步骤下面是办理加拿大家庭团聚移民签证的基本程序:1. 填写表格并准备申请资料首先,您需要填写加拿大家庭团聚移民申请表及相应的附加表格。
2. 递交申请完成表格的填写和资料的准备后,您可以将申请递交至加拿大移民局。
3. 审理加拿大政府移民部门会对您的申请进行审核,并且会与您联系以确认您提交的材料是否符合移民政策的要求。
4. 经签证官审批您的申请书会被分配给加拿大移民局的签证官进行审批决定。
5. 领取签证在您的申请通过后,您将收到一份移民签证,您需要领取签证并准备前往加拿大。
YOu Can apply to SPOn SOr your spouse, COm mon-IaW Or COn jugal Part ner, Or dependent ChiIdren to immigrate to Canada. It does not matter if they live in or OUtSide Can ada. If they live in Can ada, they do not n eed to have legal StatUS to be spon sored.Your family member must have medical, Crim inal and backgro Und checks. Ifthey have a Criminal record or are a risk to Canada ' S security, they may not beallowed to en ter Can ada.They may have to get a police CertifiCate in their home coun try. The in StrUCti on guides expla in medical, Crim inal and backgro Und checks.You Can spon sor a spouse, com mon-IaW or con jugal Part ner (Part ner), or dependent ChiIdren if you are a Canadian CitiZen or a Permanent reside nt of Can ada. To be a spon sor, you must be 18 or older.WhenyOU sponsor one of these relatives to becomepermanent residents of Can ada, you must SUPPOrt them finan cially. ThiS means you have to meet Certa in in come guideli nes.If you have sponsored relatives to cometo Canadain the past, and they have later asked the gover nment for finan cial help, you may not be allowed to spon sor ano ther PerS on. Spon SOrShiP is a big COmmitme nt, so you must take it SeriOUsly.To be a spon sor you must:* agree in Writing to give financial SUPPOrt to your relative, if they n eed ito for a SPOUSe or Partner, this lasts for three years from the date they become a Perma nent reside nt, ando for a depe ndent child, this lasts for 10 years, or Un til the child turns 25, WhiCheVer comes first.Your relative must also agree to try to SUPPOrt themselves.You may not be eligible to be a spon sor if you:* did not meet the terms of a spon SOrShiP agreeme nt in the past,* did not Pay alim ony or child SUPPOrt eve n though a court Ordered it,« get gover nment finan Cial help for reas OnS other tha n being disabled,« Were COnVicted ofo an OffenCe of a SeXUaI n ature,o a viole nt crime,o an OffenCe aga inst a relative that resulted in bodily harm oro an attempt or threat to COmmit any SUCh Offen ces, depe nding On the detailss of the case, SUCh asthe type of offen ce,how long ago it OCCUrred andWhether a record SUSPension WaS issued (See SponSOrShiP bar for viole ntCrime below),* Were spon sored as a spouse, com mon-IaWOr COnjUgaI Part ner in the PaSt and became a Perma nent reside nt of Can ada less tha n five years ago(See Five-year spon SOrShiP bar below)* did not Pay back an immigrati on Ioa n, made late Payme nts or missed Payme nts,* are in PriS on or« have declared ban kruptcy and have not bee n released from it yet.Other thi ngs not on this list may stop you from being able to spon sor a relative.If you live in Quebec, CitiZenship and ImmigratiOn Canadamust approve you as a sponsor first. Then you must also meet QUebeG S conditionsto be a spon sor.Five-year sponsorship bar for people who Weresponsored to come to Canada as a SPOUSe orPartnerDUe to Changes in Canada ' S immigration law, if a SPOUSe or Partner spon sored you, you now cannot spon sor a new SPOUSe or Partner With in five years of beco ming a Perma nent reside nt.ThiS rule applies even if you got your Canadian CitiZenship Within those five years.Other membersof the FamiIy Class will not be affected by the rule Cha nge. SPOUSeS and Part ners spon sored beforeDate ClC got your sponSOrShiPapplicati on Are you eligible to spon sor some one?BefOre MarCh 2, 2012 The five-year spon SOrShiP bar does not apply, no matPerma nent reside nt.On or after MarCh 2, 2012The five-year spon SOrShiP bar applies. You CannOt spo have bee n a Perma nent reside nt for five years.Sponsorship bar for violent CrimeThe SPOn SOrShiP bar stops people who have bee n COnVi Cted Of Certa in CrimeS fromSPOn sori ng a family member.If you have bee n COnV icted of a Crime that CaUSed bodily harm to any of the relativesbelow, you CannOtSPOn sor anyone un der the FamiIy Class.Note:* “ Part ner ” in CIUdeS com mon -law and con jugal Part ners.