
高一英语单词拼写练习必修1Unit 11・ It was quite terr ible・ It took me some time to c _________________ myseIf down・2.Parents are a I ways c ___________ much about the i r chiIdren.3.True fr i ends a I ways s ________ the i r sadness and happiness with eachother.4.I'm t er r i b I y sorry ・ I d i dn* t do it on p ____________ ・5.Some a ni ma Is hiberna te un der snow, because there i s much a i r i n Isnow ・6. A _______ to the law, t _____________ are not a I I owed to smoke or dr i nk ・7.The oId man went t ____________ many wars and s ____________ a lot from them.8.After the terr ible hurr icane, the whole house was destroyed e __________________ ・9.If you have some troubIe, you can go to the teacher for a _________________________ ・10.By internet, we can c _________________ with peopIe a I I over the worId11.By now, he has formed the h ___________ of doing some reading before goingto bed.12.The r _______ he gave for his c ___________ in the exam was simple・Unit 2students attended the Iecture, i __________________ our monitor.2.Though he is a n English speaker, he can speak English veryf I uen 11 y.3.Nowadays, many ta I I bui Idi ngs have e for peop I e to go up and down.4.He t hough t I had known the fac t・ But a ____________ , I knew not hi ng abo utit.5.After the war, a new g_ was set up for that country.6.Though I haven * t met him for many years, I couId r _________________________ him immed i ately when Isaw him in the crowd・7.The peopIe p at the meeting were a I I for the suggestion.8.If you spend more time read i ng your Eng Ii sh, you can improve it9.Lucki Iy, after the earthquake, the peopIe have got a lot of i _____________________ he I p.10.The ba I I went in the d_ of the man sitt ing in a boat on ther i ver.Unit 3with grea t d i ff iculty, I fin ished a I I my work f ____________________ ・is a s ____________ person・ No one can p ________________ him.mot her i _________ that he fin ish h i s homework f i rs t, which made hi s sonvery angry・1 s a hard job・ Hope you can do it with great care and do it p ________________________ ・am d _____________ to change my job・ No one eIse can c __________________ m y mind・6.At last, the enemies had no choice but to g ___________________ in.7.There usuaI Iy is a v ______________ between two mountains・8.Whether you wi I I succeed or not in doing the work depends on youra__________ to it.9.The famous sin ger has made a lot of money by producing and sei I ing hisr____________ ・10.The t of the discussion to day i s abo ut how to spe nd our coming hoiiday・11.This song sounds f to me. I must have heard it sung somewherebefore・12.Don't be shy. If you have some questions, you must be b enough to speak it out in pub Iic・Unit 41.When an earthquake happens, the ground wiI I s greatly.2.The fish must go bad, for it is s __________________ ・3.When she heard the news that her husband was killed in the accident,she b ______ into tears・4.The two countries were separated by a c _____________________ ・5.Water can be turned into s ______________ when heated.6.The desk is covered with a lot of d _________________ ・ Would you please cIeanit?7.After the ear thquake, the who I e city was i n r ___________________ ・8.An accident happened・ LuckiIy, nobody was i _____________________ ・9.There was no s ____________ i n the a i r crash・10.The worked made great efforts to r the people who were trapped underground・11.Because of the gIobaI warming, there are more and more naturald__________ .12.The students in our school have o many cIubs for themseIves・13.The ai r in the countryside is much f __________________ than that in the city.14.J ________ from his accent, we know he comes from the west・15.It' s my great h ______________ t o be invited to give a s __________________ t o you.16.These days, we are busy p for the final examination.Unit 5We should pay more attention to the q ________ as we I I as the quan tity.2.He is a I ways w ______________ to he I p anyone who i s i n t ________________ ・3.Whatever diff iculty you meet, I hope you wi I I never lose hneeds to be done according to a certain_______________________________ (原贝山原理)5.PeopIe in I raq are dreaming of I iving a p _________________ I ife, that is they hope to live in p ____________________ ・6.The thief was caught and was s ___________________ in p _____________ for 3 years・7.Dur ing the p when I was in my uni versity, I studied I __________________ myseIf and became a I ______________ after graduation.8.The final examination is coming・ Our teacher a __________________ to go over our Iessons carefuI Iy.9.If it c ___________ to rain for some days, the crops would be destroyed・10.If he gets that _______________ (职位),I think he can do it well.11.He received a sum of money, but he didn' t want to a _________________________ it.12.They don* t wantto solvethe prob lemwithv ________________________ ・ Inst ead, t hey hope to solve it in a peacefuI way.13.In some countr ies, especia I Iy in some poor countr ies, women are notrea I I y e _____ to men・14.If you feel co I d wh i I e sleepi ng, you can add a b on your qui It.15.As a we I He perso n, it's hard for us to imagine that she t rea tthe boy with such _______________ (残忍).必修2Unit 11・ There are a lot of c _______________ r elics in our country.2.Though he recovered from his i I Iness, he r _____________________ weak・3.The house b to the old man was built hundreds of years ago.4.Heavi ly as it rained, they were still out in s ________________ of the missing boy.5.Our school was d ____________ by a famous professor from Tongj i Uni versityof Shangha i, whose s. many peopIe prefer・6.I sent him a watch as his bi rthday g __________________ , and he gave me an mp3i n r ___________ ・7.Look yourse I f i n the m ___________ and f i nd what there i s i n your face・8.They are twins・ No w ____________ I can not teI I them apart・9.He has been work i ng hard these days・ There * s no d ___________________ that he wi I I get good marks in the exam.10.Before they move into the new house, they bought some new f_to equip with.11.Dur i ng the war, much of the p__________ of that family was tran sferred (转移)s _______________ .12.He was c ___________ to be honest・ In fact, the e ______________ he gave p _________ to be fa Ise・13.In my o ____________ , we can' t take the toy car a _________________ ・14.Don't p to have know n a I I. PI ease ra i se your ques ti ons i f any.15.In the old times, many politicaI leader were not thought h _________________________ of.16.Time is I ike t _____________ , so we must value it.17.It's raining, so I can* t go to down town. B ____________________ , it' s co I d outside・18.Look! There's a stone in the middle of the road・ We'd betterr____________ it at once or it wi I I be dangerous・Unit 21.He i s h ________ , and he never tells Ii es・2.I n a t i mes, women were not a I I owed to c __________ i n the 01 ymp i cs.3.Before wr i ting the repor t, he dec i ded to i _____________ some peop I e f i rs t・4.When asked, he a_ __________ steaIi ng the neck I ace・5.There is a s __________ being built in our city.6・ The g being bui It i n our school wi I I be fin ished nex t mon th.7.He is such a person that nobody can r __________________ him・8.At the beginning of each term, we wi I I have a p examination.9.I cannot r ________ what he did to what he said・10.To improve the saIe of the i r product, they a ____________________ them i n the newspapers and on TV.11.No one can be so f to do such a th i ng, except that he i s a fool.12.Fat her p _________ to buy me a compu ter i f I do well i n the finalexami na t i on.13.At the sports meeti ng, a I I the a_ ____________ tr i ed the i r best to get theg_______ m _________ ・Unit 31・ We have a lot in c ______________ , so we often have a lot to ta Ik about・2.Many of the stu den ts t ake t he i r c ___________ into the c I assroom to he I p them do some maths work, which is not preferred by the teachers・3.Once he was considered to be s ___________________ , for he couIdn? t work outthe simplest numbers・4.Robots can a I so be ca I I a ____________ i _______________ ・5.Every thing has it's a and d ______________ ・6. A good c __________ when facing difficuIties is to stay caIm.7.P _________ , I d w ith you on your p I an・8.I need some m ___________ to make a dress・9.Once he was the c _______ of our footba I I team.10.It's dan gerous for a you ng I ady w ____________ i n the st ree t I ate at n i ght・11.Wou I d you p I ease find a m to sweep the floor It' s too d i r ty.e your b ___________ , and you wi I I have a way・Unit 41 ・ Almost a I I the animals have the i r specia I ways to p themse I ves from the i r e _______ ・2.As is to all, a cow has four s __________________ ・3.If you want to set up a company, first you must a to the gfor p ______________ ・4.What he said s ___________ that he wast satisf ied with v/hat we had done・5.The hotel bill c _______________ e very fee, i ________________ the broken g I ass ・6.M are the kind of i ___________ which can be easiIy found insummer・7.He was a ___________ by the story of the hero・8.While read i ng, pI ease pay much a to your pronunci at ion.9.L i ke bees, b ________ a I so Ii ke beautiful fresh fIowers・10.In a way, knowledge is a kind of p arm・11.The medicine has a great e on that disease・12.Many rare animals are in d ________________ , because they are being huntingfor.Unit 51・ Have you ever d of being in front of thousands of people ata concert, with everyone c __________________ and enjoying your singing?2.If we are h ___________ with ourseIves, most of us have dreamed of beingfamous・3.After some years, he has f ______________ the habit of having a waIk aftersupper・4.They may p I ay to p __________ in the street or subways so that they cane__________ some e _________ money.5.The musicians of whom the band was formed pIayed j on each other as we I I as pIayed mus i c.6.The rope was t ired to the tree I __________________ ・7・ They put an a ________________ in a newspaper Iooking for musicians・8.The i r a performances were cop i es by other groups and the i rf______ supported them fiercely.9. They started to play thei r own i __________________ and wr ite thei r own songs Ii ke a reaI band ・an expensive suit and give a p a TV camera."He who does not reach the Great WaI I is not a true man"・13. Once you have made up your mind, you must s ______________________ to it.14. Beethoven once said he had never thought of wr iting for _______________________ (名 誉).15. While I ear ni ng, we should not only mas ter some knowledge, but a I soimprove our _______________ (能力).16. It's s till u ____________ whe ther he wi I I come or not.必修3Unit 11・ Many chi Idre n s to dea th i n Af r ica because of the I ack of food ・2. In summer, there is usuaI Iy p 一 of rain in our area ・3. They thought if they held some festivaIs, thei r awouId be s ___________ with what they had done ・4. On his a _________ , he was greatly we I corned by hi s fans ・5. The colour of our n _____________ flag i s red with five ye I I ows st ars on it.6. Under the I ead of our party, we final ly got i __________________ from the other countr i es.7. At the beginning of the year, farmers usuaI Iy have a lot of a _____________________ work to do.8. The c _________ of some E ________________ c ountr ies are quite different from ours band bup in about 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s.had to go to London, v/ear everyone knows the famous9.The w _________ is a kind of fruit, which is quite famous in our city.10.He is such a h ____________ boy that many girls a _____________ him.I hope you wi I I a I ways be e when having cI asses・12.Without the teacher 1 s p _______________ , you can not p I ay with the compu teri n our cI ass・13.He managed to save the d girl, which was praised by manypeop I e.14.It is o __________ that he has known the story・15.He cheated her, which she wouId never f ___________________Unit 21・ She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on a d to Iose we i ght・2.Rice, noodIes and bread a I I be Iong to e_ ______________ -giving foods・3.When hav i ng d i nner, I I i ke to eat c _____________ i nstead of m _____________ ・4.Wu must keep the b ________ of nature・5. C _____ drove him to follow hi s fr i end into that restaurant・6.Scientist are doing some r ______________ to find the cause of the disease・7.There are usuaI Iy a lot of c _________________ i n the KFC・8.Both of the two restaurants have the i r s ________________ and w _____________ , so they decided to c them together into a Iarger one・9.They stood there, g at each other without a word・10.Time is I ____________ ・ We need to be hurry・Knowledge can be of a great b _________________ to everybody.12.Looking at his son, he s ________________ and went out of the room.13.Some food is high in fibre which is good for d ___________________________ ・1. Smoking is not p in our school・Unit 31. Smoking is not p in our school・2.He had his wa I let stolen, so he had to earn his p dur ing the journe y・3.The reason he gave to a_ ______________ for h i s absence was unbeIi evabIe・4.As i s known to all, we shouId never judge a person on Iy by hisa __________________ ・5.To be h ____________ , I have no money on me.6.To do thi s work we I I needs some p ________________ ・7.He was so hungry that he order a thick s ___________________ and a gI ass of beer for Iunch・8.It's good m ___________ to say good-bye to the host when leaving・9.See i ng the snake, she cou I dn' t he I p s __________________ ・10.In some parts of the Great Wall, it is wide enough for two personsto wa I k s ____________ to s _______________ ・11 ・ Hi s fami Iy i s quite r ich, so they hi re a s __________ t o do the housework・12.Don* t be r ___________ to your fr i ends・ You shouId be fr iend Iy to eachother・13.He was popu I ar because of hi s sense of h ___________________ ・14.To my great joy, I found my I ost pen by a ____________________ i n the corner of the room・15.We don't like him because he i s a I ways j ________________ o f other 1s success・Unit 41・ He doesn't like to be v ________________ , i nstead, he prefers to so Ive the problem in peace・2.Without o _____________ , we can*t live・3.On cold winter days, there wi I I be ice on the s _____________ of the water.4.As i s known to all, smok i ng i s h ________________ to our hea I th.5.With the d of science, many new things are invented.6.G_ speak i ng, he i s a smart boy except h i s care Iessness・7.The news s ________ quickly a I I over the country.8.Bad hab its shouId a I ways be p _____________ i n our daily Ii fe・9.Whether you can succeed in the competit ion d ___________________ on whether you have fully prepared for it.10.His p at the meeting made everybody exci ted.Not meeting his favor ite singer, he fe11 quite d_ __________________________ ・12.Another of his book wiI I be p _______________ next month.13.The reason why we have to fall to the ground is that there isg __________ ・14.G _____________ , he rea I i zed that he had done wrong to her・15.The r i ver is so pol luted that every day we can see a lot of thingsf __________ on the water.Unit 51.It is said the M of Japan wi I I come to visit our country next mon th・2.There are four oceans in the wor Id, of which the P _______________________ is theI arges t・3.As i s known to all, t here are seven c _____________________ in the wor I d ・4.If you go e ______________ , you* I I find the sea・5.Our schoo I i s s ________________ by many trees・6.There is a h ____________ near our city, where you can find many big shipsi n and out.7・ It is e hot these days・8.After t hey mar r i ed, t hey s ________ down in a sma I I vi I I age, I ead i nga quiet Ii fe.9.We admi re her for she has a g for singing and dancing・10.An order came that we shou I d finish the work w three days・11.There i s a s d i fference between the two words・12.Could you he Ip me f ____________ out the cost of this trip?13.It is said that some o _________________ wi I I come to our schooI to have a visit.14.The t ____________ sound made me t _________________ ・15.I have such a good eye-sight that I can see the smaI I things in thed ______________ .16.Yes terday, it was so cold that t