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Utilization and Balance of Nitrogen and Proper Application Amount of Nitrogen Fertilizer in Winter Wheat in High-Yielding Regions
GUO Tian-Cai, SONG Xiao, FENG Wei, MA Dong-Yun, XIE Ying-Xin, and WANG Yong-Hua
1 材料和方法
1.1 试验地概况及田间设计 2005—2006 年生长季, 在河南农业大学科教示
范园区(34°44′N, 113°42′E)进行田间小区试验, 前茬 田菁掩底作基肥。试验点年平均温度为 14.4℃, 全 年降雨集中在 6~8 月, 小麦全生育期降雨量为 132.3 mm, 无霜期为 220 d, 全年日照时间为 2 400 h。供 试土壤为潮土, 耕作层土壤含有机质 17.8 g kg−1、全 氮 0.99 g kg−1、碱解氮 57.9 mg kg−1、速效磷 67.5 mg kg−1、速效钾 204.8 mg kg−1, pH 值为 7.49。试验设 4 个氮素水平, 分别施纯氮 0(N1)、90(N2)、180(N3) 和 360 kg hm−2(N4), 以普通尿素(氮含量 46%)为氮 源。各处理均结合耕翻整地, 基施磷肥 150 kg P2O5 hm−2 和钾肥 150 kg K2O hm−2 和总氮量 50%, 剩余 50%氮肥于拔节期(3 月 25 日)结合浇水追施。每个 处理 3 次重复, 小区面积 3 m × 7 m = 21 m2, 采用随 机区组排列。供试品种为目前生产上大面积推广应 用的大穗型高产小麦品种兰考矮早八。10 月 12 日 播种, 3 叶期(10 月 28 日)定苗, 基本苗为 330 万 hm−2。其余田间管理按一般高产田进行。在小麦成 熟时, 分小区实收计产。 1.2 取样及氮含量测定
郭天财等: 高产麦田氮素利用、氮平衡及适宜施氮量
降低[1], 并严重威胁地下和地表水体的安全, 从而不 利于优质农产品生产与生态农业的可持续发展[2-3]。我 国人多地少, 只有逐年提高作物单产, 才能有效缓 解土地日益减少而人口逐年增长引起的对粮食需求 的持续压力。因此, 在提高施肥的增产效应和经济 效益的同时, 最大限度地降低肥料施用对环境的负 面影响, 已成为小麦生产中一个亟待解决的问题。 发达国家减少氮肥污染的主要对策除了改进施肥技 术和方法外, 适当降低产量目标以减少氮肥施用量 是常用措施。Sexton 等[4]认为, 达到最高产量 95% 的施氮量为兼顾玉米产量、经济效益和生态效益的 施氮量, 国内不少学者也提出了兼顾产量、经济和 生态效益的安全合理施氮量或生态适宜施氮量的概 念[5-7], 但有关小麦的研究相对较少且缺乏对品质指 标的兼顾。为此, 本试验研究了不同施氮水平对冬 小麦产量、蛋白质含量、氮素吸收及氮素平衡的影 响。以期为实现作物高产优质高效与环境友好结合 的氮肥合理运筹提供理论与实践依据。
分别于返青期、拔节期、抽穗期、开花期和成 熟期取有代表性小麦 20 株, 于 70℃烘至恒重, 称重,
按 GB/T5511-1985 方法测定植株和籽粒氮含量。每 个时期分别于各小区按对角线布点, 取 0~20 cm 土 样均匀混合, 称取 10 g 新鲜土样(过 2 mm 筛) 3 份, 用 2 mol L−1 KCl 溶液浸提, 通过 0.01 mol L−1 HCl 标准溶液滴定, 测出 NO3−-N 和 NH4+-N 含量, 即为 土壤无机氮含量[8]。 1.3 计算方法
氮素矿化是根据无氮区作物吸氮量与试验前后 土壤无机氮的净变化来估计, 由于不考虑氮肥激发 效应, 故假定施肥处理的土壤矿化量和无肥区(N1) 相同[9]。即生育期土壤氮素净矿化量=不施氮肥区地 上部分氮积累量+不施氮肥区土壤残留无机氮量- 不施氮肥区土壤起始无机氮量[9]。
(Henan Agricultural University / National Engineering Research Center for Wheat, Zhengzhou 450002, Henan, China)
Abstract: Application of nitrogen fertilizers is one of the most important measures to increase crop yields. Lankao’aizao 8 is a
20 世纪 90 年代以来, 我国农业生产中氮肥用量 急剧增加, 由于氮肥施用不合理而引起肥料利用率
基金项目: 国家“十一五”科技支撑计划项目(2006BAD02A07, 2006BAK02A25-06) 作者简介: 郭天财(1953−), 男, 教授, 博士生导师, 主要从事小麦栽培与耕作研究。Tel :0371-63558201; E-mail: tcguo888@sina.com Received(收稿日期): 2007-09-17; Accepted(接受日期): 2007-12-16.
