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systems • Authors and other writers • Differing literary systems • Differing sociological aspects
(eg:publishing,distribution) Advantage of the systemic approach: more applicable.
The very definition of translation is dependent upon norms and how they work in any given system/society.
5、Kitty Van Leuven-Zwart 凯蒂.范.路文兹瓦特
• She is a Dutch scholar, former head of the Translation Studies Deparment(翻译研究部) at the University of Amsterdam.
• She traces shifts on a microstructural level(eg: words, clauses, setences),relates the consequences of the microlevel shifts on the macrostructural level(eg: characters, events, time), and categorizes them.
• Treating literature as a complex and dynamic system; there is an interplay between theoretical models and practical case studies; the approach to literary translation is descriptive(描述性), target-oriented(目的语为导向), functional(功能性), and systemic(系统性); and thinking the norms(规范) and constraints will gorvern the production and reception of translation." (P131)

• Her method not only showed that every word contains shifts, but that frequently the words or clauses translated show multiple shifts.
• Shifts were seen not as mistranslations or violations of rules of equivalence(对等原则), but as the rule itself. These shifts will impact the text at the macrostructural level.
3、Leuven school(勒芬学派)
• They focus on descriptive work • Representatives: Lambert, Lieven D' Hulst,
Katrin van Bragt, and graduate students at University of Leuven. • Result: virtually nothing has been published, the silence is itself problematic. • Two promised books: • Literature and Translation in France • The Vicar of Wakefield(Van Bragt)
(ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ132)
4、Lambert 兰博特
He argued that the motivation behind text selection and translational policy was directly related to the genre system in the target culture.
methods for describing literary translation and determining cultural and translational normative behavior. Unfortunately, many of the discussion
were lost or unpublished.

8、Translation scholars in England and America
Representatives: Bassnett, Lefevere, David Lloyd, Maria Tymoczko.
They think Zohar's polysystem theory is too formalistic and restrictive, and focus on institutions of prestige and power within any given culture and patterns in literary translation. Meanwhile, they drop the inductive and scientific approach in favor of a more deductive and less formalistic method.(eg: Lefevere)
6、The Dutch-Flemish group (荷兰-弗兰德学派)
• They revaluate the very definition of a translated text, and find that translation sometimes "hide" within the foreign model.
By focusing on "norms" and "models", he argues scholars may find the "ground(基础) for comparison". (P133)
preliminary norms(预先规范)
(包括翻译政策translation policy和翻译的直接性)
• Disadvantage: Dogmatically committed to polysystem theory. Another kind of structualism.Zohar's claim for "objective"analysis of "literary" facts seems even less tenable(站不住脚).
optional norms(操作规范) (指翻译活动中指导决定的作出)
Norms determine what kind of translational relations
ensue, and the way foreign material is "imported" and "domesticated". Every instant of the translation process is governd by norms.
Translation studies in the eighties
Features: Translation studies shifted from theory to descriptive work.
ICLA--International Comparative Literature Association (国际比较文学学派) A group discussed improving
• She believed that the descriptive branch must focus upon investigating norms and strategies, but the systematic comparison of translations and source texts was neglected.(忽略了译文和原文本的系统比 较)
Typical representatives
• 1、Theo Hermans(西奥•赫曼斯)
• Professor of London University, British translation theorist, representative of descriptive and systematic theory(描写 与系统理论).
• The relationship between the two systems was an open one, the predictions about the relationships initially should be kept to a minimum.
• They also calld for a study for relations between • Authors' and the translators'intentions • Pragmatics and reception in source and target
• eg: in daily life, we use translation without being aware of it.
• Pseudo-translation 伪翻译(no original exists)
• Translation via an intervening language(中间语)
• Contribution: Their system theory work helped translation studies break down certain conceptual barriers and find a method for better describing translations.
• they furthered our understanding of the translation process, and firstly recognized the importance of translation within the study of any individual literature.
• Translation not identified(认同) by a culture
• (eg:film adaptations同化, versions倒转, imitations模仿,
false translations错译)

7、Even-Zohar&Toury 佐哈尔&图里
• Her research gives valuable insights into the nature of
translation and language itself. However, her research was too complex to implement.(繁琐不宜实行)

• Thus, the author, text, reader and literary norms in one literary system were to be juxtaposed(并列) to an author, text, reader, and literary norms in another literary system.
2、Jose Lambert & Hendrik van Gorp 何塞•兰博特&亨德里克•范•高
• They suggested that all functionally relevant aspects of translation activity in its historical context(历史文本) needed to be carefully observed.