mBPM 连接器使用手册
技术文件技术文件名称:BPM平台应用说明书技术文件编号:WT-BPM-003版本:V1.0共 48页(包括封面)拟制方茂审核会签标准化批准华通科技有限公司目录1编写目的 (3)2术语、定义和缩略语 (3)2.1术语、定义 (3)2.2缩略语 (3)3模块描述 (3)3.1包划分及包关系 (3)4 B P M平台应用 (4)4.1第一部分项目开发环境搭建 (4)4.1.1项目下载 (4)4.1.2数据库配置、项目脚本生成 (5)4.1.3配置JBPM运行环境: (6)4.1.4利用BPM平台搭建项目开发环境: (8)4.2第二部分工作流流程配置 (10)4.2.1发布Jbpm流程图: (10)4.2.2生成菜单 (16)4.2.3执行流程 (17)4.2.4约定 (19)4.3第三部分主要数据库表的说明 (19)4.3.1BPM部分 (19)4.3.2IDP部分 (23)4.4第四部分数据库基础操作(mssql2005) (29)4.4.1还原(mssql2005) (29)4.4.2备份(mssql2005) (31)4.4.3Powerbuilder数据脚本生成 (33)5BPM主要接口,类,方法说明 (35)5.1com.wootion.bpm.jpbm 调用JPBM流程相关 (35)5.1.1com.wootion.bpm.jbpm.assignment.CurrencyAssignment.java (35)5.1.2com.wootion.bpm.jbpm.decision.CurrencyDecision.java (36)5.1.3com.wootion.bpm.jbpm.jbpmsession.JbpmSessionHandle.java (36)5.1.4com.wootion.bpm.jbpm.ProcessDefinitionUtil.java (36)5.2com.wootion.bpm.wfshow 流程展示模块 (36)5.2.1com.wootion.bpm.wfshow.action.ControlAction.java (36)5.2.2com.wootion.bpm.wfshow.action.ControlSaveAction.java (36)5.2.3com/wootion/bpm/wfshow/action/InspectAction.java (36)5.2.4com/wootion/bpm/wfshow/action/MyTaskListAction.java (37)5.2.5com/wootion/bpm/wfshow/action/WfListAction.java (37)5.2.6com/wootion/bpm/wfshow/action/WfShowAction.java (37)5.3com.wootion.bpm.bs 业务流程数据模块 (38)5.3.1com/wootion/bpm/bs/action/WfDealAction.java (38)5.3.2com/wootion/bpm/bs/bean/ApplicationRightContent.java (38)5.3.3com/wootion/bpm/bs/bean/DealContent.java (38)5.3.4com/wootion/bpm/bs/bean/DelContent.java (39)5.3.5com/wootion/bpm/bs/bean/PluginMgmtSession.java (39)5.3.6com/wootion/bpm/bs/bean/WfDealBean.java (39)5.3.7com/wootion/bpm/bs/operator/OperatorContent.java (39)5.3.8com/wootion/bpm/bs/GraphParamBean.java (40)5.3.9com/wootion/bpm/bs/GraphPDBean.java (40)5.3.10com/wootion/bpm/bs/GraphPDMessageBox.java (41)5.3.11com/wootion/bpm/bs/ModuleInstance.java (41)5.3.12com/wootion/bpm/bs/WfInstance.java (41)5.4com.wootion.mytask 我的任务管理类模块 (41)5.4.1com/wootion/mytask/inspect/InspectBean.java (41)5.4.2com/wootion/mytask/module/TaskActor.java (41)5.4.3com/wootion/mytask/name/NameUtil.java (42)5.4.4com/wootion/mytask/xml/TaskReader.java (42)5.4.5com/wootion/mytask/MyTaskCollector.java (42)5.5com.wootion.bpm.page 页面定义器模块 (42)5.5.1com/wootion/bpm/page/config/ShowConfigurePageBean.java (42)5.5.2com/wootion/bpm/page/data/plugin/DataPlugin.java (43)5.5.3com/wootion/bpm/page/data/service/ITBpmShowService.java (43)5.5.4com/wootion/bpm/page/data/DataDic.java (43)5.5.5com/wootion/bpm/page/data/ModuleData.java (43)5.5.6com/wootion/bpm/page/engine/BmpNodeTemplete.java (43)5.5.7com/wootion/bpm/page/engine/BpmFormTemplete.java (44)5.5.8com/wootion/bpm/page/list/DefaultListPageBean.java (44)5.5.9com/wootion/bpm/page/list/DefaultSearchPageBean.java (45)5.5.10com/wootion/bpm/page/list/SearchData.java (45)5.5.11com/wootion/bpm/page/transfers/HandleDataFromat.java (46)5.5.12com.wootion.bpm.page.module (46)5.5.13com.wootion.bpm.page.module.TextModule (46)5.5.14com.wootion.bpm.page.Node (46)5.6JBPM工具方法类(JBPMUtil.java) (47)5.6.1finishTaskInsOfNode():结束流程节点任务,扭转JBPM流程实例 (47)5.6.2assignAtStart():在流程发起节点分配任务实例 (47)5.6.3creatProcessIns():新增JBPM流程实例 (47)5.6.4getAvailableNodeOfpd():获得流程当前节点之后可经过的transition475.6.5setVariableOfProcessIns():将变量值存储到指定的JBPM实例中 (47)5.6.6getNameOfProcessState():获得指定流程实例的当前节点名 (47)5.6.7getVariableOfProcessIns():获得指定JBPM实例对象的键对应的值 (47)5.6.8getMyTaskList():获得指定用户名的角色的所有任务 (47)5.6.9getAllProcessList():获得所有流程的最新版本 (47)1编写目的本文件规定了华通科技工作流系统中各成分的设计考虑。
MiCOM P12y使用说明书
在可翻开的下盖板的下面,有一个电池舱,可使用½AA 型电池。该电池可作
P126 和 P127)。盖板下还有一个 9 针的母 D 型前部通讯端口。它的作用是通过
RS232 串行数据连接(SK1 口),在本地实现 PC 机和保护装置的通讯(最长距离
警告指示灯(L3:桔黄色 LED 指示灯,标注为 Warning):
灯亮表示 MiCOM P12y 保护装置有内部警告。当检测到一个“非严重”的内部 警告时,该指示灯将持续闪烁。只有当导致内部警告的原因不存在了(修理模块,故 障消失等),指示灯才会熄灭。
辅助电源(L4:绿色 LED 指示灯,标注为 Aux. Supply):
灯亮表示 MiCOM P12y 保护装置工作正常,装置电源的辅助电源存在。
可自由编程的指示灯(L5 to L8:标签自由标注):
这些 LED 指示灯可以由用户以提供的门槛(瞬动和延时信号)信息为基础自由 编程。用户选择他想用指示灯看到的信号,通过菜单将它们分配到每一个 LED 指示 灯上(用逻辑 OR)。当相关信号启动时,对应的指示灯亮。当相应的报警被确认了 之后,指示灯熄灭。
第 3 页/共 24 页 使用说明书
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上海阿海珐电力自动化有限公司 MiCOMP12y 系列
第 4 页/共 24 页 使用说明书
1. 装置介绍
MiCOM P125、P126、P127 系列保护装置是法国 AREVA 公司继 K 系列、 MODN 系列以及 MX3 系列产品获得成功后新研制的换代产品。所设计的 MiCOM P125、 P126、P127 保护装置具有保护、控制和监视等多重功能,适用于工业, 配电网络和变电站中,可作为变压器和发电机变压器保护方案的一部分以及为高压 和超高压输电系统提供后备保护等。
MICOLIFT M3P 微机使用说明书目录第一章简要介绍1.1前言___________________________________________________31.2功能简介_______________________________________________31.3附电梯专用控制系统功能_________________________________5第二章接口2.1MICOLIFT M3P配双速的端子连接________________________72.2MICOLIFT M3P配变频的端子连接________________________12图1:MICOLIFT M3P配双速端子接线图_________________________19图2:MICOLIFT M3P配变频端子接线图_________________________20图3:MICOLIFT M3P尺寸图___________________________________21第三章M3P调试器使用说明3.1显示屏、菜单___________________________________________223.2菜单描述_______________________________________________233.2.1 主菜单________________________________________________243.2.2 配置菜单(CONFIG) _____________________________________243.2.3 时间设置菜单(TIME) ___________________________________293.2.4 基站的设定(STATION) __________________________________303.2.5 呼梯菜单(CALL) _______________________________________323.2.6 输入输出菜单(IO菜单) _________________________________343.2.7 开门菜单(DOOR) ________________________________________353.2.8 故障记录菜单(ERROR HISTORY) ___________________________3613.2.9 密码菜单(PASSWORD) ____________________________________363.2.10脉冲监控菜单(PULSE MONITOR) ___________________________373.2.11输入选择菜单(INPUT SELECT)___________________________393.2.12时间菜单(TIME2)______________________________________403.3 自动测量井道数据方法_____________________________________403.4 电梯平层精度的调节_______________________________________413.5 减速距离的确定___________________________________________42第四章 故障描述_________________________________________________43 2第一章 简要介绍1.1 前言MICOLIFT M3P 全电脑控制微机自推出以来,以其无可比拟的可靠性、友好的人机界面,低廉的价格,迅速赢得了广大用户的信赖,成为电梯生产、改造及技术更新的首选产品,为当今电梯技术发展的主流方向。
Mini Beamer 传输器与接收器快速使用指南说明书
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures: • Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. • Increase the separation between equipment and receiver. • Consult AbleNet Technical Support or your local Distributor for help.
