







I am Cao Yan. I am 20. I am now a major in English at Yinxing Hospitality and Management College.

There are 3 people in my family, my father, mother and I. I also like making friends. I learn a lot from them.

In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things. Also, I like sports, movies and novels. I benefit a lot from those hobbies.

I think language is very interesting. I wish I can study and read more English literatures, esp. business English and enlarge my knowledge. After my graduation, I would like to have a job related to business English.


1、见面问候语:Good morning / afternoon, dear professors. I am XXX. (Nice to meet you。)。告别用语:Thanks for your time. / Thank you for giving such a chance.



1) 作自我介绍时,不要用…let me introduce myself briefly / please allow me to introduce myself to you等句子,重复、啰嗦。开头可以只用一句话引入:Dear professors, I feel so glad to meet all of you here.然后就可以进入主题,介绍姓名、年龄等等。

2) 自我介绍的主体内容:


②年龄。年龄可以跟在姓名后带过(I am XXX, 25 years old)。


④一些表示性格、能力的形容词有:active, aggressive, adaptable, amicable, analytical, cooperative, creative, disciplined, dutiful, energetic, faithful, gentle, independent, innovative, motivated, modest, objective, precise, punctual, precise, temperate等等。

在职考生或有过工作经验的考生还可以强调一下你的工作成绩,如:As the assistant to the General Manger of XXX Company, I have helped to negotiate a $200,000 deal for the corporation.

⑤爱好。All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. 除了强调你的学习的重视,同时也要避免给考官一种“书呆子”的感觉。一般可以从体育、音乐、电影等方面来说,同时要简单说明这些爱好对你的积极意义(build my body, relax myself, open my mind…);注意避免提到那些可能引起考官反感的爱好,如:playing computer games,watching TV等。

⑥结束时可以用说:That’s all about me. / Well, that’s who I am. Thanks for your attention.


1) 家庭。需要注意的是,考官并不是为了做人口调查而提出这个问题的,所以应该避免流水账似地介绍家庭成员;要尽量说明家人(尤其是父母)对你造成哪些方面(性格、职业规划、做事风格等)良好的影响。可以参考以下句式结构:Just like my father, I am especially interested in history. / Though my father is an

ordinary worker, his responsible attitude towards work has a great influence on me.

2) 家乡。正所谓“一方水土养育一方人”,考官实际上是想从你对家乡的介绍中找出有关你性格、志向的线索。可以从历史、历史人物、著名景点、独特风俗或特产等方面来简单介绍,注意要表达热爱家乡的情感。


5、意外情况——没听清,你应该怎样要求老师再说一遍(Pardon?/ Sorry, I can’t follow you. / Sorry, I lost you. Can you repeat that question again?);需要时间思考、整理思路的时候,不要出现沉默,可以用一些hmm, err, well等语气词;不会回答某些问题时,千万不要不懂装懂,可以明确地告诉老师你不知道(Sorry, but I have no idea about it。)。


一.商务用餐(P51 Useful Expressions)


1.How about going out for dinner this evening?

2.I am afraid I have got a lot of things to do. How about tomorrow night instead?

3.I’m having a surprise party tomorrow night. Why don’t you come?

4.That’s great! That’s very kind of you.

5.Would you like to join us for dinner on Friday?








1. Sure, that sounds great. What time?

2. I’m having a few friends to dinner tomorrow. Could you come too?

3. (I am afraid) I’m not feeling well.

4. I’d like to take you out to dinner tomorrow.

5. Great! I look forward to it.

二.点菜(P.133 Activity 2)


1. Would you care for some wine with your dinner?

2. Wait a minute and I will get you some.

3.What would you like to order?

4.Please recommend some dishes for us.

5. I’d like to suggest trying some seafood.


1. 今天有什么特别的没有?






1. What is special today?

2. Seafood is very fresh today.

3. What do you recommend?

4. May I see your menu, please?

5. Would you like to order now? /May I take your order now?三.请求提供帮助(Unit 12)


1. I am sorry.

2.Would you please tell Mr. John that I’m here?

3. Please bring me those magazines.

4. If you have time, will you call me tomorrow?

5. Do you mind if I ask you a favor?


1. 你介意把门关上吗?




5. 乐意为您效劳。


1. Would you mind closing the door?

2. Sure./Certainly./Of course.

3. Thank you for your help.

4. Will you do me a favor?

5. I'll be glad to. I'd be happy to. With pleasure.

四.主动提供帮助(帮助看医生)(Unit 13)


1.What's the matter with you?

2. I have a bad stomachache.

3. Is there anything I can do for you?

4. That's very nice of you.

5.That would be a big help.








1. Let me help you to see the doctor on campus.

2. Are you OK?

3. My arm hurts a lot.

4. Is your arm broken?

5. I'm wasting your time.

五.帮助处理紧急情况(Unit 8)


1.Are you OK?

2.Keep calm.

3.Don’t move.

4.Dial 120 quickly.

5. It’s an earthquake!








1. That building is on fire.

2. Thank you for your help!

3. Squat.

4. No elevator. Take the stairs.

5. It was a near miss.

六.问路(Unit 9)


1.Could you tell me where the men’s\women’s room is?

2.How can I get there? I am a stranger here.

3.Can you direct me to the post office?

4.Excuse me, is this the right way to the People’s Park?

5.Take the first turning to the left.








