

约翰.赫尔,期权期货和其他衍生品(third edition)习题答案

约翰.赫尔,期权期货和其他衍生品(third edition)习题答案

12.1 一个证券组合当前价值为$1000万,β值为1.0,S&P100目前位于250,解释一个执行价格为240。

标的物为S&P100的看跌期权如何为该组合进行保险?当S&P100跌到480,这个组合的期望价值是10 ×(480/500)=$9.6million.买看跌期权10,000,000/500=20,000可以防止这个组合下跌到$9.6million下的损失。

因此总共需要200份合约12.2 “一旦我们知道了支付连续红利股票的期权的定价方法,我们便知道了股票指数期权、货币期权和期货期权的定价”。


一个股票指数类似一个连续支付红利的股票12.3 请说明日圆看涨期权与日圆期货看涨期权的不同之处一个日元的看涨期权给了持有者在未来某个时刻以确定的价格购买日圆的权利,一个日圆远期看涨期权给予持有者在未来时刻远期价格超过特定范围按原先价格购买日圆的权利。


12.4请说明货币期权是如何进行套期保值的?12.5 计算3个月期,处于平价状态的欧式看涨股票指数期权的价值。





12.6 有一美式看涨期货期权,期货合约和期权合约同时到期。

在任何情况下期货期权比相应的标的物资产的美式期权更值钱?当远期价格大于即期价格时,美式远期期权在远期和约到期前的价值大于相对应的美式期权/12.7 计算5个月有效期的欧式看跌期货期权的价值。



本题中12.8 假设交易所构造了一个股票指数。










期权期货和其它衍生产品第三版约翰赫尔答案精编Document number:WTT-LKK-GBB-08921-EIGG-22986第一章请解释远期多头与远期空头的区别。







请问期货合约结束时,当合约到期时棉花价格分别为(a)每磅美分;(b)每磅美分时,这位投资者的收益或损失为多少答:(a)合约到期时棉花价格为每磅$时,交易者收入:($$)×50,000=$900;(b)合约到期时棉花价格为每磅$时,交易者损失:($$ ×50,000=$650假设你出售了一个看跌期权,以$120执行价格出售100股IBM的股票,有效期为3个月。









CHAPTER 13Wiener P rocesses and Itô’s LemmaPractice QuestionsProblem 13.1.What would it mean to assert that the temperature at a certain place follows a Markov process? Do you think that temperatures do, in fact, follow a Markov process?Imagine that you have to forecast the future temperature from a) the current temperature, b) the history of the temperature in the last week, and c) a knowledge ofseasonal averages and seasonal trends. If temperature followed a Markov process, the history of the temperature in the last week would be irrelevant.To answer the second part of the question you might like to consider the following scenario for the first week in May:(i) Monday to Thursday are warm days; today, Friday, is a very cold day. (ii) Monday to Friday are all very cold days.What is your forecast for the weekend? If you are more pessimistic in the case of the second scenario, temperatures do not follow a Markov process.Problem 13.2.Can a trading rule based on the past history of a stock’s price ever produce returns that are consistently above average? Discuss.The first point to make is that any trading strategy can, just because of good luck, produce above average returns. The key question is whether a trading strategy consistently outperforms the market when adjustments are made for risk. It is certainly possible that a trading strategy could do this. However, when enough investors know about the strategy and trade on the basis of the strategy, the profit will disappear.As an illustration of this, consider a phenomenon known as the small firm effect. Portfolios of stocks in small firms appear to have outperformed portfolios of stocks in large firms when appropriate adjustments are made for risk. Research was published about this in the early 1980s and mutual funds were set up to take advantage of the phenomenon. There is some evidence that this has resulted in the phenomenon disappearing.Problem 13.3.A company’s cash position, measured in millions of dollars, follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of 0.5 per quarter and a variance rate of 4.0 per quarter. How high does the company’s initial cash position have to be for the company to have a less than 5% chance of a negative cash position by the end of one year?Supp ose that the company’s initial cash position is x . The probability distribution of the cash position at the end of one year is (40544)(2016)x x ϕϕ+⨯.,⨯=+.,where ()m v ϕ, is a normal probability distribution with mean m and variance v . The probability of a negative cash position at the end of one year is204x N +.⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭where ()N x is the cumulative probability that a standardized normal variable (with mean zero and standard deviation 1.0) is less than x . From normal distribution tables200054x N +.⎛⎫-=. ⎪⎝⎭when:20164494x +.-=-.i.e., when 45796x =.. The initial cash position must therefore be $4.58 million.Problem 13.4.Variables 1X and 2X follow generalized Wiener processes with drift rates 1μ and2μ and variances 21σ and 22σ. What process does 12X X + follow if:(a) The changes in 1X and 2X in any short interval of time are uncorrelated?(b) There is a correlation ρ between the changes in 1X and 2X in any short interval of time?(a) Suppose that X 1 and X 2 equal a 1 and a 2 initially. After a time period of length T , X 1 has the probability distribution2111()a T T ϕμσ+,and 2X has a probability distribution2222()a T T ϕμσ+,From the property of sums of independent normally distributed variables, 12X X + has the probability distribution()22112212a T a T T T ϕμμσσ+++,+i.e.,22121212()()a a T T ϕμμσσ⎡⎤+++,+⎣⎦This shows that 12X X + follows a generalized Wiener process with drift rate 12μμ+and variance rate 2212σσ+.(b) In this case the change in the value of 12X X + in a short interval of time t ∆ has the probability distribution:22121212()(2)t t ϕμμσσρσσ⎡⎤+∆,++∆⎣⎦If 1μ, 2μ, 1σ, 2σ and ρ are all constant, arguments similar to those in Section 13.2 show that the change in a longer period of time T is22121212()(2)T T ϕμμσσρσσ⎡⎤+,++⎣⎦The variable,12X X +, therefore follows a generalized Wiener process with drift rate12μμ+ and variance rate 2212122σσρσσ++.Problem 13.5.Consider a variable,S , that follows the process dS dt dz μσ=+For the first three years, 2μ= and 3σ=; for the next three years, 3μ= and 4σ=. If the initial value of the variable is 5, what is the probability distribution of the value of the variable at the end of year six?The change in S during the first three years has the probability distribution (2393)(627)ϕϕ⨯,⨯=,The change during the next three years has the probability distribution (33163)(948)ϕϕ⨯,⨯=,The change during the six years is the sum of a variable with probability distribution(627)ϕ, and a variable with probability distribution (948)ϕ,. The probability distribution of the change is therefore (692748)ϕ+,+ (1575)ϕ=,Since the initial value of the variable is 5, the probability distribution of the value of the variable at the end of year six is (2075)ϕ,Problem 13.6.Suppose that G is a function of a stock price, S and time. Suppose that S σ and G σ are the volatilities of S and G . Show that when the expected return of S increases by S λσ, the growth rate of G increases by G λσ, where λ is a constant.From Itô’s lemmaG S GG S Sσσ∂=∂Also the drift of G is222212G G G S S S t S μσ∂∂∂++∂∂∂where μ is the expected return on the stock. When μ increases by S λσ, the drift of Gincreases byS GS Sλσ∂∂ orG G λσThe growth rate of G , therefore, increases by G λσ.Problem 13.7.Stock A and stock B both follow geometric Brownian motion. Changes in any short interval of time are uncorrelated with each other. Does the value of a portfolio consisting of one of stock A and one of stock B follow geometric Brownian motion? Explain your answer.Define A S , A μ and A σ as the stock price, expected return and volatility for stock A. Define B S , B μ and B σ as the stock price, expected return and volatility for stock B. Define A S ∆ and B S ∆ as the change in A S and B S in time t ∆. Since each of the two stocks follows geometric Brownian motion,A A A A A S S t S μσε∆=∆+B B B B B S S t S μσε∆=∆+where A ε and B ε are independent random samples from a normal distribution.()(A B A A B B A A A B B B S S S S t S S μμσεσε∆+∆=+∆++This cannot be written as()()A B A B A B S S S S t S S μσ∆+∆=+∆++for any constants μ and σ. (Neither the drift term nor the stochastic term correspond.) Hence the value of the portfolio does not follow geometric Brownian motion.Problem 13.8.S S t S μσε∆=∆+ where μ and σ are constant. Explain carefully the difference between this model andeach of the following:S t S S t S t S μσεμσεμσε∆=∆+∆=∆+∆=∆+Why is the model in equation (13.8) a more appropriate model of stock price behavior than any of these three alternatives?In:S S t S μσε∆=∆+ the expected increase in the stock price and the variability of the stock price are constant when both are expressed as a proportion (or as a percentage) of the stock price In:S t μ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price and the variability of the stock price are constant in absolute terms. For example, if the expected growth rate is $5 per annum when the stockprice is $25, it is also $5 per annum when it is $100. If the standard deviation of weekly stock price movements is $1 when the price is $25, it is also $1 when the price is $100. In:S S t μ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price is a constant proportion of the stock price while the variability is constant in absolute terms. In:S t S μσ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price is constant in absolute terms while the variability of the proportional stock price change is constant. The model:S S t S μσ∆=∆+ is the most appropriate one since it is most realistic to assume that the expected percentage return and the variability of the percentage return in a short interval are constant.Problem 13.9.It has been suggested that the short-term interest rate,r , follows the stochastic process()dr a b r dt rc dz =-+where a , b , and c are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. Describe the nature of this process.The drift rate is ()a b r -. Thus, when the interest rate is above b the drift rate is negative and, when the interest rate is below b , the drift rate is positive. The interest rate is therefore continually pulled towards the level b . The rate at which it is pulled toward this level is a . A volatility equal to c is superimposed upon the “pull” or the drift.Suppose 04a =., 01b =. and 015c =. and the current interest rate is 20% per annum. The interest rate is pulled towards the level of 10% per annum. This can be regarded as a long run average. The current drift is 4-% per annum so that the expected rate at the end of one year is about 16% per annum. (In fact it is slightly greater than this, because as the interest rate decreases, the “pull” decreases.) Superimposed upon the drift is a volatility of 15% per annum.Problem 13.10.Suppose that a stock price, S , follows geometric Brownian motion with expected return μ and volatility σ: dS S dt S dz μσ=+What is the process followed by the variable n S ? Show that n S also follows geometric Brownian motion.If ()n G S t S ,= then 0G t ∂/∂=, 1n G S nS -∂/∂=, and 222(1)n G S n n S -∂/∂=-. Using Itô’s lemma:21[(1)]2dG nG n n G dt nG dz μσσ=+-+This shows that n G S = follows geometric Brownian motion where the expected return is21(1)2n n n μσ+-and the volatility is n σ. The stock price S has an expected return of μ and the expected value of T S is 0T S e μ. The expected value of n T S is212[(1)]0n n n T n S eμσ+-Problem 13.11.Suppose that x is the yield to maturity with continuous compounding on a zero-coupon bond that pays off $1 at time T . Assume that x follows the process0()dx a x x dt sx dz =-+where a , 0x , and s are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. What is the process followed by the bond price?The process followed by B , the bond price, is from Itô’s lemma:222021()2B B B B dB a x x s x dt sxdz x t x x ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦∂∂∂∂=-+++∂∂∂∂Since: ()x T t B e --=the required partial derivatives are()()22()22()()()()x T t x T t x T t Bxe xB t BT t e T t B x B T t e T t B x------∂==∂∂=--=--∂∂=-=-∂ Hence:22201()()()()2dB a x x T t x s x T t Bdt sx T t Bdz⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦=---++---Problem 13.12 (Excel Spreadsheet)A stock whose price is $30 has an expected return of 9% and a volatility of 20%. In Excel simulate the stock price path over 5 years using monthly time steps and random samples from a normal distribution. Chart the simulated stock price path. By hitting F9 observe how the path changes as the random sample change.The process ist S t S S ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆20.009.0Where ∆t is the length of the time step (=1/12) and ε is a random sample from a standard normal distribution.Further QuestionsProblem 13.13.Suppose that a stock price has an expected return of 16% per annum and a volatility of 30% per annum. When the stock price at the end of a certain day is $50, calculate the following:(a) The expected stock price at the end of the next day.(b) The standard deviation of the stock price at the end of the next day. (c) The 95% confidence limits for the stock price at the end of the next day.With the notation in the text2()St t S ϕμσ∆∆,∆In this case 50S =, 016μ=., 030σ=. and 1365000274t ∆=/=.. Hence(016000274009000274)50(0000440000247)Sϕϕ∆.⨯.,.⨯.=.,.and2(50000044500000247)S ϕ∆⨯.,⨯.that is, (002206164)S ϕ∆.,.(a)(b) The standard deviation of the stock price at the end of the next day is 0785=. (c) 95% confidence limits for the stock price at the end of the next day are 500221960785and 500221960785.-.⨯..+.⨯. i.e.,4848and 5156..Note that some students may consider one trading day rather than one calendar day. Then 1252000397t ∆=/=.. The answer to (a) is then 50.032. The answer to (b) is 0.945. The answers to part (c) are 48.18 and 51.88.Problem 13.14.A company’s cash position, measured in millions of dollars, follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of 0.1 per month and a variance rate of 0.16 per month. The initial cash position is 2.0.(a) What are the probability distributions of the cash position after one month, six months, and one year?(b) What are the probabilities of a negative cash position at the end of six months and one year?(c) At what time in the future is the probability of a negative cash position greatest?(a) The probability distributions are:(2001016)(21016)ϕϕ.+.,.=.,.(20060166)(26096)ϕϕ.+.,.⨯=.,.(201201612)(32196)ϕϕ.+.,.⨯=.,.(b) The chance of a random sample from (26096)ϕ.,. being negative is(265)N N ⎛=-. ⎝where ()N x is the cumulative probability that a standardized normal variable [i.e., avariable with probability distribution (01)ϕ,] is less than x . From normaldistribution tables (265)00040N -.=.. Hence the probability of a negative cash position at the end of six months is 0.40%.Similarly the probability of a negative cash position at the end of one year is(230)00107N N ⎛=-.=. ⎝or 1.07%.(c) In general the probability distribution of the cash position at the end of x months is(2001016)x x ϕ.+.,.The probability of the cash position being negative is maximized when:is minimized. Define11223122325025250125(250125)y x xdy x xdxx x----==+.=-.+.=-.+.This is zero when 20x=and it is easy to verify that 220d y dx/>for this value of x. It therefore gives a minimum value for y. Hence the probability of a negative cash position is greatest after 20 months.Problem 13.15.Suppose that x is the yield on a perpetual government bond that pays interest at the rate of $1 per annum. Assume that x is expressed with continuous compounding, that interest is paid continuously on the bond, and that x follows the process()dx a x x dt sx dz=-+where a,x, and s are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. What is the process followed by the bond price? What is the expected instantaneous return (including interest and capital gains) to the holder of the bond?The process followed by B, the bond price, is from Itô’s lemma:222021()2B B B BdB a x x s x dt sxdzx t x x⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦∂∂∂∂=-+++∂∂∂∂In this case1Bx=so that:222312B B Bt x x x x∂∂∂=;=-;=∂∂∂Hence2202322021121()21()dB a x x s x dt sxdzx x xs sa x x dt dzx x x⎡⎤=--+-⎢⎥⎣⎦⎡⎤=--+-⎢⎥⎣⎦The expected instantaneous rate at which capital gains are earned from the bond is therefore:2021()sa x xx x--+The expected interest per unit time is 1. The total expected instantaneous return is therefore:20211()sa x xx x--+When expressed as a proportion of the bond price this is:202111()sa x xx x x⎛⎫⎛⎫--+ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭20()ax x x s x=--+Problem 13.16.If S follows the geometric Brownian motion process in equation (13.6), what is the process followed by (a) y = 2S, (b) y=S 2 , (c) y=e S , and (d) y=e r(T-t)/S. In each case express the coefficients of dt and dz in terms of y rather than S.(a) In this case 2y S ∂/∂=, 220y S ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so that Itô’s lemma gives 22dy S dt S dz μσ=+or dy y dt y dz μσ=+(b) In this case 2y S S ∂/∂=, 222y S ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so that Itô’s lemma gives2222(2)2dy S S dt S dz μσσ=++ or2(2)2dy y dt y dz μσσ=++ (c) In this case S y S e ∂/∂=, 22S y S e ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so that Itô’s lemma gives22(2)S S S dy Se S e dt Se dz μσσ=+/+ or22[ln (ln )2]ln dy y y y y dt y y dz μσσ=+/+(d) In this case ()2r T t y S e S y S -∂/∂=-/=-/, 22()3222r T t y S e S y S -∂/∂=/=/, and()r T t y t re S ry -∂/∂=-/=- so that Itô’s lemma gives2()dy ry y y dt y dz μσσ=--+- or2()dy r y dt y dz μσσ=-+--Problem 13.17.A stock price is currently 50. Its expected return and volatility are 12% and 30%,respectively. What is the probability that the stock price will be greater than 80 in two years? (Hint 80T S > when ln ln 80T S >.)The variable ln T S is normally distributed with mean 20ln (2)S T μσ+-/ and standarddeviation σ050S =, 012μ=., 2T =, and 030σ=. so that the meanand standard deviation of ln T S are 2ln 50(012032)24062+.-./=. and 00424.=., respectively. Also, ln804382=.. The probability that 80T S > is the same as the probability that ln 4382T S >.. This is4382406211(0754)0424N N .-.⎛⎫-=-. ⎪.⎝⎭where ()N x is the probability that a normally distributed variable with mean zero and standard deviation 1 is less than x . From the tables at the back of the book (0754)0775N .=. so that the required probability is 0.225.Problem 13.18 (See Excel Worksheet)Stock A, whose price is $30, has an expected return of 11% and a volatility of 25%. Stock B, whose price is $40, has an expected return of 15% and a volatility of 30%. The processes driving the returns are correlated with correlation parameter ρ. In Excel, simulate the two stock price paths over three months using daily time steps and random samples from normal distributions. Chart the results and by hitting F9 observe how the paths change as the random samples change. Consider values of ρ equal to 0.50, 0.75, and 0.95.The processes aret S t S S A A A A ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆25.011.0t S t S S B B B B ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆30.015.0Where ∆t is the length of the time step (=1/252) and the ε’s are correlated samples from standard normal distributions.。

