13年广东听说高考真题——APartAReadingAloudIntheheartofLondonsitsoneofBritain’smostrecognisablebuildings.Yetitsstoryisoneoftheleastunderstoo d.Butwhatisnowthesiteofasplendidpalacewasonceopencountryside.Asroyalresidencesgo,BuckinghamPalac eissomethingofanewcomer.Thestateroomsarelessthan200yearsold.Yetitshistoryismucholderandmoredrama ticthanyoumightthink.Itsroomsarefilledwithobjectsthatarecluestothecharacterofkingsandqueenspast.Andth eartandarchitecturecombinetomakeastatementaboutBritain’splaceintheworld.101英音视频总长:66秒字数:101words语速:155-160wordsperminute语音:女声英音非原声三问部分:在将来的教室里互联网有什么用?Question1:WhatistheuseoftheInternetinthefutureclassroom?/WhatistheInternetforinthefutureclassroom?/WhatrolewilltheInternetplayinthefutureclassroom?Answer1:TheInternetistheplaceforstudentstogetinformationfrom.Itissoeasytogetinformationbecauseyoucanfindwhatyouneedwithinseconds.将来学生如何参加考试?Question2:Howwillstudentstakeexamsinthefuture?Answer2:StudentscantakeexamsontheInternet,andexamswillbeautomaticallymarkedbythecomputer,notbyt heirteachers.What’smore,studentswillbetestedonhowtouseinformationratherthanknowinginformation.However,Iactuallydon’tknowwhetherthat’sgoodorbadandwhetherit’sgoingtohappen.51将来学生需要学习什么?Question3:Whatwillstudentsneedtostudy/learninthefuture?/Whatisnecessaryforstudentstolearn/studyinthefuture?Answer3:Studentsneedtobecreativebecausethat’sthekeytosuccessinthefuture.Thepurposeoflearningisnotaboutknowingknowledge,butputtingknowledgeintopractice.五答部分:Question1:HowlongisDr.Brown’scourse?语速:140-145wordsperminute字数:202words总时长:1分25秒13年广东听说高考真题——BPartAReadingAloudIn1939,ontheeveoftheSecondWorldWar,AlbertEinsteinwrotealettertotheAmericanPresident.Theletter wasaboutanapplicationofEinstein’sfamousequation,EequalsMCsquaredandhisfearthattheNaziscoulduseitto buildanatomicbomb.EequalsMCsquaredisthesymbolofEinstein’sgenius.It’sanequationthatsumsuponeofthe mostpowerfultruthsabouttheuniverse.Itcombinestwoideas,whichuntilEinsteincamealong,noonehadeverdre amedcouldbeconnectedinsuchapowerfulway.Theideaofmass,andtheideaofenergy.103英音视频总长:66秒字数:103words语速:160wordsperminute语音:男声英音题材:人物类句子分析:倒数第二句为复杂句视频比去年清晰Question1:HowcanImakethemworktogether?/HowdoImakethemworkasateam?/WhatcanIdotomakethemworktogether?Answer1:Youshouldcalleveryonetogetherforameetingandyoushouldmakethemknowthatworkingasateamisimportant.21你认为什么时侯召集开会最好呢?Question2:Whatdoyouthinkisbesttocallthemforameeting?/Whatdoyouthinkisthebesttimetocalleveryoneformeeting?/Whendoyouthinkisbesttocallameeting?Answer2:Assoonaspossible.Youshouldplaytheroleofamonitorinthemeeting,gettingtoknowwhattheyhavedo nesofarandfindingoutwhatstillneedstobedone.Inthisway,youwillbesurethattheprojectisdonecorrectly.46作为领导,我应该怎样对待团队成员呢?Question3:HowshouldItreatmyteammatesasaleader?/HowshouldItreatmyteammembersasamonitor? Answer3:Youcan’tjusttellthemwhattodoorhowtodothings.Agoodleaderlistenstohisteammatesaswellasdirec tsthem.Bylisteningtoyourteammates,yougettoknowhowmuchtheyhaveachievedandyouknow.42五答部分:Question1:Howmanypeopledoyouneedtoworkwith?Answer1:Five.Question2:WhatdoesMarythinktheproblemis?同义转换题Answer2:Mygroupisnotgoodatteamwork.语速:140wordsperminute字数:198words总时长:1分27秒13年广东听说高考真题——CPartAReadingAloudIsaacNewtonhasalwaysbeenaheroofmine,andprobablyeveryphysicistyou’llevermeet.Hewasn’taneasy character.HearrivedinCambridgein1661afteradifficultchildhood.Hisfatherhaddiedbeforehewasbornandhis motherhadabandonedhimattheageofthree.ButtheyoungNewtonshowedhisgeniusatanearlyage.Hewonderedwhatlightmightbemadeofandwantedtoknowhowvisionworked,andhewaspreparedtotryanythingtofindout.O nenightinhisdarkenedlaboratory,hedecidedtoexperimentonhisowneye.100英音视频总长:64秒字数:100words语速:160wordsperminute语音:男声英音题材:人物类视频比去年清晰ingin.36哪些体育运动在英国最流行?Question2:WhatarethemostpopularsportsinBritain/England?/WhatsportsarethemostpopularonesinBritain/England?Answer2:Well,therecanbenodoubtthatfootballisatthetopofthelist.ThegamehaditsorigininBritainandwasplayedi nthemiddleages,orevenearlier.Thoughasanorganizedgameitdatesonlyfromthebeginningofthe19thcentury.47体育运动是不是谈话中的常用话题?Question3:Issportsacommontopicinconversation?/Issportsthethingmosttalkedabout?Answer3:Oh,yes.Infact,Ithinkit’ssafetosaythatapartfromtheweather,it’sthethingmosttalkedaboutinBritain.S oifwewanttostartaconversationwithastranger,we’dbetterstarttalkingabouttheweatherorrecentfootballmatch.Ifyoutrythat,you’llfinditusuallyworks.54五答部分:Question1:WhatsportisMarycrazyabout?同义转换Answer1:Tennis.Question2:WhatsportdoesMaryplaysometimes?同义转换Answer2:V olleyball.语速:140wordsperminute字数:197words总时长:1分25秒13年广东听说高考真题——D(DEF只附与前三套不同特点分析)PartAReadingAloudThemostambitiousmapinhistoryistakingshapebeforeoureyes.Andscientistsareheadingfortheedge.Itma ybethestrangestmapyou’lleversee.Andit’sbiggerthanyoucanbelieve.It’samapoftheentireuniverse.They’reev enbuildingpicturesoftheinvisible.Thisisamapofeverythingweknow.Andit’sgettingbiggereveryday.Theunive rseissobig,wemayneverfindtheedge.Mappingtheuniverseisajobforpioneers.Nickwantstoputourentiregalaxy onthemap.He’sonasingle-handedmission,tophotographtheMilkyWay.(68”)102words你经常带工作回家吗?Question3:Doyouoftenbringworkhome?/Doyouoftentakeworkhome?Answer3:Yes.It’sunavoidable.Sometimesweinvitefriendsforamealtoourhome,notusuallyduringtheweek,though.Andsometimeswegoouttoashow.27words五答部分:Question1(女音):WhatdoesMr.Brownusuallydowhileheishavingbreakfast?Answer1:Watchingtheeighto’clocknews./Hewatchestheeighto’clocknewsatthesametime.Question2:WhyisMr.Brownofteninagreathurryonhiswaytowork?Answer2:Becausehedriveshischildrentoschoolandoneofhischildrenalwaysforgetssomething./Becauseoneofhischildrenalwaysforgetssomething.Question3:Whydoesn’tMr.Browngohomerightafterwork?Answer3:Thetrafficisheavy./Becauseoftheheavytraffic./Toavoidtheheavytraffic./Incaseoftheheavytraffic.Question4:WhatdoesMr.Browndowhenhegetshome?Answer4:Hehelpshiswifegetsupperready./Helpinghiswifegetsupperready./Helpinghiswifewithsupper.(此题信息点来源于三问部分Answer1,但是题目设计得不好,答案容易模棱两可。
--WORD 格式---可编辑---2013 年广东省高考英语听说考试完整真题及答案 A —F 及 G 套 Part A & Bant052013 年广东高考英语听说考试真题 AWelcome to Computer-based English Listening and Speaking Test. CELST is a module of National Matriculation English Test (Guangdong Version), consisting of three parts. Part A is Reading Aloud. In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video. Part B is Role Play. In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions from the computer acting as another role. Part C is Retelling. In this part, you are required to listen to a monologue, and then retell what you have heard in your own words.PART A Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in thevideo.任务: (1)就新技术对教育的影响采访 Dr. Brown ;(2)根据谈话内容回答同学的提问。
Eye contact is one of the most important forms of body language. It can be the key to successful communication. It can show whether a person is friendly or unfriendly, interested or bored, clear or confused. However, eye contact can mean different things in different cultures.In Western cultures, making eye contact in conversations is necessary. As a matter of fact, a Westerner might consider a lack of eye contact as a lack of interest. In countries such as Spain, Italy and Greece, people like standing close to each other to talk, so eye contact is frequent.In many Asian cultures, avoiding eye contact shows respect. People do this when they talk with anyone in authority or with elders.Eye contact needs careful thought. Avoiding eye contact might be considered impolite, but staring at others is also considered rude and should be avoided.二、情景对话(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)请根据所提供的情景作出回应,每个情景播放两遍。
