基于PLC的恒压供水系统设计 英文资料

Constant Pressure Water Supply System Based plcAbstract:Based one simple analysis of the methods for water supply used domestically and abroad, this paper discusses the principl e and system’s structure of automatic water supply system by using frequency conversion speed regulation in detail。
Then the system's advantages are discussed and some key problems that should be pay attention to designing are presented.Keyword: Frequency conversion speed regulation; water supply with stable pressure:PID regulator。
1、ForewordAt present,supply water in residential area and life of the skyscraper of our country generally adopt the way common frequently。
It has heavy energy consumption,high noise,and there has a great deal of questions in the source of water,such as secondary pollution etc。
And it is a kind of comparatively ideal mode to adjust the water supply device controlled rapidly with frequency conversion 。

现场监控站内的控制器按预先编制的软件程序来满足自动控制的要求,即根据供水管的高/ 低水压位信号来控制水泵的启/停及进水控制阀的开关,并且进行溢水和枯水的预警等。
关键词:可编程控制器变频器传感器1ABSTRACTIn company wi th the improvement o f peopl e’s l iv ing s t andard,t heappl ica t ion o f new t echnique and advanced equ ipment p rov ide a newdeve lopment fo r the design of wate r supp ly.I t i s a cha l l enge for us to se lec t away of wate r supp ly with h igh s t andard,secure and hea l thy, econo mica l,and reasonable. This sys tem adopts PLC log ic c ont ro l,and t ransducer with PIDfunc t ion to ad jus t the pressure, which presen t s many advantages,such as h ighre l iab i l i ty, convenience i n use,s t ab i l i ty in pressure,and wi thout impac t.The des ign i s made of Program mable Logic con t ro l l e r,t ransducer,sensor,low pressure con t ro l manufac ture tank,e tc. Through t ransducer and re lay,contac tor con t ro l pumping uni t running s ta tus,t he p ipe ne twork ach ieves to therequi rement o f cons tan t p ressure var iab le f low-ra te wate r supp ly. When the equipment on-the-f ly, pressure gauge wi thou t i nte rmiss ion t rans la tes t he p ipe network hydrau l ic p ressure s igna l to e lec t r i ca l s igna l en te r mic rocompute r,andth rough microcompute r’ar i thmet ic process ing, obt a ins op t imal con t ro l par ameter.The dam press beforehand made up sof tware p rogram came sa t i s fact ion se l fgovern ing ob l ige,namely on the bas i s o f h igh or low-water s igna l came cont ro lrad ia l d i f fuser in f luen t va lve’s swi tch,and proceed over fu l l and low water’s g radef rom wate r t ank and pond back of the moni tor p r ime inc lude rad ia l di f fuserautomat i sm open cease dam , wa te r l eve l f low, man met r i c measur i ng andregula te;use wate r f low, d i sp lacement'measure;w ater t reatment equipment locomot ive pu t in con t rol;water qua l i ty de tec t i on;water conserva t ion programcont ro l;mal func t ion and er ro r s ta te'en te r g rade up under observa t ion back of theth rough the medium o f t ransducer and bang-bang con t ro l com ponentse l f-cor rec t ing pumping un i t exped i t ious ly r unning. Water works on s i t esuperv i s ion in s ta t ion.The paper main ly in t roduces the charac te r s o f the PLC,t ransducer,a nd sensor,the use o f each h igh-qua l i ty un i t a ry and des ign,and p rov i des thef lowchar t o f sys tem work, p rogram and des ign.Keyword:Program mable Logic cont ro l le r Transducer sensor2目录1前言 (1)1.1供水系统发展过程及现状 (1)1.2供水系统的概述 (2)1.2.1.