约翰.赫尔,期权期货和其他衍生品(third edition)习题答案

约翰.赫尔,期权期货和其他衍生品(third edition)习题答案

CH99.1 股票现价为$40。



执行价格为$39的1个月期欧式看涨期权的价值为多少? 解:考虑一资产组合:卖空1份看涨期权;买入Δ份股票。

若股价为$42,组合价值则为42Δ-3;若股价为$38,组合价值则为38Δ 当42Δ-3=38Δ,即Δ=0.75时,组合价值在任何情况下均为$28.5,其现值为:,0.08*0.0833328.528.31e −=即:-f +40Δ=28.31 其中f 为看涨期权价格。

所以,f =40×0.75-28.31=$1.69另解:(计算风险中性概率p ) 42p -38(1-p )=,p =0.56690.08*0.0833340e期权价值是其期望收益以无风险利率贴现的现值,即: f =(3×0.5669+0×0.4331)=$1.690.08*0.08333e−9.2 用单步二叉树图说明无套利和风险中性估值方法如何为欧式期权估值。



9.3什么是股票期权的Delta ?解:股票期权的Delta 是度量期权价格对股价的小幅度变化的敏感度。





执行价格为$50,6个月后到期的欧式看跌期权的价值为多少? 解:考虑如下资产组合,卖1份看跌期权,买Δ份股票。

若股价上升为$55,则组合价值为55Δ;若股价下降为$45,则组合价值为:45Δ-5 当55Δ=45Δ-5,即Δ=-0.50时,6个月后组合价值在两种情况下将相等,均为$-27.5,其现值为:,即:0.10*0.5027.5$26.16e −−=− -P +50Δ=-26.16所以,P =-50×0.5+26.16=$1.16 另解:求风险中性概率p0.10*0.505545(1)50p p e+−= 所以,p =0.7564看跌期权的价值P =0.10*0.50(0*0.75645*0.2436)$1.16e −+=9.5 某个股票现价为$100。










请问期货合约结束时,当合约到期时棉花价格分别为(a)每磅48.20美分;(b)每磅51.30美分时,这位投资者的收益或损失为多少?答:(a)合约到期时棉花价格为每磅$0.4820时,交易者收入:($0.5000-$0.4820)×50,000=$900;(b)合约到期时棉花价格为每磅$0.5130时,交易者损失:($0.5130-$0.5000) ×50,000=$6501.5假设你出售了一个看跌期权,以$120执行价格出售100股IBM的股票,有效期为3个月。










约翰.赫尔,期权期货和其他衍生品(third edition)习题答案

约翰.赫尔,期权期货和其他衍生品(third edition)习题答案

8.14 执行价格为$60 的看涨期权成本为$6,相同执行价格和到期日的看跌期权成
解:可通过同时购买看涨看跌期权构造跨式期权:max( ST -60,0)+max(60
- ST )-(6+4),其损益状况为:
股价 ST
解:(a)该组合等价于一份固定收益债券多头,其损益V = C ,不随股票价格变化。 (V 为组合损益,C 为期权费,下同)如图 8.2: (b)该组合等价于一份股票多头与一份固定收益债券多头,其损益V = ST + C , 与股价同向同幅度变动。( ST 为最终股票价格,下同)如图 8.3 (c)该组合等价于一份固定收益债券多头与一份看涨期权空头,其损益为
8.18 盒式价差期权是执行价格为 X 1 和 X 2 的牛市价差期权和相同执行价格的熊 市看跌价差期权的组合。所有期权的到期日相同。盒式价差期权有什么样的 特征?
解:牛市价差期权由 1 份执行价格为 X 1 欧式看涨期权多头与 1 份执行价格为 X 2 的欧式看涨期权空头构成( X 1 < X 2 ),熊市价差期权由 1 份执行价格为 X 2 的 欧式看跌期权多头与 1 份执行价格为 X 1 的看跌期权空头构成,则盒式价差
8.17 运用期权如何构造出具有确定交割价格和交割日期的股票远期合约? 解:假定交割价格为 K,交割日期为 T。远期合约可由买入 1 份欧式看涨期权,
同时卖空 1 份欧式看跌期权,要求两份期权有相同执行价格 K 及到期日 T。 可见,该组合的损益为 ST -K,在任何情形下,其中 ST 为 T 时股票价格。 假定 F 为远期合约价格,若 K=F,则远期合约价值为 0。这表明,当执行价 格为 K 时,看涨期权与看跌期权价格相等。










请问期货合约结束时,当合约到期时棉花价格分别为(a)每磅48.20美分;(b)每磅51.30美分时,这位投资者的收益或损失为多少?答:(a)合约到期时棉花价格为每磅$0.4820时,交易者收入:($0.5000-$0.4820)×50,000=$900;(b)合约到期时棉花价格为每磅$0.5130时,交易者损失:($0.5130-$0.5000) ×50,000=$6501.5假设你出售了一个看跌期权,以$120执行价格出售100股IBM的股票,有效期为3个月。









思考题1.1 远期合约长头寸与短期头寸之间的区别1)长头寸是买入,短头寸是卖出2)长头寸的收益是S-K 短头寸的收益是K-S1.2 期货合约与远期合约的区别1.3 卖出一个看涨期权与买入一个看跌期权的区别1)卖出看涨期权是一种义务,买入看跌期权是一种权利2)期初现金流不同3)收益公式不同卖出看涨期权买入看跌期权靠期权费赚利润1.4 期权与期货/远期合约的区别期货/远期合约,赋予它的持有者一个义务:以某个约定的价格买入或卖出标的资产。


1.5对冲、投机和套利之间的区别共同点:都是通过低买高卖或者高卖低买获利,都基于对未来市场预期的判断不同点:投机风险大,看涨看跌均没有保护性套期具有保护性对冲,如果货币市场流动性没问题,风险较低2.1 什么是逐日盯市逐日盯市制度,是指结算部门在每日闭市后计算、检查保证金账户余额,通过适时发出追加保证金通知,使保证金余额维持在一定水平之上,防止负债现象发生的结算制度。

2.2 保证金制度如何可以保证投资者免受违约风险?为了保证投资者保证金账户的资金余额在任何情况下都不为负值,设置了维持保证金,若保证金账户的余额低于维持保证金,投资者就会收到保证金催付,这部分资金称为变动保证金。














请问期货合约结束时,当合约到期时棉花价格分别为(a)每磅48.20美分;(b)每磅51.30美分时,这位投资者的收益或损失为多少?答:(a)合约到期时棉花价格为每磅$0.4820时,交易者收入:($0.5000-$0.4820)×50,000=$900;(b)合约到期时棉花价格为每磅$0.5130时,交易者损失:($0.5130-$0.5000) ×50,000=$6501.5假设你出售了一个看跌期权,以$120执行价格出售100股IBM的股票,有效期为3个月。






现有两种策略:直接购买股票或投资于期权,请问各自潜在的收益或损失为多少?答:股票价格低于$29时,购买股票和期权都将损失,前者损失为$5,800$29×(29-p),后者损失为$5,800;当股票价格为(29,30),购买股票收益为$5,800$29×(p-29),购买期权损失为$5,800;当股票价格高于$30时,购买股票收益为$5,800 $29×(p-29),购买期权收益为$$5,800$29×(p-30)-5,800。



