关于哲学的相关短语哲学博士doctor of philosophy;哲学家philosopher;哲学思想philosophical thinking;哲学体系philosophy;哲学问题philosophia perennis;哲学系philosophy department;哲学心理学philosophical psychology;哲学语法{语} philosophical grammar;哲学原理metaphysics关于哲学的相关单词Philosophiephilosophy关于哲学的相关短句或解释sb.'s philosophy of living;处世哲学classical philosophy;古典哲学Marxist philosophy of dialectical materialism;马克思主义的辩证唯物主义哲学a middle-of-the-road philosophy; doctrine of means中庸哲学关于哲学的相关例句1. Apart from criminal investigation techniques, students learn forensic medicine, philosophy and logic.除罪案调查技巧外,学生们还要学习法医学、哲学和逻辑学。
2. Annie's work reflects her philosophy that life is full of mysteries.安妮的作品反映了她的人生哲学,即生活充满神秘色彩。
3. He's trying to bring together various strands of radical philosophic thought.他正试图把各种激进的哲学思想综合在一起。
英文哲学入门知识点总结1. What is philosophy?Philosophy is derived from the Greek words "philo," meaning love, and "sophia," meaning wisdom. Therefore, it can be understood as the love of wisdom. As a discipline, philosophy seeks to answer fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. It encompasses a wide range of topics and approaches, including ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, logic, and aesthetics.2. Branches of philosophy- Metaphysics: This branch of philosophy deals with the nature of reality and existence. It explores questions about the nature of being, the structure of the universe, and the concept of causality. Metaphysical questions include the nature of time, space, and the self.- Epistemology: Epistemology is the study of knowledge. It examines the nature of knowledge, the sources of knowledge, and the criteria for knowledge. It explores questions about belief, truth, justification, and skepticism.- Ethics: Ethics is concerned with questions about right and wrong, good and bad, and moral obligation. It considers the nature of ethical principles, the foundations of morality, and the concept of justice. It also explores the relationship between ethics and human behavior.- Logic: Logic is the study of reasoning and argumentation. It deals with questions about the structure of valid arguments, the principles of inference, and the nature of truth. It also examines the foundations of mathematics and the philosophy of language.- Aesthetics: Aesthetics is the study of beauty, art, and taste. It explores questions about the nature of beauty, the perception of art, and the role of aesthetic experience in human life. It also considers the relationship between art and society.3. Methods of philosophy- Analysis: Philosophical analysis involves the careful examination and clarification of concepts, arguments, and problems. It aims to uncover hidden assumptions, identify inconsistencies, and explore the implications of ideas. Analysis is often used in logical and linguistic philosophy.- Argumentation: Philosophical argumentation involves the construction and evaluation of arguments. It aims to establish the validity and soundness of reasoning, challenge assumptions, and support claims with evidence. Argumentation is often used in ethics and epistemology.- Thought experiments: Philosophical thought experiments involve the imaginative exploration of hypothetical scenarios. They aim to test intuitions, challenge assumptions,and explore the consequences of ideas. Thought experiments are often used in metaphysics and ethics.4. Historical development of philosophy- Ancient philosophy: The ancient Greeks, such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle, made significant contributions to the development of philosophy. They explored questions about the nature of reality, the basis of ethics, and the foundations of knowledge. Their work laid the foundation for subsequent philosophical inquiry.