MZM 100 B ST-1P2PW2RE-A 自动锁定闸电机监控连接器说明书
DATASHEETDataOrdering dataProduct type description MZM 100 B ST-1P2PW2RE-A Article number (order number)101211068EAN (European Article Number)4030661389103eCl@ss number, version 9.027-27-26-03eCl@ss number, version 11.027-27-26-03eCl@ss number, version 12.027-27-26-03ETIM number, version 7.0EC002593ETIM number, version 6.0EC002593Approvals - StandardsCertificates TÜVcULusEACGeneral dataStandards EN 60947-5-3EN ISO 13849-1EN ISO 14119IEC 61508Coding Universal codingLowCoding level according to ISO14119Working principle inductiveEnclosure material Glass-fibre, reinforced thermoplastic Gross weight645 gTime to readiness, maximum4,000 msReaction time, maximum150 msDuration of risk, maximum150 msGeneral data - FeaturesPower to lock YesActuator monitored YesLatching YesShort circuit detection YesCross-circuit detection YesSeries-wiring YesSafety functions YesIntegral system diagnostics, status YesNumber of safety contacts2Number of series-wiring of sensors31Safety classificationStandards EN ISO 13849-1IEC 61508Safety classification - Interlocking functionPerformance Level, up to eCategory4PFH value 3.54 x 10⁻⁹ /hSafety Integrity Level (SIL),3suitable for applications inMission time20 Year(s)Mechanical dataMechanical life, minimum1,000,000 OperationsNote (Mechanical life)Actuating speedOperations for door weights ≤ 5 kg Holding force, typically750 NHolding force, guaranteed500 NLatching force, minimum30 NLatching force, maximum100 NMechanical data - Connection techniqueType of connection Connector M23, 8+1-poleMechanical data - DimensionsLength of sensor40 mmWidth of sensor40 mmHeight of sensor179 mmAmbient conditionsDegree of protection IP65IP67Ambient temperature, minimum-25 °CAmbient temperature, maximum+55 °CStorage and transport-25 °Ctemperature, minimum+70 °CStorage and transporttemperature, maximumRelative humidity, minimum30 %Relative humidity, maximum95 %Note (Relative humidity)non-condensingnon-icingResistance to vibration to EN10 … 150 Hz, amplitude 0.35 mm60068-2-6Restistance to shock30 g / 11 msProtection class IIIAmbient conditions - Insulation valuesRated insulation voltage U32 VDCiRated impulse withstand voltage U0.8 kVimpOvervoltage category IIIDegree of pollution to VDE 01003Electrical dataOperating voltage, minimum20.4 VDCOperating voltage, maximum26.4 VDC600 mANo-load supply current, maximum IOperating current50 mARequired rated short-circuit100 Acurrent to EN 60947-5-1Note Cable length and cable section alter the voltage drop depending on the outputcurrentSwitching frequency, maximum 1 HzElectrical data - Magnet controlSwitching thresholds-3 V … 5 V (Low)15 V … 30 V (High) Classification ZVEI CB24I, Sink C0Classification ZVEI CB24I, Source C1C2C3Electrical data - Safety digital inputsSwitching thresholds−3 V … 5 V (Low)15 V … 30 V (High) Classification ZVEI CB24I, Sink C1Classification ZVEI CB24I, Source C1C2C3Electrical data - Safety digital outputs250 mARated operating current (safetyoutputs), maximum 1 VVoltage drop Ud0.5 mALeakage current IrVoltage, Utilisation category DC-1324 VDCCurrent, Utilisation category DC-130.25 A Classification ZVEI CB24I, Source C1Classification ZVEI CB24I, Sink C1Electrical data - Diagnostic outputs, maximum 2 VVoltage drop UdVoltage, Utilisation category DC-1324 VDCCurrent, Utilisation category DC-130.05 AStatus indicationNote (LED switching conditions display)Operating condition: LED green Error / functional defect: LED red Supply voltage UB: LED greenPin assignmentPIN 1A1 Supply voltage UBPIN 2X1 Safety input 1PIN 3A2 GNDPIN 4Y1 Safety output 1PIN 5OUT Diagnostic outputPIN 6X2 Safety input 2PIN 7Y2 Safety output 2PIN 8IN Solenoid controlPIN 9without functionScope of deliveryScope of delivery Actuators must be ordered separately.AccessoryRecommendation (actuator)MZM 100-B1.1NoteNote (General)As long as the actuating unit is applied to the solenoid interlock, the unlockedsafety guard can be relocked. In this case, the safety outputs are re-enabled, sothat the safety guard must not be opened.Ordering codeProduct type description:MZM 100(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(1)without Solenoid interlock monitoredB Actuator monitored(2)ST2Connector plug M12, 8-poleST Connector plug M23, 8+1-pole(3)1P2P 1 p-type diagnostic output and 2 p-type safety outputs(only in connection with "Solenoid interlock monitored") 1P2PW serial diagnostic output and 2 p-type safety outputs(4)without electrically adjustable latching force 30 … 100 N(5)PicturesProduct picture (catalogue individual photo)ID: kmzm1f08| 1.4 MB | .jpg | 216.253 x 833.261 mm - 613 x 2362 px - 72 dpi| 235.7 kB | .png | 74.083 x 285.397 mm - 210 x 809 px - 72 dpiDimensional drawing basic componentID: 1mzm1g14| 20.7 kB | .swf || 5.2 kB | .png | 74.083 x 50.8 mm - 210 x 144 px - 72 dpi| 160.8 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 242.358 mm - 1000 x 687 px - 72dpiDimensional drawing miscellaneousID: 1mzm1g15| 12.9 kB | .swf || 290.8 kB | .jpg | 352.425 x 362.656 mm - 999 x 1028 px - 72dpiWiring exampleID: kmzm1l03| 37.0 kB | .cdr || 86.9 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 161.572 mm - 1000 x 458 px - 72 dpiContact arrangementID: km23-k9d| 18.5 kB | .cdr || 5.4 kB | .png | 74.083 x 77.611 mm - 210 x 220 px - 72 dpi| 149.1 kB | .jpg | 352.778 x 369.711 mm - 1000 x 1048 px - 72dpiSchmersal, Inc., 15 Skyline Drive, Hawthorne, NY 10532The details and data referred to have been carefully checked. Images may diverge from original. Further technical data can be found in the manual. Technical amendments and errors possible.Generated on: 6/28/2022, 2:51 AM。
浙江春风动力BPM系统使用手册目录登录 (2)导航条 (2)BPM系统---“个人常用” (2)进入“个人常用”导航页 (2)流程管理 (2)发起流程 (2)代办事项 (2)我的申请 (2)我处理的流程 (2)所有可查看的流程 (2)草稿箱 (2)个人信息 (2)修改密码 (2)个人信息 (2)考勤汇总 (2)打卡记录 (2)内部邮箱 (2)新建邮件 (2)代办邮件 (2)我的邮件 (2)已阅邮件 (2)BPM系统---“知识文档” (2)新增知识文档 ..................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
