



Trac插件——WebAdmin的安装和使用2007-09-29 09:42:21| 分类:工具使用|字号订阅Trac插件——WebAdmin的安装和使用1. 安装介绍第一步下载并安装SetupTools(1)SetupTools是一个使我们更加方便的安装和部署Python包的工具集,其下载地址为/pypi/setuptools,在这个页面中有exe形式的安装包,直接下载安装即可(2)安装完成后,我们会在\Python24\Scripts目录中找到一个名为easy_install.exe的文件,它是SetupTools工具集的一员,我们就是使用它完成Trac插件的安装。

第二步下载WebAdmin(1)WebAdmin是一个对Trac进行权限控制的插件,安装完成后可以在Trac页面中直接对权限进行控制,其下载地址为/wiki/WebAdmin,页面中有许多版本,根据自己需要下载即可NOTE: (i)Trac 0.11以后的版本会自动集成WebAdmin,只有0.11之前的版本需要手动下载安装(ii)WebAdmin只向拥有TRAC_ADMIN权限用户开放,所以建议在安装WebAdmin之前先设置一个TRAC_ADMIN权限的用户(2)下载后得到一个压缩包,解压得到一个*.egg的文件夹第三步安装(1)拷贝刚才解压得到的*.egg文件夹,粘贴到你所要配置的Trac目录下的plugins目录,例如D:\EasyCM\trac_projs\testtrac\plugins,其中D:\EasyCM\trac_projs\testtrac\为我所要配置的Trac目录;(2)在控制台进入\Python24\Scripts,执行easy_installD:\EasyCM\trac_projs\testtrac\plugins\TracWebAdmin-0.1.2dev_r4240-py2.4.egg;(3)在Trac.ini文件中加上以下代码:[components]webadmin.* = enabled(4)执行Trac-Admin的Upgrade命令;(5)重启Apache;第四步完成使用TRAC_ADMIN权限的用户登陆,即可看到Admin目录。



Solaris环境下客户端软件安装配置指南(仅供内部使用)杭州宏杉科技有限公司版权所有侵权必究目录Solaris 环境下客户端软件安装配置指南 (i)第1章概述............................................................................................................................... 1-11.1 本文适用范围 ..................................................................................................................... 1-11.2 客户端软件......................................................................................................................... 1-11.3 安装说明............................................................................................................................. 1-11.3.1 Solaris10版本信息.................................................................................................. 1-11.3.2 Solaris11版本信息.................................................................................................. 1-21.3.3 其他要求.................................................................................................................. 1-3第2章网络配置 ....................................................................................................................... 2-12.1 配置网卡信息 ..................................................................................................................... 2-12.1.1 Solaris10系统 ......................................................................................................... 2-12.1.2 Solaris11系统 ......................................................................................................... 2-2第3章安装和配置FC HBA卡................................................................................................. 3-13.1 查询FC HBA卡信息.......................................................................................................... 3-13.1.1 安装FC HBA ........................................................................................................... 3-13.2 配置FC HBA卡 ................................................................................................................. 3-2第4章安装和配置iSCSI Initiator软件 .................................................................................... 4-14.1 检查iSCSI initiator软件..................................................................................................... 4-14.2 安装iSCSI initiator 软件..................................................................................................... 4-24.3 配置iSCSI initiator软件..................................................................................................... 4-2第5章设置CHAP认证 ........................................................................................................... 5-15.1 单向CHAP认证................................................................................................................. 5-15.1.1 服务器端配置........................................................................................................... 5-15.2 双向CHAP认证................................................................................................................. 5-35.2.1 服务器端配置........................................................................................................... 5-35.2.2 存储端配置 .............................................................................................................. 5-4第6章配置多路径.................................................................................................................... 6-16.1 启动多路径管理软件 .......................................................................................................... 6-16.2 配置iSCSI多路径参数....................................................................................................... 6-1第7章连接存储设备................................................................................................................ 7-17.1 iSCSI单路径 ...................................................................................................................... 7-17.2 iSCSI多路径 ...................................................................................................................... 7-27.3 FC单路径........................................................................................................................... 7-67.4 FC多路径........................................................................................................................... 7-6第8章使用存储资源................................................................................................................ 8-18.1 ZFS文件系统..................................................................................................................... 8-18.2 创建ZFS存储池 ................................................................................................................ 8-28.2.1 创建ZFS存储池...................................................................................................... 8-28.2.2 查看存储池信息....................................................................................................... 8-38.3 创建和挂载ZFS文件系统.................................................................................................. 8-48.3.1 创建ZFS文件系统 .................................................................................................. 8-48.3.2 设置文件系统的容量................................................................................................ 8-58.4 卸载文件系统 ..................................................................................................................... 8-5第9章常见问题 ....................................................................................................................... 9-1修订记录第1章概述本章主要描述了以下内容:●本文适用范围●客户端软件●安装说明1.1 本文适用范围本文适用范围:solaris 10_X86 / solaris 11_X861.2 客户端软件本文主要包括在solaris系统中安装和配置下列软件的详细步骤:●iscsi-initiator●multipath-utilities1.3 安装说明1.3.1 Solaris10版本信息确认系统平台及操作系统版本:1. 查看操作系统版本2. 查看版本发布的发布日期3. 当前系统支持的应用程序的位数1.3.2 Solaris11版本信息1. 查看操作系统版本2. 查看版本发布的发布日期3. 当前系统支持的应用程序的位数补充说明:如果当前系统运行在32位模式下, 则有如下输出:32-bit i386 applications如果当前系统运行在64位模式下, 则有如下输出:64-bit amd64 applications32-bit i386 applications1.3.3 其他要求1. 以root用户登录系统;2. 确保系统及存储设备运行正常,且网络通畅;3. 网络配置请参考第2章网络配置。

web navigator 授权软件的安装

web navigator 授权软件的安装

Web navigator 授权软件的安装
拖动左边的滑块,找到授权软件 web Navigator,然后在右边的授权软件子菜单里面找到该软件型号的授权码。

然后点击授权码上方的菜单Install Long,跳出菜单,显示你是否安装了那些菜单,点击全部,开始安装授权。


图中红色方框代表已经安装的授权码,绿色方框代表的是使用期限,Unlimited 代表是无限期。

webpolit 插件 用法

webpolit 插件 用法

webpolit 插件用法
1.介绍 webpolit 插件
2.webpolit 插件的用法
【1.介绍 webpolit 插件】
webpolit 插件是一款实用的网络政治工具,它可以帮助用户查看网站的政治倾向,从而更好地了解和分析网站的内容和立场。

在当前信息爆炸的时代,webpolit 插件为用户提供了一个快速识别和筛选信息的途径,帮助用户更有效地获取可靠信息。

【2.webpolit 插件的用法】
webpolit 插件的使用方法非常简单,只需以下几个步骤:
(1)安装插件:用户需要在浏览器中安装 webpolit 插件,例如在Chrome 浏览器中,用户可以打开 Chrome 网上应用商店,搜索 webpolit 并进行安装。

