
托福独立写作题型解析之古今对比题有时候托福写作中会考到今昔对比题,有些考生不知道从何下手,下面小编给大家带来托福独立写作题型解析之古今对比题,希望对大家有所帮助!托福独立写作题型之古今对比题古今对比题,It is easier to be well educated today than it is in the past. 现在比过去更容易接受良好的教育。
比如,人们现在有各种各样的电子产品(electronic devices),能够方便我们在网上学习,看国外教授的讲座;甚至在走路、排队的时候,都可以用移动设备(Portable devices)学习;而在过去人们只能去教室听课,形式比较单一。
【举一反三】Nowadays people are more willing to help the people who they don’t know (for example, giving food and clothes to the people who need them) than they were in the past.首先,科技的发展让人们能够很快的知道哪里有需要帮助的人(social media; smart-phones; instant messaging)其次,人们的经济水平改善了,物质方面有条件去帮助有需要的人。

例如,从 2015年1月份第一场托福考试起到最近的4月12日的9场考试10道考题(3月7日的考试有两道考题)中就有5道考题就是对比型考题(2015.1.25,2015.2.1,2015.3.7(1),2015.3.7 (2),2015.3.28)大家先来简单回顾几个托福真题:2015.1.10Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study.2015.1.11Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important characteristic of a successful politician or leader is good communication skills.2015.1.25Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Classmates and partner can communicate with each other face to face to finish the project better than by sending e-mail.2015.1.31Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rules that the whole societies today expect to young people to follow and obey are too strict.2015.2.1Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects on the way young people behave.二、对比类考题的分类按比较对象分类可以分为以下三类:1)A or B这类对比在题目中会有非常明显对两个对比对象,在选择观点时,只选其一(骑墙式写法在托福写作中不受欢迎)。

持有TEM八级证书, BEC高级证书, TESOL高级证书,TKT证书(满分)、CATTI口译二级证书。
在ETS托福官方指南第四版565页,sample的题目为:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: It is more important to keep your old friends than it is to make new friends.是否维持老朋友比结识新朋友更重要。
OG给出的题目分析为:“If you believe that old and new friends are equally important, you should present a balanced argument that explains the benefits ofboth types of friends.”OG指出:观点可以说两者同等重要“equally important”论证时采用双向支持“balanced argument”的论证方式。

比较题二选一1. The major purpose of television is to educate rather than to entertain.3. A teacher who is serious and strict is more effective than a teacher who is humorous andeasy-going.4.Printed books have greater influences on the society than television does.5.Good looks and dresses are more important for success than good ideas.6.It is better to choose a friend with whom you can have fun than to choose a friend that willhelp you when you are in need.7.Having a job with a low-paying salary but that is highly secure is better than having a job witha high salary but that is easy to lose.8.Telephone has greater effects on people’s lives than TV.9.It is more important for a teacher to help students gain self-confidence than to teach themspecific knowledge.10.Car has had a greater effect on the society than the airplane.11.During times of economic crisis, which area of spending do you think the governmentshould reduce:Education , health care or support for the unemployed?三选一1. Which way is the best for students to make new friends: joining a sports team, participating incommunity activities, or traveling?2. What do you want most in a friend ― someone who is intelligent, or someone who has a senseof humor, or someone who is reliable? Which one of these characteristics is most important to you?3. Which way would you like to change to improve your health: the kind of food you eat, or theamount of exercise, the amount of stress?4. Which contributes the most to an enjoyable vacation?Good food, good location, good friends to travel with四选一2014年11月9日机经When you make major purchases, for example, when you want to buy a computer or a car, which one of the following are you most likely to choose when making decisions?1. Follow your own judgment2. Get advices from your friends3. Look for information on newspapers or on TV4. Listening to the introduction of the sellers。

最新托福写作模板共享托福独立写作题目:It is easier to become educated today than it was in the past.相比过去,人们现在更简单接受教育?思路讲解:今昔对比类的老题,思路总体不难绽开,根据上课讲的理由作答即可。
2. 政策扶持: 如中国让诞生在贫困线(家庭年收入2300元)及以下家庭的孩子免费接受教育等。
托福写作模板思路共享—政府开发公共用地托福独立写作题目:镇政府要投资开发公共用地,有两个选择:1. 为全部民众建筑公共花园2. 为还没有体育场的高中修建体育场思路讲解:如选择为全民建筑公共花园,可以这样绽开:1.花园对环境爱护以及全民健康大有裨益。
2. 虽然同学在运动场上运动也有好处,如放松减压等,但也有其他途径也可以关心实现这个目标,如在健身房运动、与伴侣谈天等。
假如选择为没有体育场的高中建筑体育场,可以这样构思:1. 有利于高中生放松减压。

