























(1)简述 三甘醇闪蒸罐为立式两相分离器,主要用于分离从富甘醇中闪蒸出的气体。闪蒸出的气体从罐顶排
出,富甘醇从底部排放到下游滤器,少量的油积聚在表层并溢流进入罐内的一个油槽,由手动排放 阀排放到闭排系统。
设备名称 用途 尺寸(mm) 设计压力(KPaG) 设计温度(℃)
操作压力(KPaG) 操作温度
1655 -29~120 340 62.66
闪蒸罐的操作压力通过气体进口、出口的2个压力控制阀来稳定,并由容器上的压力表PI-2210现场显示。如果罐内的 压力高于340KPaG将开大PCV-2201;如果压力不足300KPaG将开大PCV-2204,由低压燃料系统的气体来提高罐内压力 。当压力出现过高(400KPaG)或过低(250KPaG)时,现场压力变送器PIT-2201触动中控室报警。当压力出现高高( 600KPaG)时,气体出口管线上的高高压力变送器PIT-2202将触动中控室控制盘报警,并发出4级关断信号,同时关闭吸 收塔富甘醇出口的SDV-2105和闪蒸罐覆盖气入口的SDV-2201。另外,在闪蒸罐上还安装有压力安全阀PSV-2201A/B, 用于对罐体进行压力二级保护,当压力达到其设定值(1000KPa)时,进行压力释放。
②液位监测 三甘醇聚结器的液位通过液位计LG-2235现场指示。
(1)简述 三甘醇循环泵从三甘醇聚结器接受贫甘醇,将其加压输送至吸收塔。属于低流量高压头柱塞泵。



1831 概述天然气一般都含有饱和量的水蒸汽(简称水汽)。




在输送含有酸性组分的天然气时,液态水的存在还会加速酸性组分(H 2S、CO 2等)对管壁、阀门的腐蚀,减小管道的使用寿命。




2 三甘醇脱水处理工艺流程2.1 三甘醇脱水装置工艺流程含水天然气,经三甘醇进口分离器将天然气所含的少量凝液和游离水分离干净后,由三甘醇吸收塔底部进入,自下而上通过吸收塔;三甘醇贫液从三甘醇吸收塔上部进入,自上而下通过吸收塔;逆向流动的三甘醇溶液和含水天然气在吸收塔内充分接触,天然气中的水分被吸收而进入液相,塔顶脱水后的天然气外输或下一步工艺处理[1]。

2.2 三甘醇再生流程经天然气/TEG换热器冷却后的贫甘醇由天然气脱水塔塔顶进入,与天然气逆向接触过程中吸收天然气中的水蒸气,富甘醇溶液从脱水塔塔底流出,进入三甘醇再生系统。






重庆科技学院《油气集输工程》课程设计报告学院:_石油与天然气工程学院专业班级:学生姓名:学号:设计地点:(单位):设计题目:某三甘醇天然气脱水工艺设计--------再生塔设计完成日期: 2012年6月20日指导教师评语:成绩(五级记分制):指导教师(签字):天然气中的水对于天然气的输送和使用都是有害的,因此,在经济条件允许的情况下,尽可能的脱去天然气中的水,不论对于天然气输送还是使用都非常的有必要。





通过三甘醇脱水工艺流程,TEG吸收塔底部排出的三甘醇富液与TEG再生塔顶部换热后进入TEG闪蒸罐,尽可能闪蒸出其中所溶的烃类,闪蒸后的三甘醇富液经过TEG过滤器除去固体、液体杂质,进入TEG换热罐提高三甘醇进TEG再生塔的温度,从再生塔中部进料,经TEG重沸器加热再生,再生后的三甘醇贫液经TEG换热罐和TEG后冷器冷却,冷却后的三甘醇贫液由TEG 循环泵输送到干气/贫甘醇换热器与吸收塔顶部出来的天然气换热后进入吸收塔,实现三甘醇贫液的循环利用。



关键词:三甘醇再生塔精馏柱填料塔冷却盘管三甘醇贫液的循环利用1.设计参数 (3)2.遵循的规范、标准 (4)3.再生塔设计 (5)3.1再生塔工作原理 (5)3.2再生塔塔设备的选型 (5)3.3三甘醇再生方法选择 (6)3.4参数对比及方案优选 (7)4.三甘醇再生塔的计算 (9)4.1富液精馏柱计算 (10)4.2贫液精馏柱工艺计算 (11)4.3富液精馏柱顶部冷却盘管工艺计算 (11)4.4三甘醇再生塔主要设备选型计算结果 (12)5.结论 (13)6.参考文献 (14)1.设计参数基础资料:天然气组成如下表:原料气处理量 40×104m3/d原料气露点 30~36 ºC原料气压力 2.05~2.25MPa (g)拟建天然气脱水装置产品气为干净化天然气,该产品气质量符合国家标准《天然气》(GB17820-1999)中二类气的技术指标。



