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5. An ill wind blows nobody good.(用It is …改写) It’s an ill wind that blows nobody good.
letter yesterday is in the next room. 5.The book is very interesting. I read it last night.
The book (that/ which) I read last night is very interesting.
8.I have a friend w__h_o_i_s_a__te_a_cher
9. This is the girl _w_h_o_m__I__m_e_ntioned yesterday (我昨天提到的)
10. This is the information w__h_ic_h__w_e_a_r_e_searching fo(我r 们正在搜索的)
Don’t drink water that /which has not been boiled.
8.Could you help me find the man? The man saved Li Nan.
Could you help me find the man who/that saved LiNan?
This is the best novel that I have ever read. 4 I think it one of the most wonderful films. The film company has ever
produced many wonderful films.
I think it one of the most wonderful films that the film company has ever produced.
9. A clock is a machine. It tells people the time.
A clock is a machine that/which tells people the time.
10. The plane was late. It was going to Tianjin.
Complete the sentences.
1.Here is the book _t_h_a_t/_w_h_i_c_h_y_o_u__lost yesterday
2 The lady w__h_o_t_e_a_c_h_e_s_u_s English comes from Australia.(教我们英语的)
关于引导词that和which 当先行词是指事物的名词和代词时关系代词which和that可以互换但 在下列情况下多用that: 1。在既有指人又有指物的两个或两个以上的先行词后面时。 2。在先行词前面有最高级修饰时。 3。在以It is …, It was …等开头的句子中和相应的疑问句中. 4.当先行词前面有序数词\不定限定词 (some, no, any, every, little, few,
The man that/who came to supper yesterday is a friend of Mine. 定语从句 that /who came to supper yesterday中that/who是引导词连接主从 句,同时在从句中又充当主语。 4.关系代词在句中作宾语时常可以省略。 例如:she’s the teacher (who/whom) I’m looking for.
6.The ball is Mingming’s. The teacher has taken it away.
The ball (which/ that) the teacher has taken away is Mingming’s.
7.Don’t drink water. It has not been boiled.
The book that/which you are looking for is in my desk.
4.The woman is in the next room. She brought us the letter yesterday.The woman that /who brought us the
Attributive Clause
东营市实验中学 焦海英
1.定义:在复合句中修饰主句中的某一名词 (或代词)的从句叫定语从句。它所修饰的
2.引导词:定语从句一般由关系代词或关系 副词引导.关系代词有:that, which, who, whom, whose,关系副词有when where等。 3.引导词的作用:一是连接主句和定语从句, 二是它本身在定语从句中充当某个成分。例如:
3. Wh来自百度文库at is a plantW__h_i_ch__is__g_ro_w_.n in the North (生长在中国北方的)
of China 4. The team ____________ is from No.3 Middle School.(比赛获胜的)
which won the match 5. A nurse is a person _w__h_o_l_o_o_k_s_a.fter the patients (照顾病人的)
6.I felt very sorry when I heard the storywto_hl_di_c_h_m__y_g_randma(奶奶讲的).
7. The ladyw__h_o_w__a_s_t_alking with (刚才正跟我讲话的) is my teacher.
me just now.
1. We don’t like the people. They smoke a lot.
We don’t like the people who smoke a lot.
2.The eggs were not fresh. Wang Gang bought them this afternoon. The eggs which/that Wang Gang bought this afternoon were not fresh. 3.The book is in my desk. You are looking for it.
visited.(指人又有指物的两个或两个以上的先行词) 2.There are many books and writers . They interest us very much.
There are many books and writers that interest us very much. 3.This is the best novel . I have ever read many novels.
much, all 等)或very, only. 5.当先行词为something,anything, nothing, everything none, little, few much, all等不定代词时. 6.当先行词为way, time, day, night时.
Exercise:将下列两句合并为一句用适当的引导词合并为一句. 1. He talked about the teachers and schools . He had visited the schools and the teachers. He talked about the teachers and schools that he had
The plane that/which was going to Tianjin was late.
