外国政府贷款(以色列)- Ashra以色列成份新规定




中国居民赴以色列投资税收指南国家税务总局国际税务司国别投资税收指南前言以色列国(The State of Israel,以下简称“以色列”或“以”)作为“一带一路”沿线的重要国家之一,经济发展水平较高,并且以创新立国,大力发展高新技术产业,在通讯、信息、电子、生化、安保和农业等领域技术先进,其高科技产品在国际市场上极具竞争力。














































二、以色列贷款市场概况1. 以色列的金融体系以色列的金融体系由中央银行、商业银行、信用合作社、投资银行、保险公司等组成。





2. 以色列的贷款市场规模以色列的贷款市场规模较小,但呈现出稳步增长的趋势。



3. 以色列的贷款产品以色列的贷款产品种类繁多,涵盖个人贷款、企业贷款、房地产贷款、汽车贷款等。



三、以色列贷款市场现状分析1. 贷款市场竞争激烈以色列的贷款市场竞争激烈,主要表现在利率竞争和产品创新上。



2. 贷款市场存在风险尽管以色列的贷款市场规模不大,但存在一定的风险。




PPP新机制下城市更新项目的实务风险目录一、内容概括 (2)1.1 背景介绍 (2)1.2 研究意义 (3)二、PPP新机制概述 (5)2.1 PPP模式定义 (6)2.2 新机制的特点与优势 (7)三、城市更新项目特点与风险 (8)3.1 城市更新项目定义 (9)3.2 城市更新项目的特点 (10)3.3 城市更新项目的风险 (11)四、PPP新机制下城市更新项目的实务风险分析 (13)4.1 政策风险 (14)4.1.1 政策法规调整风险 (15)4.1.2 政府信用风险 (16)4.2 技术风险 (17)4.2.1 技术更新风险 (18)4.2.2 技术实施风险 (19)4.3 经济风险 (20)4.3.1 融资风险 (21)4.3.2 收益风险 (22)4.4 管理风险 (23)4.4.1 合同管理风险 (24)4.4.2 运营管理风险 (26)五、PPP新机制下城市更新项目风险防范与应对策略 (27)5.1 完善政策法规体系 (29)5.2 加强技术研发与应用 (30)5.3 优化融资结构与降低融资成本 (31)5.4 强化项目管理与运营能力 (32)六、结论与展望 (34)6.1 结论总结 (35)6.2 研究展望 (36)一、内容概括本文档主要探讨了在PPP新机制下城市更新项目的实务风险。