变频恒压供水系统主要特点: (2)1.2.3.恒压供水设备的主要应用场合: (2)1.2.4.恒压供水技术实现: (3)2系统总体设计方案 (4)2.1系统设计方案 (4)2.1.1系统控制要求 (4)2.1.2控制方案 (4)2.1.3运行特征 (5)2.1.4系统方案 (5)2.2可编程控制器(PLC)的特点及选型 (7)2.2.1PLC特点及应用 (7)2.2.2可编程控制器的选型 (8)2.2.3.PLCCPM2A模拟量输入/输出单元 (12)2.3变频器选型及特点 (15)2.3.1ABB产品信息: (15)2.3.2变频节能理论: (15)2.3.3.变频恒压供水系统及控制参数选择: (16)2.3.4.变频恒压供水系统的优点及体现 (17)2.4远传压力表 (18)2.4.1主要技术指标 (19)2.4.2结构原理 (19)2.5系统控制流程设计 (20)2.5.1系统组成及作用 (20)2.5.2系统运行过程 (20)3软件设计 (23)3.1系统中检测及控制开关I/O分配 (23)3.2I/O地址及标志位分配表.................................. (25)3.3流程图 (27)3.4程序设计: (28)4.结论 (43)致谢 (44)参考文献 (45)1第一章前言1.1供水系统发展过程及现状一般规定城市管网的水压只保证6层以下楼房的用水,其余上部各层均须“提升”水压才能满足用水要求。

关键词:PLC;变频调速;PID控制;恒压供水ABSTRACTAccording to the city water supply system,this paper designed a PLC-based control of frequency control water supply system.The system consists of PLC, inverter, water pump, pressure sensors and other accessories.The system uses frequency converter three-phase pump motor of the soft start and frequency control, and use "first start first stop"principle to switch to run the pump.Pressure sensors to detect pressure signals into the PLC compared with the PID set point operation and thus control the inverter output voltage and frequency, thereby changing the water pump motor speed and water supply.It makes the pipe network water pressure is always maintained around the set value in order to achieve constant pressure water supply.Keywords:PLC; frequency control; PID control; constant pressure water supply目录1 绪论 (1)1.1课题的背景及意义 (1)1.2变频恒压供水系统的国内外研究现状 (1)1.3本课题主要研究内容 (2)2 恒压供水系统总体方案设计 (2)2.1系统的主要结构及组成 (2)2.2PLC概述及其系统组成 (2)2.3变频器简介及选型 (3)2.3.1 变频器简介 (3)2.3.2变频器的基本结构 (3)3 系统硬件选择及系统电路设计 (5)3.1硬件选择 (6)3.1.1 PLC及其扩展模块的选型 (6)3.1.2 变频器的选型 (6)3.1.3 水泵机组的选型 (7)3.1.4 压力变送器的选型 (7)3.1.5 液位变送器选型 (8)3.2系统主电路分析及其设计 (8)3.3系统控制电路分析及其设计 (9)3.4PLC的I/O端口分配及外围接线图 (11)4 系统的软件设计 (14)4.1 系统软件设计分析 (14)4.2PLC程序设计 (15)4.2.1 控制系统主程序设计 (15)4.2.2 控制系统子程序设计 (19)4.3PID控制器参数整定 (22)4.3.1 PID控制及其控制算法 (22)4.3.2 系统的近似数学模型及参数取值 (23)5总结 (24)参考文献 (25)附录 (26)致谢 (34)1 绪论1.1 课题的背景及意义城市中各类小区的供水系统是小区众多基础设施当中的一个重要组成部分。

压力传感器检测当前水压信号,送入PLC与设定值比较后进行PID 运算,从而控制变频器的输出电压和频率,进而改变水泵电机的转速来改变供水量,最终保持管网压力稳定在设定值附近。
关键词:变频调速,恒压供水,PLC,组态软件ABSTRACTAccording to the requirement of China's urban water supply, this paper designs a set of water supply system of frequecey control of constant voltage based on PLC, and have developed good operation management interface using Supervision Control and Data Acquisition.The system is made up of PLC, transducer,units of pumps,pressure sensor and control machine and so on.This system is formed by three pump generators,and they form the circulating run mode of frequency conversion. With general frequency converter realize for three phase pump generator soft start with frequency control,operation switch adopts the principle of”start first stop first”. The detection signal of pressure senso r of hydraulic pressure,via PLC with set value by carry out PID comparison