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In my opinion, his most attractive feature is the small upright ears which are out of proportion to the head. Having had this dog for almost a year, I find him intriguing. He is very smart, so he learns everything quickly. I once taught him how to fetch. Surprisingly enough, he successfully chased and retrieved the object after I tossed it for the second time. Heacted as if he had intrinsically understood the game. He is also friendly to everyone,especially children. Whenever someone visits my house, instead of barking, he welcomes them by licking their feet.在我看来,他最吸引人的特点是小直立的耳朵,与头部不成比例。



优质文档在您身边/双击可除雅思写作素材AnimalAnimal 类范文Some people think animal experimentation should be stopped because it is cruel. Others think it is necessary for the development of science. Discuss both view and give your own opinion.Animals were friend of foes of humanity at different times of the human history. In modern times, experiments upon animals have long been a breeding ground for spirited debate. Some animal right activists argue that we should ban animal experiments altogether because putting animals through experimentation is unjustifiable on moral grounds. Yet some other people contend that the advancement of science necessitates animal testing. Personally, I believe both their views have merit and demerit.Granted, empirical evidence suggests that many animal experiments are performed callously without any attention to the discomfort or pain that laboratory mammals endure. First and foremost, improper confinement of test animals such as locking them up in cramped cages is inhumane. It can gravely disrupt natural biological functions of the test animal. Further, the effects of vaccination and vivisection conducted on live mammals can be chilling. They may, in some case, even constitute sheer torture of live animals.However, from a more pragmatic perspective, evidence bounds that animal subjects are still an indispensable part at this point. In the first place, it is manifest that drug experimentation on live mammals is far more effective than experimentation on bacteria or on other lower species in testing drug safety. Drugs that have severe potential side effects on Homo sapiens must be tested by pharmaceutical companies on live mammals first to ascertain their toxicity. In the second place, in space research, live animals are still the only practical alternative to humans in testing living creature reaction to outer-space experience on a flight not considered to be sufficiently safe for human astronauts. Lastly, lab research about the behavioral tendencies of chimpanzees, gorillas and other members of the primate group is also necessary. It produces outcomes consistently advancing anthropological and genetic studies.To conclude, I concede that experiments upon animals may induce suffering to the test animals. However, I am convinced that there are no feasible alternatives to this methodology at the current stage of scientific development. On balance, I think that。



雅思写作之保护动物的话题范文The Importance of Protecting AnimalsIn today's world, animals are facing increasing threats to their survival. Many species are endangered due to human activities, such as deforestation, poaching, and climate change. This situation is concerning, as animals are vital to the balance of ecosystems and provide important resources and services to humans. Therefore, it is imperative that we take action to protect animals and their habitats.One of the most effective ways to protect animals is through conservation efforts. Conservationists and wildlife organizations work to preserve and restore natural habitats, which provide essential resources and shelter for animals. By preserving ecosystems, we ensure that animals have a safe place to live and breed. Additionally, conservation efforts aim to raise awareness about the importance of animals and their conservation, leading to a decrease in poaching and illegal trade in wildlife.Education is another crucial aspect of animal protection. Teaching young people about the importance of animals and their conservation is essential for creating a more sustainable future. Children and teenagers should be informed about the1impact of human activities on animal populations and the negative consequences of exploiting natural resources. By fostering a sense of responsibility and empathy towards animals in young minds, we can create a generation that cares about and takes action to protect animals.Moreover, legislative measures play a vital role in animal protection. Governments should enact laws and regulations that prohibit hunting, poaching, and illegal trade in wildlife. Penalties should be severe for those who violate these laws, serving as a deterrent to prevent future illegal activities. Additionally, laws should provide protections for animal habitats, ensuring that their destruction is prevented or minimized.In conclusion, protecting animals is crucial for maintaining the balance of ecosystems and ensuring the survival of species. We must take action to conserve their habitats, raise awareness through education, and enact strong legislative measures to prohibit exploitation and illegal trade in wildlife. By doing so, we can create a more sustainable world where animals and humans coexist harmoniously.2。



雅思写作和口语短语归纳(动物话题)1animal rights 动物权益Animal rights have been created to protect animals from cruelty or extinction.动物权益是用来保护动物免受折磨和灭绝的。

animal exploitation (为了满足人类的需要而)滥用动物Animal exploitation includes raising animals for food and clothing- using animals in entertainments and testing medicines, cosmetics or household products on animals.滥用动物资源包括滥用动物制的食物和衣物,使用动物来试验药品、化妆品或其他家用用品。

2food chain 食物链Students are supposed to learn about the food chain in the 7lh grade.学生应该在七年级学习有关食物链的知识。

birds of prey/beasts of prey食肉鸟类/食肉类野兽Parrots and birds of prey are often held chained up.鹦鹉与猛禽经常会被链子束缚。

3pharmaceutical company 制药公司Some pharmaceutical companies are heavily involved in animal testing. 一些制药公司极度依赖用动物进行试验。

animal testing / animal experimentation 动物试验A wide variety of animals have used for animal testing, including primates, mice, rabbits, cats and dogs.各种各样的动物被用于动物实验,包括灵长类、老鼠、兔子、猫和狗。

雅思口语Part2范文范文:喜欢的动物 Describe your favorite animal

雅思口语Part2范文范文:喜欢的动物 Describe your favorite animal

Describe your favorite animal.You should say:What kind of animal it isDescribe it brieflyWhy you like the animaland describe why it is your favorite animalToday I am going to tell you about my favorite animal, what it is, where it lives, when I first encountered it and why I like it so much.今天我要告诉你我最喜欢的动物,它是什么,它住在哪里,我第一次遇到它的时候,为什么我这么喜欢它。

I like lots of animals, so it is difficult to choose just one. However, I think my favorite animal is the Warthog. Warthogs live in Africa, they are a sort of wild pig. They get their name because they have four fleshy bumps on their faces, which look a bit like warts. These are part of the defense mechanism for males when they fight. Some people think warthogs are ugly, but I think they are lovely, they have great character.我喜欢很多动物,所以很难选择一个。





保护动物英语作文80词(5篇)保护动物英语作文80词第1篇:Do you love animals? Animals and human beings are the owner of this beautiful planet that we all have the right to freedom of survival on this planet,have the right to enjoy nature gives us everything,this is our mon homeland。

However,in the eyes of some people,but these animals is some lose your life,no life,no feelings。

