



AP微观经济模拟题⼆答案AnswersandExplanations Answers and Explanations1.E—Know the four scarce economic resources.2.D—A concave PPF exhibits the Law of Increasing Costs. As more ofa good is produced, opportunity costs rise. This is becauseresources are not perfectly substitutable between the production of different goods.3.E—Demand is more elastic if there are more substitute goods. Amonopolist has no close substitutes so is likely the least elastic demand.4.A—Nation A has comparative advantage in crab production and NationB has comparative advantage in cake production. Nation Aspecializes in crabs, Nation B specializes in cakes, so avoid any option suggesting the opposite. Choice A is the only one that allows both to consume beyond the PPF.5.B—Nations that invest in research and technology expect the PPFto expand; the key to economic growth.6.B—Rational decision makers consume right up to the point where theMB of the next cookie is exactly equal to the MC of the next cookie.7.B—Tea is a coffee substitute. Higher tea prices increase coffeedemand.8.C—Leftward demand shifts, coupled with rightward supply shifts putdownward pressure on prices.9.B—Price ceilings are legal maximum prices set below theequilibrium price. A shortage results.10.A—The more narrowly a good is defined, the more elastic demand.11.C—Private property is fundamental to the free market economy.12.E—The supply curve is more elastic as more time elapses.13.D—If the demand curve is more inelastic (more vertical) a greaterburden of an excise tax falls upon consumers and less uponproducers.14.C—The opportunity cost of starting a small store is the salarygiven up in the next best alternative for the entrepreneur's skills.15.A—A price floor is a legal minimum price set above the equilibriumprice. Higher coffee prices decrease the demand for complementary goods like coffee machines.16.E—P * MP L = MRP L..17.B—At the second worker, wage = MRPL18.E—In perfect competition, short-run profits may be positive ornegative, or normal, but long-run profits are always normal.19.D—This is the equilibrium price.20.C—When the price falls and quantity demanded rises, consumerspending on the good (P * Q) can change in two directions. If E d >0, a percent decrease in price increases quantity demanded by a greater percent, increasing spending on the good.21.D—PS is the area under the price and above supply.22.A—Substitution and income effects explain the Law of Demand.23.D—Using the utility maximizing rule, set MU c/$1 = MU s/$4. There arethree options where the MU c is four times the MU s, and only one of those options uses exactly $20 of daily income.24.A—The Gini coefficient measures income inequality. The closer itgets to one, the more unequal the income distribution. Oneexplanation for inequality is more market power in product and input markets. This redistributes CS to monopoly producers and/oremployers.25.B—Quickly look at the graph to eliminate some possibilities. Withdollars on the y axis, this curve cannot represent TPL (output on the y axis) or total utility (utility on the y axis). The other key is that this curve has a value of zero dollars at an output of zero.TC = TFC at zero output and short-run economic losses equal TFC at zero output.26.C—If the price of eggs rises, demand for bacon falls if they arecomplementary; E xy < 0.27.D—Labor is a variable cost so there is no change in TFC, but anincrease in TVC and TC.28.E—This defines diminishing marginal returns and is often missed, rather by students, who make the mistake of identifying falling TPL than falling MP, with diminishing returns.L29.A—Know the characteristics of all market structures.than the worker 30.E—The 4th worker is the first to have lower MPLbefore.31.C—Constant returns exist when a larger firm has constant LRAC.32.E—All other choices would produce a decrease in the demand for goodX and would therefore decrease both the price and quantity. You are looking for the only choice that would NOT. More consumers for good X would increase demand and increase both the price and quantity 33.E—Since you know that AVC is$25 at Q = 10, TVC is $250. Addingthis to the given $100 of TFC produces $350 of total cost at Q =10.34.A—The vertical distance between TC and TVC is TFC.curve. Higher labor productivity 35.A—Demand for labor is the MRPLincreases labor demand.36.D—AFC declines as output rises.37.C—The shutdown point is at P < AVC.38.A—With no externality, MSB = MSC. With a negative externality MSC >MPC = MSB for the good.39.B—Barriers to entry are a defining characteristic of monopoly.40.B—Economies of scale are a common barrier to entry; a key tomaintaining long-run positive profits.41.A—Find the output level where MR = MC and locate the price fromthe demand curve. Profit is equal to Q * (P–ATC) at that output.42.C—CS is the area above price and under demand.43.C—A four-firm concentration ratio is the sum of the market shareof the four largest firms in an industry.44.D—Utility-maximizing consumers do not equate the units of twogoods, they equate MU/P for each good.45.D—As industries approach monopoly, prices rise, lowering CS.46.E—Negative externalities, like "fowl" odors, impose spillovercosts upon third parties. These costs, ignored by the market, reflect an over-allocation of resources to chicken production.47.B—Know the characteristics of all market structures.48.A—Product differentiation results in a small degree ofprice-setting ability, and downward sloping demand curves for the firms. P = ATC and profits are normal in the long run, this output level does not occur where ATC is minimized. This defines excess capacity.49.B—DWL emerges when output is moved away from where P = MC.50.C—If P = ATC, economic profit is zero, or normal.51.D—Allowing more foreign competition lessens market power of amonopolist and improves efficiency as the price falls closer to MC.52.E—Semitrucks are a complementary resource to the truck drivers.If the price falls, demand for the labor rises.53.C—The monopsony hiring decision.54.C—Use the least-cost rule of MPL /$5 = MPK/$10 to find the optimalcombination of labor and capital. There are three combinations oflabor and capital where the MPK is twice the MPLbut only one choiceproduces 18 units of output. Remember that adding the marginal products provides the total product.55.B—This describes a cartel.56.A—Certification exams decrease labor supply and raise the wage inthe market. A higher wage increases the MC of producing the good, which raises the price of the good.57.E—If the price of a substitute resource falls, labor