1.1 背景介绍随着中国社会经济的快速发展,城市化进程不断加速,城市人口急剧增加,城市土地资源日益紧张。




















2货币以色列的货币是新谢克尔,货币代码为ILS,常用缩写 NIS,货币符号₪。




















bta法注意事项 -回复

bta法注意事项 -回复





在使用BTA 法时,买方通常会购买一项技术,同时也会支付相关的产品或服务。


以下是一些重要的注意事项:1. 合法性审查:在使用BTA法前,买方应对交易涉及的技术和产品进行合法性审查。



2. 技术评估:在购买技术之前,买方应对技术进行全面的评估。



3. 合同条款:在签订BTA合同时,双方应仔细审查合同条款,并确保双方的权益得到充分保护。



4. 知识产权保护:在使用BTA法时,买方需要特别关注知识产权的保护。



5. 技术支持和培训:在购买技术时,买方应与技术的提供方协商好技术支持和培训的事宜。



6. 风险管理:在实施BTA法时,买方需要做好风险管理工作。




以色列政府贷款1.贷款条件:(1)合同金额低于100万美元(含此额度)适用贷款条件方案A 或A-1。
















































(1)合同金额低于100万美元(含此额度)适用贷款条件方案A 或A-1。

A方案为固定年利率3.2%,贷款期7年,包括1年半宽限期;A-1方案为年浮动利率LIBOR+0.4 5%,贷款期7年,含2年宽限期。




















进口商的注册号必须打在上述单据内以色列①商业发票(3份);②原产地证明书;③货物流转证明;④健康证书,用于牲畜;⑤检验证书,用于水果、植物、种子和蔬菜;⑧卫生检疫证日本①商业发票(3份);②原产地证明书;③卫生检疫证明,用于牲畜、畜产品、植物种子、食品韩国①商业发票;②原产地证明书;③自由买卖证明,用于化妆品,证明对健康无害;④检验证书,用于药品;⑤卫生检疫证明,用于植物和植株部分、蔬菜、果实和粮食黎巴撤①商业发票,在发票上应由出口商签署具有法律效力的价格声明和原产地声明,还要声明该货物既不是从以色列进口的、又不含有任何从以色列进口的材料,发票应经商会认证和领事认证;⑨原产地证明书,一般要求2份,应由出口商签署具有法律效力的原产地声明、要求领事认证;③货物流转证明;④海运提单,必须填写承运人或出口商名称和黎巴嫩进口商名称,“指示提单”必须填写黎巴嫩进口商的被通知地址;⑤卫生检疫证书,针对所有食品,并与发票一起办理领事认证;⑥卫生防疫证明,用于动物产品和活物;⑦剃须刷必须有官方的消毒证明朝鲜①商业发票;⑦提单;③商检机构签发的品质及数量证明约旦标明制造商的名称、地址、承运船舶的船名,须商会认证并经领事认证;④对于某些商品要求提供商检证明;⑤有时约旦海关还要求卖方提供船东出具的船籍证明,以抵制以色列老挝①商业发票(3份),在发票上应由出口商签署具有法律效力的原产地和价格声明:“兹证明,发票上所列商品是在其原产地x x生产的,发票上所列价格与出口国市场通行的价格一致”。









二、个人所得税个人所得税税档及适用税率(金额:谢克尔,年收入)为:0 – 63,360 11%63,361-108,120 15%108,121-168,000 22%168,001-240,000 32.4%240,001-501,960 36%501,961-811,560 50%811,560以上52%企业需要为雇佣(以色列职工)承担的社保、医保、养老等各项费用如下:1、national social security 工资总额的6%左右(以色列社会平均工资9809谢克尔/月,0—社会平均工资60%的部分税率为6.72%,大于社会平均工资的部分11.23%。

)2、health tax 3.1%——5%(以色列社会平均工资9809谢克尔/月,0—社会平均工资60%的部分税率为3.1%,大于社会平均工资的部分5%。

)3、pension(养老保险) 5%——6%(所有雇员在工作6个月之后可获得养老保险。




4、compensation resignation 8.33%(如果公司开除职工,必须根据职工工作的年限做出补偿,每工作一年补偿一个月工资,例如工作三年,要补偿3个月工资,平均下来,每个月补偿的比例是1÷12=8.33%,如果职工主动辞职,公司可以不支付这笔费用)5、vacation 约5.23%(职工每年享受带薪休假,如果职工不休假,企业要把这部分钱发给职工,休假天数根据工作年限不等)6、sickness(带薪病假)约6.73% (带薪病假- 每月1.5天。



• 自1984年起,我国国外贷援款项目的审计 工作,由审计署统一组织完成。 • 我国法律的规定 • 审计法第二十条:“审计机关对国际组织 和外国政府援助、贷款项目的财务收支, 进行审计监督。” • 贷援款项目贷款协定的规定
• 审计署授权省级审计机关,对其审计管辖 地域的地方项目进行审计。对审计署授权 项目,省级审计机关直接组织实施,不能 再向下级审计机关授权,省级审计机关对 审计署负责并出具审计报告。市县级审计 机关不能作为审计项目的执行单位,但应 根据本级政府要求和省级审计机关的统一 部署开展世行、亚行项目子项目和还贷情 况的审计监督。
• 世界银行宗旨:促进可持续发展,提倡投资于人, 保护环境,支持和鼓励民营企业发展、帮助政府 提高服务质量和效率,提高透明度,推进改革, 强调社会发展、全民参与、改善治理和机构建设, 从而达到减少贫困和提高人民生活水平的目的。 • 世界银行贷款项目周期 1.编制国别战略 2.项目识 别 3.项目准备 4.项目评估 5.项目谈判和执行董事 会审批 6.项目实施和监督检查 7.项目实施完工 8. 项目评价
需要指出的是确定执行时的重要性水平不是 一个简单的计算问题,重要性的判断离不开特 定的环境,涉及到审计人员的职业判断,对 被审计单位的了解(在执行风险评估过程 中可能不断变化),以前审计中识别出的 错报的性质和范围,对特定类别交易的认 识,以及对当期错报的预期等等,都会影 响实际执行时的重要性
• 法律—法规—准则—指南(better practice) • 领会精神和内涵 • 指南中标准审计底稿(表格)可以根据项 目的具体情况适度改变



