
一篇英语科技文献摘要范文Title: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on HealthcareAbstract:Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been revolutionizing various industries, and healthcare is no exception. This paper explores the impact of AI on healthcare, includingits benefits and challenges. AI technologies such as machine learning, natural language processing, and robotics have the potential to improve patient care, diagnosis, treatment, and operational efficiency in healthcare settings. However, the integration of AI in healthcare also raises ethical, privacy, and security concerns. This paper discusses both the positive and negative implications of AI in healthcare and provides recommendations for future research and development in this field.中文:标题:人工智能对医疗保健的影响摘要:人工智能(AI)已经在各个行业进行革命性改变,医疗保健行业也不例外。

Space explorationRobots will not only help us on this world. But will also help us explore other worlds. In fact, space exploration is one of the most promising usages for robots. Since these machines are not so susceptible to the elements that could hurt or kill people. Robots can withstand radiation, heat, cold and can function without an atmosphere. Also robots have a much longer life span. So voyages to other solar systems as well as other planets would be possible. Robots could communicate with us and if something went wrong and destroyed, the space vehicle and a machine would be lost, not a human being.机器人用于空间探索机器人不仅会在这个星球上帮助我们,而且还将帮助我们探索别的星球。

科技英文作文70字带提纲"英文,"As a tech enthusiast, I believe that technology has greatly impacted our lives in both positive and negative ways. On the one hand, it has made communication more convenient and efficient. For example, social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow me to easily stay connected with friends and family, no matter wherethey are in the world. On the other hand, technology hasalso led to issues such as cyberbullying and privacy concerns. For instance, I have personally experienced cyberbullying on a social media platform, which made me realize the dark side of technology."中文,"作为一个科技爱好者,我相信科技在积极和消极方面对我们的生活产生了巨大的影响。

Sensing Human Activity:GPS Tracking感应人类活动:GPS跟踪Stefan van der Spek1,*,Jeroen van Schaick1,Peter de Bois1,2and Remco de Haan1Abstract:The enhancement of GPS technology enables the use of GPS devices not only as navigation and orientation tools,but also as instruments used to capture travelled routes:assensors that measure activity on a city scale or the regional scale.TU Delft developed aprocess and database architecture for collecting data on pedestrian movement in threeEuropean city centres,Norwich,Rouen and Koblenz,and in another experiment forcollecting activity data of13families in Almere(The Netherlands)for one week.Thequestion posed in this paper is:what is the value of GPS as‘sensor technology’measuringactivities of people?The conclusion is that GPS offers a widely useable instrument tocollect invaluable spatial-temporal data on different scales and in different settings addingnew layers of knowledge to urban studies,but the use of GPS-technology and deploymentof GPS-devices still offers significant challenges for future research.摘要:增强GPS技术支持使用GPS设备不仅作为导航和定位工具,但也为仪器用来捕捉旅行路线:作为传感器,测量活动在一个城市或区域范围内规模。

This experiment has a significant impact on …… In recent years, more attention has been focused on …… The models of …… has recently received considerable attention.
简短扼要 引人入胜
让读者想读完 内行一目了然
摘 语言特点
动词时态(常用三种时态) 动词时态(常用三种时态) 一般现在时 --- 最普通 表示介绍的客观事实 现在完成时 --- 表示已取得的成果或完成的工作 一般现在时+现在完成时+ 综合时态 --- 一般现在时+现在完成时+过去时 大量使用被动语态 例:
The report concentrates on …… Particular attention is/ was paid to …… The greatest emphasis in this article is on ……
It is experimentally established that …… It is numerically established that …… The authors have developed two methods of …… A theoretical model has been developed to predict ……

