
高考英语重点短语及例句1. Keep in touch 保持联系Example:A: I'm going to study abroad next month.B: That's great! Don't forget to keep in touch with us. 例句:A: 我下个月要出国留学了。
B: 太棒了!不要忘记和我们保持联系。
2. Make progress 取得进步Example:A: How's your English study going?B: I'm making progress, thanks for asking.例句:A: 你的英语学习怎么样了?B: 我在进步,谢谢你的问候。
3. Face challenges 面对挑战Example:A: Are you ready for the new job?B: I'm a little nervous, but I'm ready to face the challenges.例句:A: 你准备好新工作了吗?B: 我有点紧张,但我准备好面对挑战。
4. Deal with pressure 应对压力Example:A: How do you deal with the pressure of exams?B: I try to stay organized and take breaks when I need them.例句:A: 你是怎么应对考试压力的?B: 我尽量保持有条不紊,并在需要时休息。
5. Pursue dreams 追求梦想Example:A: What are your plans for the future?B: I want to pursue my dreams and become a successful entrepreneur.例句:A: 你对未来有什么打算?B: 我想追求梦想,成为一名成功的创业者。

take up 占据(时间、空间)
例句:The project has taken up too much of our time and resources.
make up 弥补、虚构、整理、化妆
例句:She spent an hour making up before her date.
break down 崩溃、抛锚、分解、垮掉
例句:The car broke down on the way to the airport.
hold up 阻碍、抢劫、支撑、举出
例句:The train was held up by heavy fog.
look up 查找、好转、看望、尊敬
例句:I looked up the word in the dictionary.
come up 走近、发生、被提出
例句:The topic came up during the meeting.
keep up 保持、继续、不低落
例句:We must keep up our spirits in the face of failure.
set up 建立、装配、开办
例句:They set up a new company in the city center.
put up 张贴、住宿、举起、提高
例句:She put up her hand to ask a question.
get over 克服、恢复、理解、原谅
例句:It took him a long time to get over his illness.。

高中第一册:add up 合计You will know the result if you add up all the numbers. 你把所有的数加起来就会知道结果。
calm down 使平静下来,镇定下来Calm down and don’t panic. 冷静下来,不要焦躁不安。
be concerned about 关心,挂念,担忧Lucy is very concerned about the natural environment. 露西很关心自然环境。
a series of 一连串的,一系列,一套Life is a series of test. 人生就是一连串的考验。
on purpose 故意He said nothing on purpose. 他故意什么都没说。
in order to 为了…In order to improve my English, I take part in English corner frequently. 为了提高英语水平,我经常参加英语角。
face to face 面对面地In order to get rid of generation gap, you should communicate with your parents face to face. 为了消除代沟,应该和父母面对面。
no longer/not…any longer 不再…. The phenomenon of lateness no longer exists in our class. 班级里不再有迟到的现象了。
suffer from 遭受;患病Lots of teenagers suffer from short sight. 很多青少年都患上了近视眼。
get/be tired of 对…厌烦Lucy is never tired of helping people in trouble. 露西从不厌倦帮助别人。

11.标新立异: 作出新奇、特殊的事,和别人不一样。 她为了表现自己,整天在装扮上~,浪 费了不少时间和金钱。
12.别出心裁: 表示新奇的、与众不同的手法。 李明设计的服装~,在本地服装界十分 突出,所以很受消费者欢迎。
形容招待客人周到、殷勤,使客人感到 温暖。
58.高枕无忧: 形容无所顾虑。 敌军已经被彻底消灭了,我们总算可 以~了。
指对别人的危采取从旁观望的态度,而 不出手帮助 。
邻居遇到困难时,我们应尽力相助,不 应~。
大宝会画画,小宝会弹琴,兄弟俩真可 说是~啊!
61.根深蒂固: 比喻基础稳固,难以动摇。 时代虽然进步了,但有些人的传统思想 仍然~,难以改变。
我们不妨坐下来一块讨论,~,也许很 快就能定出一个可行的计划。
87.家喻户晓: 比喻人人都知道。 《西游记》里的主要人物可说是~,连 三岁小孩都晓得。
88.假公济私: 假借公家的名义,以谋得私利。 林经理常常~,借招待客户的名义,请 自己的亲朋戚友大吃大喝。
83.挥金如土: 形容任意地、毫不吝惜地花钱。 你这种~的作风如果不改掉,再多的钱 也会花光的。
84.混水摸鱼: 比喻趁局面混乱时取得不正当的利益。 大减价期间,购物中心里人山人海,难 免会有人~,顺手牵羊。
形容喧哗吵杂得很厉害,就连鸡犬都得 不到安静。
老周一家六口成天吵架,闹得~,烦死 人了。
96.井井有条: 形容十分整洁和有条理。 玲姐把整个家料理得~,不愧是一个标 准的家庭主妇。

高考英语常见短语及例句一、时间短语1. In the long run (从长远来看)例句:In the long run, hard work always pays off.从长远来看,努力工作总是会有回报的。
2. At the eleventh hour (在最后一刻)例句:They finished the project at the eleventh hour.他们在最后一刻完成了这个项目。
3. On the spur of the moment (一时冲动)例句:She decided to go on a trip on the spur of the moment. 她一时冲动决定出去旅行。
二、情感和情绪短语4. On cloud nine (非常快乐)例句:After winning the championship, she was on cloud nine. 赢得冠军后,她非常快乐。
5. Lose one's temper (发脾气)例句:He lost his temper when hisputer crashed.当他的电脑崩溃时,他发了脾气。
6. Have mixed feelings (心中有千言万语)例句:I have mixed feelings about leaving my hometown for college.我对离开家乡去上大学心中有千言万语。
三、交际短语7. Break the ice (打破沉默)例句:I told a joke to break the ice at the party.我讲了个笑话来打破聚会上的沉默。
8. Keep in touch (保持通信)例句:Although we live in different cities, we still keep in touch. 虽然我们住在不同的城市,但是我们依然保持通信。