以色列政府贷款发布日期:2014-01-10 浏览次数:25 字号:[ 大中小 ]1.贷款条件:包括长期融资贷款(占贷款金额85%)、预付款(定金)贷款(占贷款金额15%)两部分。

长期融资贷款融资条件为:(1)合同金额低于100万美元(含此额度)适用贷款条件方案A 或A-1。










德国促进贷款发布日期: 2014-01-10 信息来源:国家发展改革委访问次数: 31 字号:[ 大中小 ]1.贷款条件:(1)贷款期限和利率:方式一:贷款期限12年(含4年宽限期),利率为KfW相同期限贷款的融资成本+0.4%;方式二:贷款期限15年(含5年宽限期),利率为KfW相同期限贷款的融资成本+0.45%;(2)贷款额度:单个项目的贷款金额不得低于1500万欧元;项目单位最终实际提取的贷款金额不应低于政府协议贷款金额的60%,否则需向德方支付放弃提款的赔偿金;(3)相关费用:对应提未提贷款按每年0.25%收取承诺费,自贷款协议生效3个月起算,在提款期内每半年支付一次;一次性收取管理费,贷款金额1亿欧元以下的项目管理费率为0.35%,1亿欧元以上(含1亿欧元)的项目管理费率0.25%;(4)贷款偿还:每半年一次等值、连续的分期偿还。



