A.美国B.法国C.英国D.意大利答案: 法国2、《艺术家》是一部()。
A.黑白默片B.彩色影片C.3D电影D.黑白影片答案: 黑白默片3、《艺术家》成功的元素有()。
A.精湛的演技和动人的故事情节B.惊心动魄的大制作C.具有冲击力的视觉效果D.大牌明星答案: 精湛的演技和动人的故事情节4、《艺术家》没有获得奥斯卡金像奖的奖项是()。
A.最佳导演B.最佳影片C.最佳女主角D.最佳男主角答案: 最佳女主角5、法国电影《虎口脱险》是一部()题材的电影?A.灾难B.家庭伦理C.二战D.爱情答案: 二战6、《虎口脱险》的导演是()。
A.杰拉尔·乌里B.让·雅克C.吕克·贝松D.让·雷诺答案: 杰拉尔·乌里第二章1、《罗马假日》的导演是()。
A.约翰·福特B.威廉·惠勒C.查理·卓别林D.格里高利·派克答案: 威廉·惠勒2、下列哪部影片不是奥黛丽·赫本主演的__。
A.《龙凤配》B.《窈窕淑女》C.《蒂凡尼的早餐》D.《音乐之声》答案: 《音乐之声》3、下列哪部影片不是克里斯托弗·诺兰拍摄的?A.《变形金刚系列》B.《记忆碎片》C.《盗梦空间》D.《蝙蝠侠》答案: 《变形金刚系列》4、莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥在哪部影片中没有获得奥斯卡提名?A.《盗梦空间》B.《不一样的天空》C.《飞行家》D.《血钻》答案: 《盗梦空间》5、诺兰在《盗梦空间》中营造了几层时空?A.三层B.四层C.五层D.六层答案: 六层6、影片《盗梦空间》的中心矛盾是什么矛盾?A.盗梦团队与雇佣公司的矛盾B.现实与梦境的矛盾C.盗梦团队内部的矛盾D.柯布与妻子之间的矛盾答案: 现实与梦境的矛盾7、《西雅图夜未眠》的男主演是()。
A.汤姆·克鲁斯B.汤姆·汉克斯C.莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥D.格里高利·派克答案: 汤姆·汉克斯第三章1、《127小时》是根据哪部传记改编而成?A.《纳棺夫日记》B.《生死两难》C.《127小时》D.《登山遇险》答案:2、丹尼·博伊尔凭借哪部影片获得了奥斯卡最佳导演奖。
鏅烘収鏍戠煡鍒般€婄數褰遍壌璧忥紙灞变笢鑱旂洘锛夈€嬬珷鑺傛祴璇曠瓟妗?绗竴绔?1銆佸湪鐢靛奖鍙蹭笂绗竴浣嶇湡姝e皢鐢靛奖璁板綍鍔熻兘鏀瑰彉涓哄彊浜嬫柟寮忕殑鏄硶鍥界數褰卞厛椹辨槸__A.涔旀不路姊呴噷鐖?B.鍗㈢背鍩冨皵C.澶у崼路鏍奸噷鑿叉柉D.鐖辫开鐢?绛旀: 涔旀不路姊呴噷鐖?2銆佸崲绫冲焹灏斿厔寮熷湪1895骞?2鏈?8鏃ュ湪宸撮粠鈥滃ぇ鍜栧暋棣嗏€濋噷涓婃槧鐨勫奖鐗囦腑娌℃湁涓嬪垪鍝竴涓紵A.銆婃湀鐞冩梾琛岃銆?B.銆婄伀杞﹁繘绔欍€?C.銆婂伐鍘傚ぇ闂ㄣ€?D.銆婃按娴囧洯涓併€?绛旀: 銆婃湀鐞冩梾琛岃銆?3銆?905骞达紝涓浗绗竴閮ㄧ數褰盻__鍦ㄥ寳浜殑涓版嘲鐓х浉棣嗚癁鐢熴€?A.銆婂畾鍐涘北銆?B.銆婄伀杞﹁繘绔欍€?C.銆婇毦澶毦濡汇€?D.銆婃按娴囧洯涓併€?绛旀: 銆婂畾鍐涘北銆?4銆佺數褰辨渶鏃╄癁鐢熷湪__A.缇庡浗B.娉曞浗C.鑻卞浗D.寰峰浗绛旀: 娉曞浗5銆?011骞翠笂鏄犵殑娉曞浗鐢靛奖銆婅壓鏈銆嬫槸涓€閮╛___A.榛戠櫧榛樼墖B.褰╄壊褰辩墖C.3D鐢靛奖D.榛戠櫧褰辩墖绛旀: 榛戠櫧榛樼墖绗簩绔?1銆佷腑鏅竴鑸〃鐜扮殑鑼冨洿鏄紙聽聽聽聽锛?A.浜虹墿鍏ㄨ韩鐨勬櫙鍒?B.浜虹墿韬綋鑳镐互涓婄殑鏅埆C.浜虹墿韬綋鑶濈洊浠ヤ笂鐨勬櫙鍒?D.浜虹墿鑲╅儴浠ヤ笂鐨勬櫙鍒?绛旀: 浜虹墿韬綋鑶濈洊浠ヤ笂鐨勬櫙鍒?2銆佹帹闀滃ご鎸囷紙聽聽锛?A.鎽勫奖鏈烘部鐫€鍏夎酱鏂瑰悜鍚庣Щ鎷嶆憚B.鎽勫奖鏈烘部姘村钩鏂瑰悜杩愬姩鎷嶆憚C.鎽勫奖鏈哄湪绌洪棿涓婁笅杩愬姩鎷嶆憚D.鎽勫奖鏈哄悜琚憚浣撻€愭笎闈犺繎绛旀: 鎽勫奖鏈烘部鐫€鍏夎酱鏂瑰悜鍚庣Щ鎷嶆憚3銆佷互涓嬮€夐」涓閫嗗厜琛ㄨ堪姝g‘鐨勪竴椤规槸锛埪? 聽锛?A.鍏夌嚎鎶曞皠鏂瑰悜涓庢憚褰辨満鏂瑰悜涓€鑷?B.鍏夌嚎涓庢憚褰辨満鐩稿锛屽彈鍏夐潰鍦ㄨ儗閮?C.鍏夌嚎鏉ヨ嚜琚憚鐗╀笅鏂?D.鍏夌嚎鏉ヨ嚜琚憚鐗╀綋涓婃柟绛旀: 鍏夌嚎涓庢憚褰辨満鐩稿锛屽彈鍏夐潰鍦ㄨ儗閮?4銆佸父鐢ㄤ簬琛ㄧ幇浜虹墿鐨勬ⅵ澧冦€佸洖蹇嗐€侀棯蹇点€佸够瑙夈€侀亹鎯崇瓑绮剧娲诲姩锛屽線寰€鍏锋湁鐢婚潰鍜屽0闊冲舰璞″甫鏈夊墽涓汉寮虹儓鐨勪富瑙傛€х殑钂欏お濂囨槸浠ヤ笅閭g锛埪? 聽锛夈€?A.骞宠钂欏お濂?B.蹇冪悊钂欏お濂?C.浜ゅ弶钂欏お濂?D..闅愬柣钂欏お濂?绛旀: 蹇冪悊钂欏お濂?5銆侀€氳繃闀滃ご鎴栧満闈㈢殑瀵瑰垪杩涜绫绘瘮锛屽惈钃勮€屽舰璞″湴琛ㄨ揪鍒涗綔鑰呯殑鏌愮鍠绘剰鐨勮挋澶褰㈠紡鏄互涓嬪摢涓€绉嶏紙聽聽锛?A.骞宠钂欏お濂?B.蹇冪悊钂欏お濂?C.浜ゅ弶钂欏お濂?D.闅愬柣钂欏お濂?绛旀: 闅愬柣钂欏お濂?绗笁绔?1銆佷笅鍒楀摢閮ㄥ奖鐗囪矾鏄撀峰痉路鑿茶€愭柉鐨勬垚鍚嶄箣浣滐紵A.銆婂湥鐗圭綏浣╃殑璀﹀療銆?B.銆婄柉鐙傜殑璐垫棌銆?C.銆婄編椋熷銆?D.銆婇泤鍚勫竷鏁欏+鍘嗛櫓璁般€?绛旀:a2銆佷箤閲屻€佽彶鑰愭柉鍜屽竷灏旂淮灏斿悎浣滅殑鏈€鍚庝竴閮ㄥ奖鐗囨槸锛埪? 聽锛?A.銆婄柉鐙傜殑璐垫棌銆?B.銆婃殫娓¢檲浠撱€?C.銆婅檸鍙h劚闄┿€?D.銆婇泤鍚勫竷鏁欏+鍘嗛櫓璁般€?绛旀:c3銆佷笅鍒楀摢涓厓绱犱笉灞炰簬銆婅檸鍙h劚闄┿€嬩腑褰版樉鍑烘潵鐨勬硶鍥藉枩鍓х簿绁烇紵A.鐩寸櫧鎼炵瑧鐨勮瑷€B.鎷嶆憚鐨勫儚姝e墽涓€鏍蜂弗鑲冭鐪?C.娲嬫孩鐫€椴滄槑鐨勭埍鍥戒富涔夋斂娌荤儹鎯?D.璇欒皭鍦板鐞嗕弗鑲冮棶棰?绛旀:a4銆佹硶鍥界數褰便€婅檸鍙h劚闄┿€嬫槸涓€閮ㄤ粈涔堥鏉愮殑鐢靛奖锛?A.鐏鹃毦B.瀹跺涵浼︾悊C.鐖辨儏D.浜屾垬绛旀:d5銆併€婅檸鍙h劚闄┿€嬬殑瀵兼紨鏄紙聽聽锛?A.鍚曞厠路璐濇澗B.璁?路闆呭厠C.缃楁浖路娉㈠叞鏂熀D.鏉版媺灏斺€箤閲?绛旀:d绗洓绔?1銆佹浘鎷嶆憚鍑虹粡鍏稿奖鐗囥€婁贡涓栦匠浜恒€嬬殑鏄笅鍒楀摢涓互鐢靛奖鍒朵綔鍏徃锛?A.绫抽珮姊?B.鏃朵唬鍗庣撼C.鍝ヤ鸡姣斾簹D.鐜悆绛旀:a2銆佸湪杩涘叆鏈夊0鐢靛奖鏃朵唬鍚庯紝鍗撳埆鏋椾緷鐒跺潥鎸佺敤榛樼墖鎵嬫硶鎷嶆憚鐨勭數褰辨槸锛埪? 聽锛?A.娣橀噾璁?B.澶х嫭瑁佽€?C.鎽╃櫥鏃朵唬D.鍩庡競涔嬪厜绛旀:D3銆佹爣蹇楃潃璧湰鐢辫姳鐡惰浆涓烘紨鎶€娲剧殑褰辩墖鏄紙聽聽锛?A.銆婄綏椹亣鏃ャ€?B.銆婅拏鍑″凹鐨勬棭椁愩€?C.銆婄獔绐曟窇濂炽€?D.銆婇緳鍑ら厤銆?绛旀:B4銆佷笅鍒楅偅浣嶉噾鍙戠編濂虫病鏈夊拰甯屽尯鏌厠鍚堜綔杩囷紵A.鏍艰暰涓? 路鍑附B.鐜涗附鑾?路姊﹂湶C.鐞尖€㈡柟鐧?D.鑻辨牸涓解€㈣鏇?绛旀:B5銆佷笅鍒楀厓绱犲摢浜涗笉鏄被鍨嬬數褰辩殑鐗圭偣锛?A.妯″紡鍖栫殑瑙嗚鍏冪礌B.鐩稿鍥哄畾鐨勬晠浜嬫儏鑺?C.绫诲瀷鍖栫殑婕斿憳D.鍚屼竴涓埗鐗囧叕鍙稿嚭鍝?绛旀:D绗簲绔?1銆佽鍏涓轰笘鐣屼笂绗竴閮ㄧ湡姝f剰涔変笂鐨勭邯褰曠數褰辨槸1922骞村湪缇庡浗涓婃槧鐨刜_A.銆婂寳鏂圭殑绾冲姫鍏嬨€?B.銆婃捣璞氭咕銆?C.銆婄伀杞﹁繘绔欍€?D.銆婁竴涓浗瀹剁殑璇炵敓銆?绛旀:A2銆乢___鏄邯褰曠墖鐨勬牳蹇冨拰鏈川銆?A.鎯宠薄B.铏氭瀯C.鏁呬簨D.鐪熷疄绛旀:D3銆佺編鍥界邯褰曠墖銆婃捣璞氭咕銆嬩互鐪熷疄鐨勯暅澶磋瑷€鎻湶浜嗗ぇ閲忔捣璞氬湪___澶湴娴锋咕琚睜鏉€鐨勪簨瀹炪€?A.缇庡浗B.鏃ユ湰C.娉曞浗D.鍗楅潪绛旀:B4銆佺邯褰曞奖鐗囥€婃捣璞氭咕銆嬬殑瀵兼紨鐨柉闇嶆柉涓轰粈涔堝湪鐗囦腑棰戦鐜拌韩锛?A.涓轰簡闇茶劯B.琛ㄦ槑鑷繁鏄婕?C.鎯宠瑙備紬璁颁綇鑷繁D.琛ㄦ槑鑷繁涓嶅啀鏄簨浠剁殑鏃佽鑰咃紝鑰屾槸浜嬩欢鐨勭洿鎺ュ彊杩拌€呭拰鍙備笌鑰呫€?绛旀:D5銆佹硶鍥界邯褰曞奖鐗囥€婃捣娲嬨€嬬殑瀵兼紨鏄痏___A.闆呭厠路璐濇眽B.璁?路闆呭厠C.鍚曞厠鈥㈣礉鏉?D.鍚曞厠鈥㈤泤鍏?绛旀:A绗叚绔?1銆佹剰澶у埄鐢靛奖銆婄編涓戒汉鐢熴€嬩腑鐨勭埗浜诧紝浠栨病鏈夎嫳淇婄殑澶栬〃锛屽闃旂殑鑲╄唨锛屼絾浠栧湪娈嬮叿鐨勯泦涓惀涓敤鐢熷懡缁欎簡鍎垮瓙鏈€濂界殑绀肩墿鏄紙聽聽锛?A.璐㈠瘜B.缇庝附鐨勪汉鐢熷拰甯屾湜C.鐜╁叿D.鍧﹀厠绛旀:B2銆佹剰澶у埄鐢靛奖銆婄編涓戒汉鐢熴€? 閲囩敤_鐨勬墜娉曟弿杩颁簡濂庡涓€瀹跺湪绾崇补闆嗕腑钀ヤ腑鐨勬偛娆㈢鍚堬紝灞曠ず浜嗗澶氬缇庝附浜虹敓鐨勬啩鎲拰鍦ㄦ畫閰风幆澧冧腑鐗规湁鐨勪箰瑙傘€?A.鐙壒鐨勮瘷璋愪笌澶稿紶B.蹇€熷壀杈?C.榛戠櫧鑹茶皟D.璞″緛鍜屾€癁绛旀:A3銆佹剰澶у埄鐢靛奖銆婄編涓戒汉鐢熴€嬫槸涓€閮ㄥ弽鏄燺__鐨勭數褰?A.瀹跺涵浼︾悊B.浜屾垬鍜岄泦涓惀C.鐖辨儏D.浜虹敓浠峰€?绛旀:A4銆佹剰澶у埄鏂扮幇瀹炰富涔夋祦娲剧殑浠h〃浜虹墿涓嶅寘鎷琠__銆?A.缁存墭閲屄峰ゥ路寰疯タ鍗?B.缃椾集鐗孤风綏瑗块噷灏?C.椴佽タ璇郝风淮鏂悍钂?D.寮楁湕绱㈢摝路鐗瑰悤寮?绛旀:D5銆佹剰澶у埄鐨勮憲鍚嶅婕擾__鍦?972骞存枃闈╂湡闂磋闂腑鍥藉苟鎷嶆憚浜嗙弽璐电殑绾綍鐗団€斺€斻€婁腑鍥姐€嬨€?A.鍚夎禌璐澛锋墭绾冲闆?B.缃椾集鐗孤风綏瑗块噷灏?C.绫冲紑鏈楀熀缃椔峰畨涓滃凹濂ュ凹D.璐濈撼澶毬疯礉鎵橀瞾濂?绛旀:C绗竷绔?1銆佽涓樺悏灏旂О涓轰笂甯濈殑鑹烘湳鍝佺殑鑻卞浗婕斿憳鏄紙聽聽锛?A.濂ラ粵涓? 路璧湰B.鍔充鸡鏂?路濂ュ埄寮?C.鍑壒鈥㈡俯鏂幈鐗?D.璐归洴鈥附绛旀:D2銆佸姵浼︽柉路濂ュ埄寮楀鑻卞浗鐢靛奖鐨勬渶澶ц础鐚槸锛埪? 聽锛?A.鏇剧粡14娆″叆鍥村ゥ鏂崱濂栨彁鍚嶏紝骞朵簬1979骞磋幏寰楀ゥ鏂崱璞″緛缁堣韩鎴愬氨鐨勮崳瑾夊銆?B.鍘嗗彶涓婄涓€娆★紝涔熸槸绗竴涓垚鍔熷湴鎶婅帋澹瘮浜氱殑鎴忓墽鎼笂閾跺箷鐨勬紨鍛樺拰瀵兼紨銆?C.鍜岃垂路闆附鎴愪负浜虹敓浼翠荆銆?D.涓€鐢熷叡楗版紨杩?20涓垶鍙拌鑹插拰杩?0涓數褰辫鑹层€?绛旀:B3銆佷笅闈㈠叧浜庡ぇ鍗烽噷鎭╃殑鎻忚堪锛屼笉姝g‘鐨勬槸锛埪? 聽锛?A.鑻卞浗鐢靛奖鐣屾嘲鏂楃骇浜虹墿B.琚О涓鸿嫳鍥解€滃彶璇楃數褰卞法鍖犫€?C.浠h〃浣滄湁銆婃娌冲ぇ妗ャ€嬨€婇樋鎷変集鐨勫姵浼︽柉銆嬨€婃棩鐡︽垐鍖荤敓銆嬨€婂嵃搴︿箣琛屻€嬬瓑D.涓€鐢熻幏寰椾簡27娆″ゥ鏂崱鎻愬悕绛旀:D4銆佸奖鐗囥€婂浗鐜嬬殑婕旇銆嬫槸鍏充簬鑻辩帇_鍜屼粬鐨勮瑷€娌荤枟甯堢殑鏁呬簨銆?A.涔旀不鍏笘B.涔旀不浜斾笘C.鐖卞痉鍗庡叓涓?D.浜ㄥ埄浜斾笘绛旀:A5銆佸奖鐗囥€婂浗鐜嬬殑婕旇銆嬩腑鏄痏_娌诲ソ浜嗗浗鐜嬬殑鍙e悆锛屽府鍔╁浗鐜嬫垬鑳滆嚜鎴戝悗鍙戝嚭浜嗛摽閿垫湁鍔涚殑鎴樻椂鍔ㄥ憳婕旇銆?A.鐖卞痉鍗庡尰鐢?B.缃楁牸鍖荤敓C.鐨囧悗D.鍥界帇鐨勭埗浜?绛旀:B绗叓绔?1銆佽幏寰?009骞寸81灞婂ゥ鏂崱鏈€浣冲璇墖濂栫殑褰辩墖鏄紙聽聽锛?A.銆婂叆娈撳笀銆?B.銆婄獌鍚鏆淬€?C.銆婄編涓戒汉鐢熴€?D.銆婂崸铏庤棌榫欍€?绛旀:A2銆併€婂叆娈撳笀銆嬬敱鍝綅瀵兼紨鎵у锛?A.鏉庡畨B.灏忔触瀹変簩閮?C.娉风敯娲嬩簩閮?D.鏈湪闆呭紭绛旀:C3銆併€婂叆娈撳笀銆嬭繖閮ㄧ數褰辩殑涓婚鏄粈涔堬紵A.瀵规垬浜夌殑鍙嶆€?B.瀵规浜$殑鏁噸C.瀵圭埍鎯呯殑杩芥眰D.瀵光€滃瓨鍦ㄢ€濇剰涔夌殑鎺㈡眰绛旀:B4銆佷笅鍒楀摢浣嶆棩鏈婕旂殑浣滃搧娌℃湁鑾峰緱杩囧ゥ鏂崱濂栵紵A.榛戞辰鏄?B.琛g瑺璐炰箣鍔?C.绋诲灒娴?D.灏忔触瀹変簩閮?绛旀:D5銆併€婂叆娈撳笀銆嬫敼缂栬嚜灏忚锛?聽聽锛?A.銆婄撼妫哄か鏃ヨ銆?B.銆婅強涓庡垁銆?C.銆婅В蹇ф潅璐у簵銆?D.銆婂鏈钘忋€?绛旀:A绗節绔?1銆佺數褰便€婂皬闉嬪瓙銆嬬殑瀵兼紨鏄痏__A.闃垮反鏂?B.椹悏路寰烽┈鍚夎开C.璐炬硶路甯曠撼瑗?D.鑻辨牸鐜涒€集鏍兼浖绛旀:B2銆?997骞磋幏寰楃浜斿崄灞婃垱绾冲浗闄呯數褰辫妭閲戞姒堝ぇ濂栦紛鏈楃數褰辨槸___A.銆婃ū妗冪殑婊嬪懗銆?B.銆婂皬闉嬪瓙銆?C.銆婃﹦姒勬爲涓嬬殑鎯呬汉銆?D.銆婄敓娲诲湪缁х画銆?绛旀:A3銆?011骞翠紛鏈楀奖鐗嘷___鑾峰緱浜嗗ゥ鏂崱鏈€浣冲璇墖.A.銆婁綍澶勬槸鎴戞湅鍙嬬殑瀹躲€?B.銆婁竴娆″埆绂汇€?C.銆婄壒鍐欍€?D.銆婇瓟姣€?绛旀:B4銆佷紛鏈楃數褰辨鏃犱簤璁殑鏃楁墜浜虹墿鏄痏_A.闃垮反鏂?B.椹悏路寰烽┈鍚夎开C.璐炬硶路甯曠撼瑗?D.鑻辨牸鐜涒€集鏍兼浖绛旀:A5銆併€婂皬闉嬪瓙銆嬬殑缁撳熬鏄痏___A.寮€鏀惧紡鐨?B.澶у洟鍦嗗紡鐨?C.鎮蹭激寮忕殑D.鍠滃墽寮忕殑绛旀:A绗崄绔?1銆併€婃捣瑙掍竷鍙枫€嬬殑瀵兼紨鏄?聽聽锛?A.渚瓭璐?B.鏉庡畨C.榄忓痉鍦?D.鏋楀瓭璋?绛旀:C2銆佺墖涓氦鍙夌潃鍑犳潯鍙欎簨绾跨储锛?A.涓ゆ潯B.涓夋潯C.鍥涙潯D.浜旀潯绛旀:A3銆佸奖鐗囬€氳繃浣曠鏂瑰紡鍐嶇幇涓庤惀寤烘殩鍦轰箰闃熺粍寤鸿繃绋嬩互鍙婂悇鎴愬憳鎵€澶勭敓瀛樼┖闂达紵A.鑹插僵B.瀵圭櫧C.闊充箰D.闀滃ご绛旀:D4銆侀瓘寰峰湥姊︽兂涓兂瑕佹媿鎽勭殑褰辩墖鏄摢閮ㄧ數褰憋紵A.銆婃捣瑙掍竷鍙枫€?B.銆婅禌寰峰厠路宸磋幈銆?C.銆婇偅浜涘勾鎴戜滑涓€璧疯拷鐨勫コ瀛┿€?D.銆婃帹鎵嬨€?绛旀:B5銆併€婃捣瑙掍竷鍙枫€嬩互浠€涔堢嚎绱负涓荤嚎锛?A.涓ゆ缁撳眬涓嶅悓鐨勮法鍥界埍鎯?B.闃垮槈瀵圭幇瀹炵殑涓嶆弧C.鎭掓槬灏忛晣椋庡湡浜烘儏鐨勫啀鐜?D.鍓т腑灏忎汉鐗╀笌鐜板疄鐨勬姉浜?。
影片精读单元测试答案# 影片精读单元测试答案一、选择题1. 影片的导演是谁?- A. 张艺谋- B. 陈凯歌- C. 贾樟柯- D. 王家卫- 答案:D2. 影片的主要拍摄地点是?- A. 北京- B. 上海- C. 香港- D. 台北- 答案:C3. 影片中的主要角色有哪些?- A. 李雷和韩梅梅- B. 孙悟空和唐僧- C. 阿飞和小龙女- D. 许三观和许三观卖血记- 答案:C4. 影片的类型是什么?- A. 喜剧- B. 动作- C. 剧情- D. 科幻- 答案:C5. 影片的上映时间是哪一年?- A. 1990- B. 2000- C. 2010- D. 2020- 答案:C二、填空题6. 影片的主题曲是由_________演唱的。
- 答案:王菲7. 影片中,主角在_________场景中表达了对自由的渴望。
- 答案:监狱8. 影片的摄影风格以_________为主。
- 答案:黑白9. 影片的剪辑手法采用了_________。
- 答案:非线性叙事10. 影片的配乐由_________负责。
- 答案:谭盾三、简答题11. 简述影片中主角的性格特点。
- 答案:影片中的主角性格复杂,既有独立自主的一面,又有对旧社会的反叛和对新生活的渴望。
12. 分析影片的主题思想。
- 答案:影片通过主角的经历,探讨了个人与社会、传统与现代之间的冲突与融合,展现了个体在社会变革中的挣扎与成长。
13. 影片在视觉艺术上有哪些特点?- 答案:影片在视觉艺术上采用了独特的色彩对比,利用光影变化来营造氛围,同时通过构图和角度的变化来强化主题。