1.使用正确的方法来调试和启动三甘醇脱水系统,保持再沸器的液位正常,按照需要补 充三甘醇(三甘醇的最小耗量是16g/1000Sm3gas)。
2.检查LG-2106、LG-2202,确保接触塔和闪蒸罐内没有富甘醇和烃类冷凝物存在。如 果发现烃类冷凝物聚集,应该排除。
(3)仪表监测(以A套为例) ①温度控制及监测 换热器的冷侧及热侧流体温度分别通过温度计TI-2210、2210A及TI-2211、2209现场指示。当富甘 醇侧温度出现异常时,可通过温度变送器TIT-2238触动中控盘报警。
②压力监测 富甘醇进出口压力由PI-2208及PI-2205现场指示
③安全特征 在富甘醇管线上设有安全阀PSV-2238,设定值是1000KPaG,以防管线超压。
7.闪蒸出的来的水蒸汽流出再沸器的精馏柱后,应该尽快从装置中排出。透气管线应该 有少量的液滴,以避免冷凝的水蒸汽回到装置中。
8.系统单元关断且再沸器的温度大大降低时,在循环启动前再沸器应该达到操作温度。 中海油深圳分公司
③压力控制及监测 再沸器的操作压力是依靠顶部放空气体的回压来决定,由压力表PI-2202现场显示。压力过高(30KPaG)时, 变送器PIT-2215传回中控室进行报警;压力高高(170KPaG)时,关断SDV-2202。回流冷凝器上也设有温度表 PI-2203进行现场显示。此外,再沸器上还设有压力安全阀PSV-2213A/B进行压力保护。



重庆科技学院《油气集输工程》课程设计报告学院:_石油与天然气工程学院专业班级:学生姓名:学号:设计地点:(单位):设计题目:某三甘醇天然气脱水工艺设计--------再生塔设计完成日期: 2012年6月20日指导教师评语:成绩(五级记分制):指导教师(签字):天然气中的水对于天然气的输送和使用都是有害的,因此,在经济条件允许的情况下,尽可能的脱去天然气中的水,不论对于天然气输送还是使用都非常的有必要。





通过三甘醇脱水工艺流程,TEG吸收塔底部排出的三甘醇富液与TEG再生塔顶部换热后进入TEG闪蒸罐,尽可能闪蒸出其中所溶的烃类,闪蒸后的三甘醇富液经过TEG过滤器除去固体、液体杂质,进入TEG换热罐提高三甘醇进TEG再生塔的温度,从再生塔中部进料,经TEG重沸器加热再生,再生后的三甘醇贫液经TEG换热罐和TEG后冷器冷却,冷却后的三甘醇贫液由TEG 循环泵输送到干气/贫甘醇换热器与吸收塔顶部出来的天然气换热后进入吸收塔,实现三甘醇贫液的循环利用。



关键词:三甘醇再生塔精馏柱填料塔冷却盘管三甘醇贫液的循环利用1.设计参数 (3)2.遵循的规范、标准 (4)3.再生塔设计 (5)3.1再生塔工作原理 (5)3.2再生塔塔设备的选型 (5)3.3三甘醇再生方法选择 (6)3.4参数对比及方案优选 (7)4.三甘醇再生塔的计算 (9)4.1富液精馏柱计算 (10)4.2贫液精馏柱工艺计算 (11)4.3富液精馏柱顶部冷却盘管工艺计算 (11)4.4三甘醇再生塔主要设备选型计算结果 (12)5.结论 (13)6.参考文献 (14)1.设计参数基础资料:天然气组成如下表:原料气处理量 40×104m3/d原料气露点 30~36 ºC原料气压力 2.05~2.25MPa (g)拟建天然气脱水装置产品气为干净化天然气,该产品气质量符合国家标准《天然气》(GB17820-1999)中二类气的技术指标。


三甘醇脱水是利用其吸水性质,将天然气中的水分吸收并脱除的过程。在天然气处理过程中,三甘醇 作为脱水剂被喷洒到天然气中,与天然气充分接触,吸收其中的水分,然后通过分离器将吸收了水分 的三甘醇与天然气分离,从而达到脱水的目的。
首先,对天然气进行预处理,去除其中的杂质和 固体颗粒,以免对后续设备和管道造成堵塞或损 坏。
分离器用于将吸收了水分的三甘醇与天然气分离。分离器应具有合理的结构和尺寸,以确 保三甘醇和天然气的有效分离,并减少三甘醇的夹带损失。
加热器用于对吸收了水分的三甘醇进行加热再生。加热器应具有足够的加热功率和温度控 制精度,以确保三甘醇中的水分被完全蒸发掉,同时避免过高的温度对三甘醇造成热分解 或氧化等不良影响。
对脱水过程中产生的余热进行回收利用,如用于加热原料气或生 产热水等,以减少能源消耗。
应用智能化控制技术对脱水过程进行实时监控和优化控制,提高 生产效率和能源利用效率。
检查系统各部件是否完好,确认 电源、气源等供应是否正常,准 备好所需工具和材料。
按照操作规程逐步启动系统,包 括开启进料阀、启动循环泵、调 整操作参数等。
在停止系统前,需要先关闭进料 阀,停止循环泵,然后按照操作 规程逐步停止系统。
利用吸湿剂吸收水分,适用于低压、 中温环境,需定期更换吸湿剂。
利用特殊膜材料对水分子的选择性 透过性实现脱水,适用于各种压力、 温度条件,但投资成本较高。



