
1. 接触式光刻(Contact Lithography):此技术路线将掩模直接与光刻胶接触,通过紫外光照射来传导图案。
2. 脱接触式光刻(Proximity Lithography):在脱接触式光刻中,光刻胶和掩模之间仅存在微小的距离,而不接触彼此。
3. 投影式光刻(Projection Lithography):这是最常用的光刻技术路线之一。
4. 电子束光刻(Electron Beam Lithography,EBL):电子束光刻是一种高分辨率光刻技术,利用聚焦的电子束直接写入图案。

光刻机(Photolithography Equipment)是一种用于集成电路制造的关键设备,它在半导体工艺中用于将图案或模式投影到光敏剂涂覆的硅片(或其他基片)上。
1. 掩膜制作:首先,根据设计要求,制作一个光刻掩膜(Photomask),其中包含了所需的图案或模式。
2. 光刻胶涂覆:将待加工的硅片(或其他基片)放入光刻机中,使用旋涂工艺将光刻胶均匀地涂覆在硅片表面上。
3. 掩膜对准:将光刻掩膜放置在光刻机上,然后通过对准系统将掩膜上的图案对准到硅片上。
4. 曝光和照明:光刻机使用紫外线光源照射光刻掩膜,通过透过掩膜的透明区域,将光照射到覆盖在硅片上的光刻胶上。
5. 显影和刻蚀:曝光后,将硅片放入显影液中进行显影。
6. 清洗和检验:在光刻过程结束后,对硅片进行清洗,将未固化或残留的光刻胶和其他杂质去除。

1. 高精度。
2. 高效率。
3. 低成本。
4. 能够实现多层结构。

通过将光刻胶(photoresist)涂覆在硅片表面,然后使用光刻机将光投射到光刻胶上,形成模式,最后使用化学蚀刻(chemical etching)或蒸发镀膜(metallization)等工艺将模式转移到硅片上。
在这种模式中,光源通过一个分束器(beam splitter)将光分成多个光束,然后通过反射镜照射到多个硅片上。

1. 制作基底:首先,根据设计要求选择合适的基底材料,如石英玻璃或聚合物。
2. 电子束曝光:使用计算机辅助设计软件(CAD)来设计光
3. 显影:将其暴露在化学溶液中,使曝光的部分获得显影作用。
4. 蒸镀:将金属或其他合适的材料蒸镀到显影后的基底上。
5. 清洗:将光刻版进行清洗,以去除在之前步骤中产生的化学残留物和污染物。
6. 检查和修复:对光刻版进行检查,如果发现任何缺陷或损坏,可以尝试修复。
7. 最终检验:最后,对光刻版进行仔细的最终检验,以确保图
8. 包装和保护:完成光刻版的制作后,将其放入适当的包装盒中,并采取必要的措施来保护光刻版,以防止损坏或污染。

(英⽂)⽆掩膜光刻的模式⽣成系统1. INTRODUCTIONRecently, the Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) by Texas Instruments Inc. (TI) has brought the innovation on the digital light processing technology[1]. Especially in the field of microdisplays, the DMD which is an array of micromirrors appears to be the most successful Micro Electronic Mechanical System (MEMS) solution [2, 3].Nowadays, many new DMD application fields are emerged. One of them is the photolithography for Flat Panel Display (FPD) fabrication [4]. The conventional lithography has been carried using pattern masks in order to have patterns on photo resistant coated substrates be exposed to ultraviolet light. Besides the cost and time for manufacturing disposable photomasks or reticles, the contamination of the final products caused by pattern masks has become significant in FPD industry. Moreover, the lithographic accuracy yields the alignment of the mask with the substrate or stage, which is hard to be ensured because of the vibration caused by fabrication environment.In DMD based maskless photolithography system, the micromirror array works as a virtual photomask to write patterns directly onto FPD glass substrates at high speed with low cost. In comparison with other maskless photolithography technologies, DMD based maskless photolithography technology possesses superior features all together such as sufficient throughput for highly customized patterns, higher but precise resolution, fine lithographic quality, efficiency in cost and time, and so on. Moreover, DMD even comes out with its own motion controller.However, the task providing command for DMD controller against millions of individually addressable and adjustable micromirrors in DMD frame for the photolithographic pattern generation is left behind on each system developer unsolved. The development of the entire pattern generating system from loading of photolithographic pattern data till delivering it to DMD controller is essential and crucial for photolithography, even though it is not simple to generate region-based patterns for the micromirror array and is not easy to deliver sequences of patterns for the micromirror controller. On the other hand, the synchronization between generating sequence of patterns and irradiation rate off micromirrors significantly affects the quality of lithography.In this study, we aim to develop an effective pattern generating system that creates photolithographic region for the micromirror array. The region-based pattern generating system for maskless photolithography is proposed.Region-based Pattern Generating System for Maskless PhotolithographyYounghun Jin*, Kiwon Park*, Jaeman Choi*, Sangjin Kim**, Changgeun An**, and Manseung Seo** Dept. of Computer-Aided Mechanical Design Eng., Tongmyong Univ. of I.T., Busan, Korea(Tel:+82-51-610-8351;E-mail:**********.kr)**Thinfilm Technology Group, LG PRC, LG Electronics, Gyunggido, Korea(Tel : +82-31-660-7332; E-mail: cgan@/doc/26a82a9050e79b89680203d8ce2f0066f53364b6.html ) Abstract: In the maskless photolithography based on the Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) by Texas Instruments Inc. (TI), the micromirror array works as a virtual photomask to write patterns directly onto Flat Panel Display (FPD) at high speed with low cost. However, it is neither simple to generate region-based patterns for the micromirror array nor easy to deliver sequences of patterns for the micromirror controller. Moreover, the quality of lithography yields the precise synchronization between generating sequence of patterns and irradiation rate off micromirrors. In this study, the