1you might think. Its rooms are filled with objects that are clues to the character of kings and queens past. And the art and arc hitecture combine to make a statement about Britain’s place in the world. (101 words) 现在你有一分钟的准备时间。
Now you have ONE minute to practise reading. 现在请对照原文,再听一遍录音。
Now listen to the speaker once again. And try to read after the speaker. 现在开始录音。
Now read as the speaker in the video. (解析:视频总长66秒;字数:101 words ;语速:155-160 words per minute ;语音:女声英音非原声;题材:建筑类;句子分析:全为陈述句;视频比去年清晰。
) Part B Role Play In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions. Now 开始提问。
Now please ask the speaker three questions. Y ou have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question.1. 在将来的教室里互联网有什么用? Question: What is the use of the Internet in the future classroom? / What is the Internet for in the future classroom? / What role will the Internet play in the future classroom? Answer: The Internet is the place for students to get information from. It is so easy to get information because you can find what you need within seconds.2. 将来学生如何参加考试? Question: How will students take exams in the future? Answer: Students can take exams on the Internet, and exams will be automatically marked by the computer, not by their teachers. What’s more, students will be tested on how to use information rather than knowing information. However, I actually don’t know whether that’s good or bad and whether it’s going to happen.3. 将来学生需要学习什么?Question: What will students need to study/ learn in the future? / What is necessary forstudents to learn/ study in the future?2Answer: The Internet.现在请准备回答第四个问题。
2013年广州初中英语中考口语试题(共5篇)第一篇:2013年广州初中英语中考口语试题2013年广州初中英语中考口语试题1A一、朗读Dear Ms White,I am James from Class 6 Grade 9 at Sunshine School.I have lots of friends, but I feel it's not always easy to do the right thing.Sometimes I lack courage in certain st night I rode the underground home.Three tough boys got on the almost empty train.They sat beside a young boy who was travelling alone.They began to bully him.The boy was frightened and so he moved to another seat.That did no good.They just followed him and went on with their bullying.Then the train stopped at my station.I got off and walked home.I felt very sorry for the boy, but I didn't know how to help him.I am a peaceful person and I hate violence.Was I wrong?二、情景对话1.What do you usually do on your birthday?I usually eat birthday cakes/ have a party on my birthday.2.How did you feel on your first day at primary school?I felt very excited on my first day at primary school.3.I want to buy a shirt.What is your favourite colour?Blue / Black.4.You meet a foreigner at the party for the first time.What will you say to him?How do you do? Nice to meet you.5.Your friend Tom looks very sick today.What will you do?I will look after him.三、简短说话。
2013年广东省高职院校英语口语大赛复赛试题2013年广东省高职院校英语口语大赛复赛试题非英语专业组Paper 1Suppose you are a secretary working in Lenovo Company and you will be responsible for bidding farewell to some clients from the USA. The managing director asks you to arrange a farewell dinner for them. Please give a farewell speech to the guests.Paper2Suppose you are going to be interviewed by the HR manager from a foreign trade company. Please make a speech to introduce yourself as a qualified candidate for the job opening.Paper3Suppose you are invite to take part in a discussion about the change of lunch break time in your company. You would like to start the working day an hour late at 9 o’clock by cutting the lunch break to one hour while some other colleagues feel they need two hours in the middle of the day to have a lunch and a nap. Please make a speech to state your reasons to persuade them.Paper 4Suppose you work for Lenovo Company. You are required to make a speech to introduce your company to the guests who are invited by your company to attend the Canton Fair.Paper 5Suppose you are going to graduate from your college soon. Please make a speech to describe your ideal career.Paper 6Suppose you are the assistant manager of a light company in Guangzhou and you are responsible for receiving a very import client---Mr. Green from Canada. Please give a welcome speech to Mr. Green on behalf of your General Manager Mr. Wang Bin at the welcome dinner.Paper 7Suppose you work in a carpet making company. Your company will attend the Canton Fair as an exhibitor. As a representative of your company, you are required to make a speech to introduce the advantages of your main products.Paper 8Suppose you are a secretary of Homefort Furniture Company and you are accompanying your client, Mr. Brown around Pearl River in Guangzhou. Please make a speech to introduce Guangzhou to Mr. Brown..Paper9Suppose you are the sales manager of Everbright Cosmetics Co. in Guangzhou and there are some American clients who are very interested in your new skin care products. Please make a speech tointroduce your new products or services to your clients.Paper10Suppose you work as a receptionist in Guangzhou New International Exposition Center. Please make a speech to introduce Canton Fair to the new exhibitors from Australia.英语专业组Paper1Suppose you are the Sales Manager of a company specializing in electronic products. Your sales team currently feels very frustrated as your biggest competitor is taking up themarket share with a new product. Please make a short speech to your sales staff to boost their morale and present some possible approaches to compete with your business rival.Paper2Suppose your company is sending a sales team abroad to finalize a major contract negotiation. You are the group leader of the business trip. Please make a short speech to the group bout what need to be planned and what arrangements need to be made in advance.Paper3Suppose a group of business people from a foreign country is visiting your company on a fact-finding mission. As the project manager, you have been asked to entertain the visitor during their stay. Please make a short speech to the visiting group at the fare-well party.Paper4Suppose you work for the Public Relations Department of a company specializing in cosmetics. Your company is producing a company promotional video before entering a foreign market. Please make a short speech to your colleagues about what information should be include and what staff should appear in the promotional video.Paper 5Suppose you are the production manager of a large manufacturing company. You have noticed the signs that employees in your department are overburdened with heavy workload. You have been asked to make suggestions about how to improve this situation. Please make a short speech to the Board of Directors about the possible solutions.Paper 6Suppose you are the Public Relations Manager in a candy factory and your company is facing a serious food safety problem, which has caused extensive public concern and company image crisis. You have been asked to communicate with the media to repair the company image. Please make a short speech to the press about the crisis, possible solutions and your business ethics.Paper7Suppose the retail company