



天然石材地質術語(中英文對照)1石英 quartz 二氧化矽晶體。

2長石 feldspar 鉀、鈉、鈣的架狀結構鋁矽酸鹽礦物。

3鹼性長石 alkali-feldspar 富含鹼金屬鉀、鈉的長石的總稱。

4斜長石plaginclase 富含鈉、鈣的長石的總稱。


6白雲母muscovite 含鉀的雲母。

7黑雲母 biotite 含鐵、鎂的雲母。

8角閃石 amphibole 含氫氧根(OH[-1])的鐵、鎂、鈣、鈉、鋁的鏈狀結構矽酸鹽礦物。

9輝石 pyroxene 鐵、鎂、鈣、鈉、鋁的鏈狀結構矽酸鹽礦物。

10方解石 calcite 碳酸鈣礦物。

11白雲石 dolomite 碳酸鈣鎂礦物。

12橄欖石 olivine 鎂和鐵的矽酸鹽礦物。

13蛇紋石 serpentine 矽酸鎂的水合物。

14黃鐵礦 pyrite 二硫化鐵礦物。

15竭鐵礦 limonite 以氧化鐵的水合物為主要成分的混合物。

16磁鐵礦magnetite 四氧化三鐵礦物,具磁性。

17全晶質結構 holocrystalline texture 組分完全結晶而不含有玻璃質的結構。

18隱晶質結構 cryptocrystalline texture 組分結晶很細僅能在顯微鏡下分辯的結構。

19玻璃質結構 glassy texture 組分沒有結晶,為純碎玻璃質的結構。

20等粒結構 eguigranular texture 岩石中主要礦物顆粒大小基本一致的結構。

21斑狀結構 porphyritic texture 岩石中有大小截然不同的結晶顆粒,大顆粒稱為斑晶,小顆粒稱為基質。

22鮞狀結構 oolitic texture 由球形或橢球形顆粒組成,其顆粒外形、大小象魚卵。

23 碎屑結構 clastic texture 岩石中碎屑含量大於50%的結構。

24生物結構biogenetic texture 岩石中生物骨骼的含量大於30%的結構。



天然石材常见的表面加工(Surface Finishing)方法抛光(Polished):表面非常的平滑,高度磨光,有镜面效果,有高光泽。









高温加热之后快速冷却就形成了火烧面.火烧面一般是花岗岩.开裂(Nature Split):俗称自然面,其表面粗糙,不过不像火烧那样粗糙。









石材英文资料收集整理标签:综合类英语词汇学习笔记石头材料1.一般术语2.1 建筑石材 building stone 具有一定的物理、化学性能可用作建筑材料的岩石。

2.2 装饰石材 decorative stone 具有装饰性能的建筑石材,加工后可供建筑装饰用。

2.3 品种 variety 按颜色、花纹等特征及产地对饰面石材所做的分类。

2.4 饰面石材 facing stone 用来加工饰面板材的石材。

2.5 饰面板材 facing slab 用饰面石材加工成的板材,用作建筑物的内外墙面、地面、柱面、台面等。

2.6 大理石 marble 商业上指以大理岩为代表的一类装饰石材,包括碳酸盐岩和与其有关的变质岩,主要成分为碳酸盐矿物,一般质地较软。

2.7 花岗石granite 商业上指以花岗岩为代表的一类装饰石材,包括各类岩浆岩和花岗质的变质岩,一般质地较硬。

3 地质术语3.1 石英 quartz 二氧化硅晶体。

3.2 长石 feldspar 钾、钠、钙的架状结构铝硅酸盐矿物。

3.3 碱性长石 alkali-feldspar 富含碱金属钾、钠的长石的总称。

3.4 斜长石plaginclase 富含钠、钙的长石的总称。

3.5 云母mica 铁、镁、钾等的层状结构铝硅酸盐水合物,具有极完全的片状解理,可沿解理剥成具有弹性的薄片。

3.6 白云母muscovite 含钾的云母。

3.7 黑云母 biotite 含铁、镁的云母。

3.8 角闪石 amphibole 含氢氧根(OH[-1])的铁、镁、钙、钠、铝的链状结构硅酸盐矿物。

3.9 辉石 pyroxene 铁、镁、钙、钠、铝的链状结构硅酸盐矿物。

3.10 方解石 calcite 碳酸钙矿物。

3.11 白云石 dolomite 碳酸钙镁矿物。

3.12 橄榄石 olivine 镁和铁的硅酸盐矿物。

3.13 蛇纹石 serpentine 硅酸镁的水合物。

3.14 黄铁矿 pyrite 二硫化铁矿物。


剂(disease-specific treatment 专门针对各种石材病症而研制的处理药水。如:除锈剂、蜡层剥离剂、藻类及霉菌去除剂、去污膏 agent) 、除油膏等。 波浪面(Surface waves) 玻化砖 不燃烧体(non–combustible componen) 大体同上荔枝面,不过凹洼深、点状大,立体感强烈。 玻化砖是由石英砂、泥经高温烧制而成,然后用磨具将表面打磨光亮,其硬度高,不吸水,主要成 份为氧化硅等 用不燃烧材料做成的建筑构件。
功率(power) 挂件(anchor) 滚涂 化学腐蚀(chemical corrosion)
荒料率(block yield) 黄斑(yellow spot)
设定体积的矿体中,开采出符合要求的荒料总体积与该矿体体积之比,用百分数表示。分为图解荒 料率(根据测点露头节理裂隙素描图截取荒料统计得出)、试采荒料率和生产荒料率。 石材在受到外部物质的污染或与水泥反应后所生成的黄色污斑。 中文直译:表面粗糙。这种表面主要用于室内如地板或作商业大厦的饰面,劳动力成本较高。高温 加热之后快速冷却就形成了火烧面。火烧面一般是花岗岩。英文翻译:Rough texture, very abrasive. This
石材术语 安全出口(safety exit) 拗力(bend strength) 白华(泛碱)(Efflorescence) 白雲石(dolomite) 百洁垫(scouring pad) 板石(slate) 半地下室(semi–basement) 碑石(stele) 边角料(spalls) 丙烯酸防护剂(acrylic protector) 内容 保证人员安全疏散的楼梯或直通室外地平面的出口。 电动机在运转时所产生的力的大小 水泥中的碱质与石材中的矿物质在水的作用下,渗透到石材表面发生反应所形成的白色粉末或石灰 状硬块。 碳酸鈣鎂礦物。 一种塑料纤维片,主要在石材清洗和蜡面抛光、镜面(晶面)抛光时使用。按不同石材材质和不同 工艺分成不同种类。 商业上指易沿流片理产生的劈理面裂开成薄片的一种岩石,微晶变质岩,通常大部分源于页沿,主 要由云母、亚氯酸岩和石英组成。 房间地平面低于室外地平面的高度超过该房间净高1/3,且不超过1/2者。 用天然石加工成的具有纪念或标记性质的石碑。 在开采和加工过程中废弃的小尺寸石材或从石材板材上分离下来的碎片或断片。 采用丙烯酸为主要原料的石材防护剂,表面易成膜,加深石材颜色,有塑光。

