高三英语字谜Unit 04-Examples
高三英语字谜Unit 01-Definition
![高三英语字谜Unit 01-Definition](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/2c89d3ea81c758f5f61f6758.png)
Unit 01, Senior IIIACROSS2 n; If someone who has authority over you gives you ___________ to do something, they say that they will allow you to do it; act ofallowing sb to do sth; consent7 adj; _____ clothes or shoes are rather small and fit closely to your body; fixed, fastened or drawn together firmly; hard to move or undo,clothes that are tight are close against your body when you wear them:8 vt; If you ________ that something is true, you decide that it is true using the facts you know as a basis; come or bring (sth) to an end,[transitive] to decide that something is true after looking at all the evidence you have9 n; Something that is _____ has nothing on it; without writing or print; unmarked, showing no emotion or no sign of understandingsomething or recognizing someon11 vt; If you _____ something from the surface of a liquid, you remove it; [Tn] remove cream, scum, etc from the surface of (a liquid),[intransitive or transitive] to move quickly over the surface of something, or to make something do this12 n; A ________ is a measurement of an area of land which is equal to 10,000 square metres, or 2.471 acres; Measure of area in themetric system, equal to 100 ares or 10000 square metres, a unit for measuring an area of land, equal to 10,000 square meters13 adj; If someone or something is ________ to you, you recognize them or know them well; with sth having a good knowledge of sth, wellknown to you or easily recognized by you14 adv; You use ______ to emphasize that something has all the features or qualities of a particular thing, or is the case to the fullestpossible extent; truthfully, in the most complete, correct, or exact way17 vt; If you _______ to do something, especially something difficult, you try to do it; [Tn, Tt] make an effort to accomplish (sth); try (to dosth), an effort to do something18 n; A man's ______ is the hair that grows on his chin and cheeks; [U, C] hair growing on the chin and the lower cheeks of a man's face,hair that grows on a man's chin and cheeks:19 adj; _______ is a feeling of very great pleasure; great pleasure; joy, [uncount] a feeling of great happiness and pleasure20 vt; If you ____ someone, you employ them or pay them to do a particular job for you; obtain the use of sth or the services of sbtemporarily and esp for a short period of time, in return for payment, [intransitive or transitive] to pay someone to work for you21 adj; ________ children are aged between thirteen and nineteen years old; , between the ages of 13 and 1924 vi; When a coloured object ____s or when the light fades it, it gradually becomes paler; (cause sth to) lose colour, freshness or vigour,[intransitive or transitive] if the color of something fades or if something fades it, it gradually becomes paler28 n; A _________ is a tightly stretched piece of rope on which someone balances and performs tricks in a circus; high above the ground,on which acrobats perform, a piece of rope or wire high above the ground that a performer walks along in a CIRCUS.32 n; The ______ of something is the amount that it measures from one end to the other along the longest side; measurement or extentfrom end to end, [count or uncount] a measurement of how long something is in size33 adj; If you are ____________ about something, you show how much you like or enjoy it by the way that you behave and talk; , veryinterested in something or excited by it34 You use ________ to describe a person in charge of something who is soon going to leave that position; friendly and sociable,someone who is outgoing is friendly and enjoys meeting and talking to people36 vi; The form _____ is used in the present tense and is the past tense and past participle; (cause sth to) break violently open or apart, espbecause of pressure from inside; explode37 vt; If something _______s what you believe, suspect, or fear, it shows that it is definitely true; [Tn, Tf] provide evidence for the truth orcorrectness of (a report, an opinion, etc); establish the truth of, [transitive] to prove that something is true41 Someone who is _________ acts very carefully in order to avoid possible danger; showing or having caution(1); careful, careful to avoidproblems or danger42 vt; If you ________ something, you look at every part of it carefully in order to find out about it or check that it is all right; examine (sth)closely, to look at something carefully in order to check that it is correct or good enough43 n; If you refer to an action, or the result of an action, as a ____, you admire it because it is an impressive and difficult achievement,successful completion of sth needing skill, strength or courage, something impressive that someone doesDOWN1 vt; A ________ is an official list or record of people or things; (book containing an) official list or record of names, items, attendances,etc, [intransitive] to put your name and other information on an official list in order to be allowed to vote, study, stay in a hotel, etc3 adj; A _______ change or process occurs in small stages over a long period of time, rather than suddenly; taking place by a series ofsmall changes over a long period; not sudden, gradual processes and changes happen slowly and by small amounts4 n; You can refer to the world as the _____ when you are emphasizing how big it is or that something happens in many different parts ofit; small spherical model of the earth showing the continents and usu also countries, rivers, cities, etc, a round ball that has a map of the world on it5 n; ______________ is the range of activities connected with organizing and supervising the way that an organization or institutionfunctions; administering; giving, [uncount] the activities involved in managing a business, organization, or institution6 vt; If something __________s you, it interests and delights you so much that your thoughts tend to concentrate on it; attract or interest(sb) greatly, to attract and interest you very strongly8 n; A __________ is a group of people who meet to make decisions or plans for a larger group or organization that they represent; groupof people appointed (usu by a larger group) to deal with a particular matter, a group of people who represent a larger group ororganization and are chosen to do a particular job10 adj; Someone or something that is ________ for a particular purpose or occasion is right or acceptable for it; right or appropriatefor apurpose or an occasion, right for a particular purpose, person, or situation15 n; A _______ is one of the things that affects an event, decision, or situation; fact, circumstance, etc that helps to produce a result, oneof the things that influence whether an event happens or the way that it happen16 n; A _______ is a wild animal that looks like a large cat with black spots on its body. _______s can run very fast; African wild animal ofthe cat family with black spots and long legs, and able to run very fast, a large African wild animal that has yellow fur with black spots and can run extremely fast22 vt; If one thing, for example an action or an event, _________s another, it draws attention to it and emphasizes its importance; draw aline under (a word, etc), to draw a line under something written or printed, especially in order to emphasize it23 adj; _________ means relating to athletes and athletics; of athletes or athletics, physically strong, active, and good at sports25 vi; If you ___________ on something, or concentrate your mind on it, you give all your attention to it; focus (one's attention, effort, etc)exclusively and intensely on sth, not thinking about other less important things, [intransitive] to give all your attention to the thing you are doing26 n; If you have an _______ with a bank or a similar organization, you have an arrangement to leave your money there and take some outwhen you need it; statement of money paid or owed for goods or services, [count] an arrangement in which a bank takes care of your money. You can deposit (=pay in) or withdraw (=take out) money when you need to27 n; A ___________ is an official document stating that particular facts are true; official written or printed statement that may be used asproof or evidence