* ReIatiVeS not IiSted here may still fall Under this category.If you are not sure, CheCk the full list of rules or con tact the OffiCe PrOCeSSing your applicati on.* the Pare nt/gra ndpare nt, child/gra ndchild, sibli ng,ni ece/nephew, aunt/un cle, or cous in of your CUrre nt or ex-spouse/Part ner orChiIdre n, oro the Curre nt Or ex-spouse/Part ner and Childre n Of any Of the aboveDefin iti OnSSPOUSeYou are a SPOUSe if you are married to your spon sor and your marriage is legal.If you Were married in Can ada:« you must have a marriage CertifiCate issued by the PrOVinCe or territory Where the marriage took place.If you Were married OUtSide Can ada:* the marriage must be valid Un der the law of the COUntry Where it took place and Un der Can adia n law, and* the marriage, if PerfOrmed in an embassy or con SUlate, must follow the law of the COUntry Where it took place, not the COUntry the embassy orcon SUIate represe nts.Sponsoring your Same-SeX Partner as a SPOuSeYou Can apply to SPOn sor your Same-SeX Part ner as a spouse if you:« are a CitiZe n Or Perma nent reside nt of Can ada and« Were married in Canada and issued a marriage CertifiCate by a Canadian PrOVinCe or territory On Or after One of these dates:o BritiSh Columbia (on or after July 8, 2003),o Man itoba (on or after SePtember 16, 2004),o NeW BrUn SWiCk (on or after July 4, 2005),o Newfo Un dla nd and LabradOr (on or after DeCember 21,2004),o Nova SCOtia (on or after SePtember 24, 2004),o On tario (on or after JUne 10, 2003),o QUebeC (on or after MarCh 19, 2004),o SaSkatCheWa n (on or after NOVember 5, 2004),o Yukon (on or after July 14, 2004) oro all other PrOVin CeS or territories (on or after July 20, 2005).If you Were married OUtSide Can ada, you may apply to spon sor your Same-SeX Part ner as a SPOUSe as long as the marriage is legally recog ni Zed accordi ng to both the law of the place Where the marriage OCCUrred and Un der Can adia n law.It is your responSibiIity to PrOVide information to CIC COnfirming that your Same-SeX-marriage WaS legally recog ni Zed Whe n and Where it occurred.Common-law PartnerYou are a com mon-IaW Partner ——either of the opposite SeX or the Same SeX —if:* you have bee n liv ing together in a con jugal relati on ShiP for at least one year in an ongoing 12-m onth PeriOd (you are allowed short abse nces for bus in ess travel or family reas on s).You will n eed proof that you and your com mon-IaW Part ner have comb ined your affairs and Set UP a household together. ThiS Can be in the form of proof of:« joint bank accoUntS Or Credit cards.« joint ownership of a home.* joint residential leases.« joint rental receipts,* joint registration or Payment of UtiIitieS (electricity, gas, telephone),« joint management of household expenses,« joint purchases, especially of household items, or* mail addressed to either PerS on or both people at the Same address.Conjugal PartnerThiS CategOry is for Part ners —either of the opposite SeX or Same SeX —inSitUatiOns beyond their control that keep them from living together so they would count as com mon-IaW Part ners or spouses.A con jugal relati on ShiP is more tha n a PhySiCaI relati on ship. It means you depend on each other, there is some Perma nence to the relati on ship, and there is the Same level of COmmitme nt as a marriage or a com mon-IaW Part nership.You may apply as a COnjUgaI Part ner if:* you have had a COnjUgaI relati on ShiP With your spon sor for at least one year and you could not live together or marry because ofo an immigrati on barrier,o your marital StatUS (for example, you are married to some one else and Iiv ing ina COUntry Where divorce is not POSSibIe) oro your SeXUaI orie ntatio n (for example, you are in a Same-SeX relati on ShiP and Same-SeX marriage is not Permitted Where you live) and« you Can prove there WaS a reas on you could no t live together (for example, you Were refused long- term StayS in each other ' S country).You should not apply as a con jugal Part ner if:* you could have lived together but chose not to, as this shows that you did not have the level of COmmitme