here was some f ................. on theground・17.I planned to go d_ _________________ this Sunday.18.Final ly, they managed to ar r i ved to the i r destinati on (目的地)atd ___________ ・必修4Unit 11.With her grea t effor ts, she has a ____________ every thing she wan ted todo.2.Our schooI is trying its best to improve our studying and working3.Her research shows the c betv/een human beings and chimps・4."Have you taken part in either of my I ast two c__________________________ v The officer asked the soldier・5.If you want to he Ip the poor, you can join the o __________________________ , whichusuaI Iy has some such activities.6.He is an agr icu It ura I s _________________, who d _____________ a I I his I i fe tothe research into agr iculture・7.The little boy' s bad b atthe party made his parents upset・8.It is w ______________ to spend the who I e day in the fores t, o how the chimps Iive. helpful to our study.6.Every year, we wiI I e _______________ much oiI from the other countries・7.In my opinion, he is quite s ____________________ for this job・8.You' d be tt er finish your homework w it hou tr toy our notes.9.The t wins are so a I i ke that I a I ways c t hem with each ot her ・10.The met hod of r __________________ t he t eaching cost has been d i scussed atthe meeting.11.The flooded area was s ____________________ with enough food and clot hi ng bythe government・12.After your reading, can you give the s _______________________ o f this passage?13.Before going abroad, you mus t e your money for some do I I ars ・14.It is quite c ___________________ that he will be successfuI in the finalmatch.Unit 3's wro ng for the vi si tors to be c ________________ to the animals in the zoo.seems that he is quite c________________ with what he has got.were a I I a _____________ at the a _____________ news he told us just now・'s hard for her to decide what to buy because she is quite p aboutthe things she buys・comes, my mother wiI I e________________ him the best food of our family.6.In no time, the exc iting news spread t the who Ie country.7.Because of the terr ibIe earthquake, many chiIdren becameh ________________ ・8.It' s hard to imagine that such a mi I I ionai re wears a w _________________ coat・9.Many of us know the famous saying “F i s the mot her of success・”10.With the boy Ieading the way, we had no d ____________ ___________ in finding his house・He was determined to o the diff iculties he met in his study.12.I was f _____________ to catch the tra in at the I ast minute.13.He was caught in a s __________________ when he was trave I I ing in themoun ta i ns.14.She s ___________ in the f i Im d _______________ by Zhang Yimou.home town i s i n a m_ area, which i s surrounded by a lot ofmounta i ns.w to me the news that he had won a thousand yuan from the lottery he bought・Unit 41.I m __________ in Engl ish when learning in university.2.When visiting a place, usuaI Iy the visitors wi I I buy some Ithings・3.Chi Idren are a I ways c ____________ to know the things t hey have n ever seen ・4.When i _________________ to the st rangers, I fe 11 a bit shy.5.When a t he house, t hey f oun d some thin g unusua I, sot hey s to pped to have a Iook・6.His words made a I I the students t ____________________ ・7.The foreigners e ______________________ thei r satisfaction with what they sawin China・8.He is I ______________ to come, but I' m not sure・9.In g ______________ , men are usua I t a I I er t han women ・10.Be carefuI to a_ making the same mistake・Speak c I ear I y, or you* I I make your m ________________________ ・12.This question is s ____________________ to that, so we can solve it easi Iy.13. F expressions can have a lot of meanings・14.Some deaf peopIe make themseIves understood by g ______________________________ ・15.He was p __________________ by his parents for teI I ing I ies・Unit 51・ There is a v ______________ o f goods in the supermarket・2. The man who repa i red bikes c _________________ me five yuan for repa i r i ng my bike.3. There' for chiIdren under there.4. They made a great p _____________ by developing the new product・5. UsuaIly, we wiI I buy a lot of s __________________ when v i s iting a pI ace ofi nterest・6.BMW i s a famous car b __________________ ・7.The e ______________ for teaching in our school is very a _________________________ ・8.Once a week, we' II do an e ___ in the Iab・9.In some cult ure t heme parks, you can have pic tures t aken i n the clot hi ngof m _______ people・10.There are usua I I y some a ________________ competit ions i n a sports themepark.He I ikes to a _____________ hi s fr iends with some jokes・12.You are I i ke I y to get I os t while t rave I I i ng i n the j ________________ ・13.He is skilled in the t _____________ of descr ibing nature・14.This kind of shi rt is made of a special kind of c ____________________________ ・15.My wi sh i s to be a t _______________ in the fut ure, so I mus t lear n Eng I i sh hard now.Answers:必修1unit 11. caIm2. concerned3. share4. purpose 5・ loose 6. according, teenagers7・ through, suffered 8. entirely 9. advice 10. communi cate 11. habit 12. reason, cheatunit 21・ including 2. native 3.( 31evators 4. actually 5. government6. recognize7. present8. rapidly9. i nternat i onaI 10.d i rect i onunit 31. finally2. stubborn, persuade3. insisted4. properly 5・determi ned, change6. give7. va I I ey8. attitude9. records 10. topic 11.fami liar 12. braveunit 41・ shake 2. sme I I y 3. burst 4. canaI 5・ stearn 6. di r t 7. ruins 8. injured9. surv i vor 10. rescue 门.disasters 12. organized 13. fresher14. Judging15. honour, speech 16. prepar i ngunit 51. qua Iity2. wi IIing, troubIe 3. heart 4. principle 5・peacefuI, peace6. sentenced, pr ison7. per iod, law, Iawyer8. advises9.12. violence 13. equaI 14. bIanket 15.educated, crueIty必修2unit 1culturaI 2. remains 3. belonging 4. search 5. designed, style 6. gift, ret urn 7・ mirror 8. wonder9. doubt 10. furniture 11. property, secretly12. considered, evidence, proved 13. opinion, apart 14. pretend15. highly16. treasure 17. Besides, remove unit 2 1. honest 2・ ancient,・ compete3. interv i ew4. admitted5.stad i um7. rep I ace 8. physical 9. re I ate 10. advertise 11. foolish 12.promi sed 13. ath I etes, go I d, meda I s unit 3common 2・ calculators 3・ s imp Ie-mi nded 4. art ificial,i nteI Ii gence 5.advantages, di sadvantages6・ choice 7. Persona Ily, di sgree 8. mater i a Isunit 41・ protect, enemies 2. stomachs 3. appIy, government, for permission4. suggested5. con tains, including6. Mosqui tors, i nsec t7. affec ted8.attent i on 9. butterf Ii es 10. powerfuI unit 5 1. dreamed 2. clapping,・ honest 3. formed 4.cont i nued10. position 11. accept 9. coach10. wander i ng 11・ mop 12. bra i n12. dangerpassers-by, earn,extra 5. jokes6.loosely7. advertisement8. attractive, fans 9・ instruments10.broke11.performanee 12. saying 13. stick 14. reputation 15. ability 16.unknown必修3unit 11. starved2. p I enty3. ancestors, satisfied4. arrival5.national 6. independence 7・ agr icuIturaI 8. customs, European 9. watermeI on 10. handsome 11. admi re 12. energetic, permiss i on 13.drowning 14. obvious 15・ forgiveunit 21. d i et2. energy 3・ cucumbers, mushrooms 4. ba I ance 5・13. gravity 14. GraduaI Iy 15. floatingCur iously 6, research 7. customers 8. strengths, weaknesses, comb i ne 9. glaring 10. I imi ted 11. benefit 12. sighed 13. digestionunit 31. permitted2. passage3. account4. appearance5. honest6.pat ience 7. steak 8. manners 9. screaming 10. shouIder, shouIder11. servant 12, rude 13. humour 14. accident 15. jealousunit 41. violent2. oxygen3. surface4. harmfu I5. development6. Genera I Iy7. spread 8. prevented 9. depends 10. presenee 11 ・ disappointed 12. pub Ii shedunit 51. Minister2. Pacific3. continents4. eastward5. surrounded6.harbour7.extreme I y 8. sett I ed 9. gift 10. within 11. s I i gh t 12.figure 13. officials14. terr ifying, terr if ied 15, distance 16. frost 17. downtown18. dawn必修4Unit 11・ ach i eved 2. cond iti ons 3. connecti oris 5. organ ization6. specia Ii st devotes 7・ behaviours 8. worthwhile observing 9.respect 10. argue 11. Inspired, determined12. support13.14. arti c I es 15. exp I a i n 17.cons i deration 18. de Ii vered 19. cons i derateUnit 2 1. cruel2. content3. aston i shed astonishing4. entert a i n 6. throughout 7. home I ess8. worn-out9 difficultyovercome 12. fortunate13. snowstorrr i 14. started d i rected15. mounta i nousUnit 41. majored2. local3. cur ious4.introduced5. touched7. expressed8. I i ke I y 9. genera I10. avoid11 12. s imi I ar13. Facial 14. gestures15. punishedUnit 51・ var iety 2. charged 3・ admission4. prof i t5. brandUnit 3 particular 5.16. whi spered・ mi sunderstood・ Fa i I ure 10.approaching 6.souvenirs 6.str iking 16. med i ca I 1・ hunger 2. sunburnt 3. struggling 4. expand5. ci rculate6. equipped7. exported8. suitabIe9. referr i ng 10.confuse 11. reducing 12. suppIi ed13. summary14. exchange15. certain7.equipme nt advanced 8. exper imen t 9. minor i ty 10. at hie te 11. amuse12.jung I e 13. techn i ques 14. c I oth 15. transIator。

1. Computers are used to c____________ with each other around the world by the Internet.2. In the past 20 years, my hometown has t_________ changed.3. If any problem a_______, please tell me.4.The environment pollution is a _____________ (普遍) problem.5. Management and unions have made a b__________ (还价)over wage increases.6. Mental readiness is sometimes more important than p________ fitness.7. Do you have enough e_________ to prove that you are telling the truth?8. Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health r_______ poor.9. Zimbabwe became ___________(独立) in 198010. His friend has s____________ from ill health for some years.11. In which d___________ are you going, north or south?12.The little boy stayed a_____________ all night, excited about the coming fieldtrip.13. Percy is a poor man in our neighborhood, and he makes a living by b___________from door to door.14. The company was f_____________ in 1992, that is, 16 years ago.(原则)_; they15. The producers of the problem milk powder have no p____________will do anything they can to make money.(正好) what I meant.16. You’ve caught what I said. This is e___________傍晚).17. It’s difficult to see clearly at ________(18. Can you ________(交换) your newspaper for mine?19. We were all ________(震惊) at the news of his death.20. Now please divide this circle into two ________(相等的) parts.21. We tried to p________him to give up smoking, but he just wouldn’t listen.22. Last year Mary and her parents had an interesting e________ in Guilin.23. A great many houses were d________in the earthquake and many people became homeless.24. After the accident, she lost the_________ (能力)of speech.25. She wore ________(宽松的) clothes in the summer.不利条件) is his age.26. The other candidate’s main ________ (27. Although he is over 70, he is still ________(精力充沛的).28. Your passport(护照) is your i________ card when you are in foreign countries.29. After e________ was cut off, the lights went out.30. Gambling(赌博) is not l________here.31.It took her a long while to r_________(恢复)from her heart operation.32.After graduation, he became a _______(律师).33.She is such a __________(可信赖的) student that everyone can believe her words.34.The president will attend the ___________(官方的)opening of the theatre in June.35.She takes the _________(态度) that children should be allowed to learn at theirown pace.difficult for the government to control the prices of36.In my _______(观点), it’shousing.37.The film is b______ on a short story by Thomas Mann.38.A majority of the people v_____ to accept the offer of an 8% pay rise.39. He has been informed to be _______(出席) at tomorrow’s meeting.40. Are you a _______ (本地人)or a visitor?41. An_____(官员)of the local government called to see her.42. When will scientist______(征服)cancer?43.Rains are ______(频繁)here in early summer.44.He has studied the _____(文化)of various western countries.45.In America a flat is called a ______(公寓).46.After the flood, many things have been ________(运送) to the flood area.47.The lifeboat was sent out to r________the sailors from the sinking ship.48.The workers ________(要求) a rise in the salary.49.It is an area where natural ________(灾害) often happen,50. He ________(献身于) himself to a noble clause.51. City people want to be outdoors on weekends and do something c_______, like mountain climbing, drifting(漂流)and so on.52. Our class teacher is always kind to every one of us, and he gains r___________from us.53. Women were proud of their fat body in the Tang D_____________.54. Tom studies better than most of his classmates, s o we can say that his work isabove the a___________.55 Computer and internet access are a_____________ at our classrooms.56 He decided to _________(捐献)all his books to the Hope Project.57 There is always a generation _________(代购) between parents and their children.58.We can't _______(不理睬)the fact that many criminals never go to prison.59. Everyone should ________(培养)an interest in something.60.It took me quite a long time to _______(解决)their argument.61.What is the _______(官方的)language spoken in India?(词汇量).62.Personally, doing more reading is the best way to enlarge one’s _______ After _______(毕业)he went back to his hometown and was a teacher for five years.63.Too much _______(暴力)on TV has a bad effect on teenages’ growth.64.Recently I have been busy _______(装饰)my new house.(入口)and the65.When we go to a large building we should know where the _______exit to it.66.When I entered the classroom, he _______(假装)to be working very hard.67.She takes the _________(态度) that children should be allowed to learn at theirown pace.68. They put an _______________(广告)in a newspaper looking for rock musicians69. She was a________(接受)into the party70. If you make a ________(诺言), you should try to keep it.71. He __________(移开) his trousers and I found the wound.72. The __________(有魔力的) tools are popular with young children.73.Your suggestion will be carefully _________(考虑).74. There are many ways of ___________(通讯)in the modern world, such as telephone, fax, and so on.75. In order to _________(证明) her point, she showed them the latest sales figures.76. Her parents died in the accident, but she ________(幸存)77.We set a fire nearby to _________________( 保护) plants from the cold.78.To be ___________(诚实)with you, he doesn’t work hard.79.If you __________(挣)money, you receive money in return for work that you do.80.__________ (断定)from his accent, he must come from the Northeast of China.81. I have a family connected by a ____________.(网络)82.It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c______down myself.83.True friends always s______ their sadness and happiness with each other.84. If you have some trouble, you can go to the teacher for a_________.85. Though I haven’t met him for many years, I could r__________ him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.86. .I'm terribly sorry. I didn't do it on p__________.(目的)87. Luckily, after the earthquake, the people have got a lot of i_________ (国际的)help.89. Don't be shy. If you have some questions, you must be ________ (勇敢的)enoughto speak it out in public.90.Many students attended the lecture, ________(包括)our monitor.91.Though he is not a n________ English speaker, he can speak English veryfluently.92.The cold weather ______( 影响)our life, so few people want to go outdoors.93. Students are all put in different groups _____( 根据)to their ability.94.What he said is right , while what you said is ____(完全) right.95.The room looks empty b ecause there’s no ____(家具) in it.96.Your suggestion will be carefully _________(考虑).97. If you make a ________(诺言), you should try to keep it.98. Water and ___(电) supply were cut off because of the earthquake .99. Since he was better ___(受过教育的),he got a good job .100. We were all ___(震惊) at the news of his death .101. They s___ hands with each other as if they hadn’t seen each other for long . 102. In China , we regard Zheng Cheng-gong as one of our h___ .103. He looks old , but a___ he is only forty .a___________ and bought an English-English104.I followed my teacher’sdictionary..105.Air pollution is one of the problems that we can’t afford to i___________. 106.Can you explain the r___________ behind the decision?107.Parts of the city had p___________ cuts yesterday because of the big fire fromthe restaurant.108.Any student caught c___________ will have to leave the classroom.109.He was u___________ at not being invited.110.We tried to c___________ him down, but he kept shouting..111.Our nation has been developing _______(迅速地) in science and technology.112.Jet Li has played lots of leading r_______ in Kong Fu films.cation in middle schools should contain various cultures, _______ (包含)sports cultures.114.When I was a child, I d__________ of becoming a scientist.115.Five policemen rode past on their motorbikes, then came the TV broadcasting car, and __________ (最后) the marathon runners.116. A new monument will be built in h________ of those who died in the terrible disaster.117. The f______________ girl was speechless after she saw the terrible scene. 118.High school students are ___________(劝告) to take more exercise.119.No one is w___________ to be fooled on April 1st..120.He loves reading martial novels to such a ___________(程度) that he often forgets food and sleep.121. Muhammad Ali won his first World Boxing Heavyweight _________ (锦标赛)in 1964.122.Are you satisfied with what they have shown in the car _________ (展览会)?。

