2.在client属性窗口的OTM标签中,选择Enable OTM during backup选择项,其余保持默认设置,如图36
5.1NT Policy
1.在Netbackup Administration的Netbackup Managemnet左面板中的Policy中选择new policy,出现add new policy窗口,输入policy名称,如nt,如图37
1.在NetBackup Administration Console中,选择左面板中的Media and Device management中的media,选择要修改的介质,如A00001,点击鼠标右键,选择change,如图24
2.在change volumes窗口中,可以修改media的各种属性,如介质描述、所属介质池及过期日期等参数,如图25
3.单击下一步,出现选择介质ID窗口,再Media ID下拉框中选择要进行catalog备份的介质ID,如图16
4.单击下一步,出现附加备份目的窗口,选择“Alternate Destinations When backup the catalog”,如图17
5.单击下一步,出现备份catalog目的类型窗口,选择:“Removable media”,再选择要进行catalog的介质ID
6.单击new,出现change schedule窗口,如图42
Type of backup:选择备份的类型,包括完全备份,增量备份、累计增量备份,用户发起的备份和用户归档。在此选择full backup来制定一个完全备份计划
-数据库:如果您使用了数据库,如Oracle、SQL Server等,确保您已经安装了所需的数据库软件,并且数据库已经正确配置和运行。
3NBU 管理界面4配置存储单元..................................................... 5配置备份策略(Policy)...........................................5.1如何规划一个Policy......................................................................................5.2如何创建一个Policy...................................................................................... 6其它安装配置.....................................................6.1定义NetBackup全局属性 ..............................................................................6.2重新定义保存期限等级 ................................................................................6.3Multiplexing(MPX)多路共享...................................................................6.3.1何时使用Multiplexing.........................................................................6.3.2如何配置Multiplexing.........................................................................6.4限制备份带宽,调整备份速度 ....................................................................6.4.1配置方法..............................................................................................6.5配置Media Server ..........................................................................................6.6配置bp.conf (Server)文件.........................................................................6.7配置bp.conf (Client)文件 .........................................................................6.8配置Email通知............................................................................................... 7管理NetBackup....................................................7.1备份NetBackup数据库 ..................................................................................7.2管理NetBackup进程 ......................................................................................7.2.1用bpps显示NetBackup目前正在运行的进程 ....................................7.2.2启动NetBackup进程............................................................................7.2.3停止NetBackup进程............................................................................7.3管理Client文件的恢复 ..................................................................................7.4负载平衡 ........................................................................................................7.5Duplicating(复制),Verifying(核查)和 Importing(导入)操作 .....7.5.1复制(Duplicating)...........................................................................7.5.2核查(Verifying)...............................................................................7.5.3导入(Importing).............................................................................. 8任务监视器(Activity Monitor)...................................8.1Activity Monitor的界面.................................................................................8.2使用Job Monitor ............................................................................................8.2.1任务监视器作用..................................................................................8.2.2查看任务细节...................................................................................... 9NetBackup报告.................................................... 10备份的恢复...................................................11设备管理(device manager)...................................11.1增加一个机械手 ............................................................................................11.2增加一个驱动器 ............................................................................................11.3机械手与驱动器配置实例 ............................................................................12介质管理.....................................................12.1如何启动介质管理.....................................................................................12.2配置V olume Pool........................................................................................12.2.1增加一个V olume Pool.........................................................................12.2.2Scratch V olume Pool............................................................................12.3增加卷.........................................................................................................12.3.1使用Robot Inventory功能增加一个机械手控制的卷 .......................12.3.2不使用Robot Inventory功能增加一个卷 ...........................................12.4移动卷.........................................................................................................12.5Deassign一个卷 .............................................................................................12.6改变一个卷的属性.....................................................................................12.7更换一个卷.................................................................................................12.7.1更换但不用相同的Media ID ..............................................................12.7.2更换但使用相同的Media ID ..............................................................13bpadm和vmadm.....................................................13.1bpadm .............................................................................................................13.2vmadm ............................................................................................................13.3tpconfig...........................................................................................................14使用和维护步骤...............................................14.1配置NetBackup基本步骤...........................................................................14.2磁带机的清洗.............................................................................................14.3在一个库体中,NetBackup如何选择使用一个介质...............................14.4如何恢复NetBackup本身的数据库...........................................................14.5如何使用tar读出NetBackup的备份 ..........................................................1VERITAS NETBACKUP (NBU) 简介NBU是VERITAS 公司提供的企业级备份管理软件,它支持多种操作系统,包括UNIX、Microsoft Windows、OS/2以及Macintosh等。
Oracle DB and associated files
Oracle DB and associated files
Plan A 1. 手动停止 Oracle server. 2. Have the DBA create an archive file. 3. Use a Standard policy and a backup selection list that includes the correct Oracle files. 4. Manually restart the Oracle server. Plan B 1. 手动停止 the Oracle server. 2. Use a Standard policy and a backup selection list that includes the appropriate Oracle files. 3. Manually restart the Oracle server. Plan C 1. Use an Oracle policy to back up the Oracle instance.
