所以,可转换公司债券的价值可以用以下公式近似表示:可转换公司债券价值^纯粹债券价谶权价值2、二叉树法理论(Binomial Theroy)根据衍生证券定价的二叉树法理论(Binomial Theroy),我们把衍生证券的有效期分为很多很小的时间间隔△ t,假设在每一个时间段内股票价格从开始的S运动到两个新值S”和Sd中的一个。
一般情况下u>1, d<1,因此5到Su是价格“上升”运动,S到Sd是价格“下降”运动。
当时间为0时,股票价格为S;时间为△ t时,股票价格有两种可能:Su和Sd;时间为2A t时,股票价格有三种可能:Su2、Sud和Sd2,以此类推,图1给出了股票价格的完整树图。
期权定价模型主要有两种,即BSM模型(Black-Scholes-Merton 模型)和二叉树模型。
该模型是由Fisher Black、Myron Scholes 和 Robert C. Merton于1973年提出的。
期权理论知识点总结一、期权的基本概念1. 期权的定义:期权是指买卖双方约定在未来某个时点以约定的价格买入或卖出一定数量的标的资产的权利。
2. 期权的分类:期权分为看涨期权和看跌期权。
3. 期权的价格:期权的价格主要有两个部分组成,一个是内在价值,一个是时间价值。
二、期权定价模型1. 布莱克-斯科尔斯期权定价模型:布莱克-斯科尔斯期权定价模型是一个用来计算看涨期权和看跌期权价格的数学模型。
2. 布莱克-斯科尔斯模型的假设:布莱克-斯科尔斯模型的核心假设有两个,一个是市场是有效的,另一个是标的资产的价格服从对数正态分布。
3. 布莱克-斯科尔斯模型的局限性:布莱克-斯科尔斯模型的局限性在于它建立在一些严格的假设上,比如市场是有效的和标的资产的价格服从对数正态分布。
4. 国际期权定价模型:考虑到实际市场中的不确定性和波动性,一些学者提出了一些改进的期权定价模型,比如考虑了市场波动率的随机性等因素。
三、期权交易策略1. 买入看涨期权:买入看涨期权的策略是对标的资产价格上涨的预期。
2. 买入看跌期权:买入看跌期权的策略是对标的资产价格下跌的预期。
3. 卖出期权:卖出期权的策略是赚取权利金。
4. 期权组合策略:期权组合策略是指根据市场预期和风险偏好,组合不同类型的期权合约,以达到规避风险或获得收益的目的。
四、期权的风险管理1. 期权的波动率风险:期权的价格与标的资产价格波动率有密切关系,标的资产价格波动率增大,期权价格也会增大。
记每步时长为Δt,那么单步二叉树模型下的期权价格 为:
f=e-rΔt[pfu +(1-p)fd] 其中,p=(erΔt-d)/(u-d)。由此可以计算出期初和第一步
fu=e-rΔt[pfuu+(1-p)fud] fd=e-rΔt[pfud+(1-p)fdd]
f=e-rΔt[pfu+(1-p)fd] 把fu和fd代入f可得:
f=e-2rΔt[ p2 fuu+2p(1-p)fud+(1-p)2 fdd] 因此,期权的价格为期权预期收益以无风险利率进行
贴现的现值。 想象一下,三步二叉树模型下期权的定价问题。
例5:考虑如下图11.7两年期的欧式看跌股票期 权,执行价格为52元,股票的当期价格为50元, 假设时期分为两步,每步期长为1年,且每步 股票价格要么上涨20%,要么下跌20%,无风 险利率为5%。
回忆:Δ是什么? Δ=(fu–fd)/(S0u-S0d) 什么意思? Δ为期权价格变化与标的股票价格的变化之比; Δ为我们针对每个期权空头而持有的股票数量,
目的是构建一个无风险资产组合。 Δ对冲(delta hedging)通常是指构建一个无风险
对冲。看涨期权的Δ为正,看跌期权的Δ为负。 计算图11.1和11.7中的Δ。
4. 期货期权的定价 在风险中性世界里,期货的价格增长率为0。假设期货
的为期F0,初因价此格,为F0,时间长度为Δt的期货的期望价格也 E(FT)=pF0u+(1-p)F0d=F0 p=(1-d)/(u-d) 例10:一个期货的当前价格为31,波动率为30%,无风
1973年,美国芝加哥大学教授F. Black和M. Scholes 发表《期权定价与公司负债》一文,提出了著名的Black-Scholes期权定价模型,在学术界和实务界引起强烈的反响,Scholes并由此获得1997年的诺贝尔经济学奖。
在他们之后,其他各种期权定价模型也纷纷被提出,其中最著名的是1979年由J. Cox、S. Ross和M. Rubinstein三人提出的二叉树模型。
1979年,J. Cox、S. Ross和M. Rubinstein三人发表《期权定价:一种被简化的方法》一文,用一种比较浅显的方法导出了期权定价模型,这一模型被称为“二叉树定价模型(the Binomial Model)”,是期权数值定价方法的一种。
1.1 二叉树模型概述二叉树(binomial tree)是指用来描述在期权存续期内股票价格变动的可能路径。
基本公式每份期权价格(买价)=借钱买若干股股票的投资支出=购买股票支出-借款额计算步骤(1)确定可能的到期日股票价格Su和Sd上行股价Su=股票现价S×上行乘数u下行股价Sd=股票现价S×下行乘数d(2)根据执行价格计算确定到期日期权价值Cu和Cd:股价上行时期权到期日价值Cu=上行股价-执行价格股价下行时期权到期日价值Cd=0(3)计算套期保值率:套期保值比率H=期权价值变化/股价变化=(CU-Cd)/(SU-Sd)(4)计算投资组合的成本(期权价值)=购买股票支出-借款数额购买股票支出=套期保值率×股票现价=H×S0借款数额=价格下行时股票收入的现值=(到期日下行股价×套期保值率)/(1+r)= H×Sd/(1+r)2、风险中性原理基本思想假设投资者对待风险的态度是中性的,所有证券的预期收益率都应当是无风险利率;假设股票不派发红利,股票价格的上升百分比就是股票投资的收益率。
Black-Scholes(BS)期权定价模型是20世纪70年代由Fisher Black、Myron Scholes和Robert Merton独立发明和发展的。
该模型还假定期权的价格服从Black-Scholes PDE:
$$\\frac{\\partial V}{\\partial
t}+\\frac{1}{2}\\sigma^2S^2\\frac{\\partial^2 V}{\\partial S^2}+rS\\frac{\\partial V}{\\partial S}-rV=0$$
期权定价理论的发展和倒向随机微分方程期权定价理论的发展可以追溯到20世纪60年代,最初由美国经济学家布莱克(Fischer Black)和斯科尔斯(Myron Scholes)提出。
美国经济学家罗伯特·曼舒尔斯坦(Robert Merton)提出了使用完美对冲策略来消除风险溢价的方法,该方法被称为风险中性评估。
比如,美国经济学家考克斯(John Cox)、罗斯(Stephen Ross)和鲁宾斯坦(Mark Rubinstein)发展了考克斯-罗斯模型,该模型可以解决美式期权的定价问题。
1. Black-Scholes模型Black-Scholes模型是最常用的期权定价模型之一,基于以下几个关键因素对期权进行定价:- 标的资产的价格(S):即期权对应的股票、商品或指数的当前价格;- 行权价格(K):即期权买卖方约定的交易价格;- 到期时间(T):即期权有效期限;- 无风险利率(r):市场上的无风险利率,使用国债利率或短期利率作为参考;- 标的资产的波动率(σ):标的资产价格的波动程度。
2. Binomial模型Binomial模型是另一种常用的期权定价模型,它基于二叉树的计算方法。
二、评估期权的价值在实际应用中,我们可以使用以下几种方法来评估期权的价值:1. 市价法市价法是最常用的评估期权价值的方法,即根据市场上实际交易的期权价格来确定期权的价值。
2. 基于历史波动率的模型在Black-Scholes模型中,波动率是期权定价的一个重要参数。
3. 基于隐含波动率的模型隐含波动率是指使市场观察到的期权价格与Black-Scholes模型计算得出的价格相匹配的波动率。
Black-Scholes模型假设以下四个条件:1. 证券市场是完全有效的,即不存在任何套利机会。
2. 股票价格的波动率是固定的,并且是已知的。
3. 股票市场的收益率符合对数正态分布。
4. 没有交易费用和税收。
