
(6)怎样传递信息(语言和风格)?(3)有礼貌(Courteous);(6)完整(Complete) o 第一模块 交流过程 综合练习题答案提示%1. 名词解释:1. 商务交流一一指在商务环境中,交流的双方彼此把白己拥冇的信息提供给对方,使两方能连通的过程。
2. NVC ------- 是英文Non-verbal Communication 的缩写,译为非语言交流。
3. 附加交流——是指语言Z 外的交流,包括在使用语言进行交流时伴随的行为举止和语气等其他形式的交流。
4・言外之意——是通过声音的变化得到的某种印象,即用语调强调的话外Z 意。
6. 面 谈 ——指任何有计计划的和受控制的、在两个人(或更多人)之间进行的、参与者屮至少冇一个是有冃的的,并口在进行过程中双方互有听和说的谈话。
7. 人体动作学一一是研究在没有声音语言时或者除语言之外身体动作所表达的信息。
二、 简答题:1、 交流过程模式包括哪些主要元素?试画出一个完整的交流过程。
提示:交流过程模式应包括下列几个主要元素:(1) 发出者:向对方提供信息的人 (2)编码:把意见、想法转换成符号形式的过程 (3)渠道或媒介:信息从 沟通者到接收者的流通所需耍的载(4)译码:接收者对所收到的信息赋予意义的活动 (5)接收者:从对方接 收信息的人 (6)反馈:接收者对沟通者的反向沟通 (7):干扰。
2、 简要说明什么是交流的目标?如何实现交流的目标?有效交流对企业管理的重要意义。
提示:A :当我们从出某种具体交流活动时,无论写作还是讲话,町能试图达到劝导、传递、解释、说服和教育 等不同目的。
概括地讲,交流一般有四个主耍口标:(1)被对方接收(2)被对方理解(3)被对方 接受(4)引起对方反应。

国际商务课后习题参考答案HUA system office room 【HUA16H-TTMS2A-HUAS8Q8-HUAH1688】C h a p t e r1:G l o b a l i z a t i o n1. Describe the shifts in the world economy over the last 30 years. What are the implications of these shifts for international businesses based in Great Britain? North America? Hong Kong?Answer: The world economy has shifted dramatically over the past 30 years. As late as the 1960s, four stylized facts described the demographics of the global economy. The first was U.S. dominance in the world economy and world trade. The second was U.S. dominance in the world foreign direct investment picture. Related to this, the third fact was the dominance of large, multinational U.S. firms in the international business scene. The fourth was that roughly half of the globe - the centrally planned economies of the Communist world - was off-limits to Western international businesses. All of these demographic facts have changed. Although the U.S. remains the world's dominant economic power, its share of world output and world exports have declined significantly since the 1960s. This trend does not reflect trouble in the U.S. economy, but rather reflects the growing industrialization of developing countries such as China, India, Indonesia, and South Korea. This trend is also reflected in the world foreign direct investment picture. As depicted in Figure 1.2 in the textbook, the share of world output (or the stock of foreign direct investment) generated by developing countries has been on a steady increase since the 1960s, while the share of world outputgenerated by rich industrial countries has been on a steady decline. Shifts in the world economy can also be seen through the shifting power of multinational enterprises. Since the 1960s, there have been two notable trends in the demographics of the multinational enterprise. The first has been the rise of non-U.S. multinationals, particularly Japanese multinationals. The second has been the emergence of a growing number of small and medium-sized multinationals, called mini-multinationals. The fall of Communism in Eastern Europe and the republics of the former Soviet Union have brought about the final shift in the world economy. Many of the former Communist nations of Europe and Asia seem to share a commitment to democratic politics and free market economies. Similar developments are being observed in Latin America. If these trends continue, the opportunities for international business may be enormous. The implications of these shifts are similar for North America and Britain. The United States and Britain once had the luxury of being the dominant players in the world arena, with little substantive competition from the developing nations of the world. That has changed. Today, U.S. and British manufacturers must compete with competitors from across the world to win orders. The changing demographics of the world economy favor a city like Hong Kong. Hong Kong (which is now under Chinese rule) is well located with easy access to markets in Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, and other Asian markets. Hong Kong has a vibrant labor force that can compete on par with the industrialized nations of the world. The declinein the influence of the U.S. and Britain on the global economy provides opportunities for companies in Hong Kong to aggressively pursue export markets.2. "The study of international business is fine if you are going to work in a large multinational enterprise, but it has no relevance for individuals who are going to work in smaller firms." Evaluate this statement.Answer: People who believe in this view, and the firms that they work for, may find that they do not achieve their full potential (at best) and may ultimately fail because of their myopia. As barriers to trade decrease and state of the art technological developments take place throughout the world, new opportunities and threats exist on a worldwide basis. The rise of the mini-multinationals suggests there are global opportunities even for small firms. But staying attuned to international markets is not only important from the perspective of seeking profitable opportunities for small firms; it can also be critical for long-term competitive survival. Firms from other countries may be developing products that, if sold internationally, may wipe out small domestic competitors. Scanning international markets for the best suppliers is also important for small firms, for if a domestic competitor is able to tap into a superior supplier from a foreign country, it may be able to seriously erode a small firm's competitive position before the small firm understands the source of its competitor's competitive advantage and can take appropriate counter actions.3. How have changes in technology contributed to the globalization of markets and of production? Would the globalization of production and markets have been possible without these technological changes?Answer: Changes in technology have contributed to the globalization of markets and of production in a very substantive manner. For instance, improvements in transportation technology have paved the way for companies like Coca-Cola, Levi Strauss, Sony and McDonalds to make their products available worldwide. Similarly, improvements in communications technology have had a major impact. The ability to negotiate across continents has been facilitated by improved communications technology, and the rapidly decreasing cost of communications has lowered the expense of coordinating and controlling a global corporation. Finally, the impact of information technology has been far reaching. Companies can now gain worldwide exposure simply by setting up a homepage on the Internet. This technology was not available just a few short years ago. The globalization of production and markets may have been possible without improvements in technology, but the pace of globalization would have been much slower. The falling cost of technology has made it affordable for many developing nations, which has been instrumental in helping these nations improve their share of world output and world exports. The inclusion of these nations, such as China, India, Thailand, and South Korea, has been instrumental in the globalization of markets and production. In addition, improvements in global transportationand communication have made it relatively easy for business executives from different countries to converse with one another. If these forms of technology, including air-travel, fax capability, e-mail, and overnight delivery of packages were not available, it would be much more difficult for businesses to conduct international trade.4. "Ultimately, the study of international business is no different from the study of domestic business. Thus, there is no point in having a separate course on international business." Evaluate this statement.Answer: This statement reflects a poor understanding of the unique challenges involved in international business. Managing an international business is different from managing a purely domestic business for at least four reasons. These are: (1) countries are different; (2) the range of problems confronted by a manager in an international business is wider and the problems themselves more complex than those confronted by a manager in a domestic business; (3) an international business must find ways to work within the limits imposed by government intervention in the international trade and investment system; and (4) international transactions involve converting money into different currencies. As a result of these differences, there are ample reasons for studying international business as a specific field of study or discipline.5. How might the Internet and the associated World Wide Web impactinternational business activity and the globalization of the world economy? Answer: According to the text, the Internet and World Wide Web (WWW) promise to develop into the information background of tomorrow's global economy. This improved technology will not only make it easier for individuals and companies in different countries to conduct business with one another, but will also further decrease the cost of communications. These improvements will undoubtedly hasten the already rapid pace of globalization. Another distinct attribute of the Internet and the WWW is that they act as an equalizer between large (resource rich) and small (resource poor) firms. For instance, it does not cost any more for a small software firm to gain visibility via the WWW than it does for a large software company like Microsoft. As a result, the WWW helps small companies reach the size of audience that was previously only within the reach of large, resource rich firms.6. If current trends continue, China may emerge as the world's largest economy by 2020. Discuss the possible implications of such a development for(1) The world trading system.(2)The world monetary system.(3)The business strategy of today's European and U.S. based global corporations.