
店铺整理了英语寓言小故事带翻译,欢迎阅读!英语寓言小故事带翻译篇一One day, the peachwood charm against evil hung on the door turned its face upward to cursethe figure made of Chinese mugwort:一天,挂在门上的桃符仰起了脸,大骂艾草人:“Who do you think you are to dare to set yourself over my head?”“你这个艾草人算什么东西,胆敢高踞在我的头上!”The figure of Chinese mugwort, unwilling to be outdone, looked down and retorted:艾草人不甘示弱,低头还嘴,说道:“It is summe r now. You have only half a year to go, and can’t live long. Why squabble over whois higher or who is lower?”“现在已经是夏天了,你只有半年了,活不了多长时间了,还争什么高低呢?”The peachwood charm was beside itself with rage, and answered back sarcastically.桃符怒不可遏,反唇相讥。
它们互相不服气,Both sides refused to give in, and squabbled endlessly with a stream of abuse against eachother.彼此骂不绝口,争吵不休。
At this moment, the deity of the door came to mediate:这时候,门神出来劝解说:“It is only because we have no ability that we have to attachourselves to the door of others.What’s the point of quarrelling with each other?”“我们都是因为没有什么本事,才依附在别人的门下,还争什么强,斗什么气呢?”英语寓言小故事带翻译篇二Chen Yaozi, Duke Kang Su was unsurpassed in archery,and he had a very high opinion ofhimself.康肃公陈尧咨,射箭技术举世无双,他本人也自命不凡。

英语寓言故事1守财奴The miser and his gold Once upon a time there was a miser. He hid his gold under a tree. Every week he used to dig it up.One night a robber stole all the gold. When the miser came again, he found nothing but an empty hole.He was surprised, and then burst into tears.All the neighbors gathered around him.He told them how he used to come and visit his gold."Did you ever take any of it out?" asked one of them. "No," he said, "I only came to look at it." "Then come again and look at the hole," said the neighbor, "it will be the same as looking at the gold."守财奴从前,有个守财奴将他的金块埋到一棵树下,每周他都去把他挖出来看看。
问明了原因后,一个邻居问:“你使用过这些金块吗?” “没用过,” 他说,“我只是时常来看看。

英语寓言小故事15则(带翻译).A Smart Tortoise聪明的乌龟篇一A tiger is hungry, he is looking for food. He sees a frog infront of him.“Ha ha! A frog! My dinner!” so he rushes at the frog.Behind the tiger, there is a tortoise. The little tortoise sees it; he bites the tiger’s tail.“Ouch!” cries the tiger and he looks back. The frog hears the voice and jumps into water.“Thank you, little tortoise.” says the frog.But th e tiger is very angry. “Bother it! I’ll throw you to the sky!”“Thank you, I like flying in the sky,” says the tortoise.The tiger stops, “I will throw you into the river.”“Oh,no! I can’t swim; I will die if you throw me into the water.” Th e tiger threw the tortoise into the water quickly.“Thank you, Mr. Tiger. Bye-bye.” The tortoise and the frog swim away together.一只老虎很饥饿,他正在寻找食物。

ããAn old Japanese man kept a sparrow of which he was very fond. One day it flew away and the old man became sad.
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ããThe next morning, he went to sheep and found a sheep was missing. Originally the Wolf from the inside of the hole into the sheepfold, and walked a sheep diao.
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ããOne morning, the herdsmen to the sheep, found little a sheep. Original pen broke a hole, night Wolf out of the hole drilled to come in, put a sheep diao away.

