相互 高度 ,使 拉深 和 冲孔能 共 同协调 ,有机 结合 。
相 互兼顾 。 ( ) 回程 时 ,要保 证 冲侧孔 凸模 3 3 O先 从下
凸凹模 2 6中退 出。
同时 .上 凸 凹模 6和 下 凸 凹模 2 6相互 作 用 。也 完
成 了顶部 孑 的 冲切 。至此 ,落料 、拉 深 、冲顶 孑 、 L L 侧 孑 全 部完 成 。 L 随着压 力机 的上行 ,在 固定卸 料板 2 2的作 用
套 模具 即可 完成 。
3 模 具 结构 及 工作 原 理
图 2所 示为模 具 工作 的闭合 状态 。
圈 1零 1 牛圈
2 工 艺 分 析
这 是 一 典 型 的筒 型 拉 深 件 ,且 顶 部 和 侧 面 各
有 ̄ 0和 . 5 75的孔 ,有 以下 几种 r 艺方 案 :
的更换 。
下 ,落 料 的废料 从上 凸 凹模 6上脱 掉 ,随着 压缩 弹簧 3 6的作用 ,顶起 斜锲 2向上 ,使 滑块 沿 T形
槽 向左 回位 .带 动 冲侧孔 凸模 3 0向左 退 出下 凸 凹 模2 6侧 面 和制件 。与此 同时 ,打杆 l 3下行 推 动 打料 横梁 1 6和退件 器 1 O向下运 动 ,顶杆 2 8和顶 件器 2 5向上运 动 ,共 同将加 T好 的零 件推 出退 出 工作 型腔 。至 此卸 料完 成 ,压力 机转 入下 一工 作 循环 。
S rp i g b a Co lx p o e s ti p n e ms mp e r c s
1 零 件 结构
某 汽 车 滤 清 器 部 件 上 有 一 如 图 1所 示 零 件 , 采用 1 mm厚 的冷 板 0 一IS制 成 ,批量较 大 。 8 I—
关键字:轴承盖;冲压;工序;生产批量;生产效率ABSTRACTIntroduced to carry the bearing cover cold hurtle to press to take shape the process, pass by to the batch quantity production, spare parts quantity, the spare parts structure and usage request of carry the bearing cover of analysis, study, according to not lower to use the function as premise, is certain in order to hurtle to press the piece, it uses to hurtle to press the method to complete the spare parts to process, hurtling to press basic work preface is: Fall to anticipate, pull deep, hurtle the bore, then according to the initial calculation of the work preface, make sure the work ordinal number eyes, if hurtle to press the number of times, pulling the deep number of times, to the in proper order arrangement of the work preface, general transform the characteristics according to each work preface, the quantity request to certain, because of in order to take the bore to fall to anticipate, pull the deep piece, this work piece so fall to anticipate first, then pull deeply, blunt bore of end, according to produce the batch quantity and condition( hurtle to press to process the condition and molding tools to make the condition)s to make sure the work that the preface combine, because of produce the batch quantity big, so combine each work preface together, counteract compound the mold hurtles to press, raising the rate of production of the product thus. Pass to make use of the modern molding tool manufacturing technique to carry on the structure improvement to the traditional machine spare parts well, excellent turn the design, the excellent chemical engineering skill method ability the significant exaltation produces the efficiency, this kind of method to similar the product has to certainly draw lessons from the function.Key words: bearing cover; stamping; process; Production batch; Production efficiency目录1 分析零件的工艺性 (5)1.1 冲裁工艺性 (5)1.2 拉深工艺性 (5)2 分析计算确定工艺方案 (7)2.1 计算毛坯尺寸 (7)2.2 确定是否需要压边圈 (7)2.3 计算拉深次数 (8)2.4 确定工艺方案 (9)3 主要工艺参数的计算 (10)3.1 确定排样、裁板方案 (10)3.2 计算工艺力、初选压力机 (11)3.2.1 计算工艺力 (11)3.2.2 初选压力机 (14)3.3 计算压力中心 (14)3.4 计算凸、凹模刃口尺寸及公差 (15)4 模具的整体结构设计 (17)4.1 模具结构形式的选择 (17)4.2 模具总体设计 (17)4.3 模具工作部分尺寸计算 (18)4.3.1 落料凹模 (18)4.3.2 冲孔凸模 (19)4.3.3 拉深凸模 (19)4.3.4 凸凹模 (19)5 模具的主要零部件结构设计 (21)5.1 模架 (21)5.2 模座 (21)5.3 模柄 (21)5.4 定位零件 (22)5.4.1 挡料销 (22)5.4.2 导料销 (22)5.4.3 导料板 (22)5.5 卸料装置 (23)5.5.1 固定卸料板 (23)5.5.2 橡胶 (24)5.6 其他支撑与固定零件 (24)5.6.1 凸模固定板 (24)5.6.2 导向零件 (25)5.6.3 垫板 (25)5.7 紧固件 (25)6 确定冲压设备 (27)7 模具的装配 (28)7.1 复合模的装配 (28)7.2 凸、凹模间隙的调整 (28)8 重要零件的加工工艺过程编制 (29)结论 (31)致谢 (32)参考文献 (33)1 分析零件的工艺性1.1 冲裁工艺性冲裁件的工艺性是指冲裁件对冲压工艺的适应性,即冲裁件的结构形状、尺寸大小、精度等级是否符合冲裁加工的工艺要求。
关 键 词 :拉 深 ; 冲孔 ;翻 边 ;修 边 ; 复合 模 中 图分类 号 :T 3 6 G 8 文献 标 识码 :B
Abs r t act :The punc ng t c hi e hni lc r c e i tcs of t ha ca ha a t r s i he s f cov e e a l e t erw r na yz d. A c omp nd d e wa e i ne ou i s d s g d. The di tuc u e i o p i ae tc mpa t i i l de ve e sr t r sc m lc t d bu o c , t nc u s f i pr c s e , whi h a e b a o e ss c r l nki ng, d a ng, pi r n r wi e ci g, fa lngi nd t i ng a r mm i g. Is sr t e n t tuc ur f a u e , o sg e h etrs urde i n m t od, is o r tng pr c s nd s m e o he r bl m sr q r d t t pe a i o e s a o t r p o e e uie o be c nsde e r lo i r du e o i r d we e a s nto c d. Ke wor y ds: r wi g; pi r i g; fa i da n e cn l ng ng; ti rmm i g; c mpo nd di n o u e
420 ) 10 1
要 :分 析 了车 轴盖 冲压 成形 的 工 艺特 点 ,设 计 了一 副 包含 完 成 落料 、拉 深 、冲孔 、翻
四川理工学院毕业设计(论文)欧阳引擎(2021.01.01)落料、拉深、冲孔复合模设计学生:学号:专业:班级:指导教师:四川理工学院机械工程学院二零一五年六月四川理工学院毕业设计(论文)任务书设计(论文)题目:落料、拉深、冲孔复合模设计学院:机械学院专业:材控班级:2011级1班学号:11011023174学生:指导教师:接受任务时间 2015.3.9教研室主任(签名)院长(签名)一.毕业设计(论文)的主要内容及基本要求内容:落料、拉深、冲孔复合模设计;产品工件图见附图;生产批量:大批量要求:要求有摘要(中、英文)、目录、设计任务书、产品图及设计说明书。
山东大学模具设计与CAD课程设计上盖落料拉深复合模的结构设计班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:哈哈小学出版社目录零件图一、零件冲压加工工艺性分析--------------------------------------31、毛坯尺寸计算-------------------------------------------------------------------------32、判断是否可一次拉深成形-------------------------------------------------------- 33、确定是否使用压边圈--------------------------------------------------------------- 44、凹凸模圆角半径的计算------------------------------------------------------------45、确定工序内容及工序顺序---------------------------------------------------------4二、确定排样图和裁板方案------------------------------------------41、板料选择--------------------------------------------------------------------------------42、排样设计--------------------------------------------------------------------------------4三、主要工艺参数的计算1、工艺力计算----------------------------------------------------------------------------62、压力机的选择-------------------------------------------------------------------------6四、模具设计1、模具结构形状设计------------------------------------------------------------------72、模具工作尺寸与公差计算--------------------------------------------------------7五、工作零件结构尺寸和公差的确定1、落料凹模板----------------------------------------------------------------------------82、拉深凸模--------------------------------------------------------------------------------93、凹凸模-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------9六、其他零件结构尺寸1、模架的选择----------------------------------