nt n eeded for a con jugal relati on ShiP (for example, one of you may not have Wan ted to give UP a job or a COUrSe of study, or your relationShiP WaSnot yet at the point Where you Were ready to live together),« you CannOt prove there WaS a reas On that kept you from IiV ing together,« you are en gaged to be married (in this case, you should either apply as a SPOUSe once the marriage has taken place or apply as a com mon-IaW Part ner if you have lived together COntinU ously for at least 12 mon ths).DePendent ChiIdrenA son or daughter is depe ndent Whe n the child:« is Un der age 19 and does not have a SPOUSe or com mon-IaW Part ner, or* is 19 years of age or older and has depe nded largely on the finan cial SUPPOrt of a Pare nt SinCe before age 19 because of a PhySiCaI or men tal con diti on.People who CannOt be sponsoredYou CannOt be spon sored as a spouse, a com mon-IaW Part ner or a con jugal Part ner if:* you are Un der age 16,« you (or your spon sor) Were married to some one else at the time of your marriage* you have lived apart from your sponsor for at least one year, and either you or your spon sor are the com mon-IaW or COnjUgaI Part ner of ano ther PerS on,* your spon sor applied for Perma nent reside nce but did not in clude you on their applicatio n as some one who should be exam ined or* your spon sor has spon sored ano ther spouse, com mon-IaW Part ner or con jugal Part ner in the past, and three years have not PaSSed SinCe that PerS on became a Perma nent reside nt (or five years if your applicatio n WaS received on or after MarCh 2, 2012).Apply to SPOn SOr your spouse, Part ner or Childre nEffeGtiVe August 1,2014 , CitiZenship and Immigration Canada hasChanged its definition of a dependent child for its immigrationPrOgrams. A depe ndent child must be Un der 19 years of age, in Stead of the PreViOUS limit of Un der 22 years of age. Find out more about the Change in the definition of a dependent child . NeWaPPIiCation kits,forms and fee in formatio n are now available. TheSe new forms must beUSed Starting AUgUSt 1,2014. USe this Web tool to determine how yourapplicati on may be affected.There are two StageS in the PrOCeSS to spon sor your spouse, Part ner or depe ndent ChiIdre n to become Perma nent reside nts.First: AS a CitiZe n or Perma nent reside nt of Can ada, you must apply to spon sor your family member.* The CaSe PrOCeSS ing Cen tre (CPC) in Can ada will PrOCeSS yourapplicati on to spon sor.« The CPC will Write you to tell you if CitiZenship and ImmigratiOn Can ada (CIC) has approved your applicati on.Second: Your spouse, Part ner, or depe ndent ChiIdre n must apply for Perma nent reside nce.You must Send both your spon SOrShiP applicati on and the Perma nent residenceapplication for your family members at the Same time .How to applyThere are three StePS to apply to spon sor your spouse, Part ner or ChiIdre n:1. Get the application PaCkageIf your SPOUSe or Partner lives With you in Canada USe the APPIiCation for Permanent ReSidence in Canada— SPOUSe or Common-LaWartner. Note: if a child of your SPOUSe or Partner is also Iiving With you in Canada, they may be inCIUded on the application ifthey meet the definition of dependent child .OR,If your spouse, Part ner Or depe ndent child lives OutSide Can ada, USethe APPIiCatiOn to SPOnsor a Member of the FamiIy CIaSS« If We approve you as a SPonsor, the CPC will Send your family member a ' S applicatiOn to Can adia n ViSa OffiCe to be processed.Readthe guides for both the SPOnsor and the immigrant carefully beforeyou fill out the application forms. ThiS will help you make SUre youare eligible before you apply. We will not refund the fee to PrOCeSS your forms if you are not eligible to be a SPOnsor.USe the inStrUCtion guide to help you fill out the application forms.Send all the documents IiSted in the DOCUment CheCklist. MiSSingin formati on or docume nts Can delay your applicatio n.* AS the SPansor, you will agree in Writing to SUPPart your spouse, Cammon-IaW Partner Qr CanjUgaI Partner for three years. If you SPon Sar a depe ndent child, you will Cammit to SUPPart the child for three to 10 years, depending on the child ' S age.