






浙江师范大学2011年教育综合333 真题一、名词解释(共6 小题,每小题5 分,共30 分)1、学习动机2、知识3、苏格拉底方法4、城市学校5、有教无类6、监生历事制度二、简答题(共4 小题,每小题10 分,共40 分)7、简述独尊儒术。




三、论述题(共4 小题,每小题20 分,共80 分)11、请谈谈你对教师师德的认识。











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浙江师范大学 2011 年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题(A 卷)
科目代码: 812 科目名称: 专业综合(法理学、宪法学、民事诉讼法) 适用专业: 030105 民商法学
提示: 1、请将所有答案写于答题纸上,写在试题上的不给分; 2、请填写准考证号后 6 位:____________。
第1页 共1页
浙江师范大学 2010 年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题
科目代码: 812 科目名称: 专业综合(法理学、宪法学) 适用专业: 民商法学
提示: 1、请将所有答案写于答题纸上,写在试题上的不给分; 2、请填写准考证号后 6 位:____________。
一、名词解释:(共 8 小题,每小题 5 分,共 40 分) 1.法律概念 2.法律清理 3.法律监督(狭义) 4.法律职业 5.立宪主义 6.宪法修改 7.地方自治 8.违宪审查
二、简答:(共 6 小题,每小题 10 分,共 60 分) 1.简述法的效力中的折衷原则 2.简述法治社会的基本标志 3.简述法与道德的冲突及原因 4.简述宪法渊源 5.简述国家权力分配原则 6.简述财政的宪政原则
三、论述:(共 2 小题,每小题 25 分,共 50 分) 1.请你谈谈为什么要守法 2.论我国直接选举的程序及其缺陷
三、论述题(共 2 小题,每小题 30 分,共 60 分) 1、试论社会主义法治国家的标准? 2、论我国选举法修改的背景、主要内容及其局限性?
第 1 页,共 1 页
二、解答题(每题 10 分,共 60 分) 1.简述宪法修正的程序 2.简述马伯里案的推理过程 3.简述议会的职权 4.法律程序的意义是什么 5.简述法的实现过程 6.对司法权进行监督表现在哪些方面
三、论述题(第 1 题 30 分,第 2 题 25 分,共 55 分) 1.论社会契约理论及其宪法学意义 2.如何认识法治的基本理念



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浙江师范大学 2010 年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题
科目代码: 833 科目名称: 语言学概论 适用专业: 050102 语言学及应用语言学、050103 汉语言文字学、050104 中国古典文献学
提示: 1、请将所有答案写于答题纸上,写在试题上的不给分;
2、请填写准考证号后 6 位:____________。
三、分析论述题(共 3 小题,每小题 20 分,共 60 分) 1. 试论书面语中歧义产生的原因。 2. 试论语言演变的特点。 3. 据新华网 2010 年 3 月 5 日的报导, “被”字当选国内 2009 年年度汉字。我们走入“被”
时代,用“被 XX”来调侃自己的生活和社会现象成为一种时髦:“被自杀”、“被网络”、“被 自愿”、“被捐款”、“被就业”、“被潜规则”、“被失踪”、“被开心”、“被增长”……各种“被 XX”用法层出不穷。下面是几个例子:
一、填空题:(共 20 空,每空 2 分,共 40 分) 1、人类语言构造灵巧,主要靠任意性、(
2、狭义的符号是没有( ),任意约定的。
3、没有或缺乏形态变化,主要是利用词序和虚词作为语法手段的语言,叫 ( )。
4、( )在确定聚合关系时占有重要的位置。
5、中国人在说“打酱油”时,绝不会联想到“打人”的“打”,这是由于 语言的( )机制在起作用。
三、分析论述题(共 3 小题,每小题 20 分,共 60 分) 1. 试论汉语的主要语法手段。 2. 试论文字与语言的关系。 3. 先分析下列语言现象的共性,然后结合某种或某些语言机制解释类现象。 ①如果护士是女的,汉语一般直接说“护士”,如果护士是男的,一般要说“男护
士”。 ②英语的个体名词单数用原形,复数一般要加-s/es。 ③在阿尔泰语系的一些语言中,格的形态主要是在相应的名词后面加后缀,主格都