------------------------------------------92、凹凸模固定板的选择--------------------------------------------------------------103、磨柄的选择---------------------------------------------------------------------------104、卸料装置-------------------------------------------------------------------------------105、推荐装置的选择------------------------------------------------------------------116、销、钉的选择---------------------------------------------------------------------117、模具闭合高度的校核------------------------------------------------------------11七、参考目录------------------------------------11零件图:材料:A3钢厚度:t=1mm一、零件冲压加工工艺性分析材料:该冲裁件的材料A3钢是低碳钢,拉深工艺性较好。
关键字:冲压:落料冲孔:复合模:模具结构ABSTRACTThe design of a punching, blanking die. Through access to information, we must first process the parts analysis, technology analysis andcomparison by using the punch blanking process, through the blanking force, the top pieces of force, discharge force of the calculations to determine the type presses. In the analysis of the stamping process to select the desired type of mold for the mold. Types obtained after the design ofthe mold die parts of the various working parts of the design process of expression.In the first part of the document, the main account of the developmentof stamping die, stamping die shows the importance and significance ofthis design, then is the stamping industry analysis, completed thematerial utilization rate calculation. Calculation of force during the blanking process and the work of some of blanking die design calculation, provide the basis for the selection of stamping equipment. Finally, the choice of the main components.The design described blanking compound die stamping design andworking process.Reliable performance of the mold, smooth operation,improved product quality and production efficiency, reduce labor intensityand production costs.Keywords: Stamping: Blanking punch: Compound Die: die structure目录1 前言 (1)1.1 冲压的概念、特点及应用 (1)1.2 冲压的基本工序及模具 (2)1.3 冲压技术的现状及发展方向 (3)2 零件工艺性分析 (7)3. 拉深工艺及拉深模有设计 (8)设计要点 (8)3.1 有凸缘圆筒形件的拉深方法及工艺计算 (8)3.2 宽凸缘圆筒形件的工艺计算要点 (9)3.3 、拉深凸模和凹模的间隙 (10)3.4 拉深凸模,凹模的尺寸及公差 (10)3.5 凹模圆角半径 RD (11)3.6 凸模圆角半径 R P. (12)4、冲裁工艺及冲裁模具的设计 (13)4.1 、凸模与凹模刃口尺寸的计算 (13)4.2 、凸、凹模刃口尺寸的计算方法 (13)4.3 落料和冲孔。
关键字:轴承盖;冲压;工序;生产批量;生产效率ABSTRACTIntroduced to carry the bearing cover cold hurtle to press to take shape the process, pass by to the batch quantity production, spare parts quantity, the spare parts structure and usage request of carry the bearing cover of analysis, study, according to not lower to use the function as premise, is certain in order to hurtle to press the piece, it uses to hurtle to press the method to complete the spare parts to process, hurtling to press basic work preface is: Fall to anticipate, pull deep, hurtle the bore, then according to the initial calculation of the work preface, make sure the work ordinal number eyes, if hurtle to press the number of times, pulling