« YaUr spouse, Part ner and older depe ndent ChiIdre n must PramiSe to try to SUPPart themselves.* If you SPon Sar any Of your depe ndent ChiIdre n Wha will not Came With your SPaUSe Qr partner, you will have to fill QUt a SeParate application.* The PeaPIe you SPon Sar must fill QUt the applicatio n for Perma nent reside nce.The people you Want to SPOnsor must get a medical exam. Gather theapplications, SUPPOrting documents and proof that the medical examhasbee n done.Note: The information you PrOVide in your application about your family membersand marital StatUS must be true. You must tell CIC of any Change in your case.You must include all of your family memberson the application. The people you spon sor must also tell US about each of their close family members.If you are OUtSide Canada: The people you sponsor must also tell US about each of their close family members. TheSe family members must have aSeCUrity and Crim in ality CheCk and a medical exam. If they do not, thespon sored PerS on will not be able to spon sor them in the future.2. Pay your application feesYou must Pay the PrOCeSSing fee in Canadian dollars. Paying onIine is the best and easiest Way to pay.TO Pay your fees On Ii ne, you must:« have a PDF Reader* have a Prin ter,« have a valid email address,* have a Visa?, MaSterCard? or AmeriCa n Express? Credit card,« Print the Payme nt receipt form Whe n you are done and in elude it With your applicati on, and « Pay your fees OnIine When you are ready.To Pay your fees at a bank or financial inStitUtion in Canada, you must:« get an Original Fee ReCeiPt form (IMM 5401), WhiCh you Can Order OnIine ,« fill in the receipt form and bring it With you Whe n you Pay your fees, and« in Clude the Payme nt receipt form With your appliCatio n.If you live OUtSide Can ada, you can:* Pay your fees OnIine , or* Pay With an intern atio nal money order or bank draft.If you get an intern ati Onal money order or bank draft:* make SUre it is in Can adia n fun ds,* make it PayabIe to the ReCeiVer Gen eral for Can ada,* On the front Of the money order Or draft, Write the bank ' S Or financial institutionits complete address (not a post OffiCe box number) and the account number(s), and* Send the money order or draft With your applicati on.For more detailed inStrUCtions, read the Pay the fees SeCtion Of theguide.3. SUbmit your applicationMail your completed applicatiOn to theMississauga, On tario .Find out hoW IOng it WiIl take CIC to You Can also Iear n about the SerViCe Sta ndard S for SPOn sori ng your family from CaSe PrOCeSS ing Cen tre inPrOCeSS your applicati OnOVerSeas. TheSe Standards explain the level of SerViCe you Can expect to get in most cases.PrOCeSS ing Times: FamilySPOn SOrShiPThiS information shows the time it takes to PrOCeSS an applicatiOn after We receive a complete applicati on PaCkage . The PrOCeSS ing times arecalculated in cale ndar days .ImPOrtant notice: There are two conSeCUtiVe StePS in PrOCeSSing family spon SOrShiP applicati ons. In order to know the total approximatetime you must ADCthe times together.LaSt update: DeCember 10, 2014TyPe of applicati onASSeSSme nt ofSponsorASSeSSme ntof PerS onBei ngSpon sored(applica nt)StatUSavailable onIi neUPdatedquarterlyTotal UPdated WeekIy2011)AdOPted ChiIdre n, ChiIdre n to be adopted, orpha ns and other family CIaSSeSPrOCeSSed daily ona PriOrity basisVieW by ViSaOffiCeNotes for SPOn SOrShiP OUTSIDE Of Can ada :ASSeSSment of SPOnsor: If you are the SPOnsor and IiVe inSide Canada and it has been Ionger than the time shown above SinCe you applied, PIeaSe contact the Call Centre .ASSeSSment of PerSon being sponsored (applicant): If you have questions, you must con tact the appropriate ViSa OffiCe . Call Centre age nts CannOt an SWer questio ns about PerS on being spon sored (applica nt).Note for SPO nsorship INSIDE Of Can ada:If you are the sponsor or PerSon being sponsored and it has been Ionger than the time show n above SinCe you applied, PIeaSe con tact the Call Centre .Call Centre agents CannOt SPeed UP the PrOCeSS of your application or make decisi ons on your