demand canincrease if the output effect is greater than the substitution effect.58.D—Know your public goods.59.B—You are the recipient of a spillover benefit from your neighbor'spurchase of a pool.60.D—The private marketplace underprovides for a public good becausefree riders benefit from the good without paying for it. Government must provide the public good.Free-Response Grading RubricNote:Based on my experience, these point allocations roughly approximate the weighting on similar questions on the AP examinations. Be aware that every year the point allocations differ and partial credit is awarded differently.Question 1 (12 points)Part (A): 2 pointsThese points are graphing points. A perfect response shows the salmon supply curve shifting to the left, increasing the price, and decreasing equilibrium quantity in the market. These prices and quantities must be labeled.Part (B): 5 pointsThis part of the question asks you to explain something, which means a graph is not required. However, a graph may assist your explanations.1 point: Explain that higher salmon prices increase the demand for tuna,a substitute.i. 1 point: The higher demand for tuna increases the price of tuna. ii. 1 point: Increased demand increases the market quantity.iii. 1 point: Charlie increases his production as the price rises. iv. 1 point: The price is now above average total cost so Charlie's economic profit is greater than zero.Part (C): 5 points1 point: Because positive economic profits were being made in part (B), firms enter the tuna fishing industry.i. 1 point: The higher supply for tuna decreases the price of tuna. ii. 1 point: Increased supply increases the market quantity. iii. 1 point: Charlie decreases his production as the price falls. iv. 1 point: In the long run P = ATC so Charlie's economic profit is equal to zero. You can also say that he earns normal profits.Question: OK, so what if I screwed up part (B)? Am I doomed in part (C)?Answer: Maybe not, but you cannot bank your hopes for a 5 on generous partial credit.Suppose in part (B) (iv), that you said Charlie would suffer economic losses because the price is below ATC. This is incorrect and so the last point in part (B) cannot be given.But … and here is where the partial credit may differ from year to year. If in part (C) you correctly described the long-run adjustment to losses, you may (and I stress may) receive some or all of the five points in part C.Part (C): alternative scoring to an incorrect presumption of losses in part (B)1 point: Because negative economic losses were being made in part (B), firms exit the tuna fishing industry.i. 1 point: The lessened supply for tuna increases the price of tuna. ii. 1 point: Decreased supply decreases the market quantity.iii. 1 point: Charlie increases his production as the price rises. iv. 1 point: In the long run P = ATC so Charlie's economic profit is equal to zero. You can also say that he earns normal profits.Question 2 (7 points)Part (A): 5 pointsThese are all graphing points so to get all five points, all curves, axes, and directional shifts must be perfectly identified.1 point: A correctly labeled graph showing the supply curve shifting upward by the amount of a tax.i. 1 point: Showing that the price increases after the tax.ii. 1 point: Showing that the quantity decreases after the tax.iii. 1 point: Tax revenue is the area of the rectangle yP2DW.iv. 1 point: Dead weight loss is the area of the triangle DWL shown above.TIP: In a question like this, there are very little partial credit possibilities. You either get the graphing points or you do not. Part (B): 2 points1 point: Consumer spending increases.1 point: Because the percent increase in the price is greater than the percent decrease in quantity. It is also accurate to refer to proportional changes.TIP: The last point is the more difficult of the two and serves to differentiate students. In the past you might have also received credit for saying "a large increase in the price outweighs a small decrease in quantity." It is much more accurate to refer to proportional or percentage changes and in future years the rubric might be more stringent on this point.Question 3: (7 points)Part (A): 2 pointsThese are points for just being able to read the payoff matrix in this game. Since we know that Firm 1 is choosing Costly Ads, then you must focuson the top half of the matrix. If Firm 2 is choosing Cheap Ads, then the game ends in the top right square.i. 1 point: $250ii. 1 point: $75Part (B): 2 pointsThe key here is obviously to know what it means to have a dominant strategy.A dominant strategy is one that is always superior to the other option, no matter what the rival firm is doing. For example, if Firm 2 plays Costly Ads, Firm 1 should do the same because $100 (Costly Ads) beats $75 (Cheap Ads). If Firm 2 were to play Cheap Ads, Firm 1 would play Costly Ads because $250 (Costly Ads) beats $200 (Cheap Ads). So Firm 1 would always play Costly Ads. The same is true of Firm 2.i. 1 point: Yes, playing Costly Ads is a dominant strategy for bothfirms.ii. 1 point: Because, no matter what the rival firm is doing, this strategy always beats Cheap Ads.Part (C): 1 pointThe outcome is that both firms earn $100 because, without collusion, both will play the dominant strategy, Costly Ads.Part (D): 2 pointsA prisoners' dilemma is a situation where playing the dominant strategy produces an outcome that, in hindsight, could have been better for both if the firms could have colluded and coordinated their strategies.1 point: Yes, it is an example of a prisoners' dilemma.1 point: Both firms could have improved profits ($200 each vs. $100 each) by colluding with a selection of Cheap Ads. Scoring and InterpretationAP Microeconomics Practice Exam 2Multiple-Choice Questions:Number of correct answers: ___Number of incorrect answers: ___Number of blank answers: ___Did you complete this part of the test in the allotted time? Yes/No Free-Response Questions:1.___/122.___/73.___/7Did you complete this part of the test in the allotted time? Yes/No Calculate Your Score:Multiple-Choice Questions:Free-Response Questions:Free-Response Raw Score = (1.25 * Score #1) + (1.0714 * Score #2) + (1.0714 * Score #3) = ___Add the raw scores from the multiple-choice and free-response sections to obtain your total raw score for the practice exam. Use the table below to determine your grade, remembering these are rough estimates using questions that are not actually from AP exams, so do not read too much into this conversion from raw score to AP score.。