浙江师范大学2006年硕士研究生入学考试试题考试科目:普通物理报考学科、专业:理论物理、光学第1页,共4页物理常数:真空介电常数:,真空磁导率:2121201085.8---⋅⋅⨯=m N C ε710410T m A μπ--=⨯⋅⋅光速:,普朗克常量:83.010/c m s =⨯SJ h ⋅⨯=-341063.6基本电荷:,里德伯恒量:C e 1910602.1-⨯=711.09710R m -=⨯一、填空题(每空3分,共60分)1.两个同方向同频率的简谐振动,其合振动的振幅为20cm ,合振动与第一个简谐振动的位相差为。

若第一个简谐振动的振幅为,则第二个简谐振动的6/1π=Φ-Φcm 3.17310=振幅为cm ,第一、二两个简谐振动的位相差为。

21Φ-Φ2.一质点沿x 轴作简谐振动,振动方程为(SI 制)。

从t =0时刻⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⨯=-ππ612cos 1042t x 起,到质点位置在处,且向x 轴正方向运动的最短时间间隔为____________。

cm x 2-=3.如图1­1所示,电量相等的四个点电荷两正两负分别置于边长为的正方形的四个角上,a 以无限远处为电势零点,则正方形中心O 点处的电势和电场大小分别为,0U =。

0E =图1­1图1­24.如图1­2所示,两同心球壳(设球壳极薄),内球壳半径为,外球壳半径为,若内球1R 2R 壳带电量为Q ,为使内球壳的电势为零,则外球壳所带电量应为。

='Q 5.已知某静电场的电势函数为(SI 制)。

由场强与电势梯度的关系式可22766y y x x U --=得点(2,3,0)处的电场强度(SI 制)。

=E 6.有一半径为R 的单匝圆线圈,通以电流I ,若将该导线弯成半径相同的匝数N=2的平面圆线圈,导线长度不变,并通以同样的电流,则线圈中心的磁感应强度和线圈的磁矩分别是原来的___________倍和____________倍。


三、论述题(每题 35 分,共 70 分,其中古代文学 2 题,任选 1 题;现当代文 学 2 题,任选 1 题)
1.试论杜甫对《诗经》艺术精神的继承与发展。 2.试论《儒林外史》的讽刺艺术。 3.试论张爱玲小说艺术独特性。 4.试结合具体作品谈谈你对寻根文学审美特征的理解。
第 1 页,共 1 页
浙江师范大学 2011 年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题(A 卷)
一、名词解释题(共 4 小题,每小题 5 分,共 20 分) 1.永明体 2.临川四梦 3.语丝派 4.《在细雨中呼喊》
二、简答题(每小题 15 分,共 60 分;其中古代文学 3 小题,任选 2 题;现当 代文学 3 小题,任选 2 题)
1.简说《天问》的艺术特色。 2.简说欧阳修散文的“六一风神”。 3.简说柳永词的成就。 4.简述梁实秋散文艺术特色。 5.简析新写实小说艺术特色。 6.简论沈从文文学创作特色。
4. “孤岛文学”
二、简答题(每小题 15 分,共 60 分;其中古代文学 3 小题,任选 2 题;现代文学 3 小题,任选 2 题)
1.诗与词有什么不同? 2.为什么说《史记》是“史家之绝唱,无韵之《离骚》”? 3.什么是南戏?它在艺术形式上有什么特点?(以上任选两题)
二、简答题(每小题 15 分,共 60 分;其中古代文学 3 小题,任选 2 题;现代 文学 3 小题,任选 2 题)
1.试论《战国策》的艺术特点。 2.试论陶渊明田园诗的艺术风格。 3.宋词繁荣的主要表现有哪些? 4.简论新月派诗歌理论。 5.简论梁实秋散文艺术特色。 6.简论赵树理农村小说创作特色。
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浙江师范大学 2009 年硕士研究生入学考试试题



科目代码: 663 科目名称: 艺术概论适用专业: 050403 美术学、055107美术(艺术硕士)提示:1、请将所有答案写于答题纸上,写在试题上的不给分;2、请填写准考证号后6位:____________。