case.Foot no tes<="" dt="" StyIe="box-siz ing: border-box;">ACk no WIedgeme nts of ReCeiPt have bee n issued for all sponSOrShiP applicati ons received and accepted by CPC-M beforethe TemPOrary PaUSe on Family Class Spon SOrShiP APPIiCationsfor Parents and Grandparents Cameinto effect.Foot note 2Spon sors who SUbmitted spon SOrShiP applicati ons toCPC-MbetWee n May 29, 2010 and April 30, 2011 should havereceived a Ietter by the end Of AuguSt 2014 requesti ngadditi Onal forms, docume nts, and in formatio n required forCaSe PrOCeSS in g. If you did not receive SUCh a Ietter andhave evide nce that you SUbmitted your spon SOrShiPapplication during this PeriOd (May 29, 2010 and April 30,2011), PIeaSe con tact the Call Centre to inform them of yourSitUatiO n.ViSa OffiCe in Beijing, China(People ' S RePUbIiC of)WebSiteChin a.gc.caReSP on sible for Perma nent ReSide nt APPIiCati ons from:(In CIUdeS econo mic immigrati on and family spon SOrShiP)China (People ' S RePUbIiC of), Korea (DemOCratiC People ' SRePUbIiC of), Mon golia for* FamiIy spon SOrShiP applicati ons« FederaI Skilled WOrker applicati ons (applica nts from China may SUbmit their applications to either Hong Kong ORBeijing)NOTE:AIl new econo mic immigrati on applicati ons must first bemailed to the Cen tralized In take OffiCe in Sydn ey, Nova Scotia,CanadaAll new family sponSOrShiP applications must first be mailed to theCaSe PrOCeSSing Centre in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada .ReSP on sible for TemPOrary ReSide nt APPIiCati ons from:(In CIUdeS visitors, StUde nts, temporary WOrkerS and Perma nent residenttravel docume nts)China (People ' S RePUbIiC of), Korea (DemOCratiC People ' SRePUbIiC of), Mon goliaEnq UirieSGen eral: beiji ng-immigrati On @i nternatio nal.gc.caCaSespecific: https://SeCUre.cic.gc.ca/e nq UirieS-re nseig neme nts/case-cas-e ng.aspx?missi on=beij ingClosest ViSa applicati OnCentre (VAC)Closest VAC locatio ns:« Beiji ng, Shan ghai, GUan gzhou and ChOngqing, China VACS accept applicati ons for:« StUdy PermitS« work PermitS* ViSitOr ViSaS (temporary reside nt ViSa)« travel docume nts for Perma nent reside ntsMore about VACs: LOCati OnSand SerViCeSAfter you apply: get n ext StePS Spon sor your spouse, Part ner or ChiIdre nEffeCtiVe AUgUSt 1,2014 , CitiZenship and Immigration Canada hasChanged its definition of a dependent child for its immigrationPrOgrams. A depe ndent child must be Un der 19 years of age, in Stead of the PreViOUS limit of Un der 22 years of age. Find out more about the Change in the definition of a dependent child . NeWaPPIiCation kits, forms and fee in formatio n are now available. TheSe new forms must be USed Starting AUgUSt 1,2014. USe this Web tool to determine how your applicati on may be affected.How We assess your applicati OnWe will review your spon SOrShiP applicati on. If We approve it, We will forward your relative ' S application for Permanent residence to the ViSa OffiCe that SerVeS their homecoUntry or the COuntry Where they have livedfor more tha n one year.That OffiCe will tell you in Writing if you have been approved to be a spon sor. It will also tell you WhiCh ViSa OffiCe will PrOCeSS the applicati on.If We do not approve you as a sponsor, your relative may still apply for Perma nent reside nce.If We approve you as a sponsor but do not approve the relative you Want to spon sor, We will tell you Why We refused them. We will also tell you about your right to appeal this decisi on.You maywithdraw your application at any point in the PrOCeSS before the relative you spon sor becomesa Perma nent reside nt of Can ada. Wemayref Und the fees for either application if We have not Started to PrOCeSS it.Contact CitiZenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) if you Want to WithdraWan applicati on.For more information* CheCk the StatUS of your applicati on . You will n eed your UniqUe client identifier (UCl) number or application number, WhiCh you Canfind on any message you get from CIC.