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多元系统:各种社会符号现象,具体地说是各种由符号支配的人类 交际形式,如语言、文学、经济、政治、意识形态等,是一个系统。 而且,这个系统也不是单一的系统,而是一个由不同成分组成的、 开放的结构,在这个也由若干个不同的系统组成的多元系统里,各 个系统“互相交叉,部分重叠,在同一时间有不同的项目可供选择, 却又互相依存,并作为一个有组织的整体而运作”。概而言之,多 元系统是指某一特定文化里的各种文学系统的聚合。
Definition of
Polysystem is “…a semiotic system…a heterogeneous, open stru cture. It is, therefore, very rarely a uni-system but is, necessarily, a polysystem-a multiple system, a system of various systems whi ch intersect with each other and partly overlap, using concurrently different options, yet functioning as one structured whole, whose members arwenku.baidu.com interdependent.”
The Origin of Polysystem Theory
In 1978, Itamar Even-Zohar first introduced the term “ polysystem” in his Papers in Historical Poetics,(历史诗学论文集).
This theory was based upon work done late Russian Formalism and the Czech
➢Command a working knowledge of: Hebrew (mother tongue); Arabic, English, French, Swe dish, Spanish, Norwegian, Danish, Italian, Russian, Icelandic, and a few other languages.
deconstruction theory, especially Jurij Tynjanov.(蒂尼亚诺夫)
Russian Formalism
the Czech deconstruct -ion theory
Polysystem Theory
Russian Formalism : Jurij Tynjanov
➢ Tynjanov introduced the concept “system”.
➢For Tynjanov, the entire literary and extraliterary world could be divided into multiple structural systems. Literary tradition composed different systems, litera ry genres formed systems, a literary work itself was also a unique systerm, and the entire social order comprised another system.He is the first person who reg arded literature as systems.
Chapter 5
Polysystem Theory
01 The Origin of Polysystem 02 The contents of Polysystem 03 Polysytem in translation theories 04 Comments on Polysystem theory 05 Conclusion
Literary structure Semi-literary structure Extraliterary structure
interrelated deciding
Specific element function
Even-Zohar adopted Tynjanov’s concept of system. He developed the polysystem hypothesis while working on a model for Israeli Hebr ew literature.he first introduced the term “polysystem” to refer to the entire network of correlated system within society. Thus it is a global term covering all of the literary system, both major and minor existin g in a given culture.
➢蒂尼亚诺夫认为,整个文学及文学外的世界可以被分成多个结构系统,这个系 统绝非静止而是不断变化的,他被认为是第一个将文学看做系统的人。
System polysystem
➢System: Elements, Tynjanov argued, do not exist in isolation, but always in an interrel ationship with other elements of other systems.
Introduction of Itamar Even-Zohar
➢Professor of Culture Research of University of Tel Aviv(以色列特拉维夫大学)
➢Cultural theorist, not a translation theorist. O ne of forerunners of translation studies.