【考点】Short run & long run Philips Curveaggregate demand and short run aggregate supply curveFiscal policyForeign exchange marketDeterminants of exchange rate【答案】(a)2016年FR第一题a问出现了不太常规的考点Philipscurve(菲利普斯曲线)之后,2017年又一次在第一题a问中考察了这个考点。

菲利普斯曲线展示的是失业率和通胀率之间的关系,横轴为unemployment rate失业率,纵轴为inflation rate通胀率。




如图所示(b)(i) 如果政府不采取任何措施干预,长期经济能够自动调回到充分就业的状态。










AP微观经济学考查内容:(1) 经济学基本概念(8-14%)(2) 供给、需求与市场均衡(15-20%)(3) 消费者行为(5-10%)(4) 生产者产量以及成本(10-15%)(5) 市场结构(完全竞争、垄断、垄断竞争和寡头)(25-35%)(6) 要素市场(10-18%)(7) 市场失灵和政府行为(12-18%)AP微观经济学分为选择题以及简答题两个部分。



第一:微观经济学基本概念(Basic Concepts)1. 经济学研究的问题?重点:稀缺性(Scarcity),金钱稀缺+时间稀缺。

合理利用有限的资源(Limited Resources)去满足无限的需求(Unlimited Wants)。

2. 机会成本(Opportunity Cost)的定义重点:定义。



3. 机会成本递增原则(Law of Increasing Opportunity Cost)重点:定义。


4. 生产可能性曲线(Production Possibilities Frontier)重点:4.1 搞清楚PPF曲线线上的点,曲线内部的点,曲线外部的点各自有什么意义。

4.2 搞清楚何时PPF是曲线还是直线(资源可以完美替代去生产另一种产品)。

5. 绝对优势(Absolute advantage),比较优势(Comparative advantage),专门化(Specialization)重点:5.1 绝对优势和比较优势各自比较的是什么:Absolute Cost计算的是生产某物品的成本,Comparative Cost计算的是生产某物品的机会成本。





























(这里要强调的是,题目中提到的federal funds rate是指美国商业银行间的同业借贷利率,在题目中如果没有特意提到这个意思,考生们只要理解成美国最基准的利率就可以了。

所以在这道题中,只要回答应该以低的federal funds rate为目标就可以了。




微观经济学fr部分)教学文稿2015 年AP 考试真题解析(宏观经济学FR 部分)AP 宏观经济学的FR 题目每年都是三道题,其中第一题问到的内容也相对较多,所占比重比较高,总分30 分的简答题中,第一题占到了将近一半的分值。


“年AP宏观经济学考试涉及的考点还是基本沿袭了之前的风格,AD-AS 模型、可贷资金市场、货币市场、外汇市场都有所涉及,重要的图形中唯一没有考到的是菲利普斯曲线,财政政策和货币政策也都考到了,相对冷门的考点是第二题中的国际贸易。


大家在2016 年的AP 宏观经济学考试中,一定要特别注意这种题目之间的连带性,每问得出结论是都要格外仔细。

第一题Afihume Utat ihc United Stales economy k operating below fuh employment(a) Draw a correctly labeled graph of k)Q{-nin a^gieg^ie^upply.骂horvrun 瞻呂re英加£ supply, aitd a^gregale dciiinruL and^howcarh oFihc follow itip.(i) Cuircnr equilibrium ouipuc and price 3cveL iahciccl Yi 讣口4 Pl,((ii) F IL I\-C ri-ipli)yment<="">th) T\SSUIIK ihdt die Federal Rvscn v 1皿上札讣u i忙讥federal fundti nite to reuch hdi employ mcnl. Should the bcdcruJ Retene urgki a |)ig.htrnr tuwer fcdcnjl funds rale?(c) Given the FedeniJ Re serve nation you icku Lifind in part(bK dmw a oorroctly Lubcled graph of Lhe money market and show the effect cm the nominal iiuerest rule.(d) The policy makers pursue a fiscal policy rather than the moneur^ policy in part (1)>. Assume that the marginaJ pm pen 巫Ey iocon!>unic is (}.S anti ihe viiJue of the recessionary puph biltion.(i) LI the ^everntnem changes its spending withoti! changing taxc^ to eliminate die ircosionary gap1 cakulair ibe minimum requiaxi irh时世亡in government spending{ii) I『ihc government chiinge\ i^c\ u ithnui chang tng govern mem sfx^ndin^ incliminiiic the rect^i^nar) gitp, will {he minimum required change in tuo he grvititr ihyn, >niiillcr Lhan, ur equal io Che Hiinimuni required c hsnge in govern me nt spending irt pan MHi 丨?Lx 卩hiin,(e) Assume lhe govcrtimem luwcni incotne la^ ra【e& io the rcccisiaimy g^p. Will e^ch of thelolloping decreiM:. or sijy Lhe s^mc 'J(i) A.g^rcga<="" ilcniand,="" p="">(ii) Umg-rxin aggregate supply. Eitphin.。