region-based pattern generating system for maskless photolithography is devised. To verify salient features of devised functionalities, the prototype system is implemented and the system is evaluated with actual DMD based photolithography. The results show that proposed pattern generating method is proper and reliable. Moreover, the devised region-based pattern generating system is robust and precise enough to handle any possible user specified mandate and to achieve the quality of photolithography required by FPD manufacturer.Keywords: Photolithography, Maskless, Digital Micromirror Device (DMD), Flat Panel Display (FPD)The devised pattern sequence data generating systemconsists of four major functionalities; 1) Reading CAD Datawritten in the Drawing eXchange Format (DXF), 2) Extractingthe regional information and constructing the lithographicregion, 3) Transforming constructed lithographic region intobinary data, 4) Delivering binary data to DMD controller forlithography.To evaluate proposed functionalities, the prototype systemis implemented, and actual DMD based photolithographyusing the system is carried. The results show that proposedpattern generating method is proper and reliable. Moreover,the implemented region-based pattern generating system isprecise enough to achieve the quality of photolithographyrequired by FPD manufacturer.2. DMD BASED MASKLESSPHOTOLITHOGRAPHY EQUIPMENTThe DMD based maskless photolithography equipmentconsists of three major devices. The first one is the radiationdevice. The second is the irradiation device including DMDcontroller, DMD, focusing optics, photo resistant coated glasssubstrate, and base stage assembly and its controller. The lastis the dynamic pattern control device being composed with thephotolithographic pattern generating system, the radiationcontrol unit, and the stage control unit.Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of DMD basedmaskless photolithography equipment. The eXtended GraphicArray (XGA) 1024X768 Array DMD manufactured by TI has13.68 µm of one Pixel Field Of View (FOV) and it is enlargedto 40 µm in present work. As shown in Fig. 1, micromirrors ofDMD are exposed to incoming radiation released from theultraviolet light source. The reflection off the micromirrors isdetermined upon the signal from the photolithographic patterngenerating system to DMD controller. Then, the light reflectedoff the micromirrors is projected through focusing optics ontothe photo resistant material coated on top of the glass substratelaid on x-y scrolling base stage. Throughout DMD basedmaskless photolithography in concern, all DMD controllerdoes is only digital control of the light reflection formicromirrors i.e., it gives the approval of reflection as on or off. Therefore, the operation of the maskless photolithography equipment might be thought so simple.However, in reality, it is not. Sending the approval of on/off reflection for each of millions of micromirrors to DMD controller is more complicated than thought. Especially when reflection by the rotated DMD frame is unavoidable and/or in case when projection into the scrolling object is required, it is even troublesome to construct the proper lithographic region. Unfortunately through the maskless photolithography in concern, both reflection by the rotated DMD frame and projection into the scrolling object are imposed. Therefore, devising a customized pattern generating system entirely from loading of photolithographic pattern data till delivering it to DMD controller is inevitable.In this study, we focused our attention on the development of an effective pattern generating system that gives signals to DMD controller for the generation of photolithographic pattern, at prescribed radiation signal upon the irradiation intensity and stage control signal adjusted upon the pitch proper to the angle of DMD rotation and resolution. The region-based pattern generating system for DMD based maskless photolithography is proposed.3. LITHOGRAPHIC PATTERN GENERATIONThe region-based pattern generating system in present study consists of four major functionalities. Figure 2 shows the region-based pattern generating flow. The first is loading Computer Aided Design (CAD) data written in the Drawing eXchange Format (DXF) through the recognition of geometric entities as lines and arcs. The second is associated with three routines. The extraction of pattern boundary is performed through the reconstruction process of geometric entities with open loops into closed loops. The construction of region-based pattern is done upon polygonal set operation of computational geometry. The confirmation of photolithographic region is carried in accordance with geometric and technological constraints upon substrate and micromirror conditions. The third is the transformation of constructed photolithographic region into binary data upon DMD controller configuration. The last is the delivery of binary data to DMD controller for lithography in accordance with the DMD performance and glass substrate scrolling speed. 