
2013职称英语考试答案2013年职称英语真题答案(综合类、理工类、卫生类仅供参考) 2013年职称英语考试落下帷幕,笔者及时整理了2013年职称英语真题答案(A级、B级、C级),由于时间仓促,有不对请指证,相互学习。
预祝大家取得好成绩!2013年职称英语综合类A级答案: 1 Mary has blended... A mixed 2 They agreed to... B change 3 The economy continued...C show 4 A notably short...C remarkably 5 The dentist has...A take ou 6 It is absurd ...A ridiculous 7 A lot of people ... B polluted 8 The room.... C dark 9 The index is the...A measure 10 It’s prudent ...B sensible 11 He is renowned...D well-known 12 You have to be patient ...A maintain 13 She stood there... D shaking 14 Medical facilities ...C improved 15 Mary looked...D exhausted 16 Japan has...A Right 17 Russia was...A Right 18 All African countries...B Wrong 19 The Soviet Union...B Wrong 20 Australia is one...C Not mentioned 21 China did ...A Right 22 Many high ...C Not mentioned 23 Paragraph 2 B Inte2013年职称英语考试综合类B级答案(代码23):1-20 题21423,22132 ,22113 ,44112, 21-40题 23561 ,52146,23122 ,23144 ,41-65 题 24211 ,65214,22114,33241 ,214222013职称英语考试综合类C级答案(代码33)1-15 BDADB CADBA BDCAA 16-22 ABBCA AC 23-30 AFCAC BEC 31-45 BDACA BBADC BADBC 46-50 CDBFA 51-65 ABDCC CABCD CADCA2013职称英语考试理工类A级答案(代码13):6-10 AACAB11-15 CADBB 16-20 CABBC 21-25 AACFE 26-30 ABCDE 31-35 DDABC 36-40 BADCC 41-45 BACBC 46-50 AFEDB 51-55 ABDDC 56-60 DBADC 61-65 DCBBA2013职称英语考试理工类B级答案(代码22) 1-10 32323 34434 11-20 12331 13213 21-30 31526 35264 31-40 12434 42312 41-50 33124 64314 51-60 32132 41234 61-65 211412013年职称英语考试卫生类A级答案:1.many... claims.答案doubtful 2.the ..... town. cautious 3. rumors.....problems spread 4.the..... years undamage 5.the .....members rejected 7.she......wedding wiped 8. w fundamental 9. the.....soon end 10. the .....lead polluted e....down break 14 this.... destroyed turned dead 15. they.....problem importance 2013职称英语卫生类B级考试答案:16.paul.... cultures. not mentioned 17. wkman...results right 18.Americans....guines not mentioned 19.ekman........everywhere right 20.Two.....thing right 21.fear......change nor mentioned 22 people....other right 23.paregraph1. E description... 24.paragreph2. C necessity... 25.paragraph3. D research... 26.paragraph4. F factors.. 27.Techniques.... F improve.. 28there.... B show.. 29.the .... D affect.. 30.the .... E be specially...。

