




下载地址在宝贝详情页,或找客服索取链接2.鼠标支持LOL编程软件游戏宏,无需繁琐操作,一键设置(光速QA、酒桶E闪,盲僧R闪、盲僧4眼W瞬、盲僧2眼W瞬、猴子EAQ、皓月QR皇子二连、牛头二连,需要注意的是逆战和CF 这两个游戏屏蔽宏定义功能,在这两款游戏中可能暂时无法使用宏定义功能一、基本设置:本自定义程序分三部分:基本设置;高级设置;呼吸灯设置以设置5号键(看下图)宏功能为例,按下图大的蓝色数字123依次点击)再点击大的蓝色数字4旁的“应用”按钮后,盲僧R闪功能设置成功2.其它宏功能也是这样来按上面蓝色数字1 2 3步设置后,点第4步左边的应用两个字,就设置成功了,3.如果设置后按键功能需要恢复,点一下程序下面的“出厂设置”就可以恢复默认按键功能了,或者退出我们的应该程序后,按键功能恢复默认二.高级设置:录制自己需要的宏,这里的操作相对复杂一些(请根据步骤操作,用多几天,用熟悉了,设置也就不难了)根据下图:运行软件,见下图数字数字操作指引:1点高级设置2在宏名称项中输入"测试宏"3点新增按钮,4.点录制,5,此时按下键盘你需要的操作(比如连续按下DDD),6此时第4步的录制变成了停止按钮,请点停止,7点保存按钮,录制完成 8点基本设置按此说明书的第1页基本设置使用方法里,选择自己刚才录制好的“测试宏”即可,请注意,(如果录制宏后没点停止,键盘此时在系统的操作是没反应的)备注:三.宏定义最多可设置12项,如超出,可删除平常少用快捷功能,再添加!另外,根据网速不同,可能有些宏需要调整,功能才得以实现。

四.呼吸灯设置:请按下图,按下图大的蓝色数字1呼吸灯设置 2勾选需要的模式 3点击应用即可勾选慢(6秒左右变一次色)设置呼吸灯每6秒钟切换一次颜色勾选快(4秒左右变一次色):设置呼吸灯每4秒钟切换一次颜色勾选固定:设置呼吸灯按照固定颜色发光并保持常亮停止呼吸。






使用方法1. 连接鼠标:使用鼠标线缆将鼠标与计算机相连,确保连接稳定。

2. 握持鼠标:将手掌平放在鼠标上方,用手指控制鼠标移动。

3. 移动光标:通过手指在鼠标上的滑动,可使光标在屏幕上随之移动。

4. 单击操作:轻轻按下鼠标左键,即可进行单击操作,如选中文件、打开链接等。

5. 右键菜单:若需要打开鼠标右键菜单,用手指按下鼠标右键。

6. 滚轮操作:若鼠标具备滚轮功能,可用指尖滚动滚轮进行上下滚动操作。

功能特点1. 精确控制:鼠标可实现精确的光标控制,使用户可以轻松地在屏幕上选择、拖动或完成其他操作。

2. 高度可定制:鼠标的操作习惯、按键功能等可以根据个人喜好进行个性化设置,提高使用者的工作效率。

3. 支持多平台:鼠标可以适用于不同操作系统的计算机,如Windows、Mac OS、Linux等。

4. 符合人体工学设计:好的鼠标设计应符合人体工学原理,使用户在持握鼠标时感到舒适,减少手部疲劳。

5. 高灵敏度:鼠标的灵敏度决定了光标的移动速度,用户可以根据实际需要调节灵敏度,以获得最佳使用效果。











Razer Mamba 曼巴眼镜蛇无线鼠标说明文档

Razer Mamba 曼巴眼镜蛇无线鼠标说明文档
电池寿命指示灯行为 - 100% 电量
3 个绿色点亮 LED (■■■) - 70% 电量
2 个绿色点亮 LED (□■■) - 30% 电量
1 个绿色点亮 LED (□□■) - 5% 电量
1 个绿色闪烁 LED (□□■)
- 灵敏度等级 1 2 个绿色和 1 个红色点亮 LED (■■■)
支持。请切勿尝试自行维修。 3. 不得拆卸鼠标(这样做将会导致产品的保修失效),不得尝试自行修理鼠标或在异常电流负荷下操作鼠标。 4. 鼠标必须避免接触液体或存放在潮湿环境。鼠标的使用温度必须严格界定在 0˚C (32˚F) 与 40˚C (104˚F) 之间。如果
要预设灵敏度等级: 1. 载入雷蛇配置器,然后单击“调整性能”选项卡。 2. 单击“灵敏度等级”按钮。将出现“灵敏度等级设置”弹出框。 3. 选择所需的灵敏度等级级数。 4. 单击要预设的等级并使用下方滑条上的箭头进行调整。
5. 完成后单击“应用”。要在不同灵敏度等级之间切换,只要将“灵敏度等级增加”和“灵敏度等级降低”功能分配给所需按 钮即可。 (默认: 鼠标按钮 6 和按钮 7)
通过配置文件,可方便地将灵敏度、按钮分配和宏等各种鼠标设置保存为单个组。在“管理配置文件”选项卡中,您可根据 激活的应用程序创建和启动自定义配置文件。 a. 配置文件:显示配置文件编号 b. 配置文件名称:双击输入配置文件名称。 c. 应用程序:双击打开目录浏览。选择要将配置文件与之关联的程序的可执行文件。 d. 自动切换:选择此选项以将当前配置文件激活为即时配置文件。 通过 Razer Synapse,您最多可在曼巴眼镜蛇游戏鼠标上保存五个配置文件。如果需要更多配置文件且不想删除现有配 置文件,只需将现有配置文件导出到硬盘,并在需要时将其重新导入即可。

Razer Lancehead Tournament Edition 双手通用游戏鼠标高级用户指南说

Razer Lancehead Tournament Edition 双手通用游戏鼠标高级用户指南说

锐蝮蛇竞技版高级用户指南以全新的双手通用造型呈现在你面前的Razer Lancehead Tournament Edition 锐蝮蛇竞技版同时适合习惯用左手或右手的玩家。

采用了先进的光学游戏传感器以及Razer™ 机械式鼠标微动,让你享受前所未有的体验和耐用性。

再加上 Razer Synapse 雷云 3 所支持的“混合记忆储存”功能,你可以随时调用常用的配置文件。

目录1.包装内物品/系统要求 (3)2.注册/技术支持 (4)3.技术规格 (5)4.设备布局 (6)5.为你的 RAZER LANCEHEAD TOURNAMENT EDITION 锐蝮蛇竞技版安装 RAZER SYNAPSE 雷云 3 16.配置 RAZER LANCEHEAD TOURNAMENT EDITION 锐蝮蛇竞技版 (2)7.安全与维护 (20)8.法律声明 (22)1.包装内物品/系统要求包装内物品▪Razer Lancehead Tournament Edition 锐蝮蛇竞技版游戏鼠标▪重要产品信息指南系统要求产品要求▪具有一个闲置 USB 端口的 PC 或 MacRAZER SYNAPSE 雷云 3 要求▪Windows® 7(或更高版本)▪互联网连接▪500 MB 可用硬盘空间RAZER SYNAPSE 雷云要求▪Windows® 7 / OS X(10.9 或更高版本)▪互联网连接▪100 MB 可用硬盘空间2.注册/技术支持注册使用 Razer ID 在/warranty上在线注册你的产品,可获得产品质保状态的实时信息。

如果你还没有注册 Razer ID,立即前往进行注册,即可获得一系列 Raze r 专享福利。


技术支持你将获得:▪为期 2 年的制造商有限质保。


3.技术规格技术规格▪真正 16,000 DPI 5G 光学传感器▪高达每秒 450 英寸的移动速度/50 G 的加速度▪飞敏灵敏度调整▪Razer™ 机械式鼠标微动▪游戏级触感滚轮▪双手通用设计,改良版橡胶侧裙▪具有真正的 1,680 万种可自定义颜色选项的Razer Chroma™ 幻彩灯光系统▪设备间颜色同步▪9 个独立可编程的 Hyperesponse 高速响应按键▪1,000 Hz 超快轮询率▪支持 Razer Synapse 雷云 3▪ 2.1 米/7 英尺编织纤维线缆大致尺寸和重量▪长:117 毫米/4.6 英寸▪宽:71 毫米/2.79 英寸▪高:38 毫米/1.49 英寸▪重量:104 克/0.23 磅**不包括线缆4.设备布局鼠标左键 鼠标右键 滚轮提高 DPI 等级 降低 DPI 等级 鼠标按键 5 鼠标按键 4 超顺滑鼠标垫脚真正 16,000 DPI 5G 光学传感器 配置文件指示灯 配置文件按键默认 DPI 等级如下:800、1,800、4,500、9,000 和 16,000。



雷蛇毒蝰专业版高级用户指南相较于 Razer Viper Ultimate 雷蛇毒蝰终极版,这款极为轻量的无线游戏鼠标的重量降低了近 22%。


目录1. 内含物品 (3)2. 要求 (4)3. 技术规格 (5)4. 简要介绍 (6)5. 入门指南 (7)6. 配置 RAZER VIPER V2 PRO 雷蛇毒蝰 V2 专业版 (11)7. 安全与维护 (27)8. 法律声明 (29)1. 内含物品▪ Razer Viper V2 Pro 雷蛇毒蝰 V2 专业版鼠标左键 鼠标右键 滚轮 状态指示灯 鼠标按键 5 鼠标按键 4USB-C 端口 超顺滑鼠标垫脚 电源/DPI 循环按键Razer ™ Focus Pro 30K DPI 光学传感器DPI 等级如下:400、800(默认)、1600、3200 和 6400。