you work for needs to employ a number of temporary sales assistants to cover a busy period of its shops. Please make a short speech to the job applicants about whattype of people would be suitable for the positions and what the company can offer to attract temporary staff.Paper 8Suppose you are a salesperson in a company specializing in office equipment. With more and more people working from home, the need of an office space in the house is increasing, please make a short speech to present your office equipment to a group of telecommuters and try to convince them to buy your products and services.Paper9Suppose your manager has been invited to attend a conference for regional sales managers organized by the headquarters of your company. You have been asked to help with the preparations. Please make a short speech to your colleagues about what data should be prepare for the conference and how to do networking at the conference.Paper10Suppose your company is running a health and safety training course for the staff and you are the trainer. Please makea short speech to the staff about the importance of a healthy and safe working environment and what measures or procedures should be introduced to improve the working conditions at the workplace.。
2013 年广东省高考英语听说考试完整真题及答案 A —F 及 G 套 Part A & B ant052013 年广东高考英语听说考试真题 A Welcome to Computer-based English Listening and Speaking Test. CELST is a module of National Matriculation English Test (Guangdong Version), consisting of three parts. Part A is Reading Aloud. In this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in the video. Part B is Role Play. In this part, you are required to act as arole and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, askthe speaker three questions and then answer five questions from the computer acting as another role. Part C is Retelling. In this part, youare required to listen to a monologue, and then retell what you haveheard in your own words.PART A Reading AloudIn this part, you are required to watch a video clip and read after the speaker in thevideo.任务: (1)就新技术对教育的影响采访 Dr. Brown ;(2)根据谈话内容回答同学的提问。
(5—6)3.参考题目Part I Read Aloud and Answer Questions (学生预先准备,考试时学生抽签。
)1. He thinks I’m God.A young woman brings home her fiancé to meet her parents. After dinner, her mother tells her father to find out about the young man’s plans. The father invite s the fiancé to his study for a drink.“So what are your plans?” the father asks the young man.“I am a Bible student,” he replies.“A Bible student. Hmm.” The father says. “Good, but what will you do to provide my daughter with a nice house such as she’s accustomed to?”“I will study,” the young man replies, “and God will provide for us.”“And how will you buy her a beautiful engagement ring such as she deserves?” asks the father.“I will concentrate on my studies,” the Youngman replies, “and God will provide for us.”“And children?” asks the father. “How will you support children?”“Don’t worry, sir. God will provide,” replies the fiancé.The conversation goes on like this, and each time the father questions him, the young man insists that God will provide. Later, the mother asks, “How did it go, honey?”The father answers, “He had no job and no plans, but the good news is he thinks I’m God.”Q1: Why does the mother tell the father to find out about the young man’s plans?Q2: What are the young man’s plans?2. An Introduction to AdvertisingAdvertising has become increasingly specialized in modern times. In today’s business world, supply usually outnumbers demand. There is great competition among different manufacturers of the same kind of product to attractcustomers to their product. They always have to remind the consumer of the name and the qualities of their product. They do this by advertising. The manufacturers advertise in the newspapers and on posters. They sometimes pay for songs about their product in commercial radio programs. They employ attractive salesgirls to distribute samples. They organizes competitions, with prizes for the winners. They often advertise on the screens of local cinemas. Most important of all, in countries that have television, they have advertisements put into programs that will accept them. Manufacturers often spend large sums of money on advertisements. Sometimes they even spend more on ads than on the products themselves. We usually think so because of the advertisements that say so. Some people never pause to ask themselves if the advertisements are telling the truth.Q1: Why has advertising become increasingly important in modern times?Q2: How do manufacturers usually advertise?3. 100 Percent Polar BearOne afternoon in the Arctic, a father polar bear and his son polar bear were sitting in the snow. The son turned to his father and asked, “Dad, am I 100 percent polar bear?” “Of course, son, you’re 100 percent polar bear.”A few minutes passed, and the bear turned to h is father again and said, “Dad, tell me the truth. I can take it. Am I 100 percent polar bear? No brown bear or panda bear?” “Son, I’m 100 percent polar bear and your mother is 100 percent polar bear, so you’re certainly 100 percent polar bear.”A few minutes passed, and the son polar bear again turned to his father and asked, “Dad, don’t worry. But it’ll hurt my feelings if it’s not true. I really need to know…am I really 100 percent polar bear?”Somewhat angered by this continued questioning, the fath er polar bear yelled at his son, “Why on earth do you keep asking is you’re 100 percent polar bear?”“Because I’m freezing to death out here!”Q1: Why did the son polar bear keep asking his father whether he was 100 percent polar bear?Q2: What was the fa ther polar bear’s reason why his son was 100 percent polar bear?4. A Model’s Description of Her WorkBefore the fashion show started, we had a rehearsal. In a small room we were each given a space. A dresser got us into the fashion clothes, then an assistant checked that the style was right—the correct number of buttons undone, the trousers pulled to the right height. Once dressed, we queued up in order by the door. The fashion designer checked that the clothing was as the he wanted. The music started, and we went out. We posed for the photographers, turned and walked back. It was a breeze. I walked back into the room, too excited to realize I was meant to hurry. In the few steps from the door you can throw off quite a few layers of clothing. By failing to do so, I almost missed my next turn.At 8:30p.m., with the audience in place, we were back in the clothes. We went out again, to a full house. The music was loud, but clear. You could hear the talking—fashion shows are not theatre, and people don’t keep q uiet. Journalists discuss what to write about; buyers discuss whether they can make a profit from the clothes. And although you have been chosen for your looks that are suitable for certain dresses, as a model, you are just an advertisement for the designer. So you walk through conversations, unable to stop or react. You are not a creative human being, just a smiling doll.Q1: Can you describe the model’s work briefly in your own words?Q2: Do you think the speaker is proud of modeling? Why or why not?5. An Introduction to Credit CardsCredit cards are plastic cards issued by a bank or other financial institutions