三甘醇脱水中再生废气的回收利用高莉;蒋洪【摘要】目前国内大多数天然气净化厂都采用三甘醇(TEG)对原料气进行脱水处理,以此来降低产品气的水露点达到外输指标,且采用汽提再生的方法实现三甘醇再生.三甘醇再生产生的废气若直接外排会给环境、设备、工作人员等造成一定的伤害,并且造成能源浪费和三甘醇损失.针对三甘醇再生废气外排导致的一系列问题,在原流程的基础上每套或多套脱水装置共同增加一套三甘醇再生废气回收装置.利用HYSYS软件,以1000×104 m3/d的三甘醇脱水装置为例对原流程和改进流程进行模拟对比,结果表明:改进流程可回收利用汽提气123.36×104 m3/a(20℃,101.325 kPa),可节约干气99.84×104 m3/a(20℃,101.325 kPa).改进流程可以很好地回收利用三甘醇再生废气、减少干气用量,具有一定的经济价值,为大规模的三甘醇脱水再生废气的回收利用提供了借鉴.%At present,most of the natural gas purification plants in China use triethylene glycol (TEG) on the raw gas dehydration to reduce the water dew point of the product gas and achieve the external transport index, and the regeneration of TEG is realized by stripping regeneration. If TEG regenerat-ing waste gas is discharged directly, it will cause energy waste, TEG loss and damage to the environ-ment, equipments, working staff and so on. In view of a series of problems caused by the TEG re-generating waste gas discharge, a set of TEG regenerating waste gas recovery device is added to one or more sets of dehydration device based on the original process. HYSYS software is used to simulate and compare the original process and the improved process by taking the 1000 × 104 m3/d TEG dehydra-tion device as an example andthe results show: im proved process can recycle 123.36 × 104 m3/a (20℃ ,101.325 kPa) of the TEG regenerating waste gas and save 99.84 × 104 m3/a(20℃ ,101.325 kPa) of dry gas.The improved process can better recycle the TEG regeneration waste gas and reduce the use of dry gas. What is more, it has a certain economic value and can provide reference for the recycling of TEG waste gas in large-scale TEG dehydration.【期刊名称】《油气田地面工程》【年(卷),期】2017(036)007【总页数】4页(P47-50)【关键词】三甘醇脱水;三甘醇再生废气;改进方案;HYSYS模拟;废气回收;节约干气【作者】高莉;蒋洪【作者单位】西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院;西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院【正文语种】中文目前,国内大多数天然气净化厂脱水装置都采用溶剂吸收法中最常用的三甘醇脱水[1-2]工艺来降低产品气的水露点,使水露点达到外输气指标。


第1 52 0 1 3年 1 2月
三 甘 醇 受 污 染 因 素 及 回收 利 用 方 法
袁 莉丽 孟 江
( 重庆科技 学院石 油与天 然 气工程 学院 ,重庆 4 0 1 3 3 1 )
摘 要: 三甘醇是天然气脱水过程 中常用 的脱水剂 , 但是在脱水过程 中, 三甘醇容易变 质 , 进 而影 响脱水 的效果 。分
变 质 的原 因并 找到 回收利用 三甘 醇 的方法将 会 大大
减 少生产 的成 本 。
1 三甘醇受污染因素
三 甘醇变 质 主要 表 现在 : 含 水量 增 加 , 热 降解 , 氧化 , 发泡, P H 降低 和 淤 渣 J 。引 起 三甘 醇 变 质 的
原 因是 三甘醇 在 进人 脱 水 系 统之 前 , 天然 气 携 带 的 液 态水 , 凝析油 , 天然 气 井 下作 业 、 开 发 生产 中所用 的化学剂 , 机械 杂质 等都会 进人 到三 甘醇溶 液 中 , 导 致 其变质 。
对 于三 甘醇废 弃指 标 , 目前 还没 有统 一 的标 准 , 但 主要 考 虑 3个 方 面 : 含水量低于 2 . 5 7 %, 有 机 杂
质不 大 于 0 . 3 %( 重量 ) , 含 盐量 小 于 1 0 0 0 mg / L 。
此 方法 即选 用特 定 的化 学剂 与废 三甘 醇 中 的杂 质 发生 反应 , 使 杂质 中 的离 子得 到沉 淀 , 然 后分 离 。 膜 分离 法是 最具 前 景 的方 法 , 值 得 我 们 进 一 步 深 入研 究 。
收 稿 日期 : 2 0 1 3 —0 8— 2 2
当然 , 实 际情 况 不 止 以上 几 种 , 比如 , 含 硫 天 然
气 中硫 化 氢会溶 解 于三 甘醇 溶 液 中 , 降 低 三 甘醇 溶 液的 p H值 , 并 与三 甘醇 发生 化 学 反应 , 生 成 无机 酸



[收稿日期]2007212210 [作者简介]姜安(19732),男,1996年大学毕业,高级工程师,现主要从事油气田开发技术研究工作。

友谊号三甘醇脱水及再生系统运行问题的解决 姜 安 长江大学石油工程学院,湖北荆州434023中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司,天津300452[摘要]介绍了渤海友谊号FPSO (浮式生产储卸油装置)上三甘醇脱水和再生系统的工艺流程和应用情况;根据2年多的实际使用经验,结合生产实际情况,对系统运行中出现的实际问题进行了原因分析,并根据具体情况提出了相应的解决措施。

作为海上油田FPSO 上使用三甘醇脱水及再生系统的管理经验,为海洋石油中三甘醇脱水设备的应用及管理提供了参考。

[关键词]浮式开采平台;储卸油装置;天然气处理系统;三甘醇脱水系统;再生系统;运行[中图分类号]TE53[文献标识码]A [文章编号]100029752(2008)022*******溶剂吸收法是目前最常用的天然气脱水方法之一。