你可以使用 Razer Synapse 雷云自定义 DPI 等级。

▪无线 USB 接收器 + USB 接收器适配器▪USB-A 转 USB-C Speedflex 超柔线缆▪Razer 雷蛇鼠标防滑贴▪重要产品信息指南2. 要求要求▪USB-A 端口RAZER SYNAPSE 雷云要求▪Windows® 10 64 位(或更高版本)▪互联网连接,用于软件安装3. 技术规格▪外形设计: 右手对称o Razer HyperSpeed Wireless 无线技术o有线 - Razer™ Speedflex 超柔线缆▪电池续航时间: 长达约 80 个小时(持续 1000Hz 轮询率)▪传感器: Razer™ Focus Pro 30K 光学传感器▪最大灵敏度 (DPI): 30000▪最高速度 (IPS): 750▪最大加速度 (G): 70▪可编程按键: 5▪微动开关类型: 第三代光学鼠标微动▪微动开关寿命: 约9千万次的点击寿命▪板载内存配置文件数量: 1▪鼠标垫脚: 100% PTFE▪线缆: Razer™ Speedflex 超柔线缆 USB-Type-C▪倾斜滚轮: 否▪底座兼容性否4. 简要介绍你现在拥有了一台非常棒的设备,并且附带两年的有限保修。





二、产品外观及配件1. 外观结构无线鼠标采用人体工学设计,握感舒适,手感优良。



2. 配件清单无线鼠标无线接收器电池三、使用方法1. 无线接收器连接将无线接收器插入计算机的USB接口,等待计算机自动安装驱动程序。

2. 电池安装打开无线鼠标底部的电池仓盖,将电池正确安装,注意正负极方向。

3. 开机与连接按下无线鼠标底部的电源开关,即可启动设备。


4. 使用与操作通过左键、右键、滚轮等按键和操作方式,实现对计算机的各种操作,例如点击、双击、滚动等。

四、技术参数1. 无线连接方式:2.4GHz无线技术2. 工作距离: 最远10米3. 分辨率: 800-1600DPI可调4. 电池类型: AAA干电池/可充电电池5. 兼容系统: Windows 7/8/10、Mac OS X以上版本五、注意事项1. 电池安装:请正确安装电池,避免电极接触不良导致设备无法正常工作。

2. 使用环境:请避免在潮湿、高温或尘埃较多的环境下使用鼠标,以免影响设备寿命。

3. 关闭节电:长时间不使用时,建议关闭无线鼠标的电源开关以节省电池电量。

4. 不可拆解:除电池更换外,请勿拆解无线鼠标,以免损坏设备。

5. 安全储存:无线鼠标长时间不使用时,请将电源开关置于关闭状态,并妥善保管。



七、常见问题解答1. 无线鼠标无法正常连接怎么办?答:请检查无线接收器是否已正确插入计算机的USB接口,并确保鼠标处于开机状态。

Razor 游戏鼠标与USB拓展板说明书

Razor 游戏鼠标与USB拓展板说明书

DTD:13/7/2018User manual for RZ01-0271Consist of Gaming Mouse: Model: RC30-027101andUSB Dongle: DGRFG6PACKAGE CONTENTS / SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSPACKAGE CONTENTS▪Gaming mouse ( Model:RC30-027101)▪USB Dongle ( Model: DGRFG6)▪USB wireless receiver adapter▪USB to Micro-USB cable▪Important Product Information GuideSYSTEM REQUIREMENTSPRODUCT REQUIREMENTS▪PC with a free USB portRAZER SYNAPSE 3 REQUIREMENTS▪Windows® 7 64-bit (or higher)▪Internet connection▪500 MB of free hard disk spaceREGISTRATION / TECHNICAL SUPPORTREGISTRATIONRegister your product online at /warranty to get real-time information on your product’s warranty status.If you haven’t registered for a Razer ID yet, register now at to get a wide range of Razer benefits.Your product’s serialnumber can be foundhere.TECHNICAL SUPPORTWhat you’ll get:▪ 2 years limited manufacturer’s warranty.▪Free online technical support at .DEVICE LAYOUTA. Left mouse buttonB. Right mouse buttonC. Scroll wheelD. DPI stage upE. DPI stage downF. Mouse button 5G. Mouse button 4H. Ultraslick mouse feetI. True 16,000 DPI 5G optical sensorJ. Profile indicatorK. Profile buttonL. Power on/off buttonM. Bottom coverN. USB wireless receiverO. USB to Micro-USB cableP. USB wireless receiver adapterDefault DPI stages are as follows: 800, 1800, 4500, 9000, and 16000. The DPI stagescan be customized using Razer Synapse 3.SETTING UP YOUR RAZER MAMBA WIRELESSCHARGING YOUR RAZER MAMBA WIRELESSUsing the included USB to Micro-USB cable, plug your Razer Mamba Wireless to the computer.This connection also acts as the wired mode for your Razer device.For best results, please fully charge your Razer Mamba Wireless before using it for the first time. A depleted battery will be fully charged in approximately 4 hours. If the Razer Mamba Wireless has not been used for an extended period, you may need to recharge it before use.The Razer Mamba Wireless requires a USB connection that is able to supply sufficient power to charge the battery. The battery charging process of the Razer Mamba Wireless may be affected if connected to a non-powered USB hub or non-powered USB ports found on certain keyboards and other peripherals. When in doubt, it is preferable to connect the Razer Mamba Wireless directly to the USB port of your computer.LOW POWER INDICATORThe Razer Mamba Wireless’s scroll wheel will blink red twice in repeated intervals to indicate that the battery’s power is less than 5%. This lighting sequence will repeat until the battery is drained or the mouse is connected to the PC via the USB to Micro-USB cable.USING THE USB WIRELESS RECEIVER COMPARTMENT1. Remove the bottom cover of your Razer Mamba Wireless.2. Remove the USB wireless receiver from the compartment and place it into PC’s USBport.3. Reattach the bottom cover onto the Razer Mamba Wireless and make sure it issecurely fastened.4. Switch on the Razer Mamba Wireless.Your Razer Mamba Wireless is now ready for use in wireless mode.USING THE USB WIRELESS RECEIVER ADAPTERUse the USB wireless receiver adapter to easily access and extend the reach of your USB wireless receiver.INSTALLING RAZER SYNAPSE 3 FOR YOUR RAZER MAMBA WIRELESSStep 1: Make sure the USB wireless receiver is connected to the USB port of your computer.Step 2: Install Razer Synapse 3 when prompted* or download the installer from/synapse.Step 3: Create your Razer ID or log into Razer Synapse with an existing account.*Applicable for Windows 8 or later.CONFIGURING YOUR RAZER MAMBA WIRELESS VIA RAZER SYNAPSE 3STORED PROFILESYour Razer Mamba is capable of storing up to 5 profiles from Razer Synapse Pro, which you can use on systems that do not have Razer Synapse installed. Your Razer Mamba can also store your current profile temporarily until it is replaced with a new active profile. Pressing the Profile button will cycle from the current profile to profiles 1 to 4. The profile indicator will change its color to show which profile is presently selected.Designated colorActive profile WhiteProfile 1 RedProfile 2 GreenProfile 3 BlueProfile 4 CyanLIGHTING EFFECTSThe Lighting tab enables you to customize the look of your Razer device by allowing you to choose from various lighting effects or fully customizing your own. These lighting effects can also be synchronized with other Powered by Razer Chroma devices that support the selected effect.Name Description How to set upBreathingThe lighting fades in and out ofthe selected color(s)Select up to 2 colors orrandomizeReactiveThe LEDs will light up when youclick any of the mouse buttonsSelect the color and the lengthof time for the LED to remainlitSpectrumcyclingThe LEDs will cycle between16.8 million colors indefinitelyNo further customizationrequiredStaticThe LEDs will remain lit in theselected colorSelect a colorWaveThe lighting will scroll in thedirection selected with a defaultspectrum of colorsSelect either front-to-back orback-to-front wave directionPlease refer to the Online Master Guide at for in-depth instructions on how to configure and use your Razer Mamba Wireless.SAFETY AND MAINTENANCESAFETY GUIDELINESIn order to achieve maximum safety while using your Razer Mamba Wireless, we suggest that you adopt the following guidelines:Should you have trouble operating the device properly and troubleshooting does not work, unplug the device and contact the Razer hotline or go to for support. Do not attempt to service or fix the device yourself at any time.Do not take apart the device (doing so will void your warranty) and do not attempt to operate it under abnormal current loads.Keep the device away from liquid, humidity or moisture. Operate the device only within the specific temperature range of 0°C (32°F) to 40°C (104°F). Should the temperature exceed this range, unplug and/or switch off the device in order to let the temperature stabilize to an optimal level.COMFORTResearch has shown that long periods of repetitive motion, improper positioning of your computer peripherals, incorrect body position, and poor habits may be associated with physical discomfort and injury to nerves, tendons, and muscles. Below are some guidelines to avoid injury and ensure optimum comfort while using your Razer Mamba Wireless.▪Position your keyboard and monitor directly in front of you with your mouse next to it.Place your elbows next to your side, not too far away and your keyboard within easyreach.▪Adjust the height of your chair and table so that the keyboard and mouse are at or below elbow-height.▪Keep your feet well supported, posture straight and your shoulders relaxed.▪During gameplay, relax your wrist and keep it straight. If you do the same tasks with your hands repeatedly, try not to bend, extend or twist your hands for long periods.▪Do not rest your wrists on hard surfaces for long periods. Use a wrist rest to support your wrist while gaming.▪Customize the keys on your keyboard to suit your style of gaming in order to minimize repetitive or awkward motions while gaming.Do not sit in the same position all day. Get up, step away from your desk and do exercises to stretch your arms, shoulders, neck and legs.If you should experience any physical discomfort while using your mouse, such as pain, numbness, or tingling in your hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck or back, please consult a qualified medical doctor immediately.MAINTENANCE AND USEThe Razer Mamba Wireless requires minimum maintenance to keep it in optimum condition. Once a month we recommend you unplug the device from the computer and clean it using a soft cloth or cotton swab with a bit of warm water to prevent dirt buildup. Do not use soap or harsh cleaning agents.To get the ultimate experience in movement and control, we highly recommend a premium mouse mats from Razer. Some surfaces will cause undue wear on the feet requiring constant care and eventual replacement.Do note that the sensor of the Razer Mamba Wireless is ‘tuned’ or optimized especially for the Razer mouse mats. This means that the sensor has been tested extensively to confirm that the Razer Mamba Wireless reads and tracks best on Razer mouse mats.LEGALESECOPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFORMATION©2018 Razer Inc. All rights reserved. Razer, the triple-headed snake logo, Razer logo, “For Gamers. By Gamers.”, and “Powered by Razer Chroma” logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Razer Inc. and/or affiliated companies in the United States or other countries. All other trademarks and trade names are the property of their respective owners and other company and product names mentioned herein may be trademarks of their respective companies.Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.Razer Inc. (“Razer”) may have copyright, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, patent applications, or other intellectual property rights (whether registered or unregistered) concerning the product in this guide. furnishing of this guide does not give you a license to any such copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right. The Razer Mamba Wireless (the “Product”) may differ from pictures whether on packaging or otherwise. Razer assumes no responsibility for such differences or for any errors that may appear. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice.LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTYFor the latest and current terms of the Limited Product Warranty, please visit/warranty.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYRazer shall in no event be liable for any lost profits, loss of information or data, special, incidental, indirect, punitive or consequential or incidental damages, arising in any way out of distribution of, sale of, resale of, use of, or inability to use the Product. In no event shall Razer’s liability exceed the retail purchase price of the Product.GENERALThese terms shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Product was purchased. If any term herein is held to be invalid or unenforceable, then such term (in so far as it is invalid or unenforceable) shall be given no effect and deemed to be excluded without invalidating any of the remaining terms. Razer reserves the right to amend any term at any time without notice.FCC StatementThis equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference ina residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.—Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.—Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. —Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.FCC Radiation Exposure StatementThis device complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment and it also complies with Part 15 of the FCC RF Rules. This equipment must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. End-users and installers must be provide with antenna installation instructions and consider removing the no-collocation statement.This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.Caution!Any changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003.Cet appareil numérique de la classe B est conforme à la norme NMB-003 du Canada.This device complies with Industry Canada’s licence-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause interference; and(2) This device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of thedevice.Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d’Industrie Canada applicables aux appareils radio exempts de licence. L’exploitation est autorisée aux deux conditions suivantes :(1) l’appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage;(2) l’utilisateur de l’appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi, même si le brouillage estsusceptible d’en compromettre le fonctionnement.The device meets the exemption from the routine evaluation limits in section 2.5 of RSS 102 and compliance with RSS-102 RF exposure, users can obtain Canadian information on RF exposure and compliance.Le dispositif rencontre l'exemption des limites courantes d'évaluation dans la section 2.5 de RSS 102 et la conformité à l'exposition de RSS-102 rf, utilisateurs peut obtenir l'information canadienne sur l'exposition et la conformité de rf.STATEMENT OFCOMPLIANCE WITH EU DIRECTIVE ENGLISHENGLISHSTATEMENT OF COMPLIANCE WITH EU DIRECTIVEHereby, Razer (Europe) GmbH, declares that this Razer Mamba Wireless (Gaming Mouse Model: RC30-027101 and USB Dongle Model: DGRFG6) is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 2014/53/EU.Gaming Mouse:Operating Frequency: 2403-2479M H zMax Output power: 7.89±2d B mUSB Dongle:Operating Frequency: 2403-2479M H zMax Output power: 3.60±2d B mSW version: V1.00.01The full Declaration of Conformity can be requested via the following:Company: Razer (Europe) GmbHAddress: Essener Bogen 23, 22419 Hamburg, GermanyE-mail: ********************Internet address: https://。