CHAPTER 13Wiener P rocesses and Itô’s LemmaPractice QuestionsProblem 13.1.What would it mean to assert that the temperature at a certain place follows a Markov process? Do you think that temperatures do, in fact, follow a Markov process?Imagine that you have to forecast the future temperature from a) the current temperature, b) the history of the temperature in the last week, and c) a knowledge ofseasonal averages and seasonal trends. If temperature followed a Markov process, the history of the temperature in the last week would be irrelevant.To answer the second part of the question you might like to consider the following scenario for the first week in May:(i) Monday to Thursday are warm days; today, Friday, is a very cold day. (ii) Monday to Friday are all very cold days.What is your forecast for the weekend? If you are more pessimistic in the case of the second scenario, temperatures do not follow a Markov process.Problem 13.2.Can a trading rule based on the past history of a stock’s price ever produce returns that are consistently above average? Discuss.The first point to make is that any trading strategy can, just because of good luck, produce above average returns. The key question is whether a trading strategy consistently outperforms the market when adjustments are made for risk. It is certainly possible that a trading strategy could do this. However, when enough investors know about the strategy and trade on the basis of the strategy, the profit will disappear.As an illustration of this, consider a phenomenon known as the small firm effect. Portfolios of stocks in small firms appear to have outperformed portfolios of stocks in large firms when appropriate adjustments are made for risk. Research was published about this in the early 1980s and mutual funds were set up to take advantage of the phenomenon. There is some evidence that this has resulted in the phenomenon disappearing.Problem 13.3.A company’s cash position, measured in millions of dollars, follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of 0.5 per quarter and a variance rate of 4.0 per quarter. How high does the company’s initial cash position have to be for the company to have a less than 5% chance of a negative cash position by the end of one year?Supp ose that the company’s initial cash position is x . The probability distribution of the cash position at the end of one year is (40544)(2016)x x ϕϕ+⨯.,⨯=+.,where ()m v ϕ, is a normal probability distribution with mean m and variance v . The probability of a negative cash position at the end of one year is204x N +.⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭where ()N x is the cumulative probability that a standardized normal variable (with mean zero and standard deviation 1.0) is less than x . From normal distribution tables200054x N +.⎛⎫-=. ⎪⎝⎭when:20164494x +.-=-.i.e., when 45796x =.. The initial cash position must therefore be $4.58 million.Problem 13.4.Variables 1X and 2X follow generalized Wiener processes with drift rates 1μ and2μ and variances 21σ and 22σ. What process does 12X X + follow if:(a) The changes in 1X and 2X in any short interval of time are uncorrelated?(b) There is a correlation ρ between the changes in 1X and 2X in any short interval of time?(a) Suppose that X 1 and X 2 equal a 1 and a 2 initially. After a time period of length T , X 1 has the probability distribution2111()a T T ϕμσ+,and 2X has a probability distribution2222()a T T ϕμσ+,From the property of sums of independent normally distributed variables, 12X X + has the probability distribution()22112212a T a T T T ϕμμσσ+++,+i.e.,22121212()()a a T T ϕμμσσ⎡⎤+++,+⎣⎦This shows that 12X X + follows a generalized Wiener process with drift rate 12μμ+and variance rate 2212σσ+.(b) In this case the change in the value of 12X X + in a short interval of time t ∆ has the probability distribution:22121212()(2)t t ϕμμσσρσσ⎡⎤+∆,++∆⎣⎦If 1μ, 2μ, 1σ, 2σ and ρ are all constant, arguments similar to those in Section 13.2 show that the change in a longer period of time T is22121212()(2)T T ϕμμσσρσσ⎡⎤+,++⎣⎦The variable,12X X +, therefore follows a generalized Wiener process with drift rate12μμ+ and variance rate 2212122σσρσσ++.Problem 13.5.Consider a variable,S , that follows the process dS dt dz μσ=+For the first three years, 2μ= and 3σ=; for the next three years, 3μ= and 4σ=. If the initial value of the variable is 5, what is the probability distribution of the value of the variable at the end of year six?The change in S during the first three years has the probability distribution (2393)(627)ϕϕ⨯,⨯=,The change during the next three years has the probability distribution (33163)(948)ϕϕ⨯,⨯=,The change during the six years is the sum of a variable with probability distribution(627)ϕ, and a variable with probability distribution (948)ϕ,. The probability distribution of the change is therefore (692748)ϕ+,+ (1575)ϕ=,Since the initial value of the variable is 5, the probability distribution of the value of the variable at the end of year six is (2075)ϕ,Problem 13.6.Suppose that G is a function of a stock price, S and time. Suppose that S σ and G σ are the volatilities of S and G . Show that when the expected return of S increases by S λσ, the growth rate of G increases by G λσ, where λ is a constant.From Itô’s lemmaG S GG S Sσσ∂=∂Also the drift of G is222212G G G S S S t S μσ∂∂∂++∂∂∂where μ is the expected return on the stock. When μ increases by S λσ, the drift of Gincreases byS GS Sλσ∂∂ orG G λσThe growth rate of G , therefore, increases by G λσ.Problem 13.7.Stock A and stock B both follow geometric Brownian motion. Changes in any short interval of time are uncorrelated with each other. Does the value of a portfolio consisting of one of stock A and one of stock B follow geometric Brownian motion? Explain your answer.Define A S , A μ and A σ as the stock price, expected return and volatility for stock A. Define B S , B μ and B σ as the stock price, expected return and volatility for stock B. Define A S ∆ and B S ∆ as the change in A S and B S in time t ∆. Since each of the two stocks follows geometric Brownian motion,A A A A A S S t S μσε∆=∆+B B B B B S S t S μσε∆=∆+where A ε and B ε are independent random samples from a normal distribution.()(A B A A B B A A A B B B S S S S t S S μμσεσε∆+∆=+∆++This cannot be written as()()A B A B A B S S S S t S S μσ∆+∆=+∆++for any constants μ and σ. (Neither the drift term nor the stochastic term correspond.) Hence the value of the portfolio does not follow geometric Brownian motion.Problem 13.8.S S t S μσε∆=∆+ where μ and σ are constant. Explain carefully the difference between this model andeach of the following:S t S S t S t S μσεμσεμσε∆=∆+∆=∆+∆=∆+Why is the model in equation (13.8) a more appropriate model of stock price behavior than any of these three alternatives?In:S S t S μσε∆=∆+ the expected increase in the stock price and the variability of the stock price are constant when both are expressed as a proportion (or as a percentage) of the stock price In:S t μ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price and the variability of the stock price are constant in absolute terms. For example, if the expected growth rate is $5 per annum when the stockprice is $25, it is also $5 per annum when it is $100. If the standard deviation of weekly stock price movements is $1 when the price is $25, it is also $1 when the price is $100. In:S S t μ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price is a constant proportion of the stock price while the variability is constant in absolute terms. In:S t S μσ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price is constant in absolute terms while the variability of the proportional stock price change is constant. The model:S S t S μσ∆=∆+ is the most appropriate one since it is most realistic to assume that the expected percentage return and the variability of the percentage return in a short interval are constant.Problem 13.9.It has been suggested that the short-term interest rate,r , follows the stochastic process()dr a b r dt rc dz =-+where a , b , and c are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. Describe the nature of this process.The drift rate is ()a b r -. Thus, when the interest rate is above b the drift rate is negative and, when the interest rate is below b , the drift rate is positive. The interest rate is therefore continually pulled towards the level b . The rate at which it is pulled toward this level is a . A volatility equal to c is superimposed upon the “pull” or the drift.Suppose 04a =., 01b =. and 015c =. and the current interest rate is 20% per annum. The interest rate is pulled towards the level of 10% per annum. This can be regarded as a long run average. The current drift is 4-% per annum so that the expected rate at the end of one year is about 16% per annum. (In fact it is slightly greater than this, because as the interest rate decreases, the “pull” decreases.) Superimposed upon the drift is a volatility of 15% per annum.Problem 13.10.Suppose that a stock price, S , follows geometric Brownian motion with expected return μ and volatility σ: dS S dt S dz μσ=+What is the process followed by the variable n S ? Show that n S also follows geometric Brownian motion.If ()n G S t S ,= then 0G t ∂/∂=, 1n G S nS -∂/∂=, and 222(1)n G S n n S -∂/∂=-. Using Itô’s lemma:21[(1)]2dG nG n n G dt nG dz μσσ=+-+This shows that n G S = follows geometric Brownian motion where the expected return is21(1)2n n n μσ+-and the volatility is n σ. The stock price S has an expected return of μ and the expected value of T S is 0T S e μ. The expected value of n T S is212[(1)]0n n n T n S eμσ+-Problem 13.11.Suppose that x is the yield to maturity with continuous compounding on a zero-coupon bond that pays off $1 at time T . Assume that x follows the process0()dx a x x dt sx dz =-+where a , 0x , and s are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. What is the process followed by the bond price?The process followed by B , the bond price, is from Itô’s lemma:222021()2B B B B dB a x x s x dt sxdz x t x x ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦∂∂∂∂=-+++∂∂∂∂Since: ()x T t B e --=the required partial derivatives are()()22()22()()()()x T t x T t x T t Bxe xB t BT t e T t B x B T t e T t B x------∂==∂∂=--=--∂∂=-=-∂ Hence:22201()()()()2dB a x x T t x s x T t Bdt sx T t Bdz⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦=---++---Problem 13.12 (Excel Spreadsheet)A stock whose price is $30 has an expected return of 9% and a volatility of 20%. In Excel simulate the stock price path over 5 years using monthly time steps and random samples from a normal distribution. Chart the simulated stock price path. By hitting F9 observe how the path changes as the random sample change.The process ist S t S S ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆20.009.0Where ∆t is the length of the time step (=1/12) and ε is a random sample from a standard normal distribution.Further QuestionsProblem 13.13.Suppose that a stock price has an expected return of 16% per annum and a volatility of 30% per annum. When the stock price at the end of a certain day is $50, calculate the following:(a) The expected stock price at the end of the next day.(b) The standard deviation of the stock price at the end of the next day. (c) The 95% confidence limits for the stock price at the end of the next day.With the notation in the text2()St t S ϕμσ∆∆,∆In this case 50S =, 016μ=., 030σ=. and 1365000274t ∆=/=.. Hence(016000274009000274)50(0000440000247)Sϕϕ∆.⨯.,.⨯.=.,.and2(50000044500000247)S ϕ∆⨯.,⨯.that is, (002206164)S ϕ∆.,.(a)(b) The standard deviation of the stock price at the end of the next day is 0785=. (c) 95% confidence limits for the stock price at the end of the next day are 500221960785and 500221960785.-.⨯..+.⨯. i.e.,4848and 5156..Note that some students may consider one trading day rather than one calendar day. Then 1252000397t ∆=/=.. The answer to (a) is then 50.032. The answer to (b) is 0.945. The answers to part (c) are 48.18 and 51.88.Problem 13.14.A company’s cash position, measured in millions of dollars, follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of 0.1 per month and a variance rate of 0.16 per month. The initial cash position is 2.0.(a) What are the probability distributions of the cash position after one month, six months, and one year?(b) What are the probabilities of a negative cash position at the end of six months and one year?(c) At what time in the future is the probability of a negative cash position greatest?(a) The probability distributions are:(2001016)(21016)ϕϕ.+.,.=.,.(20060166)(26096)ϕϕ.+.,.⨯=.,.(201201612)(32196)ϕϕ.+.,.⨯=.,.(b) The chance of a random sample from (26096)ϕ.,. being negative is(265)N N ⎛=-. ⎝where ()N x is the cumulative probability that a standardized normal variable [i.e., avariable with probability distribution (01)ϕ,] is less than x . From normaldistribution tables (265)00040N -.=.. Hence the probability of a negative cash position at the end of six months is 0.40%.Similarly the probability of a negative cash position at the end of one year is(230)00107N N ⎛=-.=. ⎝or 1.07%.(c) In general the probability distribution of the cash position at the end of x months is(2001016)x x ϕ.+.,.The probability of the cash position being negative is maximized when:is minimized. Define11223122325025250125(250125)y x xdy x xdxx x----==+.=-.+.=-.+.This is zero when 20x=and it is easy to verify that 220d y dx/>for this value of x. It therefore gives a minimum value for y. Hence the probability of a negative cash position is greatest after 20 months.Problem 13.15.Suppose that x is the yield on a perpetual government bond that pays interest at the rate of $1 per annum. Assume that x is expressed with continuous compounding, that interest is paid continuously on the bond, and that x follows the process()dx a x x dt sx dz=-+where a,x, and s are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. What is the process followed by the bond price? What is the expected instantaneous return (including interest and capital gains) to the holder of the bond?The process followed by B, the bond price, is from Itô’s lemma:222021()2B B B BdB a x x s x dt sxdzx t x x⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦∂∂∂∂=-+++∂∂∂∂In this case1Bx=so that:222312B B Bt x x x x∂∂∂=;=-;=∂∂∂Hence2202322021121()21()dB a x x s x dt sxdzx x xs sa x x dt dzx x x⎡⎤=--+-⎢⎥⎣⎦⎡⎤=--+-⎢⎥⎣⎦The expected instantaneous rate at which capital gains are earned from the bond is therefore:2021()sa x xx x--+The expected interest per unit time is 1. The total expected instantaneous return is therefore:20211()sa x xx x--+When expressed as a proportion of the bond price this is:202111()sa x xx x x⎛⎫⎛⎫--+ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭20()ax x x s x=--+Problem 13.16.If S follows the geometric Brownian motion process in equation (13.6), what is the process followed by (a) y = 2S, (b) y=S 2 , (c) y=e S , and (d) y=e r(T-t)/S. In each case express the coefficients of dt and dz in terms of y rather than S.(a) In this case 2y S ∂/∂=, 220y S ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so that Itô’s lemma gives 22dy S dt S dz μσ=+or dy y dt y dz μσ=+(b) In this case 2y S S ∂/∂=, 222y S ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so that Itô’s lemma gives2222(2)2dy S S dt S dz μσσ=++ or2(2)2dy y dt y dz μσσ=++ (c) In this case S y S e ∂/∂=, 22S y S e ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so that Itô’s lemma gives22(2)S S S dy Se S e dt Se dz μσσ=+/+ or22[ln (ln )2]ln dy y y y y dt y y dz μσσ=+/+(d) In this case ()2r T t y S e S y S -∂/∂=-/=-/, 22()3222r T t y S e S y S -∂/∂=/=/, and()r T t y t re S ry -∂/∂=-/=- so that Itô’s lemma gives2()dy ry y y dt y dz μσσ=--+- or2()dy r y dt y dz μσσ=-+--Problem 13.17.A stock price is currently 50. Its expected return and volatility are 12% and 30%,respectively. What is the probability that the stock price will be greater than 80 in two years? (Hint 80T S > when ln ln 80T S >.)The variable ln T S is normally distributed with mean 20ln (2)S T μσ+-/ and standarddeviation σ050S =, 012μ=., 2T =, and 030σ=. so that the meanand standard deviation of ln T S are 2ln 50(012032)24062+.-./=. and 00424.=., respectively. Also, ln804382=.. The probability that 80T S > is the same as the probability that ln 4382T S >.. This is4382406211(0754)0424N N .-.⎛⎫-=-. ⎪.⎝⎭where ()N x is the probability that a normally distributed variable with mean zero and standard deviation 1 is less than x . From the tables at the back of the book (0754)0775N .=. so that the required probability is 0.225.请浏览后下载,资料供参考,期待您的好评与关注!Problem 13.18 (See Excel Worksheet)Stock A, whose price is $30, has an expected return of 11% and a volatility of 25%. Stock B, whose price is $40, has an expected return of 15% and a volatility of 30%. The processes driving the returns are correlated with correlation parameter ρ. In Excel, simulate the two stock price paths over three months using daily time steps and random samples from normal distributions. Chart the results and by hitting F9 observe how the paths change as the random samples change. Consider values of ρ equal to 0.50, 0.75, and 0.95.The processes aret S t S S A A A A ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆25.011.0t S t S S B B B B ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆30.015.0Where ∆t is the length of the time step (=1/252) and the ε’s are correlated samples from standard normal distributions.。



第十三章衍生工具的运用和发展复习思考题13.1.名词解释结构化产品;实物期权;可转换债券;可赎回债券;管理者期权;天气风险;巨灾债券;扩展投资期权;13.2.选择题(1)实物期权包括以下OA、扩展投资期权B、放弃期权C、美式期权D、看涨期权(2)天气风险的特征有OA、天气风险是一种系统性风险B、天气风险是数量风险C、天气风险具有传导性D、天气风险是一种长期的风险(3)下面关于可转换债券说法正确的是OA、可转换债券具有债性和股性双重特征B、可转换债券可以在一定时期内赎回C、可转换债券可以在一定时期内转换成普通股D、可转换债券一般而言相比普通债券利息较低(4)能源衍生品的价格具有的风险特征包括OA、波动性B、操纵性C、回归性D、跨市场传导性(5)第一种真正意义上的巨灾衍生品是OA、巨灾期权B、巨灾期货C、巨灾互换D、巨灾债券13.3.简述结构化产品的功能13.4.比较实物期权与普通金融期权的要素13.5.简述管理者期权的正面效应13.6.管理者期权的特点13.7.简述能源衍生品市场所具有的风险特征13.8.简述实物期权的分类13.9.简述结构化金融产品的内涵13.10.简述传统的项目评估方法13.11.为什么要将实物期权的思想运用的项目评估中?13.12.管理者期权制度发挥作用的必要条件讨论题13.1.如何衡量天气风险?13. 2.怎样建设有效的管理者期权制度?复习思考题答案13.1.名词解释(1)结构化产品:结构化产品(StrUCtUrePrOdUCtS)的实质是运用现代金融工程技术,对已有的股票、债券、期货、期权、互换等金融工具进行重新设计、改造、组合,创造出来的一类复杂的金融产品。






赫尔《期权、期货及其他衍生产品》(第7版)课后习题详解(波动率微笑)18.2 课后习题详解一、问答题1.在下列情形所观察到的波动率微笑是什么形式?(a )股票价格分布两端的尾部均没有对数正态分布肥大;(b )股票价格分布右端的尾部比对数正态分布要肥大,右端尾部没有对数正态分布肥大。

What pattern of implied volatilities is likely to be observed whena. Both tails of the stock price distribution are less heavy than those of the lognormal distribution?b. The right tail is heavier, and the left tail is less heavier than that of alognormal distribution?答:(a )当股票价格分布两端的尾部均没有对数正态分布肥大时,对于深度虚值或深度实值的期权而言,布莱克—斯科尔斯倾向于高估期权的价格。


图18-6 波动率微笑(b )相比较而言,当股票价格分布右端的尾部比对数正态分布要肥大,右端尾部没有对数正态分布肥大时,对于虚值看涨期权和实值看跌期权而言,布莱克—斯科尔斯倾向于低估期权的价格;对于虚值看跌期权和实值看涨期权而言,布莱克—斯科尔斯倾向于高估期权的价格。


2.股票的波动率微笑形式是什么?What volatility smile is observed for equities?答:观察到的股票期权的波动率微笑通常是向下倾斜的,即股票期权的隐含波动率是执行价格的减函数。


3.标的资产价格有跳跃时会造成什么形式的波动率微笑?这种形式对于2年和3个月期限的期权中哪个更显著?What pattern of implied volatilities is likely to be caused by jumps intheunderlying asset price? Is the pattern likely to be more pronounced for a two-year option than for a three-month option?答:(1)通常标的资产价格的跳跃将使得资产价格分布的两侧比对数正态分布都要肥大。