渤海友谊号FPSO (浮式生产储卸油装置)作为渤南油气田的生产处理中心,设置了原油处理系统、污水处理系统和天然气处理系统。


友谊号FPSO 上三甘醇脱水及再生系统于2006年1月投入运行以来,相继出现了一些问题。


















(2) 三甘醇吸收塔。











1.2 改进流程第一种改进方案是将再生废气冷凝后再生气再脱水,系统内循环污水经过污水汽提塔,从而解决再生废气直接排放的问题,在改进工艺流程中,三甘醇的流量可达到1 000 m 3/s ,其质量分数可达到99.99%,温度可达到60 ℃。





第二种工艺是采用DRIZO 脱水工艺,采用共沸再生三甘醇的方式在注入BTEX 溶液后,实现对气相组分的回收,经过回收后的三甘醇贫液质量分数可以达到99.99%。

于传统脱水工艺有着本质上的差别,这类工艺会在塔顶上设置三相分离器,在经过三相分离后,可以实现对BTEX 的0 引言水分对于天然气而言有着极大的影响,当含水时会造成燃烧不充分等情况,而天然气中的一些游离水,与本身所夹带的化学物质相结合,形成具有腐蚀性的化学。






三甘醇再生系统活性炭滤芯费用优化措施秦斌(中海石油(中国)有限公司天津分公司,天津 300452)摘要:海上平台外输天然气脱水普遍采用三甘醇脱水系统,而活性炭滤器是三甘醇脱水系统中的重要设备,其作用主要是滤掉富TEG溶液中的重烃类物质,净化TEG溶液,降低三甘醇的消耗量,确保其脱水效果。




关键词:三甘醇;活性炭;滤芯;采购费;降耗中图分类号:TE952 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1008-4800(2021)11-0163-02DOI:10.19900/ki.ISSN1008-4800.2021.11.080Cost Optimization Measures of Activated Carbon Filter in TEG Regeneration System QIN Bin (CNOOC (China) Co., Ltd. Tianjin Branch, Tianjin 300452, China)Abstract: TEG dehydration system is widely used in the dehydration of natural gas exported from offshore platform, and activated carbon filter is an important equipment in TEG dehydration system. Its main function is to filter heavy hydrocarbons in TEG rich solution, purify TEG solution, reduce the consumption of TEG, and ensure the dehydration effect. The filter element of activated carbon filter belongs to disposable adsorption type and needs to be replaced regularly. The project extends the filter element replacement cycle by reducing the amount of wellhead products entering the TEG dehydration system from the perspective of process; from the perspective of equipment, it reuses the shell of old filter element, optimizes the purchase of filter material, and fills the filter material independently. Finally, the purchase cost of activated carbon filter element will be greatly reduced.Keywords: triethylene glycol; activated carbon; filter element; purchase cost; consumption reduction1概况海上平台外输天然气脱水普遍采用三甘醇脱水系统,而活性炭滤器是三甘醇脱水系统中的重要设备。









1 三甘醇常压再生工艺流程1.1常压再生原理贫三甘醇在吸收天然气中的水后变成富三甘醇,要重新获得贫三甘醇就要脱除富液中的水和少量轻烃,常压再生方法是通过加热富三甘醇使其吸收的水和轻烃逸出,达到符合天然气露点的三甘醇。


(汽提气可以在三甘醇提纯浓度不够使使用来提高提纯浓度,生产过程中由于经济型的考虑,一般不使用汽提气)2 重沸器温度控制参数2.1三甘醇再生温度范围确定随着再生温度的降低,贫液含水率呈增长趋势,此时水露点的变化规律与贫液含水率的变化规律基本一致,即贫液浓度增加,水露点降低;贫液浓度降低,水露点升高。

当TEG 再生温度为180 ℃时干气的水露点已经出现不合格的情况了,因此TEG 再生温度不宜低于180 ℃。










防止水和物形成的方法: 1 、将天然气加热;2、采用液体(如三甘醇)或固 体(如分子筛)干燥剂将天然气脱水,使其露点降低;3、向气流中加入水合物抑 制剂。目前多采用热力学抑制剂(如甲醇、甘醇类),用来改变水溶液或水和物的 化学位,从而使水合物形成条件移向更低温度或更高压力范围。
贫气:在20 ℃和101.325 Kpa的状态下,每立方米天然气中,丙烷以 上烃类按液态计小于100mL的天然气。 富气:在20 ℃和101.325 Kpa的状态下,每立方米天然气中,丙烷以 上烃类按液态计大于100mL的天然气。
单位质量(体积)的天然气完全燃烧产生的热量,称为天然气的热 值。天然气的热值和天然气的组分有关,烃含量越高,热值越高。
1.3 干燥剂的选择
活性氧化铝 活性氧化铝是一种极性吸附剂,以部分水合的、多孔的无定形 AL2O3为主,并含有其他金属化合物(如氧化钠、三氧化二铁),比表 面即可达到250m2/g以上。例如,F-200活性氧化铝的组成为:氧化铝 94%、水5.5%、氧化钠0.3%、三氧化二铁0.02%。 由于活性氧化铝的湿容量大,故常用于水含量高的气体脱水。但 是,它在再生时能耗高,而且因其成碱性,可与无机酸发生化学反 应,故不宜处理酸性天然气。
W2 -- 图表1.2中H2S对应压力温度下的有效含水量
Y1 – CO2的摩尔百分数 Y2 – H2S的摩尔百分数 那么借助以上公式和图表, 我们就可以估算出如下生产条件下天然气中的含水量 : (以1550psig, 75℉, 10%CO2和0%H2S为工作条件) W = 90% X 22 + 10% X 150 + 0 X 2 = 35 lb / MMSCF 另外我们也可以估算出在下面条件下的天然气饱和水汽含量, 当时的工作条件是 : 1850 psig, 90 ℉ 和 10%CO2, 所以: W = 90% X 36 + 10% X 180 = 50 lb /MMSCF