They are just delicious or money can buy the things on the table,the people in order to kill all kinds of animals and birds,fur clothing and food in order to the so-called “mouth” a lot of killing selling duck,full mountain bird nets,traps set,overrun by shocking animal remains,such as there are numerous unsubstantiated reports that have appeared。

Dropped sharply in animal species,some animals have bee extinct or endangered,too cruel。

Don’t know what those people long is the heart of stone,if left unchecked,we can no longer hear birds schools of thought contend,and can’t see the fish live the bottom of the sea,many animals will b ee “according to historical records”。





Animals play a crucial role in the ecosystem and are an essential part of our lives. From providing companionship to serving as a source of food and clothing, animals have been intertwined with human existence for centuries.Thesis statement。

This essay will discuss the importance of animals in our lives, the need for their protection, and the ethical considerations surrounding their treatment.Body Paragraph 1。

Firstly, animals contribute to the balance of the ecosystem. They help in pollination, seed dispersal, and maintaining the food chain. For example, bees are essential for pollinating crops, and without them, the food supply would be severely impacted. Additionally, animals help in controlling pests and maintaining the natural habitat of various species.Body Paragraph 2。



【导语】为了⼤家能够更好地备考雅思考试,今天特意为⼤家整理了雅思写作⾼分范⽂赏析:Animal Cruelty,希望对⼤家有帮助! Animal Cruelty Jeff Albrecht Joseph Aimone Writing and Rhetoric 13 December 2000 AnimalCruelty One of the most touchy aspects of our relationship with animals is theuse of animals in laboratory sciences. Some manufactures of cosmetics andhousehold products still conduct painful and useless tests on live animals, eventhough no law requires them not to. Some people, called anti-vivisectionists,are at one extreme in their concern. They want an abolition of all experimentson live animals. At the other extreme there are those who say that it is quiteall right for us to do whatever we like to animals. They say that God gave ussuch a right, since it is written in the bible (Genesis 1:26) that man hasdominion over all creatures. If these tests give some educational value, adds toscientific knowledge, or can help improve human health, they argue that it isworth killing animals or subjecting them to painful experiments. I believe thatthe unnecessary testing of animals is inhumane and unethical when alternativemethods Albrecht 2 are available. The anti-vivisectionists say we should notallow experiments on animals and the animal utilitarians, or vivisectionists,claim that we can do anything to animals if it is for the ultimate good ofhumanity. Perhaps they are both wrong. Much can be learned from treating animalsthat are already sick or injured in testing new life-saving drugs and surgicaltechniques. Animals, as well as people benefit from new discoveries. But is itright to take perfectly healthy animals and harm them to find cures for humanillnesses, many of which we bring on ourselves by poisoning the environment,eating the wrong kinds of foods, and by not adopting a healthy activelife-style? Do people have the right to do what ever they like to perfectlyhealthy animals? Do we have the right to continue doing experiments over andover again in a needless repetition and a waste of animals if no new informationis going to be gained? Animals suffer unnecessarily and their lives arepointlessly wasted. If the issue were simple, animal experimentation might neverhave become so controversial. Each year in the United States an estimated 20-70Albrecht 3 million animals-from cats, dogs and primates, to rabbits, rats andmice-suffer and die in the name of research. Animal tests for the safety ofcosmetics, household products and chemicals are the least justifiable. Animalshave doses of shampoo, hair spray, and deodorant dripped into their eyes orapplied to bare skin in attempts to measure eye and skin irritancy levels. Otherare force-fed massive quantities of toxic materials such as bleach or soap, in ahit-and-miss attempt to measure levels of toxicity. Since 1938, The Food andDrug Administration (FDA) has required that each ingredient in a cosmetic beadequately substantiated for safety prior to being made available to theconsumer. However, neither the FDA nor the Consumer Product Safety Commission (a regulatory agency that oversees product safety, consumer complaints, etc.)requires firms to conduct animal testing of any cosmetic product. Cosmeticcompanies use animal tests to insure themselves against possible consumerlawsuits. If sued for liability, they can protect themselves by arguing that thecosmetic was adequately tested for safety with tests standard in the cosmeticindustry. How placing a piece of lipstick in the eye of a rabbit to determine ifit is safe Albrecht 4 for the consumer, boggles my mind. If someone placed apiece of lipstick in my eye, I do believe it would irritate my eye also. How inthe name of God does this test prove it is safe for the consumer? I don'tbelieve lipstick is gong to be used in the eye area, unless you are anilliterate that can抰 read directions. The Draize Eye-Irritancy Test was designedto assess a substance's potential harmfulness to human eyes based on its effectson rabbits' eyes. This test was developed in the early 1940s by the U.S. Foodand Drug Administration. This test is typically performed on six rabbits persubstance tested. Technicians restrain each rabbit and place a measured amountof the test substance in the lower lid of one eye. Usually no anesthetics aregiven. the rabbits eyes are than examined at different intervals. If severeinjury has resulted, the rabbits may be observed for signs of recovery for aslong as twenty-one days. Technicians record signs of damage, such as redness andswelling of the conjunctiva (the sac covering the eyeball), inflammation of theiris, and clouding of the cornea. Using a standardized scoring scheme, thedegrees of damage to the conjunctivia, iris, and cornea are compared to gradedAlbrecht 5 levels of irritations. Scores for each of these parameters are thantotaled. Based on the total Draize score and the symptoms' duration, the testchemical is classified by the degree of irritation it causes: none, mild,moderate, or severe. At best, the Draize test yields a crude measure of asubstance's irritancy; it is not designed to yield information about possibletreatments or antidotes. the Draize is inhumane. Substances such as ovencleaners and paint removers cause obvious pain and suffering. Also, becauseanimal and humans differ in medically important ways, results from the Draizetest do not necessarily apply to humans. Rabbit eyes differ significantly fromhuman eyes: rabbits possess a nictitating membrane (a third eyelid) and have aslower blink reflex, a less effective tearing mechanism and a thinner corneathan humans. These differences make rabbit eyes more sensitive than human eyesto some chemicals and less sensitive to others. The test is unreliable. Severallaboratories may perform the test on the same chemicals and report differentresults. Manufactures argue that they conduct the Draize test to protect thepublic from unsafe products. Since 1986 Albrecht 6 legislation has beenintroduced in several states to limit or ban the Draize test for particularproducts (especially cosmetics), but no bill has yet passed. Another test I liketo address is the Lethal Dose 50 Percent (L50) test. This test is a procedurethat exposed animals to a particular chemical in order to yield an estimate ofhow poisonous that chemical would be to human beings. Substances tested caninclude drugs, cosmetics, household products, industrial chemicals, pesticidesand the individual ingredients of any of these products. The test procedurerequires between 60 to 100 animals to determine what constitutes a lethal doseof a particular substance. The test spans a time period from two weeks to severyears, depending on the amount of toxic chemicals in the product being tested.The animals are observed daily. Since chemicals are bitter-tasting and have anunpleasant smell, animals refuse to swallow them. The animals are then forced toswallow the substances in the form of capsules or pellets. they are alsoforce-fed liquid chemicals by stomach tube, or through a hole cut in theanimal's throat. Some animals die from the sheer bulk of the dosage administeredor from the severe burns they Albrecht 7 receive in the throat and stomach fromthe chemicals used in products such as laundry bleach and detergents andcologne. There are variations to this test which include forcing the animal tobreathe the substance or applying the substance to the shaved skin of the animalor injecting the substance into the body, usually the abdomen. The animals arenot provided with painkillers because they may affect the test outcome. Millionsof rats, rabbits, mice and guinea pigs have been used in these tests, whichpurportedly assure the safety of cosmetics and household products. Many animalsare still suffering in these useless tests right now. These tests are crude,cruel, and unreliable. Animals injured in acute toxicity and eye irritancy testsare never treated. If the animals do not die from the effects of the experimentsitself, they are either killed or used for an autopsy, or, if they are not badlyinjured, recycled and used for additional tests. Since the animals are nottreated, these tests