Book One 单词拼写练习100题(用1-5单元新学词汇)1.Man.to.leader.ar.c_______.abou.th.shortag.o.water.2.Th.patien.soo.____________(康复.fro.hi.diseas.afte.th.operation.3.The most important thing to remember when dealing with an emergency is to keep c________.4.---.Well.yo.loo.u_____.today.What’.th.matter?----- Dan didn’t invite me to his party last night.5.W.ar.plannin..s___.o.concert.t.rais.mone.fo.ou.project.6.He usually s_____________ such problems in his own ways .7.Th._______.(雷声.cam.soo.afte.th.lightning.8..a.________.(感激.t.hi..fo.h.save.m.so.i.fac.o.danger.9.H.kne.ther.wa..spee.limit.bu.h.______.(忽视)i.an.drov.ver.fast.10..di.everythin.i.m._________(能力,力量.t.hel.her.11.What’s the _________(官方)language of Indian English.12.People from England made _________(海上旅行)to conquer other parts of the world.13._________(实际上) I don’t like studying here because the weather is wet.14.The change happened so __________(逐渐)that no one noticed it.15.It enriched the English then especially it’s ___________(词汇).16.The train passes _____________(频繁) from here so it is very noisy to live here.17.The police haven’t found out the dead man’s ___________(身份).18.He _________(请求) that he should be given another chance.19.He immediately __________(认出)my voice on the phone though we hadn’t seen each other for many years.20.From his_________(口音)I know he is from Britain.21.Th.docto.read.th.J____________(杂志.o.Medica.Science..22..a.d_____________(决心.t.d.bette.tha.Mike.23.Yo.aren'.wearin.p__________(合适的.clothe.fo.thi.ho.weather.24.W.al._____________(坚持.tha.w.no.res.unti.w.finis.th.work.25.H.won’.follo.you.advice.H.i.s__________.26.Firs.h.alway.sai.n.t.th.plan.bu.f_______.h.ha.t.giv.in.27.Yo.can’.depen.o.him.H.i.no.______________(可靠的).28.He ______________(偏爱)walking to taking a bus because it is more healthy to walk.29.H.i.afrai.o.nothin.becaus.h.i.ver.b_________.30.H.trie.t..______.m.t.giv.i.up.bu..wouldn’.liste.t.me.31.The dead were b________ in the ground after the terrible earthquake.32.Th.hurrican.calle.Katrin.d_________.th.cit.o.Ne.Orleans.33.Sh.wa.s_________.b.th.deat.o.he.grandma.wh.alway.care.abou.he.s.much.34.Jan.o__________.an.bough.th.foo.an.drinks.35.H.wa.p________.o.himsel.fo.no.givin.u.befor.s.man.difficulties.36.Ever.yea.man.natura.d__________.suc.a.fires.floods.happe.i.th.world.37.Huma.being.nee.food.clothin.an.s_____________.38.People have different _____________(态度) towards this matter.e.t.r_______.th.sailor.fro.th.sinkin.ship.40.A..resul.o.th.accident.th.e____.ha.t.b.cu.off.41.With the development of modern society ,we are living a life of higher q_________.42.As a ____________(专心, 投入)teacher , he put his heart into his work.43.Pleas.giv.m.mor._________.(指南.o.ho.t.dea.wit.thi.problem.44.Th.ne.presiden.i.tryin.t.trea.al.race.__________(平等).45._______ (有希望) they will win the game.46.H.mad.u.hi.min.t.hav.al.hi.childre._______(教育).47.Al.th.area.a______.b.th.earthquak.ar.i.nee.o.help.48.Th.tw.countie.manage.t.solv.th.problem.________(和平).49.H.i.s.happ.toda.,becaus.h.ha.joine.th._______(团).50.W.wil.choos.ou.presiden.b._______(选举).1.concerned.2.recovere...3.calm4.upse..5.serie..6.settle..7.thunde. 8.gratefu..9.ignore.. 10.powe. 11.officia.12.voyage.13.Actuall..14.graduall.15.vocabular. 16.frequentl..17.identit. 18.reques. 19.recognize.20.accen..21.Journa.22.determine.23.prope.24.insis.25.stubbor.26.finall.27.reliabl.anized.35.proud.36.dis asters.37.shelte.38.attitudes.39.rescu. 40.electricit.41.qualit..42.devote..43.guidanc.cate. 46.Hopefull..47.attacke. 48.peacefull. 4.Leagu. 5..voting1.concerned.2.recovere...3.calm4.upse..5.serie..6.settle..7.thunde. 8.gratefu..9.ignore.. 10.powe. 11.officia.12.voyage.13.Actuall..14.graduall.15.vocabular. 16.frequentl..17.identit. 18.reques. 19.recognize.20.accen..21.Journa.22.determine.23.prope.24.insis.25.stubbor.26.finall.27.reliabl.anized.35.proud.36.disas ters.37.shelte.38.attitudes.39.rescu. 40.electricit.41.qualit..42.devote..43.guidanc.cate. 46.Hopefull..47.attacke. 48.peacefull. 4.Leagu. 5..voting1.concerned.2.recovere...3.calm4.upse..5.serie..6.settle..7.thunde. 8.gratefu..9.ignore.. 10.powe. 11.officia.12.voyage.13.Actuall..14.graduall.15.vocabular. 16.frequentl..17.identit. 18.reques. 19.recognize.20.accen..21.Journa.22.determine.23.prope.24.insis.25.stubbor.26.finall.27.reliabl.anized.35.proud.36.disas ters.37.shelte.38.attitudes.39.rescu. 40.electricit.41.qualit..42.devote..43.guidanc.cate. 46.Hopefull..47.attacke. 48.peacefull. 4.Leagu. 5..voting1.concerned.2.recovere...3.calm4.upse..5.serie..6.settle..7.thunde. 8.gratefu..9.ignore.. 10.powe. 11.officia.12.voyage.13.Actuall..14.graduall.15.vocabular. 16.frequentl..17.identit. 18.reques. 19.recognize.20.accen..21.Journa.22.determine.23.prope.24.insis.25.stubbor.26.finall.27.reliabl.anized.35.proud.36.disas ters.37.shelte.38.attitudes.39.rescu. 40.electricit.41.qualit..42.devote..43.guidanc.cate. 46.Hopefull..47.attacke. 48.peacefull. 4.Leagu. 5..voting1.concerned.2.recovere...3.calm4.upse..5.serie..6.settle..7.thunde. 8.gratefu..9.ignore.. 10.powe. 11.officia.12.voyage.13.Actuall..14.graduall.15.vocabular. 16.frequentl..17.identit. 18.reques. 19.recognize.20.accen..21.Journa.22.determine.23.prope.24.insis.25.stubbor.26.finall.27.reliabl.anized.35.proud.36.disas ters.37.shelte.38.attitudes.39.rescu. 40.electricit.41.qualit..42.devote..43.guidanc.cate. 46.Hopefull..47.attacke. 48.peacefull. 4.Leagu. 5..voting1.concerned.2.recovere...3.calm4.upse..5.serie..6.settle..7.thunde. 8.gratefu..9.ignore.. 10.powe. 11.officia.12.voyage.13.Actuall..14.graduall.15.vocabular. 16.frequentl..17.identit. 18.reques. 19.recognize.20.accen..21.Journa.22.determine.23.prope.24.insis.25.stubbor.26.finall.27.reliabl.anized.35.proud.36.disas ters.37.shelte.38.attitudes.39.rescu. 40.electricit.41.qualit..42.devote..43.guidanc.cate. 46.Hopefull..47.attacke. 48.peacefull. 4.Leagu. 5..voting1.concerned.2.recovere...3.calm4.upse..5.serie..6.settle..7.thunde. 8.gratefu..9.ignore.. 10.powe. 11.officia.12.voyage.13.Actuall..14.graduall.15.vocabular. 16.frequentl..17.identit. 18.reques. 19.recognize.20.accen..21.Journa.22.determine.23.prope.24.insis.25.stubbor.26.finall.27.reliabl.anized.35.proud.36.disas ters.37.shelte.38.attitudes.39.rescu. 40.electricit.41.qualit..42.devote..43.guidanc.cate. 46.Hopefull..47.attacke. 48.peacefull. 4.Leagu. 5..voting1.concerned.2.recovere...3.calm4.upse..5.serie..6.settle..7.thunde. 8.gratefu..9.ignore.. 10.powe. 11.officia.12.voyage.13.Actuall..14.graduall.15.vocabular. 16.frequentl..17.identit. 18.reques. 19.recognize.20.accen..21.Journa.22.determine.23.prope.24.insis.25.stubbor.26.finall.27.reliabl.anized.35.proud.36.disas ters.37.shelte.38.attitudes.39.rescu. 40.electricit.41.qualit..42.devote..43.guidanc.cate. 46.Hopefull..47.attacke. 48.peacefull. 4.Leagu. 5..voting1.concerned.2.recovere...3.calm4.upse..5.serie..6.settle..7.thunde. 8.gratefu..9.ignore.. 10.powe. 11.officia.12.voyage.13.Actuall..14.graduall.15.vocabular. 16.frequentl..17.identit. 18.reques. 19.recognize.20.accen..21.Journa.22.determine.23.prope.24.insis.25.stubbor.26.finall.27.reliabl.anized.35.proud.36.disas ters.37.shelte.38.attitudes.39.rescu. 40.electricit.41.qualit..42.devote..43.guidanc.cate. 46.Hopefull..47.attacke. 48.peacefull. 4.Leagu. 5..voting1.concerned.2.recovere...3.calm4.upse..5.serie..6.settle..7.thunde. 8.gratefu..9.ignore.. 10.powe. 11.officia.12.voyage.13.Actuall..14.graduall.15.vocabular. 16.frequentl..17.identit. 18.reques. 19.recognize.20.accen..21.Journa.22.determine.23.prope.24.insis.25.stubbor.26.finall.27.reliabl.anized.35.proud.36.disas ters.37.shelte.38.attitudes.39.rescu. 40.electricit.41.qualit..42.devote..43.guidanc.cate. 46.Hopefull..47.attacke. 48.peacefull. 4.Leagu. 5..voting1.concerned.2.recovere...3.calm4.upse..5.serie..6.settle..7.thunde. 8.gratefu..9.ignore.. 10.powe. 11.officia.12.voyage.13.Actuall..14.graduall.15.vocabular. 16.frequentl..17.identit. 18.reques. 19.recognize.20.accen..21.Journa.22.determine.23.prope.24.insis.25.stubbor.26.finall.27.reliabl.anized.35.proud.36.disas ters.37.shelte.38.attitudes.39.rescu. 40.electricit.41.qualit..42.devote..43.guidanc.cate. 46.Hopefull..47.attacke. 48.peacefull. 4.Leagu. 5..voting1.concerned.2.recovere...3.calm4.upse..5.serie..6.settle..7.thunde. 8.gratefu..9.ignore.. 10.powe. 11.officia.12.voyage.13.Actuall..14.graduall.15.vocabular. 16.frequentl..17.identit. 18.reques. 19.recognize.20.accen..21.Journa.22.determine.23.prope.24.insis.25.stubbor.26.finall.27.reliabl.anized.35.proud.36.disas ters.37.shelte.38.attitudes.39.rescu. 40.electricit.41.qualit..42.devote..43.guidanc.cate. 46.Hopefull..47.attacke. 48.peacefull. 4.Leagu. 5..voting。

高中英语人教版选择性必修第一册单词拼写练习Unit11.You must set realistic aims and o__________for yourself.2.You must learn to accept d_________with good grace.3.Now is a good time to invest in the p___________market.4.The invention has been p_____________by the university..5.I think he's a true g___________.6.The college has close links with many other i_______________.7.The________________(结果)will be very serious if nothing is done.8.His behaviour is unbefitting of a university p_______________.9.A______________they are getting divorced soon.10.Under normal c__________________,I would say'yes'.11.I've come to the c_____________that he's not the right person for the job.12.Who is your favorite n__________of all time?13.This ________________(物质)should not come into contact with food.14. She tried to stop the f__________of blood from the wound.15.He is working on a new___________(小说).16.I also have a p____________for traveling and understanding different cultures of the world.17.I've made a rough d__________of the speech.18.There is a new d____________for cars that warns drivers of traffic jams ahead.19.The school has only been open for six months,so it's hard to e_____________its success.20.I could feel anger b__________up inside me.21.He c______________the crime under the influence of drugs.22.I finally managed to o____________a copy of the report.23.This book is divided into two d__________parts.24. The college was f___________in1920.25.I_________(推断)from the article that the pilot was responsible for the accident.26.He i__________on his innocence.27. She g_____________fought her way to the top of the company.28.These products can stand____________________(磨损).29.He was a man of e_________________abilities.30.Will you please________________(概括)the main ideas of this article?31.Reading is of v__________importance in language learning.32.Back then,women on TV were m___________seen as eye candy.33.She has a r___________inner strength.34.Parents play a c_________role in preparing their child for school.35.He looks scary but he's really a g___________giant.1.It is difficult to d__________the cause of his death.2.I tried to p_____________her to see a doctor.3.It is impossible to p__________what will happen.4. He was strongly o___________to the idea.5.Experts are f____________a recovery in the economy.6.Many experts a___________rewarding your child for good behaviour.7. The contents of the report were l________to the press.8.He never c___________to amaze me.9.I couldn't remember ever having felt so safe and s____________.10.In the end,I just got fed up with his c_______________complaining.11.His a________________behavior shows that something is wrong.puters are very e__________________at manipulating information.13.They live in a r____________area,inaccessible except by car.14.The time we spent together is now a d________________memory.15.The first24hours after the operation are the most c_______________.16.We try to help all students realize their full p________________.17.We must make good use of the a________________space.18.R_______________work experience is required for overseas postings.19.The a_______________flowers look like real ones.20.A______________measurement is very important in science.21.I have a p_____________for country life.22.I recognized her the i__________I saw her.23.She was looking forward to a relaxed m_______of life.24.Chest pains can be a w________signal of heart problems.25.Don't worry about the grammar,just learn this as a set p________.26.I'm at your c_____________─what would you like me to do?27.My kitchen is equipped with modern a___________.28.Don't touch that w________or you'll get a shock.29.How well does the teacher s____________the lessons?30.Stop living in a f___________world.31.He held a number of patents for his many i_____________32.He committed the c_________under the influence of drugs.33.Please state your name,age and o_____________below.34.There has been much gossip about the possible reasons for his a_________.35.The group was considered to be a risk to national s__________.36.Was going to college a good preparation for your c___________?37.They have not made any effort to i__________with the local community.38.The new job is not a promotion as such,but it has good p__________.1.We all had colds and couldn't stop sniffing and s_________.2.Never do what is p__________by law.3.Children under8must be a____________by an adult in the game.4. She's b________ with excellent health.5.The exercises are designed to s________your leg muscles.6.It's a movie that will a_________to the young.7. The exhibition gives local artists an opportunity to d_________their work.8.He seems to_______________(以...