3.1 DXF formatted CAD data LoadingTo ensure the capabilities of devised pattern generating method, the testing of pattern generation is performed before it is applied to the actual DMD based maskless photolithography process. The test CAD data in DXF format loaded into memory. Through the recognition, the geometric entities are considered as lines, arcs, circles. Each of the recognized geometric entity is reconstructed as the entity defined in this study, which is abstract entity for polygonal region.3.2 Extraction of pattern boundaryThe boundary of the pattern is extracted with the conversion of geometric entities with open loops into polygonal entities forming closed loops. Figure 3 shows the extracted boundary of the pattern from the test CAD data. The diameter of circle is in between 50µm and 700µm, and the space between them is given in between 50µm and 200µm. The width of polygons representing lines lies in between 30µm and 50µm, and the space between them is given in between 30µm and 50µm.3.3 Construction of region-based patternThe construction of region-based pattern proceeds as follows. Each enclosed area extracted from the pattern boundary corresponds to each of polygonal entity. In case if there are overlapping polygons, the intersected area needs to be excluded from region-based pattern. In order to discard the intersected region, polygonal set operation in computational geometry is performed. Finally, to construct the region-based pattern, the interior area is considered as the area stands for photolithographic pattern.3.4 Confirmation of photolithographic regionIn general, the maskless photolithography system uses the resolution improvement mechanism by virtue of the rotated DMD frame (i.e., micromirror array) and the scrolling substrate. To satisfy the specification required by the FPD manufacturer, the system in concern uses the same mechanism. Figure 4 shows the configuration of DMD rotation and substrate scrolling. In present study based on XGA 1024 x 768 Array DMD, one DMD frame is made up with total of 786432 (longitudinally 1024 / horizontally 768) micromirrors with 40Fig. 2 Region-based pattern generating flowFig. 1 DMD based maskless photolithographic equipmentµm of enlarged FOV. The DMD frame is rotated clockwise from the longitudinal axis assigned as substrate scrolling direction. The pattern region is considered as being rotated counterclockwise from the longitudinal axis due to the clockwise rotation of DMD frame. The region projected onto DMD frame is extracted from pattern region. As a result, the extracted part of the region is mapped to lithographic region at each scrolling step.Fig. 3 Extracted boundary of the test pattern1 DMD Array Exposure LengthLongitudinal DirectionFig. 4 Configuration of DMD rotation and substrate scrollingFig. 5 Confirmed photolithographic region3 .5 Transformation of region into binary dataThe transformation of photolithographic region into binary data is performed upon DMD controller configuration. In present study, to match the lithographic region with DMD resolution, one DMD pixel is subdivided into 100 sub-pixels. The approval of on/off reflection for the mirror pixel on DMD is carried upon the number of sub-pixels occupied by the confirmed photolithographic pattern.Figure 5 shows the confirmed photolithographic region generated by devised method. To generate testing patterns, the pitch is assigned to be 5 with 40µm of enlarged FOV to have irradiation every 8µm scrolling. The area threshold value for binary data creation is hold at 80% and the bit depth is held at 768 and up with 5 degrees rotation of DMD frame. The total number of 9250 frames is used to irradiate the total area of the testing pattern. The results show that proposed method is capable of generating proper photolithographic pattern for DMD. 3 .6 Transfer binary data to DMD controllerThe binary pattern data is transferred to DMD controller in accordance with substrate scrolling step and DMD performance.The PCI board with the data transit speed 1200 frame per second (fps) is selected to play a role for delivery.4. IMPLEMENTATIONIn order to attain our aims to make region-based pattern generation feasible for actual DMD based maskless photolithography, the prototype photolithographic pattern generating system is implemented. The implemented system is mainly composed of the lithographic pattern generation module discussed in