石材英语 中英文 对照大全 学习资料

石材英语 中英文 对照大全 学习资料

[ F ] 梵格祖绿 Mergozzo Green [2005-2-4 20:03:31][ F ] 梵舍威图灰 Moncervetto [2005-2-4 20:03:23][ F ] 非洲黑 Zimbabwe [2005-2-4 20:03:16][ F ] 啡红根 Café Rosita [2005-2-4 20:02:58][ F ] 啡红麻 Derby Brown [2005-2-4 20:02:51][ F ] 啡网纹 Emperador 或Emperador Dark [2005-2-4 20:02:44] [ F ] 啡钻 Baltic Brown 或Baltic Brown "M" [2005-2-4 20:02:21] [ F ] 啡钻麻 Baltil Brown [2005-2-4 20:02:13][ F ] 翡翠红 Verde Eucalipto [2005-2-4 20:02:06][ F ] 芬兰红 Finland Red [2005-2-4 20:02:00][ F ] 粉点白麻 Rosa Beta [2005-2-4 20:01:52][ F ] 粉蝶石 Perlino Rosato [2005-2-4 20:01:37][ F ] 粉红绿麻 Pink Green [2005-2-4 20:01:31][ F ] 粉红麻 Pink Porrino 或Red Sesame [2005-2-4 20:01:24][ F ] 粉红沙石 Pink Quarzite [2005-2-4 20:01:14][ F ] 粉红水晶 Royal Pink [2005-2-4 20:00:54][ F ] 粉红珍珠 Pink Pearl [2005-2-4 20:00:45][ F ] 枫丹彩虹 Regina Pink [2005-2-4 20:00:39][ F ] 枫叶黑 Negro Espana [2005-2-4 20:00:31][ F ] 枫叶红 Maple-Leaf Red [2005-2-4 20:00:25][ F ] 枫叶绿 Verbe Fontam [2005-2-4 20:00:15][ F ] 枫叶棕 Caledonia D-Brown [2005-2-4 20:00:07][ F ] 佛岗青 Fu Gang Blue [2005-2-4 19:59:59][ F ] 佛里斯塔灰 Grey Forresta [2005-2-4 19:59:29][ F ] 富地红 Richearth Red [2005-2-4 19:57:00][ F ] 富贵米黄 Beige A1&A2 [2005-2-4 19:56:30][ E ] 俄国啡珍珠 Brown Pearl [2005-2-4 17:29:05][ D ] 达威芮那米黄 Doverena Beige(N) [2005-2-4 17:28:48][ D ] 大白花 Big White Flower [2005-2-4 17:28:39][ D ] 大花白 Arabescato 或Arabescato Corchia [2005-2-4 17:28:30] [ D ] 大花灰 Arabescato Grey [2005-2-4 17:28:21][ D ] 大花绿 Dark Green 或Medium Green [2005-2-4 17:28:14] [ D ] 大陆绿 Mainland Green [2005-2-4 17:28:04][ D ] 黛丝香槟 Derert Litac [2005-2-4 17:27:55][ D ] 德玛拉金缎 Giallo Damara [2005-2-4 17:27:46][ D ] 德州粉红 Texas Pink [2005-2-4 17:27:37][ D ] 德州粉红(金杜鹃) Texas Red [2005-2-4 17:27:14][ D ] 帝皇白(纯) Imperial Dumby [2005-2-4 17:26:44][ D ] 帝皇红 Imperial Red [2005-2-4 17:26:37][ D ] 帝诺化石 Diano Peal [2005-2-4 17:26:30][ D ] 豆腐花米黄 Botticino Fiorito [2005-2-4 17:26:24][ D ] 杜傲依莎灰 Grey Duauesa [2005-2-4 17:25:59][ D ] 多拉塔黄沙石 Pietra Dorata [2005-2-4 17:19:28][ C ] 彩丽纹 Pearl [2005-2-4 17:15:02][ C ] 蚕丝白 Kashmire White [2005-2-4 17:14:37][ C ] 岑溪红 Cenxi Red [2005-2-4 17:14:27][ C ] 查菲比蓝 Zaphipe Blue [2005-2-4 17:14:15][ C ] 查菲比棕 Zaphipe Brown [2005-2-4 17:13:33][ C ] 橙皮红 Rosa Tea [2005-2-4 17:13:24][ C ] 春天红 Spring Rose [2005-2-4 17:13:16][ C ] 春天绿 Spring Ray [2005-2-4 17:13:07][ C ] 纯黑麻 Absoluto Black [2005-2-4 17:12:57][ C ] 纯墨绿麻 Verde Assoluto [2005-2-4 17:12:49][ B ] 巴拿马黑 Nero Impala [2005-2-4 17:12:35][ B ] 巴西帝红(细花) Royal Red [2005-2-4 17:12:23][ B ] 巴西帝红(中花) Colorado Gaucho [2005-2-4 17:12:15][ B ] 巴西点啡 Ipanema [2005-2-4 17:10:50][ B ] 巴西红棕 Bratteby [2005-2-4 17:10:41][ B ] 巴西幻彩红 Rosso Crepuslolo [2005-2-4 17:10:33][ B ] 巴西金彩麻 Amarello Gold [2005-2-4 17:10:21][ B ] 巴西金珍珠 Amerello Pearl [2005-2-4 17:10:11][ B ] 巴西新纽啡珠 Riosorgeinento [2005-2-4 17:09:59][ B ] 巴希亚蓝 Azul Bahia [2005-2-4 17:09:50][ B ] 芭拉黑 Barry Black [2005-2-4 17:09:43][ B ] 芭拉灰 Brarry Grey [2005-2-4 17:09:33][ B ] 白海棠 White Crabapple [2005-2-4 17:09:26][ B ] 白木纹 Perlino Bianco [2005-2-4 17:09:18][ B ] 白沙米黄 Bianco Botticino 或Cream Pinta [2005-2-4 17:09:08] [ B ] 白沙米黄(黄) Biancone D [2005-2-4 17:08:52][ B ] 白沙米黄(灰) Biancone E [2005-2-4 17:08:31][ B ] 白沙石 Limbra Stone [2005-2-4 17:08:11][ B ] 白水晶 Thassos [2005-2-4 17:08:02][ B ] 白珠白麻 White Pearl [2005-2-4 17:07:54][ B ] 柏斯高灰 Fior Di Pesco Carnico [2005-2-4 17:07:45][ B ] 贝勒米黄 Cream Bello [2005-2-4 17:07:15][ B ] 比花蓝 Peval Gream Blue Bahia [2005-2-4 17:07:06][ B ] 彼拉尔巴红 Rosa Peralba [2005-2-4 17:06:56][ B ] 边绿 Verde Verge [2005-2-4 17:06:47][ B ] 宾拉卡红 Pokkala Red [2005-2-4 17:06:34][ B ] 波涛奇瑙挑红石 Pottochino Peack [2005-2-4 17:06:25][ B ] 伯君子黄沙石 P.Jaunz [2005-2-4 17:06:09][ B ] 伯朗细花 Imperial Brown [2005-2-4 17:06:01][ B ] 布巴绿 Verde Buba [2005-2-4 17:05:48][ B ] 布丝绿沙石 Buxy Bayada [2005-2-4 17:05:34][ A ] 埃及红 Aswan Red [2005-2-4 17:04:05][ A ] 埃及米黄 New Beige [2005-2-4 17:03:52][ A ] 艾丽丝红 Rosa Iris [2005-2-4 17:03:40][ A ] 爱斯他银 Oyster Silver [2005-2-4 17:03:28][ A ] 安东尼巧克力 Adoni Chocolee [2005-2-4 17:03:16][ A ] 桉树绿 Verdre Eucalipto [2005-2-4 17:02:59][ A ] 奥斯塔绿 Verde Aosta [2005-2-4 17:02:49][ A ] 澳洲沙石(粉红色) Mount White(Pink) [2005-2-4 17:02:37][ A ] 澳洲沙石(金黄色) Mount White(Dark) [2005-2-4 17:02:20][ A ] 澳洲沙石(浅黄色) Mount White(Medium) [2005-2-4 17:02:12][ J ] 金星绿麻 Donghae [2005-2-4 20:25:12][ J ] 金萱红 Homiat Red [2005-2-4 20:25:05][ J ] 咖啡珍珠 Star Ruby [2005-2-4 20:24:59][ J ] 爵士白 Ajax 或Drama White [2005-2-4 20:24:38][ J ] 举拉秀尔黄 Girasole [2005-2-4 20:24:33][ J ] 旧米黄 Botticino Classico [2005-2-4 20:24:26][ J ] 旧金山绿 St.Francisco [2005-2-4 20:24:20][ J ] 经典亚麻 Yup Extra Classico [2005-2-4 20:24:12][ J ] 金钻麻 Giallo Fiorito 或Giallo Veneziano Fiorito [2005-2-4 20:23:46][ J ] 金珠麻 Amendoa [2005-2-4 20:23:37][ J ] 金叶麻 Golden Leaf [2005-2-4 20:23:29][ H ] 哈比丝卡丝红 Habiscuss [2005-2-4 20:23:06][ H ] 海珊瑚 Hassan Green [2005-2-4 20:22:59][ H ] 海洋白 White Marine [2005-2-4 20:22:52][ H ] 海洋白砂石 Sea White [2005-2-4 20:22:45][ H ] 海洋绿 Ocean Green 或OceanGreen(India) 或Verde Marina [2005-2-4 20:22:16] [ H ] 汉白玉 White Marble [2005-2-4 20:22:07][ H ] 河水绿 River Green [2005-2-4 20:21:39][ H ] 荷花绿 Lotus Green [2005-2-4 20:21:32][ H ] 黑白根 Nero Margiua [2005-2-4 20:21:26][ H ] 黑金花 Portoro 或Portoro Extra [2005-2-4 20:21:19][ H ] 黑金沙 Galaxy Black [2005-2-4 20:20:35][ H ] 黑珍珠 Emerald Pear [2005-2-4 20:20:28][ H ] 红豆白麻 Apex White [2005-2-4 20:20:22][ H ] 红金沙 Noisette Fleury Classico [2005-2-4 20:20:14][ H ] 红龙石 Red Dragon [2005-2-4 20:20:07][ H ] 红线米黄 Filetto Rosso 或Tranifiorito [2005-2-4 20:19:58] [ H ] 红线玉 Pink Porriny [2005-2-4 20:19:50][ H ] 红紫彩 Kinawa [2005-2-4 20:19:30][ H ] 红紫晶 Lillas Gerais [2005-2-4 20:19:24][ H ] 红钻 Carmen Red [2005-2-4 20:19:16][ H ] 红钻麻 Carmen Red [2005-2-4 20:19:10][ H ] 湖水蓝 Lake Placid Blue [2005-2-4 20:19:03][ H ] 蝴蝶绿 Butterfly Green [2005-2-4 20:18:57][ H ] 蝴蝶墨绿麻 Verdre Butterfly [2005-2-4 20:18:51][ H ] 虎皮红 Tiger Skin [2005-2-4 20:18:36][ H ] 虎皮黄 Yellow Tiger Skin [2005-2-4 20:18:29][ H ] 虎皮石 Rosso Salome 或Tiger Skin [2005-2-4 20:11:54][ H ] 琥珀红 Najran Red [2005-2-4 20:11:41][ H ] 琥珀黄 Perlato Svevo [2005-2-4 20:11:34][ H ] 幻彩巴拉麻 Prata Ornamental [2005-2-4 20:11:28][ H ] 幻彩豆麻 Ghibli [2005-2-4 20:11:22][ H ] 幻彩粉红麻 Pink Fanasty [2005-2-4 20:11:16][ H ] 幻彩红 Molticolor Red 或Multicolor Red [2005-2-4 20:10:25] [ H ] 幻彩金麻 Giallo SF Peal [2005-2-4 20:10:18][ H ] 幻彩绿 Martiaca 或Multicolor Green [2005-2-4 20:10:11] [ H ] 幻想雪花 Fantasy Snow [2005-2-4 20:09:57][ H ] 幻影玫瑰 Rosa Bellissimo [2005-2-4 20:09:49][ H ] 皇妃红 Red Ruby [2005-2-4 20:09:02][ H ] 皇后红 Queen Rose [2005-2-4 20:08:52][ H ] 皇家米黄 Royal Beige [2005-2-4 20:08:21][ H ] 皇家奶油 Cream Royal [2005-2-4 20:08:13][ H ] 皇家水晶 Bianco Royal [2005-2-4 20:08:06][ H ] 皇室啡 Iundra Brown [2005-2-4 20:07:45][ H ] 皇室灰 Royal Grey [2005-2-4 20:07:37][ H ] 皇室米黄 Shukuh [2005-2-4 20:07:30][ H ] 黄昏霞光 Aurora Bianco [2005-2-4 20:07:24][ H ] 黄金芭拉 Giallo Veneziano [2005-2-4 20:07:17][ H ] 黄金灰麻 Bianco Argento [2005-2-4 20:07:12][ H ] 黄金麻 Giallo Cecilia [2005-2-4 20:07:03][ H ] 黄金米黄 Jekmar Cream [2005-2-4 20:06:56][ H ] 黄金钻 Tropic Brown [2005-2-4 20:06:27][ H ] 黄窿石 Travertino Romano [2005-2-4 20:06:21][ H ] 黄露石 Travertino Dune [2005-2-4 20:06:14][ H ] 黄沙石 Perlato Sictlla [2005-2-4 20:06:07][ H ] 灰红根 Rosso Salome [2005-2-4 20:06:00][ H ] 灰金花 Portoro [2005-2-4 20:05:54][ H ] 灰玫瑰 Ash Rose [2005-2-4 20:05:46][ H ] 灰网纹 Grigio Carnico [2005-2-4 20:05:40][ H ] 火山红 Rosso Alicante [2005-2-4 20:05:33][ H ] 火山绿 Verde Lavars [2005-2-4 20:05:28][ G ] 橄榄绿 Olive Green [2005-2-4 20:05:11][ G ] 高蚊+A152红 Marron Guaiba [2005-2-4 20:05:03][ G ] 哥拉斯彩虹 Scuru 或TropicalViolet [2005-2-4 20:04:56] [ G ] 哥斯亚灰 Qasia Auzl [2005-2-4 20:04:49][ G ] 格朗米黄 Gran Beige [2005-2-4 20:04:42][ G ] 格丽丝金麻 Grand Gris [2005-2-4 20:04:24][ G ] 古典金麻 Giallo Anitco [2005-2-4 20:04:18][ G ] 广西白 Guangxi White [2005-2-4 20:04:10][ H ] 国产大花绿 Big Flower Green [2005-2-4 20:04:03][ F ] 法国红 Rosso Antico [2005-2-4 20:03:44][ L ] 龙凤红 Indian Juparana [2005-2-4 20:35:11][ L ] 六国红 Black Tiger [2005-2-4 20:35:05][ L ] 栗子红 Rosa Chestnut [2005-2-4 20:34:58][ L ] 利迪亚红 Rosa Lydia [2005-2-4 20:34:52][ L ] 老鹰桃木石 Edel Mahogany [2005-2-4 20:34:46][ L ] 老鹰红 Kola Red [2005-2-4 20:34:39][ L ] 浪泽红 Ranza Green [2005-2-4 20:34:32][ L ] 浪花白 Spary White [2005-2-4 20:34:25][ L ] 蓝柚木 Azu Imperial Peual [2005-2-4 20:34:18][ L ] 蓝星蜜桃红 Rosa Peach [2005-2-4 20:34:13][ L ] 拉斯金钻麻 Laranjeiras [2005-2-4 20:33:48][ L ] 拉卡米黄 Cream Laca [2005-2-4 20:33:40][ L ] 拉丁白 White Sardo [2005-2-4 20:33:34][ L ] 拉布拉多绿 Labrador [2005-2-4 20:33:27][ K ] 孔雀绿 Peacock Green [2005-2-4 20:32:57][ K ] 肯迪亚红 Candia [2005-2-4 20:32:48][ K ] 克什米尔白 Kashmire White [2005-2-4 20:32:33][ K ] 克利玛花 Seattle Cremo [2005-2-4 20:32:21][ K ] 凯悦红 Breccia Oniciata [2005-2-4 20:32:16][ K ] 凯撒黑 Nero Galassia Fossice [2005-2-4 20:32:08][ K ] 凯撒白 Caesar White [2005-2-4 20:32:01][ K ] 卡丝帝拉米黄 Beige Castilla [2005-2-4 20:31:53][ K ] 卡罗姆波红 Juparana Colombo [2005-2-4 20:31:27][ K ] 卡利多利亚 Caledonia L-Brown [2005-2-4 20:31:19][ K ] 卡多灰沙石 Cardoso [2005-2-4 20:31:13][ J ] 积架红 Jacaranda [2005-2-4 20:30:48][ J ] 积架红(阿根廷红) Forest Green 或Red Sierra Chica [2005-2-4 20:30:40] [ J ] 吉达红 Ruweidah Pink [2005-2-4 20:30:29][ J ] 吉利红 PR Red [2005-2-4 20:30:23][ J ] 加多利亚(浅) Caladonia (Light) [2005-2-4 20:30:16][ J ] 加多利亚(深) Caladonia [2005-2-4 20:30:08][ J ] 加拿大白 Canadian White [2005-2-4 20:29:59][ J ] 加拿大黑 Lmabrian Black [2005-2-4 20:29:54][ J ] 加拿大红 Canada Red 或Emerald Pearl [2005-2-4 20:29:46][ J ] 加拿大朱红麻 Vermillion [2005-2-4 20:29:37][ J ] 加州金麻 Giallo California [2005-2-4 20:29:30][ J ] 加洲金麻 Imperial Califonia [2005-2-4 20:29:22][ J ] 江西红 Jhansi Red [2005-2-4 20:28:50][ J ] 将军红 Befast 或Suya Pink [2005-2-4 20:28:44][ J ] 酱色石 Golden Galaxy [2005-2-4 20:28:34][ J ] 焦糖金麻 Caramelo Decorado [2005-2-4 20:28:28][ J ] 金彩麻 Giallo Veneziano [2005-2-4 20:28:20][ J ] 金点蓝钻 Blue Galaxy [2005-2-4 20:28:14][ J ] 金光麻 Brazilian Light [2005-2-4 20:28:04][ J ] 金花黄沙石 Amarillo Fosil [2005-2-4 20:27:58][ J ] 金花米黄 Perlato Svevo [2005-2-4 20:27:52][ J ] 金幻彩 Fantasy Viyola [2005-2-4 20:27:44][ J ] 金龙米黄 Dragon Yellow [2005-2-4 20:27:31][ J ] 金麻 Giallo Veneiiano [2005-2-4 20:27:24][ J ] 金钱豹石 Leopard Skin [2005-2-4 20:27:14][ J ] 金沙贝 Palissandro Classico [2005-2-4 20:26:30][ J ] 金沙黑 Black Galaxy [2005-2-4 20:26:15][ J ] 金沙石 Pallisandro Classico [2005-2-4 20:26:07][ J ] 金沙红 Red Galaxy [2005-2-4 20:26:01][ J ] 金丝缎(红) Seta Yellow (Red) [2005-2-4 20:25:38][ J ] 金丝缎(浅、中) Seta Yellow (Light、Medium) [2005-2-4 20:25:29] [ J ] 金斯敦米黄 Jazireh [2005-2-4 20:25:18][ T ] 太子红 Red Ruby [2005-2-4 22:52:51][ T ] 太阳白 Astra [2005-2-4 22:52:44][ T ] 太平洋珍珠绿 Pacific Pearl [2005-2-4 22:52:32][ T ] 太平洋墨绿麻 Pacific Ubatuba [2005-2-4 22:52:26][ S ] 松香黄 Song Xiang Yellow [2005-2-4 22:52:10][ S ] 松树绿 Pine Green [2005-2-4 22:52:04][ S ] 斯里兰卡金麻 Sri-Lanka Gold [2005-2-4 22:51:55][ S ] 水晶黄麻 Crystal Yellow [2005-2-4 22:51:50][ S ] 水晶粉红麻 Crystal Rose [2005-2-4 22:51:44][ S ] 水晶白麻 Crystal White [2005-2-4 22:51:37][ S ] 树纹米黄B Biancone B [2005-2-4 22:51:31][ S ] 树纹米黄A Biancone A [2005-2-4 22:51:24][ S ] 史丹特灰 Stanstead Grey [2005-2-4 22:51:15][ S ] 石榴红 Ponegranate Red [2005-2-4 22:51:05][ S ] 石岛红 Peninsula Red [2005-2-4 22:50:59][ S ] 圣罗兰 Scuru 或Tan Brown [2005-2-4 22:50:52][ S ] 圣路斯银 Saint Louis [2005-2-4 22:50:45][ S ] 圣地亚哥红 Rosso Santiago 或Santiago Red [2005-2-4 22:50:37] [ S ] 胜利红 Red LP [2005-2-4 22:50:28][ S ] 珊瑚红 Coralito 或Rosso Alicante [2005-2-4 22:50:23][ S ] 山水绿 Kinawa Light [2005-2-4 22:50:15][ S ] 山鹑红砾石 Berccia Pernice [2005-2-4 22:50:10][ S ] 莎利士红 Pink Salisbury [2005-2-4 22:50:04][ S ] 莎利白 Sarry White [2005-2-4 22:49:57][ S ] 莎安娜米黄 Shabnam [2005-2-4 22:49:50][ S ] 沙萱翡翠 New Blue [2005-2-4 22:49:44][ S ] 沙特白 Sunshine White [2005-2-4 22:49:36][ S ] 沙漠绿 Desert Green [2005-2-4 22:49:31][ S ] 沙宝绿石 Emerald Green [2005-2-4 22:49:05][ S ] 沙芭蒂诺红 Sabatino [2005-2-4 22:48:57][ S ] 森林绿 Verde Forest [2005-2-4 22:48:51][ S ] 三藩市绿 Verde San Franciso [2005-2-4 22:48:45][ S ] 三藩市金(深) Giallo S.F. Real (Dark) [2005-2-4 22:48:36][ S ] 三藩市金(浅) Giallo S.F. Real (Light) [2005-2-4 22:48:23][ R ] 瑞典红 Trawas Red [2005-2-4 20:47:10][ R ] 瑞典红 Rosso Vanga [2005-2-4 20:47:04][ R ] 乳黄石灰岩 Yellow Limestone [2005-2-4 20:46:59][ R ] 茹亚那红 Rosso Luana [2005-2-4 20:46:53][ R ] 茹巴拉那红 Juparana Rossa [2005-2-4 20:46:47][ R ] 日斑白 Sunshine White [2005-2-4 20:46:40][ R ] 热带绿 Verde Tropical SF [2005-2-4 20:46:34][ R ] 热带绿 Tropical Green [2005-2-4 20:46:28][ R ] 热带白 Tropical White [2005-2-4 20:46:21][ Q ] 秋棕麻 Autumn Brown [2005-2-4 20:46:05][ Q ] 青紫水晶 Royal Mahogany [2005-2-4 20:45:59][ Q ] 浅棕花 Light Brown [2005-2-4 20:45:51][ Q ] 浅紫彩 Paradiso [2005-2-4 20:45:44][ P ] 苹果绿 Apple Green 或Dark Green [2005-2-4 20:45:27][ P ] 帕达迪索 Paradiso [2005-2-4 20:45:18][ P ] 帕达迪索 Imperial Red [2005-2-4 20:45:13][ O ] 欧瑞莎绿 Orissa Green [2005-2-4 20:44:23][ O ] 欧瑞莎蓝 Orissa Blue [2005-2-4 20:44:10][ N ] 挪威拉砾石纹 Breccia Novella [2005-2-4 20:43:54][ N ] 挪威红 Rosa Norwegian 或Rosso Norvegjan [2005-2-4 20:43:46] [ N ] 挪威白 Togla White [2005-2-4 20:43:39][ N ] 努瓦米黄 Cream Nuova [2005-2-4 20:43:33][ N ] 尼威白水晶 Bianco Neve [2005-2-4 20:43:26][ N ] 南非太阳金 Yellow Sun [2005-2-4 20:43:19][ N ] 南非深黑 Belfast [2005-2-4 20:43:10][ N ] 南非浅黑 Rustenburg [2005-2-4 20:43:05][ N ] 南非红 African Red [2005-2-4 20:42:57][ N ] 拿破仑金 Giallo Napoleone [2005-2-4 20:42:51][ M ] 木纹石 Serpenggiante [2005-2-4 20:42:34][ M ] 木纹黄 Wood-Grain Yellow [2005-2-4 20:42:29][ M ] 木纹白 Wood-Grain White [2005-2-4 20:42:22][ M ] 墨绿麻 Verde Ubatuba [2005-2-4 20:42:17][ M ] 密拉斯红 Rossa Milas [2005-2-4 20:41:59][ M ] 米黄玉 Yellow Jade [2005-2-4 20:41:53][ M ] 蒙地卡罗白 Multicolor White [2005-2-4 20:41:45][ M ] 蒙地卡罗 Greek Dark Green 或Multicocour Red [2005-2-4 20:41:35][ M ] 美利坚红 Camelia Pink [2005-2-4 20:41:24][ M ] 美利坚白 Camelia White [2005-2-4 20:41:18][ M ] 美国银星 Silver Star [2005-2-4 20:41:12][ M ] 美国桃木石 Dakota Mahogany [2005-2-4 20:41:06][ M ] 美国红紫晶 Dakota Mahogany [2005-2-4 20:40:56][ M ] 美国红麻 American Red [2005-2-4 20:40:51][ M ] 美国多威灰麻 Diorite [2005-2-4 20:40:43][ M ] 美国白麻 Bethel White [2005-2-4 20:40:35][ M ] 玫瑰珍珠 Tumkur Red [2005-2-4 20:40:27][ M ] 玫瑰米黄 Cream Cotton [2005-2-4 20:40:18][ M ] 玫瑰绿麻 Rose Green [2005-2-4 20:40:09][ M ] 玫瑰皇后 Diorite [2005-2-4 20:40:03][ M ] 玫瑰红 Grey Duquesa 或Pink Rose 或Rosa Aurora 或Rose Red [2005-2-4 20:39:56] [ M ] 玫瑰彩红麻 Pink Rose [2005-2-4 20:39:48][ M ] 猫玛红 Maoma Red [2005-2-4 20:39:37][ M ] 猫灰石 Saint Luis [2005-2-4 20:39:31][ M ] 曼哈顿绿 Manhaton Green [2005-2-4 20:39:20][ M ] 曼德里丝灰 Grigio Mondariz [2005-2-4 20:39:13][ M ] 麦穗米黄 Terista [2005-2-4 20:39:03][ M ] 麦克绿 Myk Green [2005-2-4 20:38:57][ M ] 玛沙红(深) Tangelo Pink "A" [2005-2-4 20:38:49][ M ] 玛瑙玉 Agate Jade [2005-2-4 20:38:41][ M ] 玛莉绿 Mary Green [2005-2-4 20:38:33][ M ] 玛格尔沙绿 Mogalsar Green [2005-2-4 20:38:27][ M ] 马威虎红麻 Macurai Tiger [2005-2-4 20:38:19][ M ] 马提尼红 Martini [2005-2-4 20:38:13][ M ] 马沙红 Rosa Tea [2005-2-4 20:38:06][ M ] 马瑙红 Sea-Waue Flower [2005-2-4 20:38:00][ L ] 罗丝转红 Rosa Ghiandone [2005-2-4 20:37:15][ L ] 罗莎玉石 Rosso Salome [2005-2-4 20:37:09][ L ] 罗沙红 Rossa Framura [2005-2-4 20:37:03][ L ] 罗曼蒂克咖啡红 Romantic Coffee [2005-2-4 20:36:57][ L ] 罗克维尔白 Rockville White [2005-2-4 20:36:41] [ L ] 绿钻麻 Baltil Green [2005-2-4 20:36:35][ L ] 绿珠麻 Verde Fountain [2005-2-4 20:36:29][ L ] 绿玉石 Green Onyx [2005-2-4 20:36:22][ L ] 绿佑红 Balmoral Red [2005-2-4 20:36:16][ L ] 绿星 Emrrald Pearl [2005-2-4 20:36:06][ L ] 绿毛宝 Baltic Green [2005-2-4 20:36:00][ L ] 绿蝴蝶 Verde Bahia [2005-2-4 20:35:51][ L ] 绿点玫瑰 Green Rose [2005-2-4 20:35:45][ L ] 路易士银 Grey Duquesa [2005-2-4 20:35:38] [ L ] 鲁班米黄 Sanam [2005-2-4 20:35:33][ L ] 龙眼石 Dragon Eyes [2005-2-4 20:35:26][ L ] 龙纹石(依塔绿) Ita Creen [2005-2-4 20:35:19]。



