APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERSAPL作为应用物理最高期刊出版周期Weekly期刊主页网址: /在线投稿网址: /cgi-bin/main.plex投过一篇,发现被直接拒稿。
论文的重中之重要先L,再P,最后A!自己在这样的思路指导下,坚决执行L-P-A顺序对论文开始重新组织:L是老师给指出来;P的话,花了很长时间,大概一个多月,读了30多篇相关文章,模型根基才算打牢;和老师商量了A,再把图片一个个的清晰化(很关键),前后2个月,完成文章!投出去后,赶上圣诞节,到大年初二,意见回来:Reviewer #1 (Comments to the Author):This is a useful contribution to the field. It should be published "as is".这是个比较快的杂志,收和拒都很快的,如果你做的比较有新意,可以选择投稿,去年投了一篇,修了两次接受大概用了3各月,今年投了两篇,一篇投稿四天后直接接受(这个有一定运气成分,但这篇文章准备了一年半,之前修改的比较多了)一共投稿五次,中了两篇,一篇送审。
例如,1/2a意味着1 /(2 a),而不是(1/2)。
9,参考文献的具体形式,请参考Physical Review Style and Notation Guide。
nips2023审稿模板摘要:1.NIPS 2023 审稿模板概述2.审稿流程3.审稿标准与要求4.审稿人角色与责任5.审稿时间表6.审稿人汇报与讨论7.结论正文:IPS 2023 审稿模板概述IPS(Neural Information Processing Systems,神经信息处理系统)是机器学习和人工智能领域的顶级会议,每年举办一次。
NIPS 2023 是该会议的第37 届,旨在汇聚全球相关领域的专家学者,共同探讨和研究机器学习和人工智能的最新进展和发展趋势。
审稿流程IPS 2023 的审稿流程分为以下几个阶段:1.投稿:作者提交论文至会议官方网站。
审稿标准与要求IPS 2023 的审稿标准和要求如下:1.论文主题:论文主题应与机器学习和人工智能领域相关,具有一定的学术价值和创新性。
审稿人角色与责任作为NIPS 2023 的审稿人,您的角色和责任如下:1.对论文进行客观、公正、严谨的评审。
审稿时间表IPS 2023 的审稿时间表如下:1.投稿截止日期:2023 年1 月31 日2.审稿人评审截止日期:2023 年3 月31 日3.作者修改论文截止日期:2023 年4 月30 日4.终审截止日期:2023 年5 月31 日5.论文接受通知日期:2023 年6 月30 日审稿人汇报与讨论在审稿过程中,审稿人可以通过会议主办方提供的平台进行汇报和讨论,共同商讨有关论文的问题。
速度快并且容易中的材料类SCI期刊 (更新中)推荐:1. Journal of alloy and compounds 影响因子IF 1点多,1个月给消息,容易中,现在几乎成为中国人的专刊了,哈哈;2. applied surface science 影响因子IF 1点多,发表容易,3. Materials Letter 1.7 速度快,快报一般都要求有新意(当然,新意太高可以投 APL 了)4. Materials & Design 影响因子不到1,很快,快点一个月就接受的!适合特别想要文章毕业或者评奖学金的。
5. Physica B 影响因子不到1,很快,我一个同学已经在上面发了2篇了,最快不到一个月就接受了,还是容易中的,最好是工作全面细致些。
6. Materials science and engineering B 影响因子1点多,从投稿到接受一般3-4个月,相对容易中。
7. Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications, 罗马尼亚期刊,影响因子0.2,很快,一个月可以搞定,适合灌水和急需文章。
8. Optical materials 发光材料期刊,影响因子1点多,相对容易中,速度也快。
9. Journal of Luminescence 发光方面专业期刊,老牌杂志,虽然影响因子只有1点多,但很多发光方面的经典文章出自此期刊,相对容易中,速度也可以。
10. Journal of Physics D: Applied physics 偏物理材料方面,影响因子2 左右,速度快,也不难中,中国人投稿还比较多。
黑名单:1. Thin solid films 影响因子1点多,但审稿巨慢,不推荐;2. Materials Characterization 影响因子不高,容易中,但速度慢,如果不急着要文章,也可以投的;3. Materials Chemistry and Physics 影响因子1点多,速度巨慢,我一个同学投稿半年还没消息,现在1年过去了还没查到这篇文章,估计没戏了吧。
笔者读博三年期间有幸审稿过四篇本领域国外高质量期刊的投稿文章,三篇IEEE的,一个letter,两个trans 期刊,另外一篇Elsevier的Microelectronic engineering。
IEEE Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters要求审稿人从下面几个因素考虑文章:In particular, the review form will rapidly allow you to provide feedback on the items of interest:Quality and significance of the ArticleClarity of PresentationSuitability for LettersClarity of Figures and Tables (Is color essential?)Understandable to Non-Specialists?Does Material Need to Be Added or Deleted?RecommendationDo You Want to See the Revised Manuscript?IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies审稿要求:Paper Quality :Originality of the Work :Significance of the Work :Completeness of the Report Work :Reference of the Work of Others :Organization of the Manuscript :Clarity in Writing, Tables, Graphs and Figures :每项有五个等级:Poor Marginal Acceptable Good PrizeMicroelectronic engineering期刊的审稿方式是打分,没有具体到各项,最后有个总评(General Commentary):。
journal of chemical physics投稿流程
journal of chemical physics投稿流程
以下是《Journal of Chemical Physics》(JCP)的投稿流程,但请注意这些信息可能会随时间变化,请在提交论文前务必查阅官方的最新指南和要求:
如果还没有AIP Scitation账户,需要先注册一个。
登录到AIP Scitation网站,进入投稿系统。
在投稿系统中点击“Start New Submission”。
We note that you still have an unfinished submission at the APL manuscript submission & peer-review website. Please complete that process as soon as possible. If you no longer wish to make the submission, then please email us so that we can close out your submission.(投完后转换成pdf后觉得没问题一定要确定)In checking in your manuscript data and files submitted to Applied Physics Letters, it has come to our attention that the following must be addressed before we can begin the peer review process:************************ALL authors must be included in the submission form so that they will be linked with the manuscript. Please return to the submission form and complete the author list.---The submission form is located in Modify Manuscript Metadata.Submit a SEPARATE Figure file for EACH figure cited in the article; NOT one file containing all figures. Submit only one figure per file. Submit all the parts of a figure as one file [e.g., Fig. 1(a), 1(b), and (c) in one file].AIP prefers the following formats for Figure source files: TIFF (.tif), PostScript (.ps), Encapsulated PostScript (.eps). However, if you do choose PDF figure source files, please make sure that the guidelines for preparation of an acceptable PDF illustration are followed closely. Your manuscript may be delayed in the production process if the guidelines are not met. See /aipdocs/forms/pdf_figs.pdf"First" and/or "to our knowledge" and/or "successfully" and/or "New" and/or Novel" are not allowed in the manuscript. Remove from your title, abstract and/or text.---NewEt al is not allowed in the Abstract.Do not use "et al." in the reference list. Show all names with initials preceding.An abstract, carrying the title and complete by-line, must be double-spaced and placed on a page separate from the Introduction.Acronyms in the Abstract that are used only once are unnecessary there, but define ALL acronyms in the text the first time used.Place the Equation numbers flush with the right margins.Place the article file in the proper order - references, table, and then figure captions.The Article file should ONL Y contain the Title/By-line/Abstract page, Text, Reference page(s),Tables (if any), and Figure Captions. REMOVE the figures from the Article file.Ticks to indicate coordinate values, placed within all four sides of thegraph, increase readability, and are recommended.Please check the length of your article carefully. THE EDITORIAL OFFICE DOES NOT COUNT WORDS. THE LENGTH IS THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE AUTHOR. See or the "Estimates of Finished Length" link provided at the top of all APL PeerX-Press pages.*************************** IMPORTANT: Please note that you should NOT start the submission process over again, and submit your manuscript new. ***Your manuscript has been placed back at the Author Approval of Converted Files stage, where you may again access it and make changes. Proceed to the following URL:</cgi-b ... qZzvqvmt2CpmwCr0cgZ>(You may need to copy/paste the complete URL into your browser's address/location bar, if clicking on it within your email reader doesn't work.)On the Approve Files screen, you will also find a link to click that will display (in a separate browser window) this present SUBMISSION CHECK email letter, for your convenience.*** DO NOT BEGIN A NEW SUBMISSION OF YOUR PAPER. Work with the data you have already entered and the files you have already uploaded. ***Please make the correction(s) as specified above, and using the link supplied above, either replace, delete, or add files as appropriate. Be sure to view and approve any new converted PDF files, and then approve the complete submission package, which returns it to the editorial office for further processing.We will check the modified submission package again, and send a followup email to advise you of its status for entry into peer review.Thank you for submitting your work to the Applied Physics Letters.觉得有用的顶下,严重鄙视只看不回的人!。