液位控制:三甘醇接触塔底部富甘醇出口有一液位调节阀,控制信号来自接触塔液位,控制接触塔液位;富甘醇进入再沸器上部精馏柱进口有一液位调节阀,控制信号来自闪蒸罐液位,控制闪蒸罐液位;图1 三甘醇再生系统工艺示意图参考答案和评分标准(总分40分)可能原因:1)闪蒸罐液位计显示错误,但因液位持续升高,触发液位高高单元关断,综合液位高高开关被触发,说明闪蒸罐液位计实际较高,显示没有问题;(3分)2)接触塔液位变送器故障,液位调节阀开度变大,导致来液增多;(3分)3)接触塔液位控制阀阀芯冲蚀,全关时仍用流量流过,因为接触塔与闪蒸罐的压差较大,接近60公斤压差,可能存在冲蚀的可能性;4)粗滤器和活性炭滤器压差值显示正常,不存在滤器压差高堵塞原因;(3分)5)贫富甘醇换热器结垢,因A套三甘醇再生系统整体清洗、更换三甘醇并调试运行正常,内部较干净,时间较短,不存在结垢风险,可能性不大;(3分)6)闪蒸罐压力偏低,三甘醇从闪蒸罐到精馏柱压头不足,可能原因有闪蒸罐覆盖气管线外漏、闪蒸罐覆盖气进口SDV关闭、出口PCV设点漂移。