Contents1Corporate Income Tax 1 2Income Tax Treaties for the Avoidance of Double Taxation 8 3Indirect Tax (e.g. VAT/GST) 9 4Personal Taxation 10 5Other Taxes 11 6Free Trade Agreements 12 7Tax Authority 131© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.1 Corporate I n come TaxCorporate Income Tax Income Tax – CorporateTax Rate 32 percent for tax year 2016, 31 percent for tax year 2017 and 30 percent for tax year 2018 and onwards (other than for a banking company for which the rate of tax is 35 percent). The exception to this is small companies, which are taxed at 25 percent.ResidenceA company is considered to be resident in Pakistan if it is incorporated, formed by or under any law in force in Pakistan. Companies incorporated under foreign law are considered to be Pakistan resident if control and management of the affairs of the company is situated wholly in Pakistan at any time during the year. Resident companies are taxed on their worldwide income. Non-resident companies are taxed only on their Pakistan source income.Compliance requirementsAssessment system – Self assessment. However, an assessment under self assessment scheme may be subject to tax audit and amendment by the tax authorities. Filing due date▪ For companies with an income year ending between 1 July and 31 December: 30 September following the end of the income year ▪ For companies with an income year ending between 1 January and 30 June: 31 December following the end of the income yearInternationalWithholding Tax RatesDividends paid to non-residents are subject to withholding tax of 12.5 percent. For dividends declared/distributed by a purchaser of a power project privatized by WAPDA (Water and Power Development Authority) or a company setup for power generation, thewithholding tax rate on dividends is 7.5 percent. The withholding tax rate on dividend is 12.5 percent where the recipient is a filer of Pakistan tax return and 20 percent where the recipient is a non-filer.Royalties and fees for technical service paid to non-residents (that have no permanent establishment in Pakistan) are subject to withholding tax of 15 percent.2© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.Interest payments to non-residents (that have no permanent establishment in Pakistan) are subject to withholding tax of 10 percent. Payments to non-residents (that have no permanent establishment in Pakistan) are subject to withholding tax, in the case of specified contracts at 7 percent, in the case of insurance & reinsurance premiums at 5 percent and in the case of advertisement services by media persons relaying from outside Pakistan at 10 percent.Other payments to non-residents, for which a withholding tax rate is not specified in the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001, are subject to withholding tax of 20 percent.The withholding tax rates may be reduced under the terms of applicable tax treaties.Holding RulesDividends distributed by a resident company are taxable at the rate of 12.5 percent.Dividends paid by a non-resident company are taxable at the corporate tax rate in the hands of resident company.Capital gains tax applies in Pakistan. However, the tax treatment of the capital gain depends on a range of factors including the industry and the holding period.For companies which are in the banking industry in Pakistan, gain on the sale of shares and dividend are taxable at the rate of 35 percent.Capital gain tax rates on securities are as follows:3© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.However, for Tax Year 2017, the rates increase where the seller of securities is a ‘non -filer’ meaning it has not filed its latest Pakistan income tax return and is therefore not borne on the active taxpayers list of the Board of Revenue. The increased rates in this case are as follows:Where the security is held for more than four (04) years, the capital gains tax rate is 0 percent.T he term “Securities” has been defined to mean ‘share of a public company, voucher of Pakistan Telecommunication Corporation, Modaraba Certificate, an instrument of redeemable capital, d ebt securities and derivative products’.Capital gains on capital assets other than securities is taxable at corporate tax rate, unless the capital asset has been held for more than twelve months, in which case 75 percent of the gain will be taxable.Bonus sharesBonus shares issued by a company and received by a shareholder are to be treated as income and a tax rate of 5 percent is to beapplied. In case of companies quoted on stock exchange, tax is to be applied on the value of the bonus shares determined on the basis of the day-end price on the first day of closure of the books, whereas in case of other companies, the value will be determined as per rules to be prescribed. Tax is to be collected at source by the company declaring the bonus shares and this shall also be considered as the final discharge of a person’s tax liability on such income.4© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.Tax Losses The tax loss rules in Pakistan differ depending on the type of revenue stream associated with the loss incurred.