14. 影片的叙事结构有何独特之处?- 答案:影片采用了非线性叙事结构,通过闪回和梦境等手法,打破了时间的线性,增加了叙事的深度和复杂性。
15. 影片对当代社会有何启示?- 答案:影片通过展现主角的个人经历,引发观众对个人价值、社会正义和文化认同等议题的思考,对当代社会具有深刻的启示作用。
智慧树知到答案 影视剪辑艺术赏析章节测试答案
第一章单元测试1、单选题:对照相技术的发明具有重要贡献的发明家——尼埃普斯与达盖尔均来自( )国选项:A:德国B:法国C:英国D:瑞典答案: 【法国】2、单选题:1882年法国人()发明了摄影枪,摄影枪较之那些箱式照相机,更轻、更小、更易管理。
选项:A:特吕弗B:马莱C:艾瑞克D:布列松答案: 【马莱】3、单选题:爱迪生实验室所推出的电影是通过( )来观看的,1894年4月14日,在纽约市百老汇首次面向公众展示。
选项:A:放映机B:幻灯机C:投影仪D:活动视镜答案: 【活动视镜】4、单选题:()年12月28日晚上,卢米埃尔的电影放映机第一次在巴黎卡普辛路14号大咖啡馆售票公映。
选项:A:1895B:1893C:1898D:1892答案: 【1895】5、单选题:1896年,梅里埃采用停机再拍的手段,摄制了影片()。
选项:A:《党同伐异》B:《贵妇人的失踪》C:《奇幻森林》D:《海底两万里》答案: 【《贵妇人的失踪》】6、单选题:“10分钟营救”是格里菲斯的代表作《一个国家的诞生》中的一个精彩片段,其采用了()的剪辑手法。
选项:A:平行蒙太奇B:错觉蒙太奇C:象征蒙太奇D:积累蒙太奇答案: 【平行蒙太奇】7、单选题:前苏联导演爱森斯坦执导的第一部影片《罢工》于1925年上映。
选项:A:象征蒙太奇B:因果蒙太奇C:叫板蒙太奇D:对比蒙太奇答案: 【象征蒙太奇】8、单选题:法国导演特吕弗的作品《四百下》直接实践了巴赞的电影理论,成为电影()的典型代表。
选项:A:先锋派运动B:左岸派运动C:新浪潮运动D:新现实主义运动答案: 【新浪潮运动】9、单选题:1913年9月底,由导演张石川和编剧郑正秋合作拍摄的影片()首映,这是我国第一部国产故事片。
智慧树知到《英语电影赏析》章节测试答案第一章1、Rose comes to the after-deck to commit suicide because ___.A:she has a quarrel with her fiancéB:she wants to frighten her fiancéC:she is tired of the life she is livingD:she loves somebody else than Cal正确答案:she is tired of the life she is living2、Which of the following word could be used to describe Rose’s attitude towards Jack? A:ComplicatedB:AfraidC:ConsiderateD:Absorbed正确答案:Complicated3、How does Jack feel about the love towards Rose?A:WorriedB:Self-contemptuousC:CourageousD:Confused正确答案:Self-contemptuous4、Why is Rose arranged to marry Cal?A:Because her family has got bankrupted.B:Because her mother wants her to marry Cal to stay in the upper class.C:Because Rose is spoilt and cannot live without the help of Cal.D:Because Rose’s father has arranged the marriage beforehand.正确答案:Because her mother wants her to marry Cal to stay in the upper class.5、Titanic was said to be the most luxurious one ever floating in the ocean, which of the following equipment is not on board the ship?A:GymnasiumB:Swimming poolC:LibrariesD:Supermarket正确答案:Supermarket6、Which of the following is believed to be one of the clues for the film Titanic?A:The maiden voyage of TitanicB:The life story of JackC:The life story of RoseD:The love voyage between Cal and Rose正确答案:The maiden voyage of Titanic7、There is something in common for Jack and Rose, what is that?A:Being independentB:Pursuit for happinessC:Longing for freedomD:Longing for rich lifestyle正确答案:Longing for freedom8、How does Jack feel about his boarding on Titanic?A:He feels regretful.B:He feels satisfied.C:He feels astonished.D:He feels sad.正确答案:He feels satisfied.9、How many people are saved from the icy sea water?A:Fifteen hundredB:SixC:Seven hundredD:Two hundred正确答案:Six10、After Rose has been saved, she spots that Cal is looking for her, why doesn’t she come to him?A:She is afraid that Cal will kill her for her betrayal.B:She wants to keep the diamond herself.C:She decides to live her own life.D:She hates him for trying to kill her on board.正确答案:She decides to live her own life.11、How many causes for the sinking of Titanic have been talked about in this short lecture?A:7B:8C:9D:10正确答案:1012、Where does the name Titanic originate from?A:The company’s name.B:The designer’s name.C:Greek mythology.D:American mythology.正确答案:Greek mythology.13、The ship could stay afloat with as many as ___ watertight compartments flooded? A:2B:4C:6D:8正确答案:414、What is the maximum speed Titanic could reach?A:44km per hour.B:39km per hour.C:5km per hour.D:100km per hour.正确答案:44km per hour.15、Bruce Ismay has been blamed for the reason that _.A:he betrays his wife.B:he put pressure on Captain Smith to maintain the speed of the ship.C:he manages the White Star Line.D:he is aboard the Titanic.正确答案:he put pressure on Captain Smith to maintain the speed of the ship.16、Since Rose doesn’t love Cal, why is she marrying him?A:Cal is a steel magnate who is very wealthy.B:Cal loves her so much.C:Rose is forced by her snobbish mother.D:Rose is attracted by Cal’s talents.正确答案:Rose is forced by her snobbish mother.17、How do you describe Jack’s personality?A:Enthusiastic and optimistic.B:Lacking in self-confidence.C:A person whose poverty stifles his ambition.D:A pleasure-seeker.正确答案:Enthusiastic and optimistic.18、In what way does Jack save Rose?A:He saves her life.B:He saves her soul.C:He liberates her.D: In every way a person can be saved.正确答案:In every way a person can be saved.19、Why does Rose choose Jack in the end?A:They share similar tastes and interest, values and outlooks on life. Meanwhile, Rose feels at ease together with Jack.B:Jack is more romantic than Cal.C:Rose always feels bored and suffocated with Cal.D:Rose is disappointed with her aristocratic world.正确答案:They share similar tastes and interest, values and outlooks on life. Meanwhile, Rose feels at ease together with Jack.20、Which of the following statements can best describe Cal?A:A poor guy who is betrayed by his beloved fiancée.B:A snobbish and selfish man who attaches so much importance to money that he measures almost everything in money.C:A generous man who sympathizes the impoverished people.D: A warm-hearted and grateful person.正确答案:A snobbish and selfish man who attaches so much importance to money that he measures almost everything in money.21、As a narrative technique, what methods are often used to present flashbacks?A:Memories and monologues.B:Monologues and dialogues.C:Dream sequences and memories.D:Dream sequences and reflections正确答案:Dream sequences and memories.22、In Titanic, what establishes a connection between the past and the present in the film?A:A drawing of Rose.B:The wreck of Titanic.C:The explorer ship.D:The treasure hunter Brock Lovett.正确答案:A drawing of Rose.23、In what way is the flashback narrative used in Titanic similar to that in Three Billboards? A:Its length.B:Its method to present the flashback.C:Both of the flashbacks are presented in the heroines’ dream.D:Both o f the flashbacks are presented in the heroines’ monologues.正确答案:Its method to present the flashback.24、What do you think of the flashback narrative in Titanic?A:It is only a small episode, which lasts only a few minutes.B:The flashback is as long enough as to go through the whole movie.C:The narrator is Rose’s granddaughter.D:It is insignificant.