查看知识文档 (2)文档浏览 .............................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
登录1.浏览器环境A、IE浏览器:IE 9以上版本B、谷歌浏览器C、火狐浏览器D、360浏览器:极速模式E、搜狗浏览器:高速模式2.打开浏览器输入内网:外网::88/3.分别输入账号和密码4.点击登录,如下图:导航条5.工作门户显示常用到的应用模块,如通知公告、代办流程、工作延误曝光台、代办邮件、待处理任务和工作周报等。
mophie charge stream pad mini 用户手册说明书
WelcomeThank you for purchasing the mophie® charge stream™ pad mini. The charge stream pad mini will wirelessly charge Apple and Samsung Qi-compatible smartphones, mophie cases with wireless charging, and other devices with Qi wireless technology. The mophie charge stream pad mini charges on contact. Package contains•mophie charge stream pad mini• Micro-USB cable• Quick-start guideFeatures• Charges on contact. Simply place an Apple or Samsung Qi-compatible smartphone, a mophiecase with wireless charging, or other device withQi wireless technology on the charge streampad mini to immediately begin charging.• The rubberized top with built-in microsuction pad help your device stay in place to maintaina constant connection while it’s wirelesslycharging, and protect your device from scratches.• Low standby current draw lets you leave the wireless charging pad plugged in when it’s notin use.• Compact design for use in the office or at home.CompatibilityThe mophie charge stream pad mini will wirelessly charge Apple and Samsung Qi-compatible smartphones, mophie cases with wireless charging, and other devices with Qi wireless technology. Note: The charge stream pad mini will not fast charge devices capable of being fast charged. It will charge them at the standard Qi charging power of up to 5 watts.Charging your wireless device1. Remove the protective film from themicrosuction pad.2. Use the supplied micro-USB cable to connectthe charging pad to an adapter capable of atleast 1.8 amps.3. Place the wireless device on the charging padas shown in the illustration below. Make sure the center of the device is aligned over the center of the charging pad. Charging will begin on contact.Charging status indicatorThe charging pad has an LED that indicates its charging status:LED illuminated continuously:• The wireless device is properly charging.LED flashing continuously:• A metallic foreign object (keys, etc.) has been detected on the charging pad.Taking care of your charging pad• Keep your wireless charging pad dry and away from moisture and corrosive materials.• Do not clean your wireless charging pad with harsh chemicals, soaps or detergents. Just wipeit with a soft, water-dampened cloth.• Use a piece of tape to clean any dust and dirt from the microsuction pad on top of the charger. WarrantyAt mophie, we are dedicated to making the best quality products. To back this up, this product is warranted for 2 years. For full details regarding warranty terms and exclusions, please visit: /warranty. This warranty does not affect any statutory rights that you may be entitled to. K eep a copy of your purchase receipt as proof of purchase. Be sure to register your product at. Failure to register your product and/or provide proof of purchase may void the warranty. Exclusions & LimitationsExcept for the limited warranty expressly set forth or to the extent restricted or prohibited by applicable law, mophie expressly disclaims any and all other warranties express or implied, including any warranty of quality, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose, and you specifically agree that mophie shall not be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, punitive, or consequential damages of any type on any mophie product. In addition to and without limiting the generality of the foregoing disclaimers, the limited warranty does not, under any circumstances, cover the replacement or cost of any electronic device or personal property inside or outside of the mophie product.You may have additional warranty rights depending on your country, state or province. Further, some countries, states and provinces do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages or exclusions or limitations on the duration of implied warranties, so the above may not apply to you. If any provision of the warranty is found unlawful, void or unenforceable, that provision shall be deemed severable and shall not affect any remaining provision.Customer serviceTelephone: 1-888-8mophieInternational: +1 (269) 743-1340Web: /csWarningRead all instructions and warnings prior to using this product. Improper use of this product may result in product damage, excess heat, toxic fumes, fire, or explosion, for which damages you (“Purchaser”), and not mophie llc (“Manufacturer”) are responsible.N Do not store device in high-temperature environment, including heat caused by intense sunlight or other forms of heat. Donot place device in fire or other excessivelyhot environments.N Do not disassemble this device or attempt to re-purpose or modify it in any manner.N For questions or instructions for the various ways to charge using this device refer tothe Charging Your Wireless Device section ofthis manual.N Do not attempt to replace any part of this device. N If this device is accessible to or may be used by a minor, purchasing adult agrees to besolely responsible for providing supervision,instruction, and warnings. Purchaser agreesto defend, indemnify, and hold Manufacturerharmless for any claims or damages arisingfrom unintended use or misuse by a minor.N All products have gone through a thorough quality assurance inspection. If you find thatyour device is excessively hot, is emitting odor,is deformed, abraded, cut or is experiencingor demonstrating an abnormal phenomenon,immediately stop all product use and contact Manufacturer.N To comply with FCC RF exposure compliance requirements, the wireless charging pad mustbe used with a separation distance of at least 10cm from all persons.LegalThis product is meant for use only in conjunction with the appropriate device. Please consult your device packaging to