毕业论文(设计)题目PLC自动门控制系统的设计班级 120206 专业机电一体化分院工程技术分院指导教师刘霞2014年11月5日摘要本文是关于自动门控制系统的设计,自动门系统主要由可编程控制器(PLC)、感应器件、驱动装置和传动装置组成。
PLC 控制具有较高的可靠性、稳定性、维修方便等优点。
基于PLC的数字电子钟毕业设计完整版.doc 本文是关于基于PLC的数字电子钟毕业设计完整版的介绍,下面将为大家详细阐述。
2、实现外部信号采集3、 PL C可编程控制实现功能数字电子钟的编程控制和调试可以通过PLC技术来实现,用户可根据需要编制相应的程序来实现不同的功能。
德州职业技术学院高职专业毕业论文论文题目:基于PLC的数字电子钟设计系 部 : 电 气 工 程 系专 业 : 08 高 职 机 电 一 班姓 名 : 许 洪 亮学 号 : 200802110131指导教师 : 刘 洪 波二〇一〇年十一月二十五日前 言数字钟已成为人们日常生活中:必不可少的必需品,广泛用于个人家庭以及车站、码头、剧场、办公室等公共场所,给人们的生活、学习、工作、娱乐带来极大的方便。
目 录前 言 (2)摘 要 (4)第一章PLC的概要 (5)1.1 课程设计准备知识 (5)1.1.1 PLC控制系统设计的基本原则 (5)1.1.2 PLC控制系统设计的基本内容 (5)1.1.3 PLC控制系统设计的一般步骤 (6)1.2 软件介绍 (8)第二章PLC控制电子钟设计 (9)2.1 七段共阴数码管电子钟PLC程序设计原理 (9)2.1.1 控制要求: (9)2.1.2 总体设计思想 (9)2.1.3 具体设计过程 (10)2.2 编程元件地址分配 (11)2.3 输入/输出继电器的地址分配 (13)2.4 数字电子钟控制系统的方案 (13)2.4.1 方案论证 (13)2.4.2控制要求 (14)2.4.3数码管显示原理 (14)2.4.4 数字电子钟的程序 (15)第三章 数字电子钟梯形图程序 (16)第四章 结论 (28)附录(1) 参考文献 (29)附录(2) 谢辞 (30)摘要自古就有“一寸光阴,一寸金”的说法。
2.1 时钟芯片时钟芯片是数字显示电子钟中最核心的部分,它可以实现时钟的实时显示和管理,时钟芯片通常包括实时时钟计数器、控制器和数据存储器等,它可以通过对实时时钟计数器进行计时,实现时钟的精准控制和显示。
2.2 数字显示器数字显示器即为显示时间的数码管,它可以显示时钟芯片所计时的具体时间,数码管可以是七段数码管或者十六段数码管,根据需要,任意数量的数码管可以连接在一起。
2.3 数码管驱动芯片数码管驱动芯片是数字显示电子钟中实现数码管显示的最关键部分,它通常由多个芯片组成,包括每个数码管的控制器、数据锁存器和驱动器等。
2.4 电源电子钟的电源主要供给时钟芯片、数字显示器和驱动芯片等电子器件使用,它通常需要稳定的电压和电流输出,以确保电子元器件的正常运行。
3.PLC控制的数字显示电子钟的设计原理PLC控制的数字显示电子钟的基本设计原理包括如下步骤:3.1 时钟芯片和数字显示器的连接时钟芯片通常需要通过串行接口和其它数字电路板连接起来,而数码管可以通过直接连接或者通过驱动芯片的方式进行连接,其连接方式有四种:单共阴连接、单共阳连接、多位直接连接和分时多位共阴/共阳连接。
3.2 PLC和时钟芯片的连接PLC控制器需要通过读取和写入时钟芯片的输入/输出口来控制时钟芯片的工作状态,PLC控制器通常需要通过时钟芯片的串行接口或并行接口与时钟芯片连接。
数字电子时钟的设计 毕业论文
关键词:数字钟,振荡器,计时器目录第一章绪论 (3)1.1数字时钟的背景意义 (3)1.2数字时钟的设计方案 (3)第二章整体方案设计 (4)2.1单片机的选择 (4)2.2单片机的基本结构 (5)第三章硬件模块设计 (7)3.1最小系统设计 (8)3.2.显示电路设计 (10)3.3按键开关控制设计 (12)第四章软件模块设计 (13)4.1程序流程图 (15)..4.2时钟设置电路 (16)4.3定时中断电路 (17)4.4LED显示电路 (19)4.5按键控制电路 (21)第五章调试 (21)5.1主体电路部分 (22)5.2扩展电路部分 (23)第六章总结 (24)致谢 (25)参考文献 (26)第一章绪论1.1数字时钟的背景和意义1.1.1数字时钟的背景和意义20世纪末,电子技术获得飞速发展。
外文资料PLC technique discussion and future developmentAlong with the development of the ages, the technique that is nowadays is also gradually perfect, the competition plays more strong; the operation that list depends the artificial has already can't satisfied with the current manufacturing industry foreground,also can’t guarantee the request of the higher quantity and high new the image of the technique business enterprise。
The people see in produce practice, automate brought the tremendous convenience and the product quantities for people up of assurance,also eased the personnel’s labor strength, reduce the establishment on the personnel。
The target control of the hard realization in many complicated production lines, whole and excellent turn,the best decision etc., well-trained operation work,technical personnel or expert,governor but can judge and operate easily,can acquire the satisfied result. The research target of the artificial intelligence makes use of the calculator exactly to carry out,imitate these intelligences behavior, moderating the work through person’s brain and calculators, with the mode that person's machine combine, for resolve the very complicated problem to look for the best path We come in sight of the control that links after the electric appliances in various situation, that is already the that time generation past,now of after use in the mold a perhaps simple equipments of grass—roots control that the electric appliances can do for the low level only; And the PLC emergence also became the epoch—making topic, adding the vivid software control through a very and stable hardware,making the automation head for the new high tide.The PLC biggest characteristics lie in:The electrical engineering teacher already no longer electric hardware up too many calculations of cost,as long as order the importation that the button switch or the importation of the sensors order to link the PLC up can solve problem, pass to output to order the conjunction contact machine or control the start equipments of the big power after the electric appliances,but the exportation equipments direct conjunction of the small power can.PLC internal containment have the CPU of the CPU, and take to have an I/ O for expand of exterior to connect a people's address and saving machine three big pieces to constitute, CPU core is from an or many is tired to add the machine to constitute,mathematics that they have the logic operation ability, and can read the procedure save the contents of the machine to drive the homologous saving machine and I/ Os to connect after pass the calculation; The I/ O add inner part is tired the input and output system of the machine and exterior link,and deposit the related data into the procedure saving machine or data saving machine;The saving machine can deposit the data that the I/ O input in the saving machine,and in work adjusting to become tired to add the machine and I/ Os to connect, saving machine separately saving machine RAM of the procedure saving machine ROM and dates,the ROM can dodeposit of the data permanence in the saving machine, but RAM only for the CPU computes the temporary calculation usage of hour of buffer space.The PLC anti— interference is very and excellent,our root need not concern its service life and the work situation bad,these all problems have already no longer become the topic that we fail,but stay to our is a concern to come to internal resources of make use of the PLC to strengthen the control ability of the equipments for us,make our equipments more gentle.PLC language is not we imagine of edit collected materials the language or language of Cs to carry on weaving the distance,but the trapezoid diagram that the adoption is original after the electric appliances to control,make the electrical engineering teacher while weaving to write the procedure very easy comprehended the PLC language, and a lot of non- electricity professional also very quickly know and go deep into to the PLC.Is PLC one of the advantage above and only, this is also one part that the people comprehend more and easily, in a lot of equipments,the people have already no longer hoped to see too many control buttons, they damage not only and easily and produce the artificial error easiest,small is not a main error perhaps you can still accept;But lead even is a fatal error greatly is what we can’t is tolerant of。
摘要本文是介绍采用三菱FX2 —40MRCD4511PLC 编写数字显示电子钟,显示器采用七段LED显示器,共接入6位,从左至右分别表示秒、时、分的个、时位。
采用BCD码驱动器CD4511把PLC 输出的时、分、秒等显示BCD码变换成对应的显示器所要求的7段驱动信号。
关键词:PLC ,驱动器,晶体管AbstractThis article is introduced 40MRCD4511PLC - write FX2 mitsubishi electric clock, the display USES digital display of 7 LED display, two groups of eight access, including the first group (above) is used to indicate the four hours, points, from left to right, said the ten months, 10 days of bits and bytes,. Using the PLC CD4511 BCD driver output month, day, and classification of converting BCD display monitor requested of seven driver signal. Becauseof that, it shows more digits display mode by using dynamic, PLC output type transistor source output (for), which is logical Y0 output terminals output first group Y3 ~ Y10 signal monitor BCD Y13 ~ the second group displays output signal, Y4 ~ Y7 BCD in groups of communication, display.Keywords P rogrammable Logic Controller,Drive,Transistor 刖百可编程控制器(Programmable Logical Controller) 是在计算机技术、通信技术和继电器控制技术的发展基础上开发起来的,现已广泛应用于工业控制的各个领域。
基于PLC的电子钟控制系统_毕业设计(定稿) 推荐
目录 (1)第1章可编程控制器(PLC)的基础知识 (1)1.1 PLC的产生、定义及分类 (1)1.1.1 PLC的产生 (1)1.1.2 PLC的定义 (2)1.1.3 PLC的分类 (3)1.2 PLC的构成与性能指标 (6)1.2.1 PLC的硬件结构 (6)1.2.2 PLC的性能指标 (10)1.3 PLC的工作原理 (12)1.3.1 PLC内外部电路 (12)1.3.2 PLC的控制系统 (14)1.3.3 PLC的工作过程 (16)1.3.4 用户程序循环扫描 (17)第2章基于PLC的电子钟控制系统的硬件分析 (19)2.1 S7-200PLC的概述 (19)2.1.1 S7-200的系统基本构成 (19)2.1.2 S7-200PLC的结构 (20)2.1.3 S7-200PLC的工作方式及扫描周期 (21)2.1.4 S7-200PLC的编程语言 (22)2.1.5 S7-200PLC的程序结构 (26)2.2 CPU224的技术参数 (28)2.2.1 CPU224的相关参数 (28)2.2.2 CPU224的接线 (28)2.3 LED数码管的技术参数 (30)2.3.1 数码管的分类 (30)2.3.2 LED数码管的结构 (30)2.4 西门子EM222的技术参数 (31)2.5 基于PLC电子钟控制系统的I/O分配与硬件接线图 (37)2.5.1 电子钟控制系统的I/O分配 (37)2.5.2 电子钟控制系统的硬件接线图 (38)第3章数字电子钟梯形图程序 (41)第4章总结 (54)参考文献 (55)致谢 (56)第1章可编程控制器(PLC)的基础知识可编程序控制器(Programmable Logic Controlle,简称PLC),它是以微处理器为核心的通用工业控制装置,是在继电器—接触器控制基础上发展起来的。
毕业设计论文题目:PLC控制的数字显示电子钟摘要本文是介绍采用三菱FX2-40MRCD4511PLC编写数字显示电子钟,显示器采用七段LED 显示器,共接入6位,从左至右分别表示秒、时、分的个、时位。
由于显示位数较多,故显示采用动态显示方式,PLC的输出类型为晶体管源输出(正逻辑),其中输出端子Y0~Y3输出第一组显示器的BCD信号,Y10~Y13输出第二组显示器的BCD 信号,Y4~Y7依次为各组显示器的选通信号。
第2章 PLC控制的数字显示电子钟为了保证计时的稳定及准确须由晶体振荡器提供表针时间基准信号。