* VieW CUrre nt PrOCeSS ing times .To avoid delays:* read the in StrUCti on guide to make SUre your applicati on is complete,* SUbmit the COrreCt fees , and* con tact CIC Whe n you n eed to bring your con tact and other in formati on is UP to date.When should I contact CIC?You must tell CIC if there are any Cha nges to your case, SUCh as: * you have adopted a child,* you get married or divorced,« your COn tact in formati On (email, maili ng address, PhOne nu mber) Cha nges,« you appo int or Cha nge an immigrati on represe ntative or desig nated PerS on, or,* you decide to WithdraW your applicati on.How do I co ntact CIC?To Change COntaCt informationUSe ClC s onIine form. Do not Send Change of address information to the OffiCe Where you applied.To appoint or Change an immigration representativeYou may email CIC a copy of a complete, Signed USe of a RePreSentative form ( IMM 5476 (PDF, 597 KB)). PIeaSe include the sponsor ' S name, date of birth, and UCI number or application number, if you know it.To Pay or request a refund of the right of Permanent residence fee (RPRF)If the ViSa OffiCe has told your relative to Pay the RPRF, you Can emaila copy of your OffiCiaI receipt for an RPRF Payme nt.If you Want to ask for a refund of an RPRF Payme nt you have already paid, email a copy of the OffiCiaI receipt to CIC. PIeaSe include the sponsor' S name, date of birth, and UCI number or application number if you know it.CIC Can only issue refunds after you have declined your right of appeal.If you applied before the date on the PrOCeSSing times page, you Can email CIC by choosingone of the IinkS below . PIeaSe include the sponsor ' S name, date of birth, and UCI number or application number, if you know it, any time you con tact us. You will not get a reply to questio ns about other topics.« ASk about an applicati On that has take n IOn ger tha n the Stated PrOCeSS ing time« WithdraW an applicati On« InfOrm ClC of a Change in your CaSe (SUCh as the birth or adoptiOn ofa child, a marriage or a divorce)« COrreCt in formatio n on your applicati on« Appo int or Cha nge an immigratio n represe ntative* Send a receipt for an RPRF Payme nt« ReqUeSt a refund of an RPRFPIeaSe do not Send the Same questi on more tha n once as it may take more time to PrOCeSS your applicati on.If you CannOtCOn tact US by email, you Can tell our OffiCe about these Cha nges by mail or fax. The con tact in formatio n is in the Spon SOrShiP Guide.PrePare for arrival -SP on sor your spouse, Part ner or GhiIdre nEffeCtiVe AUgUSt 1,2014 , CitiZenship and Immigration Canada hasChanged its definition of a dependent child for its immigrationPrOgrams. A depe ndent child must be Un der 19 years of age, in Stead of the PreViOUS limit of Un der 22 years of age. Find out more aboutthe Change in the definition of a dependent child . NeWaPPIiCation kits, forms and fee in formatio n are now available. TheSe new forms must be USed Starting AUgUSt 1,2014. USe this Web tool to determine how your applicati on may be affected.When you arrive in Can ada, you must show your Con firmati on of Perma nent ReSide nce (COPR) and your Perma nent reside nt ViSa to a CitiZe nship and Immigration Canada (CIC) OffiCer at the point of entry to Canada. The OffiCer will makesure your travel and immigratio n docume nts are correct.* The CIC OffiCer will CheCk that your Perma nent reside nt ViSa has not expired. The expiry date is show n on the visa. You CannOt USethe ViSa after the expiry date. Perma nent reside nce ViSaS CannOt be extended, so make SUre you USe it Within the time limit.* You must bring With you a valid PaSSPOrt or travel docume nts. If PreSenting a passport, it must be a regular, PriVate passport. YouCannOt immigrate to Canada With a diplomatic government SerViCe Or a PUbIiC affairs passport.« You will have to anSWer questions like the ones you anSWered on your APPIiCati on for Perma nent ReSide nce in Can ada. The CIC OffiCerasks these questi ons to Verify Certa in in formatio n on theapplicati on.