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06.18.10 2010.03.17
艺术中心的“正门”是项目的自然结点和焦点。艺术广场,位于艺术 中心的正前方,是一个雕塑式花园和活动场所。从艺术广场回首看去, 可以越过树梢眺望城市边际。艺术广场在地面设有两层,通过一系列 富有特色的阶梯与城市广场和文化广场相连,与著名的中英联络处这 一历史性建筑形成连接轴线,创建了对城市新旧地标的主要视觉和实 际联系。 峡谷为城市森林和地下商业所带来的动感生活之间提供了方位感和强 烈的视觉连接,南北走向的特色曲线将邹容路至艺术中心之间的各种 活动依次连接,(二期中还继续与河面相互连接。)在这连接过程中, 整个方案分成两个对等“东面城市,西面自然”的概念性设计,然而 两面都是在公园层面通过一系列的玻璃桥和景观连系在一起。 峡谷两端退阶向下,将地下五层的商业楼连起来,通向娱乐街。娱乐 街上散布着美食广场、影院及地下层的夜生活商业。峡谷有瀑布水景、 遮阳结构和植被,如同洞窟,在夏季形成凉爽遮阳的庇护所。峡谷的 两面参照重庆市的历史背景和地理因素,创造一种具有重庆特色的深 刻体验。 重庆及其滨江地段之间的连接将在拟建的二期扩建方案中体现,项目 二期将扩建公共广场,跨越两江路延伸到绕至河岸边沿之新的滨江步 道。此新的滨江步道整个向后延伸至河流的交汇处。新开发区将提升 现有的滨江地段,并蜿蜒连向河流,在低于地面大约100米处形成一 个造型独特的摩天大轮,在其上下两端都有入口。这将成为一个主要 的旅游景点,将重庆的滨江景色发挥得淋漓尽致。
项目的屋顶部分是一个主要的公共广场,通过逐步建立一系列具有不 同规模和特色的公园及广场,加强了城市现有行政区之间的联系,为 重庆人民带来独特的生活体验。总体设计立足于重庆市自身的实力和 特色:一个充满活力与刚强气质又依山傍水的城市。这些元素通过体 现“自然”和“城市边缘”这两个对立面的设计理念融合在一起,创 建人和自然环境的中心汇聚点。 国泰广场连通以北的艺术中心,经由主步行街通向艺术中心以南的邹 容路。广场地下五层新型商业空间将成为重庆首个汇集高档零售、娱 乐、时尚和文化元素的时尚中心。充分结合商业和文化两大元素有助 于举办各种活动,并保证两者的成功。 城市广场坐落于沿邹容路的主要临街地段,将为舞蹈表演、艺术展示 和街头剧场等休闲活动提供场所。广场周边绿树成荫,为访客遮阳并 带来视觉享受。广场将成为城市庆典和聚会的焦点,形成连接城市和 艺术中心之城市森林的入口。城市森林被分隔成各种较小规模的空间 和城市“聚会场所”,提供体育活动场所、野餐地、水景区、绿茵步 道及休闲的隐蔽花园等一系列或动态或静态的场所,以适合各年龄段 的人们暂离城市喧嚣,回归自然。
Guotai Plaza
The redevelopment of Guotai Plaza offers the opportunity for Chongqing to reinvent its City Center, breathe life into its congested streets and create an new central park: an oasis for culture, nature, relaxation, entertainment and enjoyment. Our proposed design draws from City’s cultural and historic references creating a strong link between the new Arts Plaza, the City and the River front.
The ‘front door’ of the Arts Center is the natural termination and focus of the project. Fronting the Arts Center is the new Arts Plaza, a sculpture garden and events arena that looks back over the tree tops out across the city. The Arts Plaza is two levels above grade and is linked by a series of stepped features from both the Urban Plaza and to the Cultural Plaza. This later link is axial to the historic façade of the Historic China-British Liaison Office and creates a key visual and physical connection between the old and new landmarks of the city. The Canyon provides sense of orientation and a strong visual connection between the urban forest and vibrant life of the commercial base below. The North –South oriented curved feature links the various activities in sequence from Zhourong Road to the Arts Center and beyond to the river connection in Phase II. It also separates the two conceptual halves of the scheme, ‘The City’ to the East and ‘Nature’ to the West, though both are linked by a series of glass bridges and landscape links at park level. Either end of the canyon steps down below grade, linking all five subterranean commercial levels to connect the public with the Entertainment Street with food court, cinema and night life at the base. The Canyon also provides a cool, shaded refuge from the summer heat, with cascading water features, shade structures and planting, like a mountain cave. The two walls to the Canyon reference the two parts of the city, the discovery of this strong and iconic element within the city will create a unique experience strongly linked to the city’s history and geology. The link between Chongqing and its river front is celebrated in the proposed Phase II extension of the scheme. Phase II would extend the public plaza across Lin Jiang Road to a new river front walk that skirts the top of the cliff edge, linking back all the way to the main river confluence. New development will upgrade the existing riverside and be linked to the river, some 100 meters below with a unique form of Ferris wheel, where the entrance is a both the top and bottom of the wheel, that will create a major tourist draw that maximizes the drama of Chongqing’s river edge.
The roof of the development forms the main public plaza that will offer the people of Chongqing a unique experience, built up from a series of integrated parks and plazas each with its own scale and character that connect and reinforce the existing city districts. The overall design builds on the strength and character of Chongqing itself; a vibrant, masculine city that is tied to topography of its mountains and the steady flow of its rivers. These elements are connected by a design concept that brings together the two opposing ideas of ‘Nature’ and ‘City ’, creating a central meeting point for both man and the environment. Guotai Plaza forms a main address for the Arts Center to the North, linking directly to the core pedestrian route, Zhourong Road, to the South. Beneath the Plaza five levels of new commercial space will provide Chongqing with its first Lifestyle Center, a place that brings together the best of retail, entertainment, fashion and culture. Commercial and cultural elements are fully integrated to help strengthen and support the activity and success of both. The Urban Plaza addresses the main frontage to the city along Zhourong Road. It will provide a broad area for dance, performance, display, attractions and theater, all shaded by a grid of large scale trees to provide both shade and visual enclosure. The plaza will be the focal point for the city’s celebrations and gatherings. It forms the entry to the Urban Forrest that connects the city to the Arts Center, the forest contains a variety of smaller scale spaces and urban ’rooms’ that will support sports activities, picnic places, water features, fragrance walks, and relaxing hidden gardens arranged as a sequence of both active and passive places that will allow people of all ages to escape the bustle of city life and reconnect with nature.
18th June 2010
06.18.10 2010.03.17
国泰广场的重新开发为重庆市城市中心的重建带来了机会,在拥挤街 道中创建一个新的中央公园,成为一个集文化、自然、休息、娱乐和 消遣于一体的绿洲。融合城市文化和历史背景的同时,通过设计,在 新艺术广场、城市以及滨江地带之间创建了密切的联系。