of certain facts, an official document or record stating that particular facts are true.29 If you are _________ in what you do, you have a lot of enthusiasm and determination; , an energetic person has a lot of energy and isvery active30 adj; Someone who is _______ at something does it very well; having or showing skill, the British spelling of skillful31 vt; If you _______ someone or something, you catch them, especially in a war; take (sb/sth) as a prisoner, to catch someone so thatthey become your prisoner35 n; A ______ is a period of ten years, especially one that begins with a year ending in 0, for example 1980 to 1989; period of ten years, aperiod of ten years, especially one beginning with a year that ends in a 0, for example 1990 through 199938 n; A ____ is a sloping surface between two places that are at different levels; slope joining two levels of ground, a floor, a road, etc, aslope connecting two levels of a building, road, etc39 n; A ____ is a large plant which is smaller than a tree and has a lot of branches; low thickly-growing plant with several woody stemscoming up from the root; shrub, [count] a plant that is smaller than a tree and has many thin branches growing close together40 n; A ___ for something or a bid to do something is an attempt to obtain it or do it; offer (a price) in order to buy sth, esp at an auction,[intransitive or transitive] to offer a particular amount of money for something, for example at an AUCTIONWORDS USED IN THIS PUZZLE: Account, administration, athletic, attempt, beard, bid, blank, burst, bush, capture,cautious, certificate, cheetah, committee, concentrate, conclude, confirm, decade, delight, energetic, enthusiastic, factor,fade, familiar, fascinate, feat, globe, gradual, hectare, hire, inspect, length, outgoing, permission, ramp, register, skilful,skim, suitable, teenage, tight, tightrope, truly, underline.Unit 01, Senior III。
高三英语字谜Unit 03-Examples
![高三英语字谜Unit 03-Examples](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3bb57e6a561252d380eb6e58.png)
This puzzle was made by Gary for Class 14 and 18.ACROSS4 adj. Only when each _______ step has been checked by other mathematicians will the proof be accepted. It seemed the only _______ thing to do.6 adj. He remained fascinated by the __________s' tales. __________ inhabitants, plants9 n. Villagers say the _____ would restrict public access to the hills. His land was ______d with barbed wire.10 n. He's off drinking with his ____s¡- He's an old ____ of mine.12 adj. The _____ are the people of the Netherlands. a _____ treat a meal, an entertainment, etc at which each person pays for himself13 vt. Their citizens are very thankful they are not ______ed by a dictator. In Britain the Queen reigns, but elected representatives of the people ______ the country.14 adj. Jones has a much more _______ and perhaps younger audience. Her interests are very _______.16 n. ________ William Livingston addressed the New Jersey Assembly. the _________ of New York State17 n. She added that the _______ of arranged marriages is misunderstood in the west. He can't grasp the basic _______s of mathematics.21 n. ...the icy Canadian __________¡- The garden is turning into a __________.22 vt. Some of the commercially produced venison ________s beef in flavour¡- She ________s her brother in looks.23 n. He was pouring ice and ________ into tall glasses.25 n. Only 13 per cent of consultants are ______. a ______ dog, cat, pig, etc28 adv. The ceremony was being held _______s. In hot countries you can sleep ________.29 n. The cat tried to cling to the edge by its ____s. Cats have sharp ____s.30 n. You're going to have to forgive my ____________. She had difficulty learning English ____________.31 n. An estimated 1600 vessels pass through the ______ annually. the ______s of Gibraltar32 vi. The story he told police ______ed from the one he told his mother¡- The brothers ______ widely in their tastes.DOWN1 n. ...the ____________ of Independent States, which replaced the Soviet Union. measures for the good of the ____________2 n. ...coal ____s. The inspector went down the ____.3 n. Duties and taxes are the most obvious _______ to free trade. The Sahara Desert is a natural _______ between North and Central Africa.5 vt. Daniel leaned back on the sofa, still ____ing on his apple. ____ your food well before you swallow it.7 adj. He was of ______ height with blond hair and light blue eyes. Commercial television is an effective ______ for advertising.8 n. His speech is immature, his __________ limited¡- Tim has an average (level of) __________ for a 3-year-old.11 n. Here's a way of _______ing corn-on-the-cob that I learned in the States. ________d chicken15 vt. Delegates also discussed _________ing them from a guerrilla force into a regular army. A fresh coat of paint can _________ a room.18 n. The government denies that any of its _________ is under rebel control. Turkish _________ in Europe19 n. ¡-_____ and kidney pie. fillet/rump _____20 vt. I personally would rather _____ a chicken whole. _____ a joint of meat, a chicken, some potatoes24 n. One evening, she made a rare ______ to the local discotheque. go on an ______25 adj. Even in jail, my ______ inmates treated me with kindness. Her ______s share her interest in computers.26 adj. He had spent his ______ life in China as a doctor¡- The ______ village was destroyed.27 vt. A man _____ing to be a journalist threatened to reveal details about her private life¡- After the Duke's death, his eldest son _____ed the title.WORDS USED IN THIS PUZZLE: Aboriginal, barbecue, barrier, chew, claim, claw, commonwealth, concept, differ, diverse, dutch, entire, fellow,female, fence, govern, governor, lemonade, logical, mate, medium, mine, outdoors, outing, pronunciation, resemble, roast, steak, strait, territory,transform, vocabulary, wilderness.。
我在一片小小的土地上,有想种啥就种啥的自由,春秋霸业,只在方寸之间。我也完全理解了母亲对土地的深深眷恋。仿佛这世间,只有这土地从来不曾辜负过人,种瓜,种豆,种花,种果,种自 己的心。
人类因为拥有智慧,就想要主宰大地上的一切。有时,他们成功了,成为主观最能动的部分。有时他们失败了,成为被大地主宰的无奈生命。人们爱用一些严重的词汇来指责人类的妄为,比如惩罚 和报复。但有一点是正确的,大自然孕育了人类,也埋葬了人类。bbin官方网
随着年岁增加,我越来越喜欢亲近泥土,也越来越惧怕人多的地方。我害怕别人和自己在夸夸其谈中,掉进尘世的种种悲哀。世界上的事物,唯有土地,最值得人类守护。于是乎,我对那一年连绵 的雨生出了许多与坏。人们福祸相依地生存在土地上。
高三英语字谜Unit 03-Definition
![高三英语字谜Unit 03-Definition](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/ca7b5ee9856a561252d36f58.png)
Unit 03, Senior IIIDefinitionsThis puzzle was made by Gary for Class 14 and 18.ACROSS2 adj. In a _______ argument or method of reasoning, each step must be true if the step before it is true; inaccordance with the rules of logic; correctly reasoned; connecting ideas or reasons in a sensible way5 n. An ______ is a short enjoyable trip, usually with a group of people, away from your home, school, or place ofwork; short pleasure trip; excursion; [count] a short trip that you take for enjoyment7 n. ________ is a colourless sweet fizzy drink. A drink that is made from lemons, sugar, and water and is not fizzycan also be referred to as ________; sweet fizzy drink; a drink made from lemons, sugar, and water, or a glass of this drink9 n. A _____ is a barrier between two areas of land, made of wood or wire supported by posts; structure of rails,stakes, wire, etc, esp one put round a field or garden to mark a boundary or keep animals from straying; a structure that horses jump over in a competition or race13 vt. If you say that someone _____s that something is true, you mean they say that it is true but you are not surewhether or not they are telling the truth; [Tn] demand or request (sth) because it is or one believes it is one's right or one's property; [transitive] to say that something is true, even though there is no definite proof16 n. You can refer to a narrow strip of sea which joins two large areas of sea as a ______ or the straits; narrowpassage of water connecting two seas or two large areas of water; a narrow area of water that joins two larger areas of water17 adv. If something happens ________, it happens outside in the fresh air rather than in a building; in the open air;outside; out of doors; not in a building19 n. Someone who is ______ is a woman or a girl; of the sex that can give birth to children or produce eggs; a femaleperson or animal belongs to the sex that can produce babies or eggs20 n. A _______ is an idea or abstract principle; idea underlying sth; general notion; an