determine whether this product is compatible with your particular device. Manufacturer is not responsible for any damages to any device incurred through the use of this product. Manufacturer shall not in any way be liable to you or to any third party for any damages you or any third party may suffer as a result of use, intended or unintended, or misuse of this product in conjunction with any device or accessory other than the appropriate device for which this product is designed. Manufacturer will not be responsible forany damages you or any third party may suffer as a result of misuse of this product as outlined above. Purchaser agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold Manufacturer harmless for any claims or damages arising from unintended use or misuse, including use with an unintended device.mophie, charge stream, Stay Powerful, mophie loves you, the five-circles design, and the mophie logo are trademarks of mophie inc. Apple is a trademark of Apple Inc. Samsung is a trademark of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. The ‘Qi’ symbol is a trademark of the Wireless Power Consortium. All rights reserved. Patents: /patents.This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and RSS-Gen of IC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used inaccordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation.If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:• Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.• Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.• Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiveris connected.• Consult the dealer or an experienced technician for help.CAUTION: To comply with the limits of the Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules, this device must be used with certified peripherals and shielded cables. All peripherals must be shielded and grounded. Operation with non-certified peripherals or non-shielded cables may result in interference to radio or reception.MODIFICATION: Any changes or modifications of this device could void the warranty.Statement of ComplianceHereby, ZAGG International declares that the radio equipment wireless charging pad is in compliance with Directive 2014/53/EU. The full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address: /cert_red WEEE DeclarationAll of our products are marked with the WEEE symbol; this indicates that this product must NOT be disposed of with other waste. Instead it is the user’s responsibility to dispose of their waste electrical and electronic equipment by handing it over to an approved re-processor, or by returning it to mophie inc. for reprocessing. For more information about where you can send your waste equipment for recycling, please contact mophie inc. or one of your local distributors.CRE-0650-B。
Bulgin M5 Buccaneer连接器产品说明书
BUCCANEERM5 SeriesSecure & reliable screw locking mechanism Robust PVC & PUR overmolded cables Cable length from 1m - 15mHigh degree of environmental protection - IP67 ratedThe most compact connector type in the M-Series range, Bulgin’s waterproof M5 sensor connectors come in straight and angled forms with PVC or PUR overmolded cable option s and a variety of panel mount receptacles.With an industry standard screw coupling mechanism and IP67 rating, this circular connector product line is particularly suited to automotive, process control, commercial electronics & instrumentation applications that require reliable and robust miniature sensors.Straight & right angled cable connectors Rear & front panel mount receptacles Available with 3 or 4 polesKey features:Part NumberPolesCodeTermination Lead Length PXMBNI05RPF03AFL00103A Flying Lead 100 mm Lead LengthPXMBNI05RPF03AFL00203A Flying Lead 200 mm Lead Length PXMBNI05RPF03AFL00303A Flying Lead 300 mm Lead Length PXMBNI05RPF04AFL00104A Flying Lead 100 mm Lead Length PXMBNI05RPF04AFL00204A Flying Lead 200 mm Lead Length PXMBNI05RPF04AFL00304A Flying Lead 300 mm Lead LengthPXMBNI05RPF03APC 03A PCB Terminal -PXMBNI05RPF04APC04APCB Terminal-Part NumberPoles Code Termination Lead Length PXMBNI05RPM03AFL00103A Flying Lead 100 mm Lead Length PXMBNI05RPM03AFL00203A Flying Lead 200 mm Lead Length PXMBNI05RPM03AFL00303A Flying Lead 300 mm Lead Length PXMBNI05RPM04AFL00104A Flying Lead 100 mm Lead Length PXMBNI05RPM04AFL00204A Flying Lead 200 mm Lead Length PXMBNI05RPM04AFL00304A Flying Lead 300 mm Lead LengthPXMBNI05RPM03APC 03A PCB Terminal -PXMBNI05RPM04APC04APCB Terminal-○ Rear panel mounting M5 nut ○ Mates with Flex Body connectors M5 Rear Panel Mounting FemalePXMBNI05RPFM5 Rear Panel Mounting MalePXMBNI05RPM○ Available in 3 and 4 poles ○ PCB or flying lead termination ○ Rear panel mounting M7 nut ○ Available in 3 and 4 poles ○ PCB or flying lead termination ○ Mates with Flex Inline Body connectorsPart NumberPoles Code Termination Lead Length PXMBNI05FPM03AFL00103A Flying Lead 100 mm Lead Length PXMBNI05FPM03AFL00203A Flying Lead 200 mm Lead Length PXMBNI05FPM03AFL00303A Flying Lead 300 mm Lead Length PXMBNI05FPM04AFL00104A Flying Lead 100 mm Lead Length PXMBNI05FPM04AFL00204A Flying Lead 200 mm Lead Length PXMBNI05FPM04AFL00304A Flying Lead 300 mm Lead LengthPXMBNI05FPM03APC 03A PCB Terminal -PXMBNI05FPM04APC04APCB Terminal-○ PCB or flying lead termination ○ Rear panel mounting M5M5 Front Panel Mounting Male○ Available in 3 and 4 poles ○ Mates with Flex Body connectors PXMBNI05FPMM5 Right Angled FemalePXPTPU05RAF Part NumberPoles Code Termination Lead Length Cable MaterialPXPPVC05RAF03ACL010PVC 03A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAF03ACL010PUR 03A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAF03ACL020PVC 03A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAF03ACL020PUR 03A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAF03ACL030PVC 03A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAF03ACL030PUR 03A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAF03ACL050PVC 03A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAF03ACL050PUR 