Attach the battery cover.Wireless MouseManualENGLISHRemove the battery cover.The power indicator light will become illuminated in red for a fixed period of time.* Flashes red when the battery level gets low.1Inserting the battery2Turning the power onSlide the power switch to the ON position.Click on the “Start”button on the lower left of the screen, and click on the “Settings”icon.Click on “Devices”.Insert the battery as instructed on the battery removal sheet.Power-saving modeWhen the mouse is left untouched for a fixed period of time while the power is ON, Ensure that the battery is inserted with its positive and negative ends oriented correctly.12345678910111213Change to PC1Change to PC2When only either “PC1” or “PC2” is paired, and if you turn the device selection switch to the device that is not paired, the current connection is disconnected. In this case, reconnect by turning the device selection switch back to the device that was connected.The “Windows Settings” window will appear.The “Devices” page will appear.Model: M-XGL10BB/M-XGM10BB/M-XGx10BBName and function of each partDownload "ELECOM Mouse Assistant" from the ELECOM website to use its button assignment and high-speed scrolling functions./web/mouse-assistant/4"Back" button3WheelYou can perform the "Back" operation in a web browser.5"Forward" buttonYou can perform the "Forward" operation in a web browser.6Pairing light/Power indicator light1Left button 2Right button The light underneath the wheel flashes in red when the mouse is in a pairing standby state.When the power is turned ON, the light underneath the wheel becomes illuminated in red for a fixed period of time. If flashes red when the battery level gets low.7Device selection switch8Optical sensor 9Pairing button 10Power switch 11Battery cover12Battery storage compartment 13Battery removal sheetThis product can be used with two Bluetooth devices by switching between them.Slide the device selection switch for changing device from “PC1” to “PC2”.When the device is connected, the pairing lamp is lit for about three seconds.M-XGS10BB/BBS SeriesM-XGM10BB/BBS Series M-XGL10BB/BBS Series。