provide little useful knowledge for the treatment of humanswho are exposed to the harmful substances. Dr. Gil Langley, a scientificneuro-chemist, states that: Results (of animal tests) vary dramatically fromlaboratory to Albrecht 8 laboratory, between strains, sex, age, and species ofanimals, and extrapolation to humans in questionable.1 Animal tests have failedto provide the clear definition between harmful and harmless products that theywere originally intended to provide. Therefore, regardless of animal testing,the consumer always becomes the so-called guinea pig for any new product.Alternatives to animal tests are available on todays market. Many companies areworking in fierce competition and dozens of alternative are being developed.Newer and more sophisticated tests are gradua l l y r e p l a c i n g t h e D r a i z e t e s t . b r b d s f i d = " 1 9 0 " > T h e s e a l t e r n a t i v e s m o s t o f t e n u s e t e s t - t u b e , o r i n - v i t r o , m e t h o d s b a s e d o n t h e b r b d s f i d = " 1 9 1 " > i de a t h a t w h a t h a p p e n s i n t h e b o d y ' s i n d i v i d u a l c e l l s r ef l e c t s w h a t h a p p e n s i n b r b d s f i d = " 1 92 " > i n t a c t o r g a n s s u c h a s t h e e y e . H u m a n c e l l s c a n b e u s e d i n s u c h s t u d i e s . I n b r b d s f i d = " 1 93 " > a d d i t i o n t o i n - v i t r o m e t h o d s , o t h e r p o t e n t i a l a l t e r n a t i v e s t o t h e D r a i z e t e s t b r b d s f i d = " 1 94 " > i n c l u d e t e s t s t h a t u s e c o m p u t e r p r o g r a m s , m i c r o o r g a n i s m s a n d o t h e r o r g a n i s m s b r b d s f i d = " 1 95 " > t h a t c a n ' t e x p e r i e n c e p a i n , a n d c h e m i c a l m e t h o d s t o a n a l y z e u n t e s t e d s u b s t a n c e s . b r b d s f i d = " 1 96 " > S o m e o f t h e n e w t o o l s f o r a s s e s s i n g e y e i r r i t a n c y a r e : N e u t r a l R e d A s s a y - b r b d s f i d = " 1 97 " > I r r i t a n t s i m p a i r h e a l t h y c e l l s ' a b i l i t y t o t a k e u p n e u t r a l r e d d y e . A l b r e c h t 9 b r b d s f i d = " 1 98 " > T h i s t e s t m e a s u r e s t h e d e g r e e o f i m p a i r m e n t , y i e l d i n g a n i n d e x o f i r r i t a n c y . b r b d s f i d = " 19 9 " > A g a r o s e D i f f u s i o n - T i n y p a p e r d i s c s a r e c o a t e d w i t h a t e s t c h e m i c a l a n d p l a c e d o n b r b d s f i d = " 2 0 0 " > a l a y e r o f g e l a t i n . T h e c h e m i c a l d i f f u s e s t h r o u g h t h e g e l a t i n a n d r e a c h e s a n b r b d s f i d = " 2 0 1 " > u n d e r l a y e r o f h e a l t h y c e l l s . A r i n g o f d e a d c e l l s a r o u n d t h e d i s c s i n d i c a t e s b r b d s f i d = " 2 0 2 " > i r r i t a t i o n . E y t e x - I n t h i s t e s t k i t , a s p e c i a l l y f o r m u l a t e d c h e m i c a l m i x t u r e b r b d s f i d = " 2 0 3 " > t u r n s c l o u d y w h e n e x p o s e d t o i r r i t a n t s , m i m i c k i n g t h e r e s p o n s e o f t h e c o r n e a . b r b d s f i d = " 2 0 4 " > M i c r o t o x - T h i s t e s t k i t c o n t a i n s a b a c t e r i u m t h a t c a n e m i t l i g h t . S u b s t a n c e s b r b d s f i d = " 2 0 5 " > t h a t i n h i b i t t h i s p r o c e s s a r e i r r i t a n t s . T o p k a t - A c o m p u t e r p r o g r a m e s t i m a t e s e y e b r b d s f i d = " 2 0 6 " > i r r i t a n c y b y c o m p a r i n g u n t e s t e d c h e m i c a l s t o s i m i l a r c h e m i c a l s o f k n o w b r b d s f i d = " 2 0 7 " > i r r i t a n c y . M o s t o f t h e s e a l t e r n a t i v e s a r e b e i n g d e v e l o p e d o r i m p r o v e d a t b r b d s f i d = " 2 0 8 " > h i g h - t e c h n o l o g y c o m p a n i e s . E y t e x a t I n V i t r o I n t e r n a t i o n a l , N e u t r a l R e d U p t a k e b r b d s f i d = " 2 0 9 " > A s s a y a t C l o n e t i c s , M i c r o t o x a t M i c r o b i e s , a n d T o p k a t a t H e a l t h D e s i g n s . b r b d s f i d = " 2 1 0 " > T e c h n i c a l a d v a n c e s t o e l i m i n a t e L D 5 0 t e s t i n g a r e a l s o a v a i l a b l e . M o r e b r b d s f i d = " 2 1 1 " > S o p h i s t i c a t e d m e t h o d s , s u c h a s i n v i t r o t e c h n i q u e s , a r e t h e b e g i n n i n g o f t h e b r b d s f i d = " 2 1 2 " > m o v e i n t h e r i g h t d i r e c t i o n . I n c o n t r a s t t o i n v i t r o m e t h o d s w h i c h u s e t h e w h o l e b r b d s f i d = " 2 1 3 " > a n i m a l , i n v i t r o m e t h o d s u s e o n l y t h e c e l l s o r A l b r e c h t 1 0 t i s s u e o f a n i m a l s o r b r b d s f i d = " 21 4 " > h u m a n s . A n i m a l c e l l s c a n o f t e n b e m a d e t o g r o w a n d d i v i d e i n d e f i n i t e l y , t h u s b r b d s f id = " 2 1 5 " > s p a r i n g a n i m a l s l i ve s . W h e n h u m a n c e l l s a r e u s e d ( t h e y a r e c o m m o n l y o b t a i n e d b r b d sf i d = " 2 1 6 " > f r o m t i s s u e r o u t i n e l y d i s c a r d e d a f t e r s u rg e r y ) , i n v i t r o t e ch ni q u e s a r e b r b d s f i d = " 2 1 7 " > c o m p l e t e l y h u m a n e . T e s t s u s i n g h u m a n c e l l s a r e m o r e s c i e n t i f i c a l l y r e l e v a n t t h a n b r b d s f i d = " 2 1 8 " > t h o s e p r o c e d u r e s u s i n g w h o l e a n i m a l s o r a n i m a l c e l l s o r t i s s u e . O t h e r a p p r o a c h e s b r b d s f i d = " 2 1 9 " > a r e a l s o b e i n g d e v e l o p e d , t h e r e a r e c o m p u t e r p r o g r a m s t h a t e s t i m a t e t h e L D 5 0 b r b d s f i d = " 2 2 0 " > s c o r e o f a n u n t e s t e d s u b s t a n c e b y c o m p a r i n g i t s c h e m i c a l a n d s t r u c t u r a l b r b d s f i d = " 2 2 1 " > p r o p e r t i e s t o t h o s e o f s i m i l a r s u b s t a n c e s o f k n o w t o x i c i t y . C o m p a n i e s c a n a l s o b r b d s f i d = " 2 2 2 " > e m p l o y t h e s i m p l e m e t h o d o f s e l e c t i v e f o r m u l a t i o n t o a v o i d D 5 0 t e s t i n g w h i l e b r b d s f i d = " 2 2 3 " > m o r e s o p h i s t i c a t e d a l t e r n a t i v e s a r e b e i n g d e v e l o p e d . C o m p a n i e s e m p l o y i n g b r b d s f i d = " 2 2 4 " > s e l e c t i v e f o r m u l a t i o n u s e i n g r e d i e n t s w i t h s a f e t y p r o f i l e s t h a t h a v e a l r e a d y b r b d s f i d = " 2 2 5 " > b e e n e s t a b l i s h e d a n d t h e r e b y a v o i d t h e n e e d f o r a n y n e w t e s t i n g . C l e a r l y , a n i m a l b r b d s f i d = " 2 2 6 " > t e s t i n g i s a l m o s t a t h i n g o f t h e p a s t . B u t , u n t i l e v e r y a n i m a l i s f r e e f r o m b r b d s f i d = " 2 2 7 " > c o m m e r c i a l t e s t i n g , w e h a v e n o t i m e t o r e s t o n o u r l a u r e l s . M a n y c o m p a n i e s s t i l l b r b d s f i d = " 2 2 8 " > s a y t h a t a n i m a l t e s t s a r e t h e m o s t l i k e l y t o h o l d u p i n c o u r t i f a h u m a n i s b r b d s f i d = " 2 2 9 " > i nj u r e d b y a c o s m e t i c o r A l b r e c h t 1 1 h o u s e h o l d p r o d u c t a n d , f o r t h a t r e a s o n , b r b d s f i d = " 2 3 0 " > t h e y w i l l s t r u g g l e t o h o l d o n t o a n i m a l - b a s e d r e s e a r c h . W e n e e d t o c o n t i n u e t o b r b d s f i d = " 2 3 1 " > t o f i n d n e w a n d i m p r o v e d a l t e r n a t i v e s s o t h a t w e m a y p r e s e r v e t h e l i v e s a n d b r b d s f i d = " 2 3 2 " >d i g n i t y o f a n i m a l s , b u t c a n a l s oe n s u r e t h e c o n s u m e r of p r o d u c t s a f e t y . M a n y b r b d s f i d = " 2 33 " > m a n u f a c t u r e s s u c h a s A v o n , R e v l o n , a n d E s t e e L a u d e r h a v e c e a s e d a n i m a l t e s t s . b r b d s f i d = " 2 34 " > t h e f a c t t h a t c o m p a n i e s a r e s u p p o r t i n g a l t e r n a t i v e s a n d r e d u c e a n i m a l u s a g e i s a b r b d s f i d = " 2 35 " > g o o d s i g n b u t t h e f i g h t i s c l e a r l y n o t o v e r . T h i s p r o j e c t h a s e d u c a t e d m e t o b e b r b d s f i d = " 2 36 " > a m o r e c a r i n g c o n s u m e r a n d I w i l l u s e b u y i n g p o w e r t o p r e s s u r e c o m p a n i e s i n t o b r b d s f i d = " 2 37 " > b a n n i n g a n i m a l t e s t i n g w i t h i n t h e c o m m e r c i a l m a r k e t . I h a v e l e a r n e d t o w r i t e t o b r b d s f i d = " 2 38 " > c o m p a n i e s t h a t s t i l l t e s t p r o d u c t s o n a n i m a l s a n d l e t t h e m k n o w t h a t I w o u l d n o t b r b d s f i d = " 2 39 " > b e b u y i n g t h e i r p r o d u c t s a n d u r g e t h e m t o c h o o s e a l t e r n a t i v e i n s t e a d . W e m u s t b r b d s f i d = " 2 4 0 " > r e m e m b e r u n s e e n t h e y s u f f e r , u n h e a r d t h e y c r y , i n a g o n y t h e y l i n g e r , i n b r b d s f i d = " 2 4 1 " > l o n e l i n e s s t h e y d i e . Y o u c a n m a k e a d i f f e r e n c e , y o u c a n b e t h e i r v o i c e . / p > / d i v > d i v i d = " f l o a t _ b t n " c l a s s = " " b d s f i d = " 2 4 2 " > b u t t o n c l a s s = " f l o a t _ b t n l e f t _ b t n " i d = " c o p y _ b u t t o n " d a t a - c l i p b o a r d - a c t i o n = " c o p y " d a t a - c l i p b o a r d - t a r g e t = " # c o n t e n t - t x t " o n c l i c k = " d o _ c o p y ( ) ; " b d s f i d = " 2 4 3 " > e m c l a s s = " i c o n " b d s f i d = " 2 4 4 " >。