(4)Global commodity prices.Answer: The world trading system would clearly be affected by such a development. Currently China enjoys a somewhat privileged status within theWorld Trade Organization as a “developing” country. Such a rise to eminence, however, would clearly force it to become a full and equal member, with all the rights and responsibilities. China would also be in a position to actively affect the terms of trade between many countries. On the monetary front, one would expect that China would have to have fully convertible and trading currency, and it could become one of the “benchmark” currencies of the world. From the perspective of Western global firms, China would represent both a huge market, and potentially the home base of some very capable competitors. Finally, commodity prices would probably fall.7. Read the Country Focus in this chapter on the Ecuadorian rose industry, the answer the following questions:a) How has participation in the international rose trade helped Ecuador’s economy and its people? How has the rise of Ecuador as a center for rose growing benefited consumers in developed nations who purchase the roses? What do the answers to these questions tell you about the benefits of international trade?b) Why do you think that Ecuador’s rose ind ustry only began to take of 20 years ago? Why do you think it has grown so rapidly?c) To what extent can the alleged health problems among workers in Ecuador’s rose industry be laid at the feet of consumers in the developed world and their desire for perfect Valentine’s Day roses?d) Do you think governments in the developed world should place trade sanctions on Ecuador roses if reports of health issues among Ecuadorian rose workers are verified? What else might they do to improve the situation in Ecuador?a) Ecuador is the world’s fourth largest producer of roses. In fact, roses represent the country’s fifth largest export. The industry is vital to Ecuador’s economy, creating tens of thousands of jobs, jobs that pay significantly above the country’s minimum wage. Taxes and revenues from the rose growers have also helped to pave roads, build schools, and construct sophisticated irrigation systems. For Ecuador’s consumers, the success of the industry means bigger, more vibrant flowers than were previously available. Most students will recognize that the conditions in Ecuador give the country a distinct advantage in rose growing, and that by focusing on the industry, Ecuador has been able to benefit from international trade. Consumers in other countr ies also benefit from Ecuador’s flower exports with better products.b) Ecuador’s rose industry began some 20 years ago, and has been expanding rapidly ever since then. Most students will probably focus advances in technology as a key to the industry’s s uccess. Roses are a very fragile, perishable product. Modern technology enables growers to used refrigerated air transport to get the product to markets around the globe. Without that ability, the growers would be limited to the market immediately surroundingthe country.c) Students will probably be divided on this issue with some students arguing that consumers are to blame for the problems, and others placing the blame on the growers. Students taking the first perspective will probably suggest that most consumers purchase their roses with little consideration for how they are grown. Rather, most consumers simply focus on their beauty and price. Students blaming the growers might argue that growers, because they feel the effect of less-than-perfect roses in the form of smaller profits, will be motivated to find ways to produce ever more perfect flowers. Certainly, the use of pesticides and other products can produce a better crop. In the end, there is probably blame on both sides. If more consumers were aware of the health problems resulting from the improper use of pesticides, they would probably demand some changes. Similarly, if pressure were put on the growers to use pesticides safely, health problems could be reduced.d) Trade sanctions are a tool that is often employed by governments that are making a statement against a specific action or actions. In the case of Ecuador, trade sanctions certainly would be an option, as would publicizing the situation so that more consumers were aware of the conditions. In the end though, it is important to consider the effect of the sanctions or other measures on people like Maria who might lose their livelihood as a result. Chapter 2: National Differences1. Free market economies stimulate greater economic growth, whereas state-directed economies stifle growth! Discuss.Answer: In a market economy, private individuals and corporations are allowed to own property and other assets. This right of ownership provides a powerful incentive for people to work hard, introduce new products, develop better advertising campaigns, invent new products, etc., all in the hopes of accumulating additional personal capital and wealth. In turn, the constant search on the part of individuals and corporation to accumulate wealth enriches the entire economy and creates economic growth. In contrast, in a command economy, private individuals and corporations are not allowed to own substantial quantities of property and other assets. The objective of a command economy is for e veryone to work for “the good of the society.” Although this sounds like a noble ideal, a system that asks individuals to work for the good of society rather than allowing individuals to build personal wealth does not provide a great incentive for people to invent new products, develop better advertising campaigns, find ways to be more efficient, etc. As a result, command economies typically generate less innovation and are less efficient than market economies.2. A democratic political system is an essential condition for sustained economic progress. Discuss.Answer: This question has no clear-cut answer. In the West, we tend to arguethat democracy is good for economic progress. This argument is largely predicted upon the idea that innovation is the engine of economic growth, and a democratic political system encourages rather than stifles innovation. However, there are examples of totalitarian regimes that have fostered a market economy and strong property rights protection and experienced rapid economic growth. The examples include four of the fastest growing economies of the past 30 years – South Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, and Hong Kong – all of which have grown faster than Western economies. However, while it is possible to argue that democracy is not a necessary precondition for the establishment of a free market economy, it seems evident that subsequent economic growth leads to establishment of democratic regimes. Several of the fastest-growing Asian economies have recently adopted more democratic governments.3. What is the relationship between corruption (i.e., bribe taking by government officials) in a country and economic growth? Is corruption always bad?Answer: Economic evidence suggests that high levels of corruption significantly reduce the economic growth rate in a country. By siphoning off profits, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats reduce the returns to business investment, and hence, reduce the incentive that both domestic and foreign businesses have to invest in that country. The lower level of investment that results has a negative impact on economic growth. However, while most studentswill probably agree that corruption is bad, some may point out that the U.S., despite its Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, does allow “grease payments” to expedite or secure the performance of a routine governmental action. According to Congress, “grease payments” while technically bribes are not being used to obtain or maintain business, but rather are simply made to facilitate performance of duties that the recipients are already obligated to perform. 4. The Nobel prize-winning economist Amartya Sen argues that the concept of development should be broadened to include more than just economic development. What other factors does Sen think should be included in an assessment of development? How might adop tion of Sen’s views influence government policy? Do you think Sen is correct that development is about more than just economic development? Explain.Answer: Sen has argued that development be assessed less by material output measures such as GNP per capita, and more by the capabilities and opportunities that people enjoy. Sen suggests that development be seen as a process of expanding real freedoms that people experience, and as such, that development requires the removal of major impediments to freedom. Governments influenced by Sen might ensure that basic health care and education programs are available especially for women. Many students will agree with Sen and the notion that development is not just an economic process, but a political one too, and that to succeed citizens must be given a voice in the important decisions made for the country.5. You are the CEO of a company that has to choose between making a $100 million investment in either Russia or the Czech Republic. Both investments promise the same long-run return, so your choice of which investment to make is driven by considerations of risk. Assess the various risks of doing business in each of these nations. Which investment would you favor and why? Answer: When assessing the risks of investment, one should consider the political, economic, and legal risks of doing business in either Russia or the Czech Republic. At this time (Fall 2002), the risk in Russia would probably be considered higher than the risk in the Czech Republic. The Czech Republic has just been accepted as a future member of the EU, and as such gains the benefits and stability offered by the EU. Russia, by contrast, is still many years away from even being in a position to be considered by the EU for membership. Depending upon when you are using the book, this situation could be different. (You also may want to substitute other countries into this question depending on current events and the countries with which you feel your students will be most familiar.)6. Read the Country Focus on India in this chapter and answer the following questions:a. What kind of economic system did India operate during 