总效应与边际效应的关系TU特点:1.曲线 TU 为自原点出发TU先曾后减的倒 V 型曲线 2.曲线MU 为单调递减的曲线关系:O X当 MU 为正时,曲线TU 单调MU递增;当 MU 为负时,曲线 TU单调递减;当 MU=0时,曲线TU 的最后、高点即TU 最大OXMU消费者均衡在消费者均衡点 E 上,无差异曲线X2U2 同预算线 AB 相切,其斜率相A等。

而 AB 的斜率用两商品的价格之比表示。

U2 斜率用用边际替代率表示,故消费者均衡的条件为:E边际替代率=两商品的价格比MRS12=P1/P2 。

由于边际替代率可U 3以用两商品的边际效用来表示表U2示: MRS12=MU1/MU2故U1MU1/MU2=P1/P2 则消费者均衡O X 1条件为两商品的边际效用之比等B于两商品的价格之比生产曲线精选文库TP L MP L AP LCB特点:先曾后减的倒U 型曲线关系:(1)TPL和APL ① MPL=dTPL/dL ,知 MPL 在数值上等于曲线 TPL上对应点的斜率②若 A 点前 MPL 单调递增, A 点后 MPL单调递减, A 点对应 MPL 的最高点③若 C 为曲线的最高点,则 C 点之前 MPL>0 , TPL 增加;C 点后 MPL<0 ,TPL 减少;C 点处 MPL=0 ,对应 TPL TP LA最高点( 2)TPL 与 APL ①APL=TPL/L ,知 APL 在数值上等于 TPL 上对应点与原点连线的斜率②若BI II III点为 TPL 上与原点连线的斜率的最高点,则 B 点前APL 增加; B 点后 APL 减少, B 点对应着 APL 最高点( 3) APL 和 MPL 当 MPL>APL 时, APL 增加;OAP L当 MPL<APL 时 APL 下降。

MPL 与 APL 交于 APLL 最高点生产三个阶段( 1)如图所示,第II 阶段的MP L起点为 APL 的最高点即为 APL 与 MPL 的交点,终点为 MPL=0 的点即 TPL 的最高点,从而将整个区域划分为 I、II 、III 三个阶段( 2)生产者会把生产落在第 II 阶段( 3)原因 1.在第 I 阶段 MPL>APL , APL增加 TPL 增加,说明此时可变生产要素的投入与固定生产要素的投入相比较少,还远没有达到最佳搭配比例,因此理性消费者会增加对可变生产要素的投入量,将生产推进到第II 阶段 2.第 III 阶段 APL<MPL ,MPL<0 , TPL 减少,说明此时可变投入要素的投入量与固定投入要素相比较多,远远超过了最佳搭配比例,理性消费者会减少可变要素的投入量,将生产回到第二阶段精选文库短期成本曲线CTC特征:① PC 为一条平行于横轴的直线 FC=b ② VC 为由原点出发的单调递增的曲线,递增速度VC先慢后快③ TC 为固定成本和可变成本的加和,平行于曲线ACb FC上移 b 个单位得到④ AC ,AVC ,MC 为先减后增的 U 型曲线⑤QAFC 为单调递减的曲线关系:①O MC 与 AC :当 MC<AC 时, ACQ3C Q1AC 减少;当 MC>AC 时 AC 增加;Q2MC AVCMC 交于 AC 的最低点处② MC与 AVC :当 MC<AVC 时, AVC减少;当 MC>A VC 时 AVC 增加;MC 交于 AVC 的最低点处③ AC与 AVC ( 1)AC=VC+AFC ,AC与 AVC 之间的垂直距离为AFC AFC ,AFC 减少,故 AC 与 AVC之间的距离越来越小(2)AV 在OQ1Q2 Q3Q AVC 上方( 3)AVC 的最低点总在 AC 最低点的左方完全竞争市场的均衡问题MC PP1E1ACd1(P1=AR1=MR)AVCAOQ1Q 由 MC=MR 知E1 为均衡点,Q1为均衡产量。









【考点】Short run & long run Philips Curveaggregate demand and short run aggregate supply curveFiscal policyForeign exchange marketDeterminants of exchange rate【答案】(a)2016年FR第一题a问出现了不太常规的考点Philipscurve(菲利普斯曲线)之后,2017年又一次在第一题a问中考察了这个考点。