Wild animals have no place in the 21st century. Some people think that preventing these wild animals from dying out is a waste of resource. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.Biological diversity has never been so threatened as it is today as a result of the process of human civilization. The various forms of pressure created by human activity have destroyed natural balance, led to the deterioration of natural habitats, genetic erosion and the rarity, even disappearance, of a number of plant and animal species.As the pace of civilization accelerates, more people, taking more space, needing to use more natural resources, engaging in ever-growing consumption, impose severe deterioration on the habitat of animals. An increasing number of people come to realize that the disappearance of animals will result in serious threat to the equilibrium of ecosystem. Simply put, the extinction of hawks, a rat-eating bird seen in many regions, will result in the rapid propagation of rats. And rats, further, will destroy the prairies and threaten the other animals like gazelles, zebras and others, who live on grass and green lands. The coexistence of animals and human beings creates perfect harmony and brings about the vividness to our planet.It is hard to imagine what our world would be like without animals. Sociologists also point out that the disappearance of animals can cause social and economic problems. Animal trade, as a supporting sector to the world economy, was very active before. However, the situation is beyond control since animal trade is very profitable and alluring. Many species cannot escape the adversity of being killed.Certainly, our diet cannot be without meat. There are living stocks, which can provide us with sufficient and nutritious produce. Therefore, we need not to resort to wild animals, especially the endangered ones. To protect animals is to protect our living environment. Every individual should join efforts to keep the diversity of animals.。