高考重点词组及例句1,(have) access to 接近,进入例句:In Africa, people infected with AIDS have no free access to medicine.在非洲,艾滋病感染者没有免费的就医途径。
2, account for 解释,说明原因例句:I want you to account for each sum of money you spent.我要你说明你所花掉的每一笔钱的用途。
3,adapt/adjust (oneself) to 适应,习惯于例句:You will adapt yourself to the life here soon.不久你就会适应这里的生活。
4,all at once/all of a sudden 突然例句:All of a sudden I noticed that someone was following me.突然我注意到有人在跟踪我。
5, amount to 总共达到,实际上是例句:The cost amounted to 3000 dollars.费用总计3000美元。
6, answer for= be responsible for例句:You will have to answer for what you have done one day.总有一天你会遭报应的。
7,appeal to(sb)呼吁,上诉,对……有吸引力例句:The government is appealing to everyone to save water.政府呼吁每个人节约用水。
The books are designed to appeal to children.这些书是为孩子们打造的。
8,apply for 提出申请apply to 把……应用于apply oneself to 专心从事例句: He is applying for a job now.他现在正在找工作。

高考中常见的76个多义短语经历;(2)仔细检查,审查; (3)(物,钱等)用完; (4)顺利完成; (5)受苦; (6)穿过; (7)通过(法律,提案);(8)成交(生意);(9)被批准。
例: We’ll have to go through a severe test. 我们得经过一次严峻的考验。
The sale of the store went through quickly. 这家店铺的转卖迅速成交。
I didn’t go through college. 我没念完大学。
Their business arrangements went through. 他们的营业计划被批准了。
This road goes through the forest. 这条路穿过森林。
The country has gone through too many wars. 这个国家经历了太多的战争。
The new law has gone through Congress. 这项新法律国会已经通过了。
I went through the papers. 我仔细地审阅了这些论文。
He went through all the money his father gave me. 他把父亲给的钱全都花光了。
监察; (2)收起来; (3)储蓄;(4) (船)离开河岸等; (5) 放弃(6)离婚(7) 吃完;喝完; (8) 把…送进精神病院; (9) 埋葬; (10) 杀死;杀掉(爱畜)使它免除痛苦例:Put away these dishes. 把这些盘子收拾一下。
She's got a few thousand pounds put away for her retirement.她已存了几千镑以备退休之用.He must have put away half a bottle of whisky last night. 昨晚他大概喝了半瓶威士忌酒.I don't know how he manages to put it all away! 我真不知道他怎麽吃得这样多!He was put away for ten years for armed robbery. 他因持械抢劫而关押了十年.She went a bit odd and had to be put away. 她有点不正常, 只好送进了疯人院.(1)(人)走近; (2)(太阳,月亮)升起; (3)被提及; (4)(意想不到地)发生; (5)发芽; (6)上楼; (7)到场; (8)(植物)长出地面。

1. 表达事实和数据的短语:- According to the statistics, 根据统计数据- It is estimated that, 据估计- The figures show that, 数字表明- As stated in the report, 如报告所述- The survey reveals that, 调查显示2. 表达观点和看法的短语:- In my opinion, 在我看来- From my perspective, 从我的角度来看- It is widely believed that, 人们普遍认为- It is undeniable that, 不可否认的是- Some people argue that, 有人认为3. 表达原因和结果的短语:- Due to, 由于- As a result, 结果是- Consequently, 因此- Therefore, 因此- Thus, 因此4. 表达比较和对比的短语:- On the one hand, 一方面- On the other hand, 另一方面- In contrast, 对比之下- Similarly, 类似地- Likewise, 同样地5. 表达条件和假设的短语:- If, 如果- Unless, 除非- In case, 以防- Provided that, 倘若- Assuming that, 假如6. 表达目的和意图的短语:- In order to, 为了- With the aim of, 以...为目的- For the purpose of, 为了...目的- So as to, 以便- With the intention of, 准备7. 表达强调和认可的短语:- It should be pointed out that, 应该指出的是- It is worth noting that, 值得注意的是- It is important to emphasize that, 强调的是- Undoubtedly, 毫无疑问的是- It goes without saying that, 不言而喻的是8. 表达推论和结论的短语:- Therefore, 因此- Consequently, 因此- Thus, 因此- Accordingly, 结果是- In conclusion, 总之以上仅为高考短语的一部分,这些短语在高考作文、阅读理解和听力等各个方面都有可能出现,掌握这些短语可以加强文章的表达力,提高分数。

高考动词短语归纳(1)act短语:act as 担任……职务,起……作用act for 代理(某人职务),代为(处理某事)act out 表演(对话、故事等)act up 捣乱,出毛病例如:I acted as an interpreter while I was in Xiamen.当我在厦门时,我担任翻译。
Mr. Green is acting for the old man in his case.布格林先生代那个老人处理他的案件。
The children were acting out the story of the birth of Jesus.孩子们表演耶稣诞生的故事。
He’s a tough kid and he acts up a lot.他是个顽皮的孩子,总是捣乱。
(2)break短语:break away 摆脱,脱离break down 出故障,坏掉,中止,累垮,分解break in 打断,插话,闯入,强行进入break into … 闯入……,破门而入break out (战争、火灾)突然发生,爆发break (sth) off (使某物)折断,中断某事物,突然停止break out in tears 突然大哭break the rule 违反规定break through 突围,冲跨break up 分解,分裂,拆散,碎开例如:The thief broke away from the police, but was later caught.小偷摆脱了警察的追捕,但是不久就被抓住了。
If you keep on wo rking like that, you’ll break down sooner or later.如果你这样工作下去,你迟早会被累垮的。
The car broke down just on my way here.我的车在这条路上出了故障。
If anyone tries to break in, the alarm will go off.如果有人试图强行进入,报警器就会响。