1. Could you please tell me the way to the nearest bank?

2. It’s just about 8 minutes’ walk from here.

3. Go straight two blocks. It’s on the corner of the street.

4. Go down Third Avenue to East Street and turn right.

5. Is there a good seafood restaurant close by?

七.打招呼(Unit 1)


1.Hello! My name is Jack.

2.Nice to see you again.

3.How is everything?

4.How are things with you?

5.How are you doing? I am doing fine.








1. Very well, thanks. And you?

2. Long time no see.

3. What's up? Not much!/Nothing special.

4. How are you today?

5.We have not seen each other for a long time./It has been long since we met last time. 八.初次见面(Unit 1)


1.This is Julia Brown, the personnel manager of ABC Company.

2.I have often heard about you.

3.Do you know Susan? She is the manager of the company.

4.Nice to meet you, too!

5.Where are you from?



2.我觉得我们没有见过面。我是朱莉亚 布朗。





1. Glad/Happy/Pleased to see/meet you.

2. I don’t think we’ve met before. I am Julia Brown.

3. Let me introduce Susan, the sales manager of the company.

4. It’s my honor to introduce Mr. Johnson, the new personnel manager from the headquarters.

5. May I introduce Mr. Johnson to you?

九.道别(Unit 14)


1.Have a nice trip and best wishes to your wife.

2.Goodbye. I hope you will have a pleasant trip.

3.If you are ever in Shanghai, look me up. I’d love to see you again.

4.Thanks. I hope we will meet again soon.

5.You bet. I will write you soon.


1. 感谢您所有的盛情款待。

2. 好吧,我必须得走了。

3. 谢谢你给我的所有帮助。

4. 旅途愉快。

5. 请代我向你母亲问好。


1.Thanks for all your kind hospitality.

2.Well, I really must be going now.

3.Thank you for all the help you gave me.

4.Have a good trip.

5.Remember me to your mother.

十.表达道贺(Unit 6)


1.Congratulations on your new job!

2.May your dream come true soon.

3.I will keep my fingers crossed for you.

4.I wish you would share our success and happiness.

5.Let me congratulate you.






5. 祝贺你取得成功。


1. Good luck to you!

2. I want to congratulate you with all my heart.

3. No one deserves it as you do.

4. Congratulations to you!

5. I congratulate you on your success.

十一.表达歉意(Unit 10)


1.I’m sorry if I’ve caused any problem.

2.I’m terribly sorry, sir. Are you all right?

3.Forgive me for interrupting you.

4.Don’t worry about it. It’s no big deal.

5.No, no problem at all.


1. 没什么。下一次尽量做的更好。

2. 我为我刚才说的话道歉。

3. 把你吓到了,我说不出有多么抱歉。

4. 让我们忘掉它。

5. 我不会去参加你的生日派对,所以请接受我的道歉。汉译英参考答案:

1.No harm. Next time try to do it better.

2.I apologize for what I said just now.

3.I cannot tell how sorry I am for giving you such a fright.

4.Let’s forget it.

5.Please accept my apologies for not going to your birthday party. 十二.表达谢意(Unit 11)


1.It’s my pleasure.

2.I am happy to have done it.

3.I don’t know how to than k you enough.

4.Glad to have been of some help to you.

5.Don’t mention it.








1. I cannot thank you enough.

2. You are welcome.

3. Thanks a million.

4. Please think nothing of it.

5. I am very much obliged/indebted to you.

十三.表达观点(Unit 7)


1.What do you think of today’s TV programs?

2.How do you feel about them?

3.What a good idea!

4.Can you see what I mean? I am afraid not.

5.What is the matter?


1.Do you mind my smoking?

2.What is your view on it?

3.Why not put it off?

4.How do you like living here?

5.What is your opinion?


1. 你介意我抽烟吗?

2. 你有什么看法呢?

3. 为什么不推迟一下?

4. 你对住在这里怎么看?

5. 你对此有何看法?



情景示例: Cooper and Jeffery are close friends. They are living in New York. Jeffery is moving to San Francisco next month. So Cooper wants to invite him to

dinner on Friday evening before the moving. Since Jeffery is not free then,

the dinner is finally scheduled on Monday evening. (教材P. 47 Section A) Hint for making the dialogue:

–reasons for a dinner out

–expressing thanks

–explaining the reasons for not being free

–rescheduling the time

–looking forward to the coming dinner

对话样本:(C-Cooper, J-Jeffery)

C: Hey, Jeffery, I've heard that you're moving to San Francisco next month. Can I take you out Friday evening to dinner?

J: Oh, that's very kind of you, Cooper, but I'm afraid I won't be free Friday evening.

I'll fly to Boston for a family business tomorrow.

C: When will you be back?

J: I think Monday evening I shall be back in New York. Why don't you come over and have dinner with us this evening?

C:Oh, no, thank you. I've visited you 100 times and your wife's cooking skill is simply great. You know I' m not much of a cook myself so it would be a pleasure if I could take you out to eat.

J: I really appreciate your kindness. Maybe we could have dinner together on Monday evening.

C:That would be great! What kind of food you'd like to have? Italian, French, Chinese, Japanese, or even Vietnamese? Whatever.

J: Say Chinese restaurant? I love Chinese food.

C: Good. What time is convenient for you?

J: How about 6:00 p. m.?

C: OK. It's a deal.


1:Frank is planning a birthday party. He is inviting his friends Wang Lin and Li Qin to the party. (教材P. 52 Activity 2商务用餐)

Hint for making the dialogue:

–inviting friends to the party

–asking whether they are free

–sincere accepting the invitation and putting off other things

–looking forward to the party

2:Peter is having dinner with his sister in a restaurant. However, he doesn't know what to order, so he asks the waiter to recommend some dishes.