1947-1990? What kind of system is it moving towards today? What are the impediments to completing this transformation?b. How might widespread public ownership of businesses and extensive government regulations have impacted (i) the efficiency of state and private businesses, and (ii) the rate of new business formation in India during the 1947-1990 time frame? How do you think these factors affected the rate of economic growth in India during this time frame?c. How would privatization, deregulation, and the removal of barriers to foreign direct investment affect the efficiency of business, new business formation, and the rate of economic growth in India during the post-1990 time period?d. India now has pockets of strengths in key high technology industries such as software and pharmaceuticals. Why do you think India is developing strength in these areas? How might success in these industries help to generate growth in other sectors of the Indian economy?e. Given what is now occurring in the Indian economy, do you think that the country represents an attractive target for inward investment by foreign multinationals selling consumer products? Why?Answer:a. The economic system that developed in India after 1947 was a mixed economy characterized by a large number of state-owned enterprises, centralized planning, and subsidies. In 1991, India’s government embarked on anambitious economic reform program. Much of the industrial licensing system was dismantled, and several areas once closed to the private sector were opened. In addition, investment by foreign companies was welcomed, and plans to start privatizing state-owned businesses were announced. India has posted impressive gains since 1991, however there are still impediments to further transformation. Attempts to reduce import tariffs have been stalled by political opposition from employers, employees, and politicians. Moreover, the privatization program has been slowed thanks to actions taken by the Supreme Court. Finally, extreme poverty continues to plague the country.b. The mixed economy that developed in India after 1947 was characterized by a large number of state-owned enterprises, centralized planning, and subsidies. This system not only constrained the growth of the private sector, but it also consequently limited the effects of competition that typically promote efficiency and productivity in a free market system. The system even limited the actions of private companies, requiring them to get government approval for routine business activities. Production quotas and high import tariffs also stunted the development of a healthy private sector, as did restrictive labor laws that made it difficult to fire employees. Foreign exchange restrictions, limitations on foreign investment, controls on land use, and managed prices further exacerbated the situation. It would appear that India’s rate of economic growth was negatively affected during this time frame. By 1994, India’s economy was still smaller than Belgium’sdespite having a large population. Both GDP and literacy rates were very low, and some 40 percent of the population lived in poverty.c. In 1991, India’s government embarked on an ambitious economic reform program. So far, the response to the program has been impressive. The economy expanded at an annual rate of about 6.3 percent from 1994 to 2004. Foreign investment is up from $150 million in 1990 to $6 billion in 2005. Certain sectors of the economy including information technology and pharmaceuticals have done particularly well. Still, problems persist. Actions taken by the government continue to limit efficiency gains for private companies and the country’s high rate of poverty is still a major problem.d. India’s gains in information technology and pharmaceuticals are impressive. The country has emerged as a vibrant global center for software development, and India’s pharmaceutical companies have taken a strong global position by selling low cost generic versions of drugs that have come of patent in the developed world. As these industries continue to prosper, other sectors of the economy should also see the benefit of spillover effects.e. Foreign investment is up in India. In fact, foreign investment rose from $150 million in 1990 to $6 billion in 2005. However, whether India is an attractive destination for foreign multinationals selling consumer products remains to be seen. Certainly, the large population will serve to attractsome companies, but the fact that some 40 percent of the population is living in abject poverty will scare other companies away. Moreover, it is still not easy to run a company in India thanks to laws limiting everything from who can be fired to who can which products.Chapter 3: Differences in Culture1. Outline why the culture of a country influences the costs of doing business in that country. Illustrate your answer with examples.Answer: Since in a sense the entire chapter is about this question, there can be numerous reasons and examples of how culture influences the costs of doing business. Several are highlighted in the following sentences, but there could be numerous others. When there are simply different norms between how individuals from different countries interact, the costs of doing business rise as people grapple with unfamiliar ways of doing business. For example, while in the US we may get down to business first, and then get to know each other socially later, in many South American countries it is important develop a good social relationship before trying to discuss business issues. Different class structures and social mobility also raise the costs of doing business, for if there are inhibitions against working with people from different classes, then the efficiency with which information can flow may be limited and the cost of running a business increased. A country's religion can also affect the costs of business, as religious values can affectattitudes towards work, entrepreneurship, honesty, fairness, and social responsibility. In Hindu societies where the pursuit of material well-being can be viewed as making spiritual well being less likely, worker productivity may be lower than in nations with other religious beliefs. Finally, a country's education system can have important implications for the costs of business. In countries where workers receive excellent training and are highly literate, the need for specific worker training programs are decreased and the hiring of additional employees is facilitated.2. Do you think business practices in an Islamic country are likely to differ from business practices in the United States? If so, how?Answer: A number of aspects of the cultural differences between an Islamic country and the USA will cause business practices to differ. The role women can take, appropriate etiquette (including simple things like not passing papers with the left hand), holidays, and wining and dining all differ from in the USA. But beyond these, the underlying philosophy and role of business differs from in the USA. Since Muslims are stewards of property for God, rather than owners, they are more likely to use their resources carefully and may be less likely to give up or sell something to a person who may not practice the same stewardship. The importance of fairness to all parties in relations means that over-aggressiveness in self-interest may not be well received, and breaking an agreement, even if technically/legally permissible may be viewed as very inappropriate. Finally, the prohibitions on interestpayments in some Islamic countries means that the wording of the terms of an agreement must be done carefully so that "fair profits" are not construed as being "interest payments."3. What are the implications for international business of differences in the dominant religion of a country?Answer: Differences in the dominant religion of a country affect relationships, attitudes toward business, and overall economic development. Firstly, differences in religion require inter-cultural sensitivity. This sensitivity requires things like simply knowing the religious holidays, accepting that some unexpected things may happen "because of Allah's will," or understanding how interpersonal relationships may be different between "believers" and "non-believers." (Hence non-believers may be treated differently.) Secondly, religious beliefs can significantly affect a countries attitude toward business, work, and entrepreneurship. In one country successfully beating a competitor may be considered a great achievement while in another it may be thought of as showing a lack of compassion and disruptive to the society and persons involved, both attitudes that may be derived from underlying religious beliefs. Likewise, hard work may be either rewarded positively or viewed as something of secondary importance to spiritual peace and harmony. Thirdly, different dominant religions may affect the overall competitiveness and potential for economic growth of a nation, and hence attractiveness of a country for international business.。