高考英语作文常用句型及短语汇总一、~ the + ~ est +名词+that+主词+ have ever + seenknown/heard/had/read,etc~ the most +形容词+名词+that+主词+ have ever +seenknown/heard/had/read,etc例句:Helen is the most beautiful girl that I have ever seen. 海伦是我所看过最美丽的女孩;Mr. Chang is the kindest teacher that I have ever had. 张老师是我曾经遇到最仁慈的教师;二、Nothing is + ~~~ er than to + V Nothing is + more +形容词+ than to + V例句:Nothing is more important than to receive education. 没有比接受教育更重要的事;三、~~~ cannot emphasize the importance of ~~~ too much.再怎么强调……的重要性也不为过;例句:We cannot emphasize the importance of protecting our eyes too much.我们再怎么强调保护眼睛的重要性也不为过;四、There is no denying that + S + V……不可否认的……例句:There is no denying that the qualities of our living have gone from badto worse.不可否认的,我们的生活品质已经每况愈下;五、It is universally acknowledged that +句子~~全世界都知道……例句:It is universally acknowledged that trees are indispensable to us.全世界都知道树木对我们是不可或缺的;六、There is no doubt that +句子~~毫无疑问的……例句:There is no doubt that our educational system leaves something to be desired.毫无疑问的我们的教育制度令人不满意;七、An advantage of ~~~ is that +句子……的优点是……例句:An advantage of using the solar energy is that it won't createproduceany pollution.使用太阳能的优点是它不会制造任何污染;八、The reason why +句子~~~ is that +句子……的原因是……例句:The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can provide us with fresh air.The reason why we have to grow trees is that they can supply fresh air for us.我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应我们新鲜的空气;九、So +形容词+ be +主词+ that +句子如此……以致于……例句:So precious is time that we can't afford to waste it.时间是如此珍贵,我们经不起浪费它;十、Adj + as + Subject主词+ be,S + V~~~虽然……例句:Rich as our country is, the qualities of our living are by no meanssatisfactory. {by no means = in no way = on no account一点也不}虽然我们的国家富有,我们的生活品质绝对令人不满意;十一、The + ~er + S + V,~~~ the + ~er + S + V ~~~The + more + Adj + S + V,~~~ the + more + Adj + S + V ~~~愈……愈……例句:The harder you work,the more progress you make. 你愈努力,你愈进步;The more books we read,the more learned we become. 我们书读愈多,我们愈有学问;十二、By +Ving,~~ can ~~借着……,……能够…… 例句:By taking exercise,we can always stay healthy. 借着做运动,我们能够始终保持健康;十三、~~~ enable + Object受词+ to + V……使……能够……例句:Listening to music enable us to feel relaxed. 听音乐使我们能够感觉轻松;十四、On no account can we + V ~~~我们绝对不能……例句:On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.我们绝对不能忽略知识的价值;十五、It is time + S +过去式该是……的时候了例句:It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve thetraffic problems.该是有关当局采取适当的措施来解决交通问题的时候了;十六、Those who ~~~……的人……例句:Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.违反交通规定的人应该受处罚;十七、There is no one but ~~~没有人不……例句:There is no one but longs to go to college. 没有人不渴望上大学;十八、be + forced/compelled/obliged + to + V不得不……例句:Since the examination is around the corner,I am compelled to give updoing sports.既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动;十九、It is conceivable that +句子可想而知的It is obvious that +句子明显的It is apparent that +句子显然的例句:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色;二十、That is the reason why ~~~那就是……的原因例句:Summer is sultry. That is the reason why I don't like it.夏天很燠热;那就是我不喜欢它的原因;二十一、For the past +时间,S +现在完成式……过去……年来,……一直……例句:For the past two years,I have been busy preparing for the examination.过去两年来,我一直忙着准备考试;二十二、Since + S +过去式,S +现在完成式;例句:Since he went to senior high school,he has worked very hard.自从他上高中,他一直很用功;二十三、It pa ys to + V ~~~……是值得的;例句:It pays to help others. 帮助别人是值得的;二十四、be based on以……为基础例句:The progress of thee society is based on harmony. 社会的进步是以和谐为基础的;二十五、Spare no effort to + V不遗余力的例句:We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境;二十六、bring home to +人+事让……明白……事例句:We should bring home to people the value of working hard.我们应该让人们明白努力的价值;二十七、be closely related to ~~与……息息相关例句:Taking exercise is closely related to health. 做运动与健康息息相关;二十八、Get into the habit of + Ving = make it a rule to + V养成……的习惯例句:We should get into the habit of keeping good hours. 我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯;二十九、Due to/Owing to/Thanks to + N/Ving,~~~因为……例句:Thanks to his encouragement,I finally realized my dream.因为他的鼓励,我终于实现我的梦想;三十、What a + Adj + N + S + V= How + Adj + a + N + V多么……例句:What an important thing it is to keep our promiseHow important a thing it is to keep our promise遵守诺言是多么重要的事三十一、Leave much to be desired令人不满意例句:The condition of our traffic leaves much to be desired. 我们的交通状况令人不满意;三十二、Have a great influence on ~~~对……有很大的影响例句:Smoking has a great influence on our health. 抽烟对我们的健康有很大的影响;三十三、do good to对……有益,do harm to对……有害例句:Reading does good to our mind. 读书对心灵有益;Overwork does harm to health. 工作过度对健康有害;三十四、Pose a great threat to ~~对……造成一大威胁例句:Pollution poses a great threat to our existence. 污染对我们的生存造成一大威胁;三十五、do one's utmost to + V = do one’s best尽全力去……例句:We should do our utmost to achieve our goal in life.我们应尽全力去达成我们的人生目标. 不用说…It goes without saying that从句 = It is needless to say that从句 = It is obvious that从句 = Obviously, S. + V. 例∶不用说早睡早起是值得的; It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours.2. 我深信… I am greatly convinced that从句 = I am greatly assured that从句例∶我深信预防好于治疗; I am greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure.3. 在各种…之中…Among various kinds of …, …= Of all the …, … 例∶在各种运动中我尤其喜欢慢跑; Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular.4. …是很容易证明的;It can be easily proved that从句例∶时间最珍贵是很容易证明的; It can be easily proved that nothing is more precious than time.5. …无论如何强调都不为过;… cannot be overemphasized 例∶交通安全的重要性无论如何强调都不为过; The importance of traffic safety cannot be overemphasized.6. 就我的看法…;我认为…In my opinion, …= To my mind, ….= As far as I am concerned, … 例∶就我的看法打电动玩具既花费时间也有害健康; In my opinion, playing video games not only takes much time but is also harmful to health.7. A 每个人都知道… Everyone knows that从句=It’s well-known that =As we all know,…B 就我所知…As far as my knowledge is concerned, … 例∶就我所知下列方法对我帮助很大; As far as my knowledge is concerned, the following ways are of great help to me.8. 毫无疑问地…There is no doubt that从句例∶毫无疑问地近视在我国的年轻人中是一个严重的问题; There is no doubt that near-sightedness is a serious problem among the youth of our country.9. 根据我个人经验…According to my personal experience, … = Based on my personal experience, … 例∶根据我个人经验微笑已带给我许多好处; According to my personal experience,smile has done me a lot of good.10. 在我认识的人当中也许没有一个人比…更值得我尊敬; Of all the people I know, perhaps none deserves my respect more than … 例∶在我认识的人当中也许没有一个人比我的英文老师张老师更值得我尊敬; Of all the people I know, perhaps none deserves my respect more than Miss Chang, my English teacher.11. A 随着人口的增加… With the increase/growth of the population, …B 随着科技的进步, … With the advance of science and technology, … 例∶随着台湾经济的快速发展许多社会问题产生了; With the rapid development of Taiwan's economy, a lot of social problems have come to pass.补:1、Those who ~~~ ...的人...例句:Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.违反交通规定的人应该受处罚;2、There is no one but ~~~ 没有人不...例句:There is no one but longs to go to college.没有人不渴望上大学;3、be + forced/compelled/obliged + to + V 不得不...例句:Since the examination is around the corner, I am compelled to give up doing sports.既然考试迫在眉睫,我不得不放弃做运动;4、It is conceivable that + 句子可想而知的It is obvious that + 句子明显的It is apparent that + 句子显然的例句:It is conceivable that knowledge plays an important role in our life.可想而知,知识在我们的一生中扮演一个重要的角色;5、That is the reason why ~~~ 那就是...的原因例句:Summer is sultry. That is the reason why I don't like it.夏天很燠热;那就是我不喜欢它的原因;6、For the past + 时间,S + 现在完成式...过去...年来,...一直...例句:For the past two years, I have been busy preparing for the examination.过去两年来,我一直忙着准备考试;7、Since + S + 过去式,S + 现在完成式;例句:Since he went to senior high school, he has worked very hard.自从他上高中,他一直很用功;8、It pays to + V ~~~ ...是值得的;例句:It pays to help others.帮助别人是值得的;9、be based on 以...为基础例句:The progress of thee society is based on harmony.社会的进步是以和谐为基础的;10、Spare no effort to + V 不遗余力的例句:We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.我们应该不遗余力的美化我们的环境;11、bring home to + 人 + 事让...明白...事例句:We should bring home to people the value of working hard.我们应该让人们明白努力的价值;12、be closely related to ~~ 与...息息相关例句:Taking exercise is closely related to health.做运动与健康息息相关;13、Get into the habit of + Ving = make it a rule to + V 养成...的习惯We should get into the habit of keeping good hours.我们应该养成早睡早起的习惯;14、Due to/Owing to/Thanks to + N/Ving, ~~~ 因为...例句:Thanks to his encouragement, I finally realized my dream.因为他的鼓励,我终于实现我的梦想;15、What a + Adj + N + S + V= How + Adj + a + N + V多么...例句:What an important thing it is to keep our promise How important a thing it is to keep our promise。