UNIX or NBU Novell NetWare clients
Windows 2000, NT, XP, or Windows Server 2003 clients
Vault jobs to select, copy, and eject media
独立Data Streams
NBU备份系统应用操作手册2008.12.15编制一.NBU6.5备份系统概述1.关于NBU6.5NBU6.5是赛门铁克公司在2007年7月31日推出的企业数据保护解决方案Veritas NetBackup的最新版本。
2.NBU6.5备份系统架构A机房B机房3.NBU 6.5备份系统使用情况为了从本质上提高核心数据的维护水平,在部门领导和室领导的直接指导下,我室在2008年7月份按照项目实施规范,根据我们的实际维护需求,全程掌控和参与了系统介绍,方案论证,策略制定,安装调试,测试验收等流程。
由于前期工作做得比较规范,NBU 6.5备份系统自8月正式投入使用以来,一直运行在良好的工作状态之中,按照设定策略按时按机为8台设备上的关键数据――文件系统(每月),数据库(每日),数据库逻辑日志(每日)等数据做了可靠备份,完全达到了我们预期的目标。
同时,NBU 6.5备份系统经过4个多月的运行,其可靠性,易用性和灵活性等优越性能得到了证实,为我们下一步扩大其应用范围打下了良好的基础。
4.启动netbackup管理控制台的方法NBU 6.5备份系统的所有操作均需在netbackup管理控制台上完成。
(1)在windows上启动netbackup管理控制台(已安装了netbackup_6.5_win86软件)开始―程序―VERITAS netbackup―netbackup java version6.5进入。
b.运行/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/jnbSA & 命令进入。
二.NBU服务器和NBU客户机的相关数据1.NBU服务器相关数据NBU服务器数据服务器名备份IP操作系统设备用途设备位置分配给逻辑日志备份的磁阵容量分配给逻辑日志备份的目录名PPSServer SUN OS 5.8 管理华为设备的数据备份A5楼140GB /space2.磁带库相关数据磁带库数据磁带库型号磁带库数量机械手型号机械手数量磁带驱动器型号磁带驱动器数量磁带型号磁带容量磁带数量设备位置ADIC Scalar 100 1 TLD 1 IBM ULTRIUM-TD3 2 HCART3 400GB 35盘A5楼3.NBU服务器+磁带库的架构机械手磁带盒驱动器1 驱动器2NBU服务器磁带库4.磁带库已分配的策略卷池5.NBU客户机相关数据三.备份结果的检查方法1.使用netbackup管理控制台activity monitor的检查方法(1)一般检查activity monitor可显示最近几天的备份结果。
NetBackup配置使⽤指南(NBU配置使⽤指南)⽬录1 VERITAS NETBACKUP (NBU) 简介 (3)2 NBU基本概念 (5)3 NBU 管理界⾯ (6)4 配置存储单元 (8)5 配置备份策略(Policy) (14)5.1 如何规划⼀个Policy (15)5.2 如何创建⼀个Policy (17)6 其它安装配置 (30)6.1 定义NetBackup全局属性 (30)6.2 重新定义保存期限等级 (32)6.3 Multiplexing(MPX)多路共享 (33)6.3.1 何时使⽤Multiplexing (34)6.3.2 如何配置Multiplexing (34)6.4 限制备份带宽,调整备份速度 (35)6.4.1 配置⽅法 (36)6.5 配置Media Server (36)6.6 配置bp.conf (Server)⽂件 (37)6.7 配置bp.conf (Client)⽂件 (37)6.8 配置Email通知 (38)7 管理NetBackup (39)7.1 备份NetBackup数据库 (39)7.2 管理NetBackup进程 (44)7.2.1 ⽤bpps显⽰NetBackup⽬前正在运⾏的进程 (44)7.2.2 启动NetBackup进程 (45)7.2.3 停⽌NetBackup进程 (45)7.3 管理Client⽂件的恢复 (45)7.4 负载平衡 (45)7.5 Duplicating(复制),Verifying(核查)和 Importing(导⼊)操作. 46 7.5.1 复制(Duplicating) (46)7.5.2 核查(Verifying) (48)7.5.3 导⼊(Importing) (48)8 任务监视器(Activity Monitor) (50)8.1 Activity Monitor的界⾯ (50)8.2 使⽤Job Monitor (51)8.2.1 任务监视器作⽤ (51)8.2.2 查看任务细节 (51)9 NetBackup报告 (53)10 备份的恢复 (58)11 设备管理(device manager) (63)11.1 增加⼀个机械⼿ (64)11.2 增加⼀个驱动器 (67)11.3 机械⼿与驱动器配置实例 (68)12 介质管理 (70)12.1 如何启动介质管理 (70)12.2 配置V olume Pool (71)12.2.1 增加⼀个V olume Pool (71)12.2.2 Scratch V olume Pool (72)12.3 增加卷 (73)12.3.1 使⽤Robot Inventory功能增加⼀个机械⼿控制的卷 (73)12.3.2 不使⽤Robot Inventory功能增加⼀个卷 (74)12.4 移动卷 (75)12.5 Deassign⼀个卷 (76)12.6 改变⼀个卷的属性 (76)12.7 更换⼀个卷 (79)12.7.1 更换但不⽤相同的Media ID (79)12.7.2 更换但使⽤相同的Media ID (79)13 bpadm和vmadm (80)13.1 bpadm (80)13.2 vmadm (80)13.3 tpconfig (80)14 使⽤和维护步骤 (81)14.1 配置NetBackup基本步骤 (81)14.2 磁带机的清洗 (81)14.3 在⼀个库体中,NetBackup如何选择使⽤⼀个介质 (81)14.4 如何恢复NetBackup本⾝的数据库 (82)14.5 如何使⽤tar读出NetBackup的备份 (82)1VERITAS NETBACKUP (NBU) 简介NBU是VERITAS 公司提供的企业级备份管理软件,它⽀持多种操作系统,包括UNIX、Microsoft Windows、OS/2以及Macintosh等。
中国石油集团ERP项目NetBackup使用指南目录1VERITAS NETBACKUP (NBU) 简介 (2)2NBU基本概念 (5)3NBU 管理界面 (6)4配置存储单元 (8)5配置备份策略(Policy) (14)5.1如何规划一个Policy (15)5.2如何创建一个Policy (17)6其它安装配置 (30)6.1定义NetBackup全局属性 (30)6.2重新定义保存期限等级 (32)6.3Multiplexing(MPX)多路共享 (33)6.3.1何时使用Multiplexing (34)6.3.2如何配置Multiplexing (34)6.4限制备份带宽,调整备份速度 (35)6.4.1配置方法 (36)6.5配置Media Server (36)6.6配置bp.conf (Server)文件 (37)6.7配置bp.conf (Client)文件 (37)6.8配置Email通知 (38)7管理NetBackup (39)7.1备份NetBackup数据库 (39)7.2管理NetBackup进程 (44)7.2.1用bpps显示NetBackup目前正在运行的进程 (44)7.2.2启动NetBackup进程 (45)7.2.3停止NetBackup进程 (45)7.3管理Client文件的恢复 (45)7.4负载平衡 (45)7.5Duplicating(复制),Verifying(核查)和 Importing(导入)操作 (46)7.5.1复制(Duplicating) (46)7.5.2核查(Verifying) (48)7.5.3导入(Importing) (48)8任务监视器(Activity Monitor) (50)8.1Activity Monitor的界面 (50)8.2使用Job Monitor (51)8.2.1任务监视器作用 (51)8.2.2查看任务细节 (51)9NetBackup报告 (53)10备份的恢复 (58)11设备管理(device manager) (63)11.1增加一个机械手 (64)11.2增加一个驱动器 (67)中国石油集团ERP项目NetBackup使用指南11.3机械手与驱动器配置实例 (68)12介质管理 (70)12.1如何启动介质管理 (70)12.2配置Volume Pool (71)12.2.1增加一个Volume Pool (71)12.2.2Scratch Volume Pool (72)12.3增加卷 (73)12.3.1使用Robot Inventory功能增加一个机械手控制的卷 (73)12.3.2不使用Robot Inventory功能增加一个卷 (74)12.4移动卷 (75)12.5Deassign一个卷 (76)12.6改变一个卷的属性 (76)12.7更换一个卷 (79)12.7.1更换但不用相同的Media ID (79)12.7.2更换但使用相同的Media ID (79)13bpadm和vmadm (80)13.1bpadm (80)13.2vmadm (80)13.3tpconfig (80)14使用和维护步骤 (81)14.1配置NetBackup基本步骤 (81)14.2磁带机的清洗 (81)14.3在一个库体中,NetBackup如何选择使用一个介质 (81)14.4如何恢复NetBackup本身的数据库 (82)14.5如何使用tar读出NetBackup的备份 (82)中国石油集团ERP项目NetBackup使用指南1VERITAS NETBACKUP (NBU) 简介NBU是VERITAS 公司提供的企业级备份管理软件,它支持多种操作系统,包括UNIX、Microsoft Windows、OS/2以及Macintosh等。
Symantec Netbackup 6.5 安装文档目录第一章备份系统的安装要求 (4)1.1Windows系统要求 (4)1.2磁盘空间要求 (4)1.3备份前准备 (4)第二章NetBackup软件的安装与卸除 (5)2.1NetBackup Master Server(Windows2003)的安装与卸除 (5)2.1.1在Windows2003安装NetBackup Master Server (5)2.1.2在Windows2003上载卸NetBackup Server (12)2.1.3在WINDOWS2000及WINDOWS2003上安装客户端软件 (12)2.1.4关于补丁包的升级 (16)2.1.5带库驱动的安装 (16)第三章NetBackup的备份与恢复 (17)3.1配置存储设备 (17)3.1.1存储设备配置在本地硬盘上 (17)3.1.2存储设备配置到磁带库 (19)3.2File的备份与恢复 (22)3.2.1创建备份策略 (22)3.2.2File的恢复操作 (25)3.3Oracle数据库的备份与恢复 (28)3.3.1Oracle数据库备份 (28) 修改Oracle数据库为日志归档模式 (28) 创建备份脚本 (28) 创建备份策略 (37) Oracle的恢复操作 (43) 关于Oracle的异机恢复操作 (45)3.4SQL备份与还原 (47)3.4.1首次启动NetBackup MS SQL 客户机 (47)3.4.2选择SQL 主机和实例 (47)3.4.3备份数据库 (49)3.4.4SQL数据库的恢复 (50)3.4.5SQL数据库的异机恢复 (51)3.5LOTUS备份与还原 (53)1.1.1从NetBackup 管理控制台定义Lotus Notes 客户机的属性 (53)1.1.2定义备份策略 (55)1.1.3执行还原 (55)3.6DB2 的备份与恢复 (56)1.2.1修改DB2 数据库参数 (56) 创建DB2 备份脚本 (56) 创建DB2 备份策略 (66) DB2 的恢复操作 (69) DB2 的异机恢复操作 (70)第一章备份系统的安装要求1.1Wind ows系统要求有固定的IP地址,且网络畅通,有要求安装sp2或更高。
在远程访问的网络流量不够理想的情况下,通过图形界面访问NBU 并且控制它是一件非常痛苦的事情。
如图一所示:(本文使用NBU6.0MP4为例)图一:bpadm启动界面启动bpadm工具之后,我们需要先创建存储单元,将需要保护的数据放到其中,故在此选择“s Storage Unit Management”进入存储单元界面,如图二所示:图二:设置存储单元由图二可知,利用该工具可以添加、修改和删除存储单元。
浏览可以在图二的上端滚动显示已有的存储单元,用户可以选定存储单元后修改其属性;在这里还有一个选项“o Output Destination”可以将显示结果打印到文件中去。
在这里,我们选择“a Add Storage Unit...”去添加一个新的存储单元。