菲利普斯曲线展示的是失业率和通胀率之间的关系,横轴为unemployment rate失业率,纵轴为inflation rate通胀率。




如图所示(b)(i) 如果政府不采取任何措施干预,长期经济能够自动调回到充分就业的状态。









AP® Microeconomics2005 Free-Response QuestionsForm BThe College Board: Connecting Students to College SuccessThe College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the association is composed of more than 4,700 schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organizations. Each year, the College Board serves over three and a half million students and their parents, 23,000 high schools, and 3,500 colleges through major programs and services in college admissions, guidance, assessment, financial aid, enrollment, and teaching and learning. Among its best-known programs are the SAT®, the PSAT/NMSQT®, and the Advanced Placement Program® (AP®). The College Board is committed to the principles of excellence and equity, and that commitment is embodied in all of its programs, services, activities, and concerns.Copyright © 2005 by College Board. All rights reserved. College Board, AP Central, APCD, Advanced Placement Program, AP, AP Vertical Teams, Pre-AP, SAT, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. Admitted Class Evaluation Service, CollegeEd, Connect to college success, MyRoad, SAT Professional Development, SAT Readiness Program, and Setting the Cornerstones are trademarks owned by the College Entrance Examination Board.PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Other products and services may be trademarks of their respective owners. Permission to use copyrighted College Board materials may be requested online at: /inquiry/cbpermit.html.Visit the College Board on the Web: .AP Central is the official online home for the AP Program and Pre-AP: .MICROECONOMICSSECTION IIPlanning time—10 minutesWriting time—50 minutesDirections: You have fifty minutes to answer all three of the following questions. It is suggested that you spend approximately half your time on the first question and divide the remaining time equally between the next two questions. In answering the questions, you should emphasize the line of reasoning that generated your results; it is not enough to list the results of your analysis. Include correctly labeled diagrams, if useful or required, in explaining your answers. A correctly labeled diagram must have all axes and curves clearly labeled and must show directional changes. Use a pen with black or dark-blue ink.1. Petsall Corporation is a profit-maximizing monopolist. It sells a patented rabies vaccine for pets and earnseconomic profits.(a) Draw a correctly labeled graph that shows each of the following for Petsall.(i) Output and price of the vaccine(ii) Area of economic profits(b) Assume that Petsall hires its production workers in a perfectly competitive labor market at the wage rateof $20 per hour.(i) State the marginal conditions for hiring the profit-maximizing amount of labor.(ii) Draw a correctly labeled graph that shows the labor supply and demand curves for Petsall and indicate the profit-maximizing quantity of labor.(c) Suppose that the market wage rate now falls to $15 per hour. Show on your diagram in (b) (ii) how each ofthe following would be affected.(i) The supply of labor to Petsall(ii) The amount of labor Petsall would hire(d) Given the lower wage rate in (c), indicate how each of the following would change.(i) Total fixed cost(ii) Marginal cost(iii) Price of the product2. The graph above shows the short-run cost structure of a firm in a perfectly competitive industry.(a) Identify the cost curves that are denoted by each of the following labels.(i) Curve 1(ii) Curve 2(iii) Curve 3(b) Explain why curve 1 does each of the following as output increases.(i) Initially decreases(ii) Finally increases(c) What measure of cost is represented by the vertical distance between curve 2 and curve 3 ?(d) Explain why the vertical distance between curve 2 and curve 3 decreases as output increases.(e) Using the letters on the graph, identify two points on the firm’s short-run supply curve.3. Assume that bread and butter are complementary goods. The government begins to subsidize the productionof wheat, which is an input in the production of bread.(a)For each of the following markets, draw correctly labeled supply and demand graphs and show the effectof the subsidy on the equilibrium price and quantity in the short run.(i) The wheat market(ii) The bread market(iii) The butter market(b) If the demand for bread is price elastic, how will total revenues for the bread producers change as a resultof the government subsidy?END OF EXAMINATION。




3 8
(3 分)
进一步得:K=L=10(2 分)
∴MinTC=3×10+5×10=80(2 分)
⑵已知:Q=25 ③
K=L=25(1 分)
MinTC=3×25+5×25=200(2 分)
得:K=L=20(1 分)
Q= L3/8K5/8=20(1 分)
3.保持所有其它因素不变,某种商品的价格下降将导致( )
将是:( )
5、如果人们收入水平提高,食物在总支出中的比重将( )
6、若无差异曲线上任一点的斜率为:-1/2,这意味着消费者有更多 x 的时,他更愿意放弃
( )单位 x 而获得一单位 y。
8、使用自有资金也应计算利息收入,这种利息从成本角度看是( )
2、证明:⑴给定一个大于 0 的正整数λ,设把各投入要素的量翻λ倍,
Q (L) 2 (K ) 2 L2 K 2 Q



AP微观经济学考试各部分占的比重AP微观经济学考试各部分占的比重三立为大家整理了AP微观经济学考试各部分占的比重,分享给大家,供大家参考,希望对大家有所帮助!I. Basic Economic Concepts . . . . . . . . . (8–14%)A. Scarcity, choice, and opportunity costB. Production possibilities curveC. Comparative advantage, absolute advantage, specialization, and tradeD. Circulate Flow DiagramE. Resources and advantagesF. Opportunity cost (curve and point)G. Economy systems (social and command)II. The Nature and Functions of Product Markets . . . (55–70%)A. Supply and demand (15–20%)1. Market equilibrium2. Determinants of supply and demand (the change of supply and demand)3. Price controls (price floor and ceiling)4. Elasticitya. Price, income, and cross-price elasticity of demandb. types of productsc. Price elasticity of supply5. Tax incidenceB. Theory of consumer choice (5–10%)1. Total utility and marginal utility, law of diminishing marginal utilities(DMU)2. Utility maximization: equalizing marginal utility per dollar3. Individual and market demand curves4. Income and substitution effects5. Consumer surplus, producer surplus, and market efficiencyC. Production and costs (10–15%)1. Production functions: short and long run2. Marginal product and diminishing returns3. Short-run costs Verse Long-run costs4. Economies of scale5. Cost minimizing input combination(as factor market)D. Firm behavior and market structure (25–35%)1. Profit:a. Accounting versus economic profitsb. Normal profitc. Profit maximization: MR=MC rule2. Perfect competitiona. Profit maximizationb. Short-run supply and shutdown decisionc. Behavior of firms and markets in the short run and in the long rund. Efficiency and perfect competition3. Monopolya. Sources of market powerb. Profit maximizationc. Inefficiency of monopolyd. Price discriminatione. Deadweight loss (will be cover in monopolist market)f. Natural monopoly4. Oligopolya. Interdependence, collusion, and cartelsb. Game theory and strategic behavior5. Monopolistic competitiona. Product differentiation and role of advertisingb. The monopolistic and competitive featuresc. Short-run and long-run equilibriumd. Excess capacity and inefficiencyIII. Factor Markets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10–18%)A. Derived factor demandB. Marginal revenue product (formula)C. Combination of products to achieve maximum profit and minimum profitD. Wage decision for competition and monopolistic marketsIV. Market Failure and the Role of Government . . . . . . . (12–18%)A. Externalities1. Marginal social benefit and marginal social cost2. Positive externalities3. Negative externalities4. Remedies in Graph.B. Public goods1. Public versus private goods2. Quasi-public goods3. Provision of public goodsC. Market Failure1. Reasons2. Public policy to promote completion: Antitrust policy, RegulationD. Income distribution1. Lorenz curve2. Initiator for income inequality。