operation,so,control frequency and the export voltage of frequency converter,and then the rotational speed that changes pump generator come to change water supply quantity,eventually,it is nearby to maintain pipe net pressure to stabilize when set value. Through work control machine the connection with PLC,with group form software consummately systematic monitoring,have realized operation state development to show and data,report to the police inquiry.Keywords: variable frequency speed-regulating, constant-pressure water supply, PLC, supervision control and data acquisition.目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 课题的提出 (1)1.2 变频恒压供水系统的国内外研究现状 (3)1.3 PLC概述 (5)1.4 本课题的主要研究内容 (7)2 系统的理论分析及控制方案确定 (8)2.1 变频恒压供水系统的理论分析 (8)2.2 变频恒压供水系统控制方案的确定 (11)3 系统的硬件设计 (19)3.1 系统主要设备的选型 (19)3.2 系统主电路分析及其设计 (23)3.3 系统控制电路分析及其设计 (25)3.4 PLC的I/O端口分配及外围接线图 (27)4 系统的软件设计 (31)4.1 系统软件设计分析 (31)4.2 PLC程序设计 (33)4.3 PID控制器参数整定 (40)5 监控系统的设计 (46)5.1 组态软件简介 (46)5.2 监控系统的设计 (46)6 结束语 (51)参考文献 (53)致谢 (55)附录 (56)附录A 英文文献 (56)附录B 中文翻译 (65)附录C 主程序梯形图 (71)1 绪论1.1 课题的提出水和电是人类生活、生产中不可缺少的重要物质,在节水节能已成为时代特征的现实条件下,我们这个水资源和电能源短缺的国家,长期以来在市政供水、高层建筑供水、工业生产循环供水等方面技术一直比较落后,自动化程度较低,而随着我国社会经济的发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,以及住房制度改革的不断深入,城市中各类小区建设发展十分迅速,同时也对小区的基础设施建设提出了更高的要求。
plc变频调速恒压供水系统 毕业设计

目录1 概述: (1)1.1 PLC变频调速恒压供水系统的概述: (1)1.1.1 PLC变频调速恒压供水系统得组成 (1)1.1.2 PLC变频调速恒压供水系统实现的功能 (1)1.1.3 传统供水系统存在的问题及其改进 (1)1.2 PLC基本知识简介 (2)1.2.1 PLC概述: (2)1.2.2 PLC的系统组成及各部分作用: (3)1.2.3 PLC的分类及S7-200系列PLC简介 (4)1.3 变频器简介 (5)1.3.1 通用变频器概况 (5)1.3.2 MICROMASTER420系列变频器 (6)2 PLC变频调速恒压供水系统的设计 (7)2.1 PLC变频调速恒压供水系统的PLC信号控制系统 (7)2.2 PLC与变频器硬件组成 (7)2.3 变频器的配置与连接 (7)3 PLC变频调速恒压供水系统软件程序设计 (9)3.1 PLC变频调速恒压供水系统工作原理图及流程图 (9)3.2 PLC的I/O点数的分配及外围接线图 (10)3.3恒压供水系统界面 (11)3.4 PLC变频调速恒压供水系统的完整梯形图 (15)总结 (18)主要参考文献 (19)1、概述传统的供水系统已经很难满足现在工厂的供水需求,其不足之处日趋暴露。

石家庄铁道学院毕业设计(论文)基于PLC的变频恒压供水控制系统VF constant pressure water supply PLC2014届石家庄铁道学院成人教育分院(系)专业电气自动化应用毕业设计(论文)任务书毕业设计(论文)开题报告摘要随着社会主义市场经济的发展,人们对供水质量和供水系统可靠性的要求不断提高;再加上目前能源紧缺,利用先进的自动化技术、控制技术以及通讯技术,设计高性能、高节能、能适应不同领域的恒压供水系统成为必然的趋势本论文分析变频恒压供水的原理及系统的组成结构,提出不同的控制方案,通过研究和比较,本论文采用变频器和PLC实现恒压供水和数据传输,然后用数字PID对系统中的恒压控制进行设计。
关键字:变频调速;恒压供水;PLC;MCGS;监控系统AbstractWith the rapid development of socialistic marketing economy,there is a growing demand for better quality of water supply and higher reliability of supply system. In addition ,considering the current common energy crisis, achieving the scheme of automatingthe water supply system. So it is an inevitable tendency to design and create an energy-savingconstant-pressure water supply system of excellent performance with the help of advancedtechniques of automation,monitor-control system; and communication. Meanwhile, the System can also adapt to various water Supply regions.This paper analyzes the structure of VF speed regulating constant-pressure water supply,and proposes several control methods.By careful study and comparison, PLC and inverter's method fits water supply system and datatransmission very well. Finally the paper shows the design of constant pressure supply water controller according to PID data and detailed introduction of its software and hardware.In this paper,the author designs and