高考短语归纳大全一、动词短语动词+介词account for 说明,解释add to 增加,加强depend on 依靠,依赖object to 反对,讨厌,不喜欢persist in 坚持,持续stick to 坚持,粘住,忠于动词+副词ask for 请求,要求call for 需要,要求,提倡count on 依靠,期望delay for 因…耽搁go for 去请,努力获取look for 寻找,寻求二、介词短语介词+名词in advance 提前,预先in time 及时,适时地by accident 偶然地,意外地in general 一般来说,大体上on purpose 故意地,有目的地in theory 理论上,理论上讲介词+动词短语in favor of 支持,赞成,有利于in front of 在…前面,面对着…in spite of 尽管,虽然,不顾in place of 代替,取代,更换掉in case of 万一发生…时,为防备…时。
三、形容词短语be absorbed in 全神贯注于…之中, 被…吸引住。
如:He is absorbed in the book. 他全神贯注地看着书。
be anxious about 为…感到焦虑。
如:She is anxious about his safety. 她很担心他的安全。
be crazy about 对…着迷, 热衷于。
如:He is crazy about English. 他疯狂地爱上了英语。
be careful of 当心。
如:You should be careful of what you say in front of your father. 你当心在你父亲面前说话。
be confident of 对…有信心。
如:We are confident of success. 我们对成功充满信心。
be fond of 喜欢。

40个高考英语必备动词及词组讲解建议和考试说明词汇一起印发给学生1. agree vi.同意;持相同意见往/改变某种习惯3. bring vt.拿来;带来;取来I cannot agree with you on this point.I'll bring some of my pictures into the gallery. 在这一点上,我不能同意你的意见。
sb agree with sb 同意某人的话,意见bring about = causesth agree with sb 某物,某事适应某人,result in,lead to使产生,引起sth agree with sth 与---一致bring down t agree with me. 使倒下,使下降The climate here doesn'bring forward 我不适应这里的气候。
提出建议= put forward 提前bring in =get in the pops 带来/ 收入建议agree to sbbring back to one's mind agree on sth 在某一点上取得一致意见使回想起bring up sb抚养某人同意干某事agree to do sth(被动:sb. be brought up)打破;损坏;破坏;2. break vt.n. 休息bring up sth 提出He has broken the world record again.bring up 呕吐We should all take a little break before dessert.吃甜点之前我们大家应该稍微休息一下。
结束= come to an end bring to an end=go wrong 打电话给…4. call vt. 叫喊;break down 机器坏了身体垮了/ 课前我要点名。