关键字:PLC 编程语⾔温度Design of the temperature control Systems based on PLCAbstractProgramming controler ( plc ) the replacing product as traditional relay control equipment each that already applies industrial control extensively field ,Since it can change control course through software ,It is little to is strong and reliability bad industrial environment use. The temperature control system that this paper is concerned with can the temperature of monitoring , its software control is programming language mainly, for PLC is ladder-shaped language, ladder-shaped language is the most programming language that PLC now uses.Keyword:PLC Programming language Temperature⽬录摘要----1Abstrack1引⾔-31.1课题研究背景1.2温度控制系统的发展状况1.3 总体设计分析2系统结构模块63.1 PLC的定义--73.2 PLC的发展--83.2.1 我国PLC的发展-83.3 PLC的系统组成和⼯作原理-----93.3.1 PLC的组成结构--93.3.2PLC的扫描⼯作原理3.4PLC的发展趋势3.5 PLC的优势--103.6 PLC的类型选择4.1 PID控制程序设计4.1.1 PID控制算法---124.1.2PID在PLC中的回路指令-144.1.3PID参数设置4.23A模块及其温度控制4.2.13A模块的介绍--174.2.2 数据转换4.2.3软件编程的思路---195程序的流程图---196 整个系统的软件编程---207结束语谢词24参考⽂献1 引⾔1.1 课题研究背景温度是⼯业⽣产中常见的⼯艺参数之⼀,任何物理变化和化学反应过程都与温度密切相关。
LED 数字显示时钟实践一、实验目的1、掌握数码管电路的工作原理。
2、掌握用PLC 译码方式实现数码显示控制。
3、掌握PLC 程序的编写,实现数字时钟的控制。
二、实验器材1. PACSystems RX3i 可编程控制器实验台(一台)2. 数字显示时钟自动控制演示装置(一块)3. 连接导线(若干)4. 程序下载电缆(一根)三、实验要求LED 数字显示时钟装置示意图如图1所示。
LED 数字显示时钟可显示秒、分钟和小时,秒用发光二极管的闪烁来表示,即发光二极管每1秒闪烁一次,亮0.5秒,灭0.5秒。
分钟(00~59)和小时(00~23)用LED 数码管显示。
COM(-)a b cef g hdb cdef gah(a )共阴极 (c )数码管示意图COM(+)a b c e f g hdaCOMIUU ’(b )共阳极 (d )数码管电路图图1 LED 数码管显示原理124DP3(a )实物图 (b )示意图图2 LED 数字显示时钟实验装置示意对于个位0~9计数,其译码和显示的真值表如表1所示,M0~M4代表移位寄存器的5位,a0~g0代表显示的各段。
表.1 七段LED 显示0~9时译码真值表a0~g0各段的逻辑译码关系分别如下:移位脉冲 M4~M0 显示数 a0~g0七段 M4 M3M2M1M0a0b0 c0d0 e0 f0g00 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 2 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 3 0 0 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 4 0 1 1 1 1 4 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 6 1 1 1 1 0 6 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 7 1 1 1 0 0 7 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 8 1 1 0 0 0 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 9 19111111a0段:)01)(34)(10(0M M M M M M a +++= b0段:)01)(40(0M M M M b ++=c0段:120M M c +=d0段:)12)(34)(01(0M M M M M M d +++= e0段:230112040M M M M M M M M e +++= f0段:2413040M M M M M M f ++= g0段:2410M M M g +=显示器a0~g0七段分别用PLC 输出端Q25~Q31控制,即可显示0~9数字。
外文资料PLC,,,,,technique,,,,,discussion,,,,,and,,,,,future,,,,,development Along,,,,,with,,,,,the,,,,,development,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,ages,,,,,,the,,,,,technique,,,,,that ,,,,,is,,,,,nowadays,,,,,is,,,,,also,,,,,gradually,,,,,perfect,,,,,,the,,,,,competition,,,,,plays,,,,, more,,,,,strong;,,,,,the,,,,,operation,,,,,that,,,,,list,,,,,depends,,,,,the,,,,,artificial,,,,,has,,,,, already,,,,,can't,,,,,satisfied,,,,,with,,,,,the,,,,,current,,,,,manufacturing,,,,,industry,,,,,for eground,,,,,,also,,,,,can't,,,,,guarantee,,,,,the,,,,,request,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,higher,,,,,quantity, ,,,,and,,,,,high,,,,,new,,,,,the,,,,,image,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,technique,,,,,business,,,,,enterprise.The,,,,,people,,,,,see,,,,,in,,,,,produce,,,,,practice,,,,,,automate,,,,,brought,,,,,the,,,,,t remendous,,,,,convenience,,,,,and,,,,,the,,,,,product,,,,,quantities,,,,,for,,,,,people,,,,,up,,, ,,of,,,,,assurance,,,,,,also,,,,,eased,,,,,the,,,,,personnel's,,,,,labor,,,,,strength,,,,,,reduce,,,,, the,,,,,establishment,,,,,on,,,,,the,,,,,personnel.,,,,,The,,,,,target,,,,,control,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,, hard,,,,,realization,,,,,in,,,,,many,,,,,complicated,,,,,production,,,,,lines,,,,,,whole,,,,,and, ,,,,excellent,,,,,turn,,,,,,the,,,,,best,,,,,decision,,,,,etc.,,,,,,well-trained,,,,,operation,,,,,wor k,,,,,,technical,,,,,personnel,,,,,or,,,,,expert,,,,,,governor,,,,,but,,,,,can,,,,,judge,,,,,and,,,,, operate,,,,,easily,,,,,,can,,,,,acquire,,,,,the,,,,,satisfied,,,,,result.,,,,,The,,,,,research,,,,,targ et,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,artificial,,,,,intelligence,,,,,makes,,,,,use,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,calculator,,,,,exa ctly,,,,,to,,,,,carry,,,,,out,,,,,,imitate,,,,,these,,,,,intelligences,,,,,behavior,,,,,,moderating,, ,,,the,,,,,work,,,,,through,,,,,person's,,,,,brain,,,,,and,,,,,calculators,,,,,,with,,,,,the,,,,,mod e,,,,,that,,,,,person's,,,,,machine,,,,,combine,,,,,,for,,,,,resolve,,,,,the,,,,,very,,,,,complicat ed,,,,,problem,,,,,to,,,,,look,,,,,for,,,,,the,,,,,best,,,,,pathWe,,,,,come,,,,,in,,,,,sight,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,control,,,,,that,,,,,links,,,,,after,,,,,the,,,,,ele ctric,,,,,appliances,,,,,in,,,,,various,,,,,situation,,,,,,that,,,,,is,,,,,already,,,,,the,,,,,that,,,,,ti me,,,,,generation,,,,,past,,,,,,now,,,,,of,,,,,after,,,,,use,,,,,in,,,,,the,,,,,mold,,,,,a,,,,,perhaps ,,,,,simple,,,,,equipments,,,,,of,,,,,grass-roots,,,,,control,,,,,that,,,,,the,,,,,electric,,,,,appli ances,,,,,can,,,,,do,,,,,for,,,,,the,,,,,low,,,,,level,,,,,only;,,,,,And,,,,,the,,,,,PLC,,,,,emergen ce,,,,,also,,,,,became,,,,,the,,,,,epoch-making,,,,,topic,,,,,,adding,,,,,the,,,,,vivid,,,,,softw are,,,,,control,,,,,through,,,,,a,,,,,very,,,,,and,,,,,stable,,,,,hardware,,,,,,making,,,,,the,,,,,a utomation,,,,,head,,,,,for,,,,,the,,,,,new,,,,,high,,,,,tide.The,,,,,PLC,,,,,biggest,,,,,characteristics,,,,,lie,,,,,in:,,,,,The,,,,,electrical,,,,,enginee ring,,,,,teacher,,,,,already,,,,,no,,,,,longer,,,,,electric,,,,,hardware,,,,,up,,,,,too,,,,,many,,,, ,calculations,,,,,of,,,,,cost,,,,,,as,,,,,long,,,,,as,,,,,order,,,,,the,,,,,importation,,,,,that,,,,,the ,,,,,button,,,,,switch,,,,,or,,,,,the,,,,,importation,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,sensors,,,,,order,,,,,to,,,,,lin k,,,,,the,,,,,PLC,,,,,up,,,,,can,,,,,solve,,,,,problem,,,,,,pass,,,,,to,,,,,output,,,,,to,,,,,order,,,,, the,,,,,conjunction,,,,,contact,,,,,machine,,,,,or,,,,,control,,,,,the,,,,,start,,,,,equipments,,,, ,of,,,,,the,,,,,big,,,,,power,,,,,after,,,,,the,,,,,electric,,,,,appliances,,,,,,but,,,,,the,,,,,exporta tion,,,,,equipments,,,,,direct,,,,,conjunction,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,small,,,,,power,,,,,can.PLC,,,,,internal,,,,,containment,,,,,have,,,,,the,,,,,CPU,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,CPU,,,,,,and,,, ,,take,,,,,to,,,,,have,,,,,an,,,,,I/,,,,,O,,,,,for,,,,,expand,,,,,of,,,,,exterior,,,,,to,,,,,connect,,,,,a ,,,,,people's,,,,,address,,,,,and,,,,,saving,,,,,machine,,,,,three,,,,,big,,,,,pieces,,,,,to,,,,,cons titute,,,,,,CPU,,,,,core,,,,,is,,,,,from,,,,,an,,,,,or,,,,,many,,,,,is,,,,,tired,,,,,to,,,,,add,,,,,the,,,, ,machine,,,,,to,,,,,constitute,,,,,,mathematics,,,,,that,,,,,they,,,,,have,,,,,the,,,,,logic,,,,,op eration,,,,,ability,,,,,,and,,,,,can,,,,,read,,,,,the,,,,,procedure,,,,,save,,,,,the,,,,,contents,,,,, of,,,,,the,,,,,machine,,,,,to,,,,,drive,,,,,the,,,,,homologous,,,,,saving,,,,,machine,,,,,and,,,,, I/,,,,,Os,,,,,to,,,,,connect,,,,,after,,,,,pass,,,,,the,,,,,calculation;,,,,,The,,,,,I/,,,,,O,,,,,add,,,,, inner,,,,,part,,,,,is,,,,,tired,,,,,the,,,,,input,,,,,and,,,,,output,,,,,system,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,machi ne,,,,,and,,,,,exterior,,,,,link,,,,,,and,,,,,deposit,,,,,the,,,,,related,,,,,data,,,,,into,,,,,the,,,,,pr ocedure,,,,,saving,,,,,machine,,,,,or,,,,,data,,,,,saving,,,,,machine;,,,,,The,,,,,saving,,,,,ma chine,,,,,can,,,,,deposit,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,that,,,,,the,,,,,I/,,,,,O,,,,,input,,,,,in,,,,,the,,,,,savin g,,,,,machine,,,,,,and,,,,,in,,,,,work,,,,,adjusting,,,,,to,,,,,become,,,,,tired,,,,,to,,,,,add,,,,,th e,,,,,machine,,,,,and,,,,,I/,,,,,Os,,,,,to,,,,,connect,,,,,,saving,,,,,machine,,,,,separately,,,,,sa ving,,,,,machine,,,,,RAM,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,procedure,,,,,saving,,,,,machine,,,,,ROM,,,,,and ,,,,,dates,,,,,,the,,,,,ROM,,,,,can,,,,,do,,,,,deposit,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,permanence,,,,,in, ,,,,the,,,,,saving,,,,,machine,,,,,,but,,,,,RAM,,,,,only,,,,,for,,,,,the,,,,,CPU,,,,,computes,,,,, the,,,,,temporary,,,,,calculation,,,,,usage,,,,,of,,,,,hour,,,,,of,,,,,buffer,,,,,space.The,,,,,PLC,,,,,anti-,,,,,interference,,,,,is,,,,,very,,,,,and,,,,,excellent,,,,,,our,,,,,root,, ,,,need,,,,,not,,,,,concern,,,,,its,,,,,service,,,,,life,,,,,and,,,,,the,,,,,work,,,,,situation,,,,,bad, ,,,,,these,,,,,all,,,,,problems,,,,,have,,,,,already,,,,,no,,,,,longer,,,,,become,,,,,the,,,,,topic,, ,,,that,,,,,we,,,,,fail,,,,,,but,,,,,stay,,,,,to,,,,,our,,,,,is,,,,,a,,,,,concern,,,,,to,,,,,come,,,,,to,,,,,i nternal,,,,,resources,,,,,of,,,,,make,,,,,use,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,PLC,,,,,to,,,,,strengthen,,,,,the,,,, ,control,,,,,ability,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,equipments,,,,,for,,,,,us,,,,,,make,,,,,our,,,,,equipments,, ,,,more,,,,,gentle.PLC,,,,,language,,,,,is,,,,,not,,,,,we,,,,,imagine,,,,,of,,,,,edit,,,,,collected,,,,,material