一、简答题(共6小题,每小题15分,共90分)1. 如何理解马克思所谓的“艺术生产”是一种精神生产形态?2. 艺术发展的历史继承性主要表现在哪几个方面?3. 艺术家应该具有哪些方面的修养?4. 艺术流派、艺术思潮、创作方法三者之间的关系怎样?5. 如何理解艺术作品内容与形式的关系?6. “艺术世界”的构造及其组成部分。

二、论述题(共2小题,每小题30分,共60分)1. 结合实例,论述艺术与美的关系。

2. 结合个人体验,阐述艺术接受与艺术欣赏的过程。

科目代码: 663科目名称: 艺术概论适用专业: 130400美术学、135107美术艺术硕士提示:1、请将所有答案写于答题纸上,写在试题纸上的不给分;2、请填写准考证号后6位:____________。

一、简答题(共6小题,每小题15分,共90分)1. 如何理解艺术典型?2. 简述建筑艺术的主要特征?3. 简述艺术发展与经济发展的不平衡性主要体现在那几个方面?4. 简述艺术语言符号运用的规律?5. 简述艺术作品意蕴的四个层次?6. 简述艺术接受与大众接受的关系?二、论述题(共2小题,每小题30分,共60分)1. 结合实例,论述艺术发展的自律性。

2. 艺术创作的主流方法是什么,它们各自具有何种特征?浙江师范大学2010年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题科目代码: 661 科目名称: 艺术概论适用专业: 050403美术学、050407广播电视艺术学提示:1、请将所有答案写于答题纸上,写在试题上的不给分;2、请填写准考证号后6位:____________。



目 录
2008年浙江师范大学文化创意与传播学院艺术概论考研真题 2009年浙江师范大学文化创意与传播学院艺术概论考研真题 2010年浙江师范大学文化创意与传播学院艺术概论考研真题 2011年浙江师范大学文化创意与传播学院艺术概论考研真题 2012年浙江师范大学文化创意与传播学院艺术概论考研真题 2013年浙江师范大学文化创意与传播学院艺术概论考研真题
2008年浙江师范大学文化创意与 传播学院艺术概论考研真题
2009年浙江师范大学文化创意与 传播学院艺术概论考研真题
2010年浙江师范大学文化创意与 传播学院艺术概论考研真题
2011年浙江师范大学文化创意与 传播学院艺术概论考研真题
2012年浙江师范大学文化意与 传播学院艺术概论考研真题



科目代码、名称: 863艺术综合
向): 130400美术学(01美术理论方向)



简答题(简述题): 6小题,每小题15分,共90分



(摘自梁启超《饮冰室文集点校》吴松等点校 云南教育出版社 2001 年 第 440 页)
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浙江师范大学 2011 年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题(A 卷)
科目代码: 631 科目名称: 文艺理论 适用专业: 050101 文艺学、050105 中国古代文学、050106 中国现当代文学
二、简答题(共 3 小题,每小题 20 分,共 60 分) 1、文学文本的结构分层是怎样的? 2、文学批评有何意义? 3、语言艺术的特点是什么?
三、论述题(共 1 题,50 分) 请以古代诗歌作品为例,分析以下文字所包含的核心论点:
“天地间之物一而万、万而一者也。山自山,川自川,春自春,秋自秋,风 自风,月自月,花自花,鸟自鸟,万古不变,无地不同。然有百人于此,同受 此山、此川、此春、此秋、此风、此月、此花、此鸟之感触,而其心境所现者 百焉;千人同受此感触,而其心境所现者千焉;亿万人乃至无量数人同受此感 触,而其心境所现者亿万焉,乃至无量数焉。然则欲言物境之果为何状,将谁 氏之从乎?仁者见之谓之仁,智者见之谓之智,忧者见之谓之忧,乐者见之谓 之乐,吾之所见者,即吾所受之境之真实相也。故曰:惟心所造之境为真实。”
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浙江师范大学 2012 年硕士研究生入学考试初试试题(A 卷)
科目代码: 631 科目名称: 文艺理论 适用专业: 050101 文艺学、050105 中国古代文学、050106 中国现当代文学
提示: 1、请将所有答案写于答题纸上,写在试题纸上的不给分; 2、请填写准考证号后 6 位:____________。
三、翻译以下文言为白话文,并举例论述其核心论点(共 1 题,共 50 分) “凡大体文章,类多枝派,整派者依源,理枝者循干。是以附辞会义,务总