realizes the remote monitor and control system through MCGS, and then illustrates its general design, software implement and the measures of preventable disturbance in details.The system, which has initially been completed with reliable performance and excellent energy-saving effect, proves to possess high reliability and real-time quality. The system can not only remarkably improve the quality of water supply, but also economize on labor, which will surely bring us both economic and social benefits.Key Words:VF speed; constant pressure water supply;PLC;MCGS;monitor and control- system目录第一章绪论............................................... 错误!未定义书签。


关键词:PLC;恒压供水;变频调速;组态软件ABSTRACTThe A / D conversion module changes the digital signal detected by the pressure sensor into the standard electrical signal, processes the difference through the PID algorithm of the CPU, and then the CPU sends out the control command, changes the frequency and output voltage of the frequency variable controller to change the speed and number of pumps, such as The other two pumps operate at constant speed when the platform is in variable speed operation. In this way, the pressure of the main pipeline is stable in a constant range, thus ensuring the balance between water supply capacity and water consumption. In addition, frequency conversion constant pressure water supply is based on PLC, and combined with water supply pump, pressure gauge and other equipment, to achieve the function of switching water pump, operation monitoring, data alarm.The water supply system is based on the user volume, and the energy-saving system with automatic adjustment parameters realizes the constant and variable water volume. The system can maintain stable water pressure and protect water demand, which can be applied to high-rise buildings, residential areas, enterprise production and other aspects.Key words: PLC; constant pressure water supply; variable frequency speed regulation; configuration softwareII目录1绪论 (1)1.1 引言 (1)1.2 课题背景及意义 (1)1.3 供水系统的国内外研究现状 (2)1.3.1 国内外发展与现状 (2)1.3.2变频供水系统的发展趋势 (2)1.4 PLC概述 (3)1.4.1 可编程逻辑控制器简介 (3)1.4.2 西门子S7-200系列PLC简介 (3)2 变频恒压供水系统的理论分析及方案 (5)2.1 系统的理论分析 (5)2.1.1水泵工作原理及节能原理 (5)2.1.2 供水系统恒压原理 (5)2.2 变频恒压供水系统控制方案的确定 (6)2.2.1控制方案的确定 (6)2.2.2 变频恒压供水系统的体系结构 (7)2.2.3 变频恒压供水系统控制流程 (9)2.2.4 水泵切换控制分析 (10)3 系统的硬件设计 (12)3.1 系统主要设备的选型 (12)3.1.1 PLC及其扩展模块的选型 (12)3.1.2 变频器的选型 (13)III3.1.3 水泵机组的选型 (13)3.1.4 压力变送器的选型 (13)3.2 系统主电路设计 (14)3.3 系统控制电路设计 (15)3.4 PLC的I/O端口分配及外围接线 (17)4 系统的软件设计 (20)4.1 系统软件设计分析 (20)4.2 PLC程序设计 (24)4.2.1控制系统主程序设计 (24)4.2.2 控制系统子程序设计 (27)5 监控系统的设计 (30)5.1 组态软件简介 (30)5.2 监控系统的设计 (30)5.2.1 组态王的通信参数设置 (30)5.2.2 新建工程与组态变量 (31)5.2.3 组态画面 (31)5.2.4 监控系统界面 (32)6 结论 (34)参考文献 (36)IV1绪论1.1 引言水是生命之源,人们对用水品质、安全等问题愈加重视。

