels in excess shall anchor south of the western channel, parallel to anchorages 2A, 4A, 6A, 4B, 7B, making sure to leave the western channel clear for navigation at all times.- From zone South of Green Islands :Anchorages 1D to 6D :Vessels shall proceed directly from the anchorages to the Canal or to sea through the eastern channel. Vessels leaving the Canal-Direct to sea :They shall proceed through the eastern channel.-Anchoring in the Port:Anchorages Groups A & B. Zone N. W. of Green Island 8C to 16C :They shall proceed through the Eastern channel, then the Western channel and shall follow it till the place fixed for their anchorage.Zone N. E, of Green Island from 1C. to 7C. :Vessels shall come out of the Canal and proceed directly to this are.c) Priority of movement at the Port :Priority of movement in the port shall be as follows:Vessels leaving the Canal.Vessels proceeding to the Canal.Vessels coming from sea must wait outside the port till the Eastern Channel is clear,Vessels leaving the anchorages of the Port of Suez.。
吨位丈量 (江苏海事局2014)
![吨位丈量 (江苏海事局2014)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ba8d53a5d1f34693daef3e76.png)
.4 69公约的主要内容: —— 1969年国际船舶吨位丈量会议最终议定书 —— —— —— —— —— —— —— —— 附件1 附则I 1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约 测定船舶总吨位和净吨位规则
附则Ⅱ 国际吨位证书(1969) 附件2建议 1969年国际船舶吨位丈量公约的应用 使用“总吨位”代替“吨总吨位” 对某些船舶吨位丈量的修正的暂行办法 在履行“73/78防污公约”时对某些船舶吨位丈量 的暂行办法
.2 1969公约的由来及制定原则 a、由于上述各种方法各有有缺点。吨位丈量涉及到船东 与港口国收费的矛盾,各国又不统一。故制订统一的国际 船舶吨位丈量法是政府间海事协商组织的主要任务之一。 b、1969年5月27日“海协”在伦敦召开吨位会议,参加会 议的有48个国家的代表,另有7个国家和4个非政府组织派 观察员参加,苏伊士运河当局和巴拿马运河公司亦派观察 员出席了会议。吨位会议开始阶段研讨了吨位丈量的几项 一致原则: (a)吨位丈量法不能影响船舶的设计,不能使船舶的构造 在安全和效用方面有所损减。 (b)吨位量计应尽可能简便,并在船舶的设计阶段就可以 进行,即可以在图纸上进行量计。
定 义 h.旅客—— 除下列人员外,均为旅客: (1)船长和船员,以及在船上雇用或从事该船任何业务 的其他人员; (2)一周岁以下的儿童。 I.载货处所——载货处所是指适宜于运载由船上起卸货 物的围蔽处所,这些处所均已列入总吨位之内。所有 载货处所应在易于看到的地方用字母 CC( 货舱 ) 作永久 性标志,字母的高度应不小于100mm,以便 查核。 j.风雨密—— 在任何海况下,水都不会浸入船内。
1 运河概况苏伊士运河是世界上最著名和最重要的人工运河,1859年由英法等国承办开凿,费时十年,1869年凿成通航。
1988年在塞得港17km处.又开僻一条长为19.5km的支路(By Pass),现已专供北上船舶出口,和南下船舶吃水超过11.58m(38英尺)的船只使用。
第四章吨位丈量、载重线和完整稳性第四章吨位丈量、载重线和完整稳性第1节吨位丈量4.1.1一般要求4.1.1 1 船舶吨位丈量的目的是核定船舶总吨位和净吨位。上甲板系指水线以上的第一层连续甲板,对无甲板船,系指船舶的舷顶。
4.1.2计算取值4.1.2.1 吨位丈量计算的处所,金属船舶计量到各处所边界板的内表面;对非金属船舶,主船体要计入边界板的厚度,主船体以上,计量到边界板内表面。容积计算以m 为计算单位,取值精确到小数点后第2位。丈量的吨位值大于l 时,只取整数部分,舍去小数部分;丈量的吨位值小于1时,取值精确到小数点后第l 位,且不小于0.1。证书中吨位值填写数字,没有单位。
4.1.3吨位计算4.1.3.1总吨位GT 按下述公式计算:V k GT 1=式中:21V V V +=;1V ——按4.1.4.1计算的容积;2V ——按4.1.4.2计算的容积;V k lg 02.02.01+=,或按表4.1.3.1插值。
GT k NT =式中:GT ——按4.1.3.1计算的总吨位;k ——系数,渔船:k =0.35;驳船:k =0.84;运输船:k =0.56;其他船舶:k =0.30。
4.1.4容积计算4.1.4.1 上甲板以下处所容积1V 可用下述方法计算:.1用积分的方法精确计算;.2型线简单者,用几何法近似计算;.3用公式LBD V 72.01 计算,其中L 为上甲板长度,m ;.4验船机构同意的其他有效方法。 上甲板以上处所容积2V 的计算:.1 计算上甲板以上各围蔽处所及各露天舱口围板范围内的容积;.2将上述两项的容积累计,即为2V 。
第2节载重线4.2.1一般要求4.2.1.1 新船、现有船因航区或装载变化需要增加干舷者应当按本节规定核定、勘划载重线。如按本节规定核定的最小干舷与稳性、强度所决定的干舷不一致时,应取其中最大值载入船舶证书、勘划载重线。
1.国内航行非入级船舶吨位丈量申请的受理、吨位计算与现场丈量、吨位证书的打印发放由船检机构负责实施;船舶吨位复核和“临时船舶吨位证书”签发由各船舶安全技术分中心负责实施,其中, 对于业务量特别大或业务过于分散的船舶安全技术分中心,经批准后可设立工作站点或调派有资质的复核人员从事吨位复核工作,但“临时船舶吨位证书”签发须由船舶安全技术分中心负责实施。