Designing Organizational Structure
• Staff manager: Someone responsible for managing
Figure 7.8 - Tall and Flat Organizations
Centralization and Decentralization of Authority • Decentralizing authority: Giving lower-level
• Organizational design: Process by which managers
make specific organizing choices that result in a particular kind of organizational structure
Figure 7.1 - Factors Affecting Organizational Structure
• Job enlargement: Increasing the number of • Job enrichment: Increasing the degree of
responsibility a worker has over a job
different tasks in a given job by changing the division of labor
managers and nonmanagerial employees the right to make important decisions about how to use organizational resources
Figure 7.9 - Types and Examples of Integrating Mechanisms
Learning Objectives (cont.)
1.Define organizational structure and organizational design.
2. Explain why structure and design are important to an organization.
The Learning Organization
Defining Organizational Structure
Nomenclature – organizing - the process of creating an organization’s structure – organizational structure - the formal framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated – organizational design - process of developing or changing an organization’s structure • process involves six key elements
– Purpose---an important organizing mechanism, though not a source of ever-increasing productivity
– Notice---too much specialization has created human diseconomies
3.Goals,control and coordination
• Organizational goals
• Output goals are the goals that define the organization’s type of business.
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• As organizations grow, their structure is likely to become more complex.
• Larger organizations can be more efficient, with potential economies of scale in production and services through repetition.
Chap 8 Organisational structure and
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Learning objectives
define and compare organizational design and structure and discuss the relationship between them.
Organisational chart
2.Factors for organizational design
• Factors impacting on the choices made when designing an organisation:
– Scale – Technology – Environment – Strategy
Unity of Command 统一指挥
• The concept that a person should have one boss and should report only to that person. 每个人只有 一个老板并向他汇报。
组织结构6大要素 Work Specialization 工作专门化
• The degree to which tasks in the organization are divided into separate jobs with each step completed by a different person. 组织中的任务划分为不同的工作步骤,每一步都由 不同的人来完成的程度 • Overspecialization can result in human diseconomies from boredom, fatigue, stress, poor quality, increased absenteeism, and higher turnover. 过度的专业分工会导致厌倦,疲劳, 压力,低质量,缺勤率和离职率增加。
图 10-1 (cont’d) Customer Departmentalization 顾客部门化
零售客户部 经理
批发客户部 经理
政府客户部 经理
+ Customers’ needs and problems can be met by specialists
- Duplication of functions
• Coordinates diverse organizational tasks.
The degree to which decision-making is concentrated at a single point in the organizations. Organizations in which decision-making is pushed down to the managers who are closest to the action. Increasing the decision-making authority (power) of employees.
Sales Director, Eastern Region
Process Departmentalization
Plant Superintendent
Sawing Department Manager Finishing Department Manager
Planing and Milling Department Manager
2. Departmentalization 部門化
Grouping jobs by functions performed Grouping jobs by product line Grouping jobs on the basis of territory or geography
and abilities of the manager characteristics of the work being done of tasks of tasks of tasks
Characteristics Similarity
6 organization structure and design
职能科长 职能科长
班组长 班组长
1、含义: 在直线职能制框架基础上,设置独立核算,
自主经营的事业部,在总公司的“集中政策指导下分散 经营”,是一种高度自治的分权化体制。 划分事业部的标志:按产品、项目或地域划分事业部。
——激励潜力分数 技能 任务 + 任务 多样性+ 完整性 重要性 MPS = [————————————] 3 自 主 性
反 馈
激励潜力分数可以衡量一个职位本身对人们的激励程度. MPS得分较高的职位将对人们的动机、绩效和满意度产
1、形成自然的工作单位,使工作具有完整性。 2、归并任务,将现有的过细分割的任务组合起来,形 成一项新的内容丰富的职位,提高技能的多样性和任 务的完整性 3、建立客户关系,这有助于增强技能多样性、自主性 和绩效反馈。 4、纵向扩展职位,缩小计划、实施和控制之间的距离, 增大员工的自主性。 5、开通反馈渠道,这有助于员工及时了解其工作状况.
