ezra pound李白《长干行》英文翻译PPT课件
The River-Merchant's Wife: a Letter1 While my hair was still cut straight across my forehead2 I played about the front gate, pulling flowers3 You came by on bamboo stilts, playing horse,4 You walked about my seat, playing with blue plums5 And we went on living in the village of Chokan:6 Two small people, without dislike or suspicion.7 At fourteen I married My Lord you.8 I never laughed, being bashful.9 Lowering my head, I looked at the wall.10 Called to, a thousand times, I never looked back.11 At fifteen I stopped scowling,12 I desired my dust to be mingled with yours13 Forever and forever, and forever.14 Why should I climb the look out?15 At sixteen you departed,16 You went into far Ku-to-Yen, by the river of swirling eddies,17 And you have been gone five months.18 The monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead.19 You dragged your feet when you went out.20 By the gate now, the moss is grown, the different mosses,21 Too deep to clear them away!22 The leaves fall early this autumn, in wind.23 The paired butterflies are already yellow with August24 Over the grass in the West garden,25 They hurt me.26 I grow older,27 If you are coming down through the narrows of the river Kiang,28 Please let me know beforehand,29 And I will come out to meet you,30 As far as Cho-fu-Sa.Tr. by Ezra PoundA letter from Chang-kan (A river-merchant’s wife writes) I would play, plucking flowers by the gate;My hair scarcely covered my forehead, then.You would come, riding on your bamboo horse,And loiter about the bench with green plums for toys.So we both dwelt in Chang-kan town,We were two children, suspecting nothing.At fourteen I became your wife,And so bashful that I could never bare my face,But hung my head, and turned to the dark wall;You would call me a thousand times,But I could not look back even once.At fifteen I was able to compose my eyebrows,And beg you to love me till we were dust and ashes.You always kept the faith of Wei-sheng,Who waited under the bridge, unafraid of death,I never knew I was to climb the Hill of Wang-fuAnd watch for you these many days.I was sixteen when you went on a long journey,Traveling beyond the Keu-Tang Gorge,Where the giant rocks heap up the swift river,And the rapids are not passable in May.Did you hear the monkeys wailingUp on the skyey height of the crags?Note: The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter" was published in 1915 in Ezra Pound's third collection of poetry, Cathay: Translations, which contains versions of Chinese poems composed from the sixteen notebooks of Ernest Fenollosa, a scholar of Chinese literature. Pound called the poems in English which resulted from the Fenollosa manuscripts "translations," but as such they are held in contempt by most scholars of Chinese language and literature. However, they have been acclaimed as "poetry" for their clarity and elegance. They are variously referred to as "translations," "interpretations," "paraphrases," and "adaptations."Pound's study of the Fenollosa manuscripts led to his preoccupation with the Chinese ideogram (a written symbol for an idea or object) as a medium for poetry. In fact, he realized that Chinese poets had long been aware of the image as the fundamental principle for poetic composition that he himself was beginning to formulate. Pound further maintained that the poetic image did not lose anything in translation between languages nor was it bound by time, but effectively communicated through time and across cultures, accruing meaning in the process. "The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter," for example, communicates with depth and poignance the human experience of sorrow at separation, the human experience of love.Working with the literary traditions of other cultures was typical not only of Pound, but of most of his contemporaries, who were not convinced that the only culture of value was European. However, Pound's work has significance not only for its cross-cultural innovations, but for the "cross-chronological" breakthrough notion that the human response to the world links us all, so that an American in the twentieth century can share and learn from the human experience of an eighth century Chinese river-merchant's wife.THE JEWEL STAIRS’ GRIEVANCEThe Jewelled steps are already quite white with dew,It is so late that the dew soaks my gauze stockings,And I let down the crystal curtainAnd watch the moon through the clear autumn.Note: Jewel stairs, therefore a palace. Grievance, therefore there is something to complain of. Gauze stockings, therefore a court lady, not a servant who complains. Clear autumn, therefore she has no excuse on account of weather. Also she has come early, for the dew has not merely whitened the stairs, but has soaked her stockings. The poem is especially prized because she utters no direct reproach.Tr. and noted by Pound玉阶怨玉阶生白露,夜久侵罗袜。
常 存 抱 柱 信 , 岂 上 望 夫 台 ?