石材术语中英文对照1.原料2.人造石 agglomerate (artificial stone) 花岗石 Granite 大理石 Marble3.石灰石 Limestone 玛瑙(松香黄)Onyx 石英石 Quartzite4.沙石 Sandstone 板岩 Slate 水磨石 Terrazzo 孔(窿)石 Travertine5.颜色6.米色Beige 黑色 Black 蓝色 Green 棕色 Brown 灰色 Gray7.白色 White 黄色 Yellow 金色 Golden 红色 Red8.产品种类9.荒料Block 板材Slab 工程板Cut-to-size 风水球Fortune (Fountain/Fengshui) Ball10.罗马柱 Column 圆柱 Pillar 弧形板 Arc panel 石线 Stone Border (line)11.拼花 pattern 马赛克 Masaic 灯饰 stone lamps 石雕 Stone Sculpture12.盆景 Bonsai 餐桌 Table 壁炉 stone fireplace 栏杆 Railing13.墓碑石 Grove stone (Monument) 蘑菇石 Mushroom slate14.加工工艺15.打磨 grinding 抛光 polishing 火烧 flame-treated 酸洗 acid washing16.水刀切割 water cutting 干挂 dry-hang 哑光 hone finished17.真光 polished finished 喷沙 sand-sprayed 锤凿 brush-hammered18.磨边 edge polishing 倒角 bevel edge19.其他20.排锯 (沙锯) gang saw 圆盘锯 circular saw 金光钻锯片 diamond saw blades21.尺码误差、尺头 allowance (荒料、板材)根 line (荒料、板材)裂 crack22.污点(石胆) spot 石材护理 stone protection (板材)抓痕 scratch23.粗晶 fine crystalline 幼晶 coarse crystalline24.缺陷语Recess 凹陷 stylolite 缝合线 glossiness 光泽度 gure花纹 angle 角度frost resistance抗冻性 hollow 坑窝 hole孔洞 edges imperfection 棱角缺陷concretion 两核 crack裂纹 density 密度 alkali-resistant耐碱性 flatness 平度 abrasion resistance耐磨性 warpage翘曲 colour stripe色斑色线sand hole砂眼 flexuril 弯曲强度 stain 污点 water absorption吸水率compressive strength 压缩强度 icoration 装饰性25.开采及加工split-faced开裂 rubbing / honed polishing 磨光抛光(polished) cutting 切割brushed刷洗 acid-washed 酸洗 flamed 火烧金钻麻fiorito 墨绿麻A ubatuba 滨洲青Binzhou Black 古典木纹啡juparana classic 红龙rosso itiuba 金线米黄Perlato SFMarble 大理石 granite 花岗石 building stone 建筑石材 variety品种stone protection 石材护理 facing stone 饰面石材 decorative stone 装饰石材hin slab 薄板 axed slab 剁斧板材 hick slab 厚板quarry stone荒料 laned slab 机刨板 squared stone 料石ormal slab 普型板 lamed slab 烧毛板 olished slab镜面板材(抛光板)greed-dimension slab/stone协议板/料 hammer dressed slab 锤击板材rregular slab异型板 roughing slab 粗面装饰板材(粗面板) ubbed slab细面板材(磨光板)石材专业术语--一般术语建筑石材 building stone:具有一定的物理、化学性能可用作建筑材料的岩石。



石材加工工艺专业术语中英文对照石材面加工1. 机切(sawn/machine-cutting)2. 火烧面(flamed surface)—防滑3.滚磨面(tumbled surface)4. 细点面(hammered surface)5. 自然面(natural surface)--破开后,面不加修饰(同第7是一样的06. 斧斩面(chiseled surface)7. 劈面(split surface)8. 拉槽细点面(slot and fine hammered surface)9.龙眼面(machine hammered)---Logan surface10. 菠萝面(pineapple surface)11. 星光面(star light surface)12. 斧剁面(congan)13. 波纹面(wave surface)14. 火烧方格纹(flaming-square vein)15. 仿古面(imitate antique)16. 断裂面(fracture surface)17. 条纹防滑面(grain for antiskid)18 .磨光面(polishing surface)19. 荔枝面(Bush-Hammered )加工工艺打磨grinding抛光polishing火烧flamed酸洗acid washing水刀切割water cutting干挂dry-hang哑光hone finished完光polished finished喷沙sand-sprayed锤凿brush-hammered磨边edge polishing倒角bevel edgesquare polish 磨平边另外还有:stainless---这个是加钢条一般板背会加钢条这样比较牢固oval sink---挖盆孔polish cut out---盆孔周围磨光splash ---是挡水板Finishes:Sandblasted,bush-hammered, Chiseled,Natural spilt,Laser表面加工finishes:sandblasted 喷砂,bush-hammered 机打荔枝chiseled 菠萝面相当于pineapple natural split 自然面laser 激光2)Edge边加工: Full Bullnose全牛鼻, Half bullnose半牛鼻, Flat eased (eased edge)直边, Bevel top 倒斜边, Radius Top倒R边, Laminated Countertop粘边台面板, Ogee EdgeOG边, Beveled processed and polished or others倒角加工和抛光及其他。