AP® Microeconomics2006 Free-Response QuestionsForm BThe College Board: Connecting Students to College SuccessThe College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the association is composed of more than 5,000 schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organizations. Each year, the College Board serves seven million students and their parents, 23,000 high schools, and 3,500 colleges through major programs and services in college admissions, guidance, assessment, financial aid, enrollment, and teaching and learning. Among its best-known programs are the SAT®, the PSAT/NMSQT®, and the Advanced Placement Program® (AP®). The College Board is committed to the principles of excellence and equity, and that commitment is embodied in all of its programs, services, activities, and concerns.© 2006 The College Board. All rights reserved. College Board, AP Central, APCD, Advanced Placement Program, AP, AP Vertical Teams, Pre-AP, SAT, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Board. Admitted Class Evaluation Service, CollegeEd, connect to college success, MyRoad, SAT Professional Development, SAT Readiness Program, and Setting the Cornerstones are trademarks owned by the College Board. PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. All other products and services may be trademarks of their respective owners. Permission to use copyrighted College Board materials may be requested online at:/inquiry/cbpermit.html.Visit the College Board on the Web: .AP Central is the official online home for the AP Program: .MICROECONOMICSSection IIPlanning time—10 minutesWriting time—50 minutesDirections: You have 50 minutes to answer all three of the following questions. It is suggested that you spend approximately half your time on the first question and divide the remaining time equally between the next two questions. In answering the questions, you should emphasize the line of reasoning that generated your results; it is not enough to list the results of your analysis. Include correctly labeled diagrams, if useful or required, in explaining your answers. A correctly labeled diagram must have all axes and curves clearly labeled and must show directional changes. Use a pen with black or dark blue ink.1. Assume that Clark Electronics has a monopoly in the production and sale of a new device for detecting anddestroying a computer virus. Clark Electronics currently incurs short-run losses, but it continues to operate.(a) What must be true for Clark to continue to operate in the short run?(b) Draw a correctly labeled graph, and show each of the following for Clark.(i) The profit-maximizing price and output(ii) Area of loss(c) Assume Clark is maximizing profit. What will happen to its total revenue if Clark raises its price? Explain.(d) If demand for the new device increases, explain what will happen to each of the following in the short run.(i) Profit-ma ximizing output(ii) Total cost2. Assume that the market for home security systems is perfectly competitive and currently in equilibrium.(a) Using a correctly labeled graph of supply and demand, show each of the following.(i) The equilibrium price and quantity, labeled as P* and Q*, respectively(ii) The area representing consumer surplus, labeled as CS(iii) The area representing producer surplus, labeled as PS(b) Suppose that the government imposes an effective (binding) price ceiling. Redraw your graph in part (a),and label the ceiling price as P2. Completely shade the area representing the sum of the consumer surplusand the producer surplus after the imposition of the price ceiling.(c) Suppose the demand for home security systems decreases and the price ceiling remains binding. Indicatewhat will happen to each of the following.(i) Consumer surplus(ii) Producer surplus© 2006 The College Board. All rights reserved.Visit (for AP professionals) and /apstudents (for students and parents).GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE.23. Pride Textiles produces and sells towels in a perfectly competitive market. Pride Textiles hires its workers in aperfectly competitive labor market. Assume that the market wage rate for workers is $80 per day.(a) State the conditions necessary for hiring the profit-maximizing amount of labor.(b) At the profit-maximizing level of output, suppose that the marginal product of the last worker hired is20 towels per day. Calculate the price of a towel.(c) Draw a correctly labeled graph of the labor supply and demand curves for Pride Textiles, and show theequilibrium amount of labor hired.(d) Given your answer to part (b), if the price of a towel increases, explain how Pride’s profit-maximizingquantity of labor will be affected.STOPEND OF EXAM© 2006 The College Board. All rights reserved.Visit (for AP professionals) and /apstudents (for students and parents).3。

AP ECON 微观经济

AP ECON 微观经济

清华研究生云舟AP支教队冯娈I. Basic Economic Concepts 经济学基础概念 (8–14%) 这部分宏观微观都会考,多在选择题里出现。

A. Scarcity, choice and opportunity cost稀缺性(概念),选择(概念),机会成本(计算)稀缺性指资源是有限的,相对的说,人类的欲望是无限的,所以经济学正是研究资源应该如何有效efficiently配置的学科。



速记公式:Opportunity Cost of doing A=loss in B/gain in AB. Production possibilities curve生产可能性边界曲线(识图,计算)横纵坐标轴分别是两种产品的产量;曲线边界上的点是有效的efficient、边界内的点可以实现但效率低attainable but inefficient、边界外的点代表用现有资源无法生产u nattainable(但经济扩张以后可以实现);依据一般情况画出的曲线应该是弯的,因为存在着机会成本递增规律law of increasing opportunity cost(生产鞋和电脑的资源不可相互替代),特殊情况下是直的,那就是当生产两种物品的资源可替代sub stitutable的时候(如冰柜和冰箱),机会成本是恒定的。