Unit 1 GlobalizationPart I Business V ocabularyDirections: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, one point for each sentence.1 There are too many examples in aviation and other _____ B _____ of what has happened to companies that have tried to do that.A sectionsB sectorsC segmentsD components2 It would not _______ A ________ earlier mistakes such as attempting to enter the train or boat-building business.A repeatB makeC recognizeD produce3 He is impressed, he says, by the way in which oil companies have ____ D _____ from losing national images.A obtainedB gotC reachedD benefited4 Royal Dutch/Shell is another group which manages to ______D_________ itself asa local company in which it operates.A displayB exhibitC showD present5 When the Japanese tyre group Bridgestone entered the US market, it made an _________ C _______, buying the local production base of Firestone.A saleB purchaseC acquisitionD overpayment6 If a company wishes to enter the Chinese market, it usually looks for a local ________ D ________ who will cooperate in setting up a joint venture.A manB talentC managerD partner7 If you’re ______ C ______ don’t go to Oslo – it’s Europe’s most expensive city.A hardB hardyC hard upD hard down8 A survey has _______A_________ with some interesting information about the cost of living in our major cities.A come upB show upC put upD live up9 Meals at restaurants cost a _________ C ________ and drinks are very pricey.A expenseB priceC fortuneD fate10 Being kept waiting, being connected to voice mail or being passed on to someoneelse are all common ________ D _______.A flashesB firesC firecrackersD flashpoints11 Reasons for this are ________ B _________, according to Reed.A three piecesB threefoldC threeD triple12 Increasing numbers of transactions take place entirely by phone, from ___ D ____insurance to paying bills.A doingB sellingC buyingD arranging13 As companies move towards ‘remote working’, the need for the right tone of voice_______ A _______ to every level of the organization.A extendsB stretchesC expandsD attaches14 However, globalization has brought problems in the compan y’s overseas plants,and this is having a bad ________ A _______ on its share prices.A effectB influenceC affectD consequence15 A journalist from the Eastern Economist Review suggested recently that thecompany could become the _______ B _______ of a takeover if it didn’t sort out its problems soon.A aimB targetC objectiveD purpose16 Although this helps to lower costs, the materials are often of poor quality. This hasresulted in _______ C _______ orders.A placedB placingC cancelledD canceling17 Recently, a German distributor refused a D of 50,000 blouses.A dealB transactionC cargoD consignment18 When customers want last-minute changes to clothing, the plants cannot meetcustomers’ tight _______ D ______.A timesB periodsC datesD deadlines19 Its latest _______ B ______ were described by a famous fashion expert as ‘boring,behind the times and with no appeal to a fashion-conscious buyer’.A seriesB collectionsC sequencesD present20 Factory workers complain about their wages. They are often expected to work_______ C ________ without extra pay.A overB timeC overtimeD timelyPart II Phrase TranslationDirections: Directions: There are 20 Chinese phrases in this part. You are required to translate them into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, one point for each phrase.1 资本外逃fight of capita2 福利welfare beneifts3 相互让步give-and-take4 国家形象national image5 航空航天公司aerospace company6 全球化公司global company7 就业问题employment problems8 生活水准living standard9 跨文化问题cross-cultural problem10 合资企业joint venture11 本地合伙人local partner12 许可协议licensing agreement13 通货膨胀率inflation rate14 市场调研market research15 远程办公remote working16 全球会议global conference17 股票价格share price18 顾客需求customers’ needs19 低价战略low-pricing strategy20 员工流动率staff turnoverPart III Sentence TranslationDirections: There are 10 sentences in this part. You are required to translate them into Chinese and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, two points for each sentence.1.There are too many examples in aviation and other sectors of what has happenedto companies that have tried to do that.在航空业和其他行业中想要原地踏步而以失败告终的例子比比皆是2.People are much more likely to express anger over the phone, rather than inwriting or face to face.和书信及面对面交流比起来,人民更容易在电话上发火。

International Business EnglishLesson 1International BusinessBusiness Knowledge:The major differences between international business and domestic businessA.Differences in legal systemsB・ Differences in currenciesC.Differences in cultural backgroundD.Different in natural and economic conditionsThe major types of international businessA.Trademodity tradeb.Service tradeB.Investmenta.Foreign direct investmentb・ Portfolio investmentC.Other types3.Licensing and franchisingb.Management contract and contract manufacturingc.Turnkey project and BOTTrade Terms:1.Customs area 关税区:2.Conversion货币兑换3.Visible trade 有形贸易:The form of commodity trade, i.e. exporting andimporting goods produced or manufactured in one country for consumption orresale in another. (including cash transaction-by means of money and market, and counter trade)4.Invisible trade 无形贸易:The form of transportation, communication, banking,insurance, consulting, information etc. is called invisible trade or service industries.5.FD1 外国直接投资:Foreign direct investments. Returns through controlling theenterprises or assets invested in a host country. / P.256. One country acquires assets in a foreign country for the purpose of controlling and managing them.6.Portfolio investment 证券投资:Purchases of foreign financial assets for a purposeother than controlling.7.Stocks 股票:Capital stocks or bonds.& Bonds 债券:The papers issued by a government or a firm with promise to pay back the money lent or invested together with interest・9.Maturity (票据等)到期10.Certificate of deposit 人额存单11・Licensing 许可经营:In licensing, a firm leases the right to use its intellectual property to a firm in another country. They choose licensing because they do not have to make cash payments to stat business, and can simply receive income in the fonn of royalty・12.Franchising 特许经营:Under franchising, franchisee is allowed to operate in thename of another, franchiser who provides the former with trademarks, brand names, logos and operating techniques for royalty・13.Trade Mark 商标14.Patent 专利15.Royalty专利(许可)使用费,版税16.Copyright 版权17.Licenser 许可方1& Licensee被许可方19.Franchiser 特许方:A firm who provides the franchisee with trademarks, brandnames, logos and operating techniques for royalty・20.Franchisee 被特许方:A firm is allowed to operate in the name of anothe匚21.Management contract 管理合同:Under a management contract, one companyoffers managerial or other specialized services to another within a particular periodfor a flat payment or a percentage of the relevant business volume・22.Value chain 价值链23.Turnkey project"交钥匙”工程:For an international turnkey project, a firmsigns a contract with a foreign purchaser and undertakes all the designing,contracting and facility equipping before handing it over to the latter uponcompletion.)24. |B OT建设、经营和移交:Build, Operate, Transfer25.Expertise专门知识26.Bonus红利、奖金、津贴27.Royalty许可使用费28.International investment 国际投资:Supplying capital by residents of onecountry to another.29.Contract manufacturing 承包牛产3(). GATT 关贸总协定:General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade31.International business 国际商务:Transaction between parties from differentcountries. Sometimes business across the borders of different customs areas of the same country is also regarded as import and export・32.Intellectual property 知识产权33.Oil deposit:石油储备=oil reserves34.the reserves of natural resources 自然资源储备35.Personal advancement个人的晋升,个人素质的提高以及个人事业的进步等。

A.两粒扣 B.三粒扣 C.单排扣 D.双排扣 8.一般来说,商务礼仪中应当(A)先挂断电话。
A.8点整 B.9—11点 C.快到12点时 D.刚过12点2.A.3.A4.A.5.A6.A7.A在正式场合男士穿西服要求(A B C)要扎领带 B.不能露出衬衣袖口穿浅色的袜子 D.领带夹应夹在衬衣的第三、四个扣子中间就座时占椅面的(B)左右,于礼最为恰当。
.1/2 B.2/5 C.2/3 D.1/3 下蹲时要避免以下哪些动作?(A B C)臀部向后撅起 B.两腿叉开C.两腿展开平衡下蹲D.臀部向下,蹲下屈膝在与人交谈时,目光应该注视对方。
在整个谈话过程中,目光与对方接触累计应达到全部交谈过程的(D).20%-30% B.30%-40% C.40%-50% D.50%-70% 一般情况下小轿车最尊贵的座位是(C).前排右座 B.后排右座 C.后排左座 D.后排中座按照国际惯例正确的介绍顺序时(B D).先客人后主人 B.先男士后女士 C.先长辈后晚辈 D.先下级后上级10.请柬一般要提前(C)天发出。
A.1—3天B.4—6天C.7—10天D.11—13天二、填空题1.着装TPO原则中的TPO是英文中的Time、place、Occasion 三个词的缩写。
3.在商务接待活动中,每辆小轿车包括司机最多只安排5 人乘坐。

1. 什么是国际商务?它的特点是什么?答:国际商务是指在国际范围内进行的商业活动。
2. 国际商务的主要参与者有哪些?他们的角色是什么?答:国际商务的主要参与者包括国际企业、政府机构、国际组织和个人。
他们的角色如下:- 国际企业:作为国际商务的主体,国际企业承担着开展跨国贸易和投资的责任和义务。
- 政府机构:政府在国际商务中起着监管和管理的作用。
- 国际组织:国际组织如世界贸易组织(WTO)、国际货币基金组织(IMF)等在国际商务中发挥着重要的协调和促进作用。
- 个人:个人在国际商务中扮演着不同的角色,如跨国企业的员工、国际贸易的中间商、国际投资者等。
3. 国际商务的风险有哪些?如何应对这些风险?答:国际商务的风险主要包括政治风险、经济风险、法律风险、文化风险和汇率风险等。
应对这些风险的方法包括:- 多元化投资:通过将投资分散到不同国家和行业,降低风险集中度。
- 建立风险管理体系:制定风险评估和防范措施,及时应对风险事件。
- 加强合规管理:了解和遵守各国的法律法规,避免违规行为。
- 建立合作伙伴关系:与当地企业建立良好的合作关系,共同应对风险。

适用标准文案国际商务管理在线作业二〔100 分〕一、单项选择题〔共15 道试题,共60 分。
〕V1.( ) 就是雇用东道国公民担当外国子公司的经理职务进行经营管理,这类做法很大程度上除去了语言阻碍,公司无需花昂贵花费进行语言培训。
A.当地化B.雇用化C.外头化D.在外国建立公司总分值:4分2. 北美自由贸易区的核心是〔〕A.美国B.加拿大C.墨西哥D.阿根廷总分值:4分3. 国际贸易中最主要的运输方式是〔〕A.大海运输B.航空运输C.内河运输D.公路运输总分值:4分4. 公司把目标集中在一个或少量几个子市场的战略,被称为〔〕A.产品差别化战略B.本钱集中战略C.集中战略D.市场竞争战略总分值:4分5. 定标是指〔〕A.选定招标人B.确立标的C.拟订评标规那么D.决定中标人总分值:4分6. 在纯粹的市场经济系统下,社会生产活动的数目和种类是由〔〕A.价钱系统的变化决定的B.花费者决定的C.厂商决定的D.供求关系决定的总分值:4分7. 外汇风险是指因为不确立的汇率颠簸造成的〔〕A.公司财产价值的变化B.公司欠债价值的变化C.公司利润的变化D.公司财产或欠债价值的变化总分值:4分8. 第二次世界大战此后,国际分工展开的主要趋向是〔)A.部门间分工B.部门内分工C.产品内分工D.不确立总分值:4分9. 经阵营区比较广阔并且地区差别较大的公司,一般而言,应成立〔〕A.职能型组织B.产品型组织C.分别型组织D.地区型组织总分值:4分10.人口总量是研究市场容量时一定充足考虑的一个重要要素,这是因为〔〕A.人口总量决定着各种商品的需求量B.人口总量决定着生活必要品的需求量C.人口总量决定着豪侈品的需求量D.人格总量决定着高档商品的需求量总分值:4分11.最根本的公司营销组合工具4P是指〔〕A.产品、价钱、方案、促销B.产品、价钱、方案、恳求C.产品、价钱、渠道、促销D.产品、价钱、方案、渠道总分值:4分12.国际商务最根本的形式是〔〕A.国际投资B.国际贸易C.国际经济技术合作D.特许经营总分值:4分13.以部下于仲裁协议内容的是〔〕A.仲裁机构B.仲裁程序C.仲裁申请D.仲裁结果总分值:4分14.依据提单仰头不一样,海运提单分为〔〕A.洁净提单和不洁净提单B.已装船提单和备运提单C.直抵提单和转船提单D.记名提单和指示提单总分值:4分15.WTO 的最高权利机构是 ( )A.总理事会B.多边贸易协议C.总做事D.部长大会总分值:4分二、多项选择题〔共10 道试题,共40 分。

答:调平问:碧石的颜色通常为<p>答:不一定问:进入职场的注意事项有哪些?答:注意职场礼仪尽快了解公司文化,快速度过试用期工作不满一年辞职需谨慎注意财务部分的管理问:《荀子 . 劝学》中有“木受绳则直,金就砺则利”之说,这里的“木”是指木料。
答:对问:原文:华氏40度以上译文:above forty degrees Fahrenheit答:√问:商界男士所穿皮鞋的款式应是()答:A问:不矛盾律的适用范围是()。
<p>答:1 乾兑坎艮 4乾坤坎离 8天地水火问:什么是柔性基础?答:用抗拉、抗压、抗弯、抗剪均较好的钢筋混凝土材料做基础;用于地基承载力较差、上部荷载较大且基础埋深较大的建筑。
问:1. Mark the letter that identifies the tone for each of the following sentences. _____ 1) Baseball was invented as an urban game in order for owners to make money, players to become arrogant, and spectators to drink overpriced beer. A. objective B. nostalgic C. humorous答:humorous问:欧珀的最重要产地是<p>答:澳大利亚问:“上善若水”启示人们要具备如水一样的“十一种”美好品德。

We are given to understand that you are a prospective buyer of Chinese arts and crafts which come within the frame of our business activities. 7. We are striving to expand economic cooperation and exchange of technology with foreign countries and will utilize common and reasonable international practices in a flexible way. 8. As requested, we are sending you, under separate cover, our latest catalogues and pricelist. 9. We are writing to offer you an opportunity to develop trade. 10. Your letter expressing the hope of establishing business connections with us has been received with thanks.