(2)启用插件:安装完成后,用户需要在浏览器的扩展程序管理页面启用 webpolit 插件。

(3)使用插件:启用插件后,当用户访问一个网站时,只需点击浏览器地址栏旁边的 webpolit 插件图标,插件就会自动识别网站的政治倾向,并在弹出的窗口中显示结果。

总的来说,webpolit 插件是一款实用的网络政治工具,它可以帮助

Weblogic 8.1的安装与配置.doc,我自己整理的,可用

Weblogic 8.1的安装与配置.doc,我自己整理的,可用

Weblogic 8.1的安装与配置2009年04月08日星期三22:33下面通过设置几个标题来说明Weblogic 8.1的安装与配置,并给出简单的对配置的测试。

下载可以从地址/pub/platform/81/platform814_zh_CN_win32.exe下载Weblogic 8.1 SP4,得到软件。

安装首先启动安装文件platform814_zh_CN_win32.exe,如图所示:在安装的过程中,主要有如下选择步骤:1、选择是否同意BEA许可条款;2、选择BEA主目录,我选择了D:\bea作为主目录;3、选择安装组件:全部安装主要安装了Webogic Server、Webogic Workshop、Webogic Portal、Webogic Integration这四个组件,可以自定义;安装完成,如图所示:配置选择“开始”->“程序”->“BEA WebLogic Platform 8.1”->“Configuration Wizard”,如图所示:选择“新建Weblogic配置”,单击“下一步”,如图所示:默认选中“Basic Weblogic Server Domain”,单击“下一步”,如图所示:选择自定义配置,单击“下一步”,如图所示:配置服务器,这里修改Name为snserver,其他根据自己的需要设置,单击“下一步”,如图所示:选择“否,单击“下一步”,如图所示:选择“否,单击“下一步”,如图所示:选择“否,单击“下一步”,如图所示:配置管理用户名和密码,下面选择“否,单击“下一步”,如图所示:保持默认选项,单击“下一步”,如图所示:保持默认选项,单击“下一步”,如图所示:选择Java的JDK,选择BEA自带的,单击“下一步”,如图所示:设置域名为sndomain,单击“创建”,创建并完成配置,如图所示:上面是详细的简单的配置。

测试启动上面我们配置的Weblogic Server,按照下图所示的启动路径,启动snserver,如图所示:可以看到启动成功的CMD窗口,如图所示:这时,可以通过登录Web console,方便地管理Weblogic Server。








第二章系统运行环境要求1、系统运行硬件环境要求CPU奔腾166以上的配带有调制解调器PC机32M或以上内存16色或以上、800*600显示分辨率监视器2、运行软件环境要求MS Windows95/98/NT 或以上版本操作系统MS Internet Explorer 4.0或以上版本的浏览器3、系统运行网络环境要求按照海关提供的电话号码和口令拨号到海关的网络调整计算机浏览器的安全设置上网进行录入第三章系统操作说明第一节系统进入方式启动IE浏览器,在地址框内输入本系统网址,回车进入系统主页。

1.1 用户身份确认用户身份由系统管理员根据工作需要设定并通知操作人员,全部内容包括用户名、密码二部分内容组成,它是操作人员的有效身份,非本系统直接授予,本系统只在此基本上判别用户身份。


1.2 系统主页面用户身份验证通过,IE浏览器将显示出以下主页内容。


1.3 基本流程报关单数据录入、修改、逻辑检验、输入集装箱信息、打印、向海关申报这几个步骤可以反复调用。



AMWebPlug安装手册目录AMWebPlug安装手册 (1)一、AMWebPlug所需环境 (2)二、AMWebPlug 程序安装 (2)三、AMWebPlug 网站相关参数设置 (4)四、AMWebPlug 数据库链接配置 (7)五、用户查找、公告、消息策略在AM系统中的生效 (8)一、AMWebPlug所需环境需要IIS及.NET 2.0 以上版本若没有安装过,可以按照下面步骤来进行安装IIS的服务器及配置,C盘必须是NTF 格式详细:1)安装ie6以上(若已经安装就不需要安装了)2)安装IIS(如果IIS中没有默认网站,(如图所示),建议重新安装IIS)3)安装.NET 2.0 (要求NetFrameWork.exe 2.0 以上版本)二、AMWebPlug 程序安装详细:1)根据安装向导安装AMWebPlug.exe安装步骤如下:三、AMWebPlug 网站相关参数设置1)打开IIS中Web服务扩展,设置允许如图所示;2)AMWebPlug网站属性设置弹出窗口:选择[目录安全性]-[身份难和访问控制]-[编辑],将[启用匿名访问]和[集成Windows身份难]打上勾选择[虚拟目录]-[配置]-[选项],将[启用父路径]打上勾选择[],将 version选择2.0.50727四、AMWebPlug 数据库链接配置1)手工修改Web.config 文件可以手工打开AMWebPlug 网站所在路径\ActiveSoft\AMWebPlug\WebSite\ Web.config 文件(用记事本程序打开就可以)可以手工对里面的参数进行设置。

(网站链接数据库的相关设置)<add key="SYSDB_SERVER" value="" />注解:SQLServer所在机器IP地址<add key="SYSDB_DATABASE" value="am6" />注解:AM所用的数据库名称<add key="SYSDB_LOGIN" value="sa" /><add key="SYSDB_PASSWORD" value="***" />注解:SQLServer的登录账户与密码<add key="AM_SERVER" value=""/>注解:AMserver所在机器IP或机器名或域名<add key="AM_PORT" value="5001"/>注解:AMserver所用的端口<add key="AM_LOGIN" value="APM"/><add key="AM_PASSWORD" value=""/><add key="AM_TITLE" value="from Notcie!!" />注解:这些参数可以默认不用设置<add key="AM_FINDUSER" value ="1" />注解:在用户查找的时候,视图访问权限是否要生效<add key="DB_TYPE" value ="MSSql"/>注解:数据库是否是采用SQLserver 的,若是不需要修改上述参数设置后,需要保存 Web.config 文件才能生效2)网站运行测试Web.config 配置后可以,通过测试网页进行网站运行测试弹出测试网页五、用户查找、公告、消息策略在AM系统中的生效1)方法一打开SQL查询分析器,拖入AMWebPlugCofig.sql 文件如下注意:这个sql 脚本文件在导入前,需要做如下修改将:这个改成:AMWebPlug 网站所在机器的IP 或域名80 ,这个改成:AMWebPlug 网站所用端口号,默认是802)方法二打开Amconsole 进行手工设置启动公告模块服务器:AMWebPlug 网站所在机器的IP 或域名端口:AMWebPlug 网站所用端口(默认是80)列表请求:/AMWebPlug/Notice/NoticeList.aspx条数请求:(可以为空)若需要设置:/AMWebPlug/Notice/GetNoticeCount.aspx启动用户查找服务器:AMWebPlug 网站所在机器的IP 或域名端口:AMWebPlug 网站所用端口(默认是80)页面请求:/AMWebPlug/FindUser.aspx启动了消息策略:(消息策略很多企业不一定需要启动看需求)其它与查找一样只是请求改成:/AMWebPlug/GetXml.aspx3)公告插页设置在AMconsole中设置公告插页名称:公告显示名称:公告目标地址:网站/AMWebPlug/Notice/NoticeList.aspx?sp=[sp]&Loginname=[LoginName] “网站”输入的是,要根据自AMWebPlug 所在机器的IP或域名图片:.\Image\Notice.bmp4)需要创建应用程序AM公告两个角色:公告管理员公告发布人最后,将AMserver服务重新启动一下这些设置才生效。

weblogic7安装手册和weblogic8 snmp配置

weblogic7安装手册和weblogic8 snmp配置





(2.1)(2.2)3、点击2.2图中的“Administrator Console”会出现下面的3.1画面(3.1)4、这时我们可以在控制台界面进行需要的配置。