浙江师范大学2006 年硕士研究生(综合英语)入学考试试题[1]

浙江师范大学2006 年硕士研究生(综合英语)入学考试试题[1]

浙江师范大学2006年硕士研究生入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学I Vocabulary(25%)Directions:In this part you must complete the following sentences by choosing one suitable word or phrase from the four choices marked A,B,C,and D.Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.1.She had just_____the shell of the hard­boiled egg and was starting to peel it off.A.snappedB.crackedC.fracturedD.smashed2.New mineral resources may be discovered during the forthcoming Antarctic_______.A.excursion B.voyageC.expeditionD.migration3.The bully tried to take away the younger boy’s violin but the youngster____him with considerable courage.A.disobeyed B.challengedC.expeditionD.defied4.He was tried for forgery in a law court but was lucky enough to_____.A.get off B.get onC.get throughD.get by5.Far more should be done to_____the sufferings of unwanted domestic pets.A.alleviateB.improveC.remedyD.remove6.The kitchen was small and______so that the disabled woman could reach everything without difficulty.pletepact浙江师范大学2006年硕士研究生入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学7.Because outlaws were denied protection under medieval law,anyone could raisea hand against them with legal ______.8.Elegantly­dressed people were strolling along the many tree­lined ______through the park.9.One of the problems local authorities have to deal with is the _____of the plastic containers.10.Driving with ______brakes endangers not only yourself but also all other road users you encounter.11.Many countries have now succeeded in _____the malarial mosquito.12.He is considered to be an outstanding artist,but I consider his work to be quite _____.C.containedpositeA.authorityB.consentC.validityD.impunityA.avenuesB.alloysC.passagesD.alliesA.disposalB.dissolutionC.dispersalD.dispositionA.insufficientB.deficientC.defectiveD.degradedA.erasingB.obligatingC.eradicatingD.demolishingA.mediumB.mediocremonD.intermediate浙江师范大学2006年硕士研究生入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学13.After his long illness,the old man appeared so thin and_____that a gust of wind might have blown him away.A.faintB.witheredC.frailD.powerless14.No human being is____but Alistair Allington made very few mistakes.A.fallaciousB.intelligentC.plausibleD.infallible15.The Romans_____a large part of Europe and the Middle East.A.surpassedB.oppressedC.submitD.subdued16.The teacher was_______both in his marking of homework and in his treatment of offenders.A.lenientB.forgivingC.sympatheticD.pitiful17.The bishop preached a farewell sermon to a(n)______that filled the church to overflowing.A.audienceB.processionC.crowdD.congregation18.Besides washing that cut,put some____on it in case you have got some dirt in it.A.antisepticB.capsuleC.deodorantD.pill19.During periods of social and cultural stability,many art academies are so firmly controlledby dogmatists that all real creative work must be done by the_______.浙江师范大学2006年硕士研究生入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学A.managers B.disenfranchisedC.reactionariesD.elite20._____of half­starving wolves were roaming the snow­covered countries.A.FlocksB.ShoalsC.SwarmsD.Packs21.The dentist had to____the tooth as it was badly decayed.A.pull outB.releaseC.extractD.extricate22.The interpreters gave only a_____version of the old man’s long rambling account.A.condensedB.marginalC.miniatureD.minimum23.The ink had faded with time and so parts of the letter were______.A.illiterateB.inscrutableC.illegibleD.indelible24.A____acceptance of contemporary forms of social behavior has misled a few into believing that values in conflict with the present age are for all practical purposes superseded.A.superficialB.plaintiveplacentD.cautious25.The floods did not start to______until two days after the rain had stopped.A.retireB.sinkC.retreatD.recede浙江师范大学2006年硕士研究生入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学II Proofreading&Error Correction(30%)Directions:Proofread the following two passages and correct errors in them.Each indicated line contains a maximum of one error.Y ou should write your answers on the ASNWER SHEET in the way the example shows:EXAMPLE:It is impossible any sentence in one language to have exactly the[1]___same meaning as any single sentence in another language.It is also[2]___impossible for any sentence in a particular language to have exactly[3]___the same meaning as the other sentence in that language.[4]___On the ANSWER SHEET,you should write your answers like this(Do not write the sentences in the brackets on your ANSWER SHEET):1.impossible∧any sentence-for(Note:For a missing word,mark the position with a“∧”sign and write the word you believe to be missing after the dash.)2.any single sentence—single(Note:For an unnecessary word,write it after the dash and cross it with a slash“”.)3.