AOC AGM700 RGB 游戏鼠标用户指南说明书

AOC AGM700 RGB 游戏鼠标用户指南说明书

AOC AGM700 RGB Gaming MouseUSER'S GUIDEVer.:1.00CAUTION: To use this product properly, please read the user's guide before installing. ContentsPACKAGE CONTENTS/SYSTEM REQUIREMENTSPackage Contents◼AGM700 FPS Gaming Mouse◼Five Pieces 5g Weight Module◼Quick Setup GuideProduct System Requirements◼Windows® 7/8/8.1/10 or macOS◼Available USB port◼160MB free hard disk space◼Internet connectionAOC G-Tools System Requirements◼Windows® 7 or above◼160MB free hard disk space◼Internet connectionTechnical Support◼2 years limited warranty◼Free online technical support at TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONSSpecifications◼Advanced optical sensor with true 16000 DPI◼Switchable DPI - 1600/3200/6400/12800/16000/smart DPI (default 1600 DPI) ◼Up to 400 inches per second (IPS) and 50g acceleration◼8 programmable buttons◼Omron mechanical switch with up to 50 million clicks lifespan◼UP to 1000 Hz/1 ms report rate◼Enquired with weight module can easy for weight adjustment◼Customizable RGB lighting effect syncing with other AOC gaming devices◼ 1.8 M braided cableApproximate Size & Weight◼Length: 129.50 mm/ 4.95 in◼Width: 65.32 mm/ 2.57 in◼Height: 42.30 mm/ 1.66 in◼Weight: 173 g/0.38 lbs◼Cable Length: 1.8 m/ 5.9 ftOperating Environment◼Operating Temperature: 0 ° C (32 ° F) to 40 ° C (104 ° F)◼Operating Humidity: 10% - 85%Device LayoutA.Left ButtonB.Right ButtonC.Middle Button/Scroll WheelD.Browser ForwardE.Browser BackwardF.DPI CycleG.Mode SwitchH.DPI ShiftI.True 16,000 DPI Optical Sensor J.Smooth Mouse FeetK.Weight ModuleAOC G-TOOLS INSTALLATIONStep 1: Plug the device into a USB port on your computer.Step 2: The computer operating system will automatically detect the device.Step 3: Download AOC G-Tools. Browse to and search for "AOC G-Tools."Step 4:Start the installation process by clicking on the file “Setup.exe”.Step 5: Windows® will prompt you if installation should continue; install the driver despite this.Note: The driver will automatically uninstall any previous version of the driver; for this reason, it may take some time for the driver to install before you may begin programming the device.Step 6: When the installation process is complete, please reboot your computer system.Step 7: The AOC G-Tools icon is displayed in the Windows® taskbar while it is running. Access the Configuration menu by right-clicking the AOC G-Tools icon.AOC G-TOOLS INTRODUCTIONGame Profile ManagementUnder Game Profile Management, you may export a customized profile by clicking the Exportbutton, or import a profile from your computer by clicking the Import button.The default profile names are Profile 1 through Profile 5. You may rename your profiles by typing in the text field below Profile Name.Each game profile supports seven macro keys, and the on-board memory of the device supports three profiles.Each profile may be activated along with a linked program. To do so, put the executable path of the program you want to link in the Path To Executable (*EXE) text field.Reset To Factory Default SettingsBy clicking the ‘GO’ button, the device will be reset to the factory default settings.ButtonsFor each numbered button, you may assign an action from its drop-down menu. Options listed in the drop-down menu are explained below.◼Macro ManagerA macro is a prerecorded sequence of keystrokes and button presses executed with precise timing. By assigning a macro to a button, you can execute complex combinations with ease. The device allows you to create, delete, import, and export your customized macros. When choosing this option from the drop-down menu, the Macro Manager window will appear. You may select an existing macro as the assignment to the button, or record a new macro and assign it to the button. If you like to perform the assignment later, c lick the Macro Manager button in the lower right corner, the Macro Manager window will show for your further operations as below.1. Create a Macro(1)Click the button and name the macro youare about to record. Confirm the name bypressing the Enter key on your keyboard.(2)Set the delay time between events:-Recording: The delay between events areregistered as they are recorded.-Fixed: Use a predefined time (shown inmillisecond) for the delay.-Ignore: Omit all the pauses betweenkeystrokes and button presses.(3)Click the Start button to record all yourkeystrokes and mouse button commands into the macro. When done, click the Stop button to complete this recording.(4)Click the Cancel button if you want to discard this recording, or the Ok button to confirm thisrecording. Successfully recorded macros can be found from the Macro Select drop-down list. (5)For any recorded macro, you may delete or adjust its event sequences, or add new events byinitiating another recording session.2. Delete a MacroSelect the macro to be deleted and click on the Trash Binbutton down below. A message window will pop up to confirm your decision. Click the Ok button to delete the macro.3. Edit DelayTo adjust the delay time, double-click the field to be revised and enter the new value. Some games may not be able to detect short delays.4. Delete Record ActionsTo delete a single or multiple actions or delay time of the macro, click the trash bin button.5. Insert Macro ItemClick the button to start inserting another macro to an existing macro. Choose to record this new macro before or after the existing one; then click the Start button to start the recording. When done, click the Stop button to complete the session, or the Save button to keep the recording. You may also insert delay time before/after the selected event. After entering the desired time value, click the Save button.◼MultimediaOpen Player: Start media player.Pre Track: Toggle to the previous media track. Next Track: Toggle to the next media track.Play/Pause: Toggle between playing and pausing media. Stop: Stop playing the media.Mute: Mute (turns off) the computer sound.Volume +: Increase the computer sound volume. Volume -: Decrease the computer sound volume.◼DPI SwitchDPI Up: Increase the DPI. DPI Down: Decrease the DPI.DPI Cycle: Cycle between the 5 options of the G-Tools. DPI Shift: Predefined DPI at 400.◼Window ManagementCalculator: Start Microsoft Calculator. Email: Start the default mail program.WWW Favorites:Open the default web browser Favorites.WWW Forward: Go to the next webpage.WWW Back: Go to the previous webpage.WWW Stop: Stop loading webpage.My Computer: Open the My Computer window (or This PC for Win10).WWW Refresh: Refresh the current webpage.WWW Home: Start the default web browser and load the homepage.WWW Search: Go to the default web browser search bar or Search Windows.Show Desktop: Switch between desktop and the current view.◼Text EditorNine text commands are available: Cut, Copy, Paste, Undo, Select All, Find, New, Save, and Open.◼Left ClickPerform a left-click.◼Right ClickPerform a right-click.◼Middle ClickActivate the universal scrolling function.◼Browser BackwardPerform "Backward" command for most Internet browsers.◼Browser ForwardPerform "Forward" command for most Internet browsers.◼Double-ClickPerform a double-click action.◼Fire ButtonPerform a fire button until release.◼Assign a ShortcutAssign a shortcut combination.◼Windows KeyOpen the Start Windows menu.◼Smart KeyIf you assign a button with Smart Key function, while holding down the Smart Key, press the otherbutton, the Smart Key will repeat this button’s action continuously.◼Button OffSwitch off the button.Sensitivity◼DPI SettingYou may define five sets of DPI values ranged from 200 to 16000 to suit your needs. The set DPI values will be applied to the DPI cycle function. When a set value is currently in use, it will be highlighted in red, and the corresponding LED color will be shown on your device.The default values are as below:•DPI #1: 1600 DPI (Default)•DPI #2: 3200 DPI•DPI #3: 6400 DPI•DPI #4: 12800 DPI•DPI #5: 16400 DPI•DPI #6: SMART DPI◼Polling RateChoose from four polling rate options: 125Hz/8ms, 250Hz/4ms, 500Hz/2ms,1000Hz/1ms(default).◼Double ClickDrag the slider bar knob toward left (Slow) or right (Fast) to adjust the double-click speed.