默认情况下weblogic 是不开启snmp 并且默认端口为161如果要开启weblogic的snmp ,请勾选enabled并建议将端口设为1611,重启weblogic服务,通过netstat –na查看所设置的1611端口是否启动。

附件1:weblogic8的snmp配置界面保存后重启webloic 服务附件2:Weblogic9的snmp配置界面要对其进行编辑需要解开编辑锁左边如下图所示:编辑保存后出现点击activate changes 使改变生效需要重启weblogic 服务器附件3:weblogic 10的snmp配置界面Administrator consle登陆后将会出现选择snmp点击wl_server进入默认snmp 没有启动勾选enbabled保存后点击activate Changes注意weblogic 7,8,9 启动snmp 或改变端口是必须需要重启weblogic severWeblogic 10 是不需要的重新启动。








第二章系统运行环境要求1、系统运行硬件环境要求CPU奔腾166以上的配带有调制解调器PC机32M或以上内存16色或以上、800*600显示分辨率监视器2、运行软件环境要求MS Windows95/98/NT 或以上版本操作系统MS Internet Explorer 4.0或以上版本的浏览器3、系统运行网络环境要求按照海关提供的电话号码和口令拨号到海关的网络调整计算机浏览器的安全设置上网进行录入第三章系统操作说明第一节系统进入方式启动IE浏览器,在地址框内输入本系统网址,回车进入系统主页。

1.1 用户身份确认用户身份由系统管理员根据工作需要设定并通知操作人员,全部内容包括用户名、密码二部分内容组成,它是操作人员的有效身份,非本系统直接授予,本系统只在此基本上判别用户身份。