十 五 始 展 眉 , 愿 同 尘 与 灰 ;
低 头 向 暗 壁 , 千 唤 不 一 回 。
十 四 为 君 妇 , 羞 颜 未 尝 开 ;
同 居 长 干 里 , 两 小 无 嫌 猜 。
郎 骑 竹 马 来 , 绕 床 弄 青 梅 。
妾 发 初 覆 额 , 折 花 门 前 剧 。
“十六君远行”四句,写遥思丈夫远行经商, 并为之担惊受怕,缠绵悱恻,深情无限。“门前迟 行迹”八句,写触景生情,忧思不断,以致颜容憔 悴。最后四句,寄语亲人,望其早归,把思念之情 更推进一步。
全诗形象完整明丽,活泼动人。感情细腻,缠 绵婉转,语言直白,音节和谐,格调清新隽永,是 诗歌艺术之上品。
李白是盛唐诗坛的杰出诗人,也是中国文学史上继 屈原之后的又一位伟大的浪漫主义诗人,有“诗仙”之 美誉。诗作以古体诗与绝句见长,内容大多抒发对理想 的追求和豪情壮志,表现对大自然的喜爱、对国事的关 心和对人民的同情。李白作品想象丰富奇特,风格雄健 奔放,色彩瑰丽,语言清新自然。存诗900余首。著有《 李太白集》。
《长干行》在艺术上明显地受到古乐府诗歌的影响。 前面按年龄序数写少妇的生活历程,使人想起《孔雀东南 飞》开头“十三能织素,十四学裁衣,十五弹箜篌,十大 诵诗书,十七为君妇,心中常苦悲”一段。《长干行》有 具体生活场景,有血有肉,构成了全篇的重要组成部分。 后面通过描写节序变换来刻划女子怀人的深长愁思,则是 学习南朝乐府《西洲曲》。
这是一首描写商妇的爱情和离别的诗。诗 以商妇自白的口吻,用缠绵婉转的笔调,抒写 了她对远出经商丈夫真挚的爱和深深的思念。
译文:看到这种情景我很伤心,因而忧 愁容颜衰老。
which made me so sad that I lost my like.
译文:无论什么时候你想下三巴回家, 请预先把家书捎给我。
Whenever you return through Sanba, send letters home in advance.
which was too thick to clean away. With falling leaves, autumn came early.
译文:八月里,黄色的蝴碟飞舞,双双 飞到西园草地上。
In August yellow butterflies flew in pairs to the west garden,
— 李白
译文:我的头发刚刚盖过额头,在门前 折花做游戏。
When my hair came just below the forehead, I played in front of the gate, pulling flowers.
译文:你骑着竹马过来,把弄着青梅, 绕着庭院中的井床相互追逐。
译文:迎接你不怕道路遥远,一直走到 长风沙。
I never mind the distance for meeting you even if I will keep straight on to Changfeng Sha.
We both lived in Changan without any suspicion since childhood.
• The most striking feature of the text, to a casual browser, is the inclusion of Chinese characters as well as quotations in European languages other than English. • The range of allusion to historical events is very broad, and abrupt changes occur with little transition. • There is also wide geographical reference。
Ezra Pound
• • • • Life His major works Famous works Influence factors on Pound and his influence on the world
His life
• • • • Born in 1885 in Hailey, Idaho Brought up in Pennsylvania Mastered 9 languages at university Sailed to Europe and composed first poetry in Venice in 1908 • Arrived in London and founded Imagism • Editor of Poetry in 1912 and blue-penciled Eliot’s “The Waste Land”
His Major Works
• • • • • A lume Spento( 1908) 《灯火熄灭之时》 Personea (1909) 《人物》 The Spirit of Romance (1910) 《精神浪漫史》 Cathay (1915) 《神州集》 Homage to Sextus Properties (1919) 《向赛克斯特 斯 · 普罗波蒂斯致敬》 • Hugh Selwyn Mauberley( 1920)《休·赛尔温·毛伯利 》 • Cantos (1917-1969) 《诗章》
the river-merchant’s wife赏析
the river-merchant’s wife赏析the river-merchant’s wife是庞德翻译李白的《长干行》的名称。
庞德翻译的《长干行》英文诗歌将李白的意境转译为:The River Merchant's Wife:A Letterby Ezra Pound当时我还留着刘海,无忧无虑地在家门前玩耍,拔下花朵。
Final years and death
• It was reported, from uncertain sources, that Li Bai drowned after falling from his boat when he tried to embrace the reflection of the moon in the Yangtze River, something later believed by Herbert Giles.