allowing the holder to buy goods and service without using cash. Many American don’t like to carry much cash. For them the cards are convenient andsafe to use.Credit cards are gaining popularity, even for buying small items. They are accepted almost everywhere, though not at fast food restaurants.Credit cards allow you to purchase things that you may not currently have the money to buy. When you use a credit card, the credit card company that issued the credit card pays the store. Later, a bill will be mailed to you by your credit card company for the amount you purchased. At that time, you can either pay the bill in full, or only pay a minimum amount, and wait till later to finish paying. If you wait till later, you will owe the credit card company interest on the amount that you do not pay.Q1: Why are credit cards so popular?Q2: What is the advantage of a credit card?Q3: When you receive a bill from your credit card company, how much can you pay immediately?6. Who stole the vase?Amy, the richest woman in town, threw a party. It was crowded and turned out to be a huge success, until about 12:00 a.m. That’s when Amy noticed that her valuable vase was missing from the entry hall table. When the police chief arrived, he asked each visitor to make a statement. Phillip McDonald stepped forward, saying, “I was one of the first to arrive, about the same time as Julie Becker. I never once left the house. If people don’t remember me, it’s because I spent most of time in a bedroom, watching a basketball game.” The chief took down what Phillip’s said, then told him he could go. Rod Bush was the next. He also claimed that he had never left the house, though he did step out onto a second story balcony, but it was so cold that he came back in immediately. Julie Becker was the third to make a statement. She also claimed never to have left orseen anything. “I spent much of the party moving from group to group and eating the various tables.” The chief told her to leave, too, and watched as she went into the hall and took her coat from the top of a crowded coat rack. Now the chief started to suspect one of the three guests.Q1: Who was Amy and what did she find after 12:00 a.m.?Q2: Whom did the police chief suspect? Why?Part II Text-related questions(按照要求简要回答以下一个问题,时间约为1-2分钟。
2013年广东省高职院校英语口语大赛复赛试题(最终定稿)第一篇:2013年广东省高职院校英语口语大赛复赛试题2013年广东省高职院校英语口语大赛复赛试题非英语专业组Paper 1Suppose you are a secretary working in Lenovo Company and you will be responsible for bidding farewell to some clients from the USA.The managing director asks you to arrange a farewell dinner for them.Please give a farewell speech to the guests.Paper2Suppose you are going to be interviewed by the HR manager from a foreign trade company.Please make a speech to introduce yourself as a qualified candidate for the job opening.Paper3 Suppose you are invite to take part in a discussion about the change of lunch break time in your company.You would like to start the working day an hour late at 9 o’clock by cutting the lunch break to one hour while some other colleagues feel they need two hours in the middle of the day to have a lunch and a nap.Please make a speech to state your reasons to persuade them.Paper 4Suppose you work for Lenovo Company.You are required to make a speech to introduce your company to the guests who are invited by your company to attend the Canton Fair.Paper 5 Suppose you are going to graduate from your college soon.Please make a speech to describe your ideal career.Paper 6 Suppose you are the assistant manager of a light company in Guangzhou and you are responsible for receiving a very import client---Mr.Green from Canada.Please give a welcome speech to Mr.Green on behalf of your General Manager Mr.Wang Bin at thewelcome dinner.Paper 7Suppose you work in a carpet making company.Your company will attend the Canton Fair as an exhibitor.As a representative of your company, you are required to make a speech to introduce the advantages of your main products.Paper 8Suppose you are a secretary of Homefort Furniture Company and you are accompanying your client, Mr.Brown around Pearl River in Guangzhou.Please make a speech to introduce Guangzhou to Mr.Brown..Paper9Suppose you are the sales manager of Everbright Cosmetics Co.in Guangzhou and there are some American clients who are very interested in your new skin care products.Please make a speech tointroduce your new products or services to your clients.Paper10Suppose you work as a receptionist in Guangzhou New International Exposition Center.Please make a speech to introduce Canton Fair to the new exhibitors from Australia.英语专业组Paper1Suppose you are the Sales Manager of a company specializing in electronic products.Your sales team currently feels very frustrated as your biggest competitor is taking up the market share with a new product.Please make a short speech to your sales staff to boost their morale and present some possible approaches to compete with your business rival.Paper2 Suppose your company is sending a sales team abroad to finalize a major contract negotiation.You are the group leader of the business trip.Please make a short speech to the group boutwhat need to be planned and what arrangements need to be made in advance.Paper3Suppose a group of business people from a foreign country is visiting your company on a fact-finding mission.As the project manager, you have been asked to entertain the visitor during their stay.Please make a short speech to the visiting group at the fare-well party.Paper4Suppose you work for the Public Relations Department of a company specializing in cosmetics.Your company is producing a company promotional video before entering a foreign market.Please make a short speech to your colleagues about what information should be include and what staff should appear in the promotional video.Paper 5Suppose you are the production manager of a large manufacturing company.You have noticed the signs that employees in your department are overburdened with heavy workload.You have been asked to make suggestions about how to improve this situation.Please make a short speech to the Board of Directors about the possible solutions.Paper 6Suppose you are the Public Relations Manager in a candy factory and your company is facing a serious food safety problem, which has caused extensive public concern and company image crisis.You have been asked to communicate with the media to repair the company image.Please make a short speech to the press about the crisis, possible solutions and your business ethics.Paper7Suppose the retail company you work for needs to employ a number of temporary sales assistants to cover a busy period of its shops.Please make a short speech to the job applicants about whattype of people would be suitable for the positions and what the company can offer to attract temporary staff.Paper 8 Suppose you are a salesperson in a company specializing in office equipment.With more and more people working from home, the need of an office space in the house is increasing, please make a short speech to present your office equipment to a group of telecommuters and try to convince them to buy your products and services.Paper9Suppose your manager has been invited to attend a conference for regional sales managers organized by the headquarters of your company.You have been asked to help with the preparations.Please make a short speech to your colleagues about what data should be prepare for the conference and how to do networking at the conference.Paper10Suppose your company is running a health and safety training course for the staff and you are the trainer.Please make a short speech to the staff about the importance of a healthy and safe working environment and what measures or procedures should be introduced to improve the working conditions at the workplace.