CHAPTER 13Wiener Processes and Itô’s LemmaPractice QuestionsProblem 13.1.What would it mean to assert that the temperature at a certain place follows a Markov process? Do you think that temperatures do, in fact, follow a Markov process?Imagine that you have to forecast the future temperature from a) the current temperature, b) the history of the temperature in the last week, and c) a knowledge of seasonal averages and seasonal trends. If temperature followed a Markov process, the history of the temperature in the last week would be irrelevant.To answer the second part of the question you might like to consider the following scenario for the first week in May:(i) Monday to Thursday are warm days; today, Friday, is a very cold day.(ii) Monday to Friday are all very cold days.What is your forecast for the weekend? If you are more pessimistic in the case of the second scenario, temperatures do not follow a Markov process.Problem 13.2.Can a trading rule based on the past history of a stock’s price ever produce returns that are consistently above average? Discuss.The first point to make is that any trading strategy can, just because of good luck, produce above average returns. The key question is whether a trading strategy consistently outperforms the market when adjustments are made for risk. It is certainly possible that a trading strategy could do this. However, when enough investors know about the strategy and trade on the basis of the strategy, the profit will disappear.As an illustration of this, consider a phenomenon known as the small firm effect. Portfolios of stocks in small firms appear to have outperformed portfolios of stocks in large firms when appropriate adjustments are made for risk. Research was published about this in the early 1980s and mutual funds were set up to take advantage of the phenomenon. There is some evidence that this has resulted in the phenomenon disappearing.Problem 13.3.A company’s cash position, measured in millions of dollars, follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of 0.5 per quarter and a variancerate of 4.0 per quarter. How high does the company’s initial cash position have to be for the company to have a less than 5% chance of a negative cash position by the end of one year?Supp ose that the company’s initial cash position is x . The probability distribution of the cash position at the end of one year is (40544)(2016)x x ϕϕ+⨯.,⨯=+.,where ()m v ϕ, is a normal probability distribution with mean m and variance v . The probability of a negative cash position at the end of one year is204x N +.⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭where ()N x is the cumulative probability that a standardized normal variable (with mean zero and standard deviation 1.0) is less than x . From normal distribution tables200054x N +.⎛⎫-=. ⎪⎝⎭when:20164494x +.-=-.i.e., when 45796x =.. The initial cash position must therefore be $4.58 million.Problem 13.4.Variables 1X and 2X follow generalized Wiener processes with drift rates1μ and 2μ and variances 21σ and 22σ. What process does 12X X + follow if: (a) The changes in 1X and 2X in any short interval of time are uncorrelated? (b) There is a correlation ρ between the changes in 1X and 2X in any short interval of time?(a)Suppose that X 1 and X 2 equal a 1 and a 2 initially. After a time period of lengthT , X 1 has the probability distribution2111()a T T ϕμσ+,and 2X has a probability distribution2222()a T T ϕμσ+,From the property of sums of independent normally distributed variables, 12X X + has the probability distribution()22112212a T a T T T ϕμμσσ+++,+i.e.,22121212()()a a T T ϕμμσσ⎡⎤+++,+⎣⎦ This shows that 12X X + follows a generalized Wiener process with drift rate12μμ+ and variance rate 2212σσ+.(b) In this case the change in the value of 12X X + in a short interval of timet ∆ has the probability distribution:22121212()(2)t t ϕμμσσρσσ⎡⎤+∆,++∆⎣⎦If 1μ, 2μ, 1σ, 2σ and ρ are all constant, arguments similar to those in Section 13.2 show that the change in a longer period of time T is22121212()(2)T T ϕμμσσρσσ⎡⎤+,++⎣⎦The variable,12X X +, therefore follows a generalized Wiener process withdrift rate 12μμ+ and variance rate 2212122σσρσσ++.Problem 13.5.Consider a variable,S , that follows the processdS dt dz μσ=+For the first three years, 2μ= and 3σ=; for the next three years, 3μ= and 4σ=. If the initial value of the variable is 5, what is the probability distribution of the value of the variable at the end of year six?The change in S during the first three years has the probability distribution (2393)(627)ϕϕ⨯,⨯=,The change during the next three years has the probability distribution (33163)(948)ϕϕ⨯,⨯=,The change during the six years is the sum of a variable with probability distribution (627)ϕ, and a variable with probability distribution (948)ϕ,. The probability distribution of the change is therefore (692748)ϕ+,+ (1575)ϕ=,Since the initial value of the variable is 5, the probability distribution of the value of the variable at the end of year six is(2075)ϕ,Problem 13.6.Suppose that G is a function of a stock price, S and time. Suppose that S σ and G σ are the volatilities of S and G . Show that when the expected return of S increases by S λσ, the growth rate of G increases by G λσ, where λ is a constant.From It ô’s lemmaG S GG S Sσσ∂=∂ Also the drift of G is222212G G G S S S t S μσ∂∂∂++∂∂∂where μ is the expected return on the stock. When μ increases by S λσ, the drift of G increases byS GS Sλσ∂∂ orG G λσThe growth rate of G , therefore, increases by G λσ.Problem 13.7.Stock A and stock B both follow geometric Brownian motion. Changes in any short interval of time are uncorrelated with each other. Does the value of a portfolio consisting of one of stock A and one of stock B follow geometric Brownian motion? Explain your answer.Define A S , A μ and A σ as the stock price, expected return andvolatility for stock A. Define B S , B μ and B σ as the stock price, expected return and volatility for stock B. Define A S ∆ and B S ∆ as the change in A S andB S in time t ∆. Since each of the two stocks follows geometric Brownian motion,A A A A A S S t S μσε∆=∆+B B B B B S S t S μσε∆=∆+where A ε and B ε are independent random samples from a normal distribution.()(A B A A B B A A A B B B S S S S t S S μμσεσε∆+∆=+∆++This cannot be written as()()A B A B A B S S S S t S S μσ∆+∆=+∆++for any constants μ and σ. (Neither the drift term nor the stochastic term correspond.) Hence the value of the portfolio does not follow geometric Brownian motion.Problem 13.8.The process for the stock price in equation (13.8) isS S t S μσε∆=∆+ where μ and σ are constant. Explain carefully the difference between thismodel and each of the following:S t S S t S t S μσεμσεμσε∆=∆+∆=∆+∆=∆+Why is the model in equation (13.8) a more appropriate model of stock price behaviorthan any of these three alternatives? In:S S t S μσε∆=∆+ the expected increase in the stock price and the variability of the stock price are constant when both are expressed as a proportion (or as a percentage) of the stock price In:S t μ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price and the variability of the stock price are constant in absolute terms. For example, if the expected growth rate is $5 per annum when the stock price is $25, it is also $5 per annum when it is $100. If the standard deviation of weekly stock price movements is $1 when the price is $25, it is also $1 when the price is $100. In:S S t μ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price is a constant proportion of the stock price while the variability is constant in absolute terms. In:S t S μσ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price is constant in absolute terms while the variability of the proportional stock price change is constant. The model:S S t S μσ∆=∆+ is the most appropriate one since it is most realistic to assume that the expected percentage return and the variability of the percentage return in a short interval are constant.Problem 13.9.It has been suggested that the short-term interest rate,r , follows the stochastic process()dr a b r dt rc dz =-+where a , b , and c are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. Describe the nature of this process.The drift rate is ()a b r -. Thus, when the interest rate is above b the drift rate is negative and, when the interest rate is below b , the drift rate is positive. The interest rate is therefore continually pulled towards the level b . The rate at which it is pulled toward this level is a . A volatility equal to c is superimposed upon the “pull” or the drift.Suppose 04a =., 01b =. and 015c =. and the current interest rate is 20% per annum. The interest rate is pulled towards the level of 10% per annum. This can be regarded as a long run average. The current drift is 4-% per annum so that the expected rate at the end of one year is about 16% per annum. (In fact it is slightly greater than this, because as the interest rate decreases, the “pull” decreases.) Superimposed upon the drift is a volatility of 15% per annum.Problem 13.10.Suppose that a stock price, S , follows geometric Brownian motion with expected return μ and volatility σ: dS S dt S dz μσ=+What is the process followed by the variable n S ? Show that n S also follows geometric Brownian motion.If ()n G S t S ,= then 0G t ∂/∂=, 1n G S nS -∂/∂=, and 222(1)n G S n n S -∂/∂=-. Using It ô’s lemma:21[(1)]2dG nG n n G dt nG dz μσσ=+-+This shows that n G S = follows geometric Brownian motion where the expected return is21(1)2n n n μσ+-and the volatility is n σ. The stock price S has an expected return of μ and the expected value of T S is 0T S e μ. The expected value of n T S is212[(1)]0n n n T n S eμσ+-Problem 13.11.Suppose that x is the yield to maturity with continuous compounding on a zero-coupon bond that pays off $1 at time T . Assume that x follows the process0()dx a x x dt sx dz=-+where a , 0x , and s are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. What is the process followed by the bond price?The process followed by B , the bond price, is from It ô’s lemma:222021()2B B B B dB a x x s x dt sxdz x t x x ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦∂∂∂∂=-+++∂∂∂∂Since:()x T t B e --=the required partial derivatives are()()22()22()()()()x T t x T t x T t Bxe xB t BT t e T t B x B T t e T t B x------∂==∂∂=--=--∂∂=-=-∂ Hence:22201()()()()2dB a x x T t x s x T t Bdt sx T t Bdz ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦=---++---Problem 13.12 (Excel Spreadsheet)A stock whose price is $30 has an expected return of 9% and a volatility of 20%. In Excel simulate the stock price path over 5 years using monthly time steps and random samples from a normal distribution. Chart the simulated stock price path. By hitting F9 observe how the path changes as the random sample change.The process ist S t S S ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆20.009.0Where t is the length of the time step (=1/12) and is a random sample from a standard normal distribution.Further QuestionsProblem 13.13.Suppose that a stock price has an expected return of 16% per annum and a volatility of 30% per annum. When the stock price at the end of a certain day is $50, calculate the following: (a) The expected stock price at the end of the next day. (b) The standard deviation of the stock price at the end of the next day. (c) The 95% confidence limits for the stock price at the end of the next day.With the notation in the text2()St t S ϕμσ∆∆,∆In this case 50S =, 016μ=., 030σ=. and 1365000274t ∆=/=.. Hence(016000274009000274)50(0000440000247)Sϕϕ∆.⨯.,.⨯.=.,.and2(50000044500000247)Sϕ∆⨯.,⨯.that is,(002206164)Sϕ∆.,.(a) The expected stock price at the end of the next day is therefore 50.022 (b) The standard deviation of the stock price at the end of the next day is061540785.=.(c) 95% confidence limits for the stock price at the end of the next day are 500221960785and 500221960785.-.⨯..+.⨯. i.e., 4848and 5156..Note that some students may consider one trading day rather than one calendar day. Then 1252000397t ∆=/=.. The answer to (a) is then 50.032. The answer to (b) is 0.945. The answers to part (c) are 48.18 and 51.88.Problem 13.14.A company’s cash position, measured in millions of dollars, follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of 0.1 per month and a variance rate of 0.16 per month. The initial cash position is 2.0.(a) What are the probability distributions of the cash position after one month, six months, and one year?(b) What are the probabilities of a negative cash position at the end of six months and one year?(c) At what time in the future is the probability of a negative cashposition greatest? (a)The probability distributions are:(2001016)(21016)ϕϕ.+.,.=.,.(20060166)(26096)ϕϕ.+.,.⨯=.,.(201201612)(32196)ϕϕ.+.,.⨯=.,.(b) The chance of a random sample from (26096)ϕ.,. being negative is(265)N N ⎛=-. ⎝where ()N x is the cumulative probability that a standardized normalvariable [i.e., a variable with probability distribution (01)ϕ,] is less than x . From normal distribution tables (265)00040N -.=.. Hence the probability of a negative cash position at the end of six months is 0.40%. Similarly the probability of a negative cash position at the end of one year is(230)00107N N ⎛=-.=. ⎝or 1.07%. (c) In general the probability distribution of the cash position at the end of x months is(2001016)x xϕ.+.,.The probability of the cash position being negative is maximized when:is minimized. Define11223122325025250125(250125)y x xdy x xdxx x----==+.=-.+.=-.+.This is zero when 20x= and it is easy to verify that 220d y dx/> for this value of x. It therefore gives a minimum value for y. Hence the probability of a negative cash position is greatest after 20 months. Problem 13.15.Suppose that x is the yield on a perpetual government bond that pays interest at the rate of $1 per annum. Assume that x is expressed with continuous compounding, that interest is paid continuously on the bond, and that x follows the process()dx a x x dt sx dz=-+where a,x, and s are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. What is the process followed by the bond price? What is the expected instantaneous return (including interest and capital gains) to the holder of the bond? The process followed by B, the bond price, is from Itô’s lemma:222021()2B B B BdB a x x s x dt sxdzx t x x⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦∂∂∂∂=-+++∂∂∂∂In this case1Bx=so that:222312B B Bt x x x x∂∂∂=;=-;=∂∂∂Hence2202322021121()21()dB a x x s x dt sxdz x x x s s a x x dt dz x x x ⎡⎤=--+-⎢⎥⎣⎦⎡⎤=--+-⎢⎥⎣⎦ The expected instantaneous rate at which capital gains are earned from the bond is therefore: 2021()s a x x x x--+ The expected interest per unit time is 1. The total expected instantaneous return is therefore: 20211()s a x x x x --+When expressed as a proportion of the bond price this is: 202111()s a x x x x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫--+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭ 20()a x x x s x=--+Problem 13.16.If S follows the geometric Brownian motion process in equation (13.6), what is the process followed by (a) y = 2S, (b) y=S 2 , (c) y=e S , and (d) y=e r(T-t)/S. In each case express the coefficients of dt and dz in terms of y rather than S.(a) In this case 2y S ∂/∂=, 220y S ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so thatIt ô’s lemma gives22dy S dt S dz μσ=+ordy y dt y dz μσ=+(b) In this case 2y S S ∂/∂=, 222y S ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so thatIt ô’s lemma gives2222(2)2dy S S dt S dz μσσ=++ or2(2)2dy y dt y dz μσσ=++ (c) In this case S y S e ∂/∂=, 22S y S e ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so thatIt ô’s lemma gives22(2)S S S dy Se S e dt Se dz μσσ=+/+ or22[ln (ln )2]ln dy y y y y dt y y dz μσσ=+/+(d) In this case ()2r T t y S e S y S -∂/∂=-/=-/,22()3222r T t y S e S y S -∂/∂=/=/, and ()r T t y t re S ry -∂/∂=-/=- so that It ô’s lemma gives2()dy ry y y dt y dz μσσ=--+- or2()dy r y dt y dz μσσ=-+--Problem 13.17.A stock price is currently 50. Its expected return and volatility are 12% and 30%, respectively. What is the probability that the stock price will be greater than 80 in two years? (Hint 80T S > when ln ln 80T S >.)The variable ln T S is normally distributed with mean 20ln (2)S T μσ+-/ and standard deviation T σ. In this case 050S =, 012μ=., 2T =, and 030σ=. so that the mean and standard deviation of ln T S are 2ln 50(012032)24062+.-./=. and 0320424.=., respectively. Also, ln804382=.. The probability that 80T S > is the same as the probability that ln 4382T S >.. This is4382406211(0754)0424N N .-.⎛⎫-=-. ⎪.⎝⎭where ()N x is the probability that a normally distributed variable with mean zero and standard deviation 1 is less than x . From the tables at the back of the book (0754)0775N .=. so that the required probability is 0.225.Problem 13.18 (See Excel Worksheet) Stock A, whose price is $30, has an expected return of 11% and a volatility of 25%. Stock B, whose price is $40, has an expected return of 15% and a volatility of 30%. The processes driving the returns are correlated with correlation parameter . In Excel, simulate the two stock price paths over three months using daily time steps and random samples from normal distributions. Chart the results and by hitting F9 observe how the paths change as the random samples change. Consider values of equal to 0.50, 0.75, and 0.95.The processes aret S t S S A A A A ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆25.011.0t S t S S B B B B ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆30.015.0Where t is the length of the time step (=1/252) and the ’s are correlated samples from standard normal distributions.。