正确答案:The flashback is as long enough as to go through the whole movie.25、As to the functions of a flashback, which of the following statements is true?A:It weakens inner conflict.B:It decreases tension.C:It may spoil the complete story.D:It is to convey to the readers information regarding the character’s background.正确答案:It is to convey to the readers information regarding the ch aracter’s background.第二章1、In the following descriptions of Forrest Gump, which one is not true about him?A:He is a football star.B:He is a millionaire.C:He is a war hero.D:He is a smart man.正确答案:He is a smart man.2、W ho are the listeners of Forrest Gump’s stories in the film?A:Some strangers waiting for the bus.B:Mrs. Gump.C:Jenny.D:Bubba.正确答案:Some strangers waiting for the bus.3、Forrest is waiting for the bus to meet whom?A:His Daddy.B:Jenny.C:His son.D:Lieutenant Dan.正确答案:Jenny.4、The film Forrest Gump has competed with which film to win the 67th Oscar Awards? A:Titanic.B:The Lion King.C:The Shaw shank Redemption.D:True man’s World.正确答案:The Shaw shank Redemption.5、By using which techniques could Forrest Gump meet dead people and shake hands with them?A:CGI (Computer Graphic Image).B:Flashback.C:Voice over.D:Montage.正确答案:CGI (Computer Graphic Image).6、The white feather in the film Forrest Gump is interpreted as a/an __.A:metaphor.B:symbolism.C:simile.D:exaggeration.正确答案:symbolism.7、Who sent Forrest to wait for the school bus when he was young?A:His mother.B:His father.C:His grandma.D:His grandpa.正确答案:His mother.8、What happens to Jenny in the end?A:She’s divorced with Forrest.B:She runs away from home.C:She becomes a famous singer.D:She passed away.正确答案:She passed away.9、Which interpretation of the white feather is not true about the film?A:The white feather may represent Gump.B:Our life is compared to the white feather floating in the wind, full of possibilities.C:The white feather may represent Gump who could decide the directions and destinations of his life.D:The white feather is so pure and white which stands for an angelic spirit that seems to watch over Forrest.正确答案:The white feather may represent Gump who could decide the directions and destinations of his life.10、According to Mrs. Gump, death is __.A:frighteningB:naturalC:avoidableD:painful正确答案:natural11、Which description of Mrs. Gump is not true?A:She loves to wear flowers on her hat.B: She has a good husband.C:She rents her house for the living expenses.D:She is a smart lady.正确答案:She has a good husband.12、In Mrs. Gump’s eye, Forrest Gump is __.A:a stupid boyB:a shame for herC:a useless personD:a normal kid正确答案:a normal kid13、Which one of the following sentences is not told by Mrs. Gump?A:Life is a box of chocolates.B:Don’t let anyone tell you that they are better than you.C:Run, Forrest. Run away.D:Death is just a part of life.正确答案:Run, Forrest. Run away.14、The best interpretation for the sentence “Life is a box of chocolates” is __. A:Life is sweet.B:Life is full of choices and possibilities.C:Life is bitter.D:Life is always colorful and full of surprises.正确答案:Life is full of choices and possibilities.15、What’s Forrest Gump’s value towards money?A:There is only so much fortune a man really needs and the rest is just for showing off.B:Money is the way to success.C:Money is important than happiness.D:Money shows a person’s status.正确答案:There is only so much fortune a man really needs and the rest is just for showing off.16、When Forrest Gump was bullied by local kids, what did he do?A:He shouted back.B:He run away.C:He stood still and did nothing.D:He fought back.正确答案:He stood still and did nothing.17、On Forrest’s first day to go to school, why did other kids refuse to offer a seat to Forrest?A:Because they didn’t know Forrest.B:Because the seats were reserved.C:Because Forrest didn’t want to sit down.D: Because they disliked Forrest.正确答案:Because they disliked Forrest.18、Forrest is chosen to the football team to go to college because of __.A: his fast runningB:his excellent football skillsC:his intelligenceD:his academic scores正确答案:his fast running19、What does Forrest respond to President Kennedy’s question “How do you feel to be all- American, sir?”A:Very, well. Sir.B:I gotta pee.C:It’s my honor, sir.D:I don’t know.正确答案:I gotta pee.20、Which interpretation of the sentence “Stupid is as stupid does” is not true?A:Forrest is so stupid that he always does something wrong.B:Forrest is a man of his words.C:Forrest is pure and simple-minded.D: Forrest is a very kind-hearted and sincere person.正确答案:Forrest is so stupid that he always does something wrong.21、Who always reminds Forrest to run when he is bullied by other people?A:His mother.B:Jenny.C:His father.D:Bubba.正确答案:Jenny.22、How could Forrest survive the Vietnam War?A:Because of his excellent shooting skills.B:Because of his good leader.C:Because of Bubba’s help.D:Because of his fast running.正确答案:Because of his fast running.23、How long has Forrest run across America?A:More than 1 year.B:More than 2 years.C:More than 3 years.D:More than 4 years.正确答案:More than 3 years.24、Who did Forrest miss most during his running across America?A: Jenny.B:His mother.C:Bubba.D:Lieutenant Dan.正确答案:Jenny.25、The most influential meaning of the long running for Forrest is_______. A:he wins Jenny back.B:he becomes a national celebrity.C:he gets a lot of sponsorship and becomes rich.D:he finally understands mother’s words “You got to put the past behind you before you can move on.”正确答案:he finally understands mother’s words “You got to put the past behind you before you can move on.”26、Forrest Gump is running across a __-year span of American history.A:10B:20C:30D:40正确答案:3027、Forrest Gump is named after Nathan Bedford who is __.A:the Civil War Hero.B:the World War One HeroC:the World War Two HeroD:the West Expansion Hero正确答案:the Civil War Hero.28、Which answer is not true to the question: Forrest Gump is looked down upon and bullied by local kids because __.A:he has not many friendsB:his I.Q is lower than normal kidsC:his braces make him clumsy in walkingD:his father has no time to take care of him正确答案:his father has no time to take care of him29、Forrest Gump is awarded the Medal of Honor by whom?A:President Lincoln.B:President Johnson.C:President Nixon.D:President Kennedy.