为生)junk food.9.The water is clear and plenty of fish are v____________.10.Many experts advocate r___________your child for good behaviour.11.She's a s__________lecturer.12.We have three a___________children.13.He possessed a v______store of knowledge.14.The bird is now a r________sight in this country.15.On the top of the hill stands a s____________tower.16.What first attracted me to her was her i____________experience of life.17.When his wife died,his entire world was turned___________________(乱七八糟).18.It is said that civilization is always__________________(在进步,在行进中).19.Country b_____________are shown on this map as dotted lines.20.I hated the l________'housewife'.21.Don't put that glass so near the e______of the table.22.We are prepared to fight for every inch of t____________.23.Would you like milk or c_______in your coffee?24.The town is in a beautiful situation in a wide green v_________.25.Ninety per cent of l________cancers are caused by smoking.26.As a j__________,she has always had a nose for a good story.27.Plan out your r________before you go.28.C___________is good exercise.It strengthens all the muscles of the body.29.Most children have an a___________for learning.30.The company has signed up three top models for the f_________show.31.Who invented the s_________engine?32.She used the newspaper c__________as a platform for her feminist views.33.It's the biggest t_______park outside the United States.34.To our great a____________,the teacher sang a funny song during class.35.Singing is a form of e_____________.36.The parks of this city are famous for their ornate(华美的)f__________.37.There is to be a total b________on smoking in the office.38.She was a wonderful mother to both her natural and a__________children.21.We are trying to a________how well the system works.22. I b_________down to smell the flowers.23.He laughed,r_____________a line of white teeth.24.He i___________whether there had been any messages for him.25.She is p______________as the future president.26.The most important thing is to keep yourself_o____________.27.It took her a while to a_________to living alone.28.How did they r________when they learned the news?29. I don't want to b________her with my problems at the moment.30.He buried his face in his hands and w________.31.Your health will_______________(出毛病)if you work too hard.32.Our information comes from a r_________source.33.The medicine is not for i___________use.34.At times,the heat was b_________tolerable.35.Her questions about my private life e____________me.36.She was deeply a________of her behaviour at the party.37.Jeans are not a______________for a formal party.38.U_______________, you'll have to make the decision yourself.39.It is not m____________a job,but a way of life.1.The w____________story was not supported by the evidence.2.She made a visible effort to control her a_________.3.We need the human touch or the human i_________,particularly when people are depressed."4.They communicated entirely by g__________.5.I would never ask for any f_________from her.6.They fell in love in spite of the language b__________.7.There was a shooting i___________near here last night.8.I've worked as an e______________and administrator in public schools for over a decade.9.I have a t____________to talk too much when I'm nervous.10.Drugs p_______a major threat to our society.11.A____________can be caused by lack of sleep.12.Trust is a vital c___________in any relationship13.She found herself in c____________with her parents over her future career.14.She doesn't a_____________of me leaving school this year.15.We e____________an expert to advise on new technology.16.Interpreters found they could not i____________half of what he said.17.She b________her head in shame.18.The students'work v________considerably in quality.19. It has been d_________________that this drug is effective.1.She was o_____________with grief when her husband died.2. We need a big win to b_________our confidence.3.There course will be c____________of readings,discussions,and writings.4.All this has upset me.I need time to d___________it all.5. We e___________it would cost about€5000.6.The proposal has g____________a lot of interest.7.Women are still the main victims of d_____________violence.8.The existing law is not e___________satisfactory.9.Suddenly the room filled with i__________light.10.She's very c_____________in her views.11.The possession of a passport is e____________for foreign travel.12.This war has caused w___________________human suffering.13.Public order is primarily an u___________problem.14.There are a_______________sources of nutrition to animal meat.15.The__________(危机)had a negative effect on trade.16.There is a s___________of fresh water on the island.17.His a_______________proved to be wrong.18.The o___________of cars shows a marked increase over last year.19.There has been a slight increase in the c_______________of meat20.The need to communicate is a key c______________of human society.21.Cats have good night v_________.22.I couldn't resist the opportunity to meet a real live c______________.23.Water the plant regularly,never letting the s_______dry out.24.They have built an e_____________to the hospital.25.Cook them in dry white wine for extra f__________.26.In an ideal world there would be no p___________and disease.27.Will time travel ever become a r____________?28.There is plenty of decent food in the g_____________stores.29.Let your child make some of the small decisions concerning his daily routine.For i__________ ,allow him to choose what clothes he wears at the weekend.30.The book aims to cover all a____________of city life.31.What's the d________of the water here?32.You would be well advised to t____________this problem urgently.33.I am c___________that she is innocent.34.We should d__________our energy to the career.35.Most of our students a________five'A'grades in their exams.高中英语人教版选择性必修第一册单词拼写练习答案unit 11.objectives2.defeat3. property4.patented5.genius6. institutions7.consequences8.professor9.Apparently 10.circumstances 11. conclusion12.novelist 13.substance 14.flow 15.novel16. passion 17. draft 18. device 19.evaluate 20.boilingmitted 22.obtain 23.distinct 24.founded25.inferred26. insisted 27.gradually 28. wear and tear 29. extraordinary30.sum up31.vital32.mostly 33.remarkable 34.crucial 35. gentleUnit 21.detect2.persuade3.predict4.opposed5.forecasting6. advocate7.leaked8. ceases9.secure10.constant 11.abnormal 12.efficient 13. remote14. distant15.critical16. potential 17.available18.relevant 19.artificial 20. Accurate 21.preference 22.instant 23. mode 24.warning 25.phrase26. command27.appliances 28.wire 29.structure 30.fantasy31. innovations 32.crime 33.occupation 34. absence 35. security 36. career 37. integrate 38.prospectsunit 31.sneezing2.prohibited3.accompanied4.blessed5.stretch6.appeal7.display8. live off9. visible 10.rewarding 11.superb12.adorable 13.vast 14.rare 15.splendid16. incredible17.upside down 18.on the move 19.boundaries bel21. edge 22.territory 23.cream 24. valley25.lung26.journalist27.route 28.Cycling 29.appetite 30.fashion31. steam 32.column 33.theme 34. amusement 35. entertainment 36. fountains 37.ban 38.adoptedUnit 41.assess2.bent3. revealing4.inquired5.perceived6.occupied7.adjust8. react9. Bother10.wept11.break down 12.reliable13.internal 14.barely 15.embarrassed 16. ashamed17.appropriate18.Ultimately 19.merely 20.witness21. anger 22.interaction 23.gesture 24.favours25.barriercator 28.tendency 29.pose30.Anxiety 31. component 32. conflict 33.approve 34.employ35.interpret 36.bowed 37.varies38.demonstratedUnit 51.overcome2.boost3.be comprised of4.digests5.estimated6. generated7.domestic8.entirely9.intense 10.conventional 11. essential12.widespread13.urban 14.alternative 15.crisis16.shortage 17.assumption18.output 19.consumption 20.characteristic 21.vision22.celebrity23.soil24.extension 25.flavor26.poverty 27.reality 28.grocery 29. instance 30.aspects31. depth32.tackle 33.convinced 34.devote 35.attained。
人教版新教材高一英语welcome unit单元重点练习含答案

单元知识滚动练Ⅰ.单词拼写1.I wonder who is giving the lecture(讲座) this afternoon.2.I suggest the female(女性的) partner(合伙人) break up with her boyfriend.3.There’s accommodation for about five hundred students on campus(校园).4.He hoped this strategy(策略) would attract foreign investment to explore(勘探) this area.5.It was a long journey and I was grateful for his company(陪伴).6.He is well qualified for the job,but he does lack(缺乏) personality(个性).7.There followed an awkward(尴尬的) silence while we all tried to think of something to say.8.I read the fashion pages in the newspapers to keep up with the latest styles(方式;样式).9.The letter is written in a formal(正式的) style.10.They were given food and shelter in exchange(交换) for work.Ⅱ.选词填空11.“The chair was designed for people like him,” she said.12.She was curious about everything,because she was on her first journey.13.Then can I exchange it for something else with the same price?14.Students like to take notes in the margins(空白处) of their textbooks.15.I was frightened to death that I would be dismissed(开除).16.“You all must stand by me and not leave me alone with him for one minute,” cried Scarlett.17.He concentrated on studying how quickly the human mind can remember information.18.Helen is senior to everyone else in the company.19.It ought to be a wonderful time.We are looking forward to it.20.Although she only met the old man once,he made a deep impression on her.Ⅲ.单句语法填空21.He agreed to go with me at last,which made me very happy.22.Out of curiosity(curious),he asked the old man the origin of the church.23.I have complete confidence(confident) in her.She’ll be perfect for the job.24.Without them,I would still be the little unknown designer(design) from Houston.25.I was impressed(impress) by her ability for hard work two years ago.26.With night coming(come) on,they went home.27.What if I come tomorrow instead of this afternoon?28.I found it hard to follow what the teacher was saying,and eventually I lost concentration (concentrate).29.It is frightening(frighten) to think what might happen if she left him.30.Children normally feel a lot of anxiety(anxious) about their first day at school.31.—What is your nationality(nation)?—Chinese.But now I live with my son’s family in the US.32.This charity is a non-profit organisation(organise).33.Snow White was alone and sad,but she made friends(friend) with some rabbits and a deer.34.I really hope to see you again someday and we are looking forward to hearing(hear) from you.35.The only thing to do is go to the police and tell them what happened.Ⅳ.完成句子36.Don’t you find the book difficult to understand?你不觉得这本书很难懂吗?37.I don’t like to be disturbed while reading books.我读书时不喜欢被打扰。

高一英语单词拼写练习(新人教版)高一英语新课程必修1单词拼写unit 11.It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c down myself.2.Parents are always c much about their children.3.True friends always s their sadness and happiness with each other.4.I'm terribly sorry. I didn't do it on p.5.Some animals hibernate under snow, because there is much air in l snow.6. A to the law, t are not allowed to smoke or drink.7.The old man went t many wars and s a lot from them.8.After the terrible hurricane, the whole house was destroyed e.9.If you have some trouble, you can go to the teacher for a.10.By internet, we can c with people all over the world c.11.By now, he has formed the h of doing some reading before going to bed.12.The r he gave for his c in the exam was simple.Unit 21.Many students attended the lecture, I our monitor.2.Though he is a n English speaker, he can speak English very fluently.3.Nowadays, many tall buildings have e for people to go up and down.4.He thought I had known the fact. But a, I knew nothing about it.5.After the war, a new g was set up for that country.6.Though I haven't met himaifyuyears, I could r him immediately when I saw him in the crowd.7.The people p at the meeting were all for the suggestion.8.If you spend more time reading your English, you can improve it r.9.Luckily, after the earthquake, the people have got a lot of i help.10.The ball went in the d of the man sitting in a boat on the river.Unit 31.Though with great difficulty, I finished all my work f.2.He is a s person. No one can p him.3.The mother i that he finish his homework first, which made his son very angry.1.1t's a hard job. Hope you can do it with great care and do it p.1.2am d to change my job. No one else can c my mind.6.At last, the enemies had no choice but to g in.7.There usually is a v between two mountains.8.Whether you will succeed or not in doing the work depends on your a to it.9.The famous singer has made a lot of money by producing and selling his r.10.The t of the discussion today is about how to spend our coming holiday.11.This song sounds f to me. I must have heard it sung somewhere before.12.Don't be shy. If you have some questions, you must be b enough to speak it out in public.Unit 41.When an earthquake happens, the ground will s greatly.2.The fish must go bad, for it is s.3.When she heard the news that her husband was killed in the accident, she b into tears.4.The two countries were separated by a c.5.Water can be turned into s when heated.6.The desk is covered with a lot of d. Would you please clean it?7.After the earthquake, the whole city was in r.8.An accident happened. Luckily, nobody was i.9.There was no s in the air crash.10.The worked made great efforts to r the people who were trapped underground.11.Because of the global warming, there are more and more natural d.12.The students in our school have o many clubs for themselves.13.The air in the countryside is much f than that in the city.14.J from his accent, we know he comes from the west.15.It's my great h to be invited to give atcsyou.16.These days, we are busy p for the final examination.Unit 51.We should pay more attention to the q as well as the quantity.2.He is always w to help anyone who is in t.3.Whatever difficulty you meet, I hope you will never lose h.4.Everything needs to be done according to a certain 原则,原理)5.People in Iraq are dreaming of living a p life, that is they hope to live in p.6.The thief was caught and was s in p for 3 years.7.During the p when I was in my university, I studied l myself and became al after graduation.8.The final examination is coming. Our teacher a to go over our lessons carefully.9.If it c to rain for some days, the crops would be destroyed.10.If he gets that(职位),I think he can do it well.11.He received a sum of money, but he didn't want to ita12.They don't want to solve the problem with v. Instead, they hope to solve it in a peaceful way.13.In some countries, especially in some poor countries, women are not really e to men.14.If you feel cold while sleeping, you can add a b on your quilt.15.As a well-e person, it's hard for us to imagine that she treat the boy with such_________ (残忍).参考答案unit 11. calm2. concerned3. share4. purpose5. loose6. according, teenagers7. through, suffered 8. entirely 9. advice 10. communicate 11. habit12. reason, cheatunit 21. including2. native3. elevators4. actually5. government6. recognize7. present8. rapidly9. international 10. directionunit 31. finally2. stubborn, persuade3. insisted4. properly5. determined, change6. give7. valley8. attitude9. records10. topic 11. familiar 12. braveunit 41. shake2. smelly3. burst4. canal5. steam6. dirt7. ruins 8. injured 9. survivor 10. rescue 11. disasters 12. organized 13. fresher 14. Judging 15.honour, speech 16. preparingunit 51. quality2. willing, trouble3. heart4. principle5. peaceful, peace6. sentenced, prison7. period, law, lawyer8. advises9. continued10. position 11. accept 12. violence 13. equal 14. blanket 15. educated, cruelty高一英语新课程必修2单词拼写unit 11.There are a lot of c relics in our country.2.Though he recovered from his illness, he r weak.3.The house b to the old man was built hundreds of years ago.4.Heavily as it rained, they were still out in s of the missing boy.5.Our school was d by a famous professor from Tongji University of Shanghai, whoses many people prefer.6.I sent him a watch as his birthday g, and he gave me an mp3 in r.7.Look yourself in the m and find what there is in your face.8.They are twins. No w I can not tell them apart.9.He has been working hard these days. There's no d that he will get good marks in the exam.10.Before they move into the new house, they bought some new f to equip with.11.During the war, much of the p of that family was transferred转移)s.12.He was c to be honest. In fact, the e he gave p to be false.13.In my o, we can't take the toy car a.14.Don't p to have known all. Please raise your questions if any.15.In the old times, many political leader were not thought h of.16.Time is like t, so we must value it.17.It's raining, so I can,t go to downtown. B, it's cold outside.18.Look! There's a stone in the middle of the road. We'd better r it at once or it will be dangerous.Unit 21.He is h, and he never tells lies.2.In a times, women were not allowed to c in the Olympics.3.Before writing the report, he decided to i some people first.4.When asked, he a stealing the necklace.5.There is a s being built in our city.6.The g being built in our school will be finished next month.7.He is such a person that nobody can r him.8.At the beginning of each term, we will have a p examination.9.I cannot r what he did to what he said.10.To improve the sale of their product, they a them in the newspapers and on TV.11.No one can be so f to do such a thing, except that he is a fool.12.Father p to buy me a computer if I do well in the final examination.13.At the sports meeting, all the a tried their best to get the g m.Unit 31.We have a lot in c, so we often have a lot to talk about.2.Many of the students take their c into the classroom to help them do some maths work, which is not preferred by the teachers.3.Once he was considered to be s, for he couldn,t work out the simplest numbers.4.Robots can also be call a i.5.Everything has it's a and d.6. A good c when facing difficulties is to stay calm.7.P, I d with you on your plan.8.I need some m to make a dress.9.Once he was the c of our football team.10.It's dangerous for a young lady w in the street late at night.11.Would you please find a m to sweep the floor? It,s too dirty.e your b, and you will have a way.Unit 41.Almost all the animals have their special ways to p themselves from their e2.As is to all, a cow has four s.3.If you want to set up a company, first you must a to the g for p.4.What he said s that he wasn,t satisfied with what we had done.5.The hotel bill c every fee, i the broken glass.6.M are the kind of i which can be easily found in summer.7.He was a by the story of the hero.8.While reading, please pay much a to your pronunciation.9.Like bees, b also like beautiful fresh flowers.10.In a way, knowledge is a kind of p arm.11.The medicine has a great e on that disease.12.Many rare animals are in d, because they are being hunting for.1.Have you ever d of being in front of thousands of people at a concert, with everyonec and enjoying your singing?2.If we are h with ourselves, most of us have dreamed of being famous.3.After some years, he has f the habit of having a walk after supper.4.They may play to p in the street or subways so that they can e some emoney.5.The musicians of whom the band was formed played j on each other as well as playedmusic.6.The rope was tired to the tree l.7.They put an a in a newspaper looking for musicians.8.Their a performances were copies by other groups and their f supported themfiercely.9.They started to play their own i and write their own songs like a real band.10.The band b up in about 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s.11.He had to go to London, wear an expensive suit and give a p to a TV camera.12.Nearly everyone knows the famous s“He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man”.13.Once you have made up your mind, you must s to it.14.Beethoven once said he had never thought of writing for 名誉).15.While learning, we should not only master some knowledge, but also improve our (能力).16.It's still u whether he will come or not.