虽然论文有点超过3000字的字数但是没有太大问题一审:Revised Manuscript Received from Author23-Jul-2021 00:42:43Waiting for Revised Manuscript from Author30-Jun-2021 08:51:32Decision Sent to Author30-Jun-2021 08:51:32Decision Letter Being Prepared30-Jun-2021 08:50:07Associate Editor Decision Completed30-Jun-2021 08:50:07Decision Letter Being Prepared30-Jun-2021 04:45:21Associate Editor Decision Completed30-Jun-2021 04:45:21Review Received27-Jun-2021 06:37:19Associate Editor Decision Started27-Jun-2021 06:36:03All Reviews Received27-Jun-2021 06:36:03Review Received27-Jun-2021 06:36:03All Reviewers Secured09-Jun-2021 19:01:17Review Started09-Jun-2021 19:01:17Potential Reviewer Agreed to Review09-Jun-2021 19:01:17 Potential Reviewer Invitation(s) Sent03-Jun-2021 15:49:11Potential Reviewer Declined to Review02-Jun-2021 21:37:37 Review Received02-Jun-2021 11:30:15Potential Reviewer Invitation(s) Sent28-May-2021 15:34:06 Potential Reviewers Selected28-May-2021 05:32:24Review Started27-May-2021 02:31:51First Reviewer Secured27-May-2021 02:31:51Potential Reviewer Agreed to Review27-May-2021 02:31:51 Associate Editor Review26-May-2021 18:02:31Potential Reviewer Declined to Review26-May-2021 18:02:31 Potential Reviewer Invitation(s) Sent26-May-2021 15:58:43 Potential Reviewer Declined to Review26-May-2021 06:05:58 Potential Reviewer Invitation(s) Sent24-May-2021 15:31:28 Potential Reviewers Selected23-May-2021 00:59:33Associate Editor Review21-May-2021 16:37:24Securing Associate Editor21-May-2021 14:34:59Securing Editor21-May-2021 14:34:59Submission Check by Editorial Office Completed21-May-2021 14:34:59Submission Check by Editorial Office Started21-May-2021 09:45:12Securing Editor21-May-2021 09:45:11Manuscript Submitted to Editorial Office21-May-2021 09:45:11Preliminary Manuscript Data Submitted21-May-2021 05:42:18二审:Revised Manuscript Received from Author02-Aug-2021 06:52:16Waiting for Revised Manuscript from Author30-Jul-2021 10:15:49Decision Sent to Author30-Jul-2021 10:15:49Decision Letter Being Prepared30-Jul-2021 06:29:24Associate Editor Decision Completed30-Jul-2021 06:29:24Associate Editor Decision Started29-Jul-2021 10:23:07All Reviews Received29-Jul-2021 10:23:07Review Received29-Jul-2021 10:23:07All Reviewers Secured27-Jul-2021 02:18:52Review Started27-Jul-2021 02:18:52First Reviewer Secured27-Jul-2021 02:18:52Potential Reviewer Agreed to Review27-Jul-2021 02:18:52Potential Reviewer Invitation(s) Sent26-Jul-2021 15:18:28Potential Reviewers Selected24-Jul-2021 03:59:59Associate Editor Review23-Jul-2021 10:19:59Securing Associate Editor23-Jul-2021 10:19:59Securing Editor23-Jul-2021 10:19:59Submission Check by Editorial Office Completed23-Jul-2021 10:19:59Submission Check by Editorial Office Started23-Jul-2021 01:51:26Securing Editor23-Jul-2021 01:51:26Manuscript Submitted to Editorial Office23-Jul-2021 01:51:25Preliminary Manuscript Data Submitted23-Jul-2021三审直接接受(没有再送审稿人了):Manuscript Sent to Production03-Aug-2021 14:35:19Manuscript Ready for Production03-Aug-2021 11:25:31Decision Sent to Author03-Aug-2021 11:25:31Decision Letter Being Prepared03-Aug-2021 06:49:25Associate Editor Decision Completed03-Aug-2021 06:49:25 Associate Editor Review02-Aug-2021 12:11:59Securing Associate Editor02-Aug-2021 12:11:59Securing Editor02-Aug-2021 12:11:58Submission Check by Editorial Office Completed02-Aug-2021 12:11:58Submission Check by Editorial Office Started02-Aug-2021 07:24:36Securing Editor02-Aug-2021 07:24:36Manuscript Submitted to Editorial Office02-Aug-2021 07:24:36Preliminary Manuscript Data Submitted02-Aug-2021 06:52:16。
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等论文撰写完之后,要回过头来再仔细检查格式。在检查 格式时,要参考期刊主页的格式要求,以及该期刊最近出 版论文的格式(要参考多篇)。 (1)Latex模板中的格式、(2)主页上要求的格式、(3) 最近出版论文的格式 当(1)与(2)冲突时,尽量选择(2)为标准。 当(1)、(2)与(3)冲突时,尽量选择(3)做为标准。
带*号的必须要上传,其他格式若论文中用到了则也要上 传 注意审稿方式是否为双盲 常见的上传文件有:
– – – – – – – Manuscript Author Information Photograph(*.eps, *.pdf,…) Research Highlights Title Page Other files ……
系统会用邮件的方式将审稿意见发给作者,作者也可到论文提交系统里查看 审稿意见,下面是一个邮件形式的审稿意见的示例
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仔细阅读审稿人的每一句话,对提出的每 一个问题进行讨论。 不要完全相信审稿人的意见或评论,他们 的评论或评价有可能是错误的。 针对审稿人的每一个问题(不管他们的评 论是否正确)都要做出回复,不能忽视每 一个问题。 审稿人的意见中,一般是一个段落代表一 个问题,有时一个段落中也有多个问题。
在 线 投 稿 须 知
在 线 投 稿 须 知1. 作者初次使用在线投稿系统Editorial Manager TM 时[JZUS-A (应用物理与工程辑):/zusa/;JZUS-B (生物医学与生物技术辑):/zusb/;JZUS-C (计算机与电子辑):/zusc/],请先点击LOGIN ,选择Register Now 进行注册,设置帐户及密码,填写个人详细信息(请务必填写手机和固定电话)。
忘记密码时请点击LOGIN ,选择Send Username/Password 即可。
注意:(1)投稿时,系统会要求选择Corresponding author ,务必选投稿人本人(正式的通讯作者以稿件中标注为准),否则投稿无法完成,所有信件将送至作者在系统中设定的Corresponding author 。
2. 输入用户名和密码,选择Author Login 登录后,即可在主菜单点击Submit New Manuscript 并按照系统指引完成投稿。
作者需要上传原始稿件(Word 或PDF 格式,若单个图、表文件过大,请重新处理)。
提交后系统会自动生成PDF 文件作为最终送审稿。
在正式提交之前需要点击View Submission 检查PDF 文件,请务必查看生成的PDF全文。
若发现问题,请检查后重新上传(Edit Submission );确认无误后,点击Approve Submission 完成投稿。
状态变成Submitted to Journal 时,表明投稿成功。
通常在两个工作日内处理,若超过一周状态仍未变成With Editor 或Under Review ,请发邮件至jzus@ 询问。
注意:(1)初投稿格式以方便审稿为原则,建议单栏、1.5倍行距、五号字、Times New Roman 字体。
不要在Word 文档中显示行号(系统生成PDF时会自动添加)。
Sample manuscript for Applied Physics Letters a)A. Author,1,2,b)B. Author,2,b,c)C. Author, Jr.,3,d) and XYZ Collaboration1Department, University, City, Postal code, Country2Corporation or Laboratory, Street address, Postal code, City, Country3 Department, University, City, State (spell out full name) Zip code, USAThis is an abstract. It gives the reader an overview of the manuscript. In this sample article weprovide instructions on how to prepare and submit your paper to Applied Physics Letters, a journalpublished by the American Institute of Physics (AIP). Authors must follow the instructions given inthis document. The AIP staff appreciates your effort to follow our style when preparing yourmanuscript.I. THE MANUSCRIPTU se this “sample manuscript” as a guide for preparing your article. This will ensure that your submission will be in the required format for Peer Review. Please read all of the following manuscript preparation instructions carefully and in their entirety. The manuscript must be in good scientific American English; this is the author's responsibility. All files MUST be submitted through our online electronic submission system at .A. Manuscript preparationArticles must be prepared as either a Microsoft Word .doc/.docx file or a REVTeX/LaTeX file. The entire manuscript, should be set up for 21.6 × 28 cm (8-1/2 × 11 in. or A4) pages with 2.54 cm (1 in.) margins all the way around. The font and the point size will be reset according to the journal’s spec ifications, but authors most commonly use the Times Roman font and point size 12. The manuscript must begin with a title, names of all authors and their affiliations, and an abstract, followed by the body of the paper, tables and figures, if any, included, and the reference section. Consecutively number all tables (I, II, III, etc.) and figures (1, 2, 3, etc.), including those in an Appendix. Figures may be embedded in the text or not (author’s choice). Figure captions must be included in the manuscript. Number all pages consecutively, beginning with 1._____________________________a) This is an example of a footnote to the title if the paper was part of a conference: Contributed paper, published as part of the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Physics, Anytown, State, May 2010.b) A. Author and B. Author contributed equally to this work.c) This is an example of a footnote to an autho r’s name: Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: author@.d) This research was performed while C. Author was at Anywhere National Laboratory, City, State, Postal code, Country.B. Manuscript submissionAll files MUST be submitted through the online system . Each version of the manuscript (the original and subsequent revisions) should be submitted with its own complete set of files: a cover letter (indicating the title, authors, and contact information), a complete article file, and separate figure files (see Sec. VIII―FIGURES). When uploading a revised manuscript, also include a response/rebuttal letter (indicating the changes made to address the Ed itor’s and Reviewers’ comments).II. MANUSCRIPT LENGTHManuscripts should not exceed 3500 words (approximately four printed journal pages). Abstract, title, author list, references and acknowledgements are all excluded from the length limit of 3500 words. Figures, tables and equations however are included and must be accounted for. Circumvention of the length limitation by division of a long article into small parts is considered to be contrary to the purpose of this journal. Please use the guidelines for Estimating Length included in the Information for Contributors.III. TITLEMake the title as concise as possible but informative enough to facilitate information retrieval. Only the most common acronyms and abbreviations are allowed in the title. Use acronyms with considerable moderation and always define at first use.IV. ABSTRACTLimit the abstract to less than 100 words. It must be self-contained (contain no footnotes or citations to references), adequate as an index (giving all subjects, major and minor, about which new information is given), and a concise summary (giving the conclusions and all results of general interest in the article). The abstract must be one paragraph and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material. AIP journals do not require PACs numbers.V. AUTHORS’ NAMES AND ADDRESSESAuthors’ names s hould preferably be written in a standard form for all publications to facilitate indexing and to avoid ambiguities. Include the names and postal addresses of all institutions, followed by city, state, zip code, and USA if in the United States or by postal code, city, and country if not in the U.S. Please provide complete addresses. See the byline for this sample article for examples.Authors with Chinese, Japanese, or Korean names may choose to have their names published in their own language alongside the English versions of their names in the author list of their publications. For Chinese, authors may use eitherSimplified or Traditional characters. Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters must be included within the author list of the manuscript when submitting or resubmitting. The manuscript must be prepared using Microsoft Word or using the CJK LaTeX package. Specific guidelines for each authoring tool are given at /pubservs/cjk_instructions.html . VI. FOOTNOTESFootnotes are generally unacceptable in AIP journals, with the exception of footnotes to the title or authors. All other information should be included in the reference section. Use a), b), c), etc., for footnotes to the title or authors. The following list shows some examples:a) Contributed paper, published as part of the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Physics, Anytown, State, May, 2010. (footnote to title) b) A. Author and B. Author contributed equally to this work. c) Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: author@.d)This research was performed while C. Author was at Anywhere National Laboratory, City, State, Postal code, Country. VII. EQUATIONSEquations should be punctuated and aligned to bring out their structure, and numbered on the right. Mathematical operation signs indicating continuity of the expression should be placed at the left of the second and succeeding lines. Use (×) rather than a centered dot for multiplication, except for scalar products of vectors. Use a solidus (/) instead of built-up fractions in running text, and in display wherever clarity would not be jeopardized. Use “exp” for complicated exponents. 1212i i i i N B B B B N , (1)21cos 2sin 2.2D n a I nn (2)Please note that you must use MathType or the Microsoft ® Equation Editor 3.0. Use of Microsoft ® Math Editor is not recommended.VIII. ACRONYMS AND NOTATIONAcronyms, except for the most common (such as 2D, rms, or ac) must be spelled out when they first appear both in the abstract and again in the text. Spell out machine names, except for those not considered acronyms (such as ITER or DIII-D). Try to avoid the excessive use of acronyms or specialized jargon.FIG. 1. (Color) This figure will appear in color in print and online. Figures should be created at 300 dpi and submitted at 300 dpi for the best presentation. Choose CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) for any figure that will appear in color in the print version.FIG. 2. (Color online) This figure will appear in color only in the online version only, not in the printed version. Figures should be created at 300 dpi and submitted at 300 dpi for the best presentation. Choose RGB (red, green, blue) for any figure that will appear in color only online.FIG. 3. This is a good example of information that was presented clearly. When this figure appeared in the printed journal it was in black and white print, but the reader was able to discern the “red” triangles, the closed “green” circles, and the open “black” circles. A description as well as the color is needed. If the caption had simply discussed “the red and green symbols,” the reader of the print version would not understand because he/she would be seeing the figure without the color.FIG. 4. This is an example of line art. Figures should be created at 600 dpi and submitted at 600 dpi for the best presentation. Save line art as black/white bitmap, not grayscale..FIG. 5. This is an example of a halftone. Figures should be created at 300 dpi and submitted at 300 dpi for the best presentation.FIG. 6.This is an example of a combination figure (line art and halftone). Figures should be created at 600 dpi and submitted at 600 dpi for the best presentation.TABLE I.This table provides instructions on how to prepare figures.(a) General guidelines for preparing illustrationsNumber figures in the order in which they appear in the text.Label all figure parts with (a), (b), etc. Each figure file should contain all parts of the figure. For example, if Fig.1 contains three parts [(a), (b), and (c)], then all parts should be combined in a single file for Fig. 1.Avoid any large disparity in size of lettering and labels used within one illustration.Prepare illustrations in the final published size, not oversized. The maximum published width for a one-column illustration is 8.5 cm (3-3/8 in.). The maximum width for a two-column figure is 17 cm (7.0 in.).In cases where reduction is required, avoid small open symbols that tend to fill in and avoid small lettering; ensure that, in the final published illustration, there is a minimum of 8-point type size (2.8 mm high; 1/8 in. high) for lettering and 0.5-point width for lines.Ensure that lettering and lines are dark enough, and thick enough, to reproduce clearly. Remember that fine lines tend to disappear upon reduction.It is preferred that authors embed figures and captions in the manuscript file. Embed the figures in the approximate position and size you think is appropriate. In addition, separate figure files must be provided (see below for accepted file formats) along with the manuscript.(b) Guidelines for preparation of electronic graphics filesAcceptable formats for figures: Portable Document Files (PDF), Encapsulated PostScript Files (EPS), PostScript, or Tagged Image File format (TIF). EPS (using Arial or Times Roman fonts) is preferred graphic format when preparing illustrations. Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or JPEG (.jpg) files are NOT acceptable.More detailed information is given about figure preparation on the RSI website in the Information for Contributors tab.Settings: Set the graphic for 600 dpi resolution for line art, 300 dpi for halftones, and 600 dpi for combinations (line art + halftone).Save line art as black/white bitmap, not grayscale.Save halftones and combinations as grayscale, not black/white bitmap.Click here for publication charge information.Submit color files at 300 dpi in one of the accepted file formats: PDF, EPS, PS, or TIF. EPS (using Arial or Times Roman fonts) is preferred graphic format when preparing illustrations. No other type of color illustration is acceptable. When selecting a file mode, for print choose CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) and for color online choose RGB (red, green, blue).PDF files should be vector files.In the PDF illustration, resolution of any shaded or photographic images must be 600 pixels per inch (PPI).Within the PDF illustration, resolution of line art with no shading should be 1200 pixels per inch (PPI).All fonts must be embedded in the PDF.Select "High Quality Print" when creating a PDF through the application’s print command.If usable color graphics files are received in time for the production process, authors will see color versions of those illustrations when viewing their author proofs. (The Corresponding Author will receive e-mail notification from AIP when the proof, as a PDF file, is available for downloading.)The author is responsible for obtaining permissions to reuse previously published material. Full credit lines are needed for figures that are used with permission. An example of the recommended format for crediting material from a journal article is: “Reprinted with permission from [FULL CITATION]. Copyright [PUBLICATION YEAR], American Institute of Ph ysics.” Full citation format is as follows: Author names, journal title, Vol. #, Issue #, Page # (or CID#), Year of publication. For example, the credit line would appear as: “Reprinted with permission