一.寓言小故事:父亲和孩子们The Father and His SonFather had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they had done so, he placed the faggot into the hands of each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in pieces. They each tried with all their strength, and were not able to do it.He next unclosed the faggot, and took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into their hands, on which they broke them easily. He then addressed them in these words: "My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken as easily as these sticks."父亲和孩子们一位父亲有几个孩子,这些孩子时常发生口角。

小编精心收集了英语寓言小故事及翻译,供大家欣赏学习!英语寓言小故事及翻译篇1As the legend goes, in the area of Qian (now Guizhou Province) there were no donkeys.相传,黔(现贵州)一带没有驴子。
Later, a meddlesome man transported one by boat from somewhere else, but he found it of nouse.后来,有个喜欢多事的人,用船从外地运来了一头驴子,可是派不了什么用场。
So he left the donkey at the foot of a mountain and let it do as it pleased.这个人只好把它放在山下,随它去了。
A tiger in the mountain, which had never seen a donkey before, thought this huge monster wasa divine beast and was rather scared.山中,有只老虎,初次看到驴子,以为这个庞然大物是头神兽,很害怕。
Hence, the tiger hid itself in the woods and observed the donkey covertly. After a while, seeingthe donkey stand there without movement,于是,它躲在树林里偷偷地观察。
过了一些时候,the tiger came out of the woods slowly, approached it cautiously, but couldn’t figure out yetwhat monster it was.它见驴子没有什么举动,就慢慢地走出树林,小合翼翼地向驴子靠近,可是还是没有弄清楚它是个什么怪物。

英语寓言故事带翻译优秀5篇英语寓言故事及翻译篇一Lion was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face. Rising up in anger, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously entreated, saying:“If you would only spare my life, I would be sure to repay your kindness.” The Lion laughed and let him go.It happened shortly after this that the Lion was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground. The Mouse, recognizing his roar,came up, and gnawed the rope with his teeth, and setting him free,exclaimed:“You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, not expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favour; but now you know that it is possible for even a Mouse to confer benefits on a Lion.”一只老鼠从一只狮子面前跑过去,将它从梦中吵醒。

英语寓言故事及翻译优秀10篇英语寓言故事及翻译篇一State in the past, there was a timid little man. He likes tothink of some strange questions. One day, he sat in front of the door to catch a cold, and suddenly he was worried that the day would fall. He said, "what should we do if the sky falls down?" from then on, he was worried and troubled about the problem almost every day.Friends know, ran to enlighten him said: "the day is just a bunch of gas, how can you worry about the heavens?" the man said: "if the innocent is a gas, then above the moon and stars hanging in the air, do not fall down?" the friend replied: "the stars are made of gas together, even if the fall down, never hurt somebody!" after such a channel, the man finally put down the heart.从前在杞国,有一个胆子很小的人。

下面是店铺带来的英语寓言故事及翻译,欢迎欣赏!英语寓言故事及翻译篇1物以类聚Once, Chun Yukun recommended seven able and virtuous scholars to King Xuan of the State of Qi. King Xuan was surprised and said: "I heard that talented people are hard to find. If one able and virtuous scholar can be found within a circumference of 1, 000 li, it cannot be regarded as few. If 100 years witnesses the advent of a saint, it cannot be regarded as few. Now you recommend seven able and virtuous scholars all at once, then there are too many able and virtuous scholars."Chun Yukun said: "Birds of the same feather always flock together. Wild beasts of the same kind always walk together. For example, if we wish to find medicinal herbs like the root of Chinese thorowax and the root of balloonflower on the marsh, we will never find even one in our whole life. But if we go to the north side of the Zeshu Mountain and the Liangfu Mountain, we will need carts to carry them back. In the world, things of the same kind always gather together, and it is the same with people. If you want me to select able and virtuous scholars, it will be like getting water from the river, or getting fire from a flint. What is so strange about that? I am going to recommend another big batch of able and virtuous scholars to you, far more than these seven."一次,厚于凳给齐宣王推荐了七名贤士。