Describe a wild animal you like.You should say:What it is.What it looks like.Where it lives.And explain why you like it.I would like to talk about pandas. Pandas are one of the most precious and lovely wild animals in the world.In terms of appearance, pandas are very distinctive. They have black and white fur. Their bodies are mainly white, but they have black fur around their eyes, ears, limbs, and on their backs, which makes them look extremely cute. They have a chubby body with a short tail.Pandas live mainly in bamboo forests in some mountainous areas in southwestern China, such as Sichuan province. These areas provide them with an abundant supply of bamboo, which is their main food source.I like pandas for several reasons. Firstly, their appearance is so charming that it's hard for anyone to resist. Just looking at their big black eyes and clumsy movements makes people feel warm and happy. Secondly, pandas are a symbol of China. They represent the unique biodiversity of China and are known all over the world. Whenever people see pandas, theywill think of China. So, pandas play an important role in cultural exchange as well.解析。



雅思写作:动物类话题素材+解析雅思写作中如果遇到动物类话题很多考生的第一反应就是要“爱护小动物,不能杀害无辜小生命”,但是大家是否想过对世界、对人类、甚至对自身有什么影响吗?很明显大家都被题目局限住了,那么大家看看下面的案例,希望可以帮助大家拓展思路!题目遇到动物类话题,通常学生第一反应是不可以杀,要爱护动物,但是同学们有想过In modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or products, for instance, clothing and medicines. To what extent do you agree or disagree?题目分析在当代社会,使用动物为食物或是其他产品如衣服和药品不再有必要,在一定程度上,你是否同意?文章结构:第一段:引出主题,表明自身观点,即反对题目观点。

第二、三段: 阐述使用动物为了食物与医药是有必要的。



Sample AnswerAnimals have always been the sources of human food, clothes, medicine or other products since human civilization began. Some people, however, claim that human use of animals is no more necessary in modern time. Even as an animal lover, I am against this view myself.On the one hand, animal meat, by providing necessary nutrition (protein , fat) and energy, is essential to human health. Living in this competitive modern world, our energy consumption doubles with the increasing living pressure. When we are exhausted after a long day`s work, a wonderful meal of steak or chicken may be the best way to revive our vigor.On the other hand, for human survival, it is crucial to extract valuable substance from animals for medical purpose. Only certain animals can provide a cure for some fatal disease, say, cancer, and it is common sense that a man’s life is of more importance than that of an animal in extreme situations.Exploiting animals for clothes, however, is unnecessary. It is extremely cruel to slaughter minks or seals to make fur coats. Fashion means torture for defenseless animals. In modern society, high-tech materials can replace fur to keep human warm in cold winter.In spite of the fact that we have every reason to use animals for food and pills out of necessity, we should always keep in mind that no wild or endangered animals are to be harmed for human interest. As the most powerful creature on the earth, we should be grateful for the sacrifice of animals we herd.关于动物类话题解决思路:个人和政府如何应对环境问题,以及人类保护动物的重要性是解题核心。




以下便是小编整理的雅思写作animal testing范文及素材。

雅思写作满分范文animal testing一、题目Nowadays animal experiments are widely used to develop new medicines and to test the safety of other products. Some people argue that these experiments should be banned because it is morally wrong to cause animals to suffer, while others are in favor of them because of their benefits to humanity. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.二、分析题目大意是指,如今动物做实验已经在研究新药或者测试产品安全性等方面被广泛使用。





三、范文It is true that medicines and other products are routinely tested on animals before they are cleared for human use. While I tend towards the viewpoint that animal testing is morally wrong, I would have to support a limited amount of animal experimentation for the development of medicines.第一段介绍背景,引出话题,说明用动物来测试药物或者其他产品的可使用性是十分常见的现象。





