研究生英语阅读教程(提高级第二版)PPT A_reading_08

③ 他拒绝服从。 He refused to comply.
Language Points
6. slash (line 2, para. 12) v. 1) make a cut or cut sth. with a sweeping stroke; strike sb./sth. with a whip 砍(某物);用鞭抽(某人/ 某物) ① 不要那么残忍地鞭打你的马。 Don’t slash your horse in that cruel way.
② 人们请来警察帮助寻找失踪女孩。 Police have been called in to help find the missing girl.
2) order or request the return of (sth.) 下令收回; 请求收回
① 金币已被政府下令收回。
Gold coins were called in by the Government.
3) to scold; find fault with; correct (sb.) 责备,责骂; 纠正;制止 ① 吉姆跟母亲说话没礼貌,父亲责备了他。 Jim talked rudely to Mother, and Father pulled him up. ② 安说美洲是在1634年被发现的,老师纠正了他。 Ann said that America was discovered in 1634, and the teacher pulled her up.
② 他的左腿在车祸中折断了。 His left leg was severed in the car accident.
2) break 使分裂,使分离; 断绝,中断 ① 大海把英法两国隔开。 The sea severs England and France.
Language Points
6. slash (line 2, para. 12) v. 1) make a cut or cut sth. with a sweeping stroke; strike sb./sth. with a whip 砍(某物);用鞭抽(某人/ 某物) ① 不要那么残忍地鞭打你的马。 Don’t slash your horse in that cruel way.
② 人们请来警察帮助寻找失踪女孩。 Police have been called in to help find the missing girl.
2) order or request the return of (sth.) 下令收回; 请求收回
① 金币已被政府下令收回。
Gold coins were called in by the Government.
3) to scold; find fault with; correct (sb.) 责备,责骂; 纠正;制止 ① 吉姆跟母亲说话没礼貌,父亲责备了他。 Jim talked rudely to Mother, and Father pulled him up. ② 安说美洲是在1634年被发现的,老师纠正了他。 Ann said that America was discovered in 1634, and the teacher pulled her up.
② 他的左腿在车祸中折断了。 His left leg was severed in the car accident.
2) break 使分裂,使分离; 断绝,中断 ① 大海把英法两国隔开。 The sea severs England and France.
研究生英语阅读教程(提高级第二版)PPT A_reading_17

Language Points
2) [intransitive] to make a low continuous sound synonym: rumble
远处雷声隆隆。 Thunder grumbled in the distance. noun [countable] 生活费用昂贵是他一天到晚抱怨的原因。 The high cost of living was his daily grumble.
admit doing something 副总统勉强承认他曾接受贿赂。 Vice President reluctantly admitted taking bribes.
admit to (doing) something 经过审问,他承认了杀人。 After questioning, he admitted to the murder.
Language Points
1. admit (line 2, para. 1) 1) [intransitive and transitive] to agree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is right
admit (that) 你可能不喜欢她,但你不得不承认她把自己的工作做得 很好。 You may not like her, but you have to admit that she's good at her job.
喜欢发号施令的自命不凡的军官 pompous officials who enjoy giving orders
2) full of high-sounding phrases; bombastic 浮华的,虚 夸的;满是高调的短语的;夸大的
研究生英语阅读教程-基础级PPT B_reading_02

Background Information
In the American education system, students must have obtained a high school diploma before they are admitted into college or university. Foreign students who would like to attend an American college or university must have completed coursework that is equivalent to what is taught at an American high school.
Background Information
3. Undergraduate school Students who have completed high school and would like to attend college or university must attend what is referred to as an undergraduate school. These are schools that offer either a two-year degree (called an associate degree) or a four-year degree (called a bachelor’s degree) in a specific course of study. That course of study is called the major. While most schools that offer a four-year degree will admit students who have not yet chosen a major, all students are required to select (or declare) a major by their second year at school. Students who complete an associate degree can continue their education at a four-year school and eventually complete a bachelor’s degree.