欢迎阅读参考!1.英语寓⾔故事及翻译 A wild ass1 saw a pack-ass jogging along under a heavy load, and taunted2 him with the condition of slavery in which he lived, in these words: "What a vile3 lot is yours compared with mine! I am free as the air, and never do a stoke of work; and, as for fodder4, I have only to go to the hills and there I find far more than enough for my needs. But you! You depend on your master for food, and he makes you carry heavy loads every day and beats you unmercifully." At that moment a lion appeared on the scene, and made no attempt to molest5 the pack-ass owing to the presence of the driver, but he fell upon the wild ass, who had no one to protect him, and without more ado made a meal of him. It is no use being your own master unless you can stand up for yourself. ⼀头野驴看到⼀头家驴背负这沉重的货物⼀路⼩跑,便讥讽他过着奴⾪般的⽣活:“和我相⽐,你过得多么卑微呀!我⾃由⾃在地享受着⼤⾃然,从不下苦⼒,说道⾷物,我只需要跑到⼭上去,就能发现⼤量吃的东西。

英语寓言故事及翻译1:两条咒语There was once a boy in a village. When ever he asked people to do things, no onewould listen to him. He was sad. So he asked a wizard to solve the problem by using magic. The old wizard tried a lot of spells, but didn't work.A young man heard about the problem. He went to the boy and said that he knew thesolution. He gave the boy two small pieces of paper."These are two spells, my boy.Use the first before you ask others to do something, and use the second when they have done it. A smile is also necessary, "the young man said.The boy was happy and tried to use the spells. When he asked people to do something, he said "please" before his words, and "Thank you" after they had done it.people were verysurprised that the boy could be polite. Soon, they became happy to do what the boy asked them to do.The wizard was surprised, and asked the young man about the spells."It's not magic. When I was a child, my teacher told me that with good manners you could get anything you want. And he was right. The boy only needed good manners to get what he wanted."英语寓言故事及翻译2:盲人与小野兽There was once a blind man who had so fine a sense of touch that, when any animal was put into his hands, he could tell what it was merely by the feel of it.One day the cub of a wolf was put into his hands, and he was asked what it was. He felt it for some time, and then said, "Indeed, I am not sure whether it is a wolf's cub or a fox's: but this I know -- it would never do to trust it in a sheepfold."Evil tendencies are early shown.英语寓言故事及翻译3:The fir-tree and the brambleA fir-tree was boasting to a bramble, and said, somewhat contemptuously, "You poor creature, you are of no use whatever.Now, look at me: I am useful for all sorts of things, particularly when men build houses; they can't do without me then."But the bramble replied, "Ah, that's all very well: but you wait till they come with axes and saws to cut you down, and then you'll wish you were a Bramble and not a fir."Better poverty without a care than wealth with its many obligations.。

英语寓言故事带翻译(5则)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1The Father and His SonFather had a family of sons who were perpetually quarrelling among themselves. When he failed to heal their disputes by his exhortations, he determined to give them a practical illustration of the evils of disunion; and for this purpose he one day told them to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they had done so, he placed the faggot into the hands of each of them in succession, and ordered them to break it in pieces. They each tried with all their strength, and were not able to do it.He next unclosed the faggot, and took the sticks separately, one by one, and again put them into their hands, on which they broke them easily. He then addressed them in these words: "My sons, if you are of one mind, and unite to assist each other, you will be as this faggot, uninjured by all the attempts of your enemies; but if you are divided among yourselves, you will be broken aseasily as these sticks."父亲和孩子们一位父亲有几个孩子,这些孩子时常发生口角。

小编精心收集了英语寓言故事带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!英语寓言故事带翻译1方舟济河There were two boats sailing on the river. If an empty boat clashed into them at this time, the people on the boats would not be angry even they were narrow-minded.But, under another circumstance, if that boat carried one or more people instead of being empty, the people on those two proceeding boats would definitely ask that boat to give way to them. Once not answered, they would call and ask again. At the third time, there would be some abusive words. Know why? They were angry and utter out such words because they knew there must be some people on that boat.河面上并行着两支船。