- Medieval philosophy: In the Middle Ages, philosophers such as Augustine and Aquinas integrated classical philosophy with Christian theology. They sought to reconcile faith and reason, explore questions about the nature of God, and develop ethical principles based on religious teachings.- Modern philosophy: The Renaissance and the Enlightenment marked a period of renewed interest in philosophy. Philosophers such as Descartes, Spinoza, and Kant focused on questions about the nature of the mind, the limits of human knowledge, and the moral implications of reason.- Contemporary philosophy: In the 20th and 21st centuries, philosophy has continued to evolve and diversify. Philosophers such as Wittgenstein, Heidegger, and Rawls have made significant contributions to the study of language, existentialism, and social justice.5. Key philosophical concepts- Dualism: Dualism is the philosophical view that reality consists of two distinct substances, such as mind and body, or good and evil. It explores questions about the relationship between these substances, their interaction, and their ultimate nature.- Determinism: Determinism is the philosophical view that every event, including human actions, is determined by prior causes. It raises questions about free will, moral responsibility, and the nature of causation.- Utilitarianism: Utilitarianism is an ethical theory that holds that the best action is the one that maximizes overall happiness or utility. It raises questions about the nature of happiness, the measurement of utility, and the implications for moral decision-making.- Existentialism: Existentialism is a philosophical movement that emphasizes the individual's freedom, responsibility, and authentic existence. It explores questions about the nature of anxiety, the search for meaning, and the experience of absurdity in human life.6. Importance of philosophy- Critical thinking: Philosophy encourages critical thinking, rational argumentation, and analytical reasoning. It teaches individuals to question assumptions, evaluate evidence, and make informed judgments.- Ethical reflection: Philosophy promotes ethical reflection, moral deliberation, and the exploration of ethical principles. It encourages individuals to consider the consequences of their actions, reflect on their values, and engage in ethical decision-making.- Cultural enrichment: Philosophy provides cultural enrichment, intellectual stimulation, and a deeper understanding of human experience. It offers insights into different worldviews, historical periods, and philosophical traditions.- Personal development: Philosophy contributes to personal development, self-awareness, and the cultivation of wisdom. It fosters a sense of wonder, curiosity, and appreciation for the complexities of life.In conclusion, philosophy is a rich and diverse discipline that encompasses a wide range of topics and approaches. It explores fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, mind, and language. By studying philosophy, individuals can develop their critical thinking skills, engage in ethical reflection, enrich their cultural understanding, and promote their personal development. Whether you are interested in metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, logic, or aesthetics, philosophy offers a wealth of knowledge and wisdom to explore.。