Veritas NetBackup ™ for Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP) SupportNote: For additional information on configuration, functionality and limitations of the following vendors’ software when using NetBackup for NDMP, please see the following document:/pub/support/products/NetBackup_Enterprise_ Server/267773.pdfNote: Where it states “and later” or “and higher”, that means all double-dot releases would also be supported (e.g., 6.5 and later means 6.5.1, 6.5.2, etc. are also supported). Sometimes double-dot releases are listed separately because the feature set has changed.For Veritas NetBackup 6.0 Enterprise Server and NetBackup Server configurationsNote: Shared Storage Option (SSO) for NDMP in NetBackup 6.0 may be used with any of the vendors’ software listed below, even though SSO for NDMP is not listed as a supported feature, if the software supports remote NDMP and remote NDMP is used for the backup.Vendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesNetwork Appliance Data ONTAPversions 6.1,6.2R2 and6.3.3•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsNetwork Appliance All versions ofData ONTAP6.4.2 and later•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsVendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesNetwork Appliance All versions ofData ONTAP6.5 and later•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetails•To use the NetBackup Advanced Client NAS Snapshotfunctionality, 6.5.2 or later is requiredNetwork Appliance All versions ofData ONTAP7.0 and later•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetails•Supports the NetBackup Advanced Client NAS SnapshotcapabilityNetwork Appliance Data ONTAP7.1•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetails•Supports the NetBackup Advanced Client NAS Snapshot,SnapVault DSU and NearStore DSU capabilitiesNetwork Appliance Data ONTAP7.1.1•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetails•Supports the NetBackup Advanced Client NAS Snapshot,SnapVault DSU and NearStore DSU capabilities•NetBackup Shared Storage Option – NDMP hosts and mediaservers can share tape drives when using direct-attach or3-way NDMPVendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesNetwork Appliance Data ONTAP7.2•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetails•Supports the NetBackup Advanced Client NAS Snapshot,SnapVault DSU and NearStore DSU capabilitiesEMC Celerra File Server (all models) Version5.1.23.0 andhigherVersion5.2.11.3 andhigherVersion 5.3and higherVersion 5.4.18and higherVersion 5.5.19and higher•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. Check EMC Celerra supported device matricesfor complete details.•NetBackup Shared Storage Option – NDMP hosts and mediaservers can share tape drives when using direct-attach or3-way NDMPEMC Centera CBRM 2.0.2with hot fixesfor:LGTpa79587LGTpa80638LGTpa82667CBRM 2.0.4•Remote NDMP•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•Please read/docs/267773.htm forlimitations and additional informationAgami Systems agamiOS 1.2.2 •Remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups •Direct Access Restore for optimized file restore performanceBlueArc Corporation SiliconUpdateversion 3.3Version 4.2•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceDinoStor V3.6.5 •3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restore performance•NetBackup Shared Storage Option – NDMP hosts and media servers can share tape drives when using 3-way NDMPHewlett Packard NAS8000 NASOS 1.6•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceVendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesHitachi NAS BladeBackup Restore02-01•Remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backupsHitachi NAS BladeBackup Restore02-02 and03-01-02 andlater•Remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceHitachi All versions ofData ONTAP6.4.2 and later•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsHitachi All versions ofData ONTAP6.5 and later•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsIBM Data ONTAP7.1.0.1P2•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetails•Supports the NetBackup Advanced Client NAS Snapshot andSnapVault DSU capabilitiesIBM Data ONTAP7.1.1•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetails•Supports the NetBackup Advanced Client NAS Snapshot,SnapVault DSU and NearStore DSU capabilities•NetBackup Shared Storage Option – NDMP hosts and mediaservers can share tape drives when using direct-attach or3-way NDMPVendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesIsilon OneFS v3.5 •Remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups •Direct Access Restore for optimized file restore performanceIsilon OneFS v4.0•Remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backupsMirapoint 3.6.5 – GR,3.7.3•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way backups•See Mirapoint web site for list of compatible tape drivesand libraries•Only allows use of a single tape driveNEC SC-LX 1.1 orlater•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backupsONStor, Inc. EverON v1.2.3and later•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•Supports the NetBackup 5.1 Advanced Client NAS Snapshotfunctionality•NetBackup Shared Storage Option – NDMP hosts and mediaservers can share tape drives when using direct-attach or3-way NDMPOverland Storage GEOn:FW Q76C•These are NDMP tape server-enabled libraries (via GbE)•3-way NDMP backupsPillar Data Systems 1.1.9, 1.5•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceQuantum P1000 Series 2.01, 2.10•These are NDMP tape server-enabled libraries (via GbE)•3-way NDMP backupsSpectra Logic Treefrog TAOS 4.1.20•These are NDMP tape server-enabled libraries (via GbE)•3-way NDMP backupsSpinnaker Networks SpinFS 1.0.2•Only direct-attach backups with this version of SpinFSSun Microsystems StorEdge NASOS version4.0x, 4.1x•Remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backupsSun Microsystems StorEdge NASOS version4.20MO•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceFor Veritas NetBackup 5.x Enterprise Server and Server configurationsVendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesNetwork Appliance Data ONTAPversions 6.1,6.2R2 and6.3.3•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsNetwork Appliance All versions ofData ONTAP6.4.2 and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsNetwork Appliance All versions ofData ONTAP6.5 and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetails•To use the NetBackup 5.1 Advanced Client NAS Snapshotfunctionality, 6.5.2 or later is requiredNetwork Appliance All versions ofData ONTAP7.0 and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetails•Supports the NetBackup 5.1 Advanced Client NAS SnapshotcapabilityVendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesNetwork Appliance All versions ofData ONTAP7.1 and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetails•Supports the NetBackup 5.1 Advanced Client NAS SnapshotcapabilityNetwork Appliance All versions ofData ONTAP7.2 and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetails•Supports the NetBackup 5.1 Advanced Client NAS SnapshotcapabilityEMC Celerra File Server (all models) Version5.1.23.0 andhigherVersion5.2.11.3 andhigherVersion 5.3and higherVersion 5.4.18and higherVersion 5.5.19and higher•Direct-attach backups•3-way NDMP backups require NetBackup 5.0 MP3 or 5.1•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server require NetBackup 5.0 MP3 or 5.1•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NetBackup 5.0 MP1 or 5.1 is required for tar formatbackups.