2013年职称英语考试答案汇总2013年职称英语考试卫生类A级题目及答案试题(卫生A)1.many... claims.答案doubtful2.the ..... town.cautious3. rumors.....problems spread4.the..... years undamaged5.the .....members rejected7.she......wedding wiped8. w fundamental9. the.....soon end10. the .....lead pollutede....down break14 this.... destroyed turned dead15. they.....problem importance2013年职称英语考试卫生类B级答案试题(卫生B)16.paul.... cultures.not mentioned17. wkman...results right18.Americans....guines not mentioned19.ekman........everywhere right20.Two.....thing right21.fear......change nor mentioned22 people....other right23.paregraph1. E description...24.paragreph2.C necessity...25.paragraph3.D research...26.paragraph4.F factors..27.Techniques.... F improve..28there....B show..29.the ....D affect..30.the .... E be specially...2013年职称英语考试卫生类C级答案试题(卫生C)卫生类31卷1-5 CCCAA6-10 ADBDA 11-15 DABAB 16-20 BABCA 21-25 AACFA 26-30 CFCBE 31-35 BACBA 36-40 DADDD 41-45 CCDCD 46-50 FDCEB 51-55 ACBAD56-60 DADAD61-65 BCCAA卫生类C级33卷1-5 ACBAA6-10 CBACB11-15 BABDD16-20 CBABC21-25 BADFB26-30 ABAFE31-35 DADAD36-40 BCDBC41-45 BCBDC46-50 EDFBA51-55 BBABD56-60 ADCCA61-65 DCACD2013年职称英语考试综合类A级答案1 Mary has综合A:1 Mary has blended... A mixed2 They agreed to... B change3 The economy continued...C show4 A notably short...C remarkably5 The dentist has...A take ou6 It is absurd ...A ridiculous7 A lot of people ... B polluted8 The room.... C dark9 The index is the...A measure10 Its prudent ...B sensible11 He is renowned...D well-known12 You have to be patient ...A maintain13 She stood there... D shaking14 Medical facilities ...C improved15 Mary looked...D exhausted16 Japan has...A Right17 Russia was...A Right18 All African countries...B Wrong19 The Soviet Union...B Wrong20 Australia is one...C Not mentioned21 China did ...A Right22 Many high ...C Not mentioned23 Paragraph 2 B Inte2013年职称英语考试综合类B级答案注:以下答案为网友提供,仅供大家参考。

1The rules are too rigid to allow for human error.A generalB inflexibleC complexD direct2Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.A sendB hearC confirmD spread3Come out,or I’ll bust the door down.A breakB shutC setD beat4The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.A nakedB blindC cautiousD private5The contract between the two companies will expire soon.A shortenB startC endD resume6The proposal was endorsed by the majority of members.A rejectedB submittedC consideredD approved7The tower remains intact even after two hundred years.A unknownB undamagedCunusual D unstable8The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.A pollutedB treatedCtested D corrupted9The methods of communication used during the war were primitive.A reliableB effectiveCsimple D alternative10This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.A turned deadB become extinctCpassed by D carried away11She shed a few tears at her daughter's wedding.A wipedB injectedCremoved D produced12Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.A doubtfulB untouchedC certainD silent13They didn't seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.A existenceB causeC importanceD situation14Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.A moralB regularChard D fundamental15Three world-class tennis players came to contend for this title.A argueB competeC claimD wish第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。

1. The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.A. treatedB. testedC. corruptedD. polluted2. Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.A. moralB. regularC. fundamentalD. hard3. The rules are too rigid to allow for humane error.A. inflexibleB. generalC. complexD. direct4. She shed a few tears at her daughter’s wedding.A. wipedB. injectedC. removedD. produced5. They didn’t seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.A. existenceB. importanceC. causeD. situation6. The contract between the two companies will expire soon.A. endB. shortenC. startD. resume7. The proposal was endorsed by the majority of members.A. approvedB. rejectedC. submittedD. considered8. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.A. nakedB. cautiousC. blindD. private9. Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.A. untouchedB. certainC. doubtfulD. silent10. Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.A. sendB. hearC. confirmD. spread11. Three world-class tennis players came to contend for this title.A. argueB. competeC. claimD. wish12. The tower remains intact even after two hundred years.A. unknownB. unusualC. undamagedD. unstable13. The methods of communication used during the war were primitive.A. reliableB. effectiveC. simpleD. alternative14. Come out, or I’ll bust the door down.A. shutB. setC. beatD. break15. This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.A. turned deadB. passed byC. become extinctD. carried away第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断;如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。

1The rules are too rigid to allow for human error.A generalB inflexibleC complexD direct2Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.A sendB hearC confirmD spread3Come out,or I’ll bust the door down.A breakB shutC setD beat4The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.A nakedB blindC cautiousD private5The contract between the two companies will expire soon.A shortenB startC endD resume6The proposal was endorsed by the majority of members.A rejectedB submittedC consideredD approved7The tower remains intact even after two hundred years.A unknownB undamagedCunusual D unstable8The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.A pollutedB treatedCtested D corrupted9The methods of communication used during the war were primitive.A reliableB effectiveCsimple D alternative10This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.A turned deadB become extinctCpassed by D carried away11She shed a few tears at her daughter's wedding.A wipedB injectedCremoved D produced12Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.A doubtfulB untouchedC certainD silent13They didn't seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.A existenceB causeC importanceD situation14Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.A moralB regularChard D fundamental15Three world-class tennis players came to contend for this title.A argueB competeC claimD wish第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。