CHAPTER 13Wiener P rocesses and It?’s LemmaPractice QuestionsProblem 13.1.What would it mean to assert that the temperature at a certain place follows a Markov process? Do you think that temperatures do, in fact, follow a Markov process?Imagine that you have to forecast the future temperature from a) the current temperature, b) the history of the temperature in the last week, and c) a knowledge ofseasonal averages and seasonal trends. If temperature followed a Markov process, the history of the temperature in the last week would be irrelevant.To answer the second part of the question you might like to consider the following scenario for the first week in May:(i) Monday to Thursday are warm days; today, Friday, is a very cold day. (ii) Monday to Friday are all very cold days.What is your forecast for the weekend? If you are more pessimistic in the case of the second scenario, temperatures do not follow a Markov process.Problem 13.2.Can a trading rule based on the past history of a stock’s price ever produce returns that are consistently above average? Discuss.The first point to make is that any trading strategy can, just because of good luck, produce above average returns. The key question is whether a trading strategy consistently outperforms the market when adjustments are made for risk. It is certainly possible that a trading strategy could do this. However, when enough investors know about the strategy and trade on the basis of the strategy, the profit will disappear.As an illustration of this, consider a phenomenon known as the small firm effect. Portfolios of stocks in small firms appear to have outperformed portfolios of stocks in large firms when appropriate adjustments are made for risk. Research was published about this in the early 1980s and mutual funds were set up to take advantage of the phenomenon. There is some evidence that this has resulted in the phenomenon disappearing.Problem 13.3.A company’s cash position, measured in millions of dollars, follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of 0.5 per quarter and a variance rate of 4.0 per quarter. How high does the company’s initial cash position have to be for the company to have a less than 5% chance of a negative cash position by the end of one year?Supp ose that the company’s initial cash position is x . The probability distribution of the cash position at the end of one year is (40544)(2016)x x ϕϕ+⨯.,⨯=+.,where ()m v ϕ, is a normal probability distribution with mean m and variance v . The probability of a negative cash position at the end of one year is204x N +.⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭where ()N x is the cumulative probability that a standardized normal variable (with mean zero and standard deviation 1.0) is less than x . From normal distribution tables200054x N +.⎛⎫-=. ⎪⎝⎭when:20164494x +.-=-.i.e., when 45796x =.. The initial cash position must therefore be $4.58 million.Problem 13.4.Variables 1X and 2X follow generalized Wiener processes with drift rates 1μ and2μ and variances 21σ and 22σ. What process does 12X X + follow if:(a) The changes in 1X and 2X in any short interval of time are uncorrelated?(b) There is a correlation ρ between the changes in 1X and 2X in any short interval of time?(a) Suppose that X 1 and X 2 equal a 1 and a 2 initially. After a time period of length T , X 1 has the probability distribution2111()a T T ϕμσ+,and 2X has a probability distribution2222()a T T ϕμσ+,From the property of sums of independent normally distributed variables, 12X X + has the probability distribution()22112212a T a T T T ϕμμσσ+++,+i.e.,22121212()()a a T T ϕμμσσ⎡⎤+++,+⎣⎦This shows that 12X X + follows a generalized Wiener process with drift rate 12μμ+and variance rate 2212σσ+.(b) In this case the change in the value of 12X X + in a short interval of time t ∆ has the probability distribution:22121212()(2)t t ϕμμσσρσσ⎡⎤+∆,++∆⎣⎦If 1μ, 2μ, 1σ, 2σ and ρ are all constant, arguments similar to those in Section 13.2 show that the change in a longer period of time T is22121212()(2)T T ϕμμσσρσσ⎡⎤+,++⎣⎦The variable,12X X +, therefore follows a generalized Wiener process with drift rate12μμ+ and variance rate 2212122σσρσσ++.Problem 13.5.Consider a variable,S , that follows the process dS dt dz μσ=+For the first three years, 2μ= and 3σ=; for the next three years, 3μ= and 4σ=. If the initial value of the variable is 5, what is the probability distribution of the value of the variable at the end of year six?The change in S during the first three years has the probability distribution (2393)(627)ϕϕ⨯,⨯=,The change during the next three years has the probability distribution (33163)(948)ϕϕ⨯,⨯=,The change during the six years is the sum of a variable with probability distribution(627)ϕ, and a variable with probability distribution (948)ϕ,. The probability distribution of the change is therefore (692748)ϕ+,+ (1575)ϕ=,Since the initial value of the variable is 5, the probability distribution of the value of the variable at the end of year six is (2075)ϕ,Problem 13.6.Suppose that G is a function of a stock price, S and time. Suppose that S σ and G σ are the volatilities of S and G . Show that when the expected return of S increases by S λσ, the growth rate of G increases by G λσ, where λ is a constant.From It?’s lemmaG S GG S Sσσ∂=∂Also the drift of G is222212G G G S S S t S μσ∂∂∂++∂∂∂where μ is the expected return on the stock. When μ increases by S λσ, the drift of Gincreases byS GS Sλσ∂∂ orG G λσThe growth rate of G , therefore, increases by G λσ.Problem 13.7.Stock A and stock B both follow geometric Brownian motion. Changes in any short interval of time are uncorrelated with each other. Does the value of a portfolio consisting of one of stock A and one of stock B follow geometric Brownian motion? Explain your answer.Define A S , A μ and A σ as the stock price, expected return and volatility for stock A. Define B S , B μ and B σ as the stock price, expected return and volatility for stock B. Define A S ∆ and B S ∆ as the change in A S and B S in time t ∆. Since each of the two stocks follows geometric Brownian motion,A A A A A S S t S μσε∆=∆+B B B B B S S t S μσε∆=∆+where A ε and B ε are independent random samples from a normal distribution.()(A B A A B B A A A B B B S S S S t S S μμσεσε∆+∆=+∆++This cannot be written as()()A B A B A B S S S S t S S μσ∆+∆=+∆++for any constants μ and σ. (Neither the drift term nor the stochastic term correspond.) Hence the value of the portfolio does not follow geometric Brownian motion.Problem 13.8.S S t S μσε∆=∆+ where μ and σ are constant. Explain carefully the difference between this model andeach of the following:S t S S t S t S μσεμσεμσε∆=∆+∆=∆+∆=∆+Why is the model in equation (13.8) a more appropriate model of stock price behavior than any of these three alternatives?In:S S t S μσε∆=∆+ the expected increase in the stock price and the variability of the stock price are constant when both are expressed as a proportion (or as a percentage) of the stock price In:S t μ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price and the variability of the stock price are constant in absolute terms. For example, if the expected growth rate is $5 per annum when the stockprice is $25, it is also $5 per annum when it is $100. If the standard deviation of weekly stock price movements is $1 when the price is $25, it is also $1 when the price is $100. In:S S t μ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price is a constant proportion of the stock price while the variability is constant in absolute terms. In:S t S μσ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price is constant in absolute terms while the variability of the proportional stock price change is constant. The model:S S t S μσ∆=∆+ is the most appropriate one since it is most realistic to assume that the expected percentage return and the variability of the percentage return in a short interval are constant.Problem 13.9.It has been suggested that the short-term interest rate,r , follows the stochastic process()dr a b r dt rc dz =-+where a , b , and c are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. Describe the nature of this process.The drift rate is ()a b r -. Thus, when the interest rate is above b the drift rate is negative and, when the interest rate is below b , the drift rate is positive. The interest rate is therefore continually pulled towards the level b . The rate at which it is pulled toward this level is a . A volatility equal to c is superimposed upon the “pull” or the drift.Suppose 04a =., 01b =. and 015c =. and the current interest rate is 20% per annum. The interest rate is pulled towards the level of 10% per annum. This can be regarded as a long run average. The current drift is 4-% per annum so that the expected rate at the end of one year is about 16% per annum. (In fact it is slightly greater than this, because as the interest rate decreases, the “pull” decreases.) Superimposed upon the drift is a volatility of 15% per annum.Problem 13.10.Suppose that a stock price, S , follows geometric Brownian motion with expected return μ and volatility σ: dS S dt S dz μσ=+What is the process followed by the variable n S ? Show that n S also follows geometric Brownian motion.If ()n G S t S ,= then 0G t ∂/∂=, 1n G S nS -∂/∂=, and 222(1)n G S n n S -∂/∂=-. Using It?’s lemma:21[(1)]2dG nG n n G dt nG dz μσσ=+-+This shows that n G S = follows geometric Brownian motion where the expected return is21(1)2n n n μσ+-and the volatility is n σ. The stock price S has an expected return of μ and the expected value of T S is 0T S e μ. The expected value of n T S is212[(1)]0n n n T n S eμσ+-Problem 13.11.Suppose that x is the yield to maturity with continuous compounding on a zero-coupon bond that pays off $1 at time T . Assume that x follows the process0()dx a x x dt sx dz =-+where a , 0x , and s are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. What is the process followed by the bond price?The process followed by B , the bond price, is from It?’s lemma:222021()2B B B B dB a x x s x dt sxdz x t x x ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦∂∂∂∂=-+++∂∂∂∂Since: ()x T t B e --=the required partial derivatives are()()22()22()()()()x T t x T t x T t Bxe xB t BT t e T t B x B T t e T t B x------∂==∂∂=--=--∂∂=-=-∂ Hence:22201()()()()2dB a x x T t x s x T t Bdt sx T t Bdz⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦=---++---Problem 13.12 (Excel Spreadsheet)A stock whose price is $30 has an expected return of 9% and a volatility of 20%. In Excel simulate the stock price path over 5 years using monthly time steps and random samples from a normal distribution. Chart the simulated stock price path. By hitting F9 observe how the path changes as the random sample change.The process ist S t S S ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆20.009.0Where ?t is the length of the time step (=1/12) and ? is a random sample from a standard normal distribution.Further QuestionsProblem 13.13.Suppose that a stock price has an expected return of 16% per annum and a volatility of 30% per annum. When the stock price at the end of a certain day is $50, calculate the following:(a) The expected stock price at the end of the next day.(b) The standard deviation of the stock price at the end of the next day. (c) The 95% confidence limits for the stock price at the end of the next day. (d)(e) With the notation in the text2()St t S ϕμσ∆∆,∆In this case 50S =, 016μ=., 030σ=. and 1365000274t ∆=/=.. Hence(016000274009000274)50(0000440000247)Sϕϕ∆.⨯.,.⨯.=.,.and2(50000044500000247)S ϕ∆⨯.,⨯.that is, (002206164)S ϕ∆.,.(a)(b) The standard deviation of the stock price at the end of the next day is 0785=. (c) 95% confidence limits for the stock price at the end of the next day are 500221960785and 500221960785.-.⨯..+.⨯. i.e.,4848and 5156..Note that some students may consider one trading day rather than one calendar day. Then 1252000397t ∆=/=.. The answer to (a) is then 50.032. The answer to (b) is 0.945. The answers to part (c) are 48.18 and 51.88.Problem 13.14.A company’s cash position, measured in millions of dollars, follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of 0.1 per month and a variance rate of 0.16 per month. The initial cash position is 2.0.(a) What are the probability distributions of the cash position after one month, six months, and one year?(b) What are the probabilities of a negative cash position at the end of six months and one year?(c) At what time in the future is the probability of a negative cash position greatest?(a) The probability distributions are:(2001016)(21016)ϕϕ.+.,.=.,.(20060166)(26096)ϕϕ.+.,.⨯=.,.(201201612)(32196)ϕϕ.+.,.⨯=.,.(b) The chance of a random sample from (26096)ϕ.,. being negative is(265)N N ⎛=-. ⎝where ()N x is the cumulative probability that a standardized normal variable [i.e., avariable with probability distribution (01)ϕ,] is less than x . From normaldistribution tables (265)00040N -.=.. Hence the probability of a negative cash position at the end of six months is 0.40%.Similarly the probability of a negative cash position at the end of one year is(230)00107N N ⎛=-.=. ⎝or 1.07%.(c) In general the probability distribution of the cash position at the end of x months is(2001016)x x ϕ.+.,.The probability of the cash position being negative is maximized when:is minimized. Define11223122325025250125(250125)y x xdy x xdxx x----==+.=-.+.=-.+.This is zero when 20x=and it is easy to verify that 220d y dx/>for this value of x. It therefore gives a minimum value for y. Hence the probability of a negative cash position is greatest after 20 months.Problem 13.15.Suppose that x is the yield on a perpetual government bond that pays interest at the rate of $1 per annum. Assume that x is expressed with continuous compounding, that interest is paid continuously on the bond, and that x follows the process()dx a x x dt sx dz=-+where a,x, and s are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. What is the process followed by the bond price? What is the expected instantaneous return (including interest and capital gains) to the holder of the bond?The process followed by B, the bond price, is from It?’s lemma:222021()2B B B BdB a x x s x dt sxdzx t x x⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦∂∂∂∂=-+++∂∂∂∂In this case1Bx=so that:222312B B Bt x x x x∂∂∂=;=-;=∂∂∂Hence2202322021121()21()dB a x x s x dt sxdzx x xs sa x x dt dzx x x⎡⎤=--+-⎢⎥⎣⎦⎡⎤=--+-⎢⎥⎣⎦The expected instantaneous rate at which capital gains are earned from the bond is therefore:2021()sa x xx x--+The expected interest per unit time is 1. The total expected instantaneous return is therefore:20211()sa x xx x--+When expressed as a proportion of the bond price this is:202111()sa x xx x x⎛⎫⎛⎫--+ ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭20()ax x x s x=--+Problem 13.16.If S follows the geometric Brownian motion process in equation (13.6), what is the process followed by (a) y = 2S, (b) y=S 2 , (c) y=e S , and (d) y=e r(T-t)/S. In each case express the coefficients of dt and dz in terms of y rather than S.(a) In this case 2y S ∂/∂=, 220y S ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so that It?’s lemma gives 22dy S dt S dz μσ=+or dy y dt y dz μσ=+(b) In this case 2y S S ∂/∂=, 222y S ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so that It?’s lemma gives2222(2)2dy S S dt S dz μσσ=++ or2(2)2dy y dt y dz μσσ=++ (c) In this case S y S e ∂/∂=, 22S y S e ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so that It?’s lemma gives22(2)S S S dy Se S e dt Se dz μσσ=+/+ or22[ln (ln )2]ln dy y y y y dt y y dz μσσ=+/+(d) In this case ()2r T t y S e S y S -∂/∂=-/=-/, 22()3222r T t y S e S y S -∂/∂=/=/, and()r T t y t re S ry -∂/∂=-/=- so that It?’s lemma gives2()dy ry y y dt y dz μσσ=--+- or2()dy r y dt y dz μσσ=-+--Problem 13.17.A stock price is currently 50. Its expected return and volatility are 12% and 30%,respectively. What is the probability that the stock price will be greater than 80 in two years? (Hint 80T S > when ln ln 80T S >.)The variable ln T S is normally distributed with mean 20ln (2)S T μσ+-/ and standarddeviation σ050S =, 012μ=., 2T =, and 030σ=. so that the meanand standard deviation of ln T S are 2ln 50(012032)24062+.-./=. and 00424.=., respectively. Also, ln804382=.. The probability that 80T S > is the same as the probability that ln 4382T S >.. This is4382406211(0754)0424N N .-.⎛⎫-=-. ⎪.⎝⎭where ()N x is the probability that a normally distributed variable with mean zero and standard deviation 1 is less than x . From the tables at the back of the book (0754)0775N .=. so that the required probability is 0.225.Problem 13.18 (See Excel Worksheet)Stock A, whose price is $30, has an expected return of 11% and a volatility of 25%. Stock B, whose price is $40, has an expected return of 15% and a volatility of 30%. The processes driving the returns are correlated with correlation parameter ?. In Excel, simulate the two stock price paths over three months using daily time steps and random samples from normal distributions. Chart the results and by hitting F9 observe how the paths change as the random samples change. Consider values of ? equal to 0.50, 0.75, and 0.95.The processes aret S t S S A A A A ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆25.011.0t S t S S B B B B ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆30.015.0Where ?t is the length of the time step (=1/252) and the ?’s are correlated samples from standard normal distributions.。