第二篇:2011广东省高职院校英语口语大赛专业英语组试题2011广东省高职院校英语口语大赛专业英语组试题Paper 1Suppose you are a programmer in a software company and you felt stressed, but you have successfully overcome it.Now you are asked to make a short speech about how you handled it to your colleagues at a meeting.Q1: do you think a certain amount of stress are good for people?Q2: what do you think are the reasons why so many people feel stressful nowadays? Q3: what do you have to do when youfeel stressed?Paper 2Suppose you are a salesperson specializing in selling air-conditioners.Now you are asked to describe your products and service to your potential customers.Q1: what information should be included to help your customers to get a better understanding of your products?Q2:when promoting your products and services,hoe do you highlight the most popular features?Q3: what qualities should a salesperson have?Paper 3Suppose you are planning to attend a trade fair as an exhibitor.Now you are asked to make a short speech to tell your staff how to make preparations before hand.Q1: what does a potential customer mean?Q2: how do you find potential buyers for your products at the fair?Q3: what is the purpose of attending a fair?Paper 4Suppose you cannot tolerate a coworker’s behavior or get along well with him/her,how would you take measures to solve the problem? Please make a short speech to present some suitable approaches.Q1:what should you do if a co-worker blames you wrongly?Q2: what would you do to maintain a proper relationship with your boss? Q3: what is the phrase workplace conflicts mean?Q4: do you think managers should apologize to the staff when they make mistakes?Paper 5Suppose you are a new employee in a big company.Pleasemake a short speech about how you would adapt to the new environment.Q1: what should you pay attention to when you start a new job?Q2: what should you do if you’re not happy with your new job?Q3: what should you do to get along well with your co-workers?Paper 6Suppose you are a college graduate and you have decided to start your ownbusiness online.Please make a short speech about your business plan and present it to your friends for advice.Q1: benefit and challenge exits mutually,how do you cope with challenge? Q2: why would you prefer to start your own business?Q3: what is the major disadvantages of doing your business online?Paper 7Suppose you are the assistant manager of the Sales Department/ please make a short speech about the results of your marker survey on the products and services of your company.Q1: when doing marketing research,what is the most important information should you get?Q2: how would you handle the complaint about the after services?Q3: how would you plan your career as a sales manager in sales department?Paper 8Suppose you are going to organize a conference for the sales managers in your field to exchange their expertise and views on promoting products and services.Please make a short speech toyour staff about how to make preparations for the meeting.Q1: what are the basic steps for organizing meeting?Q2: how would you encourage attendees to express their own ideas?Q3: do you hate meeting? Why or why not?Paper 9Suppose you are the boss of a company which has specialized in exporting wooden furniture for 20 years.You are going to make a short welcome speech to your new staff who have just graduated from colleges.Q1: which do you think is more important,work experience or education,and why? Q2: on what basis would you promote your employee?Q3: what kind of boss do you think is a good boss?Paper 10Suppose you are competing for the position of a project team leader.Please make a short speech to introduce yourself,your strengths for the job and your plan of how to do the job.Q1: what basic informations should you give your audience when competing your position?Q2: how would you do to encourage team workers if you are the team leader?Q3: in what way would you make your presentation more appealing to the audience?第三篇:2012广东省高职英语口语大赛公外组话题2012广东省高职英语口语大赛----公共英语组话题话题一:作为酒店总经理向一个代表团介绍酒店的历史和设备以及如何管理评委问题:1.What is important for choosing a business hotel?2.Can you name 3 5-star hotels in Guangzhou?3.Twenty-five 5-star hotels will be built in the coming five years in Guangzhou, what is your comment?话题二:作为酒店总经理向大家介绍公司新开发的软饮料,目标群体是运动的年轻人。
2013广东省口语大赛题目[合集五篇]第一篇:2013广东省口语大赛题目Paper6You are an assistant manager of a light company in GZ and you are responsible for receiving a very important client Mr Green from Canada Pleas give a welcome speech to Mr.Green on behalf of your General Manage Mr.Wang Bin at her welcome dinner.Paper2You are going to be interviewed by the HR manager from a foreign trade company.Pleas make a speech to introduce yourself as a qualified candidate for the job opening.Paper 9You are the sales manager ofEcebright Cosmetic CO.in GZ and there are some American clients who are very interested in your new skin care products.Please make a speech to introduce your new product or service your clientsPaper8You are a Secretary of HO…..furniture company Mr.brown around pear River in GZ.please make speech to introduce GZ to Mr.Brown Paper 1You are a secretary in Lenovo Company and you will be responsible for bidding fareweel to some clients from the USA the managing director asks you to arrange a forewell dimen for them ….Please give a farewell speech to the guestsPaper 4You work for Lenovo Company.You’re required to make a speech to introduce your company to the guests who are invited by your company to attend the canton Fair.Paper7You work in a carpet marketing company you company attend the canton Fair as a exhibitor As a representative of yourcompany.You are required to make a speech to introduce the … of your main products.Paper 3You are invited to take part in a discussion about the change of lunch break in your company.You would like to start the working …第二篇:2011年广东省英语口语大赛题目非专业组: 2011 Guangdong Advanced Career English Oral Contest ForNon-Majors of English-First RoundPaper 1 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:Suppose you are a newly appointed manager of the Sales Department of your company, and this is the first time you meet your colleagues in this department.Please make a short speech to your colleagues to share with them your wishes for good teamwork and your sales plan for the next season.Q: What are your major responsibilities as a sales manager? What measures would you take to encourage good teamwork in your company? What strategies do you have in promoting sales?Paper 2 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:Suppose you are the Manager of the Human Resources Department of your company and you are now receiving the delegation from the P&G Company in America, who also takes charge of personnel in their company.Please