作物学报 ACTA AGRONOMICA SINICA 2008, 34(5): 886−892 ISSN 0496-3490; CODEN TSHPA9
http://www.chinacrops.org/zwxb/ E-mail: xbzw@chinajournal.net.cn
DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1006.2008.00886
famous large-spike wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivar planted widely in North China. To optimize the nitrogen application in Lankao’aizao 8 for the integrated purposes of yield, economic benefit, and environmental influence, a field experiment was carried out at Henan Agricultural University in 2005—2006 growth seasons. The nitrogen fertilizer treatments were arranged with application rates of 0 (N1), 90 (N2), 180 (N3), and 360 kg N ha−1 (N4) in the randomized block design with three replicates, respectively. A half of the nitrogen fertilizer was applied before sowing as basic fertilizer together with 150 kg P2O5 ha−1 and 150 kg K2O ha−1 and the other a half topdressed at jointing stage. Time-course measurements were taken on plant dry weight, nitrogen content, grain protein content, soil mineral nitrogen (N min) content during the experiment. The results showed that the grain yield and protein content increased with increasing nitrogen application amount, but the grain yield at N4 level (8 299.45 kg ha−1) was lower than that at N3 level (8 602.92 kg ha−1) though there was no significant difference. The N accumulation in shoots increased constantly with more nitrogen fertilizer applied. The N uptake in plants during jointing to heading accounted for 45.6%, 53.0%, and 49.7% of whole uptake amount in N2, N3, and N4 treatments, respectively, indicating wheat plants are sensitive to nitrogen from jointing to heading stages. The analysis on N balance further indicated that the unutilized nitrogen by the current crop mainly lost in forms of residual Nmin in soil and apparent N, which increased accordingly with more nitrogen applications. Considering grain yield and protein content, economic benefit, and ecological effect synthetically, the proper amount of nitrogen fertilizer for Lankao’aizao 8 in production in areas similar to the experimental condition is 202–239 kg ha−1 calculated by the Marginal Revenue Analysis and the Coase theory of environmental economics. Accordingly, the expected grain yield and protein content are 8 628–8 680 kg ha−1 and 14.6–14.8% under the current cultivation techniques, respectively. Keywords: Winter wheat; Yield; N balance; Nitrogen application rate
郭天财 宋 晓 冯 伟 马冬云 谢迎新 王永华
(河南农业大学 / 国家小麦工程技术研究中心, 河南郑州 450002)
摘 要: 选用大穗型小麦品种兰考矮早八, 研究了施氮水平对小麦籽粒产量、蛋白质含量、氮素利用及氮平衡的影 响。结果表明, 适量增施氮肥有利于提高籽粒产量, 且以 180 kg hm−2 (N3)、360 kg hm−2 (N4)处理的产量最高, 且在 N4 条件下, 继续增施氮肥仍能显著提高籽粒蛋白质含量。随施氮量的增加, 植株地上部氮积累量提高。氮平衡分析 结果表明, 未被当季作物利用的氮主要以氮表观损失和残留无机氮的形式损失, 且随施氮水平的增加, 氮表观损失 量和土壤残留量均随之增多。通过环境经济学的 Coase 原理和边际收益分析, 综合考虑蛋白质含量、籽粒产量、经 济和生态效益, 确定 202~239 kg hm−2 为兰考矮早八兼顾多目标适宜的氮肥用量, 其相应的产量水平为 8 628~8 680 kg hm−2, 蛋白质含量为 14.6%~14.8%。 关键词: 冬小麦; 产量; 氮平衡; 施氮量