◼Windows Pointer SpeedDrag the slider bar knob toward left (Slow) or right (Fast) to adjust the Windows Pointer Speed. The set value will also be applied to the Windows Control Panel. We recommend the default setting.◼Scroll SpeedDrag the slider bar knob toward left (Slow) or right (Fast) to adjust the scrolling speed for viewing a document or webpage. To test the set value, press the Apply button and test in your browser.Light FX◼Light FXChoose from the Light FX drop-down menu for your favorite light setting. Options are: Static, Breathing, and Blink.◼LED SettingChoose the Random or Single LED lighting effect option to set continuously changing colors or a selected RGB color for the device. To restore the default light settings, press the Go button beside“Reset To Factory Default Settings”.Lighting colors cycle between 12 predefined colors.✓Single LED:To set the color, click the color square next to the Side Light/MainLight option, the Color Control windows will pop up. Point at any spoton the RGB panel to set your favorite color, or enter RGB values todefine the color. The LED color setting is available for Static, Breathing,and Blink effect.◼PulsationDrag the slider bar knob toward left (Slow) or right (Fast) to set up the speed of the lighting effect, three options are available from Slow to Fast.◼BrightnessDrag the slider bar knob toward left or right to set up the brightness of the lighting effect, four levels of lighting brightness are available from Off to Bright. This setting option is available for all of the lighting effects.Light FX SyncThe lighting effect of the device can be synchronized with other AOC gaming devices that support the AOC Light FX Sync. To sync the devices, select the icons of the devices of your choice and click the Apply button. The synchronized devices are highlighted in red.Reset To Factory Default SettingsBy clicking the GO button, the device will be reset to the factory default settings.Online UpdateWhen there are new updates available, a notice balloon will show on the upper right corner along with the tool icon.Click on the notice balloon, the Online Update pop-up window will show the update options. Select the updates to download and install. Click the Update button to complete the update process.SAFETY AND MAINTENANCEImportantFor your safety, please carefully read the following guidelines for the device:1.Do not operate the device under abnormal conditions.2.Avoid looking directly at the device's tracking beam or pointing the beam at anyone's eyes. Pleasenote that the tracking beam is not visible to the naked eye and is set as always-on.3.Do not disassemble the device (this will void the warranty) and do not attempt to operate underabnormal current loads.4.Keep the device away from liquid or moisture. Operate the device only within the indicatedtemperature range: 0 ° C (32 ° F) to 40 ° C (104 ° F). If the temperature of the device is too high, unplug the device to lower the temperature.5.If the RGB lighting is not running properly, or the device is not functioning, or if there is anabnormal thermal situation, troubleshoot the device by unplugging the device and plugging the device back in .6.If the troubleshooting process does not resolve the issue, unplug the device and visit for support. Do not attempt to repair the device yourself.SafetyFederal Communication Commission Interference StatementThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:(1) This device may not cause harmful interference.(2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may causeundesired operation.Note:This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This device generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this device does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:—Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.—Increase the separation between the device and receiver.—Connect the device into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.—Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.。






1. 硬件配置在使用无线鼠标之前,确保你已经正确地进行了硬件配置。




2. 连接与配对一般情况下,鼠标会在插入USB接收器后自动连接。



3. 使用方法使用无线鼠标与传统有线鼠标的操作方法基本相同,只是不需要通过线缠绕地连接到电脑。



4. 高级功能除了基本的操作外,一些无线鼠标还具备一些高级功能,可以更加方便和快捷地操作。



5. 注意事项在使用无线鼠标的过程中,有一些注意事项需要牢记:a. 电池或充电:一些无线鼠标需要使用电池或进行充电,及时充电或更换电池以保持正常使用。

b. 信号干扰:无线鼠标使用无线信号传输,避免与其他无线设备或者信号源过近,以免造成干扰。

c. 距离限制:无线鼠标的使用距离受限,通常在10米左右,距离过远可能会导致连接不稳定。

d. 清洁保养:定期清洁无线鼠标表面,避免灰尘或脏物影响操作和使用寿命。



H3S-00003D5D-00001PN7-00001RJN-00001U7Z-00001GMF-001764FD-00025P58-00061 Sculpt Comfort Mouse Mobile Mouse 4000Mobile Mouse 3600Mobile Mouse 1850Mobile Mouse 3500Comfort Mouse 4500Basic Optic Mouse MSRP $39.95MSRP $34.95MSRP $29.95MSRP $14.95MSRP $29.95MSRP $22.45MSRP $14.95 Bluetooth Wireless USB Bluetooth Wireless USB Wireless USB Wired USB Wired USBBasicKTF-00013L6V-00001RVF-00052HDQ-00001 Modern Mobile Mouse Sculpt Ergonomic Mouse ARC Touch Mouse Classic IntelliMouse MSRP $34.99MSRP $59.95MSRP $59.95MSRP $39.99 Bluetooth Wireless USB Wireless USB Wired USB Premium Core CoreD e s k t o pPart Code L5V-000017N9-00001L3V-00001PP4-00001PP3-00001M7J-00001PT3-00001PY9-00001APB-00001Description Sculpt Ergonomic DesktopDesigner Desktop Sculpt Comfort DesktopComfort Desktop 5050Desktop 3050Desktop 2000Desktop 900Desktop 850Desktop 600Price MSRP $129.95MSRP $99.95MSRP $79.95MSRP $69.95MSRP $69.95MSRP $49.95MSRP $49.95MSRP $39.95MSRP $29.95Connection Wireless USB Bluetooth Wireless USB Wireless USB Wireless USBWireless USBWireless USBWireless USBWired USB Quality Premium Premium Premium Premium Core Core Core Core Basic Ergonomic Yes No Yes Yes No No No No No Battery Life36 months 9 months KB 18 months, MS 10 monthsKB 15 months, MS 8 monthsKB 15 months, MS 8 monthsKB 18 months, MS 8 months24 months 15 months N/A Box RetailRetailRetailRetailRetailRetailRetailRetailRetailWhy buy?Built on advanced ergonomic design principlesSlim with built-in trackpadMaximized for comfort andcustomized for youErgonomist approved and AES 128-Bit encryptionCompact, modern with AES 128-Bit encryptionQuality build and AES 128-Bit encryptionComfort with AES 128-Bit encryptionQuality build and AES 128-Bit encryption Quality design and AES 128-Bit encryption CommentAlso availablefor business (PN9-00005)Also availablefor business (3J2-00002)W e b c a mPart Code Q2F-00013H5D-00013T3H-00011Description LifeCam Studio LifeCam Cinema LifeCam 3000Price MSRP $99.95MSRP $69.95MSRP $39.95Connection Wired USB Wired USB Wired USB Quality Premium Premium Core Ergonomic N/A N/A N/A Battery LifeN/A N/A N/A BoxRetail Retail RetailWhy buy?1080p HD sensor, 720p HD video, Skype certifiedTrue 720p HD video plus auto focusTrue 720p HD VideoCommentAlso available for business (5WH-00002)Also available for business (6CH-00002)Also available for business (T4H-0002)H e a d s e t sPart Code 7XF-00001JUG-00013Description LifeChat LX-6000LifeChat LX-3000Price MSRP $80.95MSRP $39.95Connection Wired USB Wired USB Quality Premium Basic Ergonomic N/A N/A Battery LifeN/A N/A BoxRetailRetail Why buy?High-fidelity sound,7 foot cable, inline volume, Skype / Lync certified6 foot cable, Skype certifiedCommentAlso available for business (7XF-00001)K e y b o a r dPart Code 5KV-00001LXM-00001QSZ-00001N9Z-00001PZ3-00001ANB-00001Description Sculpt Ergo KeyboardMicrosoft Ergonomic KeyboardMicrosoft Bluetooth ® KeyboardAll-in-One Media KeyboardKeyboard 850Keyboard 600Price MSRP $85.95MSRP $59.99MSRP $49.99MSRP $39.95MSRP $29.95MSRP $16.95Connection Wireless USB Wired USB Wireless USBWireless USBWireless USBWired USB Quality Premium Core Core Core Basic Basic Ergonomic Yes Yes No No No No Battery Life36 months N/A 36 months 9 months 15 months N/A BoxBusiness RetailRetail RetailRetailRetailWhy buy?Ergonomist approvedAll-day typing comfortA sleek, wireless typing experienceSlim with built-in trackpadQuality design and AES 128-Bit encryptionQuality design and AES 128-Bit encryptionCommentAlso availablen White (ANB-00026)A d a p t e r sPart Code P3Q-00001HFR-00001Description Wireless DisplayAdapter USB-C to VGA Adapter Price MSRP $49.95MSRP $39.99Connection USB/HDMI Wired USB Quality Premium Core Ergonomic N/A N/A Battery LifeN/A N/A BoxRetail RetailWhy buy?See it all on your big screenShare photos, video, and presentations in a way that’s larger than lifeCommentErgonomics Modern Productivity Gaming Classic。