1.2 系统主页面用户身份验证通过,IE浏览器将显示出以下主页内容。


1.3 基本流程报关单数据录入、修改、逻辑检验、输入集装箱信息、打印、向海关申报这几个步骤可以反复调用。



WebGUI Step by step InstallationGuideAuthor: Gheorghe Mihaela, IBM NSA Software Engineer | IBM Clouds Lab*************************ContentsInstallation Manager 1.8.9 (3)Install WAS, JazzSM and Java SDK (6)•Prerequisites to download from Passport advantage and Fix Central: (6)•GUI Mode installation (7)•Silent Mode installation (13)WebGUI (16)•Package to download from Passport Advantage: (16)•GUI Mode installation (16)•Silent Mode installation (19)Configure Omnibus Object Server as user repository and data source for WebGUI (21)Installation Manager 1.8.9Download link:https://www-/support/fixcentral/swg/selectFixes?parent=ibm%7ERational&product=ibm/Rational/IBM+ Installation+Manager&release= Procedure:-extract IM 1.8.9 package and go to the extracted directoryDefault install path for the product: /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipseOption A. If the installation will be performed as user root, just run the following command:(1)For GUI mode: ./install-select IBM Installation Manager Version 1.8.9 for this to be installed-select the directory where you want to install Installation Manager, by default this is: /opt/IBM/InstallationManager/eclipse-continue with the installation by selecting “next” and “install”. Make sure everything worked fine, you should get “the packages are installed” message at the end:(2)For Console mode: ./installc -acceptLicenseThis will be default install IM in the default location.Option B. If the installation will be performed as non-root user, just run the following command: For GUI mode: ./userinstFor Console mode: ./userinstc -acceptLicenseInstall WAS, JazzSM and Java SDK You can install all these WebGUI prerequisites directly in the same time.•Prerequisites to download from Passport advantage and Fix Central:(1)WAS base installation:IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5.9 for Jazz for Service Management for Linux Multilingual (CNC1ZML )(2)WAS Fix Pack:https:///support/fixcentral/swg/selectFixes?parent=ibm%2FWebSphere&product= ibm/WebSphere/WebSphere+Application+Server&release=All&platform=All&function=fixId& fixids=8.5.5-WS-WAS-FP017-part1,8.5.5-WS-WAS-FP017-part2,8.5.5-WS-WAS-FP017-part3&includeSupersedes=0&source=fcAll 3 packages are required:(3)Jazz for Service management for Service Management for Linux ML (Launchpad, PRS, Jazz Repository, TDI) Multilingual (CC6QRML )This is an embedded package that contains both base and fix pack components.(4)Java SDK WebSphere/WebSphere+Application+Server&release=All&platform=All&function=fixId&fixid s=, packages are required.•GUI Mode installationNotes:The 3 packages downloaded for WAS 8.5.5 Fix Pack 17 must be extracted within the same directory path.The 2 packages downloaded for Java SDK must be extracted within the same directory path.Add all the following repositories within Installation Manager -> Preferences section:<extracted_path_8.5.5.9>/linux_x86_64/disk1/diskTag.inf<extracted_path_8.5.5.17>/repository.config<extracted_path_JazzSM_1.1.3.7>/JazzSMRepository/disk1/diskTag.inf<extracted_path_JAVA_8.0.6.0>/repository.configThe following list of repositories should be added for this installation:-Return to Installation Manager main menu and select the Install option-Select the products you want to install; you should select the following: WAS, Java SDK, Jazz for IBM WebSphere 8.5 version and IBM Dash Installation paths that will be used along the process:-IMSHARED: /opt/IBM/IBMIMShared-DASH_HOME:-WAS_HOME:-Continue with the installation and enter the location path for the shared resources directory if you want to change the default one:-Enter installation directory for WAS and for DASH (you have to select each of them if you want to change their directories):-Continue with the installation; no actions are required by default within the next 2 panels.-Enter WebSphere installation location as you initially added within the previous screens and the details needed to create a WAS profile (smadmin user password);Afterwards click on the “Validate” option:-Change installation ports if needed and continue with the installationIn case you are installing everything on the same box, these ports are easier to be changed than the ones from Impact as they cannot run on the same port at the same time.-By default, context root is /ibm/console; continue with the installation-Proceed with the installation and make sure everything completed successfully:•Silent Mode installationDASH/JazzSM doesn’t support console mode installation. Therefore, if GUI mode is not an option you can choose to install in silent mode by using response file.Below there is an example for a response file that covers the installation of the following: WAS, Java SDK 8.0.60, DASH needs to be updated with the correct paths for each of the repositories from your environment, server hostname, the ports, installation paths if the default won’t be used and also the encrypted smadmin user’s password.For the administrator password (user.WAS_PASSWORD) property you have to specify the encrypted password that will be generated by running the below script from Installation_Manager_Home/eclipse/tools directory../imutilsc encryptString password_to_encryptExample:Response file example:<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><agent-input><variables><variable name='sharedLocation' value='/opt/IBM/IBMIMShared'/></variables><server><repository location='/tmpWASFP17'/><repository location='/tmpJAVA8'/><repository location='/tmpDASHFP7/JazzSMRepository/disk1'/><repository location='/mnt/images/ibm/netcool/was/'/></server><profile id='IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5'installLocation='/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer'><data key='cic.selector.arch' value='x86'/><data key='user.wasjava' value='java8'/><data key='e.only.prev.wasjava' value='java8'/></profile><install><!-- IBM WebSphere Application Server --><offering profile='IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5'id='com.ibm.websphere.BASE.v85' version='8.5.5017.20200205_1450'features='core.feature,ejbdeploy,thinclient,embeddablecontainer,com.ibm.sdk.6_64bit'/><!-- IBM WebSphere SDK Java Technology Edition (Optional) --><offering profile='IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5'id='com.ibm.websphere.IBMJAVA.v80' version='8.0.6000.20200205_1221'features='com.ibm.sdk.8'/><!-- Jazz for Service Management extension for IBM WebSphere 8.5 --><offering profile='IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5'id='com.ibm.tivoli.tacct.psc.install.was85.extension' version='1.1.2001.20200611-1344' features='main.feature'/></install><profile id='Core services in Jazz for Service Management'installLocation='/opt/IBM/JazzSM'><data key='cic.selector.arch' value='x86_64'/><data key='user.BOOTSTRAP_ADDRESS' value='16312'/><data key='user.CSIV2_SSL_MUTUALAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS' value='16322'/> <data key='user.SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS' value='16313'/><data key='user.CSIV2_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS' value='16323'/> <data key='user.DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS' value='16318'/><data key='user.IPC_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS' value='16314'/><data key='user.ORB_LISTENER_ADDRESS' value='16320'/><data key='user.WC_defaulthost_secure' value='16311'/><data key='user.REST_NOTIFICATION_PORT' value='16324'/><data key='user.WC_defaulthost' value='16310'/><data key='user.WC_adminhost_secure' value='16316'/><data key='user.SAS_SSL_SERVERAUTH_LISTENER_ADDRESS' value='16321'/><data key='user.WC_adminhost' value='16315'/><data key='user.TIP_CONTEXT_ROOT' value='/ibm/console'/><data key='user.WAS_HOME' value='/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer'/><data key='user.CREATE_NEW_WAS_PROFILE' value='true'/><data key='user.WAS_PROFILE_PATH' value='/opt/IBM/JazzSM/profile'/><data key='user.WAS_PROFILE_NAME' value='JazzSMProfile'/><data key='user.WAS_HOST_NAME' value=''/><data key='user.WAS_SERVER_NAME' value='server1'/><data key='user.WAS_NODE' value='JazzSMNode01'/><data key='user.WAS_USER_NAME' value='smadmin'/><data key='user.WAS_PASSWORD' value='MKzgom+ucqpj8e5dVuK8Dw=='/><data key='user.WAS_CELL' value='JazzSMNode01Cell'/></profile><install><!-- IBM Dashboard Application Services Hub --><offering profile='Core services in Jazz for Service Management'id='com.ibm.tivoli.tacct.psc.tip.install' version='3.1.3100.20200611-1344'features='com.ibm.tivoli.tacct.psc.install.server.feature.tip.install,com.ibm.tivoli.tacct.psc.install. server.feature.tip.config'/></install><preference name='mon.core.preferences.eclipseCache'value='${sharedLocation}'/></agent-input>To install using the above response file after you have updated each specific property that matches your environment, just run the following command:./imcl -input <fullpath>/<responsefilename>.xml -acceptlicense -showProgressExample:WebGUI•Package to download from Passport Advantage:IBM Tivoli Netcool OMNIbus WebGUI & Extensions for Netcool Operations Insight - Linux 64bit English (CC6QHEN )This is an embedded package that contains both base and FP19.•GUI Mode installationAdd all the following repository within Installation Manager -> Preferences section:<extracted_path_webgui_8.1.0.19>/OMNIbusWebGUIRepository/repository.configIf you also want to install WebGUI NOI Extension, add this one as well:<extracted_path_webgui_8.1.0.19>/OMNIbusWebGUI_NOIExtensionRepository/repository.con figIn this example I will install both base and NOI Extension for WebGUI:Default installation path for WebGUI:WebGUI_HOME: /opt/IBM/netcool/gui-Select Install wizard from IM and choose the product to be installed:-Enter installation path directory if the default one won’t be used:-Select the components that will be installed:-Enter WebSphere and JazzSM installation directories as well as the profile details for webgui (username and password). Afterwards continue with the installation:-Make sure everything completed successfully. Afterwards WebGUI configuration can be made within the wizard that is available to be selected or manually after completing the installation.•Silent Mode installationBelow there is an example for a response file that covers the installation of WebGUI on top of its prerequisites (WAS, DASH and Java SDK).You need to update each repository path, installation and smadmin user password (in plain text) to match the values from your environment.Response file:<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?><agent-input><variables><variable name='sharedLocation' value='/opt/IBM/IBMIMShared'/></variables><server><repository location='/tmpWebGUI19/OMNIbusWebGUIRepository'/><repository location='/tmpWebGUI19/OMNIbusWebGUI_NOIExtensionsRepository'/></server><profile id='IBM Netcool GUI Components' installLocation='/opt/IBM/netcool/gui'><data key='cic.selector.arch' value='x86_64'/><data key='user.DashHomeDir' value='/opt/IBM/JazzSM/ui'/><data key='user.WasHomeDir' value='/opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer'/><data key='user.DashHomeUserID' value='smadmin'/><data key='user.DashHomeContextRoot' value='/ibm/console'/><data key='user.DashHomeWasCell' value='JazzSMNode01Cell'/><data key='user.DashHomeWasNode' value='JazzSMNode01'/><data key='user.DashHomeWasServerName' value='server1'/><data key='user.DashHomePwd' value='netcool'/></profile><install><!-- IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI --><offering profile='IBM Netcool GUI Components'id='cool.omnibus.webgui' version=''features='VMM.feature,WebGUI.feature'/><!-- Netcool Operations Insight Extensions for IBM Tivoli Netcool/OMNIbus Web GUI8.1.0.19 --><offering profile='IBM Netcool GUI Components' id='com.ibm.noi.ea'version='' features='EA.feature'/></install><preference name='mon.core.preferences.eclipseCache'value='${sharedLocation}'/></agent-input>To install using the above response file after you have updated each specific property that matches your environment, just run the following command:./imcl -input <fullpath>/<responsefilename>.xml -acceptlicense -showProgressExample:Configure Omnibus Object Server as user repository and data source for WebGUIOption A: Use the wizard that is available at the end of WebGUI installation when this is done in GUI mode.-Enter object server details (host, port, user id and password):At the end login to WebGUI console and add roles to smadmin user.Option B: Select “none” at the end of the GUI installation and manually add object server as repository for WebGUI and create a datasource in webgui console.-go to $WAS_HOME/bin directorycd /opt/IBM/WebSphere/bin-use confvmm4ncos.sh script to add the created object server as repository for WebGUI.Run the following command after you replace with your own values:./confvmm4ncos.sh $JazzSM_HOME/profile objserver_root_user objserver_root_user_pass FQDN_omnibus objserver_portCommand example:-restart WebGUI by running below commands:./stopServer.sh server1 -username smadmin -password smadminpass./startServer.sh server1-login to WebGUI console and add roles to smadmin user-click on Search -> select smadmin user -> select all roles -> save configuration-logout/login with this user.-create datasource within WebGUI to the object server created on server 1:-enter a name for this data source, add the hostname where the object server was installed, and the port used for this one; test the connection and make sure it can successfully connect and save the new data source。