section 3, the signal interchange module that handles the real time communication with hardware components of the radiation control unit and the stage control unit, and the Graphical User Interface (GUI) that enables the photolithography equipment operator to view and control various operations of the system.Figure 6 shows the main window of GUI for the photolithographic pattern generating system. The management toolbar, the irradiation control sub-window, the pattern display sub-window, and the processing message sub-window are shown on the top, on the left, on the right middle, and on the right bottom, respectively. As shown in fig.6, the user specified input to the implemented system is the origin of the coordinate system, angle of DMD rotation, angle of substrate misalignment, two-directional DMD resolution, irradiation accuracy or pitch upon scrolling step, threshold value for binary data creation, and selection for normal/flip/mirror conversion of CAD data. Therefore, the system is robust enough to handle any possible user specified mandate and even substrate misalignment.To ensure the capabilities in devised system, the system is then applied to the generation of photolithographic pattern for FPD glass fabrication. Figure 7 shows the FPD glass photolithography process upon our system. Throughout the management toolbardisplay processing irradiation pattern window message windowcontrol windowFig. 6 Photolithographic pattern generating system(a)(b)(d)Fig. 7 Actual FPD glass photolithography processFPD pattern generation, the lithographical conditions are kept to be identical to those of the test pattern generation discussedin section 3, except the total number of frames needed to have the total area of FPD pattern be exposed to irradiation is shifted to 9250 frames. The CAD data of the pattern for FPD glass, with the minimum of 140µm line space (L/S), is shown in fig.7-(a). The illustrative example showing the accumulation of 16000 frames is appeared in fig.7-(b). The confirmed photolithographic region for FPD pattern is in fig.7-(c), and marked four sections are enlarged in fig.7-(d) to show the predicted photolithographic pattern in detail. The obtained FPD pattern shows that the implemented system based on region-based pattern generating method is capable to produce the actual pattern for DMD based maskless photolithography.Fig. 8 Enlarged portions of electron microscope imagesresulted from actual FPD photolithography5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONFor the validation of devised photolithographic pattern generating system, the DMD based maskless photolithography is carried to fabricate actual FPD glass using the system. Figure 8 shows the enlarged portions of electron microscope images from the actual FPD photolithography results obtained by the system discussed in section 4. The boundary of the final pattern appears to be clear enough insisting the accuracy of the devised system. Moreover, no manifestation of discrepancies between input from CAD data and output resulted from the actual photolithography is found.Overall, the result of actual FPD pattern photolithography verifies that the implemented system is capable of generating photolithographic pattern precise enough to acquire the high qualification from FPD manufacturer.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported by the LG Electronics Co. under Grant to IAMTEN Laboratory, Tongmyong University of Information Technology. We thank to the LG Electronics Co. for letting us share the confidential contents.REFERENCES[1]D. Dudley, W. Duncan, and J. Slaughter, “Emerging Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) Applications”, Proceedings of The International Society for Optical Engineering, V ol. 4985, 2003.[2] K.F. Chan, Z. Feng, R. Yang, A. Ishikawa, W. Mei,“High-resolution maskless lithography,” Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems, pp.331-339, 2003.[3] R. H?fling , E. Ahl, “ALP : universal DMD controllerfor metrology and testing” Proceedings of The International Society for Optical Engineering, V ol. 5289, May 2004.[4] S. H. Jung, “Maskless Photolithography Device,” KoreaPatent No.2003-0059705, in process, written in Korean, 2002。

➢计算机将所需的光刻图案通过图形生成器输入到DMD芯片中,根据图形中黑 白像素的分布来改变DMD 中微反射镜的转角,并通过准直光源照射DMD表面 形成与所需图形一致的光图像,利用相应的光刻镜头将该图像投影到基片表面 并通过控制样品台的扫描运动,实现任意形状的大面积微结构制备。
➢利用特殊的衍射匀光光学元 件和405nm激光,形成高均 匀、高效照明光源
➢丰富的投影光刻物镜光学、光机设 计经验以及成熟的精密装调工艺, 保证每一个投影光刻物镜的成像质 量。 ➢标准物镜: ➢1X:分辨力10.8μm,曝光面积21X10.5mm2
(2013.04.17 授权公告日) 授权
数字处理方面: 一种用于数字光刻系统的光强不均匀性测量与校正方法 刘华;卢振武 (已提交)
系统装调方面: DMD光学系统光源位置的定位辅助装置及光源位置装调方法 刘华 谭向全 党博石 发明专利
201510263495 用于定位DMD光刻系统中相机焦平面位置的新型分划板 刘华 谭向全 党博石 卢振武 发明专