Razer Orochi鼠标说明书

Razer Orochi鼠标说明书

MASTER GUIDE (MAC)CONTENTS1. System & Hardware Requirements2. Package Contents3. Key Features4. Installation / Registration / Technical Support5. Configuring Your Razer Orochi6. Copyright and Intellectual Property InformationThe Razer Orochi™ brings mobile gaming mouse standards to new heights with its small form factor and bleeding-edge technology. Equipped with a gaming-grade laser sensor and dual mode wired/wireless functionality, the Razer Orochi uses gaming optimized Bluetooth® technology to address your need for portability and ease of use with a wired mode option for gaming grade performance.Gaming on the go is now possible.1. SYSTEM & HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS:• Bluetooth® enabled Mac with USB port• Mac OS X (v10.4 and above)• Internet connection (for driver installation)• 35MB of free hard disk space2.PACKAGE CONTENTS• Razer Orochi Gaming Mouse• 2x AA Battery• USB Cable• Travel Pouch• Certificate of Authenticity• Quick Start Guide• Master Guide (PC)• Master Guide (MAC)3. KEY FEATURESDefault button assignments (MAC)A Button 1 – ClickB Button 2 – MenuC Button 3 – Scroll Wheel and Mouse Button 3D Battery / Pairing IndicatorE Button 5 – Mouse Button 5F Button 4 – Mouse Button 4G Button 7 – Sensitivity Stage UpH Button 6 – Sensitivity Stage DownI Razer Precision™ 3G Laser SensorJ Power On/Off SwitchK Gaming Optimized Bluetooth ConnectivityL Ultraslick™ FeetM 1000Hz Ultrapolling™ / 1ms Response Time (Wired mode) N Razer Synapse™ On-board MemoryO Connector Jack for Micro-USB End of Cable (Wired Mode)4. INSTALLATION / REGISTRATION / TECHNICAL SUPPORT[WIRELESS MODE]1. Remove the top cover of the Razer Orochi.2. Insert the batteries into the Razer Orochi following the directions indicated.3. Reattach the top cover onto the Razer Orochi. Please ensure it is secured.4. Switch on the Razer Orochi.5. Please ensure that Bluetooth is activated on your Mac. ‘Add a Bluetooth device’ by following theinstructions for your operating system. Activate the pairing process by depressing all four side buttonstogether on the Razer Orochi for five seconds. The indicator lights on the top of the Razer Orochi will blink in blue to indicate the pairing process6. When the pairing process is completed, the indicator light will stop blinking. Your Razer Orochi is thenready for use in wireless mode.IMPORTANT NOTE:Scroll wheel light is off by default. You can turn it on in the LIGHTING ANDMAINTENANCE TAB.[WIRELESS MODE]1. Connect the micro-USB end of the cable to the Razer Orochi.2. Plug the mouse into the USB port of your computer. The Razer Orochi is then ready for use as a highperformance wired gaming mouse.Mac OS X (v10.4 and above) Driver installation instructionsStep 1: Plug your Razer Orochi into the USB port of your Mac.Step 2: Download the Driver Installer from /.Step 3: Run the installer.Step 4: The Razer Orochi introduction screen appears. Click CONTINUE.Step 5: Read the software license agreement and click CONTINUE.Step 6: An confirmation popup screen will appear. Click AGREE if you accept all terms of the a greement.Step 7: If you want to choose the destination folder where the driver software will reside, click CHANGE INSTALL LOCATION. Otherwise, click INSTALL to begin installation.Step 8: At the end of the installation, follow the instructions onscreen to restart your computer.Click RESTART.REGISTERING YOUR RAZER OROCHIPlease visit /registration/ for online product registration.What you’ll get:• 2 years limited manufacturer’s warranty• Free online technical support at /..5. CONFIGURING YOUR RAZER OROCHIADJUST PERFORMANCE TABIMPORTANT NOTE:Configuration of the Razer Orochi can only performed in Wired Mode.It is not possible to configure it in Wireless Mode.1. Current SensitivitySensitivity is how much your cursor moves on the screen in relation to your physical movement of the mouse. A higher sensitivity value would translate to less physical movement of the mouse, and vice versa. In the ADJUST PERFORMANCE tab, the current sensitivity of your Razer Orochi in dots per inch (DPI) is indicated and can be easily adjusted by moving the arrow along the slider in steps of 125DPI. For greater flexibility in adjustment, you can select the ENABLE INDEPENDENT X-Y SENSITIVITY option and move the individual X and Y arrows along the slider.NOTE:In Wireless mode, the maximum sensitivity of Razer Orochi is limited to 2000DPI.To set a different sensitivity level in the X and Y axis, you can select the “Enable independent X-Y sensitivity” option and move the individual X and Y arrows along the slider.NOTE:The Independent X-Y sensitivity feature is not available in Wireless mode.2. AccelerationAcceleration allows you to increase your physical mouse movement to onscreen cursor movement ratio based on the rate of change of your movement speed. The higher the value of acceleration, the higher the ratio will be. You can activate acceleration by checking the “Enable Acceleration” box and moving the arrow along the slider.3. Polling RateThe polling rate determines the time intervals that the Mac retrieves data from your Razer Orochi. A higher value would mean shorter intervals and therefore less latency. You can switch between 125Hz, 500Hz and 1000Hz by clicking on the individual polling rate drop down menu.NOTE:• This function is only available in Wired mode.• In Wireless mode the Razer Orochi operates at 125Hz only.LIGHTING AND MAINTAINENCEIMPORTANT NOTE:Scroll wheel light is off by default. You can turn it on in the LIGHTING AND MAINTENANCE TAB. LIGHTINGTurn on/off the scroll wheel lights on the Razer Orochi.MAINTENANCEUpdate the Razer driver and firmware software by clicking on the CHECK FOR UPDATES button. This will connect you to for the latest driver/firmware downloads.You can also restore your Razer Orochi to the default settings by pressing the RESTORE ALL SETTINGS TO DEFAULT button.NOTE:• High performance batteries are recommended for longer battery life.• To conserve power, switch off the Razer Orochi when not in use.RESTORE ALL SETTINGS TO DEFAULT6. COPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFORMATION©2009 Razer USA Ltd. Patent Pending. All Rights Reserved. Razer™, the Razer Triple-Headed Snake logo, the Razer distressed word logo, Orochi™ and other trademarks contained herein are the property of Razer USA Ltd and/or its affiliated or associated companies, registered in the United States and/or other countries.Mac OS, Mac and the Mac logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG. Inc. and any use of such marks by Razer is under license.Razer USA Ltd (“Razer”) may have copyright, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, patent applications, or other intellectual property rights (whether registered or unregistered) concerning the product in this Manual. Furnishing of this Manual does not give you a license to any such copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right. The Razer Orochi (the “Product”) may differ from pictures whether on packaging or otherwise. Razer assumes no responsibility for such differences or for any errors that may appear.The laser sensor does not work on mirrors or clear glass.Information contained herein is subject to change without notice.。



Mouse inalámbrico de escritorioManual del usuarioCaracterísticas del Producto1.Radio frecuencia de 27MHz de transmisión inalámbrica.o de 256 códigos de identificación para prevenir la interferencia cuando varios mouseinalámbricos son usados simultáneamente.3.Función de apagado automático para extender la duración de las baterías.4.Baterías que pueden ser recargadas conectando el mouse al puerto de USB de lacomputadora usando el cable de USB suministrado.Sistemas Operativos CompatiblesWin 95/98/Me/2000/XPMacintosh 9.x, 10.xConfiguración Inicial1.Encienda la computadora e iníciela2.Conecte el recibidor inalámbrico del mouse al puerto de USB de la computadora.3.Asegúrese que las baterías estén instaladas en el mouse y que éste se encuentre encendido.(Mire las instrucciones abajo).4.Mantenga el mouse cerca del recibidor.5.Haga clic una vez en el botón “ID” del recibidor. (Mire la Figura 1 abajo). La luz roja seencenderá intermitentemente.6.Después, haga clic en el botón “ID” en la parte de abajo del mouse como se indica en laFigura 1.Figura 1 luz roja del recibidor se encenderá intermitentemente de forma rápida por unos pocossegundos y luego se detendrá.8.Ahora el mouse está listo para ser usado.Instalación de la baterías:1.Mire la Figura 2 abajo.2.Remueva la cubierta de las baterías en la parte de abajo del mouse. Mire la Figura 2 abajo.Figura 23.Inserte 2 baterías AAA como se indica en la Figura 2.4.Vuelva a colocar la cubierta del mouse sobre las baterías.5.Para encender el mouse, presione el botón ID por 3 segundos o más hasta que la luz seencienda; como se indica en la Figura 3 abajo.Figura 3Almacenamiento del RecibidorEl recibidor de USB se almacena en la parte inferior del mouse. Mire la Figura 4 abajo para almacenamiento y remoción del recibidor..Figura 4Función de recarga de las baterías:Cuando esté usando el mouse, si la luz roja indicadora de batería baja se enciende intermitentemente, por favor cambie las baterías o recárguelas. Las baterías pueden ser recargadas conectando el mouse al puerto de USB de la computadora utilizando el cable de USB suministrado. Se pueden recargar mientras se utiliza el mouse. Las baterías se recargarán en 3 ó 4 horas. Tenga en cuenta que el tiempo de carga puede variar dependiendo de la cantidad de carga requerida. Cuando las baterías estén cargadas desconecte el cable.Figura 5Nota:1.Por favor quite las baterías del mouse cuando no lo vaya a utilizar por un periodoprolongado de tiempo.2.Si el mouse entra en la función de apagado automático al no ser utilizado, por favoroprima cualquier botón del mouse o muévalo para activarlo nuevamente.3.Para apagar el mouse presione el botón ID en la parte de abajo del mouse por tressegundos hasta que la luz se apague.4.El mouse óptico no funcionará correctamente en superficies reflectivas como vidrios o enmouse pad de 3D.PrecauciónC ualquier cambio o modificación que no esté expresamente aprobada por Verbatim puede anular la autoridad del usuario de operar el equipo. Nota: Este equipo ha sido probado y cumple con los límites de un aparato digital “Class B” según la parte 15 de las reglas FCC. Estos límites están designados para proveer protección razonable contra cualquier interferencia dañina en una instalación residencial. Este equipo genera, usa y puede irradiar energía de radio frecuencia y sino es instalado y usado de acuerdo a las instrucciones puede causar interferencias dañinas a las radio comunicaciones. Sin embargo, no hay garantía de que no ocurrirá interferencia en determinadas instalaciones. Si este equipo causa interferencia a la recepción de la señal de radio o televisión, lo cual se puede determinar apagando y prendiendo el equipo, se sugiere al usuario que trate de corregir la interferencia con una o más de las siguientes medidas:•Reoriente o relocalice la antena.•Aumente la distancia entre el equipo y el recibidor.•Conecte el equipo en una toma corriente o circuito diferente al que el recibidor está conectado.•Consulte a su distribuidor o a un técnico especializado en radio y TV por ayuda.。