• (一)护卫者的教育 • 护卫者必须是职业化和专业化的,需要一定的天 性基础:秉性刚烈,爱好智慧。此外,他们要接 受正确的教育:用体操来训练身体,用音乐来陶 冶心灵。 • (二)统治者即哲学家的教育 • 为了培养合格的统治者即哲学家,国家要为他们 提供“把灵魂拖着离开变化世界进入实在世界的 学问”。 • 1. 科学知识的学习 • 2. 辩证法的学习
• • • • • • • • • •
(四)柏拉图对理念论的自我批判 1.是不是所有事物都有相应的理念或相。 2.事物如何分有理念或相。 3.第三者问题。 4.理念或相可否被认识。 (五)亚里士多德对柏拉图理念论的批判 1.为同类事物设立一个同名的理念,毫无用处。 2.形式(理念)和具体事物之间缺乏必然性。 3.理念无法解释可感事物的运动变化。 4.分有和模仿都是无意义的。
• (一)爱智慧者与爱意见者 • 哲学家的职责就是启蒙,即重新回到洞穴 之中,把洞穴中的囚徒带到阳光下,使人 们从“爱意见者”提升为“爱智慧者”。 • (二))哲学家-王(Philosopher-king) • 只有哲学家成为王,或者统治者成为哲学 家,城邦或国家才能完善。
• • • • • • • • • (一)不苟生 未经审查的人生是不值得过的 (二)人怕死 1.爱智慧者即哲学家应该摆脱肉体的束缚,鄙视与肉体相 关的感官快乐,专注于灵魂本身。哲学就是练习死亡。 2.真正的哲学家最不惧怕死,甚至带着特有的喜悦迎接死。 相反,怕死的人决不是智慧的热爱者,而是身体的热爱者。 (三)不自杀 1. 西方反对自杀的根据:生命属于神 2. 佛教反对自杀的根据:人身是人入圣成佛的一个基础 2. 中国智慧中反对自杀的根据:道家的“顺乎自然”和儒 家的“孝”。
• 柏拉图的哲学之爱(Eros):“柏拉图式的 爱情”
• 从肉体之爱升华到哲学之爱:从追求一个 美的身体出发,为着美本身不断向上攀登: 从一个美体延伸到两个美体,由两个美体 延伸到所有美体。从美的身体走向美的生 活,从美的生活走向美的认识,从所有认 知最终到达那个惟一指向美本身的知识。
• 唐君毅说,“在上述各种学问之外,人必 须有一种学问,去了解此各种学问间可能 有的关系;把各种学问,以种种方式之思 维,加以关联起来,融贯起来,统整起来; 或将期间可能有之冲突矛盾,加以消解。 这种学问,可以说在各种学问之间,亦可 说在各种学问之上,或各种问之下。总之, 这是人不能少的。这种学问,我们即名为 哲学。”
• 在中国,原本无“哲学”一词,“哲”与 “学”两字都有。 “哲”训为“智也”, “学”训为“觉悟也” (“学之为言觉也,以觉悟所不知也”)。 “哲”与“学”连名,只限于“哲”或“智” 之学,只有《庄子· 天下篇》所谓道术,魏 晋所谓玄学,宋元明所谓理学、道学、义 理之学与西方Philosophy之名略相当 。
1、哲学始于惊奇和无知 柏拉图:“惊奇是哲人的感受,哲学始于 惊奇” 。
• 亚里士多德(Aristotle):“古今来人们开始 哲理探索,都应起于对自然万物的惊异; 他们先是惊异于种种迷惑的现象,逐渐积 累一点一滴的解释,对一些较重要的问题, 例如日月与星的运行以及宇宙之创生,做 出说明。一个有所迷惑与惊异的人,每每 惭愧自己的愚蠢无知;他们探索哲理的目 的是为了摆脱愚蠢。显然他们为求哲而从 事学术,并无任何实用的目的。”
• • • • • • • •
如果把我们与哲学家们 统统看作是“人类”的 话,那么我们思想他们 的思想,重走他们的道 路,也可看作是一种 “回忆”,回忆我们 “曾经”思考过的问题, 因而也可以看作是我们 自己对自己的反思。
哲学所涉及的不是生存的工具和手段,而是生存的目的 和理想,哲学的生命不在于结果而在于思考。 哲学就是哲学史 . 学习哲学的过程也就是我们与前人在思想上进行“对话” 的过程。 既然哲学问题没有终极的答案,那么任何一种解答方式 都不可能取代其他的解答方式,也不可能为其他的解答 方式所取代,所有一切解答方式都有其各自独特的意义 和价值,它们为后人提供了各式各样可供选择的可能方 式。
What is left for philosophy to consider?
*Philosophy is the study of reality.
*Philosophy is the study of justification.
*Philosophy is the analysis of various concepts
海德格尔晚年编辑自己的著作全集时曾经写 下了这样一句话:他的著作是“道路,而不是著 作”(Wege――nicht Werke),这里的“道路” 用的是复数。言外之意,哲学问题的终极解决是 不可能的,我们所能做的就是不断地探索。所以, 学习哲学就是“上路”――踏上爱智慧的思想之 路,哲学永远“在途中”。
Quotations From Some Great Thinkers about Philosophy
To be a philosopher is not merely to have subtle thoughts, nor even to found a school, but so to love wisdom as to live according to its dictates, a life of simplicity, independence, magnanimity and trust. ----Henry David Thoreau
哲学 中西方哲学比较
• 一、在世界观方面,中国哲学侧重于人生观, 西方哲学侧重于知识论 • 二、辩证法方面,中国哲学侧重于辩证思维, 西方哲学侧重于逻辑思维
五、在人事与自然的辩证关系方面,中 国哲学重政事,讲究将哲学的观念应用于人 事和社会 • 而西方哲学重自然,敬畏和崇拜自然
哲哲 过 公 西 学学 古 元 方 前 等、 希 哲 阶近 腊 ~ 学 段代 哲 公 起 哲学元 源 学、世 于 、基纪 古 现督经希 代教历腊 ,
• 一、自然条件 • 二、社会条件 • 三、经济条件
• 自然条件:
• 西方 • 1、古希腊境内多山,不具备农耕的条件。在陆路交通 不畅和不具备农耕条件的情况下,古希腊的经济要发展 必须利用它的良好的海岸线,大力发展海上贸易,进而 才能够通过海上与其他地区交流,所以,古希腊在海上 贸易过程中形成相对比较发达的商品经济。 • 2、在与其他地区的经济交往过程中,有机会接触到不 同的文明(例如对亚细亚文明和埃及文明等当时先进文 明),学习和汲取它们的文明成果和文化精华,并且对 之进行批判、改造和综合,从而形成具有古希腊特色的 哲学-科学文化。
2012025153 徐学东
• • • •
中西方哲学的异同,可以从一下几 个方面来比较: 一、各自的定义 二、特点 三、起源 四、产生条件
• “哲学” (philosophy), 它源于希腊文, 原义为爱智慧(love of wisdom), 或是对智 慧的追求(strivefor wisdom)。 "智慧" 一 词意义十分广泛, 用现代的说话来说, 它 泛指一切人类理性的思考和反省活动。 罗素把它总结为:“哲学是关于真理的 学问”。 • 在汉语中“哲”这个词是聪明、智慧的 意思,中国古代把聪明而有智慧的人称 为哲人,所以,中国近代以来,就把关 于智慧的学问称作哲学
1. What is philosophy汇总
Fundamental questions cannot be answered/resolved by appealing to empirical facts (i.e., “truths” about the world that can be confirmed, verified, or falsified by observation).