托福写作文章框架1. 开头:同意(我们的生活更轻松、更舒适)。
2. 论证段1:经济发展导致我们更有钱、可以去消费一些奢侈品。
3. 论证段2:技术发展使我们的生活更轻松,生活和工作中都不需要从事那么多繁重的体力劳动。
4. 让步段:确实,年轻人如今面临着更大的竞争压力;但同时,年轻人也有更多工作机遇可以选择,而过去人没有这些选择。
5. 结尾:同意(我们的生活更轻松、更舒适)。
托福写作范文That we have the liberty and leisure to debate whether life has changed for the worse or better over the years per se is a testament to the fact that we are living a better life, compared to our grandparents, because, struggling to make ends meet, they probably never have the chance to engage in such debates.More specifically, in the first place, the development of economy has brought everybody more money, improving the quality of their lives. To be more specific, in the past, a significant portion of the population worked for a menial income, unableto purchase anything beyond daily necessities, while most people now have the capacity to treat themselves to some luxury every now and then, due to the increase of average income. For example, in West Europe, even those working on an average wage could afford to send their children to private boarding schools, so long as they choose not to purchase an extra car, or forgo opportunities holidaying abroad. The point is that, although having to choose different items of luxury, even those not particularly wealthy can afford niceties, which used to be the exclusive right of the top class, in life. Thus, comparatively, the life of the present generation is easier, compared to that of the past.Furthermore, technological progress has rendered our lives more convenient, freeing us from onerous manual labors and exhausting domestic chores. That is to say, many of the conveniences that people could only dream of, or realize only if they have abundant manpower, have come into reality for the general public. Remotely-controlled air conditioning system, voice-controlled washing machines and ovens, automatic car wash, all those free us from exhaustive and repetitive house works, allowing us to spend time on personal enjoyment. Likewise, robotic hand that can perform intricate mechanical jobs, ornate algorithms that can finish complicated data analysis in instance, and heat-proof, water-proof, or radiation-proof robots that than replace humans in dangerous tasks, those allows us to confine ourselves to easier, more comfortable mental labors. Needless to say, in those regards, we lead a much better life than the generations before us.Evidently, it is arguable, to some extent, that young people are facing fiercer, more intense, competitive pressure nowadays than they did in the past, which prompts less charitable minds to describe their lives as “miserable”. However, what should be reminded is that they also have more job opportunities not available to the older generation, enabling them to work more flexibly or to combine their interests with their work. Travelling bloggers and vloggers, online shop owners, and freelance software developers leap into mind. In sum, it cannot be said without reservationthat the older generation necessarily had a “less miserable”life compared to that of the present generation.。