石材术语中英文对照石材术语中英文对照1.原料2.人造石 agglomerate (artificial stone) 花岗石 Granite 大理石 Marble3.石灰石 Limestone 玛瑙(松香黄)Onyx 石英石 Quartzite4.沙石 Sandstone 板岩 Slate 水磨石 Terrazzo 孔(窿)石 Travertine5.颜色6.米色Beige 黑色 Black 蓝色 Green 棕色 Brown 灰色 Gray7.白色 White 黄色 Yellow 金色 Golden 红色 Red8.产品种类9.荒料 Block 板材 Slab 工程板 Cut-to-size 风水球 Fortune (Fountain/Fengshui) Ball10.罗马柱 Column 圆柱 Pillar 弧形板 Arc panel 石线 Stone Border (line)11.拼花 pattern 马赛克 Masaic 灯饰 stone lamps 石雕 Stone Sculpture12.盆景 Bonsai 餐桌 Table 壁炉 stone fireplace 栏杆 Railing13.墓碑石 Grove stone (Monument) 蘑菇石 Mushroom slate14.加工工艺15.打磨 grinding 抛光 polishing 火烧 flame-treated 酸洗 acid washing16.水刀切割 water cutting 干挂 dry-hang 哑光 hone finished17.真光 polished finished 喷沙 sand-sprayed 锤凿 brush-hammered18.磨边 edge polishing 倒角 bevel edge19.其他20.排锯 (沙锯) gang saw 圆盘锯 circular saw 金光钻锯片 diamond saw blades21.尺码误差、尺头 allowance (荒料、板材)根 line (荒料、板材)裂 crack22.污点(石胆) spot 石材护理 stone protection (板材)抓痕 scratch23.粗晶 fine crystalline 幼晶 coarse crystalline24.缺陷语Recess 凹陷 stylolite 缝合线 glossiness 光泽度 gure花纹 angle 角度frost resistance抗冻性 hollow 坑窝 hole孔洞 edges imperfection 棱角缺陷concretion 两核 crack裂纹 density 密度 alkali-resistant耐碱性flatness 平度 abrasion resistance耐磨性 warpage翘曲 colour stripe色斑色线sand hole砂眼 flexuril 弯曲强度 stain 污点 water absorption吸水率compressive strength 压缩强度 icoration 装饰性25.开采及加工split-faced开裂 rubbing / honed polishing 磨光抛光(polished) cutting 切割brushed刷洗 acid-washed 酸洗 flamed 火烧金钻麻 fiorito 墨绿麻A ubatuba 滨洲青 Binzhou Black古典木纹啡 juparana classic 红龙 rosso itiuba 金线米黄 Perlato SFMarble 大理石 granite 花岗石 building stone 建筑石材 variety 品种stone protection 石材护理 facing stone 饰面石材 decorative stone 装饰石材hin slab 薄板 axed slab 剁斧板材 hick slab 厚板quarry stone荒料 laned slab 机刨板 squared stone 料石ormal slab 普型板 lamed slab 烧毛板 olished slab镜面板材(抛光板)greed-dimension slab/stone协议板/料 hammer dressed slab 锤击板材rregular slab异型板 roughing slab 粗面装饰板材(粗面板) ubbed slab细面板材(磨光板)石材专业术语--一般术语建筑石材 building stone:具有一定的物理、化学性能可用作建筑材料的岩石。


(荒料、板材)根 line
(荒料、板材)裂 crack
污点(石胆) spot
石材护理 stone protection
(板材)抓痕 scratch
粗晶 fine crystalli来自e 幼晶 coarse crystalline
組み合わせる丸こぎり(multi-blades cutting) 圆形排锯
.料石 squared stone 用毛料加工成的具有一定规格,用来砌筑建筑物用的石料。
.规格料 dimension stone 符合标准规格的荒料。
.协议料 agreed-dimension stone 由供需双方议定规格的荒料。
.毛板 flag slab 由荒料锯解成的板材。
.粗面装饰板材(粗面板)roughing slab 表面平整粗糙具有较规则加工条纹的板材。
.鲕状结构 oolitic texture 由球形或椭球形颗粒组成,其颗粒外形、大小象鱼卵。
.碎屑结构 clastic texture 岩石中碎屑含量大于%的结构。
.生物结构biogenetic texture 岩石中生物骨骼的含量大于%的结构。
.块状构造 massive structure 岩石中矿物排列无次序、分布均匀的构造。
切割cutting 将板材加工成一定尺寸的过程
磨光rubbing 将毛板表面加工成具有平整光滑的过程。
抛光polishing 将细面板表面加工成具有镜向光泽的过程。
.石英 quartz 二氧化硅晶体。
.长石 feldspar 钾、钠、钙的架状结构铝硅酸盐矿物。
时间:2008-12-26 09:57 文字选择:大 中 小 来源: 国际石材网



石材英文资料收集整理标签:综合类英语词汇学习笔记石头材料1.一般术语2.1 建筑石材 building stone 具有一定的物理、化学性能可用作建筑材料的岩石。

2.2 装饰石材 decorative stone 具有装饰性能的建筑石材,加工后可供建筑装饰用。

2.3 品种 variety 按颜色、花纹等特征及产地对饰面石材所做的分类。

2.4 饰面石材 facing stone 用来加工饰面板材的石材。

2.5 饰面板材 facing slab 用饰面石材加工成的板材,用作建筑物的内外墙面、地面、柱面、台面等。

2.6 大理石 marble 商业上指以大理岩为代表的一类装饰石材,包括碳酸盐岩和与其有关的变质岩,主要成分为碳酸盐矿物,一般质地较软。

2.7 花岗石granite 商业上指以花岗岩为代表的一类装饰石材,包括各类岩浆岩和花岗质的变质岩,一般质地较硬。

3 地质术语3.1 石英 quartz 二氧化硅晶体。

3.2 长石 feldspar 钾、钠、钙的架状结构铝硅酸盐矿物。

3.3 碱性长石 alkali-feldspar 富含碱金属钾、钠的长石的总称。

3.4 斜长石plaginclase 富含钠、钙的长石的总称。

3.5 云母mica 铁、镁、钾等的层状结构铝硅酸盐水合物,具有极完全的片状解理,可沿解理剥成具有弹性的薄片。

3.6 白云母muscovite 含钾的云母。

3.7 黑云母 biotite 含铁、镁的云母。

3.8 角闪石 amphibole 含氢氧根(OH[-1])的铁、镁、钙、钠、铝的链状结构硅酸盐矿物。

3.9 辉石 pyroxene 铁、镁、钙、钠、铝的链状结构硅酸盐矿物。

3.10 方解石 calcite 碳酸钙矿物。

3.11 白云石 dolomite 碳酸钙镁矿物。

3.12 橄榄石 olivine 镁和铁的硅酸盐矿物。

3.13 蛇纹石 serpentine 硅酸镁的水合物。

3.14 黄铁矿 pyrite 二硫化铁矿物。



建筑术语中文名称内容硬度(hardness) 表面抵抗其他物质刻划、磨蚀、切削或压入表面的能力。

耐酸性(acid-resistance) 饰面石材抵抗酸腐蚀的性能。

裙房(skirt building) 与高层建筑相连的建筑高度不超过24m的附属建筑。

建筑高度(building altitude) 建筑物室外地面到其檐口或屋面面层的高度,屋顶上的水箱间、电梯机房、排烟机房和楼梯出口小间等不计入建筑高度。

耐火极限(duration of fire resistance) 建筑构件按时间—温度标准曲线进行耐火试验,从受到火的作用时起,到失去支持能力或完整性被破坏或失去隔火作用时止的这段时间,用小时表示。

不燃烧体(non–combustible componen) 用不燃烧材料做成的建筑构件。

难燃烧体(hard–combustible component) 用难燃烧材料做成的建筑构件或用燃烧材料做成而用不燃烧材料做保护层的建筑构件。

燃烧体(combustible component) 用燃烧材料做成的建筑构件。

商住楼(business–living building) 底部商业营业厅与住宅组成的高层建筑。

高级旅馆(high–grade hotel) 具备星级条件的且设有空气调节系统的旅馆。

饰面板材(facing slab) 用饰面石材加工成的板材,用作建筑物的内外墙面、地面、柱面、台面等。

综合楼(multiple–use building) 由二种及二种以上用途的楼层组成的公共建筑。

网局级电力调度楼(large–scale power dispatcher’s building) 可调度若干个省(区)电力业务的工作楼。

安全出口(safety exit) 保证人员安全疏散的楼梯或直通室外地平面的出口。

高级住宅(high–grade residence) 建筑装修标准高和设有空气调节系统的住宅。

重要的办公楼、科研楼、档案楼(important office building、laboratory、archive) 性质重要,建筑装修标准高,设备、资料贵重,火灾危险性大、发生火灾后损失大、影响大的办公楼、科研楼、档案楼。



石材术语中英对照佛山市金亿达装饰天然石材(natural stone)经选择和加工成的特殊尺寸或形状的天然石材,按照理化性能和商业用途分主要有花岗石、石灰石、大理石、砂岩、板岩五类。











砂岩(quartzitic sandstone)商业上指主要由二氧化硅(石英砂)以及多种矿物、岩石颗粒凝结而成的一种沉积岩类饰面石材。




石材入门知识(一)通常种类1. 花岗岩(Granite)是一种岩浆在地表以下凝结形成的火成岩,主要成分是长石和石英。




2. 大理石(Marble)原指产于云南省大理的白色带有黑色花纹的石灰岩,剖面可以形成一幅天然的水墨山水画,古代常选取具有成型的花纹的大理石用来制作画屏或镶嵌画,后来大理石这个名称逐渐发展成称呼一切有各种颜色花纹的,用来做建筑装饰材料的石灰岩,白色大理石一般称为汉白玉,但对翻译西方制作雕像的白色大理石也称为大理石。



3. 板岩(Slate)是具有板状结构,基本没有重结晶的岩石,是一种变质岩,原岩为泥质、粉质或中性凝灰岩,沿板理方向可以剥成薄片。


4. 砂岩(Sandstone),由石英颗粒(沙子)形成,结构稳定,通常呈淡褐色或红色,主要含硅、钙、黏土和氧化铁。



主要成份A.石英成份 52%以上;B.粘土15%左右;C.针铁矿18%左右;D.其它物质10%以上。




5. 石英石(Quartz), 石英是一种物理性质和化学性质均十分稳定的矿产资源,石英石是目前石英石板材生产厂家对其所生产的板材的一种简称,由于其板材主要成分石英含量高达93%以上,因此称为石英石。

石材 中英法

石材  中英法

石材术语的中英法:1. 原料人造石 agglomerate (artifical stone); agglomérat (pierre artificielle) 花岗石 Granite ;granite大理石 Marble ; marbre石灰石 Limestone ; calcaires玛瑙(松香黄) Onyx ; Onyx石英石 Quartzite Quartzite沙石 Sandstone ; grès板岩 Slate ; ardoise水磨石 Terrazzo ; terrazzo孔(窿)石 Travertine ; traverin2.颜色米色Beige ; beige黑色 Black ; noire蓝色 Blue ; bleu棕色 Brown ; marron ou brun灰色 Gray ; gris红色 Red ; rouge白色 White ; blanc黄色 Yellow ; jaune金色 Golden ; or3.产品种类荒料 Block ; bloc板材 Slab ; dalle工程板 Cut-to-size ; coupe à la taille风水球 Fortune (Fountain/Fengshui) Ball ; fortune(fontaine) bal石线 Stone Border (line) Pierre frontaliers – en ligne-罗马柱 Column ; colnne圆柱 Pillar ; pilier弧形板 Arc panel ; panel arc拼花 pattern ; dessin ou modèle马赛克 Masaic ; masaic灯饰 stone lamps ; lampes de pierre石雕 Stone Sculpture ; Pierre Sculpture盘景 Bonsai ; bonsai餐桌 Table ; tableau壁炉 stone fireplace ; cheminée en pierre栏杆 Railing ; railing ; balustrade, rampe,墓碑石 Grave stone (Monument) ; Pierre Tombal蘑菇石 Mushroom slate ; ardoises Champignon4. 加工工艺打磨 grinding ; meulage抛光 polishing ; polir火烧 flame-treated ; flame traités酸洗 acid washing ; lavage acide水刀切割 water cutting ; couper à l’eau干挂 dry-hang ; sèche hang??哑光 hone finished ; parfaire termninée??真光 polished finished ; fini poli喷沙 sand-sprayed ; sable pulverize??锤凿 brush-hammered; brosse martelé磨边 edge polishing ; pointe de polissage倒角 bevel edge , chamfer ; chanfrein6. 其他排锯 (沙锯) gang saw ; scie multiple圆盘锯 circular saw ; scie ciculaire金光钻锯片 diamond saw blades ; lames de scies diamantées尺码误差、尺头 allowance ?? provision(荒料、板材)根 line ; ligne(荒料、板材)裂 crack ; fissure污点(石胆) spot ; place??石材护理 stone protection ; protection de pierre(板材)抓痕 scratch ; ??幼晶 fine crystalline ; crystalline fine粗晶 coarse crystalline ; cristallin grossier施工方法分着干挂和湿挂,干挂是提高房屋档次、干挂不会反碱、安全性提高,用砂浆湿贴时间一长花岗岩表面会有水泥里面的碱性物质出来,影响外观;干挂要求花岗岩厚度比湿贴的要厚,而且加上槽钢、角钢、扣件等总重量肯定会比湿贴的重。