from J. Chem. Phys. 128, 024365 (2008). Copyright 2008American Institute of Physics. If you need help acquiring permissions from another publisher, use this form [CLICK HERE].XI. TABLESSeparate tables (numbered with Roman numerals in the order of their appearance in the text) should be used for all tabular material. Tables must be embedded in the article file, not uploaded like figure files. The structure should be clear. Use simple column headings and include units of measure. Table captions are positioned above the table and should be styled as “TABLE I. This is a table caption.” A caption should make its table intelligible without reference to the text. Capitalize th e first word in the table headings and subheadings. References within tables are designated by lowercase Roman letter superscripts and given at the end of the table. Unaltered computer output and notation should be uploaded as supplemental files. See Table II for an example of correct table styling.TABLE II. Bond distances for alkene molecules (atomic units).No. C a RI,I+1b SRI,I+1c RI−1,I+RI,I+1SRI−1,I+RI,I+12 2.5255 ………4 2.6175 0.123 5.306 …6 2.6314 0.0999 5.3025 0.01128 2.6368 0.0876 5.3009 0.011110 2.6396 0.0795 5.2999 0.010614 2.6424 0.0689 5.2989 0.009618 2.6437 0.0623 5.2982 0.008822 2.6443 0.0573 5.2973 0.00826 2.6448 0.0536 5.2968 0.0074ab RI,I+1 is the distance between two neighboring carbon atoms, while ‹RI,I+1› is the averageof RI,I+1 for a given molecule.c SRI,I+1 is the standard deviation of RI,I+1 within the given molecule.XII. MULTIMEDIA SUBMISSIONSMultimedia files can be included in the online version of published papers. All such files are peer reviewed. When published, these files can be viewed by clicking on a link from the figure caption, provided that the reader has a video player installed, such as Windows Media PlayerTM, Quick Time PlayerTM, or RealOne PlayerTM. Please see Information for Contributors on our website. Click on Multimedia. Please note the following important information when preparing your manuscript:Treat all multimedia files as figures, numbered in sequence as they are referred to in text. (Multimedia files will not have a numbering scheme separate from the figures.) For each multimedia file, provide a figure, which is a staticrepresentation of the multimedia file. Also provide an accompanying caption. At the end of the caption, include the phrase "(enhanced online)."All multimedia files must be cited in the text, referred to by their figure number.XIII. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALText material that may not be of interest to all readers, long data tables, multimedia, and computer programs may be deposited as supplementary materials. Information about depositing supplemental material may be found at the journal’s Information for Contributors section on the website.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSTypically, standard acknowledgments include financial support and technical assistance, and may include dedications, memorials, and awards. Check with the Editorial Office for suitability of an acknowledgment if there is any question. To indicate the author, use initials. For example, “B.A. wishes to thank A. Loudon for technical assistance. C.A. wishes to thank Anytown University for use of th eir equipment.” Note: the Acknowledgment section is not a numbered section. APPENDIXAppendices are placed after the acknowledgments section and before the listing of references. Appendices must have a Level One heading as illustrated below. They do not follow the sequential heading numbering given in the rest of the paper. If there is only one appendix, then the heading is set as follows:APPENDIXIf there is more than one appendix, the headings are set as:APPENDIX A: DESCRIPTIONAPPENDIX B: DESCRIPTIONSubheadings in an Appendix are labeled 1, 2, etc.REFERENCESReferences must be numbered consecutively in order of first appearance in the text and should be listed at the end of the text material. Reference citations in text are rendered in several ways. For example:Voitsenya et al.4Kawa and Lin8MOLPRO (Ref. 10)The citation in the reference list must include the full list of authors. Do not list the first author followed by an abbreviation such as et al. See Table III for acceptable reference formats.TABLE III.This table provides instructions on how to prepare references.Articles “submitted to” or “accepted for publication” (but not yet published) in a journal: When possible, these references should be updated in the galley proof.1K. Park, A. Marchenkov, Z. M. M. Zhang, and W. P. King, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 094504 (2007). Books: List authors and editors. Must include publisher, city and year of publication, and the page numbers (unless the entire book is being cited).2R. J. Hunter, Zeta Potential in Colloid Science (Academic, New York, 1981), p.120.AIAA Papers:The usual format is: Authors’ names, Paper Title, AIAA Paper No. (usual formats are 99-1111 or 2004-2222), year (corresponds to numbers on left side of paper number).3M.S. Narayan and A. Banaszuk, “Experimental study of a novel active separation control approach,” AIAA Paper No. 2003-0060, 2003.Conference proceedings: Include the list of authors, the title of the proceedings, the city and year of the conference, the name of the publisher (cannot be a laboratory or institution), city and year of publication (or the words “to be published”), and the page numbers. Inclu de the full list of editors, if they are given.4R. K. Ahrenkiel, in Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds 1993: Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds, Freiburg, Germany, 29 August–2 September 1993, edited by H. S. Rupprecht and G. Weimann (Institute of Physics, London, 1994), pp. 685–690.Government publications:Format as for a book citation. Each must include the author(s), title of the publication, name of the publisher, city and year of publication, and page numbers (unless the entire publication is being cited).5D. Nunes, The Brillouin Effect (U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, 1992).Journal citations: Include authors (see author rule above), volume number, beginning page number, and publication year:6J. D. Kiely and J. E. Houston, Phys. Rev. B 57, 12588 (1998).Laboratory report: May only be used if first deposited with a national depository such as the National Technical Information Service. (Check with the NTIS librarian at 703-605-6000.) Materials or reports in electronic form—codes, data tables,etc.—may be uploaded as supplemental material files (see Sec. XIII). If the paper is on deposit with NTIS, use the following format:7See National Technical Information Service Document No. DE132450 L. (R. Newchuck, SESAME Tables, LANL Rep. 23453, 1983). Copies may be ordered from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161.Multiple citations are acceptable:8D.-Y. Choi, S. Madden, A. Rode, R. Wang, and B. Luther-Davies, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 354, 3179 (2008); J. Appl. Phys. 104, 113305 (2008).(same authors, different journals)or9J.Scaroni and T. Mckee, Solid State Technol. 40, 245 (1997); M. G. Lawrence, Bull. Am.Meteorol. Soc. 86, 225 (2005).(two completely different references)or10Y. de Carlan, A. Alamo, M. H. Mathon, G. Geoffroy, and A. Castaing, J. Nucl. Mater. 283–287, 762 (2000); M. H. Mathon, Y. de Carlan, G. Geoffroy, X. Averty, A. Alamo, and C. H. de Novion, ibid. 312, 236 (2003).(different authors, same journal and volume number)MOLPRO:11H.-J. Werner, P. J. Knowles, R. Lindh, F. R. Manby, M. Schütz, et al., Molpro, version2006.1, a package of ab initio programs, 2006, see .Preprints and electronic postings:Preprints or eprints that have not been submitted to a journal for publication (i.e., are only posted on a preprint server) cannot be used as references.Private communication:May not be one of the authors of the article. Must include the year in which the communication took place.12A. Einstein (private communication, 1954).References as footnotes: Footnotes are not permitted within the main text. Each should be numbered and described in the reference list.Software manuals: If published, use the book format; if not published, give the entire address for the software maker.Thesis/dissertation: Include the author, school and year, but not the title.13S. L. Goldschmidt, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, 1985.Web sites: Due to their perishable nature, web sites are not generally acceptable as references unless the site is maintained as an archival site. It is permissible to include web sites as adjuncts to acceptable references.11。