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TRIETHYLENE GLYCOL REGENERATION IN NATURAL GASDEHYDRATION PLANTS: A STUDY ON THE COLDFINGERPROCESSF. Gironi, M. Maschietti, V. Piemonte, Università degli Studi di Roma “LaSapienza”, D. Diba, S. Gallegati, S. Schiavo, Comart SpA, Ravenna, ItalyThis paper was presented at the Offshore Mediterranean Conference and Exhibition in Ravenna, Italy, March 28-30, 2007. It was selected for presentation by the OMC 2007 Programme Committee following review of information contained in the abstract submitted by the authors. The Paper as presented at OMC 2007 has not been reviewed by the Programme Committee. ABSTRACTNatural gas pipeline transportation requires very low water content in the gas stream in order to avoid condensation or hydrate formation. To reach this goal, when triethylene glycol (TEG) is used to dehydrate natural gas, after the absorption step TEG must be regenerated to levels substantially above 98.5-99.0 % by weight available from atmospheric distillation of glycol-water mixtures. In order to regenerate TEG to higher purity levels some of the methods used require a stripping gas, a solvent or to perform the distillation under vacuum. A simpler method to perform a further dehydration of TEG is the use of a water exhauster, known as Coldfinger, where the vapour in equilibrium with the liquid to be dehydrated is continuously condensed and removed. In this work, the Coldfinger apparatus was modelled and a study on the most relevant operating parameters was carried out. A process simulation of a natural gas dehydration plant, provided with a Coldfinger water exhauster for TEG regeneration, was performed on a case study. It was shown that the dehydration process with Coldfinger unit is capable of reaching current water content specifications in a simple and economic way.INTRODUCTIONNatural gas at the producing well contains significant quantities of water vapour. Typically, the gas is water-saturated at the condition of pressure and temperature of the well and a dehydration process is required. In fact, water content must be reduced in order to prevent liquid water condensation and hydrate formation in the pipeline transportation system. Nowadays, typical values of allowable water content in the gas transmission lines range from 70 to 120 mg/Nm3 [1].Among methods available for natural gas dehydration, absorption by means of triethylene glycol (TEG) is one of the most common. Water removal from the gas stream takes place by means of countercurrent contact between the gas, fed to the bottom of a contactor tower, and TEG, which is a liquid with a great affinity for water, fed at the top of it.The crucial part of the process is represented by TEG regeneration. If the water-rich TEG is distilled in a simple atmospheric column, TEG can not be regenerated to levels above 98.8-98.9 % by weight. This is caused by the reboiler operating temperature, which can not be fixed at temperature above 204 °C. In fact, this tempe rature must be regarded as an upper limit for TEG processing, because of thermal degradation at higher values [2,3].In the past these regeneration levels were sufficient because values of allowable water content in the lean gas were higher and regeneration was commonly performed in a simple atmospheric still column. On the other hand, in order to reach current water content specifications, it is necessary to regenerate TEG up to levels substantially above 99.0 % by weight.Fig 1: Water content in the dehydrated gas as a function of liquid to gas ratio in the absorption column. Case study process parameters: contactor theoretical stages 4, contactor pressure 50 bar, wet gas temperature 40 °C, TEG temperature at the inletport 100 °C.As an example referred to a typical natural gas dehydration case study, Fig. 1 shows water content in the lean gas as a function of the liquid to gas ratio in the absorption column. The curves, obtained by process simulation, refer to four different values of regenerated TEG mass fraction. This case study clearly shows that it is necessary to obtain TEG regeneration levels in the range 99.5-99.9 % by weight in order to dehydrate natural gas to current specifications. Fig. 1 also shows that for low regeneration levels (98.5-99.0 % by weight) a further increase in the liquid to feed ratio in the absorption column has no effect and can not allow to reach water content specifications. At low regeneration levels, also increasing the number of theoretical stages of the contactor does not allow to reach water content specifications.For these reasons, several alternative regeneration processes (vacuum distillation, stripping gas, azeotropic distillation, etc.) have been proposed in order to enhance TEG regeneration levels. If TEG-water distillation is performed under vacuum, TEG can be regenerated up to 99.9 % by weight, but high operating costs and plant control complexity are serious drawbacks. Another possibility is represented by using some of the dehydrated natural gas as a stripping gas in order to further dehydrate TEG. The contact with lean TEG exiting the still column can take place in the surge drum where TEG make-up is introduced or in an appropriate stripping column. Operating in this way lean TEG purity can be increased above 99.9 % by weight, but the consumption of some of the dehydrated gas represents an economic loss. Furthermore, the use of stripping gas causes a considerable increase of the gas send to flare, unless an expensive recovery system is arranged. Purity of lean TEG exiting the still column can also be enhanced by using a circulating solvent (such as heptane or octane) to perform an azeotropic distillation instead of the simple TEG-water distillation. In this way lean TEG concentration can be increased up to 99.99 % by weight but plant complexity and costs are increased because of the need of a three-phase separator at the top of the distillator, the needs of treatments for the oily water discharged from this separator and devices for the solvent circulation line (such as a circulation pump and a heater) [4].If the required purity of the lean TEG is in the range 99.0–99.9 % by weight, Coldfinger process [5,6] is a valuable alternative. This process is similar to the conventional dehydration process, except for the use of an apparatus, also called water exhauster, where the liquid stream exiting the reboiler of the still column is further dehydrated. Coldfinger process is advantageous because no stripping gas, solvent or further energy consumption are required and because of the simplicity of the water exhauster which can be easily installed as an addition to a conventional plant.In this work, a study on the performance of the Coldfinger regeneration process, in the context of natural gas dehydration, is carried out and a discussion on the influence of the most relevant process parameters is presented.THE COLDFINGER WATER EXHAUSTERIn Fig. 2 a schematic representation of the Coldfinger water exhauster is reported. The liquid stream exiting the reboiler of the still column is conveyed to the Coldfinger apparatus where a further dehydration takes place. The liquid flows horizontally through the lower portion of the apparatus, which is provided with some buffles to maintain the surface of the liquid agitated and turbulent in order to increase the vaporization rate. The liquid can be considered in equilibrium with its vapour, which occupies the remaining part of the vessel. In the upper part of the apparatus, an elongated horizontally disposed condenser (the “cold finger”) occupies a little