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The Uber Cup
• “Women’s team world badminton championship • The tournament was donated by Mrs.Uber ,---a famous English female player.
Super Dan
• Name : town of Badminton
• Development : Olympic Games
Badminton match
Men’s singles
Men’s singles
Women’s singles
Men’s doubles
Men’s doubles
Mixed doubles
• If the score is tied at 29, the side scoring the 30th point wins that game. • The side winning a game serves first in the next game. • 比分超过21分后,比分交替上升,到29分 的时候裁判需要宣报局点(Game point)或 场点(Match point).若对方比分为29平,则 率先打到30分的一方取胜。 • 在前一局中获胜的一方在接下来的一局比 赛中,首先发球。
The Thomas Cup(汤姆斯杯)
• “Men’s team world badminton championship • The Thomas Cup was donated by the first IBF president, sir George Thomas. Therefore, the men’s team game has been called Thomas Cup.
Equipment 场地设备
Post: 网 柱 Net:球网
Court 场地
Non-Feathered Shuttle
Badminton racket
Scoring system 计分方法
• A match consists of the best of 3 games of 21 point. • The side winning a rally adds a point to its score. • To 20 all, the side which gains a 2 point lead first wins that game. • • • • 每场比赛采取三局两胜制。 赢得一回合,即得一分。 率先得到21分的一方赢得当局比赛。 若双方比分为20平,则获胜一方需超过对方2分才 算取胜。 • 每局比赛任何一方到20分时,裁判都要宣报局点 (Game point)或场点(Match point).
• • • • • Name: Lin Dan Born: Oct. 14, 1983 Longyan, Fujian Height: 1.78m Weight: 70kg

• • •
2002年8月22日,不满19岁的林丹竟登上国际羽联排 名第一的位置. 从2004年到2008年几乎四年时间占据男单世界排名 第一的宝座,被世界羽联和媒体称为“超级 丹”。
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu
• 1 Background • 2 Rules
– Badminton match – Equipment – Court – Scoring system
• 3 • 4 Lin Dan
• Originate : England 1870
battledore and shuttlecock
you for listening ThankThank you for listening
Major Competitions(主要赛事)
• The Thomas Cup(汤姆斯杯) • The Uber Cup(尤伯杯) • The World Eadminton Championships(世界羽毛球锦标赛) • The Sudirman Cup(苏迪曼杯) • World Cup Badminton(世界杯羽毛球 赛)