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A)听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一小题。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒种的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)1.What does Bill do now?

A.A teacher. B.A student. C.A journalist.

2.Where did the conversation most probably take place?

A.On a bus . B.In a library. C.In a dining room.

3.What day is it today?

A.Tuesday. B.Wednesday. C.Thursday.

4.What’s David’s hobby?

A.Sports . B.Music. C.None.

5.How long did the meeting last?

A.One hour. B.Two hours. C.Three hours.

6.What color is Jill’s car?

A.Black. B.Light blue. C.Dark blue.

7.What time will they probably finish their job?

A.At 4:30. B.At 5:30. C.At 6:30.

8.What’s the weather like now?

A.Cold. B.Cloudy. C.Rainy.

9.How many books can Angela borrow at most today?

A.Two. B.Three. C.Four.

10.What does Alice mean?

A.David shouldn’t have missed the match.

B.The match was too boring.

C.She was a little late for the match ,too.

B)听下面三段对话,听完第一段对话后回答11—13小题;听完第二段对话后回答第14—16小题;听完第三段对话后回答第17—20小题。听每段对话前你都有40秒钟的时间阅读各小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)Dialogue 1

11.Why doesn’t the man buy the tickets this evening? A.Because there are no tickets left.

B.Because it is too late to set off.

C.Because the weather is too bad.

12.Which train will the man take?

A.The 8:20 train. B.The 9:15 train. C.The 12:30 train. 13.How much does the man pay for the tickets in all?

A.70 dollars. B.60 dollars. C.50 dollars.

Dialogue 2

14.When is their mother’s birthday?

A.May 10. B.May 11. C.May 12.

15.What will they buy as a present for their mother?

A.A pair of shoes. B.A handbag . C.A cake.

16.Where will Sam wait for Mary after class?

A.At the school gate. B.In the classroom. C.On the playground. Dialogue 3

17.Why did Hans go to England?

A.For studying. B.For traveling. C.For visiting.

18.Where did Hans mainly stay in England?

A.In London B.In Manchester C.In Liverpool

19.How long has Hans stayed in England?

A.2 weeks . B.4 weeks. C.6 weeks.

20.What was the weather like in England when Hans was there?

A.Hot . B.Cool. C.Foggy.


21.What kind of people do guide dogs help?

A.Doctors . B.Soldiers. C.The blind.

22.Whose pet dog was it?

A.The doctor’s. B.The soldier’s. C.Dorothy’s.

23.What kind of dogs are the best ones for the job?

A.Strong. B.Bright. C.Old enough.

24.When did Germany start a program to teach dogs to be guides? A.After Dorothy went to Germany.

B.After Dorothy wrote about it for a magazine.

C.After the doctor taught a dog to guide a person.

25.How long does it take to train a little dog to be a guide?

A.Over 2 years . B.14 months . C.4 weeks.