正确答案:President Johnson.30、Who does together with Forrest Gump to the shrimping boat?A:Lieutenant Dan.B:Bubba.C:Jenny.D:His mother.正确答案:Lieutenant Dan.第三章1、Mr. Holland’s Opus was an American drama film released in 1995. Who was in the title role of Glenn Holland, a high-school music teacher?A:Richard Dreyfuss.B:Stephen Herek.C:Patrick Sheane Duncan.D:Jay Thomas.正确答案:A2、Glenn Holland was a talented musician and composer who was also a professional musical performer. Why did he accept a teaching position at John F. Kennedy High School?A:Because he was tired of composing music.B:Because he wanted to enjoy more free time with his young wife, Iris, and compose a piece of orchestral music.C:Because his son Cole was born deaf, Glenn Holland wanted to teach his son by himself.D:Because his wife Iris thought he would be a good teacher instead of a good composer.正确答案:B3、Mr. Holland’s first days in John F. Kennedy High School was proved to be not successful, for the students’ performance did not meet his expectance. Who help him realize the duty and importance of being a teacher?A:The football coach Bill Meister.B:His wife Iris Holland.C:The school principal Mrs. Jacobs.D:One of his students Rowena Morgan.正确答案:C4、The news that his wife Iris Holland was pregnant brought happiness to the couple. But unfortunately, his son Cole was born deaf. What is Mr. Holland’ s first reaction to this?A:Mr. Holland reacted with hostility to the news that he can never teach the joys of music to his own child.B:Mr. Holland gave up his teaching career and taught his son at home by himself.C:Mr. Holland did n’t accept this truth and wanted to deny the fact.D:Mr. Holland was so upset that he even stop his music dream.正确答案:A5、Which of the following statements is not true according to your own understanding of the film?A:In 1995, Wolters, now promoted to principal, faces budget cuts from the board of education. He responds by eliminating music, as well as art and drama, from the school curriculum, leading to Holland’s early retirement.B:On his final day as a teacher, Holland enters the school auditorium, where his professional life is surprisingly redeemed. Hearing that their beloved teacher is retiring, hundreds of his former students have secretly returned to the school to celebrate his life.C:Mr. Holland’s symphony is not his only legacy, and it is the people he has inspired and taught, all of the people he has helped to make a better person, that is his true symphony.D:When Mr. Holland retired from school, he wrote his own profound opus—The American Symphony.正确答案:D6、___ is not the most striking cultural marks of Hippies ?A:The unusual dressing styleB:Drugs & sexual liberationC:Rock and rollD:Most of them lived in California.正确答案:D7、Which of the following is not true about the Hippies of the 1960s in America?A:They were rebellious.B:They were mostly 15 – 25 years old.C:They all wanted to become rock stars.D:They were mostly white people, from middle-class families.正确答案:C8、Which one is not true about Hippies’ dressing style?A:They preferred bright color, loose fitting clothing.B:They favored Indian or Bohemian style head bands, necklaces and jewelries.C:They often went barefoot because they couldn’t afford shoes.D:Both men and women kept long hair; men kept beards, while women wore no bra.正确答案:C9、Which one is not true about Hippies’ life style?A:They believed: “If you want to free yourself, free your body first”, which means you can do whatever you’d like to do.B:They believed: “ If you feel good, do it.” When it comes to love, it means you were free to love whoever you pleased.C:They believed love was no longer limited to one person.D:They believed people couldn’t experiment love & sex without guilt and jealousy.正确答案:D10、The peak years of psychedelic rock were 1967’s Summer of Love and 1969’s Woodstock Festival. About these two events, which one is not true?A:Summer of Love in 1967 was a time when young people in America got together to question the society in which they grew up.B:That famous summer attracted over 100, 000 young people flocking to San Francisco to enjoy a summer of drugs, sex and rock & roll.C:Woodstock Festival in 1969 attracted over 400, 000 people to attend.D:In Woodstock Festival, many Hippies took drugs, which caused a lot of fighting and violence.正确答案:D11、Which is not about the jobs of a teacher according to Mrs. Jacobs?A:To fill young minds with knowledge.B:To act as a role model for students.C:To act as a compass to guide them into the right direction in life.D:To give his students financial support.正确答案:D12、Why does Mrs. Jacobs criticize Mr. Holland in clip 1?A:Because he was late for class very often.B:Because he was off work earlier very often.C:Because he failed to serve as a good compass for his students.D:Because he failed to give his students a good class.正确答案:C13、Mr. Holland teaches his students all but ___ in class?A:the basic theory of musicB:how to appreciate classic music and pop musicC:great musicians and their masterpieceD:how to compose正确答案:D14、What does Staddler learn in the funeral?A:A man should learn to respect and appreciate others.B:A man should fight bravely and even sacrifice for his motherland.C:A man should learn to play some musical instrument in his spare time.D:A man should be good at sports, such as football or wrestling.正确答案:D15、Which of the following statements is not true about Mr. Holland?A:Mr. Holland does a good job in imparting knowledge to his students.B:Mr. Holland is a good compass for his students to guide them to make right decision in their life.C:Mr. Holland is an excellent composer. His music brings him rich and fame.D:Mr. Holland has a profound influence on his students. He changes them into better people.正确答案:C16、Why is th e method “play the sunset” so effective for Lang?A:Because she loves the beautiful sunset very much.B: Because her father loves the beautiful sunset very much.C: Because her hair is much like the beautiful sunset.D:Because her hair often reminds her father of the beautiful sunset, which brings confidence to her.正确答案:D17、How many years has Lang been playing clarinet?A:About three months.B:About six months.C:About two years.D:About three years.