Xiao-Duo Wang HuaLiu*、 Zhen-WuLu Li-WeiSong Tai-shengWang Bo-Shi Dang XiangQianQuan Yun-PengLi Design of a spectrum-folded Hadamard transform spectrometer in nearinfrared band Opt. Commu. 333. 80-83 (2014)

SMIF(Standard Mechanical Interface)是一种标准机械接口,主要用于微电子制造过程中的光刻工艺。

目前公司光刻室温度控制在23±0.5℃、其它洁净室温 度控制在23±1℃,相对湿度控制在45%~70%RH。
洁净室洁净度等级的定义 洁净度等级(Class) 目前有公制和英制两种定义方式
Material Rigidity
Sodalite 540
Silicon-Boride 657
Quartz 615
Heat Expansion(ppm/oC)
Material Soda lime
Silicon-Boride 3.7
Quartz 0.5
1. 硼硅玻璃,优点不突出,很少使用;
掩膜版 (mask 或 光罩)
干版 (精度适中、耐用性适中、价格适中)
菲林 (精度低、不耐用、价格低)
凸版(APR)版 (主要用来转移PI液等)
2. 掩膜版制作流程
2. 掩膜版制作流程
ULPA (Ultra Low Particulate Penetration Air-filter) 0.15um的微粒子捕捉率至少为99.9995%;

光刻的基本原理1. 光刻技术概述光刻(photolithography)是一种在微电子制造工艺中广泛应用的技术,用于将电路图案转移至硅片上。
2. 光刻的基本步骤光刻的基本步骤包括掩膜制备、光刻胶涂布、曝光、显影和刻蚀等步骤。
2.1 掩膜制备掩膜是光刻中的一种重要工具,它由透明光刻胶和不透明掩膜板组成。
2.2 光刻胶涂布在光刻过程中,需要将光刻胶均匀涂布在硅片上。
2.3 曝光曝光是将掩膜上的图案转移到光刻胶层的过程。
2.4 显影显影是将曝光后的光刻胶层中未被曝光的部分去除,从而显现出所需图案的过程。
2.5 刻蚀刻蚀是将显影后的光刻胶层外的材料去除的过程。
3. 光刻的基本原理光刻的基本原理可以分为光学透射原理和化学反应原理两个方面。
3.1 光学透射原理光学透射原理是光刻的基础,也是光刻胶和掩膜的关键。
3.2 化学反应原理化学反应原理是光刻胶显影和刻蚀的基础。
4. 光刻的影响因素光刻的效果受到多个因素的影响,主要包括曝光能量、曝光时间、光刻胶厚度、显影液浓度等因素。
4.1 曝光能量和曝光时间曝光能量和曝光时间决定了光刻胶的显影深度,对图案的清晰度和精度有重要影响。
4.2 光刻胶厚度光刻胶厚度会影响曝光和显影的效果,太厚会导致曝光不足,太薄则可能导致显影不均匀。

光刻机的原理及光刻过程简介光刻机(Photolithography Machine)是一种用于半导体制造和微电子工艺中的关键设备,主要用于制造芯片、集成电路和其他微细结构的制作过程。

无掩膜光刻机的原理主要包括以下几个关键步骤:1. 准备工作:首先需要准备一块光刻胶基片,将其放置在无掩膜光刻机的工作台上。
2. 曝光:无掩膜光刻机使用激光束或电子束等光源对光刻胶进行曝光。
3. 显影:曝光后,光刻胶中只有曝光区域发生了物理或化学性质的改变,而未曝光区域的光刻胶仍然保持原样。
4. 修复:在显影后,光刻胶上形成了所需的图案。
5. 排水和检查:处理完毕后,需要将光刻胶基片从无掩膜光刻机中取出,并进行排水和检查。


无掩膜光刻技术激光无掩膜光刻技术,又称激光直接成像技术(LDI,Laser Direct Imaging),是直接利用图形工作站输出的数据,驱动激光成像装置,在涂覆有光致抗蚀剂的基材上进行图形成像的技术。
目前,LDI主要应用在电路板行业,尤其是HDI(高密度互联板)企业,主要用于小批量样品,随着高感光度干膜应用,LDI 进入连线试用阶段,进而提高了效率。

1.OPC将掩膜光刻机扩展到65/45纳米 [J], Anders (o)sterberg;Steffen Schulze
2.应用无掩膜印刷术埋嵌微型聚合物厚膜电阻 [J], 何为;崔浩;张宣东;徐景浩;刘松伦;何波
3.光刻机掩膜台微动台调平控制系统设计 [J], 何良辰;宋跃;刘洋;刘杨
4.光刻机中的掩膜——硅片对准技术 [J], 陈计金
5.一种提高无掩膜光刻机图形质量的方法 [J], 李备;朴林华;王育新;张严
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1. INTRODUCTIONRecently, the Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) by Texas Instruments Inc. (TI) has brought the innovation on the digital light processing technology[1]. Especially in the field of microdisplays, the DMD which is an array of micromirrors appears to be the most successful Micro Electronic Mechanical System (MEMS) solution [2, 3].Nowadays, many new DMD application fields are emerged. One of them is the photolithography for Flat Panel Display (FPD) fabrication [4]. The conventional lithography has been carried using pattern masks in order to have patterns on photo resistant coated substrates be exposed to ultraviolet light. Besides the cost and time for manufacturing disposable photomasks or reticles, the contamination of the final products caused by pattern masks has become significant in FPD industry. Moreover, the lithographic accuracy yields the alignment of the mask with the substrate or stage, which is hard to be ensured because of the vibration caused by fabrication environment.In DMD based maskless photolithography system, the micromirror array works as a virtual photomask to write patterns directly onto FPD glass substrates at high speed with low cost. In comparison with other maskless photolithography technologies, DMD based maskless photolithography technology possesses superior features all together such as sufficient throughput for highly customized patterns, higher but precise resolution, fine lithographic quality, efficiency in cost and time, and so on. Moreover, DMD even comes out with its own motion controller.However, the task providing command for DMD controller against millions of individually addressable and adjustable micromirrors in DMD frame for the photolithographic pattern generation is left behind on each system developer unsolved. The development of the entire pattern generating system from loading of photolithographic pattern data till delivering it to DMD controller is essential and crucial for photolithography, even though it is not simple to generate region-based patterns for the micromirror array and is not easy to deliver sequences of patterns for the micromirror controller. On the other hand, the synchronization between generating sequence of patterns and irradiation rate off micromirrors significantly affects the quality of lithography.In this study, we aim to develop an effective pattern generating system that creates photolithographic region for the micromirror array. The region-based pattern generating system for maskless photolithography is proposed.Region-based Pattern Generating System for Maskless PhotolithographyYounghun Jin*, Kiwon Park*, Jaeman Choi*, Sangjin Kim**, Changgeun An**, and Manseung Seo** Dept. of Computer-Aided Mechanical Design Eng., Tongmyong Univ. of I.T., Busan, Korea(Tel : +82-51-610-8351; E-mail: sms@tit.ac.kr)**Thinfilm Technology Group, LG PRC, LG Electronics, Gyunggido, Korea(Tel : +82-31-660-7332; E-mail: cgan@)Abstract: In the maskless photolithography based on the Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) by Texas Instruments Inc. (TI), the micromirror array works as a virtual photomask to write patterns directly onto Flat Panel Display (FPD) at high speed with low cost. However, it is neither simple to generate region-based patterns for the micromirror array nor easy to deliver sequences of patterns for the micromirror controller. Moreover, the quality of lithography yields the precise synchronization between generating sequence of patterns and irradiation rate off micromirrors. In this study, the region-based pattern generating system for maskless photolithography is devised. To verify salient features of devised functionalities, the prototype system is implemented and the system is evaluated with actual DMD based photolithography. The results show that proposed pattern generating method is proper and reliable. Moreover, the devised region-based pattern generating system is robust and precise enough to handle any possible user specified mandate and to achieve the quality of photolithography required by FPD manufacturer.Keywords: Photolithography, Maskless, Digital Micromirror Device (DMD), Flat Panel Display (FPD)The devised pattern sequence data generating systemconsists of four major functionalities; 1) Reading CAD Datawritten in the Drawing eXchange Format (DXF), 2) Extractingthe regional information and constructing the lithographicregion, 3) Transforming constructed lithographic region intobinary data, 4) Delivering binary data to DMD controller forlithography.To evaluate proposed functionalities, the prototype systemis implemented, and actual DMD based photolithographyusing the system is carried. The results show that proposedpattern generating method is proper and reliable. Moreover,the implemented region-based pattern generating system isprecise enough to achieve the quality of photolithographyrequired by FPD manufacturer.2. DMD BASED MASKLESSPHOTOLITHOGRAPHY EQUIPMENTThe DMD based maskless photolithography equipmentconsists of three major devices. The first one is the radiationdevice. The second is the irradiation device including DMDcontroller, DMD, focusing optics, photo resistant coated glasssubstrate, and base stage assembly and its controller. The lastis the dynamic pattern control device being composed with thephotolithographic pattern generating system, the radiationcontrol unit, and the stage control unit.Figure 1 shows the schematic diagram of DMD basedmaskless photolithography equipment. The eXtended GraphicArray (XGA) 1024X768 Array DMD manufactured by TI has13.68 µm of one Pixel Field Of View (FOV) and it is enlargedto 40 µm in present work. As shown in Fig. 1, micromirrors ofDMD are exposed to incoming radiation released from theultraviolet light source. The reflection off the micromirrors isdetermined upon the signal from the photolithographic patterngenerating system to DMD controller. Then, the light reflectedoff the micromirrors is projected through focusing optics ontothe photo resistant material coated on top of the glass substratelaid on x-y scrolling base stage. Throughout DMD basedmaskless photolithography in concern, all DMD controllerdoes is only digital control of the light reflection formicromirrors i.e., it gives the approval of reflection as on or off. Therefore, the operation of the maskless photolithography equipment might be thought so simple.However, in reality, it is not. Sending the approval of on/off reflection for each of millions of micromirrors to DMD controller is more complicated than thought. Especially when reflection by the rotated DMD frame is unavoidable and/or in case when projection into the scrolling object is required, it is even troublesome to construct the proper lithographic region.Unfortunately through the maskless photolithography in concern, both reflection by the rotated DMD frame and projection into the scrolling object are imposed. Therefore, devising a customized pattern generating system entirely from loading of photolithographic pattern data till delivering it to DMD controller is inevitable.In this study, we focused our attention on the development of an effective pattern generating system that gives signals to DMD controller for the generation of photolithographic pattern, at prescribed radiation signal upon the irradiation intensity and stage control signal adjusted upon the pitch proper to the angle of DMD rotation and resolution. The region-based pattern generating system for DMD based maskless photolithography is proposed.3. LITHOGRAPHIC PATTERN