CHAPTER 13 Binomial TreesPractice QuestionsProblem 13.1.A stock price is currently $40. It is known that at the end of one month it will be either $42 or $38. The risk-free interest rate is 8% per annum with continuous compounding. What is the value of a one-month European call option with a strike price of $39?Consider a portfolio consisting of 1-: Call option +∆: SharesIf the stock price rises to $42, the portfolio is worth 423∆-. If the stock price falls to $38, it is worth 38∆. These are the same when42338∆-=∆ or 075∆=.. The value of the portfolio in one month is 28.5 for both stock prices. Its value today must be the present value of 28.5, or 0080083332852831e -.⨯..=.. This means that 402831f -+∆=.where f is the call price. Because 075∆=., the call price is 400752831$169⨯.-.=.. As an alternative approach, we can calculate the probability, p , of an up movement in a risk-neutral world. This must satisfy: 0080083334238(1)40p p e .⨯.+-= so that 00800833344038p e .⨯.=-or 05669p =.. The value of the option is then its expected payoff discounted at the risk-free rate: 008008333[305669004331]169e -.⨯.⨯.+⨯.=. or $1.69. This agrees with the previous calculation.Problem 13.2.Explain the no-arbitrage and risk-neutral valuation approaches to valuing a European option using a one-step binomial tree.In the no-arbitrage approach, we set up a riskless portfolio consisting of a position in the option and a position in the stock. By setting the return on the portfolio equal to the risk-free interest rate, we are able to value the option. When we use risk-neutral valuation, we first choose probabilities for the branches of the tree so that the expected return on the stock equals the risk-free interest rate. We then value the option by calculating its expected payoff and discounting this expected payoff at the risk-free interest rate.Problem 13.3.What is meant by the delta of a stock option?The delta of a stock option measures the sensitivity of the option price to the price of the stock when small changes are considered. Specifically, it is the ratio of the change in theprice of the stock option to the change in the price of the underlying stock.Problem 13.4.A stock price is currently $50. It is known that at the end of six months it will be either $45 or $55. The risk-free interest rate is 10% per annum with continuous compounding. What is the value of a six-month European put option with a strike price of $50?Consider a portfolio consisting of 1-: Put option +∆: SharesIf the stock price rises to $55, this is worth 55∆. If the stock price falls to $45, the portfolio is worth 455∆-. These are the same when 45555∆-=∆or 050∆=-.. The value of the portfolio in six months is 275-. for both stock prices. Its value today must be the present value of 275-., or 010********e -.⨯.-.=-.. This means that 502616f -+∆=-.where f is the put price. Because 050∆=-., the put price is $1.16. As an alternative approach we can calculate the probability, p , of an up movement in a risk-neutral world. This must satisfy: 01055545(1)50p p e .⨯.+-= so that 010*******p e .⨯.=-or 07564p =.. The value of the option is then its expected payoff discounted at the risk-free rate: 0105[007564502436]116e -.⨯.⨯.+⨯.=. or $1.16. This agrees with the previous calculation.Problem 13.5.A stock price is currently $100. Over each of the next two six-month periods it is expected to go up by 10% or down by 10%. The risk-free interest rate is 8% per annum with continuous compounding. What is the value of a one-year European call option with a strike price of $100?In this case 110u =., 090d =., 05t ∆=., and 008r =., so that0080509007041110090e p .⨯.-.==..-.The tree for stock price movements is shown in Figure S13.1. We can work back from the end of the tree to the beginning, as indicated in the diagram, to give the value of the option as $9.61. The option value can also be calculated directly from equation (13.10): 22200805[0704121207041029590029590]961e -⨯.⨯..⨯+⨯.⨯.⨯+.⨯=. or $9.61.Figure S13.1: Tree for Problem 13.5Problem 13.6.For the situation considered in Problem 13.5, what is the value of a one-year European put option with a strike price of $100? Verify that the European call and European put prices satisfy put –call parity.Figure S13.2 shows how we can value the put option using the same tree as in Problem 13.5. The value of the option is $1.92. The option value can also be calculated directly from equation (13.10): 20080522[0704102070410295910295919]192e -⨯.⨯..⨯+⨯.⨯.⨯+.⨯=.or $1.92. The stock price plus the put price is 10019210192$+.=.. The present value of the strike price plus the call price is 008110096110192e $-.⨯+.=.. These are the same, verifyingthat put –call parity holds.Figure S13.2: Tree for Problem 13.6Problem 13.7.What are the formulas for u and d in terms of volatility?u e =and d e -=Problem 13.8.Consider the situation in which stock price movements during the life of a European option are governed by a two-step binomial tree. Explain why it is not possible to set up a position in the stock and the option that remains riskless for the whole of the life of the option.The riskless portfolio consists of a short position in the option and a long position in ∆ shares. Because ∆ changes during the life of the option, this riskless portfolio must also change.Problem 13.9.A stock price is currently $50. It is known that at the end of two months it will be either $53 or $48. The risk-free interest rate is 10% per annum with continuous compounding. What is the value of a two-month European call option with a strikeprice of $49? Use no-arbitrage arguments.At the end of two months the value of the option will be either $4 (if the stock price is $53) or $0 (if the stock price is $48). Consider a portfolio consisting of:shares1option+∆:-:The value of the portfolio is either 48∆ or 534∆- in two months. If48534∆=∆- i.e.,08∆=. the value of the portfolio is certain to be 38.4. For this value of ∆ the portfolio is therefore riskless. The current value of the portfolio is: 0850f .⨯-where f is the value of the option. Since the portfolio must earn the risk-free rate of interest010212(0850)384f e .⨯/.⨯-=.i.e.,223f =.The value of the option is therefore $2.23.This can also be calculated directly from equations (13.2) and (13.3). 106u =., 096d =. so that01021209605681106096e p .⨯/-.==..-. and010212056814223f e -.⨯/=⨯.⨯=.Problem 13.10.A stock price is currently $80. It is known that at the end of four months it will be either $75or $85. The risk-free interest rate is 5% per annum with continuous compounding. What is the value of a four-month European put option with a strike price of $80? Use no-arbitrage arguments.At the end of four months the value of the option will be either $5 (if the stock price is $75) or $0 (if the stock price is $85). Consider a portfolio consisting of:shares1option-∆:+:(Note: The delta, ∆ of a put option is negative. We have constructed the portfolio so that it is +1 option and -∆ shares rather than 1- option and +∆ shares so that the initial investment is positive.)The value of the portfolio is either 85-∆ or 755-∆+ in four months. If 85755-∆=-∆+ i.e.,05∆=-. the value of the portfolio is certain to be 42.5. For this value of ∆ the portfolio is therefore riskless. The current value of the portfolio is: 0580f .⨯+where f is the value of the option. Since the portfolio is riskless005412(0580)425f e .⨯/.⨯+=.i.e.,180f =.The value of the option is therefore $1.80.This can also be calculated directly from equations (13.2) and (13.3). 10625u =., 09375d =. so that00541209375063451062509375e p .⨯/-.==..-. 103655p -=. and005412036555180f e -.⨯/=⨯.⨯=.Problem 13.11.A stock price is currently $40. It is known that at the end of three months it will be either $45 or $35. The risk-free rate of interest with quarterly compounding is 8% per annum. Calculate the value of a three-month European put option on the stock with an exercise price of $40. Verify that no-arbitrage arguments and risk-neutral valuation arguments give the same answers.At the end of three months the value of the option is either $5 (if the stock price is $35) or $0 (if the stock price is $45).Consider a portfolio consisting of:shares1option-∆:+:(Note: The delta, ∆, of a put option is negative. We have constructed the portfolio so that it is +1 option and -∆ shares rather than 1- option and +∆ shares so that the initial investment is positive.)The value of the portfolio is either 355-∆+ or 45-∆. If:35545-∆+=-∆i.e.,05∆=-.the value of the portfolio is certain to be 22.5. For this value of ∆ the portfolio is therefore riskless. The current value of the portfolio is 40f -∆+where f is the value of the option. Since the portfolio must earn the risk-free rate of interest (4005)102225f ⨯.+⨯.=. Hence 206f =. i.e., the value of the option is $2.06.This can also be calculated using risk-neutral valuation. Suppose that p is the probability of an upward stock price movement in a risk-neutral world. We must have 4535(1)40102p p +-=⨯. i.e., 1058p =. or: 058p =.The expected value of the option in a risk-neutral world is:00585042210⨯.+⨯.=. This has a present value of210206102.=..This is consistent with the no-arbitrage answer.Problem 13.12.A stock price is currently $50. Over each of the next two three-month periods it is expected to go up by 6% or down by 5%. The risk-free interest rate is 5% per annum with continuous compounding. What is the value of a six-month European call option with a strike price of $51?A tree describing the behavior of the stock price is shown in Figure S13.3. The risk-neutral probability of an up move, p , is given by00531209505689106095e p .⨯/-.==..-. There is a payoff from the option of 561851518.-=. for the highest final node (which corresponds to two up moves) zero in all other cases. The value of the option is therefore 2005612518056891635e -.⨯/.⨯.⨯=.This can also be calculated by working back through the tree as indicated in Figure S13.3. The value of the call option is the lower number at each node in the figure.Figure S13.3:Tree for Problem 13.12Problem 13.13.For the situation considered in Problem 13.12, what is the value of a six-month European put option with a strike price of $51? Verify that the European call and European put prices satisfy put–call parity. If the put option were American, would it ever be optimal to exercise it early at any of the nodes on the tree?The tree for valuing the put option is shown in Figure S13.4. We get a payoff of-.=.if -.=.if the middle final node is reached and a payoff of 51451255875 515035065the lowest final node is reached. The value of the option is therefore2005612.⨯⨯.⨯.+.⨯.=.(06520568904311587504311)1376e-.⨯/This can also be calculated by working back through the tree as indicated in Figure S13.4. The value of the put plus the stock price is.+=.137********The value of the call plus the present value of the strike price is005612e-.⨯/.+=.16355151376This verifies that put–call parity holdsTo test whether it worth exercising the option early we compare the value calculated for the option at each node with the payoff from immediate exercise. At node C the payoff from-.=.. Because this is greater than 2.8664, the option should immediate exercise is 5147535be exercised at this node. The option should not be exercised at either node A or node B.Figure S13.4:Tree for Problem 13.13Problem 13.14.A stock price is currently $25. It is known that at the end of two months it will be either $23 or $27. The risk-free interest rate is 10% per annum with continuous compounding. Suppose T S is the stock price at the end of two months. What is the value of a derivative that pays off2T S at this time?At the end of two months the value of the derivative will be either 529 (if the stock price is 23) or 729 (if the stock price is 27). Consider a portfolio consisting of:shares1derivative+∆:-:The value of the portfolio is either 27729∆- or 23529∆- in two months. If2772923529∆-=∆- i.e.,50∆= the value of the portfolio is certain to be 621. For this value of ∆ the portfolio is therefore riskless. The current value of the portfolio is: 5025f ⨯-where f is the value of the derivative. Since the portfolio must earn the risk-free rate of interest 010212(5025)621f e .⨯/⨯-= i.e., 6393f =. The value of the option is therefore $639.3.This can also be calculated directly from equations (13.2) and (13.3). 108u =., 092d =. so that01021209206050108092e p .⨯/-.==..-. and 010212(0605072903950529)6393f e -.⨯/=.⨯+.⨯=.Problem 13.15.Calculate u , d , and p when a binomial tree is constructed to value an option on a foreign currency. The tree step size is one month, the domestic interest rate is 5% per annum, the foreign interest rate is 8% per annum, and the volatility is 12% per annum.In this case (005008)11209975a e .-.⨯/==.010352u e .==.109660d u =/=.0997509660045531035209660p .-.==..-.Problem 13.16.The volatility of a non-dividend-paying stock whose price is $78, is 30%. The risk-free rate is 3% per annum (continuously compounded) for all maturities. Calculate values for u, d, and p when a two-month time step is used. What is the value of a four-month European call option with a strike price of $80 given by a two-step binomial tree. Suppose a trader sells 1,000 options (10 contracts). What position in the stock is necessary to hedge the trader’s position at the time of the trade?4898.08847.01303.18847.08847.0/11303.112/230.01667.030.0=--=====⨯⨯e p u d e uThe tree is given in Figure S13.5. The value of the option is $4.67. The initial delta is 9.58/(88.16 – 69.01) which is almost exactly 0.5 so that 500 shares should be purchased.Figure S13.5: Tree for Problem 13.16Problem 13.17.A stock index is currently 1,500. Its volatility is 18%. The risk-free rate is 4% per annum (continuously compounded) for all maturities and the dividend yield on the index is 2.5%. Calculate values for u, d, and p when a six-month time step is used. What is the value a 12-month American put option with a strike price of 1,480 given by a two-step binomial tree.4977.08805.01357.18805.08805.0/11357.15.0)025.004.0(5.018.0=--=====⨯-⨯e p u d e uThe tree is shown in Figure S13.6. The option is exercised at the lower node at the six-month point. It is worth 78.41.Figure S13.6: Tree for Problem 13.17Problem 13.18.The futures price of a commodity is $90. Use a three-step tree to value (a) a nine-month American call option with strike price $93 and (b) a nine-month American put option with strike price $93. The volatility is 28% and the risk-free rate (all maturities) is 3% with continuous compounding.4651.08694.01503.18694.018694.0/11503.125.028.0=--=====⨯u u d e u The tree for valuing the call is in Figure S13.7a and that for valuing the put is in Figure S13.7b. The values are 7.94 and 10.88, respectively.824637Figure S13.7a : CallFigure S13.7b : PutFurther QuestionsProblem 13.19.The current price of a non-dividend-paying biotech stock is $140 with a volatility of 25%. The risk-free rate is 4%. For a three-month time step: (a) What is the percentage up movement? (b) What is the percentage down movement?(c) What is the probability of an up movement in a risk-neutral world? (d) What is the probability of a down movement in a risk-neutral world?Use a two-step tree to value a six-month European call option and a six-month European put option. In both cases the strike price is $150.(a) 25.025.0⨯=e u = 1.1331. The percentage up movement is 13.31% (b) d = 1/u = 0.8825. The percentage down movement is 11.75%(c) The probability of an up movement is 5089.0)8825.1331.1/()8825.()25.004.0=--⨯e (d) The probability of a down movement is0.4911.The tree for valuing the call is in Figure S13.8a and that for valuing the put is in Figure S13.8b. The values are 7.56 and 14.58, respectively.Figure S13.8a : CallFigure S13.8b : PutProblem 13.20.In Problem 13.19, suppose that a trader sells 10,000 European call options. How many shares of the stock are needed to hedge the position for the first and second three-month period? For the second time period, consider both the case where the stock price moves up during the first period and the case where it moves down during the first period.The delta for the first period is 15/(158.64 – 123.55) = 0.4273. The trader should take a long position in 4,273 shares. If there is an up movement the delta for the second period is 29.76/(179.76 – 140) = 0.7485. The trader should increase the holding to 7,485 shares. If there is a down movement the trader should decrease the holding to zero.Problem 13.21.A stock price is currently $50. It is known that at the end of six months it will be either $60 or $42. The risk-free rate of interest with continuous compounding is 12% per annum. Calculate the value of a six-month European call option on the stock with an exercise price of $48. Verify that no-arbitrage arguments and risk-neutral valuation arguments give the same answers.At the end of six months the value of the option will be either $12 (if the stock price is $60) or $0 (if the stock price is $42). Consider a portfolio consisting of:shares1option+∆:-:The value of the portfolio is either 42∆ or 6012∆- in six months. If426012∆=∆- i.e.,06667∆=. the value of the portfolio is certain to be 28. For this value of ∆ the portfolio is therefore riskless. The current value of the portfolio is: 0666750f .⨯-where f is the value of the option. Since the portfolio must earn the risk-free rate of interest01205(0666750)28f e .⨯..⨯-=i.e.,696f =.The value of the option is therefore $6.96.This can also be calculated using risk-neutral valuation. Suppose that p is the probability of an upward stock price movement in a risk-neutral world. We must have 0066042(1)50p p e .+-=⨯ i.e., 181109p =. or: 06161p =.The expected value of the option in a risk-neutral world is:120616100383973932⨯.+⨯.=. This has a present value of 00673932696e -..=.Hence the above answer is consistent with risk-neutral valuation.Problem 13.22.A stock price is currently $40. Over each of the next two three-month periods it is expected to go up by 10% or down by 10%. The risk-free interest rate is 12% per annum with continuous compounding.a. What is the value of a six-month European put option with a strike price of $42?b. What is the value of a six-month American put option with a strike price of $42?a. A tree describing the behavior of the stock price is shown in Figure S13.9. The risk-neutral probability of an up move, p , is given by012312090065231109e p .⨯/-.==..-.Calculating the expected payoff and discounting, we obtain the value of the option as 2012612[24206523034779603477]2118e -.⨯/.⨯⨯.⨯.+.⨯.=.The value of the European option is 2.118. This can also be calculated by working back through the tree as shown in Figure S13.9. The second number at each node is the value of the European option.b. The value of the American option is shown as the third number at each node on the tree. It is 2.537. This is greater than the value of the European option because it is optimal to exercise early at node C.40.0002.1182.53744.000 0.8100.81036.0004.7596.00048.4000.0000.00039.6002.4002.40032.4009.6009.600ABCFigure S13.9: Tree to evaluate European and American put options in Problem 13.22. At each node, upper number is the stock price, the next number is the European put price, and the final number is the American put priceProblem 13.23.Using a “trial -and-error” approach, estimate how high the strike price has to be in Problem 13.17 for it to be optimal to exercise the option immediately.Trial and error shows that immediate early exercise is optimal when the strike price is above 43.2. This can be also shown to be true algebraically. Suppose the strike price increases by a relatively small amount q . This increases the value of being at node C by q and the value of being at node B by 0030347703374e q q -..=.. It therefore increases the value of being at node A by003(065230337403477)0551q q e q -..⨯.+.=.For early exercise at node A we require 253705512q q .+.<+ or 1196q >.. This corresponds to the strike price being greater than 43.196.Problem 13.24.A stock price is currently $30. During each two-month period for the next four months it is expected to increase by 8% or reduce by 10%. The risk-free interest rate is 5%. Use a two-step tree to calculate the value of a derivative that pays off 2[max(300)]T S -, whereT S is the stock price in four months? If the derivative is American-style, should it be exercised early?This type of option is known as a power option. A tree describing the behavior of the stock price is shown in Figure S13.10. The risk-neutral probability of an up move, p , is given by005212090602010809e p .⨯/-.==..-. Calculating the expected payoff and discounting, we obtain the value of the option as393.5]3980.049.323980.06020.027056.0[12/405.02=⨯+⨯⨯⨯⨯-eThe value of the European option is 5.393. This can also be calculated by working back through the tree as shown in Figure S13.10. The second number at each node is the value of the European option. Early exercise at node C would give 9.0 which is less than 13.2435. The option should therefore not be exercised early if it is American.Figure S13.10: Tree to evaluate European power option in Problem 13.24. At each node, upper number is the stock price and the next number is the option priceProblem 13.25.Consider a European call option on a non-dividend-paying stock where the stock price is $40, the strike price is $40, the risk-free rate is 4% per annum, the volatility is 30% per annum, and the time to maturity is six months.a. Calculate u , d , and p for a two step treeb. Value the option using a two step tree.c. Verify that DerivaGem gives the same answerd. Use DerivaGem to value the option with 5, 50, 100, and 500 time steps.0.0000 29.1600 0.705624.3000 32.4900 F(a) This problem is based on the material in Section 13.8. In this case 025t ∆ that03011618u e .==., 108607d u =/=., and00402508607049591161808607e p .⨯.-.==..-.(b) and (c) The value of the option using a two-step tree as given by DerivaGem is shown in Figure S13.11 to be 3.3739. To use DerivaGem choose the first worksheet, select Equity as the underlying type, and select Binomial European as the Option Type. After carrying out the calculations select Display Tree.(d) With 5, 50, 100, and 500 time steps the value of the option is 3.9229, 3.7394, 3.7478, and 3.7545, respectively.Figure S13.11: Tree produced by DerivaGem to evaluate European option in Problem 13.25Problem 13.26.Repeat Problem 13.25 for an American put option on a futures contract. The strike price and the futures price are $50, the risk-free rate is 10%, the time to maturity is six months, and the volatility is 40% per annum.(a) In this case 025t ∆=.and 04012214u e .==., 108187d u =/=., and0102508187045021221408187e p .⨯.-.==..-.(b) and (c) The value of the option using a two-step tree is 4.8604.(d) With 5, 50, 100, and 500 time steps the value of the option is 5.6858, 5.3869, 5.3981, and 5.4072, respectively.Problem 13.27.Footnote 1 shows that the correct discount rate to use for the real world expected payoff inAt each node:Upper v alue = Underlying Asset PriceLower v alue = Option Price Values in red are a result of early exercise.Strike price = 40Discount factor per step = 0.9900Time step, dt = 0.2500 years, 91.25 daysGrowth factor per step, a = 1.0101Probability of up mov e, p = 0.4959Up step size, u = 1.16180.00000.25000.5000the case of the call option considered in Figure 13.1 is 42.6%. Show that if the option is a put rather than a call the discount rate is –52.5%. Explain why the two real-world discount rates are so different.The value of the put option is012312.⨯+.⨯=.(065230034773)10123e-.⨯/The expected payoff in the real world is.⨯+.⨯=.(070410029593)08877The discount rate R that should be used in the real world is therefore given by solving025.=.1012308877Re-.-.or 52.5%.The solution to this is 0525The underlying stock has positive systematic risk because it expected return is higher than the risk free rate. This means that the stock will tend to do well when the market does well. The call option has a high positive systematic risk because it tends to do very well when the market does well. As a result a high discount rate is appropriate for its expected payoff. The put option is in the opposite position. It tends to provide a high return when the market does badly. As a result it is appropriate to use a highly negative discount rate for its expected payoff.Problem 13.28.A stock index is currently 990, the risk-free rate is 5%, and the dividend yield on theindex is 2%. Use a three-step tree to value an 18-month American put option with astrike price of 1,000 when the volatility is 20% per annum. How much does the option holder gain by being able to exercise early? When is the gain made?The tree is shown in Figure S13.12. The value of the option is 87.51. It is optimal to exercise at the lowest node at time one year. If early exercise were not possible the value at this node would be 236.63. The gain made at the one year point is therefore 253.90 – 236.63= 17.27.Figure 13.12: Tree for Problem 13.28Problem 13.29.Calculate the value of nine-month American call option on a foreign currency using athree-step binomial tree. The current exchange rate is 0.79 and the strike price is 0.80 (both expressed as dollars per unit of the foreign currency). The volatility of the exchange rate is 12% per annum. The domestic and foreign risk-free rates are 2%and 5%, respectively. Suppose a company has bought options on 1 million units of the foreign currency. What position in the foreign currency is initially necessary to hedge its risk?The tree is shown in Figure S13.13. The cost of an American option to buy one million units of the foreign currency is $18,100. The delta initially is (0.0346 −0.0051)/(0.8261 – 0.7554) = 0.4176. The company should sell 417,600 units of the foreign currencyFigure S13.13: Tree for Problem 13.29。