1She was a puzzle.A girlB womanC mysteryDproblemHer speciality isheart surgery.A regionB siteC platformD field3France haskept intimate links withits former African territo ries.A private BfriendlyC strongD secret4 You shouldhave blended thebutterwith the sugar thoroughly.A mixedB spreadC beatenD covered5 The industrial revolution modified thewholestructure of English so ciety.A destroyed BbrokeCchangedDsmashed6 Ticketsare limitedand will be allocatedto thosewho apply fi rst.A postedB sentC handed Dgiven7 The changeinthatvillage was miraculous.A amazingB conservativeCinsignificant D unforgettable8Customersoften defer paymentfor as longaspossible.A makeB demandC obtainDpostpone9 Canada will prohibit smoking in all offices laterthis year.A removeB banC eliminateDexpel10She read apoem which depicts the splendor of the sunset.A declaresB assertsCannouncesDdescribe s11 From my standpoint, this thingisjust ridiculous.A pointof view BfieldC knowledgeD information12The latest census is encouraging.A statementB assessmentC countD evaluation13 The curiouslooks from thestrangers around her made her feel un easy.Adifferent BproudC unconsciousD uncomfortable14 Reading the jobad, he wonderedwhether he was eligible to apply for it.A ableB fortunateC competentD qualified15 He was elevated to thepost ofprimeminister.A promotedB pulledC liftedD treated第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。

Toads are Arthritic and in PainArthritis (关节炎)is an illness that can cause pain and swelling in your bones. Toads (蟾蜍),a big problem in the north of Australia, are suffering from painful arthritis in their legs and backbone, a new study has shown. The toads that jump the fastest are more likely to be larger and to have longer legs. _____________ (46)The large yellow toads, native to South and Central America, were introduced into thenorth-eastern Australian state of Queensland in 1935 in an attempt to stop beetles and other insects from destroying sugarcane crops. Now up to 200 million of the poisonous toads exist in the country, and they are rapidly spreading through the state of Northern Territory at a rate of up to 60 km a year. The toads can now be found across more than one million square kilometres.__________(47) A Venezuelan poison virus was tried in the 1990s but had to be abandoned after it was found to also kill native frog species.The toads have severely affected ecosystems in Australia. Animals, and sometimes pets, that eat the toads die immediately from their poison, and the toads themselves eat anything they can fit inside their mouth. ___________(48)A co-author of the new study, Rick Shine, a professor at the University of Sydney, says that little attention has been given to the problems that toads face. Rick and his colleagues studied nearly 500 toads from Queensland and the Northern Territory and found that those in the latter state were very different. They were active, sprinting down roads and breeding quickly.According to the results of the study, the fastest toads travel nearly one kilometre a night___________(49) But speed and strength come at a price-arthritis of the legs and backbone due to constant pressure placed on them.In laboratory tests, the researchers found that after about 15 minutes of hopping, arthritic toads would travel less distance with each hop (跳跃).__________(50) These toads are so programmed to move, apparently, that even when in pain the toads travelled as fast and as far as the healthy ones, continuing their constant march across the landscape.A. Furthermore, they soon take over the natural habitats of Australia's native species.B. Toads are not built to be road runners — they are built to sit around ponds and wet areas.C. But this advantage also has a big drawback — up to 10% of the biggest toads suffer fromarthritis.D. But arthritis didn’t slow down toads outside the laboratory, the researchers found.E. The task now facing the country is how to remove the toads.F. Toads with longer legs move faster and travel longer distances,while the others are being leftbehind.第6部分:完形填空(第51-65题,每题1分,共15分)下面的短文有15处空白,请根据短文内容为每处空白确定1个最佳选项。