idea of something that exists21 vt. If one thing or person _________s another, they are similar to each other; be like or similar to (another person orthing); [never passive] to be similar to someone or something, especially in appearance24 n. A ____ is a place where deep holes and tunnels are dug under the ground in order to obtain a mineral such ascoal, diamonds, or gold; excavation (with shafts, galleries,etc) made in the earth for extracting coal, mineral ores,precious stones, etc; a large hole or tunnel in the ground from which people take coal, gold, etc.25 n. A __________ is a desert or other area of natural land which is not used by people; area of wild uncultivatedland; desert; [count] an area of land where people do not live or grow crops and where there are no buildings27 n. A _______ is something such as a rule, law, or policy that makes it difficult or impossible for something tohappen or be achieved; thing that prevents or controls progress or movement; a bar or gate that stops people or vehicles from entering a place28 n. Your __________ is the total number of words you know in a particular language; total number of words thatmake up a language; [count or uncount] all the words that a person knows31 n. You can refer to someone's friends as their ____s, especially when you are talking about a man and his malefriends; (male) friend, companion or fellow-worker; [count] AMERICAN a someone's sexual partner32 vt. When you _____ meat or other food, you cook it by dry heat in an oven or over a fire; [Tn, Tn.pr] cook (meat, etc)in an oven, or over or in front of a fire; [intransitive or transitive] to cook meat or vegetables in an oven or over a fire 33 vt. To _________ something into something else means to change or convert it into that thing; completely changethe appearance or character of sth/sb; to make someone or something completely different, usually in a way that makes them more attractive, easier to use, etcDOWN1 adj. If a group or range of things is _______, it is made up of a wide variety of things; of different kinds; varied; verydifferent from each other3 vt. To ______ a place such as a country, or its people, means to be officially in charge of the place, and to haveresponsibility for making laws, managing the economy, and controlling public services; [I, Tn] rule (a country, etc);control or direct the public affairs of (a city, country, etc); [intransitive or transitive] to control and manage an area, city, or country and its people: RULE4 vt. When you ____ food, you use your teeth to break it up in your mouth so that it becomes easier to swallow; workor grind (food) between the teeth; [intransitive or transitive] to use your teeth to bite food in your mouth into small pieces so that you can swallow it6 n. _________ is land which is controlled by a particular country or ruler; [C, U] (area of) land under the control of aruler, country, city, etc; [count or uncount] an area of land controlled by a particular country, leader, or army8 adj. _____ means belonging or relating to the Netherlands, or to its people, language, or culture; of the Netherlands(Holland), its people or their language; someone who is Dutch is from the Netherlands10 vi. If two or more things ______, they are unlike each other in some way; not be the same (as sb/sth); be unlike; tobe different from something else11 n. A ________ is a piece of equipment which you use for cooking on in the open air; metal frame for cooking meat,etc over an open fire; a meal at which meat and other food is cooked and eaten outside, often a meal that you invite friends to12 adj. An __________ is an Australian Aborigine; (esp of people) inhabiting a land from a very early period, espbefore the arrival of colonists; relating to the people or animals that have lived in a place or country since the earliest times14 n. The _____________ of a word or language is the way in which it is pronounced; [U] way in which a language isspoken; [count or uncount] the way in which a word or language is pronounced15 n. In some systems of government, a ________ is a person who is in charge of the political administration of aregion or state; person appointed to govern a province or state (esp a colony abroad); an official who governs a country or part of a country that is ruled by another state18 n. The ____________ is an organization consisting of the United Kingdom and most of the countries that werepreviously under its rule; independent State or community; [count] a group of countries that have the same political or economic interests22 adj. You use ______ when you want to emphasize that you are referring to the whole of something, for example, thewhole of a place, time, or population; with no part left out; whole; complete; used for emphasizing that you mean all or every part of something23 adj. The form ______s is the plural for meaning 6; means by which sth is expressed or communicated; betweensmall and large in size26 n. A _____ is a large flat piece of beef without much fat on it. You cook it by grilling or frying it; [C, U] (thick slice of)meat (esp beef) or fish, cut for frying or grilling, etc; [count or uncount] the meat from a cow, especially a piece without fat that is high in quality29 n. The ____s of a bird or animal are the thin, hard, curved nails at the end of its feet; any of the pointed nails (nail1)on the feet of some mammals, birds and reptiles; [usually plural] the sharp curved part at the end of some animals' toes, for example a cat30 adj. You use ______ to describe people who are in the same situation as you, or people you feel you havesomething in common with; companion; comrade; used for talking about people who are similar to you or in the same situation as youWORDS USED IN THIS PUZZLE: Aboriginal, barbecue, barrier, chew, claim, claw, commonwealth,concept, differ, diverse, dutch, entire, fellow, female, fence, govern, governor, lemonade, logical, mate,medium, mine, outdoors, outing, pronunciation, resemble, roast, steak, strait, territory, transform, vocabulary,wilderness.Unit 03, Senior IIIDefinitions。
高三英语一轮复习课时作业4:Unit 4 Pygmalion
![高三英语一轮复习课时作业4:Unit 4 Pygmalion](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/6085bfd802768e9950e73831.png)
Unit 4 PygmalionⅠ.阅读理解AEight years ago,I was a busy housewife.My life always revolved (旋转) around my children and husband.I felt my brain was stuck.One day my friend Judy called and told me that she was going to join an oil painting class on Friday evenings.She asked me to join the class together with her.I was hesitant to join her because I had never painted before.Judy encouraged me to join for fun.I finally accepted her invitation.The first day in the class,we met our teacher,Mr.Chiou,who just came back from France.He showed us a lot of pictures of paintings of famous artists all around the world and told us some stories about art history.He said everyone is an artist.Everyone can draw or paint.Art is a silent language which can express human feelings.We started to paint the things we liked or hated.We also painted the most beautiful and ugly thing in our minds.When I'm painting,I forget everything that I worry about.Sometimes I even forget the time.Mr.Chiou not only opened the door of art for me but also gave me a way to broaden my life.I started to borrow art books from the library and visit museums in my free time.I'm not really good at painting,but I certainly enjoy it.Every painting represents the artist's personality and feeling.For example,when I imitated(模仿) Vincent Van Gogh's painting,I can sense the passion and the energy from his painting.I think this is why,after I started to paint,I felt like my dried-out brain began receiving a new source of refreshing water.1.Before learning to paint,the author's life was ________.A.interesting B.colorfulC.boring D.funny2.When Judy asked the author to attend a painting class,she ________.A.promised to do so happily at onceB.was sure she might do it wellC.refused immediately without any reasonD.wondered if she could do that for lack of experience3.It can be inferred from the passage that Mr.Chiou ________.A.encourages his students to build their confidenceB.must be a famous French painterC.must have given his students some paintingsD.doesn't let his students make any noise when painting4.We may conclude