•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. Check EMC Celerra supported device matricesfor complete details.EMC Centera CBRM 2.0.2with hot fixesfor:LGTpa79587LGTpa80638LGTpa82667CBRM 2.0.4•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•Please read/docs/267773.htm forlimitations and additional informationVendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesAgami Systems agamiOS 1.2.2 •3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackup media server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restore performanceBlueArc Corporation SiliconUpdateversion 3.3version 4.2•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceDinoStor V3.6.5 •3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restore performanceHewlett Packard NAS8000 NASOS 1.6•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceHitachi NAS BladeBackup Restore02-01•3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia serverHitachi NAS BladeBackup Restore02-02 and03-01-02 andlater•3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceHitachi AMS/WMS NASModularsystem04-00-01•3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceHitachi All versions ofData ONTAP6.4.2 and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsVendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesHitachi All versions ofData ONTAP6.5 and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsIBM Data ONTAP7.1.0.1P2•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetails•Supports the NetBackup 5.1 Advanced Client NAS SnapshotcapabilityIBM All versions ofData ONTAP7.1.1 and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetails•Supports the NetBackup 5.1 Advanced Client NAS SnapshotcapabilityIsilon OneFS v3.5 •3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackup media server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restore performanceIsilon OneFS v4.0 •3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackup media serverVendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesMirapoint 3.6.5 – GR,3.7.3•Direct-attach, 3-way and remote-NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•See Mirapoint web site for list of compatible tape drivesand libraries•Only allows use of a single tape driveNEC SC-LX 1.1 orlater•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia serverONStor, Inc. EverON v1.2.3and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•Supports the NetBackup 5.1 Advanced Client NAS SnapshotfunctionalityOverland Storage GEOn:FW Q76C•These are NDMP tape server-enabled libraries (via GbE)•3-way NDMP backupsPillar Data Systems 1.1.9, 1.5•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceQuantum P1000 Series 2.01, 2.10•These are NDMP tape server-enabled libraries (via GbE)•3-way NDMP backupsSpectra Logic Treefrog TAOS 4.1.20•These are NDMP tape server-enabled libraries (via GbE)•3-way NDMP backupsSpinnaker Networks SpinFS 1.0.2•Only direct-attach backups with this version of SpinFSSun Microsystems StorEdge NASOS version4.0x, 4.1x•Remote NDMP and 3-way NDMP backupsSun Microsystems StorEdge NASOS version4.20MO•Direct-attach, remote NDMP and 3-way backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceFor NetBackup DataCenter 4.5 and NetBackup BusinesServer 4.5 configurations [from initial release and all Maintenance Pack (MP) and Feature Pack (FP) releases]Vendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesNetwork Appliance Data ONTAPversions 6.0,6.1, 6.2R2 and6.3.3•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsNetwork Appliance All versions ofData ONTAP6.4.2 and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsNetwork Appliance All versions ofData ONTAP6.5 and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsNetwork Appliance All versions ofData ONTAP7.0 and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsVendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesEMC Celerra File Server (all models) Versions 4.0,4.1, 4.2,5.0,5.1.9 andhigher, 5.2 andhigher and 5.3and higher•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance is supported.•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. Check EMC Celerra supported device matricesfor complete details.•NetBackup 4.5 MP7 or FP7 is required for use in “3-way”or “remote NDMP” configurations.•Note that tar format backups require either the Celerra beconfigured to only use NDMP v3 or that NetBackup 4.5 MP7or FP7 is installed. Contact EMC for assistance inconfiguring this.BlueArc Corporation SiliconUpdateversions 1.1,1.2 and2.1•Only direct-attach backups with this version ofSiliconUpdateDinoStor V3.6.5 •3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restore performanceHewlett Packard NAS8000 NASOS 1.6•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceHitachi NAS BladeBackup Restore02-01•3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia serverHitachi NAS BladeBackup Restore02-02 and03-01-02 andlater•3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceHitachi All versions ofData ONTAP6.4.2 and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsVendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesHitachi All versions ofData ONTAP6.5 and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsIsilon OneFS v3.5 •3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackup media server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restore performanceNEC SC-LX 1.1 orlater•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia serverONStor, Inc. EverON v1.2.3and later•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceQuantum P1000 Series 2.01, 2.10•These are NDMP tape-server-enabled libraries (via GbE)•3-way NDMP backupsSpectra Logic Treefrog TAOS 4.1.20•These are NDMP tape-server-enabled libraries (via GbE•3-way NDMP backupsSpinnaker Networks SpinFS 1.0.2•Only direct-attach backups with this version of SpinFSEMC IP4700 FLARE 2.0, 2.1Sun Microsystems Version 4.2,build 170 orgreater•Only remote NDMP backups with this version of software.Auspex Systems NS2000 orNS3000 NetOS 3.02,4.1•NetOS does not support tape duplicationMirapoint 2.7.3, 3.0•Direct-attach backupsVendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesHewlett Packard NAS8000 NASOS 1.6•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformanceProcom NetForceOS 3.3.5For NetBackup DataCenter 3.4 and NetBackup BusinesServer 3.4 configurationsVendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesNetwork Appliance Data ONTAPversions 6.0,6.1, 6.2R2•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Remote NDMP backups using Solaris or Windows NetBackupmedia server•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported. See/osn/info/config_gbe.html for fulldetailsEMC Celerra File Server (all models) Versions 4.0,4.1•Direct-attach and 3-way NDMP backups•Direct Access Restore for optimized file restoreperformance•NDMP tape server enabled libraries (via GbE) aresupported.BlueArc Corporation SiliconUpdateversions 1.1and 1.2•Only direct-attach backups with this version ofSiliconUpdateQuantum P1000 Series 2.01, 2.10•These are NDMP tape server-enabled libraries (via GbE)•3-way NDMP backups•Supported for use with DataCenter configurations onlySpectra Logic Treefrog TAOS 4.1.20•These are NDMP tape server-enabled libraries (via GbE)•3-way NDMP backups•Supported for use with DataCenter configurations onlySpinnaker Networks SpinFS 1.0.2•Only direct-attach backups with this version of SpinFS•Supported for use with DataCenter configurations onlyEMC IP4700 FLARE 2.0, 2.1Vendor SoftwareReleaseSupported FeaturesAuspex Systems NS2000 orNS3000 NetOS 3.02,4.1•NetOS does not support tape duplicationMirapoint 2.7.3, 3.0•Only direct-attach backupsProcom NetForceOS 3.3.5。
Panduit WiFi 6 商业建筑通信系统指南说明书
The Best ofBoth Worlds:Wired and Wireless ConnectionsIntroductionA fast and reliable wireless network has become a requirement for commercial buildings. People are using wireless for just about everything, including wireless sensors to monitor different areas, offloading cell phones from the cellular network onto Wi-Fi, and as the primary office network.People want to deploy Wi-Fi 6 with the understanding that it provides the necessary user experience both today and into the future. Wi-Fi networks that are slow and unreliable can lead to unhappy employees and customers. Wi-Fi 6 (IEEE 802.11ax) offers to further improve the wireless experience through features like higher data rates, better capacity, enhanced performance in areas with many devices, and improvements in latency.Panduit has conducted experiments that prove when a wireless network is deployed along with a wired network, it delivers an improved and future-proofed wireless experience for everyone. The following observations and recommendations will be further explained throughout the document:• Improve the Wi-Fi network performance with a wired networkA structured cabling network that can off-load traffic onto a wired network will improve theWi-Fi network by at least 40%• Future proof the Wi-Fi network with a wired networkAs data rates increase and more clients come onto the network, a joint wireless and wired network will have a longer life as more devices are added to it• Power over Ethernet (PoE) is cost effective compared to other power optionsPoE is the most cost-effective way to run power and data in a greenfield or brownfieldenvironment, including the use of wireless• Avoid battery powered devices when possibleA complete wireless deployment may be cheaper upfront but cost more in the long run. Batterieseventually die and need replacement whereas a wired connection will last for many yearsThis white paper provides the methodology and metrics used to make these claims. Also, it offers a cabling recommendation for wired connections used in conjunction with a wireless network.Wired is Best PracticePeople often like installing wireless devices as it is viewed as the simplest and lowest cost method to support clients. However, the actual cost of a wireless network may be more hidden than the wired one. Hidden wireless costs can be in up front cabling costs as well as costs incurred after the network is running.One Access Point for 72 Devices Three Access Points for 72 DevicesFigure 1. One and three access point scenarios for 72 devices. Analysis will be done at the outer ring (worst-case as it is the furthest awayfrom the access point).User ProfilesThe user profiles in Table 1 were developed to understand network data rate demands. For the analysis done, high-end and middle user types were used.Performance MetricsTo quantify a network’s performance, two main criteria were considered:• The probability that simultaneous requests occur• Performance Ratio = (Actual Bandwidth Available)/(Required Bandwidth)In this case, we would want to:• Minimize the simultaneous requests that occur• Achieve a Performance Ratio > 1 (meaning the actual bandwidth available is larger than the required bandwidth to support multiple simultaneous data requests)Header Body TextHeaderTable 1. User Profiles Developed for Analyzing Network Demands.User Type Down Stream User Profile Example UsersHigh-endMean DR = 5 Mb/sBurst DR = 500 Mb/s (for 5s) occurring every two minutesEngineer, 4K video streaming, hospital imaging file transfers, programmers, and developers Burst DR = 500 Mbps (for 5s) occurring every 2 minutesMean DR = 1 Mb/sBurst DR = 250 Mb/s (for 5s) occurring every five minutes Engineer, 720p video, office worker with extensive network drive usage MiddleMean DR = 0.1 Mb/s Burst DR = 100 Mb/s (for 