▪ Losses associated with “income from business " can be offset against any other type of income during a tax year. To the extent theloss cannot be offset, it may be carried forward and offset against “income from business” (and not other tax types) for up t o six years. ▪ Losses representing unabsorbed depreciation and amortization are allowed to be carried forward until completely set-off. ▪ Losses associated with “income from other sources" can be set off against any other type of income during a tax year. However ,the amount that cannot be offset is not allowed to be carried forward. ▪ Losses associated with "capital gains – other than securities" are not allowed to be set off against any other income type but can becarried forward and offset against capital gains income in future periods for up to six years. ▪ Losses associated with "capital gains on the sale of securities" are allowed to be set off against other capital gains on the sale ofsecurities. However, the amount that cannot be offset is not allowed to be carried forward. ▪ Foreign losses can be carried forward for up six years but can only be offset against foreign income. There is no loss carry-back provision.Tax Consolidation / Group relief Pakistan has a tax consolidation regime whereby a holding company and its wholly-owned subsidiary companies may opt to be taxed as one fiscal unit, subject to specified conditions being met.In addition, group relief is also available in certain circumstances. Under the regime, a company may surrender its assessed loss (excluding capital losses) for the tax year to its holding company, another subsidiary of its holding company or its own subsidiary.Transfer of sharesStamp duty at the rate of 1.5 percent of face value (par value) will apply to the transfer of shares. Capital Value Tax (CVT) at the rate of 0.01 percent of the purchase value of shares of a public listed company will also apply. The CVT will be collected by the respective Stock Exchange.Transfer of assetsLand and buildings - stamp duty, capital value tax, property tax, town tax etc. at varying rates (according to prescribed tables/values) may apply to the transfer.Other tangible assets - the transfer of tangible assets is treated as disposal and resulting gain / loss on disposal of such assets may have a tax impact.Intangible assets – the transfer of intangible assets is treated as disposal and resulting gain / loss on disposal of such assets may have a tax impact.Other assets – the transfer of other assets is treated as a disposal and any resulting gain or loss on disposal of such assets may have a tax impact.5© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.Controlled Foreign Corporation Rules There is no specific CFC regime in Pakistan. However, where the tax authority is of the opinion that profits being retained with anoffshore subsidiary are without justification or commercial reasoning, they may seek to deem profits on the resident holding company. Transfer PricingPakistan tax law contains transfer pricing provisions. Documentation is not required by law; however it may be required during a tax audit.There are no provisions in law for advance pricing agreements. However, the law contains rules for a mutual agreement procedure (MAP). A MAP will be relevant where a reference is received from the Competent Authority of a country outside Pakistan, under an agreement with that country, regarding any action taken by any income-tax authority in Pakistan.Thin CapitalisationPakistan has a thin capitalisation regime. These rules apply where a foreign-controlled resident company (including a branch of a foreign company operating in Pakistan) has a foreign debt-to-foreign equity ratio in excess of 3:1 at any time during a tax year.However, thin capitalization rules do not apply to the following:▪ A foreign controlled resident company that is a financial institution or a banking company. ▪ Where the recipient of profit on foreign debt is subject to tax in Pakistan at corporate tax rate.General Anti-avoidancePakistan tax law includes anti-tax avoidance rules under which transactions not reflecting substance, having no substantial economic effect or transactions entered into as part of a tax avoidance scheme may be disregarded or re-characterised. Further, tax law requires that all transactions between associates should be at arm’s length. Effective July 2016, the tax law has made it mandatory to keep detailed record of all transactions entered into with associates and to provide it to the Commissioner on demand. Anti-treaty shopping No specific anti-treaty shopping provisions.Other specific anti-avoidance rulesSpecific anti avoidance rules apply for salary paid by private companies, unexplained income or assets, security transactions, payment of royalty, management fee, interest by permanent establishment to head office or another permanent establishment of head office (except reimbursements).RulingsAdvance rulings may be obtained by non-residents with the exception of permanent establishments of a non-resident. Intellectual Property IncentivesA person is allowed an amortisation deduction under income tax law in a tax year for the cost of the person’s intangibles.6© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.R&D Incentives100 percent deduction is allowed for research and development expenditure incurred in Pakistan but is restricted to the extent of research which has been undertaken in Pakistan.Other incentivesNon-residents operating through a branch in Pakistan can claim a deduction for head office expenses (including regional head office costs) which should be in the nature of executive and general administration expenses. Such expenses can be remitted to the head office without payment of withholding taxes, subject to approval from the State Bank of Pakistan.Other tax incentives include:▪ 25 percent initial allowance (tax depreciation / capital allowances) on plant and machinery ▪ 90 percent first year allowance (tax depreciation / capital allowances) for specified companies ▪ 90 percent accelerated tax depreciation for alternative energy projects▪ Tax credit of 10 – 20 percent of the investment made for balancing, modernization and replacement ▪ Tax credit of 100 percent of tax payable for five years to newly established industrial undertakings▪ Tax credit of 100 percent of tax payable for five years attributable to expansion projects or new projects by an existing industrialundertaking ▪ Tax credit of up to 10 percent of tax payable for new manufacturing entities for employment generated subject to specifiedconditions. Tax exemptions, subject to meeting specified criteria, may be available in following sectors: ▪ Power generation ▪ Information Technology ▪ AgricultureHybrid Instruments No special rules for hybrid instruments. Hybrid entitiesNo special rules for hybrid