from the text that ________.A.developing a new interest can make a person refreshedB.everyone should learn painting since it is not difficultC.the first step to learn painting is to imitate famous artists' paintingD.if you want to broaden your life,you should learn paintingBMany scholarships require that you write an essay in order to be considered for the prize money.However,if you're the sort of person that shivers whenever they have to complete a writing assignment,this may not be the best of news.Luckily for you,there is no reason to fear the scholarship essay.The following tips should help you conquer this not-so-easy aspect of the scholarship application process.You should always outline your essays.This does not just apply to scholarship essays,either.An outline helps lend focus to your thoughts and helps you create a picture of the “whole” that the essay will become.Judges can't stand when your writing is loose,lacks coherence(连贯性) or when you fail to connect your main points.They want to see that you can support your argument well with clear and brief examples and that these examples do,in fact,relate to the topic at hand.If you have a choice in the topic you get to write about,always try to select something you are personally interested in.Don't write what you think the judges want to hear.This will only amount in an essay that reads like everyone else's,which is not a great way to make yourself stand out.If you are bored with a topic,then your essay will be boring as well.Make sure your ideas follow a clear and logical path,meaning they are connected well and the transitions(过渡) easily flow from one idea to the next.Likewise,try to stay away from the obvious or the sad story.Yes,college will be a life-changing experience,but can you think of an interesting reason why this is so? And yes,it is terrible that you lost a family member at a young age,but what does it have to do with winning this scholarship? Judges can smell sad stories from a mile away,so only pull at the heartstrings if you have a proper reason for doing so.5.When writing a scholarship essay,an outline is necessary because it helps you ________.A.focus on the details of the essayB.think more about the scholarshipC.make a picture of the whole essayD.draw much attention from the judges6.Your essay will be appreciated by judges if it ________.A.turns out to be looseB.is short of coherenceC.is unable to connect the main pointsD.supports your argument with brief examples7.When choosing what to write about,you'd better ________.A.choose a subject you are personally interested inB.know what the judges' feelings and interests areC.select something that is popular among studentsD.know what the judges want to hear and know8.What is the author's opinion on writing the topic of a scholarship essay?A.The essay should include the obvious or the sad story.B.You must keep your mind in a clear and logical path.C.You'd better try to put an interesting story in it.D.Try to say as much as you can about your family.Ⅱ.根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
高三英语字谜Unit 05-Examples
![高三英语字谜Unit 05-Examples](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/758ec8d4b14e852458fb5758.png)
Unit 05ExamplesACROSS1 vt.£¬ She __________d him of lying. The government was __________d of incompetence.(formal) They stand __________d of crimes against humanity.4 n.£¬The ________ of income for the government is about $250 million a month.£¬The closure ofthe factory will lead to a number of job ________es.6 n.£¬The boys dug pits and _________ed them so that they could spear their prey.£¬Live wormsare used as _________.9 n.£¬plans which include changes in foreign_________and economic reforms.£¬the presentgovernment's_________on education11 n.£¬I bought one of the leading ________s.The British ________ of socialism was moreinterested in reform than revolution.£¬Which ________ of toothpaste do you use?14 adv.£¬_________ it's acceptable for women to be ambitious. But it wasn't then¡-£¬_________most kids prefer watching TV to reading.16 n.£¬Workers in big firms receive a substantial part of their pay in the form of _________es andovertime.£¬All employees received a ?100 Christmas _________.17 n.£¬New Government _________s predict that one in two marriages will end indivorce.£¬_________s for April show a slight improvement on previous months19 vi.Vt.£¬It's natural to ________ with disbelief if your child is accused of bullying.£¬Localresidents have ________ed angrily to the news.21 n.£¬Consider changing jobs or trying for _________.£¬Her _________ to Sales Manager tookeveryone by surprise.23 n.£¬Her __________s accused her of caring only about success.£¬The __________s loved themovie.25 vi.£¬He will __________ to the state for an extension of unemployment benefits¡-£¬He said hewould __________ after being found guilty on four counts of murder.26 vt.£¬Through science we've got the idea of __________ing progress with the future¡-£¬I always__________ the smell of baking with my childhood. He is closely __________d in the public mind with horror movies.27 adj.£¬It is _________ to intercept radio messages¡-£¬It's _________ to drive through a red light.28 n.£¬The play was based on Irish _________.£¬_________ has it that the lake was formed by thetears of a god.29 n.£¬We are doing this work in the _________ of reforms in the economic, social and culturalspheres.£¬This speech needs to be set in the _________ of Britain in the 1960s.30 n.£¬Some banks ________ if you access your account to determine your balance.£¬We have tomake a small ________ for refreshments.DOWN2 vt.£¬He also ________ed his views and the views of the bureaucracy.£¬She did not wish to________ that they were all at fault.3 adj.£¬It would be________ to say that we were friends.The article contains several________statements. These bats are sometimes________ly referred to as 'flying foxes'.5 n.£¬They are often available at a _________...£¬Do you give any _________?7 vt.£¬It just __________ed me to hear him going on.£¬His constant joking was beginning to__________ her. It really __________s me when people forget to say thank you.8 adj.£¬Bordeaux is on the main Paris-Madrid line so there are __________ trains¡-£¬He is a__________ visitor to this country. Her calls became less __________. There is a __________ bus service into the centre of town.10 n.£¬You can improve your chances of _________ by sensible planning¡-£¬The company madea healthy _________ of $106m last year12 n.£¬The missiles missed their _________...£¬Set yourself _________s that you can reasonablyhope to achieve.13 n.£¬He said there should be careful ________of the future role of the BBC.£¬Time is anotherimportant ________.They showed no ________whatsoever for my feelings.15 vi. Vt.£¬Religious groups are currently not allowed to ________on television.£¬If you want toattract more customers, try ________ing in the local paper.18 n.£¬The _________introduced them¡-£¬Mary was always the perfect _________20 n.£¬During his election _________ he promised to put the economy back on its feet¡-£¬a_________ against ageism in the workplace . the _________ for parliamentary reform22 vt.£¬Officials began ________ing warning notices.She has ________ed photographs on bulletinboards.£¬Have you ______ed off your order yet?24 vt.£¬If it wasn't Sam's fault, why was I ________ing him?£¬She doesn't ________anyone for herfather's death.25 vt.£¬The astronauts will_________a motor that will boost the satellite into its properorbit¡-£¬_________ the coupon to the front of your letter.WORDS USED IN THIS PUZZLE: Accuse, advertise, annoy, appeal, associate, attach,bait, blame, bonus, brand, campaign, charge, consideration, context, convey, critic,discount, figure, frequent, hostess, illegal, legend, loss, misleading, nowadays, policy,post, profit, promotion, react, target.。