part of the vapour space and is in contact with the vapour. The cold U tubes of the condenser cause a local condensation of the vapour in close proximity. Because of free convection and local condensation on the tubes, new vapour is drawn from the bulk to the proximity of the condenser, whereas the uncondensed and cooled vapour comes back and mixes again with the bulk. Droplets of condensed liquid gravitate to a collector shaped in a way to allow the liquid to flow and to be removed from the vessel. Removed liquid, which is a TEG-water mixture, can be refluxed to the still column or to its reboiler in order to be distilled again. Since the vapour is richer in water with respect to the liquid, as a result a further dehydration of the liquid flowing in the lower part of the apparatus is obtained. The pressure inside the vessel can be conveniently maintained at values nearly atmospheric by means of a gas regulation line, which can be fed by splitting minimal quantities of lean gas produced in the same dehydration unit.If the Coldfinger apparatus is fed by a liquid mixture about 98.8-98.9 % TEG by weight, which is the typical concentration of the liquid exiting the still column reboiler at 204 °C and 1.1 bar, TEG purity can be increased up to 99.5-99.9 % by weight operating at atmospheric pressure. Dehydration levels which is possible to obtain in the Coldfinger apparatus basically depend on the rate of heat removal by the condenser and on the rate of hot vapour rising to the proximity of the cold tubes.Fig 2: Schematic representation of the Coldfinger apparatus.These parameters depend on the extension of the cold surface of the condenser, the temperature of the refrigerating fluid and on the fluid dynamics of the two phases inside the apparatus.GAS DEHYDRATION PROCESS WITH COLDFINGER TEG REGENERATIONA typical flow scheme of the natural gas dehydration process, with TEG regeneration enhanced by the Coldfinger apparatus, is reported in Fig. 3.Wet gas is fed to the bottom of the absorption column (A), whereas regenerated TEG (13) is fed to the top of it. As a consequence of the contact between gas and TEG, a stream of dry gas is obtained from the top, whereas a stream of water-rich TEG (1) is withdrawn from the bottom of the column and is conveyed to the regeneration section. Since the absorption column operates at high pressure (typically 40-80 bar) and low temperature (typically 20-60 °C), whereas the regeneration section operates at press ure around 1 bar and high temperature (up to 204 °C), water-rich TEG is expande d and heated before entering the still column (S). In order to heat water-rich TEG, heat can be conveniently recovered from the regeneration section. In particular, water-rich TEG after expansion (2) can be pre-heated while removing heat at the Coldfinger tubes and then (3) at the condenser of the still column. Because of heating and reducing pressure, some flash gas is produced and separated from the liquid stream in a flash drum (D). After filtration (F) to remove impurities, water-rich TEG undergoes another pre-heating step in a heat-exchanger (H), recovering heat from lean regenerated TEG (11), and then is fed to the still column.Water-rich TEG is distilled in the still column. The reboiler (R) can be heated by exhaust gases of the combustion of a small fraction of natural gas produced in the unit and used as a fuel. Reboiler temperature must be limited at 204 °C to avoid TEG thermal degradation. In this condition, TEG mass fraction at the reboiler will be around 98.8-98.9 % by weight. In order to increase TEG mass fraction, this liquid stream is conveyed to the Coldfinger apparatus (C), which can be realized in a separate vessel or in a vessel integrated with the reboiler itself, as in the case of Fig. 3. Heat removal at the condenser placed in the upper part of the Coldfinger apparatus can be conveniently provided by water-rich TEG as explained above.Fig 3: Typical flow scheme of natural gas dehydration with Coldfinger regenerationprocess.As an alternative, if a greater amount of heat removal is required in order to reach higher regeneration levels, cooling water can be employed to give a lower temperature of the cold tubes. Condensed liquid on the “cold fingers” is reintroduced inside the column. Because of the small quantity of this liquid stream, its inlet point has negligible effect and so it can be conveniently reintroduced inside the reboiler. Regenerated TEG exiting the Coldfinger apparatus is cooled (H) as far as possible before being pumped (P) back to the absorption column.PROCESS SIMULATIONThe process represented in Fig. 3 was studied by means of the process simulator Hysys. Phase equilibria conditions were represented by means of a thermodynamic model based on the Peng-Robinson equation of state. Correct representation of phase equilibria conditions of the binary system TEG-water, especially at high temperature and for mixture composition close to water infinite dilution, proved to be an essential requirement for regeneration process design. A thermodynamic study on TEG-water system was carried out on published data in order to optimize equation parameters. Therefore, to represent binary TEG-water system, simulator data bank was not used. Details on thermodynamic modelling are provided elsewhere [7].Since commercial process simulators do not provide Coldfinger apparatus by default, an user-defined external routine (Coldfinger routine) was generated in order to include the water exhauster in the whole process scheme. At first, Coldfinger routine was tested separately by considering an inlet liquid at typical reboiler conditions (around 200 °C, 1.1 bar and TEG 98.9 % by weight) and varying the heat removal at the condenser, for three different liquid feed flow rates.Fig. 4 shows TEG mass fraction in the liquid stream exiting the bottom of the water exhauster as a function of the rate of heat removal. As it was expected, increasing heat removal leads to an increase of liquid dehydration. Furthermore, it can be noticed that the shape of the curves resembles the behaviour of condensation degree, as a function of heat removal, in an isobaric cooling of a vapour mixture with some uncondensable gas. In the first region of the curves, that is for small amounts of heat removal, the slope is quite low, which is to say dehydration is not very effective. Increasing the rate of heat removal a sudden change in the slope of the curves is found. In this region, condensation degree at the cold tubes increases considerably. As a result, a great amount of water is removed from the system, causing a significant liquid dehydration. At very high heat removal rates, the slope of the curves suddenly decreases again.Fig 4: Regenerated TEG mass fraction obtained by means of the Coldfinger water exhauster as a function of the heat removal. Inlet liquid conditions: 204 °C, 1.1 bar,TEG mass fraction 98.9 %This is because in this region an almost complete condensation of the vapour in the proximityof the cold tubes is obtained. Since the system contains also small quantities of gas, the uncondensed gas is strongly cooled. When it mixes back with the bulk, it starts to cool the whole system slowing down new vapourization from the liquid. As a consequence, further dehydration is strongly reduced.After testing the water exhauster alone, the Coldfinger routine was included in the whole process scheme of simulation. Thus, an analysis on the performance of the natural gas dehydration with Coldfinger regeneration process was carried out on a case study. A typical wet gas composition was