石材英语大全花岗石小翠红(又名芬兰红)Balmoral Red老鹰红Eagle Red卡门红Carmen Red宝卡拉红Porkkala Red菊花岗(又名啡钻)Baltic Brown鲸灰石Kuru Grey意大利:大理石Marble卡拉拉白Carraba阿拉伯白Arabescato Normal白木纹Perlino Bianco新米黄Botticino Fiorito帝诺化石Diano Real新米黄螺Plrlato Svevo粉蝶石Perlino Rosato鹅纹石Filetto木纹石Serpegg-Iante石材名称中英文对照阿拉伯白Arabescato Normal埃及红Aswan Red埃及米黄New Beige艾丽丝红Rosa Iris爱斯他银Oyster Silver安东尼巧克力Adoni Chocolee桉树绿Verdre Eucalipto奥斯塔绿Verde Aosta澳洲沙石(粉红色) Mount White (Pink)澳洲沙石(金黄色) Mount White (Dark)澳洲沙石(浅黄色) Mount White (Medium) 巴拿马黑Nero Impala巴西帝红(细花) Royal Red巴西帝红(中花) Colorado Gaucho巴西点啡Ipanema巴西红棕Bratteby巴西幻彩红Rosso Crepuslolo巴西金彩麻Amarello Gold巴西新纽啡珠Riosorgeinento巴希亚蓝Azul Bahia芭拉黑Barry Black芭拉灰Brarry Grey白海棠White Crabapple白木纹Perlino Bianco白沙米黄Bianco Botticino白沙米黄Cream Pinta白沙米黄(黄) Biancone D白沙米黄(灰) Biancone E白沙石Limbra Stone白水晶Thassos白水晶Thassos White白珠白麻White Pearl柏斯高灰Fior Di Pesco Carnico宝瓶宫石Aquarius宝石啡Gem Brown贝勒米黄Cream Bello比花蓝Peval Gream Blue Bahia 彼拉尔巴红Rosa Peralba边绿Verde Verge宾拉卡红Pokkala Red波涛奇瑙挑红石Pottochino Peack 伯君子黄沙石P.Jaunz伯朗细花Adoni Chocolee伯朗细花Imperial Brown布巴绿Verde Buba布丝绿沙石Buxy Bayada彩丽纹Pearl蚕丝白Kashmire White岑溪红Cenxi Red查菲比蓝Zaphipe Blue查菲比棕Zaphipe Brown橙皮红Rosa Tea春天红Spring Rose春天绿Spring Ray纯黑麻Absoluto Black纯墨绿麻Verde Assoluto达威芮那米黄Doverena Beige(N) 大白花Big White Flower大啡珠Imperial Brown大花白Arabescato大花白Arabescato Corchia大花灰Arabescato Grey大陆绿Mainland Green大西洋绿Luarentide Green 黛丝香槟Derert Litac德玛拉金缎Giallo Damara 德州粉红Texas Pink德州粉红(金杜鹃) Texas Red 德州红Dallas Pink德州红Texas Red帝皇白Imperial Dumby(II) 帝皇白(纯) Imperial Dumby 帝诺化石Diano Peal豆腐花米黄Botticino Fiorito 杜傲依莎灰Grey Duauesa 多川粉白麻Docheung多拉塔黄沙石Pietra Dorata 俄国啡珍珠Brown Pearl法国红Rosso Antico梵格宙绿Verde Mergozzo 梵格祖绿Mergozzo Green 梵舍威图灰Moncervetto非洲黑Zimbabwe啡红根Café Rosita啡红麻Derby Brown啡网纹Emperador啡网纹Emperador Dark啡珠麻Imperial Brown啡钻Baltic Brown啡钻Baltic Brown “M”啡钻麻Baltil Brown翡翠红Verde Eucalipto芬兰红Finland Red粉点白麻Rosa Beta粉蝶石Perlino Rosato粉红绿麻Pink Green粉红麻Pink Porrino粉红麻Red Sesame粉红沙石Pink Quarzite粉红水晶Royal Pink粉红珍珠Pink Pearl枫丹彩虹Regina Pink枫叶黑Negro Espana枫叶红Maple-Leaf Red枫叶绿Verbe Fontam佛里斯塔灰Grey Forresta富地红Richearth Red富贵米黄Beige A1&A2橄榄绿Olive Green高蚊+A152红Marron Guaiba 哥拉斯彩虹Scuru哥拉斯彩虹Tropical Violet哥斯亚灰Qasia Auzl格朗米黄Gran Beige格丽丝金麻Grand Gris古典金麻Giallo Anitco广西白Guangxi White国产大花绿Big Flower Green 哈比丝卡丝红Habiscuss海珊瑚Hassan Green海洋白White Marine海洋白砂石Sea White海洋绿Ocean Green海洋绿Ocean Green (India)海洋绿Verde Marina汉白玉White Marble杭灰Hang Grey蚝珠黑Oyster Pearl河水绿River Green荷花绿Lotus Green黑白根Nero Margiua黑金花Portoro黑金花Portoro Extra黑金沙Galaxy Black黑珍珠Emerald Pear红豆白麻Apex White红金沙Noisette Fleury Classico 红龙石Red Dragon红线米黄Filetto Rosso红线米黄Tranifiorito红线玉Pink Porriny红紫彩Kinawa红紫晶Lillas Gerais红钻Carmen Red红钻麻Carmen Red湖水蓝Lake Placid Blue蝴蝶绿Butterfly Green蝴蝶墨绿麻Verdre Butterfly虎皮石Rosso Salome虎皮石Tiger Skin琥珀红Najran Red琥珀黄Perlato Svevo幻彩巴拉麻Prata Ornamental幻彩豆麻Ghibli幻彩粉红麻Pink Fanasty幻彩红Molticolor Red幻彩红Multicolor Red幻彩金麻Giallo SF Peal幻彩绿Martiaca幻彩绿Multicolor Green幻想雪花Fantasy Snow幻影玫瑰Rosa Bellissimo皇妃红Red Ruby皇后红Queen Rose皇家米黄Royal Beige皇家奶油Cream Royal皇家水晶Bianco Royal皇玫Queen Rose皇室白麻Camelia White皇室啡Iundra Brown皇室灰Royal Grey皇室米黄Shukuh黄昏霞光Aurora Bianco黄金芭拉Giallo Veneziano黄金灰麻Bianco Argento黄金麻Giallo Cecilia黄金米黄Jekmar Cream黄金钻Tropic Brown黄窿石Travertino Romano黄露石Travertino Dune黄沙石Perlato Sictlla灰红根Rosso Salome灰金花Portoro灰玫瑰Ash Rose灰网纹Grigio Carnico火山红Rosso Alicante火山绿Verde Lavars积架红Jacaranda积架红(阿根廷红) Forest Green积架红(阿根廷红) Red Sierra Chica 吉达红Ruweidah Pink加多利亚(浅) Caladonia (Light)加多利亚(深) Caladonia加拿大白Canadian White加拿大黑Lmabrian Black加拿大红Canada Red加拿大红Emerald Pearl加拿大朱红麻Vermillion加州金麻Giallo California加洲金麻Imperial Califonia江西红Jhansi Red将军红Befast将军红Suya Pink酱色石Golden Galaxy焦糖金麻Caramelo Decorado金彩麻Giallo Veneziano金点蓝钻Blue Galaxy金光麻Brazilian Light金花黄沙石Amarillo Fosil金花米黄Perlato Svevo金幻彩Fantasy Viyola金龙麻Golden Drogen金龙米黄Dragon Yellow金麻Giallo Veneiiano金钱豹石Leopard Skin金沙贝Palissandro Classico金沙黑Black Galaxy金沙石Pallisandro Classico金丝缎(红) Seta Yellow (Red)金丝缎(浅、中) Seta Yellow (Light、Medium) 金斯敦米黄Jazireh金星绿麻Donghae金萱红Homiat Red金叶麻Golden Leaf金珠麻Amendoa金钻麻Giallo Fiorito金钻麻Giallo Veneziano Fiorito经典亚麻Yup Extra Classico旧金山绿St.Francisco旧米黄Botticino Classico举拉秀尔黄Girasole爵士白Ajax爵士白Drama White咖啡珍珠Star Ruby卡多灰沙石Cardoso卡罗姆波红Juparana Colombo 卡丝帝拉米黄Beige Castilla凯撒白Caesar White凯撒黑Nero Galassia Fossice凯悦红Breccia Oniciata克利玛花Seattle Cremo克什米尔白Kashmire White肯迪亚红Candia孔雀绿Peacock Green拉布拉多绿Labrador拉丁白White Sardo拉卡米黄Cream Laca拉斯金钻麻Laranjeiras蓝金沙Palissandro Blue蓝麻Blue Pearl蓝星蜜桃红Rosa Peach蓝柚木Azu Imperial Peual浪花白Spary White浪泽红Ranza Green老鹰红Kola Red老鹰桃木石Edel Mahogany利迪亚红Rosa Lydia栗子红Rosa Chestnut六国红Black Tiger龙凤红Indian Juparana龙纹石(依塔绿) Ita Creen龙眼石Dragon Eyes鲁班米黄Sanam路易士银Grey Duquesa绿点玫瑰Green Rose绿蝴蝶Verde Bahia绿毛宝Baltic Green绿星Emrrald Pearl绿佑红Balmoral Red绿玉石Green Onyx绿珠麻Verde Fountain绿钻麻Baltil Green罗克维尔白Rockville White罗马隆石Sakhreh罗曼蒂克咖啡红Romantic Coffee 罗沙红Rossa Framura罗莎玉石Rosso Salome罗丝转红Rosa Ghiandone马沙红Rosa Tea马提尼红Martini马威虎红麻Macurai Tiger玛格尔沙绿Mogalsar Green 玛莉绿Mary Green玛瑙玉Agate Jade玛沙红(深) Tangelo Pink "A" 麦克绿Myk Green麦穗米黄Terista曼德里丝灰Grigio Mondariz 曼哈顿绿Manhaton Green猫灰石Saint Luis猫玛红Maoma Red玫瑰彩红麻Pink Rose玫瑰红Grey Duquesa玫瑰红Pink Rose玫瑰红Rosa Aurora玫瑰红Rose Red玫瑰皇后Diorite玫瑰绿麻Rose Green玫瑰米黄Cream Cotton玫瑰珍珠Tumkur Red美国白麻Bethel White美国多威灰麻Diorite美国红麻American Red美国红紫晶Dakota Mahogany 美国桃木石Dakota Mahogany 美国银星Silver Star美利坚白Camelia White美利坚红Camelia Pink蒙地卡罗Greek Dark Green 蒙地卡罗Multicocour Red蒙地卡罗白Multicolor White 米黄玉Yellow Jade密拉斯红Rossa Milas摩卡绿Mocca Green魔术棕Magic Brown墨绿麻Verde Ubatuba木纹白Wood-Grain White木纹黄Wood-Grain Yellow木纹石Serpenggiante拿破仑金Giallo Napoleone南非红African Red南非浅黑Rustenburg南非太阳金Yellow Sun尼威白水晶Bianco Neve努瓦米黄Cream Nuova挪威白Togla White挪威红Rosa Norwegian挪威红Rosso Norvegjan挪威拉砾石纹Breccia Novella欧瑞莎蓝Orissa Blue欧瑞莎绿Orissa Green帕达迪索Imperial Red帕达迪索Paradiso苹果绿Apple Green苹果绿Dark Green浅紫彩Paradiso浅棕花Light Brown青紫水晶Royal Mahogany秋棕麻Autumn Brown热带白Tropical White热带绿Tropical Green热带绿Verde Tropical SF日斑白Sunshine White茹巴拉那红Juparana Rossa茹亚那红Rosso Luana乳黄石灰岩Yellow Limestone瑞典红Rosso Vanga瑞典红Trawas Red三藩市金(浅) Giallo S.F. Real (Light) 三藩市金(深) Giallo S.F. Real (Dark) 三藩市绿Verde San Franciso森林绿Verde Forest沙芭蒂诺红Sabatino沙宝绿石Emerald Green沙利红Sally Rosa沙漠啡Desert Brown沙漠绿Desert Green沙特白Sunshine White沙萱翡翠New Blue莎安娜米黄Shabnam莎利白Sarry White莎利士红Pink Salisbury山鹑红砾石Berccia Pernice山水绿Kinawa Light珊瑚红Coralito珊瑚红Rosso Alicante圣地亚哥红Rosso Santiago圣地亚哥红Santiago Red圣路斯银Saint Louis圣罗兰Scuru圣罗兰Tan Brown石岛红Peninsula Red石榴红Ponegranate Red史丹特灰Stanstead Grey树纹米黄A Biancone A树纹米黄B Biancone B水晶白麻Crystal White水晶粉红麻Crystal Rose水晶黄麻Crystal Yellow斯里兰卡金麻Sri-Lanka Gold松树绿Pine Green松香黄Song Xiang Yellow太平洋墨绿麻Pacific Ubatuba太平洋珍珠绿Pacific Pearl太阳白Astra太子红Red Ruby泰白青Tai Bai Black特级玫瑰红Rosa Aurora Extra特级美国白Super American White 特级雪花白Statuario Extra天堂蓝Paradiso Blue透光石Sunshine Stone土尔其玫瑰Beige & Rose土耳其玫瑰红Rosanice瓦林恰红奶油Cream Valencia晚霞红Man Xia Red万寿红Rossa Verona万寿红Rosso Verona-Asiago旺丹绿Verde Vountain威地粉红麻Wid Pink威兰士红Rosa Valencia维多利亚彩虹Baltil Green维多利亚彩虹Parana Tropical卫星蓝Peual Blue Surucu沃塞利丝黑Versailles Black五彩石Variegation五彩水晶石Multi-Crystal五月花Rosa Egeo午夜玫瑰Midnight Roses西芭啡Simbad Brown西班牙粉红麻Pink西班牙粉红麻Pink Porrino西班牙米黄Cream Marfil西班牙石灰白Caliza Capri西丽红Madame Red西摩金Samoa西娜啡Sienite Balma西娜黄点麻Sienite D'armenia西施红Rosa Zarzi西施红Rossao Ziarci西西里黑Sicilia Black希拉灰Sira Grey希腊大花绿Greek Dark Green希腊绿Serpintine细啡珠Café Imperial细花白White Carrara香槟红Perlino Rosato香槟红Prelino Rosa香槟金麻Topazio Imperiale香槟麻Crema Champan香槟石Champagne香槟钻Majran Brown香槟钻Najran Red香格里拉Shangri-la香谢萱Paly Sandro Nuvolato象牙白Cremo Marfic-IVory小翠绿Balmoral Green(Dark)辛巴威黑Zimbabwe Black新巴西加宾红New Capao Bonito 新巴西加黑New Tijuca新淡黄色石灰岩New Limestone 新黑珍珠Labrador Pearl Green 新金花米黄New Yellow新金丝缎New Seta Yellow新米黄Perlato Sicilia新茹巴拉那New Juparana新西施红沙石New Zarai新印度红New Imperial Red雪白银狐Ariston雪花白Snow Flower White雪里红Emperess Rose雅典米黄Pearl雅士白Ariston雅士图白Ariston亚歌红(卡伯拉) Cobra Red亚歌红(卡伯拉) Sea-Waue Flower亚根庭绿Verde Argento亚加斯灰Akashi亚玛莉罗Amarillo Sierra亚特兰泰红Rosa Atlantide阳光金Solar White阳光曲Solar Juparana阳江红YangJiang Red夜来雪Night Snow伊朗珍珠米黄Galala Pearl意大利白麻Sardinia White意大利大花绿Verde Alpi银啡麻Silver Grey银啡麻Silver Grey银河白labVader White银狐Drana White银灰蓝Silver Blue银沙白Galaxy White银沙黑(浅) Trigaches Light银沙黑(深) Trigaches Dark银沙石Moca Cream银线米黄Bianco Perlino印度白沙石Indian Sandstone (Light) 印度粉红麻Pink Porrino印度红Imperial Red印度红(粗花) New Imperial Red印度红(中花) Bundela Red印度红砂石Indian Sandstone (Dark) 印度红紫晶Indian Mahogany印度蓝Orion Blue印度浅绿Verde Affait (Light)印度桃木石New Mahgany印度象牙红Indian Jup. Ivory印度棕Tan Brown英国棕English Brown玉花岗Palm Green玉玛瑙Verde Veneziano月光石Moon Light越南红Vietnam Red云雾白Venato珍珠灰Gran Perla芝麻白Sesame White中东米黄Botticino White中国红China Red中花Middle Flower中花白Bianco Carrara Venato 仲夏红Summer Red仲夏黄Summer Yellow紫彩麻Paradiso紫点金麻Topazic Imperial紫丁香African Lilac紫晶麻Royal Mmhogany紫绿晶Forest Green紫罗红Rosso Antico Dttalia 紫罗红Rosso Lepanto紫罗兰Ruby Sapphire紫罗兰小花Azul Baia紫水晶Lilla Gerais。