5s) occurring every 10 minutesOffice employee with primarily email, minimal network drive usage, some web browsingHeaderBody TextHeader Figure 2. Example of how the wireless analysis was done with people evenly off loaded onto the wired network.The analysis was done by looking at the time period of the bursting (i.e., short periods of heavy data usage) data requests from the clients (i.e., two minutes). The exact time when a burst of data was requested from a client was assumed to be random amongst the number of clients as shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. Two-minute probabilistic model used for analysis (34 clients).2-Minute Time Frame (in Seconds)C l i e n t sHeaderFigure 4. Outer ring statistical analysis summary.170 Mb/sMb/s Mb/sOuter Ring Statistical Analysis# of clients = 34Mean DR = 5 Mb/s (34*5=170)Burst DR = 500 Mb/s for 5 s every two minutes Total data transferred in two minutes =for the Burst data = 34*2.5 Gb = 85 Gbfor the average data 170 Mb/s * 120s = 20.4 GbTotal = 105.4 GbAt max rate of 1500 Mb/s * 120s = 180 GbHeaderBody Text HeaderSummaryThe summary of the performance of the network when offloading to the wireless network is shown in Table 2 and Table 3.The second column in Table 2 (“Clients on Access Point”) refers to the number of clients being served by the wireless access point (WAP) and the third column (“Clients on Wired”) refers to the number of clients being served by the wired network. The fourth column (“Performance Ratio [High End]”) evaluates the ratio between the actual bandwidth the WAP is capable of supplying divided by the needed bandwidth that the “High-End” clients need or require. Ideally a number above 1 is desired. The fifth set of columns (“Probability of Simultaneous Clients”) refers to the probability that 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 different clients will be simultaneously trying to access the wireless network.When multiple clients simultaneously require service, the clients received data rate may be reduced due to the capacity of the WAP. As shown in Table 2, the fewer the number of wireless clients being served by the WAP, the lower the probability of simultaneous requests for service. Furthermore, the probability of simultaneous requests is reduced as the number of simultaneous clients is reduced. It is desirable to have no simultaneous clients requesting service, and hence it is desirable to have higher probabilities at 0 simultaneous requests. As shown in Table 2, only scenario 1-4 is reasonable.As more WAPs are integrated into the wireless local area network (LAN), as described in Table 4, the network performance is greatly improved. As shown in Table 4, scenario 3-4 has a great network performance, having a performance ratio > 4. The number of simultaneous client request for service is less than 12% and when a simultaneous event takes place, there is plenty of bandwidth available to support this event with no increase in delay.Table 2. One Wireless Access Point Scenarios for 34 High-End Clients on the Outer Ring.These Scenarios Assume 20 20MHz Channels and Four Spatial Streams.Single Access Point ScenarioClients on Access PointClients on WiredPerformanceRatio (High End)Probability of Simultaneous Clients 0123451-17200.4326%32%25%11%4%1%1-248240.6338.1%37.5%17.3% 5.6% 1.2%0.2%1-336360.8550%35%12%3%0.4%0.1%1-424481.3263%29%7%0.8%0.1%0.01%Table 3. Three Wireless Access Point Scenarios for 34 High-End Clients on the Outer Ring.These Scenarios Assume 7 20MHz Channels and Four Spatial Streams.Three Access Point ScenarioClients on Access PointClients on WiredPerformanceRatio (High End)Probability of Simultaneous Clients 0123453-1720 1.265%28%6%0.9%0.01%0%3-24824 2.077.5%20.2% 2.3%0.1%0%0%3-33636 2.481%17.6% 1.4%0.1%0%0%3-424484.0488%11%0.7%0%0%0%Figure 5. Three wireless access point network performance for different percentages of clients offloaded to a wired network for an increasingnumber of clients.HeaderBody TextHeader Power Power 10GBASE-TPower PoE++PoE++PoE++Run Less Wires with PoE vs. WirelessPoE can deliver power and data over a single cable. Figure 6 illustrates how a wireless network actually requires more wires than a PoE installation. In this case, the wireless network requires four power wires and one data cable, whereas the PoE scenario only requires three data cables. It should also be noted that the cabling for wireless gets more expensive with more devices as low voltage cables are cheaper to install than power cables.An estimate of cost savings is given in Table 6. As shown, installing more power drops ($200 per drop) will make the wireless network more expensive than installing more low voltage drops ($50 per drop) for the PoE network. This analysis assumes a greenfield installation where the power outlets are not currently available.Figure 6. A PoE deployment requires three wires versus five wires with a network running off standard electrical outlets.Battery Powered Devices vs. PoE Cabled ConnectionsFor any given sensor network that relies on battery-powered sensors, a rough approximation is that over time, 30% of the sensors not considered mission critical will be down at any given time. The main reason for this is the magnitude and difficulty of replacing batteries as they fail. This is best understood through the following example:Assume a one million square foot facility has specified 10 wireless sensors per 1,000 square feet. This is about 10,000 wireless sensors in that facility. These sensors are assumed to have a five-year battery life and thesensors being rolled out uniformly over the five years (i.e., 2,000 sensors per year). After five years, about 2,000 batteries will start failing per year. Considering there are about 200 working days per year, 10 batteries will need to be replaced per day to keep up with the failing sensors.Now consider the challenges of replacing these batteries:• Do you know where they are located?• Are they in an area that is easy to access? Or would it require special hardware (e.g., a ladder) or may it require special circumstances (e.g., shutting down a piece of equipment)?