Siebel Web Architecture安装指南说明书

Siebel Web Architecture安装指南说明书
Installation Considerations
Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Installing the Siebel Web Architecture
Installing the Siebel Web architecture has several key steps: 1. Determine the components to be installed 2. Plan the deployment 3. Install the prerequisite software 4. Perform the pre-installation steps 5. Perform the installations 6. Perform the post-installation configurations 7. Test the deployment
– Networking considerations
— Firewalls — Secure communications — Network speed
– Database information – Which languages to deploy
Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Copyright © 2008, Oracle. All rights reserved.
2. Plan the Deployment
• Use the Deployment Planning Guide on the Oracle Technology Network to plan the deployment:



此文档下载后即可编辑1. 客户机上的安装 (1)1.1. Siebel web client (1)1.2. Siebel tools (12)1.客户机上的安装1.1. Siebel web client在安装前先把IE浏览器设置的高级里的禁用脚本调试取消勾选,如下图取消勾选此目录下运行oui.exe进行安装点击下一步名称和路径用默认这里可能会出现一个警告,是正常的,手动勾选通过验证语言英文和中文都勾选上点击下一步选择安装Developerweb client选择Oracle数据库数据库别名orcl表所有者SIEBEL在这一步,我们需要指定file system的路径,依然需要手动新建一个文件夹fs目录位置新建一个文件夹fs指定fs文件夹的位置填入服务器的ip地址网关IP地址服务器名称,我们依然用SBA_81服务器ip地址这里的两项用默认值点击安装正在安装安装的过程中会弹出IE窗口,会下载一个ActiveX控件,如果IE 安全提示,要允许,要把IE的安全级别设置为中低,并且允许所有的ActionX选项,直到出现the download is complete,you may close the window这句话,表示成功,关闭IE。



1.2. Siebel tools简单方法:按系统默认的安装到C盘根目录。

将原来的C盘目录复制到新的Siebel tools对应目录即可。

安装步骤如下:在此相对路径下运行oui.exe点击下一步选择Siebelbusinessapplication tools8.开发版名称用默认,指定安装路径。








Cd /usr/weblogicChmod u+x server100_linux32.bin3,执行此文件./server100_linux32.bin,由于此安装是图形界面,按照向导进行安装直至安装结束。

4,创建域进入weblogic的安装目录,/usr/bea/wlserver_10.0/common/bin,执行./config.sh –mode=console,即可打开创建向导,按照向导提示进行创建,直至创建成功。

Select Domain Source:---------------------Select the source from which the domain will be created. You can create the domain by selecting fromthe required components or by selecting from a list of existing domain templates.->1|Choose Weblogic Platform components| You can choose the Weblogic component(s) that you want supported in your domain.2|Choose custom template| Choose this option if you want to use an existing template. This could be a custom created|template using the Template Builder.Enter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2<---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------------------->Enter the location of the domain template:------------------------------------------Please enter the absolute path to the location of domain template."Target Location" = [Enter new value or use default"/usr/bea/wlserver_10.0/common/templates/domains/wls.jar"]Enter new Target Location OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> n<---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------------------->Configure Administrator Username and Password:----------------------------------------------Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.| Name | Value |_|_________________________|_________________________________________|1| *User name: | weblogic |2| *User password: | |3| *Confirm user password: | |4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. |Use above value or select another option:1 - Modify "User name"2 - Modify "User password"3 - Modify "Confirm user password"4 - Modify "Description"Enter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2<---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------------------->Configure Administrator Username and Password:----------------------------------------------Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers."*User password:" = []Enter new *User password: OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]><---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------------------->Configure Administrator Username and Password:----------------------------------------------Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.| Name | Value |_|_________________________|_________________________________________|1| *User name: | weblogic |2| *User password: | ******** |3| *Confirm user password: | |4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. |Use above value or select another option:1 - Modify "User name"2 - Modify "User password"3 - Modify "Confirm user password"4 - Modify "Description"5 - Discard ChangesEnter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 3<---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------------------->Configure Administrator Username and Password:----------------------------------------------Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers."*Confirm user password:" = []Enter new *Confirm user password: OR [Exit][Reset][Accept]><---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------------------->Configure Administrator Username and Password:----------------------------------------------Create a user to be assigned to the Administrator role. This user is the default administrator used to start development mode servers.| Name | Value |_|_________________________|_________________________________________|1| *User name: | weblogic |2| *User password: | ******** |3| *Confirm user password: | ******** |4| Description: | This user is the default administrator. |Use above value or select another option:1 - Modify "User name"2 - Modify "User password"3 - Modify "Confirm user password"4 - Modify "Description"5 - Discard ChangesEnter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> n<---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------------------->Domain Mode Configuration:--------------------------Enable Development or Production Mode for this domain.->1|Development Mode2|Production ModeEnter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2<---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------------------->Java SDK Selection:-------------------->1|JRockit SDK 1.5.0_06 @ /usr/bea/jrockit90_150_062|Sun SDK 1.5.0_06 @ /usr/bea/jdk150_063|Other Java SDKEnter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1<---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------------------->Choose Configuration Option:----------------------------*Do you want to modify any of the preconfigured settings or defaults in your template?**To keep the default or template settings, and proceed directly to name and create your domain,*leave No selected.1|Yes->2|NoEnter index number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 2<---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------------------->Select the target domain directory for this domain:---------------------------------------------------"Target Location" = [Enter new value or use default "/usr/bea/user_projects/domains"]Enter new Target Location OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> n<---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------------------->Edit Domain Information:------------------------| Name | Value |_|________|_____________|1| *Name: | base_domain |Enter value for "Name" OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1<---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------------------->Edit Domain Information:------------------------| Name | Value |_|________|_______|1| *Name: | 1 |Use above value or select another option:1 - Modify "Name"2 - Discard ChangesEnter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> 1<---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------------------->Edit Domain Information:------------------------| Name | Value |_|________|_______|1| *Name: | 1 |Enter value for "Name" OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> qa<---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard --------------------------------->Edit Domain Information:------------------------| Name | Value |_|________|_______|1| *Name: | qa |Use above value or select another option:1 - Modify "Name"2 - Discard ChangesEnter option number to select OR [Exit][Previous][Next]> n<---------------------------------- BEA WebLogic Configuration Wizard ---------------------------------> Creating Domain...0% 25% 50% 75% 100%[------------|------------|------------|------------][***************************************************]**** Domain Created Successfully! ****二、weblogic的布署配置数据源需要登录weblogic控制台,在/usr/bea/user_projects/domain/tradebeam/bin目录上执行./startWeblogic.sh启动服务。