s,,,,,the,,,,,language,,,,,or,,,,,language,,,,,of,,,,,Cs,,,,,to,,,,,carry,,,,,on,,,,,weaving,,,,,the,,, ,,distance,,,,,,but,,,,,the,,,,,trapezoid,,,,,diagram,,,,,that,,,,,the,,,,,adoption,,,,,is,,,,,origina l,,,,,after,,,,,the,,,,,electric,,,,,appliances,,,,,to,,,,,control,,,,,,make,,,,,the,,,,,electrical,,,,,e ngineering,,,,,teacher,,,,,while,,,,,weaving,,,,,to,,,,,write,,,,,the,,,,,procedure,,,,,very,,,,,e asy,,,,,comprehended,,,,,the,,,,,PLC,,,,,language,,,,,,and,,,,,a,,,,,lot,,,,,of,,,,,non-,,,,,electr icity,,,,,professional,,,,,also,,,,,very,,,,,quickly,,,,,know,,,,,and,,,,,go,,,,,deep,,,,,into,,,,,to ,,,,,the,,,,,PLC.Is,,,,,PLC,,,,,one,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,advantage,,,,,above,,,,,and,,,,,only,,,,,,this,,,,,is,,,,,al so,,,,,one,,,,,part,,,,,that,,,,,the,,,,,people,,,,,comprehend,,,,,more,,,,,and,,,,,easily,,,,,,in,,,, ,a,,,,,lot,,,,,of,,,,,equipments,,,,,,the,,,,,people,,,,,have,,,,,already,,,,,no,,,,,longer,,,,,hope d,,,,,to,,,,,see,,,,,too,,,,,many,,,,,control,,,,,buttons,,,,,,they,,,,,damage,,,,,not,,,,,only,,,,,a nd,,,,,easily,,,,,and,,,,,produce,,,,,the,,,,,artificial,,,,,error,,,,,easiest,,,,,,small,,,,,is,,,,,not,, ,,,a,,,,,main,,,,,error,,,,,perhaps,,,,,you,,,,,can,,,,,still,,,,,accept;,,,,,But,,,,,lead,,,,,even,,,,,i s,,,,,a,,,,,fatal,,,,,error,,,,,greatly,,,,,is,,,,,what,,,,,we,,,,,can't,,,,,is,,,,,tolerant,,,,,of.,,,,,Ne w,,,,,technique,,,,,always,,,,,for,,,,,bringing,,,,,more,,,,,safe,,,,,and,,,,,convenient,,,,,oper ation,,,,,for,,,,,us,,,,,,make,,,,,we,,,,,a,,,,,lot,,,,,of,,,,,problems,,,,,for,,,,,face,,,,,on,,,,,sweep,,,,,but,,,,,light,,,,,,do,,,,,you,,,,,understand,,,,,the,,,,,HMI?,,,,,Says,,,,,the,,,,,HMI,,,,,her e,,,,,you,,,,,basically,,,,,not,,,,,clear,,,,,what,,,,,it,,,,,is,,,,,,also,,,,,have,,,,,no,,,,,interest,,,,, understanding,,,,,,change,,,,,one,,,,,inside,,,,,text,,,,,explains,,,,,it,,,,,into,,,,,the,,,,,touch, ,,,,to,,,,,hold,,,,,or,,,,,man-machine,,,,,interface,,,,,you,,,,,knew,,,,,,and,,,,,it,,,,,combines, ,,,,with,,,,,the,,,,,PLC,,,,,to,,,,,our,,,,,larger,,,,,space.HMI,,,,,the,,,,,control,,,,,not,,,,,only,,,,,is,,,,,reduced,,,,,the,,,,,control,,,,,press,,,,,bu tton,,,,,,increase,,,,,the,,,,,vivid,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,control,,,,,,more,,,,,main,,,,,of,,,,,it,,,,,is,,,,, can,,,,,sequence,,,,,of,,,,,,and,,,,,at,,,,,can,,,,,the,,,,,change,,,,,data,,,,,input,,,,,to,,,,,output ,,,,,the,,,,,feedback,,,,,with,,,,,data,,,,,,control,,,,,in,,,,,the,,,,,temperature,,,,,curve,,,,,of,,, ,,imitate,,,,,but,,,,,also,,,,,can,,,,,keep,,,,,the,,,,,manifestation,,,,,of,,,,,view,,,,,to,,,,,come, ,,,,out.,,,,,And,,,,,can,,,,,write,,,,,the,,,,,function,,,,,help,,,,,procedure,,,,,through,,,,,a,,,,,p lait,,,,,to,,,,,provide,,,,,the,,,,,help,,,,,of,,,,,various,,,,,what,,,,,lies,,,,,in,,,,,one's,,,,,power, ,,,,,the,,,,,one,,,,,who,,,,,make,,,,,operate,,,,,reduces,,,,,the,,,,,otiose,,,,,error.,,,,,Currentl y,,,,,the,,,,,HMI,,,,,factory,,,,,is,,,,,also,,,,,more,,,,,and,,,,,more,,,,,,the,,,,,function,,,,,is,,,, ,also,,,,,more,,,,,and,,,,,more,,,,,strong,,,,,,the,,,,,price,,,,,is,,,,,also,,,,,more,,,,,and,,,,,mor e,,,,,low,,,,,,and,,,,,the,,,,,noodles,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,usage,,,,,are,,,,,wide,,,,,more,,,,,and,,,,, more.,,,,,The,,,,,HMI,,,,,foreground,,,,,can,,,,,say,,,,,that,,,,,think,,,,,°,,,,,to,,,,,be,,,,,good ,,,,,very.At,,,,,a,,,,,lot,,,,,of,,,,,situations,,,,,,the,,,,,list,,,,,is,,,,,a,,,,,smooth,,,,,movement,,,,,t hat,,,,,can't,,,,,guarantee,,,,,the,,,,,equipments,,,,,by,,,,,the,,,,,control,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,singl e,,,,,machine,,,,,,but,,,,,pass,,,,,the,,,,,information,,,,,exchanges,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,equipmen ts,,,,,and,,,,,equipments,,,,,to,,,,,attain,,,,,the,,,,,result,,,,,that,,,,,we,,,,,want.,,,,,For,,,,,exa mple,,,,,fore,,,,,pack,,,,,and,,,,,the,,,,,examination,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,empress,,,,,work,,,,,pref ace,,,,,,we,,,,,will,,,,,arrive,,,,,wrapping,,,,,information,,,,,feedback,,,,,to,,,,,examine,,,,,t he,,,,,place,,,,,,and,,,,,examine,,,,,the,,,,,information,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,place,,,,,to,,,,,also,,,,, want,,,,,the,,,,,feedback,,,,,to,,,,,packing.,,,,,Pass,,,,,the,,,,,information,,,,,share,,,,,thus,,, ,,to,,,,,make,,,,,both,,,,,the,,,,,chain,,,,,connect,,,,,,becoming,,,,,a,,,,,total,,,,,body,,,,,,the,, ,,,match,,,,,of,,,,,your,,,,,that,,,,,thus,,,,,make,,,,,is,,,,,more,,,,,close,,,,,,at,,,,,each,,,,,other ,,,,,attain,,,,,to,,,,,reflect,,,,,the,,,,,result,,,,,that,,,,,mutually,,,,,flick.The,,,,,PLC,,,,,correspondence,,,,,has,,,,,already,,,,,come,,,,,more,,,,,body,,,,,now,, ,,,its,,,,,value,,,,,,at,,,,,the,,,,,PLC,,,,,and,,,,,correspondence,,,,,between,,,,,PLCs,,,,,,can,, ,,,pass,,,,,the,,,,,communication,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,information,,,,,and,,,,,the,,,,,share,,,,,of,,,, ,the,,,,,dates,,,,,to,,,,,guarantee,,,,,that,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,equipments,,,,,moderates,,,,,mutual ly,,,,,,the,,,,,result,,,,,that,,,,,arrive,,,,,already,,,,,to,,,,,repair,,,,,with,,,,,each,,,,,other.,,,,, Data,,,,,conversion,,,,,the,,,,,adoption,,,,,RS232,,,,,between,,,,,PLC,,,,,connect,,,,,to,,,,,c ome,,,,,to,,,,,the,,,,,transmission,,,,,data,,,,,,but,,,,,the,,,,,RS232,,,,,pick,,,,,up,,,,,a,,,,,peo ple,,,,,and,,,,,can,,,,,guarantee,,,,,10,,,,,meters,,,,,only,,,,,of,,,,,deliver,,,,,the,,,,,distance,, ,,,,if,,,,,in,,,,,the,,,,,distance,,,,,of,,,,,1000,,,,,meters,,,,,we,,,,,can,,,,,pass,,,,,the,,,,,RS485, ,,,,to,,,,,carry,,,,,on,,,,,the,,,,,correspondence,,,,,,the,,,,,longer,,,,,distance,,,,,can,,,,,pass,, ,,,the,,,,,MODEL,,,,,only,,,,,to,,,,,carry,,,,,on,,,,,deliver.The,,,,,PLC,,,,,data,,,,,transmission,,,,,is,,,,,just,,,,,to,,,,,be,,,,,called,,,,,a,,,,,form,,,,,to,,,,,it,,,,,in,,,,,a,,,,,piece,,,,,of,,,,,and,,,,,continuous,,,,,address,,,,,that,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,of ,,,,,the,,,,,inner,,,,,part,,,,,delivers,,,,,the,,,,,other,,,,,party,,,,,,we,,,,,,the,,,,,PLC,,,,,of,,,,,t he,,,,,other,,,,,party,,,,,passes,,,,,to,,,,,read,,,,,data,,,,,in,,,,,the,,,,,watch,,,,,to,,,,,carry,,,,,o n,,,,,the,,,,,operation.,,,,,If,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,that,,,,,data,,,,,in,,,,,the,,,,,watch,,,,,is,,,,,a,,,,,t o,,,,,establish,,,,,generally,,,,,,that,,,,,is,,,,,just,,,,,the,,,,,general,,,,,data,,,,,transmission,,, ,,,for,,,,,example,,,,,today,,,,,of,,,,,oil,,,,,price,,,,,rise,,,,,,I,,,,,want,,,,,to,,,,,deliver,,,,,the,, ,,,price,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,oil,,,,,price,,,,,to,,,,,lose,,,,,the,,,,,oil,,,,,ally,,,,,on,,,,,board,,,,,,that,, ,,,is,,,,,the,,,,,share,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,data;,,,,,But,,,,,take,,,,,data,,,,,in,,,,,the,,,,,watch,,,,,for,, ,,,an,,,,,instruction,,,,,procedure,,,,,that,,,,,controls,,,,,the,,,,,PLC,,,,,,that,,,,,had,,,,,the,,,, ,difficulty,,,,,very,,,,,much,,,,,,for,,,,,example,,,,,you,,,,,have,,,,,to,,,,,control,,,,,one,,,,,,,, ,,pedestal,,,,,robot,,,,,to,,,,,press,,,,,the,,,,,action,,,,,work,,,,,that,,,,,you,,,,,imagine,,,,,,yo u,,,,,will,,,,,draw,,,,,up,,,,,for,,,,,it,,,,,the,,,,,form,,,,,that,,,,,a,,,,,procedure,,,,,combine,,,,, with,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,sends,,,,,out,,,,,to,,,,,pass,,,,,by.The,,,,,form,,,,,that,,,,,information,,,,,transport,,,,,contain,,,,,single,,,,,work,,,,,,the, ,,,,half,,,,,a,,,,,work,,,,,and,,,,,the,,,,,difference,,,,,of,,,,,a,,,,,workers,,,,,.The,,,,,meaning,, ,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,single,,,,,work,,,,,also,,,,,is,,,,,to,,,,,say,,,,,both,,,,,,a,,,,,can,,,,,send,,,,,out,,,, ,only,,,,,,but,,,,,a,,,,,can,,,,,receive,,,,,only,,,,,,for,,,,,example,,,,,a,,,,,spy,,,,,he,,,,,can,,,,,r eceive,,,,,the,,,,,designation,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,superior,,,,,only,,,,,,but,,,,,can't,,,,,give,,,,,the, ,,,,superior,,,,,reply;,,,,,A,,,,,work,,,,,of,,,,,half,,,,,is,,,,,also,,,,,2,,,,,and,,,,,can,,,,,send,,,,, out,,,,,similar,,,,,to,,,,,accept,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,,but,,,,,can't,,,,,send,,,,,out,,,,,and,,,,,accept ,,,,,at,,,,,the,,,,,same,,,,,time,,,,,,for,,,,,example,,,,,when,,,,,you,,,,,make,,,,,a,,,,,phone,,,,, call,,,,,is,,,,,to,,,,,can't,,,,,answer,,,,,the,,,,,phone,,,,,,the,,,,,other,,,,,party,,,,,also;,,,,,But,, ,,,whole,,,,,pair,,,,,works,,,,,is,,,,,both,,,,,can,,,,,send,,,,,out,,,,,and,,,,,accept,,,,,the,,,,,dat