J o h n H u l l期货期权和衍生证券章习题解答公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]CHAPTER 13Wiener P rocesses and It’s LemmaPractice QuestionsProblem .What would it mean to assert that the temperature at a certain place follows a Markov process Do you think that temperatures do, in fact, follow a Markov processImagine that you have to forecast the future temperature from a) the current temperature, b) the history of the temperature in thelast week, and c) a knowledge of seasonal averages and seasonal trends. If temperature followed a Markov process, the history of the temperature in the last week would be irrelevant.To answer the second part of the question you might like to consider the following scenario for the first week in May:(i) Monday to Thursday are warm days; today, Friday, is a very cold day.(ii) Monday to Friday are all very cold days.What is your forecast for the weekend If you are more pessimistic in the case of the second scenario, temperatures do not follow a Markov process.Problem .Can a trading rule based on the past history of a stock’sprice ever produce returns that are consistently above average Discuss.The first point to make is that any trading strategy can, just because of good luck, produce above average returns. The key question is whether a trading strategy consistently outperforms the market when adjustments are made for risk. It is certainly possible that a trading strategy could do this. However, when enough investors know about the strategy and trade on the basis of the strategy, the profit will disappear.As an illustration of this, consider a phenomenon known as the small firm effect. Portfolios of stocks in small firms appear to have outperformed portfolios of stocks in large firms when appropriateadjustments are made for risk. Research was published about this in the early 1980s and mutual funds were set up to take advantage of the phenomenon. There is some evidence that this has resulted in the phenomenon disappearing. Problem .A company’s cash position, measured in millions of dollars, follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of per quarter and a variance rate of per quarter. How high does thecompany’s initial cash position have to be for the company to have a less than 5% chance of a negative cash position by the end of one yearSuppose that the company’s initial cash position is x . The probability distribution of the cash position at the end of one year is (40544)(2016)x x ϕϕ+⨯.,⨯=+.,where ()m v ϕ, is a normal probability distribution with mean m and variance v . The probability of a negative cash position at the end of one year is204x N +.⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭where ()N x is the cumulative probability that a standardized normalvariable (with mean zero and standard deviation is less than x . From normal distribution tables200054x N +.⎛⎫-=. ⎪⎝⎭when:20164494x +.-=-.., when 45796x =.. The initial cash position must therefore be$ million. Problem .Variables 1X and 2X follow generalized Wiener processes withdrift rates 1μ and 2μ and variances 21σ and 22σ. What process does 12X X + follow if:(a)The changes in 1X and 2X in any short interval of time are uncorrelated(b)There is a correlation ρ between the changes in 1X and 2X inany short interval of time(a)Suppose that X 1 and X 2 equal a 1 and a 2 initially. After a time period of length T , X 1 has the probability distribution2111()a T T ϕμσ+,and 2X has a probability distribution2222()a T T ϕμσ+,From the property of sums of independent normally distributedvariables, 12X X + has the probability distribution()22112212a T a T T T ϕμμσσ+++,+.,22121212()()a a T T ϕμμσσ⎡⎤+++,+⎣⎦This shows that 12X X + follows a generalized Wiener process withdrift rate 12μμ+ and variance rate 2212σσ+.(b) In this case the change in the value of 12X X + in a short interval of time t ∆ has the probability distribution:22121212()(2)t t ϕμμσσρσσ⎡⎤+∆,++∆⎣⎦If 1μ, 2μ, 1σ, 2σ and ρ are all constant, arguments similar to those in Section show that the change in a longer period of time T is22121212()(2)T T ϕμμσσρσσ⎡⎤+,++⎣⎦The variable,12X X +, therefore follows a generalized Wiener processwith drift rate 12μμ+ and variance rate 2212122σσρσσ++. Problem .Consider a variable,S , that follows the processdS dt dz μσ=+For the first three years, 2μ= and 3σ=; for the next three years, 3μ= and 4σ=. If the initial value of the variable is 5, what is the probability distribution of the value of the variable at the end of year sixThe change in S during the first three years has the probability distribution(2393)(627)ϕϕ⨯,⨯=,The change during the next three years has the probability distribution(33163)(948)ϕϕ⨯,⨯=,The change during the six years is the sum of a variable with probability distribution (627)ϕ, and a variable with probability distribution (948)ϕ,. The probability distribution of the change is therefore (692748)ϕ+,+(1575)ϕ=,Since the initial value of the variable is 5, the probabilitydistribution of the value of the variable at the end of year six is (2075)ϕ,Problem .Suppose that G is a function of a stock price, S and time. Suppose that S σ and G σ are the volatilities of S and G . Show that when the expected return of S increases by S λσ, the growth rate of G increases by G λσ, where λ is a constant.From It’s lemmaG S GG S Sσσ∂=∂ Also the drift of G is222212G G G S S S t S μσ∂∂∂++∂∂∂where μ is the expected return on the stock. When μ increases byS λσ, the drift of G increases byS GS Sλσ∂∂ orG G λσThe growth rate of G , therefore, increases by G λσ. Problem .Stock A and stock B both follow geometric Brownian motion. Changes in any short interval of time are uncorrelated with eachother. Does the value of a portfolio consisting of one of stock A and one of stock B follow geometric Brownian motion Explain your answer.Define A S , A μ and A σ as the stock price, expected return and volatility for stock A. Define B S , B μ and B σ as the stock price, expected return and volatility for stock B. Define A S ∆ and B S ∆ as the change in A S and B S in time t ∆. Since each of the two stocks follows geometric Brownian motion,A A A A A S S t S μσε∆=∆+B B B B B S S t S μσε∆=∆+where A ε and B ε are independent random samples from a normal distribution.()(A B A A B B A A A B B B S S S S t S S μμσεσε∆+∆=+∆++ This cannot be written as()()A B A B A B S S S S t S S μσ∆+∆=+∆++for any constants μ and σ. (Neither the drift term nor thestochastic term correspond.) Hence the value of the portfolio does not follow geometric Brownian motion. Problem .The process for the stock price in equation isS S t S μσε∆=∆+where μ and σ are constant. Explain carefully the difference between this model and each of the following:S t S S t S t S μσεμσεμσε∆=∆+∆=∆+∆=∆+Why is the model in equation a more appropriate model of stock price behaviorthan any of these three alternativesIn:S S t S μσε∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price and the variability of the stock price are constant when both are expressed as a proportion (or as a percentage) of the stock price In:S t μ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price and the variability of the stock price are constant in absolute terms. For example, if theexpected growth rate is $5 per annum when the stock price is $25, it is also $5 per annum when it is $100. If the standard deviation of weekly stock price movements is $1 when the price is $25, it is also $1 when the price is $100. In:S S t μ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price is a constant proportion of the stock price while the variability is constant in absolute terms. In:S t S μσ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price is constant in absoluteterms while the variability of the proportional stock price change is constant. The model:S S t S μσ∆=∆+is the most appropriate one since it is most realistic to assume that the expected percentage return and the variability of the percentage return in a short interval are constant. Problem .It has been suggested that the short-term interest rate,r , follows the stochastic process()dr a b r dt rc dz =-+where a , b , and c are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. Describe the nature of this process.The drift rate is ()a b r -. Thus, when the interest rate is above b the drift rate is negative and, when the interest rate is below b , the drift rate is positive. The interest rate is thereforecontinually pulled towards the level b . The rate at which it is pulled toward this level is a . A volatility equal to c is superimposed upon the “pull” or the drift.Suppose 04a =., 01b =. and 015c =. and the current interest rate is 20% per annum. The interest rate is pulled towards the level of 10% per annum. This can be regarded as a long run average. Thecurrent drift is 4-% per annum so that the expected rate at the end of one year is about 16% per annum. (In fact it is slightly greater than this, because as the interest rate decreases, the “pull” decreases.) Superimposed upon the drift is a volatility of 15% per annum.Problem .Suppose that a stock price, S , follows geometric Brownian motion with expected return μ and volatility σ:dS S dt S dz μσ=+What is the process followed by the variable n S Show that n S also follows geometric Brownian motion.If ()n G S t S ,= then 0G t ∂/∂=, 1n G S nS -∂/∂=, and 222(1)n G S n n S -∂/∂=-. Using It’s lemma:21[(1)]2dG nG n n G dt nG dz μσσ=+-+This shows that n G S = follows geometric Brownian motion where the expected return is21(1)2n n n μσ+-and the volatility is n σ. The stock price S has an expected return of μ and the expected value of T S is 0T S e μ. The expected value of n T S is212[(1)]0n n n T n S eμσ+-Problem .Suppose that x is the yield to maturity with continuouscompounding on a zero-coupon bond that pays off $1 at time T . Assume that x follows the process0()dx a x x dt sx dz=-+where a , 0x , and s are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. What is the process followed by the bond priceThe process followed by B , the bond price, is fro m It’ s lemma:222021()2B B B B dB a x x s x dt sxdz x t x x ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦∂∂∂∂=-+++∂∂∂∂Since:()x T t B e --=the required partial derivatives are()()22()22()()()()x T t x T t x T t Bxe xB t BT t e T t B x BT t e T t B x------∂==∂∂=--=--∂∂=-=-∂ Hence:22201()()()()2dB a x x T t x s x T t Bdt sx T t Bdz⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦=---++---Problem (Excel Spreadsheet)A stock whose price is $30 has an expected return of 9% and avolatility of 20%. In Excel simulate the stock price path over 5 years using monthly time steps and random samples from a normal distribution. Chart the simulated stock price path. By hitting F9 observe how the path changes as the random sample change.The process ist S t S S ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆20.009.0Where t is the length of the time step (=1/12) and is a random sample from a standard normal distribution.Further QuestionsProblem .Suppose that a stock price has an expected return of 16% per annum and a volatility of 30% per annum. When the stock price at the end of a certain day is $50, calculate the following: (a) The expected stock price at the end of the next day. (b) The standard deviation of the stock price at the end of the next day. (c) The 95% confidence limits for the stock price at the end of the next day.(d)(e)With the notation in the text2()S t t Sϕμσ∆∆,∆In this case 50S =, 016μ=., 030σ=. and 1365000274t ∆=/=.. Hence(016000274009000274)50(0000440000247)S ϕϕ∆.⨯.,.⨯.=.,.and2(50000044500000247)Sϕ∆⨯.,⨯.that is,(002206164)Sϕ∆.,.(a)The expected stock price at the end of the next day is therefore (b)The standard deviation of the stock price at the end of the next0785=.(c)95% confidence limits for the stock price at the end of the next day are 500221960785and 500221960785.-.⨯..+.⨯..,4848and 5156..Note that some students may consider one trading day rather than one calendar day. Then 1252000397t ∆=/=.. The answer to (a) is then . The answer to (b) is . The answers to part (c) are and . Problem .A company’s cash position, measured in millions of dollars,follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of per month and a variance rate of per month. The initial cash position is .(a)What are the probability distributions of the cash positionafter one month, six months, and one year(b)What are the probabilities of a negative cash position at theend of six months and one year(c) At what time in the future is the probability of anegative cash position greatest(a)The probability distributions are:(2001016)(21016)ϕϕ.+.,.=.,.(20060166)(26096)ϕϕ.+.,.⨯=.,.(201201612)(32196)ϕϕ.+.,.⨯=.,.(b)The chance of a random sample from (26096)ϕ.,. being negative is(265)N N ⎛=-. ⎝where ()N x is the cumulative probability that a standardizednormal variable [., a variable with probability distribution(01)ϕ,] is less than x . From normal distribution tables(265)00040N -.=.. Hence the probability of a negative cashposition at the end of six months is %.Similarly the probability of a negative cash position at theend of one year is(230)00107N N ⎛=-.=. ⎝or %.(c) In general the probability distribution of the cashposition at the end of x months is(2001016)x x ϕ.+.,.The probability of the cash position being negative is maximized when:is minimized. Define11223122325025250125(250125)y x xdy x xdxx x----==+.=-.+.=-.+.This is zero when 20x= and it is easy to verify that220d y dx/> for this value of x. It therefore gives a minimum value for y. Hence the probability of a negative cash positionis greatest after 20 months.Problem .Suppose that x is the yield on a perpetual government bond that pays interest at the rate of $1 per annum. Assume that x is expressed with continuous compounding, that interest is paid continuously on the bond, and that x follows the process()dx a x x dt sx dz=-+where a,x, and s are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. What is the process followed by the bond price What is the expected instantaneous return (including interest and capital gains) to the holder of the bondThe process followed by B, the bond price, is from It’s lemma:222021()2B B B BdB a x x s x dt sxdzx t x x⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦∂∂∂∂=-+++∂∂∂∂In this case1Bx=so that:222312B B Bt x x x x∂∂∂=;=-;=∂∂∂Hence 2202322021121()21()dB a x x s x dt sxdz x x x s s a x x dt dz x x x ⎡⎤=--+-⎢⎥⎣⎦⎡⎤=--+-⎢⎥⎣⎦The expected instantaneous rate at which capital gains are earned from the bond is therefore: 2021()s a x x x x--+ The expected interest per unit time is 1. The total expectedinstantaneous return is therefore:20211()s a x x x x --+ When expressed as a proportion of the bond price this is: 202111()s a x x x x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫--+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭20()a x x x s x =--+Problem .If S follows the geometric Brownian motion process in equation , what is the process followed by (a) y = 2S, (b) y=S 2 , (c) y=e S , and (d) y=e r(T-t)/S. In each case express the coefficients of dt and dz in terms of y rather than S.(a) In this case 2y S ∂/∂=, 220y S ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so thatIt’(b) s lemma gives(c)22dy S dt S dz μσ=+ordy y dt y dz μσ=+(d) In this case 2y S S ∂/∂=, 222y S ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so thatIt’(e) s lemma gives(f)2222(2)2dy S S dt S dz μσσ=++or2(2)2dy y dt y dz μσσ=++(g) In this case S y S e ∂/∂=, 22S y S e ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so thatIt’(h) s lemma gives(i)22(2)S S S dy Se S e dt Se dz μσσ=+/+or22[ln (ln )2]ln dy y y y y dt y y dz μσσ=+/+(d)In this case ()2r T t y S e S y S -∂/∂=-/=-/,22()3222r T t y S e S y S -∂/∂=/=/, and ()r T t y t re S ry -∂/∂=-/=- so thatIt’(e) s lemma gives (f)2()dy ry y y dt y dz μσσ=--+-or2()dy r y dt y dz μσσ=-+--Problem .A stock price is currently 50. Its expected return and volatility are 12% and 30%, respectively. What is the probability that the stock price will be greater than 80 in two years (Hint 80T S > whenln ln 80T S >.)The variable ln T S is normally distributed with mean 20ln (2)S T μσ+-/and standard deviation σ050S =, 012μ=., 2T =, and 030σ=. so that the mean and standard deviation of ln T S are2ln 50(012032)24062+.-./=. and 00424.=., respectively. Also,ln804382=.. The probability that 80T S > is the same as theprobability that ln 4382T S >.. This is 4382406211(0754)0424N N .-.⎛⎫-=-. ⎪.⎝⎭where ()N x is the probability that a normally distributed variable with mean zero and standard deviation 1 is less than x . From the tables at the back of the book (0754)0775N .=. so that the required probability is .Problem (See Excel Worksheet)Stock A, whose price is $30, has an expected return of 11% and a volatility of 25%. Stock B, whose price is $40, has an expected return of 15% and a volatility of 30%. The processes driving the returns are correlated with correlation parameter . In Excel,simulate the two stock price paths over three months using daily time steps and random samples from normal distributions. Chart the results and by hitting F9 observe how the paths change as the random samples change. Consider values of equal to , , and .The processes aret S t S S A A A A ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆25.011.0t S t S S B B B B ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆30.015.0Where t is the length of the time step (=1/252) and the ’s are correlated samples from standard normal distributions.。