the deep number of times, to the in proper order arrangement of the work preface, general transform the characteristics according to each work preface, the quantity request to certain, because of in order to take the bore to fall to anticipate, pull the deep piece, this work piece so fall to anticipate first, then pull deeply, blunt bore of end, according to produce the batch quantity and condition( hurtle to press to process the condition and molding tools to make the condition)s to make sure the work that the preface combine, because of produce the batch quantity big, so combine each work preface together, counteract compound the mold hurtles to press, raising the rate of production of the product thus. Pass to make use of the modern molding tool manufacturing technique to carry on the structure improvement to the traditional machine spare parts well, excellent turn the design, the excellent chemical engineering skill method ability the significant exaltation produces the efficiency, this kind of method to similar the product has to certainly draw lessons from the function.Key words: bearing cover; stamping; process; Production batch; Production efficiency目录摘要abstract1 分析零件的工艺性 (1)1.1 冲裁工艺性 (1)1.2 拉深工艺性 (1)2 分析计算确定工艺方案 (3)2.1 计算毛坯尺寸 (3)2.2 确定是否需要压边圈 (3)2.3 计算拉深次数 (4)2.4 确定工艺方案 (5)3 主要工艺参数的计算 (7)3.1 确定排样、裁板方案 (7)3.2 计算工艺力、初选压力机 (9)3.2.1 计算工艺力 (9)3.2.2 初选压力机 (12)3.3 计算压力中心 (12)3.4 计算凸、凹模刃口尺寸及公差 (13)4 模具的整体结构设计 (15)4.1 模具结构形式的选择 (15)4.2 模具总体设计 (15)4.3 模具工作部分尺寸计算 (16)4.3.1 落料凹模 (16)4.3.2 冲孔凸模 (17)4.3.3 拉深凸模 (17)4.3.4 凸凹模 (17)5 模具的主要零部件结构设计 (19)5.1 模架 (19)5.2 模座 (19)5.3 模柄 (19)5.4 定位零件 (20)5.4.1 挡料销 (20)5.4.2 导料销 (20)5.4.3 导料板 (20)5.5 卸料装置 (21)5.5.1 固定卸料板 (21)5.5.2 橡胶 (22)5.6 其他支撑与固定零件 (22)5.6.1 凸模固定板 (22)5.6.2 导向零件 (23)5.6.3 垫板 (23)5.7 紧固件 (23)6 确定冲压设备 (25)7 模具的装配 (26)7.1 复合模的装配 (26)7.2 凸、凹模间隙的调整 (26)8 重要零件的加工工艺过程编制 (27)结论 (29)致谢 (30)参考文献 (31)1 分析零件的工艺性1.1 冲裁工艺性冲裁件的工艺性是指冲裁件对冲压工艺的适应性,即冲裁件的结构形状、尺寸大小、精度等级是否符合冲裁加工的工艺要求。
126 冲孔落料拉深复合模具设计(含全套说明书和CAD图纸)DOC
学校代码:10410序号:20055015本科毕业设计题目:冲孔落料拉深复合模学院:工学院姓名:黄学亮学号:20055015专业:机械设计制造及其自动化年级:机制051指导教师:吴彦红二OO九年五月冲孔落料拉深复合模目录前言.1.设计课题 (1)1.1设计任务书 (2)2.工艺方案分析及确定 (3)2.1件的工艺分析 (3)2.2工艺方案的确定 (4)2.3冲压件坯料尺寸的确定 (4)2.4拉深次数的确定 (4)2.5排样的确定 (5)3.工艺设计与计算 (7)3.1冲裁的方式与冲压力的计算 (7)3.1.1、冲裁方式与冲压力的计算 (7)3.1.2.力的计算 (7)3.1.3、卸料力、推料力和顶件力的计算 (8)3.1.4、压力中心的计算 (9)3.2计算各主要零件的尺寸 (9)3.2.1、计算落料凸、凹模的工作部分的尺寸 (10)3.2.2、计算拉深凸、凹模的刃口尺寸的确定 (11)3.2.4、凸凹模选材,热处理及加工工艺过程 (11)3.2.5、条料宽度的设计 (12)3.2.6、导料板的导料尺寸为 (14)3.2.7、推杆的选材,热处理工艺方案 (15)3.2.8、工艺方案如下 (15)3.2.9、模柄的确定 (15)3.2.10、冲压设备的选用 (16)3.2.11、模具的闭合高度的计算 (16)3.2.12、冲模模架的选用 (16)3.2.13导向零件的选择 (17)3.2.14、定位零件的设计 (18)3.2.15、推杆与推板的设计 (18)3.2.16、压边圈的设计 (24)3.2.17、固定方式的确定 (24)3.2.18、凸模的固定 (24)3.2.19、凹模的固定 (24)3.2.20、凸凹模的紧固 (24)3.2.21、确定装配基准 (24)结束语 (23)参考文献 (24)致谢 (25)前言随着科学技术的发展需要,模具已成为现代化不可缺少的工艺装备,模具设计是机械专业一个最重要的教学环节,是一门实践性很强的学科,是我们对所学知识的综合运用,通过对专业知识的综合运用,使学生对模具从设计到制造的过程有个基本上的了解,为以后的工作及进一步学习深造打下了坚实的基础。
