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1. Several leading modern business leaders seem, surprisingly, to downplay the importance of strategy. You can make too much fuss about strategy, they imply--- you have a few clear options; just choose one and get on with it. is it really that simple?

2. “Strategy is straightforward---just pick a general direction and implement like hell.”

Jack Welch, for example---the chairman and CEO of the USA’s General Electric Company; the man who grow the company from a market capitalization of $27 billion to a $140 billion, making GE the largest and most valuable company in the world. he must know a thing or two about strategy. But here’s what he says: “In real life, strategy is actually very straightforward. You pick a general direction and you implement like hell.”Or Allan leighton, the man who was recruited by Archie Norman to help res cue the UK’s ailing Asda supermarket chain, and went on to build the company into one of Britain’s most successful retailers. “Strategy is important,” says Leighton, “but it is a compass, not a road map. It tells you in which direction you are heading, but the important bit is how you get there.”

Or Louis Gerstner, the man who rescued IBM in the 1990’s when the struggling mainframe supplier was about to be driven into extinction by the new, smaller and more agile personal computer manufacturers. “It is extremely difficult to develop a unique strategy for a company; and if the strategy is truly different, it is probably highly risky. Execution really is the critical part of a successful strategy. Getting it done, getting it done right, getting it done better than the next person is far more important than dreaming up new visions of the future.”

3. So strategy is simple. And having an ingenious new strategy is less important than carrying it out successfully. In fact it might be dangerous. It that right?

Let’s look at one last quote from Mr. Welch. “When I became CEO in 1981, we launched a highly publicized initiative: be number one or number two in every market, and fix, sell or close to get there. This was not our strategy, although I’ve often heard it descri bed that way.

It was a galvanising mantra to describe how we were going to do business going forward. Our strategy was much more directional. GE was going to move away from businesses that were being commoditized toward businesses that manufactured high-value technology products or sold services instead of things.”

Grand strategy versus strategy

4. I would argue that these CEO’s blue chip corporations are taking a slightly Olympian view of the concept of “strategy.” Let’s call what hey are talking about “grand strategy” a strategy, but in the overarching sense, like the American car industry saying that they are going to move out gas-guzzlers and into smaller, more fuel-efficient models. 1.一些领先的现代企业领导人似乎,奇怪的是,淡化战略的重要性。你可以对策略太过计较,他们暗示---你有几个明确的选择,只需选择一个,并应对它就可以了。难道真的那么简单吗?

2. “策略很简单- 只需选择一个大方向,然后拼命地实施。”

例如- 美国的通用电气公司董事长兼首席执行官杰克·韦尔奇,把市场资本增长从270亿美元升到1400亿美元,使得GE成为世界上的最大和最有价值的公司。他必须对战略略知一二。但这是他说的:“在现实生活中,战略其实很直截了当。你选择一个大方向,然后拼命地实现它。”







4. 我认为,这些CEO的蓝筹公司都对战略概念采取了稍微涵盖一切的观点。让我们把他们所谈论的“大战略”称为一个战略,但这是在总体意义上来说的,就像美国汽车业说,他们会从高耗油车辆转型到更小,更省油的车型。