NO.1原文Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival. A very traditional festival for people celebrating the harvest and enjoying family time.Almost half residents in our building back to their hometown in this short vacation.Because not so many apartment have lights on tonight.I called my mun this morning to wish her happy Mid-Autumn festival.Unfortuantely, I got some bad news about my grandmother.My mun told me she is very sick since couple days before.They are all going to the countryside where my grandmother is living to visit her.I really hope she will get better. My grandmother is such a kind-hearted, warm, courteous, generous old lady.As 82 years old, she has been through a lot. But she is always optimistic, positive and open-mind.My mun always saying she admire my grandmother so much, she doesn't think she can be as good as my grandmother in terms of a lots things. For example, be positive and open-minded.Of course, there are some good things happened today. One of these is I got my Hongkong permit this afternoon when I already gave up and found another illegal way that my friend told me to get into Hongkong tomorrow.Mike seems happier than me, because he was worried about that "illegal way" will cause trouble for us.Yes, he is a such cute and timid guy. I still remember he was so scared if there were cops near by during the time when he hasn't got his working visa yet.No.1被修改后Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival; a traditional festival for Chinese people celebrating the harvest and enjoying family time. During this short festival, almost half of the residents in our building went back to their hometown. I am aware of this because there aren’t many apartments with lights tonight. After taking a long shower this morning, I called my mum to wish her a happy Mid-Autumn festival. Unfortunately, I got some bad news about my grandmother. My mum told me she has been very sick since couple days before. They are all going to the countryside where my grandmother is living to visit her. I really hope she will get better.My grandmother is such a kind-hearted, warm, courteous, generous old lady. As 82 years old, she has been through a lot. But she is always optimistic, positive and open-mind. My mum is always saying she admires my grandmother quite a lot.Of course, there were some good things that happened today. After waiting for almost two weeks, I finally received my Hong Kong visa this afternoon. I had given up on receiving it, especially since a friend had already suggested an illegal way to go to Hong Kong without a visa. Mike seems relieved because he doesn’t have to illegally go to Hong Kong with me. Yes, he is such a cute and timid guy. I still remember when he didn’t have his working visa, he would get nervous at the sight of the police.备注:被修改后的文章里删除了原文里的一句话“My mom doesn't think she can be as good as my grandmother in terms of a lots things. For example, be positive and open-minded.”因为美国朋友说这句话看不懂也实在不知道怎么修改...No.2 原文I haven’t got up early for a long time. I set my goal from “get up at 6:30” to “get up at 7:00”, but I still can’t achieve it. For example, I got up at 7:39 this morning, even though I heard my alarm ringed several time since 6:50. It makes me frustrated when I finally get up and find out that I overslept again and again. Get up early is just a small thing, why I can’t just do it?!With frustration, I started my day.The first task: review English words for 25 minutes.It was going quite good. I fully concentrated on it, and finished it in an effectively way.It is a good start, kind of cheer me up for a little bit.However the “calling apple customer service” thing in the next completely destroyed my day.I have been waiting on line for almost one hour, finally someone picked it up, but she kept saying she can’t hear me though I was speaking very loudly. And then she hand up on me! I got pissed of badly. I have to spend another hour to get through this stupid customer service line. Actually the truth is even worse! I have been waiting for another 2 hours already, but there is still no one on the phone!It’s so ridiculous! They are the one who made a mistake, but I am the one who are suffering from their mistake and even suffering from solving the problem.Maybe I get too emotional this morning. It is bad for my health and it makes me can’t think straight. I find it is so hard to calm down to do other things. What worse is, my emotional behavior will affect people who are around me. I feel sorry.No.2 被修改后I haven’t gotten up early in such a long time. My initial goal was to wake up at 6:30AM, then I moved it to 7:00AM, but I still couldn’t achieve my goal. I woke up at 7:39 this morning,even though I heard my alarm go off around 6:50AM. When I finally woke up, I realized I had overslept again. I became frustrated because I think waking up early is such a small thing, but yet I can’t bring myself to do it.My first task this morning was to review my English vocabulary words for 25 minutes, which went quite well. I fully concentrated on it, and finished it in an effective manner. It was a good start, and it cheered me up for a little bit.My second task this morning was to call the apple customer service regarding a refund. I was kept on hold for almost one hour before someone finally answered. Although I was speaking very clearly, the customer service woman who answered the phone kept saying she couldn’t hear me. And then, she hung up the phone which got me badly pissed off. It’s so ridiculous! They made the mistake, but I am the one who is dealing with the consequences.Maybe I have gotten too emotional this morning. It is bad for my health, and it doesn’t make me think straight. I find it difficult to calm down, and focus on other things. Even worse, my emotional behavior has affected people who are around me. I feel so sorry.。