At Chang'an
• Li Bai wrote several poems about the Emperor's beautiful and beloved Yang Guifei, the favorite royal consort.
• At the persuasion of Yang Guifei and Gao Lishi, Ming Huang reluctantly, but politely, and with large gifts of gold and silver, sent Li Bai away from the royal court.
Fantastic imagery
• An important characteristic of Li Bai's poetry "is the fantasy and note of childlike wonder and playfulness that pervade so much of it."
ability to combine all of these
Translated by Ezra Pound from Li Bai's " Chang Gan Xing "
A Brife Introduction about the two Poets
Li Bai (701-762)
Li Bai is widely regarded as the greatest romantic poet in the chinese hist Dynasty and his poems are mainly about sights of nature and his own personal feeling, which are full of imagination and splendid. He is often called "the god of poem" and also had a profound influence in chinese literature. Quite a lot great poets inspired by him wrote poems to compliment his talent and show their respect due to his immortal achievements to literature.
• Chang Gan, a village in present day Jiangning County, Jiangsu Provence, which is near Yangtze River. "Chang Gan Xing" is actually a tune name in "Yue Fu",a poem collection back to Han Dynasty. Different tune name has different form. Normally "Chang Gan Xing" is composed with four sentences and each sentence contains five chinese characters. But Li Bai extended it to 30 sentences, but still five words a sentence.
关键词:优势竞赛论《长干行》许渊冲 1.理论源起――提出“优势竞赛论”的原因许先生平生译著颇多,理论贡献颇丰。
2.理论的发展形成和发展过程 2.1萌芽阶段许先生早在1982年就指出:“有个外国学者说过:翻译是两种文化的统一。
李白是盛唐诗坛的杰出诗人,也是中国文学史上继 屈原之后的又一位伟大的浪漫主义诗人,有“诗仙”之 美誉。诗作以古体诗与绝句见长,内容大多抒发对理想 的追求和豪情壮志,表现对大自然的喜爱、对国事的关 心和对人民的同情。李白作品想象丰富奇特,风格雄健 奔放,色彩瑰丽,语言清新自然。存诗900余首。著有《 李太白集》。
长干行(其一) 【唐】崔颢
君家何处住?妾住在横塘。 停船暂借问,或恐是同乡。
长干行(其二) 【唐】崔颢 家临九江水,来去九江侧。 同是长干人,生小不相识。
1.找出源于这首诗歌并为后世一直沿用的两个成 语,说明它们的含义。
2.人们评价李白诗歌的特点是“清水出芙蓉,天 然去雕饰”。结合本诗,谈一谈你的认识。
“青梅竹马”、“两小无猜”后来成为描摹 幼男幼女天真无邪情谊的佳语。
《长干行》的风格缠绵婉转,具有柔和深沉的美。 商妇的爱情有热烈奔放的特点,同时又是那样地坚贞、 持久、专一、深沉。她的丈夫是外出经商,并非奔赴疆 场,吉凶难卜;因此,她虽也为丈夫的安危担心,但并 不是摧塌心肺的悲恸。她的相思之情正如春蚕吐丝,绵 绵不绝。这些内在的因素,决定了作品风格的深沉柔婉 。
?; 。 ; 。 。 。
相早 感 八 苔 门 五 十
迎晚 此 月 深 前 月 六
不下 伤 蝴 不 迟 不 君
道三 妾 蝶 能 行 可 远
Early years
• The young Li Bai, before twenty years of age, had fought and killed, apparently for reasons of chivalry, several men.
• In 720, he was interviewed by Governor Su Ting, who considered him a genius. Though he expressed the wish to become an official, he never took the civil service examination
In the East
• Li Bai's poetry was immensely influential in his own time, as well as for subsequent generations in China. His influence has also been demonstrated in the immediate geographical area of Chinese cultural influence, being known as Ri Hakd death
• It was reported, from uncertain sources, that Li Bai drowned after falling from his boat when he tried to embrace the reflection of the moon in the Yangtze River, something later believed by Herbert Giles.
1. 「覆額」是什麼意思?
2. 「門前遲行跡,一一生綠苔」」句,說明了什麼 事實? 3. 「八月蝴蝶來,雙飛西園草」句,使用了何種修 辭? 4. 「低頭向暗壁,千喚不一回」句,表達的是什麼 情感?