关键词:PLC、变频调速、恒压供水系统、压力变送器、液位变送器ABSTRACTThis paper is based on residential water standards for water supply requirements of the premise and waterworks, to design a PLC-based frequency control water supply system. Water Supply System means the size of the client at any time, regardless of water use, always ensure that the water pressure constant in the pipe network in the set. Frequency control water supply system uses PLC, inverter, pressure transmitter, and the pump unit to form a closed loop control system using PLC logic control, the inverter speed control of pump units.This system is the conversion cycle operation mode of the water pump motor, inverter and PLC as the core component of the system control keeps track of pressure transmitter detected the pipe network pressure and a given pressure change in error, the PID by the PLC internal operation by the PLC to control the switching of the variable frequency and power frequency, automatic control of pump input the number of units and control of inverter output frequency, and thus change the speed of the pump motor to change the supply quantity, and ultimately to maintain the stability of the pipe network pressure near the set value. This system uses the converter to achieve soft-start and frequency control three-phase water pump motor run switch using the principle of "first initial first stop" to avoid the long-running of the pump and cause damage and reduce the life of the motor, but also increase a real-time monitoring of the level transmitter pump into the empty pumping of water to prevent pump damage to the pump motor and alarm system is the response system is functioning properly, whether the pump motor overload, the inverter is abnormal.Keywords:PLC, Frequency Control, Water Supply System, pressure transmitter, level transmitter目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 选题的背景和意义 (1)1.2 变频恒压供水的特点及应用 (2)1.2.1 变频恒压供水代替传统恒压供水的优点 (2)1.2.2 变频恒压供水的特点 (3)1.2.3 变频调速恒压供水的应用 (3)1.3 变频恒压供水系统的发展方向 (3)1.3.1 变频调速技术的发展状况 (3)1.3.2 变频恒压供水系统的研究成果 (4)1.3.3 变频恒压供水系统的发展趋势 (5)1.4本课题的主要研究内容 (5)2 变频恒压供水系统的理论分析 (6)2.1系统概述和节能原理 (6)2.1.1 系统概述 (6)2.1.2 节能原理 (6)2.2电动机的调速原理 (7)2.3 变频恒压供水系统的控制方案 (8)2.3.1 控制方案的选择 (8)2.3.2 系统的组成及原理图 (9)2.3.3 系统控制流程 (11)2.3.4 水泵切换条件分析 (12)3 系统的硬件设计 (14)3.1 供水设备的选择原则 (14)3.2 系统主要设备的选型 (15)3.2.1 PLC及其扩展模块的选型 (16)3.2.2 变频器的选型 (20)3.2.3 压力变送器的选型 (24)3.2.4 液位变送器的选型 (25)3.3 系统主电路、控制电路分析及其设计 (26)3.3.1 系统主电路分析及其设计 (26)3.3.2 系统控制电路分析及其设计 (28)3.4 PLC的I/O分配及外围接线图 (30)4 系统的软件设计 (33)4.1 系统软件设计分析 (33)4.2 PLC程序设计 (34)4.2.1控制系统主程序设计 (35)4.2.2 控制系统子程序设计 (38)4.3 PID控制器参数整定 (41)4.3.1 PID控制及其控制算法 (41)4.3.2 变频恒压供水系统的近似数学模型 (43)4.3.3 PID参数整定 (43)5 结束语和展望 (45)5.1 结束语 (45)5.2 展望 (45)参考文献 (47)致谢 (48)附录A 主程序梯形图 (49)附录B 英文文献 (55)附录C 中文翻译 (61)1 绪论1.1 选题的背景自从改革开放以来,我国国民经济发展迅速,人民生活水平快速提高。

关键字:变频调速;恒压供水;PLC;MCGS;监控系统Frequency Conversion Constant Pressure Water-supplySystem Based on PLCAbstract:With the rapid development of socialistic marketing economy,there is a growing demand for better quality of water supply and higher reliability of supply system. In addition ,considering the current common energy crisis, achieving the scheme of automatingthe water supply system. So it is an inevitable tendency to design and create an energy-savingconstant-pressure water supply system of excellent performance with the help of advancedtechniques of automation,monitor-control system; and communication. Meanwhile, the System can also adapt to various water Supply regions.This paper analyzes the structure of VF speed regulating constant-pressure water supply,and proposes several control methods.By careful study and