MASTER GUIDECONTENTS1. System & Hardware Requirements2. Package Contents3. Driver Installation4. Configuring Your Razer Abyssus5. Using your Razer Abyssus6. Safety and Maintenance7. LegaleseCongratulations on purchasing the Razer Abyssus™, which inherits the same death-dealing edge as the revolutionary Razer Mamba™ and the Razer Orochi™.The Razer Abyssus was designed for gamers who seek only the essentials for a fundamental edge over the competition. Responsive buttons that delivers maximum tactile feedback coupled with the awesome 3500dpi Razer Precision™ 3.5G infrared sensor delivers a straightforward, no nonsense approach to gaming.1. SYSTEM & HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS:PC with USB portWindows XP / x64 / Vista / Vista64Internet connection (for driver installation)35MB of free hard disk space2.PACKAGE CONTENTSRazer Abyssus Gaming MouseCertificate of AuthenticityQuick Start GuideMaster Guide3.DRIVER INSTALLATIONWindows® XP / x64 / Vista / Vista64 Installation Instructions1. Plug mouse into the USB port of your computer.2. Download the Driver Installer from /.3. Run the installer.4. The Razer Abyssus setup screen appears. Click NEXT.5. Read the license agreement. Click YES if you accept all terms of the agreement.6. Select the destination folder where the driver software will reside. Click NEXT.7. Select the program folder for the Razer menu. Click NEXT.8. Review your settings. Click NEXT and installation will begin.9. At the end of the installation, follow the instructions onscreen to restart your computer. Click FINISH.CONNECTING YOUR RAZER ABYSSUS™1 Plug mouse into the USB port of your computer.2 Download the driver Installer at 3 Run the installer program.4 Follow the onscreen instructions.Registering your Razer AbyssusPlease visit /registration/ for online product registration.What you’ll get:• 2 years limited manufacturer’s warranty• Free online technical support at .4. CONFIGURING YOUR RAZER ABYSSUSThe features listed here require the Razer Abyssus software driver to be installed and the Razer Abyssus Tray Icon to be active. Each setting will be saved to the current Profile on the current machine only.SENSITIVITY TABi. SensitivityAdjusts the Razer Abyssus’s pointer sensitivity.ii. On-The-Fly Sensitivity™Activate On-The-Fly Sensitivity to change the sensitivity settings without the need to enter the configuration menu.Activating the SHOW ON-SCREEN option will show a small display indicating the sensitivity range whenever you make changes on the fly.iii. Double-Click SpeedAdjusts the speed as fast as you want it. Move the pointer along the scale, and then double-click the TEST AREA to try the selected speed.iv. AdvancedAdjust the Windows pointer speed (as per Windows Mouse Control Panel). Note: Effect will only take place after rebooting.ADVANCE SENSITIVITY SETTINGSi. Master Sensitivity ControlChanges the individual sensitivity setting for the X and Y axis of your Razer Abyssus.Master sensitivity control can be enabled/disabled via the checkbox.ii. Master Acceleration ControlAllows adjustment of the pointer acceleration. You can also choose to switch on/off this function.iii Master Windows ControlAdjust the Windows pointer speed (as per Windows Mouse Control Panel). Note: Effect will only take place after rebooting.SCROLL WHEEL TABi. Scroll Wheel SpeedThe scrolling rate can be adjusted to suit your preference by changing the scroll wheel speed. The speed can be set from FAST to FASTEST.ii. Universal ScrollingClick and hold the assigned “Universal Scrolling” button. Drag your Razer Abyssus to scroll in the direction of the mouse movement. Note: Once you disable this function, the button assigned for Universal Scrolling will be disabled.iii. Test AreaScrolling in this area allows you to test the changes you’ve made to your scroll wheel speed.BUTTONS TABi. OrientationSelect to indicate whether you are right-handed or left-handed.ii. Button Assignment and Scroll Wheel AssignmentUnder ‘Button Assignment’, you can assign various functions to the mouse buttons.The following functions are possible:Click:|Normal mouse click. By default, with the right-handed setting, the left button is set as click.Menu:Open a context-sensitive menu. By default, with the right-handed setting, the right button is set as menu. Universal Scrolling:Activate universal scrolling by clicking and holding the assigned button.Double Click:Perform a double click with the assigned button.Advanced:If the button function or key is not listed, or if you would like to assign a macro, select “Advanced” from the drop-down menu. Macros can be up to 8 keystrokes and “On-The-Fly Sensitivity” can be assigned in addition to the macro.Windows Button 4:Issue a “Back” command in Windows Explorer / Internet Explorer.Windows Button 5:Issue a “Forward” command in Windows Explorer / Internet Explorer.On-The-Fly Sensitivity:Enables change of sensitivity settings of your mouse on the fly without the need to enter the configuration menu.Button Off:Disable any function on the assigned button.5. USING YOUR RAZER ABYSSUSSwitching DPIYou can switch between 450, 1800 and 3500 dpi by actuating the mechanical DPI switch.Switching Polling RateYou can switch between 125Hz and 1000Hz by actuating the mechanical DPI switch.Mechanical dpi switch Mechanical polling rateswitchswitchCreating MacrosA macro is a short sequence of keystrokes. You can create a macro by following the instructions below.1. Load the Razer software driver.2. Choose a mouse button and select “Advanced” from its dropdown menu.3. Type in the desired sequence of keystrokes. You can also include “On-The-Fly Sensitivity” in addition \to the macro.4. Click APPLY when done.On-The-Fly SensitivityIf "On-The-Fly Sensitivity" has been assigned to a button, pressing that assigned button and moving the scroll wheel will produce a bar at the lower right-hand corner of your screen, allowing you to dynamically adjust your sensitivity settings. This feature requires the driver to be installed.Driver UpdatesYou’ll be able to update the Razer driver software by clicking UPDATE in the upper right hand corner of the panel. This will connect you to for the latest driver downloads.Advanced Settings GuideMouse sensitivity is an internal filter of the driver. The maximum sensitivity setting of 10 is unfiltered. Each incremental stop or setting is a 10% decrease, i.e. 1 setting will decrease mouse pointer input to 10% (i.e. a linear graph).AccelerationAcceleration is an internal filter of the driver, and is primarily a legacy option for low dpi mice users. With acceleration enabled, faster mouse movements cover additional on-screen distance. Windows XP has acceleration turned on by default as a convenience for users assuming that everyone will have 400dpi mice, but this will likely be a hindrance to most gamers and precision users who require greater accuracy. The ‘acceleration off’ option (default) turns off internal acceleration only and does not affect Windows XP acceleration, which can be turned off via the Control Panel, Mouse, Pointer Options, and unselecting‘Enhance Pointer Precision’.Windows Pointer Speed [Windows Only]Pointer speed is the Windows implementation of Sensitivity. In Windows XP, a setting of ‘5’ means there is no filtering (default). This bar is included as a convenience.DPI switcher - ResolutionResolution is the number of counts per inch of movement sent by the mouse hardware to the OS. E.g.400dpi means a movement of one inch will result in 400 counts of movement. Without any of the above filters operating, this will result in 400 pixels of movement on the screen.Independent X and Y-axis SettingsYou can preset independent X-axis (sensitivity movements side to side) and Y-axis (sensitivity movements up and down). When this feature is enabled, a new on-the-fly interface bar that allows further sensitivity adjustments will appear on-screen.6. SAFETY AND MAINTENANCESafety GuidelinesIn order to achieve maximum safety while using your mouse, we suggest that you adopt the following guidelines:1. Avoid looking directly into the infrared beam of your mouse or pointing the beam in any one else’seye. Note that the infrared beam is NOT visible to the naked human eye and is set on an always-on mode.2. Should you have trouble operating the mouse properly and troubleshooting does not work, unplugthe device and contact the Razer hotline or go to for support. Do not attempt to service or fix the device yourself at any time.3. Do not take apart the mouse (doing so will also void your warranty) and do not attempt to service ityourself or operate it under abnormal current loads.4. Keep your mouse away from liquid, humidity or moisture. Operate your mouse only within thespecified temperature range of 0˚C(32˚F) to 40˚C(104˚F). Should you operate it in a temperaturethat is beyond this range, unplug and switch off the device in order to let the temperature stabilize within the optimal temperature range.COMFORTHere are some tips to ensure that you are comfortable while using your mouse. Research has shown that long periods of repetitive motion, improper positioning of your computer peripherals, incorrect body position, and poor habits may be associated with physical discomfort and injury to nerves, tendons, and muscles. Please follow these guidelines to ensure comfortable use of your mouse and avoid injury.1. Position your keyboard and monitor directly in front of you with your mouse next to it. Place yourelbows next to your side, not too far away and your mouse within easy reach.2. Adjust the height of your chair and table so that the keyboard and mouse are at or below elbowheight.3. Keep your feet well supported, posture straight and your shoulders relaxed.4. During gameplay, relax your wrist and keep it straight. If you do the same tasks with your handsrepeatedly, try not to bend, extend or twist your hands for long periods.5. Do not rest your wrists on hard surfaces for long periods. Use a wrist rest to support your wrist whilegaming.6. Customize the buttons on your mouse to suit your style of gaming in order to minimize repetitive orawkward motions while gaming.7. Make sure that your mouse fits comfortably in your hands.8. Do not sit in the same position all day. Get up, step away from your desk and do exercises tostretch your arms, shoulders, neck and legs.9. If you should experience any physical discomfort while using your mouse, such as pain, numbness,or tingling in your hands, wrists, elbows, shoulders, neck or back, please consult a qualifiedmedical doctor immediately.MAINTENANCE AND USEThe Razer Abyssus is equipped with an infrared sensor, which has a tracking beam that is invisible to the naked human eye. There is a little regular maintenance to keep the Razer Abyssus in optimum condition. Once a month we recommend you unplug the mouse from the USB port and clean the lens below the Razer Abyssus with a soft cloth or cotton swab. Use a little warm water but no soap or harsh cleaning agents.To get the ultimate experience in movement and control, we highly recommend a premium mousing surface from Razer. Some surfaces will cause undue wear on the feet requiring constant care and eventual replacement.Do note that the sensor of the Razer Abyssus is ‘tuned’ or optimized especially for the Razer mousing surfaces.This means that the sensor has been tested extensively to confirm that the Razer Abyssus reads and tracks best on Razer mousing surfaces. Other premium mousing surfaces from companies like Everglide™ may work just as well.7. LEGALESECOPYRIGHT AND INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY INFORMATION©2009 Razer USA Ltd. Patent Pending. All Rights Reserved. Razer™, the Razer Triple-Headed Snake logo, the Razer distressed word logo, Abyssus™ and other trademarks contained herein are the property of Razer USA Ltd and/or its affiliated or associated companies, registered in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Razer USA Ltd (“Razer”) may have copyright, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, patent applications, or other intellectual property rights (whether registered or unregistered) concerning the product in this Manual. Furnishing of this Manual does not give you a license to any such copyright, trademark, patent or other intellectual property right. The Razer Abyssus product (the “Product”) may differ from pictures whether on packaging or otherwise. Razer assumes no responsibility for such differences or for any errors that may appear. Information contained herein is subject to change without notice.LIMITED PRODUCT WARRANTY(“Limited Warranty”)Limited Warranty. Razer warrants the Product to be free from defects in materials and workmanship (subject to the terms set forth herein) for the applicable warranty period from the date of retail purchase. Exclusions and Limitations. This Limited Warranty will not apply if a claim is made arising from any unacceptable use or care of the Product, including (without limitation) misuse, abuse, negligence, acts of God, unauthorized modification or repair, unauthorized commercial use and any operation of the Product outside Razer’s recommended parameters. This Limited Warranty is also invalid if any serial number or date stamp on the Product has been altered, obliterated or removed. Cosmetic damage is not covered. Exclusive Remedies. If an eligible claim on the Limited Warranty is received by Razer within the applicable warranty period, Razer will (at its sole option) either (a) repair the Product or the defective parts at no charge, using new or refurbished replacement parts, or (b) exchange the Product with a Product that is new or which has been manufactured from new or serviceable used parts and is at least functionallyequivalent to the original Product. Where the Product is an “end of life” product model, Razer may (at its sole option) exchange the Product with a functionally equivalent substitute model from Razer’s current product range. Such repairs or exchanges are your exclusive remedies for your warranty claim. Proof of purchase in the form of a bill, invoice or receipt shall be required as evidence of the date of retail purchase. Entire Warranty. The express terms of this Limited Warranty are in lieu of all warranties, conditions, undertakings and obligations implied by statute, common law, custom, trade usage, course of dealing or otherwise, all of which are hereby excluded to the fullest extent permitted by law. No Razer supplier, dealer, agent, or employee is authorized to alter or extend the terms of this Limited Warranty or to make any representation whatsoever.Help Resources. Before lodging a claim on the Limited Warranty, please review the online help resources at . If the Product is still not functioning properly after making use of these resources, please contact Razer through or your authorized distributor or dealer. You may be required to assist with the diagnosis process to verify and ascertain any issues which you may be facing with the Product. Service options, parts availability and response times may vary depending on the country in which the warranty claim is lodged. You may be responsible for shipping and handling charges as well as any applicable customs, duties or taxes if shipment and handling of the Product is required.LIMITATION OF LIABILITYRazer shall in no event be liable for any lost profits, loss of information or data, special, incidental, indirect, punitive or consequential or incidental damages, arising in any way out of distribution of, sale of, resale of, use of, or inability to use the Product. In no event shall Razer’s liability exceed the purchase price of the Product.GENERALThese terms shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the jurisdiction in which the Product was purchased. If any term herein is held to be invalid or unenforceable, then such term (in so far as it is invalid or unenforceable) shall be given no effect and deemed to be excluded without invalidating any of the remaining terms.COSTS OF PROCUREMENTFor the avoidance of doubt, in no event will Razer be liable for any costs of procurement unless it has been advised of the possibility of such damages, and in no case shall Razer be liable for any costs of procurement liability exceeding the purchase price of the Product.。