entities.7© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.Special tax regimes for specific industries or sectorsSpecial tax regimes apply in the following industries:▪ Insurance sector – Fourth Schedule to the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001▪ Exploration and production / extraction of Petroleum / Mineral Deposits – Fifth Schedule to the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001 ▪ Banking – Seventh Schedule to the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001Related Business FactorsThe forms of legal entities commonly used for conducting business in Pakistan are a body corporate and a company.The minimum capital requirement for a Private limited company is Rs.20, for a Public unlisted limited company is Rs.30 and for a Public listed limited company is Rs.70There are no other significant local requirements for establishing a legal entity - even 100 percent foreign equity is allowed.Foreign exchange dealings are regulated under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1947. Foreign currencies are made available to persons / companies doing business in Pakistan for all purposes under rules which have been clearly defined by the Central Bank i.e. State Bank of Pakistan (SBP). There are no restrictions on the availability of foreign currency for imports (except for import of banned items or for imports from Israel). Business houses can buy foreign currencies for all other commercial transactions like payments for export claims, commission payment to foreign agents on exports, royalties, franchise / technical fees and dividends software licenses / maintenance / support fees, advertisement abroad in newspapers and magazines, business travel etc. under the rules laid down by SBP.Foreign investment in Pakistan enjoys full protection and repatriation facilities. The Foreign Private Investment (Promotion and Protection) Act, 1976 provides guarantees for repatriation of foreign investment to the extent of original investment, profits earned on such investment, and appreciation of capital.8© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.2 I n come Tax Treati e s for the Avoi d ance of Doubl e Taxati o nIn ForceAustria Indonesia Nepal Sweden Azerbaijan Iran Netherlands Switzerland Bahrain Ireland Nigeria Syria Bangladesh Italy Norway Tajikistan Belarus Japan Oman Thailand BelgiumJordan Philippines Tunisia Bosnia and Herzegovina Kazakhstan Poland Turkey Brunei Korea (Republic of) Portugal Turkmenistan Canada KuwaitQatar UkraineChina Kyrgyz Republic Romania United Arab Emirates Denmark Lebanon Saudi Arabia United Kingdom Egypt Libya Serbia United States Finland Malaysia Singapore Uzbekistan France Malta South Africa Vietnam Germany Mauritius Spain Yemen HungaryMoroccoSri LankaA multi-lateral treaty between the South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka has also been agreed and came into force with respect to Pakistan during 2011. That treaty largely provides additional provisions for cooperation between the countries in the administration of taxes such as exchange of information, assistance in the collection of unpaid taxes etc. Negotiated, not yet in force at time of publicationCzech Republic Source: IBFD9© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.3 I n di r ect Tax (e.g . VAT/GST)Indirect Tax Sales TaxStandard RateThe standard rate of sales tax on goods is 17 percent. However, this may vary (up, down or zero) in specified cases. Certain goods are exempt from sales tax.Sales tax on services is levied and administered separately by each province. The rate varies from 13 percent to 16 percent depending upon the province i.e. Sindh, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan as well as Islamabad Capital Territory. This may further go down for specified services in specific province. Effective July 2016, sales tax paid on services is no more adjustable as input claim against sales tax on goods.Further informationFor more detailed indirect tax information across various countries, refer to: KPMG’s 2016 Asia Pacific Indirect Tax Guide10© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.4 Personal Taxati o nIncome Tax Income Tax - IndividualsTop RatePersonal tax rates differ between salaried taxpayers and non-salaried taxpayers.The top tax rate for salaried taxpayers is 30 percent and applies to income in excess of PKR 7,000,000. For non-salaried taxpayers, the top tax rate is 35 percent and applies to income in excess of PKR 6,000,000.Social SecurityThe following are payable by employers:▪ Social Security – 6 percent of minimum wage of insurable employees▪ Employees Old Age Benefit (EOAB) – 5 percent of minimum wage of insurable employeesFor EOAB, employees are also liable to pay Rs. 130 per month, being one percent of the minimum wage, in addition to the contribution made by the employer. Usually, employers deduct this amount from the salary and pay it over to the EOAB Instituti on on behalf of their employees together with the employer’s contribution.International Social Security Agreements None.Further informationFor more detailed personal taxation information across various countries, refer to: KPMG’s Thinking Beyond Borders11© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.5 Other TaxesCustoms dutyGoods imported into Pakistan are liable to customs duties at the prescribed rates. However, zero-rating and concessionary rates of customs duty are generally applicable for industrial raw materials, semi-finished goods and capital goods (particularly if these are not being manufactured in Pakistan), machinery for power projects, oil and gas projects etc.Excise duty Federal Excise Duty (FED) is levied on specific goods imported or manufactured. Specified services provided and rendered in Pakistan are also taxable at prescribed rates. Generally, FED is charged on the value or retail price basis. Provincial Sales Tax is applicable on specified services in the provinces. Items subject to FED include (amongst