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In to on

1. Shanghai is _____ the east of China.

2. Japan is _____ the east of China.

3. North Korea is _____the east of China.

4. Changsha is _____ the east of the Xiang jiang River.

5. _____ the north of Huai River there will be a strong wind.

6. Australia lies _____ the south of China.

7. Tibet is ____the west of China.

8. _____ the northeast, there will be heavy snow.

答案:1.in; 2.to; 3.on; 4.on; 5.to; 6.to; 7.in; 8.in

解析:三个词在此都是表示方位的介词,泛指在东南西北某个方向,用介词in,如in the east, in the south;指在某个区域内的某个方向,也用in,例如句1;两地接壤,一地在另一地的某个方向,用on,如果两地不接壤,则用to,例如句4和句6.

Since for after

1. I haven’t seen him ______ he left.

2. He went to America ______ he finished high school.

3. He has been busy ______ two days ago.

4. He has been busy ______ two days

答案:1.since; 2.after; 3.since; 4.for.

解析:since + 过去时间点,表示“自-----以来”,主句用现在完成时或一般现在时,例如——I have worked here since I graduated from college/ It is ten years since we met in the last time;for + 一段时间,表示动作或事情持续了多久,常用现在完成时或过去完成时;after +过去时间点,表示在某个时间点之后,主句用一般过去时,例如:I played basketball after I finished my homework./ after + 现在时间点,主句用一般将来时,例如:I’ll call you after I have breakfas t; I will go shopping after six o’clock.

Already yet still

1. Have you had your breakfast_____ ? No, I haven’t.

2. Where is the bus? The bus has ______ left.

3. Do you _____ teach in that school?

4. He is ______ standing there.

5. He is standing there ______.

6. Have you ______ had breakfast?

答案:1.yet; 2.already; 3.still; 4.still; 5.still; 6.already

解析:already, yet都有“已经”的意思,都用于完成时,already用于疑问句或肯定句中;yet用于疑问句和否定句中,already一般位于句中,而yet一般位于句末,参照例句1,2,6;still“仍然”或“不动的,静止的”,如句4,句5.

Watch sb do sth. Watch sb doing sth. (hear, see, make, let, have, notice)

1. Is Mr. Smith watching the students ______ (play) football on the playground?

2. He likes watching children ______ (play) football.

3. When I went into his room, I saw him ______ (wash) clothes.

4. Have you seen him ______ (leave) the classroom?

5. I often hear her ______ (play) this piece of music.

6. I heard some teachers ______ (talk) when I got to the office.

答案:1. playing; 2. play; 3.washing; 4.leave; 5.play; 6.talking

解析:watch“观看”,watch sb. do sth,表示看过某人做了某事/ watch sb. doing sth,表示观看某人正

Learn study

1. Study hard, and you will _____ English well.

2. We must _____ from him.

3. He _____very fast.

4. What do you _____ English for? - For the country, for the people, or for yourself?

5. He wants to be a scientist and _____ dinosaurs.(恐龙)

6. When she _____ this good news, she felt happy.

答案:1.learn; 2.learn; 3.learns; 4.study; 5.studies; 6.learnt


Near nearly

1. It is _____ six o’clock. Let’s go home.

2. The train station is quite _____. Don’t be in such a hurry.

3. There is a hospital _____ our school.

4. My home is _____ to school. It’s only five minutes’ walk.

5. Be careful. That car _____ hit you.

6. The train is coming _____.

答案:1.nearly; 2.near; 3.near; 4.near; 5.nearly; 6.near

None neither either nothing no one

1. _____ of the fruit is delicious.

2. _____/ _____ of you watched carefully enough.

3. Will you give me some water? There is _____ in the cup.

4. If you don’t go to the concert, _____ shall I

5. I don’t like fish. _____ do I.

6. ______ likes a person with bad manners.

7. You haven’t been to America, and I haven’t, _____

8. There is _____ interesting in today’s newspaper.

9. He has had _____ yet, so he is hungry.

10. Who telephoned me this morning? - _______.

11. How many students are there in the classroom? - ______

12. It is _____ hot nor cold in the spring in my hometown.

13. _____ Tom or Mary has to clean the classroom.

14. I have _____ to do with this matter.

答案:1.none; 2.none/ neither; 3.none; 4.neither; 5.neither; 6.no one; 7.either; 8.nothing; 9.nothing; 10.no one;

11.none; 12.neither; 13.either; 14.nothing

All right that’s all right that’s right

1. I’m sorry I forgot to bring you the book. - _________.

2. Shall we make a snowman? - __________

3. The moon goes around the earth. - ____________.

4. It’s very kind of you. Thank you very much.- ____________.

5. You said you were from America. Is that so? - ____________.

6. Just a little cold. It’s nothing serious. You’ll be __________ tomorrow.

答案:1.that’s all right; 2.all right; 3.that’s right; 4.that’s all right; 5.that’s right; 6.all right