7. B: You talk the words out of my mouth. 8. B: Certainly. In order to give you a general idea of the various kinds of our products now available for export, I’d like to give you our latest catalogues and price list. 9. B: sure. We have mainly adopted some usual international practices. 10. B: Thank you. I propose a toast to the health of every one here and to the success of our future negotiations.

Unit 1. Key to ExercisesB, d, b, c, astream ,agitprop, combat, launched, spokesman, campaign, hoops, theme, initiatives, gear, stretches, gesture, tacklec, a, d, b(参考译文)世界正在经历一场规模空前的并购浪潮。
比如,在阿根廷,经过20世纪90年代初的改革后,跨国公司在200家大型企业的工业生产中从43% 增加到几乎70%。


1. 跨国公司是指什么?答案:跨国公司是指在一个以上国家开展业务活动的公司。
2. 请简要介绍国际贸易的主要形式。
3. 什么是关税?答案:关税是指国家对进口或出口货物征收的一种税收。
4. 请简要介绍国际支付的方式。
5. 请简要介绍国际市场的市场划分方式。
6. 请简要介绍国际市场营销的策略。

2.经济全球化的含义和经济实质➢经济全球化(Economic Globalization) 是指世界经济活动超越国界,通过对外贸易、资本流动、技术转移、提供服务、相互依存、相互联系而形成的全球范围的有机经济整体。

1. 什么是国际商务?
2. 国际商务的主要特点是什么?
3. 国际商务的主要形式有哪些?
4. 什么是国际贸易?
5. 国际贸易的主要优势有哪些?
6. 什么是汇率?
7. 汇率的影响因素有哪些?
8. 什么是国际金融?

国际商务交际作业答案Assignment oneChapter 1 Effective and Ethical Communication at work1. What does the expression ‘communication skills’ include? Communication skills mean reading, listening, nonverbal, speaking, and writing skills; communication skills are critical to effective job placement, career advancement, and organizational success.2. Fewer layers of management mean greater communication challenges for frontline workers. Why?The flattening means fewer layers of managers separate decision makers from frontline workers. In traditional companies, information flows through many levels of managers. In flat organizations, however, where the lives of communication are shorter, decision makers can react more quickly to market changes. Restructured companies organize work with horizontal teams that allow various areas to interact more efficiently. Today’s flatter organizations, however, also pose greater communication challenges. In the past, authoritarian and hierarchical management structures did not require that every employee be a skilled communicator. Managers simply posed along messages to the next level. Today, however, frontline employees as well as managers participate in decision making. Nearly everyone is a writer and a communicator. Business people prepare their own message; secretaries no longer clean up their bosses’ writing.3. Why is oral communication considered more effective than written communication?Oral communication has many advantages. For one thing, it minimizes misunderstandings because communicators can immediately ask questions to clarify uncertainties. For another, it enables communicators to see each other’s facial expressions and hear voice inflections, further improving the process. Oral communication is also an efficient way to develop consensus when many people must be consulted. Finally most of us enjoy face-to-face interpersonal communication because it is easy, feels warm and natural, and promotes friendship.4. When you are faced with a difficult ethical decision, what questions should you ask self?Is the action you are considering legal?How would you see the problem if you were on the opposite side? What are alternate solutions?Can you discuss the problem with someone whose advice you trust? How would you feel if your family, friends, employer, coworkers learned of your action?Chapter 2 Professionalism: Team, Meeting, Listening, Nonverbal, and Etiquette Skills2.If you are considering organizing a meeting, what should you dobefore the meeting?●deciding whether a meeting is necessary●Selecting participants●Distributing advance information●Using digital calendars to schedule meetings3.How is videoconferencing different from web conferencing?Web conferencing is similar to videoconferencing but may work with or without the transmission of pictures of the participants. Attendees use their computers to access an online virtual meeting room where they can present PowerPoint slides or share spreadsheets or word documents, just as they might do in a face-to-face meeting. Web conferencing is particularly useful for team meetings, training, and sales presentations. Participants can demonstrate products, make presentations, and interact with participants.4.What is groupthink, and how can it be avoided?Groupthink: faulty decision-making process by team members who are overly eager to agree with one another.Effective teams avoid groupthink by striving for team diversity in age, gender, background, experience, and training.Chapter 3 intercultural Communication1.What is geographical location virtually irrelevant for many activitiesand services today?To be successful in this interdependent global village, companies are increasingly finding it necessary to adapt to other cultures.Many companies are increasingly looking overseas as domestic markets mature. Another significant factor is the passage of favorable trade agreement. Besides, the development of new transportation and information technologies contribute themselves to the explosive growth of global markets.2.How is a ‘stereotype’ different from a ‘prototype’?A stereotype is an oversimplified behavioral pattern applied uncritically to groups. The term was use originally by printers to describe identical type set in two frames. Stereotypes are fixed and rigid. Although they may be exaggerated and over-generalized beliefs when applied to groups of people, stereotypes are not always entirely false. Often they contain a grain of truth.Prototypes, then, are dynamic and change with fresh experience. Prototypes based on objective observations, usually have a considerable amount of truth in them. That is why they can be helpful in studying cultures.4.Why is intercultural communication increasingly important, andwhat must business communicators do to succeed?The reasons lie in:●The globalization of markets mean that you can expect to bedoing business with people from around the world;●Technological advancements in transportation and informationare making the world smaller and more intertwined;●More and more people are coming from other cultures, thuschanging the competition of the marketplace. Successfulinteraction requires awareness, tolerance, andaccommodation.Business communicators needs to:●Learn foreign phrases●Use simple language●Speak slowly and enunciate clearly●Observe eye messages●Encourage accurate feedback●Check frequently for comprehension●Accept blame●Listen without interrupting●Smile when appropriate●Follow up in writing.Assignment TwoChapter 4 panning business messages1.Why do you think business writing differs from school essay writing? In preparing high school or college composition and term papers, you probably focused on discussing your feelings or displaying your knowledge. Your instructors wanted to see your thought processes, and they wanted assurance that you had internalized the subject matter. You may have had to meet a minimum word count. Business writers, however, have different goals. For business messages and oral presentations, writing should be:●Purposeful: you will be writing to solve problems and conveyinformation. You will have a definite purpose to fulfill in eachmessage.●Persuasive: you want your audience to believe and acceptyour message.●Economical: you will try to present ideas clearly but concisely.Length is not rewarded.●Audience-oriented: you will concentrate on looking at aproblem from the perspective of the audience instead ofseeing it from your own.2.What is meant by ‘audience benefits”?In describing effective writing, Bn Franklin observed, “To be good, it ought to have a tendency to benefit the reader.” These wise words have become a fundamental guideline for today’s business communicators. Expanding on Franklin’s counsel, a contemporary communication consultant gives this solid advice to his business clients: “always stress the benefit to the audience, of whatever it is you are trying to get them to do. If you can show how you are going to save them frustration or help them meet their goals, you have the makingsof a powerful message.3.When is the ‘you’ view appropriate, and when is it inappropriate? Appropriate: notice that may of the previous audience-focused messages included the word you. In concentrating on receiver benefits, skilled communicators naturally develop the ‘you’ view. They emphasize second-person pronouns instead of first-person pronouns. Whether your goal is to inform, persuade, or promote goodwill, the catchiest words you can use are you and your.Inappropriate: although you want to focus on the reader or listener, do not overuse or misuse the second-person pronoun you. Readers and listeners appreciate genuine interest; on the other hand, they resent obvious attempt at manipulation. The authors of some sales, for example, are guilty of overkill when they include you dozens of times in a direct mail promotion. Furthermore, the word can sometimes create the wrong impression. Another difficulty in emphasizing the ‘you’ view and de-emphasizing we/I is that it may result in overuse of the passive voice.4.Why is it OK to use instant messaging abbreviations and happyfaces in messages to friends but not OK in business?Most instant messages, email messages, business letters, memos, and reports replace conversation. Thus, they are most effective when they convey an informal, conversational tone instead of a formal, pretentious tone. Workplace messages should not, however, become so casual that they sound low level and unprofessional. Instant messages enable coworkers to have informal, spontaneous conventions. Some companies have accepted IM as a serious workplace tool. To protect a professional image, you must sound educated and mature. Overuse of expressions such as totally awesome, you know, and like, as well as reliance on needless abbreviations (BTW for by the way), make a businessperson sound likea teenager. Professional messages do not include IM abbreviations, slang, sentence fragments, and chitchat. We urge you to strive for a warm, conversational tone that avoids low-level diction.Chapter 5 Organizing and writing business messages1.For routine writing tasks, what are some techniques for collectinginformal data and generating ideas?Here are some techniques for collecting informal data and for generating ideas:●Look in the files;●Talk with your boss;●Interview the target audience;●Conduct an informal survey.2.What is the difference between a list and an outline?In developing simple messages, some writers make a quick scratch list of the topics they wish to cover. Writers often jot down this scratch list in the margin of the letter or memo to which they are responding (the majority of business messages are written in response to other documents). These writers then compose a message at their computers directly from the scratch list. Most writers, though, need to organize their ideas-especially if the project is complex-into a hierarchy, such as an outline. The beauty of preparing an outline is that it gives you a chance to organize your thinking before you can get bogged down in word choice and sentence structure.3.When is the indirect pattern appropriate, and what are the benefitsfor using it?When you expect the audience to be uninterested, unwilling, displeased, or perhaps, even hostile, the indirect pattern is more appropriate. In this pattern you reveal the main idea only after you have offered explanation and evidence. This approach works well with three kinds of messages:●Bad news●Ideas that require persuasion●Sensitive news, especially when being transmitted to superiors.The indirect pattern has three benefits:●Respects the feelings of the audience. Bad news is always painful,but the trauma can be lessened by preparing the receiver for it;●Facilitates a fair hearing. Messages that may upset the reader aremore likely to be read when the main idea is delayed. Beginning immediately with a piece of bad news or a persuasive request, for example, may cause the receiver to stop reading or listening.