职位设计的演化: (1)职位专业化; (2)职位扩大化(横向); (3)职位丰富化(纵向); (4)职位轮换; (5)工作团队; 没有放之四海而皆准的最好的职位设计。但理查德. 哈克曼和格雷格.奥尔德姆所提出的职位特征模型,有 助于我们理解职位设计是如何影响激励、满意和组织 绩效。该模型由 核心职位特征、关键心理状态、 调节因素、个人和工作结果 四个重要部分组成。
规模 以组织中的人数来反映组织的大小程度。
组织技术 组织的生产子系统的性质,包括了组织将 输入转化为输出所采取的手段。 环境 包括了组织的边界之外的所有要素。 组织目标 规定了组织的宗旨和竞争手段、活动范围、 和战略 与雇员、顾客和供应商之间的关系。 组织文化 雇员共同拥有的基本价值观、信念、观点 和信条等的集合。
第十章 组织结构与设计
正规化(Formalization) --指组织中各项工作标准化以及员工行为受 规则和程序约束的程度。
2 组织设计模型
注重对任务进行高度的 劳动分工和职能分工 对专业化工作进行严密 的层次控制,同时制定 出许多程序、规则和标 准 提倡以标准化来实现稳 定性和可预见性
低复杂性 低正规化 保持低程度的集权。 不具有标准化的工作和 规则、条例,员工多是 职业化的
顾客部门化 --又称用户部门化,是根据目标顾客的不同 利益需求来划分组织的业务活动。 在激烈的市场竞争中,顾客的需求导向越来 越明显,企业应当在满足市场顾客需求的同 时,努力创造顾客的未来需求,顾客部门化 顺应了需求发展的这一趋势。
优点: 优点: 能满足目标顾客各种特殊而广泛的需求,获 得用户真诚的意见反馈; 可有针对性地按需生产、按需促销; 发挥自己的核心专长,创新顾客需求,建立 持久性竞争优势。
直式结构具有管理严密、分工明确、上下级易于协调的特点。 但随着管理层次增加,需要从事管理的人员迅增加,彼此之间 的协调工作也急剧增加,互相扯皮的事会层出不穷。 1)管理层次增多之后,在管理层次上所花费的设备和开支, 所浪费的精力和时间也然增加。 2)管理层次的增加,会使上下的意见沟通和交流受阻,最高 层主管员所要求实现的目标,所制定的政策和计划,不是下层 不完全了解,就是层传达到基层之后变了样。 3)管理层次增多后,上层管理者对下层的控制变困难,易造 成一个单位整体性的破裂;同时由于管理严密,而影响下级人 的主动性和创造性。因此,一般来说,为了达到有效,应尽可 能地减少管层次。
缺点: 缺点: 1、随着地区的增加,需要更多具有全 、 面管理能力的人员,而这类人员往往不易得 到; 2、每一个区域都是一个相对独立的单 、 位,加上时间,空间上的限制,往往是“天 高皇帝远”,总部难以控制; 3、由于总部与各区域是天各一方,难 、 以维持集中的经济服务工作。
lower-level managers provide input or actually make decisions
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Types of Authority Relationships
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Line and Staff Authority
Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
Unity of Command
Models of Organizational Design
Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
Strategy and Structure
Span of Control
Most effective and efficient span depends on: • Employee experience and training (more they
have, larger span). • Similarity of employee tasks (more similarity,
Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
Power Versus Authority
Copyright © 2015 Pearson Education, Inc.
☆ 组织设计的任务是建立组织结构、确定组织中 各成员的责权利和明确组织内部的相互关系
☆ 组织设计内容: 提供组织机构图、部门职能、岗位说明书
地房 产产 研营 发销 部部
1. Defining Organizational Structure (cont.)
➢ Today’s view 克服分工缺点的尝试 ◆ 扩大工作范围,丰富工作内容, 轮换制,丰富工作外内容
1. Defining Organizational Structure (cont.)
-- the basis by which jobs are grouped together ● functional - grouping jobs by functions performed ● product - grouping jobs by product line ● geographical - grouping jobs on the basis of geographical region ● process - grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow ● customer - grouping jobs on the basis of specific and unique customers who have common needs
Chapter 10 Organizational Structure and DesignOrganizational structure is defined as ___________.a. a set of managerial decisions and actionsb. a formal framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinatedc. a process that is done best if it is done quicklyd. all of the aboveOrganizational design is based on decisions about ____________.a. work specialization and departmentalizationb. chain of command and span of controlc. centralization and decentralizationd. all of the aboveWhich statement accurately defines work specialization?a. the degree to which tasks are divided into separate jobsb. individual employees specialize in doing part of an activity rather than the entire activityc. jobs are ranked relative only to their worth or value to the businessesd. a and bOn what basis are jobs grouped in order to accomplish organizational goals?a.departmentalizationb.centralizationc. formalizationd. coordinationSales responsibilities divided into the Southwest, Midwest, southern, northern, and western regions would be an example of what type of departmentalization?a. productb. geographicc. processd. outcomeWhat kind of departmentalization would be in place in a government organization where different public service responsibilities are divided into activities for employers, children, and the disabled?a. productb. geographicc. outcomed. customerThe continuous line of authority that extends from the upper levels of management to the lowest levels of the organization is ____________.a. authorized line of responsibilityb. unity of commandc. responsibility factord. chain of commandThe theory that a person should report to only one manager is called ____________.a. authorized line of responsibilityb. unity of commandc. responsibility factord. chain of commandThe concept that defines the number of subordinates that report to a manager and that indirectly specifies the number of levels of management in an organization is called _____________.a. authorized line of responsibilityb. unity of commandc. responsibility factord. span of controlThe degree to which decision making is confined at a single point in an organization is described as ____________.a. unity of commandb. chain of commandc. span of managementd. centralizationThe degree to which jobs are standardized and guided by rules and procedures is called ______________.a. work specializationb. centralizationc. decentralizationd. formalizationStructure is related to the size of the organization, such that larger organizations are more _____________.a. mechanisticb. organicc. structurally weakd. decentralizedWhich of the following would likely be found in mechanistic organizations?a. wide span of controlb. empowered employeesc. decentralized responsibilityd. standardized job specialtiesWhich type of environment is best suited for mechanistic organizations?a. dynamicb. manufacturingd. stableOrganizations that are highly flexible and adaptive are described as ______________.a. organicb. mechanisticc. rationald. intuitiveChapter 11 Managerial Communication and Information TechnologyFor communication to be successful, meaning must be imparted and __________.a. received by the other personb. an action taken by the receiverc. feedback establishedd. understood__________ consists of all the patterns, networks, and systems of communication within an organization.a. The grapevineb. Interpersonal communicationc. Organizational communicationd. Open communicationThe process through which the symbols of a message are translated into a form that the receiver can understand is called _____________.a. decodingb. encodingc. reinstatingd. expandingDisturbances that interfere with the transmission, receipt, or feedback of a message are called ___________.a. feedbackb. feed forwardc. the channeld. noise__________ is the actual physical product encoded by the source.a. An ideab. A messagec. A written noted. A hand signal__________ is the deliberate manipulation of information to make it appear more favorable to the receiver.a. Spinc. Fabricatingd. FilteringInformation overload occurs when ____________.a.we have too much information to work withb.the information we’ve b een given is too detailedc.the information we’ve been given exceeds our capacity to process itd.all of the aboveWhen a manager asks an employee to complete a task, he or she is communicating _____________.a. hypotheticallyb. theoreticallyc. informallyd. formallyOrganizational communication that is not defined by the organization’s structural hierarchy is called ____________.a. theoreticalb. hypotheticalc. informald. formalLateral communication takes place among any employees ________________.a. on the same organizational levelb. in the same work groupc. within the same organizationd. assigned to the same supervisorWhen there is an interest in the efficiency and speed of communication between managers at different levels and in different departments, then ________________.a. upward communication works bestb. diagonal communication should be usedc. lateral communication is ideald. informal will work the fastestWhich of the following forms of communication do cross-functional teams rely heavily on?a. downwardb. upwardc. theoreticald. lateralIn the all-channel network, communication flows _______________.a. between an identifiable and strong leader and others in the work groupb. in a circle until all of the members of a work group has been informedc. freely among all members of a formal work teamd. among the managers of a functional area of an organizationIf a company is concerned with high member satisfaction, which of the following communication networks is best?a. chain networkb. horizontal networkc. wheel networkd. all-channel networkChapter 12 Human Resource ManagementAn assessment that defines the jobs and behaviors necessary to perform the job is known as a _____________.a. job descriptionb. job specificationc. goal-oriented job definitiond. job analysisA written statement of what a job holder does, how it is done, and why it is done is known as _____________.a. job specificationb. process departmentalizationc. goal-oriented job definitiond. job descriptionA list of the minimum qualifications or requirements needed by an employee to perform a job is known as a____________.a. job analysisb. job descriptionc. responsibility factor listd. job specificationJob analysis is concerned with which of the following human resource planning aspects?a. deciding how well someone is performing his or her jobb. what behaviors are necessary to perform a jobc. hiring someone to do a jobd. estimating pay on job level in an organizationWhich of the following focuses on the qualifications a person must possess to perform a given job successfully?a. job analysisb. job descriptionc. job specificationd. job rotationMost studies show that the best source of superior job candidates is ______________.a. college campusesb. newspaper advertisementsc. executive search firmsd. employee referralsRecruitment is the process of _____________.a. hiring employees from competitorsb. locating, identifying, and attracting potential employeesc. measuring the pressure in the local labor marketd. hiring from outside the organization__________ brings into the light the goals of the work unit that a new employee is hired into.a. Organizational orientationb. Work unit orientationc. Realistic job previewd. Assessment centerIf a training event includes learning to be a better listener or learning to interact effectively with coworkers, it is attempting to teach _____________.a. technical skillsb. interpersonal skillsc. problem-solving skillsd. observational skillsThe oldest and most popular performance appraisal method allows the evaluator to rate employees on an incremental scale. This is called a ____________.a. written essayb. critical incidentc. graphic rating scaled. multiperson comparisonThe most thorough performance appraisal method, _____________ , utilizes feedback from supervisors, employees, and coworkers.a. management by objectivesb. 360-degree feedbackc. critical incidentsd. graphic rating scalesSCENARIO QUESTIONSFor each of the following, choose the answer that most completely answers the question.Human Resource Planning (Scenario)Steve is hired to manage the human resources department of a local manufacturing company. This company has the reputation of being the firm “where you work until you find your next job.” Employee turnover is high and morale is low. Steve is determined to change the situation and make the organization’s human resources a competitive advantage and source of pride for the firm.As one of his first tasks, Steve’s boss asks him to develop a database of the education, special capabilities, and specialized skills of all the employees. This is known as a ______________.a. simple design of the organizationb. human resource inventoryc. division of labord. job analysisSteve believes that part of the reason for the high turnover is that individual jobs are very poorly defined. Employees are not sure of what is expected of them and that performance standards are unequal between regions and functions. Steve conducts a _________ for each position, defining all the jobs and behaviors necessary to perform them.a.job descriptionb.job specificationc.job analysisd.none of the aboveAs part of restructuring the organization’s human reso urces, Steve decides that new ___________, which state the minimum job qualifications that a person must possess to successfully perform a given job, must be written for each position.a.job descriptionb.job specificationc.job analysisd. a and bTop management decides that the performance appraisal process is problematic. They ask Steve to make a study ofa new appraisal technique, _______________, which rates employees according to items along a numericalscale with examples of actual behaviors on the job.a. 360-degree feedbackb. objectivesc. behaviorally anchored rating scaled. management by objectivesSteve recommends a (an) __________ pay system that rewards employees for learning more job skills and competencies.a. knowledge-basedb. analyzedc. functional stabilizationd. skills-based。
Organization Structure (cont’d)
• Formalization • The degree to which jobs within the organization
are standardized and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures. • Highly formalized jobs offer little discretion over what is to be done. • Low formalization means fewer constraints on how employees do their work.
Describe each of the five forms of departmentalization.
Explain cross-functional teams.
Differentiate chain of command, authority, responsibility, and unity of command.