a,,,,,,and,,,,,can,,,,,send,,,,,out,,,,,and,,,,,accept,,,,,at,,,,,the,,,,,same,,,,,time.,,,,,Be,,,,,like, ,,,,the,,,,,Internet,,,,,is,,,,,a,,,,,typical,,,,,example.The,,,,,process,,,,,that,,,,,information,,,,,transport,,,,,also,,,,,has,,,,,synchronous,,,,, and,,,,,different,,,,,step,,,,,cent:,,,,,The,,,,,data,,,,,line,,,,,and,,,,,the,,,,,clock,,,,,lines,,,,,ar e,,,,,synchronous,,,,,when,,,,,synchronous,,,,,meaning,,,,,lie,,,,,in,,,,,sending,,,,,out,,,,,th e,,,,,data,,,,,,is,,,,,also,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,signal,,,,,and,,,,,the,,,,,clock,,,,,signals,,,,,to,,,,,be, ,,,,carry,,,,,on,,,,,by,,,,,the,,,,,CPU,,,,,to,,,,,send,,,,,out,,,,,at,,,,,the,,,,,same,,,,,time,,,,,,this ,,,,,needs,,,,,to,,,,,all,,,,,want,,,,,the,,,,,specialized,,,,,clock,,,,,signal,,,,,each,,,,,other,,,,,t o,,,,,carry,,,,,on,,,,,the,,,,,transmission,,,,,and,,,,,connect,,,,,to,,,,,send,,,,,,and,,,,,is,,,,,con strained,,,,,,the,,,,,characteristics,,,,,of,,,,,this,,,,,kind,,,,,of,,,,,method,,,,,lies,,,,,in,,,,,its,,, ,,speed,,,,,very,,,,,quick,,,,,,but,,,,,correspond,,,,,work,,,,,time,,,,,of,,,,,take,,,,,up,,,,,the,,, ,,CPU,,,,,and,,,,,also,,,,,want,,,,,to,,,,,be,,,,,long,,,,,oppositely,,,,,,at,,,,,the,,,,,same,,,,,tim e,,,,,the,,,,,technique,,,,,difficulty,,,,,also,,,,,very,,,,,big.,,,,,Its,,,,,request,,,,,lies,,,,,in,,,,,c anting,,,,,have,,,,,an,,,,,error,,,,,margins,,,,,in,,,,,a,,,,,dates,,,,,deliver,,,,,,otherwise,,,,,the ,,,,,whole,,,,,piece,,,,,according,,,,,to,,,,,compare,,,,,the,,,,,occurrence,,,,,mistake,,,,,,this ,,,,,on,,,,,the,,,,,hardware,,,,,is,,,,,a,,,,,bigger,,,,,difficulty.,,,,,Applied,,,,,more,,,,,and,,,,, more,,,,,extensive,,,,,in,,,,,some,,,,,appropriative,,,,,equipments,,,,,,be,,,,,like,,,,,the,,,,,a ppropriative,,,,,medical,,,,,treatment,,,,,equipments,,,,,,the,,,,,numerical,,,,,signal,,,,,equ ipments...etc.,,,,,,in,,,,,compare,,,,,the,,,,,one,,,,,data,,,,,deliver,,,,,,its,,,,,result,,,,,is,,,,,ve ry,,,,,good.And,,,,,the,,,,,different,,,,,step,,,,,is,,,,,an,,,,,application,,,,,the,,,,,most,,,,,extensive, ,,,,,this,,,,,receive,,,,,benefit,,,,,in,,,,,it,,,,,of,,,,,technique,,,,,difficulty,,,,,is,,,,,opposite,,,, ,and,,,,,want,,,,,to,,,,,be,,,,,small,,,,,,at,,,,,the,,,,,same,,,,,time,,,,,not,,,,,need,,,,,to,,,,,prep are,,,,,the,,,,,specialized,,,,,clock,,,,,signal,,,,,,its,,,,,characteristics,,,,,to,,,,,lie,,,,,in,,,,,,its ,,,,,data,,,,,is,,,,,partition,,,,,,the,,,,,long-lost,,,,,send,,,,,out,,,,,and,,,,,accept,,,,,,be,,,,,the,, ,,,CPU,,,,,is,,,,,too,,,,,busy,,,,,of,,,,,time,,,,,can,,,,,grind,,,,,to,,,,,a,,,,,stop,,,,,sex,,,,,to,,,,, work,,,,,,also,,,,,reduced,,,,,the,,,,,difficulty,,,,,on,,,,,the,,,,,hardware,,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,th row,,,,,to,,,,,lose,,,,,at,,,,,the,,,,,same,,,,,time,,,,,opposite,,,,,want,,,,,to,,,,,be,,,,,little,,,,,,w e,,,,,can,,,,,pass,,,,,the,,,,,examination,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,to,,,,,observe,,,,,whether,,,,,t he,,,,,data,,,,,that,,,,,we,,,,,send,,,,,out,,,,,has,,,,,the,,,,,mistake,,,,,or,,,,,not,,,,,,be,,,,,like,,, ,,strange,,,,,accidentally,,,,,the,,,,,method,,,,,,tired,,,,,addition,,,,,and,,,,,eight,,,,,efficaci es,,,,,method,,,,,etc.,,,,,,can,,,,,use,,,,,to,,,,,helps,,,,,whether,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,that,,,,,we,,, ,,examine,,,,,to,,,,,send,,,,,out,,,,,have,,,,,or,,,,,not,,,,,the,,,,,mistake,,,,,occurrence,,,,,,pas s,,,,,the,,,,,feedback,,,,,to,,,,,carry,,,,,on,,,,,the,,,,,discriminator.A,,,,,line,,,,,of,,,,,transmission,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,information,,,,,contains,,,,,a,,,,,string, ,,,,of,,,,,and,,,,,combine,,,,,the,,,,,cent,,,,,of:,,,,,The,,,,,usual,,,,,PLC,,,,,is,,,,,8,,,,,machine s,,,,,,certainly,,,,,also,,,,,having,,,,,16,,,,,machines.,,,,,We,,,,,can,,,,,be,,,,,an,,,,,at,,,,,the,,, ,,time,,,,,of,,,,,sending,,,,,out,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,a,,,,,send,,,,,out,,,,,to,,,,,the,,,,,other,,,,,part y,,,,,,also,,,,,can,,,,,be,,,,,88,,,,,send,,,,,out,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,to,,,,,the,,,,,other,,,,,party,,,,,, an,,,,,and,,,,,8,,,,,differentiations,,,,,are,,,,,also,,,,,the,,,,,as,,,,,that,,,,,we,,,,,say,,,,,to,,,,,se nd,,,,,out,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,and,,,,,combine,,,,,sends,,,,,out,,,,,the,,,,,data.,,,,,A,,,,,speed,,,, ,is,,,,,more,,,,,and,,,,,slowly,,,,,,but,,,,,as,,,,,long,,,,,as,,,,,2,,,,,or,,,,,three,,,,,lines,,,,,can,,, ,,solve,,,,,problem,,,,,,and,,,,,can,,,,,use,,,,,the,,,,,telephone,,,,,line,,,,,to,,,,,carry,,,,,on,,,,, the,,,,,long,,,,,range,,,,,control.,,,,,But,,,,,combine,,,,,the,,,,,ocular,,,,,transmission,,,,,spe ed,,,,,is,,,,,very,,,,,quick,,,,,of,,,,,,it,,,,,is,,,,,a,,,,,string,,,,,of,,,,,ocular,,,,,of,,,,,25600%,,,,, ,occupy,,,,,the,,,,,advantage,,,,,in,,,,,the,,,,,short,,,,,distance,,,,,,the,,,,,in,,,,,view,,,,,of,,,,, the,,,,,fact,,,,,TTL,,,,,electricity,,,,,is,,,,,even,,,,,,being,,,,,limited,,,,,by,,,,,the,,,,,scope,,,, ,of,,,,,one,,,,,meter,,,,,generally,,,,,,it,,,,,combine,,,,,unwell,,,,,used,,,,,for,,,,,the,,,,,data,, ,,,transmission,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,long,,,,,pull,,,,,,thus,,,,,the,,,,,cost,,,,,is,,,,,too,,,,,expensive.Under,,,,,a,,,,,lot,,,,,of,,,,,circumstances,,,,,we,,,,,are,,,,,total,,,,,to,,,,,like,,,,,to,,,,,ad opt,,,,,the,,,,,string,,,,,to,,,,,combine,,,,,the,,,,,conversion,,,,,chip,,,,,to,,,,,carry,,,,,on,,,,,d eliver,,,,,,under,,,,,this,,,,,kind,,,,,of,,,,,circumstance,,,,,not,,,,,need,,,,,us,,,,,to,,,,,carry,,,, ,on,,,,,to,,,,,deposited,,,,,the,,,,,machine,,,,,to,,,,,establish,,,,,too,,,,,and,,,,,complicatedly ,,,,,,but,,,,,carry,,,,,on,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,exchanges,,,,,through,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,transmissi on,,,,,instruction,,,,,directly,,,,,,but,,,,,is,,,,,not,,,,,a,,,,,very,,,,,viable,,,,,way,,,,,in,,,,,the,, ,,,correspondence,,,,,,because,,,,,the,,,,,PLC,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,other,,,,,party,,,,,must,,,,,has, ,,,,been,,,,,wait,,,,,for,,,,,your,,,,,data,,,,,exportation,,,,,at,,,,,the,,,,,time,,,,,of,,,,,sending,, ,,,out,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,,it,,,,,can't,,,,,do,,,,,other,,,,,works.When,,,,,you,,,,,are,,,,,reading,,,,,the,,,,,book,,,,,,you,,,,,hear,,,,,someone,,,,,knock,, ,,,on,,,,,door,,,,,,you,,,,,stop,,,,,to,,,,,start,,,,,up,,,,,of,,,,,affair,,,,,,open,,,,,the,,,,,door,,,,,a nd,,,,,combine,,,,,to,,,,,continue,,,,,with,,,,,the,,,,,one,,,,,who,,,,,knock,,,,,on,,,,,door,,,,,a, ,,,,dialogue,,,,,,the,,,,,telephone,,,,,of,,,,,this,,,,,time,,,,,rang,,,,,,you,,,,,signal,,,,,hint,,,,,to,,,,,connect,,,,,a,,,,,telephone,,,,,,after,,,,,connecting,,,,,the,,,,,telephone,,,,,through,,,,,,re turn,,,,,overdo,,,,,come,,,,,together,,,,,knock,,,,,on,,,,,door,,,,,to,,,,,have,,,,,a,,,,,conversat ion,,,,,,after,,,,,dialogue,,,,,complete,,,,,,you,,,,,continue,,,,,again,,,,,to,,,,,see,,,,,your,,,,, book,,,,,,this,,,,,kind,,,,,of,,,,,circumstance,,,,,we,,,,,are,,,,,called,,,,,the,,,,,interruption,,,, ,to,,,,,it,,,,,,it,,,,,has,,,,,the,,,,,authority,,,,,,also,,,,,having,,,,,sex,,,,,of,,,,,have,,,,,the,,,,,ini tiative,,,,,,the,,,,,PLC,,,,,had,,,,,such,,,,,function,,,,,.Its,,,,,characteristics,,,,,lie,,,,,in,,,,,us ,,,,,and,,,,,may,,,,,meet,,,,,the,,,,,urgently,,,,,abrupt,,,,,affairs,,,,,in,,,,,the,,,,,operation,,,,, process,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,equipments,,,,,,we,,,,,want,,,,,to,,,,,stop,,,,,to,,,,,start,,,,,immediat ely,,,,,up,,,,,of,,,,,work,,,,,,the,,,,,whereabouts,,,,,manages,,,,,the,,,,,more,,,,,important,,,, ,affair,,,,,,this,,,,,kind,,,,,of,,,,,circumstance,,,,,is,,,,,we,,,,,usually,,,,,meet,,,,,of,,,,,,PLC,, ,,,while,,,,,carry,,,,,out,,,,,urgent,,,,,mission,,,,,,total,,,,,will,,,,,keep,,,,,the,,,,,current,,,,,a ppearance,,,,,first,,,,,,for,,,,,example,,,,,the,,,,,address,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,procedure,,,,,,CPU, ,,,,of,,,,,tired,,,,,add,,,,,the,,,,,machine,,,,,data,,,,,etc.,,,,,,be,,,,,like,,,,,to,,,,,stick,,,,,down, ,,,,which,,,,,the,,,,,book,,,,,that,,,,,we,,,,,see,,,,,is,,,,,when,,,,,we,,,,,open,,,,,the,,,,,door,,,,, the,,,,,page,,,,,or,,,,,simply,,,,,make,,,,,a,,,,,mark,,,,,,because,,,,,we,,,,,treat,,,,,and,,,,,wou ld,,,,,still,,,,,need,,,,,to,,,,,continue,,,,,immediately,,,,,after,,,,,book,,,,,of,,,,,see,,,,,the,,,,, behind.,,,,,The,,,,,CPU,,,,,always,,,,,does,,,,,the,,,,,affair,,,,,that,,,,,should,,,,,do,,,,,accor ding,,,,,to,,,,,our,,,,,will,,,,,,but,,,,,your,,,,,mistake,,,,,of,,,,,give,,,,,it,,,,,an,,,,,affair,,,,,,it,, ,,,also,,,,,would,,,,,be,,,,,same,,,,,to,,,,,do,,,,,,this,,,,,we,,,,,must,,,,,notice.The,,,,,interruption,,,,,is,,,,,not,,,,,only,,,,,a,,,,,,sometimes,,,,,existing,,,,,jointly,,,,, with,,,,,the,,,,,hour,,,,,several,,,,,inside,,,,,break,,,,,,break,,,,,off,,,,,to,,,,,have,,,,,the,,,,,pr