托福写作文章框架1. 开头:同意(20 年后街上的车会比现在更少)。
2. 让步段:确实,城市人口增加会导致私家车增加,但是车多了交通也会拥堵,迫使人们放弃驾驶私家车。
3. 论证段1:技术的发展导致公共交通更发达了,所以很多人弃私家车而选择公共交通。
4. 论证段2:环境恶化和由此引发的健康问题迫使我们重新思考汽车政策。
5. 结尾:20 年后街上的车会比现在更少。
托福写作范文Rapid urbanization and technological progress have brought many changes to our lives, one of which is the drastic increase of cars. Impressed with the growing reliance on cars, many people predict that the number of cars will continue to increase in future, though I personally subscribe to the opposite opinion, for the following reasons.Admittedly, the increase of urban population will expand the market for cars. To be more specific, living far away from workplaces, many newcomers to large cities have no recourse but to resort to private automobiles as the only viable way for transportation. As a result, in the past three decades, the number of automobiles has tripled in large metropolitan areas, with many families having two or three cars. However, it should not be forgotten that the increase of cars has also contributed toserious traffic congestion, the “cancer”of many large metropolises, forcing a considerable amount of people to give up driving, in favor of public transportation in the past few years.Furthermore, the unparalleled progress of technology has improved the efficiency of public transportation beyond our imagination, rendering it a comfortable and effective substitute for private cars. In the past, many urban dwellers chose cars out of the desire to avoid slow and crowded public buses. In contrast, we now have a variety of choices, including underground tube and city metro, as replacements. For example, constrained by budgetary concerns, an increasing number of college graduates working in large cities such as Beijing and Shanghai choose to to rent or buy houses in neighboring cities, taking inter-city metro to work in the morning, which prompts the governments to invest more in improving suburban transportation. As a result, not only can they live in more spacious compartments, they actually spend roughly the same amount of time as they otherwise would, driving from city center to work. Examples such as these testify to a general trend where young people are increasingly inclined toward public transportation at the expense of private cars.Lastly, confronted by the realities of environmental pollution and mounting health problems, we are forced to undertake policies against the use of cars. With the increase of automobiles, came greater carbon emission, pollution, and pollution-related diseases, as a result of which many governments passed laws restricting the use of cars. For instance, faced with the twinned problems of air quality decline and traffic congestion, the Chinese government has initiated a rotating system whereby a certain number of cars are forbidden on the street each day, forcing part of the population to use public transportation. Likewise, in France, the tax on gasoline and petrol has been doubled so that people will be less inclined to buy cars.Also, in Holland, many roads and streets are opened only to pedestrians and cyclists, whereas cars are confined to a few selected routes. In the light of such concerns, I cannot help but thinking that the number of cars will eventually be reduced in near future.In conclusion, based on the aforementioned reasons, it is my honest belief that there will be fewer cars in use in twenty years.。

托福作文题目古今对比类话题托福作文考试重要的自己的立意,为了帮助众多考生解决托福考试问题,托福栏目小编整理的托福作文题目及话题立意,希望可以帮助考生度过考试的难关,下面是小编搜集的托福作文之古今对比类话题的相关资讯,欢迎阅读!托福写作题目及话题:Students today are more interested in politics than they were in the past.托福写作思路解析:这道题目是一道古今对比的题目,古今对比题目“总分总” 结构最简单,这道题目选择的观点是不同意,即认为过去的学生要比现在的学生对政治更感兴趣。
(First and foremost, the current heavier academic load of students have made them less interested in politics than their counterparts in the past. It is self-evident that the heavier load of study will lead to the decrease of students’ spare time, thereby lessening the likelihood that they are concerned about anything unrelated to study. According to the statistics conducted by the Education Ministry in 1990 and 2010, students spent only 6 hours on study every day in 1990, while the figure has increased to 8 hours per day in 2010, which indicates that students devote more time to their study. )理由二:由于政治形势的不同造成的。

下面是给大家带来的举一反三拿下托福写作高分,供大家参考!举一反三拿下托福写作高分先来看一个托福写作备考高分例题一:1. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? University students should be required to take history courses no matter what field they study.托福写作备考高分题目分析:本题中的history曾经被替换成basic science,那么就不排除将来会变成mathematics,foreign language等等的可能性。
托福写作备考高分例题二:2. Do you agree or disagree that with the following statement? People rely on their neighbors less now than they did in the past.托福写作备考高分例题分析:本题中的neighbors也是被替换的常见对象,比如friends, colleagues, parents等等都可以成为将来的考题。

托福写作今昔对比类话题解析及素材推荐为了方便大家备考托福写作,积累更多素材,下面小编给大家带来托福写作今昔对比类话题解析及素材推荐,希望对你有所帮助!托福写作今昔对比类题目Nowadays people are more willing to help others who they do not know (for example giving food or clothing) than they were in the past.详情查看2016年12月3日托福独立写作题目话题:社会类题型:一元素比较类重复:2013年1月26日[!历年真题串讲必看!]一边倒今天竟然跟上次一样又是一个今昔对比的题目。
托福写作今昔对比类话题素材推荐压力的段子 [记忆复写第6篇]Firstly, it is high time that government arouse people’s awareness of the importance of physical soundness. Along with the acceleration of social development, people, especially young people, are confronted with unprecedentedly fierce competition. They need to work very hard to guarantee a decent life, which causes them way heavier pressures than before. Under such circumstances, most of them are prone to be caught in a sub-healthy state. Given that it is governments’ responsibilities to improve citizens’ health condition, government should increase access to public exercise equipment in the neighborhood and raise people’s awareness of the importance of doing exercises regularly through mass media.广告的段子[记忆复写第29篇]Another case in point falls into the field of education and training industry. In lack of strict supervision from the government, some training schools in China have always been misleading their customers. For the expansion of enrolment, they tend to claim that after taking a certain number of courses, any student will achieve high scores required to enter universities. In fact, such statement is ridiculous for it fails to consider each individual’s situation. In other words, nobody can be guaranteed that he or she is sure to succeed in an exam.媒体的段子[记忆复写第29篇]Nevertheless, it is not reasonable to criticize the mass media, including television, newspapers, magazines and so forth, for its excessive exposure on the personal lives of famous people. In fact, it is the public, to a large extent, rather than the mass media, that is paying too much attention on celebrities’ personal lives. This phenomenon is well interpreted with the fact that many people will spare time to gossip about famous people such as actors, athletes and rock stars. Meanwhile, since most organizations of mass media industry are audience-oriented and mostly driven by business motivation, television program producers, as well as columnists and writers are always aware of what the public want to see, and thus tend to expose famous people’s anecdotes in order to pander to tastes of the public.托福写作今昔对比类话题备考建议独立部分无非就是没思路、写不顺、写不对三个问题,没思路的一定要考前多看看历年真题串讲,最近大部分都是之前考过的旧题。