Warm-up Questions
2. What are the possible effects of smoking?
●At the very beginning, feel refreshed and stimulated; once addicted to it, suffer from…; are more likely to…; develop lung-related illnesses,; not only… but also…; a form of self-battering…
Background Information
meat and poultry(家禽), human and animal drugs, therapeutic (治疗的)agents of biological origin, medical devices, radiation-emitting products for consumer, medical, and occupational use, cosmetics(化妆品) , and animal feed(饲料). The agency grew from a single chemist in the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1862 to a staff of approximately 9,100 employees and a budget of
Main Idea
This is about the absurdity of some kinds of human behavior. Is tobacco poisonous? Quindlen knows that already. She tells us t h a t the government, tobacco companies and addicts twist, pervert and distort the truth to try to keep it legal. She begins with problems urging the FDA to ban it. Then she indicates how profitable it is
Warm-up Questions
2. What are the possible effects of smoking?
●At the very beginning, feel refreshed and stimulated; once addicted to it, suffer from…; are more likely to…; develop lung-related illnesses,; not only… but also…; a form of self-battering…
Background Information
meat and poultry(家禽), human and animal drugs, therapeutic (治疗的)agents of biological origin, medical devices, radiation-emitting products for consumer, medical, and occupational use, cosmetics(化妆品) , and animal feed(饲料). The agency grew from a single chemist in the U.S. Department of Agriculture in 1862 to a staff of approximately 9,100 employees and a budget of
Main Idea
This is about the absurdity of some kinds of human behavior. Is tobacco poisonous? Quindlen knows that already. She tells us t h a t the government, tobacco companies and addicts twist, pervert and distort the truth to try to keep it legal. She begins with problems urging the FDA to ban it. Then she indicates how profitable it is

Unit Fifteen
Introduction Text (A) analysis Some comments on writing Text (B) analysis Further reading Exercises
Text A argues nearly all the sports are competitive and sport is mimic warfare.
The implication is that sport is bound up with nationalism
composition: the parts of which something is made up
Point 3
Meanwhile the result of the Dynamos’ tour, in so far as it has had any result, will have been to create fresh animosity on both sides.
in such measure as, to the extent that
(an example of) powerful, often active hatred
Part II (para. 3—5)
International sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred because spectators and nations believe that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.
Introduction Text (A) analysis Some comments on writing Text (B) analysis Further reading Exercises
Text A argues nearly all the sports are competitive and sport is mimic warfare.
The implication is that sport is bound up with nationalism
composition: the parts of which something is made up
Point 3
Meanwhile the result of the Dynamos’ tour, in so far as it has had any result, will have been to create fresh animosity on both sides.
in such measure as, to the extent that
(an example of) powerful, often active hatred
Part II (para. 3—5)
International sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred because spectators and nations believe that running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.

考研英语做题顺序 和时间分配
1. 传统阅读四篇 70-75m 18m/passage 2. 阅读新题型 18-25m 3. 大小作文 50-55m 15m+35m 4. 翻译 15-20m 5. 完型 15-15m
In this passage the author mainly argues that__
What does that author intend to convey through the passage?
The central idea conveyed in the above passage is that_______.
1. 人名、引语、年代、 数字、大写字母出现 的地方常考;
2. 特殊标点符号处经常考: 冒号、引号、破 折号等;
3. 连接词处,however, but, yet, in contrast, by comparison, whereas, because, therefore, so, hence, etc. ;
• 综合性推论判断的题目常围绕全文内 容出题。
• 文章或段落的开头处,以及文章结尾 总结处。
• 用来说明主题的细节处。 • 起承转合处。 • 长难句子处。
• 搞清楚主题意思,准确定位得分句、 辅助句,然后进行推理判断。
• 与主题有关的推理,一定要研读首尾 段。
• 概括性语言的选项一般是正确选项。
1. 传统阅读四篇 70-75m 18m/passage 2. 阅读新题型 18-25m 3. 大小作文 50-55m 15m+35m 4. 翻译 15-20m 5. 完型 15-15m
In this passage the author mainly argues that__
What does that author intend to convey through the passage?
The central idea conveyed in the above passage is that_______.
1. 人名、引语、年代、 数字、大写字母出现 的地方常考;
2. 特殊标点符号处经常考: 冒号、引号、破 折号等;
3. 连接词处,however, but, yet, in contrast, by comparison, whereas, because, therefore, so, hence, etc. ;
• 综合性推论判断的题目常围绕全文内 容出题。
• 文章或段落的开头处,以及文章结尾 总结处。
• 用来说明主题的细节处。 • 起承转合处。 • 长难句子处。
• 搞清楚主题意思,准确定位得分句、 辅助句,然后进行推理判断。
• 与主题有关的推理,一定要研读首尾 段。
• 概括性语言的选项一般是正确选项。