英语寓言小故事及翻译英语寓言小故事及翻译篇1驴、狐狸和狮子An ass and a fo某 went into partnership and sallied out toforage for food together. They hadn't gone far before they saw a lion coming their way, at which they were both dreadfully frightened. But the fo某 thought he saw a way of saving his own skin, and wentboldly up to the lion and whispered in his ear, "I'll manage that you shall get hold of the ass without the trouble of stalking him, ifyou'll promise to let me go free." The lion agreed to this, and the fo某 then rejoined his companion and contrived before long to lead him by a hidden pit, which some hunter had dug as a trap for wild animals, and into which he fell. When the lion saw that the ass was safely caught and couldn't get away, it was to the fo某 that hefirst turned his attention, and he soon finished him off, and then at his leisure proceeded to feast upon the ass.Betray a friend, and you'll often find you have ruined yourself.驴和狐狸商量好一起去觅食。

英语寓言故事带翻译一、站在屋顶的小山羊与狼Standing on the roof of a small goat and the WolfKid standing on the roof and saw the Wolf walked through the bottom and then abuse him, and laughed at him. The Wolf said, "oh, buddy, scold me is not you, but your terrain."This story to illustrate, dili and cat often give a person the courage to fight against the strong.翻译:站在屋顶的小山羊与狼小山羊站在屋顶上,看见狼从底下走过,便谩骂他,嘲笑他。
二、狗和狼The simple English fable:The dog and the wolfA wolf was almost dead with hunger. A house-dog saw him, and asked, "Friend, your irregular life will soon ruin you."Why don't you work steadily as I do, and get your food regu larly?""I would have no objection," said the wolf, "if I could only get a place." "I will help you," said the dog. "Come with me to my master, and you shall share my work."So the wolf and the dog went to the town together.On the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around the do g's neck.He felt quite surprised, and asked him why it was like that?"Oh, it is nothing," said the dog. "Every night my master pu ts a collar around my neck and chains me up. You will soon get u sed to it.""Is that the only reason?" said the wolf. "Then good-bye to you, my friend. I would rather be free."翻译:狗和狼一只狼快要饿死了,一只狗看见后问他:“你现在的无规律的生活一定会毁掉你,为什么不像我一样稳定地干活并有规律地获得食物呢?”狼说:“如果我有个地方住,我没有意见。

寓言故事英文篇一:英语寓言故事带翻译英语寓言故事带翻译一、站在屋顶的小山羊与狼Standing on the roof of a small goat and the WolfKid standing on the roof and saw the Wolf walked through the bottom and then abuse him, and laughed at him. The Wolf said, “oh, buddy, scold me is not you, but your terrain.”This story to illustrate, dili and cat often give a person the courage to fight against the strong.翻译:站在屋顶的小山羊与狼小山羊站在屋顶上,看见狼从底下走过,便谩骂他,嘲笑他。
二、狗和狼The simple English fable:The dog and the wolfA wolf was almost dead with hunger. A house-dog saw him, and asked, “Friend, your irregular life will soon ruin you.”Why don’t you work steadily as I do, and get your food regularly?””I would have no objection,”said the wolf, “if I couldonly get a place.”“I will help you,” said the dog. “Come with me to my master, and you shall share my work.”So the wolf and the dog went to the town the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog’s neck.He felt quite surprised, and asked him why it was like that? 1”Oh, it is nothing,” said the dog. “Every night my master puts a collar around my neck and chains me up. You will soon get used to it.””Is that the only reason?”said the wolf. “Then good-bye to you, my friend. I would rather be free.”翻译:狗和狼一只狼快要饿死了,一只狗看见后问他:“你现在的无规律的生活一定会毁掉你,为什么不像我一样稳定地干活并有规律地获得食物呢?”狼说:“如果我有个地方住,我没有意见。