The American Heritage?D ictionary of the English Language, Third Edition copyright ? 1992 by Houghton Mifflin Company.
Doing philosophy (1st requirement)
(A History of Western Philosophy, p. xiii)
What is philosophy?
Have you ever heard the term ‘philosophy’?
What does ‘philosophy’ mean?
“world view”
History of philosophy
study of the emergence, examination, and evolution of philosophical ideas as found in the writings of philosophers
• How does Plato's theory of the self differ from Descartes’? • How prominent was dualism prior to the 20th century? • Why did Hume deny the existence of the self as only a bundle
哲学的使命在于描述和解释世界,为人们提供世 界观,又在于支配和指导人们的实际活动,为人 们提供方法论。
(三)哲学又是方法论 1、方法论的定义:人们认识世界、改造世界所遵 循的最一般方法。 2、世界观和方法论的统一: 有什么样的世界观就有什么样的方法论 (四)哲学是对自然知识、社会知识、思维知识的 概括和总结 哲学与具体科学的关系(一般和个别的关系) 1、区别:研究对象不同 哲学研究的是整个世界的一般规律 具体科学研究的是某一具体领域的特殊规律 2、联系 (1)哲学依赖于具体科学 (2)具体科学的发展,离不开哲学的指导 (五)在阶级社会里,哲学具有阶级性
马克思主义理论:马克思主义哲学,马克思主义 政治经济学,马克思主义的社会主义学说——科 学社会主义
哲学 绪论 马 克 思 主 义 哲 辩证唯物主义 辩证法 哲学的基本问题 马克思主义哲学中国化 物质论
意识论 二大基本原则 三大基本规律 五大范畴 实践论 认识论 历史观的基本问题 历史唯物主义 认识论 真理论
江泽民哲学思想 1.科学地阐述了“三个代表”的辩证关系 (1)代表先进生产力的发展要求是基础,是做好其他各项 工作的决定性因素
(2)代表先进文化的前进方向是保证是促进其他各项工 作的必要条件
(3)代表最广大人民的根本利益是出发点、落脚点是推 动其他各项事业发展的强大动力 2.深化了社会主义初级阶段理论 (1)逐步摆脱不发达状态,基本实现现代化的历史阶段 (2)由农业人口占很大比重,主要依靠手工业劳动的农业 国,逐步转变为非农业人口占多数,包含现代农业和现代 服务业的工业化国家的历史阶段
社会基本矛盾推动历史发展 社会进步、人类解放.
Introduction to Philosophy 为什么要学哲学
A piece of history
Whas the subject matter of philosophy? What is its aim?
Philosophy is the most controversial discipline of intellectual activity
The central doctrines that are advocated in Plato’s writings:
• The world that appears to our senses is defective and filled with error; but there is a more real and perfect realm of “forms” or “ideas”, “notions” - eternal, changeless, paradigmatic for the structure and character of our world. The most important of ideas are: goodness, beauty, equality, bigness, likeness, unity, being, sameness, difference, change, and changelessness.
