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Unit 1

1・ It was quite terr ible・ It took me some time to c _________________ myseIf down・

2.Parents are a I ways c ___________ much about the i r chiIdren.

3.True fr i ends a I ways s ________ the i r sadness and happiness with each


4.I'm t er r i b I y sorry ・ I d i dn* t do it on p ____________ ・

5.Some a ni ma Is hiberna te un der snow, because there i s much a i r i n I

snow ・

6. A _______ to the law, t _____________ are not a I I owed to smoke or dr i nk ・

7.The oId man went t ____________ many wars and s ____________ a lot from them.

8.After the terr ible hurr icane, the whole house was destroyed e __________________ ・

9.If you have some troubIe, you can go to the teacher for a _________________________ ・

10.By internet, we can c _________________ with peopIe a I I over the worId

11.By now, he has formed the h ___________ of doing some reading before going

to bed.

12.The r _______ he gave for his c ___________ in the exam was simple・

Unit 2

students attended the Iecture, i __________________ our monitor.

2.Though he is a n English speaker, he can speak English very

f I uen 11 y.

3.Nowadays, many ta I I bui Idi ngs have e for peop I e to go up and down.

4.He t hough t I had known the fac t・ But a ____________ , I knew not hi ng abo ut


5.After the war, a new g_ was set up for that country.

6.Though I haven * t met him for many years, I couId r _________________________ him immed i ately when I

saw him in the crowd・

7.The peopIe p at the meeting were a I I for the suggestion.

8.If you spend more time read i ng your Eng Ii sh, you can improve it

9.Lucki Iy, after the earthquake, the peopIe have got a lot of i _____________________ he I p.

10.The ba I I went in the d_ of the man sitt ing in a boat on the

r i ver.

Unit 3

with grea t d i ff iculty, I fin ished a I I my work f ____________________ ・

is a s ____________ person・ No one can p ________________ him.

mot her i _________ that he fin ish h i s homework f i rs t, which made hi s son

very angry・

1 s a hard job・ Hope you can do it with great care and do it p ________________________ ・am d _____________ to change my job・ No one eIse can c __________________ m y mind・

6.At last, the enemies had no choice but to g ___________________ in.

7.There usuaI Iy is a v ______________ between two mountains・

8.Whether you wi I I succeed or not in doing the work depends on your

a__________ to it.

9.The famous sin ger has made a lot of money by producing and sei I ing his