【动物类雅思作文篇一】Dolphin is my favourite animal. It is one of the most precious animals. Their bodies are very long, about one zhang. Dolphins live in the sea. They live on fish, shrimps and so on. Dolphins are very friendly and peaceful. They never attack people. Instead, they have saved many people in danger in the past years. How helpful the dolphins are! Dolphins are very clever. People often train them so that they can give a dolphin show which brings people a lot of happiness and joy. Unluckily, the number of dolphins is getting smaller and smaller. Because of water pollution, there is less and less space for dolphins. Many people make money by hunting dolphins. If we don’t protect them, maybe we’ll lose our good friends one day. As a student, I hope more and more people should take actions to protect dolphins.【动物类雅思作文篇二】Elephant is the largest animal on land today. It weights some ninety kilograms and is about one metre high when born. When it is 12 years old, it studs over three meters and does not grow any more. Elephant is usually grey in color, having a long trunk with large ivory tusks protruding from each side of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for each other, Elephant is know to be a very and gentle creamre. For many years people have used the strength of these poweful animals to move trees and heavy logs. Elephant has been and is a vital tool for peopleto do many things that would normally be imposs-ible. Elephant is and will continue to be one of the greatest creatures man has ever come into contact with. Its size. beauty, and power willforever be useful to man.【动物类雅思作文篇三】My pet is a lovely dog.Its name is "dian dian".because there are a lot of black circle on its skin.the "dian dian" is very friendly.Many childen like play with him.His favourite food is meat bones. His favourite toy is a doll. 'dian dian ' likes to run very much.It can run very fast and it has a girl friend.its name "na na".There are a lot of black circle on its skin,too.I like my pet very much.It is a good pet!!【动物类雅思作文篇四】My favorite animals are swans.they are white.they can swim very well.I think they look like a beautiful girl in a white dress.they have a pair of wings and they can also fly well.I believe they are angles from the sky.they bring us love and make us happy.they are always friendly to us.We can't hurt them,because they are our friend.I love them!I like dogs,too.they are not beautiful,but they are the best friends.they keep the thieves away.Dogs have the best listening and eyes.they can hear in the nosiy,see in the dark.If we are in danger,they will help us at once.And they don't mind their lives.So,I love them.【动物类雅思作文篇五】I like dogs, because they are man’s good friends. They can do many helpful things to us, such as guarding our houses, greeting guests, helping the police, and so on. Some trained dogs can even lead the blind people and save people’s l ives. So they‘re treated as our family members. I hope someday dogs will be in great harmony with human-beings.【动物类雅思作文篇六】Panda is one of the scarcest animals. People in the world like it very much. there used to be many pandas in China long ago. As the balance of nature was destroyed and the weather was getting warmer and warmer, pandas became less. But at present, the number of pandas is increasing year by year. there are now so many pandas that some are being sent to other countries so that people there can enjoy them. Nowadays, the biggest nature park for panda in China is in Sichuan. there is a research centre for nature and wild life there. Scientists hope that one day they will have enough pandas to be set free and let them live in the wild again.【动物类雅思作文篇七】Do you know what kind of animal I like most? It’s monkey. Monkey is a kind of lovely animal. Many people like monkeys very much. Generally, monkey has small body covered with fur. Some kinds of monkeys have two big eyes and ears and a long tail. I can see them on TV or the zoo. Every time I go to the zoo, I will go to see them. Monkeys often stay in trees and jump between them. They are so lively and favorable. When they are happy, they will act for visitors. It’s very funny.。



雅思口语Part1答案:Animals动物雅思考试(IELTS)/备考辅导雅思口语Part1答案:Animals动物1. Do you like animals?Yes, I love them. I much prefer them to humans. They don't go around fucking up the planet, killing each other or their fellow creatures for no reason, or wiping out the entire species. They will never lie to you, cheat you, say mean things to you, or in any other way screw you over. People will dothis in a nano-second.比起人来,我更喜欢动物。




2. What's your favourite animal?I’m an animal lover. I can't imagine my life without horses. I've always loved horses and dreamed of having one from the time I was 2 years old.我是个爱动物的人。



3. What kinds of animals as a pet do the people have in your country?Dogs. There are many extreme dog lovers who have lost the perspective. They often ignore their family, give all the love and attention to the dogs that they should be giving to their children or spouse.狗。



雅思作文保护动物雅思作文保护动物(通用24篇)雅思作文保护动物篇1Introduce the mentioned opinion and give your own opinion.In recent years, animal protection has become an issue of concern. People take different attitudes toward the increasing attention and expenditure on wildlifeconservation. Some People suggest that the spending should be redirected to helping other fields in our society. I agree with the view that the investment in wildlife protection is not worthwhile.Give specific Reason and details for the opinion mentioned in the question.Animals, as a key component of the whole food chain, have a profound impact on the sustainability of an ecosystem. As we know, every kind of animals plays an important role in natural balance.For example, the demise of any species will lead to the species will lead to the growth or decline of other species.In some extreme cases,some species may be at the verge of extinction such as Dodo bird. If people did not take actions to protect wildlife as soon as possible, we humans will be affected in the end.Give specific Reason and details for the opinion of yourself.However, there are more issues that we need to focus in our society rather than protecting animals.In current social context,the primacy task is still to improve living standards since there are many people living under the poverty line.Only when people are in a good living condition can they pay attention to other social problems.Besides technology and education areanother two aspects for governments to concern, These two industries accelerate the development of society, which will provide a better protection for wildlife in turn.In conclusion, although the animal is a significant part of ecosystem, it’s better fo r governments to invest more finance and resources in other social problems.雅思作文保护动物篇2Wild animals have no place in the 21st century. Some people think that preventing these wild animals from dying out is a waste of resource. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion.Biological diversity has never been so threatened as it is today as a result of the process of human civilization. The various forms of pressure created by human activity have destroyed natural balance, led to the deterioration of natural habitats, genetic erosion and the rarity, even disappearance, of a number of plant and animal species.As the pace of civilization accelerates, more people, taking more space, needing to use more natural resources, engaging in ever-growing consumption, impose severe deterioration on the habitat of animals. An increasing number of people come to realize that the disappearance of animals will result in serious threat to the equilibrium of ecosystem. Simply put, the extinction of hawks, a rat-eating bird seen in many regions, will result in the rapid propagation of rats. And rats, further, will destroy the prairies and threaten the other animals like gazelles, zebras and others, who live on grass and green lands. The coexistence of animals and human beings creates perfect harmony and brings about the vividness to our planet.It is hard to imagine what our world would be like withoutanimals. Sociologists also point out that the disappearance of animals can cause social and economic problems. Animal trade, as a supporting sector to the world economy, was very active before. However, the situation is beyond control since animal trade is very profitable and alluring. Many species cannot escape the adversity of being killed.Certainly, our diet cannot be without meat. There are living stocks, which can provide us with sufficient and nutritious produce. Therefore, we need not to resort to wild animals, especially the endangered ones. To protect animals is to protect our living environment. Every individual should join efforts to keep the diversity of animals.雅思作文保护动物篇3There are many animals in the world.They are our friends.I love animals.But most of them are in danger now,such as pandas.There are only 1,600 pandas in the wild.That's because there are more and more people in the world.So villages and farms are getting bigger and taking away the animals’home.Also some people kill animals for meat or for money.What should we do to help protect them?First,I think we should raise some money at school to protect them.Second,the government should set up more nature parks for animals to live in.Third,people must stop killing and plant more trees.If everyone loves animals,the world will be better.雅思作文保护动物篇4Animals are our good friends. People should be friendly to them. But now, many people in China as well as in the world kill animals in order to get money. It's well known that there are many kinds of rare animals in China, such as pandas, golden monkeys and so on. Some people catch or kill them. They usetheir furs and skins to make clothes and shoes or eat their meat. As a result, a lot of rare animals have disappeared.What a pity!At present, our government have made some plans to punish these people. Recently, some nature parks have been built. Lots of money collected for protecting them. For example, some students put on perfom ances or have other kinds of activities to collect money for rare animals.It's our duty to protect wild animals. As nature is like a big family, man and animals must live together in it peacefully. We must keep the balance of nature. If we do like this, our world will become better and better.动物是人类的好朋友,人们应该善待它们,但现在,中国和世界上的许多人为赚钱而捕杀动物。