« You must inform the ViSa OffiCer of any funds you are bringing into Can ada (cash, stocks, bon ds, money o rders, traveller ' S CheqUes, etc.).If there are no problems When you arrive in Canada, the CIC OffiCer will authorize you to en ter Can ada as a Perma nent reside nt. The OffiCer will also USe the address on your CoPR to have your Perma nent reside nt Card mailed to you. Make SUre your Can adia n address on the COPR is correct.Perma nent reside nts are give n the Perma nent reside nt Card as proof of their StatUS in Canada. Your Card will be mailed to your Canadian address after you arrive in Can ada as a Perma nent reside nt.APPIiGati on to Spon sor a Memberof the FamiIy Class_■ SUbSCribe Via RSS (What is RSS?)Get help to ope n an applicatio n form or to complete an applicationform in the Help Centre .NeW Starting AUgUSt 1st, 2014, the age at WhiCh a child is conSidered a depe ndant will be reduced from Un der 22 years of age to less tha n19 years of age. Read about the Changes .ThiS applicatio n PaCkage in CIUdes:Part 1: SPon SOrShiP formsGUide to Spon SOrShiP [IMM 3900]* DOCume nt CheCkIiSt [IMM 5491] (PDF, 718.73 KB) _ JanUary 2013« APPIiCatiOn to SPOnsor, SPOnSOrShiP Agreement and Undertaking [IMM 1344] (PDF, 552.22 KB) I AUgUSt 2014* SPOnSOrShiP EVaIUatiOn [IMM 5481] (PDF, 598.76 KB) ___ April 2012« StatUtOry DeCIaratiO n of Com mon-LaW Un io n [IMM 5409] (PDF, 47.92 KB) April 2009]* SPOn SOr QUeSti Onn aire [IMM 5540] (PDF, 1.12 MB) April 2008* USe of a RePreSe ntative [IMM 5476] (PDF, 610.82 KB) Ii MarCh 2014Part 2: Immigration formsSpon SOrShiP of a spouse, com mon-IaW Part ner, COnjUgaI Part ner or dependent child Iiving OUtSide Canada [IMM 3999]Forms* GeneriC APPIiCatiO n Form for Ca nada [IMM 0008] (PDF,499.53 KB) NOVember 2014* AdditiO nal DePe ndan ts/DeCIaratiO n [IMM 0008DEP] (PDF, 434.37 KB) AUgUSt 2014* SChedUIe A - BaCkgrOUnd/Declaration [IMM 5669] (PDF,252.27 KB) DeCember 2012* AdditiO nal Family In formatio n [IMM 5406] (PDF,583.68 KB) SePtember 2013。
相片尺寸为35毫米X 45毫米2.申请人本人及每位随行的家庭成员的有效护照。
3.申请人本人及每位随行的家庭成员的旧护照(如有,请务必提供)4.申请人及每位随行的家庭成员的身份证正反面复印件(如申请人小于12岁,没有身份证,需要提供该申请人所在户口页复印件)5.申请人已完成体检的回执单见附件1 加拿体检注意事项及加拿大指定体检诊所名录6.自入境之日起至少一年内有效的来自于加拿大保险公司的个人医疗保险的充分证明:1)涵盖申请人的医疗费用、住院费用和医疗转运费用;2)提供至少十万加元的保险;并且3)每次入加均有效,在评估官员需要时可供审查7.申请人其它文件(申请人尽量提供,文件越多越有利于申请获批):1)如果申请人已经退休,说明申请人养老金的退休证明2)显示过去若干月中财政历史的银行文件原件,如银行(定期)存款证明,存单、存折、至少有6个月流水的银行活期账户对账单等3)在中国其他的资产证明,如房产证原件、车辆登记证原件、股票交易记录、股票账户余额证明等(通常提供的比较多的是房产或车产)8.申请人和邀请人关系的证明文件(出生证明/公证、亲属关系公证)9.申请人结婚证原件10.申请人及家庭成员的户口本原件第二部邀请人提供:11.邀请信原件:说明邀请申请人访问加拿大的理由,适当渲染思亲情感,郑重承诺为申请人的逗留访问提供财政支,并由邀请人亲笔签字(可参照我方提供的样本进行书写)12.邀请人居所内的人员详单13.邀请人的公民身份证明或移民身份证明的复印件(如加拿大护照、落地纸、枫叶卡——请复印双面)14.邀请人收入满足加拿大最低收入标准,即LICO见附件 2加拿大2014年最低收入标准列表的财务证明文件:须为来自于加拿大的独立第三方性质的文件,可靠并且易核实,例如但不局限于:加拿大税务总局出具的税单,即NOA( Line 150显示总收入金额不小于加拿大最低收入标准的要求),显示收入情况的雇佣证明信,缴款存根,银行对账单,执业专业人士出具的薪酬支付报表或财务报表。
第一阶段:将以下表格和材料邮寄给CPC-Mississauge(由夫妻中作为担保人的一方,将所有表格和材料准备好,该签字的签字,然后在回到魁省后一同邮寄给CPC)担保人要递交的表格(根据IMM3900E)Application to Sponsor and Undertaking (IMM1344A)(担保人签字)Sponsor Questionnaire (IMM5540)(担保人签字)Receipt (在网上支付,然后打印出收据,或者索取IMM5401,按要求进行支付)Document Checklist (IMM5491)配偶要递交的表格(根据IMM3999E)Application for Permanent Residence (IMM0008 Generic)Spouse questionnaire (IMM5490)(配偶签字)Background/Declaration (IMM0008 Schedule1)(配偶签字)Supplement to Schedule 1(attached to Appendix A) (配偶签字)Additional Family Information form (IMM5406)(配偶签字)担保人要递交的材料(根据IMM5491)枫叶卡复印件(正反面)全本护照复印件配偶要递交的材料(根据IMM3903E中的附件A)无犯罪公证原件体检后获得的Copy2 of the Medical Report-Section A原件(这份文件在体检后由医院出具)出生公证结婚公证户口本公证护照上带本人照片那页的复印件护照原件夫妻间各时期合影,婚纱照,互相赠送的礼物的照片,等照片往来信件的复印件(如果是邮寄的,包括信封上的邮戳也要复印)夫妻间往来的电子邮件,聊天记录,打印出来担保人到加拿大后,回国探望配偶的电子机票复印件,回国结婚的电子机票复印件按IMM3903E中的附件B的要求的证明照5张将地址用中文和英文写在一个不干胶的标签上,准备8个这样的标签注意:官方文件中明确提出,无犯罪公证一定要原件,表格一定要原件,其它的材料,除非被要求,只提供复印件。
2.将‘亲属关系证明’发给在加拿大的亲属,亲属将持此证明向当地移民xx 局申请,履行担保手续,填写相关申请表和担保;代表中国申请人填写《加拿大xx居留申请表》。
本表提交使馆时,须同时附以下证明材料;1)11岁以上的申请人或陪同人员需有胸片(不少于35* 28 cm,照片上印有申请人姓名、拍照日期和医生亲笔签名)。
主申请人 只需要主申请人填写一份
4 家属关系表 (IMM5406: Additional Family Information)
30 经公证的雇佣合同(现职单位可以不要) 申请人 需随推荐信提供签字人的名片
31 过去和现在雇主的推荐信原件(如果是中文的,需附英文翻译)
申请人 过去和现在雇主的推荐信原件(如果是中文的,需附英文翻译),如果不能提供目前雇主的推荐信,则需要提供书面的解释,并提供其他证明文件:雇佣合同、聘任信、工资单、工作卡、名片,或其他能证明工作情况的文件。
15 被收养子女的收养证明文件的公证书 子女
16 子女监护权的证明文件公证书 子女 对有离婚的情况适用
17 如果子女将来不随同作为申请人的父/母移民加拿大,需要证明其父/母已经履行了子女监护权文件中规定的义务。 子女
18 如果子女将随同作为申请人的父/母一方移民加拿大,而父/母另一方并不随同移民,则需提供父母另一方同意孩子移民加拿大的书面同意。 子女
36 经批准的加拿大工作证明
申请人 申请人如目前以工作签证在加拿大工作,需提供加拿大工作许可的复印件。