Article Analysis
Hale Waihona Puke Article Type and Structure
Article types
including argumentative essays, expository essays, narrative essays, etc., each type has its own specific structure and characteristics.
The tutorial is divided into 12 units, each containing a main reading article and related exercises.
The tutorial also provides reference answers and detailed explanations at the end, making it convenient for students to self-study and review.
Detailed description
Mastering basic grammar rules
This tutorial provides a detailed explanation of the basic grammar rules of English, including sentence structure, tense, voice, clauses, etc., to help students establish a correct grammar foundation.
Article language and style
Article Analysis
Hale Waihona Puke Article Type and Structure
Article types
including argumentative essays, expository essays, narrative essays, etc., each type has its own specific structure and characteristics.
The tutorial is divided into 12 units, each containing a main reading article and related exercises.
The tutorial also provides reference answers and detailed explanations at the end, making it convenient for students to self-study and review.
Detailed description
Mastering basic grammar rules
This tutorial provides a detailed explanation of the basic grammar rules of English, including sentence structure, tense, voice, clauses, etc., to help students establish a correct grammar foundation.
Article language and style

humans do. [D] Cooperation among monkeys remains stable
o汇: 1. a fat pay rise 涨得很高的工资 2. vanish (消失,不复存在)即van=empty空+ish形容词 后缀:倾向于。 The wonderful vanished into thin air.美梦化作泡影 3. colleague (同事,同僚) 即col=con共同+leag=leg选 +ue→共同被选出的。 David is a colleague of mine.戴维是我的同事 [辨] companion (同伴,共事者)即com一起+pan面包+ion→一 起吃面包→谋生的人。 A dog is a faithfull companyion. 狗是忠实的伙伴
2. The statement "it is all too monkey" (Last line, Paragraph 1) implies that
[A] monkeys are also outraged by slack rivals. [B] resenting unfairness is also monkeys' nature. [C] monkeys, like humans, tend to be jealous of each other. [D] no animals other than monkeys can develop such emotions.
The researchers suggest that capuchin monkeys, like humans, are guided by social emotions. In the wild, they are a co-operative, group-living species. Such cooperation is likely to be stable only when each animal feels it is not being cheated. Feelings of righteous indignation, it seems, are not the preserve of people alone. Refusing a lesser reward completely makes these feelings abundantly clear to other members of the group. However, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans, or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question.
o汇: 1. a fat pay rise 涨得很高的工资 2. vanish (消失,不复存在)即van=empty空+ish形容词 后缀:倾向于。 The wonderful vanished into thin air.美梦化作泡影 3. colleague (同事,同僚) 即col=con共同+leag=leg选 +ue→共同被选出的。 David is a colleague of mine.戴维是我的同事 [辨] companion (同伴,共事者)即com一起+pan面包+ion→一 起吃面包→谋生的人。 A dog is a faithfull companyion. 狗是忠实的伙伴
2. The statement "it is all too monkey" (Last line, Paragraph 1) implies that
[A] monkeys are also outraged by slack rivals. [B] resenting unfairness is also monkeys' nature. [C] monkeys, like humans, tend to be jealous of each other. [D] no animals other than monkeys can develop such emotions.
The researchers suggest that capuchin monkeys, like humans, are guided by social emotions. In the wild, they are a co-operative, group-living species. Such cooperation is likely to be stable only when each animal feels it is not being cheated. Feelings of righteous indignation, it seems, are not the preserve of people alone. Refusing a lesser reward completely makes these feelings abundantly clear to other members of the group. However, whether such a sense of fairness evolved independently in capuchins and humans, or whether it stems from the common ancestor that the species had 35 million years ago, is, as yet, an unanswered question.