新疆农业大学科学技术学院课程翻译题目:一心可二用Polychromic Versus Monochromic。
课程: 科技英语姓名: 马静专业: 英语班级: 092班学号: 095237226 座位号: 指导教师: 张洁老师职称:2011 年12月11 日题目:一心不可二用指导教师:张洁姓名:马静摘要:文化还规定个人在社会进程的信息,确定优先事项、管理时间和与他人的交往。
关键词:单一文化社会,多元文化,高语境,低语境Polychromic Versus MonochromicName: Ma JingAbstract:Culture also dictates how individuals within a society process information, set priorities, manage time and interact with other individuals. When you compare Americans to people from Asian cultures, it is the Americans who like to do things one at a time .Compare that attitude with a Chinese executive who can talk on the telephone, write a memo to a colleague and continue to listen to a visiting businessperson all at the same time without appearing to miss a beat .The Chinese are considered highly polychromic that is ,they can—and refer to –do multiple tasks simultaneously.Key words:Monochromic polychromic low-context high-contextPolychromic Versus Monochromic正文:(1)Culture also dictates how individuals within a society process information, set priorities, manage time and interact with other individuals. Americans, for example, will refer to someone who is less than bright as an individual who “cannot walk and chew gum at the same time”—implying that someone who is unable to handle two tasks at once is deficient, Oddly enough, when you compare Americans to people from Asian cultures, it is the Americans who like to do things one at a time .Compare that attitude with a Chinese executive who can talk on the telephone, write a memo to a colleague and continue to listen to a visiting businessperson all at the same time without appearing to miss a beat .The Chinese are considered highly polychromic that is ,they can—and refer to –do multiple tasks simultaneously.(2)To an individual from a monochromic society ,time is used for ordering one’s life ,for setting priorities ,for making a step-by-step list for dongthings in sequence ,for dealing with one individual at a time .Americans—and most Western societies—are monochromic They believe in linear time that ,because it is limited ,must be used efficiently. They plan their work and work their plan.(3)Most polychromic societies believe that time is circular and therefore eternal. What does not get done in this life will be taken up in the next .Time is used to attempt to accomplish whatever presents itself in whatever order it appears. Efficiency is not as important as the process.(4)A diplomat from Norway recalls how during a visit to Thailand he became offended by what he thought was a rude brush-off by a government official during an informal lunch at a rather posh restaurant.(5)“My counterpart’s cell phone rang at least a half dozen times during the lunch and he engaged in several extended conversations. On one occasion, a man who introduced himself as the of ficial’s accountant came over to our table to discuss an outside business matter. It turns out he had been invited to drop by. Finally another business colleague of the official joined us for coffee. The invitation had been issued earlier in the day .I was offended .I really didn’t think heard a word I said during the lunch,”the diplomat says.(6)“It was only after several more trips to Thailand that I learned this is how the Thailand handle their business affairs. I have to admit that in the end it seemed a pleasantly social, if rather chaotic, way to do business .But what amazed me the most was that after first lunch, despite all the distractions, this man was able to restate my presentation almost verbatim. I was impressed. ”(7)People from different cultures process and disseminate information differently. Low-context cultures are much more precise in their communication, providing mountains of detail ,groping for the correct word or phrase to summarize an event .They assume a relatively low level of shared knowledge with the individual they are communicating with and thus feel a strong need to explain all in great detail .Low-context cultures ,such as the United States ,Britain and the Scandinavian countries focus more on what is being said ,rather than on who is saying it .Body language, hand and facial gestures are secondary ,if not entirely ignored, to the message itself. Business can be conducted successfully by letter, telephone, fax or email in such cultures .It is not necessary to meet face-to-face with a colleague to get things done.(8)High-context cultures are the exact opposite .Communication tends to be imprecise and as much attention is paid to the person delivering to the message as to the message itself .In high-context cultures—most of Latin America, Asia ,the Middle East and Africa personal encounters are essential before business can begin .These people need as much ancillary informationas possible .They pay more attention to physical surrounding ,how a business colleague is dressed or coiffured---than individuals from low---context countries .Body language ,facial gestures and voice inflection are important methods of communication. The physical surroundings for a meeting or a business meal are just as important as the substance of the discussion.一心可二用译文:(1)文化还规定个人在社会进程的信息,确定优先事项、管理时间和与他人的交往。