L E A R N I N G O U T L I N E (cont’d) Follow this Learning Outline as you read and stCuodmymtohnisOcrhgaanpiztearti.onal Designs
Contrast the three traditional organizational designs.
elements: • Work specialization • Departmentalization • Chain of command • Span of control • Centralization and decentralization
Organizational Design Structure, Culture,and Control[组织设计结构,文化,和控制 ](-54)
• Hierarchy: formal, position-based reporting lines
➢ Tall structure vs. flat structure
❖ Tall structure higher degree of centralization ❖ Flat structure lower degree of centralization
• Mechanistic organizations
➢ High degree of specialization and formalization
➢ Tall hierarchy
➢ Centralized decision making
❖ Example: McDonald’s
Video on Web 2.0 Changing workplace
❖ Examples: NASA, McDonald’s
The Key Elements of Organizational Structure
• Centralization: where the decision is made
➢ Centralized decision making slow response time and reduced customer satisfaction
Sources of Bureaucratic Costs
Number of Middle
Motivational Problems
Coordination Problem
organizational structure and design
Six Key Points in Designing the Proper Organization Structure
work specialization (工作专门化) Departmentalization (部门化)包括职能部门化,产
品部门化,地区部门化,过程部门化,顾客部门化,以及 ign
Definition of Organizational Structure
An organizational structure is the formal system of task and job reporting relationships that determines how employees use resources to achieve the organization’s goals.
Academic literature
Distinction between organization design and organization theory
Organization design: normative, designoriented discipline that aims to produce the framework and tools required to create effective organizations organization theory: focus on describing and understanding organizational functioning
Chapter 10 Organizational Structure and Design
• 优点:有利于改善地 区的协调,取得地区 经营的经济效益;有 利于培养管理人才。 缺点是:需要更多具 有全面管理能力的人 北区 才;增加了主管部门 控制的困难;地区部 门之间往往不易协调 等。
Customer departmentalization--顾客部门化
Centralization(集权): The degree to which decision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization
Decentralization: The degree to which lower-level employees provide input or actually make decisions
• 实行工作专门化能有效利用员工技能,利于提高组织的培训 效率。
人性不经济造成,无 聊,疲劳,压力等造 成低生产率、低质专门化
2). Departmentalization-部门化
• The basis by which jobs are grouped together(按照 类别对工作进行分组,以使共同的工作可以进行 协调。)
9、Organizing : 组织
Management function that involves the process of determining what tasks are to be done, who is to do them. How the tasks are to be grouped, who reports to them, and where decisions are to made.
11、Controlling: 控制
Management function that involves monitoring actual performance ,comparing actual to standard, and taking action, if necessary.
5、Management :管理
The coordinating work activities so that they are completed efficiently and effectively with and through other people
3、Scientific management: 科学管理
The use of scientific method to determine the “one best way” for a job to be done.
Chapter 10 – Organizational Structure and DesignTrue/False QuestionsA MANAGER’S DILEMMA1.According to the boxed feature, “A Manager’sDilemma,” Nokia was once involved in industries ranging from paper to chemicals and rubber.True (moderate)2.According to the boxed feature, “A Manager’sDilemma,” Nokia has been competing in the telecommunications industry since 1965.False (moderate)DEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTUREanizational design is the organization'sformal framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated.False (difficult)4. The concept of work specialization can betraced back a couple of centuries to Adam Smith's discussion of division of labor.True (moderate)5. The degree to which tasks in an organizationare divided into separate jobs is division of labor.True (moderate)6. Historically, many organizations have groupedwork actions by function departmentalization.True (moderate)7. Grouping jobs on the basis of product orcustomer flow is termed customer departmentalization.False (moderate)8.Geographic departmentalization has greatlyincreased in importance as a result of today’s competitive business environmentFalse (moderate)9. A group of individuals who are experts invarious specialties and who work together is a cross-functional team.True (moderate)10. Authority is the individual's capacity toinfluence decisions.False (difficult)11. Authority is synonymous with responsibility. False (easy)12. Responsibility is the rights inherent in amanagerial position.False (easy)13. A manager's span of control refers to thenumber of subordinates who can be effectively and efficiently supervised.True (moderate)14. The classical view of unity of commandsuggests that subordinates should have only one superior to whom they report.True (easy)15. The trend in recent years has been towardsmaller spans of control.False (easy)16. When decisions tend to be made at lower levelsin an organization, the organization is said to be decentralized.True (moderate)17. Decentralization describes the degree to whichdecision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization.False (moderate)18. In the last 35 years, there has been a trendof organizations moving toward increased decentralization.True (easy)19. Appropriate organizational structure dependson four variables: the organization's strategy, size, technology, and degree of environmental uncertainty.True (difficult)20. Standardization refers to the degree to whichjobs within the organization are standardized and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.False (moderate)ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN DECISIONS21. An organic organization tends to becharacterized by high specialization, extensive departmentalization, narrow spans of control, high formalization, a limited information network, and little participation in decision-making by low-level employees.False (moderate)22. An organic organization would likely be veryflexible.True (moderate)23. Innovators need the efficiency, stability, andtight controls of the mechanistic structure. False (easy)24.The relationship between organizational sizeand structure tends to be linear.False (difficult)25. Joan Woodward attempted to view organizationalstructure from a technological perspective. True (moderate)26. Woodward demonstrated that organizationalstructures adapted to their technology.True (moderate)27. Woodward's findings support that there is "onebest way" to organize a manufacturing firm. False (moderate)28.The strength of the functional structure isthat it focuses on results.False (moderate) it is the strength of divisional structure.\\\\\\\29.According to the text, a functional structurecreates strategic business units.False (moderate)COMMON ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGNS30. Project structures tend to be rigid andinflexible organizational designs.False (easy)Multiple ChoiceA MANAGER’S DILEMMA31.According to the company profile in “AManager’s Dilemma,” the organizational structure of Nokia is best described as ______________.a.mechanisticanic (moderate)c.centralizedd.formalized32.The factor contributing the most to Nokia’ssuccess in the mobile phone industry according to the company profile in “A Manager’s Dilemma” is product development (moderate)ernment subsidiesc.national trade barriersd.weak competition33.