GENERATIONThe region-based pattern generating system in present study consists of four major functionalities. Figure 2 shows the region-based pattern generating flow. The first is loading Computer Aided Design (CAD) data written in the Drawing eXchange Format (DXF) through the recognition of geometric entities as lines and arcs. The second is associated with three routines. The extraction of pattern boundary is performed through the reconstruction process of geometric entities with open loops into closed loops. The construction of region-based pattern is done upon polygonal set operation of computational geometry. The confirmation of photolithographic region is carried in accordance with geometric and technological constraints upon substrate and micromirror conditions. The third is the transformation of constructed photolithographic region into binary data upon DMD controller configuration. The last is the delivery of binary data to DMD controller for lithography in accordance with the DMD performance and glass substrate scrolling speed. 3.1 DXF formatted CAD data LoadingTo ensure the capabilities of devised pattern generating method, the testing of pattern generation is performed before it is applied to the actual DMD based maskless photolithography process. The test CAD data in DXF format loaded into memory. Through the recognition, the geometric entities are considered as lines, arcs, circles. Each of the recognized geometric entity is reconstructed as the entity defined in this study, which is abstract entity for polygonal region.3.2 Extraction of pattern boundaryThe boundary of the pattern is extracted with the conversion of geometric entities with open loops into polygonal entities forming closed loops. Figure 3 shows the extracted boundary of the pattern from the test CAD data. The diameter of circle is in between 50µm and 700µm, and the space between them is given in between 50µm and 200µm. The width of polygons representing lines lies in between 30µm and 50µm, and the space between them is given in between 30µm and 50µm.3.3 Construction of region-based patternThe construction of region-based pattern proceeds as follows. Each enclosed area extracted from the pattern boundary corresponds to each of polygonal entity. In case if there are overlapping polygons, the intersected area needs to be excluded from region-based pattern. In order to discard the intersected region, polygonal set operation in computational geometry is performed. Finally, to construct the region-based pattern, the interior area is considered as the area stands for photolithographic pattern.3.4 Confirmation of photolithographic regionIn general, the maskless photolithography system uses the resolution improvement mechanism by virtue of the rotated DMD frame (i.e., micromirror array) and the scrolling substrate. To satisfy the specification required by the FPD manufacturer, the system in concern uses the same mechanism. Figure 4 shows the configuration of DMD rotation and substrate scrolling. In present study based on XGA 1024 x 768 Array DMD, one DMD frame is made up with total of 786432 (longitudinally 1024 / horizontally 768) micromirrors with 40Fig. 2 Region-based pattern generating flowFig. 1 DMD based maskless photolithographic equipmentµm of enlarged FOV. The DMD frame is rotated clockwise from the longitudinal axis assigned as substrate scrolling direction. The pattern region is considered as being rotated counterclockwise from the longitudinal axis due to the clockwise rotation of DMD frame. The region projected onto DMD frame is extracted from pattern region. As a result, the extracted part of the region is mapped to lithographic region at each scrolling step.Fig. 3 Extracted boundary of the test pattern1 DMD Array Exposure LengthLongitudinal DirectionFig. 4 Configuration of DMD rotation and substrate scrollingFig. 5 Confirmed photolithographic region3 .5 Transformation of region into binary dataThe transformation of photolithographic region into binary data is performed upon DMD controller configuration. In present study, to match the lithographic region with DMD resolution, one DMD pixel is subdivided into 100 sub-pixels. The approval of on/off reflection for the mirror pixel on DMD is carried upon the number of sub-pixels occupied by the confirmed photolithographic pattern.Figure 5 shows the confirmed photolithographic region generated by devised method. To generate testing patterns, the pitch is assigned to be 5 with 40µm of enlarged FOV to have irradiation every 8µm scrolling. The area threshold value for binary data creation is hold at 80% and the bit depth is held at 768 and up with 5 degrees rotation of DMD frame. The total number of 9250 frames is used to irradiate the