make a welcome speech to the delegation.Q: what do you think are the major responsibilities of the manager of HR department of a company? Why should you be careful about when you are receiving visitors of different cultures? What kind of company would you like to work for and why? What information should you provide when you introduce a company?Paper 3 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:Suppose you are a member on the Organizing Committee of China Import and Export Fair.Now you are gathering the exhibitors for a meeting to discuss the coming fair.Make a short speech to provide detailed information about the venue, time, size, food & accommodation, transportation, fees, etc.of the exhibition.Q: What can the exhibitor do to attract more customers and visitors at a trade fair? What should the exhibitor pay attention to when attending a fair? As an organizer, how would you organize your exhibitors?Paper 4 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:Suppose you are leading a project group specializing in the design of sports wear.Now you are having a meeting to discuss the designing of a new model of shoes for a famous manufacturer.Please make a short speech to your colleagues to illustrate the arrangement of the project.Q: How would you ensure efficient cooperation among different departments on a new project? What can be done to keep your team members well motivated? What do you think the most important to make a project?Paper 5 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:Suppose you are Director of Pubic Relations Department of the ABC Company.You’re meeting some famous importers from European countries, who have the intention of establishing business relations with you.Make a short speech to explain how your company maintains the quality control of the products.Q: Why is it important to control the quality of your products? How is your company to maintain your quality control? What is important : quality, price, when you purchase a product?Paper 6 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:Suppose you and your partners are new graduates from asmall college and are planning to start your own business online to open up a store to sell some daily commodities.Make a short speech to your team and explain your plain about how to start the business.Q: What are the things you have to consider first before you start a business online / when you start your own business online?Do you often shop online? Why do you do that? How does the online business/ shop change our life nowadays? How does the internet change the way we do business now?Paper 7 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:Suppose you will graduate from college soon.Now you are talking to the Student employment advisor about your career plan.Please make a short speech about it.Q: In what way, would you try to fulfill/ build your successful career?What are your reasons for the choice of your job? What are your reasons for you to choose you career? What is your definition of a successful career? Paper 8 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:Suppose you have started your own business and you know it’s very important to build business relationships.Please make a short speech about how to build business relationships.Q: what can you do to fin new business partners and customers? What do you take into consideration if you start a business? What o you think of business online?Paper 9 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:Suppose you are from a big sportswear company and is attending “ The 6th International Marketing Strategy Seminar”.Now you are required to introduce your company.Please make a short speech about it.Q:Paper 10 Making a Short Speech(3 minutes)Task:Suppose you and your partners are new graduates from a small college and are planning to start your own business online to open up a store to sell some daily commodities.Make a short speech to your team and explain your plan about how to start a business.Q: How would you try to maintain a good business relationship with your partners? What would you need to prepare for a business trip? Why is it necessary to make a business travel plan?Afternoon:Paper 1 Task: Making a Workplace Interpretation(3 minutes)A: What line of business are you in?B: 我公司是中国主要的家用电器生产商之一。
2013年广东听说高考真题——EPart A Reading AloudIllustrated books set out to provide a fuller reading experience. What a picture adds to a story, and what the words leave out, is key. But how exactly does that relationship work? Although there were illustrated books for adults, by far the majority were for children. One stands out above all others —Alice in Wonderland. Words and pictures created a handshake on the page far greater than the sum of the parts. And while the audience is now mostly young children, the combination of artist and writer is alive and well. The best illustrated books form an inseparable, timeless bond that endure long after our childhoods. (67”) 106words三问部分:我还要带其它衣服吗?Question 1(女音): Shall I take other clothes?/ Do I need to take other clothes?/ Do I have to take other clothes?/ Is it necessary for me to take other clothes?Answer 1: Well, I think one warm suit and one light suit will be necessary. As a student, you need to get dressed up sometimes. 23words英国人喜欢什么样的礼物?Question 2: What kind of presents do the British people like?/ What kind of gifts do the English like?/ What kind of presents are the British people fond of?/ What kind of presentsdo the British like?Answer 2: Anything that is typically Chinese, but since you can take no more than 20 kilos of luggage, it’s best to buy things that don’t weigh too much. Things like silk ties andpaper-cuts are light, and they make lovely presents. 40words我去别人家吃饭时,我要带些什么?Question 3: What shall I take when I go to others’ to have meals?/ What shall I take when I have meals at others’ home?/ What should I take if I go to others’ house for dinner?/Whatshould I take if I visit others for dinner?/ What should I take if I am invited to others’for dinner?Answer 3: Well, most people just take a bottle of wine, but if you want to be very polite, you could take something for the hostess, like a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolate.34words五答部分:Question 1(女音): How long was Mary on holiday?Answer 1: For two months./ Two months.Question 2: When did the new term begin?Answer 2:Last Monday.Question 3: What kind of suits should you take?Answer 3: One warm suit and one light suit. /A warm one and a light one.Question 4: Why does Mary advise you to take something light?Answer 4: Because I can take no more than 20 kilos of luggage.Question 5: What present did Mary suggest for the hostess if you are invited to dinner?Answer 5: A bunch of flowers or a box of chocolate.。
recognisable buildings. Yet its story is one of the least understood. But what is now the site of a splendid palace was once open countryside. As royal residences go, Buckingham Palace is something of a newcomer. The state rooms are less than 200 years old. Yet its history is much older and more dramatic than you might think. Its rooms are filled with objects that are clues to the character of kings and queens past. And the art and architecture combine to make a statement about Britain’s place in the world. (101 words)现在你有一分钟的准备时间。