How can you help kids cope with stress? Proper rest and goodnutrition can improve coping skills, so can good parenting. Make time foryour kids each day. Whether they need to talk with you or just be in thesame room with you, make yourself available.Even as kids get older, quality time is important. It’s really hard for some people to come home after a tiring day of work, get down on the floor, and play with their kids or just talk to them about their day—especially if they’ve had a stressful day themselves. But expressing interest in your kids shows that they’ re important to you.Help your child deal with stress by talking about what may be causing it. Together, you can come up with a few solutions. For example, he should cut back on after-school activities, spending more time talking with his parents or teachers, developing an exercise plan or keeping a journal.You can also help by predicting potentially stressful situations and preparing kids for them. For example, let a child know ahead of time, but not too far ahead of time, that a doctor’s appointment is coming up and talk about what will happen there. Keep in mind, though, that younger kids probably won’t need too much advan ce preparation. Too much information can cause more stress.Remember that some level of stress is normal. Let kids know that it’s OK to feel angry, scared, lonely or anxious and that other people share those feelings, too.When kids can’t or won’t discus s these problems, try talking about your own concerns. This shows that you’re willing to handle tough topics and are available to talk with when they’re ready. If a child shows symptoms that concern you and is unwilling to talk, consult a counselor (顾问)or other mental health experts.Most parents have the skills to cope with their children’s stress. The time to seek professional attention is when any change in behavior continues to exist, when stress is causing serious anxiety, or when the behavior is causing significant problems in functioning at school or at home.【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文, 讲述的是如何关心小孩处理压力的情况。
高三英语字谜Unit 05-Definition
![高三英语字谜Unit 05-Definition](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/79d42bd233d4b14e85246858.png)
Unit 05DefinitionsACROSS2 n.£¬A ________ of a product is the version of it that is made by one particular manufacturer.£¬a type of productmade by a particular company.4 adv.£¬_________ means at the present time, in contrast with the past.£¬at the present time, in contrast with thepast6 n.£¬A_________is a set of ideas or plans that is used as a basis for making decisions, especially in politics,economics, or business.£¬C, U] ~ (on sth) a plan of action agreed or chosen by a political party, a business, etc 8 vi.£¬If you __________ to someone to do something, you make a serious and urgent request to them.£¬~ (tosb/sth) (against sth) to make a formal request to a court of law or to sb in authority for a judgement or a decision to be changed10 n.£¬A _________ is a reduction in the usual price of something.£¬an amount of money that is taken off theusual cost of sth13 n.£¬A _________ is an extra amount of money that is added to someone's pay, usually because they haveworked very hard.£¬an extra amount of money that is added to a payment, especially to sb's wages as a reward 16 vt.£¬If you ________a person or thing for something bad, you believe or say that they are responsible for it orthat they caused it.£¬~ sth on sb/sth to think or say that sb/sth is responsible for sth bad18 n.£¬If you ________ someone an amount of money, you ask them to pay that amount for something that youhave sold to them or done for them.£¬~ (for sth) the amount of money that sb asks for goods and services19 vi.Vt.£¬When you ________ to something that has happened to you, you behave in a particular way because ofit.£¬~ (to sth) (by doing sth) to change or behave in a particular way as a result of or in response to sth22 adj.£¬If something is __________, it happens often.£¬happening often24 n.£¬________is careful thought about something.£¬(formal) the act of thinking carefully about sth somethingthat must be thought about when you are planning or deciding sth.27 vt.£¬If you_________something to an object, you join it or fasten it to the object.£¬] ~ sth (to sth) to fasten or joinone thing to another28 n.£¬A _________ is a planned set of activities that people carry out over a period of time in order to achievesomething such as social or political change.£¬~ (against / for sth) a series of planned activities that areintended to achieve a particular social, commercial or political aim29 vi. Vt.£¬If you ________something such as a product, an event, or a job, you tell people about it in newspapers,on television, or on posters in order to encourage them to buy the product, go to the event, or apply for the job.£¬~ sth (as sth) to tell the public about a product or a service in order to encourage people to buy or to use itDOWN1 vt.£¬If someone or something __________s you, it makes you fairly angry and impatient.£¬to make sb slightlyangry3 vt.£¬If you __________ someone or something with another thing, the two are connected in your mind.£¬~sb/sth (with sb/sth) to make a connection between people or things in your mind5 n.£¬A _________ is something at which someone is aiming a weapon or other object.£¬a result that you try toachieve7 vt.£¬If you ________ notices, signs, or other pieces of information somewhere, you fix them to a wall or boardso that everyone can see them.£¬~ sb sth to send a letter, etc. to sb by post/mail9 n.£¬________ is the fact of no longer having something or having less of it than before.£¬the state of no longerhaving sth or as much of sth; the process that leads to this11 adj.£¬If something is _________, the law says that it is not allowed.£¬not allowed by the law12 n.£¬The _________at a party is the woman who has invited the guests and provides the food, drink, orentertainment.£¬a woman who invites guests to a meal, a party, etc.; a woman who has people staying at her home14 n.£¬A _________ is an amount of money that you gain when you are paid more for something than it cost you tomake, get, or do it.£¬[C, U] the money that you make in business or by selling things, especially after paying the costs involved15 n.£¬If you are given _________ or a _________ in your job, you are given a more important job or rank in theorganization that you work for.£¬~ (to sth) a move to a more important job or rank in a company or anorganization17 adj.£¬If you describe something as________, you mean that it gives you a wrong idea or impression.£¬givingthe wrong idea or impression and making you believe sth that is not true18 vt.£¬To ________ information or feelings means to cause them to be known or understood by someone.£¬~ sth(to sb) to make ideas, feelings, etc. known to sb20 n.£¬A __________is a person who writes about and expresses opinions about things such as books, films,music, or art.£¬a person who expresses opinions about the good and bad qualities of books, music, etc: a music / theatre / literary critic21 n.£¬A _________is a very old and popular story that may be true.£¬a story from ancient times about people andevents, that may or may not be true; this type of story22 n.£¬A _________is a particular amount expressed as a number, especially a statistic.£¬[C, often pl.] a numberrepresenting a particular amount, especially one given in official information23 n.£¬The _________ of an idea or event is the general situation that relates to it, and which helps it to beunderstood.£¬the situation in which sth happens and that helps you to understand it25 vt.£¬If you __________ someone of doing something wrong or dishonest, you say or tell them that you believethat they did it.£¬~ sb (of sth) to say that sb has done sth wrong or is guilty of sth: to accuse sb of murder / theft 26 n.£¬_________ is food which you put on a hook or in a trap in order to catch fish or animals.£¬food put on ahook to catch fish or in nets, traps, etc. to catch animals or birdsWORDS USED IN THIS PUZZLE: Accuse, advertise, annoy, appeal, associate, attach, bait, blame,bonus, brand, campaign, charge, consideration, context, convey, critic, discount, figure, frequent,hostess, illegal, legend, loss, misleading, nowadays, policy, post, profit, promotion, react, target.Unit 05 Definitions。
watch the competition. 5.Did they announce how many people died or
were injured in the earthquake ? 6.Have you heard that there is going to be a
supermarket in the neighbourhood ? 7.I’m curious to know who first had the idea of
Unit 4 Key to Exercise Senior English Book 3
P.171 Vocabulary Answer to Ex. 1 1.This plant species can be found nowhere. 2.Although both the environment and genes are
grouping plants into families.