参考答案unit 11. cultural2. remains3. belonging4. search5. designed, style6. gift, return7. mirror8. wonder9. doubt 10. furniture11. property, secretly 12. considered, evidence, proved 13. opinion, apart14.pretend 15. highly 16. treasure 17. Besides, remove unit 2I.honest 2. ancient,. compete 3. interview 4. admitted 5. stadium6gymnasium 7. replace 8. physical 9. relate 10. advertiseII.foolish 12. promised 13. athletes, gold, medalsunit 3 unit 4mon2.calculators3.simple-minded4. artificial, intelligence5.advantages, disadvantages6.choice7. Personally, disgree .8. materials9. coach 10. wandering 11. mop 12. brain1. protect, enemies2. stomachs3. apply, government, for permission4. suggested5. contains, including6. Mosquitors, insect7. affected8. attention9. butterflies10. powerful 11. effect 12. dangerunit 51. dreamed2. clapping,. honest3. formed4. passers-by, earn, extra5. jokes6. loosely7. advertisement8. attractive, fans9. instruments 10. broke 11. performance 12. saying 13. stick 14. reputation15. ability 16. unknown高一英语新课程必修3单词拼写unit 11.Many children s to death in Africa because of the lack of food.2.In summer, there is usually p of rain in our area.3.They thought if they held some festivals, their a would be s with what they had done.4.On his a, he was greatly welcomed by his fans.5.The colour of our n flag is red with five yellows stars on it.6.Under the lead of our party, we finally got i from the other countries.7.At the beginning of the year, farmers usually have a lot of a work to do.8.The c of some E countries are quite different from ours9.The w is a kind of fruit, which is quite famous in our city.10.He is such a h boy that many girls a him.11.I hope you will always be e when having classes.12.Without the teacher's p, you cannot play with the computer in our class.13.He managed to save the d girl, which was praised by many people.14.It is o that he has known the story.15.He cheated her, which she would never funit 21.She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on a d to lose weight.2.Rice, noodles and bread all belong to e-giving foods.3.When having dinner, I like to eat c instead of m.4.Wu must keep the b of nature.5. C drove him to follow his friend into that restaurant.6.Scientist are doing some r to find the cause of the disease.7.There are usually a lot of c in the KFC.8.Both of the two restaurants have their s and w, so they decided to c them together into a larger one.9.They stood there, g at each other without a word.10.Time is l. We need to be hurry.11.Knowledge can be of a great b to everybody.12.Looking at his son, he s and went out of the room.13.Some food is high in fibre which is good for d.Unit 31.Smoking is not p in our school.2.He had his wallet stolen, so he had to earn his p during the journey.3.The reason he gave to a for his absence was unbelievable.4.As is known to all, we should never judge a person only by his a.5.To be h, I have no money on me.6.To do this work well needs some p.7.He was so hungry that he order a thick s and a glass of beer for lunch.8.It's good m to say good-bye to the host when leaving.9.Seeing the snake, she couldn't help s.10.In some parts of the Great Wall, it is wide enough for two persons to walk s tos.11.His family is quite rich, so they hire a s to do the housework.12.Don't be r to your friends. You should be friendly to each other.13.He was popular because of his sense of h.14.To my great joy, I found my lost pen by a in the corner of the room.15.We don't like him because he is always j of other's success.Unit 41.He doesn't like to be v, instead, he prefers to solve the problem in peace.2.Without o, we can't live.3.On cold winter days, there will be ice on the s of the water.4.As is known to all, smoking is h to our health.5.With the d of science, many new things are invented.6.G speaking, he is a smart boy except his carelessness.7.The news s quickly all over the country.8.Bad habits should always be p in our daily life.9.Whether you can succeed in the competition d on whether you have fully prepared for it.10.His p at the meeting made everybody excited.11.Not meeting his favorite singer, he felt quite d.12.Another of his book will be p next month.13.The reason why we have to fall to the ground is that there is g.14.G, he realized that he had done wrong to her.15.The river is so polluted that every day we can see a lot of things f on the water.1.It is said the M of Japan will come to visit our country next month.2.There are four oceans in the world, of which the P is the largest.3.As is known to all, there are seven c in the world.4.If you go e, you'll find the sea.5.Our school is s by many trees.6.There is a h near our city, where you can find many big ships in and out.7.It is e hot these days.8.After they married, they s down in a small village, leading a quiet life.9.We admire her for she has a g for singing and dancing.10.An order came that we should finish the work w three days.11.There is a s difference between the two words.12.Could you help me f out the cost of this trip?13.It is said that some o will come to our school to have a visit.14.The t sound made me t.15.I have such a good eye-sight that I can see the small things in the d.16.Yesterday, it was so cold that there was some f on the ground.17.I planned to go d this Sunday.18.Finally, they managed to arrived to their destination(目的地)at d.参考答案unit 11. starved2. plenty3. ancestors, satisfied4. arrival5. national6. independence7. agricultural8. customs, European9. watermelon10. handsome 11. admire 12. energetic, permission 13. drowning14. obvious 15. forgiveunit 21. diet2. energy3. cucumbers, mushrooms4. balance5. Curiously6. research7. customers8. strengths, weaknesses, combine9. glaring10.limited 11. benefit 12. sighed 13. digestionunit 31.permitted2. passage3. account4. appearance5. honest6.patience7. steak8. manners9. screaming 10. shoulder, shoulder11.servant 12, rude 13. humour 14. accident 15. jealousunit 41. violent2. oxygen3. surface4. harmful5. development6. Generally7. spread8. prevented9. depends 10. presence 11. disappointed 12. published 13. gravity 14. Gradually 15. floatingunit 51. Minister2. Pacific3. continents4. eastward5. surrounded6. harbour7. extremely 8. settled 9. gift 10. within 11. slight 12. figure13. officials 14. terrifying, terrified 15, distance 16. frost 17. downtown18. dawn新课程必修4单词拼写unit 11.With her great efforts, she has a everything she wanted to do.2.Our school is trying its best to improve our studying and working c.3.Her research shows the c between human beings and chimps.4.“Have you taken part in either of my last two c?” The officer asked the soldier.5.If you want to help the poor, you can join the o, which usually has some such activities.6.He is an agricultural s, who d all his life to the research into agriculture.7.The little boy,s bad b at the party made his parents upset.8.It is w to spend the whole day in the forest, o how the chimps live.9.He is such a great man that all of us show our r to him.10.The couple living next door always a with each other about some family problems.11.I by the teacher,s words, he is d to study harder than before.12.He has to work hard to earn more money, because he has a large family to s.st night when I got home, the clock was s ten.14.In our school, every teach is asked to write one or two a about teaching every year.15.You,d better e to the teacher the reason for your being late, otherwise, the teacherwill be angry with you.16.The teachers in our school will have a m examination once every year.17.Everything taken into c, he has done a good job this time.18.The famous doctor has d hundreds of babies during her life.19.It is c of you not to make any noise while the others are having a rest.Unit 21.In the old days, many children suffered from h because of no food.2.If you keep staying in the sun for a long time, you,ll get s.3.Though he is young, he is s to support a large family.4.As is known to all, when heated, things will e.5.He wants to c his knowledge all over the world.6.Each classroom in our school is e with a computer, which is helpful to our study.7.Every year, we will e much oil from the other countries.8.In my opinion, he is quite s for this job.9.You,d better finish your homework without r to your notes.10.T he twins are so alike that I always c them with each other.11.The method of r the teaching cost has been discussed at the meeting.12.The flooded area was s with enough food and clothing by the government.13.After your reading, can you give the s of this passage?14.Before going abroad, you must e your money for some dollars.15.It is quite c that he will be successful in the final match.Unit 315.1,s wrong for the visitors to be c to the animals in the zoo.2.It seems that he is quite c with what he has got.3.We were all a at the a news he told us just now.4.It,s hard for her to decide what to buy because she is quite p about the things she buys.5.Whoever comes, my mother will e him the best food of our family.6.In no time, the exciting news spread t the whole country.7.Because of the terrible earthquake, many children became h.8.It,s hard to imagine that such a millionaire wears a w coat.9.Many of us know the famous saying “F is the mother of success.”10.With the boy leading the way, we had no d in finding his house.11.He was determined to o the difficulties he met in his study.12.I was f to catch the train at the last minute.13.He was caught in a s when he was travelling in the mountains.14.She s in the film d by Zhang Yimou.15.His hometown is in a m area, which is surrounded by a lot of mountains.16.He w to me the news that he had won a thousand yuan from the lottery he bought.Unit 417. 1. I m in English when learning in university.18.When visiting a place, usually the visitors will buy some l things.19.Children are always c to know the things they have never seen.20.When i to the strangers, I felt a bit shy.21.When a the house, they found something unusual, so they stopped to have a look.22.His words made all the students t.23.The foreigners e their satisfaction with what they saw in China.24.He is l to come, but I,m not sure.25.In g, men are usual taller than women.26.10. Be careful to a making the same mistake.27.. Speak clearly, or you,ll make your m.28.12. This question is s to that, so we can solve it easily.29.13. F expressions can have a lot of meanings.30.14. Some deaf people make themselves understood by g.31.. He was p by his parents for telling lies.1.There is a v of goods in the supermarket.2.The man who repaired bikes c me five yuan for repairing my bike.3.There,s no a for children under there.4.They made a great p by developing the new product.ually, we will buy a lot of s when visiting a place of interest.6.BMW is a famous car b.7.The e for teaching in our school is very a.8.Once a week, we,ll do an e in the lab.9.In some culture theme parks, you can have pictures taken in the clothing of m people.10.There are usually some a competitions in a sports theme park.11.He likes to a his friends with some jokes.12.You are likely to get lost while travelling in the j.13.He is skilled in the t of describing nature.14.This kind of shirt is made of a special kind of c.15.My wish is to be a t in the future, so I must learn English hard now.Answers:Unit 11. achieved2. conditions3. connections4.campaigns5. organization6. specialist devotes7. behaviours8. worthwhile observing9. respect 10. argue 11. Inspired determined 12. support13. striking 14. articles 15. explain 16. medical 17. consideration18. delivered 19. considerate1. hunger2. sunburnt3. struggling4. expand5.circulate6. equipped7. exported8. suitable9. referring 10. confuse 11. reducing 12. supplied 13. summary 14. exchange 15. certainUnit 31. cruel2. content3. astonished astonishing4. particular5. entertain6. throughout7. homeless8. worn-out9. Failure 10. difficulty11. overcome 12. fortunate 13. snowstorm 14. started directed15. mountainous 16. whisperedUnit 41. majored2. local3. curious4. introduced5. approaching6. touched7. expressed8. likely9. general 10. avoid11. misunderstood 12. similar 13. Facial 14. gestures 15. punishedUnit 51. variety2. charged3. admission4. profit5. souvenirs6. brand7. equipment advanced8. experiment9. minority10. athlete 11. amuse 12. jungle 13. techniques14. cloth 15. translator。

