【推荐】高二英语必修5 unit15 LEARNING 导学案(6)

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Unit15 LEARNING导学案(6)

Lesson 4-Understanding

The only limit to our realization of tomorrow will be our doubts of today . (Franklin Roosevelt , American president)

实现明天理想的唯一障碍是今天的疑虑。(美国总统罗斯福. F .) Learning aims(学习目标): 1. Learn about inquiry learning and understand key


2. Get some of the key information and talk about it in their

own words.

Important and difficult point: Let the students have a knowledge of the READING (学习重点、难点) STRATEGIES: Using linking words and reference words Learning guide (方法引导): 话题导入—读前准备—阅读训练—理解操练—信息提取Learning procedures(学习过程):

StepⅠ Revision.(A级) 自己总结下面单词及短语的用法:

1.set off, set out, set about

2.be of+ n.=be+_______

ck n.+_____(介词)



StepⅡLead-in.(B级) Think about the following question.

How do you get knowledge and understand?




Ste pⅢFast reading(B级) Pay attention to the linking words in each passage,注意每段话中的衔接词)

1)Guess: From the title and What Francis Bacon said, choose the best answer.

What does the writer advise us to do first to understand things? _______

A Asking somebody for help

B Discussing with others

C Asking questions

2)Wha t else does the writer advise us to do to understand things according to Para.1?

He advises us to understand things by

observing ________________; studying__________________;

considering________________ ; testing____________________.

3)Match the main idea with the other parts of the text

Para.2 people believed in what someone important and respected said Para.3~4 people thanked the great man who study in a scientific way.

Para.5 people believed in religion in ancient time.

StepⅣCareful reading.(C级)

(Read each paragraph carefully and then answer the following questions. Pay attention to the linking words in each passage,注意每



1)Does the writer believe that the Baconian Method of scientific thought is a good way

to gain knowledge?


2)Would the writer describe the people of the church during Galileo’s time as having

‘open’ or ‘closed’ mind?


3)Why did Aristotle assume that the sun moved around the Earth?


4)What images does the writer use to explain how men like Bacon and Galileo helped

educate people?



2.Fill in the chart by reading the text carefully(Different situations in different time)