WEB服务器SSL双向认证 证书安装使用指南

WEB服务器SSL双向认证 证书安装使用指南


版本信息:当前版本 1.1 wenjianfeng@闻剑峰技术支持部版本更新记录:1.1 闻剑峰增加SSL根证书的安装修改相关的操做步骤1.0 闻剑峰本使用指南创建版权信息:SHECA是上海市电子商务安全证书管理中心有限公司的注册商标和缩写。




Copyright @2000 上海市电子商务安全证书管理中心有限公司文档发行说明当您阅读完本文档,您应该能解决如下问题:1、WEB服务器证书的请求文件CSR的产生;2、WEB服务器证书的在线申请;3、WEB服务器证书的安装;4、WEB服务器SSL安全配置;5、WEB服务器证书的导出(备份)和导入(恢复);6、SSL双向认证的配置;7、使您的系统信任SHECA根证书;8、将证书从证书管理器导入IE浏览器证书容器本文档不能使您达到如下目的:1、SHECA其他证书的具体申请方法→请咨询SHECA客户服务部2、证书管理器的具体使用方法→请咨询SHECA客户服务部3、证书编码的说明→请咨询SHECA技术支持部4、SHECA CSP的相关说明→请咨询SHECA技术支持部5、IIS的相关技术细节→请咨询微软客户服务中心6、IE浏览器的相关技术细节→请咨询微软客户服务中心文档书写环境说明:为了测试基于微软架构下强大的SSL双向认证,本文档采用了最新的微软服务器操作系统:Windows 2003 Enterprise Server;另外,为了使整个操作环境保持兼容性、一致性,本文档从服务器端到客户端都采用英文操作系统。

Weblogic9.2 for windows安装手册

Weblogic9.2 for windows安装手册

Webloigc9.2 for windows 安装手册安监管理业务应用项目组2007年12月1、服务器安装 (2)1.1环境准备 (2)1.2 WebLogic安装 (2)1.3 Domain 安装 (6)2.1、群集安装前的准备 (11)2.1.1预备知识 (11)2.1.2 集群概念 (11)2.1.3配置集群应用的必要条件 (12)2.1.4配置前的准备工作 (12)3.1 集群管理服务器的安装 (14)3.1.1创建新的Domain (14)3.1.2选择安装类型 (15)3.1.3设置管理台用户密码及JDK版本 (15)3.1.4选择定制安装 (16)3.1.5输入Administrator Server(集群管理服务器)的信息 (17)3.1.6配置Server、Cluster、Machine信息 (18)3.1.8配置Cluster信息 (18)3.1.9将Managed Server添加到Cluster中 (19)3.1.10配置Machine信息 (21)3.1.11以下各项默认安装即可,并配置信息确认以及选择安装路径 (21)3.1.12系统创建Domain (23)3.2 集群中其它节点服务器的安装 (24)4.1webloigc集群的启动 (25)4.1.1 启动集群中的administrator server (25)4.1.2 启动managed server (26)4.2 群集中应用程序的部署 (28)4.2.1 配置数据源: (28)4.2.2 配置数据库连接池 (31)4.2.3 部置应用程序到各集群 (34)附一:集群的代理分发访问 (40)1、apache httpserver的安装 (40)2、apache配置文件修改 (40)附二、集群配置中要注意的问题 (41)第一章weblogic9.2 for windows 安装1.1、服务器安装1.1.1环境准备软件清单:Windows server 2003 SP1server920_win32.exe 【 weblogic安装文件】1.1.2 WebLogic安装安装步骤如下:1.执行server920_win32.exe文件,如下图:2.在解压完成后,点击下步继续安装,如下图:在出现的协议框中,点击同意,并继续下一步:选择安装目录,如下图:选择安装组件,如下图:选择完全安装后,点击下一步:继续下一步后开始安装,如下图:安装完成后点击done,如下图:1.1.3 Domain 安装打开开始菜单中bea安装目录的configuration wizard;如下图:在出现的对话框中选择创建一个新的域,如下图:接着选择默认并下一步后,输入所建域的用户密码(密码最少八位),如下图:输入后,再下一步:选择采用的JDK版本后,再下一步:选择YES,并下一步:输入所建域的名称及IP地址和端口,并一步:在此后几项中,全部选择默认,下一步到下图:在完成域的安装后,即可启动此域,在开始菜单中,打开,如下图所示:用程序等的部署;具体应程序部署同集群中的程序部署;第二章、Weblogic 9.2群集安装准备2.1、群集安装前的准备2.1.1预备知识Weblogic中Domain和Server的关系DomainDomain是WebLogic Server实例的基本管理单元。