解 答
1.(頭髮)覆蓋在前額,就是瀏海。「覆額」 為女童的主要髮型,在本課裡代指女童。 課中「妾髮初覆額」句,意同「當我還是 個小女孩的時候」。 2.(思婦)長久的等待。 3.象徵(雙飛象徵夫妻)、反襯(以雙飛反襯 自己的孤單)。 4.小女孩的羞澀。
皎如飛鏡臨丹闕,綠煙滅盡清輝發。 但見宵從海上來,寧知曉向雲間沒。 白兔擣藥秋復春,嫦娥孤棲與誰鄰。 今人不見古時月,今月曾經照古人。 古人今人若流水,共看明月皆如此。 唯願當歌對酒時,月光長照金樽裏。
近 體 詩 欣 賞:
玉階生白露,夜久侵羅襪。 卻下水晶簾,玲瓏望秋月。 ✎贈孟浩然 吾愛孟夫子,風流天下聞。 紅顏棄軒冕,白首臥松雲。 醉月頻中聖,迷花不事君。 高山安可仰,徒此揖清芬。
❖奔放不群,俊逸清新,有「詩仙」之名, 與杜甫齊名,世稱「李杜」。是盛唐浪漫 派(較不遵守詩的格律)詩人。
小 故 事
❖「貴妃捧硯」 ❖鐵杵磨成繡花針(刻苦勤學)
何 謂 「樂 府」
1.官署的名稱──漢代專管採集民歌的機 關。
長 干 行
李 白 生 平
❖ 「李白」字「太白」,號「青蓮居士」,隴西成 紀(甘肅秦安西北)人,其先祖於隋末戰亂逃至 碎葉(今吉而吉斯共和國托克馬克附近),李白 即出生於此。 ❖李白少年時代就「觀奇書」,「遊神仙」,「好 劍術」,有多方面的才能和興趣,唐中宗神龍元 年(705)舉家遷居四川綿州,曾任翰林供奉。因 稱「李翰林」。賀知章譽為「天上謫仙人」,後 人又稱「李謫仙」。
十六君远行,瞿塘滟滪堆。 五月不可触,猿鸣天上哀。 门前迟行迹,一一生绿苔。 苔深不能扫,落叶秋风早。 八月蝴蝶来,双飞西园草。 感此伤妾心,坐愁红颜老。 早晚下三巴,预将书报家。 相迎不道远,直至长风沙。
Thank you !
This short poem justifies Pound’s capability of handing various images simultaneously.
《长干行》 李白 妾发初覆额,折花门前剧。 郎骑竹马来,绕床弄青梅。 同居长干里,两小无嫌猜。 十四为君妇,羞颜未尝开。 低头向暗壁,千唤不一回。 十五始展眉,愿同尘与灰。 常存抱柱信,岂上望夫台。
人群中,这些面孔的鬼影; 潮湿的黑树枝上的花瓣。(余光中)
人群里这些脸忽然闪现; 花丛在一条湿黑的树枝。(流沙河)
《站台掠影》 茫茫人海魅影见, 沉沉黑枝雨打花瓣残。
1.This poem which shows a great resemblance with the Japanese poetry(haiku) and Chinese poetry.
2.This poem is in a succinct style which just has 14words in the whole poem. He used two lines to describe a vivid picture for us. This first line is narration and the second line is expression.
Critical essays:
Make it New 《要革新》 Literary Essays 《文学散文》 The ABC of Reading 《阅读入门》
李白诗词英文翻译及讲解 ppt课件
In the Tianbao Period, he became a member of the Imperial Academy (Hanlin Academy) and was treated with courtesy by Emperor Xuanzong, but he soon fell foul of influential officials and resigned.
8. Sympathy for the common folks and antipathy towards needless wars (even when conducted by the emperor himself) -- 20th cent. new interest
I desired my dust to be mingled with yours
Forever and forever and forever. Why should I climb the look out? At sixteen you departed, You went into far Ku-to-yen, by the river of swirling eddies,
Li Bai’s poetry
Around 1000 poems attributed to Li Bai are extant. His poems have been collected into the most important Tang dynasty poetry anthology Heyue yingling ji, (《河岳英灵集》) compiled in 753 by Yin Fan(殷 璠), and thirty-four of his poems are included in the anthology Three Hundred Tang Poems (唐诗三百首), which was first published in the 18th century. In the same century, translations of his poems began to appear in Europe.