03A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAF03ACL100PVC 03A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAF03ACL100PUR 03A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAF03ACL150PVC 03A Overmold Cable 15 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAF03ACL150PUR 03A Overmold Cable 15 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAF04ACL010PVC 04A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAF04ACL010PUR 04A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAF04ACL020PVC 04A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAF04ACL020PUR 04A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAF04ACL030PVC 04A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAF04ACL030PUR 04A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAF04ACL050PVC 04A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAF04ACL050PUR 04A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAF04ACL100PVC 04A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAF04ACL100PUR 04A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAF04ACL150PVC 04A Overmold Cable 15 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAF04ACL150PUR 04AOvermold Cable15 M Lead LengthPUR○ 1,2,3,5,10 & 15M cable options ○ Overmold Flex BodyPXPPVC05RAF○ Available in 3 and 4 poles ○ Mates with Flex Inline Body & panel mount connectorsM5 Right Angled MalePXPTPU05RAM Part NumberPoles Code Termination Lead Length Cable MaterialPXPPVC05RAM03ACL010PVC 03A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAM03ACL010PUR 03A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAM03ACL020PVC 03A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAM03ACL020PUR 03A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAM03ACL030PVC 03A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAM03ACL030PUR 03A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAM03ACL050PVC 03A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAM03ACL050PUR 03A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAM03ACL100PVC 03A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAM03ACL100PUR 03A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAM03ACL150PVC 03A Overmold Cable 15 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAM03ACL150PUR 03A Overmold Cable 15 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAM04ACL010PVC 04A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAM04ACL010PUR 04A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAM04ACL020PVC 04A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAM04ACL020PUR 04A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAM04ACL030PVC 04A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAM04ACL030PUR 04A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAM04ACL050PVC 04A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAM04ACL050PUR 04A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAM04ACL100PVC 04A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAM04ACL100PUR 04A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05RAM04ACL150PVC 04A Overmold Cable 15 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05RAM04ACL150PUR 04AOvermold Cable15 M Lead LengthPURPXPPVC05RAM○ Available in 3 and 4 poles ○ 1,2,3,5,10 & 15M cable options ○ Overmold Flex Inline Body○ Mates with Flex Body & panel mount connectorsM5 Flex Body FemalePXPTPU05FBF Part NumberPoles Code Termination Lead Length Cable MaterialPXPPVC05FBF03ACL010PVC 03A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FBF03ACL010PUR 03A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FBF03ACL020PVC 03A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FBF03ACL020PUR 03A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FBF03ACL030PVC 03A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FBF03ACL030PUR 03A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FBF03ACL050PVC 03A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FBF03ACL050PUR 03A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FBF03ACL100PVC 03A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FBF03ACL100PUR 03A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FBF03ACL150PVC 03A Overmold Cable 15 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FBF03ACL150PUR 03A Overmold Cable 15 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FBF04ACL010PVC 04A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FBF04ACL010PUR 04A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FBF04ACL020PVC 04A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FBF04ACL020PUR 04A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FBF04ACL030PVC 04A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FBF04ACL030PUR 04A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FBF04ACL050PVC 04A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FBF04ACL050PUR 04A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FBF04ACL100PVC 04A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FBF04ACL100PUR 04A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FBF04ACL150PVC 04A Overmold Cable 15 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FBF04ACL150PUR 04AOvermold Cable15 M Lead LengthPURPXPPVC05FBF○ Available in 3 and 4 poles ○ Overmold Flex Body○ 1,2,3,5,10 & 15M cable options ○ Mates with Flex Inline Body & panel mount connectorsM5 Flex Inline Body MalePXPTPU05FIM Part NumberPoles Code Termination Lead Length Cable MaterialPXPPVC05FIM03ACL010PVC 03A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FIM03ACL010PUR 03A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FIM03ACL020PVC 03A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FIM03ACL020PUR 03A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FIM03ACL030PVC 03A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FIM03ACL030PUR 03A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FIM03ACL050PVC 03A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FIM03ACL050PUR 03A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FIM03ACL100PVC 