5. 重复替换词汇: Although we all know that the change of genes of
virus or bacteria can lead to illnesses, we find some illnesses are
caused by virus and bacteria without genetic mutation.
3. 从 句 或 插 入 语 : Behaviorists, who study the relation between actions and their consequences.
4. 例子: There are many kinds of animals like crocodiles, wren and rats.
II. Reading Comprehension
Part A Part B Part C
40% (常规阅读) 10% (新题型) 10% (翻译)
Part A 阅读 4篇文章,长度:400 词/篇 共 20 小题, 每小题 2分, 共 40 分
考 研 阅 读 主 题
• Most people have little interest in the sea.
• Man, however much he may like to pretend the contrary, is part of nature.
• Man is part of nature.
❖ 定语从句 (必考) ❖ 同从、状从 (经常考) ❖ 形式主语/宾语 ❖ 比较级 ❖ 非谓语 ❖ 省略句 ❖ 倒装句

Wide coverage
Reading comprehension involves various fields such as society, culture, technology, economy, politics, etc., requiring candidates to have a wide range of knowledge and interdisciplinary background.
Logical relationship Identifyjulodgicgalmreleatniotnships
• Understanding the main idea: Candidates need to have the ability to quickly browse the entire text, grasp the central idea of the article, and grasp the general idea of paragraphs.
Based on the information and clues in the article, infer the author's viewpoint or attitude that has not been explicitly expressed. By analyzing the author's wording, tone, and context, one can gain a deeper understanding of the content of the article.
The components and functions of phrases in sentences
Reading comprehension involves various fields such as society, culture, technology, economy, politics, etc., requiring candidates to have a wide range of knowledge and interdisciplinary background.
Logical relationship Identifyjulodgicgalmreleatniotnships
• Understanding the main idea: Candidates need to have the ability to quickly browse the entire text, grasp the central idea of the article, and grasp the general idea of paragraphs.
Based on the information and clues in the article, infer the author's viewpoint or attitude that has not been explicitly expressed. By analyzing the author's wording, tone, and context, one can gain a deeper understanding of the content of the article.
The components and functions of phrases in sentences

海文钻石卡 全程全方位系统化解决所有考研问题,成功率趋近100%
• 有意识的去分析一下邻近的几个句子的关 系 • 简单的说:相邻的两句话有两种关系,要 么是并列关系,要么是种属关系。 • 所谓并列范畴,是指这两句话内容可能不 一样,但谈到的话题是同一范畴,同一口 径,比如要观点都是观点(观点可能相同, 也可能转折),要细节都是细节。
• 1.一种文章模式:花开两朵,各表一枝。即在文 章开始提出两个核心概念,随后分段论述。这种 文章关键是两个概念的定义,以及它们的区别和 联系。
2.一种文章模式:出现独句段,即一个句子单独 成段。特别是当其出现在文章最开始或结束的时 候,它一般是文章的中心思想。
海文钻石卡 全程全方位系统化解决所有考研问题,成功率趋近100%
海文钻石卡 全程全方位系统化解决所有考研问题,成功率趋近100%
• 1.细节判断推论题-考察对于文章中长难句的理解 • 2.例证类比题-细节题的克星,考察分清段落层次, 分清论点论据的能力 • 3.词句猜测题-考察根据上下文推测词义的能力, 通常也和细节题做题思路相克 • 4.主旨(主干)题-考察对于全文的宏观把握能力, 和细节题做题思路没有任何关系 • 5.作者态度题-通过文章的细节看出作者对于某些 东西的态度,如果同主旨题搞混就完了。
海文钻石卡 全程全方位系统化解决所有考研问题,成功率趋近100%
一、与原文内容矛盾; 二、与原文内容貌似,但要么太绝对化, 要么意思完全不同; 三、原文中根本没有提到,但较符合考 生的思 想; 四、与原文的逻辑关系颠倒; 五、概念范围过宽或过窄。
海文钻石卡 全程全方位系统化解决所有考研问题,成功率趋近100%

Language knowledge explanation
Vocabulary interpretation
Difficult words explained and annotated
Regular review of previously learned words to enhance retention
Reading assignments
assigned reads for self study and reflection
Classroom activities
interactive games, role plays, etc
Teaching method
Reading comprehension skills
Essay writing
Create short quizzes at the end of each lesson to assess students' retention of key concepts and vocabulary
Monitor students' participation in class discussions and their attention to assess their engagement with the course material
Provide readings with similar themes or messages and ask students to compare and contrast them
Summary Writing
Ask students to write a summary of a given passage, focusing on the main points and key information
Language knowledge explanation
Vocabulary interpretation
Difficult words explained and annotated
Regular review of previously learned words to enhance retention
Reading assignments
assigned reads for self study and reflection
Classroom activities
interactive games, role plays, etc
Teaching method
Reading comprehension skills
Essay writing
Create short quizzes at the end of each lesson to assess students' retention of key concepts and vocabulary
Monitor students' participation in class discussions and their attention to assess their engagement with the course material
Provide readings with similar themes or messages and ask students to compare and contrast them
Summary Writing
Ask students to write a summary of a given passage, focusing on the main points and key information