(Key words and expressions: order点菜,menu菜单,special特

色菜,black pepper steak黑椒牛排,sweet and sour fish糖醋鱼)

(P.133 Activity 2点菜)

Hint for the dialogue:

–getting familiar with some dishes

–asking the waiter to recommend some

–asking the guests’ likes and dislikes

–recommending some dishes

3:Mr. Robinson wants to send some money to a company in New York. He does not know which way to choose to send the money. He asks the bank

clerk for the fastest way. The clerk says telegraphic transfer is the

fastest and asks him to fill in the form correctly. (Unit 12请求


Hint for the dialogue:

–getting familiar with the words about bank transfer

–asking the bank clerk for the fastest way to transfer

–answering Mr. Robinson’s questions

–asking Mr. Robinson to fill in the form

4: Shi Xiang is going to borrow books from the library, but he doesn't know what kind of books is suitable for him. So he asks the librarian to

recommend some books. (P133 Activity 1请求提供帮助)

Hint for the dialogue:


–the librarian asks Shi to write down the name

–Shi has something unclear and asks the librarian

–the librarian answers the question

5:Li Qin, suddenly had a bad stomachache when doing reading with Wang Lin in the classroom. Wang Lin offered to take her to see a d o c t o r o n

campus. (P 145 Activity 1主动提供帮助(帮助看医生))

Hint for the dialogue:

–One having a headache

–the other asking what is wrong

–the other offering some help

–expressing gratitude

6: Chen Wen fell down and broke her arm. Li Qin helps her get up while Wang Lin, another roommate of hers is trying to dial the taxi

company to take her to the hospital.(Page 145 Activity 2主动提供


Hint for the dialogue:

–Chen breaking her arm

–Li and Wang asking what happens

–asking Chen to forget exams

–dialing the taxi company

7:Tony and Amy are talking in the office when an earthquake occurs. Tony asks Amy to keep calm and squat under the desk. Seconds later, the quake is

gone. (P93 Activity 3帮助处理紧急情况)

Hint for the dialogue:

–talking in the office

–the quake occurring and Amy getting scared

–Tony asking her to keep calm

–quake going away

8:A visitor wants to go the nearest bank and he asks a helper where it is. The helper answers patiently and even draws a sketch of the area. The stranger thanks the helper. (P99 Exercise 2问路)

Hint for the dialogue:

–getting familiar with some expressions about explaining the way to a place

–the visitor asking the helper for the way

–the helper explaining the way

–expressing the gratitude

9:Mr. Glass has an appointment with Mr. Fraser. Mr. Glass is from an advertisement company. The receptionist telephoned Mr. Fraser in the same

building and tells Mr. Glass how he can get there. (P101 Section


Hint for the dialogue:


–the receptionist telephones Mr. Fraser to affirm that he is in

–the receptionist explains the way

–expressing the gratitude

10:John meets Mary and Jane. They ask each other what they do lately. Both John and Mary are preparing for the exam. Jane wishes they can have good

luck. (课外:打招呼)

Hint for the dialogue:


–asking each other what they do lately


–expressing good luck in the exam

11:John meets Henry in the street. They ask each other what they do lately and what they are doing now. Henry is going to the bookshop. John would

like to go with him. (课外:打招呼)

Hint for the dialogue:


–asking what they do lately

–asking what they are doing now

–going to the bookshop together

12:Betty and Dolly meets each other for the first time. They introduce themselves to each other about their personal information. (Passage 4 Section A初次见面)

Hint for the dialogue:


–introducing each other

–asking for the information of the other side


13:Mr. Wang Weiguo, the marketing director,and his secretary,Miss Lin

Hong, are now at the airport to meet John Smith,the sales

representative from a computer software company in America.

Miss Lin Hong is holding a board with the name "John Smith"

on it.) (P6 Section A初次见面)

Hint for the dialogue:


–introducing each other

–asking about his Smith’s trip

–suggesting taking a taxi

–expressing gratitude

14:Mr. Long is saying good-bye to Miss Yin at the airport. He is leaving for New York. They express thanks to each other and expect their future

meeting. (P155 Section A道别)

Hint for the dialogue:

–Mr. Long is leaving

–expressing reluctance to go

–expressing gratitude to each other

–looking forward to future meeting


15:Mr. Li's colleague Mr. Dark has worked in his college for 3 years and he is going back to the UK tomorrow. He comes to say goodbye to Mr. Li.

(Unit 14道别)

Hint for the dialogue:

–Mr. Dark is leaving

–expressing reluctance to leave

–looking forward to future meeting


16:David and Ken have not seen each other for a long time. In the conversation, they tell each other their lately news. One gets a promotion and the

other is getting married. They congratulate each other. (P58

Exercise 2表达道贺)

Hint for the dialogue:


–tell the other side good news

–expressing congratulations to each other

–expressing gratitude

17:David and Ro bert work in the same company. David is named the year’s Outstanding Manager. He tells the news to Robert. Robert thinks

he deserves it and congratulates him. (P60 Section A表达道贺) Hint for the dialogue:

–tell the good news to the other

–expressing congratulations

–explaining why David deserves it

–expressing gratitude to Robert’s support

18:Chen Wen visits the Jones for the first time. The Jones includes Henry Jones and Betty Jones. She accidentally spills her juice on the carpet and

makes an apology. (P 114 Activity 1表达歉意)