(15)Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:nowadays advertisements are more honest than they were in the past.开头:现在的广告比以前的广告更不诚实了。
(话题引入+展示争论的话题+ 我的观点及过渡)Advertising is an effective way to popularize products. In this world full of intense competitions, advertisements increasingly incorporate into our daily lives taking different forms. Along with this phenomenon comes a heated debate: are today’s advertisements more honest than they were in the past? From my perspective, businessmen nowadays are more inclined to make their advertisements exaggerated in order to take an upper hand in commercial competition. There are two examples below that can well illustrate my viewpoint.中间段1:食品领域,广告非常诱人,但实际上差强人意。
(主题句+说理论证+细节例子)The first example comes from the food industry nowadays. It is not uncommon that food companies choose to feature their food in an exaggerating way with the purpose of catching customers’ attention. Once I went by the door of a restaurant, a salesman handed me a coupon that was a form of advertisement. This coupon presented a mouth-watering burger with a big chunk of beef and many fresh vegetables. My empty stomach compelled me to enter the restaurant and order that burger. However, to my disappointment, I only found that the burger was much smaller than what was shown in the coupon.中间段2:教育培训领域经常出现过分承诺的情况。
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•1,People are more friendly in the past than today.
•2,Technology has made children less creative than they were in the past.
•3,Students are more interested in politics today than before?
•4,It is easier to succeed nowadays than it was in the past.
•5,In the past teachers had more influence on the young people than they do today. •6, Students are more interested in politics today than they were in the past.
•7, Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.
•8, Teaching was a harder job in the past than it is today.
•9, The ability to cooperate well with others is more important today than it was in the past.
•10,People rely on their neighbors less now than in the past.
•Young people today are less dependent on their parents than in the past.
Never do topics concerning dependence fail to fascinate us in the modern society. It is wildly accepted that the young people tend to be independent. From my perspective, the youth are less dependent on their parents nowadays than in the old days based on the following reasons.
One of the most critical reasons is that the development of science and technology enable them to solve problems easier. Since there are so many new inventions coming out these days, youth are able to search things they do not understand online and solve them without the help from their parents. This kind of help from the internet is always more helpful than their parents, so there is no reason relying on parents. For instance, decades ago the young might ask parents for help understanding how to actually cook a dish. However, we can easily search online or just let the electric cooker automatically cook the ingredients.
The changing of life styles also gives rise to independence of the children. The world is now in a quick mode and a lot of people are used to living in rapid rhythm style.
Therefore there is less communication than in the past. If the youth consider them as individuals according to the new life style, they are less likely to be dependent upon their parents. Take my friend as an example, he always hangs out with friends and he hardly has time to have a really long talk with family members. After becoming less imitate with parents, he depend less on them. Here we can tell the life style changing is significant on determining the young’s less independence.
Education lead students learn to solve problems on their own and become less dependent. The new educating system asks teachers to cultivate students’problem solving skills. They always make students think more and try more to solve problems on their own in order to achieve the goal. The educating method encourages students to ask less for help. I tend to ask parents for less help because the good educating method decreases my tendency to be dependent. Usually I can easily solve the problem after trying for several times.
All reasons taken into account, we can safely reach the conclusion that young people now depend less on parents than before. That's because of the help from the well-developed science and technology and their changing of life style. Besides their education make them learn problem solving skills.。