______________ is the process of creating anorganization's structure.a. Human resource managementb. Leadingc. Organizing (moderate)d. Planninge. DepartmentalizationDEFINING ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE34. According to the text, a(n) ______________ isthe formal framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated.a.mission statementb.environmental scanc.internal resource analysisanizational structure (moderate)35. Which of the following is not one of the sixkey elements in organizational design?a. work specializationb. departmentalizationc. chain of commandd. bureaucratic design (difficult)e. span of control36. Work specialization is also known as______________.a. departmentalization.b. centralization.c. span of control.d. formalization.e. division of labor. (easy)37. The term ______________ is used to describethe degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate ethicsb.managerial specialization (moderate)38.When did the idea of enlarging, rather thannarrowing, job scope begin?a. 1950sb. 1960s (moderate)c. 1970sd. 1980se. 1990s39.Which of the following is not an example ofthe classical view of division of labor?a. assembly-line productionb. Burger Kingc. Taco Belld. TQM (moderate)e. Kentucky Fried Chicken40. ______________ is the basis on which jobs aregrouped in order to accomplish organizational goals.a. Departmentalization (moderate)b. Centralizationc. Formalizationd. Coordinatione. Efficiency41. A local manufacturing organization has groupsof employees who are responsible for sales,marketing, accounting, human resources, etc.These are examples of what concept?a. authorityb. chain of commandc. empowermentd. departmentalization (moderate)e. social grouping42. Grouping sporting equipment in one area, men'sclothing in another area, and cosmetics in a third area, is an example of what kind departmentalization?a. customerb. product (easy)c. geographicd. processe. outcome43. Sales responsibilities divided into thesouthwest, midwest, southern, northern, and western regions would be an example of ______________ departmentalization.a. productb. geographic (easy)c. processd. outcomee. customer44.Grouping activities on the basis of customerflow is ______________.a. functional departmentalization.b. product departmentalization.c. geographical departmentalization.d. process departmentalization. (moderate)e. technological departmentalization.45. What type of departmentalization expects thateach department will specialize in onespecific phase of the process or product production?a. productb. geographicc. process (easy)d. outcomee. customer46. What kind of departmentalization would be inplace in a government organization where different public service responsibilities are divided into activities for employers, children, and the disabled?a. productb. geographicc. processd. outcomee. customer (moderate)47. Which of the following is not a form ofdepartmentalization suggested by your text?a. functional departmentalizationb. product departmentalizationc. geographical departmentalizationd. process departmentalizatione. technological departmentalization(difficult)48. Today's competitive business environment hasgreatly increased the importance of what type of departmentalization?a. geographicb. customer (difficult)c. productd. processe. outcome49. According to the text, managers are using______________, which are groups of individuals who are experts in various specialties and who work together.a.specialized teamsb.cross-demanded teamsc.cross-functional teams (moderate)d.simple structured teams50. Which of the following is a contemporaryaddition to the historical view of departmentalization?a. increased rigidityb. cross-functional teams (moderate)c. enhanced centralizationd. elimination of product departmentalizatione. addition of sales departmentalization51. Bringing together the company's legal counsel,research engineer, and marketing specialist for a project is an example of a(n) ______________.a. empowered team.b. process departmentalization.c. product departmentalization.d. cross-functional team. (moderate)e. continuous improvement team.52. The ______________ is the continuous line ofauthority that extends from upper organizational levels to the lowest levels and clarifies who reports to whom.a.chain of demandb.chain of command (easy)c.demand hierarchyd.continuous design structure53. To whom a worker reports concerns which aspectof organizational structure?a. chain of command (moderate)b. departmentalizationc. pay structured. line of commande. authority framework54. ______________ entitles a manager to directthe work of a subordinate.a. Responsibilityb. Legitimate powerc. Rankd. Operating responsibilitye. Authority (moderate)55. ______________ is the obligation to performassigned activities.a. Authorityb. Responsibility (easy)c. Chain of commandd. Unity of commande. Formalization56. The ______________ principle (one of Fayo l’s14 principles of management) helps preservethe concept of a continuous line of authority.a.unity of demandb.unity of command (moderate)c.demand structured.continuous demand57. Span of control refers to which of thefollowing concepts?a. how much power a manager has in theorganizationb. the geographic dispersion of a manager'ssubunits of responsibilityc. how many subordinates a manager caneffectively and efficiently supervise (moderate)d. the number of subordinates affected by asingle managerial ordere. the amount of time it takes to passinformation down through a manager's line of command58. Other things being equal, the wider or largerthe span of control, the more ______________ the organizational design.a. bureaucraticb. democraticc. effectived. efficient (difficult)e. classical59. Wider spans of control may be viewed as moreefficient, but eventually, wider spans tend to have what effect on organizations?a. reduced effectiveness (difficult)b. increased turnoverc. loss of managerial powerd. customer dissatisfactione. rigid chains of command60. An organization that spends money onmaintaining a well-trained work force can expect which of the following span-of-control outcomes?a. increased contempt for managementb. increased voluntary turnoverc. centralized authorityd. less direct supervision (moderate)e. increased need for managerial-levelemployees61. A high-tech manager who supervises thedevelopment of a new computer chip needs ______________ compared to a manager who supervises the mailing of unemployment insurance checks at the local government office.a. about the same span of controlb. a narrower span of control (difficult)c. a wider span of controld. a more informal span of controle. elimination of the span of control62. In general, span of control is ______________for managers.a. increasing (easy)b. decreasingc. staying the samed. significantly decreasinge. no longer important63. ______________ describes the degree to whichdecision making is concentrated at a single point in the organization.a.Decentralizationb.Centralization (moderate)c.Transnationalismd.Cross sectional analysis64. If lower-level employees provide input or areactually given the discretion to make decisions, the organization is ______________.a. formalized.b. centralized.c. decentralized. (easy)d. mechanistic.e. organic.65. Recently, there has been a distinct trendtoward ______________.a. smaller spans of control.b. decentralized decision-making. (moderate)c. decreased flexibility.d. emphasis on chain of command.e. mechanistic organizations.66. Which of the following factors WOULD NOTinfluence an organization to have a higher degree of centralization?a. Environment is stable.b. Company is geographically dispersed.