Hint for the dialogue:

–asking what is wrong

–expressing the reason and making an apology

–consoling Chen Wen

–thanks for generosity

19: In the office,the secretary is showing the boss a letter of complaint from a customer. The boss suggests that a letter of apology be

written immediately.) (P114 Activity 2表达歉意)

Hint for the dialogue:

–showing the boss the letter of complaint

–telling the sales manager later

–asking the secretary to write a letter of apology

–some points in writing the letter

20:Tom is going to resign from his present position to another company. He wants to express his appreciation to his boss and colleagues. He is

asking Jenny to help him with the email. (P 123 Activity 1表达


Hint for the dialogue:

–asking Jenny to help about the writing of the mail

–Jenny suggesting writing two mails

–notes in writing

–expressing thanks

21: This is a conversation over the phone. Helen Adams is calling Mr. Henderson to thank him for offering her a position in his company. Mr.

Henderson tells her something to keep in mind about the reporting.

(P121 Section A表达谢意)

Hint for the dialogue:

–greeting over the phone

–thanking Mr. Henderson for the position offered

–telling her sth. about the reporting

–looking forward to the meeting

22: The anchor asks three people’s opinions about television. They are Cathy, Mike and Barbara. They express their views on it respectively. (P69


英语面试自我介绍 A类: B: May I come in我可以进来吗 A: Yes, please.请进。 B: How are you doing, Sir My name is xxxx. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.你好,先生。我叫xxx,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。 A: Fine, thank you for coming. Please take a seat. I am xxxx, the assistant manager.好的,谢谢你过来。请坐,我叫xxxx,是经理助理。 B: Nice to see you, .非常高兴见到你,吴先生。 A: Nice to meet you, too. Tell me about yourself and your past experience. 我也很高兴见到你。说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。 B: I have worked as a secretary for six years. I get along well with peers, clients, administrators and bosses. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments. 我已经做执行秘书6年了。开始是为一家贸易公司工作.现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。 A: So why did you choose our company B:As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO. I think working here would give me the best chance to use what I’ve learned. A: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that 有时候我们工作很忙。需要加班。你觉得如何 B: That's all right. But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime 没关系。你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗 A: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It's not unusual. 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团。你必须留在我们身边。这种情况很正常。 A: What are your salary expectations 你期望多少薪水 B: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position.


BEC商务英语初级口语考试短语 为了让大家更好的准备商务英语BEC考试,给大家BEC商务英语初级口语考试短语,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 1. We’d like to express out desire to establish business relations with you on the basis of equally, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods. 我方希望能在平等、互利、互通有无的基础上与贵司建立业务关系。 2. In order to extend our export business to your country, we wish to enter into direct business relations with you. 为了能在贵国拓宽我方的出口业务,我们希望能与你们直接建立业务关系。 3. Our hope is to establish mutually beneficial trading relations between us. 我们希望双方能建立互惠的贸易关系。

4. We look forward to a further extension of pleasant business relations. 希望我们之间友好的业务关系得到进一步的发展。 5. It’s our hope to continue with considerable business dealing with you. 我方希望能够继续同贵方保持大量的业务往来。 6. We look forward to receiving your quotation very soon. 我方期待着尽快收到贵方的报价。 7. I hope you’ll see from the reduction that we are really doing our utmost. 希望贵方能从这一降价中看出我方真的在尽最大的努力。 8. We hope to discuss business with you at your earliest convenience.


订机票英语口语情景对话(1) A:Good morning .what can I do for you. 早上好.我能为您做些什嘛? B:Yes, I'd like to make a reservation to Boston next week. 是的,我想订一张下周飞往波斯顿的机票. A:When do you want to fly? 您想何时去? B:Monday ,september 12. 周一九月12 日. A:We have Fliight 802 on monday .just a moment please.Let me check whether there're seats available.I'm sorry we are all booked up for Flight 802 on that day. 我们有周一802 次航班.请稍等.让我查一下那天是否有座.非常抱歉802 次航班 机票已订完. B:Then ,any alternatives? 那还有别的吗? A:The next available flight leaves at 9:30 Tuesday morning september 13.shall I book you a seat? 有一次航班在九月13 日周二上午9:30 起飞.我能为您订个座位吗? B:er... it is a direct flight, isn't it? 哦... 是直航对吗? A:Yes it is . You want to go first class or coach? 是的.您愿意订头等舱还是经济舱的机票? B:I prefer first class, what the fare? 我想订头等舱的机票.多少钱? A:One way is $176. 单程是176 美元. B:Ok i will take the 9:30 flight on Tuesday. 好的我将订周二9:30 的机票. A:A seat on Flight 807 to Boston 9:30 Tuesday morning. is it all right.sir? 一张807 次航班周二早晨9:30 飞往波斯顿的机票.对吗先生? B:Right .can you also put me on the waiting list for the 12th? 对.你能把我放到12 号等候名单中吗? A:Certainly.may I have your name & telephone number? 当然可以. 请您告诉您的名字和联系方式? B:My name is Lorus Anderson.you can reach me at 52378651. 我叫Lorus Anderson.52378651您能和我联系. A:I will notify you if there is cancellation. 若取消我将通知您. B: Thank you very much. 非常感谢. A:My pleasure. 不客气. What can I do for you? M: I need to book a plane ticket to London.