LOGO第一章记叙文体的英译与写作第二章法律文体的英译与写作第三章应用文体英译与写作第四章广告文体英译与写作QQ:105448245424学时科技英语(二)EST ⅡREFERENCES:1、张梦井,杜耀文汉英科技翻译指南,航空工业出版社,19962、王运,实用科技英语翻译技巧,科技文献出版社,19923、熊第霖,英文科技写作,国防工业出版社,20011 记叙文体的汉译英1. 1 科技论文的汉译英问题1. 2 摘要的英译与写作1. 3 国际会议文献的英译与写作1. 1 科技论文的汉译英问题一、科技论文的分类◆按学科的性质和功能⏹基础学科论文⏹技术学科论文⏹应用学科论文◆按照写作目的和发挥的作用⏹学术性论文⏹技术性论文⏹学位论文◆按论文内容所属学科数学论文物理论文化学论文天文学论文机械工程技术论文建筑工程技术论文◆按研究和写作方法理论推导型实(试)验研究型观测型设计计算型发现发明型争鸣型综述型Title标题Abstract摘要Keywords关键词Table of contents目录Nomenclature术语表Introduction引言正文Acknowledgement致谢Reference参考文献Appendix附录Methods方法Results结果Discussion讨论Conclusion结论二、科技论文的一般结构LOGOacknowledgmentReferencesTitle 标题Author 作者Abstract 摘要Introduction 引言4 Summary and conclusion三、论文标题的英译与写作1、标题的作用⏹Generalizing the Text⏹Attracting the Reader⏹Facilitating the Retrieval2、标题的长度(单词总数)及词性⏹标题不宜过长,大多为12个单词以内。

浅谈科技英语翻译A brief disscusion about translation of S&T摘要:科技即科学技术,它是推动各行各业发展的关键因素。
Abstract : Science and Technology , are the main factors in promoting all industries . Afterthe World warⅡ , the improvement of science and technology provides the strong forcefor the development of our society . With the development of world economy , scienceand technology play effective roles . Then comes the economic globlalization , the communication among countries is indespensible . At this time , English appears ,as the most popular language all over the world , becoming this very tool . Then Translation come into being . Later , different kinds of translation follow . HereI just make a brief disscusion about Translation of Science and Technology .关键词:科技经济全球化交流翻译Key words : Science and Techonology economic globalization communication translation一.科技文体的分类。

已经从ESP中形成一个分支:EST.•(2)英译原则:• a.用词多样化,专业术语多,使用缩略语•purely technical words:•nuclear physics: proton(质子), neutron(中子), electron(电子), reactor(核反应堆), radioactivity(放射性).•semi-technical words:•fastener(建筑扣件), carrier(车床底座), gear switch(齿轮开关), clamp(夹钳), spade(铁铲).•non-technical words:•vapourate, minimize, reciprocate(报酬)科技文本缩略语的翻译:•(1)首字母缩写(acronym)•PC:Personal Computer•IDDD:International direct distance dialiry•DNA:dexoxybonucleic acid•DOS:Disc operation system•CPU:Central processing unit•Telecom:telecommunication•(2)拼凑法•Sicom:situation comedy Biorhythm:Biological rhythm Comsat:communication satellite Minicom:miniature computer •Psywar:psychological war Telecon:telephone conferenceb.语法特点:多用一般现在时;c.名词化现象,注意转换(汉语-动态语言,英语-静态语言)•eg.The house is under construction.•(The house is being constructed.)•例句:中国已经成功地发射了第一课实验通讯卫星。

When the tanker reaches the I℃fineIy,
its load of
value.可译为:一般来讲,干燥一种固 体指的是从固体材料中除去相对少量的水或其 他液体,从而使残留液体的含量减少到可接受 的低值。
panicles.可译为:把光的运动同 波相比——这一比拟在19世纪大半个时期内 实际上已经提供了对当时观察到的现象的满意 解释——势必就妨碍了光是粒子流这个同等正
as a
stream of
确的概念的发展。 这个例句中包含有13个名词和11个介词
ably low
科技文章主要是论述科技论点,或叙述某 些自然规律、科学原理、现象等,而每门学科或 专业都会有其特定的一套精确而含义狭窄的名
管(heat—pipe)、热泵(heat—pipe)等。如果不懂 得某一领域的专门术语,就无法理解该领域的
科技文献。因此,熟悉和掌握这些科技词汇是 很必要的。
章内容进行判断。 1.2词的前、后缀意义
业词汇或行业术语。随着科学技术的飞速发 展,就必然有新词汇给新现象下定义或解释新 事物,从而组成了大量的科技词汇。 1.1专业性词汇