8.Did you find out whether these dandelions of different shapes belong to the same species?
9.Both Darwin and Mendel observed that different varieties within species do occur.
Unit 4 Body languageⅠ.阅读理解The mysterious science of reading gestures is explained using practical explanations and clear images.Gestures are products of both genetic(遗传的) and environmental influence.Understanding our gestures is not as difficult as some people would have you believe.All human beings use them and so actually have a “built-in” ability to recognize and read it.Fingers crossedGenerally this means“wishing for good luck or fortune”.Another explanation could be seen as “here’s hoping”.The gesture probably has Christian origins where the gesture was believed to get away from evil.As such,people believe that crossing the fingers when telling a lie somehow gets away from the evil of the lie.Some historians believe that crossing your fingers is a hidden or secret way of making the Christian sign of cross—a piece way of defeating evils.As a gesture it has both good and bad meanings.Luck or lies.Waving the first fingerMothers and teachers are common users with this hand gesture.In general it is used to warn a single person.It is a change of the “you” gesture.If translated into language it would say “Stop whatever you are doing and pay attention to me.I am your superior and I am warning you!” Classified as a “silent” parent to child gesture,it is completely unacceptable in a professional environment where it willbe interpreted (诠释) as both rude and domineering(盛气凌人的).Some psychologists believe that it has a meaning of the whip.1.What can we infer from the first paragraph?A.Reading gestures is a secret.B.Gestures are formed in daily life.C.Some people make reading gestures difficult on purpose.D.It is hard to explain gestures by images.2.What does a Christian’s crossing his fingers mean?A.Showing he isn’t lucky.B.Wishing to succeed.C.Getting rid of the evil of the lie.D.Crossing the street.3.What is the purpose of your mum’s waving her first finger?A.To wish for good luck.B.To stop you.C.To praise you.D.To help you.4.Why isn’t waving the finger used in a formal occasion?A.Because it is rude.B.Because it is friendly.C.Because it is surprising.D.Because it is helpful.语篇解读:本文是说明文,主要介绍了两种手势语。
在灾难面前,我们应该着重反思人和自然关系的问题。人和自然到底谁更伟大?谁更厉害?人对自然的态度应该是征服还是敬畏?我们曾经认为人比自然伟大,人厉害得多,人定胜天,我们要征服 自然,要让高山低头,让河水让路,我们有这个本事。事实上,有些灾难的确是大自然本身那种原始的力量造成的,是纯粹的天灾,但有些灾难却正是我们的这种错误观点、错误做法造成的,或者是其 与大自然的力量一同起作用,在相当程度上是人祸。我们对自然过度干预,过度开发,破坏了生态和环境,这样做本身就隐藏着灾难。
我们要牢牢记住,人必须摆正和这个地球的关系,对大自然的干预必须有一个限度。德国20世纪有一个大哲学家叫海德格尔,他后半生思考的重点就是人和自然的关系。他认为,人类早期和自然是 一种和谐共处的关系,但是在技术发达以后,人就用一种技术的方式来对待自然,对待地球上的万事万物了。什么叫技术的方式?就是一切都为我所用,把地球上的任何事物都看作是一种可被利用的原 材料,一种能够满足人类某种需要的功能,因此每样事物都失去了自己的本质,失去了自身存在价值。比如说土地,原来是养育我们的母亲,是我们的家园,在技术的眼光下就只成了任人开采的矿床, 现在要加上一条,成了房地产开发的地块。比如说畜禽牛羊,本来是独立的生命,长期以来是人类的伙伴,现在仅仅成了食品厂的原料。比如说河流,本来是自然的风景,而且是民族的摇篮,各大文明 都是从大河发源起来的,现在仅仅成了用来发电的水压的供应者。海德格尔说,当人们在莱茵河上建立了发电厂的时候,实际上是把莱茵河变成了发电厂的一个部件,莱茵河因此失去了自己
2021高考英语词汇考查题型练Unit4Pygmalion含解析新人教版选修820211015135李仕才一、词汇复习(一)单句语法填空1.—What did he think of the trip to Beijing last month?—He had such a good time _______ he visited the Great Wall.答案:when 句意为:——他认为上个月的北京之行如何样?——当他去参观长城时玩得专门快乐。
2.(2020·安徽淮南一模改编)Little _______ he knew about classical music, he pretended to be an expert on it.答案:as/though 句意为:尽管他对古典音乐了解专门少,但他假装对此是名专家。
3.(2020·安徽蚌埠一模改编)People in Dali are very friendly and honest to you ________ you are a foreigner or just a local.答案:whether 句意为:大理的人对你专门诚实而友好,不管你是外地人依旧当地居民。
4.(2020·四川雅安中学模拟改编)You can smoke here ________ you leave a window open to let the smoke out.答案:if 句意为:假如你留一扇窗户使烟散发出去,你就能够在那个地点吸烟。
高考英语一轮复习高效学案:必修4 Unit 4 Body language Word版含解析
![高考英语一轮复习高效学案:必修4 Unit 4 Body language Word版含解析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/37b6aac3b0717fd5360cdcae.png)
必修4 Unit 4 Body language身体语言晨读·记忆A MisunderstandingIn general, spokenstatements are the major way of communication, but body language and facial expressions also have such kind of function. For example, yawning means being not interested and turning one’s b a ck to someone or swinging your fist shows your anger. But what those gestures really mean is subjective in different cultures. Thus, misunderstandings happen now and then in today’s world of cultural crossroads.Once, representing the Adult s’ Educa tion Association, I went to the airport to meet an official of high rank from Columbia and take him to his dormitory and then to the canteen. After the flight arrived, I saw a man looking around curiously. So I approached to greet him. He suddenly dashed to hug me and kissed me on both cheeks. As a young girl, I felt truly embarrassed and put up my hands to defend myself. His false smile told me that he had lost face.Later, I received a cassette from him, in which he recorded his apology. On hearing that Columbians were more likely to kiss others, I soon felt at ease.一场误会通常说来,口头表达是人们交流的主要方法,但是肢体语言和面部表情也有这种功能。
从比喻手法运用上说,冰心其实是犯了大忌讳的。比喻手法的作用本来就是把看不见摸不到的抽象化的事物用具体形象可感的事物来作比,让抽象变为具象,从而实现让人一目了然、豁然开朗的目 的,她反其道而行之,却收到了意想不到的效果,那种意外自然是更加耐人寻味了。这样一来,原来的文字便不再停留在字的表面,而是借助了想象的空间,更加丰富,更加深入,更加高远,更加意味 深长了。
夏天的雨是最慷慨的,全没有春秋那般吝啬,它会一连几日下个没完,也能风雨雷霆来去匆匆,还可以瓢泼倾盆一泄如注,全不管你需要不需要,还是需要多少,直把整个世界彻底洗濯,尘垢污秽 荡涤一空,浮华矫饰冲刷殆尽,里里外外都收拾得干干净净,还尘世以本来面目。
夏天的雨是最干净的,一连数日的连阴雨后,就连空气都像是滤清器过滤了似的,吸一口进去,清沁肺腑,那脱胎于池塘清水的荷花荷叶,本来就是纤尘不染之身,此时,更是洗濯清涟,冰清玉洁 了。
当然,荷塘里最夺人眼球的,还ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้是那些盛开着的荷花。那红莲,白色粉底匀净轻敷,然后再搽些淡淡的胭脂做腮红,白里透着红,红里露着白,还要淋上几粒水珠儿,芙蓉泣露,鲜嫩靓丽;白莲 呢,通体透亮,薄如蝉翼,温润似玉,尤其是欲开未开之时,不染一丝杂色,真正的冰雪的肌肤,玉雕的骨肉,玉洁冰清,令人神清气爽。