comparison, PLC and inverter's method fits water supply system and datatransmission very well. Finally the paper shows the design of constant pressure supply water controller according to PID data and detailed introduction of its software and hardware.In this paper,the author designs and realizes the remote monitor and control system through MCGS, and then illustrates its general design, software implement and the measures of preventable disturbance in details.The system, which has initially been completed with reliable performance and excellent energy-saving effect, proves to possess high reliability and real-time quality. The system can not only remarkably improve the quality of water supply, but also economize on labor, which will surely bring us both economic and social benefits.Key Words:VF speed; constant pressure water supply;PLC;MCGS;monitor and control- system基于PLC的变频恒压供水系统的设计第1章绪论1.1 城市供水系统的要求众所周知,水是生产生活中不可缺少的重要组成部分,在节水节能己成为时代特征的现实条件下,我们这个水资源和电能短缺的国家,长期以来在市政供水、高层建筑供水、工业生产循环供水等方面技术一直比较落后,自动化程度低。

毕业设计 [论文]题目:基于PLC的变频调速恒压供水系统设计系别:电气与电子工程系专业:电气自动化技术河南城建学院毕业设计摘要摘要在城市化进程迅速的今天,城市的居住形式主要是生活小区,那么小区供水系统的建设就显得尤为重要。
关键词:PLC;变频调速;恒压供水河南城建学院毕业设计摘要ABSTRACTIn today's rapid urbanization, urban living is mainly living quarters, then the construction of residential water supply system is particularly important. And with the growing urban water demand, water supply systems, the proposed higher requirements. Economics of water supply, reliability and stability to the district residents directly affected the normal life and work. PLC, water pump and other equipment consisting of automatic constant pressure water supply control system. System PLC, frequency converter, the corresponding sensors and actuators together organically, and play their respective advantages, the control system easy to operate, not only to the greatest extent to meet the needs of stability and security of its operating performance, simple and convenient mode of operation , and the complete and thoughtful features, will make water saving water, saving, labor saving, high efficiency high-quality final run, reliable, energy-saving purposes. This paper introduces the way to achieve frequency control constant pressure water supply valve control compared to conventional energy-saving principle of constant pressure water supply. Converter built-in PID module on the preset parameters, using hydraulic pressure sensor feedback, closed loop system. According to changes in water consumption, to PID regulation mode, by adjusting the pump output flow, constant pressure water supply and efficient energy. Then it analyzes the state of pump units and conversion of various water conditions, analysis of the pump frequency by the frequency change operating mode of the switch process. Important parts of functional analysis, focusing on research and put forward based on PLC and frequency constant pressure water supply system program, were given control of the hardware design and PLC programming.Keywords: PLC; frequency control; constant pressure water supply目录1 绪论 (1)1.1 研究背景 (1)2 系统的理论分析及方案的确定 (4)2.1 调速方式的比较与选择 (4)2.2 控制系统方案 (6)2.3 供水系统的控制流程 (8)2.4 变频恒压供水系统中加减水泵的条件分析 (10)3 变频恒压供水系统的硬件设计 (11)3.1 PLC选型及接线 (11)3.1.1 PLC选型 (11)3.1.2 PLC的接线及I/O分配 (14)3.2 水泵机组选型 (15)3.3 变频器选型及接线 (16)3.3.1 变频器选型 (16)3.3.2 变频器的接线 (19)3.4 PID调节器 (20)3.5 压力传感器 (22)3.6 系统主电路设计 (22)4 系统软件设计 (24)4.1 PLC控制 (24)4.1.1 PLC程序流程图 (24)4.1.2 手动运行 (25)4.1.3 自动运行 (25)4.2 编程及介绍 (26)4.2.1 总程序的顺序功能图 (26)4.2.2 自动运行顺序功能图 (26)4.2.3 手动模式顺序功能图 (27)4.2.4 系统程序梯形图设计 (28)5 总结与致谢 (29)参考文献 (30)附录A 系统硬件总图 (2)附录B 系统梯形图 (3)河南城建学院毕业设计绪论1绪论1.1研究背景在城市化进程迅速的今天,城市的居住形式主要是生活小区,那么小区供水系统的建设就显得尤为重要。