李白《长干行 其一》古诗词PPT
古诗词的内容:按内容分,可分为叙事诗、抒 情诗、送别诗、边塞诗、山水田园诗、怀古 诗(咏史诗)、咏物诗、悼亡诗、讽谕诗等。
为“十五好剑术”“剑休自通达”。尽管在“唐 代三绝”中没有李白的剑术,但他的剑术水平仅 次于裴旻,位列唐朝第二。据统计,李白的诗作 中共出现了103次武器之“剑”,加上与剑有关的 描述,共计118次出现。这些描述包括“吴 钩”“吴鸿”“湛卢”“干将”“莫邪”“青 萍”“”秋莲”“霜雪”“七首”“龙泉”等。 这些描述分布在106首诗中,约占全诗总数的10%。 这说明李白的剑术对他的诗歌创作产生了深远的 影响,使得他的诗歌充满了剑客的豪情和侠义精 神。
五月水涨滟堆难辨担心触礁,猿猴在两岸山头嘶鸣更悲凄。 门前那些你缓步离去的足印,日子久了一个个都长满青苔。 苔藓长得太厚怎么也扫不了,秋风早到落叶纷纷把它覆盖。 八月秋高粉黄蝴蝶多么轻狂,双双飞过西园在草丛中戏爱。 此情此景怎不叫我伤心痛绝,终日忧愁太甚红颜自然早衰。 迟早有一天你若离开了三巴,应该写封信报告我寄到家来。 为了迎接你我不说路途遥远,哪怕赶到长风沙要走七百里!
绵州(巴西郡)昌隆(后避玄宗讳改为昌明)青莲 乡。据《新唐书》记载,李白为兴圣皇帝(凉武昭 王李暠)九世孙,按照这个说法李白与李唐诸王同 宗,是唐太宗李世民的同辈族弟。亦有说其祖是李 建成或李元吉。神龙元年(705年)二月,唐中宗在 太平公主等人的帮助下复位,将国号重新定为 “唐”。同年十一月,武则天去世。此时李白尚幼, 但李白五岁便展示出了文学天赋:《上安州裴长史 书》云:“五岁诵六甲。”也就是说,年仅五岁的 李白,已经能够背诵唐代的小学识字课本上的内容 了。
与 “Ezra_Pound” ppt 对应的讲稿
Today, I will introduce a famous poet to you,he is the father of modern poetry ,so ,he is ezra pound.And I will introduce him from the following aspects -----第二张幻灯片1885年10月30日出生于美国爱达荷州的海利镇。
Ezra Pound
• “The River-Merchant„s Wife: A Letter” (艾兹 拉· 庞德根据李白的《长干行》译的英文) was published in 1915 in Ezra Pound's third collection of poetry, Cathay
The Cantos
encyclopedic epic poem
记得我刘海初盖前额的时候,常常折一枝花朵在门前嬉戏。 郎君总是跨着竹竿当马骑来,手持青梅绕着交椅争夺紧追。长期 来我俩一起住在长干里,咱俩天真无邪相互从不猜疑。十四岁那 年作了你结发妻子,成婚时羞得我不敢把脸抬起。自己低头面向 昏暗的墙角落,任你千呼万唤我也不把头回。十五岁才高兴地笑 开了双眉,誓与你白头偕老到化为尘灰。你常存尾生抱柱般坚守 信约,我就怎么也不会登上望夫台。十六岁那年你离我出外远去,
• Questions : • 1. Where does the narrator see the “faces”? • 2. What are the “faces” compared to? • 3. What adjectives does the narrator use to describe the “bough”? • 4. What are the two images juxtaposed in the poem?
• 人群中这些面庞的闪现; 湿漉的黑树干上的花瓣。(赵毅衡)
• 这几张脸在人群中幻景般闪现; 湿漉漉的黑树枝上花瓣数点。(飞白) • • 人群中,这些面孔的鬼影; 潮湿的黑树枝上的花瓣。(余光中) • 这些面孔浮现于人群; 花瓣潮湿的黑树枝(颜元叔)
• 人面幻影人群中,花瓣带雨青o translate?
ezra pound李白《长干行》英文翻译PPT课件
While my hair was still cut straight across my forehead
I played about the front gate, pulling flowers.
You came by on bamboo stilts, playing horse, You walked about my seat, playing with blue plums. And we went on living in the village of Chokan: Two small people, without dislike or suspicion.