Words and expressionsUnit 11、She was really u_____ about the way her father treated her.2、It was very stupid of you to i_____ your mother’s advice.3、He made a good s_____ in last exam.4、All the people are c_____ about the growth of the younger generation.5、She’s h_____ my book away somewhere.6、My summer vocation was completely spoiled by a_____ of wet days .7、The boy is c____ about skating.8、It’s against n_____ for a mother to hurt her child.9、He came here on p____ to discuss it with you.10、How d______ you say so?11、Design a_____ to find out what kind of friends your classmates are.12、I live all a____ but I don’t feel lonely.13、I want your a_____ on this work.14、It is a little difficult to c____ someone down when he or she is excited.15、He was caught c_____ in the exam.16、No matter what he says, don’t ____ him.17、C_________ with other countries was difficult during the war.18、He formed the h______ of getting up early.19、Both of them are e_____ of China Daily.20、List what a good friend should do and ____ the list with your partners.(分享)21、They are _____ .(骗子).22、He paid no attention to their_______(自尊心)23、Arrange the exhibits_______ to size.(按照)24、He’s_____ from loss of memory.(患有)25、The politician is really in a dangerous______.(境遇).26、Why don’t you ____your idea ____on paper?(写下)27、He _________________his English study(有困难)28、She ___________________a foreigner.(爱上)29、____________to change the situation.(尽力)30、____________snow can cause trouble.(过量)Unit 21. The price i______dinner, beds and breakfast.2. Monitors play an important r________ in managing a class.3. He n_____ knocked me down before he saw me.4.You should look clearly the p______ situation5. The mountains are not high on world s_________.6. Geography also play a part in making d_________.7. He changed so much that I didn’t r________ him at first .8. Nobody dared to go against his c_______that everyone should leave until 8 o’clock.9. The professor can speak as many as five foreign l_______.10. A_________ and vocabulary are important for people to understand or to be understood.11. The hospital is three b_______ from here .You may go there by bike or on foot.12. As you know, the UN plays an important role in i________ relations.13. In America a flat is called an a_______ .14. Banana is n_______ to Taiwan.15. Do you know the u______ of this word?16. Do you know what time the violent storm with thunder an l_______ happened.17. It became ________(接近) to the language you are learning now.18. Our garden is beautiful ,____________(尤其)in autumn.19. He did the work under my ____________(指导).20. She lives in ____________(东南部)Italy.21. The ____________(身份) of the murdered woman has not yet been established.22. In my home town, you can see ancient and__________(现代的) building next to eachother.23. Believe it or not ,but he __________(实际上) won.24. He _______ ( 统治)the country for 4 years in the past.25. The _______ (政府) should take measures to stop air pollution.26. We should know more about Chinese ________ (文化) and history.27. She made a ______ (请求) for some water.28. ________ (短语) are important in English study.29. Please be ________ (礼貌) to our guests.30. Can you ________ (复述) the text in your own words?Unit 31、The Australians like to ______(露营) in the countryside at the weekends.2、We all know that he is too __________(顽固) to apologize.3、Do you remember every d_____ of the story you have just read?4、Most students keep a _____ (日记) of their everyday life.5. Excuse me, what is the f_____ to Paris? Is $ 10 enough?6. The music sounds so good that I want to r_____ it from the radio.7. In the past, the villagers t__________ their goods by goat not by truck.8. The little boy said nothing because he was not b____ enough to be against his father.9. He is a d__________ person. If he d__________ to do something, he will do it well.10. I am not ________ _______(熟悉) the city, for this is my first visit here.11. Finally they were __________(说服) to cycle around China.12. We ___________ ________ (将要去)for Beijing tomorrow.13. The scientists are searching for the s______ of the river.14. I d_______ about flying last night.15. He was c_______ along the street when he was knocked off his bike.16. You can’t ______ (期望)to learn a foreign language in a week.17. She swan ______ (游过) the river.18. The plane is flying at an a________ of 10,000 feet.19. Seeing that he could not persuade me, he had to _____ ___ ___(妥协)my view.20. He _______ (坚持说) that he hadn’t stolen the girl’s h andbag.21. Milu often says “_______(态度) is everything.” to encourage the players to devotemore.22. Whenever we see a film,the Chinese teacher will ask us to write about oura___________.23. They discussed his position in the company and other _____(主题).24. We f________ got home at eleven o’clock.25. First we ____ ___(支起) our tents and then we ate.26. Peter soon _____ them _________(使…感兴趣)in playing basketball.27. After supper, Tom went to sleep but I ______ ______ (仍然清醒).28. ____ ____ _____ (其一),a journey isn’t as personal as a diary. For another, a traveljourney has a different purpose.29. If you ____ ____ ____(改变主意) about the job, just give me a call.30. She ______ ______(毕业于) Harvard with a degree in law.Unit 41、As a result of the accident, the e_____has to be cut off.2、They built s_____for the homeless children.3、We were s_____when we heard of the news that they would get married soon.4、They began the r___work at once.5、A s___gas came out of the w___.6、The mother is very upset. I noticed her hand _____. (shake)7、It is u___to argue with him.8、There were dozens of people i____in the fire.9、The balloon r___up slowly into the air.10、Your hands will be d___if you play in the d__.11、Later, people felt another big q___.12、A c___is a very long water way for boats.13、We should h___the soldiers who died in the war.14、This is a s___about how to improve our listening skill.15、The students are p____for the mid-term exam.16、How many j____have been invited to the competition?17、The city was completely d____by the earthquake.18、Do you know who o_____the meeting?19、He b___his diary in the ground.20、Earthquake is the most terrible d____in the world.21、________of the money belongs to my parents. (3/5)22、Suddenly, he felt his world was _________ . (世界末日)23、Hearing the news, his father ________crying. (burst)24、When he noticed the danger, he called the policeman ______ . (当即)25、After the flood, ____________people lost their homes. (大量)26、If you get high scores in the exam, your parents will _________you.(proud)27、___the money ___to the poor. (分发)28、___________the students in the school is more than 5,000. (数量)29、He ______a box of money under the tree. (挖出)30、If you disagree with the opinion, you may _________ . (摇头)Unit 51、I’m w_____________ to admit that I have hurt her, but that’s not my real meaning.2、What are the q ___________ you should find in a great person.3、After a short rest, Jack c _________ to draw the picture.4、Since I was better e ______________ , I got a job working in an office.5、The doctor a________ him to eat more fruit and take more exercise.6、The boy got into t____________ when he left home.7、He has been able to tell us more about a_____________ volcanoes than any man alive.8、Firemen had been f___________ the forest fire for nearly three weeks before they couldget it under control.9、I’ve received a gift from him, but I’m not going to a____________ it.10、There is no f__________ of his losing his way.11、He was s____________ to three years in prison.12、He gave the children some candies to r_________ them for behaving well.13、It’s not right to solve the problem in v___________________ .14、Black people had no v____________ and could not choose who ruled them.15、You’ve broken the law, and you’ll be put in the p________ for ten years as apunishment.16、It was so cold inside the house that she had to wrap herself in a b_________ to keepwarm.17、He was made p___________ of the cricket club.18、He is the member of the __________ of Nation. (国际联盟)19、The escaped prisoner was brought back under close __________ .( 警戒)20、It is time to stop his ___________ (残忍) to the animals.21、Who gives you the ____________ (权利) to do that?22、Can you show me the ____________ (位置) of your hometown on the map?23、No matter how many times you fail, you should never _________ __________ (悲观).24、He passed his examinations and now he has the _____________ (学位) of Master.25、The countryside is so ______________ ( 安静的) that I don’t want to go back to thenoisy city.26、The teacher ____________ __________( 勃然盛怒), when I said I’d forgotten doing myhomework.27、He is a man of high ______________ (道德原则).28、I believe that all man are born in ______________ (平等的).29、When the actors played on the _________ (舞台),the audiences sat in their seats andwatched quietly.30、______ _______ _________ _________ _________( 事实上), she didn’t attend the meetingyesterday.。
高中英语词汇专练-2020新人教版必修一 有答案

高中英语词汇专练-新人教版必修一Welcome unit一、单词拼写:1.His name is Max Jackson. He is an e____________student from the UK.2. People speak in a more polite way in _____________(正式的)situations.3. The opening ceremony is to be held in the l____________ hall this afternoon.4.You must r_____________ if you intend to vote.5.All applicants will be considered regardless of age, sex, religion or (国籍).26. this dictionary is ___________(设计) for high school students.27. he was a bit a__________ about his exam in maths.28. the child was f_________________ to death by the violent thunderstorm.29. as soon as they arrived in the town they went out to ___________(考察,探索)30. our monitor is _____________(组织) a party.2. I can’t______________________ my studies with all that noise going on.3. The new teacher________________strong ___________on the students..4. She’s asked to be _____________________but the press photographers follow her everywhere.5. He was______________________________working with the new manager.6.You can _______________, but there is no need to write down everything on the screen.三. 根据括号内的汉语提示完成下列句子。
高一英语 单词拼写练习专练 新人教版必修1[doc文档]
![高一英语 单词拼写练习专练 新人教版必修1[doc文档]](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/0b93f68d71fe910ef02df80e.png)
.sraet otni _____b ehs ,tnedicca eht ni dellik saw dnabsuh reh taht swen eht draeh ehs nehW .3 .yltaerg _________s lliw dnuorg eht ,sneppah ekauqhtrae na nehW .1 4 tinU .________s si ti rof ,dab og tsum hsif ehT .2
.revir eht no taob a ni gnittis nam eht fo ________d eht ni tnew llab ehT .01
I nehw yletaidemmi mih __________r dluoc I ,sraey ynam rof mih tem t’nevah I hguohT .6
.yadil oh gnimoc ruo dneps ot woh tuoba si yadot n oissucsid eht fo ________t ehT .01
.erofeb erehwem os gnus ti draeh evah tsum I .em ot ________f sdnuos gnos sihT .11
误 盗掂 驳厢 细 袋愤 墓珠 定 息牙 粱霓 咐炽 乒 若班 耻崭 痉 鹏庭 欧痘 电箍 捐 爷债 缅耶 踢 螟拨 熏浇 长敛 谢彩 意 怔泄 瞳桅 气 夯菜 烬视 鬃 恕迁 姚俯 弛 跋情 渗拢 拾 m oc . u d e r a e d .www 1 修 必版 教人 新
练 专习 练 写拼 词单 语英 一 高 婪闪 彭我 涸 热 乙 佃悟 伞澎 穷 颅言 春泌 踩 凳 吱 蓬掂 个龙 耙 鬼睁 彰孙 烈少 甫 迈就 菠求 夏 俱芍 镜 汀 醛乏 匙 埋棘 骡逆 辊 店种 缺役 萌涪 制 过紧 职怂 必 缚 冕 鲜坦 重纲 幼 酣恼 恶番 朽 奠 追 酶看 道桂 厄 荒缔 称祥 的览 噬 乍恫 铺羞 渊 醉茎 帧 坤 综员 吉 盗侣 禁傣 禾 界 荧 呸虐 未褪 吹 胶雇 友绪 缓 处 穴 幻秽 哄合 慕 忿丑 挎蕾 凉浇 勤非 寡 磊 寂 便哲 杯茂 普赤 燥 哩缨 零仙 膀 卸永 叉 嘴 秘知 幸 脊笋 抖蚜 推 害陆 酌徐 丁跨 袄 媳版 锅颠 锯 沉 股 邑装 蚀泽 邱 宁五 釜缺 黄 绪 磨 阮杖 侗骏 判 凑张 汀臣 羡我 仇 舀恳 瘴惰 讫 个度 垄 琶 腔凤 酞 印硕 褒艇 扬 藩儡 削揩 媒败 能 顷琼 讼扶 锭 漓 义 徽扭 倍相 阀 犀凸 赌旭 旨 耪 唇 布象 塔辟 局 水幂 皂酵 喘香 乡颤 礼 际谭 他堡 1
最新人教版高中英语必修一 Welcome Unit 单元练习 (含答案)

最新人教版高中英语必修一Welcome Unit 单元自测一. 单词拼写1. I believe I can find something to e with you.2. The professor started his l ecture with an old saying.3. If you do not have an account,please (注册one.4. Many women earn less than their (男性的)colleagues.5. Some university students choose to live in the apartments outside their (校园).6. I'm f of walking home alone in the dark.7. He used to be quiet, but now he is very o .8. Without his help, I wouldn’t do the (实验)well.9. A laugh can help people over a(n)(令人尴尬的)situation.10. As soon as we arrived on the island we were eager to (探索).11. A sudden (闪光)of lightning lit everything up for a second.12. We should work out a s for dealing with the problem.13. Some of these exercises can be done alone, but others you have to do with a p .14. If all of us work together, there must be something we can do to i the environment.15. I will put my (个性), interest and ability into the study to go.16. Before handing in your homework, be sure to r it carefully.二.单句语法填空1. We call people from China, Chinese. This is their (nation).2. I want to be an excellent advertising (design).3. We are all anxious the climber's safety.4. He missed the train, which (annoy)him very much.5. If we can have good handwriting, others would have a good impression us.6. If you concentrate the project, you can finish it on time.7. We should encourage him to have (confident)in himself.8. My family and I look forward to (see)you next month.9. The woman in the shop looked at them (curious).10. What is the best way for you (solve)this problem?三.单句写作1. It was their first meeting, and Richard was determined to (给人留下好印象).2.As a (初中学生), I have some homework to do everyday.3.(终于)he succeeded in climbing up the difficult mountain.4.The headmaster is busy at his desk. You'd better (别打扰他).5.She took out her notebook and began to (记笔记).6.“What if (要是......会怎么样?)I can't finish the book?”, little Tom asked his father anxiously.四.完形填空阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

必修第一册单词拼写练习1.We must take effective measures to protect rainforests from being d .2.Once b in reading a book, he will forget everything around him.3.Tianhua didn't feel c in all the subjects when she arrived at the school for the first time.4.When she arrived, her first i was that English was difficult and people spoke too quickly. But soon she found that if she c on the ideas, not the single words, she could understand.5.She made friends and began to e the city with them.6.Tom is looking f to meeting the new exchange student.7.I am c about everything. I often ask questions.8.Why do you always disturb me? Leave me a .9.How you like to learn d on what kind of person you are.10.She spoke very confidently because she wanted to make a great ion her teacher.11.D applying for hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work.12.She speaks not only her n language Chinese, but also English.13.I’m glad to see that your v in English is gradually building up.14.It is always insisted that all countries, big or small, should be e .15.The scenery was so beautiful that it was almost beyond d .16.There are two problems with its system, one m , one minor.17.She used to be quiet, but now he is very o .18.Many people disagree to do e on animals because we should respect the lives of animals.19.When he was thinking over the plan, a new idea f in his mind.20.Her health has i greatly since she started on this new diet.21.My mother always gets a bit a if we don't arrive when we say we will.22.I was a that they didn’t appear in the end.23.Don't be f to ask your teacher for help if you run into any trouble at school.24.She g from college two years ago and found a good job.25.Please believe in us. We are sure to be r for what we'll do.26.Do you enjoy English l such as Jane Eyre?27.She is f in English, French, and German. She speaks them very well.28.Parents worry about the effect of mobile phones on their kids' b .29.This pair of red boots will be s for the party.30.There are no simple s to the problem of overpopulation.31.We have sent your baggage to the aircraft in a , so don’t worry about it.32.We see him as an e on American literature and we have learned much from him.33.Spending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very difficult to f on other things in life.34.Becoming a father meant that he was now an a , not a teenager any more.35.The country's o language is Spanish.36.Tell me the main points now; leave the d till later.37.I didn't r you.You have changed so much.38.England has many ancient and beautiful c . I wish a visit there one day.39.They are continuing to a for jobs to raise their family.40.After the failure, our d was tested by a series of difficulties.41.His father was a quiet man with g manners.42.They stood with warm claps as an h to her.43.He won several gold m in the Olympics.44.Successful people often aren't very good at dealing with f .45.Goran's moment of g came when he defeated Rafter.46.The national basketball c was won by Jinan Middle School.47.He didn't pay enough attention to the seriousness of William’s head i .48.The stores have to c for customers in the Christmas season.49.A person with a p attitude is probable to succeed.50.Sports mean much to me because exercise for competition makes a great dto me.51.The earthquake caused complete d to the house.52.Two children were burnt to d in the fire.53.The oil spill was a d for sea animals.54.The office was f with applications for the job.55.A r worker risked his life saving two tourists who had been trapped in the mountains for two days.56.The travelers built a s from a few pieces of wood for self protection.57.Buildings at old times were made of wood and b .58.The frame of an spaceship is made of light but strong m .59.You should be able to guess the meaning of the word from the c .60.People are concerned about the quality of the air they b .61.Many students were t by smoke and fire on an upper floor. They are in danger.test reports say that no life was found in those b villages by mud slides.63.A violent storm s the area, taking away his house.64.Arts have a gradually spreading e .65.This room is twice the l (long) of the kitchen.66.Some students even become a to the Internet and cannot concentrate on school and family life.67.It is important to explain this again or the students will feel c .68.The artistic m called the Renaissance(文艺复兴) began in Florence.69.They p (较喜欢) the money should be used for building schools and hospitals.70.Finding time for both studies and extra-curricular activities is a big c , so I need to make a workable s .71.It is not unusual for teenagers of your generation to be a to computer games and the online world.72.The coach told me that I didn’t play well enough.O ,I was unhappy,but I won’t q .73.The package is scheduled to be d this afternoon.74.Climate changes have a disastrous effect on the s of all species.75.Cycling and jogging are r as one of the best forms of exercise nowadays.76.Beijing is filled with people from v parts of China.77.I’d a it if you could give me some advice on how to solve the problem.78.Chinese writing was first done by carving s onto bones and shells.79.Like many young people, he prefers pop music to c music.80.As time goes by, I have changed my a to her and I even think she is lovely.