√(Note:The sign“√”means this line is free of error.)4.the other sentence—any(Note:For a wrong word,underline the wrong word and write the correct one after the dash.)Now,proofread the following two passages and write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学Passage1Through a series of experiments an American scientist hasobtained an understanding of the social structure of the mostcomplex of ant societies.The ants are examined are the only26._____________ creatures different than man to have given up hunting and27._____________ collecting as a completely agricultural way of life.In28._____________ their underground nests they cultivate gardens on soil madefrom finely chopped leaves.This is a complex operationrequired considerable division of labor.The workers of29._____________ this type of ants can be divided into four groups according tosize.Each of the groups performs a particular set of jobs.The making and care of the gardens and the nursing ofthe young ants are done by the smallest workers.Slightlylarge workers are responsible for chopping up leaves to30._____________ make them suitable for use in the gardens and for cleaningthe nest.A third group of even still larger ants do the construction31._____________ work and collect fresh leaves from out the nest.The32._____________ largest are the solider ants,responsible for defending the nest.To find out how good the various size groups are with33._____________ different tasks,the scientists measured the amount of workdone by the ants for the amount of energy they used.34._____________ He examined first the gathering and carrying of leaves.He selected one of the size group and measured howefficiently these ants could find leaves and run back to the入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学nest.Y et,he repeated the experiment for each of the other35._____________size groups.In this way he could see whether any groupcould do the job more efficiently than the group normallyundertaking itPassage2The first important jazz band was a group led by BuddyBolden,a barber.In1895and1896Bolden was knownas the“king”among New Orlean musicians.When Boldenplayed for outdoor dancing in a park,his playing waspowerfully enough to attract all the dancers from another36._____________park a block away.“Callin’my children home”was what37._____________ Bolden described this.For Bolden’s band and others who grew up around it38._____________in New Orleans,each player could write his music39._____________while he was playing it;the music was impoverished,notwritten in ually there was not piano because40._____________these bands served many purposes:playing for dancesat night,marching in daytime parades,playing for funeralsor riding around the city in wagons to advertise products.41._____________As a result,the piano in jazz developed in a separate lineof its own until1920s.Since the nineteenth century became the twentieth,42._____________Black bands were being heard more and more on the入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学of New Orleans.Including in the crowd of43.____________listeners who followed them were black youngsterssuch as Louis Armstrong.The new music also excited young44.____________white musicians,too,and soon there were white bandstry to copy this Black style of playing.45.____________III Reading Comprehension(40%)Directions:In this part there are five passages followed by a total of20multiple­choice questions,each with four suggested answers marked with A,B,C and D.Choose the ONE you think is the best answer and then write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.AThe earliest controversies about the relationship between photography and art centered on whether photography’s fidelity to appearances and dependence on a machine allowed it to be a fine art as distinct from merely being a practical art.Throughout the nineteenth century,the defense of photography was identical with the struggle to establish it as a fine art.Against the charge that photography was a soulless, mechanical copying of reality,photographers asserted that it was instead a privileged way of seeing,a revolt against commonplace vision,and no less worthy an art than paintings.Ironically,now that photography is safely established as a fine art,many photographers find it pretentious or irrelevant to label it as such.Serious photographers variously claim to be finding, recording,impartially observing,witnessing events,exploring themselves-anything but making works of art.In the nineteenth century,photography’s association with the real world placed it in an ambivalent relation to art:late in the twentieth century an ambivalent relation exists because of the modernist heritage in art.Those important photographers are no longer willing to debate whether photography is or not an fine art,except to proclaim that their own work is not involved with art,shows the extent to which they simply take for granted the concept of art imposed by the triumph of Modernism:the better the art, the more subversive it is of the traditional aims of art.Photographers’disclaimers of any interest in making art tell us more about the harried status of thecontemporary notion of art than about whether photography is or not is art.For example,those入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学photographers who suppose that,by taking pictures,they are getting away from the pretensions of art as exemplified by painting remind us of those Abstract Expressionist painters who imagined they were getting away from the intellectual austerity of classical Modernist painting by concentrating on the physical act of painting.Much of photography’s prestige today derives from the convergence of its aims with those of recent art,particularly with the dismissal of abstract art implicit in the phenomenon of Pop painting