Silk Test 13.6 Silk4NET Web Edition安装指南说明书

Silk Test 13.6 Silk4NET Web Edition安装指南说明书

Installation GuideMicro Focus575 Anton Blvd., Suite 510Costa Mesa, CA 92626Copyright © Micro Focus 2013. All rights reserved. Portions Copyright © 1992-2009 BorlandSoftware Corporation (a Micro Focus company).MICRO FOCUS, the Micro Focus logo, and Micro Focus product names are trademarks orregistered trademarks of Micro Focus IP Development Limited or its subsidiaries or affiliatedcompanies in the United States, United Kingdom, and other countries.BORLAND, the Borland logo, and Borland product names are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Borland Software Corporation or its subsidiaries or affiliated companies in theUnited States, United Kingdom, and other countries.All other marks are the property of their respective owners.2013-02-05iiContentsIntroduction (4)System Requirements and Prerequisites (4)Hardware Requirements (4)Platform Support (4)Adobe Flex Support (5)Administrator Privileges (5)Items Included with Silk4NET Web Edition (5)Licensing Information (6)Installing Silk Test (7)Installation Prerequisites (7)Resetting the TEMP Environment Variable (7)Installing Silk4NET Web Edition (7)Installing the Silk4NET Visual Studio Plug-in Manually (9)Uninstalling Silk Test (9)Contents | 3IntroductionThis Help provides all the information you need to install and uninstall Silk Test. It describes hardware andsoftware requirements and details the various setup options.System Requirements and PrerequisitesThe following section identifies the system requirements for installing and running Silk Test.Hardware RequirementsWe recommend the following hardware requirements:Platform SupportPlatformsSilk Test 13.6 is designed to run on the following platforms:•Microsoft Windows XP SP3•Microsoft Windows Vista SP2•Microsoft Windows 7•Microsoft Windows 7 SP1•Microsoft Windows 8Technology Domains and BrowsersSilk Test 13.6 supports applications that use the following browsers or are developed in:Note: You can only test Adobe Flex applications with Silk4NET if you have a Web plus Flex licensefor Silk4NET. For additional information on the licensing modes, see Licensing Information.* Indicates a rapid release version of a browser. Such versions have a short product life-cycle and arefrequently replaced by newer versions. Silk Test supports rapid release versions as long as the issuingvendor supports them. This means that the next Silk Test version will probably not continue to support theindicated versions, but might support newer versions.4 | IntroductionVisual Studio EnvironmentYou can integrate Silk4NET in Visual Studio 2010 Professional or later.Adobe Flex SupportNote: You can only test Adobe Flex applications with Silk4NET if you have a Web plus Flex licensefor Silk4NET. For additional information on the licensing modes, see Licensing Information.Note: Silk Test does not support testing child domain technologies, including Adobe Flex, for Webapplications running in Google Chrome.Silk Test supports Adobe Flash Player 10 or later.Administrator PrivilegesYou must have local administrator privileges to install Silk Test. Once Silk Test is properly installed, youmust also have administrator privileges in order to run Silk Test.Items Included with Silk4NET Web EditionWhen you install Silk4NET, the following items are available:•Silk4NET•Product Notification Service - This application resides in the system tray and will check for updates at a configurable interval.•Online Help topicsAccess the help from within each product from the Help menu.•Release NotesFor information about new features, supported platforms and versions, known issues, and work-arounds, refer to the Silk Test Release Notes, available from /productdoc.aspx.•Online tutorials from /productdoc.aspxYou must have Adobe Acrobat Reader™ to view PDF documents.•Sample applications that you can access online•Adobe Flex sample applicationsAccess Flex sample applications at /flex/SilkTest13.6/index.html.•Insurance Company Web applicationYou can access the Web application at: /InsuranceWebExtJS/.Introduction | 5Licensing InformationUnless you are using a trial version, Silk Test requires a license.The licensing model is based on the client that you are using and the applications that you want to able totest. The available licensing modes support the following application types:Note: To use a Full or a Premium license, you require a different setup package. The information inthis document applies only to the Web Edition of Silk4NET. For a detailed overview of the capabilitiesof the Full and Premium offering, see Release Notes.6 | Licensing InformationInstalling Silk TestThis section explains the setup options that are available when installing Silk Test.Installation PrerequisitesBefore installing Silk Test, verify the following information:•Your user account possesses local administrator privileges.Resetting the TEMP Environment VariableIf your Windows TEMP environment variable does not point to a valid directory, an error message isdisplayed. To successfully install Silk Test, your TEMP environment variable must point to a valid directory.1.Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel.2.Double-click System.3.Click the Advanced tab, and then click Environment Variables.4.Under User Variables or System Variables, double-click the TEMP variable.5.Enter a valid directory, and then click OK.6.Restart the Silk Test installation by double-clicking the EXE file.Installing Silk4NET Web EditionThe Silk4NET Visual Studio plug-in enables you to create or C# test scripts directly in VisualStudio. When you install Silk4NET, Silk Test Recorder and the Open Agent are also installed. Silk TestRecorder enables you to record tests rather than manually coding them. The Open Agent is required to runSilk4NET and Silk Test Recorder.1.Locate and double-click the Silk Test executable file.If you have a Silk Test CD, insert your CD. If the setup program does not start automatically, manuallystart the Silk Test setup program by choosing Start > Run and entering <cddrive>:\setup.exe.Note: If your Windows TEMP environment variable does not point to a valid directory, an errormessage is displayed. To successfully install Silk Test, your TEMP environment variable mustpoint to a valid directory.The InstallAnywhere wizard opens.2.If you previously installed a version of Silk Test, click Uninstall and then click Next to remove allinstalled features.You must uninstall any earlier versions before you install a new version.3.Click Next.The License Agreement opens.4.Read the license agreement carefully. If you accept the terms of the agreement, click I accept theterms of the License Agreement.5.Click Next.The Choose Install Folder page opens.6.To change the default installation directory, perform the following steps:a)Click Choose. The Browse For Folder dialog box opens.Installing Silk Test | 7b)Specify the folder in which you want to install Silk Test, and then click OK to return to the ChooseInstall Folder page.The location displays in the Where Would You Like to Install? text box.7.Click Next.8.Specify whether you want to create Windows firewall exceptions.Note: This step is only available for Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, and WindowsServer 2008.a)Click one of the following option buttons:•Yes – To have setup create firewall exceptions for all Silk Test executable files. As a result, you are not prompted to block or allow the executable files when you launch them.•No – To be prompted when you launch the Silk Test executable file.b)Click Next.9.Review the provided information and perform one of the following steps:•To change any settings, click Previous to return to the appropriate page.•If you are satisfied with the settings, click Install to start the installation process.Tip: If a message appears stating that there is not enough space while files are copying, redefine the TEMP area to a drive that contains more space. The installer uses the TEMP area forunzipping files. For example, if your TEMP area is d:\temp and you are installing to e:\SilkTest, the E drive may contain enough space for the installation, but the D drive is thelimiting factor.The status bar provides information about the installation process. Upon completion, the Choose Licensing Mode page opens.10.Click one of the following option buttons:•Evaluation version Installs an evaluation version of Silk Test, which grants you full product functionality for 30 days. To upgrade to a full version at a later point in time, contact your salesrepresentative.•Full version – Installs an unrestricted version of Silk Test, which requires a license.11.To install the license file, perform the following steps:a)Click Configure your license server and then click Next.The license utility checks your local system for the existence of SilkMeter license serverconfiguration files. If the files are found, the configuration and type of license server are displayed and used for licensing. If no configuration data is found, the Select SilkMeter License Server page is displayed with the default settings.b)From the Application list box, select Silk Test as the application you are licensing.c)Click one of the following option buttons:Using local or remote server In the License Server Host text box, type the name of the computer on which SilkMeter is installed. Do not change the default port number, 5461, unless your network administrator has defined a different port. Click Apply to generate your license server configuration. Click Test Connection to verify that a SilkMeter server is accessible on the specified host and port. Testing the connection to the license server might fail during installation as required system libraries, which are installed later with the software package, might not yet be available.Note: In some cases, specifying the simple name of the license server inthe License Server Host text box, such as licenseserver, might notwork. A message box stating there is no license serverrunning on the hostname you specified opens. To resolve this8 | Installing Silk Testissue, specify the hostname by using a fully qualified name, such as .Not using server (standalone)Runs SilkMeter standalone. You are prompted to import a SilkMeter license file. Click Yes and specify the location of your license file.d)Click Close.Fastpath: A working network connection is required when running Silk Test with a remoteSilkMeter license server. If you need to verify that the network is working, choose Start > Run,and then type ping localhost or ping <license server name>, or open a commandprompt and type either of those commands.The Install Complete page opens.12.Click Done.13.Restart Visual Studio if it was running when you performed the Silk4NET installation.When installation completes, a menu option appears for Silk4NET and the Silk4NET project is availablefrom the Installed Templates list.Installing the Silk4NET Visual Studio Plug-in Manually The Silk4NET Visual Studio plug-in enables you to create Visual Basic or C# test scripts directly in VisualStudio. You can install the Silk4NET Visual Studio plug-in when you install Silk Test using the Silk Testinstallation wizard.Use this procedure:•If you upgrade your version of Visual Studio after you install the Silk4NET plug-in.1.Execute the file MicroFocus.SilkTest.Silk4NET.vsix in the folder <Silk Testinstallation directory>\ng\Silk4NET.By default the location is C:\Program Files\Silk\Silk Test\ng\Silk4NET.2.In Visual Studio, verify that the menu option for Silk4NET appears and that the Silk4NET project isavailable from the Installed Templates list.Uninstalling Silk TestWhen you install a new version of Silk Test, the wizard prompts you to uninstall any existing versions ofSilk Test. You can also uninstall Silk Test from the programs menu at any time.1.Click Start > Programs > Silk > Silk Test > Administration > Silk Test Uninstall. TheInstallAnywhere wizard opens the Uninstall Silk Test <version> page.2.To remove all files from the installation directory, check the Remove all files check box.If you check this check box, the following items or folders are removed:•The Access database and samples•The contents of [AppDATA]/Silk/Silk TestFor example, on Windows 7 this directory is located at: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Silk\Silk Test•The contents of [commonAppData]/Silk/Silk TestFor example, on Windows 7 this directory is located at: C:\ProgramData\Silk TestInstalling Silk Test | 9•The contents of [commonAppData]/Silk/Silk Test WorkbenchFor example, on Windows 7 this directory is located at: C:\ProgramData\Silk TestWorkbench3.Click Uninstall. If any files were not removed, a list of the files is provided.4.Click Done.10 | Installing Silk TestIndexAadministrator privileges 5GGreen Mountain Outpost (GMO) application location 5Iinstallingoverview 4process overview 7Silk4NET 7, 9Insurance Company Web applicationlocation 5Llicensingavailable license types 6Ooverviewinstalling 4items installed 5Ssample applicationslocation 5Silk4NETinstalling 7installing manually 9TTEMP environment variable 7UuninstallingSilkTest 9VVisual Studio plug-ininstalling 7Index | 11。