石材术语中英文对照1.原料2.人造石agglomerate (artificial stone) 花岗石Granite 大理石Marble3.石灰石Limestone 玛瑙(松香黄)Onyx 石英石Quartzite4.沙石Sandstone 板岩Slate 水磨石Terrazzo 孔(窿)石Travertine5.颜色6.米色Beige 黑色Black 蓝色Green 棕色Brown 灰色Gray7.白色White 黄色Yellow 金色Golden 红色Red8.产品种类9.荒料Block 板材Slab 工程板Cut-to-size 风水球Fortune(Fountain/Fengshui) Ball10.罗马柱Column 圆柱Pillar 弧形板Arc panel 石线Stone Border (line)11.拼花pattern 马赛克Masaic 灯饰stone lamps 石雕Stone Sculpture12.盆景Bonsai 餐桌Table 壁炉stone fireplace 栏杆Railing13.墓碑石Grove stone (Monument) 蘑菇石Mushroom slate14.加工工艺15.打磨grinding 抛光polishing 火烧flame-treated 酸洗acidwashing16.水刀切割water cutting 干挂dry-hang 哑光hone finished17.真光polished finished 喷沙sand-sprayed 锤凿brush-hammered18.磨边edge polishing 倒角bevel edge19.其他20.排锯(沙锯) gang saw 圆盘锯circular saw 金光钻锯片diamond sawblades21.尺码误差、尺头allowance (荒料、板材)根line (荒料、板材)裂crack22.污点(石胆)spot 石材护理stone protection (板材)抓痕scratch23.粗晶fine crystalline 幼晶coarse crystalline24.缺陷语Recess 凹陷stylolite 缝合线glossiness 光泽度gure花纹angle 角度frost resistance抗冻性hollow 坑窝hole孔洞edges imperfection 棱角缺陷concretion 两核crack裂纹density 密度alkali-resistant耐碱性flatness 平度abrasion resistance耐磨性warpage翘曲colour stripe色斑色线sand hole砂眼flexuril 弯曲强度stain 污点water absorption吸水率compressive strength 压缩强度icoration 装饰性25.开采及加工split-faced开裂rubbing / honed polishing 磨光抛光(polished)cutting 切割brushed刷洗acid-washed 酸洗flamed 火烧金钻麻 fiorito 墨绿麻A ubatuba 滨洲青 Binzhou Black古典木纹啡 juparana classic 红龙 rosso itiuba 金线米黄 Perlato SFMarble 大理石granite 花岗石building stone 建筑石材variety 品种stone protection 石材护理facing stone 饰面石材decorative stone 装饰石材hin slab 薄板axed slab 剁斧板材hick slab 厚板quarry stone荒料laned slab 机刨板squared stone 料石ormal slab 普型板lamed slab 烧毛板olished slab镜面板材(抛光板)greed-dimension slab/stone协议板/料hammer dressed slab 锤击板材rregular slab异型板roughing slab 粗面装饰板材(粗面板)ubbed slab细面板材(磨光板)石材专业术语--一般术语建筑石材building stone:具有一定的物理、化学性能可用作建筑材料的岩石。



VOCABULARY OF STONE AND PROCESSING 一、石材分类花岗岩granite大理石marble板岩slate石英岩quartzite沙岩sandstone洞石travertin石灰石limestone玉石onyx陶瓷洗手盆ceramic basin浴室台板vanity top覆盖贴面clad干挂metal fixing配件filling色差variation斑点spot裂纹crack凹坑pit颗粒grain射线color radial (扫花)平整plant角度angle不规则irregular公差tolerance斜边chamfer倒角bevel片拼接pieces join二、石材名称规格板/薄板tiles大板slabs长条板small slabs(strips/half slabs)台板counter top浴室台板vanity top厨房台板kitchen tops中岛island台阶steps(台阶踏面tread,升面riser)拼花inlay(wall panel/pattern)窗台window cills门槛threshold装饰线条decoration line(strip)小圆柱round post(balusters)柱子pillar柱基(扶手)upside base for round post(armrest) 柱帽column claddings罗马柱column(roman column)车止石vehicle-stop, car stop树围stump雕刻品sculpture(statues)墓碑tombstone,monument骨灰盒urn花瓶vase蘑菇石mushroom stone小方块cobble stone鹅卵石pebble stone路沿石curbstone(kerbstone)地铺石paving(pavers)盲人石blindman stone三、面和边加工机切面sawn(cut) surface磨光面polished surface亚光面honed surface火烧面flamed(thermal)surface荔枝面bush hammered surface喷沙面sandblast surface龙眼面line chiseled surface菠萝面pineapple surface自然破面natural split stone异形加工sharp processing加工边processing edges倒角chamfered(beveled)倒半圆half round(half bullnosed)倒全圆full rounded(or single bullnosed)加牛鼻钩full bullnosed“S”形边加工ogee edge弧度radianWater proof 防水面feature water 用于流水waterproof liquid 防水剂Sharp processing 异行加工round post(balusters) 小圆柱(栏杆柱)upside base for rounds post(armrest) 柱基(扶手)small slab(strips/half slabs)长条板Straight 直磨 pencil round 倒/圆single full bullnose 单牛鼻子dupont 棋子边ogee 鸭嘴边fading mister 度衔接角Ceramic 瓷砖Tables 工作台Terrazzo tile 水磨石贴砖Stair treads,nosing & risers 楼梯踏步制品Stone trim & moldings 装饰线条Columns 柱状产品Abrasive wheel 砂轮Second-hand machine 二手机械Ground border 地坪围边Columns/pillars 柱状产品Fountains 喷泉Skirting boards 踢脚板Statues 雕像石材面加工机切(sawn/machine-cutting)火烧面(flamed surface)—防滑滚磨面(tumbled surface)细点面(hammered surface)自然面(natural surface)--破开后,面不加修饰(同第是一样的斧斩面(chiseled surface)劈面(split surface)拉槽细点面(slot and fine hammered surface)龙眼面(machine hammered)---Logan surface菠萝面(pineapple surface)星光面(star light surface)斧剁面(congan)波纹面(wave surface)火烧方格纹(flaming-square vein)仿古面(imitate antique)断裂面(fracture surface)条纹防滑面(grain for antiskid)磨光面(polishing surface)荔枝面(Bush-Hammered )加工工艺打磨 grinding抛光 polishing火烧 flamed酸洗 acid washing水刀切割 water cutting干挂 dry-hang哑光 hone finished完光 polished finished喷沙 sand-sprayed锤凿 brush-hammered磨边 edge polishing倒角 bevel edgesquare polish 磨平边另外还有:stainless---这个是加钢条一般板背会加钢条这样比较牢固oval sink---挖盆孔polish cut out---盆孔周围磨光splash ---是挡水板Finishes表面加工finishessandblasted 喷砂bush-hammered 机打荔枝chiseled 菠萝面相当于pineapplenatural split 自然面laser 激光Edge边加工Full Bullnose全牛鼻Half bullnose半牛鼻Flat eased (eased edge)直边Bevel top倒斜边Radius Top倒R边Laminated Countertop粘边台面板Ogee EdgeOG边Beveled processed and polished or others倒角加工和抛光及其他。



石材术语中英文对照▲有关石材术语1. 原料人造石 agglomerate (artifical stone)花岗石 Granite大理石 Marble石灰石 Limestone玛瑙(松香黄) Onyx石英石 Quartzite沙石 Sandstone板岩 Slate水磨石 Terrazzo孔(窿)石 Travertine2.颜色米色Beige 黑色 Black 蓝色 Green 棕色 Brown 灰色 Gray 红色 Red 白色 White 黄色 Yellow 金色 Golden3.产品种类荒料Block 板材Slab 工程板 Cut-to-size 风水球 Fortune (Fountain/Fengshui) Ball 石线 Stone Border (line) 罗马柱Colum 圆柱 Pillar 弧形板 Arc panel 拼花 pattern 马赛克 Masaic 灯饰 stone lamps 石雕 Stone Sculpture 盘景 Bonsai 餐桌 Table 壁炉 stone fireplace 栏杆Railing 墓碑石 Grove stone (Monument) 蘑菇石 Mushroom slate4. 加工工艺打磨grinding 抛光 polishing 火烧flame-treated 酸洗 acid washing水刀切割water cutting 干挂 dry-hang 哑光hone finished 真光 polished finished喷沙sand-sprayed 锤凿 brush-hammered 磨边edge polishing 倒角 bevel edge5. 常见石材名称 (目前全球已经有四千多种)①进口石材黑金沙 Black galaxy(金点分为big, medium, small)本板材的特点是黑底带金点, 金点分为大中小三种 (big, medium, small) ,板材适用于卫生间洗手盘、地板、案台等装修。