Solid State Communication (一般),Solid State Science (一般),Computational Mater Sci(一般),Thin Soild Films(一般),Journal of Materials Processing Technology (一般),Materials Letters(一般),Composites part A-Applied Science and Manufacturing(一般),Surface and Coating Technologgy(一般),Optical Materials,Wear(一般),Materials Research Bulletin(一般),Advanced Engineering Materials(一般),Ceramics International(一般),Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (一般),Modern Physics Letters A(一般),Journal of Electronic Materials (一般),Science and Technology of Advanced Materials(较难),Physica Status Solid A-Applied Research(一般),Journal of Composite Materials(一般),Materials Science and Technology(一般)四档:J Alloy Compound(一般),金属学报(一般),物理学报(一般),化学学报(一般),浙大学报英文版(一般),Physica B(较易),Rare metal(较易),J Mater Sci Technology (较易),中国有色金属学报会刊英文版(较易),J. Rare Earth(较易),北科大学报英文版(较易),中南学报英文版(较易),武汉理工大学学报英文版(较易),五档:无机化学学报(一般),物理化学学报(一般),无机材料学报(一般),稀有金属材料与工程(较易),及其他小期刊。
Journal of Applied Polymer Science 1.395 (3.61个月,68%)EUR POLYM J (慢)2.143REACT FUNCT POLYM2.039POLYM INT2.029POLYM ADVAN TECHNOL2.017Polymer advanced technology 2.017Polymer international 2.029Composite part A-applied science and manufacturing 2.695Composite structures 2.240COMP MATER SCI : 1.574Polymer composite 1.2311.REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS 影响因子2.0392.POLYMER INTERNATIONAL 影响因子2.0293.MACROMOLECULAR MATERIALS AND ENGINEERING 影响因子1.9253.MACROMOLECULAR THEORY AND SIMULATIONS 影响因子1.9124.JOURNAL OF BIOACTIVE AND COMPATIBLE POLYMERS 影响因子1.8965.JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART B-POLYMER PHYSICS 影响因子 1.5866.MACROMOLECULAR RESEARCH 影响因子1.7877.COLLOID AND POLYMER SCIENCE 影响因子1.7368.POLYMER TESTING 影响因子1.7369.JOURNAL OF INORGANIC AND ORGANOMETALLIC POLYMERS 影响因子1.44310.'POLYMER JOURNAL 影响因子1.45611. POLYMER ENGINEERING AND SCIENCE 影响因子1.24512.JOURNAL OF APPLIED POLYMER SCIENCE 影响因子1.18713.JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT 影响因子1.12914.POLYMER COMPOSITES 影响因子1.05415.JOURNAL OF PHOTOPOLYMER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 影响因子 1.1416.Macromolecular Reaction Engineering 影响因子1.04117.'POLYMER BULLETIN 影响因子1.127Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 纳米科学和纳米技术 1.929 Journal of Materials Research 材料研究杂志 1.743Advanced Engineering Materials 先进工程材料 1.506 Composite Structures 复合材料结构 1.454 Materials Characterization 材料表征 1.225 Journal of Materials Science 材料科学杂志 1.181 POLYMER COMPOSITES 聚合物复合材料 1.231 Journal of Composite Materials 复合材料杂志 1.034 杂志影响因子投稿周期Acta Materialia 3.755 1-2个月Polymer 3.483 3-4个月Nanotechnology 3.446 3个月Compos sci technol 3.328 3-6个月Scripta Materialia 2.887 1-2个月Eur Polym J 2.739 2-3个月Materials Letters 2.307 1个月Polym Advan Technol 2.0 1-3个月J PHYS CHEM C 4.805 1-3个月ACTA MATER 3.755POLYMER 3.483COMPOS SCI TECHNOL 3.328 审稿周期:3-6个月SCRIPTA MATER 2.821EUR POLYM J 2.739COMPOS PART A-APPL S 2.695 3个月COMPOS STRUCT 2.24POLYM ADVAN TECHNOL 2.00 容易APPL PHYS A-MATER 1.63Nature 28.751Science 26.372Nature Materials 19.782Nature Nanotechnology 14.917Nature Physics 14.677Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 10.031Nano Letters 9.627Advanced Materials 8.191Journal of the American Chemical Society 7.885Advances in Catalysis 7.667Advanced Functional Materials 7.496Physical Review Letters 6.994Small 6.408MRS bulletin 5.168Chemical Communications 5.141Chemistry of Materials 4.883International Journal of Plasticity 4.516Journal of Materials Chemistry 4.339Carbon 4.260Electrochemistry Communications 4.186 Inorganic Chemistry 4.123The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 4.086Crystal Growth & Design 4.046Langmuir 4.009Journal of Applied Crystallography 3.629Acta materialia 3.624Applied Physics Letters 3.596Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 3.542 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 3.343 Nanotechnology 3.310Physical Review B 3.172The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2.918Journal of power sources 2.809Current Nanoscience 2.793Journal of the Electrochemical Society 2.483 Scripta materialia 2.481Journal of nanoparticle research 2.338 Intermetallics 2.219Mechanics of Materials 2.211Microporous and Mesoporous Materials 2.210 Nanoscale Research Letters 2.158Composites Science and Technology 2.171Journal of Applied Physics 2.171Journal of Solid State Chemistry 2.149IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology 2.110 Electrochemical and Solid State Letters 2.109Solid State Ionics 2.012Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 2.002 Ultramicroscopy 1.996Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 1.987 Microscopy and Microanalysis 1.941Journal of Materials research 1.916Corrosion Science 1.895Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 1.886Philosophical Magazine Letters 1.878Materials Chemistry and Physics 1.871Applied Physics A – Materials Science &Processing 1.857 Surface Science 1.855Journal of the American Ceramic Society 1.792Diamond and Related Materials 1.788Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 1.729Solid State Sciences 1.698Thin Solid Films 1.693Surface & coatings technology 1.678Composites Part A –Applied Science and Manufacturing 1.662 Journal of Nuclear Materials 1.643Materials Letters 1.625Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 1.610 International Journal of Solids and Structures 1.569Journal of the European ceramic society 1.562 Thermochimica Acta 1.562Solid State Communications 1.535Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry 1.535Smart Materials & Structures 1.512International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 1.500 Philosophical Magazine 1.486Materials Science &Engineering C 1.486Materials Research Bulletin 1.484Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 1.483 Advanced Engineering Materials 1.463Materials science &engineering A 1.457Journal of Alloys and Compounds 1.455Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 1.417Applied Surface Science 1.406Wear 1.395International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 1.366 Ceramics International 1.360European Physical Journal B -- Condensed Matter 1.356 Materials Science &Engineering B 1.330Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 1.319Composites Part B – Engineering 1.311Journal of Sol-gel Science and Technology 1.300Current Applied Physics 1.291Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 1.278Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology A 1.278Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 1.270PHYS STATUS SOLIDI A 1.214Oxidation of Metals 1.212Journal of Thermal Spray Technology 1.204Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 1.158 Computational Materials Science 1.135Powder Technology 1.130Reviews on Advanced Materials Science 1.122International Journal of Fatigue 1.117Composite Structures 1.116Journal of Materials Science 1.081JOM-Journal of the Minerals Metals & Materials Society 1.081 Advances in Applied Ceramics 1.074PHYS STATUS SOLIDI B 1.071Journal of engineering materials and technology-transactions of the asme 1.059International Journal of Thermal Sciences 1.048Surface and Interface Analysis 1.036Materials & Design 1.028Materials Transactions 1.018International Journal of Fracture 1.003Journal of Porous Materials 1.000Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 0.981 Journal of Composite Materials 0.957Materials Characterization 0.932Composite Interfaces 0.911Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures 0.883Vacuum 0.881Journal of Experimental Nanoscience 0.875Zeitschrift fur metallkunde 0.857Journal of Energetic Materials 0.839Journal of Materials Processing Technology 0.816Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids 0.811Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan 0.807Physica B: Condensed Matter 0.751International Journal of Nanotechnology 0.750Fatigue & Fracture of Engineering Materials & Structures 0.726 Materials Science and Technology- London 0.713International Journal of Thermophysics 0.698Corrosion 0.695Materials and Corrosion-Werkstoffe Und Korrosion 0.678 Metallurgical and Materials Transactions B 0.621Bulletin of Materials Science 0.603Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 0.570Aerospace Science and Technology 0.538Materials and Structures 0.530International Journal of materials research 0.478Journal of Materials Science & Technology 0.468Journal of Phase Equilibria and Diffusion 0.449Surface Engineering 0.444Surface Review and Letters 0.391Materials Research Innovations 0.388Solid State Technology 0.335Journal of Ceramic Processing Research 0.294Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology 0.282传统材料:一档:Acta Mater,PRB,APL(一档较差)(整体发稿难度:很难)二档:JAP,Script Mater,J P Conden Mater,JPDA,PCCP,JPCC,美陶,欧陶,Composite Sci Tech,METALLURGICAL AND MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS A-PHYSICAL METALLURGY AND MATERIAL(一般),Optic Letter,Optical Express,PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE LETTERS系列,Intermetallics(略弱), JMR(数据库较差)等材料二级学科的顶级杂志;(整体投稿难度,比较难,能发几篇也很牛)三档:Mater Sci Eng A & B (略难),JOURNAL OF SOLID STATE CHEMISTRY (略难)Mater Chem Phys(略难),Solid State inoics(略难), 中国科学系列(略难)Mater Design(一般), J Mater Sci(一般),Physical Letter A (一般),Solid State Communication (一般),Solid State Science (一般),Computational Mater Sci(一般),J Mater Process Tech (一般),COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING(一般),THIN SOLID FILMS(一般),SURFACE & COATINGS TECHNOLOGY(一般),MATERIALS RESEARCH BULLETIN(一般),,MATERIALS LETTERS(一般),OPTICAL MATERIALS,WEAR(一般),ADVANCED ENGINEERING MATERIALS(一般),,CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL(一般),,MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS A(一般),,JOURNAL OF MAGNETISM AND MAGNETIC MATERIALS(一般),,JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS(一般),,SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS(较难)PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI A-APPLIED RESEARCH(一般),,JOURNAL OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS(一般),,MATERIALS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY(一般),四档:J Alloy Compound(一般),Physica B(较易),J Mater Sci Technology (较易),中国有色金属学报会刊英文版(较易),J. Rare Earth(较易),Rare metal(较易), 金属学报(一般),北科大学报英文版(较易),中南学报英文版(较易),浙大学报英文版(一般),武汉理工大学学报英文版(较易),物理学报(一般),化学学报(一般),五档:无机化学学报(一般),物理化学学报(一般),无机材料学报(一般),稀有金属材料与工程(较易),及其他小杂志。
而在众多学术期刊中,APL(Applied Physics Letters)期刊作为物理学领域的顶级期刊之一,备受学者们的关注和追捧。
nips2023审稿模板(实用版)目录1.NIPS 2023 审稿模板概述2.审稿流程3.审稿标准与要求4.审稿人的责任和行为准则5.审稿时间表6.审稿结果与作者反馈正文【NIPS 2023 审稿模板概述】IPS(Neural Information Processing Systems,神经信息处理系统)是机器学习和人工智能领域的顶级会议,每年举办一次。
NIPS 2023 是该会议的第 37 届,将于 2023 年举办。
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【审稿流程】IPS 2023 审稿流程分为以下几个阶段:1.审稿人接收审稿邀请:会议主办方将根据论文主题和审稿人的专业知识,邀请合适的审稿人进行审稿。
【审稿标准与要求】IPS 2023 审稿标准主要包括以下几点:1.原创性:论文的研究问题、方法和结果应具有一定程度的创新性,与已有研究有所区别。
【审稿人的责任和行为准则】作为 NIPS 2023 的审稿人,应承担以下责任和遵守以下行为准则:1.保持专业素养:审稿人应具备足够的专业知识,以确保对论文的审稿意见具有权威性。
nips2023审稿模板摘要:1.NIPS 2023 审稿模板概述2.审稿流程3.审稿标准与建议4.审稿人的责任和行为准则5.投稿作者的注意事项正文:【NIPS 2023 审稿模板概述】IPS(Neural Information Processing Systems,神经信息处理系统)是全球范围内顶级的人工智能领域的会议,每年举办一次。
NIPS 2023 是该会议的第37 届,旨在汇聚世界各地的研究人员,分享人工智能领域的最新研究成果和技术发展动态。
作为审稿人,我们需要遵循NIPS 2023 审稿模板的要求,对投稿的论文进行公正、严谨的评审。
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2.审稿人需要遵循NIPS 2023 审稿模板的要求,撰写详细的审稿意见。
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Sample manuscript for Applied Physics Letters a)A. Author,1,2,b)B. Author,2,b,c)C. Author, Jr.,3,d) and XYZ Collaboration1Department, University, City, Postal code, Country2Corporation or Laboratory, Street address, Postal code, City, Country3 Department, University, City, State (spell out full name) Zip code, USAThis is an abstract. It gives the reader an overview of the manuscript. In this sample article weprovide instructions on how to prepare and submit your paper to Applied Physics Letters, a journalpublished by the American Institute of Physics (AIP). Authors must follow the instructions given inthis document. The AIP staff appreciates your effort to follow our style when preparing yourmanuscript.I. THE MANUSCRIPTU se this “sample manuscript” as a guide for preparing your article. This will ensure that your submission will be in the required format for Peer Review. Please read all of the following manuscript preparation instructions carefully and in their entirety. The manuscript must be in good scientific American English; this is the author's responsibility. All files MUST be submitted through our online electronic submission system at .A. Manuscript preparationArticles must be prepared as either a Microsoft Word .doc/.docx file or a REVTeX/LaTeX file. The entire manuscript, should be set up for 21.6 × 28 cm (8-1/2 × 11 in. or A4) pages with 2.54 cm (1 in.) margins all the way around. The font and the point size will be reset according to the journal’s spec ifications, but authors most commonly use the Times Roman font and point size 12. The manuscript must begin with a title, names of all authors and their affiliations, and an abstract, followed by the body of the paper, tables and figures, if any, included, and the reference section. Consecutively number all tables (I, II, III, etc.) and figures (1, 2, 3, etc.), including those in an Appendix. Figures may be embedded in the text or not (author’s choice). Figure captions must be included in the manuscript. Number all pages consecutively, beginning with 1._____________________________a) This is an example of a footnote to the title if the paper was part of a conference: Contributed paper, published as part of the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Physics, Anytown, State, May 2010.b) A. Author and B. Author contributed equally to this work.c) This is an example of a footnote to an autho r’s name: Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: author@.d) This research was performed while C. Author was at Anywhere National Laboratory, City, State, Postal code, Country.B. Manuscript submissionAll files MUST be submitted through the online system . Each version of the manuscript (the original and subsequent revisions) should be submitted with its own complete set of files: a cover letter (indicating the title, authors, and contact information), a complete article file, and separate figure files (see Sec. VIII―FIGURES). When uploading a revised manuscript, also include a response/rebuttal letter (indicating the changes made to address the Ed itor’s and Reviewers’ comments).II. MANUSCRIPT LENGTHManuscripts should not exceed 3500 words (approximately four printed journal pages). Abstract, title, author list, references and acknowledgements are all excluded from the length limit of 3500 words. Figures, tables and equations however are included and must be accounted for. Circumvention of the length limitation by division of a long article into small parts is considered to be contrary to the purpose of this journal. Please use the guidelines for Estimating Length included in the Information for Contributors.III. TITLEMake the title as concise as possible but informative enough to facilitate information retrieval. Only the most common acronyms and abbreviations are allowed in the title. Use acronyms with considerable moderation and always define at first use.IV. ABSTRACTLimit the abstract to less than 100 words. It must be self-contained (contain no footnotes or citations to references), adequate as an index (giving all subjects, major and minor, about which new information is given), and a concise summary (giving the conclusions and all results of general interest in the article). The abstract must be one paragraph and should not contain displayed mathematical equations or tabular material. AIP journals do not require PACs numbers.V. AUTHORS’ NAMES AND ADDRESSESAuthors’ names s hould preferably be written in a standard form for all publications to facilitate indexing and to avoid ambiguities. Include the names and postal addresses of all institutions, followed by city, state, zip code, and USA if in the United