eferred,,,,,Class,,,,,,they,,,,,will,,,,,carry,,,,,out,,,,,the,,,,,interruption,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,highe r,,,,,Class,,,,,according,,,,,to,,,,,person's,,,,,request.,,,,,This,,,,,kind,,,,,of,,,,,breaks,,,,,off, ,,,,the,,,,,medium,,,,,interruption,,,,,to,,,,,also,,,,,became,,,,,to,,,,,break,,,,,off,,,,,the,,,,,se t.,,,,,The,,,,,Class,,,,,that,,,,,certainly,,,,,break,,,,,off,,,,,is,,,,,relevant,,,,,according,,,,,to,,, ,,various,,,,,resources,,,,,of,,,,,CPU,,,,,with,,,,,internal,,,,,PLC,,,,,,also,,,,,following,,,,,a,, ,,,heap,,,,,of,,,,,capacity,,,,,size,,,,,of,,,,,also,,,,,relevant,,,,,fasten.The,,,,,contents,,,,,that,,,,,break,,,,,off,,,,,has,,,,,a,,,,,lot,,,,,of,,,,,kinds,,,,,,for,,,,,exa mple,,,,,the,,,,,exterior,,,,,break,,,,,off,,,,,,correspondence,,,,,in,,,,,of,,,,,send,,,,,out,,,,,an d,,,,,accept,,,,,the,,,,,interruption,,,,,and,,,,,settle,,,,,and,,,,,the,,,,,clock,,,,,that,,,,,count,,,, ,break,,,,,off,,,,,,still,,,,,have,,,,,the,,,,,WDT,,,,,to,,,,,reset,,,,,the,,,,,interruption,,,,,etc.,,,,, ,they,,,,,enriched,,,,,the,,,,,CPU,,,,,to,,,,,respond,,,,,to,,,,,the,,,,,category,,,,,while,,,,,han dle,,,,,various,,,,,business.,,,,,Speak,,,,,thus,,,,,perhaps,,,,,you,,,,,can't,,,,,comprehend,,,,, the,,,,,internal,,,,,structure,,,,,and,,,,,operation,,,,,orders,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,interruption,,,,,co mpletely,,,,,also,,,,,,we,,,,,do,,,,,a,,,,,very,,,,,small,,,,,example,,,,,to,,,,,explain.Each,,,,,equipment,,,,,always,,,,,will,,,,,not,,,,,forget,,,,,a,,,,,button,,,,,,it,,,,,also,,,,,i s,,,,,at,,,,,we,,,,,meet,,,,,the,,,,,urgent,,,,,circumstance,,,,,use,,,,,of,,,,,,which,,,,,is,,,,,nast y,,,,,to,,,,,stop,,,,,the,,,,,button.,,,,,When,,,,,we,,,,,meet,,,,,the,,,,,Human,,,,,body,,,,,troub le,,,,,and,,,,,surprised,,,,,circumstances,,,,,we,,,,,as,,,,,long,,,,,as,,,,,press,,,,,it,,,,,,the,,,,, machine,,,,,stops,,,,,all,,,,,operations,,,,,immediately,,,,,,and,,,,,wait,,,,,for,,,,,processing ,,,,,the,,,,,over,,,,,surprised,,,,,empress,,,,,recover,,,,,the,,,,,operation,,,,,again.,,,,,Nasty,,,,,stop,,,,,the,,,,,internal,,,,,I/,,,,,O,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,internal,,,,,CPU,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,button,,,, ,conjunction,,,,,PLC,,,,,to,,,,,connect,,,,,up,,,,,,be,,,,,to,,,,,press,,,,,button,,,,,an,,,,,exterio r,,,,,to,,,,,trigger,,,,,signal,,,,,for,,,,,CPU,,,,,,the,,,,,CPU,,,,,carries,,,,,on,,,,,to,,,,,the,,,,,I/,, ,,,O,,,,,to,,,,,examine,,,,,again,,,,,,being,,,,,to,,,,,confirm,,,,,to,,,,,have,,,,,the,,,,,exterior,,, ,,to,,,,,trigger,,,,,the,,,,,signal,,,,,,CPU,,,,,protection,,,,,the,,,,,spot,,,,,breaks,,,,,off,,,,,pro cedure,,,,,counts,,,,,the,,,,,machine,,,,,turn,,,,,the,,,,,homologous,,,,,exterior,,,,,I/,,,,,O,,,,, automatically,,,,,in,,,,,the,,,,,procedure,,,,,to,,,,,go,,,,,to,,,,,also,,,,,,be,,,,,exterior,,,,,interr uption,,,,,procedure,,,,,processing,,,,,complete,,,,,,the,,,,,procedure,,,,,counts,,,,,the,,,,,m achine,,,,,to,,,,,return,,,,,the,,,,,main,,,,,procedure,,,,,to,,,,,continue,,,,,to,,,,,work.,,,,,Hav e,,,,,1:00,,,,,can,,,,,what,,,,,to,,,,,explain,,,,,is,,,,,we,,,,,generally,,,,,would,,,,,nasty,,,,,sto p,,,,,the,,,,,button,,,,,of,,,,,exterior,,,,,break,,,,,off,,,,,to,,,,,rise,,,,,to,,,,,the,,,,,tallest,,,,,Cla ss,,,,,,thus,,,,,guarantee,,,,,the,,,,,safety.When,,,,,we,,,,,are,,,,,work,,,,,a,,,,,work,,,,,piece,,,,,,giving,,,,,the,,,,,PLC,,,,,a,,,,,si gnal,,,,,,counting,,,,,PLC,,,,,inner,,,,,part,,,,,the,,,,,machine,,,,,add,,,,,1,,,,,to,,,,,compute, ,,,,us,,,,,for,,,,,a,,,,,day,,,,,of,,,,,workload,,,,,,a,,,,,count,,,,,the,,,,,machine,,,,,and,,,,,can,,, ,,solve,,,,,problem,,,,,in,,,,,brief,,,,,,certainly,,,,,they,,,,,also,,,,,can,,,,,keep,,,,,the,,,,,data, ,,,,under,,,,,the,,,,,condition,,,,,of,,,,,dropping,,,,,the,,,,,electricity,,,,,,urging,,,,,the,,,,,dat a,,,,,not,,,,,to,,,,,throw,,,,,to,,,,,lose,,,,,,this,,,,,is,,,,,also,,,,,what,,,,,we,,,,,hope,,,,,earnestl y.The,,,,,PLC,,,,,still,,,,,has,,,,,the,,,,,function,,,,,that,,,,,the,,,,,high,,,,,class,,,,,counts, ,,,,the,,,,,machine,,,,,,being,,,,,us,,,,,while,,,,,accept,,,,,some,,,,,dates,,,,,of,,,,,high,,,,,spe ed,,,,,,the,,,,,high,,,,,speed,,,,,that,,,,,here,,,,,say,,,,,is,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,in,,,,,al l,,,,,aspects,,,,,tiny,,,,,second,,,,,class,,,,,,for,,,,,example,,,,,the,,,,,bar,,,,,code,,,,,scanner, ,,,,is,,,,,scanning,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,continuously,,,,,,calculating,,,,,high-speed,,,,,signal,,,, ,of,,,,,the,,,,,data,,,,,processor,,,,,DSP,,,,,etc.,,,,,,we,,,,,will,,,,,adopt,,,,,the,,,,,high,,,,,clas s,,,,,to,,,,,count,,,,,the,,,,,machine,,,,,to,,,,,help,,,,,we,,,,,carry,,,,,on,,,,,count.,,,,,It,,,,,at,,,, ,the,,,,,PLC,,,,,carries,,,,,out,,,,,the,,,,,procedure,,,,,once,,,,,discover,,,,,that,,,,,the,,,,,hig h,,,,,class,,,,,counts,,,,,the,,,,,machine,,,,,to,,,,,should,,,,,of,,,,,interruption,,,,,,will,,,,,let,, ,,,go,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,work,,,,,on,,,,,the,,,,,hand,,,,,immediately.,,,,,The,,,,,trapezoid,,,,,dia gram,,,,,procedure,,,,,that,,,,,passes,,,,,by,,,,,to,,,,,weave,,,,,the,,,,,distance,,,,,again,,,,,ex plains,,,,,the,,,,,high,,,,,class,,,,,for,,,,,us,,,,,to,,,,,carry,,,,,out,,,,,procedure,,,,,to,,,,,count, ,,,,machine,,,,,would,,,,,automatic,,,,,performance,,,,,to,,,,,should,,,,,of,,,,,work,,,,,,thus, ,,,,rise,,,,,the,,,,,Class,,,,,that,,,,,the,,,,,high,,,,,class,,,,,counts,,,,,the,,,,,machine,,,,,to,,,,,h igh,,,,,one,,,,,Class.You,,,,,heard,,,,,too,,,,,many,,,,,this,,,,,phrases,,,,,perhaps:",,,,,crash",,,,,,the,,,,,mea ning,,,,,that,,,,,is,,,,,mostly,,,,,is,,,,,a,,,,,workload,,,,,of,,,,,CPU,,,,,to,,,,,lead,,,,,greatly,,,,, ,the,,,,,internal,,,,,resources,,,,,shortage,,,,,etc.,,,,,the,,,,,circumstance,,,,,can't,,,,,result,,, ,,in,,,,,procedure,,,,,circulate.,,,,,The,,,,,PLC,,,,,also,,,,,has,,,,,the,,,,,similar,,,,,circumsta nce,,,,,,there,,,,,is,,,,,a,,,,,watchdog,,,,,WDT,,,,,in,,,,,the,,,,,inner,,,,,part,,,,,of,,,,,PLC,,,,,, we,,,,,can,,,,,establish,,,,,time,,,,,that,,,,,a,,,,,procedure,,,,,of,,,,,WDT,,,,,circulate,,,,,,bei ng,,,,,to,,,,,appear,,,,,the,,,,,procedure,,,,,to,,,,,jump,,,,,to,,,,,turn,,,,,the,,,,,mistake,,,,,in,,, ,,the,,,,,procedure,,,,,movement,,,,,process,,,,,or,,,,,the,,,,,procedure,,,,,is,,,,,busy,,,,,,mo vement,,,,,time,,,,,of,,,,,the,,,,,procedure,,,,,exceeds,,,,,WDT,,,,,constitution,,,,,time,,,,,,t。
数字钟是其小巧,价格低廉,走时精度高,使用方便,功能多,便于集成化而受广大消费的喜爱,因此得到了广泛的使用关键字:单片机,数字电子钟,显示时间,系统仿真毕业设计(论文)外文摘要Abstract :The late 20th century, electronic technology has been rapid development in its promotion of modern electronics into almost a club Fields, a strong impetus to the development of social productive forces and socialimprovement in the level of information, but also the modern electronic products Further improve the product performance, product replacement is also faster and faster pace. Growing emphasis on modern life from the time the concept of time and money can be said to draw the equal sign. For those who Grasp of time and things are very strict and precise, the time will bring great incorrect trouble, so digital Tube display pointer clock than the clock showed a big advantage. Digital display of time and read simple Number of fast, accurate display of time to seconds. The mechanical oscillator depends on the crystal may lead to error. Digital Clock is a digital circuit implementation of the "when", "sub", "seconds" The figures show the timing device. Digital clock accuracy Stability is far more than the old mechanical clock. In this design, we use LED digital display hours, minutes, seconds, to 24 Hour time mode, according to digital control theory to dynamic display to display, use the 12MHz crystal oscillation pulse, will Timer count. In this design, the circuit has a display time of the this function, you can also realize the time adjustment. Figure Clock is its compact, low cost, travel time and high precision, easy to use, features and more, easy integration and loved by the general consumer, Therefore widely used.Keywords: The monolithic machine , figure electronic clock , display time , system simulate目录第一章引言 (5)第二章整体设计方案 (5)2.1 单片机的选择 (5)2.2 单片机的基本结构 (6)第三章数字钟的硬件设计 (9)3.1 电子钟整体电路图 (9)3.2 LED显示电路 (12)3.3 键盘控制电路 (14)第四章数字钟的软件设计 (14)4.1 系统软件设计流程图 (15)4.2 数字钟的原理图 (18)4.3 主程序 (19)4.4 时钟设置子程序 (20)4.5 定时器中断子程序 (20)4.6 LED显示程序 (21)4.7 按键控制子程序 (22)4.8数字钟的仿真 (23)结束语 (24)致谢 (25)参考文献、资料索引 (25)第一章引言20世纪末,电子技术获得了飞速的发展,在其推动下,现代电子产品几乎渗透了社会的各个领域,有力地推动了社会生产力的发展和社会信息化程度的提高,同时也使现代电子产品性能进一步提高,产品更新换代的节奏也越来越快。