(difficult)c. Company is large.d. Decisions are significant.e. Organization is facing a crisis.67. ______________ refers to the degree to whichjobs within the organization are standardized and the extent to which employee behavior is guided by rules and procedures.a. Standardizationb. Centralizationc. Chain of commandd. Strategye. Formalization (moderate)68. All of the following factors indicate that adecentralized organization would be most effective EXCEPT when ______________.a. the environment is complex.b. decisions are relatively minor.c. the organization is facing a crisis.(difficult)d. the company is geographically dispersed.e.effective implementation of strategiesdepends on managers having involvement andflexibilityto make decisions.69. Which of the following factors describes anenvironment in which a high degree of decentralization is desired?a. Environment is complex, uncertain.(moderate)b. Lower-level managers do not want to have asay in decisions.c. Decisions are significant.d. Company is large.e. Organization is facing a crisis or the riskof company failure.70. The ______________ organizational structure ischaracterized by high specialization, extensive departmentalization, narrow spans of control and high formalization.a. mechanistic (easy)b. organicc. contingencyd. adhocracye. functional71. Which of the following is NOT a characteristicof a mechanistic organization?a. high specializationb. wide spans of control (moderate)c. high formalizationd. limited information networke. extensive departmentalization72. What type of organizational form followsclassical principles such as unity of command?a. organicb. linearc. decentralizedd. mechanistic (moderate)e. adhocracyORGANIZATIONAL DESIGN DECISIONS73. Which of the following would likely be foundin mechanistic organizations?a. wide span of controlb. empowered employeesc. decentralized responsibilityd. few rules and/or regulationse. standardized job specialties (difficult)74. All of the following are characteristics of anorganic organization EXCEPT:a. narrow spans of control. (moderate)b. cross-hierarchical teams.c. free flow of information.d. low formalization.e. cross-functional teams.75. In the early years of Apple Computers, itsdesire for highly proficient and creative employees who operated with few work rules was an example of what type of organization?a. bureaucraticb. mechanisticc. volatiled. nouvellee. organic (difficult)76. Which of the following is true concerning anorganic organization's problem-response time?a. It requires strict adherence to efficientlydeveloped rules.b. Its speed demands clear lines of command.c.Response times are slower than mechanisticorganizations, but answers tend to be moreaccurate.d. Professional standards guide behavior.(difficult)e. The response time is quick due to thecentralized design.77. Which of the following is not one of the fourcontingency variables that help determine appropriate organizational structure?a. organizational sizeb. organizational strategyc. organizational technologyd. organizational age (moderate)e. degree of environmental uncertainty78. Which of the following is an accuratestatement?a.Strategy follows structure.b.Strategy and structure are equal intemporal importance.c.Strategy and structure are not linked.d.Structure follows strategy. (moderate)e.Mechanistic and organic organizations havedistinct differences in the application ofthe relationship between strategy andstructure.79. Most current strategy-structure contingencyframeworks tend to focus on three strategy dimensions. These dimensions are ______________.a.revenue maximization, customer satisfaction,and visibility.b. customer satisfaction, employeesatisfaction, and ethics.c. innovation, cost minimization, andimitation. (difficult)d. legal considerations, profit maximization,and innovation.e. long-term survival, profit maximization,and customer satisfaction.80. What kind of relationship is there betweenorganizational size and degree of mechanistic structure?a. -1.0b. unclearc. positive (moderate)d. bimodale. exponential81. Joan Woodward's research was the first majorattempt to view organizational structure froma ______________ perspective.a. strategicb. contingencyc. sized. departmentale. technological (easy)82. The three production categories that JoanWoodward divided organizations into in order to uncover relationships between organizational structure and technology are ______________.a. unit, mass, process (difficult)b. unit, product, costc. product, cost, customerd. mass, process, coste. process, unit, product83. According to Woodward's studies, what type ofproduction works best with a mechanistic structure?a. unitb. processc. productd. mass (moderate)e. just-in-time84. Which of the following is not a characteristicthat would suggest unit production would be a best "fit"?a. low horizontal differentiationb. low vertical differentiationc. small-batch, custom productsd. low formalizatione. mechanistic structure (difficult)85. A characteristic that both unit production andprocess production have is that the most effective organizational structure for both technologies is ______________.a. organic. (difficult)b. mechanistic.c. adhocracy.d. matrix.e. team.86. Woodward's studies generally demonstrate thatorganization ______________ should adapt to their ______________.a. processes; environmentb. employees; leadersc. technologies; legal constraintsd. structures; technology (moderate)e. outputs; resources87. Which type of environment is best suited formechanistic organizations?a. dynamicb. manufacturingc. serviced. combinatione. stable (moderate)88. According to the text, all of the followingare examples of the more traditional organizational designs EXCEPT:a.the simple structure.b.the functional structurec.the matrix structure (moderate)d.the divisional structure89. Which of the following is not characteristicof a simple organizational structure?a. narrow spans of control (moderate)b. low degree of departmentalizationc. centralized decision-makingd. little formalizatione. information arrangement of employees COMMON ORGANIZATIONAL DESIGNS90. Which of the following terms is associatedwith a simple organizational