●Minimizes a negative reaction. A reader’s overall reaction to anegative message is generally improved if the news is deliveredgently.4.What is a topic sentence, and where is it usually found? Paragraphs arranged in the direct plan begin with the topic sentence, followed by supporting sentences. Most business messages use this paragraph plan because it clarifies the subject immediately. This plan is useful whenever you must define (a new product or procedure), classify (parts of a whole), illustrate (an idea), or describe (a process), start with the topic sentence; then strengthen and amplify that idea with supporting ideas.It’s usually found at the beginning of the paragraph.Chapter 6 Revising business messages1.How is proofreading different from revising?Proofreading: correcting the grammar, spelling, punctuation and mechanics of a message.Revising: improving the content and sentence structure of a message may include adding, recasting, reforming, and redesigning a message.2. What is a redundancy? Give an example. Why should writers avoid redundancies?Expressions that repeat meaning or include unnecessary words are redundant. Saying unexpected surprise is like a like saying surprise surprise because unexpected carries the same meaning as surprise. Redundancies do not add emphasis, as some people think. Instead, they identify a writer as inexperienced. As you revise, look for redundant expressions such as the following:Redundant conciseAbsolutely essential essential3. Why should writers avoid opening a sentence with ‘there is’ or ‘there are’?Because in many sentences the expressions there is/are and it is/was function as unnecessary filters. In addition to taking up space, these fillers delay getting to the point of the sentence. Eliminate them by recasting the sentence. Many- but not all-sentences can be revised so that fillers are unnecessary.5.Why should business writers strive to conciseness?In business, time is indeed money. Translated into writing, this means that concise messages save reading time and thus, money. In addition, messages that are written directly and efficiently are easier to read and comprehend. In the revision process, look for short ways to say what you mean. Examine every sentence that you write. Could the thought be conveyed in fewer words? Your writing will be moreconcise if you eliminate flabby expressions, drop unnecessary introductory words, get rid of redundancies, and purge empty words. Assignment ThreeChapter 7 electronic messages and digital media and describe two prevailing technologies trends today.A number of electronic communication channels enable business people to exchange information rapidly and efficiently. All of those new electronic channels showcase your writing skills.●Instant messaging: more interactive and immediate than email,instant messaging includes the exchange of text messages inreal time between two or more people logged into an IMservice. IM creates a form of private chat room so thatindividuals can carry on conversations similar to telephone calls.IM is especially useful to back-and-forth online conversations,such as a customer communicating with a tech support personto solve a problem. Like e-mail, instant messaging creates apermanent text record and must be used carefully.●Podcasts: a podcast is a digital media file that is distributed overthe internet and downloaded on portable media players andpersonal computers. Podcasts, also called netcasts or webcasts, are distinguished by their ability to be syndicated, subscribed to,or downloaded automatically when new content is added. Inbusiness, podcasts are useful for improving customer relations,marketing, trainging, product launches, and viral marketing.2.How can you use instant messaging and texting safely on the job? Instant messaging and texting can definitely save time and simplify communication with coworkers and customers.●Learn about your organization’s IM policies●Don’t text or IM while driving a car●Make yourself unavailable when you need to complete a projector meet a deadline●Organize your contact lists to separate business contacts fromfamily and friends●Keep your messages simple and to the point●Don’t use IM or text messages to send confidential or sensitiveinformation●Be aware that instant or text messages can be saved●If personal messaging is allowed, keep it to a minimum.●Show patience by not blasting multiple messages to coworkers if aresponse is not immediate●Keep your presence status up-to-date so that people trying toreach you don’t waste their time.●Beware of jargon, slang, and abbreviations, which, although theymay reduce keystrokes, may be confusing and appearunprofessional●Respect your receivers by using good grammar and proper spellingand by proofreading carefully.3.What is wiki, and what are its advantages to businesses?A wiki is a web site that employs easy-to-use collaborative software to allow users to create documents that can be edited by tapping into the same technology that runs the well-known online encyclopedia wikipedia.The advantages to business;●The global wiki: for companies with a global reach, a wiki is an idealtool for information sharing between headquarters and satelliteoffices. Team members can easily edit their work and provide input to the home office and each other.●The wiki knowledge base: teams or departments use wikis to collectand disseminate information to large audiences creating adatabase for knowledge management.●Wikis for meetings: wiki can facilitate feedback before and aftermeetings or serve as repositories of meeting minutes.●Project management with wikis: wikis offer a highly interactiveenvireonment ideal for projects by enabling information to becentralized for easy access and user input.●Documentation and wikis: wiki can help to document projects largeand small as well as technical and nontechnical.4.Explain why companies use blogs.The potential applications of blogs in business are vast. Like other web 2.0 phenomena, corporate blogs usually invite feedback and help build communities. Specifically, companies use blogs for public relations, customer relations, crisis communication, market research, viral marketing, internal communication, and recruiting.Chapter 8 Persuasive and sales messages1.What is persuasion?Persuasion is defined as ability to use argunment or decision to influence an individual beliefs or actions. A team member uses persuasion to convince her technology-averse manager that IM is an excellent tool to keep all team members informed about a project. You might want to persuade your boss to allow you to work at homepart of time. Successful persuasion depends largely on the reasonableness of your request, your credibility, and your ability to make the request attractive to the receiver. Many techniques can help you be effective in getting your ideas accepted by your fellow workers, superiors, and clients.2.How can you reduce resistance in requesting favors, making claims,and delivering complaints?Many individuals and companies are willing to grant requests for time, money, information, cooperation, and special privileges. Developing credibility is especially important when persuading strategies to do something. Making a reasonable request tied to benefits is also important. This favor request incorporates many techniques that are effective in persuasion: establishing credibility, making a reasonable and precise request, tying facts to benefits and overcoming resistance. One of the biggest mistakes in persuasive requests is the failure to anticipate and offset audience resistance. You can minimize objections by presenting your counterarguments in sentences that emphasize benefits.3.Why is a written favor request or action request often more effectivethan a face-to-face request?Persuading someone to do something that largely benefits you may not be the earliest task. Fortunately, many individuals and companies are willing to grant requests for time, money, information, cooperation, and special privileges. They grant these favors for a variety of reasons. They may just happen to be interested in your project, or they may see goodwill potential for themselves. Professionals sometimes feel obligated to contribute their time or expertise to pay their duties. Often though, businesses and individuals comply because they see that others will benefit from the request.4.When is persuasion necessary in business messages flowingdownward in an organization?Instructions or directions moving downward from superiors to subordinates usually require little persuasion. Employees expect to be directed in how to perform their jobs. These managers (such as information about procedures, equipment, or customer service) use the direct strategy, with the purpose immediately stated. However, employees are sometimes asked to volunteer for projects. For example, some organizations ask employees to join programs to stop smoking, losing weight, or start exercising. Organizations may ask their free time volunteering for charity projects. In such cases, the four-part indirect strategy provides a help structure.Chapter 9 Business presentations1.Can speaking skills be improved, or do we have to be ‘born’communicators?Many future businesspeople fail to take advantage of opportunities in college to develop speaking skills. However, such skills often play an important role ina successful career. In fact, the No. 1 predictor of success and upward mobility, according to an AT&T and Stanford University study, is how much you enjoy public speaking and how effective you are at it. Speaking skills are useful at every career stage. You might, for example, have to make a sales pitch before customers or speak to a professional gathering. You might need to describe your company’s expansion plans to your banker, or you might need to persuade management to support your proposed marketing strategy.2.In the introduction of an oral presentation, you can establish yourcredibility by using what two methods?To establish your credibility, you need to describe your position, knowledge, or experience-whatever qualifies you to speak. Try also to connect with your audience. Listeners respond particularly well to speakers who reveal something of themselves and identify with them. A consultant addressing office workers might reminisce about how she started as an administrative assistant; a CEO might tell a funny story in which the joke is on himself.3.How is the 6-x-6 rule applied in preparing bulleted points?As a general guideline, most graphic designers encourage the 6-x-6 rules: “ six bullets per screen, max; six words per bullet, max.” you may find, however, that breaking this rule is sometimes necessary, particularly when your users will be viewing the presentation on their own with no speaker assistance. For most purposes, though, strive to break free from bulleted lists whenever possible and minimize the use of text.4.List suggestions that would ensure that your nonverbal messagesreinforce your verbal messages effectively.The following suggestions focus on nonverbal tips to ensure that your verbal message is well received:●Look terrific●Animate your body●Speak extemporaneously●Punctuate your words●Get out from behind the podium]Vary your facial expression。