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CHAPTER 13Wiener P rocesses and It’s LemmaPractice QuestionsProblem .What would it mean to assert that the temperature at a certain place follows a Markov process Do you think that temperatures do, in fact, follow a Markov processImagine that you have to forecast the future temperature from a) the current temperature, b) the history of the temperature in the last week, and c) a knowledge of seasonal averages and seasonal trends. If temperature followed a Markov process, the history of the temperature in the last week would be irrelevant.To answer the second part of the question you might like to consider the following scenario for the first week in May:(i) Monday to Thursday are warm days; today, Friday, is a very cold day. (ii) Monday to Friday are all very cold days.What is your forecast for the weekend If you are more pessimistic in the case of the second scenario, temperatures do not follow a Markov process.Problem .Can a trading rule based on the past history of a stock’s price ever produce returns that are consistently above average Discuss.The first point to make is that any trading strategy can, just because of good luck, produce above average returns. The key question is whether a trading strategy consistently outperforms the market when adjustments are made for risk. It is certainly possible that a trading strategy could do this. However, when enough investors know about the strategy and trade on the basis of the strategy, the profit will disappear.As an illustration of this, consider a phenomenon known as the small firm effect. Portfolios of stocks in small firms appear to have outperformed portfolios of stocks in large firms when appropriate adjustments are made for risk. Research was published about this in the early 1980s and mutual funds were set up to take advantage of the phenomenon. There is some evidence that this has resulted in the phenomenon disappearing.Problem .A company’s cash position, measured in millions of dollars, follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of per quarter and a variance rate of per quarter. How high does the company’s initial cash position have to be for the company to have a less than 5% chance of a negative cash position by the end of one yearSuppose that the company’s i nitial cash position is x . The probability distribution of the cash position at the end of one year is (40544)(2016)x x ϕϕ+⨯.,⨯=+.,where ()m v ϕ, is a normal probability distribution with mean m and variance v . The probability of a negative cash position at the end of one year is204x N +.⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭where ()N x is the cumulative probability that a standardized normal variable (with mean zero and standard deviation is less than x . From normal distribution tables200054x N +.⎛⎫-=. ⎪⎝⎭when:20164494x +.-=-.., when 45796x =.. The initial cash position must therefore be $ million.Problem .Variables 1X and 2X follow generalized Wiener processes with drift rates 1μ and2μ and variances 21σ and 22σ. What process does 12X X + follow if:(a) The changes in 1X and 2X in any short interval of time are uncorrelated (b) There is a correlation ρ between the changes in 1X and 2X in any short interval of time(a) Suppose that X 1 and X 2 equal a 1 and a 2 initially. After a time period of length T , X 1 has the probability distribution2111()a T T ϕμσ+,and 2X has a probability distribution2222()a T T ϕμσ+,From the property of sums of independent normally distributed variables, 12X X + has the probability distribution()22112212a T a T T T ϕμμσσ+++,+.,22121212()()a a T T ϕμμσσ⎡⎤+++,+⎣⎦This shows that 12X X + follows a generalized Wiener process with drift rate 12μμ+and variance rate 2212σσ+.(b) In this case the change in the value of 12X X + in a short interval of time t ∆ has the probability distribution:22121212()(2)t t ϕμμσσρσσ⎡⎤+∆,++∆⎣⎦If 1μ, 2μ, 1σ, 2σ and ρ are all constant, arguments similar to those in Section show that the change in a longer period of time T is22121212()(2)T T ϕμμσσρσσ⎡⎤+,++⎣⎦The variable,12X X +, therefore follows a generalized Wiener process with drift rate12μμ+ and variance rate 2212122σσρσσ++.Problem .Consider a variable,S , that follows the process dS dt dz μσ=+For the first three years, 2μ= and 3σ=; for the next three years, 3μ= and 4σ=. If the initial value of the variable is 5, what is the probability distribution of the value of the variable at the end of year sixThe change in S during the first three years has the probability distribution (2393)(627)ϕϕ⨯,⨯=,The change during the next three years has the probability distribution (33163)(948)ϕϕ⨯,⨯=,The change during the six years is the sum of a variable with probability distribution(627)ϕ, and a variable with probability distribution (948)ϕ,. The probability distribution of the change is therefore (692748)ϕ+,+ (1575)ϕ=,Since the initial value of the variable is 5, the probability distribution of the value of the variable at the end of year six is (2075)ϕ,Problem .Suppose that G is a function of a stock price, S and time. Suppose that S σ and G σ are the volatilities of S and G . Show that when the expected return of S increases by S λσ, the growth rate of G increases by G λσ, where λ is a constant.From It ’s lemmaG S GG S Sσσ∂=∂Also the drift of G is222212G G G S S S t S μσ∂∂∂++∂∂∂where μ is the expected return on the stock. When μ increases by S λσ, the drift of G increases byS GS Sλσ∂∂orG G λσThe growth rate of G , therefore, increases by G λσ.Problem .Stock A and stock B both follow geometric Brownian motion. Changes in any short interval of time are uncorrelated with each other. Does the value of a portfolio consisting of one of stock A and one of stock B follow geometric Brownian motion Explain your answer.Define A S , A μ and A σ as the stock price, expected return and volatility for stock A. Define B S , B μ and B σ as the stock price, expected return and volatility for stock B. Define A S ∆ and B S ∆ as the change in A S and B S in time t ∆. Since each of the two stocks follows geometric Brownian motion,A A A A A S S t S μσε∆=∆+B B B B B S S t S μσε∆=∆+where A ε and B ε are independent random samples from a normal distribution.()(A B A A B B A A A B B B S S S S t S S μμσεσε∆+∆=+∆++This cannot be written as()()A B A B A B S S S S t S S μσ∆+∆=+∆++for any constants μ and σ. (Neither the drift term nor the stochastic term correspond.) Hence the value of the portfolio does not follow geometric Brownian motion.Problem .The process for the stock price in equation isS S t S μσε∆=∆+ where μ and σ are constant. Explain carefully the difference between this model and each of the following:S t S S t S t S μσεμσεμσε∆=∆+∆=∆+∆=∆+Why is the model in equation a more appropriate model of stock price behavior than any of these three alternatives In:S S t S μσε∆=∆+ the expected increase in the stock price and the variability of the stock price are constant when both are expressed as a proportion (or as a percentage) of the stock price In:S t μ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price and the variability of the stock price are constant in absolute terms. For example, if the expected growth rate is $5 per annum when the stock price is $25, it is also $5 per annum when it is $100. If the standard deviation of weekly stock price movements is $1 when the price is $25, it is also $1 when the price is $100. In:S S t μ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price is a constant proportion of the stock price while the variability is constant in absolute terms. In:S t S μσ∆=∆+the expected increase in the stock price is constant in absolute terms while the variability of the proportional stock price change is constant. The model:S S t S μσ∆=∆+ is the most appropriate one since it is most realistic to assume that the expected percentage return and the variability of the percentage return in a short interval are constant.Problem .It has been suggested that the short-term interest rate,r , follows the stochastic process()dr a b r dt rc dz =-+where a , b , and c are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. Describe the nature of this process.The drift rate is ()a b r -. Thus, when the interest rate is above b the drift rate is negative and, when the interest rate is below b , the drift rate is positive. The interest rate is therefore continually pulled towards the level b . The rate at which it is pulled towardthis level is a . A volatility equal to c is superimposed upon the “pull” or the drift.Suppose 04a =., 01b =. and 015c =. and the current interest rate is 20% per annum. The interest rate is pulled towards the level of 10% per annum. This can be regarded as a long run average. The current drift is 4-% per annum so that the expected rate at the end of one year is about 16% per annum. (In fact it is slightly greater than this, because as the interest rate decreases, the “pull” decreases.) Superimposed upon the drift is a volatility of 15% per annum.Problem .Suppose that a stock price, S , follows geometric Brownian motion with expected return μ and volatility σ: dS S dt S dz μσ=+What is the process followed by the variable n S Show that n S also follows geometric Brownian motion.If ()n G S t S ,= then 0G t ∂/∂=, 1n G S nS -∂/∂=, and 222(1)n G S n n S -∂/∂=-. Using It’s lemma:21[(1)]2dG nG n n G dt nG dz μσσ=+-+This shows that n G S = follows geometric Brownian motion where the expected return is21(1)2n n n μσ+-and the volatility is n σ. The stock price S has an expected return of μ and the expected value of T S is 0T S e μ. The expected value of n T S is212[(1)]0n n n T n S eμσ+-Problem .Suppose that x is the yield to maturity with continuous compounding on a zero-coupon bond that pays off $1 at time T . Assume that x follows the process0()dx a x x dt sx dz =-+where a , 0x , and s are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. What is the process followed by the bond priceThe process followed by B , the bond price, is from It’s lemma:222021()2B B B B dB a x x s x dt sxdz x t x x ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦∂∂∂∂=-+++∂∂∂∂Since:()x T t B e --=the required partial derivatives are()()22()22()()()()x T t x T t x T t Bxe xB t BT t e T t B x BT t e T t B x------∂==∂∂=--=--∂∂=-=-∂ Hence:22201()()()()2dB a x x T t x s x T t Bdt sx T t Bdz⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦=---++---Problem (Excel Spreadsheet)A stock whose price is $30 has an expected return of 9% and a volatility of 20%. In Excel simulate the stock price path over 5 years using monthly time steps and random samples from a normal distribution. Chart the simulated stock price path. By hitting F9 observe how the path changes as the random sample change.The process ist S t S S ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆20.009.0Where t is the length of the time step (=1/12) and is a random sample from a standard normal distribution.Further QuestionsProblem .Suppose that a stock price has an expected return of 16% per annum and a volatility of 30% per annum. When the stock price at the end of a certain day is $50, calculate the following:(a) The expected stock price at the end of the next day.(b) The standard deviation of the stock price at the end of the next day. (c) The 95% confidence limits for the stock price at the end of the next day. (d)(e) With the notation in the text2()St t S ϕμσ∆∆,∆:In this case 50S =, 016μ=., 030σ=. and 1365000274t ∆=/=.. Hence(016000274009000274)50(0000440000247)Sϕϕ∆.⨯.,.⨯.=.,.:and2(50000044500000247)S ϕ∆⨯.,⨯.:that is,(002206164)S ϕ∆.,.:(a) The expected stock price at the end of the next day is therefore(b) The standard deviation of the stock price at the end of the next day is 0785=. (c) 95% confidence limits for the stock price at the end of the next day are 500221960785and 500221960785.-.⨯..+.⨯. ., 4848and 5156..Note that some students may consider one trading day rather than one calendar day. Then 1252000397t ∆=/=.. The answer to (a) is then . The answer to (b) is . The answers to part (c) are and .Problem .A company’s cash position, measured in millions of dollars, follows a generalized Wiener process with a drift rate of per month and a variance rate of per month. The initial cash position is .(a) What are the probability distributions of the cash position after one month, six months, and one year(b) What are the probabilities of a negative cash position at the end of six months and one year(c) At what time in the future is the probability of a negative cash position greatest(a) The probability distributions are:(2001016)(21016)ϕϕ.+.,.=.,.(20060166)(26096)ϕϕ.+.,.⨯=.,.(201201612)(32196)ϕϕ.+.,.⨯=.,.(b) The chance of a random sample from (26096)ϕ.,. being negative is(265)N N ⎛=-. ⎝where ()N x is the cumulative probability that a standardized normal variable [., avariable with probability distribution (01)ϕ,] is less than x . From normaldistribution tables (265)00040N -.=.. Hence the probability of a negative cash position at the end of six months is %.Similarly the probability of a negative cash position at the end of one year is(230)00107N N ⎛=-.=. ⎝or %.(c)In general the probability distribution of the cash position at the end of x monthsis(2001016)x xϕ.+.,.The probability of the cash position being negative is maximized when:is minimized. Define11223122325025250125(250125)y x xdy x xdxx x----==+.=-.+.=-.+.This is zero when 20x=and it is easy to verify that 220d y dx/>for this value of x. It therefore gives a minimum value for y. Hence the probability of a negative cash position is greatest after 20 months.Problem .Suppose that x is the yield on a perpetual government bond that pays interest at the rate of $1 per annum. Assume that x is expressed with continuous compounding, that interest is paid continuously on the bond, and that x follows the process()dx a x x dt sx dz=-+where a,x, and s are positive constants and dz is a Wiener process. What is the process followed by the bond price What is the expected instantaneous return (including interest and capital gains) to the holder of the bondThe process followed by B, the bond price, is f rom It’s lemma:222021()2B B B BdB a x x s x dt sxdzx t x x⎡⎤⎢⎥⎢⎥⎢⎥⎣⎦∂∂∂∂=-+++∂∂∂∂In this case1Bx=so that:222312B B Bt x x x x∂∂∂=;=-;=∂∂∂Hence2202322021121()21()dB a x x s x dt sxdzx x x s sa x x dt dzx x x ⎡⎤=--+-⎢⎥⎣⎦⎡⎤=--+-⎢⎥⎣⎦The expected instantaneous rate at which capital gains are earned from the bond is therefore:2021()s a x x x x--+ The expected interest per unit time is 1. The total expected instantaneous return is therefore:20211()s a x x x x --+When expressed as a proportion of the bond price this is:202111()s a x x x x x ⎛⎫⎛⎫--+ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭20()ax x x s x=--+Problem .If S follows the geometric Brownian motion process in equation , what is theprocess followed by (a) y = 2S, (b) y=S 2 , (c) y=e S , and (d) y=e r(T-t)/S. In each case express the coefficients of dt and dz in terms of y rather than S.(a) In this case 2y S ∂/∂=, 220y S ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so that It’s lemma gives 22dy S dt S dz μσ=+or dy y dt y dz μσ=+(b) In this case 2y S S ∂/∂=, 222y S ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so that It’s lemma gives2222(2)2dy S S dt S dz μσσ=++ or2(2)2dy y dt y dz μσσ=++ (c) In this case S y S e ∂/∂=, 22S y S e ∂/∂=, and 0y t ∂/∂= so that It’s lemma gives22(2)S S S dy Se S e dt Se dz μσσ=+/+or22[ln (ln )2]ln dy y y y y dt y y dz μσσ=+/+(d) In this case ()2r T t y S e S y S -∂/∂=-/=-/, 22()3222r T t y S e S y S -∂/∂=/=/, and()r T t y t re S ry -∂/∂=-/=- so that It’s lemma gives2()dy ry y y dt y dz μσσ=--+-or2()dy r y dt y dz μσσ=-+--Problem .A stock price is currently 50. Its expected return and volatility are 12% and 30%, respectively. What is the probability that the stock price will be greater than 80 in two years (Hint 80T S > when ln ln 80T S >.)The variable ln T S is normally distributed with mean 20ln (2)S T μσ+-/ and standarddeviation 050S =, 012μ=., 2T =, and 030σ=. so that the meanand standard deviation of ln T S are 2ln 50(012032)24062+.-./=. and 00424.=., respectively. Also, ln804382=.. The probability that 80T S > is the same as the probability that ln 4382T S >.. This is4382406211(0754)0424N N .-.⎛⎫-=-. ⎪.⎝⎭where ()N x is the probability that a normally distributed variable with mean zero and standard deviation 1 is less than x . From the tables at the back of the book(0754)0775N .=. so that the required probability is .Problem (See Excel Worksheet)Stock A, whose price is $30, has an expected return of 11% and a volatility of 25%. Stock B, whose price is $40, has an expected return of 15% and a volatility of 30%. The processes driving the returns are correlated with correlation parameter . In Excel, simulate the two stock price paths over three months using daily time steps and random samples from normal distributions. Chart the results and by hitting F9 observe how the paths change as the random samples change. Consider values of equal to , , and .The processes aret S t S S A A A A ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆25.011.0 t S t S S B B B B ∆⨯ε⨯⨯+∆⨯⨯=∆30.015.0Where t is the length of the time step (=1/252) and the ’s are correlated samples from standard normal distributions.。