The allegory of the cave
• Plato uses as an illustration of the way from opinion to knowledge the famous allegory of the cave. We are to imagine a group of prisoners chained in a cave with their backs to its entrance, facing shadows of puppets thrown by a fire against the cave’s inner wall. Education in arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and harmony is to release the prisoners from their chains, and to lead them, past the puppets and the fire in the shadow-world of becoming, into the open sunlight of the world of being. The whole course of this education, the conversion from the shadows, is designed for the best part of the soul – i.e. for reason; and the chains from which the pupil must be released are the desires and pleasures of appetite
We need to challenge some of the basic assumptions of Western philosophy.2.那就是我所信奉的人生哲学。
That's a philosophy I could live by.3.他沉思着,仿佛在思索某个深奥的哲学问题。
He pondered, as if over some deep philosophical point.4.这类证据在哲学上是不足为信的。
This kind of evidence is philosophically unconvincing.5.他总结了自己的哲学,还提及了加尔文。
He summed up his philosophy, with reference to Calvin.6.心理学最初是自然哲学一个纯粹的学术分支。
Psychology began as a purely academic offshoot of natural philosophy.7.他不习惯政治或哲学讨论。
He was not accustomed to political or philosophical discussions.8.他们在哲学或是历史方面几乎一无所知。
They had little or no acquaintance with philosophy or history.9.他正试图把各种激进的哲学思想综合在一起。
He's trying to bring together various strands of radical philosophic thought.10.安妮的作品反映了她的人生哲学,即生活充满神秘色彩。
Annie's work reflects her philosophy that life is full of mysteries.11.或然性和自由意志这两个哲学问题是紧密相关的。
Philosophy 中西哲学比较
• .In ancient Greece person's
imagination, god and man is morphous gay, god has a person's image and feelings. In different places with god and man, is that they are never die, they are bigger and more powerful than man, and dominated the fortunes of the human destiny. Mount Olympus 12 main god is actually the embodiment of the forces of nature.
• Beyond the root cause is from the heart, is in the heart, not based on a
specific things. So, Chinese philosophy in pursuit of inner beyond does not need external alms at the same time, also do not need to social reality. If people want to say, for example, the kingdom of heaven, that day countries in people's minds, rather than in another world.
LuoSu: Philosophy teaches people not to be able to determine how to live and not to be hesitant.
底层——经验知识 (‚知其然‛的知识) 中层——各类科学知识 (‚知其然,又知其所 以然‛的知识) 上层——哲学(对‚知 其然与知其所以然的 ‘反思’的知识‛)。 由此可见,哲学是科学 的基础,同样,科学离 不开哲学的指导。
马克思:任何真正的 哲学都是自己时代精 神的精华。 时代精神是一定时代 的本质特征,包括一 定时代的性质、任务 和发展趋向,通过时 代的特定内容表现出 来。
哲学的词源学考察: philien+sophia=philosophy 这两个词的含义分别为“爱” 和“智慧”。 “philosophy”所表达的含义为 “爱智慧”。
“爱智慧”代表的是一种追求的过程, 保持心灵的开放,不停地质疑与询问, 永远等待着接受惊讶(wonder)。
追求智慧就是追求知 识,具有智慧就在于 拥有并善于运用知识。 哲学所追求的知识是 人类赖以安身立命、 对人类生活具有根本 性和普遍性意义的知 识。
哲学是‚关于自然知 识和社会知识的概括 和总结‛,又从总体 上教导人们善于追求 和运用知识。
冯友兰先生在其《中国哲 学史简史》中讲了这样一 个故事:‚说是有个人遇 见一个神仙,神仙问他需 要什么东西,他说他需要 金子。神仙用手指头点了 几块石头,石头立即变成 了金子。神仙叫他拿去, 但是他不拿。神仙问: ‘你还要什么呢?’他答 道:‘我要你的手指头。’ 逻辑分析法就是西方哲学 家的手指头,中国人要的 是手指头。‛ Nhomakorabea
哲学英文翻译Philosophy is the study of fundamental questions about existence, knowledge, values, reason, and reality. It seeks to understand the nature of human existence and the world around us. Philosophy is not limited to any particular subject matter but encompasses a wide range of disciplines, including ethics, logic, metaphysics, epistemology, and aesthetics.One of the central branches of philosophy is metaphysics, which examines the nature of reality and the fundamental principles of being. It asks questions such as "What is the nature of existence?" and "Does reality consist of physical matter or is there a spiritual dimension?" Metaphysics also explores the concepts of time, space, causality, and consciousness.Epistemology, another branch of philosophy, focuses