others); edible oils, aerated waters and concentrates, tobacco and cigarettes, cement, transportation vehicles, etc.Stamp dutyStamp duty is imposed on instruments and documents as are mentioned in Schedule appended to the Stamp Act, 1899. Stamp duty is a provincial levy which is payable on every instrument executed, drawn or presented in Pakistan as listed in the said Schedule at such rates given against each item. For instruments executed outside Pakistan chargeable to stamp duty under this Act, the instrument must be stamped with stamp duty within 3 months after it is first received in Pakistan. Property tax There is a provincial tax levied on the value of property, with the rates varying between provinces. Inheritance / gift tax There is no inheritance or gift tax in Pakistan.Capital value taxCapital Value Tax (CVT) is charged on the purchase of Modaraba certificates, registered instruments of redeemable capital including shares of listed companies and specified immoveable property. CVT is a tax on the capital value of specified assets and is payable on the acquisition of such asset by every individual, association of persons, firm or company. The rate of CVT is 0.02 percent of the purchase value of the Modaraba certificates and instrument of redeemable capital and 0.01 percent on shares of listed companies.The CVT rates vary for the real estate sector depending on the nature and location of the property.Professional taxProfessional tax is a provincial levy on trade, professions, callings and employment generally payable on the basis of paid-up capital. The rates differ between provinces.12© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.6 Free Trade AgreementsIn force▪ China ▪ Sri Lanka ▪ Indonesia▪Malaysia (Closer Economic Partnership Agreement) In negotiation▪ FTA between Pakistan and the Gulf countries ▪ FTA between Pakistan and Jordan ▪ FTA between Pakistan and Nepal ▪ FTA between Pakistan and Bangladesh ▪ FTA between Pakistan and Singapore ▪ FTA between Pakistan and Korea ▪ FTA between Pakistan and Thailand ▪FTA between Pakistan and Turkey13© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.7 Tax Authori t yTax AuthoritiesFederal Board of Revenue (FBR) .pkTax audit activityThe provinces have their own revenue authorities to administer sales tax on services and other provincial levies.Returns may be selected for tax audit by FBR on the basis of random or parametric selection through computer balloting. In addition to above, the Commissioner Inland Revenue having jurisdiction over the case also has independent powers to select a case for tax audit.The tax authority’s approach to tax audits is largely a manual approach including detailed consideration of key documents.A typical tax audit commences with a letter requesting provision of supplementary analysis or information. Taxpayers are advised to contact their tax advisor immediately when a tax audit commences or any correspondence is received from the tax authority. Audits into any given return generally last one year. Key focus areas for the tax authority in tax audits conducted in recent years have included: ▪ Allocation of expenses between income under normal tax regime and final tax regime and under various heads of income. ▪ Bad Debts / Provision for bad debts ▪ Provision for obsolete / slow moving stocks ▪ Inadmissible expenses like donation, penalty etc. ▪ Re-characterization▪ Documentation requirements ▪ Interest free loans / advances ▪ Exchange Losses▪ Payments from which tax was not withheld at source ▪Transfer pricing14© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated. All rights reserved.AppealsAppellate ForumAppeal by Time of Appeal Decision in Appeals Disposal of appealCommissioner (Appeals) Any person dissatisfied with any order passed bythe Commissioner or a taxation officer, except an assessment order under section 122C of the Income Tax Ordinance, 2001.Within 30 days of the service of notice of demand or order.The Commissioner (Appeals) may make an order to confirm, modify or annul the assessment order.Not later than 120 days from the date of filing of appeal or within an extended period of 60 days for reasons to be recorded in writing by the Commissioner (Appeals).Appellate TribunalThe tax payer or theCommissioner objecting to an order passed by the Commissioner (Appeals).Within 60 days of the date of service of order of the Commissioner (Appeals).The Tribunal may affirm, modify or annul the assessment order or remand the case to the Commissioner orCommissioner (Appeals) or may issue consequentialdirections. It may also proceed ex parte to decide the appeal where the taxpayer or hisrepresentative does not appear for hearing.Within six months from filing of appeal before the Tribunal. High CourtThe aggrieved person or the Commissioner may refer questions of lawwhich arises out of orders of the Tribunal.Within 90 days of the communication of the order of the Appellate Tribunal.Decide the question of law.Supreme CourtThe aggrieved person or the Commissioner.Decide the question of law.Tax governance Federal Tax Ombudsman office for redressing grievances of taxpayers regarding maladministration.Contact usSaqib MasoodPartner and Head of TaxKPMG in PakistanT +92 21 3568 5847 (Ext. 109)E saqibmasood@Shabbir H. VejlaniPartnerKPMG in PakistanT +92 21 3568 5847 (Ext. 114)E shvejlani@Sadia NazeerDirectorKPMG in PakistanT +92 51 2823 558 (Ext. 213)E snazeer@/taxThis profile was provided by professionals from KPMG’s member firm in Pakistan.The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavour to provideaccurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No oneshould act on such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. Member firms of the KPMG network of independent firms are affiliated with KPMG International.KPMG International provides no client services. No member firm has any authority to obligate or bind KPMG International or any other member firm vis-à-vis third parties, nor does。












