Unit 6 wisdom of bear wood 熊树林的智慧

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Part 2 (paras. 4---- 35 ): The boy made the best friend in the world.
Part 3 (paras.36-- 37 ): Friendship is possible between very different People.
Further Discussion About the Story
Structure of the Text
Part 1 (paras. 1─ 3 ): In his first six months in England, the 12-year
-old American boy enjoyed the woods and farms there, but avoided making friends for fear that he would have to say good-bye too soon.
– After three weeks she had got used to the extreme heat 三个星期以后她就适应酷热 的环境了。
4) to wrench yourself away from • to twist and pull yourself away(or free)from 痛 苦地离别或分开
– -He caught his breath in surprise. 他惊奇得屏住了 呼吸。
14) to put sb. at ease
• to make sb. feel relaxed 使某人感到舒适、不 拘束等
– -He had been dreading their meeting but her warm welcome soon put him at his 四比他对彼此相见 一直忐忑不安,可是她的热情相迎使他很快就无 拘无束了。
8) to give sb. Permission to do sth.
• to allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事
– -She has already given me permission to leave 她 已经准许我离开了。
9) to roam about
• to walk or travel without any definite aim or destination 漫无目的地走动漫步
Robin Hood
•Robin Hood is a legendary hero of a series of English ballads, some of which date from at least the 14th century. He was a rebel, and many of the most striking episodes in the tales about him show him and his companions robbing and killing representatives of authority and giving the gains to the poor. Their most frequent enemy was the Sheriff of Nottingham, a local agent of the central government. Others included wealthy ecclesiastical land owners.
15) to be on one's way
• to be in the process of going or coming 在来与 去的行进中;在路上
– -I’ll buy some bread on my way home. 我要在回 家的路上买些面包。
16) to point toward
-As a Prime Minister, he has a lot of opportunities to go overseas. 作为首相,他 有很多出国的机会。
2) every few years
• sth. will happen regularly after a few years 每 隔几年
• • • • • •
可以说,朋友是自己的化身。 陈酒味醇,老友情深。 东西新的好,朋友老的佳。 滥交者无友。 人无完人。 不能使一个朋友满意的人,不能说是一个 成功者。 • 择友不宜快,绝交更须慢。 • 交损友不如无友。 • 宁树聪明敌,不交无知友。
1) to go overseas to go to the foreign countries 去国 外
• • • • • • • • • How did the boy come to live in England? What did he usually do to amuse himself? Why did Bear Wood become his favorite? How did the boy come to meet Mrs. Robertson-Glasgow? Why did they enjoy each other’s company so much? What did the boy discover about the elderly woman? Can you imagine what kind of life she had had? How did the boy suddenly lose his dear friend? Retell the story in your own words.
– -Guess who I ran into today. 你猜我今天碰见谁 了。
13) to catch one’s breath
• to stop breathing for a moment (because of fear, shock, etc.)( 因恐惧、震惊等)一时停止 呼吸;屏息
• -He used to roam about the streets for hours on end. 他过去常逛大街 , 一逛就 是几个小时。
10) to creep into
• to move slowly, quietly or stealthily into 悄悄 溜进
– -The cat crept into her room- 那只猫悄悄地溜进 了她的房间。
• • • • • • • • • •
A friend is, as it were, another self. Old friends and old wines are best. Everything is good when new, but friends when old. A friend to all is a friend to none. A friend without faults will never be found. A man cannot be said to succeed in his life who does not satisfy one friend. Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing. Better alone than have a false friend for company. Better an intelligent enemy than an ignorant friend. Translations:
– They come to visit China every few years. 他们每 隔几年访问一次中国。
3) to be used to sth./doing sth.
• to have learned to accept sth ; to be accustomed to sth( 对某事物)已适应;已习惯
Differences old English woman lost her husband Similarities 1. lonely 2. common interest—nature and knowledge 3. true love—giving not taking
12 American boy separated from friends
7) to keep to oneself
• to live a very quiet and private life and not do many things involving other people 独居
– -Nobody knows much about him; he keeps himself (very much)to himself.谁都不太了解他 , 因为他 很少与人来往。
• to aim or direct sth. 用手指着某物
• -He is pointing a telescope toward the moon. 他正用望 远镜对着月亮。
17) to be about to do sth.
• to intend to do sth. immediately; to be on the point of doing sth将;正要
-shire: county e.g. Berkshire Lancashire Shropshire
Detailed Discussion of the text
1) What is the theme of the story ?
The theme is summed up at the very end. 2) Why can they become good friends?
11) to warn sb. Do sth.
• To advise sb.to do sth 建议或劝告某人做某 事
– -She warned them to be careful. 她告诉他们务必 小心。
12) to run into
• to meet sb. by chance 偶然遇见某人
Lesson Six
Wisdom of bear wood
1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Introduce one of your best friends to your classmates. Are there things in common that lead to your friendship? Why do we need friendship? What can we get from it? Can you give me some tips to better cultivate friendship? List out the ingredients you think of importance to true friendship.
– -This narrow strip verges against the road. 这条狭 长的地带构成了公路的边沿。
6) to rocket off into
• to go off like rockets into 像火箭一样飞进
• -The birds rocketed off into the woods when people earn 有人来时 , 鸟儿们迅速飞进了树 林。
– It’s really difficult to wrench yourself away from your beloved relatives.与你挚爱的亲人痛苦的别 离实在很难。
5)to verge against
• to be close to ; to be at the edge or border of 靠 近…边缘;构成…的边沿