structure?a. elaborateb. high-complexityc. formald. decentralizede. flat (moderate)91. A wine store that employs six people mostlikely has what kind of organizational structure?a. bureaucracyb. simple (difficult)c. functionald. divisionale. team-based92. All of the following are strengths of a simpleorganizational structure EXCEPT:a. It's fast.b. It's inexpensive to maintain.c. It's less risky. (moderate)d. Accountability is clear.e. It's flexible.93. A bureaucratic or mechanistic design may use a______________ structure which groups similar or related occupational specialties together.a. matrixb. functional (moderate)c. divisionald. geographice. team-based94. A ______________ structure creates strategicbusiness units.a. matrixb. functionalc. divisional (difficult)d. geographice. team-based95. What type of organizational structure is madeup of autonomous, self-contained units?a. bureaucracyb. simplec. functionald. divisional (moderate)e. team-based96. In what type of organizational structure isempowerment most crucial?a. bureaucracyb. simplec. functionald. divisionale. team-based (easy)97. The ______________ is an organizationalstructure that assigns specialists from different functional departments to work on one or more projects being led by project managers.a.functional structureb.simple structurec.matrix structure (moderate)d.divisional structure98. The matrix approach violates what classicalprinciple?a. unity of command (moderate)b. decentralizationc. customer focusd. linear lines of responsibilitye. large spans of control99. What type of organization assigns specialistsfrom different functional departments to work on one or more projects led by a project manager?a. classicalb. contemporaryc. matrix (easy)d. evolutionarye. product-based100. A ______________ organization is not defined by, or limited to, the horizontal, vertical, or external boundaries imposed by a predefined structure.a. team-basedb. boundarylessc. mechanisticd.project (moderate)e. simple101. A ______________ organization has developed the continuous capacity to adapt and change.a. simpleb. mechanisticc. bureaucraticd. team-basede. learning (moderate)MANAGING IN AN E-BUSINESS WORLD102. According to the boxed feature, “Managing in an E-Business World,” all of the followin g are needed for E-business to achieve the characteristic necessary for success in the digital world EXCEPT:a.high vertical, horizontal, and lateralcommunication.b.cross-hierarchical and cross-functionalteams.c.extensive employee empowerment.d.high formalization. (moderate)103. According to the boxed feature, “Managing in an E-Business World,” ’s organizational structure is best described as ______________.a.mechanisticanic (moderate)c.。
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Exhibit 10–2 (cont’d) 10– (cont’
Process Departmentalization
+ More efficient flow of work activities – Can only be used with certain types of products
© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved. 10–6
Organizational Structure
• Work Specialization
The degree to which tasks in the organization are divided into separate jobs with each step completed by a different person. Overspecialization can result in human diseconomies from boredom, fatigue, stress, poor quality, increased absenteeism, and higher turnover.
© 2007 Prentice Hall, Inc. All rights reserved.
Departmentalization by Type
• Functional
Grouping jobs by functions performed
• Process
Grouping jobs on the basis of product or customer flow
Chapter10BasicOrganizationalDesignChapter 10 Basic Organizational Design1) Organizational structure is defined as the formal arrangement of jobs within an organization.Answer: TRUE2) An organic organization strictly adheres to the chain-of-command principle and hasa small span of control.Answer: FALSE3) In divisional structures, the parent corporation typically acts as an external overseer to coordinate and control the various divisions of the organization.Answer: TRUE4) The chain of command is a principle that states that a person should report to only one boss.Answer: FALSE5) Departmentalization based on ________ groups jobs on the basis of territory or physical location.A) customerB) productC) geographyD) processAnswer: C6) Work teams composed of individuals from various functional specialties are known as ________ teams.A) cross-controlB) cross-trainingC) cross-functionalD) cross-commandAnswer: C7) ________ is the degree to which decision making takes place at upper levels of the organization.A) CentralizationB) DecentralizationC) FormalizationD) FunctionalizationAnswer: A8) In highly ________ organizations, there are explicit job descriptions, numerous organizational rules, and clearly defined procedures covering work processes.A) formalizedB) decentralizedC) leveragedD) capitalizedAnswer: A9) Large organizations are more ________.A) mechanisticB) organicC) disorganizedD) decentralizedAnswer: A10) Moderate vertical differentiation, high horizontal differentiation, and high formalization are characteristics of an organization that indulges in ________.A) small-batch productionB) mass productionC) unit productionD) process productionAnswer: B11) A company with low departmentalization, wide spans of control, centralized authority, and little formalization possesses a ________ structure.A) simpleB) functionalC) divisionalD) matrixAnswer: A12) A ________ is an organizational design that groups similar or related occupational specialties together.A) matrix structureB) functional structureC) divisional structureD) simple structureAnswer: BEric Redd (Scenario)Eric Redd graduated from college and was hired by a company that manufactured parts for the automotive industry. Eventually, the top management noticed that the employees on the assembly line seemed bored, and their motivation was low. Eric's employer decided to try to reorganize in order to increase productivity. Eric's responsibilities are about to change from that of an engineer to a more complex one.13) In an attempt to reorganize, the assembly-line activity was divided into separate job tasks. Individual employees were trained to become specialists in specific tasks rather than the entire activity. The company seems to have adopted ________.A) work specializationB) departmentalizationC) cross-functional teamsD) centralizationAnswer: A14) Eric majored in engineering and really enjoyed his work. After the reorganization, Eric was required to work with a team that included production workers as well as marketing specialists to design the latest products the company was planning to offer. This implies ________.A) the company is becoming more centralizedB) that Eric's job responsibilities have been reducedC) the company is becoming more mechanisticD) that Eric is a part of a cross-functional teamAnswer: D15) Eric is offered a chance to help direct the efforts of some employees assigned to his work group. This is a chance for Eric to experience ________.A) self actualizationB) groupthinkC) referent powerD) authorityAnswer: D16) When Eric is