1 以色列投资的法律风险及其防范 2 以色列投资的法律尽职调查
• 境内律师事务所选聘 1 • 境外律师事务所选聘
• 投资主体与目标公司签署并购/投资意向文件 2
• 境外律师开展法律尽职调查 3 • 境外律师出具英文版法律尽调报告
• 境内律师协调境外律师尽调内容、进度等 4 • 境内律师出具中国法律咨询意见书
4. 以色列的政府政策影响给外国投资带来的风险 ➢ 以色列政府中存在官僚主义、低效率以及规章制度不透明等
问题,直接影响了外国资本的流入。 ➢ 2014年以色列执政联盟垮台,国际信用评估机构穆迪对此给
出了负面评级,并预计以色列经济增长将显示下降趋势。政 府政策的合法性也容易受到民众的质疑,以色列工人罢工运 动频繁,经常通过游行、示威来表达自己的诉求,导致一些 合作项目因此受到干涉。
④ 公司的税务状况;如目标公司税务顾问(包括负责人)的姓名、地址、联 络方式;最新的税务当局的审计报告和税务代理机构的审查报告和其他 相关的函件等。
3、在确定投资后,由专业的中介机构对合作伙伴/目标公司进 行详尽的尽职调查,包括但不限于:
⑤ 公司的经营情况;目标公司及其附属机构对外签订的所有协议,包括合 资合作协议、战略联盟协议、管理协议、咨询协议、研究和开发协议等; 所有审计或未审计过的目标公司财务报表,包括资产负债表、损益表、 利润表,独立会计师对这些报表所出具的审计报告等。
2、对合作伙伴/目标公司进行初步尽职调查, 律师事务所、会计师事务所的尽职调查一般启动于并购活动正 式开始前或操作过程中。因此,在交易磋商前期,中国企业可 自行对合作伙伴/目标公司进行初步的尽职调查,包括但不限于: ① 收集研究各类档案文献数据,包括但不限于公司注册证书、
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
  2. 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
  3. 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
Getting Credit in developing countries Competing countries against exporters from other
Lowering financing costs
Reducing the exporter’s exposure for political & credit risks
Diversifying the portfolio risks
Establishing new potential markets for exporters
The Process…
Application Assesment: Obligor, Country Internal 1 Committee 2
Definitions (2)
“Profit and General Expenses” – Profit from the transaction and indirect production costs originated(sourced) in Israel, including financing costs, management and general expenses, marketing expenses etc.
“The New ‘Israeli Content’ Guidelines”
Adi Gross, ASHRA
“I prefer talking about this…
In case of any wrong translation or mispronunciation for any information provided in this presentation, the only valid guidelines are the guidelines written in Hebrew dated 28/5/2014
Approval Rec
Interministerial Committee ISL MOF
Reject Rejection Letter
UW: Loan Agreement, Contracts…
Principal Approval
The Financial Protocol
Definitions (3)
“Israeli Content” A percentage or part of a transaction, product or service originated(sourced) in Israel and / or which can be defined as an Israeli content pursuant to the tests detailed in the guidelines. “Transaction Amount” The amount of the transaction (including the advance payment) insured by Ashra.
What is ECA? (Export Credit Agency)
Expert Insurance Company or Bank
Issue policies and/or guarantees and/or loans Insure against political and commercial risks Government support Aim to support and promote in export
Calculation for Products
Clause Type
Product produced entirely in Israel
Made in Israel, according to source of origin guidelines: Directed Products and or Services used to manufacture the product in Israel constitutes at least 35% of the price of the exported product. The inputs imported into Israel for purposes of manufacturing the product undergo significant processing in Israel in such a manner that they alter their characteristics. Significant processing is defined as processing that alters the Customs Item (HS) by a level of 4 digits.
All understand the same and treat the same
Create one stream process A process that can be managed / supervised
“Direct Products and / or Services” The price of the product or service in the transaction, including the cost of direct labor and raw materials originated(sourced) in Israel. (the price of the product is the EXW (ex works) price, before the inclusion of other expenses, such as transport, insurance, etc.
Let’s talk about…
Brief about Ashra and the financial protocol The new Israeli Content Initiative & Concept The new guidelines Calculating Israeli Content – Example
Definitions (3)
“Israeli Content” A percentage or part of a transaction, product or service originated(sourced) in Israel and / or which can be defined as an Israeli content pursuant to the tests detailed in the guidelines. “Transaction Amount” The amount of the transaction (including the advance payment) insured by Ashra.
Israeli Content Initiative
Israel Ministry of Finance Israel Ministry of Economy ASHRA
The goal: setting clear, equal and general standard guidelines to increase transparency toward the Israeli Content within Ashra’s approvals, and allow
B-1 C C-1
1 year
4 years 1.5 years 4 years
Above $1m
Above $1m Above $5m Above $5m
2.5% FIXED
%Libor + 0.5 3.6% FIXED %Libor + 0.5
10 years
10 years 15 years 15 years
Israeli Content Concept
Who likes regulation? Worldwide definition Put the focus on “Israeli Goods and Services” – more Israeli content = more business!
Total $1,750m ex Agri-Protocol ($300m) Above 230 projects (Medical, Telecom, Water
Treatment, Education, Industry)
Financial Protocol
(Btw MOFs)
Israeli BANK
ASHRA Brokers Single Risk Political
Short Term
Up to 1 year Commodities Mainly Developed ICIC, Clal, Factoring Portfolio Risk Private
Advances of Credit Insurance
What are the new challenges?
ASHRA: good to know…
Export Credit Agency (ECA) of Israel
Established in 1957 in order to support export Enjoys Governmental Guarantee of USD 2.5bn Export Credit Insurance for MLT and Investments Short term cover in case of market failure Political and Commercial Risks Waiver of capital allocation to banks