3.主要设计计算(1)毛坯尺寸计算根据外表积相等原那么,用解析法求该零件的毛坯直径DD=√ ̄〔d2* d2+4*d2H-1.72rd2-0.56r*r〕D=√ ̄(160*160+4*160*91-1.72*12*160-0.56*12*12)D=283.65 mm(2)排样及相关计算采用有废料直排的排样方式,相关如下示冲裁件面积A=∏*D*D/4=∏=63159平方毫米条料宽度B=D+2a+C=283.65+2*1.8+1=288.25 mma——侧搭边值,查冲压教程表得最小侧搭边值a=1.8mmc——导料板与最宽条料之间的间隙,其最小值查冲压教程表得c=1步距s=D+a=283.65+1.5=285.15 mm式中a1——工件间搭边值,查冲压教程表得a1=1.5mm一个步进距的材料利用率∩=A/BS*100℅∩℅∩=76.8℅式中:A——一个步距内冲裁件的实际面积B———条料宽度S———步距〔3〕成形次数确实定该工件为简单圆筒形拉深件,求出拉深相对高度H/h=91/160=0.57。
关键词:冷冲压、落料、拉深、冲孔、切边Abstract: Cold stamping is a kind of advanced metal processing method, it establishes on the metal foundation with deformed plasticity , processes using mould and stamping equipment for board material metal in order to get the element shape and size needed. It is been productivity high that cold stamping has , product size precision stabilize and operate simple , finished cost low , overall material utilization factor high, easy realization a series of advantages such as mechanization and automation, suit plenty of productions especially.This paper is designed mainly according to the production technical requirement of element fall to expect pull is two pairs of side compound mould deep and rush hole cut. Because board material, equipment and mould are the 3 necessary factors that form stamping processing , 3 this essential factors is stamping the hardwarecondition of place necessity, know again surpass Men for them in coordinate organicly, include carrying out reasonable technology design and calculation so as effective organization manages. Have in entire design course in, the design of minute element processing technology and mould is same and important, at the same time, mould is to serve actual production place , so, the mould structure that devised will be not only feasible , reaches expected purpose and to let worker operating and simple, convenience is as far as possible few additionally to spend money, economy.Keyword: Cold stamping , fall to expect , pull deeply , rush hole , cut side前言冷冲压是建立在金属塑性变形的根底上,在常温下利用安装在压力机上的模具对材料施加压力,使其产生别离或塑性变形,从而获得一定形状、尺寸和性能的零件的一种压力加工方法。
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置于 落料下模 内一 同 由下模座 固定 ; 圈废料 由退料 板 退 掉 ;冲孔 废料 从 下 模 内孔 自由落 下 ;制 品经 冲孔 冲 3确定工艺方案 根 据 以上 工 艺分 析 ,为 了提 高 头 带起 后 经 打料 杆 推动 打 料板 ,打 生产效 率 ,该零件 的加工 采用落料 、 料 板 推动 打料 销 打 下 ;整 个 过程 完
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图 1 成品图
1 引言
湖南湘潭纺织职工大学湘潭技师学院毕业设计课题:落料拉深冲孔复合模零件加工工艺设计数控07A4班专业班级孙喆学生姓名张立夏指导教师目录绪论任务书 (3)第一章、分析理解及备CAD图 (4)第二章、本次设计的基本内容 (10)一、冲裁机械运动 (10)二、拉深模具的机械运动 (11)三、模具的工作原理 (11)第三章、主要零件加工工艺分析 (14)一、落料凹模 (14)二、落料拉深凸凹模 (17)三、冲孔凸模 (21)四、拉深冲孔凸凹模 (23)五、凸模固定板 (28)设计总结 (31)参考文献 (32)绪论加入世贸组织后,我国机械制造业迎来了空前的发展机遇,我国正逐步变成世界制造中心。
毕业设计(论文)说明书课题名称罩圈落料、拉深、冲孔、翻边复合模设计系别机械工程及自动化专业机械工程及自动化班级机自Z104班学号 **************姓名指导教师李启袭2014 年 5 月 10 日摘要模具是家电、汽车、电子、机械等工业的基本工艺,作为最基础的工业,对整个工业的发展是非常重要的,随着经济的发展,模具工业已经成为国民经济建设的重要产业。