B-S模型之后的期权定价理论(一)连续股利支付的B-S定价模型(Merton(1973))(二)随机无风险利率的B-S定价模型(Merton(1976))(三)带跳的B-S定价模型(Cox和Ross(1975))(四)波动率修正的B-S定价模型(Black和Cox(1976))“波动率微笑”效应(五)CRR二项式定价模型(Cox,Ross和Rubinstein(1979))(六)美式期权定价模型研究(Barone-Adesi和Whaley(1987))期权定价模型及原理⏹B-S期权定价模型(欧式现货期权)⏹Black(76)期权定价模型(欧式期货期权)⏹二叉树期权定价模型(欧式、美式、现货、期货)B-S期权定价模型⏹假设:标的价格服从标的价格波动率和预期收益率为常数的几何布朗运动,即⏹原理:通过卖出一手看涨期权,买入份股票,构造了一份无风险投资组合由无套利原理可知,该组合的收益率和无风险资产的收益率相同,即⏹场景:印度国家证券交易所(NSE)采取Black-Sholes模型为S&P CNX Nifty指数期权提供参考价。
Black(76)期权定价模型⏹介绍:由Fischer Black在1976年的《商品合约的定价》一文中首次详述。
期权的定价理论中最著名的模型是布莱克-斯科尔斯模型(Black-Scholes Model)。
布莱克-斯科尔斯模型通过以下公式计算欧式期权的价格:C = S0 * N(d1) - X * e^(-r * T) * N(d2)其中,C是期权的市场价格,S0是标的资产的当前价格,N()是标准正态分布函数,d1和d2分别是两个维度上的标准正态分布变量,X是期权的行权价格,r是无风险利率,T是期权剩余时间。
CHAPTER 12Trading Strategies Involving OptionsPractice QuestionsProblem 12.1.What is meant by a protective put? What position in call options is equivalent to a protective put?A protective put consists of a long position in a put option combined with a long position in the underlying shares. It is equivalent to a long position in a call option plus a certain amount of cash. This follows from put –call parity: 0rT p S c Ke D -+=++Problem 12.2.Explain two ways in which a bear spread can be created.A bear spread can be created using two call options with the same maturity and different strike prices. The investor shorts the call option with the lower strike price and buys the call option with the higher strike price. A bear spread can also be created using two put options with the same maturity and different strike prices. In this case, the investor shorts the put option with the lower strike price and buys the put option with the higher strike price.Problem 12.3.When is it appropriate for an investor to purchase a butterfly spread?A butterfly spread involves a position in options with three different strike prices (12K K ,, and 3K ). A butterfly spread should be purchased when the investor considers that the price of the underlying stock is likely to stay close to the central strike price, 2K .Problem 12.4.Call options on a stock are available with strike prices of $15,$17.5 , and $20 and expiration dates in three months. Their prices are $4, $2, and,$0.5 respectively. Explain how the options can be used to create a butterfly spread. Construct a table showing how profit varies with stock price for the butterfly spread.An investor can create a butterfly spread by buying call options with strike prices of $15 and $20 and selling two call options with strike prices of $1712. The initial investment is1122422$+-⨯=. The following table shows the variation of profit with the final stock price:Problem 12.5.What trading strategy creates a reverse calendar spread?A reverse calendar spread is created by buying a short-maturity option and selling a long-maturity option, both with the same strike price.Problem 12.6.What is the difference between a strangle and a straddle?Both a straddle and a strangle are created by combining a long position in a call with a long position in a put. In a straddle the two have the same strike price and expiration date. In a strangle they have different strike prices and the same expiration date.Problem 12.7.A call option with a strike price of $50 costs $2. A put option with a strike price of $45 costs $3. Explain how a strangle can be created from these two options. What is the pattern of profits from the strangle?A strangle is created by buying both options. The pattern of profits is as follows:Problem 12.8.Use put –call parity to relate the initial investment for a bull spread created using calls to the initial investment for a bull spread created using puts.A bull spread using calls provides a profit pattern with the same general shape as a bullspread using puts (see Figures 12.2 and 12.3 in the