Title: Aerogels with 3D Ordered Nanofiber Skeletons of
Liquid-Crystalline Nanocellulose Derivatives as Tough and Transparent Insulators
Aerogels of high porosity and with a large internal surface area exhibit outstanding performances as thermal, acoustic, or electrical insulators【1】. However, most aerogels are mechanically brittle and optically opaque, and the structural and physical properties of aerogels strongly depend on their densities. The unfavorable characteristics of aerogels are intrinsic to their skeletal structures consisting of randomly interconnected spherical nanoparticles【2】. A structurally new type of aerogel with a three-dimensionally ordered nanofiber skeleton of liquidcrystalline nanocellulose (LC-NCell) is now reported. This LCNCell material is composed of mechanically strong, surfacecarboxylated cellulose nanofibers dispersed in a nematic LC order. The LC-NCell aerogels are transparent and combine mechanical toughness and good insulation properties. These properties of the LC-NCell aerogels could also be readily controlled.

本书简要地介绍了数字计算机的基础知识。 Fundamentals of a digital computer is briefly introduced in this book. → A brief introduction is given to fundamentals of a digital computer in this book. 电流用整流子进行整流 The current is rectified by means of a commutator. → Rectification of the current is obtained by means of a commutator.
(5)趋于用名词来表示动作。例如: 我们把无线电波与水波作了比较。 Radio waves are compared with water waves → A comparison of radio waves with water waves is made. 本文对这一设备的性能进行了分析。 The performance of this device is analyzed in the paper. → An analysis of the performance of this device is made in the paper.
examine discover propel maintain invert ignite weaken dismantle liquefy be composed of
(2)注意词汇搭配。 晶体管和电子管相比有不少优点。 Transistors have several advantages over electron tubes 必须求出该电阻上的电流与电压。 It is necessary to find out the current through and the voltage across the resistor. (本句中要注意在current和voltage后要用不同的介词,不 能写成 the current and voltage on the resistor.)

一篇英语科技文献摘要范文Title: "Advancements in Quantum Computing: Exploring the Frontier of Superposition and Entanglement for Solving Complex Problems"Abstract:Quantum computing, a revolutionary paradigm that harnesses the unique properties of quantum mechanics, has emerged as a promising field with the potential to transform various sectors from materials science to cryptography. This article delves into the recent advancements in quantum computing, focusing on two fundamental principles: superposition and entanglement, and their applications in solving classically intractable problems.First, we provide an overview of the theoretical foundations of quantum computing, emphasizing the concept of a qubit—the quantum equivalent of a classical bit—which can exist in a superposition of states, enabling parallel computation. This inherent parallelism is then leveraged to explain how quantum algorithms, such as Grover's search algorithm and Shor's factorization algorithm, can achieve exponential speedups over their classical counterparts.Next, we explore the realm of quantum entanglement, a phenomenon where the states of two or more quantum particles become intricately linked, such that measurements on one particle instantaneously affect the state of the others, regardless of the distance between them. This non-local correlation is a cornerstone of quantum computing, enabling complex information processing tasks that would be impossible with classical systems.The article then highlights recent experimental breakthroughs in quantum hardware, including the development of more stable and scalable qubit platforms like superconducting qubits, trapped ions, and topological quantum bits. These advancements have paved the way for the realization of quantum processors with increasing numbers of qubits, enabling the execution of increasingly complex quantum circuits.Furthermore, we discuss the challenges and opportunities in quantum error correction, a crucial aspect of realizing fault-tolerant quantum computers capable of executing algorithms with high fidelity. Recent progress in quantum error-correcting codes and their implementation strategies are presented, outlining how they can mitigate the detrimental effects of decoherence and other noise sources in quantum systems.Finally, we explore the potential impact of quantum computing on various industries, including drug discovery, optimization problems, finance, and cryptography. We discuss how quantum algorithms tailored for these domains can unlock new capabilities and drive innovation, while also acknowledging the ethical and societal implications of this technology's development.In conclusion, this article offers a comprehensive overview of the latest advancements in quantum computing, emphasizing the fundamental principles, experimental progress, and potential applications that are poised to reshape our understanding of computation and its impact on society.。