1. the rules are too (rigid) to allow for human error.a. inflexibleb. generalc. complexd. direct2. this species has nearly (died out) because its habitat is being destroyed.a. turned deadb. passed byc. carried awayd. become extinct3. the contract between the two companies will (expire) soon.a. shortenb. endc. start4. three world-class tennis players came to (content) for this title.a. argueb. claimc. wishd. compete5. the methods of communication used during the war were (primitive).a. simpleb. reliablec. effectived. alternative6. respect for life is a (cardinal) principle of the law.a. moralb. regularc. fundamentald. hard7. the drinking water has became (contaminated) with lead.a. pollutedb. treatedd. corrupted8. come out, or i’ll (bust) the door down.a. shutb. setc. breakd. beat9. she (shed) a few tears at her daughter’s wedding.a. wipedb. injectedc. producedd. removed10. they didn’t seem to appreciate the (magnitude) of the problem.a. existenceb. importancec. caused. situation11. the tower remains (intact) ever after two hundred years.a. unknownc. undamagedd. unstable12. many experts remain (skeptical) about his claims.a. doubtfulb. untouchedc. certaind. silent13. the proposal was (endorsed) the majority of members.a. rejectedb. submittedc. consideredd. approved14. rumors began to (circulate) about his financial problems.a. sendb. spreadc. heard. confirm15. the police will need to keep a (wary) eye on this area of town.b. cautiousc. blindd. private答案:1——15 adbda caccb cadbb第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断;如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择a;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择b;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择c。

1. The rules are too rigid to allow for human error.A. inflexibleB. generalC. complexD. direct2. This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.A. turned deadB. passed byC. carried awayD. become extinct3. The contract between the two companies will expire soon.A. shortenB. endC. startD. resume4. Three world-class tennis players came to content for this title.A. argueB. claimC. wishD. compete5. The methods of communication used during the war were primitive.A. simpleB. reliableC. effectiveD. alternative6. Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.A. moralB. regularC. fundamentalD. hard7. The drinking water has became contaminated with lead.A. pollutedB. treatedC. testedD. corrupted8. Come out, or I’ll bust the door down.A. shutB. setC. breakD. beat9. She shed a few tears at her daughter’s wedding.A. wipedB. injectedC. producedD. removed10. They didn’t seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.A. existenceB. importanceC. causeD. situation11. The tower remains intact ever after two hundred years.A. unknownB. unusualC. undamagedD. unstable12. Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.A. doubtfulB. untouchedC. certainD. silent13. The proposal was endorsed the majority of members.A. rejectedB. submittedC. consideredD. approved14. Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.A. sendB. spreadC. hearD. confirm15. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.A. nakedB. cautiousC. blindD. private参考答案:1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.B第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。