text). Define 1p and 1c as the prices of put and call with strike price 1K and 2p and 2c as the prices of a put and call with strike price 2K . From put-call parity111rT p S c K e -+=+222rT p S c K e -+=+Hence:121221()rT p p c c K K e --=---This shows that the initial investment when the spread is created from puts is less than the initial investment when it is created from calls by an amount 21()rT K K e --. In fact as mentioned in the text the initial investment when the bull spread is created from puts is negative, while the initial investment when it is created from calls is positive.The profit when calls are used to create the bull spread is higher than when puts are used by 21()(1)rT K K e ---. This reflects the fact that the call strategy involves an additional risk-freeinvestment of 21()rT K K e -- over the put strategy. This earns interest of2121()(1)()(1)rT rT rT K K e e K K e ----=--.Problem 12.9.Explain how an aggressive bear spread can be created using put options.An aggressive bull spread using call options is discussed in the text. Both of the options used have relatively high strike prices. Similarly, an aggressive bear spread can be created using put options. Both of the options should be out of the money (that is, they should have relatively low strike prices). The spread then costs very little to set up because both of the puts are worth close to zero. In most circumstances the spread will provide zero payoff. However, there is a small chance that the stock price will fall fast so that on expiration both options will be in the money. The spread then provides a payoff equal to the difference between the two strike prices, 21K K -.Problem 12.10.Suppose that put options on a stock with strike prices $30 and $35 cost $4 and $7,respectively. How can the options be used to create (a) a bull spread and (b) a bear spread? Construct a table that shows the profit and payoff for both spreads.A bull spread is created by buying the $30 put and selling the $35 put. This strategy gives rise to an initial cash inflow of $3. The outcome is as follows:A bear spread is created by selling the $30 put and buying the $35 put. This strategy costs $3 initially. The outcome is as follows:Problem 12.11.Use put –call parity to show that the cost of a butterfly spread created from European puts is identical to the cost of a butterfly spread created from European calls.Define 1c , 2c , and 3c as the prices of calls with strike prices 1K , 2K and 3K . Define 1p , 2p and 3p as the prices of puts with strike prices 1K , 2K and 3K . With the usual notation 111rT c K e p S -+=+ 222rT c K e p S -+=+ 333rT c K e p S -+=+ Hence 1321321322(2)2rT c c c K K K e p p p -+-++-=+- Because 2132K K K K -=-, it follows that 13220K K K +-= and13213222c c c p p p +-=+-The cost of a butterfly spread created using European calls is therefore exactly the same as the cost of a butterfly spread created using European puts.Problem 12.12.A call with a strike price of $60 costs $6. A put with the same strike price and expiration date costs $4. Construct a table that shows the profit from a straddle. For what range of stock prices would the straddle lead to a loss?A straddle is created by buying both the call and the put. This strategy costs $10. The profit/loss is shown in the following table:This shows that the straddle will lead to a loss if the final stock price is between $50 and $70.Problem 12.13.Construct a table showing the payoff from a bull spread when puts with strike prices 1K and 2K with K 2>K 1 are used.The bull spread is created by buying a put with strike price 1K and selling a put with strike price 2K . The payoff is calculated