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quite right a nice knife a kind writer Time and tide wait for no man.
n i, y [ai] like, by (give [giv]除外) (重读开音节中)
n ie [ai] die, lie (在重读音节词尾) n igh [ai] right, bright
n ow [əu] know, low
out of town
a loud sound
a brown house
thousands of flowers
Open your mouth and pronounce the sound
n ou [au] house, south (soul [səul]除 外)
The more the better. the apple on the old table be /bɪ/
Don’t be late. Do be quiet. I’ll be ready soon.
toilet paper joyful boys make a choice The boy was annoyed because his toy was destroyed.
n oi, oy [ɔi] noise, boy(重读音节中)
n 合口双元音: [əu] [au]
so cold
beneficent democracy intelligence familiar political personify photographer competitor hypocrisy diplomacy
beneficial democratic intellectual familiarity politician personality photographical competition hypocritical diplomatic
n 13. gutter 14. hurdle
n 16. incur
17. jargon
n 19. permanent 20. perch
3. beckon 6. cluster 9. discern 12. fumble 15. hurricane 18. lumber
n 1. [ə’kwit]
n 合口双元音:[ei] [ai] [ɔi]
n 根据其牙床由开或半开到半合,舌位由低 到高的共性,称之为合口双元音。
n 复习:
n [i]: did
n [e]: bed
n [ɔ:]: jaw tore wore
n [ɑ:]: car jar
go home
a gold bowl
It’s so cold. Please close the window.
Don’t go home alone.
n o [əu] go, rose ( lose [lu:z], whose [hu:z]除外) (重读开音节中)
n oa [əu] coat, road (broad [brɔ:d]除 外)
2. [ə’jə:n]
n 4. [bʌt]
5. [’tʃæpəl]
n 7. [klʌtʃ]
8. [’krimzən]
n 10. [di’və:t] 11. [’fʌŋgəs]
n 13. [’gʌtə]
14. [’hə:dl]
n 16. [in’kə:] 17. [’dʒɑ:gən]
n 19. [’pə:mənənt] 20.[pə:tʃ]
n ow [au] how, now (knowledge [‘nɔlidʒ]除外)(重读音节中)
弱读 a /[/
A friend in need is a friend in deed. an /[n/
An apple a day keeps the doctor away. the /T[/ /Tɪ/
n obvious
n 7. immortal 8. degrade
n impact
n 10. enforce
n enemy
3. essential escort
6. undress uniform
9. embed embassy
benefit democrat intellect family politics personal photograph competence hypocrite diplomat
[eLeabharlann Baidu]
May Day Labor Day No pains, no gains. Great changes have taken place in only one day.
n a [ei] make, snake (have [hæv]除外) (重读开音节中)
n ai, ay [ei] strait, play(重读音节中) n ea [ei] great, break
3. [’bekən]
6. [’klʌstə]
9. [di’sə:n] 12.[’fʌmbl]
18. [’lʌmbə]
n 英语单词重读
n 1. acknowledge 2. inevitable
n accuracy
n 4. obstruct 5. confirm
n 合口双元音:[ei] [ai] [ɔi] [əu] [au]
n 集中双元音:[iə] [єə] [uə]
n 双元音是由两个音合而为一,由第一个音 向第二个音滑动,滑动过程中没有任何停 顿,第一个音长而响亮,并自然而连贯地 向第二个音滑动,第二个音短而含糊,一 般来说,由第一个音向第二个音滑动时, 不到第二个音的发音部位,即告发音完成。
Lecture 4
Closing Diphthongs
Revision: 中元音: [ə:] [ə] [ʌ]
n 写出下列单词的音标并拼读:
n 1. acquit
2. adjourn
n 4. butt
5. chapel
n 7. clutch
8. crimson
n 10. divert 11. fungus