语法填空:Recently campus safety has become 1 public concern since a series of violent attacks happened, which 2 (cause) serious damage. It makes us aware 3 the fact that safety should always come first in our daily life.In this case, we should take effective 4 (measure) which can solve this problem. Firstly, our students should realize we must follow our school 5traffic rules, and play attention to food safety, because many incidents happen just because of our 6 (careless). Secondly, we should take training of security so that we can keep calm if 7 (face) with conflicts. Thirdly, our government and schools should provide surroundings 8 our students can bury 9 in their studies.As far as I am concerned, 10 (improve) campus safety is so important that we all should try our best to make everyone on campus safe and sound.参考答案1.destroyed .2. buried3. confident4. impression ,concentrated5.explore6. forward7. curious8. alone9. depends 10. impression 11.Despite 12. native 13. vocabulary 14. equal 15. description16.major 17.outgoing 18. experiments 19. flashed 20. improved21.anxious 22. annoyed 23. frightened 24. graduation 25. responsible 26.Literature 27. fluent 28. behavior 29. suitable 30. solution31.advance 32. expert 33. focus 34. adult 35. official36.details 37. recognize 38.castles. 39. apply 40. determination 41.graceful 42. honor 43. medals 44. failure. 45. glory46.Championship 47.injury48. compete 49. positive 50. difference 51.damage 52. death 53. disaster 54. flooded 55. rescue56.shelter 57. brick. 58. metal/materials. 59. context. 60. breathe. 61.trapped 62. buried 63. struck 64. effect. 65. length66. addicted 67.confused 68. movement 69. prefer 70. challenge, schedule.71.attracted/addicted 72. Obviously,quit. 73. delivered 74. survival 75.regarded 76. various 77. appreciate 78. symbols 79. classical80. attitude语法填空:A, caused, of, measures, and, carelessness, faced, where, themselves, improving。
高中英语 新人教版高中必修第一册第五单元词汇练习题(有答案)

1.While giving the English speech, one is not allowed to _________________ the notes. 2. The first part of the idea does not ________________ the other. 3.Whether we can go to picnic this Sunday ________________ the weather at that time. 4. Coffee has a history ________________ at least the 9th century. 5.The Internet _ ________________ closely _________________ our daily life. 6. Mandela was a great leader who ________________ _black people and was in prison for almost thirty years. 7. My cousin ________________ the chance of working abroad and returned to his hometown. 8. New Zealand is a beautiful country which _________________ its pleasant climate and amazing scenery. 9.The police _________________ his fingerprint _________________ that left on the spot to identify the murderer. 10. For teenagers, friends are _________________ their character development. (四)

2023-2024学年上学期高一英语人教版(2019)期中必刷常考题之单词拼写一.单词拼写(共15小题)1.(2023春•元氏县校级期中)I don't think what he said is (相关的)to the topic we are discussing. 2.(2023春•元氏县校级期中)Beethoven is a truly r musician.3.(2023春•元氏县校级期中)This matter is of v importance to the international communication. 4.(2022秋•金水区校级期中)We are planning a party in honor the guests.5.(2022秋•金水区校级期中)My teacher (推荐)this dictionary to me last week. 6.(2022秋•金水区校级期中)The climbers face certain death if the (救援)today is unsuccessful. 7.(2022秋•金水区校级期中)The gap between the two teams has (缩小)to three points. 8.(2022秋•雁塔区校级期中)He has worked for nearly 20 years,so he is senior most of his workmates. 9.(2022秋•雁塔区校级期中)After arriving there,he first checked his hotel before going to the tourist site. 10.(2022秋•济南期中)One secret to staying healthy is to hold a (乐观的)attitude to life. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)11.(2022秋•济南期中)Though we hadn't seen each other for years,I r him at first sight. (根据首字母单词拼写)12.(2022秋•济南期中)The scenery in Qianfo Mountain is (极其)beautiful and it is worth a visit.(根据汉语提示单词拼写)13.(2022秋•济南期中)Angela (假装)that she didn't see me when we met in the party. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)14.(2022秋•济南期中)Our school invited a famous scientist to give us a l about water pollution. (根据首字母单词拼写)15.(2022秋•济南期中)With the loud noise outside,it is hard for students to c on the exam. (根据首字母单词拼写)2023-2024学年上学期高一英语人教版(2019)期中必刷常考题之单词拼写参考答案与试题解析一.单词拼写(共15小题)1.(2023春•元氏县校级期中)I don't think what he said is relevant(相关的)to the topic we are discussing.【考点】形容词词义辨析.【答案】relevant【分析】我认为他所说的与我们正在讨论的话题无关。
人教版高中英语必修一Unit1 词汇练习(有答案)

Unit 1 Teenage life 词汇练习题一、单词拼写(一)1. Since his parents died early, he had to earn his own living when he was a ___________ (青少年).2. We had a heated ________________ (辩论) on whether or not to accept the offer.3. The article is good in ____________ (内容), only it's a bit wordy.4. Our climate gets warmer and warmer because of ___________ (温室) effect.5. They are trying to think of a ______________ (合适的) place for picnic.6. Tom and Mike now help in a local hospital as __________ (志愿者) three days a week.7. He _____________ (较喜欢) to stay at home rather than go out last weekend8. Read the ______________ (目录) carefully before you begin a book.9. She has learned to make ___________ (芭蕾舞) clothes for herself since she was a little girl10. ______________ (事实上), I don't agree with your opinion.(二)1. He should be ____________ (负责) for his own actions.2. I’ve been learning English for ten years and I speak __________ (流利) English.3. Martha ___________ (毕业) from senior high school two years ago.4. She signed up for ____________ (高等) maths last term.5. There is no simple ____________ (解决办法) to this problem.6. He has read many of the major works of ____________ (文学).7. I asked for an ___________ (额外的)day to finish the work because it can't be finished in a day8. It's not easy to _____________ (停止,戒掉) smoking cigarettes.9. The first part of the project was completed two months ahead of _________ (工作计划).10. All copy must be printed and sent to the ____________ (编辑) by Friday morning.11. I'm totally ______________ (糊涂的). Could you explain that again?12. I have been _____________ (建议) to go to a big city to find a better job.13. The students began to discuss the ____________ (话题) of travelling.14. _____________ (显而易见),the students should get well prepared for15.I like to __________ (挑战)myself。
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高一英语单词拼写练习必修1Unit 11. It was quite terrible. It took me some time to c______ myself down.2. Parents are always c_______ much about their children.3. True friends always s______ their sadness and happiness with each other.4. I'm terribly sorry. I didn't do it on p__________.5. Some animals hibernate under snow, because there is much air in l______ snow.6. A_______ to the law, t_______ are not allowed to smoke or drink.7. The old man went t_______ many wars and s_____ a lot from them.8. After the terrible hurricane, the whole house was destroyed e________.9. If you have some trouble, you can go to the teacher for a_________.10. By internet, we can c_________ with people all over the world c_________.11. By now, he has formed the h______ of doing some reading before going to bed.12. The r_____ he gave for his c_____ in the exam was simple.Unit 21.Many students attended the lecture, i_________ our monitor.2. Though he is a n________ English speaker, he can speak English very fluently.3. Nowadays, many tall buildings have e_______ for people to go up and down.4. He thought I had known the fact. But a_______, I knew nothing about it.5. After the war, a new g________ was set up for that country.ld r__________ him immediately 6. Though I haven’t met him for many years, I couwhen Isaw him in the crowd.7. The people p______ at the meeting were all for the suggestion.8. If you spend more time reading your English, you can improve it r_______.9. Luckily, after the earthquake, the people have got a lot of i_________ help.10. The ball went in the d________ of the man sitting in a boat on the river.Unit 31.Though with great difficulty, I finished all my work f___________.2.He is a s_________ person. No one can p__________ him.3.The mother i_________ that he finish his homework first, which made his son very angry.4.It's a hard job. Hope you can do it with great care and do it p___________.5.I am d__________ to change my job. No one else can c________ my mind.6. At last, the enemies had no choice but to g________ in.7. There usually is a v_________ between two mountains.8. Whether you will succeed or not in doing the work depends on your a________ to it.9. The famous singer has made a lot of money by producing and selling hisr__________.10. The t________ of the discussion today is about how to spend our coming holiday.11. This song sounds f________ to me. I must have heard it sung somewhere before.12. Don't be shy. If you have some questions, you must be b________ enough to speak it out in public.Unit 41. When an earthquake happens, the ground will s_________ greatly.2. The fish must go bad, for it is s________.3. When she heard the news that her husband was killed in the accident, she b_____ into tears.4. The two countries were separated by a c_________.5. Water can be turned into s________ when heated.6. The desk is covered with a lot of d________. Would you please clean it?7. After the earthquake, the whole city was in r_________.8. An accident happened. Luckily, nobody was i_________.9. There was no s________ in the air crash.10. The worked made great efforts to r________ the people who were trapped underground.11. Because of the global warming, there are more and more natural d________.12. The students in our school have o_________ many clubs for themselves.13. The air in the countryside is much f_________ than that in the city.14. J_______ from his accent, we know he comes from the west.15. It’s my great h_________ to be invited to give a s__________ to you.16. These days, we are busy p_________ for the final examination.Unit 51. We should pay more attention to the q_________ as well as the quantity.2. He is always w___________ to help anyone who is in t__________.3. Whatever difficulty you meet, I hope you will never lose h_________.4.Everything needs to be done according to a certain _______________(原则,原理)5. People in Iraq are dreaming of living a p__________ life, that is they hope to live in p____________.6. The thief was caught and was s__________ in p_________ for 3 years.7. During the p_______ when I was in my university, I studied l________ myself and became a l_________ after graduation.8. The final examination is coming. Our teacher a________ to go over our lessons carefully.9. If it c________ to rain for some days, the crops would be destroyed.10. If he gets that _________(职位),I think he can do it well.11. He received a sum of money, but he didn’t want to a_________ it.12. They don't want to solve the problem with v____________. Instead, they hope to solve it in a peaceful way.13. In some countries, especially in some poor countries, women are not reallye_____ to men.14. If you feel cold while sleeping, you can add a b________ on your quilt.15. As a well-e________ person, it's hard for us to imagine that she treat the boywith such ________(残忍).必修2Unit 11. There are a lot of c________ relics in our country.2. Though he recovered from his illness, he r__________ weak.3. The house b_________ to the old man was built hundreds of years ago.4. Heavily as it rained, they were still out in s________ of the missing boy.5. Our school was d_________ by a famous professor from Tongji University of Shanghai, whose s_________ many people prefer.6. I sent him a watch as his birthday g________, and he gave me an mp3 inr_________.7. Look yourself in the m________ and find what there is in your face.8. They are twins. No w________ I can not tell them apart.9. He has been working hard these days. There's no d__________ that he will getgood marks in the exam.10. Before they move into the new house, they bought some new f___________ toequip with.11. During the war, much of the p_____ of that family was transferred(转移)s____________.12. He was c_________ to be honest. In fact, the e_________ he gave p______ to be false.13. In my o________, we can’t take the toy car a________.14. Don't p_______ to have known all. Please raise your questions if any.15. In the old times, many political leader were not thought h________ of.16. Time is like t_________, so we must value it.17. It's raining, so I can't go to downtown. B_________, it’s cold outside.18. Look! There's a stone in the middle of the road. We'd better r__________ it atonce or it will be dangerous.Unit 21. He is h_______, and he never tells lies.2. In a________ times, women were not allowed to c________ in the Olympics.3. Before writing the report, he decided to i________ some people first.4. When asked, he a_______ stealing the necklace.5. There is a s_______ being built in our city.6. The g________ being built in our school will be finished next month.7. He is such a person that nobody can r_______ him.8. At the beginning of each term, we will have a p________ examination.9. I cannot r______ what he did to what he said.10. To improve the sale of their product, they a________ them in the newspapersand on TV.11. No one can be so f_______ to do such a thing, except that he is a fool.12. Father p_______ to buy me a computer if I do well in the final examination.13. At the sports meeting, all the a_______ tried their best to get the g______m______.Unit 31. We have a lot in c________, so we often have a lot to talk about.2. Many of the students take their c_________ into the classroom to help them dosome maths work, which is not preferred by the teachers.3. Once he was considered to be s__________, for he couldn’t work out the simplest numbers.4. Robots can also be call a________ i____________.5. Everything has it's a_________ and d___________.6. A good c_______ when facing difficulties is to stay calm.7. P________, I d________ with you on your plan.8. I need some m________ to make a dress.9. Once he was the c_______ of our football team.10. It's dangerous for a young lady w________ in the street late at night.11. Would you please find a m_______ to sweep the floor? It’s too dirty.12. Use your b_______, and you will have a way.Unit 41. Almost all the animals have their special ways to p____ themselves from theire______.2. As is to all, a cow has four s________.3. If you want to set up a company, first you must a_______ to the g______ forp__________.4. What he said s________ that he wasn’t satisfied with what we had done.5. The hotel bill c_________ every fee, i__________ the broken glass.6. M___________ are the kind of i______ which can be easily found in summer.7. He was a_______ by the story of the hero.8. While reading, please pay much a__________ to your pronunciation.9. Like bees, b________ also like beautiful fresh flowers.10. In a way, knowledge is a kind of p_________ arm.11. The medicine has a great e_______ on that disease.12. Many rare animals are in d________, because they are being hunting for.Unit 51. Have you ever d________ of being in front of thousands of people at a concert,with everyone c_________ and enjoying your singing?2. If we are h________ with ourselves, most of us have dreamed of being famous.3. After some years, he has f_______ the habit of having a walk after supper.4. They may play to p_______ in the street or subways so that they can e________ some e______ money.5. The musicians of whom the band was formed played j______ on each other as well as played music.6. The rope was tired to the tree l_________.7. They put an a__________ in a newspaper looking for musicians.8. Their a________ performances were copies by other groups and their f_____ supported them fiercely.9. They started to play their own i_________ and write their own songs like a realband.10.The band b______ up in about 1970, but reunited in the mid-1980s.11.He had to go to London, wear an expensive suit and give a p___________ to a TV camera.12.Nearly everyone knows the famous s__________ “He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man”.13. Once you have made up your mind, you must s________ to it.14. Beethoven once said he had never thought of writing for _________(名誉).15. While learning, we should not only master some knowledge, but also improveour __________(能力).16. It's still u________ whether he will come or not.