关键词:小区供水PLC 变频调速恒压供水AbstractAbstractWith the rapid development of our economy, the rapid development of urbanization, the rapid increase of people living standard, residential construction more and more quickly, thus put forward the higher requirements for small infrastructure, according to the Chinese city water supply requirements, design a set of variable frequency speed constant pressure water supply system based on PLC.The system consists of three pump motor, which comprises a frequency conversion cycle operation mode. The realization of three-phase motor pump soft start and frequency conversion speed adjustment by frequency converter, operation switch adopts the "start stop first" principle. The pressure sensor detects the current hydraulic pressure signal is sent to the PLC, compared with the set value, PID operation, so as to control the transducers output voltage and frequency, and then change the water pump motor speed to change the water supply pipe network pressure, finally keep stable around the setting value.Keywords: District water supply PLC variable frequency speed-regulation constant-pressure water目录目录摘要 (II)ABSTRACT (III)第一章绪论 (1)1.1传统供水系统 (1)1.2基于PLC的变频恒压供水系统 (1)第二章可编程逻辑控制器简介 (2)2.1可编程逻辑控制器(PLC)的定义 (2)2.2PLC的组成 (2)2.3PLC的工作原理 (3)2.4西门子PLC(S7-200)的简介 (4)第三章变频器在恒压供水系统中的应用 (5)3.1变频恒压供水的系统组成及特点 (5)3.1.1系统组成 (5)3.1.2系统的特点 (6)3.2系统的节能原理 (6)3.2.1水泵的扬程特性 (6)3.2.2管路的阻力特性 (6)3.2.3调节流量的方法 (7)第四章恒压供水系统硬件组成 (8)4.1系统的控制要求 (8)4.2主要硬件选择 (8)4.3系统主电路分析及其设计 (9)4.3.1主电路设计分析 (9)4.3.2控制电路设计分析 (11)4.3.3 I/O分配表 (11)4.3.4 I/O接线 (12)4.4变频器参数设置 (13)第五章系统软件设计 (15)5.1系统软件设计分析 (15)5.2PLC程序设计 (16)第六章总结与展望 (21)致谢 (22)参考文献 (23)附录1 梯形图 (24)第一章绪论第一章绪论1.1传统供水系统由于城市的供水管网一般只能保证6层以下供水,且随着中国城镇化水平提高,楼层建设逐渐增高,传统的高楼供水系统已经落后。

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毕业设计--基于PLC的变频调速恒压供水系统(含外文翻译)山东科技大学学士学位论文摘要摘要本论文根据中国城市小区的供水要求,设计了一套基于PLC的变频调速恒压供水系统, 并利用组态软件开发良好的运行管理界面。
关键词:变频调速,恒压供水,PLC,组态软件山东科技大学学士学位论文 ABSTRACTABSTRACTAccording to the requirement of China's urban water supply, this paper designs a set of water supply system of frequecey control of constant voltage based on PLC, and have developed good operation management interface using Supervision Control and Data Acquisition.The system is made up of PLC, transducer,units of pumps,pressure sensor and control machine and so on.This system is formed by three pump generators,and they form the circulating run mode of frequency conversion. With general frequency converter realize for three phase pump generator soft start with frequency control,operation switch adopts the princ iple of”start first stop first”. The detection signal of pressure sensor of hydraulic pressure,via PLC with set value by carry out PID comparisonoperation,so,control