• How easy is it to replace the battery? Is the sensor easy to unmount/remount or has it been attached using some sort of one-time application such as mounting tape? Is the battery compartment easy to open or does it require a screwdriver? Is the battery compartment clean or is it corroded and requires cleaning?Table 6. Simple Three Device Example of Cabling Cost Savings with PoE.Scenario (three devices)Power Drops Low Voltage DropsTotal Cost Wireless 4 ($200 x 4 = $800)1 ($50)$850PoE0 ($0)3 ($150)$150Wireless Deployment PoE DeploymentMore Meaningful ConnectionsTHE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS WHITE PAPER IS INTENDED AS A GUIDE FOR USE BY PERSONS HAVING TECHNICAL SKILL AT THEIR OWN DISCRETION AND RISK. BEFORE USING ANY PANDUIT PRODUCT, THE BUYER MUST DETERMINE THE SUITABILITY OF THE PRODUCT FOR HIS/HER INTENDED USE AND BUYER ASSUMES ALL RISK AND LIABILITY WHATSOEVER IN CONNECTION THEREWITH. PANDUIT DISCLAIMS ANY LIABILITY ARISING FROM ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN OR FOR ABSENCE OF THE SAME.All Panduit products are subject to the terms, conditions, and limitation of its then current Limited Product Warranty, which can be found at /warranty.©2020 Panduit Corp. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. CPAT04--SA-ENG 5/2020Since 1955, Panduit’s culture of curiosity and passion for problem solving have enabled more meaningful connections between companies’business goals and their marketplace success. Panduit creates leading-edge physical, electrical, and network infrastructure solutions forenterprise-wide environments, from the data center to the telecom room, from the desktop to the plant floor. 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NBU 6.0备份大全之快速制定备份任务
NBU 6.0备份大全之快速制定备份任务[收藏此页] [打印]作者:huihuidog 2007-08-22 网友评论 1 条内容导航:NETBACKUP的逻辑结构第1页: NETBACKUP的逻辑结构第2页:常见名词解释第3页:快速定制一个备份任务第4页:主管理器进程介绍第5页:介质管理器进程介绍【IT168 专稿】NBU是赛门铁克旗下的企业级备份软件产品,该产品以突出的异构平台支持为企业级业务系统提供了高性能的数据保护方案。
同时,NBU也是一款较为复杂的备份软件,笔者经常在论坛上看到很多朋友问一些关于Netbackup的初级问题,怎么分配磁带啊,怎么创建storage unit 啊等等。
NETBACKUP的逻辑结构图1:NETBACKUP逻辑结构NETBACKUP的逻辑结构分为三层,主管理器(master server)有且只有一个,它维护备份相关信息,定时运行备份任务,并维护记录备份内容和位置的数据库。
介质服务器(media server)可以有多个,也可以集成在主管理器上,它负责监控、管理存储硬件(带库,驱动,机械手等等)。
NBU系统配置手册1. 初始化配置 (3)1.1配置存储设备 (3)1.2配置介质 (6)1.3配置catalog (9)1.4配置备份策略 (12)2. 介质管理 (13)2.1添加介质 (13)2.1.1通过robot自动搜索 (13)2.1.2手工添加 (14)2.2修改介质属性 (15)2.3删除介质 (17)3. 查看Device状态 (18)4. 配置Host属性 (19)4.1Master属性 (19)4.2Client属性 (22)5. 设置Policy (23)5.1NT Policy (23)5.2MS SQL备份策略 (30)5.3UNIX备份策略 (31)6. 管理存储单元 (34)6.1添加存储单元 (34)6.1.1手工添加磁带存储单元 (34)6.1.2添加硬盘存储单元 (36)6.2修改存储单元 (37)7. 查看当前活动 (37)8. 常用命令 (38)9. 数据的恢复 (40)9.1恢复NT文件 (40)9.2NT/Windows 2000灾难恢复 (43)9.3MS SQL数据库恢复 (46)9.4UNIX文件系统恢复 (48)1. 初始化配置1.1配置存储设备1.安装完成后,启动NBU NetBackup Administration,系统第一次会自动启动Netbackup Assistant,如图1图12.点击下一步,Config Storage Devices,出现设备配置欢迎画面,如图2所示:图23.单击下一步,出现选择设备主机窗口,在此你可以选择连接备份设备的主机名称,也可以添加或删除主机,如图3所示:图34.单击下一步,系统会自动搜索连接到主机的存储设备,按照系统提示完成设备的配置,如图4所示:图4在上图中,如果只检测到tape driver(s)或robot(s),则可能是物理连线问题或driver没有正常工作,如果出现这种问题,可以关闭服务器和磁带库,检查SCSI连线,确认连接正常,再启动磁带库和服务器。
NBU6.5.5系统实施方案内部使用目录第一章概述 (4)第二章安装环境及安装软件准备 (4)2.1 硬件及操作系统 (4)2.2 安装环境准备 (5)2.3 测试方案部署说明 (6)2.4 安装软件及软件安装顺序 (6)2.5 安装前软件准备 (6)第三章NBU服务器安装 (7)3.1 光盘iso文件挂载 (7)3.2 PBX安装 (8)3.2.1 安装 (8)3.2.2 检查2个安装包是否安装 (9)3.2 安装nbu6.5软件 (9)3.3.1 安装过程 (9)3.3.2 NBU基本指令 (14)3.3 NBU管理界面 (16)3.4.1 两种NBU的管理界面 (16)3.4.2 启动NetBackup管理控制台 (16)第四章配置NBU服务器 (18)4.1 配置NetBackup存储设备 (18)4.2 配置卷 (20)4.3 配置备份策略(文件级备份) (21)4.4 检查修改备份策略 (27)第五章NBU客户端的安装 (28)5.1 从服务端推送安装NBU客户端软件 (28)第六章文件级备份与恢复 (30)6.1 文件备份 (30)6.2 文件恢复 (31)6.3 检查文件恢复情况 (33)第七章BMR的安装备份与恢复 (33)7.1 BMR安装 (34)7.1.1 NBU补丁安装 (34)7.1.2 BMR Server和Boot Server安装 (36)7.1.3 创建SRT(共享资源树) (39)7.1.3 检查SRT (43)7.1.4 删除SRT (43)7.2 BMR备份 (44)7.2.1 配置BMR备份策略 (44)7.2.1检查BMR备份策略是否正确 (48)7.2.3手动备份 (51)7.2.3 监控BMR备份进程 (52)7.3BMR恢复 (53)7.3.1 BMR预恢复Prepare to Restore (54)7.3.2 BMR恢复 (59)第八章Oracle Agent安装备份与恢复 (60)8.1Oracle Agent安装 (60)8.1.1 Oracle Agent安装 (61)8.1.2 Oracle Agent补丁安装 (62)8.2 链接Netbackup for Oracle (63)8.3 RMAN脚本准备 (63)8.4 修该数据库为归档模式:Archive mode (64)8.4 创建数据库备份策略 (65)8.5 数据库备份 (72)8.6 数据库日志文件 (72)8.7数据库恢复 (73)8.1.1 手工编辑RMAN脚本恢复 (73)8.1.1 通过NBU管理控制台恢复 (74)第九章备份数据的手工删除 (77)第一章概述本方案采用NBU实现对AAA系统的备份和恢复。
NBU备份系统应用操作手册2008.12.15编制一. NBU6.5备份系统概述1.关于NBU6.5NBU6.5是赛门铁克公司在2007年7月31日推出的企业数据保护解决方案Veritas NetBackup 的最新版本。
2.NBU6.5备份系统架构A 机房B 机房3.下,我室在2008年7月份按照项目实施规范,根据我们的实际维护需求,全程掌控和参与了系统介绍,方案论证,策略制定,安装调试,测试验收等流程。
由于前期工作做得比较规范,NBU 6.5备份系统自8月正式投入使用以来,一直运行在良好的工作状态之中,按照设定策略按时按机为8台设备上的关键数据――文件系统(每月),数据库(每日),数据库逻辑日志(每日)等数据做了可靠备份,完全达到了我们预期的目标。
同时,NBU 6.5备份系统经过4个多月的运行,其可靠性,易用性和灵活性等优越性能得到了证实,为我们下一步扩大其应用范围打下了良好的基础。
4.启动netbackup管理控制台的方法NBU 6.5备份系统的所有操作均需在netbackup管理控制台上完成。
(1)在windows上启动netbackup管理控制台(已安装了netbackup_6.5_win86软件)开始―程序―VERITAS netbackup―netbackup java version6.5进入。
b.运行/usr/openv/netbackup/bin/jnbSA & 命令进入。
二.NBU服务器和NBU客户机的相关数据1.NBU服务器相关数据2.磁带库相关数据3.NBU服务器+磁带库的架构机械手磁带盒驱动器1 驱动器2 NBU服务器磁带库4.磁带库已分配的策略卷池5.NBU客户机相关数据三.备份结果的检查方法1.使用netbackup管理控制台activity monitor的检查方法(1)一般检查activity monitor可显示最近几天的备份结果。
nbu配置手册(oracleinformix)Window平台Nbu配置手册一、系统架构Matererver:window2003hotname:nbuMediaerver:window2003hotname :client01Oracle:tet实例运行在client01主机上rman库运行在nbu 主机上二、安装nbu软件安装软件之前确定好hot表里面对应的ip和hot名1、安装matererverSolari:首先安装NetBackup_6.5_ICS_Solari.tar.gz,都选第一个(PB某)。
在NBU中远程分发客户端软件到客户端主机上面安装nbu软件client端或:tep1:创建新的policy客户端总是和一个具体的备份策略(Policy)相绑定,客户端不能独立于Policy而存在.所以通过在MaterServer上以”PUSH”方式向客户端分发NBU客户软件之前,必须先创建合适的Policy.(在Server上分发客户端软件,必须确保相应的客户端软件已存在于服务器上.)tep2:分发客户端软件.#bpplclient(检测客户端名称及系统平台)#/ur/openv/netbackup/bin/intall_client_fileftproot这个过程将客户端软件传送到客户端的”/tmp/bp”目录下.tep3:依次更新每个客户端的软件环境.#rh/tmp/bp/bin/client_configtep4:更新服务器端和所有客户端”/etc/hot”文件.分别在服务器端和客户端的/etc/hot文件中加入Mater/MediaServer 与Client的IP地址和主机名.三、配置nbu设备1、配置机械臂和驱动器1.1、通过nbu提供的配置向导进行配置:Mediaanddevicemanagement界面选择configuretoragedevice下一步,到选择管理带库的主机的界面:选择主机之后下一步,nbu会自动到指定主机上查找带库设备,成功之后会显示查找后的结果:然后一直ne某t到确认配置:然后确认配置生效即可,之后即可在device里面看到辨识到的机械臂和磁带驱动器1.2、手工添加在左侧的设备管理栏的device菜单项下,有robot这个选项,点击它之后,就可以在菜单栏的action这个选项中新建机械手了;同时,如果已经有机械手存在,那么可以在右下角这个子窗口中,看到它们的状态。
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• 是否有Client要做LAN Free
– 主机Tier、主机平台、个数
• 使用LAN来传输备份数据的Client
– 用途、主机平台、个数(请尽量按照Protect Server报价)
• 传统带库中磁带驱动器
– 数量
• 传统带库中被多台主机共享使用的磁带驱动器
Enterprise Server与Server核心功能对 比
Enterprise Server与Server选件功能对 比
Enterprise Server和Server的简明判断 方法
• 备份环境中有几台服务器与带库连接?