AbstractMold is home appliance, automotive, electronics, machinery industry, the basic process as the most basic industry, is very important to the development of the industry, with the development of economy, mouldindustry has become an important industry in national economic construction. Mould is divided into cold stamping dies, hot forging mould, plastic mould, casting mould and die. Cold stamping die is a mature technology with a long history of the industry. In the mold industry accounts for most of the inside.The mould design is cold stamping die, I design the mould for the block. Used mold production lagged, bending, flanging process etc. Using two sets of mould, is a set of blanking, but another set of bending and flanging.The main method is: first the feasibility analysis was carried out on the workpiece, from the characteristics of the workpiece machining process, then determine the processing plan, and the process parameters calculated, it is concluded that the corresponding parameters, according to the parameter selection and reasonable stamping equipment, and overall scheme design of the mould. On the way to found that the problem will continue to modify the existing errors. Through repeated modifications to finish the design.Required to complete the design of knowledge throughout the university during the period of study, consolidate the original system of knowledge, master new knowledge, also more to cultivate the ability to search for knowledge, knowledge through various channels and resources integration, to further improve my capabilities.目录摘要 (1)绪论 (4)1零件的工艺分析 (4)1.1 工件特点 (4)1.2 08﹟钢板性能分析 (5)1.3 工件的尺寸精度 (6)2 工艺方案的分析和确定 (7)2.1 工艺方案的分析及确定 (7)2.2 排样图的确定 (7)3 各工序冲裁压力的计算及冲压设备的选择 (11)3.1 各工序冲裁压力的计算 (11)3.2 冲压设备的选择 (13)3.3 压力中心的确定 (14)4 模具结构的设计 (16)4.1 模具的总体结构 (16)4.2 各块模板的作用及材料的选取 (16)5 成形零部件的设计 (19)5.1 凸、凹模的设计 (19)5.1.1 凸、凹模的作用 (19)5.2 冲裁间隙 (19)5.3 刃口尺寸的计算原则 (20)5.4 工作零件刃口尺寸计算 (21)5.4.1 落料部分的刃口尺寸计算 (21)5.5 主要零部件的结构设计 (24)6 标准零件的选取 (29)6.1 模架的选取 (29)6.2 模架导柱导套的选取 (29)6.3 最终模具结构总体装配图...................... 错误!未定义书签。
关键词:端盖;模具设计;复合模;拉深冲孔7ABSTRACTWith China's industries continue to develop and die industry is also becoming increasingly important. Based on the Cover of the stamping process and the deep drawing process, Comparative analysis of the process of forming three different stamping process (single processes, complex processes and continuous processes) confirm completion of a composite model blanking, drawing processes and punching process. On the cover of the cold stamping process, right after the Cover of the mass production, quality components, and the use of structural components of the analysis, research, in line with lower performance prerequisite to the identification of stampings, Stamping method used to complete the processing components, and a brief analysis of the blank shape, size, layout, the Conference Board, the number of Drawing, stamping processes in nature, number and