有关take 的短语,take the trouble to do ... 不怕麻烦做.....;费力做...take away 拿走;移去;减去;削弱;夺走take along 带(某人)去;携带(东西)去take back 取回;认错;收回说过的话take down 写下;记下;卸下take charge 掌管;负责take care of 小心;照料;保管take....for.... 把……当作………;视……为……;take in 带进;领入;吸取;欺骗take on 呈现;具有;雇佣;从事take off 脱掉(衣服);起飞;事业的发展快take over 继承;接办;接管;接替take up 开始从事;接受;把……继承下去;占用(时间;空间) take turns 轮流take the place of 取代;代替take place 发生take part in 参加;加入take advantage of 利用take notice of 注意take apart 拆开有关look 的短语有:look after 照顾;照看look around 环视look at 看;思考;检查look back on sth 回忆起某事look down on/upon sb. 看不起某人look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事look into 调查look on 旁观look out 小心;放心look out for 小心…;当心…;提防…look over 检查look through 浏览look up 好转;查阅;探访(某人)look up to sb. 钦佩某人look ahead 展望未来有关turn 的短语:turn against 使……变得敌对turn around 转回身turn away 把……拒之门外turn back 往回走turn down 拒绝;把声音调低turn in 交还;退回;turn off 使…厌烦;关掉turn on 打开;取决于turn out 产生;结果是turn over 把……交给turn up 被发现;到来;把声音调大;好转turn left/right 向左/右转turn to 查字典;求助于turn a blind eye to/on sb. 对…视而不见turn about 向后转turn from 对……感到厌恶turn sth. over to …把……交给……;让出turn into 使…变成…;翻译成…有关make 的短语:make the most of 充分利用make good use of 充分利用make full use of 充分利用make political points 提出政治观点make ends meet 使收支相抵make it 成功make out 明白;弄清楚;看出;理解make sense 讲得通make sense of 理解……make up 制造;编造;打扮make up for 弥补make up of 由……构成(看得出原材料)make up from 由……构成(看不出原材料make into 把……制成……;使……转变……make for 走向;朝……前进;有利于有关keep 的短语:keep away from 不沾;避开;与……保持距离;不接待keep back 隐瞒;扣留keep …in mind 记在心里keep off 勿踩;勿踏;(雨雪)停止keep on 继续;坚持;keep out 使……不要进来keep out of 不牵涉进入keep up 继续;保持keep up with 跟上;齐步前进keep at 保持;督促;备有;耽搁keep close 躲起来keep down 控制;使…不升起;使…留级;吞下药物keep in 使……继续燃烧keep ahead 领先keep abreast of/with 与…保持并列;了解……的新情况有关get 的短语:get sb. through 给某人接通电话get through 用完;通过;做完;打通电话get round 消息传开get along 进展;进行get away 走开;离开get away from 摆脱;离开get down 跪下;弯腰get down to doing …开始认真做…;正式做……get off 下班get over 克服;摆脱;get at 得到;找到;暗示get around to doing设法找到足够时做…get sth. down 使某事被做get about 消息传播;get by 尚可;通过;设法;继续存在;过得去get hold of 找到某人get in touch with sb. 与某人取得联系get on 进行;变老;上车;对付get out 出来;出版;使…出现get rid of 除掉;去除get across 把信息传递给某人;横过;使…被理解;使…被接受有关give 的短语:give away 送给;分发;泄漏give back 归还;恢复;后退give in 投降;屈服;让步give off 散发出give one's life to 把生命献给…give one's greeting to…向某人问好give out 分发;被用完;宣布;发出give way 妥协;屈从give up 放弃give credit 赊账give for 牺牲;交还give credit to 相信某人give birth to 产生;引起give ground退却;让步give hell 使…受罪;受惩罚;挨骂give lessons to 给……上课有关set的短语:set on 把……放在…上;开始用;攻击某人set about 着手做……set sb. about 使某人与众不同set aside 留取;拔出;节省set off for 动身去set in 插入;开始;到来;上涨set off 引爆set up 安排;资助;竖起来;站起来;创造be set in 以……为背景set down 制定;使…放下;下车;记下set back 花费;向后转;推迟set by 搁在一旁;留出;抛开set at 袭击有关run 的短语:run for 竞选run up 使…增长run after 追赶run away 走掉;跑掉run out 被用完run out of 用完………run to 向……走去;趋向…run over (车)撞到并碾过run through 快速浏览run about 跑来跑去run across 不期而遇;偶然发现;开车送run against 碰及;碰撞;同……竞选run along 走开;延伸;贯穿run at 突然进攻;目前为…run down 使…虚弱;撞到;诽谤run in 快速进入;流入run off 使…留掉;减轻体重run on 继续;不停的讲;滔滔不绝有关burst 的短语:burst in 突然打断burst open 突然打开burst in on sb/sth 打乱;扰乱burst into bears 突然大哭起来burst out crying 突然大哭起来burst out 突然喊叫burst on/onto 突然显现;突然在……出现burst into flame 突然燃烧起来be bursting to do sth 急于做某事burst/break into a room 破门而入burst away 极速四散burst forth 突发;爆发;喷出burst into 匆匆进入;突然开始burst through 推开;拨开burst with 突然发生有关fall 的短语:fall within 应列入……的范围内fall off 从……跌落;数量减少fall behind 落后;落在…后面fall for 上……当;迷恋;对……倾心fall up/upon 向……进攻;由……负责fall out 掉落;脱落fall in 掉入;掉进fall in love with 爱上某人fall through 失败;落空;成为泡影fall down 离开;消瘦fall back 后退;退却fall from 落下;跌落;降落;说出fall on 袭击;落到;轮到fall over 被……绊倒;落在……之外;fall to 开始;落到……;被击败;倒在…fall under 倒在……下;归入……类有关send 的短语:send out 分布;散发;发出send for 派人去叫;订购send back 退回;送回(不满意的东西)send off 派往;邮递;为……送行;发出send up 讽刺;使……上升send away 遣走;解雇send down 使…下降;把…开除;send in 提交;派遣send on 邮递;使…继续下去;派……参加send over 发送;派遣send word 捎信;通告;转告有关die 的短语:die out 灭绝;逐渐消失;逐渐熄灭die away 减弱;淡化die down 逐渐平息;渐弱die off 相继死亡;先后枯死die of 死于……(内因);因……而死(内因)die from 死于……(外因);因……而死(外因)be dying for 渴望…;很想……be dying to do 渴望做某事die back 