PLC控制的数字显示电子钟设计(最终稿)青岛理工大学毕业论文题目: PLC控制的数字显示电子钟设计学生姓名:学生学号:院系名称:专业班级:指导教师: 2021年 6 月 15 日毕业设计任务书专业机电一体化班级姓名下发日期 2021-3-1 题目专题 PLC控制的数字显示电子钟设计 PLC控制 1. 该课题基于PLC控制的数字电子显示钟并运用传感器、PLC等电器元件完成系统要求的控制步骤。
2. 编写程序使电子钟完成数字显示。
4. 调试软件,完成整个控制系统的控制过程。
主要内容及要求 1.设计出系统模型,实现预期目标。
术参数 2.系统布局合理,手动/自动的相互切换。
教学院长签字日期教研室主任签字日期 2021-3-1 指导教师签字日期 2021-3-1 指导教师评语指导教师: 2021年 6 月 16 日青岛理工大学毕业设计评阅意见表设计题目评价项目评价标准(A级) PLC控制的数字显示电子钟设计满分评分A 10 10 ≤12 B 9 C 8 D 7 E ≤6 文献能独立地利用多种方式查阅中外文资料献;能正确翻译外文资料;能正确利用有效地利用各种规范、设计手册等。
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外文资料PLC technique discussion and future developmentAlong with the development of the ages, the technique that is nowadays is also gradually perfect, the competition plays more strong; the operation that list depends the artificial produce practice, automate brought the tremendous convenience and the product quantities for people up of assurance, also eased the personnel's labor strength, reduce the establishment on the personnel. The target control of the in many complicated production lines, whole and excellent turn, the best decision etc., well-trained operation work, technical personnel or expert, governor but can judge and operate easily, can acquire the satisfied result. The research target of the artificial intelligence makes use of the calculator exactly to carry out, imitate these intelligences behavior, moderating the work through person's brain and calculators, with the mode that person's machine combine, for resolve the very complicated problem to look for the best pathWe come in sight of the control that links after the electric appliances in various situation, that is already the that time generation past, now of after use in the mold a perhaps simple equipments of grass-roots control that the electric appliances can do for the low level only; And the PLC emergence also became the epoch-making topic, adding the vivid software control through a very and stable : The electrical engineering teacher already no longer electric that the button switch or the importation of thesensors order to link the PLC up can solve problem, pass to output to order the conjunction contact machine or control the start equipments of the big power after the electric appliances, but the exportation equipments direct conjunction of the small power can.PLC internal containment I O for expand of exterior to connect a people's address and saving machine three big pieces to constitute, CPU core is from an or many is tired to add the machine to constitute, mathematics that they ability, and can read the procedure save the contents of the machine to drive the ; The I O add inner part is tired the input and output system of the machine and exterior link, and deposit the related data into the procedure saving machine or data saving machine; The saving machine can deposit the data that the I O input in the saving machine, and in work adjusting to become tired to add the machine and I Os to connect, saving machine separately saving machine RAM of the procedure saving machine ROM and dates, the ROM can do deposit of the data permanence in the saving machine, but RAM only for the CPU computes the temporary calculation usage of its service life and the work situation bad, these all problems to come to internal resources of make use of the PLC to strengthen the control ability of the equipments for us, make our equipments more gentle.PLC language is not we imagine of edit collected materials the language or language of Cs to carry on weaving the distance, but the trapezoid diagram that the adoption is original after the electric appliances to control, make the electrical engineering teacher while weaving to writethe procedure very easy comprehended the PLC language, and a lot of non- electricity professional also very quickly know and go deep into to the PLC.Is PLC one of the advantage above and only, this is also one part that the people comprehend more and easily, in a lot of equipments, the people error perhaps you can still accept; But lead even is a fatal error greatly is what we can't is tolerant of. New technique always for bringing more safe and convenient operation for us, make we a lot of problems for face on sweep but light, do you understand the HMI? Says the HMI -machine interface you knew, and it combines with the PLC to our larger space.HMI the control not only is reduced the control press button, increase the vivid of the control, more main of it is can sequence of, and at can the change data input to output the feedback with data, control in the temperature curve of imitate but also can keep the manifestation of view to come out. And can write the function one's power, the one who make operate reduces the otiose error. Currently the HMI factory is also more and more, the function is also more and more strong, the price is also more and more low, and the noodles of the usage are wide more and more. The HMI foreground can say that think ° to be good very.At a lot of situations, the list is a smooth movement that can't guarantee the equipments by the control of the single machine, but pass the information exchanges of the equipments and equipments to attain the result that we want. For example fore pack and the examination of theempress work preface, we will arrive wrapping information feedback to examine the place, and examine the information of the place to also want the feedback to packing. Pass the information share thus to make both the chain connect, becoming a total body, the match of your that thus make is more close, at each other attain to reflect the result that mutually flick.The PLC correspondence PLCs, can pass the communication of the information and the share of the dates to guarantee that of the equipments moderates mutually, the result that arrive already to repair with each other. Data conversion the adoption RS232 between PLC connect to come to the transmission data, but the RS232 pick up a people and can guarantee 10 meters only of deliver the distance, if in the distance of 1000 meters we can pass the RS485 to carry on the correspondence, the longer distance can pass the MODEL only to carry on deliver.The PLC data transmission is just to be called a form to it in a piece of and continuous address that the data of the inner part delivers the other party, we, the PLC of the other party passes to read data in the watch to carry on the operation. If the data that data in the watch is a to establish generally, that is just the general data transmission, for example today of oil price rise, I want to deliver the price of the oil price to lose the oil ally on board, that is the share of the data; But take data in the watch for an instruction procedure that controls the PLC, that work that you imagine, you will draw up for it the form that a procedure combine with the data sends out to pass by.The form that information transport contain single work, the send out only, but a can receive only, for example a spy receive the designation of the superior only, but can't give the superior reply; A work of send out similar to accept the data, but can't send out and accept at the same time, for example when you make a phone call is to can't answer the phone, the other party also; But whole pair works is both can send out and accept the data, and can send out and accept at the same time. Be like the Internet is a typical example.The process that information transport also synchronous meaning lie in sending out the data, is also the data signal and the clock signals to be carry on by the CPU to send out at the same time, this needs to all want the specialized clock signal each other to carry on the transmission and connect to send, and is constrained, the characteristics of this kind of method lies in its speed very quick, but correspond work time of take up the CPU and also want to be long oppositely, at the same time the technique difficulty also very big. Its request lies in canting error margins in a dates deliver, otherwise the whole piece according to compare the occurrence mistake, this on the some appropriative equipments, be like the appropriative medical treatment equipments, the numerical signal equipments...etc., in compare the one data deliver, its result is very good.And the different step is an application the most extensive, this receive benefit in it of technique difficulty is opposite and want to be small, at the same time not need to prepare the specialized clock signal, its characteristics to lie in, its data is partition, the long-lost send out andaccept, be the CPU is too busy of time can grind to a stop sex to work, also reduced the difficulty on the pass the