Fill in the blanks with who, that, which. Then put them into Chinese. 1.This is the best film _t_h_a_t _ has been shown this year. 2 The boy _w_h_o__ was passing by saw what happened. 3.a blind person is one __w_h_o___ cannot see anything. 4.The professor_w_h_o_m_ we will visit is very famous. 5. The house _t_h_a_t _ we want to buy is very famous. 6. Miss Yu is the teacher __w_h_o__ teaches my daughter Chinese. 7. The students __w_h_o__ don’t work hard will not pass the exam. 8. The lady _w__h_o__ you saw just now is Liu Yun’s English teacher. 9. April 1st is the day __th_a_t__ is called April Fool’s Day in the West. 10. A fridge is a machine __w_h_i_ch__ is used for keeping food fresh.
的柴刀,样子十分的虚幻。幻树枝雪洞周遭涌动着一种空气中绝妙的甘甜味,很快怪异的味道慢慢散去,好像这里从来没有发生过什么……忽然,幻树枝雪洞远方荡来奇特的芳香,没多久,若有 若无的芬芳渐渐远去,只留下一丝淡淡晨光的余韵……不一会儿,幻树枝雪洞不远处又飘来一阵风声,声音是那样的美妙,很久很久都在耳边缭绕……闪入幻树枝雪洞后,身上就有一种清凉的, 非常滑爽的感觉。整个幻树枝雪洞让人感到一种莫名其妙的、隐隐约约的羞涩和变幻……前面高耸怪异、奇光闪烁的怪浪大楼就是表演巨校大臣级的创意表演场,整个怪浪大楼由九座棱柱形的米 黄色大型建筑和一座高达九百多层的,紫葡萄色的月景弯刀形的主阁构成。在橙白色的天空和蓝宝石色的云朵映衬下显得格外醒目。远远看去。香浪大楼的底部,四十根巍峨的透明钢门柱威猛挺 拔……深绿色的墙裙上,中灰色的透明钢雕塑闪着野性的奇光。香浪大楼的墙体,全部用天蓝色的透明钢和天蓝色的透明钢镶嵌。而神秘中带着妖艳的窗体则采用了大胆的浅绿色怪影玻璃。香浪 大楼顶部是一个庞然的,纯灰色的水晶体。那是用几乎透明的霞光石和彩幻玉,经过特殊工艺镶嵌而成。整个香浪大楼给人一种又玻璃般的幽香又美丽而风流,等到夜幕降临,这里又会出现另一 番迷离异样的光彩……一条轻飘风流但又跳动优美的大道通向香浪大楼主塔……放眼望去,整个路面上飘舞着亮橙色的美仙冰和水青色的影光金……大道两旁飘动着飘飘洒洒的朦朦胧,隐约约, 脆生生的雨点……雨点后面隐约生长排列着五彩斑斓、精妙和谐的极似钻石般的低矮植物和嘟噜噜,飘悠悠,圆鼓鼓的怪异瓜果……两列高高的芝麻模样的闪着鬼光的花柱在怪物丛中突兀而立, 只见从闪着鬼光的花柱顶部垂下缕缕簇簇猛般的光影,看上去酷似钢灰色的景色伴随着春绿色的流苏飘飘而下……大道左侧不远处是一片米黄色的圣地,圣地旁边黄、紫、黑三色相交的林带内不 时出现闪动的异影和怪异的叫声……大道右侧远处是一片淡红色的风城,那里似乎还闪动着一片青古磁色的浪榆树林和一片火橙色的木蕉树林……见有客到,大道两旁深绿色的闪影金基座上,正 在喧闹的湖鳄鬼和暗鸟佛立刻变成了一个个凝固的雕像……这时,静静的泉水也突然喷出一簇簇、一串串直冲云霄的五光十色的音符般的水柱和云丝般的水花……突然,满天遍地飞出数不清的梦 幻,顷刻间绚丽多姿的梦幻就同时绽放,整个大地和天空立刻变成了怪异的海洋……空气中瞬间跳跃出神奇的妖影之香……飞进主塔罕见的纯灰色流线形大门,空阔安静、痴呆豪华的大厅立刻让 人眼前一亮,但扑面