各种动物描写素材英语作文Title: A Menagerie of Animal Descriptions。

In the vast tapestry of nature, animals come in all shapes, sizes, and temperaments, each with its own unique charm and characteristics. Let's embark on a journeythrough the animal kingdom and delve into captivating descriptions of some of its denizens.1. Majestic Elephant:The elephant, with its towering stature and wrinkled skin, commands awe and reverence. Its trunk, a versatile appendage, serves as both a delicate instrument forgrasping objects and a powerful tool for uprooting trees. The elephant's ears, resembling large fans, flap gracefully, providing respite from the scorching sun. Its tusks, though imposing, are not weapons but symbols of wisdom and strength. With a gentle demeanor and a familial bond as strong as steel, the elephant epitomizes grace and grandeur.2. Cunning Fox:The fox, a creature of cunning and wit, prowls through the shadows with silent footsteps. Its russet fur, dappled with streaks of black, camouflages seamlessly against the backdrop of the forest. With keen eyes that gleam like orbs of amber, it surveys its surroundings with acute perception. The fox's slender physique and nimble movements enable itto navigate even the most treacherous terrain with agility. Its sly grin belies a mind that is constantly devising schemes, making it a master of deception and strategy inthe animal kingdom.3. Graceful Dolphin:The dolphin, an epitome of grace and elegance, glides effortlessly through the cerulean depths of the ocean. Its sleek body, adorned with a glistening coat of silver-gray, seems to shimmer like a mirage in the sunlight. With every graceful arc and somersault, it leaves behind a trail of frothy waves, a testament to its boundless energy andagility. The dolphin's playful demeanor and melodic clicks and whistles echo through the vast expanse of the sea, forging bonds of camaraderie with fellow pod members. With a spirit as boundless as the ocean itself, the dolphin embodies freedom and harmony.4. Noble Lion:The lion, crowned king of the savannah, exudes an aura of regal authority and power. Its mane, a fiery mane of gold, frames its majestic visage like a halo, symbolizing courage and strength. With a thunderous roar that reverberates across the plains, it asserts its dominance over the vast expanse of its domain. The lion's muscular physique and razor-sharp claws are formidable weapons against any challenger foolish enough to contest its rule. Yet, beneath its fearsome exterior lies a tender heart, fiercely loyal to its pride and offspring. In the circle of life, the lion reigns supreme, a symbol of resilience and majesty.5. Enigmatic Owl:The owl, a creature of the night, emerges from the shadows with an air of enigmatic mystique. Its plumage, a tapestry of earthy hues and mottled patterns, blends seamlessly with the nocturnal landscape. With eyes that gleam like orbs of luminous amber, it pierces through the darkness with uncanny precision. The owl's silent flight and acute hearing make it a stealthy hunter, gliding through the silent canopy in pursuit of its prey. Yet, behind its inscrutable gaze lies a wisdom as ancient as time itself, a keeper of secrets and mysteries hiddenwithin the depths of the night.In the intricate mosaic of nature, each animal occupies a unique niche, contributing to the rich tapestry of life on Earth. From the majestic elephant to the cunning fox, from the graceful dolphin to the noble lion, and from the enigmatic owl to countless others, the animal kingdom never fails to inspire wonder and awe. Through their myriad forms and behaviors, these creatures teach us valuable lessons about resilience, adaptability, and the delicate balance of life itself. Truly, in the company of animals, we find areflection of ourselves and a deeper connection to the natural world that sustains us all.。