on the study of knowledge. It asks questions like "What is knowledge?" and "How do we know what we know?" Epistemology examines the nature of belief, justification, truth, and skepticism. It seeks to understand how humans acquire knowledge and whether knowledge is objective or subjective.Ethics is the study of moral values and principles. It explores questions such as "What is right and wrong?" and "How should we live our lives?" Ethics encompasses various ethical theories, including consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics. These theories seek to provide guidelines for making moral decisions and living a virtuous life.Logic, as a branch of philosophy, focuses on the study of reasoningand argumentation. It examines the principles of valid reasoning and logical inference. Logic seeks to understand how to distinguish between valid and invalid arguments, and how to reach true conclusions based on sound reasoning.Aesthetics is the branch of philosophy that explores the nature of beauty and art. It asks questions like "What is beauty?" and "What makes a piece of art valuable?" Aesthetics examines the role of perception, taste, and cultural context in determining our aesthetic preferences. It also explores the relationship between art and morality, as well as the impact of art on society and individuals.In conclusion, philosophy is a broad discipline that encompasses various branches. It explores fundamental questions about the nature of reality, knowledge, ethics, reasoning, and aesthetics. Through its rigorous examination and critical analysis, philosophy seeks to deepen our understanding of the world and our place in it.。
作者: 孙彬
作者机构: 清华大学外语系,北京100084
出版物刊名: 清华大学学报:哲学社会科学版
页码: 122-131页
年卷期: 2010年 第5期
主题词: 哲学;希哲学;儒学;哲;古文辞学
【摘抄】Philosophy经典的句子1、没有悲剧就没有悲壮,没有悲壮就没有崇高 ----余秋雨2、一厢情愿,就得愿赌服输。
----顾漫7、有人问毕加索:“你的画怎么看不懂啊?” 毕加索说:“听过鸟叫吗?” “听过。
” “好听吗?” “好听。
” “你听得懂吗?”8、有时候,同样的一件事情,我们可以去安慰别人,却说服不了自己。
这些情绪都可以用一个“操”字来表达的时候我干嘛要和你说那么多! ----刘同11、人生就像愤怒的小鸟,当你失败时,总有几只猪在笑。
----刘同14、弱者用眼泪悲叹今日,强者用鲜血奋斗明日! ----桐华15、给时间一点时间,让过去成为过去。
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一.Philosophy is the scientific knowledge that summarizes the nature and society.
Original meaning:love of wisdom爱智慧
In today,it can be defined as “ultimate reality”
Plato calls them“lovers of wisdom,”i.e.,“philosopher”(过渡,引出中西方哲学家。
Confucius is the famous thinker and educator in ancient china,He is the founder of Confucian School and the core of Chinese culture.
中国著名思想家和教育家,儒家学派创始人,中华文化中的核心. Never impose your beliefs on anyone else.
Humanity ,justice ,propriety ,wisdom
The people are more important than the ruler.民贵君亲
Theory of original goodness of human nature性善论
3.泰勒斯(Thales)“The fathe r of the western philosophy”
Water is the source of all things.
Thales,a thinker, scientist, philosopher in ancient Greek. During the period of the earliest Greek, he is the founder of the “Milesian School” .He is also one of Greek QiXian. He is honored as “the father of science and philosophy”
泰勒斯,古希腊时期的思想家、科学家、哲学家, 希腊最早的哲学学派“米利都学派”的创始人,希腊七贤之一, 科学和哲学之祖。
Socrates is the philosopher and educator in ancient Greek, He is also a famous historical figure
Know yourself
At all times, the relation between thinking and being is an unavoidable problem for different schools of philosophy, so it
is a basic problem of philosophy.
1,理性与情感 Sense and sensibility
2,向外与向内 Outward and inward
3,人与神 Men And Gods
4,逻辑与经验 Logic and experience
5,个体与群体 Individual and group
6,传统与创新 tradition and creativity
说明了, Consciousness has the active function(意识具有能动作用) (插入视频兔斯基的人生哲学。
说明了1.guidance of world outlook and methodology(世界观和
2.Strong spiritual weapon(强大的精神武器),it can make our life happy, also can not happy.
马克思主义哲学Marxist philosophy
马克思主义哲学是人类的智慧鲜明的代表Marxist philosophy represents the wisdom of human beings