as follows:Problem 12.14.An investor believes that there will be a big jump in a stock price, but is uncertain as to thedirection. Identify six different strategies the investor can follow and explain the differences among them.Possible strategies are:Strangle Straddle Strip StrapReverse calendar spread Reverse butterfly spreadThe strategies all provide positive profits when there are large stock price moves. A strangle is less expensive than a straddle, but requires a bigger move in the stock price in order to provide a positive profit. Strips and straps are more expensive than straddles but provide bigger profits in certain circumstances. A strip will provide a bigger profit when there is a large downward stock price move. A strap will provide a bigger profit when there is a large upward stock price move. In the case of strangles, straddles, strips and straps, the profitincreases as the size of the stock price movement increases. By contrast in a reverse calendar spread and a reverse butterfly spread there is a maximum potential profit regardless of the size of the stock price movement.Problem 12.15.How can a forward contract on a stock with a particular delivery price and delivery date be created from options?Suppose that the delivery price is K and the delivery date is T . The forward contract is created by buying a European call and selling a European put when both options have strike price K and exercise date T . This portfolio provides a payoff of T S K - under allcircumstances where T S is the stock price at time T . Suppose that 0F is the forward price. If 0K F =, the forward contract that is created has zero value. This shows that the price of a call equals the price of a put when the strike price is 0F .Problem 12.16.“A box spread comprises four options. Two can be combined to create a long forwardposition an d two can be combined to create a short forward position.” Explain this statement.A box spread is a bull spread created using calls and a bear spread created using puts. With the notation in the text it consists of a) a long call with strike 1K , b) a short call with strike 2K , c) a long put with strike 2K , and d) a short put with strike 1K . a) and d) give a long forward contract with delivery price 1K ; b) and c) give a short forward contract with delivery price 2K . The two forward contracts taken together give the payoff of 21K K -.Problem 12.17.What is the result if the strike price of the put is higher than the strike price of the call in astrangle?The result is shown in Figure S12.1. The profit pattern from a long position in a call and a putwhen the put has a higher strike price than a call is much the same as when the call has a higher strike price than the put. Both the initial investment and the final payoff are muchhigher in the first caseFigure S12.1:Profit Pattern in Problem 12.17Problem 12.18.A foreign currency is currently worth $0.64. A one-year butterfly spread is set up using European call options with strike prices of $0.60, $0.65, and $0.70. The risk-free interest rates in the United States and the foreign country are 5% and 4% respectively, and the volatility of the exchange rate is 15%. Use the DerivaGem software to calculate the cost of setting up the butterfly spread position. Show that the cost is the same if European put options are used instead of European call options.To use DerivaGem select the first worksheet and choose Currency as the Underlying Type. Select Black--Scholes European as the Option Type. Input exchange rate as 0.64, volatility as 15%, risk-free rate as 5%, foreign risk-free interest rate as 4%, time to exercise as 1 year, and exercise