商务英语口语测试考试指南 一、考试指定教材: 《世纪商务英语听说教程1》(第四版)姜荷梅总主编,大连理工大学出版社。 二、基本内容: 项目1:考生进行自我介绍,介绍的要素如下: 自我介绍样本: I am Cao Yan. I am 20. I am now a major in English at Yinxing Hospitality and Management College. There are 3 people in my family, my father, mother and I. I also like making friends. I learn a lot from them. In my spare time, I like to do anything relating to English such as listening to English songs, watching English movies or TV programs, or even attending the activities held by some English clubs or institutes. I used to go abroad for a short- term English study. During that time, I learned a lot of daily life English and saw a lot of different things. Also, I like sports, movies and novels. I benefit a lot from those hobbies. I think language is very interesting. I wish I can study and read more English literatures, esp. business English and enlarge my knowledge. After my graduation, I would like to have a job related to business English. Notes 1、见面问候语:Good morning / afternoon, dear professors. I am XXX. (Nice to meet you。)。告别用语:Thanks for your time. / Thank you for giving such a chance. 2、自我介绍篇(重点)。自我介绍时间以2-3分钟为宜。思路要清楚,要突出重点,


商务英语口语情景对话 大全 集团标准化办公室:[VV986T-J682P28-JP266L8-68PNN]

英语面试自我介绍 A类: B: May I come in我可以进来吗 A: Yes, please.请进。 B: How are you doing, Sir My name is xxxx. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.你好,先生。我叫xxx,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。 A: Fine, thank you for coming. Please take a seat. I am xxxx, the assistant manager.好的,谢谢你过来。请坐,我叫xxxx,是经理助理。 B: Nice to see you, .非常高兴见到你,吴先生。 A: Nice to meet you, too. Tell me about yourself and your past experience.我也很高兴见到你。说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。 B: I have worked as a secretary for six years. I get along well with peers, clients, administrators and bosses. I thrive on challengeand work well in high-stress environments. 我已经做执行秘书6年了。开始是为一家贸易公司工作.现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。 A: So why did you choose our company B: As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO. I think working here would give me the best chance to use what I’ve learned. A: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that 有时候我们工作很忙。需要加班。你觉得如何 B: That's all right. But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime 没关系。你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗 A: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It's not unusual. 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团。你必须留在我们身边。这种情况很正常。 A: What are your salary expectations 你期望多少薪水 B: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position. 在讨论薪水前.我需要更多了解这份工作.或者你可以告诉我这个职位的预算报酬是多少. A: 3000, with raises after the half yearing to your competence. 起薪是每月3000元。半年后会根据你的表现增加薪水。 B: Well, I think it's acceptable and I really like the job. 我觉得可以接受。我真的喜欢这份工作。我什么时候能得知结果呢 A: Do you have any other questions 我们会在7月初通知你我们的最终决定。你还有别的问题吗


《商务英语口语》练习题及评分标准 Mini-Presentation Topic 1: Self introduction for job interview Attention: You must find a job position which you are interested and applying for, then give your self introduction accordingly. Prompts(for your reference): 1.Express your job objective show your interest in the job position. e.g. I’m interested in the position of a salesman. I would like to apply for the position of (like) a salesman. 2.Your self introduction according to the job responsibilities and requirements ( I think/ I’m confident that my educational background and experience qualified for the job) 1) Your present situation (who are you) My name is, and age I will graduate from Neusoft Institute of Information with a bachelor degree. 2) Your past experience (what did you do) A. educational background I was studying in department of the Information Technology and Business Management. My major is E-Commerce. (say some main courses you have learnt)and my minor is Computer Science.), B. honors and rewards you have got C. working experience and internship D. social activities, like love campaign , volunteer campaign and commonweal, etc. 3)Your future expectation (what do you want to ) eg.: To get some experience in business. To learn more about business related knowledge. and skills To realize you own personal value 4)your competitive advantages for the job position (what can you do for the company) A.your understanding about the position you are applying for B.your skills (such as English speaking / Computer) C.Your ability (such as ability of organization, team working, etc.) D. Your characters ( warm-hearted, outgoing, diligence, adaptable, hard-working, etc.) E. your professional certificates: like E-business specialist ,etc. Closing sentence like: I would appreciate your consideration about me. I would looking forward to your good news.


We enclose a copy of product catalogue with detailed specification. 随函寄上带有详细规格的产品目录一份。 Thanks. 谢谢。 Here's our brochure with full details on prices and discounts. 这是我们的产品目录,上面有价格和优惠的详细信息。 Here is our catalogue and price-list. 这是我们的产品目录和报价单 This is our sample and product catalogue. 这是我们的样品和产品目录单。 Please tell me how to contact it. 请告诉我联系方式 Is there any agent of your company in China? If there is one, please tell me how to contact it. 请问贵公司的产品在中国有没有代理商,如果有请告诉我联系方式。 I'll send it to your email. 我会把地址发到你的邮箱里。 Please have it printed under its official letterhead with contact information. 请以带有责公司联系方式抬头的信纸打印。 Please bear in mind, that at least one person must be identified as your organization's official contact point. 请牢记,贵公司的联系方式中至少要提供一个固定联系人的联系方式。 For more information please visit our website. 更多信息敬请查询浏览本公司网站。Please offer me your website. 请给我細网址。 More information can be obtained from the company's website. 更多资讯可浏览本公司网站。 You can find more information on our website. 更多信息请浏览公司网站。 For details, please visit the company's Website. 详情请浏览公司网站。 Please provide a detailed address. 请提供详细地址! I will send it to you via email. 我会发到你的邮箱麵。