2013职称英语考试答案2013年职称英语真题答案(综合类、理工类、卫生类仅供参考) 2013年职称英语考试落下帷幕,笔者及时整理了2013年职称英语真题答案(A级、B级、C级),由于时间仓促,有不对请指证,相互学习。
预祝大家取得好成绩!2013年职称英语综合类A级答案: 1 Mary has blended... A mixed 2 They agreed to... B change 3 The economy continued...C show 4 A notably short...C remarkably 5 The dentist has...A take ou 6 It is absurd ...A ridiculous 7 A lot of people ... B polluted 8 The room.... C dark 9 The index is the...A measure 10 It’s prudent ...B sensible 11 He is renowned...D well-known 12 You have to be patient ...A maintain 13 She stood there... D shaking 14 Medical facilities ...C improved 15 Mary looked...D exhausted 16 Japan has...A Right 17 Russia was...A Right 18 All African countries...B Wrong 19 The Soviet Union...B Wrong 20 Australia is one...C Not mentioned 21 China did ...A Right 22 Many high ...C Not mentioned 23 Paragraph 2 B Inte2013年职称英语考试综合类B级答案(代码23):1-20 题21423,22132 ,22113 ,44112, 21-40题 23561 ,52146,23122 ,23144 ,41-65 题 24211 ,65214,22114,33241 ,214222013职称英语考试综合类C级答案(代码33)1-15 BDADB CADBA BDCAA 16-22 ABBCA AC 23-30 AFCAC BEC 31-45 BDACA BBADC BADBC 46-50 CDBFA 51-65 ABDCC CABCD CADCA2013职称英语考试理工类A级答案(代码13):6-10 AACAB11-15 CADBB 16-20 CABBC 21-25 AACFE 26-30 ABCDE 31-35 DDABC 36-40 BADCC 41-45 BACBC 46-50 AFEDB 51-55 ABDDC 56-60 DBADC 61-65 DCBBA2013职称英语考试理工类B级答案(代码22) 1-10 32323 34434 11-20 12331 13213 21-30 31526 35264 31-40 12434 42312 41-50 33124 64314 51-60 32132 41234 61-65 211412013年职称英语考试卫生类A级答案:1.many... claims.答案doubtful 2.the ..... town. cautious 3. rumors.....problems spread 4.the..... years undamage 5.the .....members rejected 7.she......wedding wiped 8. w fundamental 9. the.....soon end 10. the .....lead polluted e....down break 14 this.... destroyed turned dead 15. they.....problem importance 2013职称英语卫生类B级考试答案:16.paul.... cultures. not mentioned 17. wkman...results right 18.Americans....guines not mentioned 19.ekman........everywhere right 20.Two.....thing right 21.fear......change nor mentioned 22 people....other right 23.paregraph1. E description... 24.paragreph2. C necessity... 25.paragraph3. D research... 26.paragraph4. F factors.. 27.Techniques.... F improve.. 28there.... B show.. 29.the .... D affect.. 30.the .... E be specially...。

)第1题Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.A. fundamentalB.moralC.regularD.hard【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】题意:尊重生命是法律的基本原则。
A项意为“基本的,根本的”,例:This decision represents the fundamental interests of the people.这个决定反映了广大人民的根本利益。
B项意为“道德的”,例:He lives by a strict moral code.他按照严格的道德准则生活。
C项意为“定期的,有规律的”,例:We're going to be meeting there on a regular basis.我们将定期在那里见面。
D项意为“困难的”,例:It's hard to tell what effect this latest move will have.很难说最近的这次行动将会有什么样的影响。
第2题The proposal was endorsed by the majority of members.A. rejectedB.approvedC.submittedD.consi dered【正确答案】:B【本题分数】:1.0分【答案解析】题意:这个提议得到了多数成员的赞同。
A项意为“拒绝,驳回”,例:I think they have rejected my application.我想他们已经拒绝了我的申请。

2013 年职称英语理工 A 级真题及答案第 1 部分:词汇选项(第1-15 题,每题 1 分,共 15 分)下面每个句子中均有 1 个词或者短语划有底横线,请为每处划线部分确定 1 个意义最为接近的选项。
1.The rules are too rigid to allow for humane error.A.inflexibleB.generalC. complexD. direct2.This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.A.turned deadB. passed byC. carried awayD. become extinct3.The contract between the two companies will expire soon.A.shortenB. endC. startD. resume4.Three world-class tennis players came to contend for this title.A.argueB. claimC. wishD. compete5.The methods of communication used during the war were primitive.A.simpleB.reliableC. effectiveD.alternative6.Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.A.moralB. regularC. fundamentalD.hard7.The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.A.pollutedB. treatedC. testedD.corruptede out, or I ’ llbust the door down.A.shutB. setC. breakD.beat9.She shed a few tears at her daughter’weddings.A.wipedB. injectedC. producedD. removed10.They didn ’seemt to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.A.existenceB. importanceC. causeD. situation11.The tower remains intact even after two hundred years.A.unknownB. unusualC. undamagedD. unstable12.Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.A.doubtfulB. untouchedC. certainD.silent13. The proposal was endorsed by the majority of members.A. rejectedB. submittedC.consideredD. approved14. Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.A. sendB. spreadC. hearD. confirm15. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.A. nakedB. cautiousC. blindD. private2013 年职称英语真题理工(A) 词汇题的答案:1.A : inflexible2.D: become extinct3.B: end4.D: compete5.A : simple6.C: fundamental7.A: polluted8.C: break9.C: produce10.B : importance11.C: undamaged12.A :doubtful13.D :approved14.B : spread15.B : cautious第 2 部分:阅读判断(第 16~22题,每题 1 分,共7 分 )下面的短文后列出了7 个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断;如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择 A; 如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择 B; 如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择 C。

1. Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.A. sendB. hearC. confirmD. spread2. Three world-class tennis players came to contend for this title.A. competeB. argueC. claimD. wish3. The drinking water has become contaminated with lead.A. treatedB. pollutedC. testedD. corrupted4. Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.A. doubtfulB. untouchedC. certainD. silent5. Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.A. fundamentalB. moralC. regularD. hard6. They didn’t seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.A. existenceB. importanceC. causeD. situation7. She shed a few tears at her daughter’s wedding.A. wipedB. producedC. injectedD. removed8. The contract between the two companies will expire soon.A. shortenB. endC. startD. resume9. The rules are too rigid to allow for humane error.A. generalB. complexC. inflexibleD. direct10. The tower remains intact even after two hundred years.A. undamagedB. unknownC. unusualD. unstable11. The methods of communication used during the war were primitive.A. reliableB. effectiveC. alternativeD. simple12. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.A. nakedB. cautiousC. blindD. private13. The proposal was endorsed by the majority of members.A. rejectedB. submittedC. approvedD. considered14. Come out, or I’ll bust the door down.A. shutB. breakC. setD. beat15. This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.A. turned deadB. passed byC. carried awayD. become extinct第2部分:阅读判断(第16-22题,每题1分,共7分)Mau Piailug, Ocean NavigatorMau sailed from Hawaii to Tahiti using traditional methodsIn early 1976, a fisherman, led an expedition in which he sailed a traditional Polynesian boat across 2,500 miles of ocean from Hawaii to Tahiti. The Polynesian Voyaging Society had organized the expedition. Its purpose was to find out if seafarers (海员)in the distant past could have found their way from one island to the other without navigational instruments, or whether the islands had been populated by accident. At the time, Mau was the only man alive whoknew how to navigate just by observing the stars, the wind and the sea.He had never before sailed to Tahiti, which was a long way to the south. However, he understood how the wind and the sea behave around islands, so he was confident he could find his way. The voyage took him and his crew a month to complete and he did itHis grandfather began the task of teaching him how to navigate when he was still a baby. He showed him pools of water on the beach to teach him how the behaviour of the waves and wind changed in different places. Later, Mau used a circle of stones to memorize the positions of the stars. Each stone was laid out in the sand to represent a star. The voyage proved that Hawaii's first inhabitants came in small boats and navigated by reading the sea and the stars. Mau himself became a keen teacher, passing on his traditional secrets to people of other cultures so that his knowledge would not be lost. He explained the position of the stars to his students, but he allowed them to write things down because he knew they would never be able to remember everything as he had done.16. At the time of his voyage, Mau had unique navigational skills.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned17. Mau was familiar with the sea around Tahiti.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned18. Mau could not afford a compass or charts.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned19. Mau learnt navigation skills from his grandfather.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned20. Mau used stones to memories where the stars were situated in the sky.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned21. The first inhabitants of Hawaii could read and write.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned22. Mau expected his students to remember the positions of the stars immediately.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第23-30题,每题1分,共8分)下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为指定段落每段选择1个最佳标题;(2)第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定一个最佳选项。

1.Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.A.fundamentalB.moralC.regularD.hard【答案】A【解析】句意:尊重生命是法律的基本原则。
fundamental 根本的。
2.The proposal was endorsed by the majority of members.A.rejectedB.approvedC.submittedD.considered【答案】B【解析】句意:这个提议被多数成员所赞同。
3.Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.A.untouchedB.certainC.silentD.doubtful【答案】D【解析】句意:许多专家还是怀疑他的说法。
4.This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.A.turned deadB.passed byC.carried awayD.become extinct【答案】D【解析】句意:这个物种几乎要灭绝了,由于它的栖息地正在被破坏。