price as 0.60. Select the button corresponding to call. Do not select the implied volatility button. Hit the Enter key and click on calculate. DerivaGem will show the price of the option as 0.0618. Change the exercise price to 0.65, hit Enter, and click on calculate again. DerivaGem will show the value of the option as 0.0352. Change the exercise price to 0.70, hit Enter, and click on calculate. DerivaGem will show the value of the option as 0.0181.Now select the button corresponding to put and repeat the procedure. DerivaGem shows the values of puts with strike prices 0.60, 0.65, and 0.70 to be 0.0176, 0.0386, and 0.0690, respectively.The cost of setting up the butterfly spread when calls are used is therefore.+.-⨯.=.006180018120035200095The cost of setting up the butterfly spread when puts are used is.+.-⨯.=.001760069020038600094Allowing for rounding errors these two are the same.Problem 12.19.An index provides a dividend yield of 1% and has a volatility of 20%. The risk-free interest rate is 4%. How long does a principal-protected note, created as in Example 12.1, have to last for it to be profitable to the bank? Use DerivaGem.Assume that the investment in the index is initially $100. (This is a scaling factor that makes no difference to the result.) DerivaGem can be used to value an option on the index with the index level equal to 100, the volatility equal to 20%, the risk-free rate equal to 4%, the dividend yield equal to 1%, and the exercise price equal to 100. For different times to maturity, T, we value a call option (using Black-Scholes European) and the amount available to buy the call option, which is 100-100e-0.04×T. Results are as follows:This table shows that the answer is between 10 and 11 years. Continuing the calculations we find that if the life of the principal-protected note is 10.35 year or more, it is profitable for the bank. (Excel’s Solver can be used in conjunction with the DerivaGem functions to facilitate calculations.)Further QuestionsProblem 12.20.A trader creates a bear spread by selling a six-month put option with a $25 strike pricefor $2.15 and buying a six-month put option with a $29 strike price for $4.75. What isthe initial investment? What is the total payoff when the stock price in six months is (a) $23, (b) $28, and (c) $33.The initial investment is $2.60. (a) $4, (b) $1, and (c) 0.Problem 12.21.A trader sells a strangle by selling a call option with a strike price of $50 for $3 andselling a put option with a strike price of $40 for $4. For what range of prices of the underlying asset does the trader make a profit?The trader makes a profit if the total payoff is less than $7. This happens when the price of the asset is between $33 and $57.Problem 12.22.Three put options on a stock have the same expiration date and strike prices of $55, $60, and $65. The market prices are $3, $5, and $8, respectively. Explain how a butterfly spread can be created. Construct a table showing the profit from the strategy. For what range of stock prices would the butterfly spread lead to a loss?A butterfly spread is created by buying the $55 put, buying the $65 put and selling two of the+-⨯=initially. The following table shows the profit/loss $60 puts. This costs 38251$from the strategy.The butterfly spread leads to a loss when the final stock price is greater than $64 or less than $56.Problem 12.23.A diagonal spread is created by buying a call with strike price 2K and exercise date 2T and selling a call with strike price 1K and exercise date 121()T T T >. Draw a diagram showing the profit at time T 1 when (a) 21K K > and (b) 21K K <.There are two alternative profit patterns for part (a). These are shown in Figures S12.2 and S12.3. In Figure S12.2 the long maturity (high strike price) option is worth more than the short maturity (low strike price) option. In Figure S12.3 the reverse is true. There is no ambiguity about the profit pattern for part (b). This is shown in Figure S12.4.K 1K 2ProfitS TFigure S12.2: Investo r’s Profit/Loss in Problem 12.23a when long maturity call is worthmore than short maturity callProfitS TK1K2Figure S12.3Investo r’s Profit/Loss in Problem 12.23b when short maturity call is worthmore than long maturity callProfitS TK2K1Figure S12.4Investo r’s Profit/Loss in Problem 12.23bProblem 12.24.Draw a diagram showing the variation of an investor’s profit and loss with the terminal stock price for a portfolio consisting ofa.One share and a short position in one call optionb.Two shares and a short position in one call optionc.One share and a short position in two call optionsd.One share and a short position in four call optionsIn each case, assume that the call option has an exercise price equal to the current stock price.The variation of an investor’s profit/loss with the termina l stock price for each of the four strategies is shown in Figure S12.5. In each case the dotted line shows the profits from thecomponents of the investor’s position and the solid line shows the total net profit.Figure S12.5 Answer to Problem 12.24Problem 12.25.Suppose that the price of a non-dividend-paying stock is $32, its volatility is 30%, and the risk-free rate for all maturities is 5% per annum. Use DerivaGem to calculate the cost of setting up the following positions. In each case provide a table showing the relationship between profit and final stock price. Ignore the impact of discounting.a. A bull spread using European call options with strike prices of $25 and $30 and amaturity of six months.b. A bear spread using European put options with strike prices of $25 and $30 and amaturity of six monthsc. A butterfly spread using European call options with strike prices of $25, $30, and$35 and a maturity of one year.d. A butterfly spread using European put options with strike prices of $25, $30, and$35 and a maturity of one year.e. A straddle using options with a strike price of $30 and a six-month maturity.f. A strangle using options with strike prices of $25 and $35 and a six-monthmaturity.In each case provide a table showing the relationship between profit and final stock price. Ignore the impact of discounting.(a)A call option with a strike price of 25 costs 7.90 and a call option with a strike price.-.=.. The of 30 costs 4.18. The cost of the bull spread is therefore 790418372profits ignoring the impact of discounting are(b) A put option with a strike price of 25 costs 0.28 and a put option with a strike price of 30.-.=.. The profits ignoring costs 1.44. The cost of the bear spread is therefore 144028116the impact of discounting are(c) Call options with maturities of one year and strike prices of 25, 30, and 35 cost 8.92, 5.60, and 3.28, respectively. The cost of the butterfly spread is therefore8923282560100.+.-⨯.=.. The profits ignoring the impact of discounting are(d) Put options with maturities of one year and strike prices of 25, 30, and 35 cost 0.70, 2.14,.+.-⨯.=..4.57, respectively. The cost of the butterfly spread is therefore 0704572214099 Allowing for rounding errors, this is the same as in (c). The profits are the same as in (c). (e) A call option with a strike price of 30 costs 4.18. A put option with a strike price of 30.+.=.. The profits ignoring the costs 1.44. The cost of the straddle is therefore 418144562impact of discounting are(f) A six-month call option with a strike price of 35 costs 1.85. A six-month put option with a.