植物枯死;die cut 冲切;缺口;修边die for 为……而献身;急需………die on 对……不再有用die with laughter 笑得要死有关place 的短语:take the place of 代替;in place of 代替take one's place 请…入席out of place 位置不当;不得体put yourself in one's place 设身处地为某人着想give place to 给……让座有关blow 的短语:blow a fuse 勃然大怒blow away 吹掉blow …away 把……吹走blow sb.away 枪杀某人;使…高兴;给某人留下深刻印象blow out 被风吹灭;熄灭;轻易击败某人blow up 爆炸;被炸毁;对……发火blow back 漏气;吸入;吹回blow bubbles 空谈;空想;blow by 突破blow hot and cold 忽冷忽热;出尔反尔;犹豫;三心二意blow down 吹倒;吹掉;真没想到blow great guns 风刮的猛blow hot coals 暴怒blow in 吹进;突然来访;花完;滥花blow me 见鬼;糟糕;妈的!blow off 吹掉;吹走;放气;炸掉blow over 停止刮;停息;被忘掉有关end 的短语:end cover 端盖;头盖end in 以……为结果end key 结束链end line 终点行end off 结束end on 一端向前地end to end 首尾相连的;最后;终于end up with 以……而告终end up doing 以……结束;最后处于……;最终成为……end zone 结束区at an end ;结束;终结at the end of ………的最后come to an end 结束;完成by the end of 到………为止in the end 最后;终于有关think 的短语:think a lot of 看重think about 考虑…;捉摸……;对……有观点think back to 回想起;回忆起;think better of 重新考虑;决定不做;较高评价;认真考虑think for 认为;预料think highly of 尊重;高度重视;器重think little of 不重视;不加思索think much of 重视;尊重think nothing of 忽视;不重视think of 考虑;想起;对……有意见think on 考虑think out 想出;了解后果think over 仔细考虑;重新考虑think through 思考后得出的结论think to 对……持有某种看法think up 想出;设计出;发明出think with 与……意见相同think well of 对……有好感think of as 把……看作……What do you think of/about …?你认为………怎么样?有关roll 的短语:be rolling in money 非常富有;腰缠万贯roll around 周而复始;循环roll back 击退;使…退后roll down 转开;旋开roll in 大量涌入roll up 达到;把……卷起来roll by 流逝roll away 消散roll off 复印;从…复印出;roll on 滚滚向前roll over 从………滚下;打滚roll call 点名;名单;登记表有关come 的短语:come to……逐渐变得………come true 实现come about 发生;造成come across 无意中碰到;想到;找到come around 恢复知觉come on 加油;快点;来吧come out 出版;开花;发芽;考第…名come to 总计;谈到;涉及come to light 被发现come up 被提出;上来;走近come up with 提出come to an end 结束come into being 开始形成;逐渐存在;产生;建立come into power 开始执政;上台掌权how come (用于引申意义)发生某种情况come of 出身于……;从……中产生;由……引起come along 进展;进步;进行come back 回来;反驳;恢复记忆;回到………上有关call 的短语:call for 来取某物;要求;来找某人call in on 顺便拜访call in 找到;请来;召集call name 辱骂;谩骂call off 取消call upon sb. to do 叫某人去做call on 号召call attention to 引起某人的注意call up 把……召唤回来;使…回忆起有关stand 的短语:stand for 代表;主持;主张;容忍stand by 袖手旁观;支持;坚持stand down 退出;退下stand out 显眼;引人注目stand up 起立;站得住脚stand up for 支持;维护;保卫stand up to 经受住;敢于面对stand against 反对;抵抗stand behind sb 支援某人stand in 代替stand off 疏远;保持一定距离stand to 准备行动;坚持;不放弃stand over 延期;监督;恐吓stand with 和……相处;和…站在一起stand as 作…候选人stand at 犹豫不决;踌躇stand back 靠后站;避开有关put 的短语:put forward 推荐;提出;建议put aside 撇开;放……在一边put away 把……收起;放好put down 写下;放下;镇压;平定put in 安装;插话;花费put into 把……放进……;把……翻译成…put off 推迟;延期put on 穿上;戴上;增加;上演put out 熄灭;生产;出版;发表put up 建起;公布;张贴;举起;提出put up with 忍受;容忍;经受put about 宣称;散布;使…烦恼put forth 放出;发表;颁布;提出put across 把……送到……的对面put apart 留出put by 储存;存放在一起put in mind of 提醒;使……想起put back 放回原处;拔出;向后推put over 把……讲清楚;推迟put to 使……进入……;把…毁掉put one's heart into sth/doing sth 全神贯注于……有关go的短语:go ahead 开始吧;进行;go around 消息传来go against 违背go by 时间消逝;依照;过去;经过go down 下跌;下降go into 调查;了解;研究go on 发生;进行;继续go with 相配;和……交朋友go without 不吃;不用…go out 出去;熄灭go back to 追溯到……;回顾到…go through 通过;浏览;经历go over 留下印象;仔细检查;复习;反复;研究go in for 爱好;对…有兴趣go along with 进展;与……相处go straight 直走go off 爆炸;不再喜欢go up 上升;建立go wrong 发生故障;出毛病go about with 着手做……;处理……;有关hold 的短语:hold back 阻止;犹豫不决;隐瞒hold on to 坚持;hold on 坚持住;别挂电话hold out 坚持抵抗;hold up 举起;支持;拦住hold office 任职hold one's position 担任某个职务hold one's heads up 趾高气扬hold one's breathhold by/to/on 坚持hold down 压住;使…固定;限制;镇压hold in 拿着;抱住;夹住;托住hold off 拖延;抵抗;抗拒;hold out 伸出;拿出;呈现;hold with 同意;容忍有关break 的短语:break away from 断绝来往;脱离break down 失败;出故障;分解;垮掉break into 闯入;破门而入break out 爆发break up 打碎;分开;散;分散;分手;关系破裂break through 突破;break forth 喷发;突发break from 决裂break in 打断;闯入;开始工作;逐渐使用break loose 挣脱break of 使…戒除break off 使…分离;使…脱离;停止;断交break with 与…断绝关系;破除;改变break in on 打断;打扰有关bring的短语:bring about 引起,造成,实现bring down 打落,降低bring along 把...一起带来bring back 归还bring ...out 发表,拿出bring up 抚养,呕吐bring on 引起. bring in 引来,引进,介绍,收入,领……进来bring ...forward 提出;提前 (= put forward) bring around 使复苏,使恢复知觉bring sb. into touch with 使…….进入某种状态bring back 带回…..,回忆…………….bring off 使脱离险境bring before 提出……..,把…..带上法庭。