一、词汇和语法1. 词汇题:这部分考查考生对常用英语词汇的掌握程度。
2. 语法题:这部分考查考生对英语语法规则的掌握和应用能力。
参考答案:- 词汇题:根据题目所给的语境,选择最合适的词汇。
- 语法题:根据句子的时态、语态、主谓一致等语法规则,选择正确的选项。
参考答案:- 仔细阅读每篇短文,理解其主旨大意。
- 针对每个问题,找到短文中的相关部分,进行分析和判断。
- 选择与问题最符合的答案。
参考答案:- 先快速阅读全文,把握文章大意。
- 逐句分析,注意上下文的逻辑关系和语法结构。
- 根据语境选择最合适的词汇或语法形式填空。
参考答案:- 英译汉:理解原文意思,注意英语表达习惯和汉语表达习惯的差异,准确翻译。
- 汉译英:注意汉语的表达方式和英语的不同,避免直译,力求语言自然流畅。
参考答案:- 仔细审题,明确写作要求和要点。
- 构思文章结构,包括引言、主体和结尾。
- 使用恰当的词汇和语法,注意句子的连贯性和逻辑性。
- 检查语法错误和拼写错误,确保文章质量。

全国职称英语等级考试试题及答案综合类A级职称英语考试综合类(A级)试题及答案第1部分:词汇选项 (第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)下面共有15个句子,每个句子中均有1个词或短语画有底横线,请从每个句子后面所给的4个选项中选择1个与画线部分意义最相近的词或短语。
1 these are the motives for doing it.a reasonsb excusesc answers 13 replies2 the river widens considerably as it begins to turn westa extendsb stretchesc broadensd bends3 many economists have given in to the fatal lure of mathematics.a errorb puzzlec attractiond contradiction4 with immense relief i stopped runninga nob 1ittlec scarced enormous5 a great deal has been done to remedy the situationa maintainb improvec preserved protect6 john is collaborating with mary in writing an articlea cooperatingb marryingc combiningd arguing7 he will consolidate his power.a strengthenb winc abandond unite8 many scientists have been probing psychological problemsa solvingb exploringc settlingd handling9.hearing problems may be alleviated by changes in diet and exercise habits.a removedb curedc treated d lessened10 the conclusion can be deduced from the premisesa goneb derivedc doned come11 the food is insufficient for three peoplea scarceb shortc marginald inadequate12 most of the butterflies perish in the first frosts of autumna dieb disappearc migrated vanish13 but ultimately he gave in.a undoubtedlyb certainlyc finallyd necessarily14 it is a complicated problem.a strangeb complexc difficultd unusual15 in britain and many other countries appraisal is now a tool of management-a evaluationb productionc efficiencyd publicity第2部分:阅读判断 (第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)阅读下面这篇短文,短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断。
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2013年度全国职称英语等级考试综合类(A级)试题及参考答案职称英语考试历年真题汇总>>/zZnTL(复制链接,点击“打开链接”即可访问)更多精品备考资料在职称英语考试交流群:151033695 第1部分:词汇选项(第1~15题,每题1分,共15分)下面每个句子中均有1个词或短语划有横线,请为每处划线部分确定1个意义最为接近的选项。
1. The rules are too rigid to allow for human error.A. inflexibleB. generalC. complexD. direct2. This species has nearly died out because its habitat is being destroyed.A. turned deadB. passed byC. carried awayD. become extinct3. The contract between the two companies will expire soon.A. shortenB. endC. startD. resume4. Three world-class tennis players came to content for this title.A. argueB. claimC. wishD. compete5. The methods of communication used during the war were primitive.A. simpleB. reliableC. effectiveD. alternative6. Respect for life is a cardinal principle of the law.A. moralB. regularC. fundamentalD. hard7. The drinking water has became contaminated with lead.A. pollutedB. treatedC. testedD. corrupted8. Come out, or I’ll bust the door down.A. shutB. setC. breakD. beat9. She shed a few tears at her daughter’s wedding.A. wipedB. injectedC. producedD. removed10. They didn’t seem to appreciate the magnitude of the problem.A. existenceB. importanceC. causeD. situation11. The tower remains intact ever after two hundred years.A. unknownB. unusualC. undamagedD. unstable12. Many experts remain skeptical about his claims.A. doubtfulB. untouchedC. certainD. silent13. The proposal was endorsed the majority of members.A. rejectedB. submittedC. consideredD. approved14. Rumors began to circulate about his financial problems.A. sendB. spreadC. hearD. confirm15. The police will need to keep a wary eye on this area of town.A. nakedB. cautiousC. blindD. private参考答案: 1.A 2.D 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.D 14.B 15.B第2部分:阅读判断(第16~22题,每题1分,共7分)下面的短文后列出了7个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子做出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,请选择A;如果该句提供的是错误信息,请选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,请选择C。