+.=.. The strike price of 25 costs 0.28. The cost of the strangle is therefore 185028213profits ignoring the impact of discounting areProblem 12.26.What trading position is created from a long strangle and a short straddle when both have the same time to maturity? Assume that the strike price in the straddle is halfway between the two strike prices of the strangle.A butterfly spread (together with a cash position) is created.Problem 12.27. (Excel file)Describe the trading position created in which a call option is bought with strike price K1 and a put option is sold with strike price K2 when both have the same time to maturity andK2 > K1. What does the position become when K1 = K2?The position is as shown in the diagram below (for K1 = 25 and K2 = 35). It is known as a range forward and is discussed further in Chapter 17. When K1 =K2, the position becomes aregular long forward.Figure S12.6:Trading position in Problem 12.27Problem 12.28.A bank decides to create a five-year principal-protected note on a non-dividend-paying stock by offering investors a zero-coupon bond plus a bull spread created from calls. The risk-free rate is 4% and the stock price volatility is 25%. The low strike price option in the bull spread is at the money. What is the maximum ratio of the higher strike price to the lower strike price in the bull spread? Use DerivaGem.Assume that the amount invested is 100. (This is a scaling factor.) The amount available tocreate the option is 100-100e-0.04×5=18.127. The cost of the at-the money option can be calculated from DerivaGem by setting the stock price equal to 100, the volatility equal to 25%, the risk-free interest rate equal to 4%, the time to exercise equal to 5 and the exercise price equal to 100. It is 30.313. We therefore require the option given up by the investor to be worth at least 30.313−18.127 = 12.186. Results obtained are as follows:Continuing in this way we find that the strike must be set below 163.1. The ratio of the high strike to the low strike must therefore be less than 1.631 for the bank to make a profit. (Excel’s Solver can b e used in conjunction with the DerivaGem functions to facilitate calculations.)。
传统上,期权定价模型主要分为两类:基于风险中性定价(Risk-neutral pricing)的模型和基于实物资产价格和风险度量的模型。
根据布莱克-斯科尔斯模型,期权的定价公式如下:C = S(t)e^(-qt)N(d1) - Xe^(-rt)N(d2)P = Xe^(-rt)N(-d2) - S(t)e^(-qt)N(-d1)其中,C表示买方购买的看涨期权的价格,P表示买方购买的看跌期权的价格,S(t)为资产在当前时间的价格,X为行权价格,r为无风险利率,t为到期时间,q为股息率,N(d1)和N(d2)为标准正态分布的累积分布函数,d1和d2的计算公式如下:d1 = (ln(S(t)/X) + (r - q + σ^2/2)t) / (σsqrt(t))d2 = d1 - σsqrt(t)其中,σ为资产的波动率。
布莱克斯克尔斯期权定价模型汇报人:日期:目录CATALOGUE•引言•布莱克斯克尔斯模型原理•模型应用•模型优势与局限•布莱克斯克尔斯模型与其他模型的比较•未来展望与研究方向01 CATALOGUE引言1背景介绍23布莱克斯克尔斯模型起源于1973年,由费雪·布莱克斯克尔斯(Fischer Black)和迈伦·斯科尔斯(Myron Scholes)提出。
股票价格服从几何布朗运动,即dS = μSdt + σSdwt,其中μ是股票的预期收益率,σ是股票的波动率,wt是威纳过程。
布莱克斯克尔斯模型的期权定价公式为:C(t, S) = SN(d1) - Ke^(-r)(T-t)N(d2),其中N是正态分布函数,d1和d2是由模型参数确定的公式。
d2 = d1 - σ√(T - t)K 是期权的执行价格,r 是无风险利率,T 是到期时间,t 是当前时间,σ是股票的波动率。
d1 = (ln(S/K) + (r + 0.5σ^2)(T - t)) / (σ√(T - t))期权定价公式参数确定方法参数σ(波动率)通常由历史数据估计得出,也可以使用市场波动率作为其近似值。
期权定价的二叉树模型学习笔记(II)编者按:二叉树模型的第二部分学习笔记中涉及到欧式看涨看跌期权的定价公式和所谓的平价公式,从形式上来看,该公式还不算特别复杂的.由于欧式期权是在到期日时实施期权,因此它相比美式期权(在到期日之前皆可实施)来说还是较为简单的.关于欧式看涨和看跌期权的平价公式,其刻画了两个期权之间的等量关系,往后所要学习到的美式期权则没有类似的平价公式.因此可以说,平价公式是欧式期权所独有的,这也是欧式期权相比美式期权多的一个差异点.笔记后半部分涉及到的鞍和鞍测度等概念,严格来说其实涉及到测度论的知识,因此首先需要了解的是测度的基本概念.引进鞍的一大目的是为了阐述这样一个核心结论:在二叉树模型下,市场的无套利性质与鞍测度之间具有等价性(if and noly if).尽管我们假设市场是无套利的(动态的无套利),然而要想从数学这个视角精细地刻画这点就不得不寻找等价条件.毫无疑问的是,资产定价基本定理为我们揭示了鞍测度与市场无套利之间的微妙联系.