total area of the testing pattern. The results show that proposed method is capable of generating proper photolithographic pattern for DMD. 3 .6 Transfer binary data to DMD controllerThe binary pattern data is transferred to DMD controller in accordance with substrate scrolling step and DMD performance. The PCI board with the data transit speed 1200 frame per second (fps) is selected to play a role for delivery.4. IMPLEMENTATIONIn order to attain our aims to make region-based pattern generation feasible for actual DMD based maskless photolithography, the prototype photolithographic pattern generating system is implemented. The implemented system is mainly composed of the lithographic pattern generation module discussed in section 3, the signal interchange module that handles the real time communication with hardware components of the radiation control unit and the stage control unit, and the Graphical User Interface (GUI) that enables the photolithography equipment operator to view and control various operations of the system.Figure 6 shows the main window of GUI for the photolithographic pattern generating system. The management toolbar, the irradiation control sub-window, the pattern display sub-window, and the processing message sub-window are shown on the top, on the left, on the right middle, and on the right bottom, respectively. As shown in fig.6, the user specified input to the implemented system is the origin of the coordinate system, angle of DMD rotation, angle of substrate misalignment, two-directional DMD resolution, irradiation accuracy or pitch upon scrolling step, threshold value for binary data creation, and selection for normal/flip/mirror conversion of CAD data. Therefore, the system is robust enough to handle any possible user specified mandate and even substrate misalignment.To ensure the capabilities in devised system, the system is then applied to the generation of photolithographic pattern for FPD glass fabrication. Figure 7 shows the FPD glass photolithography process upon our system. Throughout themanagement toolbardisplay processingirradiation patternwindowmessagewindowcontrol windowFig. 6 Photolithographic pattern generating system(a)(b)(d)Fig. 7 Actual FPD glass photolithography processFPD pattern generation, the lithographical conditions are kept to be identical to those of the test pattern generation discussed in section 3, except the total number of frames needed to have the total area of FPD pattern be exposed to irradiation is shifted to 9250 frames. The CAD data of the pattern for FPD glass, with the minimum of 140µm line space (L/S), is shown in fig.7-(a). The illustrative example showing the accumulation of 16000 frames is appeared in fig.7-(b). The confirmed photolithographic region for FPD pattern is in fig.7-(c), and marked four sections are enlarged in fig.7-(d) to show the predicted photolithographic pattern in detail. The obtained FPD pattern shows that the implemented system based on region-based pattern generating method is capable to produce the actual pattern for DMD based maskless photolithography.Fig. 8 Enlarged portions of electron microscope imagesresulted from actual FPD photolithography5. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONFor the validation of devised photolithographic pattern generating system, the DMD based maskless photolithography is carried to fabricate actual FPD glass using the system. Figure 8 shows the enlarged portions of electron microscope images from the actual FPD photolithography results obtained by the system discussed in section 4. The boundary of the final pattern appears to be clear enough insisting the accuracy of the devised system. Moreover, no manifestation of discrepancies between input from CAD data and output resulted from the actual photolithography is found.Overall, the result of actual FPD pattern photolithography verifies that the implemented system is capable of generating photolithographic pattern precise enough to acquire the high qualification from FPD manufacturer.ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis work was supported by the LG Electronics Co. under Grant to IAMTEN Laboratory, Tongmyong University of Information Technology. We thank to the LG Electronics Co. for letting us share the confidential contents.REFERENCES[1]D. Dudley, W. Duncan, and J. Slaughter, “Emerging Digital Micromirror Device (DMD) Applications”, Proceedings of The International Society for Optical Engineering, V ol. 4985, 2003.[2] K.F. Chan, Z. Feng, R. Yang, A. Ishikawa, W. Mei,“High-resolution maskless lithography,” Journal of Microlithography, Microfabrication, and Microsystems, pp.331-339, 2003.[3] R. Höfling , E. 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