12.Which is the subject discussed in the text?
13.What’s the best title for this passage?
14. What does this passage mainly concern?
15. The main theme(point) of this passage is ...
Section II Reading Comprehension
• Part A: tradtitional (450 words) 40` 4 passages * 5 questions * 2 points
• 1 ﹑理解主旨和要义 • 2 ﹑理解文中的具体位置 • 3 ﹑根据上下文推断生词的词义 • 4 ﹑作出判断和推理 • 5 ﹑理解文章的基本结构
(一)阅读的方法 (二)不同体裁文章的特点及解题技 巧 (三)不同类型问题的解题方法与技 巧
阅读是获得更综合、更复杂、 更精确信息的必要手段,考生在做 阅读理解时,不仅要看懂文章的字 面意思,还需要针对不同题材和体 裁的篇目运用不同的方法作出正确 的选择。一般来说,词汇、阅读速 度和理解能力是阅读理解中三个最 重要并且有相互联系 第10页/共61页 的因素。
表先后顺序的:before, after, another, first, next, then, last,

Explanatory reading materials
Explanatory reading materials: These types of materials usually introduce knowledge, concepts, methods, etc., with rigorous language and strong logic, which helps students improve their ability to read and understand explanatory texts.
Definition and Importance
单击此处添加正文,文字是您思想的为了最终呈 现发布的。单击此处添加正文文字是您思。文字 是您思。单击此处添加正文文字是您思。文字是 您思。4行*21字
Reading comprehension plays an important role in English learning and is the key to improving English language proficiency.
Practice reading skills
Through extensive reading practice, cultivate reading skills such as prediction, inference, summarization, and evaluation.
Improve reading speed
Developing logical thinking ability: By reading explanatory articles, students can train their logical thinking abilities such as analysis, judgment, and reasoning.
研究生英语阅读教程(基础级第二版)PPT 03

Warm-up Activities
1. Do you ever know any one who often bullies others? 2. What did you do to such a person, to stand up to him, 3. or just run away?
2. While reading, concentrate on the plot of the stories and try to remember the important facts in the stories.
3. When you finish reading, write down your reading time on the SCOREBOARD.
2. Do you think we can learn something from standing up to bullies?
Language Points
1. lose one’s cool become angry and behave in an excited way; blow one’s cool(失去自制而)激动起来 (line 4, para. 2)
About the Author
From 1970 to 1981, Mr. Giuliani served as Associate Deputy Attorney General, Chief of Staff to the Deputy Attorney General, executive U.S. Attorney, and Chief of the Narcotics Unit of the Office of the U.S. Attorney. He also practiced law in private practice. On March 31, 2005, Mr. Giuliani became a name partner in the law firm of Bracewell and Giuliani.

they allow voters to avoid the difficult search for a
non-controversial but respected public figure.
Even so, kings and queens undoubtedly have a downside, symbolic of national unity as they claimed to be, their very history— and sometimes the way they behave today - embodies outdated and indefensible privileges and inequalities. At a time when Thomas Piketty and other economists are warning of rising inequality and the increasing power of inherited wealth, it is bizarre that wealthy ar第i11s页t/o共1c9页ratic families should still be the symbolic heart
21. According to the first two paragraph, King Juan Carl of Spain
[A] used to enjoy high public support [B] was unpopular among European royals [C] cased his relationship with his rivals [D] ended his reign in embarrassment
研究生英语阅读教程(基础级第二版)PPT 08