examination of the data to observe whether the data that we send out and eight efficacies method etc., can use to the discriminator.A line of transmission of the information contains a string of and combine the cent of: The usual PLC is 8 machines, certainly also be an at the time of sending out the data a send out to the other party, also can be 88 send out the data to the other party, an and 8 differentiations are also the as that we say to send out the data and combine sends out the data. A speed is more and slowly, but as long as 2 or three lines can solve problem, and can use the telephone line to carry on the long range control. But combine the ocular transmission speed is very quick of, it is a string of ocular of 25600%, occupy the advantage in the short distance, the in view of the fact TTL electricity is even, being limited by the scope of one meter generally, it combine unwell used for the data transmission of the long pull, thus the cost is too expensive.Under a lot of circumstances we are total to like to adopt the string to combine the conversion chip to carry on deliver, under this kind of circumstance not need us to carry on to deposited the machine to establish too and complicatedly, but carry on the data exchanges through the data transmission instruction directly, but is not a very viable way in the correspondence, because the PLC of the other party must wait for your data exportation at the time of sending out the data, it can't do other works.When you are reading the book, you door, you stop to start up of affair, open the door and combine to continue with the one who knock on door a dialogue, the telephone of this time rang, you signal overdo come together knock on door to , after dialogue complete, you continue again to see your book, this kind of circumstance we are called the interruption to it, it .Its characteristics lie in us and may meet the urgently abrupt affairs in the operation process of the equipments, we want to stop to start immediately up of work, the whereabouts manages the more important affair, this kind of circumstance is we usually meet of, PLC while carry out urgent mission, total will keep the current appearance first, for example the address of the procedure, CPU of tired add the machine data etc., be like to stick down which the book that we see is when we open the door the page or simply make a mark, because we treat and would still need to continue immediately after book of see the behind. The CPU always does the affair that should do according to our will, but your mistake of give it an affair, it also would be same to do, this we must notice.The interruption is not only a, sometimes existing jointly with the of the to also became to break off the set. The Class that certainly break off is relevant according to various resources of CPU with internal PLC, also following a .The contents that break off of send out and accept the interruption and settle and the clock that count break off, still etc., they enriched the CPU to respond to the category while orders of the interruption completely also, we do a very small example to explain.Each equipment always will not forget a button, it also is at we meet the urgent circumstance use of, which is nasty to stop the button. When we meet the Human body trouble and surprised circumstances we as long as press it, the machine stops all operations immediately, and wait for processing the over surprised empress recover the operation again. Nasty stop the internal I O of the internal CPU of the button conjunction PLC to connect up, be to press button an exterior to trigger signal for CPU, the CPU carries on to the I O to examine again, being to confirm to the spot breaks off procedure counts the machine turn the the procedure to go to also, be exterior interruption procedure processing complete, the procedure counts the machine to return the main procedure to continue to work. Have 1:00 can what to explain is we generally would nasty stop the button of exterior break off to rise to the tallest Class, thus guarantee the safety.When we are work a work piece, giving the PLC a signal, counting PLC inner part the machine add 1 to compute us for a day of workload, a count the machine and can solve problem in brief, certainly they also can keep the data under the condition of dropping the electricity, urging the data not to throw to lose, this is also what we that the all aspects tiny second class, for example the bar code scanner is scanning the data continuously, calculating count. It at the PLC carries out the procedure once discover that the , will let go of the work on the explains the procedure circulate. The PLC also the inner part of PLC, we can establish time that a procedure of WDT circulate, being to appear the procedure to jump to turn the mistake in the procedure movement processor the procedure is busy, movement time of the procedure exceeds WDT constitution time, the CPU turn but the WDT reset the appearance. The procedure restarts the movement, but will not carry on the breakage to the interruption.The PLC development the share easily. A state software can pass all se picture of keep the view to carries on the control, and cans pass the Internet to carry on the control in the foreign land, the blast-off that is like the absolute being boat No.5 is to adopt this kind of way to make airship go up the sky.The development of the . The PLC emergence , coming to the continuous development PLC technique, push it toward efficient and flexible control system design.The programmable logic controller's (PLC's) ability to support a range of communication methods makes it an ideal control and data acquisition device for a wide variety of industrial automation and facility control applications. However, there is some confusion because so many possibilities exist. To , let's list what communications are available and when they would be best applied.To understand the PLC's communications versatility, let's first define the terms used in describing the various systems.ASCII: This stands for "American Standard Code for Information Interchange." As shown in Fig. 1, when the letter "A" is transmitted, forinstance, it's automatically coded as "65" by the sending equipment. The receiving equipment translates the "65" back to the letter "A." Thus, different devices can communicate with each other as long as both use ASCII code.ASCII module: This intelligent PLC module is used for connecting PLCs to other devices also capable of communicating using ASCII code as a vehicle.Bus topology: This is a linear local area network (LAN) arrangement, as shown in Fig. 2A, in which individual nodes are tapped into a main communications cable at a single point and broadcast messages. These messages travel in both directions on the bus from the point of connection until they are dissipated by terminators at each end of the bus.CPU: This stands for "central processing unit," which actually is that part of a computer, PLC, or other intelligent device where arithmetic and logical operations are performed and instructions are decoded and executed.Daisy chain: This is a description of the connection of individual devices in a PLC network, where, as shown in Fig. 3, each device is connected to the next and communications signals pass from one unit to the next in a sequential fashion.Distributed control: This is an automation concept in which portions of an automated system are controlled by separate controllers, which arelocated in close proximity to their area of direct control (control is decentralized and spread out over the system).Host computer: This is a computer that's used to transfer data to, or receive data from, a PLC in a PLCcomputer network.Intelligent device: This term describes any device equipped with its own CPU.IO: This stands for "inputs and outputs," which are modules that external device.Kbps: This stands for "thousand bits per second," which is a rate of measure for electronic data transfer.Mbps: This stands for "million bits per second."Node: This term is applied to any one of the positions or stations in a network. Each node incorporates a device that can communicate with all other devices on the network.Protocol: The definition of on a network.Ring topology. This is a LAN arrangement, as shown in Fig. 2C, in which each node is connected to two other nodes, resulting in a continuous, closed, circular path or loop for messages to circulate, usually in one direction. Some ring topologies if the main cable is severed.RS232. This is an IEEE standard for serial communications thatdescribes specific wiring connections, voltage levels, and other