正确答案:D18、In a quarrel with his father, Cole even calls Mr. Holland a (an) __.A:IdiotB:ShitC:AssholeD:Son of bitch正确答案:C19、In clip 4, his wife quarrels with Mr. Holland because he fails to accompany his wife and son to the science fair, so which word can best describe Holland’s relationship with his families?A: HarmoniousB:StrainedC:HostileD: Indifferent正确答案:B20、Which of the following in not a good proof to show that Mr. Holland is a good teacher or a good father?A:His students learn a lot from Mr. Holland.B: He sets a good role model for his son as a good father and a good teacher.C:He dreams of composing a symphony that can make him rich and famous.D: A lot of students attend his retirement celebration.正确答案:C第四章1、Which movie is not acted by Will Smith?A:I, Robot.B:I’m the Legend.C:Men in Black.D:Avatar.正确答案:D2、The real Christopher Paul Gardner is an American businessman, investor, stockbroker, motivational speaker, author, and philanthropist. What does “philanthropist” mean?A:A very rich person.B:A very poor person.C:A rich person who gives a lot of money to help poor people.D:A man who becomes very rich by his own efforts.正确答案:D3、At one point, why is Chris forced to stay in a bathroom at a train station with his son?A:He doesn’t want other people to find them.B:He doesn’t have money to pay for the rent.C:He wants to play joke with his son.D:He finds out that the bathroom is a comfortable place.正确答案:B4、At the end of the internship, Chris is called into an office. He predicts that he will be____________.A:accepted as an employee in the companyB:fired by the companyC:suspended from his workD:awarded for his excellent job正确答案:B5、Who was Tomas Jefferson?A:He was the English Founding Father.B:He was the fourth president of the United States.C:He was the principal author of the Declaration of Independence.D:He was the only author of the Declaration of Independence.正确答案:C6、What can we mainly infer from the title of the movie?A:It’s not easy to get happiness.B:Not everyone can get happiness.C:Do not ask questions if you want to get happiness.D:If you want to get happiness, do not ask why, just depend on yourself.正确答案:D7、What does the man who drives a fancy car tell Chris about how to become a stock broker?A:One needs to have a college degree.B:One needs to be very clever.C:One needs to be good at numbers and be good with people.D:One needs to work very hard.正确答案:C8、Which one is not the reason that Twistle gives Chris an opportunity to have an interview?A:He likes Chris very much.B:He finds out that Chris is very smart.C:He wants to get rid of Chris quickly.D:He finds out that Chris is very persevering.正确答案:C9、During the internship, Chris does all the things except that________.A:he often goes out drinking with his clientsB:he tries very hard to attract more clients to invest in their company C:he does all the favors asked by his directorD:he studies in the dim light in the church正确答案:A10、During the internship, Chris does all the things except that________. A:He often goes out drinking with his clientsB:He tries very hard to attract more clients to invest in their company C:He and his son have a very good time during the football gameD:The CEO promises to cooperate with Chris正确答案:D11、Which one is not true about the forth opportunity Chris seizes? A:He lies about having a friend in the neighborhood of the CEO.B:He gets to know a lot of people during the football game.C:He and his son have a very good time during the football game.D:The CEO promises to cooperate with Chris.正确答案:D12、Chris hurries to the interview immediately from _.A:the police stationB:his apartmentC:his classD:his son’s nursery正确答案:A13、How man y students are there in Chris’ high school class?A:20.B:Too many.C:12.D:It’s not mentioned.正确答案:C14、In this part, we can see Chris has demonstrated all the qualities, but___________. A:honestyB:team-playingC:humorD:quick-wittedness正确答案:B15、In a job interview, avoiding eye contact is a sign of all the following except for _. A:deceptionB:disinterestC:lack of confidenceD:optimism正确答案:D16、Which of the following is not right for a successful job interview?A:Answers mo st questions with short “yes” and “no”.B:For women, do not dress sensually unless sex appeal is part of the job.C:Arrive 15 minutes early for actual interview.D:Be pleasant, polite and friendly but businesslike to everyone you meet, including office staff.正确答案:A17、Where does the idea of “American Dream” come from?A:A book named “Ragged Dick”.B:The Declaration of Independence.C:Henry David Thoreau.D:The movie, The Pursuit of Happyness.正确答案:B18、“The American Dream” means that _ can achieve fame and fortune in the United States through hard work, self-reliance, and sacrifice.A:only rich peopleB:the whiteC:anyoneD: immigrants正确答案:C19、Which of the following is not the adversity that Chris faces in life?A:His embarrassing economic condition.B:His life with a toddler son as a single father.C:His 6-month Internship without any payment.D:His strong determination with amazing willpower.正确答案:D20、To win the position, the most important task for Chris to do is to ____.A:pass the examB:earn more moneyC:contact more clientsD:do favors to the office manager正确答案:B21、Chris finally gets the job mainly because of ___.A:his communicating skillsB:his intelligenceC:his diligenceD:his good luck正确答案:C第五章1、Schindler’s List is a 1993 American epic historical drama film directed by __.A:James CameronB:Robert ZemeckisC:Steven SpielbergD:Roman Polanski正确答案:C2、The film Schindler’s List is based on the novel Schindler’s Ark by Thomas Keneally, a (an) ____ novelist.A:AmericanB:PolishC:GermanD:Australian正确答案:A3、The film Schindler’s List tells the story about Oskar Schindler, a member of the Nazi party who saved the lives of about _ Jews during the Holocaust.A:400B:800C:1,200D:2,000正确答案:C4、Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist, a German spy and a member of the Nazi party who saved many Jews during the Holocaust by __.A: issuing Jews the visasB:providing Jews with sheltersC:employing Jews in his factoriesD:illegal shipment of Jews正确答案:C5、Oskar Schindler was considered as an opportunist because __.A:he wanted to make fortunes by taking advantage of warB:he wanted to move his factory to his hometownC:he got a factory confiscated from