二叉树模型的期权价计算Denote .,We consider possible values of option at :.Question:If are given, how can we determineIn particular,Answer:We can determine by us-ing backward induction in the one period and two-state model.Notice that.Meanwhile, we can calculateThen we want to find二叉树模型欧式期权定价公式Define a risk-neural measure :Then,we will getSo that for any ,When ,=0.折现价二叉树模型的平价公式Denote Then the European call option valuation formula isEspecially,when ,,For the binomial tree method,the call-put parity(in discrete form) becomes鞅(Martingale)的概念the bet at game,the next bet.If under the condition that complete information of all previous game are available,the expectation of equals the previous stake i.e.then we say the gamble is fair.In Mathematics, is called -algebra in stochastic theory.Definition1(Martingale):The best sequence that satisfies conditionas a discrete random process,is called a Martingale.Remark:Martingle is often used to refer to a fair gamble.Then,we give mathematical definition of Martingale.Definition1'(Martingale ):A sequence is a Martingale with respect to sequence if for all :••鞅测度Under the risk-neutral measure ,the discount prices of an underlying asset ,as a discrete random process,satisfy the equation:Remark:Hence the discount price sequence of an underlying asset is a martingale.Definition2(Martingale measure):The risk-neutral measure is called the martingale measure.概率测度等价定义Definition3(Equivvalent measure):Probability measure and Probability measure are said to be equivalent if and only if for any probability event (set) there isi.e. the Probability measure and have the same null set.The European option valuation formula under the sense of equivalent Martingale measure ,can be written asEspecially,鞅测度和无套利等价性;用倒向归纳法证明期权不等式Theorem1(The fundamental theorem of asset pricing):If an underlying asset price moves as a binomial tree, there exists an equivalent Martingale measure if and only if the market is arbitrage-free.Dividend-Paying(股息支付):An underlying asset pays dividends in t-wo ways:•Pay dividends discretely at certain times in a year;•Pay dividends continuously at a certain rate.We only consider the continuous model. For studying the continuous Model, there are two reasons.Meanwhile,we meet the example:A company needs to buy Euro at time to pay a German company. To avoid any loss if Euro goes up, the company buys a call option of Euro with Expiration date at rate .How much premium should the company pay?[上文链接]: 期权定价的二叉树模型学习笔记(I)预知后事如何,请听下回分解......。
C uuM AX[0,u2SK]
C duM A X [0 ,udSK ]
C ddM A X[0,d2SK ]
图19.4 期权收益的二叉树图
假设有一个投资组合包含了 份股票和价值为B的无风险债券,那
dSrB 以概率1-q
u 2S
d 2S
图19.3 资产价格的二叉树图
在0时刻,期权价格为C;时间为 t 时,期权价格有两种可
能:Cu和Cd ;时间为 2 t 时,期权价格有三种可能
Cuu,Cdu和Cdd。以此类推,图19.4中给出了期权价格的完整树 图。在时刻 i t ,期权价格有i+1种可能:
Black-Scholes期权定价模型的一个重要假设是资产价格遵循对 数正态分布,即 F(S,t)ln S(t)。将该式与(19.9)式同时代入 (19.10)式,有
d lS n (t) ( 1 2 2 )d td(tB )
从而有 Rt lnS((St( t)1))Zt
其中 122,R t 为资产在t期的收益率,Zt B(t)B(t1)i~idN(0,1)
衍生证券的有效期可分为n段时间间隔t,假设在每一个时间段 内资产价格从开始的S运动到两个新值uS和dS中的一个。其中 u>1,d<1,设价格上升的概率是p,下降的概率则为1-p。在0时
刻,股票价格为S;时间为 t 时,股票价格有两种可能:uS和 dS;时间为 2 t 时,股票价格有三种可能:u2S,udS和d2S ,
关于期权定价模型霍红一、 引言期权(option )是一种选择权,期权交易实质上是一种权利的买卖。
目前两个经典的期权定价模型是Black-Scholes 期权定价模型和Cox-Ross-Rubinstein 二项式期权定价公式。
二、 金融价格行为资产价格的随机行为是金融经济学领域中的一个重要内容。
资产价格波动的经典假设,也是被广泛应用的一个假设是资产价格遵循一扩散过程,称其为几何布朗运动,即)()()()(t dB t S dt t S t dS σα+= (1)其中,S(t)为t 时刻的资产价格,μ为飘移率,σ为资产价格的波动率,B(t)遵循一标准的维纳过程。
为说明问题的方便,下面我们引入Itô引理:设F(S,t)是关于S 两次连续可微,关于t 一次可微的函数,S(t)是满足随机微分方程(1)的扩散过程,则有以下随机变量函数的Itô微分公式 dt F dS F dt F t S dF SS S t 221),(σ++= (2)Black-Scholes 期权定价模型的一个重要假设是资产价格遵循对数正态分布,即)(ln ),(t S t S F =。
二、经典期权定价模型1. 黑-舒尔斯(Black-Scholes)模型黑-舒尔斯模型是最为广泛应用的期权定价模型之一。
2. 二叉树模型二叉树模型是一种离散时间的期权定价方法。
三、现代期权定价方法1. 局部波动率模型局部波动率模型考虑了标的资产的局部波动性,即在不同时间点上标的资产价格的波动率可能不同。
2. 随机森林等机器学习方法在期权定价中的应用随着机器学习技术的发展,随机森林等算法也被应用于期权定价领域。