operating parameters for electronic data communications. There also are several other RS standards defined.Serial: This is an electronic data transfer scheme in which information is transmitted one bit at a time.Serial port: This the communications access point on a device that is set up for serial communications.Star topology. This is a LAN arrangement in which, as shown in Fig. 2B, nodes are connected to one another through a central be active or passive. An active a LAN in relation to one another.Transparent: This term describes automatic events or processes built into a system that require no special programming or prompting from an operator.Now that we're familiar with these terms, let's see describing the available PLC network options.PLC network optionsPLC networks provide you with a variety of networking options to meet specific control and communications requirements. Typical options include remote IO, peer-to-peer, and provide reliable and cost-effective communications between as few as two or as many as several ASCII interface for the connection(s), along with considerable work withsoftware.Remote I0 systemsA remote IO configuration, as shown in Fig. 4A, be described as a "master-and-slave" configuration, allows many distant digital and analog points to be controlled by a single PLC. Typically, remote IOs are connected to the CPU via twisted pair or fiber optic cables.Remote IO configurations can be extremely cost-effective control solutions where only a few IO points are needed in widely separated areas. In this situation, it's not always necessary, or practical for that matter, to be used in acquiring data from remote plant or facility locations. Information such as cycle times, counts, duration or events, etc. then can be sent back to the PLC for maintenance and management reporting.In a remote IO configuration, the master controller polls the slaved IO for its current IO status. The remote IO system responds, and the master PLC then signals the remote IO to change the state of outputs as dictated by the control program in the PLC's memory. This entire cycle occurs in Fig. 4B, enhance reliability by decentralizing the control functions without sacrificing coordinated control. In this type of network, numerous PLCs are connected to one another in a daisy-chain fashion, and a common memory table is duplicated in the memory of each. In this way, when any PLC writes data to this memory area, the information is automatically transferred to all other PLCs in the network. They then can use this information in their own operating programs.With peer-to-peer networks, each PLC in the network is responsible for its own control site and only needs to be programmed for its own area of responsibility. This aspect of the network significantly reduces programming and debugging complexity; because all communications occur transparently to the user, communications programming is reduced to simple read-and-write statements.In a peer-to-peer system, there's no master PLC. However, it's possible to designate one of the PLCs as a master for use as a type of group controller. This PLC then can be used to accept input information from an operator input terminal, for example, sending all the necessary parameters to other PLCs and coordinating the sequencing of various events.Host computer linksPLCs also can be connected with computers or other intelligent devices. In fact, most PLCs, from the small to the very large, can be directly connected to a computer or part of a multi drop of computer and controller maximizes the capabilities of the PLC, for control and data acquisition, as well as the computer, for data processing, documentation, and operator interface.In a PLCcomputer network, as shown in Fig. 4C, all communications are initiated by the a daisy-chain fashion. This computer individually addresses each of its networked PLCs and asks for specific information. The addressed PLC then sends this information to the computer for storage and further analysis. This cycle occurs aid in programmingPLCs; powerful programming and documentation software is available for program development. Programs then can be written on the computer in relay ladder logic and downloaded into the PLC. In this way, you can create, modify, debug, and monitor PLC programs via a computer terminal.In addition to must interface with other devices, such as operator interface terminals for large security and building management systems. Although many intelligent devices can communicate directly with PLCs via conventional RS232C ports and serial ASCII code, some don't fixed formats. It's the PLC programmer's responsibility to provide the necessary software interface.The easiest way to provide such an interface to fixed-format intelligent devices is to use an ASCIIBASIC module on the PLC. This module is essentially a small computer that plugs into the bus of the PLC. Equipped with RS232 ports and programmed in BASIC, the module easily can functions, programming sequences, "number crunching," report and display generation, and other requirements.Access, protocol, and modulation functions of LANsBy using standard interfaces and protocols, LANs allow a mix of devices (PLCs, PCs, mainframe computers, operator interface terminals, etc.) from many different vendors to communicate with others on the network.Access: A LAN's access method prevents the occurrence of more than one message on the network at a time. There are two common access methods.Collision detection is where the nodes "listen" to the network and transmit only if there are no other messages on the network. If two nodes transmit simultaneously, the collision is detected and both nodes retransmit until their messages get through properly.Token passing allows each node to transmit only if it's in possession of a special electronic message called a token. The token is passed from node to node, allowing each an opportunity to transmit without interference. Tokens usually for a long period of time.Protocol: Network protocols define the way messages are arranged and coded for transmission on the LAN. The following are two common types.Proprietary protocols are unique message arrangements and coding developed by a specific vendor for use with that vendor's product only.Open protocols are based on industry standards such as TCPIP or ISOOSI models and are openly published.Modulation: Network modulation refers to the way messages are encoded for transmission over a cable. The two most common types are broadband and baseband.Network transmission interfacesThe vast majority of PLC communications is done via RS232C and twisted pair cables. Most PLCs RS232 port and are capable of speed is 19.2 Kbps.The distance and data transmission rates are standards for the various interfaces. Their actual performance is a function of the driving devices and varies significantly between manufacturers. As such, you should consult the manufacturer's specifications for actual distance and data transmission rate capabilities.The only real limitation on RS232C is the 50-ft recommended distance between devices. While RS232C installations often can achieve cabling distances greater than this, the "unbalanced" design of the interface results in a greater susceptibility to surrounding electrical noise and reduced data integrity. This is particularly true where electromagnetic interference (EMI) and radio-frequency interference (RFI) are known to exist.When longer transmission distances are needed, RS422 is a better choice. Unlike the RS232C interface, RS422 is "balanced." Each of its primary signals consists of two wires that are always at opposite logic levels, with respect to signal ground. As a result, the interface can achieve longer transmission distance (4000 ft) and rates (up to 90 Kbps). In shorter runs (less than 50 ft), data transfer can reach 10 Mbps.Fiber optic communications are gaining greater acceptance and arebeing used in more and more installations. Fiber optic cable is virtually impervious to span extremely long distances and transmit data at very some LAN systems, these links can transmit at relatively long distances before requiring a repeater. When repeaters are used, virtually unlimited distances can be achieved.中文翻译可编程控制器技术讨论与未来发展随着时代的发展,当今的技术也日趋完善、竞争愈演愈烈;单靠人工的操作已不能满足于目前的制造业前景,也无法保证更高质量的要求和高新技术企业的形象.人们在生产实践中看到,自动化给人们带来了极大的便利和产品质量上的保证,同时也减轻了人员的劳动强度,减少了人员上的编制.在许多复杂的生产过程中难以实现的目标控制、整体优化、最佳决策等,熟练的操作工、技术人员或专家、管理者却能够容易判断和操作,可以获得满意的效果.人工智能的研究目标正是利用计算机来实现、模拟这些智能行为,通过人脑与计算机协调工作,以人机结合的模式,为解决十分复杂的问题寻找最佳的途径我们在各种场合看到了继电器连接的控制,那已经是时代的过去,如今的继电器只能作为低端的基层控制模块或者简单的设备中使用到;而PLC的出现也成为了划时代的主题,通过极其稳定的硬件穿插灵活的软件控制,使得自动化走向了新的高潮。