C. Comparative advantage, absolute advantage, specialization and trade比较优势(计算),绝对优势(计算),专业化(概念),贸易(概念)难点是绝对优势和比较优势的区别:前者指用比另一个生产者更少的成本生产某种物品的能力,后者指用比另一个生产者更少的机会成本生产某种物品的能力。



《微观经济学》考试试题及参考答案微观经济学试题微观经济学一、选择一个正确答案,并简单说明选择理由(每小题2分,共16分)1. 如果某一时期消费者对空调的需求量沿需求曲线突然增加,其原因可能是:.…....….()A.空调价格大幅下跌B.持续高温天气C.预期空调价格上涨D.以上原因都有可能理由——2. 如果彩电的需求曲线向右平移,其原因可能是:……....................……………….....…()A.彩电价格下降 B.彩电预期价格下降 C.黑白电视机价格上涨 D.以上原因都不可能理由——3. 如果鸡蛋的供给曲线向左平移,其原因可能是:.........……………………....................()A.鸡蛋售价上涨B.预期鸭蛋售价上涨C.饲料价格下跌D.以上原因都不可能理由——4. 如果一份肯德鸡的边际效用为3,一件金利来衬衫的边际效用为20,当二者的价格分别为15元和150元时,消费者的消费行为应该是:………………....................()A.增加衬衫或减少肯德鸡的消费B.增加肯德鸡或减少衬衫的消费C.同时增加或减少二者的消费D.对二者的消费量不变理由——5. 在总产量曲线的拐点处,有:............................……………………........ ..…………......()A.总产量最大B.平均产量最大C.边际产量为零D.边际产量最大理由——6. 如果某厂商的需求曲线D=P=AR>MR,则可判断该厂商为:..............……………...()A.完全垄断B.垄断竞争C.寡头垄断D.以上情况都有可能理由——7. 在下列图形中,厂商均衡生产的位置应为:…………………………………………..…( )A.P1Q1PMC B.P2Q2P1AC C.P3Q3P2AVC D.以上答案都正确P30 Q3 Q2 Q1P理由——8. 如果市场容量为9000单位,则古尔诺模型中一个寡头垄断厂商的均衡产量应为:..()A.9000B.6000C.4500D. 3000理由——二、判断正误,并简单说明判断理由。














3. 三级价格歧视答:价格歧视可分为一级价格歧视、二级价格歧视和三级价格歧视。




AP宏观经济学真题解析下面小编就AP宏观经济学真题解析(一)来给考生们详细说明Assume that the United States economy is operating at full employment.(a) Using a correctly labeled graph of the long-run aggregate supply, short-run aggregate supply, and aggregate demand, show each of the following.(i) Current price level, labeled PL1(ii) Current output level, labeled Y1(b) Assume that personal savings in the United States increase. Using a correctly labeled graph of the loanable funds market, show the impact of the increase in personal savings on the real interest rate.(c) Based on the real interest rate change identified in part (b),(i) will interest-sensitive expenditures increase, decrease, or remain unchanged?(ii) what will happen to the rate of economic growth? Explain.。

(d) Assume that the real interest rate of the euro zone increases relative to the real interest rate of the United States. Draw a correctly labeled graph of the foreign exchange market for the euro and show the impact of the change in the real interest rate in the euro zone on each of the following.(i) Demand for the euro. Explain.(ii) Value of the euro relative to the United States dollar(e) Assume that the United States current account balance is zero. Based on the change in the value of the euro identified in part (d)(ii), will the United States current account balance now be in surplus, be in deficit, or remain at zero?(a)此题考察的是总供给-总需求模型的概念。

AP 宏观经济 考试纲要 MacroEcon topic outline

AP 宏观经济 考试纲要 MacroEcon topic outline

Students should be able to use the aggregate demand and aggregate supply model to determine equilibrium income and price level and to analyze the impact of economic fluctuations on the economy's output and price level, both in the short run and in the long run.
I. Basic Economic Concepts
A macroeconomics course introduces students to fundamental economic concepts such as scarcity and opportunity costs. Students understand the distinction between absolute and comparative advantage and apply the principle of comparative advantage to determine the basis on which mutually advantageous trade can take place between individuals and/or countries and to identify comparative advantage from differences in opportunity costs. Other basic concepts that are explored include the functions performed by an economic system and the way the tools of supply and demand are used to analyze the workings of a free market economy. The course should also introduce the concept of the business cycle to give students an overview of economic fluctuations and to highlight the dynamics of unemployment, inflation, and economic growth. Coverage of these concepts provides students with the foundation for a thorough understanding of macroeconomic concepts and issues.



