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I. Match the following two columns. A :match the following words with Chinese translation (每题1.5分,共15分) A. high season fare a. 签证 B. the retail travel agent b. 旺季票价 C. visa c. 包机 D. carry-on luggage d. 登机口 E. tourist destination e.市场营销 F. departure gate f. 旅游目的地 G . customs declaration g.货币兑换 H. currency exchange h.海关申报 I. marketing i. 随身携带行李 J. charter j. 旅游零售商 B: match each word with its meaning. (每题1分,共10分) ____ airline A. an activity intended to help sell a product ____ emigration B. the time of year when not many people are taking holidays ____ customs C. leaving your country in order to live in another country ____formality D. a company that takes passengers and goods to different places by plane ____economy E. the place where yours bags are checked for illegal goods when you go into a country ____fare F. the price you pay to travel somewhere by bus, train, plane, etc. ____ promotion G . something that you must do as a formal or official part of an activity or process ____ off-season H. a thin book giving information or advertising something ____bargain I. the cheapest type of seats in a plane ____brochure J. to discuss the conditions of a sale, agreement, etc., for example to try and get a lower price II. Fill in each blank with a suitable phrase chosen from the box below. Change its form where necessary. (每题1分,共10分) catering to, in terms of, in honor of, work out, fill out, ranging from, in contrast to,

for, adjust to, more or less, rise above

1. Please _____ this form for us.

2. Most perfumes ads _____ male fantasies have been designed by this company.

3. The five men are serving prison sentences _____ 35 to 105 years.

4. This report says _____ the same thing as the previous one. 题号 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅳ Ⅴ Ⅵ Ⅶ 总分 得分

5. We will have to _____ how much food we will need for the party.

6. It took us a while to _____the tropical climate.

7. _____ money, I was better off in my last job.

8. The stock lost 60 cents a share, _____ last year, when it gained 21 cents.

9. She was able to _____ the disadvantages of her family background.

10. The will hold a party _____ the visiting president.

III. Cloze. (每题1分,共15分)

Varied Airline Services

A. destination

B. advance

C. divided

D. economy

E. non-scheduled

F. reservation

G. available

H. fares

I. number

J. side

K. difference

L. measure M. benefit N. charters O. depends P. definition

Q. convenient R. fares S. number T. regardless

Airline passenger service can also be ____1____ into scheduled and ___2____ flights. A scheduled flight leaves at the same time on the same day to the same___3___. The schedule for the flight is published by the airline in its timetable. The passenger can make a ___4___ in ___5___ for a scheduled flight with the reasonable expectation that the flight will leave at the certain time and go to a certain place ___6___ of the number of passengers. Many scheduled flights often carry only a small ____7___ of passengers.

A non-scheduled flight, on the other hand, ____8___ on the availability of passengers and aircraft. It takes passengers where they want to go at a time that is ____9___ for them, as long as a place is ____10___. Non-scheduled flight may carry only a few passengers in a small plane, or they may carry hundreds of people on a jumbo jet. These latter flights are often called ___11___. Charters are especially popular with groups on vacation since they usually cost much less than scheduled flights on the same routes.

On the flight itself, there is usually a distinction between first class and __12____, which was formerly known as tourist class. The first class passenger has more space and receives more in flight service. In most modern jets, the seating plan in first class is usually two seats on each side of the aisle. In economy, there are usually three seats ___13___by side. The first class seats are usually farther apart so that passenger has more room for his legs. To the passenger, the chief __14_____ between first class and economy may well be the cost----first class ____15___ are much higher than economy fares.

IV. Reading comprehension (每题1.5分,共15分)

Passage 1 Ques tions 1―5 are based on the following passage

In order to learn a foreign language well, it is necessary to overcome the fear of making mistakes. If the primary goal of language use is communication, then mistakes are a secondary consideration that may be dealt with gradually as awareness of those mistakes increases. On the other hand, students should not ignore their mistakes. The language learner may observe how native speakers express themselves, and how native ways of expression differ from the way a foreign learner might say them. For example, a Spanish speaker who