hold 的短语:
举起;支持 ;拦住
mark sth up 涨价,加价
mark on 在…上做标记,把…写在…上
pay-as-you-earn n. 付工资时扣缴所得税的制度
pay-bed n. (病人在医院的)自费病床,私人病床
pay-claim n. (工会的)增加工资的要求
call 的短语:
stand 的短语:

(完整版)高考动词短语必备(最全,含例句)一.重点短语辨析Aadd1.add …to…把…加到…例:If you add 5 to 5,you get 10.2.add to 增加例:The balloons added to the festival atmosphere.3.add up to 加起来总共;共计例:His whole school education added up to no more than one year. 4.add up例:Add up the numbers,and you will get 110.agree1.agree to do sth.同意做某事例:He agreed to help me with my English.2.agree with同意某人的意见;(天气、食物)适合于某人例:He agreed with me /what I said /my advice.The climat e here doesn’t agree with me.3.agree on意见一致,就…达成共识例:The building of a new factory was agreed on last month.4.agree to同意Ask1.ask for要;请求例:He often asks his parents for money.2.ask sb.to do sth.要某人做某事例:ask sb.for sth.向某人要某物3.ask after sb 问候某人例:Did she ask after me in her letter.4.ask sb along邀请…作伴、同行例:They ask me along.answer1.answer for sth对……负责例:You will have to answer for your behaviour one day2.answer back 为自己辩护;答辩例:It's not fair to criticize without giving her the chance to answer back.3.answer sb back 和…顶嘴appeal1.appeal for sb to do 呼吁…做某事例:The police appealed for witness to come forward.2.appeal to 使…感兴趣例:The prospect of camping didn't appeal to me.Bbe1.be keen on 对……狂热例:Children tends to be keen on cartoons.2.be married to 与……结婚例:Jack was married to Rose.3.be tired of (=be fed up with = be bored with)对……厌烦例:He is tired of this kind of life.=He is bored with this kind of life.4.be interested in 对……感兴趣5.be absorbe in 全神贯注于……例:He was absorbe in his job.6.be crowded with挤满例:The shop is crowded with people.7.be dressed in穿着例:She is dressed in red.8.be experienced in对……有经验例:He is experienced in mending bikes.9.be equipped with装备例:They are equipped with guns and food.10.be furnished with提供,布置例:They are furnished with enough food.11.be engaged in sth从事,忙于(=be busy with sth)例:He has been engaged in writing novels.12.be engaged to与……订婚例:My daughter is engaged to a nice doctor.13.be about to do sth.正要做……例:I was just about to go swimming when our guide saw me and stopped me.14.be fit to do/be fit for胜任;适合于例:He is fit to do the work.These books are not fit for children.15.be worth doing值得做……例:The film is worth seeing again.16.be proud of以……而自影骄傲例:I am proud of being a Chinese.17.be used to sth./doing sth.习惯于……例:My grandpa is not used to living in the noisy city18.be content to do sth./with…愿意做/对……满意19.be up to应由……,轮到……例:It's up to her to answer the question.20.be meant/intended for打算给,打算用作例:Is this valuable painting meant for me?21.be connected with与……有联系例:He was also connected with the government.22.be crazy about对……狂热例:Many young people are crazy about Hip-Hop.23. be known as/be famous as 作为……而闻名be known for 因……而出名be known to 为……所知be known by 凭……而知break1.break out爆发例:The Anti—Japanese War broke out in 1937.2.break in打断;闯入例:Two robbers broke in and robbed the bank of a lot of money.3.break into闯入;破门而入例:They broke into the uncle’s bedroom and found the man lying on the floor。

高考英语常用动词短语高考英语常用动词短语1、look up 查阅2、look after 照料3、look for 寻找4、look forward to 盼望5、look into 调查6、look through 浏览,温习7、put up 建造,举起,张贴8、pick up 拾起,学会9、get up 起床,筹备10、give up 放弃11、come up 出来,发芽,升起12、catch up 赶上13、keep up 保持14、hold up 举起,阻挡15、cut up 切碎16、call up打电话,使…想起17、set up 建立,开业18、sit up 熬夜,坐直19、come down 下来,崩溃,失败20、come along 随同21、come on 赶快,上演,出台,播放22、come in 进来,上市,得到批准23、come out 出来,出版,结果是24、come from 来自,出生在,由……制成25、go on 继续,播放,举办,播放26、go out 出去,熄灭27、go over 检查,复习28、go ahead 干吧,进展,用吧29、go through 通过,审查,完成30、go up 上涨,建造起31、go along with 附和,支持32、fill up 填满33、get on 上车,穿上,上演,举办,播放34、get down 下来,落下,记下,拿下,播放学而时习之高中英语常用短语动词高中英语常用短语动词是指在英语语法中常用的一些动词短语,它们在日常交流和学习中非常常见。
在高中英语中,一些常用的短语动词包括:1、"get" 短语动词"get" 是一个非常常用的动词,后面加上不同的介词可以构成很多短语动词。
例如:1、get up:起床2、get dressed:穿衣服3、get down:下车4、get along:相处5、get through:完成2、"put" 短语动词"put" 也是一个常用的动词,加上不同的介词可以构成很多短语动词。