Mau Piailug, Ocean Navigator16. At the time of his voyage, Mau had unique navigational skills.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned17. Mau was familiar with the sea around Tahiti.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned18. Mau could not afford a compass or charts.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned19. Mau learnt navigation skills from his grandfather.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned20. Mau used stones to memories where the stars were situated in the sky.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned21. The first inhabitants of Hawaii could read and write.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned22. Mau expected his students to remember the positions of the stars immediately.A. RightB. WrongC. Not mentioned参考答案: 16 A 17 B 18 C 19 A 20 A 21 C 22 B第3部分:概括大意与完成句子(第23~30题,每题1分,共8分)下面的短文后有2项测试任务:(1)第23~26题要求从所给的6个选项中为第1~4段每段1选择个最佳标题;(2)第27~30题要求从所给的6个选项中为每个句子确定1个最佳选项。
Traffic Jams—No End in Sight1 Traffic congestion(拥堵)affects people throughout the world. Traffic jams cause smog in dozens of cities across both the developed and developing world. In the U.S., commuters (通勤人员) spend an average of a full working week each year sitting in traffic jams, according to the Texas Transportation Institute. While alternative ways of getting around are available, most people still choose their cars because they are looking for convenience, comfort and privacy.2 The most promising technique for reducing city traffic is called congestion pricing, whereby cities charge a toll to enter certain parts of town at certain times of day. In theory, if the toll is high enough, some drivers will cancel their trips or go by bus or train. And in practice it seems to work: Singapore, London and Stockholm have reduced traffic and pollution in city centres thanks to congestion pricing.3 Another way to reduce rush—hour traffic is for employers to implement flextime, which lets employees travel to and from work at off-peak traffic times to avoid the rush hour. Those who have to travel during busy times can do their part by sharing cars. Employers can also allow more staff to telecommute (work from home) so as to keep more cars off the road altogether.4 Some urban planners still believe that the best way to ease traffic congestion is to build more roads, especially roads that can take drivers around or over crowded city streets. But such techniques do not really keep cars off the road; they only accommodate more of them.5 Other, more forward—thinking, planners know that more and more drivers and cars are taking to the roads every day, and they are unwilling to encourage more private automobiles when public transport is so much better both for people and the environment. For this reason, the American government has decided to spend some$7 billion on helping to increase capacity on public-transport systems and upgrade them with more efficient technologies. But environmentalists complain that such funding is tiny compared with the$50 billion being spent on roads and bridges.23. Paragraph 1________24. Paragraph 2________25. Paragraph 3________26. Paragraph 4________A Not doing enoughB A global problemC Changing work practiceD A solution which is no solutionE Paying to get inF Closing city centres to traffic27. Most American drivers think it convenient to______.28. If charged high enough, some drivers may______ to enter certain parts of town.29. Building more roads is not an effective way to______.30. The U. S. government has planned to ______ updating public-transport systems.A go by busB encourage more private carsC drive aroundD spend more moneyE reduce traffic jamsF travel regularly参考答案:23 A 24 E 25 C 26 D 27 C 28 A 29 E 30 D第4部分:阅读理解(第31~45题,每题3分,共45分)下面有3篇短文,每篇短文后有5道题,每道题后面有4个选项。