The River-Merchant's wife: a Letter
Translated by Ezra Pound from Li Bai's " Chang Gan Xing "
A Brife Introduction about the two Poets
Li Bai (701-762)
Li Bai is widely regarded as the greatest romantic poet in the chinese history. He was a commanding figure in Tang Dynasty and his poems are mainly about sights of nature and his own personal feeling, which are full of imagination and splendid. He is often called "the god of poem" and also had a profound influence in chinese literature. Quite a lot great poets inspired by him wrote poems to compliment his talent and show their respect due to his immortal achievements to literature.
寻寻觅觅,冷冷清清,凄凄惨惨戚戚。 ——李清照《声声慢》
Heaven has made us talents; we're not made in vain; A thousand gold coins spent, more will turn up again.
天生我材必有用,千金散尽还复来. ——李白《将进酒》
Don’t lean alone on the railings and Yearn for the boundless land!
To bid fare well is easier than to meet again With flowers fallen on the waves spring’s gone amain So is the paradise of men.
The way ahead is long; I see no ending, yet high and low I'll search with my will unbending.
路漫漫其修兮,吾将上下而求索。 ——屈原《离骚》
I look for what I miss; I know not what it is.
Deeply I sign for the fallen flowers in vain, Vaguely I seem to know the swallows come again.
无可奈何花落去,似曾相识燕归来 。 ——晏殊《浣溪沙》
Turning my head , i see the dreary beaten track. Let me go back! Impervious to rain or shine, I’ll have my own will.
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Ezra Pound(1885-1972)
Ezar Pound, a famous American poet, who helped to affect the change from the tired sentimental vagueness of late Victorian literature to the charged experimentalism of modernism, decisively affected the course of twentieth-century American literature. He influenced the careers of many of the century's great writers, including T. S. Eliot, William Bulter Yeats,D. H. Lawrence, James Joyce and Erenst Hemingway.
At fourteen I married My Lord you. I never laughed, being bashful. Lowering my head, I looked at the wall. Called to, a thousand times, I never looked back. At fifteen I stopped scowling, I desired my dust to be mingled with yours Forever and forever and forever. Why should I climb the lookout?
While my hair was still cut straight across my forehead
I played about the front gate, pulling flowers.
You came by on bamboo stilts, playing horse, You walked about my seat, playing with blue plums. And we went on living in the village of Chokan: Two small people, without dislike or suspicion.
The River-Merchant's wife: a Letter
Translated by Ezra Pound from Li Bai's " Chang Gan Xing "
A Brife Introduction about the two Poets
Li Bai (701-762)
Li Bai is widely regarded as the greatest romantic poet in the chinese history. He was a commanding figure in Tang Dynasty and his poems are mainly about sights of nature and his own personal feeling, which are full of imagination and splendid. He is often called "the god of poem" and also had a profound influence in chinese literature. Quite a lot great poets inspired by him wrote poems to compliment his talent and show their respect due to his immortal achievements to literature.
About the Poem
• "The River-Merchant's Wife: A Letter" was published in 1915 in Ezra Pound's thrid collection of poetry, Cathay: Translations, which contians poems composed from the sixteen notebooks of Ernest Fenollosa, a scholar of Chinese literature. • Chang Gan, a village in present day Jiangning County, Jiangsu Provence, which is near Yangtze River. "Chang Gan Xing" is actually a tune name in "Yue Fu",a poem collection back to Han Dynasty. Different tune name has different form. Normally "Chang Gan Xing" is composed with four sentences and each sentence contains five chinese characters. But Li Bai extended it to 30 sentences, but still five words a sentence. • This poem was the self-narrative of a merchant's wife. It was divided to 5 stanzas acrroding to the emotional changes of hers. Each stanza shows an aspect of our heroine's life. And actually Li Bai had wrote two pieces of poems in the title of "Chang Gan Xing", but compared to the one we are going to study, the second piece is a little bit plain and not as wellknown as the frist piece.
They hurt me. I grow older.
If you are coming down through the narrows of the river Kiang, Please let me know beforehand, And I will come out to meet you
As far as Cho-fu-Sa.
The monkeys make sorrowful noise overhead.
十六君远行,瞿塘滟滪堆。 五月不可触,猿声天上哀。
You dragged your feet when you went out. By the gate now, the moss is grown, the different mosses, Too deep to clear them away! The leaves fall early this autumn, in wind. The paired butterflies are already yellow with August Over the grass in the West garden—
十四为君妇,羞颜未尝开。 低头向暗壁,千唤不一回 十五始展眉,愿同尘与灰。 常存抱柱信,岂上望夫台。
At sixteen you departed, You went into far Ku-to-en, by the river swirling eddies,
And you have been gone five months.