WEB考勤办理软件安装说明书1-1、安装Windows 2000 server版(效劳器版)WINDOWS 2000操作系统包罗三个版本:专业版〔Windows 2000 Professionnal〕、效劳器版〔Windows 2000 Server〕、高级效劳器版〔Windows 2000 Advanced Server〕保举在效劳器上安装 Windows 2000 server版(效劳器版) ;安装Windows 2000 server时,需要选择安装“Internet信息效劳〔IIS〕〞组件。

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本安装先导是安装SQL SERVER 2000数据库企业版的帮忙向导。

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COBOL Analyzer Web Client 安装指南说明书

COBOL Analyzer Web Client 安装指南说明书

Micro FocusThe Lawn22-30 Old Bath RoadNewbury, Berkshire RG14 1QNUKCopyright © Micro Focus 2009-2017. All rights reserved.MICRO FOCUS, the Micro Focus logo and COBOL Analyzer are trademarks or registeredtrademarks of Micro Focus IP Development Limited or its subsidiaries or affiliatedcompanies in the United States, United Kingdom and other countries.All other marks are the property of their respective owners.2017-07-26iiContentsCOBOL Analyzer Web Client Installation Guide (4)Installing and Deploying CA Web (4)Troubleshooting (4)Contents | 3COBOL Analyzer Web Client InstallationGuideThis chapter describes how to install and deploy the COBOL Analyzer Web client.Installing and Deploying CA WebThe following steps assume you have created a workspace. See Getting Started for more information.1.Install COBOL Analyzer. For instructions on how to do this see the Installation Guide.2.Install JRE 7 (jre-7u21-windows-i586.exe). The JRE installer is provided with the CA installer inCD1 - COBOL Analyzer\CA Web Server Pre-requisites\.3.Install Apache T omcat (apache-tomcat-6.0.16.exe). The Apache Tomcat installer is provided withthe CA installer in CD1 - COBOL Analyzer\CA Web Server Pre-requisites\. Follow thescreen prompts and accept the defaults, except:•On the Choose Components screen, expand the Tomcat option and check Service to have Tomcat start automatically.4.Stop the Apache T omcat service from Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.5.Copy CAWeb.war from the Web Client folder in the COBOL Analyzer installation directory to C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps.6.Start the Apache T omcat service from Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services.7.While you are still in Windows Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services, right-click theCOBOL Analyzer Web service and choose Properties. Go to the Log On tab, choose This accountand enter the username and password of a user that has access to CA and the workspace.Note: The logon user for the COBOL Analyzer Web service is also significant because the userpreferences of this user will impact the types of repository and Hypercode objects that will bereturned in the search. Diagrams shown in CA Web will also use the options set for this user.8.Restart the COBOL Analyzer Web service.9.Open COBOL Analyzer Administration and select Configure Web Service from the Administer menu.10.Click Add and point to your workspace .rwp file. The workspace that is checked as the default will bethe workspace that is used with CA Web.11.Click Save.12.Go to http://[servername]:8080/CAWeb.Troubleshooting•Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome might work better than Internet Explorer. With Internet Explorer you might need to click Search to actually execute the search instead of just pressing Enter.•Do not use Compatibility View when using CA Web in Internet Explorer. It might cause problems with the Go to source feature.•If you are unable to access the site, try re-deploying the CAWeb.war following these steps:1.Stop the Apache T omcat service.2.Delete the CA Web folder from: C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps. Leave the CAWeb.war file.4 | COBOL Analyzer Web Client Installation Guide3.Delete all the files found in the following folders:•C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\webapps•C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\temp•C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 6.0\work\Catalina\localhost4.Start the Apache T omcat service.5.If you still cannot access the site from the server, check the Apache Tomcat Java configuration andmake sure it is using JRE version 7 or higher.•Y ou might have to configure the Apache T omcat service to use a user account that has access to CA and the workspace. T o do so:1.Right-click the Apache T omcat service and choose Properties.2.Go to the Log On tab, choose This account and enter your username and password.3.Restart the service.•If you still do not see data on the site try the following in this order:1.Restart the COBOL Analyzer Web service.2.Delete the browser’s temporary Internet files.•If searches or queries are returning no results, refresh the Web page to check the connection status. If the status is Disconnected, you need to restart COBOL Analyzer Web service. To do so:1.Right-click the service and choose Properties.2.In the Recovery tab choose Restart the Service for the first, second, and subsequent failures.3.Click OK and restart the service.COBOL Analyzer Web Client Installation Guide | 5。

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