03A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FIM03ACL100PUR 03A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FIM03ACL150PVC 03A Overmold Cable 15 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FIM03ACL150PUR 03A Overmold Cable 15 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FIM04ACL010PVC 04A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FIM04ACL010PUR 04A Overmold Cable 1 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FIM04ACL020PVC 04A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FIM04ACL020PUR 04A Overmold Cable 2 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FIM04ACL030PVC 04A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FIM04ACL030PUR 04A Overmold Cable 3 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FIM04ACL050PVC 04A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FIM04ACL050PUR 04A Overmold Cable 5 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FIM04ACL100PVC 04A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FIM04ACL100PUR 04A Overmold Cable 10 M Lead Length PUR PXPPVC05FIM04ACL150PVC 04A Overmold Cable 15 M Lead Length PVC PXPTPU05FIM04ACL150PUR 04AOvermold Cable15 M Lead LengthPURPXPPVC05FIM○ Available in 3 and 4 poles ○ 1,2,3,5,10 & 15M cable options ○ Overmold Flex Inline Body○ Mates with Flex Body & panel mount connectors。
BPM流程应用手册制成:成晨审批:复核:版本号: 1.02修改记录签名职务姓名签字日期1.03 版本调整说明:人事转正、岗位需求申请正式上线:人事转正申请:用于各部门人事补充:一、明细流程单据及发布情况注:1 目前开启标准流程均有相应制度,如存在疑问及见解,请与制度负责部门确认。
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二、流程应用说明2.1 行政办公组2.1.1 用车管理流程(用车申请单-还车单)流程设定:BPM用车申请单-综合管理领用-BPM还车单-车辆还回进入表单后,按要求填写申请人、用车事由、使用地区(如非北海新区应用,则在是否北海新区使用勾选否,在车辆应用地点选择详细出发地区),在选择车辆表单可查看目前公司空置车辆,进行选择后提交。
备注:公里数为后期开展自动维护设定应用字段:2.1.2 用章管理流程流程设定:BPM用章申请单-相关部门领用(非电子签章流程)用章申请表:进入道一云七巧-行政办公-用章申请表单,根据实际应用填写申请时间,申请人,用章类型,文件名称及份数,如有特殊进行单据提交即可。
2.1.3 会议室使用申请流程流程设定:会议室使用申请流程-应用2.1.4 综合维修流程流程设定:综合维修申请-综合维修验收-财务ERP付款流程综合维修申请单:道一云——行政办公组——综合维修申请单,填写申请人、申请部门、申请日期、详细的故障描述及原因分析,并填入预计的修理费用,提交后等待审批即可。
Omron OME-PIO-D144数字输入输出卡说明书
ߜ Programmable Interrupt Handling
ߜ Five 50-Pin Flat Cable Connectors & One 37-Pin D-Sub Connector
ߜ Output Status Readback
Operating Temperature: 0 to 60°C (32 to 140°F)
Storage Temperature: -20 to 80°C (-4 to 176°F)
Humidity: 0 to 90% RH non-condensing
Dimensions: 105 H x 180 mm W (4.1 x 7.1")
PCI Bus 144-Bit DIO Board
$249 Basic Unit
ߜ 144 Digital I/O Lines Buffered on the Board
ߜ Connect Directly to OME-DB-24 Series Compatible Daughter Boards
319 24-channel photo mos relay output board with 1.5 m (5') 50-pin flat cable, (OME-CA-5015)
649 24-channel solid state relay output board with 1.5 m (5') 50-pin flat cable, (OME-CA-5015)
More than 100,000 Products Available!
液晶监视器,DID拼接显示器说明书型号:M系列/ PD系列目录第一章外形、接口介绍 (2)1.1例如PD46N3介绍 (2)1.2接口端子介绍 (2)1.3 OSD按键介绍 (3)第二章信号连接 (4)2.1 RS232串口控制 (4)2.2电脑信号(RGB/HV或VGA)及色差分量信号(YPbPr) (4)2.3 DVI信号 (5)2.4视频信号 (5)2.5 HDMI信号 (6)第三章遥控器、输入信号介绍 (6)3.1遥控器介绍 (6)3.2信号接入使用介绍 (7)3.3菜单介绍 (7)3.4工业菜单介绍 (10)第四章液晶幕墙控制软件说明 ....................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
第一章外形、接口介绍1.1 例如PD46N3介绍:正面:侧面:背面:底部电源开关1.2接口端子介绍:A.AC IN:电源B.RS232 INPUT/OUTPUT : RS232 串行接口C.BNC/RGB/HV、YPbPr IN: (R(Pr), G(Y), B(Pb), H, V) 信号输入端子D.DVI (DVI–D) IN: (数字信号输入连接端子) ;VGA (D-SUB) IN: (计算机输入连接端子)E.BNC/VIDEO IN,VIDEO1 OUT视频输入输出端子F.KEY BOARDG.HDMIH.LAN(PD系列)1.3 OSD按键介绍:1)在菜单模式下左右按钮,从一个菜单左右选择到另一个菜单,或者调整所选菜单值,不在菜单下,也可用于调整音量。
2)打开OSD 菜单。
也用于退出OSD 菜单或回到上一菜单3) 按此按钮,出现输入信号窗口。
4) 用来选择输入信号,第二章信号连接2.1 RS232串口控制:监视器可以通过RS232和电脑连接,双控制接口,一个输入,一个输出,在连接前必须对每个屏设定ID 号.LAN网口控制(PD系列):监视器可以通过LAN和电脑连接,双控制接口,在连接前必须对每个屏设定ID 号.控制PC需安装虚拟串口服务器软件。
MICOLIFT M3P 微机使用说明书目录第一章简要介绍1.1前言___________________________________________________31.2功能简介_______________________________________________31.3附电梯专用控制系统功能_________________________________5第二章接口2.1MICOLIFT M3P配双速的端子连接________________________72.2MICOLIFT M3P配变频的端子连接________________________12图1:MICOLIFT M3P配双速端子接线图_________________________19图2:MICOLIFT M3P配变频端子接线图_________________________20图3:MICOLIFT M3P尺寸图___________________________________21第三章M3P调试器使用说明3.1显示屏、菜单___________________________________________223.2菜单描述_______________________________________________233.2.1 主菜单________________________________________________243.2.2 配置菜单(CONFIG) _____________________________________243.2.3 时间设置菜单(TIME) ___________________________________293.2.4 基站的设定(STATION) __________________________________303.2.5 呼梯菜单(CALL) _______________________________________323.2.6 输入输出菜单(IO菜单) _________________________________343.2.7 开门菜单(DOOR) ________________________________________363.2.8 故障记录菜单(ERROR HISTORY) ___________________________3713.2.9 密码菜单(PASSWORD) ____________________________________373.2.10脉冲监控菜单(PULSE MONITOR) ___________________________373.2.11输入选择菜单(INPUT SELECT)___________________________403.2.12时间菜单(TIME2)______________________________________413.3 自动测量井道数据方法_____________________________________413.4 电梯平层精度的调节_______________________________________423.5 减速距离的确定___________________________________________43第四章 故障描述_________________________________________________45 2第一章 简要介绍1.1 前言MICOLIFT M3P 全电脑控制微机自推出以来,以其无可比拟的可靠性、友好的人机界面,低廉的价格,迅速赢得了广大用户的信赖,成为电梯生产、改造及技术更新的首选产品,为当今电梯技术发展的主流方向。
Rear panel of Eaton’s BPM125ER model
Bypass Power Module shown here with Eaton’s 9PX6KSP UPS model
Eaton 1000 Eaton Boulevard Cleveland, OH 44122 United States
© 2017 Eaton All Rights Reserved Printed in USA Publication No.BR155018EN / GG September 2017
For additional information on Eaton’s Bypass Power Module,
Power distribution for flexible infrastructure
Eaton’s Bypass Power Module (BPM) is a combined maintenance bypass (MBP) and power distribution unit (PDU) for centralized UPS designs. By combining these two functionalities, the Eaton BPM increases reliability and flexibility while decreasing electrical installation costs. Compatible with Eaton’s 9170+, 9155 and 9PX UPS models, the BPM is an ideal solution for customers looking to achieve a flexible, fully-rackmounted IT environment.