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国际商务交际作业答案Assignment oneChapter 1 Effective and Ethical Communication at work1. What does the expression ‘ communication skills ' include?Communication skills mean reading, listening, nonverbal, speaking, and writing skills; communication skills are critical to effective job placement, career advancement, and organizational success.2. Fewer layers of management mean greater communication challenges for frontline workers. Why?The flattening means fewer layers of managers separate decision makers from frontline workers. In traditional companies, information flows through many levels of managers. In flat organizations, however, where the lives of communication are shorter, decision makers can react more quickly to market changes. Restructured companies organize work with horizontal teams that allow various areas to interact more efficiently. Today ' s flatter organizations, however, also posegreater communication challenges. In the past, authoritarian and hierarchical management structures did not require that every employee be a skilled communicator. Managers simply posed along messages to the next level. Today, however, frontline employees as well as managers participate in decision making. Nearly everyone is a writer and a communicator. Business people prepare their own message; secretaries no longer clean up their bosses ' writing.3. Why is oral communication considered more effective than written communication?Oral communication has many advantages. For one thing, it minimizes misunderstandings because communicators can immediately ask questions to clarify uncertainties. For another, it enables communicators to see each other ' s facial expressions and hear voiceinflections, further improving the process. Oral communication is also an efficient way to develop consensus when many people must be consulted. Finally most of us enjoy face-to-face interpersonal communication because it is easy, feels warm and natural, and promotes friendship.4. When you are faced with a difficult ethical decision, what questions should you ask self?Is the action you are considering legal?How would you see the problem if you were on the opposite side?What are alternate solutions?Can you discuss the problem with someone whose advice you trust? How would you feel if your family, friends, employer, coworkers learned of your action?Chapter 2 Professi on alism: Team, Meet ing, Liste ning. Non verbal, and Etiquette Skills1. Compare and contrast positive and negative team behavior2. If you are considering organizing a meeting, what should you do before the meeti ng?decid ing whether a meet ing is n ecessarySelecti ng participa ntsDistributing advance informationUsing digital cale ndars to schedule meet ings3. How is videoconferencing different from web conferencing?Web conferencing is similar to videocconferencing but may work with or without the tran smissi on of pictures of the participa nts. Atte ndees use their computers to access an on li ne virtual meeti ng room where they can prese nt PowerPo int slides or share spreadsheets or word docume nts, just as they might do in a face-to-face meet ing. Web conferencing is particularly useful for team meetings, training, and sales prese ntati ons. Participa nts can dem on strate products, make prese ntati ons, and in teract with participa nts.4. What is groupthink, and how can it be avoided?Groupthi nk: faulty decisi on-mak ing process by team members who are overly eager to agree with one ano ther.Effective teams avoid groupth ink by strivi ng for team diversity in age, gen der, backgro und, experie nce, and training.Chapter 3 in tercultural Communi cati on1. What is geographical location virtually irrelevant for many activities and services today?To be successful in this in terdepe ndent global village, compa nies are increasingly finding it necessary to adapt to other cultures.Many compa nies are in creas in gly look ing overseas as domestic markets mature. Ano ther sig nifica nt factor is the passage of favorable trade agreeme nt. Besides, the developme nt of new tran sportati on and in formatio n tech no logies con tribute themselves to the explosive growth of global markets.2. How is a ‘ stereotype ' different from a ‘ prototype ' ?A stereotype is an oversimplified behavioral pattern applied uncritically to groups. The term was use orig in ally by prin ters to describe ide ntical type set in two frames. Stereotypes are fixed and rigid. Although they may be exaggerated and over-ge neralized beliefs whe n appliedto groups of people, stereotypes are not always en tirely false. Often they contain a grain of truth.Prototypes, the n, are dyn amic and cha nge with fresh experie nee. Prototypes based on objective observati ons, usually have a con siderable amount of truth in them. That is why they can be helpful in study ing cultures.4. Why is in tercultural com muni cati on in creas in gly importa nt, and what must bus in esscom muni cators do to succeed?The reas ons lie in:The globalizati on of markets mean that you can expect to be doing bus in ess withpeople from around the world;Tech no logical adva nceme nts in tran sportatio n and in formatio n are maki ng theworld smaller and more in tertw in ed;More and more people are coming from other cultures, thus cha nging the competition of the marketplace. Successful interaction requires awareness, tolerance, andaccommodation.Business communicators needs to:Learn foreign phrasesUse simple languageSpeak slowly and enunciate clearlyObserve eye messagesEncourage accurate feedbackCheck frequently for comprehensionAccept blameListen without interruptingSmile when appropriateFollow up in writing.Assignment TwoChapter 4 panning business messages1. Why do you think business writing differs from school essay writing? In preparing high school or college composition and term papers, you probably focused on discussing your feelings or displaying your knowledge. Your instructors wanted to see your thought processes, and they wanted assurance that you had internalized the subject matter. You may have had to meet a minimum word count. Business writers, however, have different goals. For business messages and oral presentations, writing should be:Purposeful: you will be writing to solve problems and convey information. You willhave a definite purpose to fulfill in each message.Persuasive: you want your audience to believe and accept your message.Economical: you will try to present ideas clearly but concisely. Length is not rewarded.Audience-oriented: you will concentrate on looking at a problem from the perspectiveof the audience instead of seeing it from your own.2. What is meant by ‘ audience benefits ”?In describing effective writing, Bn Franklin observed, “ To be good, it ought to have a tendency to benefit the reader. ” These wise wordshave become a fundamental guideline for today ' s businesscommunicators. Expanding on Franklin ' s counsel, a contemporarycommunication consultant gives this solid advice to his business clients:“ always stress the benefit to the audience, of whatever it is you are trying to get them to do. Ifyou can show how you are going to save them frustration or help them meet their goals, youhave the makings of a powerful message.3. When is the ‘ you ' view appropriate, and when is it inappropriate?Appropriate: notice that may of the previous audience-focused messages included the wordyou. In concentrating on receiver benefits, skilled communicators naturally develop the ‘ you ' view. Theyemphasize second-person pronouns instead of first-person pronouns. Whether your goal is to inform, persuade, or promote goodwill, the catchiest words you can use are you and your. Inappropriate: although you want to focus on the reader or listener, do not overuse or misusethe second-person pronoun you. Readers and listeners appreciate genuine interest; on theother hand, they resent obvious attempt at manipulation. The authors of some sales, for example, are guilty of overkill when they include you dozens of times in a direct mail promotion. Furthermore, the word can sometimes create the wrong impression. Another difficulty in emphasizing the ‘ you 'view and de-emphasizing we/ I is that it may result in overuse of the passivevoice.4. Why is it OK to use instant messaging abbreviations and happy faces in messages tofriends but not OK in business?Most instant messages, email messages, business letters, memos, and reports replace conversation. Thus, they are most effective when they convey an informal, conversational tone instead of a formal, pretentious tone. Workplace messages should not, however, become so casual that they sound low level and unprofessional. Instant messages enable coworkers tohave informal, spontaneous conventions. Some companies have accepted IM as a serious workplace tool. To protect a professional image, you must sound educated and mature.Overuse of expressions such as totally awesome, you know, and like, as well as reliance on needless abbreviations (BTW for by the way), make a businessperson sound like a teenager. Professional messages do not include IM abbreviations, slang, sentence fragments, and chitchat. We urge you to strive for a warm, conversational tone that avoids low-level diction. Chapter 5 Organizing and writing business messages1. For routine writing tasks, what are some techniques for collecting informal data andgenerating ideas?Here are some techniques for collecting informal data and for generating ideas: Look in the files;Talk with your boss;Interview the target audience;Conduct an informal survey.2. What is the difference between a list and an outline?In developing simple messages, some writers make a quick scratch list of the topics they wish to cover. Writers often jot down this scratch list in the margin of the letter or memo to which they are responding (the majority of business messages are written in response to other documents). These writers then compose a message at their computers directly from the scratch list. Most writers, though, need to organize their ideas-especially if the project is complex-into a hierarchy, such as an outline. The beauty of preparing an outline is that it gives you a chance to organize your thinking before you can get bogged down in word choice and sentence structure.3. When is the indirect pattern appropriate, and what are the benefits for using it?When you expect the audience to be uninterested, unwilling, displeased, or perhaps, even hostile, the indirect pattern is more appropriate. In this pattern you reveal the main idea only after you have offered explanation and evidence. This approach works well with three kinds of messages:Bad newsIdeas that require persuasionSensitive news, especially when being transmitted to superiors.The indirect pattern has three benefits:Respects the feelings of the audience. Bad news is always painful, but the trauma can be lessened by preparing the receiver for it; Facilitates a fair hearing. Messages that may upset the reader are more likely to be read when