高三英语Unitfour高三英语 Unit four. Feed the world.Dialogue.Wang bing and carl are having lunch in the cafe in Los Angeles.Hi carl, have you ordered yet?No I'm just looking at the menu. Are you hungry?Yes I sure am.I got up late and went without breakfast.Right now I could eat an ox.Okay, i'll get the waiter.A few Moments later.Just let me wipe your table. And then i'll take your order, okay?I'll have a hamburger, please.And i'll have a hot dog with a potato salad.Anything to follow?Banana ice cream with hot chocolate sauce for me please.I'll have apple pie with the ice cream and jam sauce.Okay.So how are you wang bing?Are you excited about your new job?Yes, i'll start work at the farm Institute next month. I'm looking forward to that. My only regret is that it's quite a long way ffrom all my friends.All the same. I expect you enjoy coming into town now and again.Yeah, i'd like to invite you to dinner at my flat before I move.That would be nice. Let's fix a date.Feed the world.Agriculture first started a bottle 10000 years ago, whenpeople began to grow crops in the river valleys of the Nile in Egypt, in the middle east and in India.Today farming employs more people than any other type of work.It is thought that 1 billion people, that is half the world's workers, earn their living by farming.The problem is how to feed a growing world population of over 6 billion.For One thing, two 3rds of the earth's surface is water. Although this does provide a lot of food in the form of fish.Only about 11% of the earth like the surface is suitable for growing crops.And this area is becoming smaller day by day.In China there is only 7% of the land used for growing crops, which feed 22% of the world population.That is why the Chinese people are making great efforts to protect the farmland and increase agriculture production.Farm land is being lost for several reasons.First It is being built on.Second, when wind and rain have removed a lot of the soil, no more crops can be grown on this land.Third,a lot of integrated land has become too salty to grow plants.Also it is well known that pets continue to eat crops, causing damage.The FAO(Food and agriculture organization of the united nations) has worked out that up to 30%of food is lost in storage.Food stores are frequently ruined by rain or damp, or eaten by mice.In a word hunger is a big problem in the world today.No one is sure how many people are hungry,but it is thought that 500 million people in the world do not have enough to eat,that is bought one in 10. Every year about 40 million people starve to death.Varied things can be done to increase the food supply in the world.The area of farmland can be increased irrigation.Take theAswan Dam In Egypt for example, where desert land can nowt be used for growing crops.The thing has happened in the west of the USA put usually for the growing of fruit.Farmers can increase their corn crops three times simply by watering their fields.In Europe, Holland continues to increase its area of farmland by pumping water from low lying areas.Scientists continue to develop new types of plants which produce heavier crops.They are also developing new types of plants that can be grow in poor soil or even sand, and that are less likely to be attacked by pets and diseases.What can be done in order to make sure that no one in the world goes hungry?Generally speaking, the human race has the information and experience to do this. However, humans have so far not been wise enough to make correct decisions.In the European Union, where are 81% of the land is farmland,there is plenty of food in fact often too much.Farmers have the right to sell their crops to the european union.For example, if the apple harvest is very good, and there are so many apples on the market that farmers cannot sell them,the EU will buy apples from the farmers and throw them away.And the fact that farmers are also paid by the EU for not growing crops surprises many people.If they leave some of the fields free and do not plant anything,they will still receive money from the EU.There is a similar system in the USA.It has been proved that the way to produce the most food is to let farmers grow crops either to feed their family or to sell ,whichever they choose.However, although this happened in China, it does not happen in some other countries.like India.The most of the land is owned by rich people who pay peasants very little money to work in the field for them.If the peasants couldfarm the land themselves,food production would be much higher.What is needed is a change inland ownership,and it has been suggested that the land should be shared in equally among the peasants.The problem is that most of politicians in India are land owners.They would not vote to lose their land and wealth,even if it resulted in a fairer society.Many less developed countries are in debt because they borrowed money from richer countries in order to develop industry.Unfortunately they found it difficult to repay this money.As a result, farmers are forced to plant cash crops, like coffee, Cocoa,nuts and tobacco that are sold abroad in order to pay off the country’s debts.The problem is that much of the land is used for crops that will never feed the population.If fewer cash crops were grown, more food could be produced and there would be less or no starvation.Many western countries raise and butcher a large number of beef cattle.The problem with the beef cattle is that 1o Kilograms of grain is needed to produce just one kilogram of meat.In the USA, for example, 75% of the grain is used to feed animals.This green could be used to feed humans,rather than animals.However, in hilly, dry or mountainous areas where it is impossible to grow crops. It makes very good sense to keep sheep or goats.This provide milk, meat and wool.Yet this does not take land away from food production.。
高考英语复习 必修四Unit 4 Body language Word版含解析
![高考英语复习 必修四Unit 4 Body language Word版含解析](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/1ff8d9fcd4d8d15abf234e73.png)
[基础巩固]单句语法填空1.It is very likely that you'll want to have volunteers to help with the organization's activities.2.Leaving(leave)the less important things until tomorrow is often acceptable.3.In the afternoon,you together with some of our student representatives(represent)are going to visit the Haihe River and enjoy the beautiful scenery there.4.As a general rule,the more expensive the computer is,the better it is.5.With the Qixi festival approaching(approach),many shops are selling Valentine's Day items to satisfy the needs of young lovers.6.I really agree with Susan's idea that the best gift should be whatever you devote the time and energy to.7.I eased him of his difficulty by telling him what to do.8.People gathered round,curious to_know(know)what was happening.9.She represents her teacher as the best teacher in the world.10.She is not an outgoing person and she doesn't let anyone know what she truly (true)feels.[能力提升]Ⅰ.阅读理解Mr.Brozina is a single father and an elementary school librarian who reads aloud for a living.When his daughter,Kristen,hit fourth grade,he proposed The_Streak:to see if they could read together for 100 straight bedtimes without missing once.When The Streak reached 100,they celebrated with a pancake breakfast,and Kristen whispered,“I think we should try for 1,000 nights.”Mr.Brozina was delighted,but what he was thinking was,a thousand nights?!“I thought,we'll never do it,”he recalled.“And then we got to 1,000,and we said,‘How can we stop?’”For 3,218 nights (and some mornings,if Mr.Brozina was coming home too late to read),The Streak went on.It progressed from picture books to middle-school classics to Harry Potter,Agatha Christie,Dickens and Shakespeare,continuing on,until Kristen's first day of college.In those nine-plus years,they survived many close calls.When Kristen was still in elementary school,her father went to Washington.“The phone rang at 10:45 at the hotel and it wasKristen,” Mr.Brozina recalled.“She said,‘Dad,we forgot The Streak!’ Fortunately,I always traveled with several books and we read right then and there.”This spring,Kristen graduated from Rowan' University.She has performed as you'd expect for a product of The Streak,an English major with a 3.94 average.She also won two national writing contests,was an editor of the humor arid literary publications and won the annual English department award.[语篇导读]本文讲述的是一位父亲通过和女儿一起阅读而培养女儿成才的故事。