How to Preread Prereading involves looking only at those parts of the reading material that will tell you what it is about or how it is organized. The portions to look at in reading a textbook chapter are listed below.
2. Are there any censorship regulations on songs and music in our country?
3. What impact does music have on our perceptions?
4. What role does music play in our life and society?
About the Author
Sam Becker is a resolutely centered teacher-scholar- adviser. He grew up in Quincy, Illinois, lived with his family in St. Louis, and moved to Iowa City in the early 1940s, completing his B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. at the University of Iowa, and, for good measure, staying here. More than half a century of his life has been spent here —only an hour from the river that defines Middle America geographically and culturally.
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Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,
5. Situation Model
? Almost immediately the reader will begin to interpret the information from the text in terms of his or her own goals, feelings and background expectations. This explains the existence of different interpretations of a single text.
An example:The Road Not Taken
5. Situation Model
Two roads dive①rged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;
3. Semantic Construction
? A third basic process that starts up automatically as we begin any reading task is the process of combining word meanings and structural information into basic clause-level meaning units.
7. Working Memory
4. Text Model 5. Situation Model 6. Background
8. Executive Control
1. Word Recognition
? The most fundamental requirement
for fluent reading comprehensionriaspid and automatic word recognition.
? They can fish here.
4. Text Model
? The text model of comprehension is a set of main ideas that the reader develops . It amounts to an internal summary of main ideas.
6. He turned on the light. He helped Carla to her feet and took hold of the ghost . (P 71)
1. Word Recognition 2. Syntactic Parsing 3. Semantic Construction
friends and minister gathered around his bed. They were all deeply sad too. Only his therapist and his accountant remained happy. (P 65)
1. Fish fish fish. 2. Forbidden fruit is sweet.
Unconsciously and cannot be suppressed
Four to five words per second
Rapidity and automaticity apply as well to the other 7 processes.
2. Syntactic Parsing
? How do you analyze the following sentence?
? There are things you would love to hear that you would never hear from the person whom you would like to hear them from; but do not be so deaf as not to hear it from the one who says it from his heart.
我是胖人,不是粗人。 令堂可是令尊表姐?
3. The mirror told me a story. 狂奔的蜗牛。
4. They can fish here.
5. Apart from complementary distribution , a
phoneme may sometimes have free variants .
? 总论 ? 传统阅读 ? 选段填空 ? 段落排序 ? 标题匹配
? 阅读能力 ? 阅读速度
Components of Reading Abilities
1. What do you rely on to achieve comprehension?
2. What stand in the way of comprehension? 3. What are components of reading abilities?
Two Excerpts
What do you depend on to achieve comprehension?
? 冻合玉楼寒起粟,光摇银海眩生花。 ? He was terribly, tragically sad. His family,
Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same,
5. Situation Model
? Almost immediately the reader will begin to interpret the information from the text in terms of his or her own goals, feelings and background expectations. This explains the existence of different interpretations of a single text.
An example:The Road Not Taken
5. Situation Model
Two roads dive①rged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth;
3. Semantic Construction
? A third basic process that starts up automatically as we begin any reading task is the process of combining word meanings and structural information into basic clause-level meaning units.
7. Working Memory
4. Text Model 5. Situation Model 6. Background
8. Executive Control
1. Word Recognition
? The most fundamental requirement
for fluent reading comprehensionriaspid and automatic word recognition.
? They can fish here.
4. Text Model
? The text model of comprehension is a set of main ideas that the reader develops . It amounts to an internal summary of main ideas.
6. He turned on the light. He helped Carla to her feet and took hold of the ghost . (P 71)
1. Word Recognition 2. Syntactic Parsing 3. Semantic Construction
friends and minister gathered around his bed. They were all deeply sad too. Only his therapist and his accountant remained happy. (P 65)
1. Fish fish fish. 2. Forbidden fruit is sweet.
Unconsciously and cannot be suppressed
Four to five words per second
Rapidity and automaticity apply as well to the other 7 processes.
2. Syntactic Parsing
? How do you analyze the following sentence?
? There are things you would love to hear that you would never hear from the person whom you would like to hear them from; but do not be so deaf as not to hear it from the one who says it from his heart.
我是胖人,不是粗人。 令堂可是令尊表姐?
3. The mirror told me a story. 狂奔的蜗牛。
4. They can fish here.
5. Apart from complementary distribution , a
phoneme may sometimes have free variants .
? 总论 ? 传统阅读 ? 选段填空 ? 段落排序 ? 标题匹配
? 阅读能力 ? 阅读速度
Components of Reading Abilities
1. What do you rely on to achieve comprehension?
2. What stand in the way of comprehension? 3. What are components of reading abilities?
Two Excerpts
What do you depend on to achieve comprehension?
? 冻合玉楼寒起粟,光摇银海眩生花。 ? He was terribly, tragically sad. His family,