frequency and the export voltage of frequency converter,and then the rotational speed that changes pump generator come to change water supply quantity,eventually,it is nearby to maintain pipe net pressure to stabilize when set value. Through work control machine the connection with PLC,with group form software consummately systematic monitoring,have realized operation state development to show anddata,report to the police inquiry.Keywords: variable frequency speed-regulating, constant-pressure water supply, PLC, supervision control and data acquisition.山东科技大学学士学位论文目录目录1 绪论 ..................................................................... (1)1.1 课题的提出 ..................................................................... .. (1)1.2 变频恒压供水系统的国内外研究现状 (3)1.3 PLC概述 ..................................................................... . (5)1.4 本课题的主要研究内容 ......................................................................7 2 系统的理论分析及控制方案确定 (8)2.1 变频恒压供水系统的理论分析 (8)2.2 变频恒压供水系统控制方案的确定 ................................................. 11 3 系统的硬件设计 ..................................................................... (19)3.1 系统主要设备的选型 ..................................................................... (19)3.2 系统主电路分析及其设计 (23)3.3 系统控制电路分析及其设计 (25)3.4 PLC的I/O端口分配及外围接线图 .................................................. 27 4 系统的软件设计 ..................................................................... (31)4.1 系统软件设计分析 ..................................................................... . (31)4.2 PLC程序设计 ..................................................................... (33)4.3 PID控制器参数整定 ..................................................................... .... 40 5 监控系统的设计 ..................................................................... (47)5.1 组态软件简介 ..................................................................... .. (47)5.2 监控系统的设计 ..................................................................... .......... 47 6 结束语 ..................................................................... (52)山东科技大学学士学位论文目录参考文献 ..................................................................... ................................. 54 致谢 ..................................................................... .......................................... 56 附录 ..................................................................... (57)附录A 英文文献 ..................................................................... (57)附录B 中文翻译...................................................................... (66)附录C 主程序梯形图 ..................................................................... .. (72)山东科技大学学士学位论文绪论1 绪论1.1 课题的提出水和电是人类生活、生产中不可缺少的重要物质,在节水节能已成为时代特征的现实条件下,我们这个水资源和电能源短缺的国家,长期以来在市政供水、高层建筑供水、工业生产循环供水等方面技术一直比较落后,自动化程度较低,而随着我国社会经济的发展,人们生活水平的不断提高,以及住房制度改革的不断深入,城市中各类小区建设发展十分迅速,同时也对小区的基础设施建设提出了更高的要求。
传统的小区供水方式有:恒速泵加压供水、气压罐供水、水塔高位水箱供水、液力耦合器和电池滑差离合器调速的供水方式、单片机变频调速[1]供水系统等方式,其优、缺点如下:(1) 恒速泵加压供水方式无法对供水管网的压力做出及时的反应,水泵的增减都依赖人工进行手工操作,自动化程度低,而且为保证供水,机组常处于满负荷运行,不但效率低、耗电量大,而且在用水量较少时,管网长期处于超压运行状态,爆损现象严重,电机硬起动易产生水锤效应,破坏性大,目前较少采用。
(2) 气压罐供水具有体积小、技术简单、不受高度限制等特点,但此方式调节量小、水泵电机为硬起动且起动频繁,对电器设备要求较高、系统维护工作量大,而且为减少水泵起动次数,停泵压力往往比较高,致使水泵在低效段工作,而出水压力无谓的增高,也使浪费加大,从而限制了其发展。