sequence determination. For the process, the center of pressure, the die size and the tolerance of the calculation, design mold. Also analyzes the mold of the main components (such as punch and die and dump devices, drawing punch, slates, Punch plate, etc.) design and manufacturing, stamping equipmentselection, punch-gap adjustment and establishment of a vital parts machining process. Die requirements set out a detailed list of parts, and gives a reasonable assembly. By fully utilizing modern manufacturing technology to mold traditional mechanical parts for structural improvements, design optimization, Process optimization methods can greatly enhance production efficiency, the method of similar products have some reference.Keywords: Cover; Mold design; Composite molding; Drawing Punch8主要符号表目录1 分析零件的工艺性 .................................................................................. 1 2 确定工艺方案 (2)2.1 计算毛坯尺寸 (2)2.2 确定是否要压边圈 (3)2.3 计算拉深次数 (3)2.4 确定工艺方案 ·····································································································4 3 主要工艺参数的计算 (5)3.1 确定排样、裁板方案 (5)3.2 计算工艺力、初选设备 (6)3.2.1 计算工艺力 (6)(1)落料力 (6)(2)冲孔力 (7)(3)推件力 (7)(4)拉深力 (7)(5)压边力 (8)3.2.2 拉深功的计算 (9)3.2.3 初选压力机 (9)3.2.4 计算压力中心 (10)3.2.5 计算凸、凹模刃口尺寸及公差 ·································································· 10 4 模具的结构设计 (12)4.1 模具结构形式的选择 (12)4.1.1 模架的选用 (12)4.1.2 模具的闭合高度 (13)4.2 模具工作部分尺寸计算 (13)4.2.1 落料凹模 (1)34.2.2 拉深凸模 (1)44.2.3 凸凹模 (15)4.2.4 弹压御料板 (16)4.2.5 上垫板 ········································································································ 18 IX主要符号表4.2.6 压边圈 ········································································································ 19 5 模具的整体安装 (20)5.1 模具的总装配 (2)5.2 模具零件 ··········································································································· 21 6 选定冲压设备 ........................................................................................ 22 7 模具的装配 .. (22)7.1 复合模的装配 (2)27.2 凸、凹模间隙的调整 ······················································································· 22 8 重要零件的加工工艺过程编制 ···························································· 23 结论 ············································································································· 26 参考文献 ·····································································································27 致谢 ············································································································· 28 附录 ············································································································· 30 实习报告 (37)X1 分析零件的工艺性冲压件工艺性是指冲压零件在冲压加工过程中加工的难易程度。