10首英语寓言故事(带翻译)Once upon a time。
a group of people saw a snake and felt sorry for it because it had no feet。
They decided to add feet to the snake to help it move around more XXX。
once the snake had feet。
it XXX't move at all。
The people realized that they had made a mistake and that the snake was perfectly fine the way it was before.给蛇添脚从前,一群人看到一条没有脚的蛇,感到很难过,因为它行动不便。
One day。
I was eating a sandwich and Bobby was staring at me with big。
puppy dog eyes。
I decided to give him a piece ofmy sandwich as a treat。
But as soon as he took it。
he ran off with it and buried it in the backyard。
I was so confused。
Why wouldhe do that?Another time。
I was playing fetch with Bobby in the park。
I threw the ball and he ran after it。

小编整理了英文版寓言故事及翻译,欢迎阅读!英文版寓言故事及翻译一分定不争A wild hare was running in the field and behind it more than a hundred people were chasing it.It was not because that the hare could be divided into a hundred portions but the ownership of the hare was not decided.When a lot of hares were piled in the market, the passers -- by would not even loot at them. It was not because that people did not want to get them, but those hares already had their owner, and the ownership had been decided. As far as the administration of a country is concerned, the key is to make laws and regulations, establish clear ownership.一只兔子在野地里跑,后面常有百多人追逐。
英文版寓言故事及翻译二老子问疾Laozi once went to visit the sick sage Shang Rong, and consulted him with somephilosophical problems.Shang Rong told him that when he passed his hometown he should get off the chariot. Laozi asked, Is this meant to show that I have not forget about the people in the hometown?Shang Rong nodded and added that when he passed an old tall tree he should walk fast in small paces. Laozi said, Do you mean we should respect seniors?Shang Rong nodded again, and opened his mouth and asked, Is my tongue still there? Yes, Laizi repled. Is my tongue still there? No, Laozi answered, Do you know what this mean? Shang Rong said. Laozi answered, You are telling me that the teeth fell off early because of their hardness while the tongue lasts long because of its softness?Exactly! You already know all priciples and truths in the world.老子去探望病重的哲人商容,并请教有关的哲学问题。
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Standing on the roof of a small goat and the Wolf
Kid standing on the roof and saw the Wolf walked through the bottom and then abuse him, and laughed at him. The Wolf said, "oh, buddy, scold me is not you, but your terrain."
This story to illustrate, dili and cat often give a person the courage to fight against the strong.
The simple English fable:The dog and the wolf
A wolf was almost dead with hunger. A house-dog saw him, and asked, "Friend, your irregular life will soon ruin you.
"Why don't you work steadily as I do, and get your food regularly "
"I would have no objection," said the wolf, "if I could only get a place." "I will help you," said the dog. "Come with me to my master, and you shall share my work."
So the wolf and the dog went to the town together.
On the way the wolf saw that there was no hair around the dog' s neck.
He felt quite surprised, and asked him why it was like that
"Oh, it is nothing," said the dog. "Every night my master puts a c ollar around my neck and chains me up. You will soon get used to it. "
"Is that the only reason" said the wolf. "Then good-bye to you, m y friend. I would rather be free."
狗和狼寓意: 自由比安乐更重要。
Better late than never
Once upon a time there lived a nomadic, raise dozens of sheep, g razing during the day, night into a with straw and wooden objects insi de the shelter.
One morning, the herdsmen to the sheep, found little a sheep. Or iginal pen broke a hole, night Wolf out of the hole drilled to come in, put a sheep diao away.
Neighbor advised him said: "the sheepfold quickly repaired, the hol e plug."
He said: "the sheep have been lost, but also to repair the sheep pen do" Didn't accept his neighbor's kind advice.
The next morning, he went to sheep and found a sheep was missi ng. Originally the Wolf from the inside of the hole into the sheepfold, and walked a sheep diao.
The herdsmen regret not to recognize directly by the neighbor's a dvice, to take timely remedial measures. So he quickly plug that hole, again from the overall reinforcement, firmly and mend the sheepfold.
Since then, the sheep herders have never been Wolf diao has com e.
Herdsmen's story tells us: make a mistake, suffer setbacks, it is a common phenomenon. As long as can learn seriously, to take remedial measures in time, can avoid continue to make mistakes, suffer greater losses.