一篇英语科技文献摘要范文Abstract:With the rapid development of technology, the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on society has become increasingly apparent. This paper presents a comprehensive overview of the current state of AI technology, its potential impact on society, and the ethical considerations that must be taken into account. The paper begins by discussing the various applications of AI, including in healthcare, finance, and transportation. It then explores the potential impact of AI on the job market, as well as the ethical implications of using AI in decision-making processes. The paper also examines the potential risks and challenges associated with the widespread adoption of AI technology, including privacy concerns and the potentialfor AI to be used for malicious purposes. Finally, the paper discusses the need for ethical guidelines and regulations to govern the development and use of AI technology.摘要:随着技术的快速发展,人工智能对社会的影响变得越来越明显。

• Approach: How did you go about solving or making progress on the problem?
• Results: What's the answer?
• Conclusions: What are the implications of your answer?
Analysis: 1. main points (1) roles for self-access pathway (2) influence to the design and
running of self-access center (3) how pathway were designed
• science and language style of abstract writing. The standardization of English abstract writing will be beneficial to the sci-tech papers to be quoted by International abstract journals, and to the impacts of scientific research in China.
• 简明介绍论文涉及的议题和论点, 主要概括论文的涉及范围、研究方 向和研究目的,不涉及论据和结论。
• 容易理解,但无法提供更多的详细 信息
Sample 1
Role of Pathway in Self-Access Centers Abstract
This article discusses some roles for self-access pathways, particularly in cultures which have no tradition of self-study. It suggests how pathways might influence

• ≌∽ be approximately equal to •≡ be equivalent to •∝ be proportional to
•→ yields produces results in •↔ reacts inversely (reversibly)
2.词汇特点 新词、缩略词不断出现;前缀、后缀。
3.文章特点 结构严谨、逻辑严密、文体多样
论文、综述、实验报告、教材、专利、 说明书等
1.3 科技英语翻译标准
(1)信(true)------忠实 (2)达(smooth)------流畅、通顺 (3)专业术语正确------不说外行话 e.g. the iron and steel industry
3.普通词汇(non-techical words) • 通用英语中的常用词汇,在科英中占绝
大多数。 • 科技人员习惯使用拉丁语派生词,以示
高雅、正式,称big words,如:
二 、构词法
• 普通英语三种:转化、派生、合成
• 科英还有:压缩、混成、符号和字母象 形
(3)后置定语多 e.g.:
However, the outbreak of World War Ⅰchanged this situation dramatically. Firstly, in both Britain and Germany
stimulus was given to those parts of the industry producing chemicals required for

随后的是论证句。论证句至少有两句以上, 主要提供 诸如研究方法、 实验、 过程、 调查、 计算、分析、 结果等其它重要信息,这些论证句可以被看作是论文 的主体。 1.The method used in this study is known as… 2.The procedure can be briefly described as… 3.The fundamental features of this theory are as follows… 4.The experiment consisted of three steps, which are described in…
The Economic Model Restrained by Market Demands of Labor Forces
“⋯⋯需求约束条件下的⋯⋯模式”等于“ ⋯⋯需求约束下的⋯⋯ 模式”,故“条件”一词未译。
(Discussion on) The Reliability Design of Modern Mechanical System
文,它是作者对研究目的、研究过程、研究 方法和研究结果的简要陈述和概括。
1.1 摘要的结构 摘要一般分为两类:信息性摘要和指示性摘 要。当今绝大部分的科技期刊和会议论文都 要求作者提供信息性摘要。
1.1 摘要的结构
1.This paper gives a brief introduction to… 2. This article describes a detailed study of… 3. This paper discusses … 4. This article gives a complete commentary on the… 5. In this paper are presented the results . . .