Omega miniOMEGAMOUSE 无线光学鼠标说明书

Omega miniOMEGAMOUSE 无线光学鼠标说明书

e-mail:**************For latest product manuals:MADE IN CHINAmini OMEGAMOUSE ®Wireless Optical Mousemini OMEGAMOUSE ®WIRELESS RECEIVERIt is the policy of OMEGA Engineering, Inc. to comply with all worldwide safety and EMC/EMI regulations that apply. OMEGA is constantly pursuing certification of its products to the European New Approach Directives. OMEGA will add the CE mark to every appropriate device upon certification.The information contained in this document is believed to be correct, but OMEGA accepts no liability for any errors it contains,and reserves the right to alter specifications without notice.WARNING: These products are not designed for use in, and should not be used for, human applications.Czech Republic:Frystatska 184, 733 01 Karvina ´, Czech Republic Tel: +420 (0)59 6311899FAX: +420 (0)59 6311114Toll Free: 0800-1-66342e-mail:*****************Germany/Austria:Daimlerstrasse 26, D-75392 Deckenpfronn, Germany Tel: +49 (0)7056 9398-0FAX: +49 (0)7056 9398-29TollFreeinGermany************e-mail:*************Servicing Europe:U.S.A. and Canada:Sales Service: 1-800-826-6342/1-800-TC-OMEGA Customer Service: 1-800-622-2378/1-800-622-BEST Engineering Service: 1-800-872-9436/1-800-USA-WHEN U.S.A.: ISO 9001 Certified One Omega Drive, Box 4047Stamford, CT 06907-0047Tel: (203) 359-1660FAX: (203) 359-7700e-mail:**************Servicing North America:For immediate technical or application assistance:Mexico:En Espan~ol: (001) 203-359-7803FAX: (001) 203-359-7807e-mail:*******************************.mxUnited Kingdom: ISO 9002 Certified One Omega DriveRiver Bend Technology Centre Northbank, Irlam Manchester M44 5BD United KingdomTel: +44 (0)161 777 6611 FAX: +44 (0)161 777 6622Toll Free in United Kingdom:0800-488-488e-mail:**************.ukCanada:976 BergarLaval (Quebec) H7L 5A1, Canada Tel: (514) 856-6928FAX: (514) 856-6886e-mail:*************RF mini OMEGAMOUSE®User ManualThank you for selecting this product! Your RF mini OMEGAMOUSE Optical Mouse uses a newly developed RE wireless technology 27 MHz that replaces the traditional wired mouse. PRODUCT FEATURES1. Radio frequency 27 MHz, enjoy your wireless space.2. OMEGAMOUSE has 2561D code. There is no interference even when many mice are being used at the same time.3. The battery life is prolonged by automatic sleep mode.SYSTEMS COMPATIBILITYIBM PC and Wind98/Me/2000/XP/NT, Mac X.No driver is needed.TO INSTALL THE BATTERY1. Press the button on the mouse's upper cover and pull the battery cover rearward.2. Insert two AAA batteries according to the polarity marks on the battery grooves.3. Pull the battery cover forward. The battery cover is locked successfully when you heara snapping sound.RECEIVER INSTALLATION1. If you use the PS/2 connector, please use the USB to PS/2 adaptor and connect with the connector before the start-up of your computer.2. For laptop use, you may connect the receiver directly.3. If you use a desktop PC, we suggest you place the receiver on your working surface.Press the top button on the mouse to open the upper coverID SETUPI . Please move the mouse near the receiver.2. Press the ID button on the receiver. The receiver's light RCV will begin to flash.3. Press the ID button on the bottom of the mouse, on a hard surface. This will actuate the mouse within 10 seconds. The receiver light will now flash rapidly; a few seconds later the mouse will go "ON" which will show it is now successfully connected.4. Working distance: within 1 to 2 meters (3.3 to 6.6 ft).First press the IDbutton on the receiverThen press the ID button on the mouseNOTE1. Please keep the mouse as close as possible to the receiver to stay within transmission range.2. For longer battery life it is recommended to use the mouse on a white desk3. Press any key or scroll the wheel to wake up the mouse when it is sleeping.4. If you want to turn the mouse OFF, press and hold the mouse button for at least three seconds.5. The optical mouse will not work properly on a smooth desk, glass, any reflecting surface, or a 3D mouse pad.6. There is no need to check the digital connection when changing the batteries. IMPORTANTThis device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have thefollowing information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1.Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED,2.Model and serial number of the product under warranty, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. Have the followinginformation available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,2.Model and serial number of the product, and3.Repair instructions and/or specific problems relative to the product.OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our cus-tomers the latest in technology and engineering.OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.© Copyright 2008 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced,translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.WARRANTY/DISCLAIMEROMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. warrants this unit to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for a period of 13 months from date of purchase. OMEGA’s Warranty adds an additional one (1) month grace period to the normal one (1) year product warranty to cover handling and shipping time. T his ensures that OMEGA’s customers receive maximum coverage on each product.If the unit malfunctions, it must be returned to the factory for evaluation. OMEGA’s Customer Service Department will issue an Authorized Return (AR) number immediately upon phone or written request.Upon examination by OMEGA, if the unit is found to be defective, it will be repaired or replaced at no charge. OMEGA’s WARRANT Y does not apply to defects resulting from any action of the purchaser,including but not limited to mishandling, improper interfacing, operation outside of design limits,improper repair, or unauthorized modification. This WARRANTY is VOID if the unit shows evidence of having been tampered with or shows evidence of having been damaged as a result of excessive corro-sion; or current, heat, moisture or vibration; improper specification; misapplication; misuse or other operating conditions outside of OMEGA’s control. Components in which wear is not warranted, include but are not limited to contact points, fuses, and triacs.OMEGA is pleased to offer suggestions on the use of its various products. However, OMEGA neither assumes responsibility for any omissions or errors nor assumes liability for any damages that result from the use of its products in accordance with information provided by OMEGA, either verbal or written. OMEGA warrants only that the parts manufactured by the company will be as specified and free of defects. OMEGA MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND W HATSOEVER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, EXCEPT THAT OF TITLE, AND ALL IMPLIED W ARRANTIES INCLUDING ANY W ARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: The remedies of purchaser set forth herein are exclusive, and the total liability of OMEGA with respect to this order, whether based on contract, warranty, negligence, indemnification, strict liability or otherwise, shall not exceed the purchase price of the component upon which liability is based. In no event shall OMEGA be liable for consequential, incidental or special damages.CONDITIONS: Equipment sold by OMEGA is not intended to be used, nor shall it be used: (1) as a “Basic Component” under 10 CFR 21 (NRC), used in or with any nuclear installation or activity; or (2) in medical applications or used on humans. Should any Product(s) be used in or with any nuclear installation or activity, medical application, used on humans, or misused in any way, OMEGA assumes no responsibility as set forth in our basic WARRANTY/DISCLAIMER language, and, additionally, purchaser will indemnify OMEGA and hold OMEGA harmless from any liability or damage whatsoever arising out of the use of the Product(s) in such a manner.RETURN REQUESTS /INQUIRIESDirect all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA Customer Service Department. BEFORE RET URNING ANY PRODUCT (S) T O OMEGA, PURCHASER MUST OBT AIN AN AUT HORIZED RET URN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPARTMENT (IN ORDER TO AVOID PROCESS-ING DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the outside of the return package and on any correspondence. The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance and proper pack-aging to prevent breakage in transit.Where Do I Find Everything I Need for Process Measurement and Control?OMEGA…Of Course!Shop online at SMM4595/0108TEMPERATUREⅪߜThermocouple, RTD & ThermistorProbes, Connectors, Panels &Assemblies ⅪߜWire: Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor ⅪߜCalibrators & Ice Point References ⅪߜRecorders, Controllers & ProcessMonitors ⅪߜInfrared PyrometersPRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCEⅪߜTransducers & Strain GagesⅪߜLoad Cells & Pressure Gages ⅪߜDisplacement Transducers ⅪߜInstrumentation & AccessoriesFLOW/LEVELⅪߜRotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters &Flow Computers ⅪߜAir Velocity Indicators ⅪߜTurbine/Paddlewheel Systems ⅪߜTotalizers & Batch ControllerspH/CONDUCTIVITYⅪߜpH Electrodes, Testers & Accessories ⅪߜBenchtop/Laboratory Meters ⅪߜControllers, Calibrators, Simulators &Pumps ⅪߜIndustrial pH & ConductivityEquipmentDATA ACQUISITIONⅪߜData Acquisition & EngineeringSoftware ⅪߜCommunications-Based AcquisitionSystems ⅪߜPlug-in Cards for Apple, IBM &Compatibles ⅪߜDatalogging Systems ⅪߜRecorders, Printers & PlottersHEATERSⅪߜHeating CableⅪߜCartridge & Strip Heaters ⅪߜImmersion & Band Heaters ⅪߜFlexible Heaters ⅪߜLaboratory HeatersENVIRONMENTALMONITORING AND CONTROLⅪߜMetering & Control InstrumentationⅪߜRefractometers ⅪߜPumps & TubingⅪߜAir, Soil & Water Monitors ⅪߜIndustrial Water & Wastewater Treatment ⅪߜpH, Conductivity & Dissolved OxygenInstruments。



L701 用户手册目录1 引言 (4)1.1 致谢 (4)1.2 维护及保养 (4)1.3 安全须知 (4)1.4 缩略语/术语 (4)2 MID简介 (5)2.1 MID整机图 (5)2.2 MID使用与准备 (6)2.3 MID状态与通知 (6)3 快速入门 (6)3.1 按键功能 (6)3.2 开机与关机 (7)3.3 屏幕的开启和关闭 (7)3.4 触摸屏的使用 (7)3.5 主页界面 (8)3.6 访问应用程序 (9)3.7 USB连接 (10)3.8 储存卡 (10)3.9 输入文字 (11)3.10 使用技巧 (12)4 建立连接 (12)4.1 WI-FI连接 (12)4.2 3G连接 (13)4.3 蓝牙连接 (13)5 通讯 (13)5.1 电子邮件 (13)5.2 Gmail (15)6 多媒体 (15)6.1 支持的文件格式 (15)6.2 音乐 (15)6.3 视频 (16)6.4 图片库 (16)7 互联网 (17)7.1 浏览器 (17)8 其他应用程序 (18)8.1 闹钟 (18)8.2 计算器 (18)8.3 文件管理器 (18)8.4 Google 地图 (19)9 基本设置 (20)9.1 声音和显示 (20)9.2 安全性和位置 (21)9.3 TF卡和储存 (21)9.4 日期和时间 (22)9.5 设置语言 (22)9.6 关于设备 (22)10 程序的安装 (23)10.1 安装 (23)10.2 电子市场 (23)10.3 卸载 (23)10.4 更新途径 (24)11 系统升级 (24)11.1 系统升级准备 (24)11.2 系统升级 (24)11.2 恢复出厂设置 (24)12 注意事项 (25)1 引言1.1 致谢非常感谢您选择了本产品。

本产品为MID(Mobile Internet Device),这是一种移动互联网设备,精致小巧,便于携带。



一,产品安装 请按照如下程序完成产品的安装:
1, 鼠标安装接收器: 从鼠标底部拔出Nano接收器,连接到计算机的USB埠上或USB HUB上.
2,鼠标开启电源方法: 方式 1:安装电池后,鼠标电源自动开启. 方式 2:长时间不使用鼠标,短按电源开关即为切断电源,再次使 用则需长按电源开关(3
秒钟)就能使用(如右图) .
(注:鼠标移动唤醒法:如鼠标长时间不使用,只需任意移动鼠标, 3秒内即能工作.) 3,键盘电池安装: 打开电池盖,插入电池,确保每节"电池两端的正极(+)和 负极(-)与电池盒内的正负极标示吻合(如右图)
1.右键 8 雕功能 如果已经有其它鼠标软件安装在计算机上,请先确保已安装过鼠标软件已删除. 本软件适用在 Win2000/XP(X64)/2003(X64) /Vista 系统中. 1. 将 CD 光盘片放入计算机光盘驱动器中. 2.计算机识别到光盘程序后会自动弹出软件安装接口,依安装程序所指示信息,回答并进行安装. 3. 软件安装成功后,桌面会自动生成右键 8 雕软件快捷方式,运行软件,在计算机屏幕右下角可看 到新增的图示 ,此时右下角的【功能栏】将如图 所示.
5.创新数字键区具备鼠标功能 通过连续按 Num Lock 键两次即可启用键盘鼠标功能, 数字键区即是 鼠标功能,让您躺着也能远距操控游标,轻易执行鼠标指针的八个方 向移动,左右键,上下滚轮的功能;在键盘鼠标模式下,按下数字区 键 5,再按下 –或+键可实现窗口的放大和缩小功能.键盘鼠标合二为 一,带来更多的方便与快捷!
机箱铁板屏蔽,电磁干扰影响下的无线信号(图 1)
Hale Waihona Puke —7—2, 电磁干扰影响: 未通过安规检查的电脑或周边设备产生的电磁辐 射也会影响到无线接收信号,造成鼠标使用时出 现迟钝,跳标,延时,丢帧,接收距离的缩短等 现象;为确保鼠标的使用效果达到最佳,建议用 户使用 USB 延长线,将接收器放于较远的位置. 无任何屏蔽,电磁干扰影响下的无线信号(图 2) 注: 1, 2 无线信号截图来自双飞燕鼠青天鼠 图 图 标测试软件,双飞燕鼠青天下载地址: /download.asp?id=59.



系统要求Windows7Windows8Windows10MacOS 等操作系统功能分布图正面侧面底面3张图底面有底标贴纸右键左键前进键后退键滚轮DPI 拇指滚轮手托充电指示灯OLED 屏幕充电方式把数据线连接鼠标,插入USB 端口可进行充电,充电时指示灯亮红灯,充满电后指示灯熄灭,屏幕显示当前电量。



2.4G 模式:接收器插入设备,打开电源开关,短按模式切换键切换到2.4G 模式,对应指示灯闪烁,鼠标进入2.4G 模式,指示灯常亮后熄灭即可使用。

(若需重新对码:长按2.4G 模式键3秒,指示灯快闪,连接成功后指示灯常亮后熄灭)蓝牙模式:打开电源开关,短按模式切换键切换到BT1/BT2模式,对应指示灯闪烁,鼠标进入蓝牙模式,长按对应的蓝牙模式键BT1/BT23秒,指示灯快闪,在蓝牙设备上搜索“BT5.0MOUSE1”或“BT5.0MOUSE2”点击配对,连接成功后指示灯常亮后熄灭,即可使用。







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