States or by postal code, city, and country if not in the U.S. Please provide complete addresses. See the byline for this sample article for examples.Authors with Chinese, Japanese, or Korean names may choose to have their names published in their own language alongside the English versions of their names in the author list of their publications. For Chinese, authors may use eitherSimplified or Traditional characters. Chinese, Japanese, or Korean characters must be included within the author list of the manuscript when submitting or resubmitting. The manuscript must be prepared using Microsoft Word or using the CJK LaTeX package. Specific guidelines for each authoring tool are given at /pubservs/cjk_instructions.html . VI. FOOTNOTESFootnotes are generally unacceptable in AIP journals, with the exception of footnotes to the title or authors. All other information should be included in the reference section. Use a), b), c), etc., for footnotes to the title or authors. The following list shows some examples:a) Contributed paper, published as part of the Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Physics, Anytown, State, May, 2010. (footnote to title) b) A. Author and B. Author contributed equally to this work. c) Author to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic mail: author@.d)This research was performed while C. Author was at Anywhere National Laboratory, City, State, Postal code, Country. VII. EQUATIONSEquations should be punctuated and aligned to bring out their structure, and numbered on the right. Mathematical operation signs indicating continuity of the expression should be placed at the left of the second and succeeding lines. Use (×) rather than a centered dot for multiplication, except for scalar products of vectors. Use a solidus (/) instead of built-up fractions in running text, and in display wherever clarity would not be jeopardized. Use “exp” for complicated exponents. 1212i i i i N B B B B N , (1)21cos 2sin 2.2D n a I nn (2)Please note that you must use MathType or the Microsoft ® Equation Editor 3.0. Use of Microsoft ® Math Editor is not recommended.VIII. ACRONYMS AND NOTATIONAcronyms, except for the most common (such as 2D, rms, or ac) must be spelled out when they first appear both in the abstract and again in the text. Spell out machine names, except for those not considered acronyms (such as ITER or DIII-D). Try to avoid the excessive use of acronyms or specialized jargon.FIG. 1. (Color) This figure will appear in color in print and online. Figures should be created at 300 dpi and submitted at 300 dpi for the best presentation. Choose CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) for any figure that will appear in color in the print version.FIG. 2. (Color online) This figure will appear in color only in the online version only, not in the printed version. Figures should be created at 300 dpi and submitted at 300 dpi for the best presentation. Choose RGB (red, green, blue) for any figure that will appear in color only online.FIG. 3. This is a good example of information that was presented clearly. When this figure appeared in the printed journal it was in black and white print, but the reader was able to discern the “red” triangles, the closed “green” circles, and the open “black” circles. A description as well as the color is needed. If the caption had simply discussed “the red and green symbols,” the reader of the print version would not understand because he/she would be seeing the figure without the color.FIG. 4. This is an example of line art. Figures should be created at 600 dpi and submitted at 600 dpi for the best presentation. Save line art as black/white bitmap, not grayscale..FIG. 5. This is an example of a halftone. Figures should be created at 300 dpi and submitted at 300 dpi for the best presentation.FIG. 6.This is an example of a combination figure (line art and halftone). Figures should be created at 600 dpi and submitted at 600 dpi for the best presentation.TABLE I.This table provides instructions on how to prepare figures.(a) General guidelines for preparing illustrationsNumber figures in the order in which they appear in the text.Label all figure parts with (a), (b), etc. Each figure file should contain all parts of the figure. For example, if Fig.1 contains three parts [(a), (b), and (c)], then all parts should be combined in a single file for Fig. 1.Avoid any large disparity in size of lettering and labels used within one illustration.Prepare illustrations in the final published size, not oversized. The maximum published width for a one-column illustration is 8.5 cm (3-3/8 in.). The maximum width for a two-column figure is 17 cm (7.0 in.).In cases where reduction is required, avoid small open symbols that tend to fill in and avoid small lettering; ensure that, in the final published illustration, there is a minimum of 8-point type size (2.8 mm high; 1/8 in. high) for lettering and 0.5-point width for lines.Ensure that lettering and lines are dark enough, and thick enough, to reproduce clearly. Remember that fine lines tend to disappear upon reduction.It is preferred that authors embed figures and captions in the manuscript file. Embed the figures in the approximate position and size you think is appropriate. In addition, separate figure files must be provided (see below for accepted file formats) along with the manuscript.(b) Guidelines for preparation of electronic graphics filesAcceptable formats for figures: Portable Document Files (PDF), Encapsulated PostScript Files (EPS), PostScript, or Tagged Image File format (TIF). EPS (using Arial or Times Roman fonts) is preferred graphic format when preparing illustrations. Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx) or JPEG (.jpg) files are NOT acceptable.More detailed information is given about figure preparation on the RSI website in the Information for Contributors tab.Settings: Set the graphic for 600 dpi resolution for line art, 300 dpi for halftones, and 600 dpi for combinations (line art + halftone).Save line art as black/white bitmap, not grayscale.Save halftones and combinations as grayscale, not black/white bitmap.Click here for publication charge information.Submit color files at 300 dpi in one of the accepted file formats: PDF, EPS, PS, or TIF. EPS (using Arial or Times Roman fonts) is preferred graphic format when preparing illustrations. No other type of color illustration is acceptable. When selecting a file mode, for print choose CMYK (cyan, magenta, yellow, black) and for color online choose RGB (red, green, blue).PDF files should be vector files.In the PDF illustration, resolution of any shaded or photographic images must be 600 pixels per inch (PPI).Within the PDF illustration, resolution of line art with no shading should be 1200 pixels per inch (PPI).All fonts must be embedded in the PDF.Select "High Quality Print" when creating a PDF through the application’s print command.If usable color graphics files are received in time for the production process, authors will see color versions of those illustrations when viewing their author proofs. (The Corresponding Author will receive e-mail notification from AIP when the proof, as a PDF file, is available for downloading.)The author is responsible for obtaining permissions to reuse previously published material. Full credit lines are needed for figures that are used with permission. An example of the recommended format for crediting material from a journal article is: “Reprinted with permission from [FULL CITATION]. Copyright [PUBLICATION YEAR], American Institute of Ph ysics.” Full citation format is as follows: Author names, journal title, Vol. #, Issue #, Page # (or CID#), Year of publication. For example, the credit line would appear as: “Reprinted with permission from J. Chem. Phys. 128, 024365 (2008). Copyright 2008American Institute of Physics. If you need help acquiring permissions from another publisher, use this form [CLICK HERE].XI. TABLESSeparate tables (numbered with Roman numerals in the order of their appearance in the text) should be used for all tabular material. Tables must be embedded in the article file, not uploaded like figure files. The structure should be clear. Use