37 家庭成员不随同主申请人移民加拿大的声明
配偶、子女 如申请人不准备将配偶子女包括在自己的加拿大移民申请表中,申请人需要提供经公证的声明书,声明自己的移民申请是不携带家人的,此外,还要确认申请人本人理解,不随同移民的家人若将来要与申请人在加拿大团聚,他们必须要符合当时移民法对他们的要求。
1. 确定资格:首先,申请人需要核实自己是否符合资格,包括年满18岁、无未解除的婚姻、身份为加拿大公民或永久居民等。
2. 准备文件:确定资格后,申请人应准备相关文件,通常包括申请表、证明文件(如护照、结婚证明、同居证明等)、财务能力证明、近照、警察证明等。
3. 递交申请:在准备好相关文件后,可通过在线递交或邮寄的形式将文件送至加拿大移民局。
4. 付费:递交申请时需要支付相关费用。
5. 等待审理:移民局收到申请后,将对资料进行审核。
6. 体检与签证申请:若前期审批顺利,移民局会要求配偶进行体检。
7. 签证获批:移民局在收到护照、签证申请表以及相关材料后,将进行最后审核。
8. 入境加拿大:在获得签证后,配偶可以根据签证的有效时间安排进入加拿大。
申请费汇票:中国银行购买,收款人:Minister of Finance of Québec
如有其他贷款,提供贷款合同 + 贷款余额证明
证券公司出具的现值证明 + 最新资金对账单 + 之前交易明细流水(如适用)
3. 自雇文件(适用于没有公司的客户)
最近三年企业所得税纳税申报表 + 企业所得税税单复印件
与公司分红、发放奖金、工资等有关的个人银行记录 /公司财务凭证复印件(如有)。
3.名片(原件)如有,可提供2张4.户口本(原件与复印件)+ 英文翻译件全家户口本整本原件(包括迁出、注销页),若配偶及子女不在同一户口本,请一同提供配偶及子女户口本整本原件。
8.营业执照(复印件)+ 英文翻译件如申请人在所在单位为企业单位,请提供营业执照副本的清晰复印件,用A4纸复印,(需加盖公司红色印章)。
加拿大配偶或普通法伴侣移民材料清单第一篇:加拿大配偶或普通法伴侣移民材料清单Document checklistSpouse or common-law partner in Canada 加拿大移民配偶或普通法伴侣材料清单Put an x in the box when you have enclosed the corresponding document.If you don’t enclose all the required documents, you entire application will be returned to you.You must provide certified translations in either English or French for all documents(e.g police, birth certificates, etc.)that are not already in English or French.附上相应的文件后,在后面的框中划上x。
Forms表格To be completed by applicant申请人需填写的表格:.In-Canada Application for permanent residence(IMM 5002)and schedule 1(1MM5002)signed by the applicant.《加拿大永久居留申请表》(IMM 5002)及附表1(1MM5002),并由申请人签名。
To be completed by sponsor担保人需填写的表格:.Application to sponsor and undertaking(IMM 1344A)signed by the sponsor《担保申请表》(IMM 1344A),并担保人签字。
一、个人部分:1.全家每人12张照片(纯白底,35MM * 45MM,头顶到下巴之间的距离为25mm~35mm);2.结婚证(公证)(如离婚,提供离婚证、离婚协议书、法院判决等);3.户口本(公证)(户口本上面的信息要更新为目前的信息,特别是文化程度、服务处所为现在的公司,职业为企业高级管理人员或总经理);4.主申请人及配偶的出生公证,孩子出生医学证明公证;5.全家人身份证复印件;6.全家人护照(有效期至少18个月以上,复印件要清晰,包括所有信息页、空白页三页、签名之后的签名页);7. 主申请人的最高学历证书公证件(公证);8. 主申请人所获奖励、奖状等(如有);9. 主申请人详细的简历二、商业部分:(主申请人为高级管理人员)1. 主申请人担任高级管理人员所在公司的营业执照复印件(最新一年年审)(公证);2. 主申请人上级直接领导出具的推荐信,信中详细介绍公司概况、申请人在公司所担任职务、职责、具体表现、收入(包括工资、福利、提成、奖金),提成奖金如何计算的解释说明,推荐信要由推荐人签字并加盖公司公章,并附签字人的职务证明文件,如名片等,推荐信需用公司抬头的信纸打印,信纸上包括公司名称、地址、电话等信息。
(公证)3. 近三年的个人所得税税单或缴税证明(如适用);4. 工资单及领取佣金、奖金的公司财务凭证;5. 申请人个人银行账户与收入相对应的进账记录;6. 能证明主申请人职务的各类支持文件,如任命书、聘书、劳动合同、工作照片等;7. 有主申请人签字的公司文件,包括人、财、物三个方面,如合同、订单、业务往来证明、聘书、财务单据等;8. 公司的组织结构图,须注明各部门雇员人数及申请人位置。
三、个人资产部分:1. 房产证(公证),请提供购房合同、发票、契税发票;2. 房产评估报告;3. 银行存款(主、副申请人名下都可),包括活期、定期、有价证券等(至少6个月历史),活期存款打交易流水单,定期存款开具银行存款证明;4. 如果申请人有未付的抵押、贷款、负债等请提供证明文件。
加拿大境外申请夫妻团聚移民文件清单1. 表格:1) IMM1344B表(担保协定)-担保人完成后由主申请人签字2) IMM0008(申请表)表-主申请人填写3) SCHEDULE 1(附表1)-主申请及18岁以上家庭成员填写4) IMM5490表(配偶问卷)-主申请人填写5) IMM5406表(家庭附加信息)-主申请及18岁以上家庭成员填写6) IMM5476表(代理授权书)-主申请人填写2.身份证明材料:1)主申请人及子女的出生证明/公证2)结婚证明/公证3)子女的收养、监护证明/公证4)主申请人及子女的私人护照显示个人信息的页面的复印件5)全家户口的公证件6) 16岁以上申请人须提供婚姻状况公证(已婚、未婚等)7) 22岁以上子女需提供22岁后到现在的就学证明及成绩单,由学校开证明信,写明每天多少课时及每周上几天课,提供高考成绩,并提供22岁以后仍需父母经济资助的证明/公证3。
1. 护照和身份证明:提供有效的护照和身份证明文件,包括出生证明、结婚证等。
2. 申请表格:填写加拿大移民局提供的申请表格,并确保填写无误。
3. 移民费用支付证明:提供移民申请费用的支付证明,可以是银行收据或其他相关文件。
4. 教育和培训证书:提供高中、大学或职业培训机构的学位、证书和成绩单。
5. 工作经历证明:提供相关的工作证明文件,包括工作合同、工作证明信和税单。
6. 语言能力证明:提供通过加拿大认可的语言测试(例如IELTS)的成绩单。
7. 资金证明:提供足够的资金证明,以证明申请人有能力在加拿大安家并维持生活。
8. 医疗体检证明:提供通过加拿大移民局指定的医疗体检的结果。
9. 推荐信:提供雇主或教育机构的推荐信,证明申请人的工作能力和品行。
10. 犯罪记录申明:提供申请人的无犯罪记录证明,通常是由申请人所在国家的警察机关出具。
1. 用途申请表:申请人必须填写并提交正确的申请表格,以确保申请的有效性。
具体申请表格取决于不同的移民类别,例如,技术移民类别需要填写加拿大经济移民申请表(Express Entry)。
1.加拿大移民入籍的文件 如果对申请人的“生活重心”是否移居到加拿大有怀疑,一般会要求申请人补充以下证明文件的一种或几种: 1、过去几年的就业工作或教育情况的证明; 2、在加拿大的房产证明; 3、配偶子女在加拿大居住的证明; 4、电话、电视账单,银行账单; 5、在加拿大购物纪录; 6、子女在加拿大读书的证明; 7、申请人在加拿大的税单; 8、在加拿大的房屋、汽车保险; 9、出国的理由证明文件。 以上的证明文件需要与申请人的情况相结合,证明文件准备越齐全,就越能说明申请人的“生活重心”在加拿大,入籍的申 请也就更容易得到批准。 加拿大移民拿到枫叶卡就是永久居民,还是中国国籍,可随意往返于中加,但是持有的是中国护照。枫叶卡的有效期是5 年,永久居民需要在加拿大住满2年才有资格换领新卡,否则丧失永久居民的身份。住满三年或以上,就可以申请入籍成为加 拿大公民,以后不用受加拿大居住条件的限制。
面试通过,体检无问题,移民局将签发移民签证。如果不幸被拒签,要及时分析被拒签的原因,针对问题补充修改申请材 料,重新提交后等待面试通知。
加拿大投资移民一旦移民成功,就直接可以获得加拿大的永久绿卡。获得移民身份是在没有放弃中国国籍的情况下,同时 享受着与移民国家公民同等的福利待遇,您有权力不改变中国国籍而永远以移民身份在加拿大居住。加拿大承认多重国籍,所 以并不会强迫您放弃中国国籍。
如果您有移民的打算,那么首先要对移民常识有个基本的认识,了解加拿大的移民种类有哪些,移民费用是否可以接受, 然后根据自己的情况初步选定:独立移民还是亲属移民、技术移民还是商业移民,同时随时关注最新的移民动态,了解移民政 策的变化调整。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
3)SCHEDULE 1(附表1)-主申请及18岁以上家庭成员填写