– 1台适合配置Server – 多于1台适合配置Enterprise Server
• 是一个销售上的概念,而不是一个技术概念 • 同一产品的各个Tier级别之间没有任何功能上的区别 • 为什么VERITAS的产品要按Tier级别收费
– VERITAS产品的理念是将IT中心变成价值中心 – 主机型号越高,证明IT的投入巨大,使用VERITAS产品所带来的回报也
VERITAS NetBackup™ 6.0 & 6.5 Pricing and Licensing Guide
Netbackup Enterprise Server体系架构 (3层体系)
备份作业控制及调度 介质管理者 二级存储设备控制 备份数据流的接受者
– 安装Master Server的主机无需额外的Media Server和Client Licenses
Netbackup Media Server
• 存储设备的控制者,备份数据的接收者 • 可以通过分布式部署来实现负载均衡和设备共享 • 共享同一个存储配置信息库和介质池 • 本身同时也具备Client的功能 • Media Server仅负责管理与之直接连接的存储设备
• 通过LAN发送备份数据/接受恢复数据 • 备份基本的文件以及非结构化数据
Netbackup Server体系架构(二层体系)
没有单独的Media Server这一层次,Netbackup Server既当Master Server又当 Media Server,Netbackup Server不支持Client的LAN Free备份方式
– Advanced Client
• 客户备份时候需要使用NDMP协议?
– 需要使用NDMP协议的主机数量、NAS型号?
• 客户是否需要给大量的笔记本和台式机做文件备份?
– DLO – 一个包可以备份100台计算机 – 所有计算机必须是以域用户登录到网络中
• 客户是否需要裸机恢复功能 (一键恢复系统) (New in NBU60!)
• 原则上我们建议每个新建系统的订单都应该报Consultant服务 • 最有效的方式是在安装系统时使用3天的Consultant服务
– 一次专业的安装可以省去后期维护的很多麻烦 – 据售后部门的Case统计和Consultant统计,一半以上的时候都是因为安
就越高 – 高端市场的服务和支持的成本较高
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
如何快速估算一个备份系统所需要的软件 预算?
• 判断用户需要的是Enterprise Server还是Server? 价格差距2:1 • Server安装的主机平台型号(请注意,不是CPU数量)?
– 报价根据平台型号分成4个级别,请参考更新的主机级别表 – UNIX平台1:1.3:1.7:2.7 – Windows平台1:1.1:1.6:2.4 • 磁带库中磁带驱动器的数量? • 如果是虚拟带库VTL,带库裸容量(带库中磁盘容量的总和)? • 需要备份的服务器的数量? • 需要备份的数据库或邮件/OA/SAP服务器的主机平台型号? • 以上总价+21%的一年服务费 • 建议+5天现场服务费 • 介质+培训 • +17%增值税
• 尽量说服用户购买培训
基本服务: • 安装实施服务 • 健康检测 (现场支持) • 系统设计和评估 • 项目管理
Windows和Linux Tier级别表
NetBackup Clients 6.0
被共享使用 磁带机的数量
Client是否需要 LAN Free
Client是否需要 其他Agent
SAN Media Server数量
• 首先选择Master Server
– 平台,Tier级别
• 然后选择Media Server
– 平台,Tier级别,个数
– 主机数量
• 用户是否需要在异地恢复数据?
– Vault – Master Server的数量?(通常一个就可以了)
与Netapp NAS的集成 (NEW IN NBU60!)
• NetBackup NAS SnapVault Option
– 按TB容量算,你可以简单地将这个选项理解为NetApp上的虚拟带库
NetBackup 6.0 Clients, Options, and Agents
• Clients
• Options
– Protect Server
– Bare Metal Restore
– Protect Workstation
– Client Encryption
– Snapshot Client (p.k.a Advanced Client)
• NetBackup Disk Optimization Option
– 按TB容量算,针对NetApp NearStore系统环境
– NetBackup components (Servers, Clients, Agents, and Options) are licensed per physical system. Therefore, each blade
– NetBackup Server is not supported in a clustered environment.
However, NetBackup Clients, Options, and Agents that are attached to
– 主机CPU个数、数量 – HA算一个/并行有几个算几个
– 主机型号,平台、数量 – HA算一个 – 与Oracle的关系
• 原则上我们建议2种Agent都应该配 • 但如果利用SAP自有的备份方式,可以不配置Oracle Agent,当然,在这种情况下,
Netbackup Master Server
• 是整个NBU备份体系的大脑,也是唯一的大脑 • 负责根据预定义的策略调度所有的备份作业 • 负责响应客户端发起的手工备份请求 • 管理整个备份域内的配置信息 • 同时Master Server本身具备Media Server和Client的功能
– SAN Media Server
– SAN Client (6.5 feature)
– Desktop and Laptop
– VMware Backup (6.5 feature)
• Agents
– Oracle – Informix – SQL – Sharepoint – Exchange – DB2 – Lotus Notes – SAP – Sybase
选择 Master Server主机
选择 Media Server主机
用户系统环境 及备份需求分析
判断适合 Enterprise Server
查型号 数个数
选择 Master Server主机
磁带库中 磁带机的数量
– server will require separate NetBackup licenses. NetBackup is not licensed per rack of servers.
– NetBackup offers a number of disk-based data protection solutions to help increase the performance of both backups and restores. No additional licenses or costs are required when backing up or staging to a basic disk storage unit. For backups to virtual tape devices and optimized disk backups to a NetApp NearStore system, please license the NetBackup Virtual Tape Option, Disk Optimization Option or NAS SnapVault Option appropriately.