simple column headings and include units of measure. Table captions are positioned above the table and should be styled as “TABLE I. This is a table caption.” A caption should make its table intelligible without reference to the text. Capitalize th e first word in the table headings and subheadings. References within tables are designated by lowercase Roman letter superscripts and given at the end of the table. Unaltered computer output and notation should be uploaded as supplemental files. See Table II for an example of correct table styling.TABLE II. Bond distances for alkene molecules (atomic units).No. C a RI,I+1b SRI,I+1c RI−1,I+RI,I+1SRI−1,I+RI,I+12 2.5255 ………4 2.6175 0.123 5.306 …6 2.6314 0.0999 5.3025 0.01128 2.6368 0.0876 5.3009 0.011110 2.6396 0.0795 5.2999 0.010614 2.6424 0.0689 5.2989 0.009618 2.6437 0.0623 5.2982 0.008822 2.6443 0.0573 5.2973 0.00826 2.6448 0.0536 5.2968 0.0074ab RI,I+1 is the distance between two neighboring carbon atoms, while ‹RI,I+1› is the averageof RI,I+1 for a given molecule.c SRI,I+1 is the standard deviation of RI,I+1 within the given molecule.XII. MULTIMEDIA SUBMISSIONSMultimedia files can be included in the online version of published papers. All such files are peer reviewed. When published, these files can be viewed by clicking on a link from the figure caption, provided that the reader has a video player installed, such as Windows Media PlayerTM, Quick Time PlayerTM, or RealOne PlayerTM. Please see Information for Contributors on our website. Click on Multimedia. Please note the following important information when preparing your manuscript:Treat all multimedia files as figures, numbered in sequence as they are referred to in text. (Multimedia files will not have a numbering scheme separate from the figures.) For each multimedia file, provide a figure, which is a staticrepresentation of the multimedia file. Also provide an accompanying caption. At the end of the caption, include the phrase "(enhanced online)."All multimedia files must be cited in the text, referred to by their figure number.XIII. SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALText material that may not be of interest to all readers, long data tables, multimedia, and computer programs may be deposited as supplementary materials. Information about depositing supplemental material may be found at the journal’s Information for Contributors section on the website.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSTypically, standard acknowledgments include financial support and technical assistance, and may include dedications, memorials, and awards. Check with the Editorial Office for suitability of an acknowledgment if there is any question. To indicate the author, use initials. For example, “B.A. wishes to thank A. Loudon for technical assistance. C.A. wishes to thank Anytown University for use of th eir equipment.” Note: the Acknowledgment section is not a numbered section. APPENDIXAppendices are placed after the acknowledgments section and before the listing of references. Appendices must have a Level One heading as illustrated below. They do not follow the sequential heading numbering given in the rest of the paper. If there is only one appendix, then the heading is set as follows:APPENDIXIf there is more than one appendix, the headings are set as:APPENDIX A: DESCRIPTIONAPPENDIX B: DESCRIPTIONSubheadings in an Appendix are labeled 1, 2, etc.REFERENCESReferences must be numbered consecutively in order of first appearance in the text and should be listed at the end of the text material. Reference citations in text are rendered in several ways. For example:Voitsenya et al.4Kawa and Lin8MOLPRO (Ref. 10)The citation in the reference list must include the full list of authors. Do not list the first author followed by an abbreviation such as et al. See Table III for acceptable reference formats.TABLE III.This table provides instructions on how to prepare references.Articles “submitted to” or “accepted for publication” (but not yet published) in a journal: When possible, these references should be updated in the galley proof.1K. Park, A. Marchenkov, Z. M. M. Zhang, and W. P. King, J. Appl. Phys. 101, 094504 (2007). Books: List authors and editors. Must include publisher, city and year of publication, and the page numbers (unless the entire book is being cited).2R. J. Hunter, Zeta Potential in Colloid Science (Academic, New York, 1981), p.120.AIAA Papers:The usual format is: Authors’ names, Paper Title, AIAA Paper No. (usual formats are 99-1111 or 2004-2222), year (corresponds to numbers on left side of paper number).3M.S. Narayan and A. Banaszuk, “Experimental study of a novel active separation control approach,” AIAA Paper No. 2003-0060, 2003.Conference proceedings: Include the list of authors, the title of the proceedings, the city and year of the conference, the name of the publisher (cannot be a laboratory or institution), city and year of publication (or the words “to be published”), and the page numbers. Inclu de the full list of editors, if they are given.4R. K. Ahrenkiel, in Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds 1993: Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Gallium Arsenide and Related Compounds, Freiburg, Germany, 29 August–2 September 1993, edited by H. S. Rupprecht and G. Weimann (Institute of Physics, London, 1994), pp. 685–690.Government publications:Format as for a book citation. Each must include the author(s), title of the publication, name of the publisher, city and year of publication, and page numbers (unless the entire publication is being cited).5D. Nunes, The Brillouin Effect (U.S. Department of Energy, Washington, DC, 1992).Journal citations: Include authors (see author rule above), volume number, beginning page number, and publication year:6J. D. Kiely and J. E. Houston, Phys. Rev. B 57, 12588 (1998).Laboratory report: May only be used if first deposited with a national depository such as the National Technical Information Service. (Check with the NTIS librarian at 703-605-6000.) Materials or reports in electronic form—codes, data tables,etc.—may be uploaded as supplemental material files (see Sec. XIII). If the paper is on deposit with NTIS, use the following format:7See National Technical Information Service Document No. DE132450 L. (R. Newchuck, SESAME Tables, LANL Rep. 23453, 1983). Copies may be ordered from the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, VA 22161.Multiple citations are acceptable:8D.-Y. Choi, S. Madden, A. Rode, R. Wang, and B. Luther-Davies, J. Non-Cryst. Solids 354, 3179 (2008); J. Appl. Phys. 104, 113305 (2008).(same authors, different journals)or9J.Scaroni and T. Mckee, Solid State Technol. 40, 245 (1997); M. G. Lawrence, Bull. Am.Meteorol. Soc. 86, 225 (2005).(two completely different references)or10Y. de Carlan, A. Alamo, M. H. Mathon, G. Geoffroy, and A. Castaing, J. Nucl. Mater. 283–287, 762 (2000); M. H. Mathon, Y. de Carlan, G. Geoffroy, X. Averty, A. Alamo, and C. H. de Novion, ibid. 312, 236 (2003).(different authors, same journal and volume number)MOLPRO:11H.-J. Werner, P. J. Knowles, R. Lindh, F. R. Manby, M. Schütz, et al., Molpro, version2006.1, a package of ab initio programs, 2006, see .Preprints and electronic postings:Preprints or eprints that have not been submitted to a journal for publication (i.e., are only posted on a preprint server) cannot be used as references.Private communication:May not be one of the authors of the article. Must include the year in which the communication took place.12A. Einstein (private communication, 1954).References as footnotes: Footnotes are not permitted within the main text. Each should be numbered and described in the reference list.Software manuals: If published, use the book format; if not published, give the entire address for the software maker.Thesis/dissertation: Include the author, school and year, but not the title.13S. L. Goldschmidt, Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Los Angeles, 1985.Web sites: Due to their perishable nature, web sites are not generally acceptable as references unless the site is maintained as an archival site. It is permissible to include web sites as adjuncts to acceptable references.11。