2、时钟信号:1)要求频率为11.74MHz(从1*20dBm口引出的时钟信号即符合要求,即时钟源的前三个端口)2)要求时钟信号的幅值一般经过17dB~19dB的衰减(由衰减器实现,10dB和9dB拧在一起就实现19dB的衰减)3)要求时钟信号输入到模拟板的CLK位置(左右各2路信号的中间的端口);模拟板再分出一路时钟信号(模拟板CLK端口的旁边端口)给数字版的CLK 位置。
AM P 研究所 AMP7905 电源梯步控制器安装指南说明书
for instructions. You must retain proof of purchase and submit a copy with any items returned for warranty work. Upon completion of warranty work, if any, we will return the repaired or replaced item or items to you freight prepaid. Damage to our products caused by accidents, re, vandalism, negligence, misinstallation, misuse, Acts of God, or by defective parts not manufactured by us, is not covered under this warranty.
Note: Running Boards will return to Auto Operation in
6 16810 the next door cycle after 30 minutes.
IM79105 rev 02.02.17
Congratulations on your purchase of the
Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, or the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you. This warranty gives you speci c legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state.
MODEM Mobile Connection设备使用说明说明书
FAQ & AnswersIf you meet problems in service, please refer to the following answers for guidance. Ifthe problems persist, please contact your supplier via the contact detail in your operator user guide.Problem DescriptionPossible Causes Problem Solving The system cannot run the installation program automaticallyThe system configuration is having difficulty with the auto-run software. The device will appear as a virtual disc in ‘My Computer’ on the PC’s start menu. Click on the icon and start the autorun.exe. If you have previously installed a version of the program, please uninstall it first.After installation, the system doesn't install the driver program properly.The system configuration is having difficulty with the auto-run software. Please install the driver program manually. The driver program can be found in the installation folder; C:\Program Files\MODEM Mobile Connection\driversAfter the device is plugged in, the UI program doesn't run automatically.The system configuration is incorrect. Please open the UI program manually. You can find it in the Start menu: ¨C:\Program menu or an alias icon on the desktop.1. You are in the place where there is no GSM/ GPRS/EDGE/WCDMA /HSDPA(HSUPA) network coverage. Such places include underground parking garages, tunnels, and someremote rural areas.1.Change the location to find a coverage.2. The device is not properly connected.2. Close the device safely as usual,pull out the device and reinsert the device again.3. The SIM/USIM card isn't inserted properly.3. Remove and reinsert the SIM/USIM card correctly.After restarting the computer, there is no signalindicated.4. The MODEM device is positioned in such a way as that adversely affects the devices signal reception.4. Adjust the angle/position of the MODEM device or its proximity to other electronic devices.When the Device is being installed, the computer cannot find it.1. The installation programs of the MODEM device have not been installed properly. 1. Run the installation program first then connect the device. Now install the drivers as normal in Windows.2. The device is not connected properly. 2. Restart the computer, or reconnect the device.3. The SIM/USIM card is not inserted properly.3. Reinsert the SIM/USIM cardcorrectly.1. The SMS center number is incorrect.1. Your device is preconfigured so itis unlikely that it will need changing. However if it is missing or incorrect contact your operator.Sent Message failure.2. The network is busy or you are in an area with no signal.2. Try later or move to an area with a stronger signal.1. You are in the place where there is no GSM/ GPRS/ EDGE/ WCDMA/ HSDPA(HSUPA) network coverage. 1. Move to an area with good signal.2. The network is busy.2. Try later.3. The APN in the user configuration file is incorrect.3. Check the APN in the userconfiguration file in the "Network settings".4. The device data is corrupted.4. Local network access or the target server maybe experiencing problems. Retry data request.Data connection failed.5. The network type has been selected manually, but is incorrect.5. Reselect the network type according to the type of the SIM/USIM card.1. After connection, you are unable to open web pages.1. Check that the APN in the configuration files is correct.2. IE browser is causing problems.2. Upgrade to the new version or reinstall the IE browser.3. Your operating system maybe infected by a virus. Worm Blaster for xample can affect upload and downloaded data flow, resulting in an inability to access a website.e 3. Use the professional anti-virussoftware to check and remove the virus. Connected to the Internet, but it cannot open any website page.4. You have connected to an APN which cannot connect to the Internet.4. This happens when you are changing any preset operator value in the setting section. Check the entry and enter the correct APN from your operator.。
OMB-PER-488 IEEE-488 接口板说明书
D4-11The OMB-PER-488 board forIBM PC and compatibles converts a PC or a PC/AT into anIEEE.2-compliant controller. The OMB-PER-488 includes a half-size interface board with DOS and/ or Windows driver software. Thesoftware drivers included with each board are fully and independently documented, ensuring easy start-up and usability.SOFTWARE DRIVERSThe OMB-PER-488 is available with several driver packages; the base driver compatible with all major programming languages andspreadsheets; a high performance driver with subroutine-style interface that supports C, Pascal and QuickBasic; and a Windows dynamic link library (DLL) with C and VisualBasic support.DOS DEVICE DRIVER SOFTWAREThe DOS driver software for the OMB-PER-488 features powerful HP-style commands to simplify IEEE-488 instrument control and application program development,by transparently executing multiple low-level bus management tasks and shielding the operator from the complexities of IEEE-488 protocol.They can be used in application programs written in any popular software language. PC serial (COM) port support is standard,enabling direct serial communication from programming languages.Asynchronous communications is also supported, allowing a program to execute foreground tasks while the driver concurrently controls multiple background I/O tasks. Data is transferred simultaneously,via DMA or interrupts, on multiple IEEE-488 and/or serial ports.Automatic program vectoring to service routines for Basic, C andߜPC and