石材术语(Stone terminology)Chinese and English contentDirty fingerprints material not beautiful, ugly color, including impurities and inclusions.The ceiling line installed in the position of the yarn together.The ability of antifouling stone to resist the erosion of sewage sludgeA plate made into a geometric shape on one side of a board.Sheet material with smooth surface and low luminosity.A sheet of rough finish made from acetylene, oxygen, or propane, oxygen, or liquefied petroleum gas, oxygen, and fuel.A column made of a variety of stones bonded together.A column with a Rome trough on the surface of Rome column.A board used in stairs for decoration.The process of removing an angle from the bottom of a thickness (Huo Kuan).The prime line on the surface of a tapered column is extended to a intersecting column.A sheet of material used to cut a fringe mark on a board surface.The window covers are arranged at the window to form a window arch line.The French chess edge is made up of a small straight edge and a 1/2 rounded edge.Dry stone in one of the most difficult shortcomings stand, said opaque, dull, non oily. Dry stone is white.Construction method for applying stone curing agent to stone surface by spraying low pressure spray gunPlates with thickness greater than 15mm.The chicken beak opens a L - shaped notch in the 5*5 on the edge of the board.Seamless repair, the first resin to fill all cracks in stone, and then the stone surface renovation. The surface treated by this process has a very good overall effectStone contains the meaning of character and performance. Is a kind of language identification of the stone.Chinese and English contentThe prime line on the surface of a cylindrical column is a parallel column.A two stage chess edge is made up of two 1/4 round edges to forma semicircle edge.A sheet of stone having a variety of patterns carved on the surface of a stone.The concave convex surface stone stripes, installed in the blind plate.Foot line installation in the Qi at the yarn.Artificial stone refers to the stone, stone powder and modified resin produced by a granite, marble texture, beautiful decorative sheet. Its color is rich, bibulous rate is low, the texture is softColourful bright colors, bright, dull feeling, more than a warm.A method of construction that soaks the stone curing agent into the sink and then puts the stone in it and allows it to permeate completelyLarge length greater than 14mm bevel edge.Natural panel material surface with a chisel and hammer on a gable plate.Grouting first with stone wire, pin and other fixed on the wall, and then the cement mortar into the gap between the stone and the wall of a methodA plate hammer plate in longan stone surface such as eyelid forming a cross.Construction method for applying stone maintenance agent on stone surface by roller coating rollerThe seat is installed in the shaft in the bottom position that part of the seat.A board used in table decoration.The child is weak, mainly refers to the color of the stone, or the main colors.A line used as an armrest.Step straight-line position decorative surface is astraight-line position step.In the crack mining when vibration or weathering cracks in the stone material. The crack and crack of crack, the stone material refers to the short crack shallow crack; crack deep long finger. Crack is the most can be sealed with beeswax.Arc straight-line position cross-section straight-line position for arc.Pineapple panelVitrified tile is made of quartz sand and clay by burning at high temperature. Then, it is polished and polished by grindingtools. Its hardness is high, it does not absorb water, and the main component is silicaSticky and not crisp, stone soft, carved when cutting, stone shavings are shavings. Is used for the identification of stone carvings, also used "cotton" said.A column whose spindle column cross section is spindle shaped.Burning water + water board, a kind of plate which is first fired and then washed with water.A column having a cross section with a threaded shape.The powder dispersed and not concentrated red bloodstone, said there is less weak meaning.A concave opening with a depth or width on the plate.The sand blasting plate is made of emery sand as auxiliary material, and the surface of the stone is sprayed under certain pressure.Cleaning or cleaning of materials or chemicals on a stone surface by means of physical tools or chemicalsMatt stone panels made from a series of stone grinding brushes. Some archaize stones are burnt first, and then a series of grinding brushes are used to polish the knives.Composite straight-line position section shape for thestraight-line position of a plurality of circular or step.The French side is made up of a small straight edge and a 1/4 rounded edge.Microcrystalline stone is made of quartz sand by natural gas sintering and crystallization, without water absorption, high strength, the main component is silicaThe use of machinery and abrasives to process stone surfacesAt the edges of the light, two adjacent edges are polished at more than 80 degrees.Edge of a piece of chess.Transparent, transparent and lively, and close to embellish and yan.The process of removing an angle from the upper surface of a thickness (Huo Kuan).Leveling and reducing the error of stone horizontal plane by grindingChinese and English contentThe ability to resist natural ultraviolet radiation and other physical and chemical damageA line used as a railing.The double French side is made up of two small straight sides and a middle circle of 1/2. Or made up of two French sides.The single column surface without other processing column.Curved lines extended track curve line.The original fracture mineralization formed in most grain stone, with a thin layer of clay, color is dark yellow. There is deep yellow and black stone lock pattern, influence on the quality of its products is large.The process of re crystallization of stone surface by means of crystal surface agent under the influence of heat energy converted from mechanical energyStone disease refers to the influence of certain factors, stone structure, performance, color and other aspects have been affected or changed, and its decorative effect has declined or disappeared.1/4 edge of small circle R less than 10mm.With a chisel and hammer peening forming such as undulating plate plate surface Yamagata mushroom.The handle is installed on the door, the small cylinder that pushes and pulls the sliding door.Planar straight-line position decorative surface forstraight-line position plane.Construction method for directly applying stone maintenance agent on stone surface by brush and brush"Embellish" is a kind of comparative term of high transparency and good quality, while "antisense" is "dry".Quartz impurities or dispersed fine sand stone.The ability of waterproof stones to resist moisture entering the interior of the stone through the poresResistance to water pressure. The resistance of stones to moisture through the pores into the stoneThe 1/4 edge of the larger circle R is greater than 10mm.The child eats blood refers to a situation of bloodstone, because every printed material is red, is a large area of the red blood flooded live.Nail is a rock crystal quartz or high hardness residual stone, or pyrite crystalsChinese and English contentThe knife is also called Zoudao. Is the stone tool can accept a phrase engraved degree mark.(top) installed in the column column at the top of the said partof the stigma.A method of gluing a stone directly to a pasteThe side of a duckbill resembling a duckbill.The joint is filled with caulking or other filling material to fill the gap of the stoneA method of applying cement mortar directly to decorative stone in wet paste. At present, more commonly used in ground constructionA straight lines extended to the linear trajectory of yarn.Waist mounted in the wall at approximately waist line.Pour, pour, use containers to hold the stone curing agent first, then from top to bottom to irrigate the surface of stone material.Line installation form a door arch line at the door.Mildew resistance, performance, stone resistance to mold erosion capacityGlazing will be applied to the surface of the stone material, in order to improve the luster of stonesThe impact of water on the impact of the processing of plate, water shock processing plate, water impact on the plate surfacedistribution of small holes and pits, stone quality is basically presented.The outermost part of skin material stones often have a layer of yellow mud attachment, effect of stone quality directly observed, called skin. The skin are useless, but there is a part of the surface has a uniform thin yellow stone, stone and internal color clear, known as wampee, is thin and shallow relief carving good material.The cross section of the plum blossom column is shaped like a quincunx shape.A column having a rectangular cross section.A curved plate with a certain radius and an arc length, which can be formed into a cylinder, an elliptic column or other cylinders by splicing.The mirror surface uses some physical or chemical methods to make the stone surface glossiness reach the brightness, such as the effect of the mirrorThe edge of the Begonia is made up of two vertical small sides and a circle edge of less than 1/4 in the middle.A line used for a wall, corner, or post corner.Chinese and English contentA sheet made of a surface of a lychee surface hammered from thesurface with a hammer shaped like a lychee rind.Stone protection usually refers to some stone protective agent applied to the surface of the stone, the stone has a waterproof, anti fouling, acid and alkali resistance, aging resistance, frost resistance, anti erosion and other biological functions, so as to improve the service life of stone and decorative effectA line fitted to the eaves of a eaves line.The column is installed in the shaft waist waist position roughly that part of spinal column.The abrasion resistance of abrasion resistance facing stone is indicated by the amount of abrasion per unit area of dry rock under specified conditions.The performance of acid resistance Acidresistance acid corrosion resistance of decorative stone.Acid washing has a small corrosion mark on the surface of ACID-WASHED. Acid wash less scratches, the appearance is more plain than the polished surface. Most stones can be pickled, but the most common are marble and limestone. Acid washing is also a way to soften the luster of granite.The agreement by the two sides agreed Agreeddimension stone material specifications blocks.Alkaline feldspar alkali - feldspar, rich in alkali metal potassium and albite feldspar.The performance of alkali alkali corrosion resistance Alkaliresistant decorative stone.Amphibole amphibole containing hydroxyl (OH[-]) chain structure of silicate minerals iron, magnesium, calcium, sodium, aluminum.The angle between two adjacent edges on the polished surface of the decorative plate angle angle.Antique surface, ANTIQUE surface is not smooth. After initial cutting, the stone is processed to eliminate obvious scars, but the effect is not up to the ground after effect. Granite, marble, and limestone can be handled this way, usually in the case of custom.A axed, slab, of a rough panel made of an ax.Banded structure banded, structure, rock, different structures, different mineral particles composed of different colors of the band arrangement.A basic igneous rock in which the basaIt component of the basalt is comparable to that of gabbro.The basement of the basement room below the plane of the plane from the height of more than half the height of the room.A bioclastic limestone made up of calcium carbonate by broken biological shells.Biological structure biogenetic texture the structure of biological bones in rocks is greater than%.Biotite biotite iron containing magnesium mica.Chinese and English contentScrub the surface of the BRUSHED. The process is to scrub the stone surface, mimicking the natural wear and tear of stones.The height of the building is building altitude buildings outside the ground to the eaves or roof surface height of the water tank on the roof of the room, elevator room, smoke room and stair exit are not counted among the building height.Building stone building stone has certain physical and chemical properties, and can be used as rock for building materials.Commercial building business - living building, the bottom of the commercial building and residential high-rise buildings.Calcite, calcite, calcium carbonate minerals.Clastic structures clastic, texture, rock, clastic content greater than% of the structure.Colour line colour stripe and decorative stone basic colors and patterns out of the striped strip or porphyritic material.A building member made of combustible material, combustible,component.Compressive strength compressive strength the stress value of the specimen subjected to uniaxial compressive force.A mass of inclusions in two core concretion carbonate, such as chert.Crack crack a small crack in the rock.The crystalline structure of an cryptocrystalline, texture component, that is finely crystalline and can only be resolved microscopically.The process of cutting a sheet of cutting into a size.Decorative stone decorative, stone decorative stone building materials, after processing can be used for architectural decoration.Density density the mass per unit volume of rock.A shallow basic igneous rock composed mainly of pyroxene and basic plagioclase diabase.Material specifications meet the standard specifications of the dimension stone blocks.A deep, neutral igneous rock composed mainly of neutral plagioclase and amphibole diorite.Dolomite, dolomite, calcium magnesium carbonate minerals.A sedimentary rock consisting mainly of dolomite, dolomite.Chinese and English contentDry hanging dry-hang metal component corrosion with stone veneer, directly fixed to the wall surface in the left column, grouting mortar cavity modeDunite peridotite consists mainly of olivine and pyroxene plutonic ultrabasic magmatite.Duration of fire resistance fireresistance building component fire test according to standard time temperature curve, the time from the fire, this time to lose support ability or integrity is destroyed or losing everyfire role when only, by hour.Edges and corners of edges imperfection veneer panels damaged by edges and corners.The grain size of the main minerals in the eguigranular texture rock is approximately the same.Veneer board facing slab is made of facing stone, used as the inside and outside wall of the building, the ground, cylinder, mesa and so on.Facing stone, facing, stone, used to process facing stone.The shelf structure of feldspar, feldspar, potassium, sodium, and calcium; aluminosilicate minerals.Flag slab by the hair plate plate sawing into blocks.Fire FLAMED surface roughness. This kind of surface is mainly used in interior, such as floor or commercial building, and the labor cost is higher. After the high temperature is heated, a fire surface is formed by rapid cooling. The burnt surface is usually granite.Flatness of polished surface of Pingdu flatness veneer.Bending strength flexuril the stress that a specimen can withstand when it is bent to failure.Frost resistance, frost, resistance, rock resistance to freeze-thaw failure.Gabbro gabbro is mainly composed of basic plagioclase and clinopyroxene.The glassy structure, glassy, texture component, does not crystallize and is pure glassy structure.Gloss glossiness the extent to which visible light is reflected on the surface of veneer panels.A metamorphic rock of the gneiss gneiss, consisting mainly of feldspar, quartz, and mica.The structure of the mineral in the gneissic structure rock is a directional arrangement.Granite granite commercial refers to the granite as a representative of a decorative stone, including all kinds of magmatic rocks and granitic metamorphic rocks, generally hard texture.协议板 greed-dimension slab 供需双方议定的板材.中文英文内容花纹 is 材的组分、结构、构造而呈现的图象.锤击板材 hammer dressed slab 花锤加工成的粗面饰面板.挡烟垂壁 hang walll 用不燃烧材料制成, 从顶棚下垂不小于500 mm 的固定或活动的挡烟设施.活动挡烟垂壁系指火灾时因感温、感烟或其它控制设备的作用, 自动下垂的挡烟垂壁.难燃烧体 hard–combustible component 用难燃烧材料做成的建筑构件或用燃烧材料做成而用不燃烧材料做保护层的建筑构件.厚板 at slab 厚度大于15mm的板材.高级旅馆 high–grade hotel 具备星级条件的且设有空气调节系统的旅馆.高级住宅建筑装修标准高和设有空气调节系统的住宅 high–grade residence.薄板 hin slab 厚度小于15mm的板材.孔洞 hole 天然形成的具有一定深度的凹坑, 直径在mm以上.坑窝 hollow 在加工过程中形成深度较深的凹陷.全晶质结构组分完全结晶而不含有玻璃质的结构 holocrystalline texture.磨光 honed 磨光面看起来很 "软, 刮痕明显, 无需过多的护理.大理石、石灰石及板岩适合作磨光处理.装饰性 icoration 材的颜色、花纹, 及光泽等的总和反映出的外观效果.重要的办公楼、科研楼、档案楼 important agency building、laboratory、archive 性质重要, 建筑装修标准高, 设备、资料贵重, 火灾危险性大、发生火灾后损失大、影响大的办公楼、科研楼、档案楼.烧毛板 slab 用火焰法法加工成的粗面饰面板 lamed.机刨板材 laned slab 刨法加工成的粗面饰面板.网局级电力调度楼 large–scale power dispatcher''s building 可调度若干个省 (区) 电力业务的工作楼.石灰岩 limextone 主要由方解石组成的沉积岩石.竭铁矿以氧化铁的水合物为主要成分的混合物 limonite.岩浆岩 magmatic rock 由岩浆冷凝而形成的岩石.中文英文内容磁铁矿 magnetite 四氧化三铁矿物, 具磁性.大理岩 marble 碳酸盐矿物 (方解石、白云石为主) 大于50% 的变质岩.大理石 marble 商业上指以大理岩为代表的一类装饰石材, 包括碳酸盐岩和与其有关的变质岩, 主要成分为碳酸盐矿物, 一般质地较软.块状构造岩石中矿物排列无次序、分布均匀的构造 massive structure.原有的岩石经变质作用后形成的岩石变质岩 metamorphic rock.云母 mica 铁、镁、钾等的层状结构铝硅酸盐水合物, 具有极完全的片状解理, 可沿解理剥成具有弹性的薄片.含钾的云母白云母 muscovite.不燃烧体 non–combustible componen 用不燃烧材料做成的建筑构件.镜面板材 (抛光板) olished slab 表面平整, 具有镜面光泽的板材.镁和铁的硅酸盐矿物橄榄石 olivine.鲕状灰岩 oolitic limeston 具鲕状结构的石灰岩.鲕状结构 oolitic texture 由球形或椭球形颗粒组成, 其颗粒外形、大小象鱼卵.of course 方形或长方形的板材普型板 slabs.回来前将矿体周围的非矿体物质清除掉的过程剥离 overburden stripping.斜长石 plaginclase 富含钠、钙的长石的总称.综合楼 ple–use Building 由二种及二种以上用途的楼层组成的公共建筑.抛光 polished 表面高光泽.抛光可能会持续很长的时间也可能不要, 主要是看石材的类型.花岗岩、大理石和石灰石通常是抛光处理, 并且需要不同的维护以保持其光泽.抛光 Polishing 将细面板表面加工成具有镜向光泽的过程.斑状结构 porphyritic Texture 岩石中有大小截然不同的结晶颗粒, 大颗粒称为斑晶, 小颗粒称为基质.黄铁矿二硫化铁矿物 pyrite.中文英文内容辉石 pyroxene 铁、镁、钙、钠、铝的链状结构硅酸盐矿物.采场回采矿石的场地 Quarry.荒料 Quarry Stone 由毛料经加工而成的, 具有一定规格, 用以加工饰面板材的石料.回采 quarrying 由矿体分离矿石的过程石英 Quartz 二氧化硅晶体.凹陷加工过程中表面有明显的碟状缺陷 Recess.粗面装饰板材 (粗面板) 表面平整粗糙具有较规则加工条纹的板材Roughing Slab.异型板 rregular 正方形或长方形的板材 Slab.磨光 rubbing 将毛板表面加工成具有平整光滑的过程.安全出口保证人员安全疏散的楼梯或直通室外地平面的出口Safety exit.砂眼天然形成的具有一定深度的凹坑 Sand Hole, 直径在mm以下.锯解 sawcutting 将荒料加工成毛板的过程.沉积岩由沉积物固结而形成的岩石 Sedimentary Rock.半地下室 semi–basement 房间地平面低于室外地平面的高度超过该房间净高1 / 3, 且不超过1 / 2者.蛇纹石 Serpentine 硅酸镁的水合物.蛇纹石化大理石 serpentinized Marble 含有大量蛇纹石的大理岩.裙房与高层建筑相连的建筑高度不超过24m的附属建筑 skirt Building.开裂 Split faced 表面粗糙, 不过不像火烧那样粗糙.这种表面处理通常是用手工切割或在矿山錾以露出石头自然的开裂面.这种表面处理主要是用于板岩.料石 Squared Stone 用毛料加工成的具有一定规格, 用来砌筑建筑物用的石料.污点 Stain 由原生原次生形成的, 污染板材的异物.中文英文内容石材护理 Stone Protection 是一种针对石材后续服务所产生的新兴行业, 主要包括石材防护、翻新、整平、抛光、病症处理、清洗、日常保养等内容叠层灰岩 stromatolithic Limestone 具平行细纹层的灰岩.缝合线岩石中呈锯齿状一般不造成破坏性的曲线 stylolite.翻滚 tumbled 中文直译: 表面光滑或稍微粗糙, 边角光滑且呈破碎状.有几种方法可以达到翻滚效果.20毫米的砖可以在机器里翻滚, 3厘米砖也可以翻滚处理, 然后分裂成两块砖.大理石和石灰石是翻滚处理的首选材料.细面板材 (磨光板) ubbed 面平整光滑的板材 Slab.毛料 Untrimmed Quarry Stone 由矿山直接分离下来, 形状不规则的石料.按颜色、花纹等特征及产地对饰面石材所做的分类品种 Variety.翘曲 warpage 装饰板材的弯曲吸水率用所吸水的岩石质量与干燥岩石质量之比来表示 Water absorption.竹叶状灰岩竹叶状灰岩由圆形、椭圆形扇平砾石平行排列组成的石灰岩,在垂直切面上砾石的形状象竹叶。