Now you have ONE minute to practise reading.现在请对照原文,再听一遍录音。
Now listen to the speaker once again. And try to read after the speaker.现在开始录音。
Now read as the speaker in the video.(解析:视频总长66秒;字数:101 words;语速:155-160 words per minute;语音:女声英音非原声;题材:建筑类;句子分析:全为陈述句;视频比去年清晰。
)Part B Role PlayIn this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions. Now please listen to the下面请用英语提出三个问题。
1you might think. Its rooms are filled with objects that are clues to the character of kings and queens past. And the art and arc hitecture combine to make a statement about Britain’s place in the world. (101 words) 现在你有一分钟的准备时间。
Now you have ONE minute to practise reading. 现在请对照原文,再听一遍录音。
Now listen to the speaker once again. And try to read after the speaker. 现在开始录音。
Now read as the speaker in the video. (解析:视频总长66秒;字数:101 words ;语速:155-160 words per minute ;语音:女声英音非原声;题材:建筑类;句子分析:全为陈述句;视频比去年清晰。
) Part B Role Play In this part, you are required to act as a role and complete three communicative tasks: listen to a speaker, ask the speaker three questions and then answer five questions. Now 开始提问。
Now please ask the speaker three questions. Y ou have twenty seconds to prepare the question. When you hear a beep, begin to ask the question.1. 在将来的教室里互联网有什么用? Question: What is the use of the Internet in the future classroom? / What is the Internet for in the future classroom? / What role will the Internet play in the future classroom? Answer: The Internet is the place for students to get information from. It is so easy to get information because you can find what you need within seconds.2. 将来学生如何参加考试? Question: How will students take exams in the future? Answer: Students can take exams on the Internet, and exams will be automatically marked by the computer, not by their teachers. What’s more, students will be tested on how to use information rather than knowing information. However, I actually don’t know whether that’s good or bad and whether it’s going to happen.3. 将来学生需要学习什么?Question: What will students need to study/ learn in the future? / What is necessary forstudents to learn/ study in the future?2Answer: The Internet.现在请准备回答第四个问题。
)二、情景反应(共5小题,每小题1分)基本规则:1. 简单和完整回答皆可;2. 要求具体回答的则务必要回答具体、并且合情合理、正确;3.完整回答时若出现不影响意思表达和口语交际的小的错误则不扣分,否则按所属档次,酌情给分(具体见评分细则)。
)特别注意:评卷过程中标准把握的一致性,特别关注以下几个情景问题要求具体、得体回答:1.What do you usually do/ give/ take/ wear…. ?规则:需具体、得体回答问题,若没有回答Usually do, 只说出,I don’t know/I can’t remember, 0分.What do you usually do on your birthday?What do you usually give your friends on their birthdayWhat do you usually take with you when you go on holiday?What do you usually do when it’s rainy?What do you usually do when it’s sunny?What do you usually get during the Spring Festival?What do you usually wear when you play sports?What do you usually do to help your parents?What do you usually do with your lucky money?2.How/ What / Where /When did you feel/ do/ go…?规则: 需具体回答问题, 并且要用相应的past tense…, 否则, 扣0.5分How did you feel on your first day at primary school?What did you do on your first day of middle school?Where did you go during the last summer holiday?When did you start learning English?Where did you go last weekend?What did you do for your mother’s birthday last year?When did you first use a computer?How did you go back home yesterday?What did you do on May 1st?3.You see…, what will you do…?规则: 必须是相应的\合理的action,即: I will do/ tell/ stop/ ask/say…1分:I will say/ask, “What’s wrong with you, (Tom)?”/ Can I help you?0.5分:“ What’s wrong with you, Tom?”/ How are you feeling? / Is it serious?0分:Have you eaten?/ What are you eating? (Beyond greetings)Your friend Tom looks very sick today. What will you do?You see an old lady carrying a heavy bag. What will you do?You see a little boy crying alone in the park. What will you do?You see a little girl walking in the middle of a busy road. What will you doYou see a foreigner looking at a map in the street. What will you do?You see a boy fall off his bike. What will you do?You see a boy picking flowers in the park. What will you do?Your friend Peter looks very sad today. What will you do?You see a girl walking on the grass in the park. What will you do?4.I like…what’s your favourite movie/ book/animal/ music/ cartooncharacter…?Eg. I like Harry Potter/ Mickey Mouse/ Hero/ Kongfu Panad a…(Any names of movies)1 分:*I like comedy/ sound film/ silent film/cartoon movies…(Genre of the movie)1分:I like the film named Pan Dongzi/Lu Xun. (若回答了问题, 但是用拼音说的电影名)1分:I like Chinese cartoon character./I don ’t know the name of the film.The Chinese name of the film is ,…./ 用拼音讲中文电影0.5分: 用拼音英文电影/ I like Chinese cartoons.0 分:I don’t know…/ I like Jinyu.三、简短说话(共5分)原则:采用整体评分法与要素评分法相结合。
Dear Ms White,I am James from Class 6 Grade 9 at Sunshine School. I have lots of friends, but I feel it’s not always easy todo the right thing. Sometimes I lack courage in certain situations.Last night I rode the underground home. Three tough boys got on the almost empty train. They sat beside a young boy who was travelling alone. They began to bully him. The boy was frightened and so he moved to another seat. That did no good. They just followed him and went on with their bullying.Then the train stopped at my station. I got off and walked home. I felt very sorry for the boy, but I didn’t know how to help him. I am a peaceful person and I hate violence. Was I wrong?请根据所提供的情景回答问题,每个问题播放两遍。
13年广东听说高考真题——APart A Reading AloudIn the heart of London sits one of Britain’s most recognisable buildings. Yet its story is one of the least understood. But what is now the site of a splendid palace was once open countryside. As royal residences go, Buckingham Palace is something of a newcomer. The state rooms are less than 200 years old. Yet its history is much older and more dramatic than you might think. Its rooms are filled with objects that are clues to the character of kings and queens past. And the art and architecture combine to make a statement about Britain’s place in the world. 101 英音视频总长:66秒字数:101 words语速:155-160 words per minute语音:女声英音非原声题材:建筑类句子分析:全为陈述句视频比去年清晰情景介绍时长30秒,对话时长55秒,总时长1分25秒语速:145 words per minute题材:访谈类,为热点话题。
材料字数:123 三问机答字数:106 总共字数:229三问部分:在将来的教室里互联网有什么用?Question 1: What is the use of the Internet in the future classroom? / What is the Internet for in the future classroom? / What role will the Internet play in the future classroom? Answer 1: The Internet is the place for students to get information from. It is so easy to get information because you can find what you need within seconds.将来学生如何参加考试?Question 2: How will students take exams in the future?Answer 2: Students can take exams on the Internet, and exams will be automatically marked by the computer, not by their teachers. What’s more, students will be tested onhow to use information rather than knowing information. However, I actuallydon’t know whether that’s good or bad and whether it’s going to happen.51将来学生需要学习什么?Question 3:What will students need to study/ learn in the future? / What is necessary for students to learn/ study in the future?Answer 3:Students need to be creative because that’s the key to success in the future. The purpose of learning is not about knowing knowledge, but putting knowledge intopractice.五答部分:Question 1: How long is Dr. Brown’s course?Answer 1: Three months.Question 2: What will the future classroom depend on?Answer 2:New technology.Question 3: Where can students get information from in the future classroom?Answer 3: The Internet.Question 4: What will students be tested on?Answer 4: How to use information rather than knowing information.Question 5: Why do students need to be creative?Answer 5: T hat’s the key to success in the future.五答题型都是直白题,个别题答案比以前稍长。