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关键字:轴承盖;冲压;工序;生产批量;生产效率ABSTRACTIntroduced to carry the bearing cover cold hurtle to press to take shape the process, pass by to the batch quantity production, spare parts quantity, the spare parts structure and usage request of carry the bearing cover of analysis, study, according to not lower to use the function as premise, is certain in order to hurtle to press the piece, it uses to hurtle to press the method to complete the spare parts to process, hurtling to press basic work preface is: Fall to anticipate, pull deep, hurtle the bore, then according to the initial calculation of the work preface, make sure the work ordinal number eyes, if hurtle to press the number of times, pulling the deep number of times, to the in proper order arrangement of the work preface, general transform the characteristics according to each work preface, the quantity request to certain, because of in order to take the bore to fall to anticipate, pull the deep piece, this work piece so fall to anticipate first, then pull deeply, blunt bore of end, according to produce the batch quantity and condition( hurtle to press to process the condition and molding tools to make the condition)s to make sure the work that the preface combine, because of produce the batch quantity big, so combine each work preface together, counteract compound the mold hurtles to press, raising the rate of production of the product thus. Pass to make use of the modern molding tool manufacturing technique to carry on the structure improvement to the traditional machine spare parts well, excellent turn the design, the excellent chemical engineering skill method ability the significant exaltation produces the efficiency, this kind of method to similar the product has to certainly draw lessons from the function.Key words: bearing cover; stamping; process; Production batch; Production efficiency目录1 分析零件的工艺性 (2)1.1 冲裁工艺性 (2)1.2 拉深工艺性 (2)2 分析计算确定工艺方案 (4)2.1 计算毛坯尺寸 (4)2.2 确定是否需要压边圈 (4)2.3 计算拉深次数 (5)2.4 确定工艺方案 (6)3 主要工艺参数的计算 (7)3.1 确定排样、裁板方案 (7)3.2 计算工艺力、初选压力机 (8)3.2.1 计算工艺力 (8)3.2.2 初选压力机 (11)3.3 计算压力中心 (11)3.4 计算凸、凹模刃口尺寸及公差 (12)4 模具的整体结构设计 (14)4.1 模具结构形式的选择 (14)4.2 模具总体设计 (14)4.3 模具工作部分尺寸计算 (15)4.3.1 落料凹模 (15)4.3.2 冲孔凸模 (16)4.3.3 拉深凸模 (16)4.3.4 凸凹模 (16)5 模具的主要零部件结构设计 (18)5.1 模架 (18)5.2 模座 (18)5.3 模柄 (18)5.4 定位零件 (19)5.4.1 挡料销 (19)5.4.2 导料销 (19)5.4.3 导料板 (19)5.5 卸料装置 (20)5.5.1 固定卸料板 (20)5.5.2 橡胶 (21)5.6 其他支撑与固定零件 (21)5.6.1 凸模固定板 (21)5.6.2 导向零件 (22)5.6.3 垫板 (22)5.7 紧固件 (22)6 确定冲压设备 (24)7 模具的装配 (25)7.1 复合模的装配 (25)7.2 凸、凹模间隙的调整 (25)8 重要零件的加工工艺过程编制 (26)结论 (28)致谢 (29)参考文献 (30)1 分析零件的工艺性1.1 冲裁工艺性冲裁件的工艺性是指冲裁件对冲压工艺的适应性,即冲裁件的结构形状、尺寸大小、精度等级是否符合冲裁加工的工艺要求。
1.2 拉深工艺性影响拉深件工艺性的因素主要有拉深件的结构与尺寸、精度和材料。
工艺性要求材料具有良好的塑性,屈强比b s σσ/小,板厚方向性系数r 大,板平面方向性系数r ∆小。
屈强比b s σσ/值越小,一次拉深允许的极限变形程度越大,拉深的性能越好;板厚方向性系数r 和板平面方向性系数r ∆反映了材料的各向异性性能,当r 较大或r ∆较小时,材料宽度的变形比厚度方向的变形容易,板平面方向性能差异较小,拉深过程中材料不易变薄或拉裂,因而有利于拉深成形。
该零件可看成带凸缘的圆筒形件,料厚t=2mm ,拉深后厚度不变;零件底部圆角半径r=3mm 凸缘处的圆角半径也为R=3mm ;尺寸公差都为自由公差,满足拉深工艺对精度等级的要求;零件所用材料20号钢塑性好,易于拉深成形。
图1 工件图2 分析计算确定工艺方案2.1 计算毛坯尺寸由于板料在扎压或退火时所产生的聚合组织而使材料引起残存的方向性,反映到拉深过程中,就使桶形拉深件的口部形成明显的突耳。