JewsD:he made ammunitions used by German armies in his factory正确答案:A6、Oskar Schindler was named Righteous among the Nations by the _ government.A:AmericanB:IsraeliC:PolishD: Czech正确答案:B7、Poldek Pfefferberg is considered to be one of the persons who help contributing to the making of the film Schindler’s List mainly because______________.A:he was the story-teller, telling the story of his savior, Oskar SchindleB:he was the only person who survived in the factoryC:he was one of Jews who kept good relation with Oskar SchindlerD:he was one of Jews who survived the Holocaust正确答案:C8、After reading the review of the book Schindler’s Ark and meeting Pfefferberg in 1983, Spielberg expressed enough interest in putting the story into a film. But later he tried to pass the project to other film directors. Why?A:Because Spielberg was taking on another Holocaust Drama then.B:Because Spielberg’s mother was killed during the Holocaust.C:Because Spielberg was worried that the topic would cause controversies.D:Because Spielberg was not sure whether he was good enough to make the film.正确答案:D9、The film director Roman Polanski turned down the Spielberg’s proposal of making the film Schindler’s List since__________________.A:he knew producing such a film about Holocaust would spend a large mount of moneyB:he could not accept the truth that his mother was killed at concentration campC:he was directing the film Pianist, another Holocaust Drama thenD:he was not interested in the topic正确答案:B10、This film Schindler’s List has achieved a great success. It has won __ Oscar Awards out of twelve nominations.A:fiveB:sixC:sevenD:eight正确答案:C11、Marked by mass deaths of civilians, including the Holocaust and the only use of nuclear weapons in warfare, World War II resulted in millions of death. “Holocaust” here means _.A:偷袭珍珠港B:南京大屠杀C:卡廷惨案D:犹太人大屠杀正确答案:D12、Which country is the number 1 on the list of an estimate of the number of Jews murdered between 1939 and 1945?A:HollandB:PolandC:HungaryD:Germany。
()A:错 B:对答案:对3.影视艺术就是视觉的艺术。
()A:对 B:错答案:错4.视觉残像是一种心理现象。
()A:错 B:对答案:错5.光像一旦在视网膜上形成,视觉将会对这个光像的感觉维持大约0.1-0.4秒的时间,这种生理现象就叫做视觉暂留。
()A:对 B:错答案:对6.视觉暂留现象是指光像一旦在视网膜上形成,视觉将会对这个光像的感觉维持大约()的时间。
()A:对 B:错答案:对10.影视艺术就是时间的艺术。
()A:对 B:错答案:错第二章测试1.光线通过镜头聚焦在底片的一个点上,使影像具有清晰的轮廓与真实的质感,这个点就叫()。
()A:错 B:对答案:错4.摄影机与拍摄对象距离远,所拍摄的镜头画面就是远景。
()A:错 B:对答案:错5.人眼所能看见的空间范围就是视野。
()A:对 B:错答案:对6.摄影机在拍摄过程中的位置叫()。
第1章单元测试1、What did students do during the FIRST half?答案:Explored the natural and social world.2、What did students do during the SECOND half?答案:sought help3、I had injured my leg and had to __ of the race.答案:drop out4、The prefix __ is often used to combine with adjectives and nouns to form new words indicating that something connects two or more places, things, or groups of people.答案:inter-5、For whom is A.P. course prepared for?答案:High school students6、Which is country is the origin place for A.P. course?答案:America第2章单元测试1、What do you know about Christianity ?答案:All the options.2、Which is NOT true about Confucianism ?答案:does not emphasize justice and sincerity.3、What type of writing is this text?答案:An announcement.4、According to the text analysis, which one of the following statements is not true?答案:The author entered the operating room 14 years ago, which indicates the placewhere the story happens.5、These crops are extremely __ to climate change, which has been a tricky problem for the local farmers.答案:to run6、The suffix “-less” is often added to nouns in order to form __ that indicate that someone or something does not have the thing that the noun refers to.答案:Adjectives.第3章单元测试1、Which description about the stove is not true?答案:It’s as white as snow.2、Why did the dog stand out here in the cold?答案:He had bitten the master’s children in the leg.3、Which of the following prefixes does not indicate negation?答案:en-4、It was a __ forward, beyond electricity and into electronics.答案:爱情就像一只蝴蝶,它喜欢飞到哪里,就把欢乐带到哪里5、Which of the following statements concerning adverbial clause of time is NOT true?答案:“While” is used when you are mentioning a time or event in the past and indicatin g that a situation has continued from then until now.6、Which of the following sentences is grammatically INCORRECT?答案:Politics are the art or science of government.第4章单元测试1、Which of the following predicative clause is true?答案:That football game is what makes me feel excited.2、Which of the following predicative clause is true?答案:That football game is what makes me feel excited.3、Which of the following is not the clue of the text?答案:Father’s complaint4、Before t he daughter’s wedding ceremony, father recalled so many things except____.答案:He can’t wait to dance with his daughter in celebration.5、Which of the following words is not based on the prefix “pre-”?答案:Press6、The local government is expected to give high __ to lifting energy efficiency and cutting pollution.答案:with7、Which of the following is not one of the formats of exclamative sentences?答案:How + adj./adv. + n.8、Which of the following sentences is not an exclamative sentence?答案:How can you talk to me like that!第5章单元测试1、Decide whether the statement is True or False:The cat didn’t seem upset at all after our move to the new home.答案:×2、Which one of the following statements about flashback is not true?答案:It narrates the whole story according to a chronological order.3、Which animal is not included in the Chinese Zodiac?答案:panda4、Which of the following statements is TRUE? _____答案:You’ll not write a good composition until you like the topic.5、I like cats but unfo rtunately I’m __ to them.答案:216、__ refer to words that consist wholly of two or more free words or roots.答案:str[]=bcdef7、Which of the following sentences is a non-defining relative clause?答案:They reached there yesterday, where a negotiation of sale will be held.8、The day on ___ you start your new job will be very busy.答案:which第6章单元测试1、Which is not the diagnostic method of traditional Chinese medicine?答案:dietary therapy2、Which of the following statements is not true?答案:The Injustice to Dou E is a Sanqu poem3、Why is the reality of AIDS brutally clear?答案:Two hundred thousand Americans are dead or dying.4、Which of the following is NOT true about the author?答案:Her brother Phillip enjoyed his birthday.5、Which of the following sentences is grammatically wrong?答案:If I was a bird, I would fly in the blue sky.6、The following sentence is grammatically correct or not: “If you are late for theconference, you will have to apologize to the others fo r your lateness.”答案:Yes7、Which of the following words is an acronym?答案:NASSA.8、I am hiding from something, the only thing I am __ to confront in my life.答案:我真的、真的、真的很抱歉。