during the1960s.Appreciating photographs is a relief to sensibilities tired of the mental exertions demanded by the abstract art.Classical Modernist painting,that is,abstract art as developed in different ways by Picasso,Candinsky and Matisse,presupposes highly developed skills of looking and a familiarity with other paintings and the history of art,photography,like pop painting,reassures viewers that art is not hard:photography seems to be more about its subjects than about art.Photography, however,has developed all the anxieties and self­consciousness of a classic Modernist art.Many professionals privately have begun to worry that the promotion of photography as an activity subversive of the traditional pretensions of art has gone so far that the public will forget that photography is a distinctive and exalted activit y-in short,an art.46.In the passage,the author is primarily concerned with_______.A.defining the Modernist attitude toward artB.explaining how photography emerged as a fine art after the controversies of the nineteenth centuryC.explaining the attitudes of serious contemporary photographers toward photography as art and placing those attitudes in their historical contextD.defining the various approaches that serious contemporary photographers take toward their art and assessing the value of each of those approaches47.Which of the following adjectives best describes“the concept of art imposed by the triumph of入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学Modernism”as the author represents it in Paragraph2?A.ObjectiveB.MechanicalC.SuperficialD.Paradoxical48.The author introduces Abstract Expressionist painters(Paragraph3)in order to____.A.provide an example of artists who,like serious contemporary photographers,disavowed traditionally accepted aims of modern artB.call attention to artists whose works often bear a physical resemblance to the works of seriouscontemporary photographersC.set forth an analogy between the Abstract Expressionist painters and classical Modernist painterD.provide a contrast to Pop artists and others who created works that exemplify the Modernist heritage in art49.According to the author,the nineteenth­century defenders of photography mentioned in the passage stressed that photography was_____.A.a means of making people familiar with remote locales and unfamiliar thingsB.a technologically advanced activityC.a device for observing the world impartiallyD.an art comparable to painting50.According to the passage,which of the following best explains the reaction of serious contemporary photographers to the question of whether photography is an art?A.The photographer’s belief that their reliance on an impersonal machine to produce their art requires the surrender of the authority of their personal vision.B.The photographers’fear that serious photography may not be accepted as an art by the contemporary入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学art public.C.The influence of Abstract Expressionist painting and Pop Art on the subject matter of the modernphotograph.D.The photographers’belief that the best art is subversive of art as it has previously been defined.B“Aggression”means a mixture of three features:injury(real or symbolic),intent,and emotion. Having a toe trodden upon may or may not make you the object of aggression:it all depends on the emotion and intent of the man inside the boot.One recurring question is the exact nature of the motivation.If the answers to this and similar questions were known,better solutions might be offered. Instead,the experts continue to offer contradictory opinions.It has been suggested that competitive sports decrease aggression.But many have suggested that such sports may cause it.Similar conflicting opinions have been offered about violence on film and television.How do we begin to make sense of the rival views?One way is by looking at how the ideas developed historically.When Freud first considered human aggression,he suggested that it originated from the blocking of a pleasure­seeking drive.He later changed his mind,suggesting that the aggressive drive was something independent of the blocking of pleasure,and that aggression was an inherent part of human condition.These two very different views have formed the basis of contemporary thinking on the nature of aggression.Freud’s earlier idea that it originated from the blocking of a pleasurable drive,led to the frustration theory.It suggested that interference with any pleasure inducing,or rewarding activity,once this had begun,would produce a state of frustration,which would then evoke anger.The frustration theory has stimulated much research on both humans and animals.But its limitations in explaining all of human aggression are now very apparent.If you are frustrated,for example,by someone not turning up to an appointment on time,anger is indeed a likely outcome.But so are other reactions:anxiety and nervousness,trying to find the missing person,or making the light of the situation by joking.Freud’s later idea—that there is a separate aggressive drive—influenced a totally different setof ideas.Most important among these is the notion that the act of violence can release a tension whichhas previously built up within someone.Ideas of this sort not only have a long history,but also have anintuitive appeal because