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Unit 04, Senior IIIExamplesACROSS4 n£®Its tariffs cater for four basic _______s of customer.Hotels within this _______ offer only basic facilities.5 adv£®When Artie stopped calling ________, Julie found a new man...I don't ________ agree with you.Many commuters havestopped using their cars ________.9 n£®Early _________ of a disease can prevent death and illness...The _________ of a problem is the first step toward solving it.11 vt£®It made sense to ______ a banker to this job...They have ______ed Smith/a new manager.We need to _______ a newtreasurer.12 n£®It was not a fortune but would help to cover household _______s.He hired a plane, regardless of _______.You can claim partof your telephone bill as a business _______.15 vt£®You don't have to sacrifice environmental protection to _______ economic growth...She worked hard and was soon_______d.A college course can help you find work or get _______d.17 n£®...a bunch of yellow ____s.I found him pruning his ____s.a ____ garden18 n£®...a bottle of lemonade with a _____ in it.a stable filled with _____bales of _____19 n£®...oranges, ______s and other citrus fruits.Add the juice of half a ______.21 vt.If there was a cover-up, it I______d people at the very highest levels of government.The strike ______d many people.Thecourse ______s a great deal of hard work.23 vt£®We ______ that the average size farm in Lancaster County is 65 acres..._______ the cost of sth/how much sth will costWe'llneed to _______ the overall costs.25 n£®Economic reform has brought relative ______ to peasant farmers...Nobody knew how she had acquired her ______.Theyused some of their _______ to build magnificent town halls.26 n£®Sage, mint and dill are all ____s.27 adv£®This kind of forest exists _______ else in the world...`Where are you going at the weekend?' `_______ special_______ onearth is free from ecological damage.28 n£®29 n£®Most of the demonstrators were white and ____.a ____ horse, human, bird____ colleagues/counterparts/workers34 n£®A biopsy is usually a minor surgical _______...Registering a birth or death is a straightforward _______.Companies use avariety of testing _______s to select appropriate candidates.35 n£®They are not optimistic about a ______ of the eleven year conflict.the ______ of a debt, dispute, claimThey are negotiating apeace ______.37 n£®Government statistics show the largest drop in industrial ______ for ten years.The average ______ of the factory is 20 cars aday.Industrial ______ increased by four percent last year.DOWN1 vi.&vt.Could he ________ right from wrong?...People who cannot ________ between colours are said to be colour-blind.Helearned to _________ a great variety of birds, animals, and plants.2 n£®¡-_______ies and cream.fresh _______ies and creama bowl of _______ies and ice cream.3 n£®...a laboratory _______.a laboratory/dental _______6 n£®There are plenty of small industrial ________s.his latest business _________Euro Disney is a much smaller ________ thanits American counterparts.7 vt£®Lead can _______ in the body until toxic levels are reached._______ enough evidence to ensure his convictionOver theyears, I had _______d hundreds of books.8 n£®10 adj.The area is of great _______ interest._________ research11 n£®She used to be so fussy about her ________¡-Fine clothes added to his strikingly handsome ________.His thinning hairgave him the ________ of a much older man.13 n£®fresh/tinned _______14 adj£®Downstairs there's a breakfast room and guests can relax in the ____ bar.a ____ room, chair, feeling16 n£®The Russian Federation has issued a decree abolishing special _______s for government officials.Parking in this street is the________ of the residents.Cheap air travel is one of the _______s of working for the airline.20 adv£®They are offering ______ technical assistance.This job is ______ a way to pay my bills.22 vt£®The road is strewn with _______ed vehicles.a baby _______ed by its parentsHis mother _______ed him when he was fivedays old.23 vt.It is necessary initially to _______ the headaches into certain types...The books in the library are ______ied by/according tosubject.In the study families are ______ied according to their incomes.24 n£®Cross could hear him speaking in low ____s to Sarah.the ringing ____s of an orator's voiceMeredith trembled at thetenderness in his ____.30 n£®He has a healthy _______...When I was ill I completely lost my _______.a chubby baby with a good, healthy _______31 n£®He had left a huge _____ of flowers in her hotel room.a _____ of bananas, grapes, etcA _______ of flowers that someonehas arranged in an attractive way is called a bouquet.32 n£®...a black bird with a yellow ____.33 n£®He was given the job as a ______ for running a successful leadership bid.work without hope of ____________s forappropriate behavior can be successful in teaching children.36 adj£®He tracked down his cousin and uncle. The _____ was sick.Many support the former alternative, but personally I favour the______ (one).He did well in both schoolwork and sports and won a number of medals in the ______Abandon, accumulate, altogether, appearance, appetite, appoint, astronomy, beak,WORDS USED IN THIS PUZZLE:botanical, bunch, calculate, classification, classify, cosy, dandelion, distinguish, enterprise, expense, herb, identification,involve, latter, lemon, male, merely, nowhere, output, pineapple, privilege, procedure, promote, reward, rose, settlement,straw, strawberry, technician, tone, wealth.Unit 04, Senior IIIExamples。