鏅烘収鏍戠煡鍒般€婇瀵煎姏涓庨珮鏁堣兘缁勭粐銆?019绔犺妭娴嬭瘯绛旀绗竴绔?1銆併€愬崟閫夐銆? (3鍒?璇剧▼涓涓轰竴涓粍缁囪鐪嬩负鏄竴涓疄浣撶殑鏍囧織鎬ц〃鐜版槸锛堣兘鎰熷彈鍒版潵鑷粍缁囩殑鍘嬪姏锛?2銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?浠ヤ笅瀵圭粍缁囩殑姒傚康璇犻噴姝g‘鐨勬槸锛堝叏閫夛級3銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?鍦ㄩ€変汉鐢ㄤ汉涓婄殑姝g‘鐞嗚В鏄紙鍏ㄩ€夛級4銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?姝e紡缁勭粐鐨勬瀯鎴愬厓绱犳槸锛堟潈鍒╃洰鏍囷級5銆併€愬垽鏂銆? (2鍒?缁勭粐鐨勬蹇典腑鍙湁鈥滆鑹测€濓紝娌℃湁鐪熷疄鐨勪汉銆傦紙瀵癸級绗簩绔?1銆併€愬垽鏂銆? (2鍒?涓€涓粍缁囩殑绠$悊骞呭害瓒婂ぇ锛岀粍缁囧氨瓒婂姞楂樿€搞€傦紙閿欙級2銆併€愬閫夐銆?(5鍒?缁勭粐缁撴瀯鐨勫奖鍝嶅洜绱犳湁锛埪犅犲叏閫? 锛?3銆併€愬閫夐銆?(5鍒?鏈夋晥鎷嗗垎浜嬩笟閮ㄧ殑濂藉鏄紙鍏ㄩ€?锛?4銆併€愬崟閫夐銆? (3鍒?鍩硅偛鍙屽厓鑳藉姏涓昏鏄负浜嗘彁鍗囨按鏍风粍缁囩殑锛堝姩鎬侀€傚簲鎬犅狅級缁忓吀鐨勭粍缁囩粨鏋勫舰鎬佹湁鍝簺锛燂紙鍏ㄩ€夛級绗笁绔?1銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?浠ヤ笅鍝簺鏄ぇ浜斾汉鏍间腑鐨勪釜鎬э紙寮€鏀炬€э紱澶栧€炬€э紱璐d换蹇冿紱瀹滀汉鎬э紱鎯呯华绋冲畾鎬?锛?2銆併€愬垽鏂銆? (2鍒?缁勭粐鍙互閫氳繃鍒跺畾瑙勫垯鐨勬柟寮忔潵鏀瑰彉鍛樺伐鎬佸害銆傦紙瀵癸級3銆併€愬崟閫夐銆? (3鍒?鈥滆嚜鎴戞晥鑳芥劅鈥濊繖涓€姒傚康鐨勬渶鏃╂彁鍑鸿€呮槸锛堢彮鏉滄媺锛夈€?4銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?瀵硅嚜鎴戞晥鑳芥劅杩涜瑙傛祴鏃讹紝浼氫粠锛堜竴鑸€х▼搴﹀己搴?锛夌淮搴︾潃鎵嬨€?5銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?鑳滀换鍔涙ā鍨嬩腑锛屼笅鍒楀睘浜庨壌鍒€х壒寰佺殑鏄紙涓€х壒璐ㄨ嚜鎴戞蹇典环鍊艰鍜屾€佸害聽聽锛?绗洓绔?1銆併€愬垽鏂銆? (2鍒?鍥㈤槦鍜岃皭鏄洟闃熼珮鏁堢殑涓昏鍘熷洜銆傦紙閿欙級2銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?涓嬪垪灞炰簬鍥㈤槦涓庣兢浣撶殑鍖哄埆鐨勬槸锛堝叏閫壜犅狅級3銆併€愬崟閫夐銆? (3鍒?楂樻晥鑳藉洟闃熺壒寰佹湁锛氾紙鎵€鏈夋垚鍛樺鍥㈤槦鐩爣鏈夋竻鏅扮粺涓€鐨勮鐭ワ級鍥㈤槦闈复鐨勬寫鎴樺寘鎷紙鍏ㄩ€夛級绗簲绔?1銆併€愬垽鏂銆? (2鍒?娌熼€氬氨鏄剰涔夌殑浼犻€掑拰鐞嗚В銆傦紙瀵癸級2銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?褰卞搷娌熼€氱殑鍏抽敭瑕佺礌鏈夛紙聽聽鍏ㄩ€夛級3銆併€愬崟閫夐銆? (3鍒?浠〃灞炰簬鏃犲0璇█涓殑锛堜綋鎬佽瑷€聽聽锛?4銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?涓嬪垪閫夐」涓舰瀹归潪姝e紡娌熼€氱殑鏈夛紙鍏ㄩ€壜犅狅級5銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?淇℃伅鍙戦€佹椂瑕佹敞鎰忎互涓嬪嚑鐐癸紙淇℃伅鐨勫绉版€э紱淇℃伅鐨勭簿纭€э紱淇℃伅鐨勫畬鍏ㄦ€э級绗叚绔?1銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?涓嬪垪灞炰簬缁勭粐鏂囧寲涓汉鏂囧舰寮忕殑鏈夛紙鍏ㄩ€?锛?2銆併€愬垽鏂銆? (2鍒?涓ゅ鍏徃鍙戠敓骞惰喘鏃讹紝涓嶄粎瑕佹敞閲嶄笟鍔′笂鐨勬暣鍚堬紝杩樿娉ㄦ剰鍒嗘瀽鍏跺師鏈夋枃鍖栫殑鐗圭偣鍜屽樊寮傘€傦紙瀵癸級3銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?缁勭粐鍙橀潻鐨勫唴瀹瑰寘鎷紙鍏ㄩ€?锛?4銆併€愬崟閫夐銆? (3鍒?鈥滀紒涓氱殑鏍囪瘑銆佽薄寰佺墿銆佸憳宸ユ湇楗般€佷紒涓氬箍鍛婄瓑鈥濆睘浜庘€滄磱钁卞湀鈥濇ā鍨嬬殑鍝竴灞傦紵锛堢墿璐ㄥ眰锛?5銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?浠讳綍缁勭粐閮芥槸瀛樺湪浜庝竴瀹氱殑绀句細鑳屾櫙涔嬩笅鐨勶紝涓€绉嶇粍缁囨枃鍖栫殑褰㈡垚锛屾槸澶氱鍥犵礌鍏卞悓浣滅敤鐨勭粨鏋溿€傚洜姝や笅鍒楀摢浜涘洜绱犲缁勭粐鏂囧寲浜х敓閲嶅ぇ鐨勫奖鍝嶏紙鍏ㄩ€夛級绗竷绔?1銆併€愬垽鏂銆? (2鍒?鑱屼綅瓒婇珮锛屾潈鍔涜秺澶с€傦紙閿欙級2銆併€愬閫夐銆?(5鍒?浼犵粺浼佷笟绠$悊琛屼负椋庢牸鍖呮嫭锛堝叏閫? 锛?3銆併€愬崟閫夐銆?(3鍒?鍦ㄧ鐞嗛鏍艰涓紝琚涓烘晥鏋滄渶宸殑棰嗗椋庢牸鏄摢涓€绉嶏紵锛堣传涔忓紡棰嗗锛?4銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?鐢变腑鍥藉鑰呬滑鎻愬嚭鍜岀爺绌剁殑瀹堕暱寮忛瀵硷紝鍏跺唴瀹逛笂鍖呭惈鍝簺锛燂紙寰疯棰嗗锛涘▉鏉冮瀵硷紱浠佹厛棰嗗锛?5銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?浠ヤ笅涓嶅睘浜庡彉闈╁瀷棰嗗缁村害鐨勫唴瀹规槸锛燂紙渚嬪绠$悊锛涙潈鍙樺鍔憋級绗叓绔?1銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?鏍规嵁闃垮皵寰峰紬鐨凟RG鐞嗚锛屼汉鐨勬牳蹇冮渶姹傚寘鎷紙鎴愰暱闇€瑕侊紱鍏崇郴闇€瑕侊紱鐢熷瓨闇€瑕侊級2銆併€愬崟閫夐銆? (3鍒?浠ヤ笅涓嶅睘浜庡唴婵€鍔辩殑鏄細锛堢粍缁囧叕骞虫€э級3銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?鍙屽洜绱犵悊璁哄寘鎷摢涓ょ被鍥犵礌锛燂紙淇濆仴鍥犵礌锛涙縺鍔卞洜绱狅級4銆併€愬垽鏂銆? (2鍒?蹇冪悊鐩爣鍦ㄦ湰璐ㄤ笂鏄竴绉嶄箰瑙傜殑鏈潵鐘舵€併€傦紙瀵癸級5銆併€愬閫夐銆? (5鍒?。
后现代经典影视 智慧树知到网课章节测试答案
1、选择题: 后现代是20世纪60年代产生而后波及世界的文化现象选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】2、选择题: 从经济发展的速度衡量,后现代就是工业化时代。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、选择题: 认识事物的不确定性是后现代意识形态。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】4、选择题: 后现代主义的时间观念是,未来从历史的土壤中产生,现在的贡献包含着对未来的贡献。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】5、选择题: 后现代的伦理观念认为,人与人之间就是互相利用的关系。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】6、选择题: 经典的“经”是四书五经中的经,“典”是春秋战国之后出现的的公文体制。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】7、选择题: 电影作为一门新兴艺术,虽只有一百多年的历史,但仍具备经典意义。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】8、选择题:后现代的特征()选项:A:多元思维B:圆融和合C:开拓创造D:集体领导答案: 【多元思维,圆融和合,开拓创造,集体领导】9、选择题: 经典的标志()选项:A:典范性B:权威性C:经久不衰D:代表性答案: 【典范性,权威性,经久不衰,代表性】10、选择题: 以下对经典的特征的描述正确的是()选项:A:经得起检验,能够引起共鸣B:悖逆传统,具有精神加持力量C:历史悠久D:受人喜爱答案: 【经得起检验,能够引起共鸣,悖逆传统,具有精神加持力量】1、选择题: 《老炮儿》表现了个人的仁义精神。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】2、选择题: 《荒野猎人》歌颂了主流英雄形象。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【错】3、选择题:对美国主题的表现描述正确的是()选项:A:描写伊甸园神话B:表现失败的英雄,歌颂成功者C:崇尚个人自由D:以上都对答案: 【描写伊甸园神话,表现失败的英雄,歌颂成功者】4、选择题: 励志片的定义是塑造非凡形象,创造人生奇迹,激励人们开拓光明之路,实现人生圆满成就,到达理想境界的影片。
选项:A:对B:错5、选择题: 励志片并不能简单的定义为就是激励人们意志的影片。
A.平行蒙太奇B.心理蒙太奇C.交叉蒙太奇D..隐喻蒙太奇答案:心理蒙太奇5、通过镜头或场面的对列进行类比,含蓄而形象地表达创作者的某种喻意的蒙太奇形式是以下哪一种()A.平行蒙太奇B.心理蒙太奇C.交叉蒙太奇【).隐喻蒙太奇答案:隐喻蒙太奇第三章1、下列哪部影片路易•德•菲耐斯的成名之作?A.《圣特罗佩的警察》B.《疯狂的贵族》C.《美食家》D.《雅各布教士历险记》答案:a2、乌里、菲耐斯和布尔维尔合作的最后一部影片是( )A.《疯狂的贵族》B.《暗渡陈仓》C.《虎口脱险》D.《雅各布教士历险记》答案:c3、下列哪个元素不属于《虎口脱险》中彰显出来的法国喜剧精神?A.直白搞笑的语言B.拍摄的像正剧一样严肃认真C.洋溢着鲜明的爱国主义政治热情I).诙谐地处理严肃问题答案:a4、法国电影《虎口脱险》是一部什么题材的电影?A.灾难B.家庭伦理C.爱情I).二战答案:d5、《虎口脱险》的导演是()A.吕克-贝松B.让•雅克C.罗曼-波兰斯基D.杰拉尔•乌里答案:d第四章1、曾拍摄出经典影片《乱世佳人》的是下列哪个以电影制作公司?A.米高梅B.时代华纳C.哥伦比亚D.环球答案:a2、在进入有声电影时代后,卓别林依然坚持用默片手法拍摄的电影是(A.淘金记B.大独裁者C.摩登时代【).城市之光答案:D3、标志着赫本由花瓶转为演技派的影片是()A.《罗马假日》B.《蒂凡尼的早餐》C.《窈窕淑女》D.《龙凤配》答案:B4、下列那位金发美女没有和希区柯克合作过?A.格蕾丝•凯丽B.玛丽莲•梦露C.琼•方登D.英格丽•褒曼答案:B5、下列元素哪些不是类型电影的特点?A.模式化的视觉元素B.相对固定的故事情节C・类型化的演员D.同一个制片公司岀品答案:D第五童1、被公认为世界上第一部真正意义上的纪录电影是1922年在美国上映的_A.《北方的纳努克》B.《海豚湾》C.《火车进站》D.《一个国家的诞生》答案:A2、是纪录片的核心和本质。
智慧树(知道)答案 影视鉴赏
选项:A:绘画B:雕塑C:电影D:建筑答案: 【电影】2、单选题:法国的_______,在1896年第一次公开用投影式电影放映机,放映了电影《火车进站》,这个事件标志着现代意义上电影的诞生。
选项:A:卡努杜B:巴赞C:贝拉.巴拉兹D:卢米埃兄弟答案: 【卢米埃兄弟】3、多选题:“三性统一”是指电影作品的______、_______和_______。
选项:A:观赏性B:象征性C:艺术性D:思想性答案: 【象征性 ;艺术性;思想性】4、单选题:拍摄于2002年的________是实验电影的杰作,整部影片由一个镜头完成,时长90分钟。
选项:A:我是古巴B:历劫佳人C:大事件D:俄罗斯方舟答案: 【俄罗斯方舟】5、单选题:戏剧的核心元素是表演,电影的核心元素是_______。
选项:A:剧本B:摄影C:画面D:时空答案: 【摄影】6、单选题:1911年,意大利诗人和电影的先驱者______发表了一篇论著,第一次宣称电影是一种艺术。
选项:A:巴赞B:卢米埃兄弟C:卡努杜D:贝拉.巴拉兹答案: 【卡努杜】7、单选题:乔治.梅里爱为人们带来的世界上的第一部科幻电影_______。
选项:A:地心引力B:星际穿越C:月球之旅D:太空漫步答案: 【月球之旅】8、判断题:压缩是影视处理的基本方式,也是蒙太奇的基本功能。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】9、判断题:电脑制作的特效制作大体分成两大类:二维特效和三维特效。
选项:A:错B:对答案: 【错】10、判断题:蒙太奇一词来自法语,原意是建筑学上的构成、装配之意,借用到电影艺术中有组接、构成之意。
选项:A:对B:错答案: 【对】第二章单元测试1、单选题:《布达佩斯大饭店》影片的整体色调是______。