AT Compatible,with 8-Bit Slotߜ330 kbyte/sec Data Transfer RateߜFull IEEE-488.2 Support ߜIncludes DOS and Windows DriversߜEasily Programmable via Familiar HP-Style CommandsߜCompatible withPopular Graphics and Analysis SoftwareIEEE-488 Interface BoardBoard and Software for ISA BusOMB-PER-488$499Basic UnitOMB-PER-488for IBMPC,and compatibles, $395D4IEEE-488 CONTROLLERS AND COMMUNICATION ADAPTORSPascal programs is also supported.Other features include interactive instrument control from the DOS prompt, and serial and parallel port redirection (for applications that direct printer/plotter output through the BIOS).Windows Dynamic Link Library (DLL)The Windows DLL supplied with the OMB-PER-488 board allows users to integrate IEEE 488.2 control into Microsoft Windows applications. It provides HP-style IEEE-488commands for high and low-level IEEE-488.1 bus control, and offers additional commands that support the IEEE-488.2 standard. Thesoftware also conforms to Windows’standard application architecture,allowing Windows to link with the IEEE-488 driver during run time,and to manage memory requirements, interrupts andmessages. Windows multitasking capability allows multiple testapplications to concurrently access the same network of IEEE-488instruments. This software automatically arbitratesSpecificationsOMB-PER-488IEEE Controller Device:NEC µPD 7210Max Transfer Rate:330 kbytes/sec Dimensions: occupies one PC-compatible (ISA) short or long slot Connector: accepts standard IEEE-488 connector with metric studsPower: +5V @ 650 mA max from PCEnvironment: 0 to 70°C, 0 to 95% RHDMA: channels 0, 1, 2 and 3,jumper-selectableInterrupts: IRQ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 or 7IEEE Base I/O Addresses:&h02E1, &h22E1, &h42E1 or &h62E1Multiple Board Support:up to four boards may be installed,sharing a single DMA channel and interrupt lineOrdering Example: OMB-PER-488 interface, and OMEGACARE SM 1-yearextended warranty for OMB-PER-488 (adds 1 year to standard 1-year warranty),with OMBX-CA-7-3 cable, $499 + 39 +100 = $638.D4-12CANADA www.omega.ca Laval(Quebec) 1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM www. Manchester, England0800-488-488GERMANY www.omega.deDeckenpfronn, Germany************FRANCE www.omega.frGuyancourt, France088-466-342BENELUX www.omega.nl Amstelveen, NL 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford, CT.CZECH REPUBLIC www.omegaeng.cz Karviná, Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and MeasurementInstruments, Glass Bulb Thermometers, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References,Indicating Labels, Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, RTD Probes, Elements and Assemblies, Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters, Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes andAssemblies,Thermocouples Thermowells and Head and Well Assemblies, Transmitters, WirePressure, Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and Strain Measurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers, Proximity Transducers, Regulators,Strain Gages, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation, Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation, Environmental Instrumentation, pH Electrodes and Instruments, Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters, Cartridge Heaters, Circulation Heaters, Comfort Heaters, Controllers, Meters and SwitchingDevices, Flexible Heaters, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Heater Hook-up Wire, Heating Cable Systems, Immersion Heaters, Process Air and Duct, Heaters, Radiant Heaters, Strip Heaters, Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators, Doppler Flowmeters, LevelMeasurement, Magnetic Flowmeters, Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes, Pumps, Rotameters, Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters, Ultrasonic Flowmeters, Valves, Variable Area Flowmeters, Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems, Communication Products and Converters, Data Acquisition and Analysis Software, Data LoggersPlug-in Cards, Signal Conditioners, USB, RS232, RS485 and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems, Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
提供的具体接口如下:1.启动流程实例代码示例:2.得到待审批列表代码示例://列表分页显示代码部分String currentPage = msg.getValue("currentPage");if(currentPage==null || currentPage.trim().equals(""))currentPage = "1";String pageSize = msg.getValue("pageSize");if(pageSize==null || pageSize.trim().equals("")){ConfigHandler cfgHd = ConfigFactory.getCfgHandler();pageSize = cfgHd.getSingleNodeValue("//pagination/pageSize");}UserToken userToken = reqDTO.getUserToken();//从前台页面得到参数String procType="";String userId=userToken.getUserId();String orgId=userToken.getOrgId();String examineRoleId=userToken.getRoleIds();//得到调用接口IProcInstSrvprocInstSrv=MemberCache.getInstance().getProcInstSrv();//通过接口得到待审批列表List list=procInstSrv.getExamineInstListByUserID(userId,procType,"",examineRoleId);msg.setValue("datas", list);msg.setValue("totalRows", list.size());3.得到审批页面显示信息代码示例://从前台得到需要参数UserToken userToken = reqDTO.getUserToken();String procType="";String userId=userToken.getUserId();String procinstId=reqDTO.getValue("procinstID");String examineinstId=reqDTO.getValue("examineinstID");//得到流程IProcInstSrv调用接口IProcInstSrvprocInstSrv=MemberCache.getInstance().getProcInstSrv();//得到流程详细信息显示页面接口Map map=procInstSrv.getExamineInfo(procinstId, examineinstId,procType, userId);//返回前台页面显示List list=new ArrayList();list.add(map.get("examineinInfo"));//是否是第一级审批节点--用户能否回退msg.setValue("isFirstApplyNode", map.get("isFirstApplyNode"));//审批信息显示msg.setValue("examineinInfo", list );//下级节点--用户SELECT选择使用msg.setValue("nodeList", map.get("nodeList"));//是否能够直接通过msg.setValue("isCanPass", map.get("isCanPass"));msg.setValue("startNode", map.get("startNode"));4.审批流程实例节点代码示例:5.得到当前用户发起的流程实例列表代码示例:6. 查询当前用户的抄送列表代码示例:。
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mBPM 连接器使用手册mBPM连接器提供mBPM和外部系统集成的能力。
mBPM 连接器架构
mBPM连接器访问客户系统数据库,获取需要同步的数据,通过Internet发送到mBPM 服务器。
mBPM连接器(Connector)放置于mBPM 连接器集成器(Connector Hub)中运行。
“language=cn”指定程序显示语言,可以选择cn(中文),pt(葡萄牙文)和en(英文) 2.mBPM-connector-dotnetsyncdb. properties文件标明了mBPM连接器的版本信息,不需要
3.打开“mBPM-connector-dotnetsyncdb. local.properties”文件。
syncdb.dbuser=Tong 数据库的用户名
syncdb.dbpassword= 数据库密码
syncdb.dbhost=localhost 数据库地址
syncdb.dbport=1433 数据库端口
syncdb.dbsecurity=windows 认证方式
er= mBPM网关用户名
syncdb.password= mBPM网关密码
syncdb.gateway=/gateway/ mBPM网关地址