新产品推荐 林先生:These are our new models. 这些是我们的新产品. 李小姐: What are their strong points? 有什么优点? 林先生: There's a lot to be said for them. In the first place.they are more durable than any similar ones on the market. 优点很多.首先.它们比市场上任何类似产品更耐用. 李小姐: Why does it take longer to wear out than the others? 为什么它比其他产品耐用呢? 林先生: The yarn is carefully selected for quality and woven very tightly in this fabric. 这纱的质量是经过精心挑选的.而且质地织得很紧密. 李小姐: Can you leave these samples with us? 可以把样品留下来吗? 林先生: How long do you want to keep them? 你要留多久? 李小姐: About three days. 大约三天. 林先生:

That's all right 好吧 In the telephone Daisy: Is Tom there? Tom 在吗? Gates: He’s not here right now. 他现在不在这里 Daisy: Do you know when he will be back? 你知道他什么时候会回来吗? Gates: He should be back in 20 minutes. 他应该二十分钟内会回来。 Daisy: Can I leave a message? 我可以留个话? Gates: Yes. Go ahead, please. 可以, 请继续。 Daisy: When he comes back, can you have him call me at (206) 5551212? 他回来后, 能不能让他打 (206) 5551212 这个号码给我?


商务英语(BEC)口语考试测试内容及评分标准 一、口试形式与内容 BEC口试主要考查考生商务交往过程中运用英文的能力。 商务交往主要指: 1.建立和保持商务联络; 2.谈论工作; 3.制定计划与安排工作 二、测试内容 1.建立和保持商务联络 1) 向人表示问候和对问候的回答 2) 自我介绍 3) 询问对方或介绍自己的身份特征 4) 表达自己喜欢什么、不喜欢什么 5) 发出邀请、接受和拒绝邀请 6) 表示感谢和欣赏 7) 给别人提供方便,接受和拒绝帮助 2.谈论工作 1) 询问和描述工作任务 2) 询问和介绍公司情况 3) 询问和简要介绍产品 4) 比较不同产品及价格 5) 询问和提出自己的观点 6) 表示同意或反对 7) 提出、接受和拒绝建议 8) 表达需要和要求 3.制定计划和安排工作 1)商务会议安排会议日程安排会议议程 2)商务旅行预定饭店房间到饭店住宿和结账点菜进行了旅行咨询预定机票 乘火车旅行根据指南行路 BEC口试形式及评分标准

测试分两个阶段 第一阶段:采取考官与考生交流的方式,时间约为4-5分钟。 考生应对考官的问题做出回答或对考官提出的要求做出反应。考官所题问题 主要针对商务交往的具体内容。 第二阶段:采取考生与考生交流的方式,时间约为3-4分钟。 每组考生抽去两组卡片,每组卡片为两张,一张卡片上描述具体内容,另一张卡片是针对其内容的问题。考生可得到一张卡片上描述具体内容和另一考生卡片相关问题卡片,有足够时间阅读卡片,交流的内容局限于这两组卡片。 评分标准:测试依据发音、准确性、流利程度以及交流能力四个部分判定3个等级。分数分别为3分、2分、1分。 具体标准如下: 1.发音(包括声音大小、重音、语调、语气) 3分:尽管有些读音错误,并且有受母语影响的迹象,但比较容易听懂且抑 扬顿挫较流畅。 2分:由于发音受母语影响,使某些词不易听懂,有一些读音错误,受母语 影响严重。 1分:考生的发音很难听懂。经常出现读音错误,受母语影响明显,语调不 对且断断续续,给听者造成麻烦。 2.准确性(包括语法、用词及说话方式) 3分:有错误,但基本上能把意思表达清楚。所采用的句子结构规范,但处理复杂句子结果比较困难。对所熟悉的话题词汇较充分,但表达有欠缺。 2分:有的意思表达不清。所采用的句子结构多为基本句式,且有语法及用词错误,对所熟悉的话题有一定词汇描述能力。 1分:表达令人费解,基本句子结构出现错误,缺乏用于交流的词汇。 3.流利程度(包括语速、长短句搭配) 3分:听者感觉不错,尽管有停顿,但较流利,能组织语言,用较长的句子 表达,但有些句子不够完整。 2分:听者需要耐心,尽管有停顿但基本流利,句子比较短。 1分:听者需要非常耐心。经常中断且间隔较长。 4.交流能力(包括独立性、灵活性以及对谈话方式的把握) 3分:基本具有独立性。只是有时需要在其它考生的帮助或提示下表达。在与其它考生的交流中占主导地位,回答其它考生所提问题较迅速。