雅思口语Part2范文:最喜欢的动物My favourite animal is cow and it is much more beneficial than other animals. It gives us milk which is a nutritious protein supply for us. It provides us meat and the leather equipments are made from its skin. In some countries, the cow is used for plowing the land and for faming purposes. The teeth and bones of this animal are sometimes used to make comb, buttons and other useful things. In some areas, the dung is used as fertilizer and to burn fires.The cow is a four footed animal and its skin is thick. Grass is its main food and they are mostly domestic animals. I like this animal mostly because of its closeness to human and its usefulness for us. In my childhood we had 5-6 cows at our home and they were very friendly. They had been very helpful for us. I like it as it is very gentle and sober animal. I also enjoy when I see a cow is ruminating and giving milk to her calf.Tips for Answering this Cue Card:Talk about any animal that you feel you would be able to give some information about. Mention some benefits this animal offers to answer the question why this is your favourite animal. You can talk about a domestic animal like cow, goat, camel, sheep, cat, dog etc and as you already know about the characteristics and their benefits, you should be able to answer the questions asked for this cue card. You can also talk about any wild animalthat you know about as an answer of this cue card. For instance, if you know some details about the tiger, lion, elephant, hawk, kangaroo etc. as well.Mention the following points as part of this cue card topic: Name: Give the name of the animal and if there is any different name other than the dictionary name of this animal mention that as well. You are free to talk about any bird as well as birds are also animal. Mention which species and genre it falls it falls under.Characteristics of this animal: Mention if it is a domestic/ wild/ bird / highland animal or if it lives in water or flies in the sky. Give some details about what this animal eats, how they live, what are their outlooks and characteristics.Why you like it: There could be 3-4 reasons you like an animal including the look, their benefits, their characteristics and their closeness to human. Apart from that mention that this is an animal that helps people on some tasks and mention how we are benefitted from this animal.If you can answer this cue card topic you should also be able to answer the following cue card topics as well:1. Describe a domestic animal you know about.2. Describe a bird that you like.3. Describe a useful animal.4. Talk about your favourite bird.5. Talk about a wild animal you have seen.6. Describe an animal which is common in your country.7. Describe an animal that you like to have in the future.雅思口语范文:你最喜欢的动物Talk about your favourite animalOk, thanks, well, I used to be quite active in school artprojects, and I was quite interested in calligraphy, which is a form of Chinese painting for certain characters. In middle school we were encouraged to do as much artwork as we could, mainly because our school needed the decorations to beautify our school. You see, my school wanted to make a name for itself as the best school in the city for arts. So our headmaster really pushed our art teacher to make sure we produced big quantities of high quality artwork. In a funny way, the students who were most highly favoured were those who were most artistic. So, you see, producing art wasn't just for fun, it was fairly serious business; and I, like every other student, took it quite seriously, too. Anyways, we were given a lot of competition-type projects, and I decided to sketch a landscape of the scenery at Shidu, a beautiful area just outside of Beijing that slightly resembles Guilin. My uncle and aunt lived out there--they were farmers--so it was easy for me to spend some time out there.Well, I did the actual sketch in three days. Many people don't realize that although the strokes in Chinese sketches seem simple, they have to be done with perfect rhythm and flow or otherwise you have to do it again. I did the strokes, and if I wasn't happy I'd simply do the whole sketch again. So, probably I did about nine different drafts, threw away about four of them and compared five of them and chose one.After I had completed it, I felt a bit on the edge. In my mind, I felt it was quite carefully done, but I had no way of knowing since I knew I was really just a beginner. So, when I submitted it I was full of fear and expectation. My art teacher looked at it quite favourably, but not with incredible excitement. It did not turn out to be the winner, nor was it chosen for the exhibits, but it received quite a good grade, and at least I knew that-although it wasn'tfantastic work--it was at least a good start.雅思口语part2范文:Describe an interesting animal.Topic:Describe an interesting animal.You should say:What animal it is, where it lives (or, you have seen it)What it looks like,And explain your feelings about this animal.思路解析:有趣的动物:藏羚羊。



雅思口语范文:有趣的动物为了帮助大家备考雅思,提高口语水平,本文整理了雅思口语范文:有趣的供大家参考使用,预祝各位考生在雅思口语考试中取得优异的成绩!雅思口语Part2范文:有趣的动物Describe an interesting animal.You should say:what animal it iswhere it lives (or, you have seen it)what it looks likeand explain your feelings about this animal.The Beauty ---- Mandarin ducksI happened to meet the Mandarin Ducks over the years in the wild area of Ampere Garden, in ponds along the big drainage. And, I'm 100% sure they were not normal Ducks. It was 'in the wild' and free to fly off whenever it wanted to!The male mandarin duck is way more colorful, his breast is purple with two vertical white bars and the flanks ruddy, with two orange "sails" at the back. The female is similar to female Wood Duck, all dark green brown. Male Mandarin ducks are considered by many to be the most beautifully colored of all waterfowl.In China, the mandarin duck is associated as a Chinese weddings symbol, because it symbolizes wedded bliss and fidelity. A Chinese proverb for loving couples uses the Mandarin Duck as a metaphor: "Two mandarin ducks playing in water". Mandarin ducks are always depicted in a pair – it is said that if the ducks were separated, they would pine for each other and die of loneliness. Dying of loneliness for love might only be a romantic myth and a cheerful reflection of people's attitude to reality.Anyway, I love these lovely creatures; I wish I could raise one.雅思口语话题part2参考范文:有趣的动物Describe a time when you saw an interesting animal.You should say:what animal it waswhere you saw itwhat happened when you saw itand explain why you thought it was interesting.1.适用考生:全适用2.主题:锦鲤3.线:关于有趣的动物,我想告诉你关于锦鲤在中国很受欢迎,日本和其他亚洲国家。

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Animal 类
Some people think animal experimentation should be stopped because it is cruel. Others think it is necessary for the development of science. Discuss both vieals anity at different times of the human history. In modern times, experiments upon animals have long been a breeding ground for spirited debate. Some animal right activists argue that al experiments altogether because putting animals through experimentation is unjustifiable on moral grounds. Yet some other people contend that the advancement of science necessitates animal testing. Personally, I believe both their vieerit and demerit.
Granted, empirical evidence suggests that many animal experiments are performed callously fort or pain that laboratory mammals endure. First and foremost, improper confinement of test animals such as locking them up in cramped cages is inhumane. It can gravely disrupt natural
biological functions of the test animal. Further, the effects of vaccination and vivisection conducted on live mammals can be chilling. They may, in some case, even constitute sheer torture of live animals.
Ho a more pragmatic perspective, evidence bounds that animal subjects are still an indispensable part at this point. In the first place, it is manifest that drug experimentation on live mammals is far more effective than experimentation on bacteria or on other loo sapiens must be tested by pharmaceutical companies on live mammals first to ascertain their toxicity. In the second place, in space research, live animals are still the only practical alternative to humans in testing living creature reaction to outer-space experience on a flight not considered to be sufficiently safe for human astronauts. Lastly, lab research about the behavioral tendencies of chimpanzees, gorillas and other members of the primate group is also necessary. It produces outcomes consistently advancing anthropological and genetic studies.
To conclude, I concede that experiments upon animals may
induce suffering to the test animals. Ho convinced that there are no feasible alternatives to this methodology at the current stage of scientific development. On balance, I think that als testing to be continued but at the same time inimize the pain of the test animal.
Animals 类词汇
动物权益保护主义者 animal rights activists
医学研究 medical research
残忍的cruel/ merciless/ inhuman/ callous/ brutal
活体解剖 vivisection
减轻动物的痛苦alleviate/ ease animals’ pain
宠物是主人的伙伴 pets are companions of their masters
给主人心理安慰afford their masters consolation and
偷猎 poach(vi,vt)/poaching(noun)
某一种事物是没有替代物的there are no replacement/substitutes/alternatives for something.
Animal 类模板
Animals have been friends or foes of humanity at different times of human history.

Animals are an integral part of the earth’s ecosystem; therefore, animal als 类名人名言
The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the als are treated.—Gandhi。