这些常用句型一开头就用一个很长的 名词短语来突出题旨。这种句型看来头 重脚轻,结构上不平衡,但它符合文摘直截 了当、开门见山的要求,有突出中心的优 点,因此在论文摘要中经常采用。
随后作者要用几个句子进一步叙述文章的 具体内容,常用的句式有:
The aim of this study is to . . . ; 2. The study of . . . is based on . . . ; 3. The idea of our method of measurement is to analyze . . . ; 4. Comparison of our result s with .
一般来讲论文英文标题应和汉语标题相对 应,但是由于科技英语本身的特点,英文标 题也不是汉语标题的机械对译。汉语标题中 修饰语在前,中心词(Head word)一般在 后。英语标题往往先提中心词,修饰语在后。 如:论计算机集成制造系统的数据管理,On Data Management of Computer Integrated Manufacturing System; 公路两 侧土壤铅污染研究 A Study on Lead Pollution Along the Highway.
4、 注意词的搭配
由于语言习惯的差异 , 汉英两种语言在词的搭配 方面不尽相同 , 如“开机器” , 英语为 start a machine ;“开车”,英语为drive a car 。汉译 英时应注意其不同之处 , 切勿生搬硬套。关于这 个问题,请看关于词语搭配的论述。 如何搭配 汉英两种语言在长期使用的过程中形成了各自的 固定词组和搭配用法。这些比较固定的表达 , 有 时可以逐词译出 , 有时则不行 , 勉强译出 , 不是词 不达意,就是不符合英语的习惯。因此,翻译时尤 其要注意两者的不同。