offered a chance to help direct the efforts of some employees assigned to his work group, he sees this new assignment as a(n) ________.A) decrease in authorityB) increase in departmentalizationC) increase in his responsibilityD) decrease in work specializationAnswer: C17) Explain the concept of span of control.Answer: How many employees can a manager efficiently andeffectively manage? That is what span of control is all about.The traditional view was that managers could not—and should not—directly supervise more than five or six subordinates. Determining the span of control is important because to a large degree, it determines the number of levels and managers in an organization—an important consideration in how efficient an organization will be. All other things being equal, the wider or larger the span, the more efficient an organization is.The contemporary view of span of control recognizes that there is no magic number. Many factors influence the number of employees that a manager can efficiently and effectively manage. These factors include the skills and abilities of the manager and the employees, and the characteristics of the work being done. For instance, managers with well-trained and experienced employees can function well with a wider span. Other contingency variables that determine the appropriate span include similarity and complexity of employee tasks, the physical proximity of subordinates, the degree to which standardized procedures are in place, the sophistication of the organization's information system, the strength of the organization's culture, and the preferred style of the manager. The trend in recent years has been toward larger spans of control, which is consistent with managers' efforts to speed up decision making, increase flexibility, get closer to customers, empower employees, and reduce costs. Managers are beginning to recognize that they can handle a wider span when employees know their jobs well and when those employees understand organizational processes.18) Discuss the three traditional organizational designs and highlight their strengths and weaknesses.Answer: The three traditional organizational designs are: the simple structure, functional structure, and divisional structure. These structures tend to be more mechanistic in nature.a. Simple structure - It is an organizational design with low departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority centralized in a single person, and little formalization. As employees are added, however, most do not remain as simple structures. The structure tends to become more specialized and formalized. Rules and regulations are introduced, work becomes specialized, departments are created, levels of management are added, and the organization becomes increasingly bureaucratic. At this point, managers might choose a functional structure or a divisional structure. These structures are fast, flexible, and inexpensive to maintain. On the negative side, these structures are not appropriate when the organization starts growing. Moreover, the reliance on one person is also very risky.b. Functional structure - A functional structure is an organizational design that groups similar or related occupational specialties together. This structure enjoys cost-saving advantages from specialization (economies of scale, minimal duplication of people and equipment). It also groups employees who have similar tasks with each other. On the negative side, the constant pursuit of functional goals can cause managers to lose sight of what is best for the overall organization. Moreover, the functional specialists become insulated and have little understanding of what other units are doing.c. Divisional structure - It is an organizational structure made up of separate business units or divisions. In this structure, each division has limited autonomy, with a division manager who has authority over his or her unit and is responsible for performance.In divisional structures, however, the parent corporation typically acts as an external overseer to coordinate and control the various divisions, and often provides support services such as financial and legal. The major strength of this structure is that it focuses on results by holding division managers responsible for what happens to their products and services. But, the duplication of activities and resources encountered in such structures increases the cost and reduces the efficiency of the organization.。
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Manager, Accounting
Manager, Manufacturing
Manager, Human Resources
Manager, Purchasing
© Jianjun Zhang
Product Departmentalization
Bombardier, Ltd. Manager, Retail Accounts Mass Transit Division Bombardier-Rotax (Vienna) Recreational and Utility Vehicles Sector Recreational Products Division Logistic Equipment Division Industrial Equipment Division Rail Products Sector
© Jianjun Zhang 10-2
Learning Objectives
You should learn to: – Describe a simple structure, a functional structure, and a divisional structure – Explain team-based structures and why organizations are using them – Describe matrix structures, project structures, autonomous internal units, and boundaryless organizations – Explain the concept of a learning organization and how it influences organizational design
Chapter 10
© Jianjun Zhang 10-1
Learning Objectives (cont.)
You should learn to: – Define organizational structure and organizational design – Explain why structure and design are important to an organization – Describe the six key elements of organizational structure – Differentiate mechanistic and organic organizational design – Identify the four contingency factors that influence organizational design
© Jianjun Zhang 10-5
Defining Organizational Structure (cont.)
Departmentalization – the basis by which jobs are grouped together • functional - groups jobs by functions performed • product - groups jobs by product line • geographical - groups jobs on the basis of territory or geography • process - groups jobs on the basis of product or customer flow • customer - groups jobs on the basis of common customers
© Jianjun Zhang 10-3
Defining Organizational Structure
Nomenclature – organizing - the process of putting people in department, linking departments into organization – organizational structure - the formal framework by which job tasks are divided, grouped, and coordinated – organizational design - process of developing or changing an organization’s structure • process involves six key elements
© Jianjun Zhang 10-4
Defining Organizational Structure (cont.)
Work Specialization – the degree to which tasks in an organization are divided into separate jobs • individuals specialize in doing part of an activity rather than the entire activity – too much specialization has created human diseconomies – an important organizing mechanism, though not a source of ever-increasing productivity
© Jianjun Zhang 10-6
职能 销售 个人 任务1 客 户 类 型 服务 任务2
© Ji1 7
Functional Departmentalization
Plant Manager
Manager, Engineering