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1.原料人造石agglomerate (artificial stone) 花岗石Granite 大理石Marble2.石灰石Limestone 玛瑙(松香黄)Onyx 石英石Quartzite沙石Sandstone 板岩Slate 水磨石Terrazzo 孔(窿)石Travertine2.颜色米色Beige 黑色Black 蓝色Green 棕色Brown 灰色Gray 红色Red白色White 黄色Yellow 金色Golden3.产品种类荒料Block 板材Slab 工程板Cut-to-size 风水球Fortune (Fountain/Fengshui) Ball 石线Stone Border (line) 罗马柱Column 圆柱Pillar 弧形板Arc panel拼花pattern 马赛克Masaic 灯饰stone lamps 石雕Stone Sculpture盆景Bonsai 餐桌Table 壁炉stone fireplace 栏杆Railing墓碑石Grove stone (Monument) 蘑菇石Mushroom slate4. 加工工艺打磨grinding 抛光polishing 火烧flame-treated 酸洗acid washing水刀切割water cutting 干挂dry-hang 哑光hone finished真光polished finished 喷沙sand-sprayed 锤凿brush-hammered磨边edge polishing 倒角bevel edge6. 其他排锯(沙锯) gang saw圆盘锯circular saw金光钻锯片diamond saw blades尺码误差、尺头allowance(荒料、板材)根line(荒料、板材)裂crack污点(石胆)spot石材护理stone protection(板材)抓痕scratch粗晶fine crystalline幼晶coarse crystalline·金钻麻 fiorito ·墨绿麻A ubatuba·滨洲青 Binzhou Black 金线米黄 Perlato SF ·古典木纹啡 juparana classic ·红龙 rosso itiubaMarble 大理石granite 花岗石building stone 建筑石材variety 品种stone protection 石材护理facing stone 饰面石材decorative stone 装饰石材hin slab 薄板hammer dressed slab 锤击板材roughing slab 粗面装饰板材(粗面板)axed slab 剁斧板材hick slab 厚板quarry stone荒料laned slab 机刨板olished slab镜面板材(抛光板)squared stone 料石ormal slab 普型板lamed slab 烧毛板ubbed slab细面板材(磨光板)greed-dimension slab/stone协议板/料rregular slab异型板缺陷语Recess 凹陷stylolite 缝合线glossiness 光泽度gure花纹angle 角度frost resistance抗冻性hollow 坑窝hole孔洞edges imperfection 棱角缺陷concretion 两核crack裂纹density 密度alkali-resistant耐碱性abrasion resistance耐磨性flatness 平度warpage翘曲colour stripe色斑色线sand hole砂眼flexuril 弯曲强度stain 污点water absorption吸水率compressive strength 压缩强度icoration 装饰性开采及加工split-faced开裂rubbing / honed polishing 磨光抛光(polished)cutting 切割brushed刷洗acid-washed 酸洗flamed 火烧S tone Types T ombstonesG ranite,Marble,Slate,Sandstone,Basalt, Limestone,Serpentinite,European Style,Japanese Style, Monuments,Fence,Urn,K itchen & Toilet B uilding AccessoriesC ounter Top,Buffet,Vanity Top,Sinks, Wash Basin,Panels,Grills,Balustrade,Stairs/Steps,Pillar,Railings, Fireplace,Arch,Screens,Roman Column,S culpture S tone ArtsP erson,Etching,Lantern,Animal,Bird,Busts,Planter,Shell,Vase,Wall Panel,Balls,石材专业术语--一般术语建筑石材 building stone 具有一定的物理、化学性能可用作建筑材料的岩石。

装饰石材 decorative stone 具有装饰性能的建筑石材,加工后可供建筑装饰用。

品种 variety 按颜色、花纹等特征及产地对饰面石材所做的分类。

饰面石材 facing stone 用来加工饰面板材的石材。

饰面板材 facing slab 用饰面石材加工成的板材,用作建筑物的内外墙面、地面、柱面、台面等。

大理石 marble 商业上指以大理岩为代表的一类装饰石材,包括碳酸盐岩和与其有关的变质岩,主要成分为碳酸盐矿物,一般质地较软。

花岗石granite 商业上指以花岗岩为代表的一类装饰石材,包括各类岩浆岩和花岗质的变质岩,一般质地较硬。

石材专业术语--产品术语.毛料untrimmed quarry stone 由矿山直接分离下来,形状不规则的石料。

.荒料 quarry stone 由毛料经加工而成的,具有一定规格,用以加工饰面板材的石料。

.料石 squared stone 用毛料加工成的具有一定规格,用来砌筑建筑物用的石料。

.规格料 dimension stone 符合标准规格的荒料。

.协议料 agreed-dimension stone 由供需双方议定规格的荒料。

.毛板 flag slab 由荒料锯解成的板材。

.粗面装饰板材(粗面板)roughing slab 表面平整粗糙具有较规则加工条纹的板材。

.剁斧板材 axed slab 指用斧头加工成的粗面饰面板。

.锤击板材 hammer dressed slab 指用花锤加工成的粗面饰面板。

.烧毛板 flamed slab 指用火焰法加工成的粗面饰面板。

.机刨板材 planed slab 指机刨法加工成的粗面饰面板。

.细面板材(磨光板)rubbed slab 表面平整光滑的板材。

.镜面板材(抛光板)polished slab 表面平整,具有镜面光泽的板材。

.薄板 thin slab 厚度小于等于mm的板材。

.厚板 thick slab 厚度大于mm的板材。

.普型板normal slab 正方形或长方形的板材。

.异型板 irregular slab 非正方形或长方形的板材。

.协议板 agreed-dimension slab 由供需双方议定的板材。

石材专业术语--性能及缺陷术语.毛料untrimmed quarry stone 由矿山直接分离下来,形状不规则的石料。

.荒料 quarrystone 由毛料经加工而成的,具有一定规格,用以加工饰面板材的石料。

.料石 squared stone 用毛料加工成的具有一定规格,用来砌筑建筑物用的石料。

.规格料 dimension stone 符合标准规格的荒料。

.协议料 agreed-dimension stone 由供需双方议定规格的荒料。

.毛板 flag slab 由荒料锯解成的板材。

.粗面装饰板材(粗面板)roughing slab 表面平整粗糙具有较规则加工条纹的板材。

.剁斧板材 axed slab 指用斧头加工成的粗面饰面板。

.锤击板材 hammer dressed slab 指用花锤加工成的粗面饰面板。

.烧毛板 flamed slab 指用火焰法加工成的粗面饰面板。

.机刨板材 planed slab 指机刨法加工成的粗面饰面板。

.细面板材(磨光板)rubbed slab 表面平整光滑的板材。

.镜面板材(抛光板)polished slab 表面平整,具有镜面光泽的板材。

.薄板 thin slab 厚度小于等于mm的板材。

.厚板 thick slab 厚度大于mm的板材。

.普型板normal slab 正方形或长方形的板材。

.异型板 irregular slab 非正方形或长方形的板材。

.协议板 agreed-dimension slab 由供需双方议定的板材。

石材专业术语--开采及加工术语采场quarry 回采矿石的场地。

回采quarrying 由矿体分离矿石的过程剥离 overburden stripping 回来前将矿体周围的非矿体物质清除掉的过程。

锯解sawcutting 将荒料加工成毛板的过程。

切割cutting 将板材加工成一定尺寸的过程磨光rubbing 将毛板表面加工成具有平整光滑的过程。

抛光polishing 将细面板表面加工成具有镜向光泽的过程。

石材专业术语--地质术语.石英 quartz 二氧化硅晶体。

.长石 feldspar 钾、钠、钙的架状结构铝硅酸盐矿物。

.碱性长石 alkali-feldspar 富含碱金属钾、钠的长石的总称。

.斜长石plaginclase 富含钠、钙的长石的总称。


.白云母muscovite 含钾的云母。

.黑云母 biotite 含铁、镁的云母。

.角闪石 amphibole 含氢氧根(OH[-])的铁、镁、钙、钠、铝的链状结构硅酸盐矿物。

.辉石 pyroxene 铁、镁、钙、钠、铝的链状结构硅酸盐矿物。

.方解石 calcite 碳酸钙矿物。

.白云石 dolomite 碳酸钙镁矿物。

.橄榄石 olivine 镁和铁的硅酸盐矿物。

.蛇纹石 serpentine 硅酸镁的水合物。

.黄铁矿 pyrite 二硫化铁矿物。

.竭铁矿 limonite 以氧化铁的水合物为主要成分的混合物。