科技英语的翻译技巧Abstract: why English for science and Technology(EST) is different from general English and it have been become a independent discipline, because it has own characteristics .Translate EST is a hard word,I think we need to grasp the kinds of skills.摘要:科技英语,它之所以能同普通英语不同,形成一门独立的学科,很重要的原因在于它有不同于普通英语的特点,翻译科技英语是一件很难的工作,我根据自己所学,认为我们要掌握其中的几种技巧。
Keywords:EST, translate, skills一、首先要拥有一本好的科技词典。
另外有许多词比如negotiate这比较常见的是“谈判”的意思,但是当它出现在“negotiate a bad turn”这个词组中,译成“谈判”就不合适,查查词典就知道是“顺利通过”的意思,所以翻译时选择在具体语言环境中最恰当。
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(1)文摘叙述要简明,逻辑性要强; (2)句子结构严谨完整,尽量用短句子; (3)摘要中的第一句的开头部分,不要与论文标题重复; (4)摘要中不应包含不属于摘要的说法,如:本文描述的内容,属于...的首创; (5)技术术语尽量采用工程领域的标准术语,如acoustic emission(声发射), 通常不会写成sound emission; (6)不用俚语外语表达概念,应用标准英语;
1. 文章内容与作者观点的常用语句 • 常用词语有:deal with; describe; explain; illustrate; introduce; present; report 等 例如:The principle,method of GPR for goaf are described. 文中论述了探地雷达应用于采空区的基本原理及测量方法。 2.文章研究课题的常用语句 • 常用的词语有:analyze, consider, develop, discuss, investigate, state, study等 例如:Meanwhile,the sensitivity of creep parameters to the stress level is studied. 并研究了各蠕变参数对应力水平的敏感程度。
度明显高于作图法,可作为岩石声发射测量地应力试验的一种新的分析方法。 关键词:岩石声发射;Kaiser效应;地应力;关联分形维数;套孔应力解除法
指示型摘要也称为介绍型摘要或陈述型摘要,它只是简要地介绍论文的论题, 通常不介绍方法、结果、结论的具体内容,且不包含任何数据。它仅指出论文的综 合内容,适用于综述性文献,图书介绍及编辑加工过的专著等。
3.信息性摘要(Information abstract) 信息性文摘一般包括了原始文献某些重要内容的梗概,主要有以下四部分组成: ①目的:研究、研制、调查等的前提、目的和任务所涉及的主题范围。 ②方法:所用的原理、理论、对象、材料、工艺结构、手段、装备、程序等。 ③结果:实验的、研究的结果、数据,被确定的关系,观察结果,得到的效性能等。 ④结论:结果的分析、研究、比较、评价、应用,提出的问题等。
5. 论证与依据的常用词
• 常用词语:base on, be based on, take as reference等
例如:Based on introduction to various methods of reliability analysis for block stability ,fuzzy and random characteristics of block stability in caved area are analyzed. 在介绍块体稳定性可靠性分析各种方法的基础上,分析了采空区块体稳定状态 的随机性和模糊性的特点。
点,对应的应力值即为试验中试件加载方向的原岩应力值。为了验证该综合方法的 有效性,进行了现场套孔应力解除试验,得到了试件加载方向的实测应力值,共进
Comprehensive analysis method and experimental vertification for in-situ stress measurement by acoustic emission tests
Abstract: The Kaiser effect (KE) point where there is a substantial increase in acoustic emission (AE) is to be determined for the evaluation of the in-situ stress by using rock AE tests. However it is hard to get the point accurately by means of the graphing method. A comprehensive method is proposed based on the theoretical and experimental analyses. First, we can get the approximate KE point by projecting the tangent at the turning point of the AE activity curve although it is not very accurate. Second, the relevant fractal dimensions of AE energy in the whole AE tests are calculated by using the G-P algorithm. One of the points with the minimum value of the relevant fractal dimension adjacent to the approximate KE point is taken as the final KE point and its corresponding stress is the value of the pre-stress. To validate the effectiveness of the proposed method, in-situ stress experiments are carried out by means of the overcoring stress relief method. The rock cores are obtained from boreholes used in the overcoring stress relief method. And the pre-stress of rock core specimens along the loading direction is determined. AE tests on the 11 rock specimens are carried out. The results indicate that it has higher accuracy in estimation of the pre-stress by using the proposed comprehensive method compared with the graphing method. It can be used as a new method in the evaluation of pre-stress in AE tests. Key words: rock acoustic emission;Kaiser effect;in-situ stress;relevant fractal dimension;overcoring stress relief method
四、英文摘要示例 声发射测量地应力综合分析方法与实验验证
赵奎[1,2] ;闫道全[3] ;钟春晖[3,4] ;支学艺[3,4] ;王晓军[3,4] ;熊雪强[3]
摘 要:通过岩石声发射试验测量地应力需要确定声发射某个参数或参数累计的试 验曲线的拐点,即Kaiser效应点,针对作图法难以精确确定试验曲线拐点的难题, 提出了声发射试验测量地应力的一种综合分析方法,即首先通过作图法求取试验曲 线的拐点作为近似的Kaiser效应点,其次采用G-P算法计算声发射能量关联分形维
3. 应用与用途的常用词语
• 常用词语有:apply, use 等。
例如:The ground surface deformation and the rock movement rule were simulated under the condition of four different goafs form by using FLAC. 采用FLAC数值分析方法,对四种不同形态尺寸采空区条件下的地表变形、岩移 规律进行了数值模拟。 4. 成果的获取和开发等常用的词语 • 常用的词语:achieve, construct, derive, design, develop, establish, give等 例如:A great many results about the creep properties of rock have been achived.
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(8)对于大众所熟知的缩写语可直接使用,一般缩写语在首次出现时要写全称, 如 acoustic emission的缩写语为AE; (9)避免使用长系列形容词或名词来修饰名词,可用预置短语分开或用连字符 断开名词词组,作为单位形容词,如 a eighty-metre-long roadway表示一条80米 长的巷道; (10)英文摘要篇幅一般不超过 300 words,不少于 100 words,少数情况下可 以例外,视原文文献而定。但主题概念不得遗漏,据统计如根据前述四部分写文 摘一般都不会小于 100 words。另外,写、译或校文摘可不受原文文摘的约束。 (11)英文摘要时态的运用以简练为佳,常用一般现在时和一般过去式,少用现 在完成时、过去完成时。一般现在式用于说明研究的目的和内容、描述结果、得 出的结论以及自然规律等;一般过去式用于叙述过去某一时刻或时段的发现及研 究过程。