of the feeling of relief that often follows an emotional act,such as an aggressive入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学outburst.The later Freud saw aggression as a drive building up spontaneously until the act occurred, which then reduced the tension.This embodies a profoundly pessimistic belief about human nature.It led Freud to comment that it is fruitless to try to eliminate human violence,but that we can only provide safe outlets for it.One extension of the frustration approach is my own discrepancy theory,which I originally put forward to explain animal fighting.Animals fight in response to sudden pain or novelty or frustration. All three situations can be thought of in terms of the animal finding a large discrepancy between events it encounters and what it is expecting on the basis of its past experience.When this happens,either fear or aggression is likely to occur,though many additional factors will determine which of the two takes place in a given situation.On this view,aggression occurs because the animal compares events in its environment with its experiences built up from past experience.The same idea can be extended to human aggression.We are likely to become angry when our expectations,wishes,beliefs or attitudes are not fulfilled by what we experience.One very clear example occurs after a person has lost a marriage partner,close relative or friend.There is distress,and attempts to escape,at first.These are replaced later by aggression.51.Freud thought later on that human aggression was cause by_________.A.the blocking of a pleasurable driveB.an inherent aggressive driveC.frustrations,anger and anxietyD.unexpected failure52.Freud thought that since tension was released by a violent act,to_______.A.attempt to eliminate violence was a waste of time.B.seek safe outlets for violence was fruitlessC.attempt to eliminate violence was vitalD.find other ways of reducing tension was vital53.The writer’s own theory is influenced by_______.A.Freud’s later idesB.Freud’s earlier idea入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学C.Research on animalsD.Studies on frustrationCScotland Yard’s top fingerprint expert,Detective Chief Superintendent Gerald Lambourne had a request from the British Museum’s Prehistoric Department to focus his magnifying glass on a mystery “somewhat outside my usual beat”.This was not a question of Whodunit,but Who Was It.The blunt instruments he pored over were antlers of red deer,dated by radio­carbon examination as being up to5,000years old.They were used as mining picks by Neolithic man to hack flits and chalk,and the fingerprints he was looking for were of our remote ancestors who had last wielded them.The antlers were unearthed in July during the British Museum’s five­year­long excavation at Grime’s Graves,near Thetford,Northfolk,a93­acre site containing more than600vertical shafts in the chalk some40feet deep.From artifacts found in many parts of Britain it is evident that flint was extensively used by Neolithic man as he slowly learned how to farm land in the period from3,000to 1,500B.C.Flint was especially used for axeheads to clear forests for agriculture,and the quality of the flint on the Norfolk site suggests that the miners there were kept busy with many orders.What excited Mr.G.de G.Sieveking,the museum’s deputy director of the excavations,was the dried mud still sticking to some of them.“Our deduction is that miners coated the base of the antlers with mud so that they could get a better grip,”he says.“The exciting possibility was that fingerprints left in this mud might at last identify individuals as a people who have left few relics,who could read and write,but who may have had much more intelligence than has been supposed in the past.”Chief Superintend Lambourne,who four years ago had“assisted”the British Museum by taking the fingerprints of a4,000­year­old Egyptian mummy,spent two hours last week examining about50antlers. On some he found minute marks indicating a human grip in the mud.Then on one he found the full imprint of the“ridge structure”of a human hand—that part of the hand just below the fingers where most pressure would be brought to bear in wielding a pick.After25years’specialisation in the yard’s fingerprints department,Chief Superintendent Lambourne knows all about ridge structures—technically known as the“tri­radiate section”.It was his identification of that part of the hand that helped to incriminate some of the Great Train Robbers.In1955,he discovered similar handprints on a bloodstained tee­marker on a golf­course where入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学a woman had been brutally murdered.They eventually led to the killer,after4,065handprints had been taken.Chief Superintendent Lambourne has agreed to visit the Norfolk site during further excavations next summer,when it is hoped that further hand­marked antlers will come to light.But he is cautious about the historic significance of his findings.“Fingerprints and handprints are unique to each individual but they can tell us nothing about the age,physical characteristics,even sex of the person who left them,”he says.“Even the fingerprints of a gorilla could be mistaken for those of a man.But if a number of imprinted antlers are recovered from given shafts on this site I could at least determine which antlers were handled by the same man,and from there might be deduced the number of miners employed in a team.