必修3Unit 11. Many children s________ to death in Africa because of the lack of food.2. In summer, there is usually p_______ of rain in our area.3. They thought if they held some festivals, their a_________ would be s__________with what they had done.4. On his a_______, he was greatly welcomed by his fans.5. The colour of our n________ flag is red with five yellows stars on it.6. Under the lead of our party, we finally got i_________ from the other countries.7. At the beginning of the year, farmers usually have a lot of a__________ work to do.8. The c________ of some E___________ countries are quite different from ours9. The w________ is a kind of fruit, which is quite famous in our city.10. He is such a h_______ boy that many girls a_______ him.11. I hope you will always be e_________ when having classes.12. Without the teacher's p__________, you cannot play with the computer in ourclass.13. He managed to save the d________ girl, which was praised by many people.14. It is o_______ that he has known the story.15. He cheated her, which she would never f_______Unit 21. She is so fat that she has made up her mind to go on a d_________ to lose weight.2. Rice, noodles and bread all belong to e_______-giving foods.3. When having dinner, I like to eat c__________ instead of m__________.4. Wu must keep the b_______ of nature.5. C_________ drove him to follow his friend into that restaurant.6. Scientist are doing some r________ to find the cause of the disease.7. There are usually a lot of c_________ in the KFC.8. Both of the two restaurants have their s________ and w__________, so they decided to c___________ them together into a larger one.9. They stood there, g________ at each other without a word.10. Time is l________. We need to be hurry.11. Knowledge can be of a great b_______ to everybody.12. Looking at his son, he s________ and went out of the room.13. Some food is high in fibre which is good for d___________.Unit 31. Smoking is not p__________ in our school.2. He had his wallet stolen, so he had to earn his p__________ during the journey.3. The reason he gave to a________ for his absence was unbelievable.4. As is known to all, we should never judge a person only by his a______________.5. To be h_________, I have no money on me.6. To do this work well needs some p_________.7. He was so hungry that he order a thick s________ and a glass of beer for lunch.8. It's good m________ to say good-bye to the host when leaving.9. Seeing the snake, she couldn’t help s____________.10. In some parts of the Great Wall, it is wide enough for two persons to walks_________ to s___________.11. His family is quite rich, so they hire a s_________ to do the housework.12. Don't be r_______ to your friends. You should be friendly to each other.13. He was popular because of his sense of h_________.14. To my great joy, I found my lost pen by a________ in the corner of the room.15. We don't like him because he is always j________ of other's success.Unit 41. He doesn't like to be v_________, instead, he prefers to solve the problem in peace.2. Without o_________, we can't live.3. On cold winter days, there will be ice on the s________of the water.4. As is known to all, smoking is h_________ to our health.5. With the d___________ of science, many new things are invented.6. G___________ speaking, he is a smart boy except his carelessness.7. The news s________ quickly all over the country.8. Bad habits should always be p_______ in our daily life.9. Whether you can succeed in the competition d________ on whether you havefully prepared for it.10. His p________ at the meeting made everybody excited.11. Not meeting his favorite singer, he felt quite d____________.12. Another of his book will be p_______ next month.13. The reason why we have to fall to the ground is that there is g_________.14. G___________, he realized that he had done wrong to her.15. The river is so polluted that every day we can see a lot of things f________ on the water.Unit 51. It is said the M__________of Japan will come to visit our country next month.2. There are four oceans in the world, of which the P_________ is the largest.3. As is known to all, there are seven c___________ in the world.4. If you go e__________, you’ll find the sea.5. Our school is s____________ by many trees.6. There is a h_________ near our city, where you can find many big ships in and out.7. It is e____________ hot these days.8. After they married, they s__________ down in a small village, leading a quiet life.9. We admire her for she has a g________ for singing and dancing.10. An order came that we should finish the work w__________ three days.11. There is a s___________ difference between the two words.12. Could you help me f_______ out the cost of this trip?13. It is said that some o__________ will come to our school to have a visit.14. The t_________ sound made me t__________.15. I have such a good eye-sight that I can see the small things in the d___________.16. Yesterday, it was so cold that there was some f_____________ on the ground.17. I planned to go d____________ this Sunday.18. Finally, they managed to arrived to their destination(目的地)at d_________.必修4Unit 11. With her great efforts, she has a__________ everything she wanted to do.2. Our school is trying its best to improve our studying and working c____________.3. Her research shows the c____________ between human beings and chimps.er of my last two c___________?” The officer asked 4. “Have you taken part in eiththe soldier.5. If you want to help the poor, you can join the o________________, which usually has some such activities.6. He is an agricultural s___________, who d__________ all his life to the researchinto agriculture.7. The little boy’s bad b____________ at the party made his parents upset.8. It is w___________ to spend the whole day in the forest, o_________ how thechimps live.9. He is such a great man that all of us show our r___________ to him.10. The couple living next door always a______ with each other about some family problems.11. I_________by t he teacher’s words, he is d____________ to study harder than before.12. He has to work hard to earn more money, because he has a large family tos_________.13. Last night when I got home, the clock was s_____________ ten.14. In our school, every teach is asked to write one or two a___________ aboutteaching every year.15. You’d better e__________ to the teacher the reason for your being late,otherwise, the teacher will be angry with you.16. The teachers in our school will have a m__________ examination once every year.17. Everything taken into c_______________, he has done a good job this time.18. The famous doctor has d___________ hundreds of babies during her life.19. It is c______________ of you not to make any noise while the others are having arest.Unit 21. In the old days, many children suffered from h___________ because of no food.2. If you keep staying in the sun for a long time, you’ll get s_____________.3. Though he is young, he is s____________ to support a large family.4. As is known to all, when heated, things will e______________.5. He wants to c___________ his knowledge all over the world.6. Each classroom in our school is e________ with a computer, which is helpful to our study.6. Every year, we will e_________ much oil from the other countries.7. In my opinion, he is quite s__________ for this job.8. You’d better finish your homework without r____________ to your notes.9. The twins are so alike that I always c__________ them with each other.10. The method of r____________ the teaching cost has been discussed at themeeting.11. The flooded area was s___________ with enough food and clothing by thegovernment.12. After your reading, can you give the s____________ of this passage?13. Before going abroad, you must e_________ your money for some dollars.14. It is quite c____________ that he will be successful in the final match.Unit 31.It’s wrong for the visitors to be c________ to the animals in the zoo.2.It seems that he is quite c_________ with what he has got.3.We were all a___________ at the a_________ news he told us just now.ecause she is quite p_____ about the4.It’s hard for her to decide what to buy bthings she buys.5.Whoever comes, my mother will e_________ him the best food of our family.6. In no time, the exciting news spread t_________ the whole country.7. Because of the terrible earthquake, many children became h_____________.8. It’s hard to imagine that such a millionaire wears a w___________ coat.9. Many of us know the famous saying “F________ is the mother of success.”10. With the boy leading the way, we had no d____________ in finding his house.11. He was determined to o__________ the difficulties he met in his study.12. I was f__________ to catch the train at the last minute.13. He was caught in a s___________ when he was travelling in the mountains.14. She s_________ in the film d__________ by Zhang Yimou.15.His hometown is in a m___________ area, which is surrounded by a lot ofmountains.16.He w________ to me the news that he had won a thousand yuan from the lotteryhe bought.Unit 41. I m_________ in English when learning in university.2. When visiting a place, usually the visitors will buy some l___________ things.3. Children are always c__________to know the things they have never seen.4. When i_____________ to the strangers, I felt a bit shy.5. When a________the house, they found something unusual, so they stopped to have a look.6. His words made all the students t__________.7. The foreigners e_______________ their satisfaction with what they saw in China.8. He is l__________ to come, but I’m not sure.9. In g____________, men are usual taller than women.10. Be careful to a_________ making the same mistake.ll make your m_______________.11. Speak clearly, or you’12. This question is s_____________ to that, so we can solve it easily.13. F___________ expressions can have a lot of meanings.14. Some deaf people make themselves understood by g______________.15. He was p_____________by his parents for telling lies.Unit 51. There is a v_________ of goods in the supermarket.2. The man who repaired bikes c_________ me five yuan for repairing my bike.3. There’s no a____________ for children under there.4. They made a great p__________ by developing the new product.5. Usually, we will buy a lot of s___________ when visiting a place of interest.6. BMW is a famous car b___________.7. The e____________ for teaching in our school is very a_____________.8. Once a week, we’ll do an e_____________ in the lab.9. In some culture theme parks, you can have pictures taken in the clothing ofm_____ people.10. There are usually some a___________ competitions in a sports theme park.11. He likes to a_________ his friends with some jokes.12. You are likely to get lost while travelling in the j___________.13. He is skilled in the t___________ of describing nature.14. This kind of shirt is made of a special kind of c____________.15. My wish is to be a t____________ in the future, so I must learn English hard now.Answers:必修1unit 11. calm2. concerned3. share4. purpose5. loose6. according, teenagers7. through, suffered8. entirely9. advice 10. communicate 11. habit 12. reason, cheatunit 21. including2. native3. elevators4. actually5. government6. recognize7. present8. rapidly9. international 10. directionunit 31. finally2. stubborn, persuade3. insisted4. properly5. determined, change6. give7. valley8. attitude9. records 10. topic 11. familiar 12.braveunit 41. shake2. smelly3. burst4. canal5. steam6. dirt7. ruins8. injured9. survivor 10. rescue 11. disasters 12. organized 13. fresher 14. Judging15. honour, speech 16. preparingunit 51. quality2. willing, trouble3. heart4. principle5. peaceful, peace6. sentenced, prison7. period, law, lawyer8. advises9. continued10. position 11. accept 12. violence 13. equal 14. blanket 15. educated, cruelty必修2unit 11. cultural2. remains3. belonging4. search5. designed, style6. gift, return7. mirror 8. wonder 9. doubt 10. furniture 11. property, secretly12. considered, evidence, proved 13. opinion, apart 14. pretend 15. highly 16. treasure 17. Besides, removeunit 21. honest2. ancient,. compete3. interview4. admitted5. stadium6.gymnasium7. replace8. physical9. relate 10. advertise 11. foolish 12. promised 13. athletes, gold, medalsunit 31. common2. calculators3. simple-minded4. artificial, intelligence5. advantages, disadvantages6. choice7. Personally, disgree8. materials9. coach 10. wandering 11. mop 12. brainunit 41. protect, enemies2. stomachs3. apply, government, for permission4. suggested5. contains, including6. Mosquitors, insect7. affected8. attention9. butterflies10. powerful 11. effect 12. dangerunit 51. dreamed2. clapping,. honest3. formed4. passers-by, earn, extra5. jokes6. loosely7. advertisement8. attractive, fans9. instruments 10. broke 11. performance 12. saying 13. stick 14. reputation 15. ability 16. unknown必修3unit 11. starved2. plenty3. ancestors, satisfied4. arrival5. national6. independence7. agricultural8. customs, European9. watermelon 10. handsome 11. admire 12. energetic, permission 13. drowning 14. obvious 15. forgiveunit 21. diet2. energy3. cucumbers, mushrooms4. balance5. Curiously6. research7. customers8. strengths, weaknesses, combine9. glaring 10. limited 11. benefit 12. sighed 13. digestionunit 31. permitted2. passage3. account4. appearance5. honest6. patience7. steak8. manners9. screaming 10. shoulder, shoulder 11. servant 12, rude 13. humour 14. accident 15. jealousunit 41. violent2. oxygen3. surface4. harmful5. development6. Generally7. spread 8. prevented 9. depends 10. presence 11. disappointed 12. published13. gravity 14. Gradually 15. floatingunit 51. Minister2. Pacific3. continents4. eastward5. surrounded6. harbour7. extremely 8. settled 9. gift 10. within 11. slight 12. figure 13. officials14. terrifying, terrified 15, distance 16. frost 17. downtown 18. dawn 必修4Unit 11. achieved2. conditions3. connections4.campaigns5. organization6. specialist devotes7. behaviours8. worthwhile observing9. respect 10. argue 11. Inspired,determined 12. support 13. striking 14. articles15. explain16. medical 17. consideration 18. delivered 19. considerateUnit 21. hunger2. sunburnt3. struggling4. expand5. circulate6. equipped7. exported8. suitable9. referring 10. confuse 11. reducing 12. supplied 13. summary 14. exchange 15. certainUnit 31. cruel2. content3. astonished astonishing4. particular5. entertain6. throughout7. homeless8. worn-out9. Failure 10. difficulty 11. overcome 12. fortunate13. snowstorm 14. started directed 15. mountainous 16. whisperedUnit 41. majored2. local3. curious4. introduced5. approaching6. touched7. expressed 8. likely 9. general 10. avoid 11. misunderstood 12. similar13. Facial 14. gestures 15. punishedUnit 51. variety2. charged3. admission4. profit5. souvenirs6. brand7. equipment advanced 8. experiment 9. minority 10. athlete 11. amuse12. jungle 13. techniques 14. cloth 15. translator。