AP® Microeconomics2005 Free-Response QuestionsForm BThe College Board: Connecting Students to College SuccessThe College Board is a not-for-profit membership association whose mission is to connect students to college success and opportunity. Founded in 1900, the association is composed of more than 4,700 schools, colleges, universities, and other educational organizations. Each year, the College Board serves over three and a half million students and their parents, 23,000 high schools, and 3,500 colleges through major programs and services in college admissions, guidance, assessment, financial aid, enrollment, and teaching and learning. Among its best-known programs are the SAT®, the PSAT/NMSQT®, and the Advanced Placement Program® (AP®). The College Board is committed to the principles of excellence and equity, and that commitment is embodied in all of its programs, services, activities, and concerns.Copyright © 2005 by College Board. All rights reserved. College Board, AP Central, APCD, Advanced Placement Program, AP, AP Vertical Teams, Pre-AP, SAT, and the acorn logo are registered trademarks of the College Entrance Examination Board. Admitted Class Evaluation Service, CollegeEd, Connect to college success, MyRoad, SAT Professional Development, SAT Readiness Program, and Setting the Cornerstones are trademarks owned by the College Entrance Examination Board.PSAT/NMSQT is a registered trademark of the College Entrance Examination Board and National Merit Scholarship Corporation. Other products and services may be trademarks of their respective owners. Permission to use copyrighted College Board materials may be requested online at: /inquiry/cbpermit.html.Visit the College Board on the Web: .AP Central is the official online home for the AP Program and Pre-AP: .MICROECONOMICSSECTION IIPlanning time—10 minutesWriting time—50 minutesDirections: You have fifty minutes to answer all three of the following questions. It is suggested that you spend approximately half your time on the first question and divide the remaining time equally between the next two questions. In answering the questions, you should emphasize the line of reasoning that generated your results; it is not enough to list the results of your analysis. Include correctly labeled diagrams, if useful or required, in explaining your answers. A correctly labeled diagram must have all axes and curves clearly labeled and must show directional changes. Use a pen with black or dark-blue ink.1. Petsall Corporation is a profit-maximizing monopolist. It sells a patented rabies vaccine for pets and earnseconomic profits.(a) Draw a correctly labeled graph that shows each of the following for Petsall.(i) Output and price of the vaccine(ii) Area of economic profits(b) Assume that Petsall hires its production workers in a perfectly competitive labor market at the wage rateof $20 per hour.(i) State the marginal conditions for hiring the profit-maximizing amount of labor.(ii) Draw a correctly labeled graph that shows the labor supply and demand curves for Petsall and indicate the profit-maximizing quantity of labor.(c) Suppose that the market wage rate now falls to $15 per hour. Show on your diagram in (b) (ii) how each ofthe following would be affected.(i) The supply of labor to Petsall(ii) The amount of labor Petsall would hire(d) Given the lower wage rate in (c), indicate how each of the following would change.(i) Total fixed cost(ii) Marginal cost(iii) Price of the product2. The graph above shows the short-run cost structure of a firm in a perfectly competitive industry.(a) Identify the cost curves that are denoted by each of the following labels.(i) Curve 1(ii) Curve 2(iii) Curve 3(b) Explain why curve 1 does each of the following as output increases.(i) Initially decreases(ii) Finally increases(c) What measure of cost is represented by the vertical distance between curve 2 and curve 3 ?(d) Explain why the vertical distance between curve 2 and curve 3 decreases as output increases.(e) Using the letters on the graph, identify two points on the firm’s short-run supply curve.3. Assume that bread and butter are complementary goods. The government begins to subsidize the productionof wheat, which is an input in the production of bread.(a)For each of the following markets, draw correctly labeled supply and demand graphs and show the effectof the subsidy on the equilibrium price and quantity in the short run.(i) The wheat market(ii) The bread market(iii) The butter market(b) If the demand for bread is price elastic, how will total revenues for the bread producers change as a resultof the government subsidy?END OF EXAMINATION。

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(这里要强调的是,题目中提到的federal funds rate是指美国商业银行间的同业借贷利率,在题目中如果没有特意提到这个意思,考生们只要理解成美国最基准的利率就可以了。

所以在这道题中,只要回答应该以低的federal funds rate 为目标就可以了。





题目中告诉我们边际消费倾向(MPC)是0.8,并且要弥补的衰退缺口是300 billions,第1小问问到需要多少政府支出能够弥补衰退缺口,显然是在考查乘数。


也就是说政府支出的变化会对GDP产生5倍的放大效果,所以只需要60billions 的政府支出就能弥补300billions的衰退缺口。







第一问:问到哪个国家在生产solar panel上有对绝对优势。


从题目中的数据可以看出,明显是Y国家生产solar panel的数量要更多一些,所以国家Y在生产solar panel上有绝对优势。

第二问:要我们计算国家Y生产一个furnace的机会成本,也就是计算生产一个furnace需要放弃的solar panel的数量。

使用同样的资源,国家Y可以生产6个furnace或者12个solar panel,也就是说多生产1个furnace要放弃12/6=2个solar panel,即国家Y生产一个furnace的机会成本是两个solar panel。



第二问中我们已经计算出国家Y生产furnace的机会成本是两个solar panel,而国家X可以生产6个furnace或者8个solar panel,生产一个furnace的机会成本是8/6=4/3个solar panel,这个数字显然低于国家Y,所以国家X在生产furnace上有比较优势。

第四问:是本题相对比较难的一问,问到了如果国际贸易中要求两个furnace交换一个solar panel,那么国家X应该进口solar panel还是自己生产。


从第三问中我们可以看出,国家X在furnace上有比较优势,所以应该专业生产furnace,再进口solar panel。

这中分析方式当然没有问题,但是各位要注意,在这道题中规定了交换的比例,两个furnace交换一个solar panel,如果国家X本国生产solar panel,那么多生产一个solar panel需要放弃6/8=3/4个furnace,但是如果进行国际贸易,交换到一个solar panel却需要放弃两个furnace,这个数字比自己生产的成本数字还要高,也就是说按照题目中的比例进行交换还不如自己生产。


























当然,这道题的重点在后面,题干中提到政府给了厂商lump-sum subsidy,也就是总额补贴。



在这道题中,第一小问问到厂商在短期生产的数量的变化,我们知道数量是由MR=MC这个利润最大化的条件来决定的,而由于只是总额补贴,MR 和MC都不会发生变化,那么利润最大化对应的生产数量就不会发生变化。