selected, as reported in Table 1. In some cases, depending on wet gas temperature, a pre-dehydration was obtained by separation of a liquid phase before entering the absorption column. Other process parameters were fixed as follows:- Total inlet gas flow rate: 100000 kg/h;- Absorption column pressure: 50 bar;- Absorption column theoretical stages: 4- Still column theoretical stages: 3- Still column reflux ratio: 0.10The number of theoretical stages of the absorption column was not increased above the reported value because this parameter has a poor effect on gas dehydration, especially when compared with regenerated TEG purity, which is the key factor of the process. Similarly, the number of theoretical stages at the still column was kept at the reported low value because no further effect on TEG dehydration can be achieved by increasing this parameter. Still column reflux ratio was fixed at the minimal value which allowed to reduce TEG losses around zero (0.001 % by weight on the circulating glycol). As for the absorption column, TEG losses were less than 0.1 % by weight in all simulations.The process was studied for different wet gas temperatures (from 20 to 60 °C), varying the liquid to gas ratio (L/G) at the absorber column in the range 0.03-0.13, which is to say that circulating TEG was varied from 3000 to 13000 kg/h. Heat removal at the Coldfinger was realized exchanging with TEG from the absorption column, which is the more convenient solution. Continuous lines in Fig. 5 show the results obtained by these simulations. As it was expected, process performance is strongly influenced by the temperature of the wet gas entering the absorption column. In fact, the temperature profile of the absorption column depends primarily on the wet gas temperature, because of the low (L/G) ratio. Furthermore,at higher wet gas temperature, the ratio (L/G) has a greater influence on the dehydration level that is possible to obtain.Tab. 1: Natural (wet) gas composition selected for the case study.Total inlet gas flow rate: 100000 kg/h.Component Weight fractionMethane 0.3853Ethane 0.2408Propane 0.1948n-Butane 0.0687iso-Butane 0.0325C5 and superior 0.0592Water 0.0044Nitrogen 0.0122Carbon Dioxide 0.0021Fig 5: Water content in the lean gas as a function of the liquid to feed ratio in the absorption column referred to four different wet gas temperature. Continuous lines refer to Coldfinger regeneration process. Dashed lines refer to regeneration bymeans of stripping gas.In the case study under consideration, the use of the Coldfinger apparatus allows to reach typical water content specifications for wet gas temperature up to 50 °C. At lower gas temperatures, the process is more efficient for two reasons: favourable thermodynamic conditions at the absorption column and improvement of Coldfinger regeneration because of the lower temperature of water-rich TEG, which can provide a larger heat removal rate at the “cold fingers”. However, even at 60 °C is possible to str ongly reduce water content in the dehydrated gas stream, down to 200 mg/Nm3approximately. In this case, a further improvement can be obtained refrigerating the Coldfinger with cold water from an external circuit, in order to reach higher levels of regenerated TEG purity.Continuous lines in Fig. 6 report natural gas consumption for the dehydration process with Coldifnger regeneration enhancement. Reported values refer to two different wet gasC.temperatures: 20 and 60 °lines) for two gas temperatures.Gas is consumed at the burner of the still column reboiler in order to produce the vapour rising into the column. Values range from around 20 to 70 kg/h, depending on the circulating liquid flow rate. At 20 °C gas consumption is lower b ecause some water is separated before entering the absorption column, thus leading to a smaller boiling up at the reboiler.A classical dehydration process scheme, with TEG regeneration enhanced by using some of the dehydrated gas, was simulated in order to provide a comparison with the Coldfinger process. Process flow scheme is the same as Fig. 3, except for the absence of the Coldfinger, which is substituted by a stripping column fed by some gas splitted from dehydrated gas stream. The number of theoretical stages of the stripping column was fixed at 2, which is a typical value for this process. All the other process parameters were kept equal to the values reported above. In a preliminary set of simulations, stripping gas flow rate was varied until similar water content specifications, with respect to Coldfinger process, were obtained. This similarity was found operating the stripping column with a gas flow rate equal to 100 kg/h. The dependence of water content on liquid to gas ratio for this process is represented by the dashed lines shown in Fig. 5. Operating the stripping column at a constant gas flow rate, a minimum water content was found at high liquid to gas ratio. This is caused by two contrasting effects: increasing the circulating liquid improves the dehydration at the absorption column but regeneration becomes more difficult. This behaviour does not appear with Codfinger process because, when circulating TEG increases, heat removal rate at the “cold fingers” increases as well. A correct design of the Coldfinger can lead to a constant regeneration level while circulating liquid increases.Dashed lines in Fig. 6 show the consumption of dehydrated gas, with respect to the process with regeneration enhanced by stripping gas. Comparing the two processes, it can be seen that the Coldfinger process is capable of dehydrating natural gas consuming less dry gas, with respect to similar water content specifications. In particular, the gas consumption of the process with stripping gas regeneration resulted to be from 2.5 to 6 times greater than the Coldfinger process.CONCLUSIONSA study on the Coldfinger apparatus was carried out in order to underline its capability of further dehydrating TEG from atmospheric distillation. It was demonstrated that Coldfinger unit is capable of increasing TEG mass fraction up to 99.5 –99.8 % by weight, operating at atmospheric pressure. An analysis on the performance of the natural gas dehydration, including Coldfinger regeneration process, was carried out on a case study by means of the process simulator Hysys. It was demonstrated that current water specifications in the dehydrated gas can be reached without adding stripping gas, solvent or increasing energy consumption.REFERENCES[1] Huffmaster M.A., “Gas Dehydration Fundamentals”, Laurance Reid Gas Conditioning Conference, 2004[2] Steele W.V., Chirico R.D., Knipmeyer S.E., Nguyen A., “Vapor Pressure of Acetophenone, 1,2-Butanediol, 1,3-Butanediol, Diethylene Glycol Monopropyl Ether, 1,3-Dimethyladamantane, 2-Ethoxyethyl Acetate, Ethyl Octyl Sulfide, and Pentyl Acetate”, J.Chem.Eng.Data 41 (1996) 1255-1268[3] Rajeh A.O., Szirtes L., “Thermal Decomposition of Organic Derivatives of Crystalline Zirconium Phosphate – III. Thermal decomposition of diethylene glycol, benzyl alcohol and benzylamine intercalates of zirconium phosphate”, J. Thermal Analysis 37 (1991) 777-786[4] Shell, “Glycol Type Gas-Dehydration Systems”, Technical Manual, 2005[5] Reid L.S., “Apparatus for dehydrating organic liquids”, US Patent 3589984, 1971[6] Reid L.S., “Method of removing water from glycol solutions”, US Patent 4332643, 1978[7] Gironi F., Maschietti M., Piemonte V., "Modelling triethylene glycol-water system for natural gas dehydration", accepted for presentation at the Eight International Conference on Chemical and Process Engineering, Ischia, June 2007。