the main idea is delayed. Beginningimmediately with a piece of bad news or a persuasive request, for example, may cause the receiver to stop reading or listening.Minimizes a negative reaction. A reader ' s overall reaction to anegative message is generally improved if the news is delivered gently.4. What is a topic sentence, and where is it usually found? Paragraphs arranged in the direct plan begin with the topic sentence, followed by supporting sentences. Most business messages use this paragraph plan because it clarifies the subject immediately. This plan is useful whenever you must define (a new product or procedure), classify (parts of a whole), illustrate (an idea), or describe (a process), start with the topic sentence; then strengthen and amplify that idea with supporting ideas.It ' s usually found at the beginning of the paragraph.Chapter 6 Revising business messages1. How is proofreading different from revising? Proofreading: correcting the grammar, spelling, punctuation and mechanics of a message.Revising: improving the content and sentence structure of a message may include adding, recasting, reforming, and redesigning a message.2. What is a redundancy? Give an example. Why should writers avoid redundancies? Expressions that repeat meaning or include unnecessary words are redundant. Saying unexpected surprise is like a like saying surprise surprise because unexpected carries the same meaning as surprise. Redundancies do not add emphasis, as some people think. Instead, they identify a writer as inexperienced. As you revise, look for redundant expressions such as the following: Redundant concise Absolutely essential essential3. Why should writers avoid opening a sentence with is '‘ othrere‘ thereare '?Because in many sentences the expressions there is/are and it is/was function as unnecessary filters. In addition to taking up space, these fillers delay getting to the point of the sentence. Eliminate them by recasting the sentence. Many- but not all-sentences can be revised so that fillers are unnecessary.5. Why should business writers strive to conciseness?In business, time is indeed money. Translated into writing, this means that concise messages save reading time and thus, money. In addition, messages that are written directly and efficiently are easier to read and comprehend. In the revision process, look for short ways to say what you mean. Examine every sentence that you write. Could the thought be conveyed in fewer words? Your writing will be moreconcise if you eliminate flabby expressions, drop unnecessary introductory words, get rid of redundancies, and purge empty words.Assignment ThreeChapter 7 electronic messages and digital media1. Name and describe two prevailing technologies trends today. A number of electronic communication channels enable business people to exchange information rapidly and efficiently. All of those new electronic channels showcase your writing skills.Instant messaging: more interactive and immediate than email, instant messagingincludes the exchange of text messages in real time between two or more peoplelogged into an IM service. IM creates a form of private chat room so that individualscan carry on conversations similar to telephone calls. IM is especially useful to back-and-forth online conversations, such as a customer communicating with a techsupport person to solve a problem. Like e-mail, instant messaging creates apermanent text record and must be used carefully.Podcasts: a podcast is a digital media file that is distributed over the internet anddownloaded on portable media players and personal computers. Podcasts, also called netcasts or webcasts, are distinguished by their ability to be syndicated, subscribed to, or downloaded automatically when new content is added. In business, podcasts areuseful for improving customer relations, marketing, trainging, product launches, andviral marketing.2. How can you use instant messaging and texting safely on the job? Instant messaging and texting can definitely save time and simplify communication with coworkers and customers.Learn about your organization ' s IM policiesDon' t text or IM while driving a car Make yourself unavailable when you need to completea project or meet a deadlineOrganize your contact lists to separate business contacts from family and friendsKeep your messages simple and to the pointDon' t use IM or text messages to send confidential or sensitive informationBe aware that instant or text messages can be saved If personal messaging is allowed, keep it to a minimum. Show patience by not blasting multiple messages to coworkers if a response is not immediateKeep your presence status up-to-date so that people trying to reach you don ' t waste their time.Beware of jargon, slang, and abbreviations, which, although they may reduce keystrokes, may be confusing and appear unprofessionalRespect your receivers by using good grammar and proper spelling and by proofreading carefully.3. What is wiki, and what are its advantages to businesses?A wiki is a web site that employs easy-to-use collaborative software to allow users to create documents that can be edited by tapping into the same technology that runs the well-known online encyclopedia wikipedia.The advantages to business;The global wiki: for companies with a global reach, a wiki is an ideal tool for information sharing between headquarters and satellite offices. Team members can easily edit their work and provide input to the home office and each other.The wiki knowledge base: teams or departments use wikis to collect and disseminateinformation to large audiences creating a database for knowledge management.Wikis for meetings: wiki can facilitate feedback before and after meetings or serve asrepositories of meeting minutes.Project management with wikis: wikis offer a highly interactive envireonment ideal forprojects by enabling information to be centralized for easy access and user input.Documentation and wikis: wiki can help to document projects large and small as well as technical and nontechnical.4. Explain why companies use blogs.The potential applications of blogs in business are vast. Like other web 2.0 phenomena, corporate blogs usually invite feedback and help build communities. Specifically, companies use blogs for public relations, customer relations, crisis communication, market research, viral marketing, internal communication, and recruiting.Chapter 8 Persuasive and sales messages1. What is persuasion?Persuasion is defined as ability to use argunment or decision to influence an individual beliefs or actions. A team member uses persuasion to convince her technology-averse manager that IM is an excellent tool to keep all team members informed about a project. You might want to persuade your boss to allow you to work at homepart of time. Successful persuasion depends largely on the reasonableness of your request, your credibility, and your ability to make the request attractive to the receiver. Many techniques can help you be effective in getting your ideas accepted by your fellow workers, superiors, and clients.2. How can you reduce resistance in requesting favors, making claims, and deliveringcomplaints?Many individuals and companies are willing to grant requests for time, money, information, cooperation, and special privileges. Developing credibility is especially important when persuading strategies to do something. Making a reasonable request tied to benefits is also important. This favor request incorporates many techniques that are effective in persuasion: establishing credibility, making a reasonable and precise request, tying facts to benefits and overcoming resistance. One of the biggest mistakes in persuasive requests is the failure to anticipate and offset audience resistance. You can minimize objections by presenting your counterarguments in sentences that emphasize benefits.3. Why is a written favor request or action request often more effective than a face-to-facerequest?Persuading someone to do something that largely benefits you may not be the earliest task. Fortunately, many individuals and companies are willing to grant requests for time, money, information, cooperation, and special privileges. They grant these favors for a variety of reasons. They may just happen to be interested in your project, or they may see goodwill potential for themselves. Professionals sometimes feel obligated to contribute their time or expertise to pay their duties. Often though, businesses and individuals comply because they see that others will benefit from the request.4. When is persuasion necessary in business messages flowing downward in anorganization?Instructions or directions moving downward from superiors to subordinates usually require little persuasion. Employees expect to be directed in how to perform their jobs. These managers (such as information about procedures, equipment, or customer service) use the direct strategy, with the purpose immediately stated. However, employees are sometimes asked to volunteer for projects. For example, some organizations ask employees to join programs to stop smoking, losing weight, or start exercising. Organizations may ask their free time volunteering for charity projects. In such cases, the four-part indirect strategy provides a help structure.Chapter 9 Business presentations1. Can speaking skills be improved, or do we have to be ‘borncommunicators?Many future businesspeople fail to take advantage of opportunities in college to developspeaking skills. However, such skills often play an important role ina successful career. In fact,the No. 1 predictor of success and upward mobility, according to an AT&T and StanfordUniversity study, is how much you enjoy public speaking and how effective you are at it.Speaking skills are useful at every career stage. You might, for example, have to make a salespitch before customers or speak to a professional gathering. You might need to describe your company 's expansion plans to your banker, or you might need to persuade management tosupport your proposed marketing strategy.2. In the introduction of an oral presentation, you can establish your credibility by using whattwo methods?To establish your credibility, you need to describe your position, knowledge, or experience-whatever qualifies you to speak. Try also to connect with your audience. Listeners respondparticularly well to speakers who reveal something of themselves and identify with them. Aconsultant addressing office workers might reminisce about how she started as anadministrative assistant; a CEO might tell a funny story in which the joke is on himself.3. How is the 6-x-6 rule applied in preparing bulleted points?As a general guideline, most graphic designers encourage the 6-x-6 rules: “ six bullets per” you ma screen, max; six words per bullet, max. find, however, that breaking this rule is sometimesnecessary, particularly when your users will be viewing the presentation on their own with nospeaker assistance. For most purposes, though, strive to break free from bulleted listswhenever possible and minimize the use of text.4. List suggestions that would ensure that your nonverbal messages reinforce your verbalmessages effectively.The following suggestions focus on nonverbal tips to ensure that your verbal message is wellreceived:Look terrificAnimate your bodySpeak extemporaneously Punctuate your words Get out from behind the podium]Vary your facial expression。