第1章单元测试1、Rose comes to the after-deck to commit suicide because _.答案:she is tired of the life she is living2、Which of the following word could be used to describe Rose’s attitude towards Jack?答案:Complicated3、How does Jack feel about the love towards Rose?答案:Self-contemptuous4、Why is Rose arranged to marry Cal?答案:Because her mother wants her to marry Cal to stay in the upper class.5、Titanic was said to be the most luxurious one ever floating in the ocean, which of the following equipment is not on board the ship?答案:Supermarket6、Which of the following is believed to be one of the clues for the film Titanic?答案:The maiden voyage of Titanic7、There is something in common for Jack and Rose, what is that?答案:Longing for freedom8、How does Jack feel about his boarding on Titanic?答案:He feels satisfied.9、How many people are saved from the icy sea water?答案:Six10、After Rose has been saved, she spots that Cal is looking for her, why doesn’t she come to him?答案:She decides to live her own life.11、How many causes for the sinking of Titanic have been talked about in this short lecture?答案:1012、Where does the name Titanic originate from?答案:Greek mythology.13、The ship could stay afloat with as many as _ watertight compartments flooded?答案:414、What is the maximum speed Titanic could reach?答案:44km per hour.15、Bruce Ismay has been blamed for the reason that _.答案:he put pressure on Captain Smith to maintain the speed of the ship.16、Since Rose doesn’t lov e Cal, why is she marrying him?答案:Rose is forced by her snobbish mother.17、How do you describe Jack’s personality?答案:Enthusiastic and optimistic.18、In what way does Jack save Rose?答案:In every way a person can be saved.19、Why does Rose choose Jack in the end?答案:They share similar tastes and interest, values and outlooks on life. Meanwhile, Rose feels at ease together with Jack.20、Which of the following statements can best describe Cal?答案:A snobbish and selfish man who attaches so much importance to money that he measures almost everything in money.21、As a narrative technique, what methods are often used to present flashbacks?答案:Dream sequences and memories.22、In Titanic , what establishes a connection between the past and the present in the film?答案:A drawing of Rose.23、In what way is the flashback narrative used in Titanic similar to that in Three Billboards?答案:Its method to present the flashback.24、What do you think of the flashback narrative in Titanic ?答案:The flashback is as long enough as to go through the whole movie .25、As to the functions of a flashback, which of the following statements is true?答案:It is to convey to the readers information regarding the character’s background.第2章单元测试1、In the following descriptions of Forrest Gump, which one is not true about him?答案:He is a smart man.2、Who are the listeners of Forrest Gump’s stories in the film?答案:Some strangers waiting for the bus.3、Forrest is waiting for the bus to meet whom?答案:Jenny.4、The film Forrest Gump has competed with which film to win the 67th Oscar Awards?答案:The Shaw shank Redemption.5、By using which techniques could Forrest Gump meet dead people and shake hands with them?答案:CGI (Computer Graphic Image).6、The white feather in the film Forrest Gump is interpreted as a/an . 答案:symbolism.7、Who sent Forrest to wait for the school bus when he was young?答案:His mother.8、What happens to Jenny in the end?答案:She passed away.9、Which interpretation of the white feather is not true about the film?答案:The white feather may represent Gump who could decide the directions and destinations of his life.10、According to Mrs. Gump, death is . 答案:talking to one’s self is an experience we all share11、Which description of Mrs. Gump is not true?答案:She has a good husband.12、In Mrs. Gump’s eye, Forrest Gump is . 答案:a normal kid13、Which one of the following sentences is not told by Mrs. Gump?答案:Run, Forrest. Run away.14、The best inte rpretation for the sentence “Life is a box of chocolates” is . 答案:Life is full of choices and possibilities.15、What’s Forrest Gump’s value towards money?答案:There is only so much fortune a man really needs and the rest is just for showing off.16、When Forrest Gump was bullied by local kids, what did he do?答案:He stood still and did nothing.17、On Forrest’s first day to go to school, why did other kids refuse to offer a seat to Forrest?答案:Because they disliked Forrest.18、Forrest is chosen to the football team to go to college because of _. 答案:his fast。
智慧树知到《电影鉴赏(山东联盟)》章节测试答案第一章1、在电影史上第一位真正将电影记录功能改变为叙事方式的是法国电影先驱是__A.乔治· 梅里爱B.卢米埃尔C.大卫· 格里菲斯D.爱迪生答案: 乔治· 梅里爱2、卢米埃尔兄弟在1895年12月28日在巴黎“大咖啡馆”里上映的影片中没有下列哪一个?A.《月球旅行记》B.《火车进站》C.《工厂大门》D.《水浇园丁》答案: 《月球旅行记》3、1905年,中国第一部电影___在北京的丰泰照相馆诞生。
A.《定军山》B.《火车进站》C.《难夫难妻》D.《水浇园丁》答案: 《定军山》4、电影最早诞生在__A.美国B.法国C.英国D.德国答案: 法国5、2011年上映的法国电影《艺术家》是一部____A.黑白默片B.彩色影片C.3D电影D.黑白影片答案: 黑白默片第二章1、中景一般表现的范围是()A.人物全身的景别B.人物身体胸以上的景别C.人物身体膝盖以上的景别D.人物肩部以上的景别答案: 人物身体膝盖以上的景别2、推镜头指()A.摄影机沿着光轴方向后移拍摄B.摄影机沿水平方向运动拍摄C.摄影机在空间上下运动拍摄D.摄影机向被摄体逐渐靠近答案: 摄影机沿着光轴方向后移拍摄3、以下选项中对逆光表述正确的一项是()A.光线投射方向与摄影机方向一致B.光线与摄影机相对,受光面在背部C.光线来自被摄物下方D.光线来自被摄物体上方答案: 光线与摄影机相对,受光面在背部4、常用于表现人物的梦境、回忆、闪念、幻觉、遐想等精神活动,往往具有画面和声音形象带有剧中人强烈的主观性的蒙太奇是以下那种()。
A.平行蒙太奇B.心理蒙太奇C.交叉蒙太奇D..隐喻蒙太奇答案: 心理蒙太奇5、通过镜头或场面的对列进行类比,含蓄而形象地表达创作者的某种喻意的蒙太奇形式是以下哪一种()A.平行蒙太奇B.心理蒙太奇C.交叉蒙太奇D.隐喻蒙太奇答案: 隐喻蒙太奇第三章1、下列哪部影片路易·德·菲耐斯的成名之作?A.《圣特罗佩的警察》B.《疯狂的贵族》C.《美食家》D.《雅各布教士历险记》答案:a2、乌里、菲耐斯和布尔维尔合作的最后一部影片是()A.《疯狂的贵族》B.《暗渡陈仓》C.《虎口脱险》D.《雅各布教士历险记》答案:c3、下列哪个元素不属于《虎口脱险》中彰显出来的法国喜剧精神?A.直白搞笑的语言B.拍摄的像正剧一样严肃认真C.洋溢着鲜明的爱国主义政治热情D.诙谐地处理严肃问题答案:a4、法国电影《虎口脱险》是一部什么题材的电影?A.灾难B.家庭伦理C.爱情D.二战答案:d5、《虎口脱险》的导演是()A.吕克· 贝松B.让· 雅克C.罗曼· 波兰斯基D.杰拉尔•乌里答案:d第四章1、曾拍摄出经典影片《乱世佳人》的是下列哪个以电影制作公司?A.米高梅B.时代华纳C.哥伦比亚D.环球答案:a2、在进入有声电影时代后,卓别林依然坚持用默片手法拍摄的电影是()A.淘金记B.大独裁者C.摩登时代D.城市之光答案:D3、标志着赫本由花瓶转为演技派的影片是()A.《罗马假日》B.《蒂凡尼的早餐》C.《窈窕淑女》D.《龙凤配》答案:B4、下列那位金发美女没有和希区柯克合作过?A.格蕾丝· 凯丽B.玛丽莲· 梦露C.琼•方登D.英格丽•褒曼答案:B5、下列元素哪些不是类型电影的特点?A.模式化的视觉元素B.相对固定的故事情节C.类型化的演员D.同一个制片公司出品答案:D第五章1、被公认为世界上第一部真正意义上的纪录电影是1922年在美国上映的__A.《北方的纳努克》B.《海豚湾》C.《火车进站》D.《一个国家的诞生》答案:A2、____是纪录片的核心和本质。
A.美国B.法国C.英国D.意大利答案: 法国2、《艺术家》是一部()。
A.黑白默片B.彩色影片C.3D电影D.黑白影片答案: 黑白默片3、《艺术家》成功的元素有()。
A.精湛的演技和动人的故事情节B.惊心动魄的大制作C.具有冲击力的视觉效果D.大牌明星答案: 精湛的演技和动人的故事情节4、《艺术家》没有获得奥斯卡金像奖的奖项是()。
A.最佳导演B.最佳影片C.最佳女主角D.最佳男主角答案: 最佳女主角5、法国电影《虎口脱险》是一部()题材的电影?A.灾难B.家庭伦理C.二战D.爱情答案: 二战6、《虎口脱险》的导演是()。
A.杰拉尔·乌里B.让·雅克C.吕克·贝松D.让·雷诺答案: 杰拉尔·乌里第二章1、《罗马假日》的导演是()。
A.约翰·福特B.威廉·惠勒C.查理·卓别林D.格里高利·派克答案: 威廉·惠勒2、下列哪部影片不是奥黛丽·赫本主演的__。
A.《龙凤配》B.《窈窕淑女》C.《蒂凡尼的早餐》D.《音乐之声》答案: 《音乐之声》3、下列哪部影片不是克里斯托弗·诺兰拍摄的?A.《变形金刚系列》B.《记忆碎片》C.《盗梦空间》D.《蝙蝠侠》答案: 《变形金刚系列》4、莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥在哪部影片中没有获得奥斯卡提名?A.《盗梦空间》B.《不一样的天空》C.《飞行家》D.《血钻》答案: 《盗梦空间》5、诺兰在《盗梦空间》中营造了几层时空?A.三层B.四层。
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