商务英语听力 篇一:商务英语口语学习商务英语口语学习球经济一体化步伐加快,越来越多的外企进入中国,中国与其他国家的贸易往来也日益频繁,无论是本国企业还是涌入中国的跨国公司都急需一大批既懂商务知识又会英语技能的商务英语专业人才。可是能真正成为这样的人才却不是一件容易的事情。一、巩固商务英语口语基础并提高学好音标,注意非音段层面的发音技巧的练习。模仿标准的语音语调,注意连读、弱读、失去爆破、音的同化等语言现象,解决普遍的发音问题,克服错误的发音习惯。可选择磁带、广播,电影中自己喜欢的声音模仿,而且材料要实用,要符合自己的兴趣和学习需求。同时,练习时要大声,要遵守先慢后快原则,口齿清楚,使口腔肌肉得到最充分的锻炼,以养成正确的发音习惯。ABC360有真人外教进行一对一的在线教学,可以帮助学生更好的发音。二、增加自信,突破心理障碍提高语言基本功的同时,需要逐渐树立起自信心。由于传统英语教育过于强调准确性,再加上传统文化中害怕出错丢面子等种种不利于英语口语学习的障碍心理,阻碍了口语流利性的提高。一些学生性格内向,缺乏自信,没有勇气,不善沟通与交流。而经过在ABC360和外教长期的全程英语课程与对话,可以使学生说英语越来越自然,不会觉得不好意思。三、有意识的培养商务文化知识导入商务文化意识,在情境中练习。第一,补充商务知识。一方面注意商务词汇的扩展。另一方面注意学习专业知识,了解、熟悉异国的政治制度、经济环境、法律体系、经营习惯以及商业价值观,培养过硬的外语运用能力。第二,提高商务情景中的表达和沟通能力。ABC360的外教除了是经验丰富的专业老师之外,也多许多本身有商务方面的教育背景,对学生商务方面知识的拓展有很大帮助。四、利用丰富的网络资源提高商务英语听力水平听是输入,说是输出,沟通要顺利进行缺一不可。因此,听力理解水平的高低直接影响口语交际的质量,因此,利用网络丰富的资源,搜索相关的听力和视频材料,以及口碑较好的系列商务英语口语素材。不过想要在工作的时候流利的说出一口英语需要一个漫长的过程,如果真的想学就一定能学好。篇二:商务英语听力与会话课程标准《商务英语听力与会话》课程标准课程代码:2212014 适用专业:商务英语专业一、课程性质 1、课程性质商务英语专业的培养目标是:培养德、智、体、美等方面全面发展,具有扎实的英语语言基础与专业技能和比较熟练的


旅游口语情景对话1 登机行托运英文表达: 办理登机手续:check in 柜台:counter 手提行:hand-baggage(较小)/hand-carried luggage(较大) 行过磅/行称重:to weigh the luggage 登机牌:boarding pass/boarding card 行标签:luggage label / 行牌luggage tag 1 这次班机是在这个柜台办理登机手续吗Is this the right counter to check in for this flight? 11 把您的行放在柜台上好吗?Will you put your luggage on the counter? 19 我想托运这三件行。I want to check these three pieces. 41 把您的机票给我好吗?Will you give me your ticket? 42 请把您的机票和护照给我好吗?May I have your tickets and passports, please? 43 这是我的护照,我准备坐中国民航班机去纽约。 Here's my passport, I'm going on the CAAC Flight to New York. 46 这是您的机票及登机牌。Here are your tickets and your boarding pass. 47 可以走了夫人。这是您的登机牌。Here you go, madam. This is your boarding card. 旅游英语入门辅导美国海关的情景会话 海关: Good afternoon. Welcome to America.下午好!欢迎您来美国. 弗兰克: Thanks.。 海关: May I see your passport and customs declaration form?请出示您的护照和海关申报表好吗? 弗兰克: Yes, here they are.好的,在这儿。 海关: Thank you. What's your occupation?。您的职业是什么? 弗兰克: I`m a driver.我是一名司机。 海关: Are you here for tour?您是来旅游的吗? 弗兰克: You are right.你说对了。 海关: How long are you going to stay here?您打算在这里呆多久啊? 弗兰克: About three weeks.大约三周。 海关: Your forms are all right. I will return your customs declaration to you. Please keep them with you and take them here when you leave the States.您的申报表符合要求,我们将把海关申报表还给您,请保管好并在离开美国时把它们交回。 弗兰克: Ok, thanks.好的,。


商务英语口语情景对话 大全 -CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1

英语面试自我介绍 A类: B: May I come in我可以进来吗 A: Yes, please.请进。 B: How are you doing, Sir My name is xxxx. I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.你好,先生。我叫xxx,我是应邀来贵公司面试的。 A: Fine, thank you for coming. Please take a seat. I am xxxx, the assistant manager.好的,谢谢你过来。请坐,我叫xxxx,是经理助理。 B: Nice to see you, Mr.Wu.非常高兴见到你,吴先生。 A: Nice to meet you, too. Tell me about yourself and your past experience.我也很高兴见到你。说说你自己和你过去的经历吧。 B: I have worked as a secretary for six years. I get along well with peers, clients, administrators and bosses. I thrive on challenge and work well in high-stress environments. 我已经做执行秘书6年了。开始是为一家贸易公司工作.现在是一家信托公司。我和同事、客户、行政管理员以及老板相处得非常好。我能应付挑战,而且在高压力环境中也能工作很出色。 A: So why did you choose our company? B:As far as I know, your company is one of several leading international consultant corporations which came to China after China entered WTO. I think working here would give me the best chance to use what I’ve learned. A: Sometimes we are very busy and need to work overtime. How do you feel about that? 有时候我们工作很忙。需要加班。你觉得如何? B: That's all right. But could you tell me how often and how many hours I should work overtime? 没关系。你能告诉我加班的频率和时间长度吗? A: It just depends. If we have important visiting delegations, you have to stay with us. It's not unusual. 这得看情况。如果我们有重要的访问代表团。你必须留在我们身边。这种情况很正常。 A: What are your salary expectations? 你期望多少薪水? B: I really need more information about the job before we start to discuss salary. Maybe you could tell me what is budgeted for the position. 在讨论薪水前.我需要更多了解这份工作.或者你可以告诉我这个职位的预算报酬是多少. A: 3000, with raises after the half year according to your competence. 起薪是每月3000元。半年后会根据你的表现增加薪水。 B: Well, I think it's acceptable and I really like the job. 我觉得可以接受。我真的喜欢这份工作。我什么时候能得知结果呢? A: Do you have any other questions? 我们会在7月初通知你我们的最终决定。你还有别的问题吗?