“As an indication of intelligence I might determine which way up the miners held the antlers and how they wielded them.”To Mr.Sieveking and his museum colleagues any such findings will be added to their dossier of what might appear to the layman as trivial and unrelated facts but from which might emerge one day an impressive new image of our remote ancestors.mbourne is said to have regarded the examination of the antlers as a task__________.A.rather more difficult than his usual dutiesB.different in nature from routine investigationsC.causing him to leave his usual headquartersD.involving a different technique from the one in which he was qualified55.The Museum’s deputy director is very interested in the prints becauseeful facts about this remote period can be learned from them.B.they are valuable records of intelligent but illiterate people.C.very few objects of this remote period have been found.D.the antlers serve as a link with actual people who lived at that time.56.What does the term“tri­radiate section”refer to?A.a print of the hand used in classifying individualsB.the upper part of the palm of the hand入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语言文学及应用语言学C.the hand­print left on objects which have been heldD.that part of the hand from which lines strike out in three directions57.Why is Lambourne cautious about the value of his work to archaeology?A.The prints are useless in the assessment of a person’s ability.B.The prints may not even belong to human beings.C.It gives no information about the individual to whom the prints belong.D.Any information derived from a print can apply only to the individual who made it.58.What is the ultimate value of Lambourne’s work?A.It can assist in filling in an increasingly detailed picture.B.It has no value as so little of importance can be deduced.C.the hand­print left on objects which have been heldD.that part of the hand from which lines strike out in three directionsDFederal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan laid forth the intellectual basis for the likely continued aggressive easing in monetary policy in the weeks ahead in his semi­annual monetary policy report to Congress.The broader point in his prepared testimony is that the improved information and production controls evident in the new economy induce companies to respond more quickly and in tandem to changes in their business.Mistakes are still made as is evidenced by the unwanted buildup of inventories at the end of last year,but any mistakes are more aggressively addressed than in the past,as is evidenced by manufacturers’recent slashing of production.Moreover,the increasingly dramatic shifts in economic activity are particularly hard on confidence.Consumers and business literally freeze up due to the heightened uncertainty,and run from any perceived risks and curtail their spending and investment.If confidence deflates by enough,then a recession will ensue.Confidence has also been under extraordinary pressure in recent months due to surging energy prices and weaker stock prices.Higher energy bills have acted much like a tax increase,save the checks are largely being written to foreign energy producers.The lower stock prices are having a magnified impact due to the dramatic increase in stock wealth since the mid­1990s.入学考试试题综合英语英语语言文学考试科目:(含英汉互译)报考学科、专业:外国语语言文学及应用语言学The conduct of monetary policy must adjust to all of this,and thus respond more quickly and aggressively than in the past in an effort to shore up confidence.This explains the dramatic and unprecedented action(at least by a Greenspan­led Federal Reserve)to cut the federal funds rate target by100basis points in January.This also suggests that substantially more easing is on the way in the weeks ahead.Just when and by how much will depend on whether confidence continues to fall.The chairman made a point to note that policymakers have significant latitude to ease policy aggressively since inflation remains low and tame.Despite surging energy prices,fluctuation and inflation expectations remain containedThe Federal Reserve’s economic projections for this year provided as part of testimony support this non­recessionary view.Real GDP is expected to grow by between2%and2.5%between the fourth quarter of2000and the fourth quarter of this year.Since this is below the economy’s potential growth, the jobless rate will rise to approximately4.5%by year’s end.Inflation will moderate somewhat in response.Recession risks are rising and as high as they have been since the last downturn almost a decade ago.The key buffer between a soft economy and a recessionary one is confidence,and today’s testimony by the Federal Reserve chairman clearly indicates that policymakers will be as aggressive as they need to be to ensure that confidence erodes no further.With just a bit of luck they will succeed.59.The new monetary policy is likely_______.A.to be more aggressiveB.to be bold adjustmentC.to be less aggressiveD.to result in great pains60.According to this passage,_____have contributed least to the deflation of confidence.A.surging energy priceB.weaker stock pricesrmation controlsD.perceived recession risks。

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