实用短语序号关键词意义例句译文1as a result of 由于;作为…的结果It has been raining for three days. As aresult, many will ages have been flooded.As a result of his taking drugs, he wasinfected with AIDS.雨下了三天,因此许多村庄被淹了。
2as far as 远到…,就…而言,至于He walked as far as the river.As far as I'm concerned, I am not in favorof your suggestion.他一直走到河边。
3at ease=withoutworries orproblems;comfortably安逸地;舒适地They are living at ease.I never feel at ease in his company.他们过得很安逸。
4at hand: to beclose to you intime or distance近在手头,在附近;即将发生He lives close at hand.Your big moment is at hand.他就住在附近。
5at first sight乍一看(之下)They fell in love at first sight.他们一见钟情。
6at thesight/thought of一看见/一想起…(就)At the sight of the frightening snake, myhair stood on end.一看到那条可怕的蛇,我的头发都竖立起来。
7a t peace≠at war 处于和平/战争状态The country has been at war for many yearswhile the people there would like to be atpeace.那个国家处于战争状态有许多年了,但那里的人们喜欢和平。
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实用短语序号关键词意义例句译文1as a result of 由于;作为…的结果It has been raining for three days. As a result, manywill ages have been flooded. As a result of histaking drugs, he was infected with AIDS.雨下了三天,因此许多村庄被淹了。
2as far as 远到…,就…而言,至于He walked as far as the river. As far as I'mconcerned, I am not in favor of your suggestion.他一直走到河边。
3at ease=withoutworries or problems;comfortably安逸地;舒适地They are living at ease. I never feel atease in his company.他们过得很安逸。
4at hand: to be close toyou in time ordistance近在手头,在附近;即将发生He lives close at hand. Your big momentis at hand.他就住在附近。
5at first sight乍一看(之下)They fell in love at first sight.他们一见钟情。
6at the sight/thought of 一看见/一想起…(就)At the sight of the frightening snake, my hair stoodon end.一看到那条可怕的蛇,我的头发都竖立起来。
7at peace≠at war 处于和平/战争状态The country has been at war for many years whilethe people there would like to be at peace.那个国家处于战争状态有许多年了,但那里的人们喜欢和平。
8according to根据;按照According to the law, he will be sentenced to death.According to the teacher, there will be a meetingtomorrow.根据法律,他将被判处死刑。
9achieve one's goal,achievefame/success,make greatachievements达到目标,成名/取得成功,取得成就He will never achieve his goal if he doesn't workharder. He made greatachievements in science.如果他不更加努力,永远也不会实现他的目标。
10inadvance=beforehand提前,事先He is to go abroad in a few days' time and he wantsto book his tickets in advance.几天后他要出国,他想提前订票。
11after all毕竟;终究Don't scold him too much. After all, he is still achild.别太责备他,毕竟他还是个孩子。
12agree to agreewith同意(提议、计划、等)与…意见一致,同意(某人的观点等)He agreed to my suggestions. He agreedwith my idea/my words/what I said.他同意我的提议。
他同意我的看法(我的话、我所说的)13ahead of在…前面,优于He finished the work two hours ahead of time.He ran two meters ahead of me.他提前两小时完成了工作。
14announce sth tosb=announce to sb sthmake anannouncement通知,宣布(to不能省略);发布通知The government announce to the public that theywould pay their debts.政府向公众宣布,他们会还债。
15around the corner临近;在附近The college entrance examination is around thecorner/drawing near and all the students are busypreparing for it. There is a shop aroundthe corner. The final examination is around thecorner.高考在即,所有的学生都在忙着备考。
16as well; as wellas也,还,同样;既…又…(连接两个并列成分,但不能连接句子)I as well as my parents am seeing my grandfather offat the airport. He had a good time near theseaside, enjoying the beautiful sights as well as thedelicious seafood.我和父母将去机场为祖父送行。
17set aside/put aside 把…放在一边、留出(以备专用)He has a little money put/set aside for a rainy day.The manager had to put/set his work aside for timefor an urgent accident.他积蓄了一点钱以备不时之需。
18attend to attend(on/upon) sb留心,注意;照顾服侍某人Please attend to your work/what the teacher issaying/the needs of customers. She has manyservants attending on her.请注意你的工作、老师正说的话、顾客的需求。
19be equal to; beequal to (doing);equal; equal sbin…与…相等;胜任…;与…相等(v.) 在…方面与某人匹配(v.)This square is equal to that one in size. Bill is equalto the task of running the unit.No one equals him in courage.这个正方形与那个大小一样。
20be familiar with sth;be familiar to sb熟悉、通晓某事;为某人所熟知As a student of history, he is familiar with manycelebrated people in history. The name is quitefamiliar to me, but I can't remember it clearly.作为历史系的学生,他对于历史上的名人很熟悉。
21befamous/famed/celebrated/noted for;be famous as以…著称;作为…而闻名Guilin is famous as a place of interest and it is notedfor its beautiful mountains and waters.桂林作为名胜而闻名,并以美丽的山水著称。
22be fond of 表示习惯性的“爱好”,不与具体时间连用I'm fond of (like/am into) classical music.I'm fond of playing the guitar.我喜欢古典音乐。
23be proud of / takepride in以…自豪I'm proud of being a Chinese. I took greatpride in being a student of the No.1 Middle School.我以作为一名中国人而感到骄傲。
24be bathed in 笼罩在…;沐浴在…The whole school is bathed in the sunlight. All thecity was bathed in a festival atmosphere during theSpring Festival.整个学校沐浴在阳光下。
25blame sth on ; takethe blame把某事归咎于…; 承担责任They blamed the failure on George. The topofficials at fault must take the blame and resign.他们把失败归咎于乔治。
26be to blame; be tolet应受谴责;(被)出租The driver was not to blame for the traffic accident.The house is to let.那次交通事故不应该责怪司机。
27be generous/meanwith; begenerous/mean to sb用…很大方/小气; (对某人)宽大/刻薄The greedy old man was quite mean with his money.Don't be too mean to the children.那个贪婪的老头儿在钱方面很抠门儿。