实用商务英语口语:接待来访者 KATE MCKENNA: You know Mr. Sakai is coming at ten o' clock, don' t you, Jenny? 凯特.麦凯纳:詹妮,酒井先生10点钟要来,你知道吗? JENNY ROSS: Yes, I do. It' s an important meeting, isn' t it? 詹妮.罗斯:是的,我知道。这次会议很重要,是吗? KATE MCKENNA: And the slides are ready, aren' t they? .[slaid] [slad] vt. & vi. 滑动; 滑行 She slid along the ice. 她沿着冰面滑行。 幻灯片 凯特.麦凯纳:幻灯片已经准备好了,对吗? JENNY ROSS: Yes, they are. 詹妮.罗斯:是的,准备好了。 KATE MCKENNA: And you have checked the monitor, haven' t you? ['mnit] 监视器, 监听器; 检测器 凯特.麦凯纳:你也检查过显示器,对吧? JENNY ROSS: Yes, Kate, I have.

詹妮.罗斯:是的,凯特,我已经检查过了。 KATE MCKENNA: Sorry, Jenny, it really is very important. 凯特.麦凯纳:詹妮,不好意思,不过这次会议真是太重要了。 DON BRADLEY: Good morning! 堂.布拉德利:早上好! JENNY ROSS: Hello, Don. 詹妮.罗斯:你好,堂。 DON BRADLEY: Is everything ready for the big day? 堂.布拉德利:这不过个大日子,都准备好了吗? JENNY ROSS: I think so. 詹妮.罗斯:我想是的。 KATE MCKENNA: Don, I' m worried about the last part of the presentation. Can we talk? 凯特.麦凯纳:堂,我对演示的最后一部分有点担心。我们能谈谈吗? **** MR. SAKAI: Thank you very much for collecting me. 酒井先生:非常感谢你来接我。 CLIVE HARRIS: It' s a pleasure. Don' t mention it. .[,prezn'tein]n表演 克莱夫.哈里斯:乐意效劳。没什么的。 CLIVE HARRIS: Is your hotel okay?


商务英语300句(情 景对话)

商务英语300句: Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations (2) Unit 2 Inquiry 询盘 (7) Unit 3 Telephone Calls 打电话 (14) Unit 4 Visiting A Factory 参观工厂 (21) Unit 5 About Products 产品问题 (28) Unit 6 Price 价格 (35) Unit 7 Counteroffer 还盘 (42) Unit 8 Discount and Commission 折扣和佣金 (51) Unit 9 Business Representation 代理 (57) Unit 10 Insurance 保险 (68) Unit 11 Acceptance 接受 (76) Unit 12 Terms of Payment 支付条款 (84) Unit 13 Packing 包装 (93) Unit 14 Shipment 装运 (101) Unit 15 Claim 索赔 (110) Unit 1 Establishing Business Relations Establishing Business Relations

建立业务关系 Brief Introduction 建立业务关系,实际上就是确定贸易对象。贸易对象选择得合适与否,决定着贸易的成败。在一般情况下,双方通过各自的介绍或第三者的介绍,先摸清对方的资金信用、经营能力和业务范围等重要条件,然后再进行实质性的业务商讨。贸易双方只有在相互了解、彼此信赖的基础上,才能进行积极地合作,并使双方贸易活动得以顺利地开展。 相关专题: 商务英语口语900句 新东方商务口语 视频商务英语口语 Basic Expressions 1. We’ve come to know your name and address from the Commercial Counselor’s Office of the Chinese Embassy in Londo n. 我们从中国驻伦敦大使馆的商务参赞处得知你们的名字和地址。 2. By the courtesy of Mr. Black, we are given to understand the name and address of your firm. 承蒙布莱克先生的介绍,我们得知贵公司的名称和地址。 3. We are willing to enter into business relations with your firm. 我们愿意与贵公司建立业务关系。 4. Your firm has been introduced (recommended, passed on) to us by Maple Company. 枫叶公司向我方介绍了贵公司。 5. Our mutual understanding and cooperation will certainly result in important business. 我们之间的相互了解与合作必将促成今后重要的生意。 6. We express our desire to establish business relations with your firm. 我们愿和贵公司建立业务关系。 7. We shall be glad to enter into business relations with you. 我们很乐意同贵公司建立业务关系。 8. We now avail ourselves of this opportunity to write to you with a view to entering into business relations with you. 现在我们借此机会致函贵公司,希望和贵公司建立业务关系。 9. We are now writing you for the purpose of establishing business relations with you. 我们特此致函是想与贵方建立业务关系。 10. Your desire to establish business relations coincides with ours. 你方想同我方建立业务关系的愿望与我方是一致的。 11. We specialize in the export of Japanese Light Industrial Products and would like to trade with you in this line. 鉴于我方专营日本轻工业产品出口业务,我方愿与贵方在这方面开展贸易。12. Our lines are mainly arts and crafts. 我们经营的商品主要是工艺品。