The PreliminaryPublic Speaking (70%)Please deliver a prepared speech of no more than 4 minutes based on one of the topics below. Your performance will be evaluated on content of the speech, pronunciation and intonation, and manner.Question1My Understanding of a Service-oriented Government简单通俗的说,我们的政府,是人民政府,她代表人民群众的根本利益。
Simply say, our government is the people's government , she represents the people's interest. Since Thirty years of reform and opening up and the eighteen National Congress, the government's service function became more perfect.怎么样才是一个服务型政府呢?我的理解有四点:What is a service-oriented government? I have four points:第一,服务型政府是以人为本的政府。
First of all, service-oriented government is a people-oriented government. The power of the government comes from the people, must accept supervision by the people. In fact, the service-oriented government should be more like a "service" . In the ship's voyage, the will of the people not the government will decide a course. The measure of the work of government ishow much the people are satisfied.第二,服务型政府是透明政府。
Topic 1Supposed you are a secretary of Homefort Furniture Company,you are accompanying a foreign client around the pearl river.Make a short speech introducing Guangzhou to the customer.Q1: What are some recreational activities in Guangzhou?Topic 2Supposed you are going to graduate from your college soon.Make a speech to describe ur ideal career why do you choose this job as your ideal career.Q1: How will you fulfill your career goal?Topic 3Supposed you are the assistant manager of a light company in Guangzhou. and you are receiving a very important client Mr. Green. Please give a welcome speech on behalf of your general managerMr. Wang at the welcome dinner.Q1: What are the differences between a Chinese and a western dinner?Q2: What will you pay attention to when holding a welcome dinner? Topic 4Supposed you work as a receptionists in Guangzhou New International Conference Center. Make a speech to introduce Canton Fair to the new exhibitors from Australia.Q1: Have you ever attended a fair? If you have, what attracted you most? Q 2: What’s your opinion on the design of company stand?Topic 5You are going to be interviewed by the HR manger in a foreign trade company.Please make a speech to introduce yourself as a qualified candidate to the job openingQ1: What is important for a successful interview?Q2: How can you answer questions properly in an interview?Topic 6Supposed you work as a secretary. You are going to arrange afarewell to some U.S. client. The managing director askyou to arrange a farewell dinner to them . Give a farewell speech to the guestsQ1: Which aspect will you pay attention to when bidding farewell to your guests?Q2: Where and what to arrange a farewell dinner?Q3: Please describe your duty as a secretary.Topic 7Supposed you are a sales manager of Everbright Cosmetics Company in Guangzhou.A group of American clients are interesred in your new skin care product. Make a speech introducing your new product and services.Q1: What information should you include when introducing products?Q2: In your opinion, which come first for product manufacture, quality or quantity?Q3: What basic information should you give your customers when displaying your product?Topic 8Supposed you are invited to take part in a discussion about the change oflunch break in your company. you would like to start the workimg day an hour late at 9 by cuting lunch hour to one hour while some other colleagues feel they need 2 hours to have lunch and a nap.State your reasons to persuade them.Q1: How much do you know the process of negotiation?Q2: Have you ever bargained with a seller? Talk about your experience.Topic 9Supposed you work for a carpet company, your company will attend the Canton Fair. As a representative of your company, make a speech introducing the advantages of your product.Q1: Businessmen usually say “business is business”. What’s your opinion about this sentence?Q2: What do you want to learn about company if you are going to attend China Import and Export Fair?Topic 10Supposed you work for Lenovo company. Make a speech to introduce your company to the guests who are invited to attend the Canton Fair.Q1: Have you ever dream of having your own company? How doyou realize your dream?Q2: In your opinion, what are the important factors for a successful enterprise?。
• Question 1: How long is Dr. Brown’s course? • Answer 1: Three months.
• Question 2: What will the future classroom depend on? • Answer 2: New technology.
• Question 2: How will students take exams in the future? • Answer 2: Students can take exams on the Internet, and exams will be automatically marked by the computer, not by their teachers. What’s more, students will be tested on how to use information rather than knowing information. However, I actually don’t know whether that’s good or bad and whether it’s going to happen.
• Question 5: Why do students need to be creative? • Answer 5: That’s the key to success in the future.
• Question 3: What will students need to study/ learn in the future? / What is necessary for students to learn/ study in the future? • Answer 3: Students need to be creative because that’s the key to success in the future. The purpose of learning is not about knowing knowledge, but putting knowledge into practice.
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You are an assistant manager of a light company in GZ and you are responsible for receiving a very important client Mr Green from Canada Pleas give a welcome speech to Mr. Green on behalf of your General Manage Mr. Wang Bin at her welcome dinner.
You are going to be interviewed by the HR manager from a foreign trade company. Pleas make a speech to introduce yourself as a qualified candidate for the job opening.
Paper 9
You are the sales manager of Ecebright Cosmetic CO. in GZ and there are some American clients who are very interested in your new skin care products . Please make a speech to introduce your new product or service your clients
You are a Secretary of HO….. furniture company Mr. brown around pear River in GZ. please make speech to introduce GZ to Mr. Brown Paper 1
You are a secretary in Lenovo Company and you will be responsible for bidding fareweel to some clients from the USA the managing director asks you to arrange a forewell dimen for them …. Please give a farewell speech to the guests
You work for Lenovo Company. You’re required to make a speech to introduce your company to the guests who are invited by your company to attend the canton Fair.
You work in a carpet marketing company you company attend the canton Fair as a exhibitor As a representative of your company. You are required to make a speech to introduce the … of your main products.
Paper 3
You are invited to take part in a discussion about the change of lunch break in your company. You would like to start the working …。